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' Lipur êt lormês dJ Dôùÿrir You are on a panel of ludges who have seiected three radio reports on violence. Listen to the recordings, and choose the best radio report ofthe year. ) p.143 reE rurE rrf, IN ONE YEAR, GUNS MURDERED 17 PEOPLE IN FINLAND 35IN AUSTRÂLIA 39IN ENGLAND AND WALES 60 IN SPAIN 194 IN GERMANY 2OO IN CANADA AND 9,484 IN THE UNITED STATES GOD BLESS AMERICA. Brady Campaign il: ïo Preÿent (iun Viol€n.e E Gun violence a. Look at this poster carefully for one minute, then close your book. [ist the elements you remember. b. Who is the target? c. What are the campaigners' goals? d.ls the message effective? E Getting a gun in Colorado û El 132 L'sren to DepJty Sherilf Sabe.. TJrn to your Worlbool fo' help a.d re(ap lhe lev points.
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' Lipur êt lormês dJ Dôùÿrir

You are on a panel of ludges who have seiected three radio reportson violence. Listen to the recordings, and choose the best radioreport ofthe year. ) p.143










Brady Campaignil:ïo Preÿent (iun Viol€n.e

E Gun violencea. Look at this poster carefully forone minute, then close your book.[ist the elements you remember.b. Who is the target?c. What are the campaigners'goals?

d.ls the message effective?

E Getting a gun in Colorado û El


L'sren to DepJty Sherilf Sabe.. TJrn to your Worlbool fo' help a.d re(ap lhe lev points.

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L EÉ, ?ËsÉ, ffid;=- =-

g§ Û Ttre second amendment fàa. Listen to a recording of the second amendrnent and put the balloons in the right order.

a. being necessary b' shâll nor be infiineed. c. to rhe security ofâ free !iâte'

d, Ihe right ofrhe people e. A well regulared militia, f. ro keep ând bear arms,

b. Che.k the definition of"amendment"... Why do NRA (National Rifle Association) members quote this amendment?

â lnfo search i$r.Ç!il$\,ri'

www.ush slory.org/people/minutemen.htmwww.archrves.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html

a. Groüp workGroup 1: Learn more about the Declaration of ndependence,the constitution and the Blll of Rlghts.

What are they?When and where were they signed?Who were the people present?

Group 2: Learn more about the Anerican Revolution and therole plâyed by the I!'linutemen rr:| !,i,'.

Give the dates. Who were the Minutemen? Who did ihey fightagainst?

Why do certain groups callthemselves the IMln!temen today?

i). Prepare an oralaccounl using your notes only.

E Gun ûwnersof America ,ÿf

anonlshing: éiorrrrrb af llin?,: dé co n.e t tan t

hold sb re5ponsibLe for

ammunition: r?rrfiorr


shotgur / rlflopLrll the trlgg.r:.rppuyer

be triggor.happy: aÿrnld

i. Listen to Ted Nrgent. Turn toyou r Wolkbook for help.i. Focus on the sounds at thebeginnirg... What hlstorkal Landrnarks are

i. DefireTed Nugent\ m€ssageand his goals.:. Comparc hls ideas with theposter on the opposite page,

r. Wiat does his organisationlave in .orrmor with the NRA?

iÉ]i E Writing vrorkshop::: - - l

-r..3242a-..t-.a a 4.à& *- z:-, a* ù- - e- - ÿ-a -..4.1

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EEI z. THo r rErt?E Get readyLook upthese verbs in a dictionaryand find the odd one out.- shout. scream. shtiek. snore

-whisper . whistle . moan .stâmmer

startle . flinch. choke . wince

Part IThey're in the girls'room when they

hear the fust drr-dorAo, of semi-âuto-mâtic gunfire. It sounds phony and farâ\rây, ând they keep doing whât they'redoirg brushiûg their hâir, looking âttheir reflections in th€ miror...

Dot-dor-doL 1..,1Dot-dot-dot.Dot. Dot. DoL

"Vhât is thât?"The blond stuffs her haiôrush, which

is now spunl ÿeith gold and black silk(a mitiarure angel's nest) back intoher backpack next to her anthology ofEnglish literature. The pâges of thatânthology are so thin, they're üke deâdgirls'dreâms, tlânslucent skin. On themit seems that everl,thirg thât hâs everbeen thoughr has been wrinen.

Kno.h- hno ch- hno c h - knô c h - hnô. h.

This time it's follo\ÿed by â soft ând gurgling2 scream.The scream of soûeone slipping suddeûly into a warm bâth."Shit," one ofthe girls sars."§ÿhat the hell-"One of the girls starts towards the door, but the other grabs her elbowr. "Don't

go," she says. "What if?-""Whât?""I donl knoir." She drops her ftiend's elbow"lt's just â pranka. It's probâbly RyaûAsswipe..."Dol Dot-So Ioud this time- {lose and mechânicâlly bright-that both girls scream, Their

screams are followed by â silelce that sounds foolish, cold and hard as the tileton the girls'room $'alls. Ofle sqls in â whisper, "It's Michael Patrick. Yesterday,irr t!ig6, he told IIre he was going to brhg â gun to school, that he was going to kil..."

"Who? Kill $'ho?""Everybody."

"'All yon fuckheâds,' he sâid. I ùought he was ioking, you knos/ q/hat â freâk7-""§ÿhÿ didn't you tell ânybody?"

l.eotelacée z.quiressekbleà un sûoouillis t.côude A.fore S..aneloge 6.ni9ononetry 7.toré

Àndy wâûol, Ihâ Sclêûr, (ater Edÿârd lvluicà),i984(1rqr96.5cm)


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Part 2

On tàe other side of rhe door to the girls'room, there's another scream. It soundsdesperate and pointless âs music, and it's followed by â man asking for belp.

"Help," is all he saÿs.Mr. McCleod?Then silence, except thât one of the girls is weâdng seveD silver bangles8 on herght wrist, ând both girls gàsp when they janglee.The orher grabs rhe bâDgles on

her friend's wrist ând holds them still with her hând.Then he opens the door slo\rly, ând steps in. He's holding a big blue-blâck gun

with both hands, pointing it in front of him, aiming at nothing.Vhen he sees them, Michael Patrick laughs. "Hey," he says.One ofthe girls, trying not to sob10, swalloivslt, then says, "Michael."He's wearing a shiny shirt a clean and pale while shirr, but there âre Iarge ugly

sweat stainsl2 under his arms, There's an ângry rashlr under his chin, v/here hemust have shâved too fâst thât mornirg.

r Michâel Paüick smiles. He's breâthing hârd. He takes one ofhis hands offthegrip ofthe gun ând puts the hand in the pocket ofhis ieans. He's vr'eâring whireshoes with blue lightning bolts on the sides,laces unried.

"So," he sâys 1oo loudly in dre quiet sofoiess ofrhe girls'rcom, ând both girls flirchl4."So," he says more softly, as ifsorry to have stârded them.

r "§ühich one ofyou girls should I ki11?"

Ilura Kasischke, fie L,/e üeJoft H.r ù8,2002a.b,otêtett q.tliouetent lo.sa4glater tt.t,i)o.oh\o\ôti,. 12.ta-É,s 11.ptoqùeoùqe

E Read and understand dDiscusswhatyou have understood with theclass,then turn toyourWorkbookForhelp.

6 Translation workshop dTranslate from: "0n theotherside ofthe door" (1.41) downto "aiming at nothing." (1.49).

Eshootingat Cotumbihe High Schoot 6 da. Listen to Linda Carroll, teaching her pupils about what happened in Colorado on ApriL 21, 1999.Turn to yourWorkbook for help.b. What are the common points between the story in the text and the recording?c. ln your opinion, what can lead a teenager to such violence?


chillins: qlaçarthelpless

horrified / aghast

noutî rji: ri sb: pleurer qqn

bLoodbâth / bloodshedÿoure offender / iuveniLe de inouent

in colà blood: de sons loidruth es§ / merciessrimprtoÿab/€

be wo.Unded, êtrc blessé par armeshoot at ftndonl, tirer au hasadthreaten sb with sth: menocetqqn de qqch

be scared stiff/ to death: avolr

fear for sb's life: .randre

run for safetv

ljn il $ B5

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t. ctlllE A,fD PUtütrHâlEIfl

ll The death penatty in the USAa. Countthe States in blue, yellow and green. What do they correspond to?b. What group do the States in orange belongto?c. Drawconclusions on the death penalty in the uSA.d. Learn more about the death pe;âlry i;the USA. Go to www.deathpenaltyin to.org @

C.plt.l purbhmGntln the U§A

No execution sînce 1926

I Executions performed sînce 1976

I No cureni death penalty statutegj§ Siatute declared unconstitutional

E The death penaltyin Pennsylvania ,c() @a. Listen to ludge Bortner.Turn to yourWorkbook for help.

b, Write an account ofthe situationin Pennsylvania for a newsmagazine.

-ludge Bortner (training, past and presentassignments, political life).

- The death penalty in Pennsylvania (numberofpeople sentenced, type ofcrimes, means ofexecution).

Thedeath row in Pennsylvania (numberand sexofthe convlcts, lenglh oFstay before executionl.

-The death sentence in other IJS States.

E Take your pen!The State of Georgia has set an execution forthe end ofthe month.lmaginethe headline andwrite the first paragraph ofâ newspaper article(8o words),

supporter = proponent ofdelenenl ldtÿn.n : nown de dissuasionserial killing/ mass mulder

harsh / tough sentence

guilty+ innocent

approve of + oppose sth

retaliate /ii rclicrl/: /,posiersentence / condemn sb todeâth

life imp sonmentnis.at.ia9e of jrsticet eïeur judicione

bârbaricinhumâne /rrhiurnrern/

abolish / do awây with


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DI]ATII AND INNOCIINCIIt is very likely that America has put innocent people

to death underthe law,but and herel the interestingbit-most Ameticans don't seem to care enough towant to end capital punishment.ln an online surueyconducted byAngus Reid1,8l% ofrespondents 5aid theybelieve innocent people have been exe(uted in America.Only 6% believe this has never happened.ln the samepoll2,83% said they support punishing murderwith rhedeath penaltrwhile 13% were opposed.A majority ofrespondents would also use the death penahyto punishraper (62%) and kidnapping (5'l%).

So there seems to be a significant numberofAmericanswho believethe death penahy system costs innocent peo-pletheir lives,butwho neverthelesswântto keep itaroundand even expand it.lfone believes the death penalty isan effective deterrent4 against crime (ldonl orthât it isthe only proper punishment for certain heinous crimetthen I guess the deaths of a few wronqfully,convictedprisoners can be considered collateral damàge,a neces,sarysacrifice in orderto achieve a greater good. But wedon't usually think about the death penalty in such anabstract manner.Usually we think about it in relation tospecific cases and crimes. [...]

lfyou read lthel story lof the questionable convictionànd executjon of CameronTodd Willinghaml,you mightlean the otherwayand wonder how a system that killspotentially innocent people can be allowed to continue.

. The E.ô onit.,Noÿeûbet 12,20101. a poLLing agency 2.lri.tt: sandoae 3. viol 4. ûoveû de dissuasian

Il Find the key information .da. Read the article and discuss what you have understood with the class.Turn to yourWorkbook For help.b, Summarize the key ideas: What does the survey show? What do most Americans think aboutthe death penalty? What is the journâlist's position?

ElAnothervoice 6 da. Listen to leremy lrons and turn to your Workbook for help.b. List the arguments given.c. Which one(s) do you find most convincing?

E Debate teamYou will pick out a role card and debate in groups. Compare your arguments (3 io 5 minutes).

I oppose copitol punishrnent I






lam the medtator / trme-keeoer l--------------- --J

lln it $ 737

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Gtr s. AIr ErE FoB AIr ErE

Andy wathol, Little Electic Chatu (Red),1964-65 155.9 \ ?1.1cn)

A lawyerl speechLâdies ând gentlemen,lel's be honest.You're not gonnâ ûnd many ch people

Matthew Poncelet's here todây becâuse he's poor. Didn't have money for rep-resentation, so he had to take what the State gâve him.The State gave him a tâxlâwyer who'd never tried a capital case before. An âmâteur,

The iury selection look foul tlours. The tdâl lasted 6ve dâys. The la\ryer nisedone objection the eûûe tial. Now, if Matthew had himself some money... well,he could hâve hired â team ofcrackerjackl lawyeft... âûd they would have hirediop-notchz investigâ1ors, a bâllistics expert... a psychologist to compile prcûlesofdesirable jurors. And you cân be sure... Matthew Poncelet wouldn'1be sittinghere today before you... âsking for his life.

The death penalry. . . Ith nothiüg rcw. Bem $'ith us foI centudes. \yy'e've büied people

alive,lopped otr tlrcir heads with an âxe... buned them âlive in public squâres... grue-

some spectâcles. [...] In this century, we kept seârching for more and more humanewâÿs. . . of killing people we didn't like. We've shot them with firing squads, suffocatedthem in â gâs châmber. But now. . . Now we have developed â device that is the mosthumare of âll: leûâl iniection. \ve strap the guy upa.'§i'e ânâesthedze him ]Àrith shotsnumber one. Then we give him shot number two aûd thât implodes his lungs6. Àndshot number three $ops his hefft. Iùt'e put him to deâth iu$ like an old horse. Hisface just goes to sleep... while inside, his oryats are gping ûrough Armageddon. Themuscles of his face would twist ând contort ând pull, but shot rulnber one rclaxes

those muscles so we don't hâve to see ânÿ horror show \t'e donl hâve to tâste theblood of revenge on our lips while this humân being's o4âns wüthe7, twist, contort.'§ÿ'e jusl sit there, quiedy, nod our heads and sây: 'Jusdce has been done."

Deatl Manvalkins, diected byTim RobbiDS, 1995

l.exceptionaL 2. excellent 3.cuiolf 4-ottochesolidenentletype s.iniection 6. paunons T.setotdent


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Il Main factsa. What sort oF speech is this? And what is it mainlyâbout?Justify by quoting from the text.b. What is the lawyer's goal?Howdoes he try to convince the âudience?(, F'1dt\e'ndgesuseoovihera,,!ye, aioe,p.a.nlnem.What effect do they produce?

d. Would vou saÿ lhe tone I I thic pascdge is: sar(osttc. h"morou5 . ironic . (vnkdt? lust;ty your airwer.e, ls l he nàrraio. for ot again,t t.e dedrh oe-airy?What elements in the text make vou think çô?

i What impact does this text have on you?g. Recâp using the following points:- the prisoner {narne. social status, his trial.the investigation)

capital punishment (methods used. reasonslor changes)

the newest device (name, how it works, advantages,drawbacks).

E Asking for mercyll/latlhew Po ,(elet w itFs a lptter to the Arlor eÿGenerd,lo ask fo' à 5tav ol ê/eLLijon tsuA6l Ll80 words),

E Movie cornera. Outside school, go onthe Internet and choose twotrailers in the following list offilms. Sum up the main pointsand explain which film you

. On guns:

- Bang!You?e Deod,Alfred Hitchcock (1961)

- Unforgiven,Clint Eastwood (1992)

- Bov'.ling for Colunbine,MichâelMoore (2oo2)

E/ephart, Gus Van Sant(zooj)

A Hislory ofVialence,David Cronenberg (2oo5). On the death penalty:

lv",elve Angry Men,Sidney Lumet (1952)

Deod h,tan Wolking,Tim Robbins (1995)

lm-"'.,-",**=condemnation = corvictiôn

tough,r\ri: dur * Lenient: clénerr

senterceto death / tife imprisonment


I cellrel:nv - crimepfisoner = .onvi.t = (pfison) inmdtebe guiltyof* be innocentbe iailed: be imprisoned + be set frce


be€xecuted = be putto death

- The Chamber,)ames Foley 1t996)- frue Crime, C lint Eastwood (19991- fhe Green Mile,ftaîcl Darabont (r999)b. Watch one film and prepare an oralaccount for the rest ofthe class.

lJn it I 139

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ill0ts de liais0n dans lGs su[o]d0nnée§

un aiout ds wellds

[a con(ession,[e contreste

if. provided / providing (â condition que /pourvu que).

although / though (bæn 4re) . even if. despite the factthat / in spite ofthe fact that (ma19ré). whereas. while(pendant que). howeÿet (cependont, néonmoins)

unless fô mom:4ue) . as long as (tont que)

as. as ifl though

so that. (in order) to

after. before . wher . as soon a5 . while (tondis que)

rnlll. wheneÿet (à chaque fois que)

[a condition

[e mânière

[e but

ta raison


as I since (puisque). because. in view ofthe fact that.seeing that. lor (rdl)

la conséquen(e so (that)

1 Complétez ces phrases à t'aide du mot de [iaison quiconvient.

a. ... we start, ld like to say that thi5 debate is raised everyyear in the U5. (while . until. before)

b. He won't get any stay ofexecution ... there is new evidence. (provided . unless . although)

c. ,.. some Americans fird many teasons for bearing arms, violence can never be justifiedl

(because . although. as)

d.The accused said he had waited...the policearrived. (after. sothat. uftil)e, The lawyerspoke slowly... thejurywould pay greater attention. (as wellas. while. so that)

2 Liez les deux phrases en utilisant le mot de tiaison âpproprié (utilisez letâbleau ci-dessus).

a.A lotofpeople push forgun controlinthe U5. Politicians are reluctant.b.This man committed a second offence with aggravatin g circumsta nces. He willbe condemned

to death.c As a journalist you can siay and attend the trial. You do not take pictures.

d. He was young. He was pLrt on death row.

3 lnventez une suite introdùite par des mots de liaison dans la subordonnée.

a. The police sealed off the area oFthe shooting yesterdaÿ..

b. I think the govemo/s decision to execute the prisoner is a violation of Human Rights..

c. IVlost gun owrers are good citizens...d.The nation needs stronggun controllaws...

4 Taboo game

Vous aurez deux minutes pour préparer la définition d'un mot Sans utiliser les mots tabous(gun control, gun, arm, prison,lowyer, deoth senter.e, mais en intégrant un pronom relatilPréparez-vous à deviner les mots de vos camarades ou à leur poser des questions intêgrantdes pronoms relatifs.



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Éuuiualents de : [ue, Gc [ue, Gc [ui, toel do[t,Iout GG fluc

5 complétez ave. ta forme quiconvient (!rhot, which, oll that, oU A, thot, O).

a.Ashaming sentence issometimes used in cases olpettycrimes,.., i5 quite degrading.b. That was ... he cou{d remember about that awfuL day.

c, New evidence has been found. lwonder... will happen now.

d. He was astonished by the news ... he had seen on TV.

e.The rnan... you aretalkingabout is a staunch opponertofthedeath penaltÿf. ... the lawyer said made people think.

6 Traduisez.

â.Voicicequejeviensde lire dans le journalsur La peine de mort.b. Dès qu'ilsera rentré, il nous dira ce qu'ila vu et tout ce qu'iL sait.c. Ce qu'ildit n'a pas de sens, je ne comprends pas de quoi il parle.

d. Les Américains font-ils tout ce qui est possible pour améliorer la situation ?

e. C'est tout ce dont ie me souviens.1. la êlê {acié (give pordor), ce quia surpris tout le monde.

7 on your own!Commeniez .e do.umert en uiiLisani des mots de liaison et des subordonrées relatives.

ÇalVit'r nrr 1§b5fç\*:(r E j$If 9{0U,1cotpl IM tlol îEDl rfs oxÙ ?:3ol IUU o**" */"$



GRçÀr 1LL BE-r ÏA\5 tIl&\€1Àr!À8. I]{Êfl!!0G o1)TÀND Kt! US l\S SÂll À:S


Birl Waiterson, Irere! r.eds,re Evetywhete, 496

lJnit $ 11!'L

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E nt rai'newen!

Associez son et écriture.

a. Écoutez une liste de mots. Écrivez sur papier libre chaque mot entendu.b. Repérez à chaque fois la svllabe accentuée.c. Entraînez-vous ensuite à prononcer chaque mot.


â. Lisez la citation de BillClinton ci-contre.À quelévénemert fait-elle réFêrence ?

M;l b. É.oule/ e débul de ienree;slremênt.![l nntic pez, émettez des hypoüèses

[$ rnature du docrnenr, rhène àbordér.c. QuelS rnots vous attendez-vousà entendre ?

Choisissez dans cette liste :

prisoner. sacrifice. student. funercl.teocher. young delinquent. hero.the electric chai r. tnumotized

Deuxième écoute.

Uselul l,omes.. Concetta KVle.Dave Sânderç . luke Milâm

a. Écoutez et notez sur une feuille les motsaccentués.b. Rassemble2 toris les indices relevês pourbâtirdu sens (quiparle ? de qui? pourquoi?).



Compte rendu.

Répondez en français aux questions,puis édige? vorre sÿnlhèse.a. Qu e faisait-il ce jou r-là (21 aÿtil 19gg) ?

Avec qLi éraii.il ? Dans quel lieu Ib. Quelles étaient ses compéterces ? A-t'il pus'en servir ? Quelsentiment a't'il éprouvé ?

c. Quelles ont été les conséquences sur -son.hoi, de (arrière ?

d, Pourquoiy avait-iltant de monde à Fort l-Logaf' (N ot io n a I M i I ita ry Ce m et e ry), D enÿ elColorado ? =--


ère écoute.

a. Écoutez la suite de l'enregistrement. Combien devoix entendez-vous ?

b. D'après le ton, est ce : une interuiew . un témoignage . une dispute . un débat télévisé .une publicité ?

t. Vérifiezvos hypothèses. Parmices thèmes, quels sont ceuxabordés dans I'enregistrement ?

qun contrcl. the death penalty. the right to beor arms. school shootings . the US army.gong violence . the impact ofo tragedy on a non's life . choosing a careet


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) .Lrs ÉTAPES À sulvnr 4I Vous allez écouter trois e nregistrements : /lre rrylin renenbe9 Columbine shooting, Concetta on

You are on a panel of iudges who have selected three râdio reports on gun control,gun-related violence and a plison ln the uS. Listen tothe recordinS§, and choose the

best radlo report ofthe year,


1 Révisez le vocâbulaire ren-contré lors de l'étude des docu"ments de I'unité.2.Mobilisez tout le lexique êtles structures élud iés pou r com-menterce document,

3. Écoutez les réactions d'unanglophone devant cette amage,

gun control el Ed about deoth tow in Harrisburg.volre professeu(e) va vous distribuer une fiche.I Avant l'écoute,lisez d'abord les consignes.2.Vous écoLrterez trois fois chaque enregjstrement.

â. [a première écoute se fera en continu,b. Pendant la deuxième é(oute, prenez des notesau futet à mesu te, Appuyez-vous surles mots porteurs de sens etsur le ton,Vous dispo5erez de quelques minutes pour complétervos notes, classer les infotmationset répondre aux questions posées.

c. Au cours de la troisième écoute, vérifiez et affine2 vos réponses.d. vous aurez quelques minutes pourvous relire avant que la synthèse ne soit ramassée.

! voTRE CHOrx- 1. choisigsez les àspecls qui vous sembleni les plus

intéressants.a. Faites la liste des points [orts (parole authentique,émotions vraies, dêtails et exemples frappants)et des points faibles (approche supelficietle, froide,sensationnelLe).b. Quel(s) thème(s) voustouche(nt) plus pariiculièrerneni?

2. Donnez votre avis.a. Quel e_registrement vous paraît le plus original,é-r o -, ê_:. ao.!aincani. lnformatil etc, ? Souvenez-vous

E ' : l,:- :lE! l.,E:l '-s,b. :-::-.-'.:.-r'r:-1

chilling: gloçont

{un)convincingheàdbreaking =heaûending


shûcking\ht illing : p a s s i o n n a n t,

iilâit Grcenin& Ir,. 5,1ap5rr5 (S.âson 2, Episod. 9)

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. Jnrcrüclr wirh Richic\ moùcr: -t Jnn., r(et Lh"r Rrct-r( Ttr\rngwrrr gJn. s ill ljJ\\ I n(rarrr( (h(L I un hi\ D.1..nJtrn. H(. iredd\sarr\ r. \e J nolLemrn. jtr. ctul.rtr^ud ;n n,",."C,,";:, ;d;-

:l:|.':i::".:ft I ".: 9! prd\ ns s,Lh sun. 1,. r*, ",

," .".,-r,;;Il'1.,,i.r ..rIro,..n r inJ rhe neiËh.or. "r" ,.. ,,,r."o.J liruclrc. [ur. c;lhr.r.hc lrrhcr r..r-r. ". ,, .., 1,.f.,* ,i..i,..,,,,;I]k( Rr.l-re . cJn anJ g" "rr ,na prrv *:irr ,r.-

Listen to Deputy Sher ff PaulSaber who €xpLains why he is a resideni sheritlin a high school.



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lnr.rgir€ what ls Solf! or n tlris roo n V/hai m.y haÿe happÊncd? I\rhat .r iiy happen fcxt-i

Norman Rod(w.L , Irelrry,1959 [116,3 x {1.Zrm]

thaosclrom th€ dor:Lrl.rG sr!lied in th s untt rhe onesyoLrfr LLpL..e n ÿourBa. l.L(lrr. aLirs!ify tl'cn_, under the heedlfgr Locatiofi an.l tofits of por,!Êr

lln it I 1L5

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(z écoutes)

t' - PAnr 1

^-,^. ^, r,. mot' pa'rlrulièrement accenlue('

i. ii"l,"' Ë ""

t'"'' t'"'0"' '

-les armes à feu ..,- les habitudes famrl'àre5

-'ti'-"]L!tlï"'* o'' "st repètè dans

l- III.'ià" ",

r" '"P""'"' . ^Ï.iïu t ,ra"i:'"t" '"nulÎ-"-,-, .,,."tê. Ouel rengeignemenr

u"" _ '


lJseful wordr waLmart: an Anerican supermêrket


â. Trouvez les indications suivantes:les noms propres de lieLlx

une pêriode de temps

- un document légal.b. Qu'est-ce quiest autorisé dans cet État ?

c. Ed est.il Favorable au port d'armes ?

Pour quelle caiégorie de personnes ?

d. Relevez les nrots particulièrementaccertués. Qu'indiquent-i(s sur les câLlses

Il J'anticipea. Obseryez ce dessin humoristique. À votre avis sur quoi va porter I'enregistremert ?

b. Faites la liste des mots et expressions quivous viennent à I'esprit.c. Lisez cette liste de mots transparents (proches du fiançais) à haute voix:

calibre . protection .liberal . pernit. pistol . responsible . extreme. violenced.Vérifiezà l'écoute que vous les avez prononcés correctement.

Je fais les premiers repéragesÉcoutez une première fois l'ensemble de l'enregistrement et dégagez les informations essentielles.

E J'affine ma compréhension


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le reconstitue le messageDans ce document:

-qu'apprenez-vous sur I'usage desarmes à

feu dans la famille d'Ed etdans l'Étatoù ilvit ?

-quelle est son opinion sur les lois en vigueuraux États-unis I

E Je m'évaluea. Écoutez maintenant le documentinlitulê Gun lssues in Pennsylvonio.b. Repérez les informations essentielles.Notez sur papier libre ce que vous avez

compris.c. Faites un compte rendu de ce que

voLrs avez compris en fIançais.d. Avec votre p rofesse u (e), vérifi ez

ce que vous avez compris,

/Letltredu documêatne donne des indicessur le thème principal.

./À ta premlèreéaoüte, ie collecte des indi.es.

-,e détermine de queltype d'enregistrementils'agit.-le repère le nombre de voix,les accents,lesautres indices sonores (bruits de fond, musique..J.

-le cherche le thème centraldu document.

i/À la deüxlème écoute, i'affine ma

comp.éhension.Jldenriiie les norsde lieuxet les noms propres.

J'identifie les nombres, lesannées, lesrepèresdeternps.

le m'appuie sur les -nois accentués que i essaie

de classer par rubriques pour reconstituerle message.


Situez votre niveau en compréhension orale à l'aide de cette grilLe d'évaluationoù sont définis les différents paliers de compétence en compréhension de l'oral.

A2 (degré 1) 81 (degré 2) 82 (degré 3); Je peux saisir lesdétails+ le comprends le thème

€t lafonction ou le rôle

+ le peuxcomprendre certainesinfofinations mais le relevéest insuffisânt et conduità une compréhension partielle.

+ le comprends les irformationsprincipales (contexte, ob jet,

interLocuteurs, conclusionsde l'échange ou de la nafiation).+ Je peux restituerce que j'aientendu de façon satisfaisante.

signifi catifs (relations entrcles interlocuteurs, tenantset aboutissants, âttitude deslo.uteurs, ton, humour, points

devue).+ Je peux restitueraussibienle contenu que I'attitudedu locuteurde façon pertinente.

ÉvaruartorPour vous ptépater au bâc, vous allez écouter trois fois un court enregistrement portant sur une des

unités étudiées; vous poufiez prendre des notes, etvous ferez ensuite un compte rendu en français.

Unit, l]nitS


Une fois l'évaluation terminée, votre professeur(e) pourra dêterminer à quelpaliervousvous situez parrapport à la grille du Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues.

Vous serez évalué(e) survotre capacité à comprendre un document oral. Vous serez noté(e) à I'aide desgrilles de rêfétence pour le baccalauréât qui reprennent les paliers décrlts ci-dessus. Vous trouverez cesgrilles sur le site : ww!ry.editions-hatieLfr/meetingpoint

