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Date laimers ARTS OUNIL Mrs yers—Tuckshop onvenor PU LI HOLIDAYS 2015 Tuckshop Roster Wednesday 29...

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28 McIlwraith Street, Ingham QLD, 4850 Telephone (07) 4776 9333 Fax (07) 4776 9300 E-mail [email protected] Web hp://inghamss.eq.edu.au 2015 HATS & HOMEWORK BAGS School Hats…………... $10 Homework Bags … … .$10 Water Bottle Coolers….$5 Call into the Office at any time to purchase these items. OUR BELIEF At Ingham State School we work together to ensure that every day, in every classroom, every student is learning and achieving. Stars of the Week No Stars of the Week were presented last week due to the Schools ANZAC Ceremony. RUGBY LEAGUE CARNIVAL WRITEUP Thursday the 2nd of April saw 23 boys represent Ingham State School at the 2015 Bill Nele Challenge. A lack of 11 & 12 year old students saw the inclusion of a number of 10 yr old boys who all played well above their age. All arrived at Brothers Leagues Club in Townsville ready to play and with some quick organizaon we were ready for our first game against Cathedral. Having big numbers meant a few would have to sit out each game, none wanted to. We opened the scoring but at the end of the game they had managed to get one up on us. Our Second game was against Kirwan and the boys were keen to prove a point. As the dust seled on a very one sided affair Ingham was victorious and had managed to hold Kirwan scoreless. The third and final game was our toughest, with some fague seng in. We were up against Richmond Hill and despite some hard running and valiant defence they were too good. We would like to say a huge thank-you to David Seri for stepping up and taking me to coach and manage the team. We really appreciate all the you have done. Id like to also thank the parents for all their support. Not only did they make themselves available to take the students down, they supported and encouraged the team no maer if they were winning or losing. Not all parent are this supporve. Finally Id like to congratulate the boys. It was a privilege to be able take them down as representaves of Ingham State School. Their behaviour on the day was impeccable and no maer what happened on the field they displayed great sportsmanship. Steven Ballin NOTICE TO PARENTS When paying student invoices by direct payment to the school, we ask if you would please show your childsurname as this facilitates receipng. Thank you for your cooperaon. SUNDAY 3RD MAY 4-5:30PM Messy Family Fun—Mothers Day Special At the Anglican Church, Ingham Come make a giſt for Mum, Grandmother, Aunty ….. Mothers Day Cards Bath Salts Teacup biscuits Love Heart biscuits Painng Craſts Messy fun Followed by family sausage sizzle & dessert For more informaon contact: Rev. Barbara Blackford 4776 2014 Peter Hall 041 977 3844 2015 Internaonal Compeons and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Closing Date: Friday 8 May A leer and Registraon Form is enclosed with todays Newsleer. If you wish to register your student/s, please return the registraon form and money to the Office by Friday 8 May. Date Claimers Spotlight 01 May—ISS Cross Country 08 May—HR Cross Country 08 May—ICAS Compeons closing date for entry 12 to 15 May—Year 6 Camp 21 May—Ice Cream Day 21 May– ISHS Experience Day—Year 6 students 26 May—Arts Council 27 May—School Photos 28 May—Under 8’s Day 03 to 05 June—Year 5 Camp 16-21 August—Ingham Arts Fesval EFTPOS OR CREDIT CARD facilies are NOT available at Ingham State School. P & C MONTHLY MEETING MONDAY 18 MAY Venue: Resource Centre Time : 7:30pm Tea and Coffee available. New members are always welcome. Dear Parents, Thank you to all the parents and extended family who aended our school ANZAC day ceremony. Noeleen Regazzoli and her team Emma Menegon did a brilliant job of organising a commemoraon that made the ANZACS and their sacrifice for our county relevant to our students. We were so very lucky to have Mr Pioo to play the Last Post on a World War 1 bugle. His presentaon was extremely poignant. He also showed the students the bugle that had been used so long ago. It was lovely also to have our Mayor Mr Roger Bow aend the ceremony. These extra facets help our children understand the formal aspects of the ANZAC commemoraons. We were also very proud of our students on Saturday as we had an amazing number of students aend the march. The childrens behaviour was spectacular and our teachers and parents were a brilliant support. Thanks to those wonderful parents and teachers and again special thanks to Noeleen and Emma and also to Peter Moule for their extra input on that day. Cross country will take place on Friday. Nat Erba is amazing when it comes to making sure that everything is organised as ghtly as possible. This year we have decided to have the older students compete first as they have the greatest distance to cover. The children will move to the oval at 8.40am to be marshalled into age groups. The races will begin at 9.10am with the 12 & 13 year old girls. They will be running 3 kilometres. The children will have their lunch on the oval in the tent area. Parents are very welcome to aend. The school has been invited to have a stall at The Tasman Turtle Picnic Day on the 23rd May 2015 from 11.00am – 4.00pm. We will not be able to go ahead with a stall unless we get parents who are willing to volunteer. In the past when we have had raffles and sausage sizzles we have the same people working for the majority of the me. If we have other volunteers then the work is shared. Can you ring the office if you are able to work on that day so we are able to make a decision as to whether we have enough volunteers who will work on that day to aend on that day? Karen and Jarad Venables are donang their coffee and hot chocolate machine for a few hours and Amber Douglas as offered to make the hot drinks. We were considering selling cold drinks at this me. Could you please contact us as soon as possible so that we can let the organisers of the day know? The day involves lots of acvies for children so perhaps you could do some volunteering while your child was involved in acvies. I know that I am oſten wring about my concerns re cyber safety for our students but Privacy Awareness Week runs 3 to 9 May and this years theme is Privacy everyday @ work and @ play’. Our teachers are very aware of all guidelines that we have here at school and because of Educaon Queenslands filters our cyber use involves a fairly closed environment but keeping personal informaon safe online is an important lesson for our students. There is Creep Quiz that your children can take and it has fantasc informaon in it but it is done in a really fun way with five or six characters that explain why they try to get personal informaon. Please take the quiz with your CHILD. Take the Creep Quiz to find our more: www.creepquiz.ed.edu.au Please remember that your child has individual goals at school and we would love it if you would have conversaons with your children regarding what they are learning at school, which books they are enjoying. I went to an In-service around high order thinking and reading yesterday and they emphasised once again that interacve discussions with your child has a strong effect on your childs academic success. Remember the research that I have wrien about previously and a summary of that research would be that: Parents have the most influence on their childrens educaonal outcomes when they: - have high expectaons for their children - show interest in their childrens learning and development - talk to them about things that interest them - discuss their childrens educaonal and career aspiraons. THE ADMIN TEAM Issue 12 28 April 2015 28 McIlwraith Street, Ingham QLD, 4850 Telephone (07) 4776 9333 Fax (07) 4776 9300 E-mail [email protected] Web hp://inghamss.eq.edu.au Friday 01 May ISS Cross Carnival Commencing at 9:00am ASSEMBLY THIS FRIDAY AT 2:10PM FOLLOWING CROSS COUNTRY

28 McIlwraith Street, Ingham QLD, 4850 Telephone (07) 4776 9333 Fax (07) 4776 9300 E-mail [email protected] Web http://inghamss.eq.edu.au

2015 HATS &


School Hats…………... $10

Homework Bags … … .$10

Water Bottle Coolers….$5

Call into the Office at any

time to purchase these



At Ingham State

School we work

together to ensure

that every day, in

every classroom,

every student is

learning and


Stars of the Week

No Stars of the Week were presented

last week due to the Schools ANZAC



Thursday the 2nd of April saw 23 boys represent Ingham State School at the 2015 Bill Nettle Challenge. A lack of 11 & 12 year old students saw the inclusion of a number of 10 yr old boys who all played well above their age. All arrived at Brothers League’s Club in Townsville ready to play and with some quick organization we were ready for our first game against Cathedral. Having big numbers meant a few would have to sit out each game, none wanted to. We opened the scoring but at the end of the game they had managed to get one up on us. Our Second game was against Kirwan and the boys were keen to prove a point. As the dust settled on a very one sided affair Ingham was victorious and had managed to hold Kirwan scoreless. The third and final game was our toughest, with some fatigue setting in. We were up against Richmond Hill and despite some hard running and valiant defence they were too good. We would like to say a huge thank-you to David Seri for stepping up and taking time to coach and manage the team. We really appreciate all the you have done. I’d like to also thank the parents for all their support. Not only did they make themselves available to take the students down, they supported and encouraged the team no matter if they were winning or losing. Not all parent are this supportive. Finally I’d like to congratulate the boys. It was a privilege to be able take them down as representatives of Ingham State School. Their behaviour on the day was impeccable and no matter what happened on the field they displayed great sportsmanship. Steven Ballin


When paying student

invoices by direct payment

to the school, we ask if you

would please show your

child’ surname as this

facilitates receipting.

Thank you for your



Messy Family Fun—Mother’s Day Special

At the Anglican Church, Ingham

Come make a gift for Mum, Grandmother,

Aunty ….. Mother’s Day Cards

Bath Salts Teacup biscuits

Love Heart biscuits Painting Crafts

Messy fun

Followed by family sausage sizzle & dessert

For more information contact:

Rev. Barbara Blackford 4776 2014

Peter Hall 041 977 3844

2015 International Competitions and

Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

Closing Date: Friday 8 May

A letter and Registration Form is enclosed

with today’s Newsletter. If you wish to

register your student/s, please return the

registration form and money to the Office by

Friday 8 May.

Date Claimers


01 May—ISS Cross Country

08 May—HR Cross Country

08 May—ICAS Competitions closing date for entry

12 to 15 May—Year 6 Camp

21 May—Ice Cream Day

21 May– ISHS Experience Day—Year 6 students

26 May—Arts Council

27 May—School Photos

28 May—Under 8’s Day

03 to 05 June—Year 5 Camp

16-21 August—Ingham Arts Festival


facilities are NOT

available at Ingham State School.


Venue: Resource Centre Time : 7:30pm

Tea and Coffee available.

New members are always welcome.

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all the parents and extended family who attended our school ANZAC day ceremony. Noeleen Regazzoli and her team Emma Menegon did a brilliant job of organising a commemoration that made the ANZACS and their sacrifice for our county relevant to our students. We were so very lucky to have Mr Piotto to play the Last Post on a World War 1 bugle. His presentation was extremely poignant. He also showed the students the bugle that had been used so long ago. It was lovely also to have our Mayor Mr Roger Bow attend the ceremony. These extra facets help our children understand the formal aspects of the ANZAC commemorations. We were also very proud of our students on Saturday as we had an amazing number of students attend the march. The children’s behaviour was spectacular and our teachers and parents were a brilliant support. Thanks to those wonderful parents and teachers and again special thanks to Noeleen and Emma and also to Peter Moule for their extra input on that day. Cross country will take place on Friday. Nat Erba is amazing when it comes to making sure that everything is organised as tightly as possible. This year we have decided to have the older students compete first as they have the greatest distance to cover. The children will move to the oval at 8.40am to be marshalled into age groups. The races will begin at 9.10am with the 12 & 13 year old girls. They will be running 3 kilometres. The children will have their lunch on the oval in the tent area. Parents are very welcome to attend. The school has been invited to have a stall at The Tasman Turtle Picnic Day on the 23rd May 2015 from 11.00am – 4.00pm. We will not be able to go ahead with a stall unless we get parents who are willing to volunteer. In the past when we have had raffles and sausage sizzles we have the same people working for the majority of the time. If we have other volunteers then the work is shared. Can you ring the office if you are able to work on that day so we are able to make a decision as to whether we have enough volunteers who will work on that day to attend on that day? Karen and Jarad Venables are donating their coffee and hot

chocolate machine for a few hours and Amber Douglas as offered to make the hot drinks. We were considering selling cold drinks at this time. Could you please contact us as soon as possible so that we can let the organisers of the day know? The day involves lots of activities for children so perhaps you could do some volunteering while your child was involved in activities. I know that I am often writing about my concerns re cyber safety for our students but Privacy Awareness Week runs 3 to 9 May and this year’s theme is ‘Privacy everyday @ work and @ play’. Our teachers are very aware of all guidelines that we have here at school and because of Education Queensland’s filters our cyber use involves a fairly closed environment but keeping personal information safe online is an important lesson for our students. There is Creep Quiz that your children can take and it has fantastic information in it but it is done in a really fun way with five or six characters that explain why they try to get personal information. Please take the quiz with your CHILD. Take the Creep Quiz to find our more: www.creepquiz.ed.edu.au Please remember that your child has individual goals at school and we would love it if you would have conversations with your children regarding what they are learning at school, which books they are enjoying. I went to an In-service around high order thinking and reading yesterday and they emphasised once again that interactive discussions with your child has a strong effect on your child’s academic success. Remember the research that I have written about previously and a summary of that research would be that: Parents have the most influence on their children’s educational outcomes when they: - have high expectations for their children - show interest in their children’s learning and development - talk to them about things that interest them - discuss their children’s educational and career aspirations. THE ADMIN TEAM

Issue 12

28 April


28 McIlwraith Street, Ingham QLD, 4850 Telephone (07) 4776 9333 Fax (07) 4776 9300 E-mail [email protected] Web http://inghamss.eq.edu.au

Friday 01 May

ISS Cross Carnival

Commencing at





28 McIlwraith Street, Ingham QLD, 4850 TeLlephone (07) 4776 9333 E-mail [email protected]


Ice Cream Day: Forms are enclosed with today’s Newsletter. Please remember all forms and money must be in by Monday 11 May.

Year 6 students, please post your orders before you go to Camp.

Thank you for making sure all Big Lunch and Afternoon Tea orders were in on time last week.

Tuckshop volunteers, please remember if you are unable to do your rostered day, please change days with another volunteer.

Thank you for your cooperation. Mrs Byers—Tuckshop Convenor

2015 Tuckshop Roster Wednesday 29 April— Araya Piakhan, Kelli Carbone Thursday 30 April— Karen Harragon, Araya Piakhan Friday 01 May— Lina Marmara, Nadine Bulmer, Jan Marinoni Monday 04 May— Amanda Lenzo Tuesday 05 May— Lina Marmara, Nadine Bulmer, Rebecca Savell Wednesday 06 May— Araya Piakhan, Tricia Cantoni

2015 Specialty Baking Roster Wednesday 29 April— Denise Palmas Thursday 30 April— Vicki Griffin Wednesday 06 May— Sandra Coco Thursday 07 May— Trudie Dezolt

The W


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ISS Playgroup News Ingham State School Playgroup

is on every Monday commencing at 9:00am in the Multipurpose Hall.

Tea and coffee available. Bring your own morning tea. Cost is $2-00 per family.

New members most wel-

come. Come along

and join us .

Visit us on our Facebook


Ingham State School



Envelopes are enclosed

with today’s Newsletter and MUST be

returned with the correct money to the

School Office by MONDAY 25 MAY.

UNDER 8’S DAY On Thursday 28 May Ingham State School will be holding an Under 8’s Day and an invitation is extended to Pre-Prep children.

Lots of fun activities to be experienced.

Watch this space for more information to come.


Date Claimer

ARTS COUNCIL performance—’Wala—The Spirit of Ghana’ - will be held on Tuesday 26 May.

There will be two sessions as follows: 12:00pm and 2:00pm.

More information will follow in future Newsletters.


Starts: Thursday 30 April

Ends: Friday 09 May

Our Book Fair will be open at the

following times:

Before School: 8:20 to 8:45am

2nd Lunch: 1:40 to 2:00pm

After School: 2:50 to 3:20pm

Parents and students, we look forward to your visit as your support means extra resources for our Library.

eLlephone (07) 4776 9333 Fax (07) 4776 9300 mail [email protected] Web http://inghamss.eq.edu.au


Term 2: Monday 20 April —

Friday 26 June

Term 3: Monday 13 July—

Friday 18 September

Term 4: Tuesday 06 October—

Friday 11 December


03 April Good Friday

25 April ANZAC Day

08 June Queen’s Birthday

01 July Ingham Show

Public Holiday

05 October Labour Day


19 October Student Free Day

P & C NEWS The 2015 Model Constitution was to be adopted at our P&C Association’s annual general meeting (AGM). This information came after our AGM so we will be seeking approval from the members of the association to adopt the new Model contention at our next P&C meeting which is on the 18th of May. The 2015 P&C Model Constitution should be adopted by 31 May 2015. This will be put into this week’s newsletter.

We are very pleased to announce that Belinda Musumeci has taken on the role of Fundraising Coordinator for our school’s P & C. Thank you Belinda.


ISS Inter-House Cross Country: Our Inter-house cross country is this Friday May 1st. All permission and medical forms were due back Monday. Please ensure notes are returned to ensure full participation. Your co-operation in this matter is much appreciated. Students are expected to compete. Our Inter-house competition is: “Be in it. You don’t have to win it!”

Herbert River Touch Trials: Touch trials for students aged between 10 and 12 years (2015) will be held at Gilroy next week. Girls are trialling on Monday May 4th from 3:30pm-5:00pm. Boys will trial on Tuesday May 5th at the same venue and times. Any students wishing to attend must collect a Permission to Trial form from the Office. The form must be given to the teacher in charge on the respective trial day.

NQ School Netball Trials: Congratulations to The Ingham State School students who competed in the North Queensland Netball Trials. Each of you played very well. Alissa was chosen to play the Possibles vs Probables game but was unfortunately not advanced into the North Queensland team.

Football training will continue for those students who have been invited to be members of the two teams. The last couple of training sessions are very important to attend.

Any students who have been chosen to represent Herbert River Primary School Sport in any discipline may purchase a team shirt from the Ingham State Office at a cost of $25.

Chappy's Word

Hello Fantastic Ingham SS Community, The chess tournament kicked off today with an introductory game to find out placements, the competition starts next week every Tuesday at big lunch. by second lunch there will be a new roster showing who will be competing with who on the notice board near the sports room so keep an eye on that space. If you still want to join come and see me immediately on Thursday LAST CHANCE!!

Have a fantastic week…………….Josh

Chappy's Riddle: Easy: Everyone in the world break me when they speak every time. Who am I? Hard: I have rivers, but don’t have water. I have dense forests, but no trees and animals. I have cities, but no people live in those cities. What am I?


On Assembly on Friday

01 May, a representative

from Auskick will be

attending to present to

the students information

regarding the Auskick

Program starting this

