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DECEMBER 2015 · Newsletter of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc PO Box 476 PARKES NSW 2870 Follow...

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Newsletter of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc PO Box 476 PARKES NSW 2870 Follow us on Facebook at Parkes Antique Motor Club DECEMBER 2015 IN THIS ISSUE NOVEMBER MINUTES; AGM SUMMARY; PAST RUNS: Legacy Run, HPC open Day COMING EVENTS: Rego Day, Changeover/Christmas Party, Elvis Festival; Some events for 2016; Log Books; NAG; ADVERTISEMENTS; WHAT’S ON
Page 1: DECEMBER 2015 · Newsletter of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc PO Box 476 PARKES NSW 2870 Follow us on Facebook at Parkes Antique Motor Club DECEMBER 2015 IN THIS ISSUE NOVEMBER

Newsletter of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc PO Box 476 PARKES NSW 2870

Follow us on Facebook at Parkes Antique Motor Club



COMING EVENTS: Rego Day, Changeover/Christmas Party, Elvis Festival; Some events for 2016;

Log Books; NAG;


Page 2: DECEMBER 2015 · Newsletter of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc PO Box 476 PARKES NSW 2870 Follow us on Facebook at Parkes Antique Motor Club DECEMBER 2015 IN THIS ISSUE NOVEMBER

Page 2 CLUB DIRECTORY 2015 PATRON Col Fletcher 6862 3133.


President Barrie Mann 04 2862 6669 Bob Steel 6863 4349 Trevor Reece 6852 1260

Vice President Alan Payne 6862 1975 Peter McQuie 6862 2930 Eric Woods 6862 6608 Secretary Barry Garment 6862 2880 Rex Veal 6862 1478 Rex Veal 6862 1478 Treasurer Phil Dixon 04 1988 8695 Plates / Dating Peter McQuie 6862 2930

INSPECTION OFFICERS MOVEMENT PERMITS Editor Barry Garment 6862 2880 Bruce Danson 6862 4343 George Pratt 6863 4804 Assistant Secretary Joanne Chatman 6862 4080 Vince Roberts 6852 2938 Vince Roberts 6852 2938 Assistant Treasurer Joyce Mann 04 2862 6669

Rex Veal 6862 1478 Peter McQuie 6862 2930 Custodian Frances Thornton 6862 5183 Kevin Ross 6862 3552 John Frogley 6862 2547 Attendance Registrar Margaret Gould 6862 1907 Publicity

EVENTS COMMITTEE SWAP MEET COMMITTEE Library/Historian Bruce Chatman 6862 4080 Bruce Danson 6862 4343 Phil Dixon 04 1988 8695 Public Officer Alan Payne 6862 1975 Col Hawke 6862 1278 Bob Morton 6862 6658 Auditor Kevin Penson 6364 5202 Joyce Mann 04 2862 6669 Alan Curteis 6862 5848

Barry Garment 6862 2880 Ray Johnson 04 1946 4080 MUSEUM COMMITTEE

Alan Payne 6862 1975

HPC MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MOTORCYCLE RALLY COMMITTEE Barry Garment 6862 2880 Delegates Alan Payne 6862 1975 Bob Steel 6863 4349 Bob Steel 6863 4349 Barry Garment 6862 2880 Rex Veal 6862 1478 Rex Veal 6862 1478 Alternate Bob Steel 6863 4349 Bob Morton 6862 6658 Rowley Pengilly 6862 1080 Delegates Rex Veal 6862 1478 Ray Johnson 04 1946 4080 Hedley Nicholson 6862 3656 LIFE MEMBERS

Alan Payne John Smith Bob Steel Anne Steel Peter McIntyre Peter McQuie Rex Veal


Tuesday each month Henry Parkes Centre Parkes or Vandenberg Hotel Forbes


Is the official journal of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc. Articles and comments reflect the views and opinions of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Club, its Committee, or the Editor

Some information in this journal has been adapted from articles from other Club publications or the internet

Brockbank Cartoons reproduced by kind permission of the Brockbank family, www.russellbrockbank.co.uk

Follow us on Facebook at Parkes Antique Motor Club ****************************************************





Meeting commenced 8.00pm Chairman Barrie Mann

Also Present 31 members as per attendance book

Apologies Bernie Crowley, Brian Drabsch, Mick Geddes, Peter McQuie

Visitors Harold and Sandra Upston, Alan and Mrs Carpenter, Tony Horsington

MOVED John Frogley, Hedley Nicholson, That the apologies be received CARRIED

RESPECT A minute’s silence was observed in memory of the late Rodney Bradley.

MOVED. Kevin Ross, Anne Steel That the minutes of Club meeting held 13th

October 2015, and

circulated to all members be accepted as a true record. CARRIED

Business Arising Nil

Correspondence In Other Clubs 24 Magazines

Parkes Shire Council Request for results of Swap

Service NSW Opening of Parkes Office

JLT Insurance Certificates

Parkes Shire Council Alpine Rally 2016

Henry Kaye Resignation from Club…Has left Parkes

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Correspondence Out JLT Insurance Claims Declaration Page 3

Various Rodney Bradley Funeral Arrangements

Invitation Runs Parkes Shire Council Draft Programme for HPC Open Day

Kim Templeton Boomerang March Arrangements

MOVED Alan Payne, Rowley Pengilly That inwards correspondence be received and outwards

endorsed. CARRIED


MOVED Phil Dixon, Heather Veal That the Treasurer’s Report be received CARRIED

MOVED Ray Johnson, Bob Morton That the Club opt in to the HVS Log Book Trial CARRIED

(15 in favour, 13 against)

MOVED Barry Garment, Alan Curteis That the Club impose the following conditions on members with trial

Log Books in addition to those required by RMS:

Runs taken using the Log Book are not counted towards the Bill Medlyn Attendance Trophy, and

Log Book vehicles are not to be entitled to be issued with Club Permits to Move, and

Service Runs as described in Clause 40 d of the Club’s Constitution will not be available to Log Book

optioned vehicles.

Although not required by RMS, members opting in are asked to let the Club know of their intention.


Club Events Past

OCT 17th


PAMC SWAP Bob Morton reported that the number of traders sites were down but the nett

financial result was similar to last year. CanAssist reported as doing well on the day.

OCT 24th

CHMC MEETING ORANGE Barrie Mann reported that the principal issues from the meeting

had been covered in the discussion on Log Books and in Crank Torque.

OCT 24th

CANASSIST FUNDRAISER Alan Payne indicated that he and Pres Barrie had provided cars

for a photo shoot and the evening raised about $1200.

OCT 25th

CLUB RUN ALBERT Hedley indicated that it was a good run on a nice day with plenty of food

OCT 31st BOOMERANG MARCH PARKES, FORBES and EUGOWRA. Pres Barrie reported that 7 cars

participated, most were involved for the greater part of the day.

BOB STEEL Reported on his attendance at:

Veteran Bike Rally ARARAT over 6 days with 130 Bikes

GOULBURN with two other Parkes Members. Between then they won 4 trophies, including Bob’s for the

oldest Bike/rider combination.


Anniversary of VMCC at COWRA

Club Events Proposed

NOV 15th

LEGACY RUN To leave from HPC at 1.30pm. 12 cars will be needed, and it is suggested that

ladies try to bring something to supplement the Club’s afternoon tea..

NOV 28th

HPC OPEN DAY A Club display on the lawns of Henry Parkes Centre with potential for a couple of

feature vehicles. Desirable that we place Stewards in the Motor Museum. All Stakeholders in HPC will be

participating, together with children’s activities and other entertainment.

NOV 29th

CLUB RUN BALDRY Morning tea at Hall. Leave from Bushmans Dam at 9.00am

DEC 19th

REGISTRATION DAY At Western Road liners, commencing at 8.00am

DEC 19th

CHRISTMAS FUNCTION and CHANGEOVER Dining room at Parkes International Motel has

been booked. Catering Cost will be $35.00 per person. More details to follow closer to the date.

MOVED Phil Dixon, Ross Neems That Club subsidise the function by $5.00 per head CARRIED

MOVED Rex Veal, Bob Steel That the above be approved as Club Runs CARRIED

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Page 4



N.A.G. After many years of patient negotiation, Alan Payne has secured Jack Robens’ family

consent to donate his 1909 NAG to the Parkes Motor Museum. It will need a bit of work to bring it to a standard

acceptable for display, and it is not envisaged that it will be restored to running condition in the short term. It is

envisaged that the vehicle would be stored in the Club shed, alongside the Club van, allowing the work in progress

to be viewed by other Clubs we have visiting the Museum.

MOVED John Frogley, Rex Veal That we accept the family’s offer CARRIED

Some discussion about the need to review the conduct of the Swap Meet, including the possibility of a change of

venue to adjacent to the Central West Car Club Show.

RESOLVED That the incoming Swap Committee pursue a change.

Fred Thornton mentioned that the stock of restoration badges had depleted and there is a need for a new run,

possibly of a different design.

Alan Carpenter gave a short talk on how he acquired the only 1912 Little Roadster regularly rallied outside the



RAFFLES Donated By Joanne Chatman and Fred Thornton Won By Hedley Nicholson and Heather Veal

Next Donor Rick Woods



ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING There were a few changes to Club Officers at the AGM, and these are shown in the new list on Page 2. Some duties

have also changed slightly due to our revised Constitution. Some of the more significant matters to arise were:

After almost 20 years as Club Patron, Bernie Crowley advised us that he was no longer able to fill the role.

After a recommendation from the meeting, Col Fletcher has been approached to be our next patron, and has


Although the cash book shows a deficit result for the year, we actually ran about square, due to some

advance payments for the Sunshine Coast Trip made in the 2014 year.

Membership Fees for 2016 remain at $50.

The Role of Attendance Registrar has replaced that of Point Scorer. This means that Margie will be

recording all attendances at Club activities, in addition to those eligible for scoring towards awards. Part of

the deal is that those responsible for conducting Club activities will be required to give Margie a list of all

those attending (including non-members) after each function.

Club approval will now be required before committing to Club runs or activities for which the Club is



Jan Alan Curteis Feb Brendan Baden Mar Terry Dunn

Apr Ray Johnson May Stephen Dwyer Jun Ian Mill

July George Pratt Aug Rex Veal Sept Bruce Howard

Oct Phil Dixon Nov Barrie Mann Dec Wes Westcott


NOV 15th


A great response to this Run, and just enough vehicles to transport the Legacy ladies. Almost 20 cars used and many

were surprised at the recent changes that have taken place around Northparkes Mine and to the “back” road into

Peak Hill.

Greatly appreciated was the contribution by our ladies towards the afternoon tea, and to Peak Hill Ex Services

Citizens Club for their hosting and contribution.

We also received a “Thumbs Up” in the Champion Post and a thoughtful write up in the Peak Hill community paper.

These are the kinds of trip that inspired NSW to provide Conditional Registration to Clubs such as ours.

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Page 5

NOV 28th


Another great response, with 20 cars, a bike and an outfit, a couple of shrunken replica bikes, the Garford, and a

couple of Golden Oldies trucks down for the day.

And local member Andrew Gee on hand to supervise Pres Barrie, Yvonne Hutton from Historical Society and No 1

Yellow Wiggle Greg Page cutting the birthday cake; whilst exercising total restraint from joining in with Greg’s

musical interlude.

After which

a steady

stream of

people filed

through the


displays in

the Henry


Centre, so

the Club

had to

spring into



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Page 6 Getting out of the sun and high levels of UV, because

there was no way we’d risk getting offside with those that had gone to a lot of trouble preparing lunch for us!



As in the last few years, there will be only one day for vehicle inspections. This year, Registration Day has been set

for Saturday December 19th


Inspections will commence at Western Road Liners Depot, Danilenko St, Parkes at 8.00am.

Members with a number of vehicles are expected to present as many as practicable, but at least one, at the

Club Registration day, and negotiate with Club Inspection Officers for an appropriate examination of their

other vehicles.

Don’t fill in any of your Rego papers beforehand. Please leave this to the inspectors or Peter McQuie.

There will be a small working bee to set up beforehand, so please be a little patient if you see members

inside the depot, and you are asked to not enter straight away.

Maintaining a steady flow through the various stages of inspection will help keep delays to a minimum.

Please stay with your vehicle, keep your place in the queue, and only move to the next stage of inspection

when asked to.

Please also move your vehicle outside the depot after your inspection has been completed.

And all the

while, we had a

strong contingent

of members


placed in the





informing and

entertaining the

passing parade of

public as they

marveled at what

we had there.

Page 7: DECEMBER 2015 · Newsletter of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc PO Box 476 PARKES NSW 2870 Follow us on Facebook at Parkes Antique Motor Club DECEMBER 2015 IN THIS ISSUE NOVEMBER

DEC 19th


Our Christmas Party is on Saturday the 19th of December at the Parkes International Motor Inn, gathering at 7pm

for a 7-30pm sit down dinner.

There will be a two course menu with alternate serves of two mains and two sweets.

Members with special dietary requirements should advise Assistant Treasurer Joyce of their needs.

The cost will be $30 per head, to be paid to Treasurer Phil before Friday 11th

. No money will be collected on

the night, and payment to Phil by the due date will be the only means by which intention to attend will be


Members are requested to bring along a Christmas novelty gift to the value of no more than $5.00 for each

person in their group. Gifts are to be in plain blueish paper for males, and pinkish paper for females. These

gifts will be distributed during the evening in a manner by which we hope that nobody gets their own gift



As in previous years, members may use Conditionally Registered vehicles to tour Christmas Lights in Parkes and

Forbes on the evenings of Sunday 20th

and Thursday 24th


If touring in groups, please keep the groups down to about half a dozen vehicles.

It’s also a thought to take some candy canes or trinkets to give to children who may be gathered to watch the passing


JAN 6th

– 10th


The Club’s involvement will be similar to that of previous Festivals: Train welcome; Street Parade, Car Show;

assistance in setting up Cooke Park and other bits and pieces.

We will need a few more hands on Saturday with the Parade and Car Shows because of some detail changes to these


There will be a briefing for members involved in the Parade or Shows at the Parkes Leagues Club on Wednesday

December 30th

, starting at 5.00pm.

More details at the coming Club Meeting.



The Club has received an invitation from Parkes Australia Day Committee to take part in the traditional Australia

Day activities, particularly through participating in the “Australian Made” Car Display.



The Events Committee is proposing a trip to Oberon and Bathurst.

The outline is to leave Parkes at about 7.00am on Saturday 13th

, travel to Oberon and take part in the Street Parade,

Car display and Highland Steam and Vintage fair.

For Saturday evening, we return to Bathurst for overnight accommodation and evening meal.

On Sunday 14th

(Valentine’s Day) we propose a tour of Abercrombie House with either a lunch or Edwardian High

tea, then return to Parkes/Forbes via Ophir road.

There would be three options available to members:

A two day tour with overnight at Bathurst, or

Saturday only to Oberon and return, or

Sunday only to Abercrombie and return.

Indicative costs will be available at the coming meeting, and a firm indication of who would be interested in each of

the options will need to be given to allow for bookings to be made.



The Committee proposes a Club Visit to Wellington Vintage Fair and Swap. We travel as a Club and set up a Club

site with a shelter, tables and chairs etc similar to what has been done at Eugowra’s Most Wanted.

A number of other proposals are in the pipeline, including local tours to attractions in and around Parkes and Forbes

and a couple more Weekend or Long Weekend tours. Destinations such as Mudgee and Lightning Ridge have been

mentioned. It is not intended to arrange a 7-10 day tour, unless there is a very strong desire by members for such a


The Committee is keen for members who have ideas for suitable Club activities to bring them forward so that they

can be developed for consideration by the Club.

An aspect for consideration is to provide a greater number of Saturday runs, as attendance at Sunday worship limits

the ability of some members to attend morning or full day Sunday runs.

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As indicated in the November Meeting Minutes, the Club has opted in to the 2 year trial of a Log Book Scheme.

The Trial is an optional addition to the existing Historic Vehicle Registration Scheme (HVS).

The existing scheme remains unchanged.

Club members who wish to opt a vehicle in will be permitted 60 days use per year in addition to Club approved

runs. PAMC members opting vehicle/s in to the trial will need to use their Log books for Service or emergency

runs in the Log Book registered vehicle.

An entry must be made in the Log Book (actually a Log Sheet) before the commencement of the first movement

each day of the vehicle other than those approved by the Club and recorded in Crank Torque. This includes any

movement beyond 50 metres from the driveway of the vehicles garage.

The first entry each day covers all use during that day, even if it comprises many individual trips.

Days are Calendar Days, not a period of 24 consecutive hours. A new entry must be made if a day’s use extends

beyond midnight.

To opt in, members need to present to a Service NSW office with current Vehicle Registration Certificate;

Certificate of Approved Operations; Proof of Identity; and a completed Change of Records (RMS Form).

OUR LATEST ACQUISITION As indicated in the meeting minutes, the 1909 NAG that belonged to former Club member Jack Robens has been

gifted to the Club for restoration and display in the Parkes Motor Museum.

The acquisition is the culmination of many years’ efforts by Alan Payne to persuade the Robens family to part with

the vehicle, which is one of very few survivors in the world. Bob Steel remembers driving the car

It took a team effort, using a wide range of tools and improvisation to get it to where it now is. Washing the

accumulated muck from it almost took longer than working out how to load or unload it!

This is

what it

looks like

in the Club

Shed at the


There are a

number of




parts yet to

come from


and these


radiator and

brass work.

Let the



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N.A.G Page 9 This stands for Neue Automobil Gesellschaft, which translates from German to New Automobile Company.

In 1902, German electrical company AEG purchased the coachbuilding side of Kühlstein which was

a coachbuilding company that also produced electric cars from 1898 to 1902. (The electric vehicles were probably

the stimulus for purchase by AEG)

The firm also built tractor units to replace horses for use with horse-drawn carriages.

AEG renamed the company NAG. The company's first two cars were reliable, if unoriginal: the two-cylinder Type

A and 5.2 litre four-cylinder Type B, both with chain drive, which resembled the contemporary Mercedes.

Shortly, an enlarged Type B2, with 40/45hp 7.9-litre four, appeared. In 1907, one of these was given to the

Empress Auguste Viktoria.

The next year, AEG got out of the car business, but NAG continued alone, introducing a 15 hp 1502 cc four called

Puck, with a remarkable (for the period) ability to rev to 3000 rpm, which may have contributed to its ability to win

the Gothenburg Cup at the Swedish Winter Trials in 1912, 1913, and 1914.

This sporting reputation was offset by "aggressively ugly Prince Henry-type bodies".

The Puck would later be developed into a model known in Germany as the Darling.

From 1911 to 1914, NAG's standard offering was an 8495 cc 60 hp, joined in 1912-14 by a 1502 cc 10/12 hp K2,

2085 cc 14/20 hp K4, 3308 cc 20/25 hp K5, and a 5193 cc 25/35 hp.

During the Great War, NAG built the 200hp Benz aero engine under licence.

During the recovery after World War I, NAG produced smaller numbers of 2.5-litre C4s, essentially pre-war K4s

with new vee radiators replacing the pre-war oval ones. Many races were won with this model.

NAG continued producing vehicles during the 1920’s and early 30’s, producing a 4499cc V8 with front wheel drive

in 1932.

The last NAG was a 1933 Front wheel drive with a 1468 cc flat four. Only a few had been built before NAG decided

to concentrate on commercial vehicles, and merged with truck manufacturer Bussing.

A fair bit of research failed to find a photograph of a 1909 NAG in what would have been original condition.

This picture is of a 1912 18 hp NAG, which would be the “Darling” model, It has a slightly larger motor than the

12hp “Puck” we have, but the styling is typical with the oval radiator, flat guards, and gimbal mounted lights.

The Speedster body would be consistent with a vehicle that did well in competition.

The lights pictured appear to be electric, which would not have been available on the 1909 models.

Page 10: DECEMBER 2015 · Newsletter of the Parkes Antique Motor Club Inc PO Box 476 PARKES NSW 2870 Follow us on Facebook at Parkes Antique Motor Club DECEMBER 2015 IN THIS ISSUE NOVEMBER


At the HPC Open

Day, a Loyalty

Programme was

launched for Parkes

Residents. This is

an opportunity for

any Parkes resident

to take paying

friends through our

Museum and the

rest of the


Or perhaps you’d

like to grab

something to get

your grandkids a bit

more interested in


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If you want to attend any of the following, please say so and ensure it is approved at a Club Meeting!

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Note: PAMC Conditionally Registered vehicles are approved to attend activities shown bold.

To participate in other listed runs, please move for its approval at a Club Meeting

Month Date/s Occasion Contact

Dec 5 Cherry Festival YOUNG

8 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

19 PAMC Registration Day Peter McQuie 6862 2930

19 PAMC Christmas Changeover Joyce Mann 0428 626 669

20 PAMC Christmas Lights Tour PARKES & FORBES

20 PAMC Christmas Lights Tour PARKES & FORBES

Jan 6-10 Elvis Festival PARKES Alan Payne 6862 1975

12 PAMC Meeting PARKES Barry Garment 6862 2880

24 VMCC Tiddlers Rally CANBERRA

26 Australian Made Show PARKES

26 Australia Day Parade FORBES


Feb 9 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

13 Highland Steam and Vintage Fair OBERON

14 PAMC Run

20-21 CEMCC Rally ORANGE

Mar 6 Vintage Fair and Swap WELLINGTON

8 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

13 PAMC Run

25 -28 CHMC Annual Rally TEMORA

Apr 4 Invitation Run Parkes Seniors week

12 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

17 PAMC Run

May 6-8 Autumn Pre 1931 Tour DUBBO

10 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

15 PAMC Run National Motoring Heritage Day

June 14 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

19 PAMC Run

July 12 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

17 PAMC Run

August 9 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

13 Golden Oldies Truck Show Dubbo

14 PAMC Run

30-31 PA&H Show PARKES

Sept 13 PAMC Meeting Barry Garment 6862 2880

18 PAMC Run

May 2017

18-22 CHMC Annual Rally ALBURY

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----------- -----------

Day Date Time Type From Contact


Tue 8 8.00pm PAMC Meeting HPC Barry Garment

6862 2880

Sat 19 1.30pm PAMC

Registration Day

Western Road Liners

PARKES Peter McQuie

6862 2930

Sat 19 9.00am Changeover and

Christmas Party

International Motor Inn

PARKES Joyce Mann

04 2862 6669

Sun 20 6.30pm Christmas Lights


Thu 24 6.30pm Christmas Lights


When attending Club activities, please ensure that your attendance and that of any guests you

have invited are recorded by the Contact Member, who will pass them on to the Attendance



December January

Raffle Rick Woods Alan Curteis

Club Run Joyce Mann Alan Payne

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Louise Berkeley 5 Julie Green 8

Arthur Corbett 18 Mick Harris 20

Alan Payne 20

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Peter and Maddalena Sgarlata 18 Fred and Frances Thornton 30



