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Deck Dungeons Rules v2

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7/24/2019 Deck Dungeons Rules v2 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/deck-dungeons-rules-v2 1/6 DECK DUNGEONS We created Deck Dungeons to recreate the adventures of all of the hundreds of Dungeon games produced over time. Deck Dungeons recreates the feeling of running a part of adventurers into various dungeons to kill monsters and gain precious treasures. Each character receives !ve gold coins at the "eginning of the game. Use Gold to purchase #eapons and spells in to#n. $ocations% &o#ns Dungeons &iles% Straight Corridor &iles $eft hand &urn 'ight (and &urn 'oom Cards
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We created Deck Dungeons to recreate the

adventures of all of the hundreds of Dungeon

games produced over time. Deck Dungeonsrecreates the feeling of running a part of

adventurers into various dungeons to kill

monsters and gain precious treasures.

Each character receives !ve gold coins at the

"eginning of the game. Use Gold to purchase

#eapons and spells in to#n.





Straight Corridor &iles

$eft hand &urn

'ight (and &urn

'oom Cards

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Weapon Cards% represent the man di)erent

#eapons that certain *dventurers can use in

dungeons. Weapons are%

Dagger +,

Short S#ord +-$ong S#ord+

*/e +-

0attle */e +

Short 0o# +,

$ong 0o# +-

Cross 0o# +

Small 1ace +,$arge 1ace +-

Sta) +,

Wi2ard Spells% NEED 34 three o)ensive and


1agic 1issile%


Charm 1onster%

Sleep% attack - times then determine using the

normal method

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1agic *rmor%


Cleric Spells% NEED 34 three o)ensive and


(eal Wounds% Cast on one *dventurer. &he*dventurer regains three hits.

5aith Shield% &he Cleric casts a "lessed shield

on the part. *ll adventurers add one to their

defense for the rest of this encounter.

Cure 7oison% &he Cleric casts the spell on one

adventurer that is poisoned. &his cures the

*dventurer from the poison.

Charm 1onster% 1onster #ill respond to

Cleric8s commands and #ill accompan part to

to#n. 6n to#n4 the adventurer sells the

1onster for gold. 9ou have to sell 1onsters in

to#n. 1onsters cannot accompan a part on

future trips.

0olt of $ight% in:icts damage on one 1onster

0anish% &he Cleric chooses one 1onster.

'emove that 1onster from the game.

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*rmor Cards% represents various tpes of armor

that adventurers #ear to protect themselves

against damage.

&here are four tpes of armor.'o"es +,


Chain +

7late +;

Shield Cards% represents the defensive #eaponr

that a character uses to protect part of his "od.

Small Shield +,

$arge Shield +-

&reasure Cards% represents various items that a

character can pick up. 6t is permissi"le to trade&reasure cards "et#een in adventurers and to

spend them "ack in to#n for gold. Each treasure

card has a value of one to three gold.

Gold Cards% used as currenc. *dventurers can

carr an unlimited amount of gold.

Character Cards%

Warrior < &he classic !ghting hero in all

adventures. &he Warrior uses his superior strength

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and agilit to !ght o) all 1onsters. While Warriors

cannot cast spells4 the can use all #eapons4 all

armor and all shields.

Wi2ard < &he primar role of the #i2ard is to cast

spells that cause damage to monsters.uses spells

to defeat dungeon creatures. Each #i2ard al#as

has a #and. Wi2ards can onl "e e=uipped #ith

Sta)s. Wi2ards can onl #ear 'o"es. Wi2ards can

cast 1agic Spells.

Cleric < uses #eapons to defeat enemies and uses

spells to heal fello# adventures. Clerics can onl

"e e=uipped #ith Sta)s or Clu"s. Clerics can #ear

'o"es or $eather *rmor.

&hief < uses stealth and #eapons to defeatdungeon creatures and skills to open lock doors>

chests and to disarm traps. * thief can onl use a

Dagger4 Short S#ord or a 0o#. &hief8s can onl

#ear ro"es.




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7iet represents devotion to a God or man

Gods. * Cleric must have a high 7iet

rating to cast spells. * high piet provides

the Cleric a greater num"er of spells.


Wisdom represents an *dventurer8s

pursuit of the arcane kno#ledge of magicarts. * high #isdom provides the 1agician

a greater num"er of spells.
