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Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New...

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\., .. .. . .. ' . .. I . fj. . ' . '11. •-: Decoration Day wEfB Appro .. . Priu.telv Obs.erved at 'WbjtEI'·· · . O&ks Tuesday by the Civil War Veteran& '·' IRWINE AND GEO. .... -- - -1WISHEifARE ·att£ASED --- ·- ----- -··
Page 1: Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · o! bt'< the a .... •. t •• t nm~ -~· • t ,~ '""'

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Decoration Day wEfB Appro .. . Priu.telv Obs.erved at 'WbjtEI'·· · . O&ks Tuesday by the Civil War Veteran&



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-- --1WISHEifARE ·att£ASED --- ·- ----- -··

Page 2: Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · o! bt'< the a .... •. t •• t nm~ -~· • t ,~ '""'


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-·-.. ,!,C .. OLO R·A D~O·· .. · . ' .

Una bt¥11• . · · · · teitJml~ntoii

pafa y en ef ex!ra.

iy.,~,~t,., n ro.,,,llV~JPrr t•;~t~>ll N:QWtl ~"•-vl~·<,l. · wc~tc.rn N<~>'~>'»:IPo~· rr:Utoll W('W# ~c~~~lc<t. ·•. · Wc!lt~.rlll'fQWaP;~.p!lr:t.'info:m '1:tr~li'l# eon t~;e.

IAU n~;:~a !~~-:n~ye~:· atMUQ~ . . EllS d6 .n;~:'~::~r~ at; ii~-~~~n . ~iii Ctu~~~~:n~::~~af:tt!A' mw teutonos o.l norte ft*-' Steonetra~t~. soue..al ~th0rceae. · ·ni~lpti.I (\e 2GU miQmbroa. ' · '· .

· "l.ao tuer1:ae ~ tii'ncconi en. lo~? -~1· ·t.oij . habUlint~s. ... tl~~ LU:··Jm~t~"wl~ Be·;·tetAc · ~rgautsando· .. ®1.\-;i!Ulo:dia Jumes rcportun cJc~tQ vrosrel$o hacla. brar4n el 4 de jutiq. · · niuntcll:lnl· Qn. 'A)buquetQ.ll<~. · . · Mcmnntlr. . Mucunn vUCfUi de Jeclle ~awn umn.· · ,Gi llQntJ•\lo cJe Collax f:Sjl(~ra: una

1.-cin. ruertca ataquea alcnmnes. dad.aa al diatrJto do Un·clnnd. · C"OB'£!Cbn: ne mnn~nnna-• · ctedor 4e Verdun .eon' rcpuleado.a J,.O, dcp6alto1P em ·1o:a·- b~n~os: tf';l Dmctil' vn tt· · ten'Ct tro3' :PttU~~ loa Frnnc.eg(Jo. '·0 1\00~:t'!lln u~ .$U,OI)lt,O!l0~ . . . moler nltalf& de );fllD caPa.<:hlatl •.

TrCB ,·npores nlCDlllUC!'l eatiin htm• R. W. Speer. tu'e Jnau~.adn ·alcall.l!J ~ terin ~C estudc>;.estc ~llO ~~:q:ele. clidol! en -cl ma..- Dllltt~o vor fQ& JJUlJ. de :Denvpr cl.m~r<'()Jetl p, 11a,.._do. · brarA 1.- 41ttma.. eemn.na d!> .scplli*SJJ.• rnarinoa ruooo 6 JngJes(!o.· " Sc prclltc., qu~ ~~ coaccha d.e· remo· . trc.

l..ou llallnDOI:I con gran detcrmlnn· laeha on Colornd() e.atc nflo scr(l. muy •Jilt GoberJladOl'- McDonald C()Ui!Ccl$6. ci6n eo oponen u los AuotrJacoo y grande. .. · • p*"rdOn entcro Q; Cbarlc$ b. llccan• rcpuleun Cucrtes atnquca. Los oflclalcs de la eblthul ll~ Fort . zone.... . ·· ·

l.oa Jnglesoa poncn. en dcrrota ll. loe COlliJls cetiln suJctoa .(\. U1l.(\ reduccf(in m~ade liJ!l;,i a. l915~ se e~}lldterbn.:·li '.l'urcon y otros -gJ'UV(ta ile- enemlgo!} f!fll~J,rlos. cuern. del estad(} 4-,uoo-.~0(} ~~~~lf·.d~ Jndfgenaa on Dayoud Y 1:\lngelbru, en I .. ovcliUJd eatil. ideando· una celcbra· gnJlado. • .•. , . • .... •"# .. "

l~glpto. cJ<in dol 4 (10 Sullo en concxf6n con el Ln producciOn de <:arb6p en 191G rue de cottas


1tan aaJvudo a J. Deemer, un tct)dQro ,, ' ,. l' , ... ·­,, .. , ~morl<'.nno captorado por too banllf!Joo 1, , . ', • ' ll)ejlcnno:J on en vlnltu crlodnnl en .~.,___-~ .. ·~ · ,~ilun. Sprlnso y Boi)uiilCitJ, T-cx.;::-y,

, "t;(lgun diNl el r(lpartc de un trqn· · qulr?ta de earro de ojlircfto, tnataron • Q octo y c~pturaron u sctent.a y c1pl'o

' f1,

i ~ ,I





r I •

. " do loa lJandldoB. Tamb!On 1m. n$!sro quo t•ru (Jreco con · D~orner fu(! onl· \'O.do.

Oceldente. l;l fC'I fCJCUffiJ del UurliD(;IlOII UJIUil•

eta IIIla nunH'ntncl6n de ei\lai-loo de < lnf·o 11or clcnto para. todoo loo em· JIIN;do:~, l! ,,ar llr del meo do mayo.

l'n oolndo nrnerlrano quo paoli ul otro Indo do Ia trontt•ra lnterno,•lonn1, unu millu y medtn Dl cato do Juarm~. f(>CtlJI6 un tiro mortal de loll nuardlno do nd \lo na mcj1canoo.

El Juklo do David ('avian por neoal· nato vo conex!On cnn In clentruceU1n ••ot clltrklo ae lAo Angotco Tlnl~B ov U!i'Ualn6 £'n l..tm Anr.cl1!3 nl re~orla, ()1 Jurnclo In tmposlbll!dM do ponorno cj(1 ClCUt'rdo y fUIJ diOUt>ltO.

IJlt'z :v ocllo Amorlenu.o::J Uesu.ron ~ San Pronf'lcf'o a. bordo c.Jct tJapor ltlyo fl1oru proccdcnt~ do Salina Cruz, Mcx , btlbi{llldo hccbo caen dol avisu wnoulorr de Ia neccni!IM para to!l Am£>rl('nnoo do er.lir do fl!CJ.Uco,

Sport. Mllll1 Olbbono do Bt l~aul sunO h

&•Cllc:, c:ontrtl Ted ( ltld 1 l.owla do JDa!n!4'rrn {)ll una ~11rt1da il puhlodat~ l!U Natovo York.

<'l1orl"tl M<:Court do 'PIUoburg, Pa. • au veneer !1 Cbllrloo EII:.S do Chicago

en Ina illUillil!l vuclLna do Ia 0(1r2o, o•1 pnO C~l tnulo de C'lUilllCillnt del mundZJ l'D el jur>go do bfllnr. EJ totnl fu!,') d<r lGO contra HD.

Art Mngrll (11 "gato o:.Jlvajo" (}C

pct~f ••.,.cltcr~woltzbt, .. tuvo tn vrnlajtl ~robrc Jact: T-orrea- do Noovo .M(Ijlto en !a non:1 vuclta e>n h CJ(]~ea tlo Abot· turu prc.,::mldn en -el t 11uoo Atl!iUco de Cnlt'WOdtt Spftngo-. ·

... -~ ...... \-~, ")... -~- -~ .. " ·:~ * -~i~ ... ........ , ...


.. i'lt Jt~t . war •. · . . .. . .. wPt~v·~• fpl! t,e. w.u:&uct.

UrEJ'I!o t.WutlUlth·~ret kllawn~ n .. ~~-:!\~~so Q( ~~~~ t!ifRca Jt iJ w.eU tlilt . 'br3t~ ~10Jil<lr~f d•1• .. WeW :t.t.rAW''.ho.Weti on. &ral'flt-~l 'Our u<>~.wuh d!!pa.tt~ll dead •. · Weli. · t~t bJf)JMOm.• ut IPdugtlJQe .up,q,q.r ll'tvill*''•

wa-ve a~Jd ocean•e turbulent tid~. · tllat wh.Ue . honorni,: . the ·,dejlt.rtect . wC! lt.llfQ <:liet41l t!Ja Uvlgl~ ·lattlnJ: tbtm · }(now .tb"t .,.~ 'ap11rec1-.t.Q: Dt• YQ,l'~ · reilffl.V'~~~~ th. ey dtcl .. 'I n4 .tbe united .coQntf1 tbiJ AUmotl16lnu1boUid have.. l,ltef,t Ul M QUt' luSl'ltl&~. . · ·Silently ·and •t6wlf-, :tllowlt •I)~ ' . ·

1ent11. ·tbe ::reau· •r~ l>••BJn*. -tlO()t& all, ot th6 ••-bQ)'II Ill" \)lU!!!11 wlU .·btl ).'el$t•


. ,...,.j.; . ,_.,

Deft ned. "Pa, w1Ult is meant bY a suvcrwom·

anr• 1 "A superwoman, JKJU? Ld me seo,·

Ah! 1 11a~o a ,tcttnttlon •. A SUlJCtwoD)• nn is a tmulillo >f th6 !IJ)f!Cles wbo routd trac() bor ~ne4.t5t.ey back t.. rqJaUy, but. doesn't." ll

"He whe .Jaaalaealtl• c ••

~' ·;. . .... ,., ~ h• wh• Jaat l••• " ~·• •••trlhla&/'

-·~tr.'fM}· ;.. • f,.

So~ncl health i~ lat«el)' . a ~ttet of PfOpeX: {ood­·which must include eerbdn mineral elexnetiu ·beat de-t

.. ·nved m.n the. field arain*t · · · · but laekinsr in ·nJ4nY food-. .

. -~ '... . ... ~

. "It - ;..._ .. ,


..., .. - .~ ~ ..



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•• ~ ~"11 .. , ... ' '\" ·v,~.'.

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li~ iff ~onapiCUQUS by· h!a _pre~e~ceJn,. li~mes .. ~hat· . are ne~tlf a.nd . comfortaply fyr,nis~ed. H~ , bel . ·. ·

. t\lat )l~giture a.d4~ comfpr.t, Poll~ ,;~o~fort })rt~gs hap .. • · · A. h · .. · · m tea I · e· · And .lJOVe 1a ,l~I~es.s, lit()¥.~ a.pptness "pro. 9 . , 0.! •-;· -,... ...,. . . . ~.

tb" ,fpund~tlon of every p~rfect .. home. . Cupul, . the . . Goa·or Love, bids YOU buy furniture- for YOU:R·

home. .. ~-· , · - :: . ·~ . ~- ~ ·----•.

..,.,.,..,..__,.....~ ·-· · . AND_.......,.,;...~ . -. -. ·we ()tier -you some excellent opportunities in

~ · -bo~.furnisbings." We otter .yo.u.~ fmni~r~ of.- ~iJpality . and style at prices reduced to the mmunum. We

furniture of · . for . ·

d.o much toward retaining ·the God of t~.ve manent member of ypur househoJd. · 1


Carrizozo, .. • • • New Mexico·



Table Service the very best. Good clean and well ventilated sleeping rooms. The

building has been. rhrirnughly reno­vated and electrieallx lir;bted.

Your patronage solicited


Brig·ht Lights ~

iights in your business house or office or hom~ when . the '"ele~ric way'' may.~ be . traveled without any ad-\ . ' . - ·- ~-~-.~- -·x-~~~ ~........... r-~--·----

vance 1n tne annua cost.

Let us your bonn~ ..

install electric. lights in­We dq ~ali kinds of ·

·~ • wiling a~~ sell·. you supplies at the . . ·• .. ' ,...,...(\. . { ~ ~ tmmmum-e~t·-·--.'----~-~~. · ---- -·- -t

__ ;_ ....... ~~--· .. -· .. -~ .. ·-·· ~ ... ._ ....... ·~·~ - -~ ..... .. ...... ---~ .... A. ~ . # .. ,

.. · " -·~- ............... ~ ~ ...... ~~--......... ~--~-......... ~-·-.. -~ .. -~--.. -- ...... -- . .... r ... ..

·-+-1.+-----'"-=~·= .. --..... - .:.. ..... ~ __ ,.,._........,._,__ ~-'"·--··"'----:- ,--" -----·-·· --~·'-·---·--,.,._- ---~---'-·-- --~ ·':'" . ',

~~- J • 1

',' ........ £. ... ~-'' - li ·;.,. , ........ '· ,•


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-if-·- ---

·"' ,. . .

· ·-A.lfalfa~ -Seed .· · · .. ... Stuflebaker~Wag.ons . · C · .k S· ed ·Studebaker ·Hacks . .· ar.~ .. e . · . .

. • .F eterita,·Seed . -~-=---Portl~ ricfCe.menf .:~ubrica tin·g Oils · · Coal : · ". · ·· ~ . · . Black Leaf 40 ·. I ·.Lime. · ·

~ _ • _· Dry Coods: ·. · ·· _Jron.fuofing __ Notions. · Dyna.mite ·


BlaSting .Caps



On On• Notable Occatlon D•~lareo That He Wfuld aa Soo·n Thtnk of A•· •II!!Jittn; a Mali aa MlaquotJnj Him. Great 8tateilman and Prodlgfou1 Worker. Saya fnao .M. M•ekln-.

. ~ f..

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Page 4: Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · o! bt'< the a .... •. t •• t nm~ -~· • t ,~ '""'

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·.TJiE.OUT;LOOK ·· . ... :. ··~ . . .

:..·:· ... - .e .... -r.·'" ' .... ,.

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. . YQu will not att~mpt io ·ma"e y~ur iinlfeti~ i:bis ~:·..!..:-~:..-=..,,..,.~-·~-::-~·-~~~!!..fSil-fl1lf1P!""'fe-aditnf"t£Jr-eJJr··7r-..-+-~-..H-c-... +~~;.l~--oc .. ~ ..• ~ .... :__ ..... _ .. , .... - , ............ -.. ·--:--"-T. -·· ......... - _, .. ··-·· -.. ---... - .. -- .. ·- ~---.. --- .... -... ~. --·--~--.. ---........ _ .. ,._,_~-----~--• ......:.....,..;..-:.... ... : .... ·_- ... .... .. .

··5ummer';.when. you· see .tJ-,e finenes1r .. of· thea~ :~~'Do;V:e-l~r·r~rrJJ .,.,. sr-(~om.J•!:IPHt< .Jrlllttet-' Janu•ry it HH .1. llf •-hPf!():lt ,,ffi[<~llt C!nrrizozo,New \foxt~o. ttnrk-r thl! A<- n£ Match;~, 187{)

'l~1·1·u!litnt1• 'li"" M rrnr f'nllllnlll' for "'''•·tul '""'''"u lllulut nur rt>~:ulur rule ilf •wit '\vorr It ull Chnt iN ll!iiH•rl fur lhof;f•rvlcq II •

,..,. uu•u·'""•'fll"trt,..tJ,p. ""m of s. Thin of itself la a Vflt,Y small ma•ter i\1111,,. c·lal~tr.tc•d :u111 fnr fltRitit>t. nncllt'Jill· . • · • • · · #

"''\'' n''"'''"'rl'llu•uh• st:, uu. ''""h lnml· but the thmg is I:H~mficnnt cyf the ~~~ ' 11'

1' bu h •·•uuJitlnro tu1uouudng will cnptri 1 if's o( this cnun try fo a timn

Brand'?~ ~nd~r garments. ·-: . · ·: . · .. : ..

• r , rh,is "Dove" i8.b~lon uridermUalins inelni$; -·-- ~~~·· ~-~~t~st St_yl~~ _ -~~ -- .. -~ .. - __ --2:~-- ~A.ccurateFit · --3.- · High~r~·de Materials ·

--.. ~-"-=~--~4:- .. _ .. · .. B~st.--W-Or~~anshi~·- .. __ 5. ·Made in e ''Dove" 100

•'.., a.

. cent clean fac-

A' BEAUTIFUL,SHOWING In this department we ~an shdw

'tl· I:Ull'n n b.wf wrll<'·Ur· IJIIt ;r IIIJ ex· . . . . . ·. . .. r ''"-- .r .. - -- ~;:·~~:·,l!~~~~_:.k_~:*'!::i~;~ti!~~~;·'~!~~JJ~~~~~!i~r. roa .. '-.·cmetgcncy /'. . . • . . .. ~.~ .... ~.:""-· .... u.

1 . -· --.-_~ · ··~--- __ · -:-f ".·Mr. \V!Ison :wants Cong_reBB. to

"' ...


f. . . . FOR SHERIFf i hurry tip a~d adjou:n. He neglect• 1 ho Ontlouk in nuthorir.cd to JIJint>UIJetJ

1 etl to c!aiJ Congress HI ~xtra aeaslon

uw mmw "' Jot111 H Baird n11 " raruJl.! lu,t. PtttnmPr, even 'tbowgfJ be knew ~at" for "'•PrifT r~f J lnroln (•ounty IJUli•! the HworlcJ WBif ou firl",'i because he :.:ct to ~ho ntt•on t,f the Th>rnocratiP. wsutrd tb~ center of the ata~e fur

Night Gowns ·Underskirts

. Combinations


·,, j,

)! I• ,/

! I

ll i! 4(

li l.t it ;,

;ounty (;(mvcanlon. . . 1 lumself. Now he. hll9 10 divitle tlie · =-~· -·---===~- 1a!tentiou ofthe country wltb Crm•

·FOR SHERJFf Jgret~s t'nd hednPsn't relish it Ifow The outlu"" in nuthuriztJcl 10 nnnounce ever, Go1;:;resa will 1djourn when it

'+"' urune t•f'f". \\'niJtcr Uytlo tl" a randi· ., "ell'_ ttttll y • . . 1otco fur ~he• liT ,,f J,ilwo:n (}..lllnly 1111l1• · ~ · · · - ·· ·

;tw~ to tlt6- ndiou 111 &hn ilcttwttaticJ i•arty.


· Princess Slips Chemise.

Corset Covers Draw~rs

Envelope Chemise

W.e are also showing a line of chil­dren's well made muslin underwear.

WAR AG~1NST AMERICA i ~~=~~~;~~~~ ... ~~~~-~ . J ap11n wos in \'h•rl to t1dte tuu & 1 •. ,u .. ~.-.... • 1

. ·c~t._= -~~ :~.itti'i{f~~je~-~;c~~~~;~.,i};:~'e"srnf·"ru,,.m.. ij~~~~~-~l;l!~~~Jl~~~!rJ~~!!~~~~~~~~"=~=-···'"~·-··- ~~~ Zl EGLER . B R 0 S ~ ~. the•l i~lirnlu. Fraoee, HuettiA aml -·· • tf !t _lrtaty. 'l'ht.w; 01JUfllli~a nru fully

liJI'\'*l Itt lhtt ltttCl'lfi'J\y fut reaujust• n•ctlltt.ur thtJir lr~&de p~Jiwk~ It i•

,f tub" nutud that tlu- Unued .SuHe~ --"~~- _....;;:====== .. =======::============:;::::======:::::!ll======:::::t=== ii \\'t~tl nut irrvimd to send a·reprel:!Pnt· .u.. ·.~o..f.t.J...""'..a. - · . - • .b.~ .. ..tt..l..&....a..r~-..a.:e 1\ . •ll~u w tlusconfercnce, although it. "'.T*'+V.++•*'*'**~~tj.tlt't'$·.,. ..... v+·..-.-...-Tl"' ;+ 11 hslu~hi..Y prolHthla th~•t ~be ~rogre•11 : JOHN E. BELL . ' wtt bnvf.! bten tn•kmg whrln rho · · ·- · · · · -·- ·· .. ·

< _,_1 __ --·~:i~·!::~;:~l::·::.:~f.;:;;::a:;.: ft. Staple and Fancy Gr'oc==e"=r-·Iec~_' =s~~~~~!!~ci "'==~~·~-~~-=·'·~~-··~cc<···~ 1~1t£1''t1t·~. ::-~,~ ==_;,;._.. .... ....,·--~' • ______ (!tJ~i_~-· , _. __ H(ly, Gra!l! (!~d ~~1~·

·L I

! A! ;

u~t will no~ be marked Willa geutl .. ue.a. . \Vo are dohuz not bing to""'wl'rd g.-t.

•ins ready lor pMt bellum coodi lion• 1he.Oenwo.raht tnlll.cling to rile Undetwood tarHt Jor b11 Uum•

~ . . .

· revenue law, <Jt!OI~riog iL to bll. ade .. •tuat«Horiliy oocailon. ·· Solffn1iw Mc:Aduo weut to South Amerio•.-

. :~fill furlbet l(l1'tncour~tg0" • trtid~ with tbau. CDttlinellt wl1i~h rl!cordod an tnore•ae.or 223 p~r (\tiD' in " trade balance ag•i~-.t mt comparinc JUJ3. uh~• numtbt _ uudat ·the ne:

.. JlUblialft tarifflaw,witb UHG, under - tht Demoliratio ·-tirlll llw. · Sie;e­

tary Redtteld ·bobt up tvort one>t ia -. whlltt with fe&itlation of tbo D!lott. Utoplaa ·· character. VonJr!a fUM' «r"11Dtfca-· JUit-..bta-·· apptopria-

. uur forti(Ul · tr~dt ·Pl't!l.at't I II h

1 ..

~-~- _...._,,.....,......_._ ..... ~--. -· ·-· ~-.. ------=> ~·-,~··-;..· . ' .

_ J?i~~!.-~!~~~~1~ Af!:~. Joy _l!!attds Signifl Qu~lity~_ · · Give them a trinl and will • . "' t}

.. . . .


·. . .. **~***'*'*'****** *•'***** -''Meaty". ·Truths*

. Eating. __ meat..bitilds up your muscle, ·· A juicy steak will make you hustle.

· With Muscle ft.ntf Hustle . -. - -··~·'-·-- ----~~--- ___ '! - --· ~." •. -~ - -


~··~~=·,~-dftiZOZOM;;t Market • . . .-----...:,.· .. -- . . . . . - ~ . ,rs:._


'. I I

-· -~ '· ·~ .. , . ' . . "

--~-- __,,· .... -··-~-:~----"~,.,~-~ ~··.,,_ ~ -~ ....... ....::..... ___ ----~---'-:_·-~-.



.. _ ---~~ight and General TransFer Buainesa

: •. ~ i . .

f! , .... 11

~Phone 86 or 91 !Mated oa El PIIM A ..... em '4k;or 10\ltb of Lumber ~ard


You Get The Best Here -~ . . ..

'Vegetables, _Fresh arid Salt n:fv1eatst. Staple _ and- Fancy Grocertes - : -" . - . .


STO_ REWl'rB A: REPU'l'ATION--FO· ··---·nooo: ·D .. · .. -.. GOODSANrt. ··. . · ·- - ·. ·- · -.·-- . ~ ., ... _ SQUARE DEALING .. . ..


"-: . ... '· .

... • ..1111# •• J.,


. ..

:!.41;.,:. . ~ .

" .. "


j .. v.,.,.

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y~~".f -~·

. xr On the ~l)tl\ da;y of.''f'!lbrQar;v, 1016, Po(Qr• Iii I!

peMOI\IIIIY fl\11\tl J'I@J• :a •. PI!Uinl, h> me . ~· uun:u"''"' .t wllt.lty· kaow~:~ !Uld'penonally Vnnwa t•. me tt>

be 011~ Qftb• pel'tOn• dtWcidbed · (n ant\ wlae~.,.; • et;gt.t_ 1h• fqre!Jla-c aertllt~ta and poraonl\lly . tbe.'rcJ~triJlt:iQna or UmitatiQJ1JI_•~··•~-,,~.o-~:•n•.Y

to purcha.se ~,~, otl\erwifilj) ..,,.,,..,,,,. ~~"u''""""''r.t. ~- hqld, OWfht\ell\~sigo nan~J:er, mi'~"••aA. p&eilge. exehi!Pg&, or otll•erv~rse ~u11~uu'""' or. the &bare!l · Qf. th!!

, bantJ~,

1.8ral) C W •.. TAFl' . . S~c11nd Dcpu~.l' Secrtl_~~ry of SitU•.

lilliilO.ltSEO~ ........ .,. ~----·-- -·-·-nnd p•Clp~r fur thn CJ~RTWJC,\TC CW ENOOI~POlt.\l'II)S' Of'

~~ . . to purdlase c nC'quirc mMt h•1n· ..... ., .. ,,., nny nf th"" 1,urp'lllf'H llr tlrl' )\'111'1'~ QAI{;; r.mm.~. ('O~:lO~H>ATI.'fl . . 8494) 1t is to bo form· 'dise hi:nk and c!Jiiri\11, copytightii, mcnt :my of tlu~ ohjc"tH or tlw fn (JNcon:rORATlm > ·

tn11.nll!ll'tipbl trndJ~Ilmrks, . trndNltlml'lf, tUli.'O nr nnv t•f tho Jlfl\\t•rfl llflrf'illhl'rore T"" !IJr prlvJI·~ o! orpnl•~tlfl11 nf.chiuor,lor• · with the endO:raomenta tberettn ali &llffift

~ppear11 on 1lle and oC reeord in' the' office 1 · • hranris ]fl.lM>la patrnts; enveqts 1111!1 Jl:llent fii'L (()rth, ~ith,·r nlonP or llt<!mrinff•d with Mlon 1500.

To purcbll!e, take on Jcas\.'1 or other- rb;htslicen~l',grtlhti, nnd~once.,•iolllt n11d (ltlter cnrporntilln'l, firrnR •·r iwlivi1tut\ttt1 ttnt.lrr fl•dlm• 1110 Chapter 62. Tal'"• f!f' l!ltn • oC the State Co•poratien Commi111ion

In T~~etirnony W~ereof, the St&tc Corp· oration Commlulon of the Stato or New ltexicb h:ua rauttd &bia c:erUfloat~ to bt'< aiJned by ita Chairman and the Et'al of Mid· Commt.loo~ to ha affixed u tb& City ot Santa. Fu OQ tbiJ lGtb. Uay or May,

wi60, ac'.}Uire, hold, any mine~~, mining . intl!rtst ln rea.lorpcr~onal proP!'rty n~d alii I to do Ul'Y otht>r art or t\"'"· t itillg~S ar tAoSr• Afl.\li1nE.:~. Dt.U l,aitl tl) State Tro.~.~ur•r l>•• rigbtl', !lQd mctalliferou~ land and latit1 own, hold. me, !rase ar otherwa~ dt~· • · l!l t 1 t .. eontlli!ling tleprslb or ores, tnincral~t, (liJf pm;tl or the $!lint'; tr• CiT')(lrato tllltl WOl'k thUlft'· 11\C t•n a tlr IIJ'!'Ilrltiii\Ut. Ill, l(lr STATE OP Nf!W YOltlt.

1 •. t es l d y •• t r • i . -~· ·' I i r "1'0\\UIJ! nut nr. ttr c mttt'rll'll Wit l t ,~ O"'lr• o! "'""f"lkrv ,., .. ,lilt, "il•tl .. M ..... . or vo .... ue euo~ llDC , Ill 1m •• c es.. mint'!! or m nm~ Jlrupt>ttll'll nnu e a 11111 o .. ll • • '""' · "'~" " " " ' "' ' ~ ......... . b i .r l"" .. lo ··•o k t'"' r 'uc t.• d . I t t ' aforC'FI\i( lllHilPAA Cl~'.Jlii\\"N'I nr JIIIY lll\h eorded Z.'cbruarv 21, ltiiO. t ere o, anu u -.:xp re, .. r , ... e Cb • every .... m w wtsnc.wl'r: to (>lC rttt! ,rorn or tl!trlll lhl'fro.r. 11r1•vidrtl tlw tl:tmr• t11, JJOt ,

develope, And tum tq acco\m~ ,the- &:J.mo. flroperties sucl! gold. siivcr. tun~t.'itcm inNlll~<it~lent w1th ·tllo 1iiW nndtor which FRANQIB M. nuuo and ttl bold or_ ditpolMl of tl1o t~:une, copper, !.'onl, ~inc. iron nnd trrodurfll this (:()rpor:~tion j!ll'lrt•onl~tc<l. . &r~taq of Sta,e.

!t., D J9UI. (St'al)

and by product!! thtreor. l)lld otbPr (}IPS XXIV • , • No. 8103 l~oJ")iJta; cur: neo\1: Jl. s. GROVES To<erush • win, ,;et, ~ua~.ry. a>melt, .~al or mine~la ttS th(1y mav ronlain; to con· The forrj!OhiJI.' C'nuuwr.ttlou 11 r ~t'':f'lflC Vol. 6 P·~ ma Cnlllied Copy or

Chairman cine, refine-, dreM, •ma ~ama.:e. mampll· centrale, reduce und refine O~!l ONtliru•ralll J)O\\'l1r» llht\11 nnt bn dt·•mp1J hl lumt or Cer&ifileate or lneolllornhon of White Oakn h&te, eooveu, and prepare lor matkl't, ore, 110 extractl'd; to lmtld own, purciHt!!t!, m;tri\'t in. llfiV m:mnor thP uen••rnl !"'well' ~llnr11; Cnnt~nlidJuctl ClncorJWrlltfli)

EDWlN J". COARD metal, mineral •ubittunces oils, ll'nd vola· !ease. or otberwi£c ne<tllire, stamp cuil1s. oC tbl'> eorn~Jratiftn nnd tlw rnjnymf'rtt IIU,Jm IN <ll"lllC~} OP ~ rATJ~ C'OU.POUA ' ('lerk. tile J!Ubntruu:e!J ()r All kinde, l'n•J lo . $me:tinK rurmtct's; reduetion works. CliiJ~ nntJ (•lCPrPiK«• thonnt 'l~t ''c•tJfPrr~d h-. tbc nos ul? Nmv ~m .. xmo. llay Iii, tDltl: lU'

(t R Stamp) on any Qther melallurgicul f'.t'ntratinlt Jllnnts, mining~ will.iu~ and · hl\·a uf lbG State of Nrw 'intl>. ltJl·'~ !'tlr .. · a. m, •. ,• • which mny IM.'em· conducive to·amy ameltiug ~chinery null totllfi and mater- poration!J mganizcd um.lfrthe pro\'iblllll•

HOWl~ 1:'. l 'OA.Jt: 1 TO THJt) STATEOORPORA'riOY coy .. compt.u)"• obje<:L!J.lll . ialH euitabll' for or OJlP.Iil'ub!t• to nny IIUCh Qf tho Bnsin~~ Comoration~ l...nW' . :allSSION OF NEW ldEXtGO: STATE ptll'})()Sf'S,1UIU to dt,al iu &he SAtnc. XXV •

' OF NEW MEXtOO: . ATt) btuy, telll.tnlanut,•~nt~re. •, ndldc:~.t in , XU lt itt Lblt intt,nUon thnt -ra<'h • 1tC t!lc RICHARD WIIITMAN. Prgidllnl. and miOet'& s. pan '. JDiie il .,fY, mp enwtib, To lmr nnd Sf!ll, tlt'al in. mcport or vn· ohj(!ets, Jl\ll'p(IS{'l! ~lid (lOWN!t opi!C'IfiCCll!)

0. ANIIOF, Secretary, being duly sv.·orn, conv•mirnet'll. provil!ic>n!l, nnd tltmgs }mrt ores. mir.em!l4, oileJ ami Vllhttil" suu· all llu~ JI!Uilf,;rapha af tll., AN'Ontl suhdt~ upon their oath• stated ~bat tbet made capable of bein& u.ell in C':Ono~ctlon wllb stnnces; Cf1rr.l, coke unci wcwtl a11c.l ~imiiAr vio;iuti of t1il• certifl<'ntu1H'.III bo ugtutled h• ffid it 1 th 1'\IWUio t 1 • met:I.I1Uf3ical operation•. or required by ~ombU!•tihte matf'rinl, nml to nrt. nn ngent. M indept'ndrnt ol;jcct!l, purpotPH and

t II a I lV Or e pur •. u~u O C!Omp VtDJ( WOrkmen &Ud Olber8 trupJoyed bj' tim uf RIIY individual (Jf irl!JiVIUtttlfS, UlitUrat nl)l\'(!ts, nnd J1e in no. fllfltlll(>f or tu •nv •with Scdlo-rr ·l0

2 ·Chapter 70• lawa- or ci:lmpan:V~ · · · or tniifkhl .. in buvinrt, ""lllt.g or dl'aUng c~'xtn"'t limllf'd or r0«ln:otrd by l'('fcrenro to

1915 of New Mexico: • lV tor tll"ln t'" •IJ"h t"'n"f"tJn,·•.., tt-~, "'7 "'''fJ~'~"'& "'• f d , . ld d 6~ Tocoustrud.e•rryout, tJ\tlintnin, im~. 1 "b ..... ' rt"''dl" .... l;"~'.". 1 ... Ul':inferetm'flromtheitrtnWtl nny·n ltr l'bat they are Pfflli cnt, an occretary htOY" man•we work control •nd •u•~r- Jn t •c usmus o ••so mg. mymsr. ~c n1g clau~ o( tlii!i ot .1lny other J):lra&r:ttJ1l t•on·

tHpectivelY of WH11'E OAKS MlNFS r • ~ • • ' ,.... and dealing in and witb coal for tlletn or tained in tbi!l certilir{lttl. CONSOLtbATED. JNCORPORA.'l'ED, a tntend •ny ro:td!t. way!l, tratnwlly~. rail• tbl'il' ttrcount Al.id for ttu, purpfil'(l (,r sud1 · III corporation duty lnc.orf>otated under the waxli tcltgrapb and lfltephont! Jiu~, buiiil£M, b cwn 01 N!Ut tJr mhl!rwisn ma 'fill'! amot•nt ur th11"'taj1IHl~ lit•Rk t:~ taws of the :fhaw-of N'ew Yortc 00 the bri(J.gH, reee;?~l'l, ~~~!eou~s, ~que- ot occupy st\lt~houtes,'1ockll pier'J. b!Jats $1,000.000. ~-.;n•.v~fi ..... d•..,. or ~-brua"'-'. 1016, aaid duet•. COil Ut • VJa 'lu,cts, p~pe inl'B, and bu~es •.n ouyrt('!ll t!t!'dte,, JJ~N:~ry . IV ... ._ .... ., II!J~ ., "'"" ·.r. . -arvtt, futntrii, !:I& Willi s. ttl.kilunrr worb to •lao carr'-'IIW on 0 t ~~ fl:ll u\lPJIIes:s • ..;...r~'ratio-fi to be-o(perl petual duraUon. .. • n .. ~ J ., Th •·~ f "1 -..C\1 ••·1 1•1,1t tlt"" ... ,,,, .. w ,.~ II hydraulic work~. cl~tl1t'al 't"ork!JI factories . Xllt e llUmucr {) "l.ll•"" I n • "'u ~

'l'hat the authorixed caJ4ital etoclc of warcbou!tetl,ahtPf! tnd ~ther Wt'Jrb nnd To gl'llcrnt!!, u~, lr:o.e>r or vl'll, e:rctric, tal sL<>ck slmll1.'onsist 111 '!?Oo.ror~or tltn p:tr *-td ti " o •tt• d Jt convenien~. w~iclt ~f!'•:1 be tl~ce!WIU.':J.. steAm nnd wntt'r powt>r. in ·tim • t Cnited b"'ltl" or $5.(]0 ;....r 1111are on d. the :uuoU!\t ..., corpora on 11 ne 1 ton ° at8 directly or mdiret'tly.In conncrbon WJth or el~wlmr~. \\'bully ouhtdc tlte .-u " , ... /:0~·000 .OO) aR_ .oC ~ whleb baa ~~~ intidental or convenient lor any .or the -or New Y-ork. or capital with whic.'r the ~?~r:ttlon~ 8hnU bt-

---~~~-~~-nt~~~-·--~-·- Qbj~taoftbeoornpanytttndtol'ontribttte .•... ~~V _ -~.-~--~--- !!i~b_uri~t·.~~:>Q_.v" __ ····'-------• .d t• to: ~ubaid11e, or otberwi~te aid- or tnke <'ltty on thl' bu!'ittr~" or ltotel, It• prineipleetnet I• to belornt•d at t.OO Hrth That the bu.~e.s 11&1. roi'por~ toll lJUr• patt in uy ~ncb operatiov for th• pri~ lsouso atltl ihnket>per, rl'atnt;raoL ~

to ~Utllie Uftdt!f' ttl chatter 1D .lbe Vale ptJ.rpO~ or tbi! Cflrporation and or li\•t- stable nnd Avenue: ln the. lloto!Jo:h ef :Ka.nha.tflm (•it.v. ot New Ji6xtro. u t~ no~ for fu}l!ic Co~_!_)' a11d State Nt~w York.


-•·· ~ ~ ~'11C..,_!-~ .. ~-. ·~"-~.rt-. r-.. ""'--"

. . t ~

·-"' .4

I . - -----·--- -- .. ; --?·· ....

.. . ,. .•

'- Clrrlc.





~ 1



Page 6: Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · o! bt'< the a .... •. t •• t nm~ -~· • t ,~ '""'


·.·f._ .. -.-... ·. ·- '' .

",. J. .

~ ' . ' ' '

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. ~'· ~ I ·• ~

r ;·.

THE OUtLOOK< '· TH£N: AND No>w " ... S · ... ·. ····· · .. · · .. ·~-Y~•·t Ill<' w,.r (1rdeJi. were o(;m:. ~-j' .... -

.T TUOd.O.·L.t18'fl1tl.. •"' illt:dn.-maU)6tl3 w'a few COittrt•Ulli ..

,J•:t:tere>.d llff f1Ct~on;a~cln.6r< ~ntter J;.;uary .war rirdcmf ll.AYU made 5U.Ch tlcbiUH!e · i, t,HJ.Ift ~.h,.nrmt.,.tfir~>ntlfnrrlMY.o,New lrl h.u'hw~~ condifilitlE!' T~il! i~.the

\!1\Xtr.o, lliJtler the Mf, nf llltlrch :s. 1879 WIJY the' Pt1S" diepnteh t!>l(f' fbe-•' ' •• .. • • llo .i

· $Wl'V' · · · '' "'" ~>rt!lliPH· forme cllltJ! \\ctlru':IW/J.f • ' · · : ll Nl!w.-mrt.T;fllll.'lO~•'l'IIUr•tfay tJi.flt; "1

.. W!lf. ordl'l~. artf ~~t~,fidy :.~~"~~~~~:~:,c;~t~.'V"t~~ . . 11 ... · . .e.x~elll_ ed- tlrHle_•· quite· aingulllr cir·_. . • .,. ,..,·nr llllll\1: ra,t;:t•n IIPP oaUoat. .. · · · · ~ · _ -··-- cutufltnut:P~. Jn ~·Q!~Untry town of

SVO~CRIJ>TION RATES-. oulS• n.ff:'W buudrPtl iuluibitnn.rs· is-h . ,.,, n \i<. ,., A·'•"''"" • • .,.~o tnfwhiu(l t-hor (practicn:ly !he o'nlv ..... MoYIII'l. '" A.l.,w.. • • • • 1~ h'v"l i t.dusr ry tlJ,Mf from fllrtning-)

· onJc'E PlloNr:: NUMm.m 24 empl11yiug ordinarily tPJl cir tw(!I've


. ..


;f"""'' ..

. . .. • • • • ~ If • ¥ f # • ' '


You will nof attempt: to make y.our· Jing~rie t~is giunrlt~~~-Wh~~ t6~--~;~·tli;~ii~e~~ss ~f ·.thes~· .. -~~Do~e

• ' ' "' ' • fl_,_ ...

·s~and'' I un_der garments~· . ·· : ·. ·.. .. . . " · . , .. ~ ·. Thjs. ''DQ .. ~e'' -l·b~t: o~ u~dermuslins: m~~n:s: ·.

.. . ' ' . . -.l • • • ' ' • ' ' ',, ·l: ·. ·. -~:a:t.esrS-[yles · --~~-· --··· · ··- · ·=·- · · · ................ ···-· .,.· ....... ·-·· : ... · .. ,

· ·2. · Accurate Fit ,. · .

'' .

Highgra·de Materials. mNt fH:d cnnstruet m~c:hin.e:t for

~--=·;--·~"'~-"'-~-- -· --··-f'i"Rirt1JW::-ft::JN~L:II<Jtlrt--·+-;;;-;;-:T,':"'~~~r.-+.~;~~..::.:.:::.;,~:.::..-:.-;rl-G~h---~_:,__,_~~-~.A-~~"-""'~:~ ., ~work~~Ushir-~,~c-· __ ..; __ ~~---~:·-~--~ .. ..: ... ~-":..-~~~-

• !


l :1 - ---·---..,.._-'

Uuri!'lt ll•o rorulnl( <'(lmpai!Cn .· th!' •Ht•k 1\ Ill l'flrry flw hUfflf•'l ur nfl'l•ttrJIJi

vnU•I'K thrnu~th th1•111' r .. IIJIIIHK 1'1rifl will 1f!f•t· .. :lilnfl• tlw U>r> nf 1111r r>nlutnnfl fnr ""•·mlJ•r"'''"w ruul11t r.ur n·~ulnr rule ltr ull~\\urJh uil tlmt i11 u~k•"' fur thtlt'.f!rvicc Alti.•h 111 llli ful'nw11: Fur 11 . UBPU fn t•ut shrs nel B c Ah

----- ·~-~---~-- Mr. Wih!On l\'fiiJIB

·FOR SHERIFF hurry up and adjourn (Je neglect" rlu• Outlnok iu uuflmrit.cd t() 1wnount'e eel to tllill Gongreea in l:"trfl BE'H9ion

•ht· uonrr ,f Jc,lan n Unird t111 a cnndl·llu'lt i'lltnmer even thowgh he knew fal•• for alu•rifi of 1 inroln ('otmty flUb·~ the "world ,;Btl Oil firp·,, beCBuse lJO l~ct tu ~ho nt•.tlnn of the ll'«>mocratir, W811ll'rl I he center of the SIUJ!C fnr .•.;nunty Cunv('uttoa~. · 1 huusclf. Now h~ has 1 o divide the, • ·~-~" ~-·=--==- -- tatleutiun itfthe- country w.itJl non·

FOR SHERIFF 1 grells ~nd he dof'~n't r~lish it. Ho\~ Tlw outlorll In nullwriz 1 t • ever, Cou,;res1 wtll lldjourn when at

. . oc o nnnounco "ettt I ('tttlv •tac• ntuno "' (' \\'alltl'r (lydc 011 a C'&nlli• '• __ • ____ _

Jot I' fur 1-hm irT h{ Lilll'o:n et~~uuty ttliL·I ;rrt to the nction c,{ 1hc lli'IIJOttiHic I i'arty. • I


• lapnn \\'tJ8 iuvi tttl tn h~,Jm pnrt 1

in a he J'a,k t'cnriurJJk r .. ur~r"•ic~ rPprettt•n tti ws

tJrUl Hr ir uiu. l1'ruuco, Rusyi" ant! ln•ly. 'l'he11" OlJIIIIf d• e nro fully lib\'!! tu tho nt>C~atttU.y tm· uadjust•

____________ __._ ,"t·---- .


. , . ..

In this· d~partment. can show


Night Gowns Underskirts

· Princess Slips . Chemise

Combinations Corset Covers .

J?~rawe~a Envelope Chemise

we are also showing a line of chil-. . I •

dren's well made m~slin underwear. .. ... ..

Utellll! ur their lrtsdc (JUhllil'~t h ia ,. 1U In~' rwred thttt rlw UnHetl Srutes o::-":'7'---::_.::;;-:~--~'-·-~-.-~~---:-:': .. ~-o~~-e~ ... -=-=~-~--~--~~.=~g-=-=- ·--;.;;;.;:=====. ========7=======================:;:::======= ~~~tt iwt uavimtl to t~end a'r!\prfsent· +)- """.r.'-J..,.J....i. ....... . . . . ... • "· ·-r~. ~.t.:L$ ~~-•. !Ill_· .. •. !HIE. ._ • .. •.· •10:_~ ~uivu tu thttH•onre'wr,cth althoug·h iL .. *.,...?T.++·•·-t-·'.t*'t'-*'*'~~'**~~ .. :.'.~~·+''1:-..,.~ 4+ l'i _hi~tbi,Y8 r,rot~!lhle 'h''' c.be proJ~r!!es : JOHN E. . BELL . WM. M. BARN~T.T

~--::I:::::!~.:~~~~u:~:~:~:i,j~~::~;tl7:~:~o!~~:niJ~7u~·::r!~~;;~:~'~·~~:~;*ii*F~~;:;;;:-s::;;;~ .•.. ;;;;::hi~-P~~gte~·-~·a~·----UJn~dl1~!lY=F~-~~t~nl-~J·y~·=·J-c~····~lDri·oc~--~e~~j=ie=· ··=s_:=;= ___ =:.. .. c:.:c: .. =-·~~~·~ r~=--·--=~:.,·:~-· ~--~~---~---~H~·--'-·;;;;~~~~··:~G~·-2·:~:=~~=~__;__~==n=·~~-· :c~oa~l;::::::::::J Dixie, Avond~le and Joy Freight and General Transfer Busine~

' I

i .



i Eating meat builds up ·~your m~scle, A. j~icy !tea~ w~~~ m~ke you h~stle: ··

> ·--'- ... ,·-··--··---· -- ' -------- ---···-""'

With Muscle afid"liustle ~. ··· THE ·woRLD I& YOURS

.··Carrizozo Meat Market


-''Phone 86 or 91 Located o• :ru P&lil AYe .• f1nt lioor •·outb of Lumber )Wd


You Get The Best H r · , . . e e

'Vegetabl~s~. Fresh and ,Salt Meat$ •. StaP.le .. a~d ·Fancy. Groceries. . ..,


---.· .......... ~; .---~------~ I •


Page 7: Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · o! bt'< the a .... •. t •• t nm~ -~· • t ,~ '""'

.. "


..; --


• - .• ; l' . --, ·~: ••

nerc~rore.· ?-'h" oaip cQrporation i~J ---.l'"'n~py autatolrJaeld JlY tlle·St.,te Corpora•

Jrans4c~ · busine~~s in Mexlco. anct t.ho · pqsi·

be Ill wftdly tf!'naacced, . qo!~polratipnl.'Qrganlzed untie~ ~he. laws


arter ere.

· . (No. 8494) • -with ~he endoranme:nta thorc:on. as linme appeam on file and of remJrd In tllll office of the State Co•pora,ien CommiMion

In 'l'~~&tlmooy Whereof, tbo State Corp· oration ('omm!Eeion of Uut State or Now .Mexico has rauttd thia ecrtificat:J to h~ 11i.rned by its Chairman and the t:eat of 'laid CotrUniMJou, to be .alliXed at. the City ot Santa Fo on 111ia 15!b day of At,_y, .\, D 1916,



Jd. 8. OROVF~ Chairman

EbWlN F. COARD • eierk.

{I. it. Stamp.)

. i - - --- --· --f

...... ~ -· ·--~----~- ___.._._...__....__ ..... -··~--~-~' ""'"'~­

'-<- ·-.~ • -- ~~. __ ,_ • . .......... ••» .... ",__ '-~~ - ··-. - .... -· ........... , •• ,

. ~ "" ,• '•'••-..-<"--,.- ---··~--.---·•"--• .,.,_ - ·o H..--,.,,.,. -~---- --~·--·- o;-,

. . . . z t;:;.:_J;.~)_J.ft+W'4:;"~ .... ";.,; ~-

.. . I }1!1''· ..• ,,

. . . .~

. ~-----· .. ~ ....... --t- - ---~-~ .... --. $ •

. . . .. . -·. _..._, ---···--·-- ··----~-----·- .. ..



·. O.n the lUt.l\ day QJ Februay:y, Ulll}, bciror• lJIIrr · ~ryonaiiY cAme Jam"' B •.. Collin,. to me p~..--~

IY'l~ll!HYU ~nd.'Jltr~n•IIll x.nawA.ta me te ot tbe perl!<m• dell()d~d .in •r!ll who "'"

m·h..,nrii<t·t11i' ... for,<lipr;oettTI!ila~i · ~~orid · pcir!l<iill\ffy'- ··.· duly aoknowl~c()d to me that bo duly ~Kell\lh·•l

XXI 'The dlrect.or~ sllal111ot make nov rJivi·

dcmdl'l exce/>t from the'· f':trninw~· arising

tl1e •am e. . .· - . . · · · - · · ' JOHN F.CLANCSX~ J· Notary- Pul!Ue, New 'l(orlc Coup~~-. N•. iHO

Reti•t(!~·~ No, BlH Ceftlflcate filed iu X:iviP ~tln~Y .

Jl!'&i•tef'• Ra. BOB3 Cutlficah1 filed lr~ Dutch~r1111 C<JIUHY (N Q(atlal Se..l) Commia$lOn Expire!! March ao, lD16 from thCl >U~inr.&s of the

:dirrr.t!~J:I!I1l~J!!-Il Q~ :J.T_a r. l<'orm Sl.i-342 .12 ~10••13• 4300 (2··1244.\J) ': It; iji-&llip l(iof-T'I'(lilJ!;-- ~ - ----· ------ -- -. from stwh enmin~!i the amount .... ,.,.,.,.,

be determiut!d bv .\hem 1\s \\'Orkin~ n rr""rve or fiUr(Jlus fnml

nod rf'qqln•meoutfl tho 11011 l)oof<!l of thP C'llf(lMI\ticin,

or tany ,,f I hem, <'XI'(l!)'>t. fll(• Ktock borJk sbnJI ll~flll tQ the iOS!ll:!l'tii)J\ Of thn_JJ:IC,Cftlllt.Q

Fto<.'ldm'clt•r•, umt no t~toc1\1Jold<'r 11hl\ll ha\·e nfl) r ~ht. to inRpcrt. n1lY hool\11 or l'lunull'f'<l do~ument!l of tbt~ Nuporoti"n N:rrpt ns canr~rriHl hy tho stnhttf' in NflW York, Qf aJHhoriznd by thA Rnnrtl of ()ir~r~oN.

. XXlii

Its dul'!ltlon J!l!iall 1>e pertlcttJ~:>l

---vn 'I1ut llUmber or It• {litecln~ L'f fl} Ito three.

, . . ~·


C: W. TAFT .of St111c.

CJ~R fiFJCtHe <W t~COIL!»OH-\ l't•>"i {)II WJJ{Tf<J Ot\lC:I M!Ntt~, C0~S0811MTio•h

(INCORPORA. TED ) · "" TAX fM llliViltittl o! OfittlhhM(nn-nf lhl• tllflttlr'

1\tinn Ji.OIJ, , 'Pilllr>r R•rUo11 lliO {'hlipr~~:r G2. T~tl'l of 1!1•11

AS MIENDt11 l>iml to :lcr.le Tro.llltH•t ,,,, fort~ liliniC,

I:H'il'l'H <W !WIV YUJU(, om~" 0~ ~Cdrl.!fnt¥ of ritllt•. I ileal l'!toi Hr·

Clll:'tlc!d l~ciJruar,v :!1, l'J l o.· F(cANCIS lf. lrt1GO Secrtlal',y of St•te.

No. 8103 I•'oroi"a: t'#>r. Uco'tl. Vol, B P•1!.1! 31ll Certilltll Cilt•Y or

Ct!rtilllc.uc or Incorpuri\IIO!l ur While Oalm~ 311nu; C'4Jnanlhllltttl (lm:oJJJUrl\lttl !

Flf.J~I• IN (tl•'Ht'E up SrA'fU C'c.>H110Ut. llON ol~ Nl~W S1hXIG,l. ll11.y U, liJlO; !l.t, a.m. ' BDWlN F. t'OA1l!1

Cit• ric



UAIUUZOZO, NEW .M BXH ·~ ~~+"-~-""'= ~x:: -~~"==-"~ -* -.~ "".;-----~ -- ~


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.... &;;c!lj~~*--*'i*'kQG$•.ttllll8*:. ... -- --$CHOOL·"OTES ..

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• .... , .. I

I l':~·, ' : ,• J· ,.,_ r-

The ·'fi: st thing we look when we buy · aqything-· is the name c>f the makers. 'Long· experience in :tbe. hardware business baH t:ujght us wb.o make. ':reliable

_-goodfi.. . ·. . .- ~~- --:-· ....': -· ~ :- -:>; -·:-~-· -~~ .: ·• -. • • · -.

~ . a. eUfitomer . . o.nee you a e(18tomer you . r~n.ulln one. • · · · · . . •

Our firm i11 one tba~ I!U~es goqd on il!i prumi~~~. on its ilale~J arid' in· everything, · . · · ·- · · · . · ·· ·· · ·

N.·B. TAYLOR &'SONS·. i+ -· tiie~ cm~VixcLu•lvE HARowAii sroii'iN-~,,.~OLH cou~tv ____ _ •**JI-~$*':tteltllf11D.~'i'tt:IIQ-...-.I.II.I

il&~aa~~&aaaa181a a ' /




• 9 0

ElftiET~k AHb All'l AHII f'lt·O.IAl'E COURU t ~ ~EW JlEXIC'

.&WOO .JIANNJG£8, ..M..---0. . • PHYSitlAN AND iUilCEOH

In Oarrbozo every 5lb day 'l,hone &4\



No mu.tter how large or ~




·, -~ ,---- BILLlARD.ANDPOOL ___ .


· Carri&oiO; .. • • • • • • NewMe~ico

. .. .


~.;;..;...........,._---~--------.,;.;; Sp&ci~ atteutioll given ()betetrier ~~~~tw:t!~t.ib~* ******'*'*'**•*· _. ... ,... • .ud DiaeiHI· of Childrer:a. + •· •

';. ;~H-· -THE.~-~CARRIZQZO-BAR- ... , I -----·-·- --·--------------- ... : :::-~~~~ ~· ~, r~ -~·--· ·~- .~ .. .

.... .,. ... l,..: l :

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Page 9: Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · o! bt'< the a .... •. t •• t nm~ -~· • t ,~ '""'

'111, 'I o' --. ..

OF JMFQ~1'AN:r lY~liT8 . ~ONQt.;N$etl -~o.R: ·aQtV.

· · · ·· ·· •· .. --~P~QPL.~. ' .... , ·, 7

W~l!t,tli Ne\\'RJ'IJtPer ttnf()l! NQWI !$1)rvtc~~ A.l30UT TH'! 'WAR . · ·

11m11~~!f!neJi.i.-l • ltalfans Qccupy Austrian. positions t:n · .MmneUo ..ll:ln8, ··

Strong attack bY Germans nt V~r· lp.n. put down bY .Ji'Tetlch. ,

l3rUis}l rout -Turts aM. trtbruimcn q.t . ,_ ... ~ .... .-!llllliao._~~~~~~~~~-g~y()tn,.:lllll'd--Mn~etbrni -tn- EtYvt-• -.- ·_

in a Th

their UI.IIY•• Cure: •

atipation, , BiUo~Indiie4tiQn Sick lt~~<lachc' S~ riLL, SMALL 00SE. sMMJ. :PIUCE. ·~--&mufue-must beat Sjgnature ·

~~~~ z::e:::: _ .. _:... ._. -· - ~- -~

He W1mtect to Know. ''1\totllcr, who wna tllo strongest

man?" enid Jobnnfo. · "Why, Samson, I tblnk," said ·biB

mother,. who Wf\S not very certain about- blst«lry, sacr(;d or'"otherwlao.

"Well, ·110w long was he cbamplon ?" . . nskel} .tobnnto, another question which

llfa mother could not nnswer.


.French torees in ll~ll,("ns report ;frogtess tn nd-van.cc ou 1donll,etlr.

b~nla. British W(U"Jhipa and MfOplnnes

b<>mbard. town -of.' Et Ar1ek in Egygt, wlllcb iS l1eld by Turks,

ltalia.ns Corced t() wttbaraw from part or their linea in region of Trent under three days• bombardment.

An A'UBtrla.n nooault. of cxtraordl· nnry violence on the Isonzo front re· su1ted in the capture or· 2;ouo 1nd many guns.

The fourth vcoael ounk tn thO' now . 5Ubmnrlne cnm.vnfsn t~snlnst Perman shJ.pplnc was tbc t~teau1er Tmve. The crow wns landed. •

Three badUita, including Julio ~nr· !lcnaa, t~. Vllllotn lender, were killed In n oldrmluh wlth nn American detack' tnen.t ncar Rubio ranch, twenty tnllen. eaot or Lake Itascatc, Mexico,

F·lve Austrillll attackn on Zega.· tort& rcpulncd ~Y Itallnna with heavy losnes to attacking pa.rty. ItallantJ make gains ln So.rca river Tegton ruul ,.,.,, ... ,,"." trenches near bend or gulf

of Trtcst. -The growing lmvortnncc and sue·

c..css ot tl1o Russian drlve thtOU[)il tl&O Cnu<".nnua In the mo~tt. tmportnJ\t tlcvelopotcnt o.t tlu.J ·war. Pctrogrnd roports twirt vrogress through Kttrdt. a~n townrd the Dngdad railroad nod

r<-~~~~~::~;~t;;:~;::b~P~~~~1tDj;~~~~~-n~-~n·\f€ltoping- mowmcn~ . wWeb-ftlmtl'lv-t"li'tl~ -n ...... ,Jd~>-·tu>/'1~ .. •·•~ a.:-t~i::au'.lCill>!~'~,~~~;·~~r.nru"u~- trap a T~u~Idsb. army or

th11 c'loub1e-etrenrth unacr JUarantco or United Stat~n sotdlero have reocu~Jil ran011e rreckla- J. Deemer. Amedcan ·storekeeper cap·

---~-A -woman Is· always su$plctous ot nnotbtr womnn who llremms better than .bcrsl:!lt.

turetl by M~ltit'lU'I tntd.Orl3 on Glenn Springs nnd }JoQUl}Jas, Tei., i\ntl, AC· cordln!f'to the report ot an army truck driv-er, have Wlled alx nnd cap­ture[} l!!eventy·flve ot . thO bandits. A negro who wna a lJrisonet with DeClllcr also '\Yno rescued. c


aAbtiOio.ovft.oo•·· '('

1.. I


~~lliiiU:;:: None ot the Pll$sengel's Ol' crew of.,

the- · Fl'l:mch co;\Sting stcnmer ~ra were saved when slie was l!unl~ ns a result of a. torpe!lo nttn(llt ln th(! Med· lterranenn on Ml\f to.

4\ustrn.lln wlll .nssll'!t tn an expedition tor the Ernest .B. .. LSlulo~ltruL. ..... ,..,.,.c,,., •• ~ ....... , .. AntnrctJ1.1 ce~plorer, bY aupplylng or· fleers o.itd twentN>Ix JUCl\ who w.m

protection of t11e Austro-Hungal'fan Uect to Duar~zo, .Aib;~onln, according to Paris reports: •

The Spnnlab roreJgu c•fflC'o lms re­ceived a note from tlte Oermnn gov· £>rnment, nclmowlcdglng . thllt tho nteamt!r Sunullx wno tc>tpcdo4>(1 .by !\ German 5ulsuwrlua, thtJ explnnntJoll l.letng gtveu tbnt tl\c commnndor bon· -cetlrbettcved tt · ro tie: n ·wti1"Sblp; ·-

. f•~"5imll~ Signature 'lf -~

Tne t;tN'I'AVn CoMI',\NYJ, NEW '\'ORK.

'Bx•at Cl.-P:r oCWrappcr

of •


Thirty Year$,

CASTORIA Four Auntrlan prisoners or Will'

wore killed nnd f.lrtceu were wound· C!d. o.s a result of.' an outbrcrtk tn the lnternnumt crunps nt Ka.puokaaln~. on tho trnnncontlncntnl railway, olxty mllco wcot of Cochrnoe, according to rcporto which reaebc·d the mtlltln de·

Puts a • .-. n• t mper Stop to all IS e .. CURES ruE SICK

partment nt Ottawa.


And prcvonta oth.,n bn.VIng tho 41secwo no mo.ttor hOW' l'XPOZIPd. t'll CC'II111 ..... •1 a •ottle, fG aad •10 a do.e• 1tott1e11. All cood drugglcts and turt soocls llouocs.

SPOJIN' MEDICAL COot staadlng ol \\'l'itrrn l.('agu~ f'hab•-

Club&- Won. Ltlot. 1'ct • ('•em~ta ••• ~cterlolot;~t•• Go1llea, Ia .. , U. 8. A. Lincoln ••. -: .......... , 14 8 ,636 ----------------------~-----Too Muc:h for Him. Wlel•ltn. • • · • • · · • • • • • • • • :LG n. .G!:a Quite Familiar. 'l'opcltn .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • 1_. 10 .&!13 nco .Mulnen ..••.....••• 12 10 .ti4!; She (thoughUully)-Dld you ever Omaha •......• · · • • · ·•• ltl 12 .4G5 think mucb about relncnrnatlon. dead moux City .... • "" .. • 111 14 ' 417 '18 (oth~rw1se}~Tbtnk about lt? I t;t. JQIHlph , , , , , , , , , , , • ~ 1a ,$1l\ .. Dl'llVnr . . • . . • . • • . • • . • • • ~. Hi .348 eat It nca ly every day-only wo call

Mike Gibbons of St. -llaul outfotJght 1t hanh.-_T_tg_e...;r.~----'l!ell (Kid) Lcwla ql England In a tell· ALLEN'S FOOT·EA8'G FOR '1'110 r_o~-~. bo~tn.rr bout In Now Y.c_>r!~· _ -~-M'"'"' "'1\'IU' ~ntt'l'~~~ft~ · ~~~~

Yale defeated Ht:rvard at Cam· ll'{)ot·Eruso, tho uni.IIMII>""' ,:;, lfridgo, l\1nss., In n dual track meet. the l:'lnatwn

Sbo-C'an you mnnnao a typewriter? lie-not tho one 1 mnrrled.-Monton


Dop~ miolcd. Aslc · ror Red Cro .. D:tg Ulue. 'Mnl:t's ~utlful whU.o <:lothn. At all r;cod groecn, Adv.

1\1&n mny 1Jo Ule iltrongcr, but wom· an'o tongue lo more facllo.

it~~v~;l{o~!!_ J)olntu_ JV(,\o:. __ l)l.le, __ -~q.:J!~~fu-l~~~~]~~~~~~~lt~f:t~~g1J':n~..,~~"~"'"~~~

The New Idea. -Ttio- L~veland Elks· uea~Ir,i.lltl>· ;~AiilJ/t'~+=

mont. Ellto, 11 to 8 ot Loveland, Colo .. Inn the rtrst garoo of the Elks' league, ·whic } also includen Greeley and Fort

"Ian 't joy rtdlng nsnlnot the law?" "Yes, except for model prison con·

Ylcta.'' <!o.lllna club:J. Chinlea McCourt or Ptttoburg won

tlte tbrte-cusbton bllltnrd <'hampton· t.hlp of tho world at Vlttsburg, Pa., by derentln~ Chm;les Etus of C:Wcngo in thn flnnl block of tbo series, the to­tal being luO to 149.

DON'T LOSE YOUR HAIR Prevent It by UaJniJ Cutlcura ISoap and

Ointment. Trial ~rtt.

Champion Freddie W()tob wau It your ~calp Is irritated, Itchlnt and A _man. cmiL't _1.JUdCretand . -".b..:Ll!ill...f.-.71m.._ .. _.B1ll.rl!lruit2~'---J~l1Jlti>~ld~h..illL tln• --1--ll!Lrf-t!d from ft£hUng -l~SC..on:»n. b¥ llll.rnlng,lru1 . .l'9llf btllr dry and falUn!

women don't ~et stuck on him .. • an tncrea~o of wnges to all the ~Jcconotn Boxing Commission ror .out in bandftlls trY tho rouowinK treat·

-. .. . ....

emDio:res or G per cenJ, eflective for rour montlia for keeplns tho crowd moot: wuch l!lpot. or dandruff and waiting thirty mlnutea before appear· ltchirt« with Cutfcura Ointment ~d

·tor 11rs rceenr uU!lt""witu rr.,~~follmr •hampc»'6t---€uticutt.

. .. . .

Lota of men are lenient with them• gelves because or their belief tbllt charity begins at home.


, .

·-~ ,:: '~ .. -. -




Page 10: Decoration wEfB - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · o! bt'< the a .... •. t •• t nm~ -~· • t ,~ '""'

I I I r I


.. -,.,.-


t LOCAL ·AfiD PERSONAL -.. · A. J. twit~d flUfllf )1(\nd•t

_ etpltan on bq•!n~SI :~-~- --Lee~Ir- · ·

-'" ~--;.~ '. I

IJOQl Oecuro. . .· . . · --·~ft .~E- H$r, caw&- -... -I}W-tJ~~'(JUltfGlHfl•'!'Jif-~l...W~~~L-:~t.-.J.(!~.,.~!!ft~ hi"' ranch oa the Nogal Mesa Moo you fe•t ·ncOttnfi[)fl•n>Ie day. · put w~~ into . .- 1'··.tt.•itt YMHft!l•:'1

'For- -.n uvwel · irr•,~u,arit l*-Sheriff Profirio Ohav,.z i• report . b f.berem~dy,., _lt pn~•

ea .. being qult.e aiak -at hft -home- --"iiqrou~-'r"du'Jq •. , IP this city, d by .all, doal~t . -· ~TbeTitn;ortb Comptny of Cap\· ~tOST:-A· Mh;ak s·carf •oout 3

tun have ju•~ received a car l08d weeh ago· betwe~l). ·· tbe Cry•tal · uf Seed Barloy. tbetll1'~ "'od the Cttrrizo~o Eating · \fl11s l)oro~bv )f C'Court. is ber11 H.ouse. Rewatd . .i{ rel~r_ned tu ·

from El Paso t-o ffp~nc) the summer l£.ting H'ou&~ .. .J .

''ith her- aunt, Mre A. J. Rolla tid. · W. H. Sexton ilt here today on

uusinesa frow his ranch neBr Capi tao.

C-LASS I FlED li'ur Sale:-A nuwber of thorough

bred yearling Hereford Uu1l1. · En· quire M. U Forem.a

John Doering is spending a few days with his brother Wllli~t111 ~' For 8-aJe~-Tboroughbred rlym• 1~ Pallo. ou• }j Roe'k eggt, it OOior :15; Ji~n

Wanted :-A 1econd band Wand ··quire Aul!ltin Patty,

;(; ..

.. ...


..~~-.. ';:. '''F-....

,~·;·~~~~ ........... _C.Jfi ~d.~k!rts· .1.1 IJJ I •••1111 ;L, £ ~~

. M00.£JbS,.,LtA1t .. ,,~,·~~ ~BELOW· COST -· . -· -·

. Btlnmtn~r:MO~a~-M.-.,..2 ..l . n.,;;.... t• '. . . I!- . . ·f·· -~ __ . .,.. .. _,; ... '-'fiiC· .. en 1re, ..... ~o:--.o -•·•-Suitt, .Sirirtt ~nd O.ta wiD

. be~ told reaardlell of e,o~at. ·TheMarment• ar~ll'l9l-6 .no dell and- every 'Oil~· a Palmer Garment. -

·-·· " .... . ..... .. l21\lHt~n~J2S.OO Suir.,,Bed.!!C.ed- ro Jl8 .. 95

# $23.50 and $22.~ s~ib"Reduc~ to:$14:9.5

SprinK Coats, and Skirts

New C~ats of ·Gaberdines; Serges, Corduroy and w6ite Ch~n~ chilla_~t_gtj~-~~ belo!V ~6ft.

-- ---...--~----- -----~--- ·- --- . .;

Novelty Skirts, Checks, Plaids . -and Stripes. NeweSt· patterns·

and ~yles that wiU please. Regu.­lar $8.00', now $4.35.

Come in and investigate these wonderful values. ~ . We can save

you some .easy vacation money.


Cal-rizozo· Trading Co. .... . .. - ~

Best __ Aeeomm~tions . ·for A.U the Pe9ele AU ·th:e Tim-:




. _Tab'e stueplted wttb _ ~«: · ~ - .1 ,Best ilie Market Affords_ __ ~ - : _ _________ ......,. ....... _"'"'!t"......, ~ ·- -=- -·.

- ~ . . "' ..

~- ·- ~'--'~-·---·--·---.....:.."-- • . .. ,__""'~~--"•-·-~~ . '•

1. .. " . a

1 - "' • Od>- ... "•Jj, . ,



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