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.,Ji' - Lincoln County, New...

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, , , . ' " " . L . , , , .. l' , ., , ., p . . " , . ,p ... " , , (/ , , , ' On. of the thin,. cu. n.v.r find i.(oa, tim •• 'J , ........ 11 ... , , , .-.- l , I . Weca1'11ltandatd, authorited lportinggooos 'and . S'eU them at only reasonable prices., .. . -. 'I. . . ,': ',J r So wilen you' need '.ny g6Od15; come in and, I lee wQ,at we bave for you.\,' " '.. ",. . ," . We will welcome you in Otlt ,store and treat you lrightwhen you buy us, .. : .. , I For Drug. and DruS Store things I ' COMg TO IT .. j t·' I I I '. , , *. , , .... """""'<11 , . " ' 2 ,i. $ - - - _r _. .Ai. ; " , -: t, .... ,4' •••• , , , , 1\1 EK0 RI A.r.. D'A Y give. us. .. , :' ·.n opportunity to· paule, in the' , fQutiIle a«ait. of Qur dai1yJiv,e,$ and '''"t.member .. sacrific. of' ..., ' '. , ' .. thOle,' who· gave their' nves tor that J . I. whiob they believed to ' .. , .: .1. , ·We l'ev.reDot only the ll1eniory of ,,!., tnAl')hood of· th.'SiXtie$; .; 'f b1;tt .. that of·our in . i contJ.iet; a-V& all . for the prin-,' ! "i ,! ' clplet «naill. ", . !' t j 'fti, 1tu1lt,.,lf)ft lilli/Ai oJ.Hd ., 'dillY', Doy in lao,..,. _, .. ' .,Ji'" d,"d. , . ' . ' . , " . -,' ..... .First'National, BanJ{ . OAHltft«nO. N. M. I . In Honor of Our Heroic: Dead·· :. , , , .. ! ! 1.1 $ ex' :.',. OJ "A . ' . ' 1, , , , ," ,""" , , - .• . , o " . .., ,,, ... . 'lAtUs "Your:, , . , . 'OLDEST AND'I.EADtNG NEWSPAPER,iN CIRCUI.ATIOI)I IN'THE' COUNTY'OF NEW MEXICO ' , , , ',,'. , " , , ' ' ", ,',' ' " - ,-. .'. "",_c" , "" ,; ...'" , ; ,. , ....:; " :;, ::::= : ....."""""., •• ,;,,; ... _ '". ,-<'- ,,,;, ... ,_.<',,>, " ,"<' ,;;";. w,,,.,._' , , , . , , " , · , ' · , " , , . '. I ..,A.. .... ".'.+"'_' •.'u __ ""_.' . 'p',_, ,. . '. ". ..,. . .. ' ': VOLUME '3 '" . "," " " MAY :::5> 1923 " , " NTJMBER 21 "j;", ,'" ',' :: :" z":,, ",;.,: ::. :,,,,;: ,',' ,: ,,; ; ",;- ;,;, q,""'" •• ", ". , " '.=. ,,: , "A:,.. "."_,, :.,;",:".. " ', .• ,=.:"" .... " ,'., ,p,,. ,.,==_",..",. ¥,t,,, " .. ' C OUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PnOQ2EDINGS truc:k$I000.· !. " AnlwC,1,slAltCaIl How to towncmtbeuottb. .. •• .O' •••• , 'O" ' ••••• O'. .' " ... '. . .' R. A. C .. ey r_l,ed 100 beaa - _ ,t Jl!!e tbepurPQ:lCl of tb- Io<:als to '." '. •- 'V . '. " , ,O' iOata 'James H. R.cflelle. wf'o . E"ru·an. eas!ly be. ,prc$crvedbuCl .. iSlrQ1lg.line up to forestall Boud (;f .. tlon: Met;Robert A?lmS, do:o .1970 Portirio fii.l:'d 200 cle't1ta U v l>bot blmSt'1f. two mQutha the home for" flt!flnd of fr.ol%J, lDy '. May". 1923. 90 clock a. m. . loan Bullloll do?:53 65 bead sbeepll,O()Q. a(o. lluccumbed jlllt Saturday at etght tQ tuolltb." accor4n:J,f The Sunday following a atn Rob!. H. Cbatt- Corona Tfad. Co ... 1285 LUlario railed, aoo tke home of bi$ hrother. at Ar- to .. bldllt!iu &ent. out by tbe frOUl M'Olll1t.iQair, an (I rival. mal; Brack Sloal1 C. Dow. W. R. Reid. t n:, 5 bead sheep 51,008. tea fa. After here for New Cot. Wd be bel". and the Sun ayafter .. .. ... !or .... ,,11 5 his improved ltgt'o Uua cau be doge at tbat the Willard team ils coming. ", E. W. Hulbert. Deputy ASllei50r; TJUIP Romero. 0 l:JS. •••• 825 "oats $100. . for II •• It was tbd aXl oXlly .. a vtf4 will, therefore. bue a whole E. W. Huris. Slieriff; N. 8, So 00 Heirs of Louis-e be wOllld recover; but tl wa .. not (IOleD, It offers an t>tfectlve ltJeanl aeri •• Qf games OD tbo bome R, M .. Treat. Clerk. .' repaIr 00. t M'!l\ll.'d real eltde $1.000 to be: the wound became inft.'cted Qf ipsltriugau ample: of diamead' ' ," The foUowusg bl • ex&.mlQPlh , . .. d f h a - t'l.' -.,IIS t .... r bous"ho},t dur:u u .. The valuation of gra"'lIJg land ,. 1) _' n adJourns tlU tomorrow au a ter mite ltuuentJg !-'I "'.", ." .. '" , 0 .. , al$ ma4(} by the ia hereby palel Iuterelt on ", 'Il:wfuiaa- at 9 o'clock a. J!I1, ,.ouar .. au. p3Jilsed to ftat. tbe: montb, wlll:p prodijc- "" approved by the IX>atd. . poSJt &' f" t,: ', I Boud wet n.·wa. bllrJed at t'i&tlldal hou,drop$ and pncf:!1 .. a nde .' For wutiimdl reJg ... t, It . 'tb Mt" 0- are high ' The folloWJOK rfltleli al1d reduc- ' $HS 18' Ilteut· all present as of yesterday. a 11'1 SOniC c('rem, tiolo'ls were made, to-wit: charlites • '" '.. niel. A deJrgatiol1 of ,Masous Botll the U1UU .uJd watu glass Joues Pengio,gtot1 railed" HS Board now as BOll!d Y. B, Hutcbtaoo r .... ed 20 beld, and Oddf,1!ow, 1'i'ent from Cllf- of haVe. ttl V hie $3 610 of ContI CommissIOner" and lWs caWe. amount $360: H ri_o%l}. Mr. RQ5eUe bavinu been a IflvcU verI'goQ(lntlfsaetton, bllt U Jo:'.s a raised 93 as Board of Equidiz.t.tioll. L. B. Purcell. ra!,ed bl'd 'lUllIll!('r Qf botb Jocal lodges. wben avaIlable. tbe w.. gl ... <) b C $930 . the asse,smeat of amolmt ",(150, The dc.'''eased was.. native of a6Uuion ill In be preferred, Water "P;uuingtoD raised 8 the Ancbo Brick COmp,.ul, tIte b Br;os n;ts;:,: loOOOtMinouri and wu about twenty- ,li6s, also knowu as'looium 15m.: S200 board bereby wdera Ulat same ea IQat •• amouu! 2'iCigbt'YUrS old .t tbe time of his edt, ClUJ b'\ purchased at most m raised 40 bsad at aUlllled bl A,s,s$Or. . H. railed 40, c1utb" He came to C'arrizoxo dmg stem's and uscd to preserve of """' .... ttl ... $720 .. I Board staods adjulIrrt'd until cll!'e -:!1if's· . A I\N\ wbln he attaide4 maj orit ". eggs as foiJowlt: ....... " , A, f:. aIHllle,. 1.Y\I\oli - d' 1. f t I T J Straley reduced on real» 9 m. tomorrow. is d '>.. $ 000 . aall wben tbls country cntere .ulX Otl(! quar. (l er g ass $SQO. Bo"rtllblilt putlillant to <t'ijQUrn- "ea loatl, 7' " . the "'ur1d War J!mmi4.' waS OtIC with lillIe or tft) "quluts of water R 0 K ing-tou \(ment' all present as ofye.terd.y. '!d$Qu ra.sed 350 bed of tbe first to taltst. amI was as- ill'll h.-a b:lcU bOiled and cooled , " , ", , eep ",I ,S.,. . .. b 11' ... Th' I 11 " •b m' • head of cattle a\1d 135 bead of i Brack Sloan, til it ...' SO to t e. fh'fVICr-. on. 8 tloU I• urnls 811 Cleot 80- b 'e . $791 .'..! . 1'be l'ollowh:Ji r.i8es and nduc·' Ifault no rallied 5 pert.oll of trltJumg' nf Kellc1 JUllOn to,prc!lerve doxen 8 eP '. d"·r s as a board i tions were made by tbe Board; goul SlD AntoMo, fitted him eggs The eggll be BO;Jrd aits as a ft Mrs. \V, J. McAdamll reduced . PIU. & FaIr ralsell 100 'head for active aervicl' and his corn" pll(,l.'d in, tbe Cqnlajner. wbiii b of C . sioaers ;on botel buUdinr. valued $500. cl!tUe, amount $1..'101. M1tnd ",.? Itmt to li'rautc and sbould pr, rrr"blv be l\ large jar Board of .o,maus ; Refus:io Romero raittd J$bead Board, .taud. wuattll,'!!J.ed tlie LA l"ayc'tte or i:mck. lPIl the 14oluti(1I1 l)Oured It takes time to build up Joar "the bld. '?r feUl:lUg: hQrsu t 10 head cattle $330. Tuesday. Na,lS !aeuadriUe No ,oMi"'r in tbat ,over tlwm, or lhe ('uDtainer may b.mk accounl to where it will the !oild between <Mifuel Rotnero railed ... bead Board met ,nat conflict held _ beUeuecord b4.' I>art,i,dh filltt(1 WIth the liqUid it will insure 'you 11 prosper' 0"k5 as advertised ; caure SSl). '. ltIet:Jt. a.t 10 0 crcwk a. m. of len ice than Roselle. /lnd tbe trl.'llb bt', added:1S o,us future. ltlg' ,to law. th.e board havIng Juan J. R. 15 beaa prfHlths, of . Returtling hI.' tltl'\' Me hnd:' At It'lUlt two an- hvcr! mlDute, you }n cO.J1lldered ,,11 btds ti.n dl tbat the horscs SI5(). ". , Leopoldo Pacbeco .ratled 011 tbe e!UpIQ' of 2t\;'gJer Bros. c:hl'S of solut1Oo should covet Ibe '5tRrtltlg an ''1 ("!ItIDg J)id ot Raskl.us was tbe I pang.teu raieed IS J'erae1 mercb.ndln•• . wllom b. Wl$ engaged at tll, ¥, 'eg'I., A you money: !o!ea.t btd, lame $8H'. .$Ot ':OW& $375., ' Leo. ,Pacbeco ... tkd 1,000 btad tiaic the ill-fated abot, wbich ul.' When u<>ing Hrnt' method. J'lnd ev.ry dollar lHhlt'd to It ", tberefQre, b1 S. fl. Torrtl sa. bead abeep $10.()()(). '. thna.tety deMb. Wll\l Or .turcll' pounds of your account now m\!loIntllbllt u tpat tbe satd F .. dwIl'd 11.. 'cows, 25 bead. boraet-JU86. ' f•• a. P,chtc/) raised 3ft ht'd ftrec1. lie II surVived bv II r.tber ked IU five !tllll,ODS of more interest llddl!d to klns l;0ntract Manuel Zamora railed 25 bead . ' and brolltl'r, botb at Arle'iill., and water tbat bas been boiled and your original amoltat. . buildIng 5&1<1 fJ:nce as '?Oil all be clUle, 10 bead boraea $SSt). , E S. Corn "'llleS5l!d 100 bead at wllole borite b. died.. coolell. Alia!" tbt\ undis!IOlyed l gpod aad luffi"••• B,atd a.aud. adjourund u.til cattl. '1.IIllO !t.w yuu •• m •• b ... Iiv.d I. Iimd to ,.ff , Yo••••••, .fford ,. 11:\ tbe liluount of sauS 9 o'clock tomorrow.. ', . Ftrst Slate aaak. qapttan. C!lfftliOIO' wltu Wi:'re tTtcdcar nqullf ani( use the aame If" uy Int: _.:d "•. ool1d 10. Board Alet tiuiaiuLut to a'djourn- ralsed 50 llead c"ttle $'900. , kigbly as Jimwie Rost'lle and hi .. all Wllt.r Jour dollan. working fOf you. of . adl pres,nt as of '''lndIlY. .. No b.. linus fri.ttda wt're lnailed tbe WillI eithtt loluUon,plac:e 'lbe Uecaul;c Tht fQUowlDggeueral eounly Joha MaCk'" taiaed t$ It.d board adJillult. ,ubjeet to call. 1:lQundary o[ -l1is IC(llllmtli.pCtl. egg.. ill II cool, well ventllatcd ONE DOLLAl{ bHh, exaiDined, appron4 and or- cattle. Zhead of . Hi. ttntilqcty deUh iSll aOllrc:c o( place anll keep Hgbt to.. . '. Lad/sh1d? S,aJlll 11l{$td 10be.d. DylloMlUlT R.' T""J.Olf. cteepr.gret to .aU 0111" pC,opl,e enporatiQu or. the Bolu. wUJ start yqur 9llVingti ac • ),ft. States Tel. Co.. cattle. 2 work bOrllllt, 3 range A, \testl Db.innan. 'lUong whom he lived 'Q "llfolgbt ttOlt. ., couut. And it drll.w8 (our . Aprilloll$. ;$1050 hOrsel $350. . R. M. 1'11.1\1', Clet1r. life aull wltile sUll' .:. _ per cent (or you a \I " Village of TrujtJIo railied --.:_ .... iu 10"1:18' 'manhood, del,rivca' Base 'Ball _ tbe lllne. waterand tIlalettal, I' head roats $'too.· , '., "!l or II mO!lt ":la("l and .bollora., ' .... '> " Februarr and March •• 4349 Alfredo Gonzalelltai*ed30bead Board of ble citiXtU. ., Our IOi:lll base ball team con- We '4, " per eeat •• Tiate Deposit' Villar•. Carri¥ol!o., .' ttle, , horse '*'415. ' : ,.' Q ""'t:"'" ,.u o :" ,.I p. brave' who tittUCfI (ts vlctoriouq war"h for II .. 1$ 87 l< '" . '. 'TIle OOQIHy Uo" ..r4 of l1ld"ca.: ' .... v . Th E B k' ''\ Apa:,U. •• t' .... . Board "util Vrlda, UOt' flt!ld an tbi. .. . _iule to rest; '. '. 1110st successful lIellKUIt. It took exchange an LlncolJ:l Co. Lt. & 1''''1'. . morning" 9. m' . . f b .. . Id' Bl all tbelr COllbtr IS wIsbes 'in 'thl! spark1 l'''ou Stanton 1/1sit- .. · Co. Aptil cl.itt:! ...... 48 S6 " '.' ." ... taIU:t}' pte -.chao IS" blut.". 'orll lut SUlldllT ou tbe- home CARR\zOIO. N. M• • The' foHowh:\S" biUlexal:!11l1ed. .}loud met pur»u;ult to trlch! qf tlte count, h•• repre- _, .... ' " ' diamOtHI witb it scorl' o( 11 to f' , •.• '.' ellt· aU resent .. , of' . calle.· aentatlves at the welthl II '. '. '. ' ' {una, 1922: 1$. . . mil . ers oeob,' dtolnept _'. .' Cetll U 10 date. " . ,M.xTa,lor.cxpenleto . ' E. P. Gonlll.les rai!led?1 broug,bt·'b1!(orf!; the ,W. to exp!.. a our N PI .. 1 .. V It '. Ito!! for,i d cattle, lltlOUt1l $1296. •.. Whether tbetlc", '«'dl, \'Ie•• p,reclatton to. frIends for' t.bell'. ",' I ext .. UlH a1 t lC n . Hn· truck" •• f' .' •••• , ,$1985 S.. M. Johll$On OP come pnp\llar or tlot. 1t cerhual, .'. 'f "". la ' ..... ... ". h",'';W'." iLl" II. '"S.k ,.L·as Ot1e tt-lng-it .. ou tlurhig ltillolS/lHlllt&!li tbeir bu no fear -9fthe !llug-gers from ., ., .'. , hu "toPled an active lonl inter- fQl:\lfOl'thti" -'Jtlpathy at hi, death .. _."__ .... _'"_._,_"_,"";',._,_., .... --;-,- ' 0$1, and 01 'ta. tbe belllltiful .f\otal of(eriui s . patron tn4 (or aUetHHt1g bilt fl.tn-e ... I. , . SUCC!!". Mr. and &hs. T. E Kat.t.ny. , , ,
Page 1: .,Ji' - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO...L •,,., •.. l',.,,., • • • p •.. • • ",., p ... ",, • •


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On. ofthe thin,. cu. n.v.rfind i.(oa, tim••



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~. . Weca1'11ltandatd, authorited lportinggooos 'and .S'eU them at only reasonable prices., ~ .. .

• • -. 'I. ~ .

. ,': ',J rSo wilen you' need '.ny itble~ie g6Od15; come in and, I

lee wQ,at we bave for you.\,' " '.. ",. . ,". We will welcome you in Otlt ,store and treat you

lrightwhen you buy anythbl~ tr~m us, . . : .. ,I For Drug. and DruS Store thingsI '

COMg TO t1~rOR IT•


j t·'I



, ,-~ *. G$;a;liii.~;i;W!,_,

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1\1 E K 0 RI A.r.. D'A Y give. us... , :'·.n opportunity to· paule, in the', fQutiIle a«ait. of Qur dai1yJiv,e,$ and

'''"t.member..th.-h.oitIn·~.J1d. sacrific. of' . . . ,' '. ,

'.. thOle,' who· gave their' nves tor that J. I .whiob they believed to ~dght\ ' .. , .: .1.

, ·We l'ev.reDot only the ll1eniory of ,,!.,t~yQU,,&' tnAl')hood of· th.'SiXtie$; .; 'fb1;tt .. that of·our "boy.:~who; in th~' . i

~nt contJ.iet; a-V& all .for the prin-,' ! "i,! '

clplet «naill. ", . !' t• • j ~

'fti, 1tu1lt,.,lf)ft lilli/Ai oJ.Hd., 'dillY', M......u.I~ Doy inlao,..,. _, ..' .,Ji'" d,"d.



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.First'National, BanJ{. OAHltft«nO. N. M.


. In Honor ofOur Heroic: Dead·· : .,,




! 1.1 $ ex' :.',. OJ "A




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': VOLUME '3 '" . "," " " .::~~R~J~oi~iJ"mCOLX CQU~Y.i ,~~W,1\(i~X~~?:FIUDAY, MAY :::5> 1923 " , " NTJMBER 21"j;", ,'" ',' :: :" z":,, ",;.,: ::. :,,,,;: ,',' ,: ,,; ; ",;- ;,;, q,""'" ,'~•• ", ". , " '.=. ,,: , "A:,.. "."_,, :.,;",:".. " ', .•,=.:""...." ,'., ,p,,. .'.,''"'~'',,' ,<cc'~m'.N~~.,,'~_~~ "'~',,_ ,.,==_",..",. ¥,t,,, " ~,_'. ",;,_~~.,..".. ' "_.~.~=,=.,,,

COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PnOQ2EDINGS truc:k$I000.· !. • " AnlwC,1,slAltCaIl How to PreRrv~EJP?q~nf'i~?l>Qr towncmtbeuottb... • •• • .O' •••• , 'O" ' ••••• O'. . ' • " ... '. . • . ' R. A. C..ey r_l,ed 100 beaa - _ ,t Jl!!e tbepurPQ:lCl of tb- Io<:als to

• '." '. • - • 'V . '. " , ,O' iOataJ~.' 'James H. R.cflelle. wf'o a~'d" . E"ru·an.eas!ly be. ,prc$crvedbuCl .. iSlrQ1lg.line up to forestallBoud (;f Eq~ah..tlon: Met; Robert A?lmS, do:o .1970 Portirio rreaqu~~ fii.l:'d 200 cle't1taUv l>bot blmSt'1f. two mQutha l~ the home for" flt!flnd of fr.ol%J, lDy eVfllluaJities~ '.

May". 1923. 90 clock a. m. . loan Bullloll do?:53 65 bead sbeepll,O()Q. a(o. lluccumbed jlllt Saturday at etght tQ 1~1'J tuolltb." accor4n:J,f The Sunday following a atnPrese~!;. Rob!. H. T~ylor. Cbatt- Corona Tfad. Co... ~upph~lt 1285 LUlario {<'resque~ railed, aoo tke home of bi$ hrother. at Ar- to .. bldllt!iu &ent. out by tbe frOUl M'Olll1t.iQair, an (I rival.mal; Brack Sloal1 ~.pd.E. C. Dow. W. R. Reid. lte!v~c~ t n:, 5 bead sheep 51,008. teafa. After leavil:J~ here for New M~x.~o '~gflcu1tural Cot. Wd be bel". and the Sun ayafter

.. ~embers. .. ... !or CQml%J,l.~oael .... ,,11 5 PH~dadSi8'.'.a,sessed200bea~ Artfli~ his eo~t1ition improved ltgt'o Sln~e Uua cau be doge at tbat the Willard team ils coming.", E. W. Hulbert. Deputy ASllei50r; TJUIP Romero. 0 l:JS. •••• 825 "oats $100. . for II tltl:lC~••n~ It was ~Qped tbd aXl exp~n8e.,of oXlly .. le~ cent~ a vtf4 will, therefore. bue a whole

E. W. Huris. Slieriff; N. 8, T~'ylor«So 00 Heirs of Louis-e S~ltce .lt~ be wOllld recover; but tl wa.. not (IOleD, It offers an t>tfectlve ltJeanl aeri•• Qf games OD tbo bomeR, M.. Treat. Clerk. .' repaIr 00. truc~sll""" ~6 • t M'!l\ll.'d real eltde $1.000 to be: the wound became inft.'cted Qf ipsltriugau ample: ~ltppl! of diamead'

' ," The foUowusg bl • ex&.mlQPlh , . • .. • d f h a - t'l.' -.,IIS t....r bous"ho},t dur:uu

..The valuation of gra"'lIJg land ,. 1) _ ' nJ.u~ adJourns tlU tomorrow au a ter mite ltuuentJg !-'I "'.", ." .. '" , • ~ 0

.. , al$ ma4(} by the A$!>~ssoria hereby 'Ju~ palel f~om Iuterelt on ", 'Il:wfuiaa- at 9 o'clock a. J!I1, ,.ouar ..au. p3Jilsed to hi~ ftat. tbe: WJ~ter montb, wlll:p prodijc- ""approved by the IX>atd. . poSJt f~nd: &' f " t,: ' , I Boud wet purau~tlUoadJ'ouru n.·wa. bllrJed at ~rteSla t'i&tlldal hou,drop$ and pncf:!1 .. a nde

.' For wutiimdl reJg...t, It . 'tb Mt" 0- are high '• The folloWJOK rfltleli al1d reduc- ' $HS 18' Ilteut· all present as ofyesterday. a ~rl1QOa 11'1 SOniC c('rem, ~.tiolo'ls were made, to-wit: charlites •~ '" '.. niel. A deJrgatiol1 of ,Masous Botll the U1UU .uJd watu glass

Joues Pengio,gtot1 railed" HS Board now adj?u~al as BOll!d Y. B, Hutcbtaoo r....ed 20 beld, and Oddf,1!ow, 1'i'ent from Cllf- ~ethud' of pr#servi~g ell~s haVe.ttl V hie $3 610 • of ContI CommissIOner" and lWs caWe. amount $360: Hri_o%l}. Mr. RQ5eUe bavinu been a IflvcU verI'goQ(lntlfsaetton, bllt

U Jo:'.s a Penningt~n raised 93 as Board of Equidiz.t.tioll. L. B. Purcell. ra!,ed ~a5 bl'd 'lUllIll!('r Qf botb Jocal lodges. wben avaIlable. tbe w..~er gl...<) b C$930 . R~~arding the asse,smeat of ~Itt!e. amolmt ",(150, ~ The dc.'''eased was.. native of a6Uuion ill In be preferred, Water

a;::~ "P;uuingtoD raised 8 the Ancbo Brick COmp,.ul, tIte b JJ~llt.rd: Br;os n;ts;:,: loOOOtMinouri and wu about twenty- ,li6s, also knowu as'looium 15m.:ul~ S200 board bereby wdera Ulat same ea IQat•• amouu! 2'iCigbt'YUrS old .t tbe time of his edt, ClUJ b'\ purchased at most

mli~~ie C~oper raised 40 bsad ~5taod at aUlllled bl A,s,s$Or. . H. ~' Por!~r railed 40, l:t~a4 c1utb" He came to C'arrizoxo dmg stem's and uscd to preserveof """'....ttl... $720 .. I Board staods adjulIrrt'd until cll!'e -:!1if's· . A I\N\ wbln he attaide4 bu~ majorit". eggs as foiJowlt: •

....... • " , A, f:. tQvet~ aIHllle,. 1.Y\I\oli • - d' 1. • • f t IT J Straley reduced on real» 9 ~. m. tomorrow. is d '>.. $ 000 . aall wben tbls country cntere .ulX Otl(! quar. (l ~a er g asseltta~e $SQO. '~ Bo"rtllblilt putlillant to <t'ijQUrn- "ea loatl, 7' " . the "'ur1d War J!mmi4.' waS OtIC with lillIe or tft) "quluts of water

R 0 King-tou raised~horscs \(ment' all present as ofye.terd.y. bPau~C~ '!d$Qu ra.sed 350 bed of tbe first to taltst. amI was as- ill'll h.-a b:lcU bOiled and cooled• • , " , ", , • eep ",I ,S.,. . .. b 11' ... Th' I 11 " • b m'• head of cattle a\1d 135 bead of i e~ec.pt Brack Sloan, l%J,e~ber, til it ...' • • SO 5tK~tl;lo to t e .J'~ug fh'fVICr-. on. !~ 8 tloU I • urnls 811 Cleot 80-

b 'e . $791 .'..! . 1'be l'ollowh:Ji r.i8es and nduc·' Ifault no ~alc.do rallied 5 pert.oll of trltJumg' nf Kellc1 JUllOn to,prc!lerve lW~Dty doxen8 e P '. d"·r s as a board i tions were made by tbe Board; hea~ goul $~jlOO._ ",e~d, SlD AntoMo, fitted him eggs The eggll ca!1~ltber be

BO;Jrd ~ow.,," J0:U~' aits as a ft Mrs. \V, J. McAdamll reduced . PIU. & FaIr ralsell 100 'head for active aervicl' and his corn" pll(,l.'d in, tbe Cqnlajner. wbiiibof Equall~a~IOI1 C . sioaers ;on botel buUdinr. valued $500. cl!tUe, amount $1..'101. M1tnd ",.? Itmt to li'rautc and sbould pr, rrr"blv be l\ large jar

Board of ~oltnty .o,maus • ; Refus:io Romero raittd J$bead Board, .taud. adjOurl!e~:untiJ wuattll,'!!J.ed t~ tlie LA l"ayc'tte or i:mck. lPIl the 14oluti(1I1 l)Oured It takes time to build up JoarR~Kardlng"the bld. '?r feUl:lUg: hQrsu t 10 head cattle $330. Tuesday. Na,lS !aeuadriUe No ,oMi"'r in tbat ,over tlwm, or lhe ('uDtainer may b.mk accounl to where it will

the !oild between Cii~tlZOZO .n~ ~ <Mifuel Rotnero railed ... bead Board met P~l'JUlu2tt().dJolna. ,nat conflict held _ beUeuecord b4.' I>art,i,dh filltt(1 WIth the liqUid it will insure 'you 11 prosper'~blte0"k5 as advertised acc~rd ;caure SSl). '. • ltIet:Jt. a.t 10 0 crcwk a. m. ~1l of lenice than Jlm~11' Roselle. /lnd tbe trl.'llb rgg~ bt', added:1S o,us future.ltlg' ,to law. th.e board havIng ~ Juan J. R. mero:n,ise~ 15 beaa prfHlths, of Sa~urd.y,. . Returtling ho~c. hI.' rCtpte~ed tltl'\' Me hnd:' At It'lUlt two an- hvcr! mlDute, you d~:lav }ncO.J1lldered ,,11 btds ti.n

dltbat the horscs SI5(). ". , Leopoldo Pacbeco .ratled 011 tbe e!UpIQ' of 2t\;'gJer Bros. ~Ilb c:hl'S of solut1Oo should covet Ibe '5tRrtltlg an I~COllnr ''1 ("!ItIDg

J)id ot E?~ard Raskl.us was tbe I ~red pang.teu raieed IS J'erae1 mercb.ndln••1tI0~tlt~,OOO, . wllom b. Wl$ engaged at tll, ¥, 'eg'I., A you money:!o!ea.t btd, lame beln~ $8H'..$Ot ':OW& $375., ' • Leo. ,Pacbeco ...tkd 1,000 btad tiaic the ill-fated abot, wbich ul.' When u<>ing tb~. Hrnt' method. J'lnd ev.ry dollar lHhlt'd toIt ", tberefQre, ?rd~l'e~ b1 tb~ S. fl. Torrtl ~I,ea:s~d sa. bead abeep $10.()()(). '. thna.tety c~"urtcl ,~ill deMb. Wll\l dtlnlOlv~ tw~ Or .turcll' pounds of your account now m\!loIntllbllt

u b?~rd tpat tbe satd F..dwIl'd 11.. 'cows, 25 bead. boraet-JU86. ' f ••a. P,chtc/) raised 3ft ht'd ftrec1. lie II surVived bv II r.tber Utllil:l\~ked Illn~ IU five !tllll,ODS of Illu~b more interest llddl!d toklns ~ aw~r~e4 tb~ l;0ntract o~ Manuel Zamora railed 25 bead cattle~" . ' and brolltl'r, botb at Arle'iill., and water tbat bas been boiled and your original amoltat.

. buildIng 5&1<1 fJ:nce as '?Oil all be clUle, 10 bead boraea $SSt). , E S. Corn "'llleS5l!d 100 bead at wllole borite b. died.. coolell. Alia!" tbt\ undis!IOlyed'rll"~ l gpod aad luffi"••• bn~d B,atd a.aud. adjourund u.til cattl. '1.IIllO • !t.w yuu•• m•• b... Iiv.d I. Iimd to ~ttl.}'.~.' '.~"Pc0.r ,.ff , Yo••••••, .fford ,. ''')b~11:\ tbe liluount of $1~100, sauS 9 o'clock tomorrow.. ' , . Ftrst Slate aaak. qapttan. C!lfftliOIO' wltu Wi:'re mm:~mcttai tTtcdcar nqullf ani( use the aame ~1IY1' If" uy wlU~OUnJa Int:

_.:d "•. ool1d 10. bJu,ppro.~~b}' 1lmBl)a~, Board Alet tiuiaiuLut to a'djourn- ralsed 50 llead c"ttle $'900. , kigbly as Jimwie Rost'lle and hi.. all Wllt.r glllll~. ..~ Jour dollan. working fOf you.of COUl~ty CO~mJ.sloner.. . melJt~ adl pres,nt as of '''lndIlY. .. No furf1l~r b..linus 'Ppelltri~lf. fri.ttda wt're lnailed oltl~ ~). tbe WillI eithtt loluUon,plac:e 'lbe Uecaul;c

Tht fQUowlDggeueral eounly Joha MaCk'" taiaed t$ It.d board adJillult. ,ubjeet to call. 1:lQundary o[ -l1is IC(llllmtli.pCtl. egg.. ill II cool, well ventllatcd ONE DOLLAl{bHh, exaiDined, appron4 and or- cattle. Zhead b\)t"e~,$320.Bolrdof E:qud/~dion, . Hi. ttntilqcty deUh iSll aOllrc:c o( place anll keep ~vered.Hgbt to.. .d~r.edpaid:. '. Lad/sh1d? S,aJlll 11l{$td 10be.d. • DylloMlUlT R.' T""J.Olf. cteepr.gret to .aU 0111" pC,opl,e ~rever.tt enporatiQu or. the Bolu. wUJ start yqur 9llVingti ac•

• ),ft. States Tel. Co.. cattle. 2 work bOrllllt, 3 range A, \testl Db.innan. 'lUong whom he lived 'Q "llfolgbt ttOlt. . , couut. And it drll.w8 (our• . Aprilloll$. ~ ;$1050 hOrsel $350. . ~ R. M. 1'11.1\1', Clet1r. life aull "'hose..deatl~. wltile sUll' _,;,,~• .:. _ per cent inter~8t (or you a \I

" Village of Caa.:rizo~o, "Sonif~cio' TrujtJIo railied ~(l() --.:_.... iu bh~ 10"1:18' 'manhood, del,rivca' Base 'Ball _ tbe lllne.waterand tIlalettal, I' head roats $'too.· , '., "!l or II mO!lt ":la("l and .bollora., '.... '> "

Februarr and March •• 4349 Alfredo Gonzalelltai*ed30bead Board of ad"~tlo... ble citiXtU. . , Our IOi:lll base ball team con- We '4, "per eeat •• Tiate Deposit'Villar•.~f Carri¥ol!o., .' ttle, , horse '*'415. ' : ,.' Q ""'t:"'" ,.uo:" ,.I p. tlu~ brave' who tittUCfI (ts vlctoriouq war"h for II

.. 1$ 87 l< '" . '. 'TIle OOQIHy Uo"..r4 of l1ld"ca.: '.... v . Th E B k'''\ • Apa:,U. ac~o"nt •• t' .... . Board ~djournlJ "util Vrlda, UOt' flt!ld an e~tenaeJh~~,iOl1 tbi. .. . _iule to rest; '. '. 1110st successful lIellKUIt. It took exchange an

LlncolJ:l Co. Lt. & 1''''1'. . morning" 9. m' . . f b .. . I d' Bl all tbelr COllbtr IS wIsbes 'in 'thl! spark1 l'''ou Stanton 1/1sit- ..· •Co. Aptil cl.itt:! ...... 48 S6 " '.' ." ... ,,~elf taIU:t}' pte -.chao IS" blut.". 'orll lut SUlldllT ou tbe- home • CARR\zOIO. N. M•

• The' foHowh:\S" biUlexal:!11l1ed. .}loud met pur»u;ult to aWd~ouru. trlch! qf tlte count, h•• repre- _, .... ' " ' diamOtHI witb it scorl' o( 11 to f', •.• '.' ellt· aU resent .., of' . calle.· aentatlves at the welthl II '. '. '. ' '

r~ad {una, 1922: 1$. . . mil . ers oeob,' ef~' dtolnept • _'. .' Cetll U 10 date. " .,M.xTa,lor.cxpenleto . ' E. P. Gonlll.les rai!led?1 he~,q~ere.broug,bt·'b1!(orf!; the ~ard. ~ ,W. WII~ to exp!..a our !Hn~e~t N PS· I .. 1 .. V It

'. Ito!! LU~u for,id • cattle, lltlOUt1l $1296. •.. Whether tbetlc", co~. '«'dl, \'Ie••p,reclatton to. frIends for' t.bell'. ",' Iext .. UlH a1 t lC ~tI.g n te~m .Hn· truck" •• f' .' •••• , ,$1985 S.. M. Johll$On l"~"td OP come pnp\llar or tlot. 1t cerhual, .'. 'f

es":h'~ "". la ' .....0·... ". h",'';W'." iLl" II. '"S.k ,.L·as accoq:Jplll~td' Ot1e tt-lng-it ..ou tlurhig ltillolS/lHlllt&!li tbeir bu no fear -9fthe !llug-gers from., ., .'. • , hu "toPled an active lonl inter- fQl:\lfOl'thti" -'Jtlpathy at hi, death ";~""''''''''''i.'''''-_~' ,,_,,~''',,_,_,_",_~.._."__~.,_...._'"_._,_"_,"";',._,_.,.... --;-,-

' 0$1, and ,~.de ~o.op..r.tlo~ 01 'ta. tbe belllltiful .f\otal of(eriuis .•

patron tn4 telc~er tl'~U.Uf"'· (or aUetHHt1g bilt fl.tn-e...I. , .SUCC!!". Mr. and &hs. T. E Kat.t.ny.

, ,


Page 2: .,Ji' - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO...L •,,., •.. l',.,,., • • • p •.. • • ",., p ... ",, • •

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Page 3: .,Ji' - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO...L •,,., •.. l',.,,., • • • p •.. • • ",., p ... ",, • •



~ __ A , .. '.. _ j _,. _. _ _ ", _

• •

• .....-..........----. By.. .... ! •


A'~. . .Romance

,of theBahamas

'... ,, -~. '




•i!2 52

-~l.__ ,"" _ _ _ , ~_.,.._. _ ,_.. __._ ....__ . 5. . H.IglIt of loIft.t."Ing or Oth.r.. To live ,our wlte ash •• a blrtb­a.1 prciellt ana !lave ber go and Jla7ttle 11m InstaUment 00 aomeUlln.wIth It.-We•


DIIC.v.ry by lel.nc. H••ft'plllceil Ttl"""

_,...1 _

There I. only ooe medlelnlt Ihat 1'...11,.l_nda Ollt p~·emjnl!nl II • m...hrlnD (orI!Unble 1J1men~ of tit. kldne,., byer &lidbleader, '

Dr. Kilm"". Swamp.Root .bod. tb.bl,but for tb, reaaon tbat It Iii. pro",.W be juat the remed" oHdea In tholUlJld.tuPon t!tOtIMllM ot dJ.tNulOK 1:__

BWAmp.noot fuakt. t~end. qulckl, be­eaa.. Ita mild and ImmedJate elJ~t Ia.lOOn nellted In mOtt (11_. It II a I.'tie. heaUnl "tlftabl, eompourllL

Start tn!o\tment at once. Bold at aDdnl. ,tOfH In bottlee of two .lu., rnedJIUIIalld Iartt.

Hown.." It 1'011 wl.h flnt to tm tltll,reat preparation Hnd ten eenta to Dr.Kiltnet' • Co., BIIl,bamton, N. Y.• tar aIImpl, bottle. When "",Itln,l btl lUre ea'tDentlos Utle paper.-Ad'l'l!rllaemml. .

• •As a rule • man whu eun hlP1dl•

men like. tu. )."_..

Ever nnUra how (lUll)' It III to roll •II III II


•1 ren ry or

. "

•. .

Page 4: .,Ji' - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO...L •,,., •.. l',.,,., • • • p •.. • • ",., p ... ",, • •

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Patent Nledlcfnes

, "

5Mb 4l>oOrsBlack Lcmf "40"

W'I;"C' •,HOi' Fen~'

ChiCk,n Netting," . ,. ......

CerMnt .

Lime, Etc~t Stc.'


.. '


===="7.. , i

J! .

Carrizozo, Eatin~ House. ..... ,.. • /I

E. H. SWEET. M.mfg~r


.W. carry

~,. ,

Our prim are rlJfla.onable. -~

-""...... ..

• •


The'Titsworth Comp~UY,lnc.. ~

~.. ,"" ~',","" '" ),.. ',." ,""" .


. ,



Page 5: .,Ji' - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO...L •,,., •.. l',.,,., • • • p •.. • • ",., p ... ",, • •

,;'J . ~.,,-. - .-,.~



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e_Vp!.I .and .keep it UP--r1 '

,~~\\\h i/lkt/'~~~~..,,\\ , . , tlif/./ with Sapaho.·

'-'\.). '" rr/.....r..r..cue-No".~",. - ~,.,,,,.,.,,.f'."'"~... .....\'-

Page 7: .,Ji' - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO...L •,,., •.. l',.,,., • • • p •.. • • ",., p ... ",, • •


Page 8: .,Ji' - Lincoln County, New Mexicoarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO...L •,,., •.. l',.,,., • • • p •.. • • ",., p ... ",, • •





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CITy .M2~g~t?r- - .--+."-._,,"">- .' •• ---"" .. "

, ,

• J,"

. ,

•............,.., Roy o. S~lntlert Prop.

.1~ cents per' pound, .'. ' -" '.. '

"at Warehouse .

. ,

• ,


•a' '~ ~ .~~. .

Drayage charged,on'all den"erI~., ..

under l00poundl-'

\. ~ '.

" I

QarrilOlo 1ranifer&'Storale.Company.



Popular Fabrics for Spring. ,

and ,Summer Wear

••" ........



, .


."~'ChoiceMeatsand .". ", Groceries

.. ~.

. Fancvand Staple GroceriGi. I

. "

:' Fresh Vegetables Every -Day ,Fresh and Oured Meat$..... ,_".'",",._

: i ..Q"'-'Y'

,SELEm:t~G CW'l'HING 01 ~1oJ: Pd Str~ mMt, '1>ecomlUgto yo~ eomple:oo. aM llSUfC. Ja ..

'll1~t bportant put. of QUyU1i dotl~es:


• • •

_ In OlIr Display of Spring .Jnd SllJJ1JneJ:Clothu,you have tbe .advantag~of dlOOlilg froga theSeaJQn's 'lll<* eompreheasive ~ariety of beautiful. . '

. toItrs, .aDd U$l1n])Ce of the best and. finot work..,

manahip ptodueod in taiJorln,.

$ --'


Our ·prices from $15 ,to, $35

'.... Carrizozo••

Trading- Company"More for your ·Money."

• •

'the No,. ofKUpPe1'~~arufCflJ'~ClotmJ.' .""


" ,

c;'ffv... I'n.1'ro! ..... ,u:,!1 rH.",\Our Hot Weather 2..piece Suits

* ",,, •

We are Jho1ring ~. unU$ud YAnety of tbem• - in Tropical W9rsteds and 'P~namu. *. • •

tAd. b " , :

,~='''''''''''--~'-''':<""",~",' ' .... _ -«" .. "'_.4'" ._"' __""-'_' 4!- _""=_.~c_-*

. "The Store of Olass." ·

Mrs. Dcssle Vau&,bl1, who bisi"-~,~--------------.---_----

tbee_ a very popular t••cber in

. • Ute (own tchcx.>l for' 100m. ,e.r5; ..left Saturda,/or.st PolliO. Mrs.Vaue-Jnt expects to aUend schooltbis ~uuitmClr,.tld tb. next school·year at EI Palo or Silver City••• f ~

J. W. Wilfertb :&114 Robertarady .were up Tuesday fl'br:n.110ndo. Tbe,. pre,onted •. ~tl..'don to tbe Count, !Warda! Eeb.-cation for UtC creation o( .. UighSebo<ll ..I lIondo. 'l'beiJ' petition"Ill approvcd !4n~ an, cwergenC1bu4,etflul:tmitted. ,

A. Ii; v. Nilsson Was bcr~ tbisweek from 'rutaro!'lll, looking af.ter lome- matters ill tbt Oi.triet

•Court whicb WAlt up thi, "lIelk(or aijucHeation., The old Tilt..inr i. , ....t as fa,fand 10l1y .a.sbe



• •


, .






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. .

'.' $18 to ,,$45'


... . .'

e"r'.' .- .•'.

, - ' .

'ftu'UFind the PietQri.rR,vit\vPaUerns at Our Store.


, ,


.. n IG HT ,'}JOW '\'!E HAVE.., ':I' ALL ~HE NEW STYLES•.

,Colot$. ud,'F.brlc.; .. . . .

'. 1WlainI' i. price ftorn '.. ,

. \ . . ''l:""':?"#:W-,' ',S!'~::~_~_';=-' --';'C '; -- .:l--~'~""!it -,,' ~ ",._~'!:!., ~',,,, ,~~--,t: """'~::t,- '" t·~_.f_""'-i.c"",,:/ ,.., r".....'."••"'4t.N~ ..,.._~·~~4_1 ..

. ..

MEN'S altJ 'BOYS' . ,% $I I t I I • " .

CLOTHING DEPARtMENT•• _ I r : I II'; p - " ,

. .

"0' .'

, .

W&I" .n we remem -:r 1m orc.,,,h,a be w(lIot!d COme ~y our 0(..fiee lbel invite U!I to joht him itl.. boltlcof beet blear) at the -------,,'----.:'!""----------•.,--Ine......t fOlluUil1,-and we nuer •• , • : , , '

.. ~~<~,f1!!i""'-'~~..~.""'~_...... ~-' . \.....et=e..",,_. -<--q...

r.fllltd theburdle. . ,,

Th. IC"tizozo 'ScboOI Co~..ade.t.metft,.xercilel wert htld1",tSaturday uirht i tilte Cr,atat"theatre, according ""to· progra.m,

. ,. . IUld the h01l1l1t ..,.. crQwatd to tb.. . . . - , ,'A N·E···.W·.····· ..S····U!··.. T .'.. . do<lis•. Thtptotra'r:n.'".. enter·t.iuldg: throug:b~ut, .nd tbe: ad.. .

.," .. ,F6R~ bECoRATioND""'".'~J)-z,........A.-..y~,.~. ,,..;...•~~ -h1.f1'151..,....'..-..w~itb =:e~:~:'~ :~~~,·leb01l!.tt,. Iud interutiu&, Ol1t•Tberr.dult~. were lurlttil,IC·cl.im.a 'D1thO naiellcejau'd

, .w.or.the tccipitl1lt ot ttl.b,., 'ap"pteeilUoul for, their rood workllld attain.Cilt.. " " • '

. , .w. aUdoqr b(u...Jaoldhaet ... .

outhle at the M. U, !,iu1e1 bOlUtlu ChUla C..fl.otl JrocS,ltl:lrc1a:tto Wed.eli.y•.' l~ ••," t1.1i.bt..lui to loe tbt,re'll ltaq.· lb. " .ftowibr. w..tu al1dfat ctttl~' bittb4it of aU th•. rOO<t .eltl that'

• •,:r;'.~l~z.::~ut~:"~:~:~,,~,::, !i::;t~~"! .!:~n!nWi!7: t, ! 1,;,::,,;,,~:I:l; " ':: ;::: ,,1;::' , : ;;::;'; :. ;';;;:::: .

..Uth. lIt.UermUk ".OOt...1'. drildt~ . .. '""retabl•• 'tll4'b IrQ. tbt I"., \a....ad.kat biIBt. i.,ill'l 'tJat

I' "'PM" of.'''':1, .•l~ W:tt$r, Jt·..,a'HWi ho-. ,,*14 p:I.... ,i - -,'l1!i'" •.,.I I" '.... ; .".ih.troudl.A~'..a "CI.1o. ,..." -",' i ' .... ., . " ..t'. k iIIli,*,b ~ ~ . 1, ",' ,," I I i I

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