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deped forms new copy.xlsx

Date post: 05-Oct-2015
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 School ID Region VIII School Name LRN Sex (M/F) NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)  BIRT !ATE (mm/dd/ """") A#E as o$ 1st Frida" %&'e  LRN Sex (M/F) NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)  BIRT !ATE (mm/dd/ """") A#E as o$ 1st Frida" %&'e

School Form 1 (SF1)School Form 1 (SF 1) School Register(This replaces Form 1, Master List & STS Form 2-Family Background and Profile)

School IDRegion VIIIDivisionDistrict

School NameSchool YearGrade LevelSection

LRNNAME(Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) Sex (M/F)BIRTH DATE (mm/dd/ yyyy)AGE as of 1st Friday June BIRTH PLACE (Province)MOTHER TONGUEIP (Ethnic Group)RELIGIONADDRESSPARENTSGUARDIAN (If not Parent)Contact Number of Parent or GuardianREMARKSHouse #/ Street/ Sitio/PurokBarangayMunicipality/ City ProvinceFather's Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) Mother's Maiden Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)NameRelation-ship(Please refer to the legend on last page)

List and Code of Indicators under REMARKS columnPrepared by:Certified Correct:IndicatorCodeRequired InformationIndicatorCodeRequired InformationREGISTEREDBoSYEoSYTransferred OutT/OName of Public (P) Private (PR) School & Effectivity DateCCT RecipientCCTCCT Control/reference number & Effectivity DateMALETransferred INT/IName of Public (P) Private (PR) School & Effectivity DateBalik-AralB/AName of school last attended & YearFEMALE(Signature of Adviser over Printed Name)(Signature of School Head over Printed Name)DroppedDRPReason and Effectivity DateLearner With DissabilityLWDSpecifyTOTALLate EnrollmentLEReason (Enrollment beyond 1st Friday of June)AccelaratedACLSpecify Level & Effectivity DataBoSY Date: EoSYDate:BoSY Date: EoSYDate:

School Form 2 (SF2)

School Form 2 (SF2) Daily Attendance Report of Learners(This replaces Form 1, Form 2 & STS Form 4 - Absenteeism and Dropout Profile)

School ID130201School Year2014-2015Report for the Month ofAugust

Name of SchoolLower Kiwanan Elem SchoolGrade Level1SectionB

LEARNER'S NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) (1st row for date)Total for the Month REMARKS (If DROPPED OUT, state reason, please refer to legend number 2.If TRANSFERRED IN/OUT, write the name of School.)


Adoracion, AljonBargola RhemwilBayona, John CedrickCadayengan Jaian JamesCadayengan Terrence JohnCardoza AllanDuran MichaelEspera NythanFabro JoemarFabro JerryManos Rex JrMapanao DanielMontalbo John KevinMosqueda AntonioRagasa LeoRagasa RowelTraya James Paul


Andrada AngelaCardoza AshleyCardoza Jessica FaithCaranzo Hanna MaychieCatubig DanicaDuran VerjenieHaroy Ivy SheinaHaroy NellcaLamosao Irish JennOroc DianneManongsong JamaicaSapine Maria SteffanyTano Nina


GUIDELINES:1. CODES FOR CHECKING ATTENDANCEMonth:No. of Days of Classes:Summary1. The attendance shall be accomplished daily. Refer to the codes for checking learners' attendance.(blank) - Present; (x)- Absent; Tardy (half shaded= Upper for Late Commer, Lower for Cutting Classes)MFTOTAL2. Dates shall be written in the columns after Learner's Name.* Enrolment as of (1st Friday of June)3. To compute the following:2. REASONS/CAUSES FOR DROPPING OUTa.Percentage of Enrolment =Registered Learners as of end of the monthx 100a. Domestic-Related FactorsLate Enrollment during the month (beyond cut-off)Enrolment as of 1st Friday of the school yeara.1. Had to take care of siblingsb.Average Daily Attendance = Total Daily Attendancea.2. Early marriage/pregnancyRegistered Learners as of end of the monthNumber of School Days in reporting montha.3. Parents' attitude toward schoolingc.Percentage of Attendance for the month =Average daily attendancex 100a.4. Family problemsPercentage of Enrolment as of end of the monthRegistered Learners as of end of the monthb. Individual-Related Factorsb.1. IllnessAverage Daily Attendance4. Every end of the month, the class adviser will submit this form to the office of the principal for recording of summary table into School Form 4. Once signed by the principal, this form should be returned to the adviser.b.2. Overageb.3. DeathPercentage of Attendance for the month 5. The adviser will provide neccessary interventions including but not limited to home visitation to learner/s who were absent for 5 consecutive days and/or those at risk of dropping out.b.4. Drug Abuseb.5. Poor academic performanceNumber of students absent for 5 consecutive days:6. Attendance performance of learners will be reflected in Form 137 and Form 138 every grading period.b.6. Lack of interest/Distractions*Beginning of School Year cut-off report is every 1st Friday of the School Yearb.7. Hunger/MalnutritionDrop outc. School-Related Factorsc.1. Teacher FactorTransferred outc.2. Physical condition of classroomc.3. Peer influenceTransferred ind. Geographic/Environmentald.1. Distance between home and schoold.2. Armed conflict (incl. Tribal wars & clanfeuds)I certify that this is a true and correct report.d.3. Calamities/Disasterse. Financial-Relatede.1. Child labor, work (Signature of Teacher over Printed Name)f. Others (Specify)School Form 2 : Page ___ of ________Attested by:

(Signature of School Head over Printed Name)

School Form 3 (SF3)School Form 3 (SF3) Books Issued and Returned(This replaces Form 1 & Inventory of Textbooks)

School IDSchool Year

School NameGrade LevelSection

NO.LEARNER'S NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) Subject Area & TitleSubject Area & TitleSubject Area & TitleSubject Area & TitleSubject Area & TitleSubject Area & TitleSubject Area & TitleSubject Area & TitleREMARKS/ACTION TAKEN (Please refer to the legend on last page)DateDateDateDateDateDateDateDateIssuedReturnedIssuedReturnedIssuedReturnedIssuedReturnedIssuedReturnedIssuedReturnedIssuedReturnedIssuedReturned


TOTAL FOR FEMALE | TOTAL COPIES TOTAL LEARNERS | TOTAL COPIESGUIDELINES:In case of lost/unreturned books, please provide information with the following code:Prepared By:1. Title of Books Issued to each learner must be recorded by the class adviser.A. In Column Date Returned, codes are: FM=Force Majeure, TDO: Transferred/Dropout, NEG=Negligence2. The Date of Issuance and the Date of Return shall be reflected in the form.3. The Total Number of Copies issued at BoSY shall be reflected in the form.B. In Column Remark/Action Taken, codes are: LLTR=Secured Letter from Learner duly signed by parent/guardian (for code FM), TLTR=Teacher prepared letter/report duly noted by School Head for submission to School Property Custodian (for code TDO), PTL=Paid by the Learner (for code NEG). References: DO#23, s.2001, DO#25, s.2003, DO#14, 2.2012.(Signature over printed name)4. The Total Number of Copies of Books Returned at the EoSYshall be reflected in the form. Date BoSY:____________ Date EoSY: ___________5. All textbooks being used must be included. Additional copies of this form may be used if needed.School Form 3: Page ___ of ________

School Form 4 (SF 4)

School Form 4 (SF4) Monthly Learner's Movement and Attendance(This replaces Form 3 & STS Form 4-Absenteeism and Dropout Profile)

School IDRegionDivisionDistrict

School NameSchool YearReport for the Month of

GRADE/ YEAR LEVELSECTIONNAME OF ADVISERREGISTERED LEARNERS (As of End of the Month)ATTENDANCEDROPPED OUTTRANSFERRED OUTTRANSFERRED INDaily Average Percentage for the Month(A) Cumulative as of Previous Month(B) For the Month (A+B) Cumulative as of End of the Month(A) Cumulative as of Previous Month(B) For the Month (A+B) Cumulative as of End of the Month(A) Cumulative as of Previous Month(B) For the Month (A+B) Cumulative as of End of the MonthMFTMFTMFTMFTMFTMFTMFTMFTMFTMFTMFTMFT

ELEMENTARY/SECONDARY:KINDERGRADE 1/GRADE 7GRADE 2/GRADE 8GRADE 3/GRADE 9GRADE 4/GRADE 10GRADE 5/GRADE 11GRADE 6/GRADE 12TOTAL FOR NON-GRADEDTOTALGUIDELINES:Prepared and Submitted by:1. This form shall be accomplished every end of the month using the summary box of SF2 submitted by the teachers/advisers to update figures for the month. 2. Furnish the Division Office with a copy a week after June 30, October 30 & March 31 (Signature of School Head over Printed Name)Page _____ of _____ pages

School Form 5 (SF5)School Form 5 (SF 5) Report on Promotion & Level of Proficiency(This replaces Forms 18-E1, 18-E2, 18A and List of Graduates)RegionDivisionDistrict

School IDSchool YearCurriculum

School NameGrade LevelSection

LRN LEARNER'S NAME (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name) GENERAL AVERAGE (Numerical Value in 2 decimal places and 3 decimal places for honor learners, and Descriptive Letter)ACTION TAKEN: PROMOTED, IRREGULAR or RETAINED INCOMPLETE SUBJECT/S (This column is for K to 12 Curriculum and remaining RBEC in High School. Elementary grades level that are still implementing RBEC need not to fill up these columns)From previous school years completed as of end of current School YearAs of end of current School Year





DEVELOPING (D: 75%-79%)


PROFICIENT (P: 85% -89%)

ADVANCED (A: 90% and above) TOTAL MALE


Class Adviser(Name and Signature)


School Head(Name and Signature)


(Name and Signature)Division RepresentativeGUIDELINES:1. For All Grade/Year Levels2. To be prepared by the Adviser. Final rating per subject area should be taken from the record of subject teachers. The class adviser should compute for the General Average.

3. On the summary table, reflect the total number of learners promoted, retained and *irregular (*for grade 7 onwards only) and the level of proficiency according to the individual General Average.

4. Must tally with the total enrollment report as of End of School Year GESP /GSSP (EBEIS)

5. Protocols of validation & submission is under the discretion of the Schools Division Superintendent TOTAL FEMALE COMBINEDSchool Form 5: Page ____ of ________

School Form 6 (SF6)School Form 6 (SF6)Summarized Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency(This replaces Form 20)

School IDRegionDivision

School NameDistrictSchool Year


DEVELOPING (D: 75%-79%)


PROFICIENT (P: 85% -89%)

ADVANCED (A: 90% and above)

TOTALPrepared and Submitted by: Reviewed & Validated by:Noted by:SCHOOL HEADDIVISION REPRESENTATIVESCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTGUIDELINES:1. After receiving and validating the Report for Promotion submitted by the class adviser, the School Head shall compute the grade level total and school total.2. This report together with the copy of Report for Promotion submitted by the class adviser shall be forwarded to the Division Office by the end of the school year.3. The Report on Promotion per grade level is reflected in the End of School Year Report of GESP/GSSP.4. Protocols of validation & submission is under the discretion of the Schools Division Superintendent.

School Form 7 (SF7)School Form 7 (SF7) School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile(This replaces Form 12-Monthly Status Report for Teachers, Form 19-Assignment List,Form 29-Teacher Program and Form 31-Summary Information of Teachers)

School IDRegionDivision

School NameDistrictSchool Year

(A) Nationally-Funded Teaching & Teaching Related Items(B) Nationally-Funded Non Teaching Items(C ) Other Appointments and Funding SourcesTitle of Plantilla Position (as it appears in the appointment document/PSIPOP)Number of IncumbentTitle of Plantilla Position (as it appears in the appointment document/PSIPOP)Number of IncumbentTitle of Designation (as it appears in the contract/document: Teacher, Clerk, Security Guard, Driver etc.) Appointment: (Contractual, Substitute, Volunteer, others specify)Fund Source (SEF, PTA, NGO's etc.)Number of IncumbentTeachingNon-Teaching

Employee No. (or Tax Identification Number -T.I.N.)Name of School Personnel (Arrange by Position, Descending) SexFund SourcePosition/ DesignationNature of Appointment/ Employment StatusEDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONSubject Taught (include Grade & Section), Advisory Class & Other Ancillary AssignmentsDaily Program (time duration)Remarks (For Detailed Items, Indicate name of school/office, For IP's -Ethnicity)Degree / Post GraduateMajor/ SpecializationMinorDAY (M/T/W/TH/F)From (00:00)To (00:00)Total Actual Teaching Minutes per Week

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per Day

Ave. Minutes per DayGUIDELINES:Submitted by:1. This form shall be accomplished at the beginning of the school year by the school head. In case of movement of teachers and other personnel during the school year, an updated Form 19 must be submitted to the Division Office .

2. All school personnel, regardless of position/nature of appointment should be included in this form and should be listed from the highest rank down to the lowest. (Signature of School Head over Printed Name)3. Please reflect subjects being taught and if teacher handling advisory class or Ancillary Assignment. Other administrative duties must also reported.4. Daily Program Column is for teaching personnel only.Updated as of: ___________________________School Form 7, Page ___ of ________
