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DepED Memorandum No.4 s.2014

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Dep Ed Memo
Allrttir ot tt. Stiliwintg Gellrtment of @lurstion 13 JAN 2014 DepEd MEMOR-Aj.IDUM No. 4 , s.2ota GI]IDELINES ON THE PREPAXATIOT| FOR THE NATTONAL IMPLEMENTATIOI{ oF THE SE {IOR HIGH SCHOOL (SIISI PROGR.AM rN llOlt-DEpED SCHOOLS FOR THb SCHOOL YEAR lsy) 2016-20r? AND OITWARDS To: Urderse.ret.ries Assisbnt Secretaries Burcau Directors Dir€ctors ofservices. Ccnters and Heads of Units Regional Directo.s Schools Drvr\,on Superinrend.nr s Heads, Public ard Private Elementary and Secondat/ Schools All Odrers Concened l. Pursuant to Section 30 olthe lmplementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Repubiic Act {RA) No. 10533 knoim as t}re Ethanced Bo"sic Educntton Aa of 2013, \he Departm€nt of Education (DepEd) the nationa] implemcntation of the Senior High School {SHS) Program for School Year ISY)2016-2017 and onwards. In prepaiarior the national impiementation of th€ SHS Program, the schools, jndividuals, corporations, foundations or organizations, which fall within Categories A, B or C, nay signi&' their intention to offer SHS: Category A a. Private schools, which have been granted recognition by the DepEd ro ofler secondary educa.tion {Years I-]V); b. Private schools, which have been g'anted at least Level II accreditation by any of the accrcditing agcncies under the Federation ofAccrcditing Agencies in tllc Philippines (FAAP); Category B a. Non-DepEd schools, which have been issued a permit or governmeni recognition by (i) the Technicar Educa.l.ron d Skils Development Authority ('I'ESDA) to offer ar1y trainins coursc and/or {ii) the Commission on Hisher Edxcation {CHED) lo offer any higher e.iucation prosam; b. Non-DepBd schooLs, \^'hich have been granted at least L€vel II accreditation by any of the accrediting agencies unde. tie FAAP; c. Non-DepEd schools, which have been granted ai least Bronze accreditation status by lhe Asia Pacific Accrcditation and Certilication CommLsion {APACC}; and, Category C a. Other individuals, corporaijons, foundations or o€an;ations duly recognizcd by tne Secuntres and Exchange Commission (SEC). 3. Applications to olTer tlc SHS Program \qili only be accepted through email The required kller of inlent and othcr additional .equired documents must be appended the email. An application must be addrcssed to: Secletary Bt. Arnh A. Luistro FllC a]1d submitted through cmdil address: ktolzajdeped.eov-ph. The checklist of the additiona.l documentary requi.ements are found in the enclosure. DepEd comprq. Merar.a Avenuc, pals c,w r600 p63 3-72oa 633 7223/632-1367fl ur,' o"ru,,uar-uron { q*deped.sov.ph
  • Allrttir ot tt. StiliwintgGellrtment of @lurstion

    13 JAN 2014DepEd MEMOR-Aj.IDUMNo. 4 , s.2ota


    FOR THb SCHOOL YEAR lsy) 2016-20r? AND OITWARDSTo: Urderse.ret.ries

    Assisbnt SecretariesBurcau DirectorsDirctors ofservices. Ccnters and Heads of UnitsRegional Directo.sSchools Drvr\,on Superinrend.nr sHeads, Public ard Private Elementary and Secondat/ SchoolsAll Odrers Concened

    l. Pursuant to Section 30 olthe lmplementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Repubiic Act{RA) No. 10533 knoim as t}re Ethanced Bo"sic Educntton Aa of 2013, \he Departmnt ofEducation (DepEd) the nationa] implemcntation of the Senior High School {SHS)Program for School Year ISY)2016-2017 and onwards.2. In prepaiarior for the national impiementation of th SHS Program, the schools,jndividuals, corporations, foundations or organizations, which fall within Categories A, B or C,nay signi&' their intention to offer SHS:

    Category Aa. Private schools, which have been granted recognition by the DepEd ro ofler

    secondary educa.tion {Years I-]V);b. Private schools, which have been g'anted at least Level II accreditation by any

    of the accrcditing agcncies under the Federation ofAccrcditing Agencies in tllcPhilippines (FAAP);

    Category Ba. Non-DepEd schools, which have been issued a permit or governmeni

    recognition by (i) the Technicar Educa.l.ron d Skils Development Authority('I'ESDA) to offer ar1y trainins coursc and/or {ii) the Commission on HisherEdxcation {CHED) lo offer any higher e.iucation prosam;

    b. Non-DepBd schooLs, \^'hich have been granted at least Lvel II accreditation byany of the accrediting agencies unde. tie FAAP;

    c. Non-DepEd schools, which have been granted ai least Bronze accreditationstatus by lhe Asia Pacific Accrcditation and Certilication CommLsion{APACC}; and,

    Category Ca. Other individuals, corporaijons, foundations or oan;ations duly recognizcd by

    tne Secuntres and Exchange Commission (SEC).

    3. Applications to olTer tlc SHS Program \qili only be accepted through email The requiredkller of inlent and othcr additional .equired documents must be appended to the email. Anapplication must be addrcssed to: Secletary Bt. Arnh A. Luistro FllC a]1d submittedthrough cmdil address: ktolzajdeped.eov-ph. The checklist of the additiona.l documentaryrequi.ements are found in the enclosure.

    DepEd comprq. Merar.a Avenuc, pals c,w r600 p63 3-72oa /633 7223/632-1367fl ur,' o"ru,,uar-uron { q*deped.sov.ph

  • 4. A copy of the application should be sent to ihe concemed Regionat Omce RO) on o.before Apdl 15, 2014.5. 'lhose who are interested to offer ihe SHS Program plior to SY 2016-2017 and who talwi*rin Categories A, B or C may xpress thcir intent through the submission cf allrequirements on August 30 of rhe ycar precceding the school year oftheir iotendcd operarion.6. Applicalions to implement rhe SHS Program wili be evaluatd by the SHS National TaskForcc iSHS NTF) under rhe Offic ofthe Undclscretary for Prograas arld Plojects- For thepurposes of on-sitc validation, the SHS-IITF may deputize the Regional Of6ce (RO) to conductocular inspections and related activitics7. The SHS-NTF will cndorsc to the Dcpltd Sccrctary the results ol its cvaluation ofapplications to imptcment the SHS Progran- For qualified applicdts, a proelslonrl pcrmlt forrhe SHS hograjn implementatioD shall be signed by the DepEd Scretary and issued thrcughthe Regional Dnector. This permit shall remain vatid until fo.matty revoked by thc DepEd.8. Thc ROs and schools division ofices (SDOS) will monitor and evaluate the initia)implementaiion of the SflS Program. Basd on the recommeodations, rhe SHS-N'IF wille.dorse the issuance oI a Cedif&te of Re@qnition oftl& SHS Program to thos schools, which{c qualified. Thc Cerlrf(nlE of Redrgnitionr l\l be sig.ed by the DepEd Secrelary and issued bythe RO. This sha.ll remain valid providcd that thc requircments of th law, end DepEd rulesand standards are satisfied.

    9. Guidelines pertaining to the SHS Curriculum specifically on competencies, conte.r andpe.IorBance standads, time allotment per subjcct, teacher qualiilcations, textbooks and otherlearning materials, and needcd facilities shall bc issucd in a sepai'ate l)epEd Ordcr.10. Other guidelines on the provisior of assistaEce to students and teachcrs in privateSHSS shall also be issued.

    11. Guidelines for the SHS Progran implementation ot the Pubiic SHSS shall be issued inanoLher DepEd Order.

    12. More info.mation call be obtained flom ltr3, Joyce C. SsDanlego at relephone nos.: (02)631-5057; {02) 638-3703 or *Irough cmail address: kto l2ndel)ed.eov.ph.13. lmmediate disseminatron of this Memorandum is desired-


    DepEd Ordcr No 43, s. 2013DepEd Mehorddum: No. 99, s.2013

    To be indi.atcd in the Pcrpctual lndsundcr the following s[bjects:PERMITPROCRAI SRUI,ES AND REGULATIONS

    Mad.VJo/ salry: pM- Ni.r. lles o! iho !rc!B!4!r@djt!_!lD!?ltL!.!qg'04o No!. ur rs,2or3/Dr.nb.r 12 20r3lu.2313/12 2r r3

    .j,uuo 2,20rn/or 07 rt/or.oa-r4



  • iEnclosure to DepEd Memol?'dum No, C s.2Ol+]


    FOR THE ACHOOL ?EAR (SY} 20T62017 AND OIIWARDsThe additiodal required documents to bc submitted rogetber with the trtter of inrent ro

    offer &e SHS Program are the Iollowins:

    CatCory A or B

    1. Board resotution cerrified by the chairperson of the Bodd or the s(hool heads,indicating the purpose, school year of intended operalion, and thc SHS Curriculum orlracks and strands to be offered;2. A copy of the Cedificatc of Recognition for the secondary education program or tj-ainingprogram or hishcr education progrm &d, if applicable, the Certificate of Accreditarionfrom a FAAP-recognized accreditina asercy or by the Asia pacific Accreditation anclCertifi cation Commission {APACC);Ploposed tuition :il1d other iees;School calendar;List of academic a]rd non-academic personnel and thei. qualifications, job descriptions,teachjng load and number of working hours per week;Data on ensting facilities, which will be utilized for the SHS tracks/stra.nds, such asinstructional rooms, laboratories, workshop rooms, leame. rcsource cente. or iibrajy,equipment, dd inlernet facilities; and

    7. A copy oi the Memorandum/Memoranda oI Agreement for parlrrership a$angementsrelative to the SHS program implementation. These airargements may jnclude, amonAothers, thc engagemcnt of stateholdcrs in the loca.lization of the cufficulum, theprovision of equipmert ard laboratones and workshops, alld t}re o.sanizarron oI cajeerguidance aJId youth forrnation activities.

    Category Cr Boai.d resolution certrlied by the chairyerson of thc Board or tle school heads,

    indicaling lhe purpose, school year and the SHS Curriculum tracks ajrd srrands to beo{Tered, and loca.l;edlindieenized SHS Curriculum based on the minimum st ndddsset by DepEd;

    2. A:rticles ol Incorporation and bylaws for private schooLs oniy;3. Proposed tuition and other fees;4. School calendar:5. Lisl ol academic arld non-academic personnel and their qualifications, job descdptions,

    teaching load and number olworking houls pe. week;6. Data on exisling facilities, wbich will be utilized for ihc SHS rrack/strand, such as

    instructional l:ooms, laboratories, workshop rooms, leamer resource center or libra.ry,equipment, intcrnet faciliues and ICT rooms, dd waler and sarlitation Iacilitiesi

    7. Documents of ownership of school sites under the lanle of the school, or deed ofusulruct for Indigenious Peopies (IPs) education/schools;

    8. Proposd annual budget and annual eryenditurcs; aJld9. A copy ol thc Memorandum/Mcmoranda of As.eement for parrnership arrangements

    Elative to thc SHS progam implementation. These arransements may inciude, amongothers, ihe engagement oI siakeholders in the localization of the culTiculum, rheprcvision of equipment and laboratories, workshops, teachers/trainors and possiblemploj,"rnent of graduates, and ihe organization oi career guidance and counsclingadvocacv activii;es




  • central office DATET Jann ry 24' 2ot4

    DepEd MEMORANDUM No. 4, s.2OL4



    Ackno ule dg me nt Re ceiptRECEIVED BY:

    For the Director:

    Schools Division/ City SuperintendentDivision of

    District Super'\isorDistrict oI


    School Principal

    Name of School

    DistrictDir.ision of

    N?TE: Olttuts con.ef,rc.1 shdu .4tu their sbnetures nt the spa.e prauided

