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DepED Memorandum No.9 s.2014

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  • 8/12/2019 DepED Memorandum No.9 s.2014


    , LILO-'4l[eDrtlir ol tlrr Slriliglir.t

    DtIertmPrt of @turetion

    16 JA\ 20lrDeDEd MEMORANDUMNo 9 s 2ol +


    To: Bureau DirectorsRegional DirectorsSchools Division SuperintndentsHeads, Public and Private Elementary and Seconda.ry SchoolsAU Others Concerned

    1. The Department of Education (DepEd), tbrough the Bureau of elementaryEducation (BEE) and Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE), announces the conductof the 2014 National Schools Press Cotrference llISPiCl with the theme CampzsJoumalism and Transfa/mational Leaderchip on April 7-10, 2014 in Subic BayMetropolitan Authority (SBMA) Free Port Zofle. The host region is Region III, and thehost schools divisions are Olongapo City arld Zanlbales.

    2. This is pursuairt to Repubtc Act (RA) No. 7079, otherwise knov,'n as theCampus JournalEm Act of 1991, and in support to DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2010,e\t{ed GuideLines an Finencial SubsidA far the Conduct of tlE Nalioaal Schools -+essConference (NSPC, its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) specificaly Rule IX ofSection 1.

    3. 'lhe Conference aims to:

    demonstmte understanding of lhe importance of joumalism byexpressing it through difercnt journalistic endeavors a.rldapproaches;

    b- sustain advocacy on sociai consciousness;c. provide a venue for an endching iearning expe.ience for students

    rnterested in pursuing joumalisrn as a career:d. promote rcsponsible iournalism and fair and ethical use of social

    mcdia: ande. enhance journalistic comptence through healthy alld friendly


    4. The confernce activities shall include the following:

    lndividual Contests;Scriptwriiing and Radio Broadcasting Contests;Collaborative Publishing Contest:Concurrent Sessions;Awardmg of LhF Winners and Outslandrng School Paper Advisets(SPAS) and Canpus Journalists (CJs); andNon-contestants' Actlvitres; among others.

    5. In order to clarify issues arld concerns tegarding the conduct of the SchoolsPress conferences, concerned oilicials, oIlice.s-in'charge of NSPC, pelsonnei a]1d stall,pupits/staJI are advised to refer to the implementing guidelines stipulated in DepDd

    DelEd comDrex. MeialcoAvenue, pa$e citv 1600 3 or,,"ou,ur,,rr",ur"13614636 4s76l637-620q { * a"p.d eo" or.



  • 8/12/2019 DepED Memorandum No.9 s.2014


    Ord--r No. 47, s. 2010. Appropdateguidelines of the individual and group


    chanses a.lrd inciusion were made on thecontests, which are detailed in the followrng

    Gereral culdeltne6 for the Selection ofWinDers tn the Differelt


    Indlwidual Wrttilg ColteEtsScore Sheet for Editorjal wriungScore Shcet for Ne{s wrltingScore Sheet for Feaiure WritingScore Sheei for Sports W.itingScore Sheet for Dditorjal CartooningScore Sheet for PhotojournalismS.orc ShcF, lor S. Fr.c and Hcl rh WI nRCeneral Guialelines for Group Coatstslschool Paper, E-Documnt aad E-Publicatiou)General Guidelines for the Selection ofrhe Best Sections and Lay Outand Page Design CategoryScore SheeL for the Editorial SectionScore Sheet {or the Ne{.s SectionScore Sheer lor the Features SectionScore Shet for the Sports SectionScore Shcct {or Layoui and Page Dcslen caiegoryScore Sheet tor rhe Sciencc and Hcallh Se.tlon

    6. The top seven \l'lnners in all events pet contest category per medium shall berecognizcd and thc points they \r'ill garner wiil be included in the computation of thcoverall scores. The guidelines on hoq to compute the overall scores are enumerated inOnclosure No. 7.

    7. Regional Supervisors ill-charge of journalism are lequired to submit thefollowing:

    Score Sheet Ior The Best E PublicationScore Sheet for Selectlns ihe Best School Pa

    Guidlines Fo Radio Broadcasttng & Script writing cotrtests{F ipino aad E glish)Score Sheet for Radio Broadcas

    Document Nam ard Detaila. School Year 2OI3-2OL4 Regioral Matrl*

    of Activities refers lo the region'sinltiatives to furiher develop and enhdcethe abilities of their toumalism advisets,pupils and students ln both elementaryand secondan schools:

    January 31,2014

    b Flve'year plan ot activities which arebased on the needs ol pupils, students and

    January 3l,20l4

    c. Dlrectory and Profile of aLl the schoolp:pPr rd\rs-rs a d il .rsron \up'nrsor( icharge of loumalism in bolh eiementaryand secondan schoolsi and

    A month aller the conduct ol the RegionalSchools Prcss Conlerence (RSPC)

    a. n.si"""l ".compttslm. ".ial] reports wiih ihe Lisl of tudgcs/e 'aLuatorsI tor the resional schoSl:-s - 9$r9 qe:

    A month afr--r the conduct ol rhe RegionalSchools Press Conference (RSPC)

    8. The documnts due this January shall b the bases lor the downloading oftheir rcgional subsidy Ior trjning a]]d the RSPC.



    (lridlin.s for the Couebolative Publbhtng contestScorc Sheet Ior Collaborative

  • 8/12/2019 DepED Memorandum No.9 s.2014


    9. All schools divisions and reglons should strictly follow the dNo School Paper,Ito Student Contestant" policy.

    10. Schools which have collected journalism or subscription fees from theirpupils/students should submit school paper entries a-I]d not e'document entries inPDF fi1es.

    11. Each region is expected to submit the follol,"ing:Document Narne submttted Enclosure

    NumbrDeadule and Itnportalt



    print, electronic

    document format{PDF) ard theURLS of the e

    duly endorsed byrhe RD:

    office {co)

    either BEEOT BSE

    l rbnary 10, 2014 uattl S:0O p.E.

    . Regional entries shich ill betmnsported through couriers orspecial deliveries should beaccepted bv the delivery seFiceolTice on or before the day of the

    . No exteftton ofdre'late/tiEetll be elowcd.


    b. Complete official

    List of

    wjlljoin the

    of the

    Centraloffice (co),

    either BEEor BSE ndthe Resional

    DepEd RO Il]

    land2 February 24, 2014. This official list signed by the RD

    shall also serve as ihe oficialtravel order of each resion andthis is the only travel ordervhich shall be honored by thehost region dunng registration.

    . lftherc are last minute changesin lhe list ofcontestants, thereplacement shal1 submii a

    justincation/ certification dultsisned by the RD/Head ofDelegation to the respectivechaf of the NTWG upon arivalat the contest venue.

    . Only the tyo hutralred slxtyetght (258) offtctal dlegatssha1l be registered ddaccommodated jn the billeiingarea. They are ako the oolyons sho elll recelvc th. klts,qnd Certtflcate8 ofPaftlclpatto aad AppearaEce.

    . Early confimation andregistration with the hast region

    . Rgtutntlor afte Fbrualy 28,20la wi[ ao longer be

    Schedule of

    Depanurc and

    transportation toreach the venDe.

    Region II1

    thE RD

    Land2 Februrry 24, 2014

  • 8/12/2019 DepED Memorandum No.9 s.2014


    t2. Anv viola-ior of r he sl pulatcd gurdeLn.s :s su bjF., for d isqualifination.

    13. The Official Rcgionai Dclegation shall consist of two hund.ed slxty eight {268)panicipants. The delegates are expcted to b in the venue at 8:OO a.m. on April7 (Mondayl and to leave 12:oO noon on Apdl 10 (Thut8dayl. Early confinnatioDand registration wilh the host region is encouraged.

    14. Any pl:nned educational tour of each reeion should be conducted after all theactivities of the NSPC are done. lnlerested participants \\dll need to coordinate vitlrthe division in charge of their region- The students intending to join the tour will needto secure a separate parent's pendt for this. No parent's prmtt. No EducationalTour

    15. Non-contestants, parents and other school offlcials who are not part of theofficial regional delegation are reqtlired to seek their own accommodation and contactthe host region/division for assistance. They can contact the Education Supenisorin charge at the Curriculum Learning Management Division (CLMDJ of Region III,Ms, Mlchelle A. Mejica at the CLMD'S office number (045) 455-2312 or through theCLMD's email address: [email protected] or Ms. Mejica's email address: da4e 1O I Ta.rvahoo.com.16. Each participant included in the ollicial list of dlegation, both public andprivate shall pay a registration fee of Forrr Thousand Pesos (P 4,OOO.OO| charged tothe school Majntenallce and Othcr Operating Expenses (MOOE)/loca1/regionalfunds/SEF or the School Canpus Journalism Fund, subject to the usual accountingand auditing mles and regulations. The reglstration fcc shall be used to cover ihecosts of board and lodging, kits including conference materials, rental ofequipmnt/vehicle, payment for utilities, contingency and other related expensesincured h the conduct oI NSPC. Advance pa]'ment in checks shall be addressed lothe host rgion/division while on-site registration shail be paid in cash.

    17. Thc fund transfer in the arnount of Two Miuion Five Huadted ThousandPesos (P 2,5OO,OOO.OO) shall be downloaded to the host reglon to coler the costs oftrophies, medats, certificates, supplies and materials, rehabilitation of the contestvenues, honoraiia and transportatlon of local judges, board and lodging of al1 thejudges {nationat nd local), concurrent speahers and the National Technical workingGroup (NTWC). Statement oI Expenditures audited by t-he iocal Commission on Audit(COA) alld noted by the RD shalt be submitted to the Chief of Accounting Division,DepEd Central Offlce (CO) a month after the conduct of the activity

    18 The conduct of orher major aciivities listcd in Enclosure No 8 and thehonoraria of the national judges shall be charged to the OSEC Campus JournalismFunds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations

    19. For frirther information and clariflcations, contact or visit any of the following

    Director Marilya D, DimaanoAttention: Ms. Lea D, Estuye

    Bureau of Elementarlr Education2.d Floor, Bonifacio BuildingDepEd Complex, Meralco Avcnue, Pasig City

    Dlrector Joclyn DR. AndayaAttention: Me. Anna Malie B. San Diego

    Bureau oi Secondaiy Education3'd Floor, Bonilacio BuildinCDepEd Complex, Me.alco Avenue, Pasig City

    Telefa-{ No.i (02) 638-4700 Teiefa'( No : la2) 632 75a6/636 sr72Email Address: nspcelcmentan'[rsnail..om Email Address: nspcbseft]ema aa4

  • 8/12/2019 DepED Memorandum No.9 s.2014


    20. lmrnediate dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired.


    //,t^"n. -ah',tt" o./r-.rtrt*o """ecretaryEncls.:

    DepEd Memorandum No.:221, s.2412DepEd Order No.r 47, s. 20lO

    To be indicated irl the Pglclqd 14@under the lollowing subjectsl


    SMA, DM Cuidclines on thc Conduct ofrhe NSPC0601 June 29lJuly 5/r2, 2013

    Jeraf 14,2Ol4

  • 8/12/2019 DepED Memorandum No.9 s.2014


    DepED Memorandum No,9 s.2014 January 16,2014

    2014 National Schools Press Conference {NSPC)

    Schoo s Dlv slon SuperintendentDivis on of:


    Office ofthe Regional Director


    Dktrict SupervisorDistrict of:

    NameofschoolDktrict:Division of:

    lnformation and Communication Technology Office

    llcr,t irr cd I JortlrhIttlt\

    tl ot


    Director llr-ln-Charge
