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Descreption Essays 44444

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  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    • in fact

    • on the whole

    • furthermore

    • as a result

    • simply put

    • for this reason

    • similarly

    • likewise

    • it follows that

    • naturally

    • by comparison

    • surely

    • yet

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    Instead, give the reader a broad view of your subject and

    work your way into the details. A better example would be:

    In a small rural town in central Ohio was a farm surrounded

    by miles of cornelds. In this place, on many warm summer

    days, my cousins and I would run through the cornelds

     playing hide and seek or making our own crop circles as

    clubhouses. My grandparents, whom I called Nana and Papa,

    lived on this farm for many years. he old farmhouse was

    large and always full of people, and it was surrounded by

    wild animals. I spent many of my childhood summers and

    holidays here. It was the family gathering place

    "hile the animals were fascinating, the visual elements

    made this !oo most interesting

    The sun was shining and a slight breeze blew acrossmy face

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    Small-Town Terror

    by Carolyn Gamble

    Student Sample: Narrative

    ituated between majestic mountains and rolling hills,

    #enton is much like any other small eastern $ennessee

    settlement. It was election day, and looking forward to a visit

    to the ice cream shop, I accompanied my grandfather as he

    drove the ten%mile journey to town. &ountry life o'ered little

    excitement, but that day an air of uneasiness replaced the

    usual contentment one felt while passing aged buildings,

    their drabness contrasted sharply by a few colorful, modern

    improvements. (aving spent the )rst ten years of my life

    here, it was easy to detect any change in the town*s mood.

    I pondered the worried expression on the faces of the few

    people we saw on the streets. It seemed everyone was in a

    hurry. $here were not the usual groups gathered to

    exchange local gossip. +ost noticeable was the absence of


    As my grandfather*s dilapidated ord approached the town*s

    only tra-c light, we were greeted%not by ashing red, yellow

    or green%%but by uniformed /ational 0uardsmen armed with

    guns and appearing much out of place in such placid

    surroundings. As our vehicle slowed to a stop, I was aghast

    as I saw before me a huge machine gun, pointed in our

    direction. A young guardsman walked briskly to the car and

    explained, almost apologetically, "orry ir, but we*ll have tosearch your car. 1ust routine procedure."

    As the car was being searched, we learned the reason for

    such drastic precautionary measures. A man whom we knew

    and who was a candidate for the sheri'*s o-ce, had been

    brutally murdered in the presence of his wife and daughter.

    It was rumored that the opposing party was responsible for

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    the fatal shotgun blast, and other rumors stated that

    explosives would be brought into town to bomb the


    As this unbelievable information was being given, I sat

    petri)ed, trying to convince myself that this was the same

    town where, only yesterday, old men in dirty overalls

    lounged around the courthouse, spitting tobacco and

    discussing the forthcoming election. 2ogs and children had

    romped freely on the sidewalks, while women browsed in the

    stores for hours without buying anything. trangely, all this

    had changed overnight, and the preconceptions I had about

    our peaceful country and the glorious right to vote werebeginning to sound as a sour note. +arching through the

    streets, guards with guns gave the appearance of towns I

    had seen in the movies. $owns which did not know freedom,

    but captivity.

    "(e*ll probably go home," I mused to myself as my

    grandfather began changing the gears to move on. urely no

    one could be so stupid as to go into that courthouse now3

     $hinking how wonderful it would be to get back to the safetyof our farmhouse, I was somewhat taken aback when

    0randpa parked near the entrance of the threatened

    building. $he lines in his face seemed to be carved with

    determination, and with unfaltering stride he 4uickly

    mounted the steps to the building. A man had died at the

    hands of those who tried to control a county*s right to vote.

     $hat "right" was now even more precious. 0randpa would


    Lous !lace

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    by !atti S"ors"i

    5nglish 6767

    Instructor: +andy 8reston

    +ay 69, 977

    Student Sample: #escriptive $ssay

    It is at least twenty years later and I can still remember my

    )rst visit to ;ou?@. 5ven though the place

    looks a little s4ualid, it is not for lack of care in fact, ;ou is

    proud of how clean she keeps her place. he has often been

    heard to say, with the strongest 5ast $ennessee accent, BIt


  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    hen entering the door at ;ou

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    coming in for the special of the day are also calls delivering

    the latest events of the day. $he old men on the other side

    of the room will be giving a running commentary on the

    family of the latest newsmaker, their history in thecommunity, arrest record if any the who, what, when,

    where, and why, of the story, with an accuracy to e4ual any

    television or newspaper reporter.

    In the evenings, when ;ou

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    gather their news, and a new bunch of kids take over at

    night. 5verything is the same, everything is di'erent

    The %ld &ence

    by Craig Snider

    Student Sample: Short #escriptive

     $he old fence stands weathered and tired. It has been

    holding cattle in the )eld ever since the farmer put it up. $he

    cows have occasionally tried to break through, but they have

    lost their battles only the small yearlings have been able to

    s4uee!e under the fence.

     $he poles stand rotten and weary they are lined up in a

    sporadic order. $he spaces between are not always e4ual

    and their heights di'er greatly. ome have pulled loose from

    their holes, and they are held up only by the line of barbedwire that clings to their hide. $he line of fence looks much

    like a parade of weary, beaten soldiers who have been

    defeated in battle and are lining up for their last breath of

    honor before they are shot and killed.

    In several places on the fence the barbed wire has been cut

    or bent out of shape. #ut neither the rain and rust nor the

    cattle*s fury has made the wire calm or dangerous. harp,

    erect pins still show their warning of power many times theyhave acted as a catalyst between the cows and their

    angered emotions.

    5ven though the fence is old and historical, it will not last

    very long because there is a new owner. (e is a man of

    power and wealth who has big plans, a man too high to care

    for the cattle or the soil, a man whose only dream is riches.

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


     'oung Lions( 'oung Ladies

    by Shea Stutler

    Adolescents like to have a place they can call their own. In

    the )fties, teenagers hung out at the malt shop, sipping

    cherry cokes and rockin* with 5lvis. $oday, in a small town in

     $ennessee, they*re jam skating to +ontell 1ordan. I was

    ama!ed to )nd a microcosm of life blooming on a G7 x 6H7%

    foot cement slab known as a roller skating rink.

    As I entered the building which housed the rink, the warm,nostalgic scent of popcorn hit that part of my brain where

    dusty, cobwebbed memories live, memories of my own

    adolescence. I made my way past a group of exuberant

    teenagers at the snack bar until I reached the skating rink.

    kinny, hard benches, made for small butts, lined one wall. I

    took a seat and scanned the rink. +y eyes paused to read a

    sign white, block letters on a black background warned,

    "kate at our Ewn Jisk."

     $wo young men swaggered past me: con)dent, heads held

    high, eyes focused on their destination. I leaned over,

    looking down the long row of benches, curious to )nd out

    where they were going. $heir con)dence lagged a bit as

    they approached a large group of their peers, including

    several young ladies. All of them exhibited signs of

    discomfort as the girls crossed their arms over their nubile

    bodies and the boys tried hard not to stare.

    Abruptly, a silent signal sent the entire assembly to the

    benches. 8airs of dexterous hands laced up skates as 4uickly

    as possible, while other hands aided in conversation that

    only the listener was allowed to hear. I was struck by the

    intimacy of this scene. $hey all knew each other well. $hey

    had come together in the freedom of this one place to share

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    and explore without the encumbrance of parents, teachers,

    or any other meddlesome adult. I sat bolt upright, feeling

    very much like someone who had accidentally stumbled into

    a room full of naked people.

    Attempting to recover from my embarrassment, I was

    suddenly startled by a cacophony . . . music, perhapsK It

    must have been music, because I glanced down to )nd my

    foot tapping away to a beat long forgotten. As if on cue,

    young people from every corner of the room ocked to the

    rink. $he awkwardness their bodies had expressed o' the

    rink had been replaced by a grace not unlike the albatross.

     $hey were clumsy in their approach to ight, but, onceairborne, they were a soaring sight to behold.

    I was mesmeri!ed by the e'ortlessness of their movements,

    weaving in and out, endlessly circling. kates became a blur

    of color: green, purple, blue, pink, red%%speeding by fast and

    furious. I felt the rush of wind on my face as I caught the

    musky scent of cologne mixed with sweat. A swirl of

    communication was taking place, none of it involving

    speech. $he tactile sense had kicked in: punching andshoving of young lions trying to impress their ladies of

    choice, bodies brushing by each other, and the gentle touch

    of hand on arm. A statues4ue blonde, six inches taller than

    her partner, slipped. "&atch me, I*m falling on purpose," her

    body language seemed to say. 5ye contact was prevalent.

    +ost skaters continually scanned the rink, found the one

    they were looking for, and #A+33 eyes 4uickly darted away.

     $his testing of emotional waters went on for several hoursboys and girls trying on relationships of men and women like

    kids playing dress up in their parents* clothes.

    I remembered the sign, "kate at our Ewn Jisk." At the

    time, I had worried about broken arms and legs, but as I

    watched the dance unfold on that skating rink, I reali!ed that

    these young people risk so much more. $he pain of

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    rejection, the fear of making fools of themselves, and the

    devastation they feel when they believe that they have,

    makes life for these adolescents a risky business. 8erhaps

    that sign should have read, ";IL5 at our Ewn Jisk.

    Sample essay

    I have always been fascinated by carnival rides. It ama!es

    me that average, ordinary people eagerly trade in the

    serenity of the ground for the chance to be tossed through

    the air like vegetables in a food processor. It ama!es me that

    at some time in history someone thought that people would

    enjoy this, and that person invented what must have beenthe )rst of these terrifying machines. or me, it is precisely

    the thrill and excitement of having survived the ride that

    keeps me coming back for more.

    +y )rst experience with a carnival ride was a erris wheel at

    a local fair. ;ooking at that looming monstrosity spinning the

    life out of its sardine%caged occupants, I was dumbstruck. It

    was huge, smoky, noisy and not a little intimidating. 5ver

    since that initial impression became fossili!ed in myimagination many years ago, these rides have reminded me

    of mythical beasts, ama!ing dinosaurs carrying o' their

    screaming passengers like sacri)cial virgins. 5ven the

    droning sound of their engines brings to mind the great roar

    of a )re%breathing dragon with smoke spewing from its

    exhaust%pipe nostrils.

     $he )rst ride on one of these fantastic beasts gave me an

    instant rush of adrenaline. As the death%defying ride started,a lump in my throat pulsed like a dislodged heart ready to

    walk the plank. As the ride gained speed, the resistance to

    gravity built up against my body until I was unable to move.

    An almost imperceptible pause as the wheel reached the top

    of its climb allowed my body to relax in a brief state of

    normalcy. $hen there was an assault of stomach%turning

    weightlessness as the machine continued its rotation and I

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    descended back toward the earth. A cymbal%like crash

    vibrated through the air as the wheel reached bottom, and

    much to my surprise I began to rise again.

    5ach new rotation gave me more con)dence in the churning

    machine. 5very ascent left me elated that I had survived the

    previous death%defying fall. hen another nerve%wracking

    climb failed to follow the last exhilarating descent and the

    ride was over, I knew I was hooked. 8hysically and

    emotionally drained, I followed my fellow passengers down

    the clanging metal steps to reach the safety of my former

    footing. I had been spared, but only to have the opportunity

    to ride again.

    +y fascination with these fantastic ights is deeply

    engrained in my soul. A trip on the wonderful erris wheel

    never fails to thrill me. Although I am becoming older and

    have less time, or less inclination, to play, the child%like thrill

    I have on a erris wheel continues with each and every ride

    Title: Christmas Time

      &hristmas time is genuinely unforgettable and

    uni4ue impression everyone senses at the depth of a heart.

     $he occasion brings us an all%hearted spiritual uni)cation

    with &hrist and so every single soul is willing to celebrate.

      1oyful &hristmas%tree decorations and sparkling

    lightings, underneath boxes with presents, magic odours and

    &hristmas cuisine tastes M all make up a magical celebration

    atmosphere indulging children and adults within the

    wonders of a &hristmas night.

      1ingle bells are magically ringing while miraculous

    horses are dashing through the snow. $he (oly pirit is ying

    in the frosty air warming people

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    is cheering with joy, singing carols and glorifying &hrist

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     $he beaches in Ibi!a are great. I have to admit it. #ut none

    of them

    match the tran4uillity and comfort of beach &ala #assa.

    #each &ala #assa is in Ibi!a about one mile south of themain area. It

    is known as the surfers paradise and the best beach in


    I relax as I watch the surfers gently glide over the tumbling


    waves. eeing the tall palm trees sway in the wind is

    calming to me as

    they are making gentle, peaceful sounds. $he branches

    show no sign of

    a snap, crack or sputter as the location is too peaceful to


    such occurrences. As I watch the rolling sand dunes the pier


    into my vision. $he pier, as red as a ruby, stands out to me

    among the

    deep blue ocean. As I lay on the sand, I see kites rise above

    theclouds and soar gracefully in the wind, which is blowing


    through the trees and sand, slowly whispering as if it were

    calling my

    name. $he )sherman cast their line o' the pier hoping to

    feel a tug

    and reel in a big )sh.

     $he sounds of #each &ala #assa are that of harmony. Ene of 

    the sounds

    I tune to )rst is the sound of the birds singing and chirping

    away as if they are creating a song. eagulls mostly.


    chirping as they soar overhead searching for food. After

    sitting for a

    few minutes, I*ll hear the light bree!e coming down through


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    the trees,

    rustling their leaves. $he howling wind whistles through the


    like an arriving train. As the crash of the waves thunderthrough my

    ears, it brings me back to reality while I daydream. $he

    sound of oil

    rigs across +ain treet sound like a steady drum keeping

    the beat in

    an orchestra of sounds.

    5verything on #each &ala #assa has its own uni4ue feel. $he

    salty air

    blowing on my face feels wet and cool as it passes by. $he

    feeling of

    the grainy sand is comforting to my feet as I walk across the


    hen I plunge into the ocean*s salt water, it feels refreshing

    to my

    skin like a glass of water on a hot day.

    #each &ala #assa is my most comfortable place mainly

    because of thesights, sounds, and the uni4ue feel of everything mentioned

    in this

    piece. hen I*m there, I feel totally relaxed as if I were in my


    little world.

    ,mbition and !assion

    Length: 9H words P7.> double%spaced pagesQ

    +ating: Jed PJ55Q

    % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %


  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    5ssays % Ambition and 8assion

    I go to camp every year and allow myself to love people,

    dreading the day when I will have to depart from them. I

    claw at each moment, attempting to hold on to time. I do

    this even though I know from the beginning that as soon as I

    enter I will be hurled towards the last day, towards the end,

    towards good%bye. And it breaks my heart. et every year,

    I*m just so grateful to have had my heart broken.

    If there is one secret to living life it is passion: passionate

    love, passionate hate, passionate hope, passionate joy,

    passionate work, passionate play, passionate pain and

    despair. eel things to the tips of your )ngertips, to the

    center of your soul. It*s the only way that you*ll get

    something worth getting out of life. It*s the only way thatyou*ll reali!e everything that I*ve attempted to tell you in

    this letter, because heaven knows that I am merely giving

    you words, not experience. ;ive your life so that you may, in

    the end, be able to sit around a table and eat, drink, and be

    merry with your family and friends and tell stories. $hat*s

    where your happiness is, in the ability to laugh at your life

    and cling to it dearly at the same time.

     $he only people for me are the mad ones, the ones mad to

    live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at

    the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a

    commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous

    yellow roman candles. %1ack Deroac


  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444



    2ream and hope and live your life to accomplish something,but never let ambition get in the way of your passions. 2o

    things to do them, not to get them done. In that spirit you

    may y by the seat of your pants through life and hopefully

    love every minute of it.

    #escriptive $ssay - The !ier

    Length: GG words P6.6 double%spaced pagesQ

    +ating: Jed PJ55Q

    % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

    /aples, not the most exciting place on the planet. /o,

    people have seemed to conclude that /aples, ; is the place

    to go for a nice, relaxing retirement. And I have to agree,

    they are right. /aples is a place )lled with tee times on golf

    courses, lunches at country clubs, longs walks along the

    beach and a casual stroll on the downtown sidewalks,

    sipping on a frappacino, all accompanied by sunny,

    cloudless days.

    o, what is a teenager to doK 2espite the Belderly%friendlyC

    appeal, /aples has proved to be somewhat teen%friendly.

    Rsually, we have to rely on our own imagination for

    entertainment. And depending on which teen you aretalking to, the entertainment level can go from fun, to just

    plain cra!y. $he only problem that seems to arise around

    here is that of location. here exactly do you go to have


    I personally have relied on the /aples 8ier for a place of


  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    amusement. $he 8ier is a simple structure basically is a

    twelve foot high boardwalk jutting out about seventy yards

    into the 0ulf of +exico. $he 8ier is the place for lovers to

    stroll and for )sherman to share their tales. or my friendsand me, it has everything from a simple meeting place to a

    center for deep conversation. ometimes we went there for

    the simple reason to watch the sun set, or we would just lie

    on the benches, staring up at the stars just talking. e have

    talked about everything, from theology to what animals we

    would like to be reincarnated as. $he 8ier has also been

    home to some cra!ier doings, from the spotting

    andnaming of dolphins, to making fun of tourists in a loud

    fashion to actually jumping o' the edge and into the water

    below, which in now prohibited.

    or me, the 8ier has proven to be a simple meeting spot, a

    subject of photography, a place of a )rst love, to just a place

    to go when there was nothing else to do. It has everything,

    despite its simple look. I suppose it does embody the spirit

    of /aples, after all, it is on countless post cards. And while

    the day at the 8ier might belong to the tourists, the nightbelongs to us.

    #escriptive $ssay: , *eautiful !aradise

    Length: >@ words P6.6 double%spaced pagesQ

    +ating: Jed PJ55Q

    % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

     $he other night I was sitting by the bla!ing )re eating a juicy

    orange, and the sweet smell reminded me of my vacations

    to lorida over winter break. I will never forget the fresh

    smell of the air when we stepped o' the airplane. I could

    see my grandparents from across the crowded airport. I


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    would always be so excited to step on the soft,

    white, sandy beach.

     $he )rst thing I would do is change into my bathing suit andrun out to the beach. +y sister and I would spend the day

    splashing in the salty water, until we were too tired to keep

    our heads above the water. $hen we would lie on the soft

    damp sand and take a nap. It felt so good to have the bright

    sun bla!ing down on me. +y favorite thing to do was build

    gigantic sand castles on the beach. +y sister and I would

    have contests to see who could build the tallest sand castle.

     $he grains of sand glistened in the sun like a diamond ring.

    I will never forget how the gigantic orange trees towered

    over me. 5very day my grandpa would pick me an orange

    they were so juicy3 5very time I think about an orange, my

    mouth waters, and I think of how sweet they taste.

    /ormally bedtime was a problem for me, but in lorida I fell

    right to sleep every night. I would leave the windows wide

    open, and I would fall asleep to the waves crashing on thesandy beach. I could hear the birds chirping outside my

    window along with the rustling of the wind.

    In the mornings we would walk to this little breakfast place

    called #agel nack. I would usually get a bagel and cream

    cheese, but sometimes I would live on the edge and get a

    waSe instead. /o matter what though, I would always have

    a glass of orange juice. or some reason it always tasted

    di'erent in lorida. +y mom told me it was because it was

    fresh s4uee!ed, and it still had he pulp in it and everything.

    I always dreaded having to leave this beautiful paradise. I

    would tell myself don*t worry we will be back in a year. #ut

    every time I bite into a juicy orange, all of these memories


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    come ooding back to me

    &arm %bservation

    Length: @7? words P6.9 double%spaced pagesQ

    +ating: Jed PJ55Q

    % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

    itting in the back seat between two towering piles of

    clothes and snacks we drive up the abandoned streets of

    Adell. I see vast open )elds of corn and dense wooded forest)lled with life, along with the occasional, towering grain

    house. e pull into a dry, dusty, driveway of rock and

    thriving, overgrown weeds. e come up to an aged log

    cabin with a massive crab apple tree with its sharp thorns

    like claws. $he ancient weeping willow provides, with is huge

    sagging arms, shade from the intense rays of the sun. /ear

    the back of the house there is a rotten, wobbly dock slowly

    rotting in the dark blue, cool water. /ear that we store our

    old rusted canoes, to which the desperate frogs hop for

    shelter. hen I venture out to the water I feel the thick

    gooey mud s4uish through my toes and the )sh mindlessly

    try to escape but instead swim into my legs. En the lively

    river banks I see great blue herring and there attempt to

    catch a )sh for their dinner. $hey gracefully y with their

    beautiful wings arching in the sun to silvery points.

    Inside the cabin there is nothing for entertainment excepttwo old black and white $L

  • 8/16/2019 Descreption Essays 44444


    the light blue sky. #ut when it gets dark I want to get back

    inside before the angry mos4uitoes bite me unmercifully. If

    they make their way into my cabin they will bother me

    through out the whole night. hen I can, I sit on the porchand wait until sunset, watch the frogs croaking non%stop and

    the river racing down the banks. As night falls the papery

    purple and orange clouds chase away the last remaining ball

    of orange sun and replace it with darkness. $hen I go

    back inside and sleep.

    +y time at the farm is something that I will always treasure.

    It is a fun way to spend my summer. En my last day I hear

    the bugs chirping, and I know happily that it is time to go


    )y Grandmothers .ouse

    Length: @>H words P6.@ double%spaced pagesQ

    +ating: Jed PJ55Q% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

    +y most favorite place has always been my grandmother

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    +y grandmother

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    home to the snakes, tadpoles,

    frogs, and )sh. e would go to the pond to catch the

    tadpoles and )sh. hen night

    fell, we would run around and catch )reies. e also helped

    plant peas, collard

    greens, and corn around the area. $he corn grew up like a

    forest3 I can remember

    running through the corn and playing hide and seek. 5ven

    after all the fun I had,

    picking the vegetables and shelling the peas was not my

    favorite moment.

    En undays, 0randmother would cook a big unday dinner.

    5veryone was

    expected to come to her house after church. $he men would

    be in the den watching the

    television while the women cooked. $hey would cook

    chicken, collard greens, peas, and

    sweet potato pie. All of the kids had to stay outside and

    play, so not to get in the

    way. If family came from out of town, the food supply would

    seem endless. Afterward,

    everyone went home knowing that they were full and


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    Jecently, I returned to my grandmother

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    room. $he other black light has an all black )xture that

    emits no color except the color it all ready produces and

    measured the same as the other black light P@9CQ. $here are

    few items in this room that are black light sensitive fromposters to glass material the room has many highlight

    glowing. $he black light gives a lot of character to the room

    in the sense of whoever enters the room, suddenly changes

    color. &lothes go from white to light purple and the color of

    the clothes sometimes changes. 2i'erent lighting e'ects

    are also used to help give the room more of a relaxing and

    chill environment. A small light covered in blue plastic wrap

    sit in place inside my closet. $his light is bright enough only

    to light just the closet, yet it does not impede on the

    ac4uired blue tinge. A dark blue lava lamp which is on day

    and night is placed near my television, which also gives the

    room a uni4ue look to it.

    A large variety of posters )ll every wall that represents few

    interests. $he majority of the posters consist of I&8 PInsane

    &lown 8osseQ. $hese posters were collected through the

    internet, and some were given by friends. Anyone who walksinto the room can tell what type of music is preferred by

    looking at some the posters on the walls. uch artists as

    8+ Pouth 8ark +exicansQ from (uston, $x. the whole crew

    from +etallica, and an almost life si!e picture of a pit%bull, it

    all gives the room a nice touch of style. ou can see a few

    pictures of cars on the walls: erraris, #+, racing cars and

    customi!ed cars.

    ;ast but not least the stereo system. $his E/ three disk

    &2 player is capable of producing ?77watts of sound. $his

    powerhouse is channeled to four separate speakers, all

    providing the most perfect surround sound for the room. $he

    two main speakers each consist of an eight inch speaker,

    and two other internal tweeters. $he other two speakers are

    four inches in diameter, and provide a nice midrange of

    sound. hich gives it its smooth and relaxing feeling where

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    to the reader would not want to leave the room.

     $he B&hill JoomC is like the author

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    produces. $here are several items in my room which are

    black light sensitive. rom posters to shotgun skeet clay

    pigeons, my room has many highlights of glowing items. $he

    black lights add a lot of character to the room in thatwhoever enters the room, suddenly changes color. &lothes

    go from white to light purple, and the color of clothes

    sometimes changes completely.

    Ether lighting e'ects are also used to help give the room a

    fun and party like environment. A small light covered in red

    plastic wrap is placed in a corner of the room. $his light is

    bright enough only to light just that corner, hence it does

    not impede on the already ac4uired orange tinge. A light

    blue lava lamp which is constantly on day and night, is

    placed near my bed. It is the only light that remains on while

    I sleep. #ecause it serves as the nightlight, I can wake up to

    a soft blue glow rather than having to turn on a much

    harsher normal white bulb lamp.

    A small variety of posters that represent my interests )ll

    every wall. $he majority of the posters consist of scantilyclad sexy women. $hese pictures were collected over time

    from maga!ines, and some were given to me by friends.

    Ene can tell what type of music I listen to by looking at the

    posters on my walls. uch artists as Dirt &obain from

    /irvana, the whole crew from +etallica, and an almost life

    si!e picture of #illy 1oe from 0reen 2ay, all give the room a

    nice touch of style. ou can see a few pictures of cars on the

    walls. Although my favorite car is not shown, several cars

    that I )nd appealing are displayed.

    I must mention my stereo. $his AIA three disk &2 player is

    capable of producing ?77watts of sound. $his powerhouse is

    channeled to four separate speakers, all providing perfect

    surround sound. $he two main speakers each consist of an

    eight inch speaker, and two other internal tweeters. $he


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    other two speakers are four inches in diameter, and provide

    a nice midrange of sound. $he system sounds great at

    volume. et I rarely use it to anywhere near its potential.

    +y room is my haven. 5verything I could need and want to

    have fun in everyday life is in it. +any have complimented

    me for my lighting e'ects, and for my choice of posters. I

    await the day when I move into my new house. $here, my

    room will be more than twice as large as it is now. ho

    knows what I*ll do then...

    Guayas *eaches: .avens of +esplendent *eauty in

    this /orld

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    +ating: Jed PJ55Q

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    2riving on the highway surrounded by the beautiful

    landscape, I was listening to 1ohn +ayer on the radio. As

    time went by, the weather started to change dramatically.

    &oming form a humid, hot and loud city, I was beginning to

    enter a di'erent place. After one hour and a half of the trip, I

    )nally started to feel the calming sun beams and the

    particular smell of fresh, salty water and sand.

     1ust a few people visited, at summer, this uni4ue spot of

    0uayas Ts beaches. $his is a place with comfortable and

    colorful houses next to the ocean. +ade up of wood, strawand reed these boarding houses have a good spatial

    division: four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a huge living room

    Pand next to it a little kitchenQ, swimming pool, and a porch

    with hammock to enjoy the view.

    After I unpacked my suitcase, which basically was full of

    bikinis, shorts and suntan lotion, I ran to the beach. $he


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    white hot sand gently burned my feet. $he sunKs rays hit me

    intensely. I could feel my pale, cold skin getting warm.

    &uriously, I felt how the rays went through my skin and

    passed through me like I was invisible. $he beach was almost empty. $herefore there were no

    sounds, but the waves crushing in the land, the wind

    through the sand and the pelicans ying from one side to

    another, this was my music on this sunny ebruary day.

     $he ocean was another perfect element of that beautiful

    landscape. $he colour of the water was incredible, between

    dark blue and green. I could see little )sh of many colors

    swimming in the transparent, 9? U& sea. I started swimming

    to refresh from the hours of sun I had received. $he taste of

    the water was salty. $he waves of approximately two meters

    hit my body and dragged me into the shore. I swam for

    about one hour, until my hands and body started to wrinkle.

     $he strong tides made it di-cult to get out of the water.

    +inutes later I was again inside the house getting ready to

    go out at night. I was going to another part of that beach,

     just 6? minutes away. $his place was called by many K$he

    8aradiseK. hyK I didnKt know, but that night I was going to)nd out. A town full of surfers, tourists and natives was what

    I found. #etween two mountains this side of the beach was a

    relaxing place where all people were generous and friendly.

     $hey all seemed to be on some kind of drug. +aybe they

    were, but I never knew it for sure. #esides the people and

    the beauty, in this same spot I ate the best pi!!as I have

    ever eaten in my life. $he soft our mass, full of melted

    yellow cheese and vegetables, dissolved slowly in my

    mouth. In general the food was the best thing of this little

    town. I wanted to believe that K$he 8aradiseK was the

    nickname because of the excellent food and people.

    I stayed two long months at the boarding houses, each day I

    visited the di'erent beaches around the province of 0uayas.

    I learned to be proud of my own country. I know now that

    our nation has beautiful beaches that can be compared with

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    any other in the entire world because of their uni4ueness.

    8eople, weather, landscape, houses, perfect sun beams,

    fresh air, silence, sea, food and other many circumstances

    make of an 1ose a special spot to visit in our country. 1ust afew people have the luck of going there, but all of us should

    take the opportunity to visit it in any moment of our life.

    0isit to 1taly

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    +ating: Jed PJ55Q

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    A Lisit to Italy

     $he capital city of Italy is a very extraordinary place to visit.

     $he population of Jome is well over two%million. $he people

    there are very friendly and are extremely proud of their

    country. Jome is a beautiful bustling city that has a

    moderate cli mate. $he temperature usually stays around

    eighty degrees. $he main way of transportation is by bus.

     $he side walk cafes are very popular in Jome. $he cafes

    were always populated with happy Italians and a few curious

    tourists. $he most preferred cafe was the &afe . 8etro. this

    cafe was in perfect walking distance from the Latican city.

     $he Latica n city is were the pope lives. $he main meals

    served at the cafes varied from pi!!a to tortillini. $he pi!!as

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    were not exactly like 8i!!a (ut*s pi!!a. $hey were crispy thin

    with very few toppings available. +ost pi!!as came with

    cheese, pepperoni and a watery tomato sauce. $he tortillini

    had soft, medium%length, hollow noodles with more waterytomato sauce. Another favorite at the cafe was the lasagna

    which was unbelievably delicious. After having tasted the

    pi!!as and the tortillini, I was not exp ecting the lasagna to

    be so tasty. $he lasagna was packed full of hot meat, !esty

    cheese, and a tangy tomato sauce. It was not out of the

    ordinary to see Italians, instead of eating at the cafe, talking

    with their friends and sipping on hot cappucino.

     $he streets in Jome were always swamped with motor

    scooters, three%wheeled cars, and buses. Although, the main

    way of transportation are buses, Italians also scooted

    around on their motor scooters. $he scooters were more

    convenient because the scoote rs could easily slip through

    tra-c jams. $he parking was very ha!ardous for people

    because some cars would be blocked in by a small car thatwas parked vertical between two hori!ontally parked cars.

    &ar accidents were very common in Jome. hen two pe

    ople had a car accident, they would just wave or yell at each

    other and drive hurriedly away. $he police were not noti)ed

    and there was no 4uestion of who would pay for the


     $he worst part about Jome were the buses. $hese buses

    were jammed tight with people who were sweaty and

    excessively vulgar. $he buses were small in si!e, the color

    was a dull blue, and they contained only a few seats that

    were rarely available. $he men on these buses were

    extremely vulgar in their actions. #ecause we had to stand


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    so close, the men had chances to pick my pockets or place

    their hands on my bottom. Ence this incident happened, I

    had to practically shove them o'. $his did not bother them,

    they would just move on to the next woman.

    Ever all, Jome is an exciting place to visit because it has so

    many attractions to o'er. $his trip will always be special to

    me because I got to see a di'erent culture and had many

    entertaining experiences. I would advise anyone who was

    going to ta ke a trip to go to Italy because it is surely an

    ama!ing place to visit.

    )y &amily 0acation

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    +ating: Jed PJ55Q

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     $rying to get out of the winter slump. I decided we would

    take a vacation in 2ecember. $he thought of getting away

    from old man winter had my curiosity going. $he mere

    thought of lorida is sure inviting when the weather here is

    in the teens and seventy there. #eaches. Amusement parks

    wow what a great idea. even if it is a twelve%hour drive.

    As my eye was slowly pulled apart, I came to the conclusionmy children were no longer asleep. $he sound of are we, are

    we, are we really in orida, as my youngest daughter is

     jumping on the bed to help me awake. $he sun was barely

    beginning to creep into the room. It reminded me of sand in

    an hourglass just gently moving along. I rolled over to look

    at my beautiful wife, but wait, where is sheK $he covers


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    were piled three feet high with an array of pillows on top of

    everything else, then it moved and spoke. B#e 4uiteC the

    pile said. Eh no it

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    movie only lacking the darkness outside. ith a plunge, I

    had dismissed the thought of easing into the water. As I

     jumped in with reckless abandon . All the air was wisped out

    of my body and I was standing back beside the hot tub. Enlyit wasn
