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Desert Odyssey

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Copyright © 2015 by Michael O’Connor


No images or text from this volume may be reproducedwithout expressed written permission from the author.

THE MINUTES SLIPPED away as I stood before it in complete silence. This is a moment I wanted to wholly own; this is not my selfish nature.

Deserts Cool and Hot

WITHOUT DIRE WARNING I came upon one of those terrains nested in a valley in which I knew that I was going to be challenged to cross from one edge to the other; a reality I never would have guessed from a short time ago; still not entirely sure why I was here in the first place. There is a vengeful delight that I take in approaching everything I should not be doing. Deserts are cool then hot; this is their odyssey.

What must be Different

THIS DESERT LOOK PLAIN enough on first glance, but being in the middle of it here I can see the variations and the brilliance of this ecological niche which lie ahead with little to no apparent end. There is no perceptible breeze, but never stopped me before so I started walking. Scan the far horizon and assess that the opposite side must be so different from where I stand. I must cross it to the opposite side, a distance that will more likely be longer than anticipated, and I will stop counting my steps one hundred paces in on a topology that divides itself between entirely flat and distant mountain ranges.

What is an Oasis

THIS PLACE SEEMS SO isolated compared to the metropolitan places I walked just yesterday. But here I walk instead shutting out that world for this one instead, simply a mental taking a picture and moving on. I would like to understand the true novelty of this place. It forces me to speculate one foot ahead of the other for a very long while dead reckoning on some fixed point ahead. What is an oasis, indeed?

Nothing Original about a Desert

I WALKED ALONG THINKING; as there is no doubt that the conscious self wouldn't be caught alive for as long as this stay; in a land that lends itself to the description of furnace. I will have walked half way across and have thereby concluded that this is also a beautiful place; eventually and unkindly foreboding it evolves beyond nothing.

Those Dreamscapes Prevail

THE DISTANCE FROM ONE END of this desert to the other reminds one of the fact that humans pick the most unexpected places to live, even though these inhabitants barely make it from air conditioned automobiles to artificially cooled houses, and in and out of strangely enclosed neighborhood like compounds. No doubt they had once dreamed of escaping these confining plots of land but instead found that they were surrounded by a hot desert niche instead. They remain comfortable and ever fixated on this landscape.

Ever Greater Reasons

AND INSTEAD they do recollect that the glory of living where Frank Sinatra once entertained was never in reality, in their possession. Date and palm trees are remiss. For some reason beyond my way of thinking they have come to call themselves snowbirds.

Water that I Missed

LIVING IN CALIFORNIA means having experience with limited water, but never going quite dry. While not everyone here finds the drought the same way, in the desert region most make up for it by a combination of stillness and lack of stamina that surprises me because this is not cleverness but rather an emphasis on avoidance of recognizing the problem the same way. You see there is a great aquifer in this desert region and people take a great deal of pride in avoiding the question that it will every run dry. Pools and enormous manicured green lawns dominate the secondary landscape.

Bring the Right Tools

WHILE I HAVE DONE VERY LITTLE paddling on the twelve foot SUP sitting behind my rig, it does not take me long to find my way to the pool. Everyone here has a pool and most have deep green and plush lawns that never take a break. It did not take me long to dry off and make a clean entry into the mostly barren hills on foot and by bike, carrying several small bottles of spring water from almost everywhere else. I have adapted well enough to live like a native, bumping agains rocks as I climb, giving greater caution to a type of cactus that grows here and that apparently leaps out to its next victim without warning. Evolve and adapt; this is what one needs to do to survive here.

Then again I Stay

STILL, I am anxious that the time it takes to find natural pools of water is doubling. Somehow we do out best to stay calm and collectively still, though I am probably seen as reckless because I go outside and climb, and pull myself across arroyos and dare to explore the desert outside of an air conditioned vehicle or dwelling in mid day. The results are becoming quite familiar to me; crossing the desert in anything less than a straight line; now blue instead of green.

Let's Settle on a Design

THIS OCCASIONAL THOUGHT came to mind upon a sandy surface; the flat crunching of sand across this arroyo drives me to song, pulling me in deeper and leaving a near perfect impression of my shoes as I walked with an even greater stride. I pass each deepening side as if I have been swallowed up for fun under the ever pressing sun without obstruction of thoughts, words or deeds.

We will call it Dry

BY THIS METHOD I would be up to and inside of a box canyon to be held in check by cliff that rise one hundred and then two hundred feet above the desert floor. And there, standing is a wind carved corner is a single wide leaf plant with streaks of red and then purple depending on the angle of the sun and the shadows I cast across it by bowing over to inspect it for texture. I am allowed in closer, I dare, turning slightly at a right angle to the cliff. The plant is held steady by river rocks polished too smooth.

Clearer than Instead

THAT IS PRECISELY WHEN it dawns on me that this steady plant and its surroundings were groomed by something outside of the nature of a flowing river. The results were too similar to a landscaping in someone's backyard, almost fake yet natural. We allow ourselves to see what we want to see; outsiders conform; isn't this clear by now that something indeed once flowed uninhibited. Now it is gone; where did it go precisely.

You have my Attention Only

THE CACTI, AS well, have a very perplexing design, having been graced with color and specter as well as the problem of being adorned with far too much armor. This is a problem in having wanted to get rather close with the species and finally settling in on their structure from afar. There are ever present warning signs, you know.

In Quiet Contemplation

ONE MIGHT SAY that they are even more splendid several meters away; pivoting so quickly and walking around this bunch three hundred and sixty degrees; in quiet contemplation I have regard to their form, fit and function during this experience. Although they are seldom referred to as magnificent, the spines of this bunch are slender, apparently sturdy enough to spear insects, and wholly exquisite to a fine point making my unprotected skin a convenient target. The cacti draw comparatively little water compared to say a human being.

One could Want

THEY WEIGH HUNDREDS of pounds yet stand erect via very whimsy skeletal systems. One would want to touch more but closer inspection requires the delicate movements of a surgeon. In addition to this, their usefulness in respect to bioengineering is apparent enough: they stand erect, daring approach, adorned appropriately enough for reproach. Did I mention that they also draw blood?

The Pretense of Civilization

SO WHAT IS THE DESERT without an oasis: live, shut out, it is another world. I am touched by the fact that others stayed on and built here. With all the careful reflection this warrants, I know that I could never be one of them. No other environments are more descent than ascent: speculate where, somewhere else other than here at the top of a mountain or the bottom of the sea. My future space has more foliage, moisture, and crowds more moderate. And yes, finally a place to put in my SUP.

It Made Me Laugh

JUDGING BY HOW THEY SETTLED it would seem that living off of the grid was an intension. For me personally, what is life without the opportunity of multiple grids, even interlacing. I will not speculate why they live here, I even thought of this and laughed. There is certainly a vast gap between charm and novelty slipping dangerously away from say society. The social and physical topologies are terse and unable to sustain the diversity I cherish as living well.

And then I Sighed

THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN arroyos and river banks are plain enough; I do not want to stay and eat and drink wine under any other roof than one which also is adorned with smooth tiles framed by palms, comfortable tables and chairs, and a menus counting on the eclectic tastes of hoards from all over the world. Rolling hills partitioning large swaths of sand covered ground, please keep your distance.

Double Double Toil and Trouble

HALF WAY THROUGH this trip I drew upon a special garden and it stopped me to a quick. This was a crossroads between the real desert and a modeled one and it was thick with species both expected and surreal. Along the vertical walls of adobe tall palms lingered out with backfills of splendid shadowed silhouettes marking the cool surface with a scene right out of a play.

The Direction Now Observed

THE ONLY THINGS MISSING were those splendid barren hills that engulfed the actual desert reproduction. This of course put my mind in split order of attempting to walk across the horizontal tiles while mixed emotions drew me back to the vertical wall. There was no bend in the path ahead; along side of this was the not so straight and narrow and the sharp right angles instead. The look was inviting and it was also solemn as the sun peeked through parting clouds and the shadows became all wrong: misaligned, matted and dulled, loosing the underlying depiction of the tall palms themselves. What a delightful mix.

When should an Audience Leave

BUT WHEN THE CLOUDS BROKE away freely, those sharp and narrow silhouettes returned across that wall and I was able to walk away without further hesitation. I knew something had been fixed. I turned my back and walked away even more awestruck; the meaning of the question has penetrated intelligibly.

This Wandering Retention

FRESH SIGNS THAT MEAN SOMETHING, that the sun's arc was being beaten down by a stronger force toward the west and land's end. This is geology's fault that the breakdown of species has caused a division between desert and tropical island. Opposite the tall cactus stands an equally sturdy palm and the breathtaking blue sky immediately follows. Fresh tracks of civilization cannot be too far behind.

Road Runners and Pelicans

BY FOLLOWING THE STAGES the sun must be driven to the waters edge by now. Is it a fault that the coastal pelican takes in the scent left behind from an arid desert so far inland? Day dream by day dream sounds the warning that canyons are not far behind; we are accustomed to such occurrences and impressed by the last three hours of sun sets. One cannot ignore it: Palm Desert, Santa Barbara, Honolulu remind me of the shape of our earth heading west.

Standing on the Sea Floor

THIS NEXT GEOLOGIC STRATA is a wonderful example of reverse logic; small wonder, after all; as we were just getting used to the idea that the sea used to flow over this entire area. And now this sea is all together out of our sight. We spent hours trying to figure out the Salton Sea, never expecting the long stream of RV and motor homes to interfere with that horizon from north to south, would refine the overall specter.

Studied Amiability

CAN'T WE JUST RESUME where we left off. It was a very short hike from one box canyon to the other following the arroyos with different names. The hues on the broad leaves of spiny succulents turn red here. Compared to the other plants this one seems the most ready to combat any settlers that would make it their home.

Suspicious Hosts

IT IS ALMOST NEARLY POSSIBLE that this plant would make the best stage for the scant insect population that lives here, as opposed to the more dangerous needled cacti. Either way, one false landing onto pointed and razored spines would be disastrous. The roots of these plants are somewhat deep because the water seldom rises. Flash floods rule over the paths of the arroyos and anything else that gets in the way of their path.

The Opposite of Us

ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE of this plant was a scorpion that had no idea how lucky it was to have the cover of these leaves eight inches higher. The leaves glisten and the scorpion is dulled by the dust it kicks up trying to figure me out. We remain on opposite sides of this succulent and will in turn say nothing of the other signs of life nearby. We are somewhat compatible after all, so long as one does not trend on the other.

Subdued Observations

DESERT SPECIES ARE THE OPPOSITE of us. So much is refreshed after a good night sleep and there is a lot of variety in our day-to-day existence. With a fresh start of a day a tall stalk of cactus wakes with no particular difference in status. I reference this: another morning in sand and rocks, one could not miss them at all even with the afternoon improving. At night; well, this is a continuous succession of standing tall against the desert backdrop swaying occasionally when the evening winds burst.

A Direction Observed

NOT A THING of change is expected over time; it does seem now that standing erect is one point of view. Look, another tourist is standing in place taking pictures. What breaks us from this is pulling back or forward for yet another perspective. Yes, it's still green against brown; follow this as closely as one can get without getting stung. There is no safety barrier allowed. I knew that almost too late.

Conclude a Curious Scene

JUST BEFORE I KNEW it was too late a narrow point of one of its spines grazed my forearm. So close did I take that last frame that it nearly pierced my sunburnt skin. I adjusted to it just as fast as the strobe striking the wall and reflected back; I am nearly as neatly clear. The heartbeat rises slowly, there is a comforting pause and reassignment of feet and hands away from the plants center. Nothing else around here happens so quickly as blood flowing away from flesh.

Almost Cordial

STANDING MOST ERECT this deserves a critical eye; the sight of it suggests an identity of need, no doubt. Although this looks sturdy enough it would be a miracle if it supported anything beyond the rain. The buds dominate the fragile stems at the end, grouped together in trios, rubbing, and all means of blossoming at some point in the future providing they stay moist.

The Audience Turned and Looked

THE QUESTION OF RAIN here is a bit preemptory. It is more likely it will stay dry--ridiculed--and hanging onto the tips of these stems will be of no consequence if the winds do not die down. This is a first hand impression on my (initial) arrival. The buds stand at eye level and their colors do not disappoint against the backdrop of the sky. It is quiet around them: soft breeze, dry air, nothing much tearing around to interfere. I see them later and revise: stoic and zen like they abide.

Every Movement Relayed

I CONTINUED TO ADMIRE them steadily and find them a little strange compared to the other natives to this desert. Their appearance seems defiant, perhaps retaliatory. It awakes me: survival of the fittest is reason enough to pay closer attention. And I do with rapt interest as a display of dramatic gesture to that which is weak survives among the strong. Every moment contradiction is taking longer.

Orange and then Blue

THERE IS NO further discussion required; looking up I halted. To my annoyance the sky was blue as I waited for signs of clouds to take on the hues of another setting sun. I am forced into accepting the desert's unwillingness to comply with my wishes: orange is a better color for the sky, and blues are more suitable for a swaying palm.

Furious Tone in this Speech

"DESERT, WE NEED TO TALK." I am the one chiefly responsible for describing this scenario. I do so with a belief that no one should seek otherwise. The world sees through my eyes is the best reason so far for continuing. To do anything less is an enormous undertaking; as to the likelihood that to compare and contrast would only leave behind too many clues about existence.

Step Aside and Admit it

WHY WANT what is hidden, when one can dream of what is too utterly clear in the mind and in the eyes of the beholder? Ok, now this frame is practiced and remarkable. Orange and then blue is better. There is little pretense of courtesy here, not without the lofty touch of bravado. Yes, please yield on this one alone, for now, all alone suggestively.

Impassioned Contemplation

HAVING MADE TIME to appreciate the spectacle of the desert surroundings I paused in silence, labored in thought, and then paced completely around this single inaccessible wall of stems. They exist pre flower and hold on to their place of subtlety agains a clear sky as simple free stalks with buds at each end. Shrugging my shoulders I am inclined to assess them as a thing that breaks up the awkwardness of endless cacti and non native date palms that overwhelm this region and driving me away. I am most eager to move on; something cool and moist at best.

A Profile is Lost

FOR A TIME I even contemplated this native dweller in interested speculation as to the possibility that if I hovered long enough they would indeed bloom. It is hot enough in late January and the start of the next month. Surely they do not have to wait for spring as the possibilities are endless; and that is their future makeup and not entirely mine. Mere association will not make this wildest wish happen. The all too hot afternoon has already claimed the day and this plant will simply suffer like the rest of us, mobile or not. Another faint sound catches my attention; these thoughts are cut short, brittle and dry.

Introduced and Forgotten

I INTENDED TO STRAY but Brazilian jazz music emanating from a restaurant now paces me. What was I looking at now? A woman has risen to sing. This is my kind of noise and something in it disturbed me from my momentary interest in a plant. I am listening and walking closer. The singer is framed at the center of the doorway while waiters serve and bus tables. They paid little attention to the entertainer: no heed to the woman's rhythmic movements, her smile, or the observer who remains standing just outside of the doorway, still drawing near. Then their eyes meet. A lyric is passing from the inside and now outward. And that plant was gone in the same moment. Did it bloom? Well, I don't care now, do I.

Understandable Astonishment

IN MEASURED APPEARANCE they appeared the following day, natural except for their all too careful placement. They were blue under an orange sky, divided from what should have been a suspicion that they were as possessed as the observer. This sky was inflamed and extending to the high rim of the hill in which they had been planted. It was now nearly impossible for me to form an opinion that there was ever another way of seeing them in these surrounding: obliterated, the unnaturalness of this environment: stark and beautiful at long last.

Change can be Amiable

NATURE HAS BEEN SHUT OUT and this didn't disturb me in the least. I have developed a strange sensitivity toward these sculptured landscapes. Nature has never looked better, by instinct the moment one approaches. Direct observation without hesitation confuses. The erg to address a garden as a sculpture requires a touch of patience. Do not dismiss the apprentice landscaper who has just pulled off another masterpiece that rivals authenticity itself: faintly dashing the slippery slope of cynicism associated with his counterpart, the naturalist (itself).

Listening to Ascertain

I STAND CONVINCED that once artists better shape nature it brings a more lively set of opportunities to reverse lands modes. Sculpt it, rearrange it all in complete regard to pleasing esthetics until the undercurrents of what was there before are buried completely. Leave in its place a more genuine feeling of presence that cityscapes can be just as alive as natural habitats. But be sure that you hire artists with sufficiently attentive attitudes that understand that their job is to cause thoughtful observation and not to simply disturb.

Gardens Waned

YES, THIS TOO can get out of hand. It is as though they were endeavoring to impress someone through repetition alone, but careful to some degree. Creativity is a stone cold business; it would seem that starting over would be the best means to address this most over cordial sight from my brain.

Wide Eyes Rolling

GOOD CAN COME FROM TRULY BAD and change again can turn away the distance puzzle. Two landscape artists sat in silence for a moment and discovered that variation may be a simpler solution. They seem to be absorbed in deeper reflection that even chaos would not betray their intent to design.

Worlds of Astonishing Report

ALTHOUGH THE WORLD IS a monosyllable it is layered, complex and astonishingly random. Then again, even a volcanic eruption can be deemed as calm, depending of course of one's perspective.

A Smallish Inclination to Stay

NOW INCLINED TO SAY: "Bare branches imitating life have an impressive manner in conveying what is ordinary here." The starkness of this silhouette is a useful reminder that the four seasons do not adjust wholly to this region. This is not winter, spring, summer or fall in the desert. You see, that is the odyssey of it all.

Dimly Outlined Everything

THE DESERT IS INCLINED to sleep for most of the year, physically. The atmosphere here is close to the momentary and very sporadic surprise: unkept before, suggestive when it leaps forth with a instantaneous blanket of color. And the, after a moment of glimmering under the ever present sun, it simply disappears. In its place is a staid suggestion of squalor only bountiful to those who are attracted to this occupant scheme: landscape.

Remember it just Left

THE BLOOM WILL BE remembered, because it is depicted on all of the post cards sold in the region: in a word, left easy and in luxury, but you just missed it. Now (you) the visitors stand in shock and rub their eyes threatening to return year after year hoping it to be so like this next time: ponderous, dusty, disguised as a Garden of Earthly Delights, on post cards alone.

The Whereabouts of Home

THIS ARCHITECTURAL BRILLIANCE has risen and the desert sky outlines everything. Gaze upon this fortress and experience a peaceful thing: concrete spread just right has a place in this desert experience. There are few things that can distract me more than a building that fortifies public art.

Would make me Return

THE LINES GIVE TONGUE to the silent surroundings; the vagary of shadows no doubt arouse some vague notion of what existed on this spot before: a hungry coyote hunting a desert hare across a dry and rocky desert bed. Now this place prowls on instinctively. It has become the most necessary building I have witnessed here to date; I am pacing its parameter, thinking out loud about an eager desire.

This is my Desert Odyssey

IF I AM TO RETURN here this coming night to see what this turns into under a full moon: dark world, just as vastly defined by this sky-scape. Strangely enough I can no longer image the desert without this building here. Perhaps the expectedness of this architecture has an all inclusive charm: modern and intently interesting, deeper features each turn around, and reintegration of art form, fit and function with contingency unlikely countered by its surrounding gardens. This is the distinction I came for; the one I found.

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