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Design Thinking vs. Lean Startup: Friends or Foes?

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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Design Thinking vs. Lean Startup: Friends or Foes ? Tathagat Varma http://thoughtleadership.in

Design Thinking vs.

Lean Startup: Friends or Foes?

Tathagat Varma http://thoughtleadership.in

How do you solve “new” / “unknown” problems?


Design Squiggle


Design Thinking•Evolved from building “physical products”

•An approach for “problem finding”

•Great for “poorly bounded problems”

•High emphasis on “needfinding” of users

•Insights lead to “reframing” the problem

•Prototyping as a means to “learning”

•Test prototypes to “validate” hypotheses

•Iterate often expedite “feedback”

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Empathy Prototype TestDefine Ideate

Lean Startup• Evolved from building “successful” IT startups

• It offers a “scientific approach” to entrepreneurship

• Startup is an “experiment”, focus on “learning”

• Starts with building early “MVPs”

• Test frequently using “Build Measure Learn Loops”

• Validate learning using “actionable metrics”

• Build a system of “innovation accounting” to demonstrate “progress” in the form of “learning”

• Fine-tune the business model using “pivots”

• Establish “product market fit” before scaling the business

Lean StartupFounder’s

Vision Build Measure

Learn Loops

Business Model Build


Validated Learning

Innovating Accounting

Pivot or Persevere

Product Market Fit

Scale Up

Similarities•Focus on Customer (User) needs innovation

•Expect uncertainties

•Start early and make stuff

•Build scrappy prototypes

•Validate from frequent iterations

•Learn and proceed


VISION Solve a problem Build a business

PROBLEMS Wicked Problems Hi-tech products

MINDSET Problem discovery / needfinding Founder’s Vision / product in-hand

APPROACH Qualitative, Intuitive Quantitative, Analytical

FOCUS Human-Centered, Users Engineering-Driven, Customers

HYPOTHESES Generate, Explore Validate, Experiment

INQUIRY Open-ended, Ethnography Problem statement, Actionable Metrics

LEARNING Reframing Pivot

THEME Empathy Speed


Design Thinking Vs. Lean Startup?


Design Thinking + Lean Startup!

(…and where does “agile” fit in?)

Recap• It’s not about “OR”. It’s about “AND”.

• Design Thinking offers great guidance on uncovering human needs and identifying the right problem

• Lean Startup provides a framework for systematically validating the (solution) hypotheses in fast loops

• An integrated approach…

References• Lean Innovation: Design Thinking Meets Lean Startup for the Enterprise, http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/


• Design Thinking vs. Lean Startup, http://www.slideshare.net/bradplogsted/design-thinking-vs-lean-startup

• Lean Startup and Design Thinking: Getting the Best Out of Both, http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/lean-startup-design-thinking-getting-best-out-both

• Integrating Lean Startup and Design Thinking, http://innovationexcellence.com/blog/2014/04/15/integrating-lean-startup-and-design-thinking/

• Design Thinking vs Lean Startup, http://medium.com/@davidjbland/design-thinking-vs-lean-startup-eff0522fe669#.efbn6xrd7

• Agile vs Lean vs Design Thinking, http://www.jeffgothelf.com/blog/agile-vs-lean-vs-design-thinking/

• https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-similarities-and-differences-between-Lean-Startup-and-Design-Thinking

• When Lean Startup meets Design Thinking: Lessons for Social Entrepreneurs, http://www.virgin.com/virgin-unite/entrepreneurship/when-lean-startup-meets-design-thinking-lessons-for-social-entrepreneurs

• Lean Startup, Design Thinking and Open Innovation for the Enterprise, https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.dmi.org/resource/resmgr/pdf_files/Lean_Startup,_Design_Thinkin.pdf

• http://youtu.be/snxicC5cI9A

• Design Thinking vs. Lean Startupp: A Comparison of Two User-Driven Innovation Strategies, Roland Mueller and Katja Thoring
