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DETAILED SITE ASSESSMENT PROFORMA · This site is located in Flood Zone 1 and has a limited risk of...

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 Detailed Site Assessment SHL112 (A) CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 July 2016 Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 1 DETAILED SITE ASSESSMENT PROFORMA TABLE 1 BASIC DETAILS AND PLANNING STATUS Site Reference SHL112 (A) SHLAA sites included N/A Parish EVERSLEY Site Name CEMEX (Site A) Site size (hectares) 11.9 Ha Site Address Hollybush Lane, Eversley Cross Summary description of the site SHL112 A and B form part of a much larger parcel of land within the ownership of CEMEX, however it is not proposed to develop the whole site for housing. The site promoter has proposed two areas of development for housing with the remaining area to be used for public amenity space and SANG mitigation land. Site A, is the larger of the two areas proposed for housing development, it is located to the west of Hollybush Lane, south of the Reading Road (B3272). Planning Status There is no relevant planning history. TABLE 2 - LANDOWNER / SITE PROMOTER INFORMATION Summary The site promoters have released a ‘Design Concept’ document in October 2014, which sets out the aspiration to see two separate parts of the site developed as shown on the indicative masterplan below. This site proforma assesses the Site A area of SHL112 only, to the west of Hollybush Lane (Eversley Cross). An initial transport appraisal was carried out for Site A, which outlined the need for a single new access to be created from Hollybush Lane, with localised widening of the lane and provision of pedestrian crossing and footways.
Page 1: DETAILED SITE ASSESSMENT PROFORMA · This site is located in Flood Zone 1 and has a limited risk of groundwater flooding. It is not considered likely that any specific flood management

Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 1



Site Reference SHL112 (A) SHLAA sites included N/A

Parish EVERSLEY Site Name CEMEX (Site A)

Site size (hectares) 11.9 Ha Site Address Hollybush Lane, Eversley Cross

Summary description of the site

SHL112 A and B form part of a much larger parcel of land within the ownership of CEMEX, however it is not proposed to develop the whole site for housing. The site promoter has proposed two areas of development for housing with the remaining area to be used for public amenity space and SANG mitigation land. Site A, is the larger of the two areas proposed for housing development, it is located to the west of Hollybush Lane, south of the Reading Road (B3272).

Planning Status There is no relevant planning history.


Summary The site promoters have released a ‘Design Concept’ document in October 2014, which sets out the aspiration to see two separate parts of the site developed as shown on the indicative masterplan below. This site proforma assesses the Site A area of SHL112 only, to the west of Hollybush Lane (Eversley Cross). An initial transport appraisal was carried out for Site A, which outlined the need for a single new access to be created from Hollybush Lane, with localised widening of the lane and provision of pedestrian crossing and footways.

Page 2: DETAILED SITE ASSESSMENT PROFORMA · This site is located in Flood Zone 1 and has a limited risk of groundwater flooding. It is not considered likely that any specific flood management

Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 2

Layout / Masterplan

Fig 1: Indicative Masterplan for SHL112 (A and B)

Site B

Site A

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 3

Overcoming constraints

Access: The constraints posed by the reliance on Hollybush Lane for vehicular access are acknowledged. The Initial Transport Appraisal prepared suggests that with some mitigation, to include localised widening and provision of pedestrian facilities, the lane is considered to be suitable for serving an additional 100 – 150 dwellings. SANG Mitigation/Public Ancillary Space: It is acknowledged that this site falls within the 5km zone of influence for the Thames Basin Heaths SPA, therefore the proposals include a SANG area (amounting to 3.2ha) which includes some ancient woodland. Additionally land will be provided for a new recreation ground to the northwest corner adjacent to Site A, and a new football pitch adjacent to Site B. Overhead Electricity Cables: The intention is to set development 30 metres back from the high voltage overhead cables.

Suggested site capacity

The site promoter suggests a capacity for Site A of 157 dwellings (at 27dph). This housing density is based upon the provision of SANG and recreational green space outside of the Site A area. Therefore it is suggested that a higher density development could be supported in both areas A and B.

Site availability The site is considered to be available now, although we have not seen any site promoter estimation of the timescale for build out of development on Site A.


Schools The nearest Primary level schools are Charles Kingsley’s Church of England Primary School (Eversley) and Westfields Junior School (Yateley). The nearest secondary school is Yateley School. There is a pressure for places at Primary education level. Although there are no identified deficits in capacity at Primary, Junior or Infant Schools within the Eversley/Yateley/Frogmore area,1 they are full or close to full. Additional housing not already planned for is likely to exacerbate this situation. There are no planned expansions of any of the schools in the area. If there is any significant development that is not forecast, it will cause increased pressure on the local primary, junior and infant schools. Charles Kingsley’s Primary in Eversley is a 1 FE school with little if any anticipated capacity to provide additional places. There are no planned expansions to the Yateley Secondary School, however Calthorpe Park School in Fleet has a planned 2FE expansion.1 Charles Kinsley’s Primary in Eversley objected to planning application 15/01295/FUL 2 (in relation to SHL023, to the east of Eversley Cross) primarily due to a lack of adequate transport infrastructure to support the proposed development. Charles Kinsley’s Primary have also indicated that the school is and has been at capacity for a number of years, with extremely low rates of pupil turbulence. It may be necessary to consider the extent to which Charles Kinsley’s Primary could be expanded in order to accommodate future development.

Retail Eversley has a Londis convenience shop but apart from this there are no other retail shops within the village. The closest supermarkets are Waitrose in Yateley or Morrisons in Elvetham Heath, which are much more likely to service the Eversley area. A recent retail study 3 suggests that Yateley will have an overall surplus of convenience floorspace, and a requirement for between 197 and 185 sq.m gross additional comparison floorspace, over the period 2014-2032. It is acknowledged however that Farnborough is more likely to draw shoppers for comparative shops than Yateley or Fleet due to the wider variety and additional leisure facilities available.

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 4

Health The closest health facilities are in Yateley, with the nearest surgeries being Monteagle Surgery and The Oaklands Practice. The nearest dental surgery is The Link Dental Surgery. There are no planned expansions of health facilities in the Yateley area, but it is likely that any significant level of development will require additional provision. There are a series of expansions planned at the Frimley Park Hospital, Frimley (outside of Hart District) including a new emergency department and regional cardiology centre which will improve the current level of access to these services for the eastern areas of the Hart District area.

Green Infrastructure

The Hart SANG catchment area map shows that this site is located outside of the Hawley Meadows and Blackwater Park SANG Catchment area. Therefore it is unlikely that there will be a sufficient SANG capacity for a development of this size. The site promoters intention to deliver a new SANG (3.2 ha), adjacent to the west of the site, is noted. Eversley’s outdoor recreation facilities include a nature reserve, nine-hole golf course, playing fields and a cricket pitch. A number of green infrastructure and recreation projects have been proposed for Eversley, including improvements to the Lower Common children’s play area, restoration of the Up Green open space to provide further capacity as amenity greenspace, and a new irrigation facility and heating for the Eversley Sports Association indoor training centre.

Transport and Access

It is considered that Hollybush Lane has, at best, limited capacity to serve additional development and further assessment would be required to ascertain whether the scale of development envisaged at this site would be within this capacity. It is noted that the site promoters proposal for 157 dwellings would be above the indicative capacity of 100 – 150 dwellings suggested by the site promoters own Initial transport Appraisal. Hollybush Lane lacks pedestrian footways south of Holly Close and this would need to be provided as part of any development of Site A. Access via Hollybush Lane may be particularly problematic if the adjacent SHL247 and SHL112B sites were to come forward in addition to SHL112A. In order to support development of the scale envisaged, were all three site to come forward, it is considered likely that Hollybush Lane would need to be widened to a minimum of 5.5m to allow for two-way traffic movement, and that there would be a need for the installation of a right-turn lane at the Hollybush Lane/Reading Road junction. There are a few improvements being planned to roads within the village, including junction improvements to Webb’s Corner (Warbrook Lane/St Neots Road), and the A3272 and B3016 junction; as well as a study to investigate how to reduce the rat runs along the B3016 and B3272. The A30 stretch between the A327 and A331 at Blackwater where a new roundabout and a left only priority will help traffic accessing the A30 from Eversley. There will also be improved access to junction 4a of the M3. There is a proposal for a new 2.5km cycle link between Eversley and Yateley with traffic-free sections. An upgrade to a boardwalk for footpath 24 has been proposed due to the regular flooding of the route. The route 8 bus service between runs between Yateley and Farnborough, stopping at Eversley. The routes 82/83 are restricted to one or two services a day on weekdays only, with bus times tailored towards school transport. There is also a route 145 bus that operates on Tuesday only. Blackwater railway station waiting facilities are being improved along with a new platform footbridge. The need to identify highway impacts and mitigation in Hart is currently thought to represent a significant infrastructure issue to be addressed as part of infrastructure planning for new housing development.4

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 5

Utilities As of March 2015, South East Water (SEW) has confirmed that it will be able to satisfy forecast demand for drinking water in Hart. It is likely that a significant amount of new mainlaying will need to be provided to deliver water to development areas in Hart.4 There is a foul sewer along Reading Road, but it is unknown whether this would have sufficient capacity to receive flows from new development in the area. However, Thames Water has indicated that the existing sewers in Eversley Cross do not have any known existing capacity issues.2 The existing sewage treatment works is located adjacent to Finchampstead Bridge and the River Long Water, approximately 800m north of the village. Thames Water (TW) was consulted in November 2015 in relation to the development of this site, which would be served by the Eversley Cross sewage treatment works. At that point, TW expressed concern as to the adequacy of the wastewater network in the area, and consider that upgrading to the drainage infrastructure will be required ahead of any development of the site; a process that can take between 1.5 and 3 years. If the site is taken forward for allocation within the Local Plan, the policy should require developers to provide a detailed drainage strategy informing what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered. Previous comments by TW on the Hart Local Plan Housing Development Options in October 20145 indicated that both the sewage treatment works and the sewerage network in the Eversley area would require upgrades if significant growth is proposed.

Flood Management

This site is located in Flood Zone 1 and has a limited risk of groundwater flooding. It is not considered likely that any specific flood management infrastructure would be required.



Date of visit 11/09/2015 Time 10.20 am Initials of those visiting PH / RB

Weather conditions at time of visit

Sunny and clear Did visit involve access onto the site?



Existing land uses observed

The site comprises three agricultural fields that appear to be in use for livestock grazing.

Greenfield or Brownfield?


Topography The site is broadly flat, but with a slight slope down towards the west.

Ground conditions The majority of the site comprises grass agricultural fields, although there are some prominent drainage ditches at the south and a

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 6

minor watercourse within the centre of the site.

Significant features The south of the site is dominated by large steel electricity pylon and high-voltage overhead cables which run along the southern boundary of the site. Towards the northwest of the site is a prominent row of poplar trees marking the boundary between two of the agricultural fields forming the west of the site. There is also a short row of conifer trees in the centre of the site, which follows part of a minor watercourse that runs south to north. The northern boundary of the site is marked by some significant and mature trees within the rear gardens of existing dwellings to the north. Some of these overhang into the site however.

Evidence of contaminated land



Surrounding land uses

To the north of the site are the existing dwellings fronting onto the Reading Road. To the northwest is the Eversley recreation ground and park. To the west, is the Kingsley Road residential area of Eversley Centre with an agricultural field further south. To the south of the site is the wooded Lower Eversley Copse SINC and further open agricultural land. To the east are the residential areas served by Hollybush Lane.

Description and condition of site’s boundary features

The northern boundary marks the rear of residential properties fronting onto Reading Road. This boundary includes a wide variety of hedges, fencing and several significant trees. A hedgerow covering an embankment marks the eastern boundary, separating the site from Hollybush Lane. This includes only smaller and more juvenile trees. The southern boundary is dominated by the Electricity pylon and overhead cables, but beyond this, some of the boundary is marked by the woodland of Lower Eversley Copse. The remainder, at the south east of the site, is open to the agricultural land to the south. The western boundary of the site is unmarked (open agricultural field) and it is believed that the intention is to provide the SANG adjacent to the west of the site.

Potential impacts from surrounding uses

None were evident.

Potential impacts to surrounding uses

The bungalow dwelling to the northeast (between Holly Close and Hollybush Lane) is very close to the boundary of the site and could be vulnerable to overlooking or loss of light caused by any new dwellings built close to the northern boundary, or by any new boundary features inserted. At the far north of the site, four trees within rear gardens of existing adjacent properties are subject to TPOs. These trees are very close to the boundary and could be harmed by any development close to the far northern boundary. Development of the site would be likely to adversely impact on the views from the public rights of way to the south and west of the site. Development at the north of the site would also harm the current rear aspect of the existing dwellings on the south side of Reading Road, on Holly Close and on Sherlock Lea.

Site’s existing access arrangements

The site does not currently have any vehicular access point and is presumably access from Hollybush Farm to the southeast. The site can currently be access via the public rights of way at the southern and western boundaries.

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 7

Barriers to / impacts of providing suitable site access to public highway

It may be feasible to provide a new access onto Hollybush Lane, although the capacity of the lane is likely to be, at best, limited. Based on our observations and the evidence presented in the site promoters Initial Transport Appraisal, the lane would require some significant changes if it were to be used as the sole point of vehicular access. The lane is narrow and lacks sufficient passing places be vehicles. It also lacks pedestrian footways south of Holly Close and the ability to ensure road safety would need to be carefully considered. It is not clear whether the junction of Hollybush Lane and Reading Road would also require upgrading in order to serve the level of development being proposed. In addition to capacity and road safety issues, it will be important for any detailed proposals to take proper account of the rural character of Hollybush Lane. Measures to increase capacity and road safety should be designed where possible to avoid ‘urbanising’ the lane. The indicative masterplan indicated an option to achieve vehicular access to the site through Holly Close. Whilst such an option could reduce the overall impact on Hollybush Lane, our observations suggest that this small cul-de-sac is unlikely to have the capacity to serve the scale of development being envisaged in its current state and widening may involve the loss of one or more mature trees and could involve third party landownerships. It is noted that this option was not considered by the site promoter’s Initial Transport Appraisal.

Description of surrounding access network

Hollybush Lane is a narrow road of a strongly rural character between the junction with Holly Close and the junction with Chequers Lane to the south. To the north, the lane connects with the Reading Road (B3272) and this short stretch is wider and more urban in character.


LVIA by Lepus? YES (See Table 8)

HDC Landscape Capacity Study 2015

Local Landscape Character Area EV-02 – South of Eversley Centre

Visual Sensitivity Medium/High

Landscape Sensitivity Medium/High

Landscape Value High

Overall Landscape capacity LOW

Description of views into the site from surrounding areas

There are clear views of the site form the public right of way which follows the southern boundary and glimpsed views of the site are also possible from the public right of way to the west of the site. Further glimpsed or partial views can be achieved from Hollybush Lane adjacent to the east of the site. The site would also be visible from a number of adjacent residential properties on reading Road, Holly Close and Sherlock Lea.

Descriptions of views from the site

From the south of the site, long-distance views to the north were possible, extending to the higher ground on the north side of the River Blackwater Valley. From the east of the site there are views of various properties to the north and east. To the south, views are contained by the woodland of Lower Eversley Copse.

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 8

Potential for settlement coalescence

The site is located on the south side of Eversley Centre and is largely surrounded by existing residential areas to the west, north and east. To the south the site is well contained by the woodland. It is considered therefore, that development would not give rise to any settlement coalescence.


Potential impact on setting of Listed Buildings


Potential Impact on Conservation Areas


Other possible impacts?

None were evident.


Potential features or areas of ecological interest

Within the site itself, the only feature of ecological interest is the large drainage ditch / minor watercourse running south to north through the centre of the site. This was lined with a number of small trees and shrubs and was observed to be containing water when the site was visited. In addition, the hedgerow, which runs along the eastern boundary, may represent a feature of ecological value.

Tree coverage and observed condition of trees

There are two rows of trees within the site, the first being the intermittent line of trees following the minor watercourse. These trees are mixed in species, with some being leylandii trees and others native species. The second row is a prominent long unbroken row of tall poplar trees, running diagonally from the north to the west of the site. These trees are considered valuable for local landscape value reasons, in addition to any ecological value they may have. At the far north of the site there are a number of protected trees, just outside of the site boundaries. Some of these are within the east of the village park whilst others are within the rear gardens of adjacent properties. However, all of these are very close to the site northern boundary and development would have the potential to harm these trees if it extended too close to the boundary.

Potential impacts of development on any designated areas

The entire site is within the 5km Thames Basin Heaths SPA Zone of Influence. A site of this scale would go beyond the capacity of the existing Hawley Meadows SANG to mitigate its potential impact on the TBH SPA. Therefore, it is anticipated that any significant scale of development at the site would require the provision of appropriate on or near-site SANGs. The site promoter’s intention to provide additional SANG capacity to the immediate west of the site is noted. To the south of the site is the Lower Eversley Copse SINC. This woodland is separated from the site by a public right of way. However, as the overhead electricity cables also follows this southern boundary of the site, it is not likely that development would be proposed within 30 metres of the woodland and the intention of the site promoter to introduce additional structural planting between the SINC an any new development is noted. Therefore, it seems unlikely that any significant additional harm to the SINC will be caused by development.

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 9

A management plan to avoid any harm being caused to the SINC due to additional recreational use following the completion of any new development would need to be considered as part of any detailed proposals.


Describe presence and condition of water bodies on the site

A large drainage ditch / minor watercourse runs south to north through the entre of the site. This was observed to contain standing water at the time the site was visited but showed no evidence of flooding.

Evidence of current or past flooding?


Site Flood Risk Assessment NB: Sites ranked from 1 (lowest risk) to 74 (highest risk)

Outcome of the HDC Site Flood Risk Assessment (November 2015):

SHL112A: 25/74 It is noted that small areas of the site, particularly associated with the drainage ditch, may be susceptible to surface water flooding, 1-in-30 years and lower risk levels (Flood Map for Surface Water). An incident of historic flooding has been identified at the northeast boundary of the site. The whole site is also noted to be at limited risk of groundwater flooding. Whilst the site is considered to be at low risk of flooding overall, any development proposals would need to investigate these issues further, and consider how the risk of surface water flooding could be managed in the parts of the site affected.


Any other issues not covered by the above

Overhead Electricity Transmission cables: What appear to be high-voltage overhead electricity transmission cables follow the southern boundary of the site, with a steel pylons dominating the south of the site. It is assumed that it would not be viable or feasible to underground these cables and therefore, their presence may have some on the ability to develop the south of the site. Water resources: There are no Groundwater Source Protection Zones or licensed water abstraction points in close proximity to the site. Agricultural Land: The site is located partially on Grade 3 agricultural land, which may include ‘best and most versatile’ land. This would need to be established as part of any development proposals. Air Quality: There are not believed to be any Air Quality Management Areas in close proximity to the site and no obvious sources of poor air quality. Minerals: The Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Policies Map indicates that the whole of this site may be subject to minerals safeguarding for sharp sand and gravel.

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 10


Any landowner / promoter conclusions


Barriers and/or constraints that could reduce viability

Infrastructure deficiencies will need to be addressed. The dominant overhead power transmission lines following the southern boundary of the site my cause some negative impact on sales values in this part of the site, although it is not considered to be a barrier that would significantly harm viability. The extent to which improvement to Hollybush Lane would need to be considered and this could place a burden on site viability, although this is again not considered to be insurmountable given likely overall sales values.

Positive viability factors

The site is a greenfield adjacent to the attractive village of Eversley Centre and set back from the Reading Road. The site benefits from generally good existing boundary screening and is adjacent to a small park/recreation ground close to the popular local primary school. The site would have good links to Yateley and to the M4 Motorway, via the A327. Overall, this could be considered a desirable place to live.

HDC CIL Viability Evidence (Oct 2014)

The high-level ‘viability score’ set out below uses a number of criteria which provide a simple basis on which to understand the relative potential viability performance of each of the sites tested. The criteria derive from the viability outcomes (for the purposes of setting CIL charges) as set out within the report prepared by Dixon Searle Partnership in October 2014.

Broad Location: 1. Blackwater 2. Yateley 3. Fleet / Church Crookham / Hook & Strategic 4. Small Settlements / Rural Areas (< 5km SPA) 5. Small Settlements / Rural Areas (> 5km SPA)


Site type: 1. Previously developed (within or outside settlement boundaries) 2. Greenfield (within settlement boundaries) 3. Greenfield (outside of settlement boundaries)


Affordable Housing (assumed threshold of 15 dwellings): 1. Yes (indicative capacity >/= 15 dwellings) 2. No (indicative capacity < 15 dwellings)


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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 11


Capacity calculation Site size (gross) in hectares 11.9 Ha

Deductions in hectares 0

Gross-to-net ratio applied (%) 50% (Assumes the provision of on-site SANG, other open space and set-back from the overhead power cables and watercourse)

Density assumption applied 25 dph (see below)

Estimated housing capacity (net) 148

Adjustment for landowner/promoter, infrastructure or viability reasons



Justification for density and capacity assumptions

A density of 30 dph is the starting point, in recognition of the need to make the best use of available land. However, the prevailing character in Eversley is generally lower than this. In addition, this site is at the edge of the settlement and would be visible from some vantage points in the surrounding countryside. It is therefore considered that a lower average density (of 25 dph) would be more appropriate, with opportunities taken to vary residential density across the site to reduce densities to lower levels at the edges of the development. The gross-to-net ratio we have generally applied for a site of this size is 55%, in recognition of the need to provide additional SANG capacity on-site. This has been acknowledged by the site promoter in their indicative masterplan. On this site however, there will be a need for development to be set back from the overhead power transmission lines and from the watercourse that traverses the centre of the site. Therefore, a gross-to-net ratio of 50% has been used.


TRACC Modelling (Public Railway station: The site is in excess of 30 minutes from the nearest train station (by mixed bus travel/walking).

TOTAL SCORE: The total score is within the range of 3 to 10, with 3 representing the typically least viable sites and 10 representing the most viable in the context of Hart District. Note: This is provided as a simple high-level comparative guide only and it should not be assumed that sites with lower scores are unviable for residential development.


Overall conclusion on viability

The site is a greenfield site adjacent to the attractive village of Eversley Centre and to the open countryside to the south. It is, therefore, considered to represent a desirable place to live. It is not considered that there are any significant viability issues that would prevent the site coming forward, although the need to provide safe access via Hollybush Lane would need to be considered.

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 12

Transport Access) Town centres: The site is approximately 20-25 minutes from Yateley Town Centre by mixed bus travel/walking.

Comments on site access issues


Comments on local transport infrastructure capacity

It is considered that the development of SHL112 would lead to capacity issues on the surrounding highway networks. The following local upgrades to Hollybush Lane were suggested as potentially required (especially if SHL247 is also brought forward for development):

Widening of Hollybush Lane (to a minimum of 5.5m allow) for two-way traffic movement

Installation of a right-turn lane at Hollybush Lane/Reading Road junction


Visual impact assessment

Severe impact. This result is due to high level visual sensitivity and medium magnitude of impact for the indicative housing capacity (105 houses).

Character impact assessment

Major impact. This result is due to medium level landscape sensitivity and medium magnitude of impact for the indicative housing capacity (105 houses).

Pre-mitigation Assessment summary

Site A comprises the northern part of the overall CEMEX landholding, located between the Lower Eversley Cops and the existing properties on the Reading Road. The site comprises two agricultural fields divided by substantial field hedgerows. The site has some screening at the boundaries to the north and west, but much less so to the east onto Hollybush Lane and to the south, between the SINC and Hollybush Lane there is no screening whatsoever. Overall, development at the site has the potential to cause visual impacts to the south east and east, for example, the views from Chequers Lane, and from the network of public rights of way to the south of the site, will be significantly harmed. If the site were taken forward, consideration would be needed about the mitigation required to address this potential impact. However, given that the site has is bounded by existing development on three sides, it is unlikely to cause significant harm to the overall landscape character, subject to mitigation of the visual impact to views as described above.

Mitigation Medium level of intervention: Landscape scheme with tree planting and supporting features to provide a medium scale landscaped solution. Or other medium scale green infrastructure assets e.g. small copes, lakes, visual buffer zones.

Residual Visual Impact Assessment

Moderate impact.

Residual Landscape Impact Assessment

Minor impact.


Phase 1 Ecological Assessment

This site has not been subject to a Phase 1 ecological assessment as far as we are aware. If the site is taken forward as an allocation within the local plan, it is recommended that a Phase 1 survey is completed in order to establish baseline conditions, to

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Hart District Council Local Plan Site Assessment: Stage 4 – Detailed Site Assessment – SHL112 (A) – CEMEX, Eversley Confidential Draft 1.1 – July 2016

Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 13

identify any potential ecological constraints and to establish if further more detailed assessment, or any appropriate mitigation, will be required as part of the development process.


SA Objective Score Commentary

SA1 To provide all residents with the opportunity to live in a decent home which meets their needs

+ +

Significant effects

Provision of a significant number of new homes, including affordable homes.


SA2 To protect and enhance the health and well-being of the population

+ +

Significant effects

Development could provide additional green infrastructure facilities including a new SANG and outdoor sports facilities. The site is adjacent to an existing recreation ground.


SA3 To encourage increased engagement in cultural activity, leisure, and recreation across all sections of the community


Significant effects

The site is within easy walking distance of a village hall, cricket ground, playground and pub.


SA4 To reduce inequality, poverty and social exclusion


Significant effects


SA5 To improve community safety by reducing crime and the fear of crime


Significant effects


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SA6 To create and sustain vibrant and locally distinctive settlements and communities

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Significant effects

Development would put pressure on the local primary school. In a village context, the site is large and its rapid build-out could have an adverse effect on the local community, potentially undermining local distinctiveness.

Mitigation The site should be built out gradually to reduce adverse effects on the local community. If development were to be limited to the north of the site, it would be more easily integrated with the existing pattern of development. Contributions towards additional or upgraded local facilities should be considered.

SA7 To protect and enhance the District’s historic environment


Significant effects


SA8 To protect and enhance biodiversity


Significant effects

The site is adjacent to a designated SINC. The SINC could be harmed by development: directly, during construction, or indirectly, post-completion, through its informal use for amenity purposes.

Mitigation A CEMP should be prepared and implemented as part of any development proposals.

SA9 To protect and enhance the District’s countryside and rural landscape

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Significant effects

Development would encroach upon open countryside and harm the character of the landscape as experienced by users of Eversley footpaths 16, 18 and 19.

Mitigation Harm could be reduced through careful landscape masterplanning. Footpaths should be valorized as part of any scheme.

SA10 To maintain and improve the water quality of the District’s rivers and groundwaters and other water bodies


Significant effects


SA11 To maintain and improve soil quality


Significant effects

Development could involve the loss of ‘best and most versatile’ agricultural land.

Mitigation Further investigation is needed to establish the value of the site for agricultural uses.

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SA12 To reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and manage the impacts of climate change


Significant effects

Eversley has limited services and facilities, increasing the need for residents to travel. There is a lack of pedestrian and cycling facilities along Eversley Road to Yateley, which may limit opportunities for the use of sustainable modes to reach services and facilities in Yateley. Hollybush Lane is a narrow road of a strongly rural character with limited cyclist facilities, and limited pedestrian facilities south of Holly Close. This could potentially discourage use of these modes if Hollybush Lane is used to access the site, and in turn limit the likelihood that the emission of greenhouse gases and air emissions will be reduced.

Mitigation Consideration should be given to providing cyclist facilities, and pedestrian facilities south of Holly Close, on Hollybush Lane in order to help facilitate the use of sustainable transport modes, if this road is used to access the site. Consideration may need to be given to improving the pedestrian link between Eversley and Yateley, and undertaking the proposal to improve the cycle link between these areas.

SA13 To reduce the risk of flooding and the resulting detriment to the local community, environment and economy


Significant effects

It is noted that small areas of the site, particularly associated with the drainage ditch, may be susceptible to surface water flooding. An incident of historic flooding has been identified at the northeast boundary of the site. The whole site is also noted to be at limited risk of groundwater flooding. The site is considered to be at low risk of flooding overall. There are concerns as to the adequacy of the wastewater network that would serve the site, which development on this site may exacerbate. Thames Water have previously indicated that both the sewage treatment works and the sewerage network in the Eversley area would require upgrades if significant growth in the area is proposed.

Mitigation Development proposals should investigate further the potential for surface water and groundwater flooding on-site, and consider how the risk of surface water flooding could be managed in the parts of the site affected. If development on this site is taken forward, a detailed drainage strategy should be provided indicating what infrastructure is required, where, when and how it will be delivered.

SA14 To increase energy efficiency, security and diversity of supply and the proportion of energy generated from renewable sources


Significant effects


SA15 To promote the efficient use of land through

Significant effects

Development could involve the loss of ‘best and most versatile’ agricultural land.

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Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd 16

the appropriate re-use of previously developed land

- Mitigation Further investigation is needed to establish the value of the site for agricultural uses.

SA16 To improve the efficiency of resource use and achieve sustainable resource management


Significant effects

The entire site is subject to minerals safeguarding.

Mitigation Engage with HCC to determine whether mineral extraction is required prior to development.

SA17 To improve accessibility to all services and facilities

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Significant effects

Eversley has limited services and facilities. Development is unlikely to be of a sufficient scale to provide any additional services and facilities. Residents of the site would be more likely to travel out of the district to Farnborough for comparative shopping than Yateley or Fleet due to the wider variety and additional leisure facilities available.


SA18 To improve efficiency of transport networks by enhancing the proportion of travel by sustainable modes and promoting policies which reduce the need to travel

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Significant effects

Eversley has limited services and facilities, increasing the need for residents to travel. There is a lack of pedestrian and cycling facilities along Eversley Road to Yateley, which may limit opportunities for the use of sustainable modes to reach services and facilities in Yateley. Hollybush Lane is a narrow road of a strongly rural character with limited cyclist facilities, and limited pedestrian facilities south of Holly Close, potentially discouraging use of these modes if Hollybush Lane is used to access the site. There is a proposal for a new 2.5km cycle link between Eversley and Yateley with traffic-free sections, and this has the potential to benefit development on this site.

Mitigation Consideration should be given to providing cyclist facilities, and pedestrian facilities south of Holly Close, on Hollybush Lane in order to help facilitate the use of sustainable transport modes, if this road is used to access the site. Consideration may need to be given to improving the pedestrian link between Eversley and Yateley, and undertaking the proposal to improve the cycle link between these areas.

SA19 To maintain and improve opportunities for everyone to acquire the education and skills they need to find and remain in work

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Significant effects

Additional housing not already planned for is likely to exacerbate the pressure for primary and secondary school places in the Eversley/Yateley/Frogmore area. Charles Kinsley’s Primary School, the nearest primary school, has indicated that the school is and has been at capacity for a number of years, with extremely low rates of pupil turbulence.

Mitigation Work will need to be taken to determine whether schools in the area could be expanded beyond that needed to accommodate existing identified growth. If so, contributions for education should be sought to ensure that sufficient school places could be provided to meet the needs of the development.

SA20 To maintain high and stable levels of employment

Significant effects

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and promote sustainable economic growth and competitiveness

0 Mitigation

SA21 To stimulate regeneration where appropriate and encourage urban renaissance


Significant effects


Sustainable Appraisal Summary

This 11.9 hectare site is located on the southern side of Eversley Centre, between Hollybush Lane and Kingsley Road. The site comprises several agricultural fields, along with tree-lined field boundaries separating these. The indicative residential capacity of the site is considered to be 148 dwellings, at an assumed density of 25 dph. Overall the site relatively performs poorly against the sustainability objectives with the potential development of the site affecting 11 of the 21 objectives negatively and 3 affected positively. There are five objectives against which development could have a moderate negative effect: SA6 (settlement coalescence and character); SA9 (countryside and landscape); SA17 (Access to services); SA18 (efficiency of transport networks) and SA19 (access to education). In addition, the site’s impact on biodiversity, water and soil quality, on flood risk and on carbon emissions are considered to be key sustainability issues against which a negative performance is anticipated. Development at this site would be expected to have a moderate positive affect against two objectives: SA1 (Promoting the supply of housing); and SA2 (Health and wellbeing). A minor positive impact against the objective promoting accessibility to cultural activity, leisure and recreation is also anticipated (SA3).

1 Hampshire School Place Planning Framework 2013-2018 Appendix 1: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/education/schools/school-places.htm 2 Planning Application Ref: 15/01295/FUL Documents: http://publicaccess.hart.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=NP3NBUHZM4W00 3 Hart and Rushmoor Retail, Leisure and Town Centres Study 2015 – Part 1 Development Needs: http://www.hart.gov.uk/sites/default/files/4_The_Council/Policies_and_published_documents/Planning_policy/Retail%20Study_2015_Part%201%20FINAL.PDF

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4 Hart District Council Infrastructure Planning Evidence, 23rd June 2015 (Unpublished) 5 Thames Water Email Comments – Hart Local Plan Housing Development Options, 24th October 2014
