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Developing among program

Date post: 16-Apr-2017
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Journey to Pinandita Satria : Developing Among Program “ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani” Seta A. Wicaksana untuk Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Pancasila

Journey to Pinandita Satria :

Developing Among Program“ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani”

Seta A. Wicaksana untuk Fakultas PsikologiUniversitas Pancasila

Inspiring Moment

• “Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa” merupakan amanah yang diberikan kepada setiap elemen bangsa dari lingkup keluarga, pendidikan, organisasi dan lingkungan masyarakat.

• Khususnya lembaga pendidikan bukan hanya mengeluarkan hasillulusan yang pandai dan trampil, namun CERDAS dimana bukanhanya pandai, terampil, namun juga memiliki sikap dan berkarakter.

• “Pelajaran berarti mendidik anak-anak akan menjadi manusia yang merdeka batinnya, merdeka pikirannya dan merdeka tenaganya.” ini merupakan gambaran system Among yang diterapkan oleh Ki Hajar Dewantara.

• Mengembangkan pola Among atau pengasuhan atau Mentoring yang tepat untuk para pembelajar, khususnya di UniversitasPancasila.

“satria pinandita ke pinandita satriayaitu dari pahlawan yang berwatak guru spiritual ke guru spiritual yang berjiwaksatria, yang mempersiapkan diri danpeserta didik untuk melindungi bangsadan negara.”

- Ki Hajar Dewantara

Mentoring Program Road Map


(Audience, Goal, Format)


(Recruitment, Training)


(User Profiles Matching)


(Workflows, Help

Resources, Check Point)


(Program ROI, Learning Impact) High Impact

Mentoring Program

“At universities, student mentoring is proven

to improve student retention, boost job

placement rates, and increase alumni

engagement when tapping alumni as


- Chronus.com


• 2 pertanyaan kunci : Pertama : Mengapa kita melakukan program mentoring inidan kedua : Keberhasilan seperti apa yang diharapkan bagi yang bergabungdalam program ini dan organisasi.

• Activities : Workshop, LGD

• Objectives : “Make sure you understand who they are, where they are, their development needs, and their key motivations to participate.”

• Agenda : Memahami kebutuhan seluruh stakeholder, menyatukan visiberdasarkan kebutuhan bersama, menterjemahkan VISI dalam versi SMART, Menentukan KPI, Struktur Mentoring, Metode pelaksanaan, proses pengukurandan evaluasi.

• Duration : 1 – 2 Days (14 hrs)

“A thriving, impactful mentoring program is within your reach. But great mentoring programs don’t just happen. They are built through thoughtful planning and sustained commitment to guiding participants through the mentoring process while continually improving the program.”

Attract Participant

• Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan :

• Duration : 1 – 2 Days (14 hrs)

“The best designed mentoring programs won’t get far without effective program promotion, mentor recruitment, and training.”

“Lastly, productive mentoring doesn’t just happen. Provide training to mentors and mentees regarding the program’s goals, participant roles, mentoring best practices, and your mentoring process.”

Connect Mentors and Mentee “A productive mentoring relationship depends on a good match.”

Guide Mentoring

• Ensure all mentorships have goals and action plans

• All mentoring relationships with timely and relevant “help resources” (topical content, mentoring best practices, etc.) throughout the mentorship.

• As a mentoring connection progresses, establish checkpoints where mentorships report on their progress.

• Within this process, provide an opportunity for both the mentor and mentee to reflect upon what was learned, discuss next steps for the mentee, and provide feedback on the benefits of the program and process.

“Now that your participants are enrolled, trained, and matched, the real action begins.”

“Without direction and a plan, the mentoring relationship is vulnerable to losing focus and momentum.”

Measure Success

“Mentoring is a significant investment when you consider program management,

infrastructure, and the valuable time of participants. Articulating the impact is

essential to secure ongoing funding and support. In addition, the measure phase is also focused on assessing program health

to identify trouble spots and opportunities.”

“Understanding how your program measures up to expectations may well be the most important phase of all.”

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