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development embrio, incubation and heching.PPT

Date post: 05-Jul-2018
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 Embryo development, incubation and hatching Development of the embryo (day by day) Physical activity and metabolism Critical periods Relation between egg weight and chick weight Incubators ptimal conditions during incubation Candling of eggs Common incubation problems is given!
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Embryo development, incubation

and hatching

• Development of the embryo (day by day)

• Physical activity and metabolism

• Critical periods

• Relation between egg weight and chickweight

• Incubators

• ptimal conditions during incubation

• Candling of eggs

• Common incubation problems is given!

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Day 1 of incubation 

"hree layers of tissue are developed!

#rom here all organs develop

 $ Ectoderm

• #eathers% nervous system% pigmentation%hypophysis% inner ear 

 $ Mesoderm

• &keleton% muscles% tissue% heart% blood% kidneys%reproductive tract% gonads

 $ Endoderm

• Inner organs and glands

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Day 2-3 of incubation

• Development of the vascular system

 $ 'eart% red blood cells and bonemarrow are developed

 $ lood circulation begins after *+,-

hours of incubation $ Critical period in embryo


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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Day of incubation

   C   O   2  p  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n  m   l   /   h   O   2  c  o  n  s  u  m  p   t   i  o 

  m   l   /   h




   H    a   t  p  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n

'eat production

C. production

. consumption

O2 consumption, CO2 prod and heat prod

of 1!!! chic"en eggs during incubation

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Chronology of embryonic development of the chic" 





(rincipal ma)or evident morphological















3eg and wing buds% bone marrow% red blood cells

3engthening of limb buds% prelim! head movements

Partitioning of heart and movement of body

3engthening of beak% appear! of , distinct toes on feet

4rticulation of limbs% formation of e5ternal ear 

#ormation of cranium and eyelids

4ppearance of down on wings and closure of eyelidsody completely covered with down

eak within the air sac% pipping and respiration w! lungs


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*eight of egg and chic" 

("ullett 6 urton% 12*.)



4s 8 of original

egg weight

#resh egg weight

7eight loss during incubation

Chick weight at hatch&hell plus residues at hatch







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+atchery:ggs in







Chicks out

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ypes of incubators

•  <atural (hens)

• "able+top models vs! free+standing

• &ingle tray vs! multiple trays

• &till+air vs! forced+air 

• =anual egg turning vs! automatic turning

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#ncubation temperature

• "emperature is the most critical factor for

incubation success! 'owever% the effect of

temperature variation depends on relative humidityand ventilation

• ptimum incubation temperature is 9!*>C ? -!>C

• @reater sensitivity to increased temperature than to

decreased temperature

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he effect of incubation temperature

on percentages of fertile eggs hatched







35"5 36"5 3#"5 38"5 3$"5 40"5

Temperature C


7ith relative humidity of 0-8% .A .18 and C. below -!/8

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he effect of turning eggs and

angle of turning during incubation


Percent hatchof fertile eggs









4ngle turnedto each sidevertical (>)

Percent hatchof fertile eggs







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Candling of eggs

 4 simple candling deviceB

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Candling of eggs

at day 9

4B Candling shows that the egg is not fertilised

B "he egg is fertilised! Candling shows a strong embryo

CB Candling shows a weak embryo

DB 4 dead embryo! It is seen from the ring of blood around the embryo

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$olving incubation problems 1

#ndications (ossible causes *hat to do <o bloodvessels atcandling

:ggs not fertile Check flock management

:mbryo died very early Check egg holding conditionsCheck incubation operation

=any deadembryos

"emperature too high orlow

Check incubator and accuracy ofthermometer 

Improper turning "urn times per day

Poor o5ygen supply Increase ventilation

Poor nutrition Check breeder flock dietPipped eggsnot hatching

3ow humidity 'ave correct wet bulbtemperature

'atch too early 'igh temperature Check temperature

'atch too late 3ow temperature Check temperature

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$olving incubation problems 2#ndications (ossible causes *hat to do

&hells stick to chick 'igh humidity early or lowhumidity late

Check humidity

Cripples "emperature problems Check incubator  

'umidity problems Check incubator  

Improper turning Correct turning

&mooth hatching trays Provide better traction

3arge soft+bodiedweak chicks

3ow temperature Check temperature

=ushy chicks% deadon tray  <avel infection Improve sanitation

Rough navels 'igh temperature or widetemperature fluctuations

Check temperature

3ow moisture Check wet bulbtemperature

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.uidelines for the first 1/ days

of incubation

• 'ygieneB clean and;or disinfected eggs

• PositionB broad end up% turned every hour 

• "emperatureB *>C

• 'umidityB 0-8 rel!

• CandlingB after ,!+9! day

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.uidelines for the last 3 days of

incubation &day 10-21'

• CandlingB separation of eggs with deadembryos

• PositionB eggs lying on side $ no turning

• "emperatureB 9+9!/>C

• 'umidityB 9-+*-8 rel!

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Day 10-2! of incubation

  "he embryo draws the yolk sac into the body cavity and at the end of day .- the

entire reserve will be located within the

abdomen! 4t hatching appro5! -8 of theoriginal nutrient reserve of the yolk will

still be available and will continue to be a

maor source of energy for the newly

hatched chick during the first few days

after hatching

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healthy nely hatched chic"

should have

• 7ell developed body length and depth

• &hiny% thick and coloured down feathers

• "hick shanks with spread and straight toes

• ig clear eyes

• 3ively behaviour 

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