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DEVELOPMENT ESSENTIALS: Jeannie Novak ;\ DELMAR »% CENGAGE Learning Australia Brazil Japan Korea Mexico Singapore Spain United Kingdom United States


Jeannie Novak

; \ DELMAR »% CENGAGE Learning

A u s t r a l i a • B r a z i l • J a p a n • K o r e a • M e x i c o • S i n g a p o r e • S p a i n • U n i t e d K i n g d o m • U n i t e d S t a t e s

CONTENTS Introduction xiii About the Game Development Essentials Series xiv About Game Development Essentials: An Introduction xiv Who Should Read This Book? xv How Is This Book Organized? xvi How To Use This Text xviii

Key Chapter Questions xviii Sidebars xviii Tips xviii Quotes xxix Notes xvix Case Studies xvix Profiles xx Chapter Review xx

About the Companion DVD xx About the Instructor's Guide xxi About the Author xxi Acknowledgments xxii Questions and Feedback xxvi Dedication xxvii

P a r t I: S e t u p bu i ld ing t h e f o u n d a t i o n . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 Historical Elements: how did we get here? 3

Key Chapter Questions 3

Before the Arcades 4 The Arcade Phenomenon 5

Computer Space 6 Pong 8 Рас-Man 10 Donkey Kong 11

The Birth of Console Games 14

Atari VCS/2600 14

Mattel Intellivision 15

Coleco Vision 16

The Video Game Slump & a New Golden Age 18

Nintendo 18

Sega 20

The "Big Three" Console Wars 22

The Personal Computer Revolution 23

Mainframes and Text Adventures 23

Apple II 25

Commodore 64 26

Multiplayer Meets the Online Elite 28


MUDs 28

CompuServe 29

QuantumLink 29

GEnie 30

Convergence: Industry Segments Come Together 32

Into the Future 34

Chapter Review 35

Chapter 2 Player Elements: who plays and why? 37

Key Chapter Questions 37

Game Market 38

Player Motivation 38

Social Interaction 41

Physical Seclusion 41

Competition 42

Knowledge 42

Mastery 43

Escapism 43

Addiction 44

Geographies 45

Psychographics 51

VALS Psychotypes 51

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 52

Demographics 53

Gender 54

Generation 56

Applying Player Markets to Genres, Platforms & Applications 68

Chapter Review 69

Chapter 3 Game Elements: what are the possibilities? 71

Key Chapter Questions 71

Applications 72

Entertainment 72

Community-Building 72

Education 73

Recruitment & Training 77

Marketing & Advertising 78

Platform 80

Arcade 80

Console 81

Computer 82

Online 83

Handheld 85

Tabletop 86

Time Interval 87

Turn-Based 87

Real-Time 87

Time-Limited 88

Player Mode 88

Single-Player 89

Two-Player 89

Local Multiplayer 90

LAN-Based Multiplayer 91

Online Multiplayer 92

Genres 93

Action 94

Adventure 97

Action-Adventure 99

Casino 99

Puzzle 99

Role-Playing Games (RPGs) 100

Simulations 103

Strategy 106

Massively Multiplayer Online Games 108

Market I l l

Generation 112

Rating 112

Concept Development & Documentation 113

Chapter Review 114

Part II: Scenarios creating compelling content . . . 115

Chapter 4 Storytelling: creating the narrative 117

Key Chapter Questions 117

Storytelling Traditions 118

Generating Ideas 118

Traditional Story Structure 121

Hollywood Three-Act 121

Monomyth & Hero's Journey 122

Story Elements 127

Premise (High Concept) 128

Backstory 129

Synopsis 129

Theme 129

Setting 129

Plot 131

Balancing Conflict 131

Shifting Focus 131

Foreshadowing Events 132

Suspension of Disbelief 132

Realism 132

Game Story Devices 135

Interactivity 135

Non-Linearity 136

Player Control 137

Collaboration 139

Immersion 140

Game Storytelling & Documentation 144

Gameplay: The Real Storytelling Device? 145

Chapter Review 146

Chapter 5 Characters: creating the identity 1 49

Key Chapter Questions 14Э

Game Characters 150 Player Characters & Avatars 150 Non-Player Characters 152 Character Types 152

Classic Character Archetypes 153 Hero 153 Shadow 154 Mentor 154 Allies 155 Guardian 155 Trickster 155 Herald 156 Protagonist 156 Antagonist 157 Co-Protagonists 159 Supporting Characters 160

Character Development Elements 160 Character Triangle 160 Character Arc 161

Point-of-View 162 First-Person 162 Third-Person 163

Visual Character Development 165 Techniques 167 Style 170

Verbal Character Development 170 Narration 170 Monologue 171 Dialogue 171

Movement 176 Signature 176 Idle 176 Walking Cycle 176

Background, History & Advancement 176 Class & Race 177 Skill 177

Character Description 178 Chapter Review 179

Chapter 6 Gameplay: creating the experience 181

Key Chapter Questions 181

Rules 182

Victory Conditions 182

Loss Conditions 184

Interactivity Modes 184

Player-to-Game 185

Player-to-Player 185

Player-to-Developer 186

Player-to-Platform 187

Game Theory 187

Zero-Sum 188

Non Zero-Sum 188

Types of Challenges 191

Implicit & Explicit 191

Perfect & Imperfect Information 192

Intrinsic & Extrinsic Knowledge 193

Pattern Recognition & Matching 194

Spatial Awareness 194

Micromanagement 195

Reaction Time 195

Challenges & Game Goals 196

Balance 197

Static Balance 198

Dynamic 202

Economies 203

Gameplay & Level Design 205

Chapter Review 206

Chapter 7 Levels: creating the world 209

Key Chapter Questions 209

Level Design 210

Structure 210

Goal 210

Flow 211

Duration 211

Availability 212

Relationship 212

Progression 213

Time 215

Authentic 215

Limited 216

Variable 216

Player-Adjusted 216

Altered 217

Space 217

Perspective & Camera 218

Terrain & Materials 220

Radiosity & Effects 221

Scale 222

Boundaries 223

Realism 224

Style 225

Chapter Review 227

Chapter 8 Interface: creating the connection 229

Key Chapter Questions 229

Player-Centered Design 230

Interface & Game Features 231

Interface Types 233

Visual Interfaces 234

Active 234

Passive 235

Platform-Specific Features 236

Manual Interfaces 238

Arcade 238

Computer 239

Console 239

Handheld 242

Visual Interface Components 243

Score 243

Lives and Power 244

Map 245

Character 245

Start Screen 247

Genre-Specific Interface Design 247

Action 247

Adventure 248

Role-Playing 248

Simulation 249

Sports 250

Strategy 250

Usability 251

Accessibility 254

Save-Game Options 259

Quick-Save 259

Auto-Save 259

Save to Slot/File 260

The "Save-Game" Debate 261

Guidelines for a Great Interface 261

Chapter Review 263

Chapter 9 Audio: creating the atmosphere 265

Key Chapter Questions 265

The Importance of Game Audio 266

Game Audio Formats 267

Sound Effects 271

Voice-overs 276

Music 278

Looping Music 283

Game vs. Film Scoring 283

Adaptive Music 287

Chapter Review 292

Part llhStrategy team, process, and community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 3

Chapter 10 Roles & Responsibilities: developing the team 295

Key Chapter Questions 295

Company Roles 296

Team Roles 302

Production 302

Design 305

Art 308

Programming 312

Audio 318

Testing & Quality Assurance (QA) 318

Marketing 321

Tools 321

Level Design 321

Game Engine Programming 322

Art 329

Audio 330

Chapter Review 331

Chapter 1 1 Production & Management: developing the process 333

Key Chapter Questions 333

Development Phases 334

Concept 334

Pre-Production 335

Prototype 336

Production 339

Alpha 341

Beta 342

Gold 343

Post-Production 346

Management 347

Game Documentation 357

Concept 360

Game Proposal 364

Game Design Document 368

Art Style Guide 371

Technical Design Document 371

Project Plan 372

Test Plan 372

Chapter Review 373

Chapter 12 Marketing & Maintenance: developing the community 3 7 5

Key Chapter Questions 375

Marketing 376 Advertising 382 Public Relations (PR) 383 Sales 384 Promotion 384

Customer Support 385 Official Web Site 386 Tutorials 386 Player Forums 387 Newsletters 387 Player Matching 387

Prosumerism: Player as Developer 390 Modding 392 Fan-Produced Content 394 Fan Sites 395

Chapter Review 397

Conclusion The Future: where are we going? 3 9 8 What Types of Games Will Be Played in the Future? 398 Who Will Develop the Games of the Future? 403 How Will Games Be Developed? 406 How Will Games Be Played? 412 Who Will Play and How Will We Reach Them? 417 The Future of Entertainment? 420

Resources 4 2 1 Index 4 2 7

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