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Developmental Psychology Chapter 2 Theoretical Approaches.

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Developmental Psychology Chapter 2 Theoretical Approaches
Page 1: Developmental Psychology Chapter 2 Theoretical Approaches.

Developmental Psychology

Chapter 2Theoretical Approaches

Page 2: Developmental Psychology Chapter 2 Theoretical Approaches.


Ability to generate predictionsHeuristic Value – further thought

Practical ValueExplain basic development


Page 3: Developmental Psychology Chapter 2 Theoretical Approaches.

Changes in development occur due to the influence of _______ drives and emotions on ___________. Libido

Psychosexual stages

Psychoanalytic - Freud

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Oral Stage: Ages 0-1. Most of infant’s pleasure comes from stimulation of the mouth. If a child is overfed or frustrated, oral traits will develop. Early oral fixations can cause… Oral Dependent Personality: Gullible, passive,

and need lots of attention. Later oral fixations can cause…

Oral-aggressive adults who like to argue and exploit others

Freudian Personality Development: Oral Stage

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Anal Stage: Ages 1-3. Attention turns to process of elimination. Child can gain approval or express aggression by letting go or holding on. Ego develops. Harsh or lenient toilet training can make a child: Anal Retentive: Stubborn, stingy, orderly, and

compulsively clean Anal Expulsive: Disorderly, messy, destructive,

or cruel

Freudian Personality Development: Anal Stage

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Phallic Stage: Ages 3-6. Child now notices and is physically attracted to opposite sex parent. The child is vain, sensitive, narcissistic. Can lead to: Oedipus Conflict: For boys only. Boy feels rivalry

with his father for his mother’s affection. Boy may feel threatened by father (castration anxiety). To resolve, boy must identify with his father (i.e., become more like him and adopt his heterosexual beliefs).

Electra Conflict: Girl loves her father and competes with her mother. Girl identifies with her mother more slowly because she already feels castrated.

Both concepts are widely rejected today by most psychologists

Freudian Personality Development: Phallic Stage

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Latency: Ages 6-Puberty. Psychosexual development is dormant. Same sex friendships and play occur here.

Freudian Personality Development: Latency Stage

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Genital Stage: Puberty-on. Realization of full adult sexuality occurs here; sexual urges re-awaken.

Freudian Personality Development: Genital Stage

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Changes in development occur due to the influence of _______ drives and emotions on ___________. Libido

Psychosexual stagesPersonality has 3 parts

Cognitive Dissonance

Psychoanalytic - Freud

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Change due to internal drives and cultural demands

Continues throughout the lifespanTrust v. Mistrust 0-1Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt 1-3

Initiative v. Guilt 3-6


Psychoanalytic - Erikson

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Most important drive is each individual’s motivation to achieve ________________.

Hierarchy of Needs What’s missing?

Humanistic Theories - Maslow

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Page 13: Developmental Psychology Chapter 2 Theoretical Approaches.

Developmental changes result from an accumulation of __________________.

Classical Conditioning - Pavlov Operant Conditioning – Skinner

Punishment Reinforcement Extinction Shaping

Social Cognitive – Bandura Observational Learning Intrinsic Reinforcement Problems?

Learning Theories – Behaviorism

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Emphasizes mental aspects of development such as logic and memory

Cognitive Developmental Scheme/Schema Assimilation Accomodation Logical Thought develops through 4 stages

Sensorimotor 0 – 18 mo Preoperational 18mo – 6 year Concrete Operational 6 – 12 Formal Operational 12+

Cognitive Theories - Piaget

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Attempt to link physical and developmental processes.

Nativism – view that humans possess unique genetic traits that will be evidenced in all members of a species regardless of environment. (Universal)

Ethology – emphasizes genetically determined survival behaviors.

Biological Theories
