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Diagrams to discourse and discourse to diagrams: using visual representation in a research project...

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Diagrams to discourse and discourse to diagrams: uses of visual representation in qualitative research to support staff development of digital literacies by Sarra Saffron Powell and Tunde Varga-Atkins, University of Liverpool for SEDA conference presentation on Creativity, 15th Nov 2013, Bristol
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Diagrams to discourse and discourse to diagrams: uses of visual representation in qualitative research to support staff development of digital literacies Sarra Saffron Powell / Tünde Varga- Atkins University of Liverpool Research funded by SEDA Small Grants SEDA conference, 15 th Nov 2013, Bristol
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Diagrams to discourse and discourse to diagrams: uses of visual representation in qualitative research

to support staff development of digital literacies

Sarra Saffron Powell / Tünde Varga-AtkinsUniversity of Liverpool

Research funded by SEDA Small Grants

SEDA conference, 15th Nov 2013, Bristol

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Use of diagrams

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During this session:

• Are diagrams (or other visual

representations) viable tools to use in your own practice?

• What are the merits and limitations of visual approaches in supporting your critical reflection on your own perceptions and practices?

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Background• SEDA small grants

research funding

• Full report available:

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What was done?

Explored academic staff’s:

– practices in digital literacies,

– perspectives of those practices within a discipline specific context.

– individual and institutional enablers and constraints

– explored the role of critical reflection in relation to developing digital literacies.

staff interviews and surveys

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Why was it done? • To understand:– how digital practices emerge;– to understand what staff are already doing;– to find out what the university could do to help

support staff in enhancing students’ development of digital literacies.

– the role of critical reflection in the development of digital literacies

• To promote the digital literacies agenda and improve the student experience

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Defining digital literacies

functional competence (externus) and capability (internus)




agile adopter

critically reflective15 Nov 2013 SEDA Powell&Varga-Atkins

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Why visuals (diagrams)?

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The value of diagrams

“A diagram is a visual representation that shares the properties of

written text and representational

images, but cannot be reduced to either” (Blackwell, 2001, p.1).


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Not just 1000 words: new insights

Pic credit: Wikipedia: HikingArtist

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Varga-Atkins & O’Brien (2009)

Harper (2002)

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Mmm, useful

…visual modalities, unbound by the linearity of text (Land, 2011), are especially suited to explore both self–perception and practices, whilst depicting the multimodal, multi-directional complexities of those practices in context of developing digital literacies.

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Credit: Adeen Flinker, UC Berkeley

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Let us take you through each stage in our research cycle

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Use of diagrams

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The big challenge

• Not to pre-empt responses

• We wanted participants to volunteer where they engaged with technology

http://rob-colvin-art.tumblr.com/post/61121517694/the-big-challenge-by-rob-colvin-acrylic-and 15 Nov 2013 SEDA Powell&Varga-Atkins

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Use of diagrams

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Participatory diagramming (a “rebus”)

Start Solution

We posed a learning and teaching ‘problem’ and asked staff to chart the their approaches and activities to reach a solution

Challenges: varying comfort levels and a feeling of being “under prepared” (Umoquit et al 2008).

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Diagrammatic elicitationcan be participant- or researcher-led (Umoquit et al 2013);

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= A more realistic representation of academic staff’s range of digital practices

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Diagrams to elicit discourse

Triggers: Visuals/diagrams can elicit ideas that may otherwise remain unarticulated and promote general discussion. (Gaskell, 2000 in Crilly et al 2006)

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Paired Activity. Take 2-3 stickers. Interview your pair about their use of these selected technologies. When do you use these technologies and how?

Observe the questions below and be ready to feed back about your experience as interviewer/interviewee.

InterviewerHow helpful is the visual

task in getting your ‘data’? To what extent is the structure offered by

the diagram help or hinder?

IntervieweeHow helpful is the visual

task in helping you formulate your thinking?

To what extent is the structure offered by the diagram help or hinder?

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Dilemma of Diagramming: balance between openness and structure

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aware but not use

tried and rejected


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Use of diagrams

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Using diagrams to interrogate discourse

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Initial reflections on data analysis

Diagrams for analysis and discussion

Diagrammatic discussions

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Use of diagrams

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From analysis moving to reporting findings

The resulting profile


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and more diagrams…

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Sharpe and Beetham (2010)


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… leading to framework development

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Use of diagrams

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Dissemination – from charts to …


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to …infographics








I see the relevance

I see it as my role

I have the capabilities

Excluding non-academic staff and missing responses, n=54


Need training?

They are ok!

Point to evidence about embedded practices; example definitions and embedded practices in a disciplinary context

Training & evidence



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Reflecting on our use of visuals, they were:


conscious natural

see pic credits in References


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• Questions

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Discussion • Can diagrams (or other visual representations)

be suitable tools to use in your own practice?

• What are the merits and limitations of visual approaches in supporting your critical reflection on your own perceptions and practices?

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BenefitsChallenges &


D i s c o u r s eDia




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Graphic > < Digital

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ReferencesBeetham, H and Sharpe, R (2011) Learning literacy development framework (JISC workshop material)Crilly N., Blackwell A. F., Clarkson P. J., (2006) Graphic elicitation: using research diagrams as interview stimuli. Qualitative Research, 6(3) 341-66. Harper, D. 2002. Talking about pictures: A case for photo elicitation. Visual Studies 17, no. 1:13–26.Land R., (2011) Speed and the Unsettling of Knowledge in the Digital University, Digital Difference, (series Educational Futures Rethinking Theory and Practice) (50) 61-70Powell, S. S.; Varga-Atkins, T. (2013) ‘Digital Literacies: A Study of Perspectives and Practices of Academic Staff’: a project report. Written for the SEDA Small Grants Scheme. Liverpool: University of Liverpool. July. Version 1. Powell S. S., Varga-Atkins, T. (2013) ‘Using visual metaphors to promote critical reflection on digital practices and perspectives’: Workshop GuidanceUmoquit, M., Tso, P., Varga-Atkins, T., O’Brien, M., & Wheeldon, J. (2013). Diagrammatic Elicitation: Defining the Use of Diagrams in Data Collection. The Qualitative Report, 18(60), 1–12.Varga-Atkins, T and O'Brien M. (2009) From drawings to diagrams: maintaining researcher control during graphic elicitation in qualitative interviews. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, vol. 32(1), April,53-67

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Image credits

• Emergent = waves by Reza Ali –http://www.syedrezaali.com/blog/?p=1214

• Natural = a forest = http://www.layoutsparks.com/1/213309/green-forest-natural-road.html

• Conscious: “The mind of Mr Soames” http://controlv.deviantart.com/art/The-Mind-of-Mr-Soames-268423113

• Necessary: fractal art http://steell.deviantart.com/art/Complexity-18857076

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Sarra Saffron Powell [email protected]

Tunde Varga-Atkins @tundeva [email protected]

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