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DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR...

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" f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED EACH WEEK 45TH YEAR—NUMBER 52 WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR PUNT IS TO BE Fireproofing Co. Will Thribble Capacity at Port Murray. INCREASE FORCE TO 2 0 0 MEN Old fliilldliiK for Manufacture of Tex- : Tilts mid New Strut-luro for Mnn-; '. iifiictnro of }\a\ Ilriok. Tho National Fireprooflng Co, an- nounces a very important enlarge- ment to Ha Port Murray plant, the significance of which ia, from a local standpoint, that tlio laboring force will be increased to 200 men. There aro 52.'On tho, payroll at tho present time. What tho company proposes to do Is to Ijtilld a now factory twice tho Bizo of the present factory. It will bo located on tho high ground Immediately south of tho present biff building ami work upon tho structure will begin early in \ January with a view to having It completed and In operation by March 1. , Tho new building will bo used for tho manufacture; of common red brick, which ••Urn company has been running on exclusively for tho last few 'years. New machinery through- out will he Installed, Including an engine, three- boilers, two augur presses and four pug mills. r") Tho enlargement of tho plant i is due to a growing demand for red brick, and tho growth' uf a now pro- duct known M tnx-tllo, The latter is a brick of rough surface, and ia •'""•used for the outside finish of build- ings. From the clay .deposits, of- the company's lands at Port Murray It 'Is,;'possible to make this brick in a combination of colors, varying from crow black to a.light red. This In said to be Impossible fit any other brick works In tho country. Tox-tllo has been made at tho Port Murray plant for the past year ami a great demand has sprung up for the pro- duct. rt retails at a high figure, s»ll- !ng-Cit about Tour tlnic-H ns much as common. Tho old factory will lio de- •„• voted exclusively to the -manufacture of tex-llle, Thirty; tons" a. day will be turned out. A very remarkable demand for the company's common brick has been created, and we nre inclined to think that the excellent business manage- ment of N. (J* Parks lias bad much to. do with this condition. A year or two ago th«v works-were ordered closed owing to the small demand. Now the conditions aro exactly tho rovers*. The company has more or- ders than it can (111 nnd the book- ings, at the present tltno would run the plant steadily until June 1. Most of this product l.s being shipped to N*ew;irk and its suburbs. The general manager of the Na- tional Flreprooilng Co. has been hero within tho "past few daysand lifts put his; O. K. upon the proposition to erect an additional building-. A reso- lution Viy the dlnjitors Is merely :i matter of form, being governed en- tirely"' by tlit> manager's ondorsment of the. proposition. The vice presi- dent has also investigated the plan and has: added his approval. The ' fact .that-150 additional men will be given; employment ispleasing news to the pedple'oi"' this' section, whore the direct benefit will be, felt. At the present time. Mr. Parks has eight men at work cutting trees OP, the mountainside north of the .plant. The company ownp.210 acres of wood land''there and intends to cut it all off and ship it to the other plunts at Perth Amboy, whore it will bo used In- mnklng ties for use on tho corn- piuiy's private. nUlroud. This .work .-.(if1«^,l1o.-.n.-t.-oiiiirl.nn.:.Slnco1.Dec.. 15..,,.. . Full Proves Fatal 1« . AKPII AVoiimn. ' Mrs. I.utetia I'.usb,' aued V--lz.ll£l-°>' died of piieiimonin nt fl.'lii o'clock ' Fridny."'nlght. She fell while coming down stairs a couple of weeks ago and brnko her shoulder, ••pneumonia developed and c-miseil her death.. -'••Mrs. P.nsh hns .been a wld.uv for Hush. Sho hnrt boon residing with her m.ughH'r. Mrs. Cms. T. C.'irling of Washington the past thro- years. Mrs; Knsh wris u tiiitlv.- of Montana '-'• un'tl r "wiiN- si'-'nu'iriii.-friif -tlio : Montana Baptist church. She is. survived by seven children*: Simon, of Iron Hill, Pa.: Lnvl, of Smith, Hoihlohoni. Pa.; Henry, of FtiltertonV Pa.: John, of ttejvidcro; Mr:*. Joseph Martin, of Harmony: and Mrs. Chas. Carling. of Washington. Also-by. two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Lompkln.. of Phllllps- ,burg and-Mrs. Elizabeth Carling of - SLewartsville.; .• • -; •'• •:• . -:-•••:,••,•:• The .funeral; was held at to o'clock yesterday morning at the Jionnv.of .-.'Mrs. Curling, in"- Washington, Rev. "- •v..A;--T.Uu;ir-'iifneliilliiK.- : -' ; »Services- were church "at'ono^o'clii noon';™! hfer men I arisvlHo cemetery. J k'-yefltefilay afler- viis in .the Stew- .i;niisiin1 AwUlenc 'While cleaning' a ' R Wh 'lnll^ Woman. g indow In .her home', on Rust Wnshlngton^avonue, Monday afternoon, Mrs, Ttjrirvey Plor- oy-^SDJ^^V'^'^."' 1 , ll0 .!~: rIf! ?! lt - a . rm _ w .?r>JH:Thj.i£^sb^t!3,^-^ terrible gash In "the wrist" "reslilted, lHe injury'..Jujinf? so serious that the services of b,oth Drs. Smith and Mutohlor wore required. They found that, three tendons and :. five artbrlc: In the wrist liad been severed; and she might have bled to death had medical attention been long delayer Tho •'••'ultimate outcome- is . uneertal: us there is a possibility that tho fin- gers will bo permantMiUyc.crlppled, due tr> th'.> Hi'vorhig of the tendons, CATS TAKE A BIG CONTRACT Small Itci^iiiL-iit of Them Secured To Protect.tho Interests of One of the I^M-iil Faotorles. Havo you a cat that you don't want? If BO, don't drop It In some- body's yard nor put It Into a bug and drown It. Take It to tho Bowers Broom Co. The company will pay you five conts for the cat. If you read the Star carefully last weok you saw a small advertisement Inserted by the company in which they stated they would pay flvo.cents apleco for all that wore delivered at tho factory. ; That sounded llko a prospectus of the Foddle cat factory and somo thought tho great Iwrtd red-thousand - dollar enterprise was about to get under way. There Is no connection between the two, however, the Foddle factory being sllll In embryo; What does tliG broom company want of so many cats? Do they con- tnmplato OHtabliKhing u aiiiin;ign sliuP nr a fiddle string factory? , Xothlng of the kind. Tho factory Ls overrun with rats, and the cats are wanted in order to exterminate the rodents. It may he news to yon to learn that cata are death to rats. Unless you read nursery tales when you werb. little, you doubtless didn't know that. Tbo little a:J. was a winner. Thus far the company has secured 20 cats. This la just an oven dollar's worth of cats. The felines tie aroi'iid nil day and purr and snooze, a ltd sip milk. They go on duty when the other forco goes off, and many a rat bites tho dust between sunset and sunri.se each day. Theoretically, It Is safe to nwsnme. that rats will got beauti- fully loss and cats will got beautiful- ly more at tho Rowers broom factory when tho system gets In full opera- tion. 1 . . • .- • •• ...... Although the s f iuad of cats amounts to only 20 Just now, tho ranks will be filled out very quickly. Tho company has tho promise of 15 cats from one. man at Tatamy, and Hnrry Knowlos, the Washington hotel man, says he has seven or eight which ho doesn't want and wlll.be glad to, get rid of. These will presently 1 be added to tho factory collection. LIU UUII ILL 1L t,U3L UL 9 » il U I An effort to accomplish this veryj thing was made a few years' ago and for a year or two the required amount was ! ralHeti.- As the work devolved upon one Individual or two. Interest' nnturnlly (lagged and the enterprise was' abandoned. ! " . ' " ! In tho meantime, Washington peo-j pie nnd others of this section have*' been getting all the advantages of tho hospital, which Is the most avail- able institution of Its kind for people fjf this neighborhood.'. Tho attention given patients hns mainly boon char- liable In character. This is'; almost an Imposition' 1 on tho part of the (-iMiitnttiilty. The Knston Hospital is maintained principally by an appro- prjuitun from the State of Pennsyl- vania and is under no obligation to treat charity patients from .Mow Jer- sey. Technically, It perhaps hns no right to treat them •'for nothing. This Is additional reason why tbo various towns benefited by their proximity to the hospital.should establish aux- iliaries and contribute to Its support. Tlwj subject was considered at a recent meeting of the Washington Mciltrnl' Society and a committee of three physicians was appointed to undertake the work of organizing an auxiliary. The com in it too consisted of Drs. F. P. MeK'in.Htry, C. M. Wil- liams and C. P.. Smith. Sunday JCvoniiifr ai the Clwrelics. -Services at the Presiiyterlan church tnst Sunday evening were musical. the time being mostly taken up with the rendition of_ a cantnta, "The Ktory of isethlehom," by an enlarged choir. The music WHS not only, beau- tiful but impressive. Unusual and unique were the organ r»ieludc3. ngfiln demonstrating the sltill of the organist, Mr. Johnston, and the ca- uiolty of the instrument. One rep- esented shepherds on the hillside ilpliii,' their song, the other the Magi n camels marching to Bethlehem. The 1 ebolr arituitteil il.^lf most credit- able- 1 and came. In for n large amount nf prain'e: The solo parts ivn 1 takt^n by Miss Lriiil.se Mintoit. Mrs. Enos Smith. Miss Oni . : .Scott. Miss Bess Johnston and Mr. Samuel Thornton. Mr. O. I't-.'ston Smith was unable to participate on stccoiuit of j-'icktiess. Ai tho Muthodl.ut fhuroh on Sunday evening the choir rendered a program of .ChristCyfi!* sniiKis .whlcli .-ivas eii- Joy.'.l by -a IJII-R.^ congregation, Bc- siii>^ sevfrntv.well-rendered anthems. Miss Kmily Snyder nnd Miss 1-ies.^le Moi.re each .siimr a' beautiful solo. Thoiv WHS., in additinn, selei:lion.« .by iunmn's.ctuiLi'lL't.and „:• ..ladlos".,.quartet. Mrs. Willard AlU-gf-r took the solo pan In one or the anthems in pleas- ing style. Tho audience was so pleas- ed that requests have been made for ii repetition of the service next Sun- day oven in p.' ..-ill be chosen. mo duty of the auxiliary will be to raise money each year, sulllcient to maintain a bed at the hospital. This will cost $2*i0 a year and a. town nf Washington's size, and benofUod so 'materially by the hospital, should uxpMienco no dllllculty in contribut- ing the. amount, needed. Rvery citl- n HluiuMdo his or her share and iih :i willingness- that will make p. work ni- lh<- nnxllliiry ;is llifht as Aged Mniss fustic Chi/en Dead. *" Henry R. Wandliim, nn i'i'ir&] citizen nf "nnisa O.Htle, dUtd'-'iii-li^^fuiut: tit .1 0 o'clock .;lasj.^Thnm'ay.--m"trht...;.'ii't.er- ?i.V intestinal character. He was the s.»n of Jacob Wandllng and was "S >oirs »uf .(igc. IK- was a member, of Mansfield-Lodge of Odd l->llmvs and wtis a (jivll Wiir veteran, having boon a member of Company H. 31st regiment of X. J. volunteers. Mr, Wandling. was r. retired rall- X!!,ii«l .ejiriv-'ntei'. 11ls.wl.lV, ,who is_ now. doceaso'djr'was"""" formeriy'" Christina I'otty. , ! K.V!s survived by two daugh- ters, Mrs. Sanih LiinVt! a ml Mrs. Klmei- Snyder, both nf Washington. ,ami <-onp™son,_ Charles...,>J ; t:Siding . a t Inmie. He nlsii' loaves two brothers, .|jic i olv.... of Elizabeth and Frank , of School o'yp Mountain, and one -sister, Mrs. JiieV.b Foss"of Hrass Castle. /-- Funeral services-were'conducted t't.v . i ;.-.v,-F.->V-~.Tohnson..al. ,.1.30... o'clock.' .\lninlay,:at'tcrii'oonv RirruiVwas'iYr Washington cemetery. l-IpUcopar Chiinli Xot To Ho Moved A" 1 'common: understanding..- is.'that itev, O. IT. Hoxsey's reason for re- signing as rector of St, Peter's church was. opposition to his efforts to niui r (.' : :llic* i;hureh' ; -edlflcG~'to-a new-..lo- .ciilkm. -The sector had raisoxl. a .por- tion of--the money "roqiilrod and* had anticipated the diocese would raise the balance. . Bishop Lines, 1 while iKlvoeathm: a new location, hesitates about confirming the enterprise, until ;the entire amount Is in sight/ The option upon the -Gerard l ir °n^ r tv^ West \\"nshlngton avenue will be per- mitted, to expire. - . . A wedding was performed at tho M, E. parsonage at ^.30 .o'clock Tues- day "afternoon by RW^.. F-. L. West. The principals were Howard O. Bum- gnrtner, son of Amos Biimgnrtner-'oC Scranton, and Miss Margie Rush, the daughter.- of Mrs., Wm. L. Rush of Rrass •'Castle^--,.The attendants•.-:•,were Mi 1 , and Mrs. Jas. Smailies of,. Scran?. ton, who . won 1 married 'In that city •Tuesday morning. -,P . .. TO HEIPTHE HOSPITAL Auxiliary to tlio Ka^ton" Hospital Will Bo Organized In Washington and Bert. Kmlowcd. THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT Giving Means Little Unless Heart Is Behind the Gift. FRELANGE GETS SENTIMENTAL They got together one afternoon last week In ihe parlors of the Wash- ington Athletic Association and con- '•• - •- ---<•- church 'LIST OF COURT CASES titlienliifs Thai Will lit- Sn Out in I.«'fl,al Way at &*« of Court NV.vl Week, Next Tuesday murks the I" th^' December term . ... of court at •,• ,.•. Tin-re will b« n session on Jie opening day. following which an adjournment will be taken on.nc-; .•ruint'nf the holiday.. The following eaupes. hnvp been listed for trial: I Philip Tllllngbast, Receiver. Wash- ington National Bank, (substituted Tor Robetf. M. Petty), vs. Lttllta S. 1'r-rry On contract. Summons re-' turni'ii'l- . Otrt 10. 1911. Smith * I'.i-iidy Win. Tyaeke. Jr. I .Ins. C. Oibhs vs. Watson C. Coop- '•r. On contract. Summons return-l •JIMI- April »!. 191". Wm. IT. Mnrrow: .Jos. M. Itoseberry ' - . . I The Relvldeiv Water Co. vs. tbo liiluiliitnni.-. nf.^thP..-Town . of Belvi-, rlero. On contract. .Summons issued AUK. 12, l!U-. Issue Joined Aug. 21, IM-. Geo. M. 'Shlpman: Joseph . M. Kosoborry. Con, Keiirii.* vs. T^high Valley liiilh'oarl Co' of N«w Jersey. Action at law Notice !lled Dec. G, 1912. Win. C. Gebhardt; Smith <& Brady. Jamcf Loughlln vs. Lehigh Valley I la IIroad Co. of Now Jersey. Action ai law. Notice filed Doc. 6. 1912. W'i.«hinston_National Bank, Washing-.. "hi it N Jr 'vs: Mary : ri. S'ettyr "Notice tl!e<i Dox- Ifl. 101'J. Edtiuind Wilson: Ortcnr Jeff cry. • ••-. " •';! Mnttlo vStotit vs. Kdlson Portland Cement- Cn. hi 'tuft.-- Xot'^ \ "filed Xnv M> 1012. -'V"i' C. Gebhardt: MfCurtor A English, Mnrlol Heatl'ig Co. vs. Hugh O'Dcn- IH-I On contract. Notice tiled Dec; ii. 1H12. J. r. Blnir Rolley: Wm. A. Strykei-. • ' ' —.. rifirr-v^-Clirlstlnn vs.-Jacob,-Thomas.i 1!>] L ' .Wm A. Stryker: Claude R. Cook. Gets Tills Way Once a Year, But at Other Times Iy Kasy Knough To Oet Along With. Christmas presents and Christmas trees. I have some odd thought on this subject that I wish -to get out of my system. You know that a Christmas present can amount to ever so little Intrin- sically and yet amount to a very ^r.-;it deal Suiuilnoiit.iliy, ;::::-.::" On the other hand, a present can amount to a great deal from a stand- point of dollars and cents and amount to very little If tho "heart la not be- hind tho gift. it Is. possible for a modest five- cent handkerchief to warm one per- son's heart more than a steam yacht will warm another person's heart. The person who •gets'a: present of a steam yacht has had presents be- fore and Is possibly stirfcited,with them. The person who sets the mod- est ihandkerchief may never have received a present beforo, It Is the sentiment ana atmosphere which surrounds the Christmas tree! that gives it charm. Mistletoe and| holly and evergreen are appreciated nt. this season beiause of sweet mem- ories and happy traditions that go with them. Klimlnatlng sentiment, wo would find- any common wild growth, of' tree'or plant Just as suit- able find perhaps Just ns pretty.'" Mistletoe and holly and evergreen are emblematic of Christmas and the holiday spirit, and that Is why they are upsnelaiiMl with the season. They are tbo accepted banner of "peace jitul goodwill." . . The Ci'oator l"f>l;s down approving-: ly upon tht; Christmas celebration. I [>•; endorses tbo Interchange of good will and. good feeling, ns'.represented in the general exchange of presents ("'tween relatives and friends. This illiplies of ..course to presents that r:uv honestly, given—presents that .-..in- from the soul. Certainly .the .Almighty would not sanction tlie' act ft" a thief who steals In order to se- uure money with which to purchase I'bristmas presents. ' .' ';.•; Likewise, Ifo could not .sanction the iii't 'of tin' niiin who'steals'B Christ- in:if tree in order to ylndden the ln'iirts of his children. j A stolen Christinns tree Is about the most saerilenlous thing that I can think of. Cotter, far better, is the home with nn Christ mils presents and~no Christmas tree than the home with both when either is tainted. He who robs tn promote the Christmas spirit divests and: robs the occasion of its real .pentlnient. . . . ' . . .. wrote Dr. Wilson something like thla; "I know of your aversion to the per- sistent oHlcc-seeker' and cohsoquently do not intend to tnaku uny uppllcutlun for the olllco to which I aspire. However, kindly advise me of the best ennrs" to pursue.' : : . , "ijuv train struek a tn;in and hurt him badly," said Jack O'Shea. ' "Wa? tho man on the track?" f_'"Ho sure was. , Von don't suppose tlio engineer, ran tho train out Into tho woods to gi>t him, do you?" Some Chicago girls liav,;- formed a 'club and n;=olvo(] not to marry any man unless he can show an Income of nt least J5.000. That will be all tight and plenty of men will 'coma around Just as' soon as the girls show qualifications that measure up to .the man's $5,00*) In- come. '.MAJOR FRELANCF3. DEATH OP DR. BERGEN /, -These remarks fire general but they have specific significance.- I have. heard . nf a j»-=it«l that, was made In' Washington oarly last. wools upon a ivirgo of Christmas lives. It would Miiltn surpris!•_* you to know that many of tlio':'tree^ tlutt were loaded on Christmas morn with presents t'or Willie and-Miirthii and Johnnie and Mary and Charlie nnd Jennie, ami decorated with tinsel and baubles by papa and mamma, were stolen by papa when nobody was looking. It is only by good luck and the utmost carefulness in getting away with the trees that several of the papas escaped passing a Merry Christmas In jail. : • . .... 1 .- have ...some —old-fashioned -.Ideas, perh!ips,"'.but'"T don't"think God looks down- with --ari" :tT u|>VroAm{j"'^iiiiiie"~ L iU>- oti the homo whore Christ's natal day is I'eishi-jited with.a stolen Christmas t;ooii. John C. Kennedy, vs. Martin, C. Swjirisw.'llpr. jTilmr.Votc. On ' con- inivt.- Noti-J^tiled VCc. 6, 1912. O. trtivt. Xotl;>!iled DLC. 6, 1912. D. McConnci: Wm. It. Morrow. InhiibitaiUs of tho Town of Hack- vustown vs. Marvin Shields. In eleetnient; Notice (llf.cl Dec. IS, 19l*J. .liii-nh W.'.Oiivis;'Goo. M.. Shipman'J - ^--1 . " '•»• Ot'l'OIlTfrN.TlKS. FOR THE WTSE RCbNOMISTS' ' An" opportimlty" is' presented to Ladles who have the strict economy' spirit'-^ in the marked reductions in 1 Suits of -every conceivable model, and 1 fabric. It is'a chance you don't get' every day. Read the list •over caro-j fulljv.and net Eiccordingly.-r.r. : >.-. -\-:.^-~r\ Cheviots in Brown and Gray Mix-i tures^^hcttiat value SI2.SO*,—at 5S.95- Two-tono in all-colorings—actual- vc,!-;^-*J;.5--j\t $10.05." " . • • | ' .Manni'sfi ^Scrgo Suits,»-~Sli!tutor's guaranteed linings —' actual' value_. •jtfi.BO—at $11.95: ,-" V7%: ™^~u'! ™.PIagpjyiLa__In.i._Brown._ ^Gray, Tan-^] valuo $19.50—at $15. _J , Whipcords in all the wanted mod- els—actual value $21.50—at $16.50. Corduroy Suits, in brown only— 'actual--valMe; SliV— at/$10.50. ••: -/•.:• Two-tono Diagonals, in all color- ings—actual value $21.50—at $16.50./ ~:-:.One. lot of highrgrtnlo,;lieiiyy...Sers'iv < «',7' tit'st made—actual value $25—$17.95. r ^ CARPENTER'S, j . 223 Northampton .St., Eaaton. Fa:. They havo Keen, having more ex- clteincnt over at BelviO_ere—more ex- ulU'inent tliaii they have had since the last '^looting of' the Common Council, when tbo fire plugs of the i Lowr.~'.wcre:: r ..div!ds'J;;;,ecj 1 . l .a!!y^... between, the two rival water companies. What thoy are excited about now is ;« poisoned pen. a modem phrase employed In de.serlbinsi- anonymous letter-writers. The.•poisoned pen has i>i»t*ii sending letters with much fre- quency and a lot of trouble has re- sulted in . many households between husbands and wives. .;;0«o separation is reported and other couples have been -. t=-v, annoyed and! embarrassed that. :i lawyer lias been engaged to ferret out the guilty [Versons. There "itiiiy be ' an" arrest or'"" two "shortly; Tho offense is very serious and pun- ishable by long imprisonment. Washington has a number ot* pois- oned pens but they have run out of ink .lately or,', at any rate, have 5 'been !ying^quict.;' r-.L T siial!y.;-tUe.v.^are-.-C|itietly JyInEr-.so..lhc....changeJs.v'ery' much of "n"relief."•" r "" : •,,-,-, Out tlie poisoned tongue—Ah! that is with us' always. -.- You, can't lose it, you can't strangli It, you. can't curtail or modify it. Ynu can't even make it "hesitate," as the villager said when- - (.ho fast ex- press sped past lils station. ZZJil?w^drttLc;UUsfistriRpfitiie^S^ "Domocrat~who""ha3j/" < aiwriys "worked hard" for his party Just because of his great love for the party? It is a statement by President-elect "Wil- son. -He says:. ."The filling of o'tllce; is a task that T consider wholly dis- tasteful, I will say, however, that thc seeker for -office who applies for H"'!J0>> wHtftjv-^np ..i«nn- nvift ,u to be. chosen.",-,> !; •• ••;. '• One man w'uo heard of the Presi- dent-elect's views on "this subject Washington - 1 ,Physician 1 '. 1 Passes Away on Sunday Afternoon. After III- ', loss of Nearly a Venr. Dr, Rvert J. Horgen died at his honif on Hast Washington avenue at ." oVlocl; last Sunday afternoon. His health had been serious for several months, while for a week before tho end his condition had been precari- ous. Heart trouble Wii,\ the cause, Dr, Borgon was-not'a" man of ro- bust health. He had complained for 20 years. His first serious illness was Inst May, when he was stricken and lay In a dangerous state for sev- eral weeks. Ho got around but suf- fered another attack in July. ' The third attack occurred three weeks before the end, and towards the close It was very evident that there was no hope of recovery.' . •He Is survived by a daughter,'Miss •Tuila, who resided with him, and iipon 1 'whom the chief caro of the parent has devolved. His only bro- ther Is ITon. Frank nergcrr of Ber- nardsvlllo and F.llzabolh, who,, be- Hhies belny a lawyer of wide repute, in chief counsel for the Public Serv-j Ice Corporation. He has been very solicitous for his brother's, welfare it the long Illness, and was here with him when he died. Dr. Ber- geii's wlf*».tiled nine years ago from injuries, sustained In a driving acci- dent. She was formerly Miss Sarah Callowjiy of Somervlllo. Dr. Borgon was a con of the re- nowned Peter S. Bergen' 1 of Somer- vllUVwho wst.s known throughout this section" as the "Silver Tonpuod Ora- tnr." 1 He was one of six children, ai!,; being dead now with the excep- tion of ' Frank- Rorgon, Dr, Rergen "wax burn In Hoyceflekl on July 11, iii: yeni'H ago. ITc graduated from the medical dopartnionl of the Now Vi.i-li rniverslty. •juiil (inicticfd medl- etnt'H at various points In hi." younger life. For live years he was In Kan- sa s, H e cn m e to Wash I i>g ton from Relvideri> 21 yoars ago and has maln- hiiiK-'l ii practice here sinr.e . that time. He wag a man of much Intelll- u;..ii<-.- -'Viul widely read.... Fuvferal services will lie held .at his late^homo at -.2.30..;.o'clock....this— Thursday—afternoon, Uov. F. L. West orlicinliuir. Interment will he in the fnniily i>lnt in .tlie. Wnshinirton eeme- VALLEY FOLKS Wl LI TALK .fiick^on Valley Hns a Telephone Line mill WIN He Kciidy Tn "Ift'llo!'' Knrly In Jnmmry. Jac!:s"n Viilley will be brought In- to close touch with Washington and other [joints far and near early In January, when the now telephone line, now In course of construction, will be completed and put into serv- ice. The new line Is an extension of the Port Murray line, although the rjiiueetloii in with the long distance service in Washington, rather than with the Port Murray line Itself. As at present constructed, It starts on upper •Bi.-lvldere avenue and runs stralsh* 1 . through the Valley to t/irpn- 7.0 Htrlth's corner at Karrsvllle. Tlioro is. ar.rtth>;r snnll line running from Por'/Murr.ay in that direction, giving so'Vlce to K'lw, S. Marlatt and Wm. ''v'.iy ECnrrsvltlo line will be put Into operation by the second week In January, it Is. thought. The Hat of subscrlbura to "phonos thus far se- cured is las Eollowa: Lorenzo Smith, Mrs. Mitchell, Axtell Woods, Jacob j Frome, Geo. Everett, Jacob Mitchell, John R. Dalrymple, Mr. Burkhart,! Jacob H. Wlllover, J. Miller Marlatt, i T. K. Uennott, Wm. Mowder (Baker farm). Win. Ft. Wyckoff, Edward ^r. Hoagland and Frank Plerson. The lino covers about ton miles. LITTLE FOLKS IN Three Churches Provide Usual Elaborate Exercises. Orrs. fii-ose Found l»e«d hi H«l. Funeral service." will ho held this miiniiiin f'u-' Mrs. Ciitharine Grose, wife of".Jowph Oroso, who lives on a fiirui " mi thi? upper, road between 1 Washington and Aabury, The serv- k-es will he held at tlio house, and buiiar'will lake place In the Mans-i Hold "(.'eniotery. . j Mrs. Grose died 'sometime during! Sunday night. She slept with her granddaughter. Goldlo Wldenor, 15' years old, and the child knew of« nothing unusual until sho awoke in I the morning and" found her grand- TAPT'S HOLIDAY COMPLIMENTS Sends Nice Pac-Jcnpes (o Two Warren Oumty Postmasters—at Washing- ton and I racket us town. President Taft sent a couple of Christmas presents to Warren coun- ty In rememberance of two "good boys," and two fond hearts will be made correspondingly glad providing the packages don't miscarry. The President has reappolnted Jos. E. Fulper as postmnster at Washington, and Leslie I. Cooke as postmaster at TTackottstown. Ordinarily, this would be final, but a disquieting rumor | arises that tho Senato will not confer tho heldover postoftlco appointments. If this proves a fact, it will mean that present postmasters will simply hold over'until the new President gets ready to name Democratic successors. Mr. Fulper haa served 13 years as postmaster of "Washington. He was first appointed In 18T8 and served ulffht years. He got the ofllce again! In 1907 and, besides serving a fuy four-year term, has been allowed to; holdover for an extra year. Politics Is a peculiar game but we will say for Mr. Fulper. basing the remark upon intimate knowledge.' that tho town never bad a better! postmaster or one who gave it closer personal supervision. j The oilier candidates who sought the appointment were Robert M.| Potty and Aaron K. Vough. Both bin! potitlons on file. Taxation Appeals. I'. C<. Pursfill, secretary of (lit* Wurren County Board of Taxatior.. •ha!* lixt-d the following . dates- nnd places for bearing appeals for the year 1912: . ; Alphu Borough, Franklin, Groen- vvioh,, Harmony. Lopatcong and ' Po- hnU'ong:—Philllpslmrg. No. 96 Main street. Thursday. Doc. 20, 1912. at !*.:io a. m. f> Allamuchy. Independence and l-laekettstown—Hiicfcettstnwn, Town Hull. Frldiiy, Dec. 27. at 10.30 a. nu Mansfield Township—Port Murray. Anderson's Hotel, Saturday, Dee. 28,' 1912. at 10 o'clock a. m. I Hope. Oxford and Belvldere—Kel- videre Court House. Monday, Doc. SO. 1012, at 10.30 a. in. • j Wa'shinfei'j'ri Borough and Wash-' ington Twit.—.Washington. Windsor; Hotel, Tuesday. Doc. CI. 1912, at 10| o'.clock a. m. - '. [ 1 ,> ininines utier. z-:;.... -.• - Strj*l:er- resided on ^ijmmit avenue. o'w, He was thTvTa'thor or six chil- dren, living .at ! various .points, i(Ho dren. living .at ! various .points, i(He was a member of the Straw Church, ,1'T.ls iip't> was 70-'years. . ' '""""..I .'" " ' A Afarriairo ' m M't'lfiwai'e. A. Dopiie'^opoberry nnd Jlrs.' Mal- "\i»nin:"lirink, formerly of Hope, were '" ' ' • * 'tiie home "-of tho bride's Delaware at 3- o'clock was s o r n In tledged. attorney. h S! id god attorney. Of the S5i attorneys''who wont be- i.iiro..the board, to.become counsellors, wily . 27.. passed tlio'"'exatiilha'tioh. Among those w:is Jelilol Shlpinan, son of Judge Shlpmnn of Uelvidoro. qh o Park, "was a crowd / .,• Chvlstmas night th^.v. •— and., happy time,, .is •. ail,}; will agree, We' h'opo to make NewrYear's night .oven .more, enjoyable..,, ,,Tbi? beautiful dciK-o. Park c!o?ed Saturday night. Big time New Tear!*.-' . - . SANTA GLAUSES ARE PLENTIFUL .\[ipcaraiifc of the Jolly Old Follow nnd Ills Paclr Gladdens Many.. .. a Vpiithftil Uenrt. / . . . . : ' . . " . ' Santa Clans got around to three Washington churches and mado glad the hearts of many little folks. At the Presbyterian and Baptist churches he was there In the flesh, and nt tho Methodist church both he and bis double were present, which mndo :thc_:little, folks believe.-;• they -• were "seeing things." The exercises were of the usual high order and tho entertainment was pleasing at each ^" church. A holy atmosphere was man- f j ifest In the services at the Episcopal" and Catholic churches but no program was rendered.. Tho Episcopal Sun- day school will, howevur, hold exer- cises on Saturday afternoon. •; .• ;•.. Baptist ; ;;: Exercises wero held at this church on Christmas five. The edifice was decorated and there was a large tree. The Sunday school children wore presented with candy, while the prl- <> mary scholars received;?", orange In addition. The program rendered was as follows: Singing, "Joy To the World;" greet- ing, Alvln DeRemer; rocttaMon, laa- belle Gullck; Scripture reading and prayer; song, "Little Heart Doors' Open Wide," primary class; reclta- : tlon, Emma Hough: short address, pastor ..' ...... Cantata. "A Surprise for Santa Clau.s,"—principal characters: Mo- ther Goose, Florence Wolf; Jack Frost, Wm. Klnney, Jr., and Santa Claus. Mother Goose has planned a surprise for Santa and after his song, "I'm a Busy Man," she haa him occu- . py an easy chair ar;u tho little folks entertain him v/tth'' 1 ' recitations and song. Seven boys, with garlands of evergreen, sang. They were Mitchell Snyder;"John; Thatcher, "Allen May- ~*. berry, Delvon Woodruff, Newman Black, Gaddls and Fred DeVries. Four girls with holly, and four with mistletoe, wearing red and green sashes, recited and sang "Holly and Mistletoe.". They were Lucy Mayber- ry, Hattle Kelson, Dorothy LaBarre, : Ktbol Rheats. Laura Gullck, Marlon N'lxon. Alice Wallen, Elizabeth Black. :\ Then Jack Frou appeared,.;wlth four little Snow Flakes—Mabel Hoffman, Florence Fox, Hilda Campbell and Mary Elizabeth Gullek ; —and five Ici- cles—Mitchell Snyder. GGO. DeVrles, Wm. Thatcher, Russell Sheats and Lyall Mayberry. They sang "Way Off. In Christmas Kind." The little ones were dressed i.i white, the Snow Flfilien'currying-huge -snow balls and the Icicles strings of tinsel. Five Star Fairies'—Beulah Kinney, iVlvian Gulick. Grace Fox. Hazel Spangunborg and Esther Spangenberg —carried wand? and after reciting, pang "The Christmas Star." Last came tho littlo Christmas Bells— Jennie F.rvln, Hilda Hoffman, Flor- oni*' Ensroff,. Ada Sheats. Marpiierlte Osnuin and Kate •Kelson—wttlT'smaU etringt 1 "f bellis,--which- nrenmpnnied- : their sont:. " "' .' ': , , Santa expressed his delight over the treat nnd after distributing some remembrances from Christmas Land, .' the school joined in tho closing chor- UP. "Till Christmas Comes Again." Presbyterian. : The children of the Sunday school held full sway at the Presbyterian ^_ church last .evening.- • The'^-'decbra'f™-'—" tl'ius ".consisted... of . a. .big.. .Christmas....!..... treof "beaultlYu'lly decora tlid,' "arid "a. . "' proftiHion of other evergreens. The Christmas iroc wns lighted by varl- rolored- electrij:.. btilbp. Santa 'Olaus. , took a prominent part in tho exer- LMse.«, I'-'int; impersonated -, by Dr. W. R. Crevelitic. iitttrod luQi' typical Po- • lar costume.' ' •. ; " The opening of the program fell iiiwn tho scti.oliu-s of^tlip. prinijiry do- partmo.ntvJohn" Stevens,'tn his 'iiualnt "v- niaiinor. uroetor] one ami all, and,.a .. . •- snowlmy exercise followwd by mom- " ' hers '"'t' Miss Craft's t:tnfl!«.. Elizabeth Opilyko. gave a recitation, and this .WHS followed by a doll baby chorus In whit'll .six small girls', participated. Clara Stevens taking the solo. "Going . to Grandma's" was n solo by, Ellf.a- hoth 'Whitman, with Miss lCathcrine . Soranton'p CI.-IHK in the chorus. AI- . HstcC' WandlJiiK gavo a, solo; then came nn exorcise by tlio graduating class and tin? presentation of-Bibles. . -. The "Angel's Lullaby" was ron-. dered by Jean and Doris Emily Gu- theraon 'of-Brooklyn,' who, arc visiting .... at the home of. Dr. and Airs. W, B. Creveling. ' : : " • . • ...Mrs... H..-H. Rlch's...class .came . Into.......... the"'""progVaiTiVr'at this"" point.'" First"" '• - 7 came a. Recitation. "Signs of Christ-- -: mas." by Hattle .Dor Bedroslan; then ; . a dialogue, "Just Like " Papa," by Frank Stevens, v.iTariiaret Slunk, .and Ruth Mattison: then" .'a recitation, "Tho Christmas Saint." by Alice Str>Mier:'"-tireW i ^L"ViValoRu«--'tjy-»rive 1 Elrl5r---"'-r-- Dora Gernovitch, : Fiorenco Sommer, LF.a.y Hummer, 1 Sue Stryker and" Ruth • -:- Santa Clans," followed, thCe taking part being Lewis Shoats, Paula Wnrne, Miriam Nutzo, Alma Hum- mer, Sanfordi Mattison and Frank u •• Stevens. - • '• -t ]'• " . '• ' • ' - -. ; ; .;', As a closing feature, an exercise .•.." \ ottlte pretentious In its setting was ; rendered^ .It was entitled ,"Home ' Scenes- With, Santa"•.Claus." The cast,' (Continued on 6.)
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" f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W







Fireproofing Co. Will ThribbleCapacity at Port Murray.

INCREASE FORCE TO 2 0 0 MENOld fliilldliiK for Manufacture of Tex-

: Tilts mid New Strut-luro for Mnn-;

'. iifiictnro of }\a\ Ilriok.

Tho National Fireprooflng Co, an-nounces a very important enlarge-ment to Ha Port Murray plant, thesignificance of which ia, from a localstandpoint, that tlio laboring forcewill be increased to 200 men. Therearo 52.'On tho, payroll at tho presenttime. What tho company proposesto do Is to Ijtilld a now factory twicetho Bizo of the present factory. Itwill bo located on tho high groundImmediately south of tho present biffbuilding ami work upon tho structurewill begin early in \ January with aview to having It completed and Inoperation by March 1.

, Tho new building will bo used fortho manufacture; of common redbrick, which ••Urn company has beenrunning on exclusively for tho lastfew 'years. New machinery through-out will he Installed, Including anengine, three- boilers, two augurpresses and four pug mills. r")

Tho enlargement of tho plant i isdue to a growing demand for redbrick, and tho growth' uf a now pro-duct known M tnx-tllo, The latteris a brick of rough surface, and ia

•'""•used for the outside finish of build-ings. From the clay .deposits, of- thecompany's lands at Port Murray It'Is,;'possible to make this brick in acombination of colors, varying fromcrow black to a.l ight red. This Insaid to be Impossible fit any otherbrick works In tho country. Tox-tllohas been made at tho Port Murrayplant for the past year ami a greatdemand has sprung up for the pro-duct. • rt retails at a high figure, s»ll-!ng-Cit about Tour tlnic-H ns much ascommon. Tho old factory will lio de-

•„• voted exclusively to the -manufactureof tex-llle, Thirty; tons" a. day willbe turned out.

A very remarkable demand for thecompany's common brick has beencreated, and we nre inclined to thinkthat the excellent business manage-ment of N. (J* Parks lias bad muchto. do with this condition. A year ortwo ago th«v works-were orderedclosed owing to the small demand.Now the conditions aro exactly thorovers*. The company has more or-ders than it can (111 nnd the book-ings, at the present tltno would runthe plant steadily until June 1. Mostof this product l.s being shipped toN*ew;irk and its suburbs.

The general manager of the Na-tional Flreprooilng Co. has been herowithin tho "past few daysand lifts puthis; O. K. upon the proposition toerect an additional building-. A reso-lution Viy the dlnjitors Is merely :imatter of form, being governed en-tirely"' by tlit> manager's ondorsmentof the. proposition. The vice presi-dent has also investigated the planand has: added his approval.• The ' fact .that-150 additional menwill be given; employment ispleasing

• news to the pedple'oi"' this' section,whore the direct benefit will be, felt.

At the present time. Mr. Parks haseight men at work cutting trees OP,the mountainside north of the .plant.The company ownp.210 acres of woodland''there and intends to cut it alloff and ship it to the other plunts atPerth Amboy, whore it will bo usedIn- mnklng ties for use on tho corn-piuiy's private. nUlroud. This .work

.-.(if1«^,l1o.-.n.-t.-oiiiirl.nn.:.Slnco1.Dec.. 15..,,.. .

Full Proves Fatal 1« . AKPII AVoiimn. '

Mrs. I.utetia I'.usb,' aued V--lz.ll£l-°>'died of piieiimonin nt fl.'lii o'clock

' Fridny."'nlght. She fell while comingdown stairs a couple of weeks agoand brnko her shoulder, ••pneumoniadeveloped and c-miseil her death..-'••Mrs. P.nsh hns .been a wld.uv for

Hush. Sho hnrt boon residing withher m.ughH'r. Mrs. Cms. T. C.'irlingof Washington the past thro- years.

Mrs; Knsh wris u tiiitlv.- of Montana'-'• un'tlr"wiiN- si'-'nu'iriii.-friif -tlio : Montana

Baptist church. She is. survived byseven children*: Simon, of IronHill, Pa.: Lnvl, of Smith, Hoihlohoni.Pa.; Henry, of FtiltertonV Pa.: John,of ttejvidcro; Mr:*. Joseph Martin, of

Harmony: and Mrs. Chas. Carling. ofWashington. Also-by. two sisters,Mrs. Charlotte Lompkln.. of Phllllps-

,burg and-Mrs. Elizabeth Carling of- S L e w a r t s v i l l e . ; .• • -; •'• •:• . -:-•••:,••,•:•

The .funeral; was held at to o'clockyesterday morning at the Jionnv.of

.-.'Mrs. Curling, in"- Washington, Rev."- •v..A;--T.Uu;ir-'iifneliilliiK.-:-';»Services- were

church "at'ono^o'cliinoon';™! hfer men IarisvlHo cemetery.

Jk'-yefltefilay afler-viis in .the Stew-

.i;niisiin1 AwUlenc'While cleaning' a

' R W h

'lnll^ Woman.g indow In .her

home', on Rust Wnshlngton^avonue,Monday afternoon, Mrs, Ttjrirvey Plor-oy-^SDJ^^V '^ ' ^ . " ' 1 , •ll0.!~:rIf!?!lt-a.rm_w.?r>JH:Thj.i£^sb^t!3,^-^terrible gash In "the wrist" "reslilted,lHe injury'..Jujinf? so serious that theservices of b,oth Drs. Smith andMutohlor wore required. They foundthat, three tendons and :. five artbrlc:In the wrist liad been severed; andshe might have bled to death hadmedical attention been long delayerTho •'••'ultimate outcome- is . uneertal:us there is a possibility that tho fin-gers will bo permantMiUyc.crlppled,due tr> th'.> Hi'vorhig of the tendons,


Small Itci^iiiL-iit of Them Secured ToProtect.tho Interests of One of

the I M-iil Faotorles.

Havo you a cat that you don'twant? If BO, don't drop It In some-body's yard nor put It Into a bug anddrown It. Take It to tho BowersBroom Co. The company will payyou five conts for the cat.

If you read the Star carefully lastweok you saw a small advertisementInserted by the company in whichthey stated they would pay flvo.centsapleco for all that wore delivered attho factory. ;

That sounded llko a prospectus ofthe Foddle cat factory and somothought tho great Iwrtd red-thousand -dollar enterprise was about to getunder way. There Is no connectionbetween the two, however, the Foddlefactory being sllll In embryo;

What does tliG broom companywant of so many cats? Do they con-tnmplato OHtabliKhing u aiiiin;ign sliuPnr a fiddle string factory? ,

Xothlng of the kind. Tho factoryLs overrun with rats, and the catsare wanted in order to exterminatethe rodents. It may he news to yonto learn that cata are death to rats.Unless you read nursery tales whenyou werb. little, you doubtless didn'tknow that.

Tbo little a:J. was a winner. Thusfar the company has secured 20 cats.This la just an oven dollar's worth ofcats. The felines tie aroi'iid nil dayand purr and snooze, a ltd sip milk.They go on duty when the otherforco goes off, and many a rat bitestho dust between sunset and sunri.seeach day. Theoretically, It Is safeto nwsnme. that rats will got beauti-fully loss and cats will got beautiful-ly more at tho Rowers broom factorywhen tho system gets In full opera-tion.1. • . • .- • •• . . . . . .

Although the sfiuad of cats amountsto only 20 Just now, tho ranks will befilled out very quickly. Tho companyhas tho promise of 15 cats from one.man at Tatamy, and Hnrry Knowlos,the Washington hotel man, says hehas seven or eight which ho doesn'twant and wlll.be glad to, get rid of.These will presently1 be added to thofactory collection.

LIU U U I I ILL 1L t,U3L UL 9 » il U I

An effort to accomplish this veryjthing was made a few years' ago andfor a year or two the required amountwas ! ralHeti.- As the work devolvedupon one Individual or two. Interest'nnturnlly (lagged and the enterprisewas' abandoned. ! " . ' " !

In tho meantime, Washington peo-jpie nnd others of this section have*'been getting all the advantages oftho hospital, which Is the most avail-able institution of Its kind for peoplefjf this neighborhood.'. Tho attentiongiven patients hns mainly boon char-liable In character. This is'; almostan Imposition'1 on tho part of the(-iMiitnttiilty. The Knston Hospital ismaintained principally by an appro-prjuitun from the State of Pennsyl-vania and is under no obligation totreat charity patients from .Mow Jer-sey. Technically, It perhaps hns noright to treat them •'for nothing. ThisIs additional reason why tbo varioustowns benefited by their proximityto the hospital.should establish aux-iliaries and contribute to Its support.

Tlwj subject was considered at arecent meeting of the WashingtonMciltrnl' Society and a committee ofthree physicians was appointed toundertake the work of organizing anauxiliary. The com in it too consistedof Drs. F. P. MeK'in.Htry, C. M. Wil-liams and C. P.. Smith.

Sunday JCvoniiifr ai the Clwrelics.-Services at the Presiiyterlan church

tnst Sunday evening were musical.the time being mostly taken up withthe rendition of_ a cantnta, "TheKtory of isethlehom," by an enlargedchoir. The music WHS not only, beau-tiful but impressive. Unusual andunique were the organ r»ieludc3.ngfiln demonstrating the sltill of theorganist, Mr. Johnston, and the ca-uiolty of the instrument. One rep-esented shepherds on the hillsideilpliii,' their song, the other the Magin camels marching to Bethlehem.

The1 ebolr arituitteil il.^lf most credit-able-1 and came. In for n large amountnf prain'e: The solo parts ivn 1 takt^nby Miss Lriiil.se Mintoit. Mrs. EnosSmith. Miss Oni .:.Scott. Miss BessJohnston and Mr. Samuel Thornton.Mr. O. I't-.'ston Smith was unable toparticipate on stccoiuit of j-'icktiess.

Ai tho Muthodl.ut fhuroh on Sundayevening the choir rendered a programof .ChristCyfi!* sniiKis .whlcli .-ivas eii-Joy.'.l by -a IJII-R. congregation, Bc-siii>^ sevfrntv.well-rendered anthems.Miss Kmily Snyder nnd Miss 1-ies. leMoi.re each .siimr a' beautiful solo.Thoiv WHS., in additinn, selei:lion.« .byiunmn's.ctuiLi'lL't.and „:• ..ladlos".,.quartet.Mrs. Willard AlU-gf-r took the solopan In one or the anthems in pleas-ing style. Tho audience was so pleas-ed that requests have been made forii repetition of the service next Sun-day oven in p.'

..-ill be chosen.mo duty of the auxiliary will be

to raise money each year, sulllcientto maintain a bed at the hospital.This will cost $2*i0 a year and a. townnf Washington's size, and benofUodso 'materially by the hospital, shoulduxpMienco no dllllculty in contribut-ing the. amount, needed. Rvery citl-

n HluiuMdo his or her share andiih :i willingness- that will makep. work ni- lh<- nnxllliiry ;is llifht as

Aged Mniss fustic Chi/en Dead.*" Henry R. Wandliim, nn i'i'ir&] citizennf "nnisa O.Htle, dUtd'-'iii-li^^fuiut: tit.1 0 • o'clock .;lasj.^Thnm'ay.--m"trht...;.'ii't.er-

?i.V intestinal character. He was thes.»n of Jacob Wandllng and was "S> oirs »uf .(igc. IK- was a member, ofMansfield-Lodge of Odd l->llmvs andwtis a (jivll Wiir veteran, havingboon a member of Company H. 31stregiment of X. J. volunteers.

Mr, Wandling. was r. retired rall-X!!,ii«l .ejiriv-'ntei'. 11ls.wl.lV, ,who is_ now.doceaso'djr'was"""" formeriy'" ChristinaI'otty. , !K.V!s survived by two daugh-ters, Mrs. Sanih LiinVt! a ml Mrs.Klmei- Snyder, both nf Washington.,ami <-onp™son,_ Charles...,>J;t:Siding .atInmie. He nlsii' loaves two brothers,.|jiciolv....of Elizabeth and Frank , ofSchool o'yp Mountain, and one -sister,Mrs. JiieV.b Foss"of Hrass Castle. /--

Funeral services-were'conducted t't.v. i ;.-.v,-F.->V-~.Tohnson..al. ,.1.30... o'clock.'.\lninlay,:at'tcrii'oonv RirruiVwas'iYrWashington cemetery.

l-IpUcopar Chiinli Xot To Ho Moved• A"1'common: understanding..- is.'thatitev, O. IT. Hoxsey's reason for re-signing as rector of St, Peter's churchwas. opposition to his efforts toniuir(.'::llic* i;hureh';-edlflcG~'to-a new-..lo-.ciilkm. -The sector had raisoxl. a .por-tion of--the money "roqiilrod and* hadanticipated the diocese would raisethe balance. . Bishop Lines,1 whileiKlvoeathm: a new location, hesitatesabout confirming the enterprise, until;the entire amount Is in sight/ Theoption upon the -Gerard l i r°n^ rtv^West \\"nshlngton avenue will be per-mitted, to expire. - . .

A wedding was performed at thoM, E. parsonage at ^.30 .o'clock Tues-day "afternoon by RW .. F-. L. West.The principals were Howard O. Bum-gnrtner, son of Amos Biimgnrtner-'oCScranton, and Miss Margie Rush, thedaughter.- of Mrs., Wm. L. Rush ofRrass •'Castle^--,.The attendants•.-:•,wereMi1, and Mrs. Jas. Smailies of,. Scran?.ton, who . won1 married 'In that city

•Tuesday morning. • -,P . ..


Auxiliary to tlio Ka^ton" Hospital WillBo Organized In Washington and

Bert. Kmlowcd.


Giving Means Little Unless HeartIs Behind the Gift.


They got together one afternoonlast week In ihe parlors of the Wash-ington Athletic Association and con-

• ' • • - • - - - - < • - c h u r c h —


titlienliifs Thai Will lit- SnOut in I.«'fl,al Way at &*«

of Court NV.vl Week,

Next Tuesday murks theI" th^' December term. ... of court at•,• ,.•. Tin-re will b« n session on

Jie opening day. following which anadjournment will be taken on .nc - ;.•ruint'nf the holiday.. The followingeaupes. hnvp been listed for trial: I

Philip Tllllngbast, Receiver. Wash-ington National Bank, (substitutedTor Robetf. M. Petty), vs. Lttllta S.1'r-rry On contract. Summons re-'turni'ii'l- . Otrt 10. 1911. Smith *I'.i-iidy Win. Tyaeke. Jr. I

.Ins. C. Oibhs vs. Watson C. Coop-'•r. On contract. Summons return-l•JIMI- April »!. 191". Wm. IT. Mnrrow:.Jos. M. Itoseberry ' - . . I

The Relvldeiv Water Co. vs. tboliiluiliitnni.-. nf.^thP..-Town . of Belvi-,rlero. On contract. .Summons issuedAUK. 12, l!U-. Issue Joined Aug. 21,IM-. Geo. M. 'Shlpman: Joseph . M.Kosoborry.

Con, Keiirii.* vs. T^high Valleyliiilh'oarl Co' of N«w Jersey. Actionat law Notice !lled Dec. G, 1912.Win. C. Gebhardt; Smith <& Brady.

Jamcf Loughlln vs. Lehigh ValleyI la IIroad Co. of Now Jersey. Actionai law. Notice filed Doc. 6. 1912.

W'i.«hinston_National Bank, Washing-.."hi it N J r 'vs: M a r y :ri. S'ettyr "Noticetl!e<i Dox- Ifl. 101'J. Edtiuind Wilson:Ortcnr Jeff cry. • ••-. " •';!

Mnttlo vStotit vs. Kdlson PortlandCement- Cn. hi 'tuft.-- Xot'^ \ "filedXnv M> 1012. - 'V"i ' C. Gebhardt:MfCurtor A English,

Mnrlol Heatl'ig Co. vs. Hugh O'Dcn-IH-I On contract. Notice tiled Dec;ii. 1H12. J. r. Blnir Rolley: Wm. A.Strykei-. • ' ' • • •

—.. rifirr-v^-Clirlstlnn vs.-Jacob,-Thomas.i

1 !>] L' .Wm A. Stryker: Claude R.Cook.

Gets Tills Way Once a Year, But atOther Times Iy Kasy Knough

To Oet Along With.

Christmas presents and Christmastrees. I have some odd thought onthis subject that I wish -to get out ofmy system.

You know that a Christmas presentcan amount to ever so little Intrin-sically and yet amount to a very^r.-;it deal Suiuilnoiit.iliy, ; : : : : - . : : "

On the other hand, a present canamount to a great deal from a stand-point of dollars and cents and amountto very little If tho "heart la not be-hind tho gift.

it Is. possible for a modest five-cent handkerchief to warm one per-son's heart more than a steam yachtwill warm another person's heart.

The person who •gets'a: present ofa steam yacht has had presents be-fore and Is possibly stirfcited,withthem. The person who sets the mod-est ihandkerchief may never havereceived a present beforo,

It Is the sentiment ana atmospherewhich surrounds the Christmas tree!that gives it charm. Mistletoe and|holly and evergreen are appreciatednt. this season beiause of sweet mem-ories and happy traditions that gowith them. Klimlnatlng sentiment,wo would find- any common wildgrowth, of' tree'or plant Just as suit-able find perhaps Just ns pretty.'"

Mistletoe and holly and evergreenare emblematic of Christmas and theholiday spirit, and that Is why theyare upsnelaiiMl with the season. Theyare tbo accepted banner of "peacejitul goodwill." . .

The Ci'oator l"f>l;s down approving-:ly upon tht; Christmas celebration.I [>•; endorses tbo Interchange of goodwill and. good feeling, ns'.representedin the general exchange of presents("'tween relatives and friends. Thisilliplies of ..course to presents that

r:uv honestly, given—presents that.-..in- from the soul. Certainly .the.Almighty would not sanction tlie' actft" a thief who steals In order to se-uure money with which to purchaseI'bristmas presents. • ' .' ';.•;

Likewise, Ifo could not .sanction theiii't 'of tin' niiin who'steals'B Christ-in:if tree in order to ylndden theln'iirts of his children. j A stolenChristinns tree Is about the mostsaerilenlous thing that I can thinkof. Cotter, far better, is the homewith nn Christ mils presents and~noChristmas tree than the home withboth when either is tainted. He whorobs tn promote the Christmas spiritdivests and: robs the occasion of itsreal .pentlnient. . . .' . . ..

wrote Dr. Wilson something like thla;"I know of your aversion to the per-sistent oHlcc-seeker' and cohsoquentlydo not intend to tnaku uny uppllcutlunfor the olllco to which I aspire.However, kindly advise me of the bestennrs" to pursue.' : : . ,

"ijuv train struek a tn;in and hurthim badly," said Jack O'Shea. '

"Wa? tho man on the track?"f_'"Ho sure was. , Von don't supposetlio engineer, ran tho train out Intotho woods to gi>t him, do you?"

Some Chicago girls liav,;- formed a'club and n;=olvo(] not to marry anyman unless he can show an Income ofnt least J5.000.

That will be all tight and plenty ofmen will 'coma around Just as ' soonas the girls show qualifications thatmeasure up to .the man's $5,00*) In-come. '.MAJOR FRELANCF3.


/ ,

-These remarks fire general but theyhave specific significance.- I have.heard . nf a j»-=it«l that, was made In'Washington oarly last. wools upon aivirgo of Christmas lives. It wouldMiiltn surpris!•_* you to know thatmany of tlio':'tree^ tlutt were loadedon Christmas morn with presents t'orWillie and-Miirthii and Johnnie andMary and Charlie nnd Jennie, amidecorated with tinsel and baubles bypapa and mamma, were stolen bypapa when nobody was looking.

It is only by good luck and theutmost carefulness in getting awaywith the trees that several of thepapas escaped passing a MerryChristmas In jail. : • ..... 1 .- have ...some —old-fashioned -.Ideas,perh!ips,"'.but'"T don't"think God looksdown- with --ari":tTu|>VroAm{j"' iiiiiie"~LiU>-oti the homo whore Christ's natal dayis I'eishi-jited with.a stolen Christmas

t;ooii.John C. Kennedy, vs. Martin, C.

Swjirisw.'llpr. jTilmr.Votc. On ' con-inivt.- Noti-J^tiled VCc. 6, 1912. O.trtivt. Xotl;>!iled DLC. 6, 1912.D. McConnci: Wm. It. Morrow.

InhiibitaiUs of tho Town of Hack-vustown vs. Marvin Shields. Ineleetnient; Notice (llf.cl Dec. IS, 19l*J..liii-nh W.'.Oiivis;'Goo. M.. Shipman'J

- ^ - - 1 . " '•»•Ot'l'OIlTfrN.TlKS. FOR THE WTSE• RCbNOMISTS' '

An" opportimlty" is ' presented toLadles who have the strict economy'spirit'-^ in the marked reductions in1

Suits of -every conceivable model, and1

fabric. It is 'a chance you don't get'every day. Read the list •over caro-jfulljv.and net Eiccordingly.-r.r.:>.-. -\-:.^-~r\

Cheviots in Brown and Gray Mix-itures^^hcttiat value SI2.SO*,—at 5S.95-

Two-tono in all-colorings—actual-vc,!-;^-*J;.5--j\t $10.05." " . • • |

' .Manni'sfi ^Scrgo Suits,»-~Sli!tutor'sguaranteed linings —' actual' value_.•jtfi.BO—at $11.95: ,-" V7%:™^~u'!™.PIagpjyiLa__In.i._Brown._ ^Gray, T a n - ^ ]

valuo $19.50—at $15. _ J ,Whipcords in all t he wanted mod-

els—actua l value $21.50—at $16.50.Corduroy Suits, in brown only—

'actual--valMe; SliV— a t /$10 .50 . ••: -/•. :•Two- tono Diagonals , in all color-

ings—actua l value $21.50—at $16.50./~:-:.One. lo t of highrgrtnlo,;lieiiyy...Sers'iv<«',7'tit'st made—ac tua l va lue $25—$17.95.

r ^ C A R P E N T E R ' S , j. 223 N o r t h a m p t o n .St., Eaa ton . Fa: .

They havo Keen, having more ex-clteincnt over at BelviO_ere—more ex-ulU'inent tliaii they have had sincethe last '^looting of' the CommonCouncil, when tbo fire plugs of theiLowr.~'.wcre::r..div!ds'J;;;,ecj1.l.a!!y ... between,the two rival water companies.

What thoy are excited about nowis ;« poisoned pen. a modem phraseemployed In de.serlbinsi- anonymousletter-writers. The.•poisoned pen hasi>i»t*ii sending letters with much fre-quency and a lot of trouble has re-sulted in . many households betweenhusbands and wives. .;;0«o separationis reported and other couples havebeen -. t=-v, annoyed and! embarrassedthat. :i lawyer lias been engaged toferret out the guilty [Versons. There"itiiiy be ' an" arrest or'"" two • "shortly;Tho offense is very serious and pun-ishable by long imprisonment.

Washington has a number ot* pois-oned pens but they have run out ofink .lately or,', at any rate, have5'been!ying^quict.;'r-.L

Tsiial!y.;-tUe.v.^are-.-C|itietlyJyInEr-.so..lhc....changeJs.v'ery' much of"n"relief."•"r"": • , , - , - ,

Out tlie poisoned tongue—Ah! thatis with us' always.

-.- You, can't lose it, you can't strangliIt, you. can't curtail or modify it.Ynu can't even make it "hesitate," asthe villager said when- - (.ho fast ex-press sped past lils station.

ZZJil?w^d rttLc;UUsfistri Rpfitiie^S^"Domocrat~who""ha3j/"<aiwriys "workedhard" for his party Just because ofhis great love for the party? It isa statement by President-elect "Wil-son. -He says:. ."The filling of o'tllce;is a task that T consider wholly dis-tasteful, I will say, however, thatthc seeker for -office who applies forH"'!J0>> wHtftjv-^np ..i«nn- nvift ,ut o be. chosen.",-,> !; •• ••;. • ' •

One man w'uo heard of the Presi-dent-elect's views on "this subject

Wash ing ton -1,Physician1'.1 Passes Awayon Sunday Afternoon. After III- ',

loss of Nearly a Venr .

Dr, Rvert J. Horgen died a t hishonif on Hast Washington a v e n u e a t." oVlocl; last Sunday af te rnoon. Hishealth had been serious for severalmonths, while for a week before thoend his condition had been precari-ous. Heart trouble Wii,\ the cause,

Dr, Borgon was-not'a" man of ro-bust health. He had complained for20 years. His first serious illnesswas Inst May, when he was strickenand lay In a dangerous state for sev-eral weeks. Ho got around but suf-fered another attack in July. ' Thethird attack occurred three weeksbefore the end, and towards the closeIt was very evident that there was nohope of recovery.' .

•He Is survived by a daughter,'Miss•Tuila, who resided with him, andiipon1 'whom the chief caro of theparent has devolved. His only bro-ther Is ITon. Frank nergcrr of Ber-nardsvlllo and F.llzabolh, who,, be-Hhies belny a lawyer of wide repute,in chief counsel for the Public Serv-jIce Corporation. He has been verysolicitous for his brother's, welfare

it the long Illness, and was herewith him when he died. Dr. Ber-geii's wlf*».tiled nine years ago frominjuries, sustained In a driving acci-dent. She was formerly Miss SarahCallowjiy of Somervlllo.

Dr. Borgon was a con of the re-nowned Peter S. Bergen'1 of Somer-vllUVwho wst.s known throughout thissection" as the "Silver Tonpuod Ora-tnr."1 He was one of six children,ai!,; being dead now with the excep-tion of ' Frank- Rorgon, Dr, Rergen"wax burn In Hoyceflekl on July 11,iii: yeni'H ago. ITc graduated fromthe medical dopartnionl of the NowVi.i-li rniverslty. •juiil (inicticfd medl-etnt'H at various points In hi." youngerlife. For live years he was In Kan-sa s, H e cn m e to Wash I i>g ton fromRelvideri> 21 yoars ago and has maln-hiiiK-'l ii practice here sinr.e . thattime. He wag a man of much Intelll-u;..ii<-.- -'Viul widely read....

Fuvferal services will lie held .at hislate^homo at -.2.30..;.o'clock....this—Thursday—afternoon, Uov. F. L. Westorlicinliuir. Interment will he in thefnniily i>lnt in .tlie. Wnshinirton eeme-


.fiick^on Valley Hns a Telephone Linemill WIN He Kciidy Tn "Ift'llo!''

Knrly In Jnmmry.

Jac!:s"n Viilley will be brought In-to close touch with Washington andother [joints far and near early InJanuary, when the now telephoneline, now In course of construction,will be completed and put into serv-ice. The new line Is an extension ofthe Port Murray line, although the• rjiiueetloii in with the long distanceservice in Washington, rather thanwith the Port Murray line Itself. Asat present constructed, It starts onupper •Bi.-lvldere avenue and runsstralsh*1. through the Valley to t/irpn-7.0 Htrlth's corner at Karrsvllle. Tliorois. ar.rtth>;r snnll line running fromPor'/Murr.ay in that direction, givingso'Vlce to K'lw, S. Marlatt and Wm.

''v'.iy ECnrrsvltlo line will be put Intooperation by the second week InJanuary, it Is. thought. The Hat ofsubscrlbura to "phonos thus far se-cured is las Eollowa: Lorenzo Smith,Mrs. Mitchell, Axtell Woods, Jacob jFrome, Geo. Everett, Jacob Mitchell,John R. Dalrymple, Mr. Burkhart,!Jacob H. Wlllover, J. Miller Marlatt, iT. K. • Uennott, Wm. Mowder (Bakerfarm). Win. Ft. Wyckoff, Edward ^r.Hoagland and Frank Plerson. Thelino covers about ton miles.


Three Churches Provide UsualElaborate Exercises.

Orrs . fii-ose Found l»e«d hi H«l.Funeral service." will ho held this

miiniiiin f'u-' Mrs. Ciitharine Grose,wife of".Jowph Oroso, who lives on afiirui " mi thi? upper, road between1

Washington and Aabury, The serv-k-es will he held at tlio house, andbuiiar'will lake place In the Mans-iHold "(.'eniotery. . j

Mrs. Grose died 'sometime during!Sunday night. She slept with hergranddaughter. Goldlo Wldenor, 15'years old, and the child knew of«nothing unusual until sho awoke in Ithe morning and" found her grand-


Sends Nice Pac-Jcnpes (o Two WarrenOumty Postmasters—at Washing-

ton and I racket us town.

President Taft sent a couple ofChristmas presents to Warren coun-ty In rememberance of two "goodboys," and two fond hearts will bemade correspondingly glad providingthe packages don't miscarry. ThePresident has reappolnted Jos. E.Fulper as postmnster at Washington,and Leslie I. Cooke as postmaster atTTackottstown. Ordinarily, this wouldbe final, but a disquieting rumor |arises that tho Senato will not confertho heldover postoftlco appointments.If this proves a fact, it will mean thatpresent postmasters will simply holdover'until the new President getsready to name Democratic successors.

Mr. Fulper haa served 13 years aspostmaster of "Washington. He wasfirst appointed In 18T8 and servedulffht years. He got the ofllce again!In 1907 and, besides serving a fuyfour-year term, has been allowed to;holdover for an extra year.

Politics Is a peculiar game but wewill say for Mr. Fulper. basing theremark upon intimate knowledge.'that tho town never bad a better!postmaster or one who gave it closerpersonal supervision. j

The oilier candidates who soughtthe appointment were Robert M.|Potty and Aaron K. Vough. Bothbin! potitlons on file.

Taxation Appeals.I'. C<. Pursfill, secretary of (lit*

Wurren County Board of Taxatior..•ha!* lixt-d the following . dates- nndplaces for bearing appeals for theyear 1912: . ;

Alphu Borough, Franklin, Groen-vvioh,, Harmony. Lopatcong and ' Po-hnU'ong:—Philllpslmrg. No. 96 Mainstreet. Thursday. Doc. 20, 1912. at!*.:io a. m.

f> Allamuchy. Independence andl-laekettstown—Hiicfcettstnwn, TownHull. Frldiiy, Dec. 27. at 10.30 a. nu

Mansfield Township—Port Murray.Anderson's Hotel, Saturday, Dee. 28,'1912. at 10 o'clock a. m. I

Hope. Oxford and Belvldere—Kel-videre Court House. Monday, Doc. SO.1012, at 10.30 a. in. • j

Wa'shinfei'j'ri Borough and Wash-'ington Twit.—.Washington. Windsor;Hotel, Tuesday. Doc. CI. 1912, at 10|o'.clock a. m. - '. [

1 ,> i n i n i n e s u t i e r . z-:;.... -.• -Strj*l:er- resided on ^ijmmit avenue.

o'w, He was thTvTa'thor or six chil-dren, living .at! various .points, i(Hodren. living .at! various .points, i(Hewas a member of the Straw Church,,1'T.ls iip't> was 70-'years. . ' '""""..I .'" " '

A Afarriairo ' m M't'lfiwai'e.A. • Dopiie'^opoberry nnd Jlrs.' Mal-

"\i»nin:"lirink, formerly of Hope, were'" ' ' • * 'tiie home "-of tho bride's

Delaware at 3- o'clock

was s o r n Intledged. attorney.

h S !id god attorney.Of the S5i attorneys''who wont be-

i.iiro..the board, to.become counsellors,wily . 27.. passed tlio'"'exatiilha'tioh.Among those w:is Jelilol Shlpinan, sonof Judge Shlpmnn of Uelvidoro.


o Park,"was a crowd/

.,• Chvlstmas night th^.v. •—and., happy time,, .is •. ail,}; will agree,We' h'opo to make NewrYear's night.oven .more, enjoyable..,, ,,Tbi? beautifuldciK-o. Park c!o?ed Saturday night.Big time New Tear!*.-' . - .

SANTA GLAUSES ARE PLENTIFUL.\[ipcaraiifc of the Jolly Old Follow

nnd Ills Paclr Gladdens Many.. ..a Vpiithftil Uenrt.

/ • . . . . : ' • . . " . • '

Santa Clans got around to threeWashington churches and mado gladthe hearts of many little folks. Atthe Presbyterian and Baptistchurches he was there In the flesh,and nt tho Methodist church both heand bis double were present, whichmndo :thc_:little, folks believe.-;• they -•were "seeing things." The exerciseswere of the usual high order and thoentertainment was pleasing at each ^ "church. A holy atmosphere was man- fjifest In the services at the Episcopal"and Catholic churches but no programwas rendered.. Tho Episcopal Sun-day school will, howevur, hold exer-cises on Saturday afternoon.

•; .• ; • . . Baptist ; ; ; :Exercises wero held at this church

on Christmas five. The edifice wasdecorated and there was a large tree.The Sunday school children worepresented with candy, while the prl- <>mary scholars received;?", orange Inaddition. The program rendered wasas follows:

Singing, "Joy To the World;" greet-ing, Alvln DeRemer; rocttaMon, laa-belle Gullck; Scripture reading andprayer; song, "Little Heart Doors 'Open Wide," primary class; recl ta- :

tlon, Emma Hough: short address,pastor . . ' . . . . . .

Cantata. "A Surprise for SantaClau.s,"—principal characters: Mo-ther Goose, Florence Wolf; JackFrost, Wm. Klnney, Jr., and SantaClaus. Mother Goose has planned asurprise for Santa and after his song,"I'm a Busy Man," she haa him occu- .py an easy chair ar;u tho little folksentertain him v/tth''1' recitations andsong. Seven boys, with garlands ofevergreen, sang. They were Mitchell

Snyder;"John; Thatcher, "Allen May- ~*.berry, Delvon Woodruff, NewmanBlack, Gaddls and Fred DeVries.Four girls with holly, and four withmistletoe, wearing red and greensashes, recited and sang "Holly andMistletoe.". They were Lucy Mayber-ry, Hattle Kelson, Dorothy LaBarre, :Ktbol Rheats. Laura Gullck, MarlonN'lxon. Alice Wallen, Elizabeth Black. :\Then Jack Frou appeared,.;wlth fourlittle Snow Flakes—Mabel Hoffman,Florence Fox, Hilda Campbell andMary Elizabeth Gullek;—and five Ici-cles—Mitchell Snyder. GGO. DeVrles,Wm. Thatcher, Russell Sheats andLyall Mayberry. They sang "WayOff. In Christmas Kind." The littleones were dressed i.i white, the SnowFlfilien'currying-huge -snow balls andthe Icicles strings of tinsel.

Five Star Fairies'—Beulah Kinney,iVlvian Gulick. Grace Fox. HazelSpangunborg and Esther Spangenberg—carried wand? and after reciting,pang "The Christmas Star." Lastcame tho littlo Christmas Bells—Jennie F.rvln, Hilda Hoffman, Flor-oni*' Ensroff,. Ada Sheats. MarpiierlteOsnuin and Kate •Kelson—wttlT'smaUetringt1 "f bellis,--which- nrenmpnnied- :their sont:. " "' .' ' : , ,

Santa expressed his delight overthe treat nnd after distributing someremembrances from Christmas Land, .'the school joined in tho closing chor-UP. "Till Christmas Comes Again."

Presbyterian. :

The children of the Sunday schoolheld full sway at the Presbyterian _church last .evening.- • The'^-'decbra'f™-'—"tl'ius ".consisted... of . a. .big.. .Christmas....!.....treof "beaultlYu'lly decora tlid,' "arid "a. . "'proftiHion of other evergreens. TheChristmas iroc wns lighted by varl-rolored- electrij:.. btilbp. Santa 'Olaus. ,took a prominent part in tho exer-LMse.«, I'-'int; impersonated -, by Dr. W.R. Crevelitic. iitttrod luQi' typical Po- •lar costume.' ' •. • ; "

The opening of the program • felliiiwn tho scti.oliu-s of^tlip. prinijiry do-partmo.ntvJohn" Stevens,'tn his 'iiualnt "v-niaiinor. uroetor] one ami all, and,.a .. . •-snowlmy exercise followwd by mom- " 'hers '"'t' Miss Craft's t:tnfl!«.. ElizabethOpilyko. gave a recitation, and this

.WHS followed by a doll baby chorus Inwhit'll .six small girls', participated.Clara Stevens taking the solo. "Going .to Grandma's" was n solo by, Ellf.a-hoth 'Whitman, with Miss lCathcrine .Soranton'p CI.-IHK in the chorus. AI- .HstcC' WandlJiiK gavo a, solo; thencame nn exorcise by tlio graduatingclass • and tin? presentation of-Bibles. . -.

The "Angel's Lullaby" was ron-.dered by Jean and Doris Emily Gu-theraon 'of-Brooklyn,' who, arc visiting ....at the home of. Dr. and Airs. W, B.Creveling. ': :" • . •...Mrs... H..-H. Rlch's...class .came . Into..........the"'""progVaiTiVr'at this"" point.'" First"" '• -7

came a. Recitation. "Signs of Christ-- -:mas." by Hattle .Dor Bedroslan; then ; .a dialogue, "Just Like " Papa," byFrank Stevens, v.iTariiaret Slunk, .andRuth Mattison: then" .'a recitation,"Tho Christmas Saint." by AliceStr>Mier:'"-tireWi^L"ViValoRu«--'tjy-»rive1Elrl5r---"'-r--Dora Gernovitch, : Fiorenco Sommer,

LF.a.y Hummer,1 Sue Stryker and" Ruth • -:-

Santa Clans," followed, thCe takingpart being Lewis Shoats, PaulaWnrne, Miriam Nutzo, Alma Hum-mer, Sanfordi Mattison and Frank u ••Stevens. - • '• -t ]'• " . '• ' • ' - -. ;;.;',

As a closing feature, an exercise .•.." \ottlte pretentious In its setting was ;

rendered^ .It was entitled ,"Home 'Scenes- Wi th , Santa "•.Claus." The cast,'

(Continued on 6.)

Page 2: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …

Page Two T H E W A S H I N G T O N S T A R , . W A S H I N G T O N , N . J . , T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 6 . 1912

LETTER WRITERS HELD Son 10 Diwlie* of Humor."'By the Sea*'Is a very pretty title

fur your picture." said Hie inier'stedoiilooltcr.. -nut the sea Is too greenand tfu- \mvos nro too Huffy."

"That's so," replied the artist."I'll paint sonic branches ami twigs

H i d •-•

• " I

h',r >

Men Wlio 1'ciuicd Throiitoning Noio" to (iovcnior Wilson Ilt'iiiiindii]

Following a Hearlnp.United States Coinmisslonvi' .Rich-

mountaineers 'charged"with thrcnt"n- [ m m l :W a y- ' ' :—Wa«hinFton StaIng the life''of'President-elect Wilsonby .'Bonding a blackmailing letter tohim in November, wore arraignedlast week in Newark. He dischargedone nnci held the other two tor nfurther hearing this week.1 Warren,

. alias \'Pete'.' Dunn, was released be-cause the commissioner thought theevidence Insufficient to hold Him.

In :he enso of 1Seeley/aUa*;'",c>i.>kyL1.Davenport, the commissioner ~wns \nsome doubt,".'but:.'is .'to "J,icuU, .ili.if"Nlff" Dunn, the~'-~v'. nim'ssjoner *..=..lleved the evidence" vvvgutHcientlyBtrong to hold him."; "

CENSUS ASSAYS FORMSTumi Crop Value in Xow •lorncy Was

5io,:tlo.oou in loon on i,iM,no:t-\iTcs Says Conyu*; inurnment .

Information about ^tho agricultural

You are mistaken.""But Jink told me she was."

• "Oh, that was Just for..., n little-vhlle. Jink was making 'is « visitnJ. t guess sh*1- thought he had stay-(1 ionp t-nouyh."—Houston ro»:,_.

i lontiUned In n report, prcparo.'."'.; byji.,jji John IA;O Coulter, export special'•" i'HKfttt ft the censiiis (lopnrtnient,

[ which has just boon Issued by thej Department of Commerce ami-Uibor.

tile I rh0 ••'formation Is that which wassecured during the census of 1910.

. -Did you ask your...girl's father forher .hard la ,n:arrlagc^.". ' . ._:_'""•*.•

••r tiu."••And he. refused you, I c.r. sell

by the- way' you look;". . , , "N'o he didn't. He gave his con-It became known that under the- [ 8 0 n t ."

•'Then why the peculiar look youit re wearing?" "/

•'•Hi was so darned willing."—Hous-ton Post. ' •

\ Mir.isic-h—Is ;•;; better, my dear.'; Little G!r!—Oh, yi; 1-ettor that tr.nwer'1 for him ftr.fi pcre toi —Pud:, •

r poo

He's so much.-•topped pr.iyin"

date of Dec, 12, another letter of a.threatening character was received Iat Gov. "Wilson's offices 1n the State1

...... House at Trenton. It came through!the malls from New York and was|unsigned, and of the same illiterate:composition and general style nsth-1

one sent him through the* Whar.onrural free delivery in the Spartamountains. The postoillcp inspectorswho were at the hearing refused tomake known' the exact contents ofthis letter.

Neither Gov. Wilson nor Jos. P,Tumulty, his private secretary. &:•

.:•'-./...tended: the hearing,. Counsel for .the.mountaineers requested that Mr..Tu-multy appear at the hearing on Mon-day. Commissioner Stockton s.iM:that he would nppear to testify afoot; Has sho asked you. in her casual,receiving the letter through the malls) ofEhand manner, what sUu glove you

; Rt Trenton. . n*t*r?—Detroit Free Press,Davenport and the Dunn -brothers: . ;

were represented by Win, Tyack. Jr..! 'Mr. ,\ddtepate—Flit don": you thinkand Theo. March. The * government | vo-j could learn to love me?

,.. was represented by U. . S.- District.; * .>](«= p.-His^q'.H V:n afraid no;Attorney John B. Vreelahd and H '

'P. . Lindaberry. The lawyarc for theprisoners protested that the accused

:. men had not been properly .warnedof their legal rights at: the time of

"I he.ir you are eolnp to marryMiss Swell. Aliow me io congratulateyou on your pood taste."

"Oi-i' erijraKtincr.t i .'...c'.\rcd off.""Good! Allow' me to conpmuilate

T h o doctor told me to attemi-l no-j[ h ) n t- t h a t WOuld tire :ne.—Chicamx c W S • • '

This is n hard season *>• :hc-.yeartheir arrest by being told that any1on.the'Woraen..for.tiiey are so busything they might say would be usedagainst them. This was denied bythe attorneys (or the ;™overnmen:.

United , States Marshal Louis G.Beekman and PostofTico Iii»pcci>*.iFrancis A. Butler and Clinton A.Larabee testified that when tho three

'-.inuiiilia!liters were piaceti iindt-r '»••-rest they were properly warned. It

'was told that'Davenport had'satd th.u( in",Vril'eV Y.' stake"he didn't propose to pet Into trouble: ^,-t." Ch'uvicoover what somebody else did." ami• ' " "then he Inquired about how many; MaiuU—-Dn vm

'years,they would got.TWtmaster 'Edwnrd '?. Hanoe ann

John T. Webber and Martin Snollstrri.rural carriers, testified about the !t-t-ter and of having sold envelopes., to"Nig" Dunn about flvp.woeks apo.

nirrlMltural and dairy interests hasln<von?ed in the last two and a half' , 1 ' a r s . • • . .

Thv to*.al value of crops.- In thpstate for 1905 was H0..f-iO.0Oi> raisedon 1.T14.9C3 acres uf latt.I. Thatfii're.ictj represented 'H.S JUT cent, ofthe total area of improved farmlands, which was 1.503,336 acres,"'he value of the crops was 44.5j»:r cent, greater than In tSPP, theIi^rease Veiny due largi-ly to higherprices.

i There were ISO.000 dairy cows,any; which produced 270.792.000 quarts of

; milk during tho year, or nn averageof 2,OSS quarts for each cow. Thisrei>re.«i»n:*?d an average production ofsHirhtly !••!>«, than six fiunrts n Any.About rtve'-tenihs of the milk was•=>i!d. Or, their farms the owners con-\"riod milk into butter thatvalued at 11,060,000. Cows were•kopt on 25.273 farms,•- Ergs v.'crc .produced:,-, theof n^..'>'0,00f* In tflOP, and tin? fowlswore C,r.97,O0O in number, April ir».K'10. The f-trps .were valuedS3.:iM,000, '"»r an.averace of loss than2rt" 1-3 cents a dozen, Dttrlncyoar, before the dat,> given tliero hadbeen raised on the farms, in addition'Q....the- i?pps, 4.747.000 fowls, whichwtri\valued at $3,846,000 when sold,

o'it-pp docroaPed larcoly during thoten year period. In Apr!!. \9lO. th^'ora only 16,735 sheep of shearingfie*, whore there had boon 2G,3tJ3' in190n, a decroaso nf T>fi.3 per cont.During 1909 about ?5.000. pound."wool had been produced, valued at

th-Mr Christinas shopping that)they can hardly spare time to go u> ttho .'moving pSctnrc- *hcws.—Chester jTimes. , , / -^ . :• . • i ^ y ....i An optimist is a Vnar, n-jio stitdte-s''a.- "dope . sheot" on the- way...down :town xo tarn a ,U2 salary and goe.«:without lunch three dn>» In tlu.-wt:,;k J •''tnl yams, formed tin

iiull.ur on a ."lone! ^nuh" vUif* of -- '•


• is Chicr.co N



In TinjiortJint I>eolsion. Court l.'oliU j

. Sot-iely Ilncl No Rffflit to

TlJit e tho As>ossment«. i

In a decision handed down by ihf-'.Court of Appeals .(if Xew .York, it U >•held that the Royal, ArTvnum.-^jpti.

•Illegally in laisin? thp insurant1*? as* jsessment of Samuel Gr^en. an att«r-1

lyn, and thtit The oriclnni• lies^sm^nr!must stand. There ar>- many m-m-jlio r s .t-.f th*1 ;I1oyal Area mini in thisicounty and State and tho df-cisl^n by*the highest court''{n Nt-w York Sta;-' i

When Attorney Oroen jolnt-'i th<- i

' 000 Insurance, was Jl.Sl a month. In j1S9.3''this-was Incroaped io $3.SI forthe. same amount of • 'inEUriiscs. Thii-assessment was paid, but when :hf

. council-made a further rr.i?.- In due?in lftti." t.hf-rf- iva? \viil<?spr--rirt pro-test. '..' '

Tt is understood that the';?upren>?Council of thp Tioyal Ar«.Mft.;ii I? con-

U'.'hT.Par;?. Indeed, :ny

Domestic animals wpre. sold d:;rlncril(19 to tho value of };t. 121,000. whilen th.> farms cattlo to tho value ofl,"i'i:(.000 were slaughtered, Of . thnlmalg sold..more than 00. per cent.•or* cattlo, including.calves.,


ine<1. In

tlerivod from ?'.,-»ss'aoros. thus ropro-.*<>ntinc: an {iicome of rnoro than .*•*!>an aero. " .. To othur vesotabte!' thorp ivei-p <\v-

ilucts Viilued" *;K. 5 7, "ifi 0,0 00. The

1 •:''•>!! ght ..an income of Jl 4,07.1.000.M\'hf ariv..-ifr..' nmi the value of1 thottrfwiUP**-.-w.--r*i..~ aiil>«tantially creater

fruits. Increased in quantity. IT, ill!'-1

V.al silk

?vot-Ml to themof- more than

q\-r 1S99. although the

.•is in' E n g l a n d

Tlir v.'tluf. wn.<= 31.PH"i,fifli-. ten years b

?-'t[';uvli..iri.^ w«-rant, of .tho. smalll'i-rrfi's r.inkinc in. Potatoes and


»hifive por cont .

0*1.009. T h e

"!-.n0O In is?£>.gainst S l . -4.Ortn,

tin- most import-fruits with . cran-econd place. ' ::

oih^-r vet;etfil'l.-sf the valu

it!! the rtv>ps raised: rereais, r.A.?, perc-.-n:.. nnd. h:iv and forairo.. 1S.P per

! X-r»y; fc-rnts with the |

:h.it • this jinterest-;

Pan ford of \Var-"

w i l l --•[•••ing "new Sold of research.

Cn-'Ji'-.-riitivT- farms :ire to b^ estab.lishtil In England wiih n nr-w obj

Cain- nn S.">aymond P r i o ., a frepliman in the Cornell".CoJ-of Agriculture, has become fa in-«f lat^'by Ifvinp s i n e July of tillsorfrfnn,] whifh lias c-ost him not


colonies, and who "w"o"'ild liliV* instniition .bet'ort- start!r;-f in. onior to..meetiM'f<"fietnnndP to hr-' ma'I*- "of them.

) A nt*M- proceFi? fop' producing arti-] licia! milk, has b ^ n irn-(i'ntcd by Dr.

. . . 1 P.igler, professor o:' hyirif-nics at theits members the rate that Mr. Groen \ university' of KhiiipsMilnirs- Austria^will enjoy under the court d'-cisi'^n. jIt has 354.000 n-iembcrs ami owes!

. approximately S700.000.000 on bc-ne-. ficial rerti t ica^s. There is a surplus

•;. of nearly 510.000.000 above all. lia-

n s n t i i i n t i n g i a m i w ; i n n n r - w otjj . :-ct . \ "••••• ••"•'• -^i*-**-iL" "•""• i - t . . . - . .-Tlif-y r-r.-. m ~u>i\<h t'.irrn work to ivo- ! Wt""'"':-. Punniryl i ly Panfnrd went out

.•i'.Vl/iTiffl'c r .n , i -t->irt "«."«•;.1/1 1H.-ti I n c t r i i . ' - '"Uft t l iGl l l IO "CUt l l t jWn <?Xp(?nKOf:. Ml."-. carrying the case to the Supr m*.-I' Court' of ""the- ••Xnired" " .iru.--=;r

;:" :Accin.i-"'• lnp to • Thos. 1. Crane. t:rnnd vie:--regent of the Supreme Council, i:would bankrupt the order to piv-i



W, Gil,, S.erH.Tradmg Stamp, WASHINGTON, N E W JERSEY Wl Gil; S.CH.Tradmt Stamps LESS MONEY

AFTER Christmas CLEAN-UP SALE.lust iiutmt this time every year wo inaugurate a sale of this character. Its' purpose is to distribute thousands of dollars

.worth of sonspnable. practical, staple, desirable Merchandise AT BIG DEDUCTIONS,'-in order tu make room-: for incoming. Merch-:andise. This sale serves a double purpose-giving us the necessary room to accommodate more goods, and giving you bargains of sotangible a money-saving~character that they are absolutely irresistible.



Fleece-lined or Elastic Ribbed Shirtsand Drawers. iJ5» n o .

FRIDAY ONLY, each «>«>C

HandkercliielsMussed from Xmas decorations, 15cto 2ni". vnlnps. ^ (\nto 2oc values.


25c and 39c Underwearfor Girls, Women and Misses.lots in Vests and Pants., |

FRIDAY ONLY, each... ..


$1.25 ShirtwaistsTailor-made oJ" Irish Linen, soft andlaundered collars and cuffs. (>ftn

FRIDAY ONLY..... . . .;.. .O"C

$2.00 House DressesBeautifully made, nothing nicer forhousewear. 04 ne

FRIDAY ONLY....... S l . ^ O

$1.50 and $2.00 Men's PantsWe are closing out.our entire line ofMen's Pants; we must get •.rid of them; <»•» A A

FRIDAY ONLY, a pair, 9 1 . U U

$1.00 Aviation CapsLids for Kids of all kinds./FRIDAY ONLY....... 69c

15c Ladies' Cashmere HoseIn black, with grey heel and toe.

O N L Y . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 9 CA pair.


50c Women's Pants,-Heavy Ribbed Fleece Pants, no Vests

'in the lot. oC/i: FRIDAY ONLY.,,.. . « » « "

A firFPSlf''tf^loSITl' T i n 0N ALLl°UR 'FURs? ' tt! pricesr » U l C a i V I C d l r L J p t h a t ; you h n v e nevpr" heard ofbefore. $7,9$ to $9.98 Fur Scls.'-d;,! $1(1 to $12.9S Fur Sets, tfC'CA "FRIDAY ONLi, a set.... . . . . 4*^ black & brown, Friday, •}"»3v

A Glean-Up Sale on Coats and Suits J ° SJuniors and Girls, just at cost and 'some',at less than cost.. A pos i t iveSnvlnfj ol 30 to G0% on any Garment you buy here This FRIDAY.

The Three Fates In GroMB. ' .!The peu.sii.itry ut'.tireccu flrral.v be- ,

Heve that thv futiuv oi" every chiUl \» ;(ietermiuiHl by tlinv fates, known HS !the Moral. Tito irio-is supposed to bt> jthreo old ami wrlukIt'll womi'ii who !dwell In n imniMTnhi VHW :HH1 w\\t* :L'omi' sliuultitiifuusly tu the IK'USI* in \ivhloh it new \ml>y lias miuk" its up :poaranct*. In onlor that •tln-ir IIL'CIIintl iiiit'ertiilu fuel may »ut hv liimici1- ;

eii. all t'urulttitvl%i cnrufiill.v .set a«itlf, ,mil tii'tR'v, ftilu>.<, hreiul .i \(l wiui1 are

set out sa that tin* iniput'th:ii thouirii ;Imisihle irutjsts.1 may refrtvl^thftn- \sbtvt's. K the funiseliold Is .siifllc^ntly iwealthy u> possess a little real iiitViiey. ;

i^. too, is pliieeO* on the table wVlli ;the frnnl.. All tliinpi. t;ood ami b;\l. ,

in tli«' luinds of tin.- three fut|k' ;On no a'-i-i.iiut must tlit- cliikl's beaut'y :

he alluded to at the time when tl'ie \Isitors mi^ht Ite present. To do so ;

would cause its jrond looks to Instantly .disappear. Nothing must !.»• salt! to •iirinoy or ilh]>]t<a«e the .Mora:,-"und thismakes the sltii:itfun- a bit dlfticiilt. as

tme is quite, sure what mifdit orlit not displease them.



milk at':two "cents .Trqiiart," stale 'brtaflat throe cents a loaf, peanut butter.10 pounds ' for 51.50: • raisins, threepounds for 25 cents: lentils. 10 cent?

pound: raw cabbage, onions, pep-Th.\- .milk i:means of ,constructs r.j

The. cliy.in..an..emi<.:i-

the lncrf*as<"-p in nss^sssmt?nt.«.protest forffitc-il all riirbt »nIs. a^ouestioh which Jp, nowtbf. 'attention of lawyers inif-

. the situation.

! l.reedlnc rabbits: for| will advan"-c J12 tI !ire.'(lf.-r. vim willJ kci-p for hitnsfelf all !| ^-!0. the nuirilior'whi• pfc-tefi"' to a-?!!.

<••••] frotn*'griiin, b»-!' Pt;rs. rice, . oatmcnl and what apple:in-'- ofWory simple -1lj' e r in -*orage from the agricultural;)]•• product is "aid. -"lirnis of the university. In 2? days'i<i.---r p.-.n-ij' milk' j he has sained four pounds. The

L..r:.v j yfnms man If? Th^^snr.-..«f-Chns, Kan-g.J'ffti-d .of Warwick,, ...He 's welt known

aw an oVocuttonist •••n'mr'naR1 represent-ed Warwick in the Inter-scholasticspeak In sr contests.—Goshen Indepen-dent.

thy l-Ht cSclior.^.er:

•. Lo.brinir down, the

cityI.M-KI. T• ' --ach•• pcnnittGd toit- ntlihits aboveh !v-- will be ex-

\1slted• show,'


L cable was laid .a: Birmini:-(,,-.(! tha t theland,' in i"R37." '•' • '.-; ' • ! the suRar-miTtii—inur


is to have a ''great whif

Ptic flavorin th.£, ro

rccc-nt ,.Bop!cm 'e lec t r ic : t j l t , sprin.tr .s:ip. 'Tlf- h;is: ]iati>ntef| prcofss for makintr mapk- syrup

Ion bptw-'-n i adf'ling "n . nrrltnary vii'Ernr-s-yriip=.«fi:11y ^-tri'.-;] ,--\tnirt miKU' >.y bnil'iii' th.- hnrk

n | '1 > o n i

airships has been snccpF.«fiiIn Germany. °

/Terry.1 Ka:i..- a town' c.ipopulation, has a 24-hour

• service. isAn1. .O,-..-'trir :nunmol>!lo v:

ly run frorr, Detroit to Nm\a tliatfinre or 1.T0O mllfp.

Ozone /or tho purification

In -sevorn! larp^' Kurop^an

i recent-Orleans.


tinny in Nc\vtransaction invoiv 5200,00 0

consummated or.. Thnr.«il;iy a.t thn of-

' Wurcrcc'.lon of t


1>i/t>n s t a r f d fo

tun dam

jH;rni,(nllon at the n[iiUn the Panama

or.. Thnrji-lfiyilce-'of J. II. R. Ack'r-r, n V

nfdrYnk-i .^yer. the HotH Kitta.inny. ,.t Delaware writer Gap, parboil from thicontrol of the'Monroe" Hotr-1-C"..'th<majority nf whom rnsirio 'in .M!aii,ti<City, to Ch«s, V.'hite. tor 15 years


hydro-,r.f Oa"-"


''' EASTON'S.—BIGfiEST AND- FLV.ST.i1-. CfiOTlITNCr SAT;.Tr;-"M!<:niNS"iTATC.;S;

r'^" On: . Wednesday : morSyRsr."' Jnn; •'?....'...Jfrpjii. rtil oi'i'r i the v;ist,( sections.-of" coTrimu'nitlcs surrn.uiidintr . Ihc ,br..«y

city of Kaston. tbonwinds nf people,:.-.. w l ] j i.c_. o n t h e stir—Oiouriq;': • tor .-tho.

FTT?s:r.fi:i;-*Ji RAT JANUARY " CT..F.AR-: : &~ & of t h e WEnefifCiothinff


PLENTY Or PROOF; You Know—From Wasli-

yj ' ^ liifjum Citizens.n i The greatest skeptic can hardly fail*"! to be ronvinced by. evidence like this.. j It is impossible to produce better'proof of..merit than the'testimony ofj residents of Washington, of . people

who can be seen at any time. Readthe following case of it:

.Mrs. Wm. H. Hill, US W. Washing-ton Ave., Washington, X. J., says: "Ifrequently had dull, headaches and.tizzy, spells, -and -my-sight was affect-ed. My eyes seemed to be Silled withsand. .. There - a...constant pain

Note! • rfiymo . in I across the"am'rill of my back and sides

chidodthis always. more

did any work that required

"'thethru city;

The Monroe 7I-~tola rn on g Its member!:: Conv.r'.i.s.'im.'in A. I stoopinjr,- r.-I'. used .several, .-rcimi't.'.icsMiteKell Palin'c-r of StrbiiflHli'.irj:, S^n-J withoytrbenefit and.it was theref'>r"i'_ a

Wi.l.ter E.'. EOKo .nnd Asscmliiy-.j surprise, to 'me when D'oan's-KidiieyPIUP' helped-, me. I continued nsiniithis preparation, Retting rny supply

the Wurren County Drug Stt:

g t o o t-

cnfivi•In . three


months foradvertises.1-

il dPORK, the dally crowds all throughthis GREAT JANUARY SALE .OFREDUCED, (really).. PRICES.''will

." not bo surprising to people who know.t> the bljT. new store best.


and boys of 'all1 ages and sizes' will...'..• bo kreatly DEDUCED from Jan . 'S

to Feb. 1, beforo taking inventory., . , . _ , ! : QUIRI ^,/MESSINGER.II" :;J "'"'fiS'-The Store for Square People to Trade

•^Hr:£^^fSat-TEaston;;-Pa^:- r i". : ; ' - ' : n '* ' "•' . 'V •"

f All.irit.iK'CHy:1'Henry W, Leeds nnd ,.T. Mnincs l-ip-iiincott, owners of the J-Iotel Chal-fnntc - nml Haddon ;Hall, at tho s(;a--shorti". and Gen. L^wls T. Bryant.State Comm'ssloner nt L;ibar. : "

«nd .

"Amcriran Wato/jvny.s1 and the PorkRarrol." written-* by .irubert Bruce

..Fuller, with foreword by Senator""Rurton of Ohio. ' It will have to do;"V-Itlr tho Insi.fiioieiicy uf- our -Ai'iiet'l-ean system of. waterways as compar-er) with,,; those of UelRium. Francennd nthf>r Enrnponn • countries, andwill contain n very ptalirarralRnment,of the .Intrifjtiips' whereby waterwaysnpprtfprlati'^ifl in thls'j country areoften nottyng short of ^rftft. - The*bfittormenr of waterways, Mr. Fullerpolntsrout, is fundamental to Ameri-can'1 prosperity. '-•1.1- , '

s -rul my back soon became strong and'free .f rein pain. T consider . Donn'sKidney Pills iVm' best. of-ali^kldney,medicines and can strongly recom-*mtind^ th'eni." ^Statement given, n

- - • - •™-- '~-~""-~- ;V"j jHSt . j 'nK -c"uru ; •-••'• "

Mrs. Hill wns Interviewed on Jan.21. 1911, and she added to the above:"You mayocontlnuo to publish myformer endorspmfin.tinf pnnn's KldnwPills. I 'have' never had any otherkidney trouble since this remedy ctir-ei) me." c :

For snle by all dealers.;- Price J>0cunts, P Foster-Mllburn Co.Vr Buffalo.New York, sole agents for theCJnltedState's.' , -. • " "..-.. .;. "'-:'•-•

Remember the name—Doan*s—andtake no other:" :•

David Garrick's Realism.In dcplt-tiiic inoint'iiis of nientiit an*

guisli. tlfsoi'ilt'i* iitxl passion David Giir-ric-k was utu*'|iiuluiii- "I liked him bestIn "Lear,1 "•s-iiys a contetn|ioniry. "IIis :

dayiiiK In the bitternes.; of Ills :mjic-i\'I will do sueli tilings—wji'it they areI 'know not.' and til sudtPuVi' v' 'olK.-t.--,ioi: of lii.f own wmrfof iiow<jj£wi>re j•o pitiable as to toiicl;' the* hoai'tfd'f ov- | :

ery sptmtutor. Tlie^Iinp!ic;iiy:Vtf. his I •«> ,, , _sayinp. 'Ito thh'Ai tenrs wei^.Ve?. ! l i t * ^ " 1 * "***faltli!' ptittiua liis tinker to the (•lioek.j Iof Cordelia .ami then luoktriu at his tin- j Iyer.' was' exquisite." ' "And In referenci-'j 5 ':'" "•' „ " -'tothe.sitnie tiliaracter itnotinti' ii'lls .un:. i -*_ _ • • -• _•"He renduix'd the eurse so terribly af-fecting to the iuidlenee.thiit during theuttentnee of it they seemed to shrinkfrom It as from a blast of llphtnfnj:.His preparation, for it was extremelyaffecting: his tlirowinj? awny his crutch,kneeling on OHO' knot1. Hasping hislinnds together ami lit'tllii: his eyes to-wiirii hfavcu prost'iitt'il a pli/iuiv wbr-

rld Gurrlck Jind His Vwm-\\ Frii-nils." "

Strength of a Spider 's Web.When , taking .Into coiisiiU'rat'im tin1

mater ia ls employud, I lie size <»f tlic in-sect nnd thi ' thickness nf its threadthe weh of n s l ide r Is almost im.-ftin*pr thonslbly strmiji, Late ox)K-rinionts.hnyi*>:«sfiftw)ij;ihn_t-n -«• ti IT I «v_.i 111"* »*i* I -.«.• f ;<)'w e b tiiatle.'.by a spider, which weighedfifty-four milli.nrains, siipiinrted end-wist* a weight of four g r ams , o r seven-ty-four t imes the weight of t he spiderItself. When a spider spins a web tulet himself down from the celling orfrom the branch o i n t ree we -may becertain t h a t Ue is in no danger of fall-ins , but that he could c a r r y manymore of his kind on the s a m e thread.T h e th reads jof the w e b when inter-w o r e n and rcienforced one by another

i W i


432-34 Northampton St. EASTON, PA.


woren and rcienforced one by ano te rhave a very miWderabie strength andare able to hold bees and wasps, (horn-selves very powerful in proportion, to,tliolr size, and to hend,without break-ITIR under a weljrt'jof dew and rain..,

f jattoris.anb jFuienbs ~T

B IRew J^ear


226 Northampton St. EASTON, PA.

Undor the'Carriage Wheels.Furious •-driving was one of the

charges brought against the Frencharistocracy at 'the revolution. SaidMercer: "In Paris the people are weak,pallid, stunted— JUCJRSS npnrl from, oth-er" classes In the Ptole, ' TlitiTlch andthe great who possess equipages enjoythe prlvllegcof crushing, thmo or, ofwiirtln(iii^:nHMh:!hlthe^tr^ts.^niiTi^dreds of vietirAa die annually under thecarriage wheels."

"I saw," wrote another observer, Ar-thur Young, "a poor, child run overnnd probably killed and have myselfmany times-boon blackened with inud.If young noblemen in -liondon: were, t<>.

rive their chaises in the streets ,nstheir hrethrun do at Paris they wouldipeedily and justly get very well

thrashed o<?rolled Hi the konnel.'!

'StarBand Thrice-a-Week World, 52.

The Woman Who KnowsBAKES BREAD MADE OF.,'.. .

GranulatedIt is made in a sanitary-mill, withup-to-date machinery, of the ,best


! - ; 2 1 ••' • - . !

I Years Old!\• RESOURCES •

; $3,800,000.00 i

! i$400,000.00 \

If you wish The Best^Sneurity, ;

! The Eastcn iTrust Cbiripany j

" i ' i " i l • I l i i r i n i r '


}• \



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GuaranteedFor 25 Yc«r«Think of That

Tells About Most RemarkablePiano and Organ Offer Ever Mad<Cornish Pianos'and Orpin*, famous tlirmighout the world for j.iirity oftonennd exception;)] hut Ingqualities, are now solil nttnc lowest |irircsfvcr<|ii(»tcilfor high Rrailc instruments. Von c;m

Direct from Factory at Factory PriceSi'f Iron'a'tlitrl H, a lull vein drsIrM ctiJfje. ttr'zli j>.if Vi>u with. Tr, rlir Cw\*h in j-nur v<n I.(>rr>-'|[ th i

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. mieri.il ariilCornlili In'tnimri'thKprl;e ft (csiuft.ibly Imvb-iy .Itrrct flr.m l^inCornl.h wiy, wMd. rliiSe ml.iaiem.ui- . .

Corni.h Pcrfpclli(Wtn-d hy Ovrr

SO YewV Expi-rienOier JJO.IHJU Cutni.li 1

l'«li), —

dtri til) tro


ttU. SfnLil ti'-ni ,indnil \n ri-lii'fom anil tf.<le IniiiimioM.

Free Book Explains-AllScn<I For It

The Corni»h- Company

Wnihinuton, N.i

NeivYeafPeople entering our storeare at once impressed withthe fine selection and large

• assortments of .

Watches. Diamond Rings /

Silver NoveltiesJewelry and

Cut GlassLook us over before huy-

••••-•-• i n j r e l s e w h e r e . ' - , -:

Thefox & PiiimerCo.


4 2 1 - 4 2 3 Northampton Street- • EASTON, PA. - - -

News Gleanings at Long andSlibrt Range


and prizes ot (2,000 aroEaston poultrymen open thoir show

on Jan. 7 * ' •offered.

Samuel >S, Jtosonhersor has retiredfrom tho burlier initilneHS at Hamp-ton and will leave the town.

(Elrnor Hosier hns sold his AtlanticHotol In Phllllpsburg to Thomas F.DouRliort)- and Frank Pfclster.

Theo. Petty, a Hampirn man whoseniirid hus become uiiljiiianced, hasbeen, sent to tho Rtulo hospital ntTrenton.

Hampton borough Is building: ftnow public school. Tho foundationIs now cotnplotoil and the rest of thowork will be hurried.

The Canister Works in PhllHpsburgIntends to build another extensiono.'iily next year. The contemplatedstructure will bo 175x""*0.

A Christmas present from the trus-tees, of tho Asbury Presbyteriantitircli to their pastor, Rov. E, 13.itiKlaml, was a purse of $100.

Goo. A. Ancle of Uelvidero hnsIJCOM elected to;succeed Oscar Jefferyof WnHhington as prciiidcnt of theWnrreii County HIblo Society.

Memhera of tho Hampton Metho-dist clm/ch presented their.: prtstor,Kov. C. .M. Vuwtor, with' a% holiday

tinlmlcr in tho form of a $50 purse.The wife of Van Illff of Bridsovilleoil In tho EdfituJi huHpiliil lust

Thiirmlay. She had boon taken therefew days before. Il«ir n^o waa 35'lira. - - - .. -'I'ort Murray has lost an old citizen

—Theo. McCathorn, who died lastWeiinoadny after a year's illness. Hewan 77 years old and leaves u widowami six children.

Cieo. F\ Harris hna decided to ro-tnaln as commercial teacher In the!II.'n:kGttHtown schools, rather tlian KO ';o tho i'hilllpsburfj schools. Ho haa.vltlulrawn hUt resignation.

Dr. J. Nelson RIcardo, who prac>tlcud medicine a t Wilson and Heck,nmn stronts, Phllllpsburg lit out lasti-cok nnd"will probabh- locate in In-

[Itaiin. He loft many debts, It IH said.There uro said to be such nerl.

ilefeutE in the binder of tho ncw.ma.c-ilain road through Glen Gardner that

it will have to bo rclald. The restif tho (lye-mile stretch is cotiHldored


Chan. M. Kchwab. of the Uethle-hom ,atoel works, Is In Europe formonth.

Tho establishment ot ublic li-wary Is Interestlnf,' th? citizens ofNetconff. ' :

The Illbernfa Fire Co. of Lnmbert-vlllo Is raising a fund for the pur-chase of a new steamer.

The Clinton Democrat hasto the ownership of Leon A. Cflriimi-ter, a nephew of the.lute editor, JohnCarpenter.

Twenty timesPlains poatofllce

the Morrisburglarized.

The latest was ono night last week,l u t all tho safe-blowers got was $12.

A Monroo- county man shot a doe>y mistake. He immediately sent

ilOO to tho ffnme commission. ThinIs the amount of the fine for the vio-lation.

An emergency hospital for "firstId" has been established In connec-

tion with the High Bridge steelworksand n trained nurse has been put In"hurge. ,

Andrew Carnegie 1-is sent hischock for $7,iJ0O to the fiaston Pub-lic Library sis his share of an $18,000fund belnn ralsod for the building of

ddltion., extension of six months has

neon 'grunted by the State Board ofHealth to tli'i Sn.H.4.'\- froolioldorH Ittwhich to build a county hospital forlitl.orcnlosls piitifjnt.4.

Newton H. HiUetih'HiHC, well knownis a temperance orator died sml-lonly III .MH homo In Sandy "

Hatlsfacto*ry.• Krvin \Vn\t of Still .Valley und

lss Muy Shoemaker of StrawChurch wui'o-in'iirrlud Iti»l Wednesdayat the home of the brido'a parents,Mr, and Mrs. Gran". Shoo maker, by•;ov. HUKH Walker

Thos. Cm li?, the rtutuvlllo mer-iliant, hn8 bought the ilnest mareImt over came to tills county, no•.•ruin horsemen say. Hu got herit the "Old Glory" horse sale tit Newt*<jrk a few weeks ago. :

Rev. Thos. Houston, Belvldere'sllrnl oyangellst. will hold rovlvnl

services In the Stroudsburg Preshy*.:erlnn church the last two • wocksn February..'' He has Just concludedu cngiitioinent .at Albany, N. \'. •.iMnyor Jus. Firth figures that tho

ext postmaster of I'hillipaiitirK witiL'"H PomocraL and that he will bt;lin man. Ho hns Just put three dis-,nt;l p..'tit!ntif in clrcuhition. Joseph'terson'f term expires In 16 months.


is,critical con-htlo fro i

I'eiuiiniuon sch .oU for boysnisi raise $1"H>,000. ' Already 3.10,000us l)"eu subscribed.'I'rosident-t'U'Ot Wilson intends to'tiiln a ruMdcncr- in New Jemiy. lieill not im-at.}. in tho South, UP n -

'orted. ' ' - . . . , " '•Motorists *>( Now Jersey can nowt.their .1?1'{ lircn-*-? mimtiors, ;il-.ou^h they •. may not bo IIHCII until

lie' first of th-'. year,Archibald C. Hurt

•ho contestt-ri with .1K' Democratic noiniress in this itistrin

Hunterclon '•' 'county, last week. lieis 'JO and leaves u sonAt TInfciim. I»a., John Ilanilt wasrcshliif,' anil when ho turned hisad the house cat climbed into the

Theru have been several killingfind other tragic happenings In SusKUX county durintr recent weeks but alone Indictment was all that- tingrand Jury was nhto to return to th<court.

Ex-Govornor Murphy doesn't beliovu In standim,* pat only as It aplilies to politics. Mo has Just givenJohn M. Hoffman'a contract to crocn barn on his'cuuutry place on the•Mundhum road. It will cost $.'2,500

News item from Tlnicum to n.KronchtMvn |iiip1;r; "Sain S;us.suniun'scalf,that, ran ;nv.(y .iinl witu Kwiic f» r;i-duya and .'! nights, returned homesafe .'mil sound." Nothing like soiv-inif wild oats early, fither In mint oi

'C'\?iilHi.n Mtll« has b«t,n oblltfffl t<rutiro from tho hotol buslnr'.ss a•Franklin Furnace on account of Mlhealth, iio beinu- oblige*! lust wouk Vfiiltinit to an utivmtiun foi- gullstorn.';it a hnspitfLl. lie- hus loasyil his ho-tut to Hurry irarrlaon.

Ili'iy Mendu of Mllt'urd tiucame (In...thei nf twin glils last wuek um

!•• town pii|».,ti's way hin friends oy.i,rrh'-Uneil li i in with i:ungratniatlonH

f)y was ovvrwhelint-il iiiouwh with-•it nddlni; anything to his .load.I'y tin: recount of voti's in Morris

•utity. which rcriiilrcd 17 daysintimrous- work. AuyusuiK \l. Uiy. Mpmoorat, .rutains? tho otllce ofurroifni.:. Ills ofllclal mnjorlty:, nvtT N. C. Tims. Ilf-pilblican. whn-i[iut*'.l thffnunt . Justice Minnirn,n ni' i7" disputed ballots. • rejecti-di for Toms anil :M for Hartley.

I'finiinc HiLi-nionial a thr.rontrlil,r»-<i\w on th.,' Av(»ry farm at [[otisos, inISSUX county, has Just been i>ut


The I*ickawnnna IH bargaining for-J5 row passenger coaches suitablefor suburban service.

Hlalrstown's Now Ytar's preaont Isa now I*'ickawanna fltation. It willby. put. Into, coinmisaion that day.

Arthur Clifton, who has been theNclci't •ngont at Portland. Is the newiilght ticket agent at Eust Strnuds-tiu-i; T O Kl l f Ohi i g h ttiu-i;.i

t gent at Eust StrnudsT. O. KellOff comes from Ohio

c e d him.- s c e o d him. , :John S. Huyler. ?on of the wealthy

Sew York citmly tiinnuCucturcr, hadboth IPKH cut off at the MorristownHtatlott of thy I.icknwnnna, last Fri-day morning. II*; hud attended asociety uvent there the night beforeand as he reached ih»y station . hl«train W.IH Jus! punintr !"'t.. . Ho ranfor It and In t,'rjtl)liim.' wits thrownundfM* thy W'H;L-I«. lie dtr?d live hoursafterward in the .Memorial hospital.Ftu was 13 years old and a studentat Princeton.

In nearly every town of importancealoiiB the line of the T.icknwanna be-tween Holmken and Scran ton. busi-ness men h:ivo l»;en swindled byforged duplicates of Lackawanna paychecks. In Iloboken alono threehundred and Mixty-one saloon keep-1era were swindled for ii total of. 515,-j.000 by two men drosscd rin employees. ISeranton Htilann• kwpvrc and biiHliu-sfl

.-re mflhed for more titan $10,-Pay day or-curred last gam .'day.

most of the pay checks wered by tradesmen.1 The gang oflf.rs worked In pairs In everywhere any consldurabtc numberpIovfM-K reside. T'IO loss, whichre:u:h 5".0,000, will fall uponwho ciisho'1 lh» bogus chocks.




Life Insurance willmake them more se-cure. There is noway to i n c r e a s e anestate, so simply, soeasily, so cheaply.

i-rt.« ofptuni'l Ci.ili<;K«. Inhi ;:;' d

ilii she

ilk. Ihp

pro-of milk, an nvt-r-

or tl i|tiart.s offlay showed !>:.

t h eivhich hui


The Morris County Savings Bank" ' " 7 . " ' ~MORR|STOWN,_N. J.; "~_'_ '

78th Semi-Annual Dividend NoticeThe Mdniwera of this Hunk hnve ordered pa!J

from tho earnlnKB of the businesa tor the

oSix Months Ending Dec. 3 1 , 1912

1st. Al the rate of I'<H U per centum ptannum on nil accounts from S5.00 lu SI.(TO ami otha Hrat 81,000 of nil laruiT accounta.'

litfjik'optm tlitily from 9 n. m. to 3 I1- •»• cxceinan Siturilaya unii Holidnys. On Suturduys from" •' i. to 12 o'clock nofiu.

Philander S. Tierson, President,^ Horace G. Wolfe. Sec'y and Treasurer

.Or. H,JJ: ^••• vf SPECIALIST.

303-305 Fir.l National Bank

Building, Centre Square,

Sunday* by appoin1 - <:•/' .

, kept,

HE HAD UNRULY.HAIR. ,.Couldn't do a thing with it.-.! Stood in

every direction nt once, then In no direc-tion. This ,was hotore ho ustld Hall'sHalrRonower. Now his liair U>oks well-

stays In place.,, Tho scalp is clnan


open• >vk h

i tun


f»r call si:; t| a few di

from the


nder-os in



The convictssiaru-d In repairlns the White HorsuKoad, -which' runs' from'TrentonAlloiuown. The men were in charge"f three doputies from the prisonand wiiit; accoinpaiilud by a foremanfrom the •State Koail Department toinstruct Llieni in t!ie • art of roadbuilding. Upon the result of the ex-periment undertaken last week willprobably depend in a. larfu" degree., theaction of the next Logislature In ox-

l>"li\v!ncr\'onviots on State roads.

It transpires thaiValley Trnnsporiaiio

if IIai:kensack, |,,.fii runninr iinm nus«..s: L.-tweundee Martin for K;,j«lnil ! ( Iui Miirtins Cr«ok, 'luiiituil itsntion for Con- , . l i r s from tho .Mack Co. of Alk-ntownl.it^r winning and the Macks hnve now tnk«n -tin;

y th.. rcslgnn- ,..flI.^ 1,.,,-fc ; ) m i u,,. .-erx'ic: butvvoentin- uvo towns hns l.n;en ili.sronttmieil.Jt is iiromised, however, that theJVrklom.-n Viill.'y Co. will bo recr-tianizcii and electric busses will be

•ork about, ten l'"t . int" .serviei; liei wet»ii ' the two'•U- for. the- lirsl.-POinrs-neXl. -sprinir... ,..-:••....-_..,..:,;. ..

TliV'New Ji'.'rsivy.-CiiiVUehs "Co." b;isrehased tho' bo^ meadow land be-

N'ewton and Uranchville and

CWXTOX.-Miss Kiln Pchoint) way, in Newark

Mrs.. A. II. Colemnn vliit'ed in Eaa-ton last week.

Mrs. Ch.'i.i. liiiHh Is at Orange vis-ini; hor daughter, IMrs. Frank Otilick took a trip on ;

Wcclncsdiiy to Now York, > ;1 Miss Mary B. Wyekoff was In New-!rk tho last part of the week. f•Miss JOSHIU Tents of Newark was •

visited by hor. mother last week, •Ono of our Clinton guests lust week!

was Mrs. John ;\pgar of Cat if on.* I- - Mrs;:,*Mnrtha-Huy!cr of;Easton vis-jitod Mr.". Fred Johnflon laat week.

Mayor nntson was y'tlted Sundayby his ,«on, Frank Batson of Plain-fiold.

Ititssi'll Stitphln has boon confinedm i l l s Ollnion homo this week from

Win. Buchanan's family of Trenton •.m-p bftlni: vis'tcd by Mrs. Mary Uoacn-;Imry. "'. . :•?" .. ". . • .' . . i1 Mi-f R A. Kstv ami ciatightor lldth

vlKiti.'d frlcn'i I toy and his family lust,Saturday. .

So mo weckf ago1 Mifs Mary Bunn^inaiiifil her ankle.. She Is now ableto In: out. ;

Mrs. Andrew Shoots, son andImiBhtor wrro shopping Haturday In

Now York. I.Mrs. Hanuiel Trout and Mrs. Frank'

Mathows visitfd Mrs. I. C. Trout on'Siiturflay last. . ' : I •

Miss \'io!fi Miili^an and frlontl. 11Atvah Schuylor. visited relatives a t ' u -I'lfilnflold. Sunday. • . . I S3

Mrs. .Oon. Muwrey and M r s . Henry i \f\

ling "their Christmns shopping. l £f Mlntori' friends were visited Fri- i 3 1

lay by Chris. Grlschellc. Mr. Gr l s - j l f l•liyllt? rcjpresents a Newark drug firm, i ir*

.1. V. Tunisnn was stirldenly do-! r Jiui\eil of his eyo glasses on the Main! 31-•u-e.M briiige one windy day last week, i Lf*j

Win, Wi'iivor of New York has pur-j U=•hasffl tho Clinton harness store. He ; ffiliis taken ciinrBO arid will give the j J n• r^iiiess his per.«opal .-ittentlo-i. ! VR

ITfsIdfiu TatVlefl yosterdny for awi. weeks' Inspoi'tion trii> of tlif:'!in;inia i-.-mal. At-L-onlini; t.j prysonti;• Inns, hi' will return the last day of iho year. • .. i

Th" fnllou-iits,' automobile' -"ridersv-i'tit ihi-onyh Wa.shin«ton. Hackotts-;own. Gorman Valley nnd thonco to;

Si>nn'Vvi|l*'. and home on Sunday: [Ir and Mrs Thoo. I". Swarer. Chas.'as<> and -Miss NVIlio Jones.

The PrudentialFounded by JOHN F. DRYDEN,

Pioi.eer of Induitrial:In»urance in America


Triple CombinationJanuary Clearance SaleJanuary Furniture SaleJanuary White Sale

BEGINNING DEC. 3 0 , 1 9 1 2Continuing Throughout January



Tremendous Reductions Will Make These Great Sales Notable

l' r-OASTOlUA.Bears the sigDaturo of Chaa.H.Fletcher.In uflo for over thirty yearB, and

The Kind You Have Always Bought.

the exportmoiusi of the last' seasonhave dt'inonstratoii tha t it ,is verydt^irahlo land for t rucking purposes,rosomblitiR tho Great Meadows InWarren ooimty. Tile company nowproposes to develop the whole bar-ren tract of about 2,000 acres andtho prediction is made tha t beforelonw iill-tr'C'i't wili'lie*'"under • cuttiva-ti(.n...1.\\'»tf. .11 -Ankfi;snn...:n. nntiv«-..*

't lrit"section', is 'a"t"'"iltb' head of "inVSi-w York Co. that is backing th-.1 en-ttirpiiso.


John. n. .Co m rof New Jersey.ialnant,

Aaron D. Pe.tty. Kf Al.«... ' Defendants. ' '

ISxccutioit.OSCAR'^RFFISHY, Solicitor.

By virtue of an execution 'Issued Inilie' nljove stilted cntisn, out of theCoiii't^cif Cliiincorv of Now Jersey, to-iii/;<!(llrectG(I and Vlelivered, I will ex-"i'i'ose11 for sale a't public venduc, on

Mitiitlny, l>«;ceinlier HO, IIUS,ut Hit-1 Hotel Windsor, in tlie Borouehof Washington, Warren county, .N. J.,between the hours oi twelve and liveo'clock p. in., to-wlt: At two o clockIn the iu'tcruoon, tho following: do-acrllicil .jtrofierty:

ii'AH that tract or parcel of land andll tmisbd

t tract or parcelo l n d nhereinafter particularly de-i t t lying and being In

premises, hereinaftr p yscribed, situate, lying and beingthe Borough of Washington, In theCounty^of- Warren -and- Stalt-.-r-N'-'W-Jorsey,"' butted mid bounded us fol-l T l i t f V '

lot. now»uth edge

Robert Potty's, andof East WaHliinfftoii;

_ _ .* thence (1) alonj?saiil avenue eiffhty-one tleurf'ns - eas t.twenty-four foot to a corner of otherland? of Mic snld Emily M. XiiniEstaff;thenue (2) 'soutli fifteen degrees oastono hundred and fifty-four foot to acorner: thence (JO south sixty-throe(lijffrees west twenty-four feet to an-other cornur- uf the said Shorts, now:i\ittv;s lot; . , thnneiiUJl-nlonB hlo..line.

(ireil'Vinil sixty" feet"" to tho~")»laco ofbegin n inff, con tain Ing elglitoen-lmn-drodths of an acre, more or leas.

Ueine* f ie same lot-of lamr convcyodto the said Aaron D. Pot t jvby EmilyM. Lnnsstnff ami husliand by ,3'chdbearing-' date the twenty-ilrsL day ofJanuary. A. D. 1881. and which saiddeed Is recorded In the Warren .Coun-ty Clerk's ofllco, In book 122 of "deedsfor snld county, on pages 4ti3, otc,

Seized aa' the property of the saidAaron D, Petty, a t the nult of the

Lent begins on I;"o*>. "> •and o.ui-linues.to Mar. 22. '

•New ninkftls. : containlnc; Indianhfiidp, will be in circulation .after

Look upward!. Tho*~shone'st' dayni' the yenr has passed: Last Satur-day was tho 'day, . ..

Only \2 players wero killed at football this year. Looks" like foot ballis i.n the. toboggan.

Will Oarlinn, tho fainous poet, diedin.Iirooldyn a few. diij's-. ago. Amonghis noted poems wore "Over the Hillsto the Poor [louse" and "Botsv andI Are Out." . • ' ..—Thy United States still ranks thirda mo tii? the naval powers of theworld, lint- curtailment in the con-

lion program will probably

this .thatuntry.h

France,-will go ahead ofis .country. ^ : .,-$Teach-your boy to be a baseball

'mann^er. Frank Chance, lato of theChicago Cubs, has been engaged., tomanage tlnvNew York Americans atan annual salary of $U>,000 and t'ye

TiV.i"-"rijnl*-i)r-thL«" Prolils.;";--;;;-;.,.;;.•.:•.":.-.;.:;.=^nThe:r!ai'y;'est™'!f6rce.v,tiiat ":.has: ever-been oiiKaged. at one' time on theconstruction of the1 Panama canalwas working at the end of Novemberwhen 40,159 men, - of whom 5tSlfiwei-e American citl/.dSs, wore cm-plnynd— ' \V ' • .„:• .

Miss ilelen Gould, the phllnnthro-f»ii- daiiRbter of the late;'Jay Gould,surprised society last week by an-nouncing her engagement to FinleyT i ? l T l ; i i t l l

:AliisH Gould is reported to be worth$15,000,000:

Mbrrlsvilio borough council hnsnamed Monday of each week as theolllcial washday for hoiisewivop-amiwaaherwoinon of the borouB;i,""andon thnl day the water dEjnn'rtment laforbidden to make any taps to themnlna or flush the fireplugs or in anyother why disturb the water. Thewomen soon got up In arms because

Cured of Liver Complaint."I was suffering .with liver com-

phiint,:* says Iva Smith of PointBlank, Tex., "and decided to try a25c box of Chamberlain's Tablets,and am happy to say that I am com-pletely cured and can recommendthem: to every one." For sale by all.deglera. ' '

.lOUN.SOMU'Kf;.kev. .T. \V. Mc.Maniman is away

liii.sinops. •Miss Hmh Cooper spent Saturday

in Now ton.Mr,B, Frank Harrison spent Satur-

day in Dover.jfthn nillows went to Easton Sat-

urday to visit nn eye specialist.Mrs. Loe Burns will soon com-

morifc a dnm-'ini* clans in Grange.wan/..: ; r\\ :_ ._•_ •,. :

.Mis; iizrn"Ajres; who was recentlycalled to Newark to see her Husbandwild underwent .in operation, liasi-.-lurnod home. Mr. Ayros1 conditionis satisfactory and he will be able toit-aw the hospital in ,i short time.

What might hnve proven a fatalaeci.lent ni-eurrerl .htMWiVMi- Jiihnson-tiui'iraiid Newton, Friday night, whenMr. Wilsnn of this place "drove histMiirins? oar Into Hie-1!« of Mr. BatesuCUuntsl.Hir!? HotlvJ. vehicles_..wero.ilama^ed" iliri1""S'inie""of' tho"Occuiinn:swere thrown <MU but not : seriouslyinirt. There was no lljrht.on the vtiiiii and the road is in bad cond.itiat ihis pnint; honco the accident.

RALEIGH, N. G. CHILDMade Strong and Well by Vinol.

When we tell yon that Vinol* is thabest remedy in our whole stock formaking weak, 'puny, ailing childrenstrong,• robust,and rosy, we:are onlytelling you what has been proved byhundreds ot mothers., Mrs. "\V. 0. Stfdtiier, Raleigh, N.C.,"says:-;;;:".My.r!iLtle^girl,i:.Hn/el.".lias*bee!i,-takinsViuol . to • build her up after a.severe spoil of sickness. It has donoso much good-by restoring her appe-tite trnd building.upjipr strength thatI think" Vinol is the finest tonic everprepared, and I am telling every ono1

about it."

What Vinol did for this little.Eh'l^it^AylU^doifp^ycr^^wejilc^ftnd.'""it i H lit? ~ c ix i Idp liecauso ~ s icki y "c'a il d fen""need the strengthening codelements anil the tonic iron


Vinol contains—that Iar why*;- Vinolbuilds them up quickly and glvoathorn ii fine, healthy color. •;Jt Iapleasant to tal^e, and we guar-antee that tho results -will satisfyyou — money back If they do not,

J>. S. , Our Saxo Salve-is tnilywqn :

derful-for-Eczema, We guarantee it"



Broad, New & Halsey Sts. NEWARK, N. J.


HfrfGasoiine Engine American No; 5 Clipper Wooaiiaw=

Belt these two together

land watch the wood fly,

Will pay for themselves

in a short time.

""(•"rices low enough for any

one. Write for circulars and

prices on these and several

other styles.

AUo Saw Mills, Gang

Edgers, Trimmers, Planers

of other Saw Mills and Wood-and Matchers, and a full-linworking' Machinery. ; ;

Ask for New No. 16 Catalog.

American Saw MiU^-MaclJinery Gompany, Hackettistown, N. J.

You Get What YouWhen yr>n step into this store and ask for an article, you get it. There

'_ ia hojitternpt_or desire to hand you something; else. Tnat isn't our way.iii™. HWe -Carrv.: on ly-the' 'be'at=l t nesvj n -.o\» r^misin t**s^ »no,;.- if .you vy. jnh;';»» *o:'-£" " ' ' ' ' s u g g e s t w h a t you need, you may"be assured t h a t we wilT'show" you a - - " ~

s tandard ar t ic le thp.t is up- to -da te in eve ry pa r t i cu la r . . , , • , .

TIMOTHY SEED GRASS S E E D /Wire,Fencing Wheelbarrows . Hardware, Tools "j,

We ajao have everything; in builders'hardware. Only the best goods onmarket at lowest p'rices always. • ,* • . '!

Osteritock & Co.


MfiRBLElGRANlTE[Monuments, Headatoneg and"l

all other Cemetery Work, in jeither Marble or.Granite : : J

* Work tiller Than-flurs,

andT{o Prices [.diver !'"

—EstnbllBhwJ 28 Years-

. Swr and ThrlcoTii-Week

Page 4: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …


national Bank







mCorner Fourth and

• Northampton - ?ii,..,^._


OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS&nd Every Business Day.

The Wise :Mansaves horn the earn-

rrings of youth tomake sure of easeand comfort in olda § e -

• This Bank invitesyou to use its Sav-ings-Department,where -your, ..moneywill earn 3 per cent,for you and be readywhen you want it.

MtwIlMlOMSIlUtV. . •

eiwlv Ai'gnr is .how conva-OAMI'OV. 7

Mr*. I.. H. Johnj'on "is visftlnp Inn n t i i |

fiKllMAN VAMJCV.Our lilKh school will reopen Jan. 6.

»»v-..>. ^ -... . in-uiuii. ••',--., . ' . • - > • • i iir*. M. C. .Miller Is vlsltlnc herMr. antf Mr*. Philip uaniner had Hurry ».;*'l*t iintnod -to Nownrfc on aunt at Chester.

a family^reunion yesterday. -Saturday. ,V. M I M Man- Tt-rrcc Is In PhlladclMrs. David Hnrrlton nnm<t><l Sat- Ja*. St.-vi-ncrtii Is v c y Ml. Walter iihlu for two wucfcs

unlay with relatives In Phllli^biirn. Alinuiiih.'1*'i-tirlng for,him. . •; ., j \ V , n . Knimons la suffering w i t h an' - • " • ' • • " K i r : - - -

y ithM r * , 3.•• W . P»«M«

C•of Mrs. O. V. StnittvW In \Vnsh-Incton.

Mi** Ivy DiiL'kuorth. . near town,was prt«v»tfd with a )'!;tno by herfatlii-r, last wet-k, . - • . , "

Mrs, Evu Vllet uf Hampton was'aKitoft this week of iu-v parents. Mr.am! Mr?. Wm. VUet.


s'm'CMw'nml ilro1-ovl llorfnuiii

.-J'UIHIIIIK lhlt< u

••f!i?rr..t::>:fwct::;.-.vai! > . ; ; ; «crowd,

of '. Farmornviile•vk In Newark.

Lfittiiiii Miirtincn of New Gerninn-i l Sd

Grnitown wnt* in town litut Saturday.

Mrs. Klmer Hoffman of • Vernoy IvMtfnc her vMvr in PhHIIpshurK.

! Tbeiv will be a Christmas tree fWin, L. Heaney hay returned to s the M. K. church. Clirlstmni* night,

til troy. Cal.. utter a iwo months" visit' Miss Km ma Wack of Vernoy Is\,.lh relatives In tlio Efts't. 'visiting in NVinirfc and Ni-w York.

M.'rd! S'mlth Clitiv '.ii.J" J W Ixf'vvJs'"'. Mi^ UiniWn Shut \>' uf ClluluiitiH'k a trip to I'uttenMirs, Jutland has hi--i:-vNttlnc bt»r sinter. Mrs, Johniidtt I'IUSUMVI; u» Saturday. ! U*. IVaty, " '"'"•'•,

Tin- l-idf'-V Aid s<Kk-ty wlil utvK'l' Mr*. Fra;... t .-ttar of High Llrlttoin tin.- !eoiun.'.roo!!ru.' the Pn>sby. .sppnt Friday • witH Mr.", MarshalltiTlar. church this, uft.-rnoon. - !lliilh.>wt-r,

Mr. and Mr?. Louis Anderson.' s?r., Th*- fJVwh*ibiiry iowii.«hlt't publicc-ntertainvd tbvir children and the .T1I..OU .-!<>«,-<! Friday and will rc-Jatters* wives on Ohrlt-t^ias day. '• open Jnn^ C.

Mr. and Mrs. Tin-,-.. MtMok enter- Gen. Ht-hJrd-rant. K. \ \ carrier,tained on Christmas day their chV- who had a rmmwny some woeKs npo,Ireii. their wives? ;ir.d t-*randehiMren. if hack at work.

Miss Carolyn Hawk. .\ teacher in Th.- yonntr nit-n <>t Califon will KlvoNew York, iff passlnir iht ' holidays ;t ma.*('|iier:ifl<> ball In Al ta r ' s hall,with hor parent-". Mr, .'tin! Mry, Gv<>. tomorrow i-wnfnjr.1

Hawk, ; Mr.i.' Johnson and1 Mri». "WilliamMiss r-'teila Lc-wdrop. of'Ni>rthfield I,ay<il>- <>f HIiMi Bridcn sp.-nt Friday

S.'ininary. is spt-ndlm.* the licliday va- with Mrs, .Kinzlo Apwnr. Jtcation with tu-r parents, Mr. and WlUard Apsar. wbo had a rur'VivayMr.*. John I*<*wdrop, .•-.,-*-*. - ; - \ last woi'*k. roci-lvimr a b.-ul cm on his, -.MIP* . !te!cr. A. Pidc-.ick.uhu is-'i lioad. l< nMc to Iv oiit.tt'iichiT tn Wesi Virirlnia, i« .«pi-ndinc\ The Christina." -rt^rtalninent ofth*- holidays with h-r j a rents. Mr. '.'ilir Oi»Ii(-."!>ury fr-diyt-'rian churchami Mrs- &. M. I'Uk-tK-li. = ivis held Saturday nicht.

Tlu* Pro.«bytf'riitr. Sunday school :\y. and Mrs Walter Morcnn ofh-lil Us Chrlf-'tnui.'-- OX.;TC1.«PJI in tlu' llii;h\ Mrldeo jp.'iit Friday nttfht with'jhur^h.' M*'tid.ty. v\.-iili,j.'. whfii"MX Mr u'-id .Mr," Thos. Xoiiih.cxcflN-'M procram wus-- rwidcri'd. i Miss^Ortha Womlt- of ,'WomUmry

^Th" Christina.-* <. iiu-r'.nir.nu-ut <>f bus r>-nu"ni'd h'*in>- after a visit t" - ,thv M. I-:. >:undnv school was hold in lwr-xteiiT^Mr- I'hnc. Apcnr. . \ n \ r «'«ool cltwwl.

; til*? church, Sunday ev*.>ninj.*. when a: Mr. und 'Mri ! : . I In ff man of rctiza-'H1' • ' ' oxuri'tst-s for a

-Nellie C, Uoltz fa 'spendingtwn woeltH In Heading, Pa.

Mrs. Win. Parker spent Saturdaywiih rcliitlvua In WtishinKton.

MIKS Katharine C. Hyde will visitfriends nt Irvlnpton for n week.

Miss Lena S. Down of Montvillo Iswith hor parents for two weeks.••Mr*. H. W. Diifford and Mrs. A. P.How ii fpent Wnturdity in Dover.

Stewart Ualdwln of Anthony vlslt-••d hi.- cousin. J..*. Smith, ull Hunduy.

Miss Ijydln Thomas la , recoverinRfrom an operation for appendicitis.

Klmer K. Sohoenhelt of Erie, Pa.,l» :it the home of Ucv. and Mrs. M.A. Oolllnsi for ten days.

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Neighbournre entertaining their daughter Olivei»f the Trenton Xoi^ial School.

-Miss Utith Wiley of Lewlsburp, Pa.,Is spending the holiday vacation withher pa rent a. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wi-ley.

Mrs. Sophia S. llninner of Somer-villt'ivfll jitisa the holidays with hernieces. Mr*, button and Jlrs. Ste-phens.

Christie Duff or d of Plainfleld andC«i?il of Now Haven will be~^ov«r-holiday pih'sts of their pjirents, Mr.ami Mrs. Holloway W. Dnfford.

Or. and Mrs. Ixirenzn u, pliilltpse entertaining for two weeks theiriiKhler Mnrr.'nret of Cutskllla, N. Y.

and their son IMchard of I/>nir Is-land. . • . . . • . • , .



audience was'pp-cen;. The .pro- t.*-th have b.vn >itinc his parents,cram wns very lnturisttnp. : Mr. and Mrs. I."\vis:itf>ffman."" C. P. Suhltfr*. who hud apparently. Mr. and Mr.i, naymo>il Tlpnr at-riTovered from n lone and rather •tended tlu- funernl at "M;R, . Cyni."?t>rioiu* illnes-s, went ft East on re-, l-'islir-r, at I'^rt Murray, rfceiitly*eently to work, bin suffered a re-' Mrs. Onu-e Cox' Mrs fleo. "thine.*lapse and . Is .. ."m'iitn eontlnt-d to his .mid . Mr.t. Ooi*. Alpanch. all nf Crtk.vs.horve. ; bury, sjient Ja.«t Tnesdav at'Cranfo,-d.

Friends:.Jn town h:tv->• reootved post Mr, nnd.'Mrs. Wnrmnn nf Sellngyoards fror-.i Mrs. I^ar FUepel. from j «';rovn, I'a.. nre ppendlni; tlie holidaysNew Orleans. .Mrs. i:!oct-I states that1 with Mr.*. Wornmn'y parents,-Mr, andihey are havinsr. a drllchtfttt time. | Mi's\ John Geist.They . expect to spend mo« oi the; Tti.M-.> wr-rc tn. s-^rvkv." In theM.vi iuer in Calf for" ia.: The farm of Chas. S. Carter, in

CJt>-**iiwioh township, :n"-iir Stt-warts-1 l,o\\vilb\ wns sold "ii Suttirdav to T. T.I . iHoffman of this flat'':-. The farm tain

j '.-•untalns* 116 acres .ind the prlcf- was p;irt[ *SP an acre. Mr. Carter resides in n]i\-I Ciimden, wheri' h<> hi:a btisiness tn-s th«ii| t e r^ t s . w j_ _ ; _ _ •• J..Mr?

I t-nde*fl Uif L-oldoti . w.Mdini: of Mr. It.-ind Mr? Wilson Kroner, :u r.icpel?-'

!!<•. on Friday f-Vi'tiinir, M»?lr and

K. clinn-h sun»1n>-•.f a ChrJfttm.i:

nlcht on accounttlainiiu'tit in th«"

hValley 1're.eltytorlnn chtireh,1

mljj t-'.-tvo h,ir n surpriseivoi-'k'at the'home of Mrs.L'iir. At th>k same timei\ siirpr!.-e parly irtv^n t"

h fhllhowor. *

We Hope You Had..; •.„•;• A M e r r y '

GhristmasAnd Wish You All.

A HAPPY ?, s \ . ; A N D . ••-.•



refr»-.••venlnir's CNJ1'a well-knuwn

friends was piill]'.- pf.-S.MllS

ymen:. Mr. Kroner is'Pal and :!oi;r dealer

. A Inruo '.-oni|>any of-sciit a n d . i niimbi.M' ut

.Mrs. I1

hor ..Mlex .V

•f.luinl'iJiMrs . <\

L 1

vii :

HKI.XWAUK.rk- is i-nt.'rtdlnlmr


[r.yl ba>

pent Sunday in


. Oltl-

AlVVi-"•ted at ih» r;*y iifu'rnofn.rr - r riinthJiin

Mr, ail.]' Mr;ind


Mrs. : -Catheri

M a r l ' t t aiv. v\*.-];\:••.'.•'>'. a: Phil

j Mr. and -Mr.-. Win, \Vhit--s*-U ofI •'ir-itt M.-.t.i.'-.vs v.-..:-.. mi.->t.- ..f ^!r.j ai!-l .Mrs. .lost-'ih I'm1!;' <•:) F r i d a y ,' Mrs Knui-n.- W:)!t.-r>. Mrs . •\-OYL'.*

J!i-v.- iii.d S I P H T I V ! -•!' '"'\f<.rd visi tedMi- a n d Mrs . J . <;. S , h r ; n n i u v lustThursdi i

hi ,Mr. an.j Mrs.

ist'-'r. ' MrsM-nuovs..r-.-a



I-riday withweek r.>vaca-

vencn.b:- R. C. Ilobt-t-s ofwho Is S-I years old. i.n spend'1

f.'M- .lays with his sister' t.i-re.iJlll'Vrt'" VnnSeoten. who has been

Canada rut tint; Chriatmaa treesr tin- city markets, has returned.A.-Sihvrman w«n on Friday a 23 Vimnd turkey at Jolin Brands' but-iw siiup. .Surrogate Bair won n

ThtTf were m» preuehlnj; servK'vsin the 1'rcsbyu-ilan church on^'^'r"-day, uwinir t i the Illness* of^lnc; 'pn. -t"r. V.-v. J. N. Armstrong.S

J/ ' A l

O.ti: Croupe, who is In the fur bus*in.-.--s Miiite extensively, caimht an-otln-i- .'t-pouml raccoon last week.Th.s.- animals are qiilte rare In tillssection.

The farm ui'iVred for sale )ier<« on-•Nttimlay liy A. K. WhHermiiu^ was

sold."'Tin- sal.- '\v;is"adJnnrm.d'.'"AVi"isth- farm cwn.-l hv th.-- tntc lluzillitTevl.

Til*- Intfi'lor -•:' tho new boys' dor-mitory at H-inir. Ai-adoiny is llnlshedand :'S studt/iit-j and a matron took'ip tiiiurtcrs Hi fn' last week. ThuIiU.'i-i.tr tlnfsh o{ ihf stMiclure is theiin.'.st <*f any i'n the vnmpus. •'•

Mrs. .lai'ob Smith, dtuichter andirranddiiimhter.1 wvre thrown frontthetr w:im.>n a fmv days a 1:0 nvar.Panifl Waltun's. wh-n the horse tookfik'ht ' iit on..' .-f Mr. Walton's drjgs..Mrs._.Smith ivi'^tvcd. a sevetv, i-ut on


Protnoics Di^'lionJChtprfiiness and HcM.Coiu.iins neitherOpiuiu.MoriihiwiiorMintral.NOTXAHCOTIC.

linstnStx':• JkSam <•

/kMlr&lHAmSml *

ApBfociBemcdyfornmslifa-iloii.SourSloniacli.DjarrlraWorms .Ci'nvulsiuiis.l'cvrnsh-ni 'SsanJLossorSLtER

Tor Infants' nud Children. ^

The Kind YLJ HaveAlways Bought

Bears the



For OverThirty Years

Exact Copy of Wrapper.


Mr. a in1! Mrs. J. G*..Mr. and Mrs. .lolui C;Vld.•!•<•• W - r - l.'il('!sl.«..if

J. f.. sivhrinnpf on Sn

.t-.-ii;ih F'.i:-!: visited

inVt." Tili-sday' ami


in.! "Mrs

Mr: k m Nu

spi-ndtnirMrs. Joslah Park, h.-lpl f l ii }

Frldajth h-r


J a s . •. all




•cK-(i—Mastvwwr. . ri«mnn. Hil-

llerbnitu:" liidy assistant. "Mrs. Chas.Oroen: nc-hvTai assistant. MiltonGlbbs: chnidnin. -I. J7». Anderson: lee-"(\irt?v. 'Mrs. Addis: 'C'-rc-.s. Mrs. Pier-son; pomona, Mrs. U'n-uo: flora, Mrs.Hoyt: tre.'is., Gc-o. Pierson: steward.John Ifriyt: . p f ' ki'-f-|)!>!*. Win, Bow-ers. " •• \;r.-.,

lSltOADWAY.'•" .IH.'MII frw<?jtz.'r h a s ri'iiiy 'rocnveitnd ' i s . i j s a in n t h i s usual ..wnrki.

uai-si-d F r i d a y with Mrs , . HtnJ. E rv in :"Mr. -in.] Mrs:. J. n : ' C:nt« sp

^unda. - a; risiiuit-ivvn \*ith Mrs. Kv


•1 win. ply'."rtfiinnn'nt in tn<- c h u r c h JiT h u r s d a y . . • . -.,.. •.::,- •„.

Mrs, Kdw. Casin-.-r fif-Cbrni.ijc-W'itt'fci'visited hc-r • diuifflU'T. Mrs. Wm. Po-rf'nu-r. on Monday .

...Mr.... an. l .Mrs. KarV B«rrv... .iveivirViV'-'s't« ' of" "hlf« '"'"a-'ran'tl otlit


th EfrT. "TJ;

We Are Able fo DenverLUMBER

Ius r as well now a- at an1

nrhcr «<=asr>r» "f f^e ' eaiAnything • yn-j- -A I= U ~I tl.e-lme of_JIiELED LUMBER weha.vj- rhone voui order".


ynivs of Port Murray

, e >l' li'-r .luiif-'ht'-r. Mrs.!!. It. Smith, on Monday.

ii'.-v. J. u. TimVitv-11 went to Whitr-t"ii liist wt-ck iind jn'i-forniod thnii niisc- c.Tcinony for his nephew.

Mi and Mrs. A, K. Soguino are1 jth *-Vlf." '"'Mrs.'- S. has another at-

1 r>[ ifniistonci.fnid Mr. P. is suffer-in, with -lumbneo.

Mi«- Wm. P. nrlnk and th^u^chll-di 11 wore Sunday eveninir vJ^"1"^"5 il1

th hum** nf hor pnrf-nts.' Mr. andMi'. I II. Mutchlcr.


, Eastpn, Pa.


K.vowi/ro.v.Wm .TVrry Marled

1 T-',-..<l<:i'i'jksbufu-. ..VH^t<•'•]• for two *\X'(il{«. •

Friday 'Mr. und": Mrs. HurryM rid M M C W l k

A Mr. I^w

'.Mr.-. Oil.s'nn.

John ir. Mnvt.\\".n:.n_f'. \";ni.-\n-ii, jfnti of a fornn'i'

Th." .«ar.-(.t.-t Pur,.].,y s^b....i s..-nt a

tend.-m, V;in Iliff. \v!ins<- . wifr .. u-iisburi.-d nn Monday.

At th" r.-o.'-nt ni'-'-'llriif nf th.- Mar-,-.lhf.(..« iif-M. C. I.nndy w.is .•ifrt-di-...t'rv[-i]-!;c: pt.-r to lili the vacancynm«le by I,- R. I!!bh|t.*s reslpnatlon."1 Phiiwn*.-' Trii..-. \<».' ':>::, I. o 1:M.. h'-l.l (in " l o t i on ..ri W.-dn-s.lay

S\. I'.-wiU triij.-f.',1 1 <.'truly. C. <>f i:. and C.iu. K", ..f-W, ;• i"1.- H'-rnc-i.C. Th.' (Hstrl.'t d.-|.tH

:•<!. and smiV \wr- pr..-s.• f<i. Iff)yward. whr> aPSL1

ork. ' At'u-r t!ic flci'tion

stallation . will tnk-v p]a<Vr>ar'K nitrht, aftewill 1"- if-riderc-dhotel. This trilti-

Iwhich a ^niip.-

.'il Wm. r.undy'ill s 'mniy ji..]i)'


'.'When father was sick about sixyears apo be "read an advertisementof Chamberlain's Tablets in tlu- pa-pers that tit his case exactly." writesMiss Margaret Campbell ot Ft. Sn*;(h.,Ark. "He purchased a box of them"and he-has not been stck since. Mysister had storr-^ri trouble and wasalso benefited b / them." For sale byall dealers.

SCHliu!,!;VS MO.VXT.U.V jAndrew Claws'.'ii. .iTid'Wm. Kiiuia-an Ciiptmvd. a ai-jiy fos and six

kunks !i.J-t w.-.-k. - - • •'•• IMrs. John Urod ,M\>i pramidnu^h-1

t-r. Miss In.-iii- .l.riiffii, at-..- «!>widln«v.-.-.-kin ,Mrs, Mar

'.-r homo,n-r at

MH!"r has returned tufti-i' .s]it/»diiig tin.1 sum-d l

Mrs, Hunt nf Clinton is .«pmdir.Vv w..-.-k.- with.Mr.-. VUw an.l .laui;h-u-r. Mrs. Win. .Knimons. . . I

I - rcy .Klnit-iiuKii of WttghiiiKioii!has takc-n a position'with M. C. Cu<»kffir th.' winter In his bla'oksmfih shot*, j

Jtirnb UVIch of Fairnmunt and hissister.' Km ma .tan..-, and daupluorKI-sl». weiv r.-i-'fin I.M!.-SIS of Mrs. Cook.

The- Klof ktown .Sunday school hvldj.™its Christma.« .•nt*>rtainnit?iu on Sun-h^


A XLong & Campbell - Agents,

$1,650 F. P. B. F.clory

Olbcr Model. 5950 lo i ; ,650.

BUICK COMMERCIAL CARS f ^In the optfration of a puruge we are, in a position to furnish our customers

". .- the necessary service without delays.


day ath(.fr

No raiis po n (1ark ai. -Mrssis t #•!-,«peritFrfil.^r

ternoor a n dipual treat.


tWO W(

d othtWni.Mrs,-

Wedne>h-k U

Sf rfron >

r-ks inr pine


M l

{It IN<

us.Bird ofMas.-!dav niirmnn

ith( a

0 th*

leftrday\v Vc

child run

vith Mrsand wllrk. X..W-

his place and



ley.™.,_.Mlss -Mary E. Winn. toacher. closodhr-r school on Friday and Is spend-ing two wuoks with her parents

Ridge. School will • reopenon" Jan. 0.



"MAHKS11OHO."ii-houl is closed for two '

pastor two

Baldwin and .«Cnirdu

y. M. C. Walker,

n "Hu'iP-^irs. E^a.-HonKland. Mr.md Mrs. W. • C. 'Rrarids nnd 'daughter

tn 11ml Ili-v. A. K f l l o ^ • . ._

™ J>rlve« f>1T.. a ...Terror.

.Mrs. Win, Wydnt-r and Mrs. HenryAptwir were- in Washington on Fridayof lust week. . ,y

..Mrs. VCm. Hart" spont last weekwith hor parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Jos.Appnr at Cnlifon. •• . . • .

Missi*Viola Wydner is passing theChristmas hrdidays" with friends atMadison and Newark.,,At the closf of school'on Friday

ill1..- toftcber, Miss Gethman, presun'k"!!'-ach sciiutar with a present.

Tli.» Sunday school will receive theirannual Cliristmns tiwit next .Sundayriftornoun at the close c»f the..school.

Mr, ami Mrs. A.U.'ort Fleming lieliia Ofauilty reuh'intrrt5n Chriaimns dayny ; ontoruilnlhi,'1 llieir. chihlmn andgrandchildren.- -. ~~ ..,.;,:;,..T;:.,v- • \

' Mi;s'.''AlfrtVd'"Cb\i«lo"'bf'X)xforu™ri'|ientInSOvt-uk1 with. hpVTdsttnr... Mr«.'- Chn*.

j C:n-iVe::iu:\:; "wn'n^has "Ijpo'n" ^fcfi" for

improve very fast. Mi-•$.-. .lOMoplilrn'i'iiU:renn, anntlwr slstfr1-'''s spr-ndingcom« tltnt? with ii"t'.

AM.AMU0I1Y. ,/Our school" will reopen Jan.1 6.Mr. and Mrs . "Wiilard Hanslcr spent


m"bnth3"""~isil's win.^ci j .a i idT'spg b n t h 3 i spniiumonial I ts ' advance agents arecolds arid1 gripV In any" attack', byone of these maladies no time should\ i 'ost-in -talJlng. the-"best medlcJnfiobtainable. to drKe It off. .Countlessthousands have found tMa' to bo Dr.King's New Discovery. "My hus-band . believes ;it has kept him from

.having pneumonia three or four,times," writes Sirs. . Geo. W, ••yPlatcrKawsonvllle. .•i.Vt..--'.'an(li-.|fnr.- cough's,colds and croup "ive~have"never foundits -.equal..". ^GuaranteedJ for all bron-chial affeetionn. Price. 50R and fl.OO,Trial bottle free at Jenkins .& Meek-

Mfiy and Chas. • Stcvcns^Spwi jasi^Vt*flnvHtlay in liNcwto'ri.~r~l". •••• -~jV,, ; .

Mrs. John I-Iann and son Ernes!ri'turnort Friday, after a few days inOrange with1 'her son Ste'j/art.

Thompson Mnines died at thehome of his daughter, Mrs. :\ JohnI'ottil. Sniurclay morning-,, after a

Jacob CrevelinR of Mackcttsiownwas ri Ktiest of his sl^tor,;'Miss Kliza-

Wrar"clas*' iind^Siiivday. ' "•Mrs.;-1. Roc'i'MalnL-s.-Jbt^Mcwton:. came

Friday nnd will remain,, until af-wlth iher parents, Mr.

o yter Christmasand ..\rrn,-,.\Vm.

Miss Cir.'nv F'addocU is passim: til"Mday wc-i'k with-relatives nt Hopfc.Mr¥. I-:. J. Paddock is spfiulii'K thi:•••k wiih frit-mis in Newark an.-•w York..Miss Klsit- flibl.ip, a teacher,at Fn-.

Union, is passing tlie bo! I day \aea-ion ' at hvy iu'iiic here*.'• • ' • •

Mr. und Mrs. Warren \V. Wiiltui>f Stillwjiter were eiiesta of his niece.\Ii!J. Harry I-:. Primrose, on Sunday.

(laughter Adelaide of Franklin" Fur-nace nre at her' parents' home hero.

The oniertiiinmeni tfiven Thursdayevening last, was a success. The re-ceipts , were about $20., w'hich willswell the library fund.

Miss Harriet V Armstrong of New-ark visited her niece. Mrs. SHarry K.Primrose and sister. Mrs. AS"J. WaNUTS, from Friday until Sunday:1

Oeo. • LanK'finan, who is occu'pyiii).;^r. C. Clarke's farm, above town, for-merly owned.by the lflle Geo. Cooke,liiis bovight the M. U. Smith farm,nliovi.- town.

I'ltKK 1J.VIOX.JJ,A idaiinr. was held, at Mr. and 'Mrs .

Otto•• Hi-fc'rs1, FriOiiy.nighi. . .•.Mrs. John Hoii spent Tuesday of

last. week ..with- Mrs.. Jos. Klnney.... .,.•"'•,"iMrs/"''KI mor".vConk""and "Miss-'TNetUo"flartow, simiit'^Moiiday ,.of. last .week1 n Rel vid (.-"re."" ''-":""T" "".'ZZ:.:"' '"7 " ' T " "•""-v-'n'rPnc'r'i't-U-'Tiipiist'irie' r e tu rned homeTuesday., tit last week i'rom a visitwith relat ives in New York.

- !I"iiends here were shocked to hea rof "t!r«'"~(1eath <if-Mrs. Van Illff.....\ybo-wa.«. Iieforo marriii.co;. Miss Daisy..Uniidor. i'i;, ' " • :;••••'

1 M-.-s. .I-iVn' .inynutt nnd Mrs., EllenFhinierMl. were reccnL Bujnts of tlut

: forme r • K-^brgth c iv.:-J ".g-f^Sw J,!i v ~~\ "

An' 'entertainment 'will bo .held. Inthe M. 'I5. church hero thiswhen a Chrism i tro one of

school.tbe. f(!a(uros. > The Sunday..Scholars will" receive a treat.

1 Famous Staj^o Beautieslook with horror on Skin Eruptions,Blotches, Sores or Pimples. Theydon't, have them. For all such tro«-

, .blcs-.usu—Buicklon's_Arnlca._.SaIvG.— IIglorifies the ice". Excellent (for Ec-zema , or .Salt^Rheum;: it cured sorelips, chapped hands, chilblains; heiilHburns, cuts and-bruises.'-Unsurpassedfor.piles. -:5Hp..n.t'«J«nkins fe-Moekor's,

HE Spirit of the Sea-son prompts us to

. express,.tQ:; you., our:; appreciation for the

patronage&given usduring the past year—and wewish you a Prosperous Year

• t o " c o m e . ' 7 "' ""•""

C. % FORDpffi.— v " '' :: - • - ? " ' • . \;:.

Our store now closes evenings at;"c-Saturday3 excepted.

DOfiTtET YOUR - . •ITofits .t e - r n c l )

...... 117.S.I/-O...

£ •-*" ETTSTpWN NATIONAL BANK. Threeper cent."inleresUper""annum7 paid on Savings De-posits—large or small, and on "-Daily Balances-of

r" ~z> $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 . or-over, and^ycu'll find .this Baiik safc^--^1 .reliable, arid obliging. ^






Page 5: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …


Dr. Bentley Never Talked MuchAbout Himself, but It Was

Not Necessary.

By COURTNEY 8PENCER."Tea, Mluo, that's the wo? to too ril-

Into a thicket, and, two days later, ha |was back thoro with plaster of Paris1

and a load of com—and tbo end of ItIs that Doo Ilentloy rides that samenag today, up and around Grangers.Soo, thero ho comes over that riao.Ho'll be hero In five minutes., Watchhim when ho passes; tho horse baa alimp, and though lio can go whon hewants to. Doc Itentloy won't push him

HACKETTSTOWN.Flro escapes nre bolns: erecr^d

tho Semlnnry bulldlnK».Mltw Molllo F*rykcr of Princeton Is

upondlnir the wet!1 with friends Intown. • .1 : \ . \.r^,:- .,' •

l>r, null Mrs, Mills Viit^etnlned thePiiBllme Club at their home Thum-

liiHl.ilr«. JOHuphlnc DuCuo nnd dnugh-

tor Juliette of Kllznbeth nre guestsof Mrs. KUKene Hrown for tho boll-

ljte._So you'ro tho now principal of \ vVlli" mi -all<liiB Into town Missth. ftoo school! I hope you'll like . Edith Somers «n» waltln? at the P r "

nd stay with us ab^er l a h h Thntloy

Iny scniton.

Mr«. A.'W, Cutler ->f Or.'.nilnvpntic'spent two days ln»it WCC'K with Mrs.

on theao roado roads."Where was I at? 0. yea.

whon he was six miles out of N'orton* [ GVo. KanoiJHernt "hW'Soutlihome. .Mrs. Knnoune In In falllrii

^Placo, »H.,, and ".tar w i l l , ^ l ^ Z T S t i r t l u ^?l£™£"*ll«: Uie tost principal, .ho founded I and you might think I>w lien

the Mhool-MlBS Brown, from Boston, | could Imvo covrcil tho distance onrou taow-and .ho bided horo for . ev . . toot by then. &'.,». - ib faci I M W C Seo and twenty years unUI Doo Bont-11 forgot to "tar sent her homo to die. Couldn't do j stunnedtnothing for her. h» said, and that's f

had been

"Of course, whon thoy flrst started

I In tbo roid from two In tho morningI until half pint eight. Also, ho had abroken shoulder. So you soo peoplewere fiotnowhat harsh whon thoy Bald

thUBchomo for teaching tho poor j ho oughtn't ttTtmvo gone, or. If ho had.whites reading and writing, there was I gono, ho ought to havo been back onwmo feeling against It In this section. ; tlmo.A crackor ought to fcoep hIs place, I | "Ming Somcrs wnltod with tho bridaluy and not to go npolns tho loarn- ' party from noon until a quarter post

of us fjunlltr folks But Mis9 ' ono Th t f h hyf g p s o r n

Ing of us fjunlltr folks. But MisB l h

q r postono. Then tier father took her home.Qnd an h l t th«"u. mini uur liunur tuujt ner Dome,

Brown—well, sho was a fine lady and : and nn .hour later thoy wore speedingI reckon sho got us nil convoked long i i a their car out of Xortonvllle. 8hebefore Doc Bontley sont bor homo. never went back—I guess aho was too

"Doc Bontley, did you aBk? Yes, 1 proud. Her father took bor ' to Palmhe's been •"*" •"«"•"- ' " "'-*• '-

fOrtuno | n t),0 p Q n | c y c n r .t h i h


when ho passes you. raaybo, for h« j courao you know Jim Somora lost hislen't ft man to talk about hlmsolf. So.teeing oa I know his story and all; theother folks In tho- place have got Itwrong, I'll tell It to you.

"Flvo years ago.«poo Bentloy waspracticing In.. Zforto.ivJIlo, a hundredmlleu across tho iftountalnB yon dor.Ho'd passed out of coll ego somo threeor four years then, and already ho'dmade quite- a reputation among peoplethere. You know Nortonvllle, you say,MlssT Yes. I've heard It's a flno city*And has a wholo lot of rich peoplethere. Doc Bentloy was consideredthe best doctor there, and ho used tobe thick with all the society folks IDthe place. He wonn't reserved then,like be Is now, but'jolly and lively,they tell mo—a kind of overgrown boy.He Isn't so very old today, except In•oul.

"But for all his big prnctlco Bentleywasn't tho man to nacrh ip tho poor toffet a bigger fee. Many and many acase he treated for nothing, I'm told;ho'd keop the biggest folks In Norton-TIIIB waiting In Ills receiving roomvhllo ho was giving free treat moat tocome poor colored woman who'd gotlla to Bee him fir at- And that's howhe came to grief. - - -

"You seo, Miss. Doc Bentley WUH en-,*aged to be married to Miss EdithHomers, tho only daughter of old JimBomors, who built tho railroad from

p c y c n r . Thoy Boldtheir empty houso at Nortonvllle, andthat was tho last nnybody hoard ofthem. Just faded out of people'sminds. I heard MIHS Sotnors took upmis H Ion ar twork or something' of thatsort afterwards. And to think that nnold negro mnn with a cruBhcd choetwas at tho bottom of It nil!

"Doc Bentley had to leave Norton-Tlllo; of course. Wo learned bis storysoon after ho got hero, but I reckonnobody holds It against him. Anyway,he's a powerful good doctor. But don'tyou believe what other folks eay, for,a s . I'told you, they've got It wrong,MIea. , • . • • . ' . ' ,

"Well, I must leare you here, forI've got some shopping to do. Butwalk straight ah end to tho turn andyou'll sco tho school on top of thatrlso. Good-mornlnp, doctor! This latho now principal of— You know her?

"Carry Myers, come hero! Comehero! There, you'rn too Blow! You'vemissed It! What A\A I BOO? Why,Doc Bentloy.kissing tho new prlnclpnlof tho Proo school In tfco middle of thostreet, :as bold as brass, and—looktWhy, .they're carrying,_on as If therewasn't another human being In thoworld hut Just themselves!" ... . .

(Copyright, 1512, t>y TT.-'G. Chapman.)-

Mm. Nancy Dill of Grand nveni.rottirneii from the Onnsvllle S.in.itorluin, where sho had boon for rclaxatlon nml trentment the imnt monthon Friday, very much Improved.

The Misses Allen, who were th,purchasers of the Wm. Stewart prop-»rty on Mnnro Ftrc't. at the rcconp tysnle.th

r ftrcct. at the rsold the houso nnd



_ "Doc Bentley, Did You Ask?" -

.. -.Claflln clear ov«r : tlinao inoimtofns.••••Tho day was sot for tit el r marriage at

th£f Prcsbj-terlan church. .'And you'd_,,nayeJj!9.V|eJlL.ll!1L^..ho;.dJiav«jjot...up..".a

little"on his "practicing,""with" his \veU-dlng^daj- only a few hours off. 'Hut, hodidn't. He worked harder \\VA\\ ever,and peoplo said that, likely as not,ho'd forget \vhlehy;\vas tho day andremember only which wasn't.

* ' "The night before his marriage a. call^came over the long.diHiance.tcle-/vlpbono from Carters, which li«s eight:

"•ea-mlles south from Nortonville, liitho midst of tho mountains. A negroman had beeji^rusiidd by a wagon and*he was tho'^nearcst doctor. Would hocome at once? If he didn't tjiero'dbo ono llfo to, set against Lhe Suanyho'd saved when they ofiiiio to. audithla book of life on judgment day.

.._'._ receiver;.and_cnHed^to his imin.^SaddleJ^"™riiiy*HorsoT^in:r'rlie'''fiaidr"'''rrii going to• rldo to Cnrters.' And, seeing that

nothing he,"could say would stop him,Jim saddled tlio horse, and Doc (Bont-ley reached1 Carters nt < midnight' ani^saved a Mfc • j "• ' ' r : r "

"It had been downhill to Carters, butIt was uphill going back, and.eighteea

::,~:; n^lejcunon^ a . . t | ^flvo~libur3 of twenty-four, when "themountain^rcsiis-have become rushingstreams, and especially when yourhorso falls aitd breaks his leg in twoplncjia. Doc Bentley rose up from thom/tdy ground, looked at tlie animal;

. ^ ^ ( f ' i i r o w his revolver from Ills pocketto put It out of Its PAIII,. Then he re-flected. 'If I enn euro a mail's brokeii

* : l e g I reckon I can c.uwj a horse's,' heLJ;:;;J •Hatd.:*oihtinsfi]f.';anjib,-r«11f?'J-tlie beast I.1

Indian Legend That Accounts 'or theTree That Is FounQ'ln


When the chiof,- Aaonlmo, who pre-sided over the trlbo of'Indians thatdwelt on tlio bunks of tlio Bomba-hook,'was'struck dead by a thunder-bolt, tho people of tho trlbo burledhim' near tho banks of that stream.And thoro today, near Hallowell. Me.,over tho spot of hla grave'Stands the,smoking pine. • This Is the story thoIndians tell of tho origin of this tree.

When the first white men came tonhabit this land they found tho In-

dians a Btrong and sturdy race inhabit-ing this new country.. To them thowhite men brought vice and disease,and soon tho Indians' nntivo strengthand vitality-began to obb. They:grewfeeble, lost their fc-rmor hardihood andvigor, and were soon unablo to copewith tho moro powerful stranger Int h o I n m l . J^\\ \ ' • • • • • . . •

Chief Asonlmv'Eaw this and warnedhis people thai tho GreatvSpirlt hadspoken their fato, which was. to bothat of <i destruction. Ho counseledthorn: not.:to join In etrlfo with tho;wh.!te-man,i';bitt.to call"hlm^lat6coim-'ell and to enioke with him' tho pipeof peace. \ \

"I am BOOH to die," addod tho oldchief, "and whore my body^Ies theroshall arise a Kro.it plno whlcH^shal!-.,forever-smoko nV a token of eternal ]peacci between tho red nnd tho whltopeople.".

thereon to ex-Mayor Aycrs, who •engaged In tearing It down nnd wll,remove It to his recent!-, acquire'!lot adjoining Sheriff Barker's resfdonee, nnd re-orcct It thereon nshomo for MmHclf, The tract mad.vncntit by the removal of the build'IHK wilt »e embraced In tho houn(Juries of J. C. Allen's residence tracinn) Itcautiiipd by shrubbery, statuefl.foiintnlnH, etc.. and made onetlio 'attractive spots of the town.

U* Tho announcement of the death1 Thofl. II. Hr.uii. of. Plane atreot,Sunday ir.wrnlntr. enme. a s ' a .surprise10 our corniininity. While Mr, Dranihud \)i-ptt In falling licnlth tho paslf«w moniliH, his dally .ippeurnnco onthe streotM waif noted and no thoughof lllH suilnou iliMiiia',* etime to his asaocl.itc.".' Hi; .wan uut IUHL Thurdda^anil tho seriousnoHH of his conditionwas knnwn only lo a few, Ho crimeInto the l)ii."lno»» Hfo of our town Inhis early trmtiliood about 50 yoarstmo as nn expert carriage trlmnmr,v hen tlie'industry of carriage mam:fieturlriK was nt Its helnht, and frona trimmer he graduated'to ' tho bus!IH'KH nnd'for many years carried ontho mnnnf.'irtiirltiK of carrlapcahullt up finite n trade in Cuba, andmade Hdvcnil bn.HftK.'Hs trips to the Islands. With the Influx of tho ma-rlilm; iimde vehleleH, tbo Industry Inhurnc-riinde carriages declined, an''a liiisincHH thai at one time «av(Ifnck* ttHidwn promlnuiice was vir<tnally wiped out and with it zzrrnthe retirement of the men that hacImllt It up, amnriK thorn Mr. lirant.Ih.' ivnH about ".". yearn old and fortli!- jmst decade lutil lived a quiet,unuwauinlnt;. reUrod life at his lioine,Mi- 1** survived by his widow, twomme, Frank and John: find.,..twod.-iUKhivi-h, Miw Kiln, of the posiolllcf.'.staff, and Mrs. Jits. Jtlchnrds of -NewVork, Funeral services, with FlowDr. Mitrtyn nflic.Iatlnfr. wil \>n he!tndny, with Interment in Union com

Penpom* ror/Di;N.

Alowdur.is suftcrinL'b

dur.is stif-fi m bronchitis.Mr. and M r s . Calvin WUluer ...

tt-rtainod their children on ChristmasDay.

I'n>r. fiinelmrt and family arespending this Wff\i- with friends InV c w n r k v " " - . • • ' J.?.'

Mr. a tut Mrs. J. D. Starker, as Htlndr annual custom, entertained theirhiliircn on Christmas day. . .

Miss Ilaoliol Klnnuyrnnn of tiltI-Vanklln • school, is" spending hollda.i

U with her parents here.. J, C. AcK-t>nnfin of Detroit.

Mi'-li, Is vi.«h!nK her son. I:o1j.:-rt Iiiolavorth. and expocts to remain in«• K:ist several months. •*'.-:"The Pntuilon: th.* World's 'Meant.ffisu.s' Loynlty To Ills MessiiK'the topk- for Sunday evenin

jtwdrth IJjaKUL' n.oetlnir..\lrt-. M. Dell Starker : and son r.;-rth'd nn Sunday tr> hor home' inidFtt'ficId I'nrk, .-Ht.-i- spending- a-fk'with friend-? in •this village.Twenty of Julia Kurd's friends

«.iihert.-d iit h'-r home Tuesday even-IIIK n> help celebrate her birthday. Atii'-e supiier was served and a foatun?ivhh'li partlcCilarly pleased tlic chll-Iren was a laryf: birthday cake, doc-:irated with six li>rhtrd candles, rop-rost'tnini,'. Julia's a.ire.

Caliroi-nia Woman Seriously; Alarmed"A short time ago I contracted a

severe cold, which settled on myLint;s and caused mo a great deal'ofnnoyance. I would have bad cough-ng spells und my Kings were so sore

and Intlamcd I began to he auriousiyularmed. A friend recommendedChamberlain's Cough Remedy, sayingahe had used it for years, I boughta bottle and it relieved my coughtlio first night, and In a week "I wasrid of the cold and soreness of mylunKs," writes Miss Marie Gerber,Saw tell t>, Cal. For sale by all dealers.

Sharp nre ill.Prank--Beirnii

wool; at Chester.Mi E T

d a y



afterRrldge. t

Hurry Tnpi"£jr °f New Yorkii litest nf-it.-i0n(ls hcre-'a fewrecently. V

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goetchins aV hildren have gone to spend the

' 1 p a r t i : ^ : ' : 1 "

dy,two'- weeks' stay at , High^ ' '

"•few day

ilecldetl to loavimove on westward. ~.

On vIsItlnK their' belovedAsonlmo's grave to bid him

tlio lamLand •esided . here

Chfeflast '

1U I with^ierVmoLher. for many yours and• | wiis a i \a) live ..member of the churchfef and Sit.ffAV school and had many

farewell,' they behold, with nwo andwonder the"complete, fulfillment of hisprophecy. Thero stood a- beautifultall plno from whoso leaves and ,branches a.hnzo of smoky mist was j,constantly rising1. ITonco It Is that'from that day on this treo haa beencalled; the 'amoHIti's^p!ne.~Cella K.

IKJS fii'(!."e. Sho was the onlydiiuwliter/-of- Mrs. Sue Ort, who for-merly. iGsided in Washington., Thet'nnoriil: was held at her late home inMiddlo::Valley-'on Wednesday. Deathwasi duo to spinal meningitis

j Ort was l years old.

•COLDSStrange Guests at s St. Bernard_-_v- LAii enormous flock of swallows wan '

overtaken by a heavy snowstorm^ nearthe famous hospico. ot St. Bernard intho Alps iast^xlnterr^A'vo Marla-.tales!' Whon the" good ^monks saw

If your head is stinted up and youh d ld ikl thavo a bard cold you can quickly got

rid of the misery.First, look after tho bowels; any

good"ca thar t ic will do; then brea the,, . , ,Bootli^,- HYUAlidli-Hwliich promptly

tho blrda they., opened, tho doors and "k i l l s g e r m - l i f e and heals the mcui-

bulldlriBi"that t h e ^ ^ n c - _ •„ i v . . ^ . . ^ . : • - .

the little hard rrubbor inhaler, andJust before going - lo bod at nl^htdo tills: Pour a scant tcaspoonful ofHYOMErinto a kitchen bowl of boil-ing water, cover head and bowl withtowel .and breathe for-j several min-utos tho soothing, honling. vapir Jljjitarises,' Tills treatment Is. also.^tiiH"t'or sore thi'nat ami Ciitarrh. Com-plete HYOMRI ouUH,baler, $1.00; extra bo

wlndows ,

ihelter.-- • (

All the rooms were crowded'1 withthem, thousands remaining until aun-rtse. The nexlpday proved flne andthe guests pursued their wtiy towardItaly., This Is vei-y pleasant to learn,but It s-Addcnn one t o . k r ^ ^ j t h a t avast "number of less forunaTe^bird:failed to reacli' tbgjjtosjiicft and "Worefou^.dead .iii..thR^!iow b^:the;,tPndfirr.heaWed;bro"QierH.^_^^r;^.L:C^-I-^^

t, ln?Uidin[; *ln-iiUK'^'IC jiieodt.'d,'--'--- HoTisir^l'hrir-

reCund "your

CoMpltmente oftbe Seaedn

To All

TriendsandPatrons—present andprospective

I .hope you had a Merry Christmas;and Mvish you all A HAPPY, PROS-PEROUS NEW YEAR!

My Holiday trade was much largerthan I expected for which I thank the

If you have forgotten anyone, or wastoo busy before the Holiday, it is not toolate now to buy,gifts, and I can ..assureyou that your wants can be filled here 'to

. Yours for reliable Furniture, Carpets,Rugs, Crockery aria Ranges,..

A:, G. RINEHART42 East Washington Aye. (Siwct:ssor lo Hiti <3f Rineharfy


NEW YORK WORLD•ally a Dally at the'iVico of a

Weekly. •

>"o Other Xcwspaper In the World"""f!iVe*",So'Mncli nt So Lou- a Price.

This is a time of great events and 'you will want the news accuratelynnd. promptly; "The. Democrats." for'tlio first time in 16 years, will have .the ...Presidency. ...and. ...they...-will, -also —control both branches of Congress.The. political news is sure to be ofthe most absorbing interest. . .t ' Theve' Is a great war in the OldWi>rlf[; and you may read of the ex-tinc.tljri of the vast Turkish Empire

jy{"E'irope, i'ns't as a. feu* years ago'yutT'i'erid Jipw Spain lost .her.last ,foot.-..of sol! in" America," after having ruled''tiitt:: empire'-or 'half- the ' Now " World.'"'

The World long since established arecord for Impartiality, and anybodycan afford its Thrloe-a-Week' edition,

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***L i-srories, humor, markets, cartoons;P,rt \ l-in-fanr •• -*>,y.».rytJi'.hlE:-••-that .-::.iS™tO-tbO:;~"^'^"Vd'iihd"' "in" 7i6ilrsUcIass daily. . •.-•:,- ••

THE TtiniCB-A-'WEEK WORLD'Sro(jular";subscrii)tion' price is only $1 .per yeHV, and this paya for' lot; pa-iwi's. We offer this unequalled news-paper and The Washington Star to-i.'.Hhor for one year l'of $-.00.; The retrulur subscription price,, oi

the two papers/s $-.50. :"•--•- ' ..

......«....^.-?««......>> e e


! NEW YEAR'^RESOLUTIONSS? RESOLVE th:.t you will give a Isrgor share uf - ~

your patronage", to " the big, general "store of





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still ffiving satisfaction; ought tostand for reliability._-_vCal|, write w^phpne,

Page 6: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …


\SUEHIFFtiIn Chancery of New Jersey.

Between Michael Shannon. Complain-ant, and Prance* U. McMnntman AndJoMi't'h McManlman, defendant*.Fi. Fa., for »a'»of muritfatfvtl prtmi-.!"«—• \V. II, U'AI.TllKS, Solicitor.By; virtue of the nbnv«- s tat t i iwri t

to me directed and delivered, issuedcut of thu above stated court. I havelevied upon wild will vM*uitc U>r mW-t t public venduu on

Muuilny, Decrmber UU. 'Itl-'.between the hour* ot IS m. and 5 |». nu,to-wit; At two o'clock In the after-noon at Hotel Windsor, in the Uor-oujih of Wanning ton. County of War-ren and State of N'ew-Jcroo', all thattract or parcel of land and premisehereinafter particularly dcfcrlbod situ

IllP Hiaraiimitntt#tar |LiniE FOLKS IN XMAS PROGRAMS• ' * i ( ^ ( i r i t i m i f l f r o m p i i p e l . f

Entered at the Posicitlce at Wash-;riKfon h» 8econd-clni*K Mftil Mn

Mother, Mfs#Kt>rd;

o* U t>try««>r. cwner.. AndriMvc, Local Kdllor.

WN.M'.VS H A T ' I S IN T i l l : ItlNln!

tlt.it with U'(t-

i I.otir.snn; fathir Jny. ;jmot lur . Miss HvUn Craft: nuntlc.

I \viiltnV»ro nnd Kn'theriiw Kox: 'chtl-ilrcn. Marlon Wnnif . Mttrirarei Vnn«Ktvft, CiyMiw 1-^lur." Helen Chanirtor*t KHznK'.b Miller. Marvin ykln-uor, Chale Uryan* K l W i l k l

A NewspaperEnterprise


son elevated to :hi'

party h,\vvii!it'th»-r

Frederick.'i Cm\wi:il2abtth -Cast-Newj Hiizat'-.iih •Whtttm

u;.!-.«: u v r i ' l n - r mul Ja*. C.u-iwr. •.the- Democratic* At :l*e dote vi The vntcrtninnu-nt.;

•tK-?.« ci niiiic. At! .iii 'n i i i r .Kr? «f t tw . j^huu l sot a box :

.•[.'f candy* and (wl.lliU'iiiil nrwenti*

WJJMJ Hit' (.ircM-iit czar of Ittit•rowiK'tl. "i:ilznbi'tli .Munm. nvotuitii »li>' liittl entered tlieIon of k'liriiiilhm.'u'its sent to

tin- ivnuiutloii

thence (3) alone a lini* uf other land*; mof Emma C. .Vannatta, south seventyr»nd throe-quarters i'efiri'es wont, two jchains and sUty-nve links to a cor-! Hi* vm\*tMr. •« F-rrmd.i. th?ner In the easterly edge of Drond' nor has :.ik->r; v-p iy v roJns v•treet: thence U> by the easterly .'due • .of said street north twelve degree*; . • , - ,. , ,west thlrty-une feet and Blx Inche*, rr.ovo tf thf pcHu'Ians icto the place of beginning, containing! rule ot ir.e- £t;iie out of thflftecn-hup.dredtha of an acre, be the \ t i l (>. j,OOp),v jf


name more or let**", subject, however.;to the right and privilege of Km ma j *'C. Vannatta, her holre and assigns, to \ a " :*fry sUt- TV.cn:enter upon said land for the purpose j u O , i . Thl« -hov\of keeping open a drain or ditch that? ) s * \ * ' . i m > ">l0tt

carries oft the water from the cprlng ' l ) r i11 LIU

upon the landa of said "mma C, Yfln-j lie .«atd:natta, In accordance with a certain' ••] nnvi* breaervation made In a deed of convey-'ance of said land by said Emmn C.Vannatta to Chrlstluner Selnai.ton..dated April 1, 1B03, and ie recorded! liraS affair* o ' :hIn Warren County Clerk's otllce, in j , , , , . „,., ,•"'., .„ 1BBook 176 of Deeds for s.ild county, onpaff?fl 82,' etc.( diid ~i9 the "same . prom*Ises described In said la<*t mentioneddeed of Emma C. Vannatta to Chris-tlaner Selnanton, and Is the samopremises described in deed of convey-ance by Chrlhi.aner Selnanton to Jo-seph McManUnnn. dated October 21.If Of, and recorded In the Clerk's ofllce

-of tne County of Warren. In Book'Vol. 177, on pages 333, e tc Being the-same premises conveyed to Samuel P.Wildrick by Joseph McManlman.by deed dated Oct. 26, 1906. and re-corded In the Clerk's oftlce of the! ,iw;\rt*County of Warren, In book of Deeds* • jutvf: p182, on ])ages 213, etc. j • , v '

•- Seized ;'a« the property of the de-; '•'*• -Xtl

s in un

! and Kin ^Vm.chc Yr,wp*r.rpr.Svd b>' ni:nu-r- J K^i;n-.'th Kritt* a.ifl Ghuiys Woi>5:cr.> whether I would; lv[ii> rfpri-scni-.i Mr, .tnV..'Mrs, **t«-;tcr-'.-.*' T, :*-.<• poli*iv,.-ns and children: J;i.<. Shitfer. A po-st.u.- iiftrr :it..«t:r.>; Hcfinan: Erma .Vhss,1 a maid: Cliftonrr-.'suk'r.i. utiil yi'tj Donnelly, Uncle- SHU:, and K'lSM'U

ilti1^' in-j fiii.'siiis ^s satitii •••'"iaus. The mainArr.< i! ;hi;; ^itaracUT was ^^woll Fox. who WMS

. vxiilioitlyjjio admirable a "double-" of nussvlltb.uvlK- m«-.i wlw ft»rni'-rly control- HiBptn* that h«' w.w mistaken for!v»l and ai.-vr.'.Uu-d fur politic wvti-j santrt CUtn* nrm ^.iiJ-fnu-r .ly tv.i»

I r


vAUl,Vtv?.ors of

th. , • -l- i" t



^ :. m nat i-

p t h e l r . c p p o r i u .their fontrui. and wore vxrwt lflnd it. What I then sail] hasJtbu:ul;uitly v^rilU-d by \vh;-.t !i;tsP'-xt'd in ihv ' in tervaL • 1 an; 'K

of. thv fact that ihts<-0 l i t t i - respoc: for • 'ho

Jurso-y "tha: th

pt,,*],.,! Santa'sf: u1* T!i» cantata st.'.r:-:d wlthfccen| a u c t i o n ' a n d cponin.- ct.cT'.rh

-ky hail nmluirlty to jrriiniinti. thf church, but only tn w-

,' tain [ti-rsmi- citniift-teil wlih tin* fcr-Ilt- MM tlie ycmni: \vn-

innti that li «'«.•. pn.-siblo for him to >p-

tin* curi* tnken in ki't'p t>tit !in,v imt1

who ytimth! l-e prt'st'tit fo«* I'"1. i"tn-«.<(.of •if.in-'iltintion, If lu> sltmitit ihliult

S(w<r. IV-x. Mrs. Wni.1 lit-r initl it wore illscovrri'tl tin' :utwould be punishable "either with tUwth,ur life linprls-omiu'iit. !

I-Xi/tibfth hi'sitnted to nccopt siu-li !irisl; for ihc yo«»ir limn. But tlier.' i-;in wmiiiiu mi inlH-n-iii ik'sire lu put theilevotl'iti *'f man to tlie IOM. M* he mill,him she w.iultl accept'his offer. Mef-nvMse ijiilte ri'alizoil what .«be wns II.MIILshe lifttl pincwl httn In Jeopanly. 'I'ln*nt tempt wfis uii-sticct's^ful, mul . t*»i* ITwere nrro>ii'il.

IVrtunateiy the Anifdatn mini-'erwas pre-ent nml leanii'il that cue "1*tii> rotiiitrywumen 1I:M1 emlwivnrctl inftVt an fiifrJUH'i- to the ciTi-nn*ny !>l

MlnLtiLr Kctn Jail Scnienw.llov. llurry K. Fuller of Fleming-

ton, pactor of theDnpt la t churchwill bi« limited to mich • proiiuiiInK ustho offlcors nt tho Cbnrlos Btrcct JailIn notion, am willing to permit forthe next 30 days. , Tho Uev. Mr. Ful-ler went; to Uostyn, put up nt theCommonwealth Hotel, nnd when heran short of funds, fruve the hotelni:innpomcnt checks on tho l?lcmtup on Nnttonnl Dnnk, which irovedto be worthless.

Thu minister was charged withliavinc frnudulcnr'y procured enter-tainment nt a hotel nnd pleaded guil-ty. After the fnctd of the enso weretold, J mitre Murray naiU to the dc*fondnnt:

"Are you ft minister of tho soy-pel?"

Fuller said h e win P. tlmt ho bulonu*od to tho Baptist church nnd camefrom Flcmlngton, X. J.

"^ou must be a pretty poor minlater," tho court returned, and whileho spoke he tnnrked tho papers whichread that the clergyman was sen-tenced to tho common JatI for onemonth.

On Nov. li, Fuller registered »tthe Commonwealth Hotel as HnrryI!. Fitlter. New York. The wiinu ilayhe went to tho Y. M. C. A., when* I"-1registered, but. prefixed.his name'with"hov." While nt tho hotel ho ranup n, bill for $32 and then pave twochecks on the Flemlngton NntEomilBank vt New Jersey. The cheekswere fu'lcklv returned r.mrked worth-

The Largest•-• a n d - " ^ •:•••••;

Freshest Stockof

Drugs andMedicines

r; ir.trc*by th«


' • : trflar. t Jar.d taker. !R j recut icr . at the I1"eult or the complainant and to be sold f>;«r cash by •

U'lLUAM A. HENDERSON, • TSheriff. ! '

Dated: Dec. 3, 1912. U pPr.'s tvt JIT.20. • j it

'k i t i to pnu*'Tiu=y wlii<.->• i-aniu-t .

EXECUTOR'S SALE•!'• the-nly ruin the party

out •.'* [•y*v. tluT^fort,

t i i l u l t

:lf-y .-huiihiovcr control

put itEv.;-rv

1 ; i r ,] Stevens!j i l tid ohtldrvi;

,>;:titl.>d "Sat::,!W;i* follow, .1

as-.-M^'T. !!cr..- i l lch- ' ' 'orruptini: uu ollli'lnl nndwidth Mrs!" Stcven.»| him-i-lf in tho ui:it:i.T. It iVaitt-d iho arrival .,?i 1 mimtl> forhl l i ) to coinincc ilic

lAM\i Trolley Co. Wins Suit.The Kiicton & WnshlnKton Traction

Co, has just wun a favorable decision;i>:;iinsi thf Hrnnn Plstor.", upon np-pral frmn a v.-nilct In the I'nitetlStates district court last spring.

j Tht- Hrtmn .Sisters sir*1 brokers ofJXvw.-York. They sued for 51S.000

•* 'which they claimed su» com mission**fcr i.<bt:iinlni: a loan from tho bank-

; liisn (.if Ilrooks »t Co.Tb- eaf.' WHS tiled nt Trenton ami

the plaintiffs were non-suitod. Thc-yril'l"'''!1'11 -'tid Jiul^e Mi'IMierson heardtin- i-nfv in the I*. S. Circuit Court nfApp'r.ils. Me .ntllrmiMl tho jinlcmrnlnf th*1 !<i«er I'nurt In ri'iuleritiK :i noii-stilt. ' .

L*i-ot. his arrivaljt-r<i<l a son*-* I

CHOICE STOCK | i f i r n ; ^ ZAlterera!1 - M r.U ' i ' i i : * -



- ; ; . . • -


i t h e in

\ Kail I-

i would

:ui whim 1

•en <e!i. Tliii'I 1

liflelit a n d h e r on ly o l . Je - t iva< \»a ri ' imi1: nf tin* coronat i ' - t t ' n ' r e 1

;u iii; AiiJcri '-aii journ.-il , Ttt-'ii

oi-i- l . i - r»1" | ' i i runv s l .e U'linii-il th.-iluV.- fitr h e r II:M1 itf

.e Mt"h a ten'M'Si* i1^' .t h e i t i int 's «>f Kiir . i . in

An rnuaual Opiwrtunity for Con- \ vs- :;::C1.-T:-.:*.sorvutivo Investors. •\th-.t- th-y

The executor of the estate of An- j *''/',drew J. Cummins, deceased, .will of-: <'r'^"-'- -1*1

'for for sale at auction, at the' Amerl- j :"-(- l ' ' ' t i r j

can House, Hackettstown, N. J., on

n 'thV iiiv.

.'..---- AVednewlay (' January S, 1913,a: 2 o'clock ""p. m.'.-.Lhf1-. following: .. '

50 shares Haekeustown National1 Bank stock. • '-"•10 shares Newark Consolidated

Gas stock, par $100.3 shares Hudson Co. Gas stock,

par $100.20 shares New Jersey Fire Insur-

ance Co. stock.The Gas stock and New Jersey Fire

Insurance, stock are tax . exempt inNew Jersey.

• , •••• I t • w i l l . - b e " O i i e r e J - I n - i u l s » d u au iL. small as well as largt; investors.

• ' PHILETUS .P..-OUMMINS,' " . . Executor.

Marvin A. Fierson, Auc. 12-19-3:

I wh|. h hr.v.-- •j inc. the past

•swimf my'di! '•£ th'" .ProaI P..motTuti..- i

iif,. . l i : S - I• T h - --Insin'.- i h i . -' T h - j .Dnv .,!'.; A!! ;h<-

TlJ--- In-. A'h" int l ;• fi-i

-•:•]•:'• >.>

',.. '-.'it; T'lnd .hi.-rf- ••N-

np—not ;nv .-.r'h'ji.'try O!";hir.L* fonnOi: r ivst 'sh '- . j .s ..liirir.i: :'n- s!>vfial pricv

( .a so"n—bin. r.;-r "rr-uV-.-:.1 :;*-«• Fal l

•TAll) IN I T L U "'FT'Fuller""Has. '

Al! W.T>





• • • • " •• " J A M E S W . LENT~"""""~ :'"'Beroardsville, N. J.

l• lh , . |.rliiti|.l.-

. Mht-r. \ , . , . , : , v n . ^

l M i m , ! r . , s r ,n , j


;nr til,- ••«•]

in in* party

l upon this

*.v -Causi


; has rrnakc->

id O H - !

'%Z?-G*ivT2\ TO SHOW CAUSE.Warren Orphan's Court.

September Term, A. D. 1912.Upon the. Application of "s

Eugene L. Scharrc-r. { Onler toAdmiiii£tratori?of the '

._..; EstaLv .uf . Juuub . H. . . .Scharrei\..,.Decetised, , .

•" '" Etipene LVScharrer,"'the' admi'nistra-T""'tor of the estate of,.Jacob H. Scharrer, \ • 'deceased, having exhibited under oath i ifa Just and true account of the per- j ti,Bonal estate and debts of said dec-vas- ,.;:

•'.^ae fur as he can discover the same, j n ' n l ' ' >...•'"_••h'te't'by It appears that the- personal! ri'^r'th of his.tate of said Jacob H. i c n a r r e r is 'in-j ;hir0 o: his

t h a t .!<•i:: iu\:


the otfict-

iv—i: wiil nv

1 d o n e i actual vain.-. n>.: .0r!:; v T - Boys' f-'nits :-li" u1 a \ t16 i Brown—Jtctuar. valU'• '->£"! Boys' Su iu . .ftii - '•«: a r c * ! Brown—.icmal vnln'V " ^ | Boys' S u H i ^ a l l

ict't-ss-! R,,VH' Suit." t-.tl;wi.r*agi>. j r;rown—.'-.ftua! valu-

-- «i-

- -*S ' , 0 .it !C Pf., ^ ; ' , G r a y - a n d

r JT.r.O—at 55,5w o o l a n ( 1

$rJ.aO—at $5.25.i in. G r a y , aS*i—at 54.25.


m U n y l l t ; whertiipon , . . . . ."on ai.n>lieatlon of said Eugrene L. I JSt-harri-r.-aettlne forth t»at . iiie said j T

dvceasiiil dit-d scijind df-renl estato (r.! Mrthe Coumy, of,. Warren,. and...requests ;.,Hin;tj,e"~a.ia"~oi- tne ••Court™in-tne -premises' 1—• It Is on this sixth day of December. '"'-TA D 1912. ordered that all persons! tlK.-

d I t h J a ents and


; . • Tan l - of Thanks .

j ' \V(- (if-pir*1 io ton<lor our h-.-firifoltI thnnkp td nc*lKhlKir*--1"iir.(l fjitnds forI ih*1 i-iinfinf-f1? ,«hnwn. (hiring the-illness

and afiar t i i- death of husnnnd andjvf:v.hrr; :.. .KV Air»i;tph. . ••. •••i . . • THE FAMILY.j • Oilifor.. N. J^«— • . .


.ppenr;everfihii'y. tso j

di i

A. D. 191Interested In thevJana?, tenem

• r e a l ' e s t a t e Of" .'aid deceasedbefore :Uie Court at the CcurIn Belvi<lt?re. on Friday, theday of February, next. ato'clock in, tht.< forenoon of t h a t y ,show ca"u"c," ;if any tnev Iiiivc, whv so jmuch ur the Und tynoments, hefedi- ilaments'n:iil" real estate of the said do- jC( f-ed phould nut bfi sold as /---.ill beMifllclctit to pay his debts, or the resi- !due th*jrc.>f, as the cuse may require.Let this Order be published ir ; The^ ashlngrt 11 atar, 1 newspaper .of \th»County of Warren. • ., .--- ----.;.- -


willi -Mr. Knlnc-r fan ;.r«i

I anas tf\.- t:c-',;;iM



i rjt-i^ • ' " .


"dir..- o\;r r.pprr-ciatiMn, ruifl to cordial-ly thrink. all who in any way be-lYiviKitMl DF afi.-r thi1' sudden death Of• ••.;:• nv th .T . Mr.-. H.--l»-ci-n Kinney.

" : Mr. and .Mrs. SAM'L KINNEYfsu'wan.«viilc-, >•• J . .

thr jrt.

JONAS'B. HAITI, Surrogate.

HARD COLDSWhen they first come, the best time to.break them up. One standard remedy—Ayer's dxcm/ Pectoral.' .'""

Sold for 7O years.

Ask' Your Doctor. L^i.iV"fc

krt r r

Got iho.1?--1 Xv',vthirty ami eet yi-nc> y(Tn don ' t .«Jip.

Ve.ir ropoliulon*:--Kim1'* shriip^rioo

ljjstentl ci '^biiiL' :o C!r.;vmn.-it'. ic-»r«'if:tif*- law - -.vrn-n lu- r.;tir<-.« from•n 'Wr r'WP'flent .TatY. will nws.pt a'rofcFSiiifJhip of li'.jv ' in Yul-i Col-

NeThf.- white llap nf .tpmr

istily wnvMl in Chicagochurch .f-federation mte t ih a annual eUif<iV>n of otli




"1fan ;

The union hnv•'t'Brlcn. Us secretn

"D«rir Pft]:—.1ohij T**iTii"'rant'i' Pj'11'•».,.

.; siiy a in ' t Me mi barh !(c sxomi. It.

-no t at a%, hut atfi-3 of !!iir-

Nr.,"..|i. TIore'"is th«rjnient members of

reccivod from J. F.


« l 'Nfilion-'il Cosvontion tli;"_ '•'}{') -fhlnirs*;.

i)sTit-hr-fu-ti*(i as a bey who ynesthrnuph a piece of woods- at n'fphtrtwniptliner;- lie- pays the TJL'pnblicanp a n y <:a'nnr;t li(* killed. Tha t may betruo: b\it"~ipft" is (-riprtbid % r !if<:. it

Cm i;ii

Tim ,-,Vios

nd Mil t hoboo

- i'bim just"iik

Absolute wti faciwnn-~trua/ aniced ot moneyback? Jit// you •tmd us a it tal o'i-der?The)

• 0 -

W> uik.; it ,for ^rnnU'd that "Th..-3onBrf»Bmail's^ Sccrotary" ,.- knowsvhnt.hp. i*3l'taJHins about when, In nftiletter from Washington, • he statesthat he hf;,s been permitted .to pt;cp

''sk i's (it/ours •• • I t n t 0 t l i n Wfirren" county, political mir-

' Wm. :A.. Stryker sitting'-upon~ L 5 Z " * e r ^ . . H 1 ? . . l a " : b G n i " n _ o f , W { i r r e n . o n i i n > »"- Lhre« ycara-.ftnflMlirce-.lruatwfi .'.to1 •; - " V i - " I " " " - : " ""• "•-

_ • ('-< ho saw Jos. M. Tloaeberry In tho role arrve for two yearn, will be hold at lives vniifl laiuhia lliom in Sweden

\ \ orltl^ $fc 00 In auvanue, " ;;• . _ ; I prossmn^'Jiy^Jecrotary/' " j ^ v • ; , .] .^ . T !?^ t * ' . ^^NrjKRSON^^Soeretary.;1---; ' " : ' \ ' ^ "• . :"' **'

its . to drink,- .side 6t theiiir name If

riir«<l of. Liver Compliiint.

2Tic box of Chamberla in ' s Tablets,and nnv happy to say tha t T am com-pletely etiS*e'd and can . recommendthem to, every .one.". For sale.by. nildeitlers.' .'. . ,-. : .

sucli n M»

uer tHifiirttiiiiitf J c t'i". wln.si.- fat'

w^ri-»-Tliaii tl;'.iitb'."!i]i'l >h*» • (••"•>•>! i

fret' tiim. I •

I ' . m n u c i k - h i i t t c i i i p t c c m l i l b o si i - - - j

ci'ssfu! without ndiMiuatL1 prcparali'T. jShe •r*»*nrn*1'l to Aincricn. « IHTI' in 'us ' t ' .nf- hiT i i r n - t liml pni-pdci] her. In •[ '(lc*-il. lt.w{i« tiirpi-ly tlirmiL'h tht.' cft'nrt- jof the iniiltiinilluiiiiiirc newstmj'i-r i-hv ipru-K-r that her Uhorty had M*?vx\ "!'• }ti'ltiL'd. .She toll! him of h«r rt-.-uiM.-to fret' t?von«ky ii'inl '.'Ijiinied his intiu-ence and tlnnnclal support ID her ffiVs-T,Afti-r vainly, i ry lu^- to indvi'-t' her '•:*ri'linijnisli. lit.r intentiun lie ncr'M'd :•>liL'lp. her. At her s n ^ f s t i o n tit>. -..•-cured through the Hus-i:m :nnb[i^«:i.li.>-

his staff io invosii-j.'itt? tho Kara iniiio-and write an iH-«.-mnu for tht* Joii'-tiniWhen This .w:is tinnlly . accomplishi't!tinliiuitt><t mciins wVe^.j'lacud »i ><•;•

ropu.Olio morning a mthtT Meliofitoh -«r.

frauiy.f.'d t purson prti!?entod tlio K»MI-worthy "driU'r to tho {luvernor of KJHMnnd was admitied to the Inspection ntthe prisons: Not long'after that I>mitri Sveiisky wns transferred to tho "lYeocoiunmud" on die ground that ho »';i>afllicted with an incurable d b w eTlie free cottimiiml consists of por^'n^who for some especial 'reasoirare^pVr-

by iheniselves. Syensky wns nstoni<'.ed at thiis beinj;: trniisfervetl nnd <'<ir.i<inot divine the cause of sneb n fnvur.

Kenworthy. or. nitlier. Miss ,M(.ra:i.spent several weeks in making her in-spei:iiuu and writing Ii'cr report, wlii V,.she submitted to .the governor, l iewus much pleased tlm1; it fiave a vt<rv-

kindly, t!'(.'«tnient of the prisoners.One day Kenwurthy iipponred iti h -

carriage at the outer Konrd station uiKnra mid told the coinmamier that. In-desired lo p;tss out wilhont ii penultThe'cotuuiiMider was about io eypres-;a curt-'refusal when Ken worthy tin ml-

:;eti him stti envelope. The ollicer OJICM-ed it. :bu't before taking out the ^fin-tents saw tlmt It was a money order •>!seme kind. Without rymoviiij: ii In*saw. enough of-it to assure him lliiii-i!was ii certified check"'on u b'.uik inNew York for ?l0,O00- Ciosln« tho »>n-velope. •in; told "Kouworthy thai,:. In-iniL'ht drive on. Ilefore dinns s"t> K

.worthy 1'iid him that 'Ihe^iiext.i*vt.vii

some i)aiiiii's;"Teport's' on..t,hc.'cn:idjlii«:.O.LUK'"p'-i«<'in'i;s. wh,i(-h,ir"


.priKoiioi's of tliu ' f ree ' coin ma nd. lieeniled (in Svensky and made hhiiM'ttknown. . Svensky \\i-as thimderstnii-lv


Beware of Ointments for; Catarrh That Contain Mercuryi as mercury will purely ilcstrny tin' s-nse

of SMK'H arul i-fttiplftcly -l.T.um.' tl..-I wholf system when fiitiTlni: It tlir.itn.-ti; the mucous ^uifiiCN. Smii arttcl*-s •HlintiMI never bo u^rd LXIVIH . on [ir.-oriinioiisS Iroin r-'iMituM- |»li>'sl.-tiins, «s lh»- tiam.-ii;-.-! tlu-y will do. is t-n fcM to tlic uw\ y-u; cnii possibly ilvrlVf (mm Uniu. Hitli'd:' Catarrh Curt1, mnnsifiicttired by 1*. J-: Chenijy. & i'o.. T->l.'>li>, o,. contains no; morrury. and'Is1 t.-iUt-n lutfrnally. aotlni;' (Hrt-c'.lv upon tli.' Mood and imi''»ni* «i!r-

fares of tli>' «ystfrn. In biiylni: II.IH'Si Catarrh .Cur.: li'.- nur' .'itti B.>t th - IT.-IKI-i Inf. It 1* t.iki'ti lr—•"iiftlly and nia.l^ inI TYil.'dn. Ohio, by I*. J. Ci'.'^-.y . - Co.. T«.•!»-I'limimials fr-.-t-'. ,I Snhl by nriieeists. Prli^ "c p*-r t'Oitle.1 Take Untl's Family Pills (ur constlpailon.

Should Appeal toParticular Teople

JENKINS & MEEKERWnrrcn County Drug Store


Cunrantr rdFor ZS Y o uThink of That

Tells About Most RemarkablePiano and Organ Offer Ever Made

Timh Pinims aiul Orinins fatmnit thrmti>li..itlu-ui..l ,l (,,r pufiiv of

tone and cxrcjiiiimal LiMtn^qiuHucj, arc timv solil atthe lowest ptii'cs cvrr ijimtcdfur lii^li grade ituiniim-nts. Von r;tn buy

Direct from Factory At Factory Price111 m 4 Itlrj to a lult wt.it i!ri!r(> (lurcr. (friit.t \i-&U «i'b. 7>. ittf Cfi.i.h In >.-«. imrt l.omr--il htt




I" JhviAi- P.-tty. ••( ul.-v. Lnjf.-n.lant.-'.Flr-rl Fa.-lus. ll.-im n;iH''

i F.-linii.VV-4'.-nn. A. 1», If 131. Wjl.-im .^--^itinfk, .-i.iliyitrtr.

! By virtu.-- nf th.- nln.v.' s!iH.-«l writ,! to ir..--. t!:r«-» ti-a ami ilcllvffi-f!. is.-ued

I I'-vi.-.l iipmi* am! wi'll .'•xi>ns.-. 'for .-a!*.-; at .public vemhu' on| .>lo»4liiy. Jiintmr.v 'M. l!ii:t.• WLWcWi tl.o l.-iits of i : rn. uti'l :.f. m .

to wit: ill :' !>. in., at (IK- Ni-w WinO.^nr"" !, in "" - - -

conveyed to the -«aia 1-Mwnrd plo t i sby ileod recortjed in Warren CountyClf-rk's Oiiice. i;j Hook 121 of Deeds,pa^c-s 213 Ac. \*

'Mic socoiul lot h<-pins at the south-wevi (.:rjrntM-.. nf ihi> fmWl Plults lots andin a l in- i^'VmitiHift Gardi'pr's .land.

lot son Hi twt'hty-seven desfO'-s eastforly-sc-ven font nnd nine Inches tn atjurncr; thy nee (.'-) north llfty-slx dc-Krocs '.\-<iPt tliirty-nrno-rt'et-to n c o n i c rin line- of cither lands nf Adam W.CrcviiHim: thenco (a) north t!ilrly-twodcKi'ft'S east twenty-two feet and. sixInches to th t ; place of beginning. Be-in's the .same lands conveyed' to thesaid Kdward I'iolt.« by deed recordedJn: Warren ' ' County f o r k ' s Office InBook 132 rif •DeedK on pages 113 &c.

The third .lot begins in a lniie w h e r etho westerly line of Fisher avenueintersects thu southerly tine of Uindsof Jnnujs Nolan, and runninK thence(1) nlotiR- the northerly lint- of saidlane -south Cseventy n n t i threo-quar-tor degrees Vwest twonty-two feet:thence (2> north, flfly-aeven dofrreoH

..wDst:ont: hundred-anti ninety-two feet;thenr.e CO. north thir ty-throe and aqnnrfflr doprec-- r.-nst forty-eight foot:thence ' (-1) south flfty-ncvcn •••<lrprci).seartt onfs hundrurt" and flfty-Hlx fpet-tolinn of lands of -said Nolan, and thence•*5) '-rtlo'Vfc" .said -.N'oinn's.. laiid..L-':s<tiith'

'ihii-ly-twj') and a' half •"tii'grces. ;enstflftv-slx f fe t .and four InclieH tu--Uie

• place :oi 'b HinninK-^lSolnT .:i;ie-,s.-im(:'.b::.indn=rconyi!.vvd,,.tf). the .snld/^Jjilward

/County irjlerU's/pHIce jn , l}po\i 140 of

• • Selz'od-as-tn'c .-property .of.^.Liio •:.'1,(1-•fc-ndnntfl and taken In execution altli.-> suit of the fotnplHlnanl. nnd lo

'inl meotinf,' of thr plot own-lie" Kloomsbury "Cemetery As-i of Hloomslmry, N. J., for the

iniiliij^rfiiru lie wonld lind irWrrlnKC.

T^e liis!Viet \Viis l ieu wort iiy sloppinUih hit! i-iin-lJict' i t t t ho Kiite, tisindinn tin1"oWc-cr. stiitlotVfHl.^hurc.'..another ,S.in.|H«)_clie't'k "n'hil'ilrivliig on. Stoiisky "w'ns

A (•lmij'jeTftd...v(!Sfre!)Ava8 lit anelini i V tin'

Dated Dec. 2S, 1312.Vr.'n fee $^0.00.



Monuments |Call and 'Get Prices ,-.11

Star and •1Tlir'i':e-a-">Vcck New

" ' year-, inud-viMit^ :"

i.« it poor.-ul^tituti1 for goini work.We don't have to ujiuio^izc forpoor ivyrk ; insteuil, we listen tothe satisfii'ri H|iprovnl of our cus-tomer*. We eiaitn to bt* exptTt?'in the plumbing line.-antl warrantevery jcib wy handle. DoVi m-i*y^e umateur? or expt'rimi*ntfrs.

..,'f.iit u; handle your work.

J. H. Wildricktht- ?ft'riiuiry Piumbtr who uci-tthe necessary work.

"None Better in the World1

CV'-ttB Ir.'tfumcr.i h tn(!<•.!. T1;e i« irrairkjlilir I-.* uLrn j\f d i rnt lrvi» fj.-fi.rv, \U






k r d


by Ov*r

Free Book Explains AH. - •. • S e n d For It

, O:if nivr t'tUta* i

SubstitutionHas Played Havoc

P. O. Building •Phone 20-5:



Only S375, with Free. Music, OD Eaiy

WM.H. KEILLER & SOWM9-22I Northampton Street. CASTON, P>


with inaiiV a fainlly'si m.i.st c h t r -Ish'-.'ri, lor.g •plar.nrd hom-i be-

• caus..- tht-y fftllowfil the adviced rcmt- otH'-itk-fitl builder %vhotnouirbt pt-rhapf to Improve up-cn Nitturt 's own trlfd find testedmsiH-r!;i]—liimbt'r.. Th« .time to .L.".;aril (if.riiinHt disappointment isat the •start. Look around andinvL-stiKf't'* the framt! housi-a

. that, have bet-n sininUnK for aatmmyii.s ,",n yi.-nrt* anil' compnretiu'in with tlio^e conslriictud ofotiivr iniittrlals. Time alone isthv ti-al lost uf borne"1 buildingmate rials. t>ecauso yon don' t

; build; a lioint.- every ten years,and few pL-ople can aiYurd to ex-P-Tinient with fads or tli>oriea.Aft or making your comparisonsoonu- In -and see the nice, brightlumber .we have In atock and letus leil you'in actual (inures whav«r~

• a yood frame house wl I IT coatyuii today. Real facts are dead-ly to substitution. S'

"There's So Plate Like llonu

Allcger's Lumber Yard

.Volloe t>f Atinunl .'Me*tlnc. jThe nnnual meeting of the .nock- I

loklers of tho First National Bank1 ofWashington, K. J., will beheld on . i-•/ TtivNilnri Januury M, 1IUS, j

at tlu-tr banking house In WashinRton,N. J., for the purpose of electinpdirectors and the transaction of: anyother business that may come beforethem. Polls open from 10 to U a. m.12-14-51 ' 1J1> * Cashier. I

Dr. Horace LicHtyOSce Ovti Ridel's Stole, Ea.ton, Pa.

KriiiHiiHilii.n a/ llirKim/or thr/II-ui'll '»/ iilu-vr*.

.- . Hours S lu SI.

Accept bur hearty tKanks for your pat-ronage the past year, and our sincere

^ wish that the « .""'

May be the happiest1 and most prosper-ous in your life including perfect health

,.,.„. Sincerely, J . ftB,

Page 7: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …


Charloa L. Stryker, Owner.

anil a t Uieee Kern-stands: Miller's,Hc-oTa and ^VPfeiU'fl, .„ Washington:Weber's and Nolan's, llacketutown;MeWckii, HoKI.Iero; FIchtoI'B, O*ford: Tetaloj'B. FLUUpaburg; Skin.DOT'S. Port Ooldon. , •.'•

The Celebrated Scranton CoalAT RETAIL

., ; . September 2. 1912.At the D. I* * W, R. I t Elevated

Chuten. at head of the first rlRU-hnnd•treet &l>uv« New v.'jnd.inr Hotel. vErir . . . |e,00pertonBtove . - • • *>'00 Ppf I o n

'ChMtnutO::: H£ p " , t o n

p e a „ , •„. „• 4.B0 per tonBuckwheat 3.&0 per ton

Brat qualities kept under cover. De-livered to any part of town when rt-quentPd. on uaiiat terms.


Guy , Bros.' old-time minstreiB a i*coming hero on Jan. U3.

O. ProHton Smith hns been lnlfl upfor several dnys with the, grip.

The public schools are closed ihlfweek and will not reopen until Jnn.2nd.

Miss Currlc N. Shropt hnn beenconfined In. her home with, an ftttac.to f , g r i p . • . . * • • •

Tho A. T. Sherry '**. of Chansc-water pave turkeys to all Its cm-ploycea on Christmas.

Rusaell HlgBins Is afslstlntr In tht-delivery work at the local expriwoffice during the holiday rush.

Jan. 4 is thn dnt>> flxod for the an-nual meeting ot the Mansfield Vigi-lant Society. The 1'ort Murray hotelIs the place.:

The picture show entertainmentInst Friday evening, gotten up an abenefit to the firemen, nottcd th* de-partment about $30.'

Wm. White, who,died at Whartonlast week, was ti -bri/hcr of JamesWhitu of StewartnvillO'Vand FredWhlto of PhlUlpNbunr.

Frank Nixon picked a pansy onSaturday In his dooryard—and thencame the cruel »now and the end ofother aspiring panslea.

Mr. James II,j.Johnston entertainedthe choir of the Presbyterian church

doro avenue last Thursday evening.Petty thl-'V.'.s broke a sOiou-cm-: In

front of Hurry's ntnr* on Hulvldt'P*(tvimc CJII n r'-ivnt niitht anil gotnway with1 xeven ."hlrth and two fur

1 ':•' Mrs. On<.tr JffTvry <;uiitlinie;- it. ..ti

ink.' txi nnurishnioiiL'and th- \vimd',-rIs 1"1t»mt KM'- has survive.!, us .lorn- asshe lias.. Mrs.' Anna li;ul«i.-v h:is l.--n J"-ri-

ously ill fur' tnoru than a .wot-k :imlfor a tlm»' her condition WJW rnn^l.l-

"ered critlivil. £H- hac m-t-n sutf.-rhn.-

Tin; history of the .v-nr. romprlriiii:local event** cutiiiiliiMl from the ill.'.-of the .Star, will IK- smriiiil ntxi w.^k.Th.< iiiHtilliii'-nts will prub.ibly j-'iuthrmich three numbers, j

1 Th.i Wiishinptrtn •>rtmnion O-W.*-uiwill .hold a "el'-'Ht' u*i" ir.^'tinc i--- Inight to'wind up th* hmiwufi attn\rs\of th.- yttr . Th- n-u- C.um'll will ',mpct nn N-w V.'.-u-V ihiy f-.r »wi!ii- |zation.

A lirolo'ti driving nglut; "f til-- Htrmulsbn

Woaky Whltmore Is now acting asmanager of the Jewel thviitre. J

It wns n "whlto" Christmas, nnd amore beautiful day never dawn-id,

John U.iVrloB. at* a Christmas gift,pn-nenlvd hln family with a- IIIKII-irnt<li'-f*nrnlKh nlnno.—- - •-

It was stated In thu obituary noticeof Goo. II. Dniglcr th:»t his wife wits/lend, .Mrs*. !lriifc'l<*r I*Mill living.

Governor Wllsoii was 111 in bed'VinChristniHH day, !!<• caught cold afew ihiytt iigo and grip la threatened.

Collector U'm. liurd reports thaihe hue collected nbuUt (18,000 intax OH on this year's duplicate. ThisIs about 1l,W> bettor than Inst yearon liko date. . .

With two church cnUTiitlniru-ntstwo picture shows and a public dancein progress, Witf«hlngt'>n people wen*not wanting for sonit'thlni: to do onOhrtMtmas nicht . . . •-Under authority of the State Boardof' Agriculture, a "farmers' week"will be held at New Brunswick fromUee. 30 to Jan. 3. There will be avariety of Interesting lectures everyday.

Frank Prall ot Gladstone, who isknown In .Washington, is critically HI;>t the Summit hospital and IH not *x-FK'Ctcrf to recover. His father, I'dw.I'ral! of Knston, in with him M thehospital. . . . . , '

An aniom* ;Ue party consisting ofMr. and Mrs. O. T. Volet of Bayonne.Mr. K. R. GiiUVk of New York andMr, Geo. Tummo.'s of Louisville, Ky.,came to Washington -estcrduy andHpcnt the day nt tht- home of1 Mrs.T, II. Gullck.

Owtrif m til* holtilny next\\Vdn*-(-«day, the Star will again be issued afew hours later than iiMia] next wvelt.It will be an accommodation to theprinters if advertisers and corres-pondents send their favors as earlyin the week as possible,

Thomas II. Itrant will U; burled atIlachettHUiwn today. He died th'Tron Sunday fiftt-r nn . Mln«-.«« of thre"days from bruin fever. Many .V_.TS;igo ho conducted a cuirlaKt' luiK.now.Hin HacketLHtuwn.- If*. Ii-uves a wlduivnnd two sons nnd two daughters.

Frank lieydtr. after 13 years ofhotel, life, has sold lil.s hotel at Alla-mnchj* to Andrew Fox of Newtonami will retire on Jan. .1. Ilevder Isa member of the Warren countyItoiird of frnf-hrilflers" and intends to.continue his renidence In Allamnchy. \

In a vcrv clo^" earn*-, thf- basket- :ball tv.iin of th*- U'riPhlnuiott htuh Iwih.Mtl <lef»ntf(! rh*- Alumni by th-m'orf "f IS to in. Th<' ttiiin^ WHH\pljiycd in th" old W. O A. <'. rooms.At lliu fliil oi lUr iii.-l, j.i.Uiii..- Alitin- iniwfrf nh'-iiil, th" ?t-urr-- \<clnv s tf.T.-j

Johni.ODfii: NOTISS...

P. ICeyiiulds I'«»t, G. A.i d iiH , , M TIMHo vtTH. I

illy had 1U' numeshid, . . .\<>n Hn roll, hiiH lii-cn decimated hyj iit.tth uiitl! only about -0 remuin,

j Will '"work tin f.'iiiti of I'ago on two1 riitxliilatc^. and tlif rnnk (if .._<»n thi'->-. toiiit'lit. -iiftt-r which doc-' li-u of *.|11<<-i> will Xakv plareA Al

IIHT!" «i« rc|Uf"«lfd ti> bo presentThe

iKirvmen's Itoll«fh t l l HAssociation cfecU'tl (hu following o(H«

cors Monday night: I'rc«., Itecder KSmith; vie- pri-n, Hnrry Smith: soc'y,Grant H*-<.-d: trtjiih,. J:i». v. HiiurLs;«•«.!., Wm. K'H-vh-t inmtfv, Cli»rl*'»Starker.

ITnlon Kt.t&rnpiiHMit, No. G", I. O" . I',, hftf vlvciytl Uw following otll-wric Chlel putrmrrli. Frank II. Yuw-'gt r:' j»ciit(.r .'.v.-irtliir., llcrry M. Thnt-<fier: dinn fn-si, itol«-rt •Chamlilin: Junior waniwi, Knox Waiters;j.tribe, II. A U:in,.-r; trt'utt., Irving nAxford: iruht<t. I-; F. Hntler.

lTt< Hayrnttht'iH1 Assoeintion, XoV0'/-. h.i.« <-N-ct<() ttn'SO ofllcorH: Pastchief huyrn.t^r. Win. Whltmoni:chief hfiyn.r.kci Ilcrtnnniisfi, i-hlef h.'tyinHUer, Chaw. Garoy;ov. i><.-r, <; T Maywnnl; horn blow•r. Albert CsiT'iwr; guard of hayloft

guurd of barnyard,collector ofkuojyr of bundles.

iniBtvo. W m . W h l t -

.Smith:I^'.n \V)iitm(irtOrvllli-1 Schultr

more..M;i!ifll<>N! I^i(ig«, No, • rt#S, F, and A-

M., tiiix just <Ifft<:d theseWowhli-fuJ rftiittn-i, I-:, h. Llnnberry;ffiilor wnr»i»'i. - .T K. Fill per; Junlo:wnrdt'ti. r;..,. hj.nftitrt; trean. A. F.Flony: «<-<•':•• w j."Cnswitil; trust'W. A. Tlntlty. vi.L.r master of r.Miri'tnU-f. J. I. •^kitiiivr; Junior masterf.f ...n-mnni-s Harry H. SmithM.'Wjin!.'; .1 I; Hryant nnd I). C. (Milill*-; ft-iiior <]*;.con, W. M. Crevi'lln^Junior d-jict-r, Wm, Whitinoro.

1 Th»- following • iM.sw ottlcers v;MI hiIn."tiill>-.1 hy Canton WuMhlngton. Pn-trliirt'lts Mllittmt, Jan. 21. Col. W. K.Taylor of Newark, .department com-

' Miijut J. I \ Cuttur ofTrenton. otlU-latlng: Cnplstln, ArthuiF. Server; liviit.-niint. Alfred II. Cur-m-liii: enslgri, Mnos Walters; clerk,1». !•'. liiitlcr. accountant. MorrtFrltts; standard bt-arer. Kohurt LM\tiliiK: gu|d«-. JoV, tini'l'-: picket, FrankYaWKvr: J-cntiiifl, John K. Smith.The fimton will hotil.ii military hall

t SkiillitV J'.-trt- (-n the nfclu of ln-allallon.

Siii-u- to th«- dep th of hourly u foot,,i, t he l.-vi'l—;t l.r.-tlv h.-iivy fall M:;t .ii-hi.tii-U'.'—f'-H .turliik' M o n d a y ! (»••»•nlirht. It K;I\V Christrna.« a more i s jyoiifntat.l . . a.«|i''(t .Ui<! ' 'uuscd l i t t l - in iliivonvi'iiifiif*' asidt- 1'rnm ilisarrani:* Hi-itiu t h - in.!]<•>• M-I-U. ..• all day Tuve* : -,.,Jll>'- ". ' Vlilr

Ail.'iK-r. tit.n of WiHiifl .\l- ; \ . |

CHUKCII NOTKS.,\\'-y, hr- Johnson will .fpuak at tlie

Th- (tit! la, i,..,,i't i.tf thu MetliudlHtnircli wi!! fif.rti its rogiilur monthly-i-tlit^ ii-M Mi-tidiiy n k h i .

rvices will lie held

i Jitmiiiry.In- M-tillrst Suj


ci>;rk in cO-fitr-! H.

y .i 1-fl.her.-i| in1''i'lfJK

WfishiriKttMila: Insiiran--

Mai} u-nlL-l:: hit: last par...I1 tin- Arm

imhl of Si. I'. 't '. 'fs.1 t h " In.nit- of .Mrs.this <'Vt;n!mr.•rvii.. win 'lie held•vr 'tM"M(l:iy nlttllt—— i.y tln.> SalvVilpii

JN I.-ail t b f 'Sa lv ; i -ti- in tht,J

i~--,JIIssioiiis will probably \y<-,inn iii Hit; iuo«tint;j

J-:verybody will I..

••• ll*-t • today, bi

• •I.. .M.MiL-k]-

Th- uarn*- ••(

. pi-;for

..f ^M I':

WNANOAU:.•MJ 1H -Itlit.;

• KV,

a . las Tht.day and a half hour's d-lay wns -mp<! in [.iittintr anoih-.-r ••• iiirin*- nEervice.

v* Mr.«. firunt Sho-.-niak-r ili-'i at ihome near Straw (.'htitvlt. in Or.^wich township, " " riunilay. .agvlyoars. Typtioid f..-vor rati.--.;d Ideath. .She leaves a huslmml and iichildren.

The body of James Silk^r,dlc-d in StewarlsvUh.' la.m •Wedn

!>- '•f tdrd.-.- that •


bay of ILaiihert I

Clint'.MI.«,« I'.-ri'n:. •

iliiy ID KiifK-.i.i l r . ai;<! Mr*.

unlay ii, Kactor..Mtv^inti Mr.-

last •Thiir-ilay l.Mrs. \'..-ra Oi

ft-w iri.-iul.- "I:Mrs, Chn>. I'.

w..-.;k with h-.-i ri

itli hit-..11. diluent,!- ..l' Mr.. Charl,s gVimh. . ^ ^ o r t h llallrond avenm- The K ( j i ; : u . f,nll,inKliri

M. AlfiaiiKh spiritHuston.iyr vtituruiined s\

ltunlay ovenins.unv is spending ather, .Mrs. Martenis.biintioUl spent Isist

His tor, Mrs Gabrk-I

whoin te duy. . , , t i i i i i

was liroughi to WushiriKUni for i>u- v,.,v.,,.i-rlal on Saturday. Dr. P. I.. Wt*t | ' "cnndii<>t.'.I the fun.-nil s.-rvlc-d in tli

• : • "


ivhunt tail'..

plac... ..'Jirly


i nn Tuesday o

Wm. HolTin;

Mrs. Samuel lUi-sh of Fllckvlll..-.Pa., nnnmiiir.-s th- .•tmati.-itH-nt ofher diniKhtnr. Muriiar.-t .hm.-s I'l.r-son. to llora.v O. S.'it!.- of N-wYork, Tho itiiirriiiK'-' will take plaw

' on Dec. ;:n.Abrnm ItosobKrry. . a Port C h l - n

farmer, has puivha.s.'il th- MiiKouresldcncu on Kast Washington avi-nue :mtl 1ms nn I'i-.'ii—aMhuiiirli S..MI.--what n-inot.—of TOiiiu.l.iHinr it forhis own us*--, ' . '

The- first social pitln-rlni? of ihi*'Chrysfils (Jtuh'wtll 1K; h«lil on Friday

. cvcnlnu .ai..tht.>,.honut. of ..Mi-s.im A, F."Florey; who will h.^-npsistcci- tn cnufi--

taininu by .Mrs. J. n. 'Scranion ;Mrs. C. t.. Stryker.

/ Jlr-s. Kllza Ann Civuar. widow ofElian Crt-'KHi' of Lower VnlU-y. diedonStin.tay nt lln> homo of her ticiopt-ed'dn-iishtor,1 Mrs. .Mari^an't irolTninii.near Ct.lfesbury. -Wxi inonth she

would hny

bee.-nii om-1. opens at

nf. next week.

which adjourn-r Now .



In winsbo tnlum until vwl^v<-r^ Hk.-ly

This has 'icfii

employees. The «;xptvsstin?i] say IIIII;^tho great vblmne of • business tias buoirresponsible for an unusually lurm*


A reiiklcss uutumubill&'t eklddeii 20feet a t the public square ^Saturdaynlpht in attemptlim to avoid a colli-sion with tin mi to (joins down KaMtWiishlnston avenue. The marks ofthe HhlttdltiK mnchlnc can atill beseen in tho paveinent.

Thos. Timor, a lubnror-iit ihn Al-pha cument plant, was oauuhl , in a

'wit In tho• grinding roomui..//lJl...v...,,^-itui ' wns whirled about

-nnK.~<>vnrvT:WAs-.iiu;..hi8 body .wna- " - - " • • - " - " • " : ' ; l

Cards have boon Issued for Tli^uu-rnial Now,;Yi>ar'K rou-uption and dance.


ronniSi.in the. First Xullonnl bankbill Id I UK, Xew Yoiir's night. Theforms oC enlertulnnicut will IncludeFive-Hundred, Fllm-li ami •dnnclntj.

The American Simiiary W.orl;aCol-.'. lowed it.s'iido])leil ciiHtonutlila ycftivby1 prosentiiiK oich cniDl^yce with a

Christmas' presonl"Insane " shano" otextra day's pay^Vln other wordw,l t h / ^ f l h ^ h o l i d a y .

i r ' J i tTuesday aftor-

one y p y ^rnllnwlnij -thorn...pay/^for^lhe^holiday.

""Kacii" maiT'kot"" ih.iY'cdiiL'.'iliuiloir'Jiistbefore qiitttlngr ttnVe Tuesday aftorbefore qiitttlngr

O 0 iR


ciid Hochmaifa^J^pr ""'

Brior Tinn' tli

day than .vinltii? has• holiday

ii-sday. Kxira

tt-rtalne<i hi-oi Lel.i.Liion. . . . .

Mrs-. Alice Wycktjff ami Miss Helen) Seals an- spending some time In ».»•

that last | v,«r with -Mrs. Wm. Lons..lay ..v.-rl ..,Mi«s..^ K.ijth nnd.Li.ii.se Snyder of

Newark ar-- .-pc-ndlnj; two weeks withtheir • moih.-r. Mrs. 1'. D. Snyder '

Mrs. .Maliuda IlntYman, Mrs. EmmaSmith. .\li.«s Ida .Meyers and -UesaieIteid spent Saturday at tligii Brid.i-o.

Thwing i-

•Skalht-s Parkia.i nlKht.—wile:

iddvd. tu the i'1-.-a...lalio.rat-.-ly,

criiiL'.."the li._ p.r.fst.'ini,'il ..

la riff-v.-nlimtMaU-f-ide anwhichla rye


with.. a

M litsday in

Uf'Wnil .'Xi:Kl-ek'a ti


Mr. an

Neilk-KiistoMr. .-

elitrnton on'and Mion: S;d Mrs.

i i .• i l l





W iim onlula;Get


Ml !»•

if •• f!Ln

i. I3

v i t l i .


ai ;-.-li

• spe l i ' l F r i -


ll OfK'r- p

1 EHVt:0 OOll-

Hehi-n rents.

The annual inventury at the Amer-ican . Sanitary Works will begin on!).•(.•. l'* and mntinu*< for one week.l>iirinfr tiiis. time the factory will beshut down. In preparing for this,titu biiHy fuiitlitiuns existing (it 'pres-ent have, embari-asseil tile company,to a. decree that all tho employeeshiivi,1 heiMi putting in an. extra twohours each evening. • •

stock will soon he i!]ton us, and thosewlio .cunt cm plate having salos areui'gi-il to etiBfiKu auctioneers, andsi'!ecC!'tht.'lr 'dates now. --Kari'y nextmiinth the S,tar will begin to publish

Ktin; aniiouuceinent of Coming Sales.and all 'persons who Intend to placetheir orders for posters, or other ad-

;vo!iili«jns,,.:ii\vHh_thi-t. Star, will. ho. o.n-

titleir to free itisertlonV under this-hcndlng until the date of sale, iJ

A vacancy an rear brakeman onthe. Easton train—running eastwardthroiitfh WttslUngton;1' nt"?7.3S a. in.and westward n't 0.1S<p. m.-—has been11 lied by the appointment' ,of AdamWillevor of Washington, who . willlater inove his family to l'lilltlpsburff.lle'iissuined the new run on Monday.Ho has been employed for some timea.s imiltomiin on the Wii.sliiu«ton.drill

• The annual 'meelitiy: "of the"stock--'holders of the Patrons' TelephoneCo. of Warren1 county will be held onSaturday. Jan.' IS, 1313, at tho com-phny's ollice in Hope, for the purposeor electing directors-and transactingsuch other business as may conic be-fore them. 'Foils open 10 to 11 a. m.

•• i-I. K. ATEN, Soc'y.

•lin stem . through •train. ,. ^' Ff«hermen of this -iili e^*"v

member Wn IC.of Phlllipsluirk', wlui I'oi• ! n u u l . • • •

my yeit his custom, lo pass the

camp at Cranberry Lake,was known as-an export

Tlio old gentleman—Wallace, • i|»- ,«'-:-"---,eallod^—died—,Vork.-.iaKt,-SaUirdav .whil

bt-ri:1 f.r Kobokixi. s,|»ent art-'it'iitly with iii;j pareiits,Mrs. J. L, .SiiaiiKenbeis.

Mjn. .los. Matthews of Cornish.Mrs,1 Thcis, Col"' of Helvldoiv. . Mr:i:e."',Sy;aul of-Helvidere a'iul Mrs. Jo;.SpaiiKt-nli-rt: and .son Joseph ol' thisplace Hji.-m Wednesday with Mrs. Ar-thur I'ush.

POIt UKNT—A farm of 127.acres,near Ilumpton: buildings In Rood ro-pulr. None luit (ir»t-clanM furmorm.'ot apply, LllK-ruI terms. Applyto I'hillp Kvcrly. Humpton, N*. J.

m, inoUlum Bl/ed. In*i l t i , full .Mur

FAlt.M for Itu'Illll'l* Oi J . \^ . . .r«y, N. J., It. D. lip

FOIt SAl.K«M.ick Maw. ««>-n1worker, f»-nr!.-x« of autoniobtteN andHiisim i-iirK. lady can drivr.., Mr«. 1K. AlpniiKli. Cnllfon. N, J, Up

I-'AUM tor lU'Ut twite 'rvutidniry:f'Hir-h'iriif. IVIVM F. i*unii*t. N-wVlllap-, N. J. IJ-'J';--Jti>

l-'Olt HAM-:—Teiini • UUwk hur«.'8:will work I" anythim;; price n;t*"ii-iihl- t', ipiit-k buyer. Win. Spar*.,Hox fJ'in iK'lawaru, N. J. l.-J'I-'Jtp, WANTKH — Washing to ilo ati i ' ir:,-. '.Mrs*. Helen WurrtnKt<>i), F«-.;- j

\VANTI-:i> • Uy VnttiiK Man—J«>b asdriver und caretaker of hordes; KOOI!driver, steady, sober, honcm and will*iiiB to work. Address F. A. II.. careMrs. II. It. Davenport. IhHfl Wind-sor, Washington. 11|>

WANTKD—A youii(? mini as ap-prentice-, at the hlacltamlth trade, ora man with orw or two years' experi-ence. !I, ft. fliirdn'jr, WimhlnKioii.

NO KEASONAI3LE rent offer re-fused for my attractive and comino-•llonn llJit. over \Vyrknfrn Htnr"; altmoilorn conveniencos. Davidson, thejeweler. 12-^C-tf

MONDAY. DKC. SO — Adminlatni-tor's sale of live stock, farming Im-plL-mcnts, etc., property of tho latol^ewis M., Teol, upon the premises,"iio-haic mile cast ot tlackltHlowu.

FOIt KALK—Su-'iral fine S, C.lihode Island I ted cuckcrcls fromilrst-ijriz« stock. Peter Kline, Slew-artsville, N. J., U. D. 12.'JC-2ti>

WANTED—Younc wotnun to lakea three-year course of training In »Uftmral hospltnl. Applv to HarriotFrost. Supt. .Mercer Hospital, Tren-ton, N. J. It

FOR SALK—iiO pi«s, 10 we oka old.Knos Hodlnv, Urondway. N. J., !{.•!).

UpFOk SALE—A siitiill uTorery and

provision stop? In Washington Horo.Apply to D. V. WyckofT. U-M-lf.'FOR SALE—31-acre farm, In high

state of cultivation, running waterin house and barn, fences and build*lags In first class condition; bestpoultry farm in State. Located onomile e.".si of Penwcll; property of tholato Oeo. W. Slator. Inquire onpremises, or P, D. Reed, Whltcliouse,or. Edgar Lance, High Brldoe.

•FOP. •'SALE—One "J" H. P. SteamEntflno nnd Saw Mill complete, veryreasonable. Call or address O. W.K., 157 West Washington Avo,, •Wash-ington, N. J. 12-19-2tp

FOIt dALK—OlK'wmr White Hi-rvlOui>K, CJeornt- II. Oastiior, K. 1>. No.

Ciillfon, N. J. l'.*>I9-3t|].FAUMI3R Watuo'l for the "G-ncre

farm near Buttzville, N. J., now oc-upled by Isaac Cast.-. For piirticul-rs 'address Mackoy Bros., Elizabeth.

N. J. . 12-19-21FOP. UK NT— Farm of IS acres on i

West Washington Ave.'tuI

The People's Savingsand Their Care.

i l lC fll'» t Mtvill^S Ortl.ft. Oi*./hich we huveaulhcntir *tnow*!cd(;c was established ); Eng-land in 1804. The firsiSp bechartered in America wassttirt-cd in Philadelphia 1616. thesecond in Boston in 13] 7 andthe third in New York in 1819.

Regardless of the primarypurposes of thu founders, theseinstitutions have in their resultsoutgrown their early character.To-day they take their proudplace in the front rank of themonetary powers of the coun-try.

Four nnd onc-quarterbillionsof dollars is on deposit amongthe savings banks of the United States. The number ofsucK banks at present is esti-mated nt about 2,000, theamount on deposit $4,250,000,000 and the number of depos-itors about 9,800,000, or practi-cally 10 per cent, of the entirepopulation of the United States.

These wonderful statisticshave been gathered concern-ing the distinctively banks ofsaving as distinguished frombanks of deposits. The strong-est of the National Banks havecome into this field because thpublic have demanded theirconvenience and the addedprotection Government super-vision affords. The wholestory of a Nation's strength andprosperity is told in the coldstatistics of their THRIFT.Are you one of the ten millionof your fellows with MONEYIN BANK at command ? Insome strong bank like the '

Old First National Bankof Washington

adding its earnings to yours,making life brighter, toil pur-poseful, [he future secure?


KENT—Modern ten-roomterms. Address or Inquire of John j house and two acres, one mile tramK. Uetvviller, 52 Contiu Square, Eaa- | \\ utdiinr/um. in jueksuii •• Volley." $7:on, Pa. !2-19-3t j ,-i rm'nth to coml tenant. Jas. Jensen,

HOUSE, and Lot of throe acres, at i Ilackettstown, X. J. H-2S-tfWiirrinston, for sale. Inquire of KOU SAIJE—Good Horse. HarryMrs. Wm. X.,L,Ge, at Columbia, N. J . 'G, Snyder. ISrass Castle. ll-2S-ltp-tf

" 1219St PEACH TREKS, -my quantity;l k t l

,<< 12-19-St

FOR SALE or Rent—A beautifully socated farm, 1 VJ miles from tho city |( T-'aston, Pn.. containing 103 acres:!

soil adapted for any purpose; 1,500,

y q y ;rsery .stock, at lowest

ln-.«. Arthur Taylor, Washington... .-•'"'^•••-' . il-28-tt'

P I l , E , L i t v " A c c l d o n t and Health

FOIt SALE—fi-passenger MitchelluriiiK far, In splendid condition.

For further information apply at theWashington Garnije. 12-5-tf

FIIEE TROLLEY, trip to EastonMi J2.00 glasses at D-. Selp's oilice

—Centre Square. lt-26-tf,FOR SALE at Dargiiin prices: 1th-

aea hfimmerless Gun, 12 gauge, fine•onditlon: Poco Camera, 5x7, two.(iatehoiders. .carryintj case. Call oraddress Chas. H. Davis, Hlffh Bridge,N. J. L2-5-tt

FIlEE of Charge—Dead horses andiws removed »v Frnl . K. . Frotno,

OxrortI, N. J., K. B. 12-3-ltpFOR SALE—The three-story, brickilldlngs.-at .13-1R and S9-91 ""

WnHhlngion avenue—the property oftho late K. M". Shields. Wm. S. Rit-tenhouse, executor.

FOR UENT—Flat Inildlng on/EaV. Washingi1

Harry Da\;is. ,^ lt-M-tfFOP- ni-;5?T—The only exeluslve

Dry Goods store in Clinton: fine inli-ne ry business In connection. Applyo J. K. Hoffman Estate, Clinton,:. ,(.: ; ' •• • ' •; \ u ; M - t f

securitios: iirstfew dnvsj ''H-de :secuntios: lirst mortsatr(<s onMi* 'ind'^V'-'al estate, intefoist and taxes paid.

'OorrtwpondetiL-c solieUed. Chnrlus U.irunner. East on. l'-\. 11-lS-tf

(•'Oi: UKX'f—Flat in K. M, Shieldsmlliliiis?. Apply to Wm. S. Ititten-loiifte.' Exucutor. U-11-lf

MOUSE for" Rent; all hiipi'^veiiients-til K. Chunrh St. J. W. Martin.•i:i Hotvldci-e "AVO. r ' ll-7-tf

AnnoiincciiK-uts under Oils head .arcpublished nt lho unlfoini'rato of onocent _a .wore!, . hu t , .no:;. .adycrUsomcntwill lie-'retiel veil for less U i a n l S ccnt«

.Rent—ContainsM. Dean... Dcl.i

100a r e ,


FARM for0

caro.s. MyronN. J- • " ••"••• - - " " • • ••- ;•;; l t p

HOUSE for Kent on South LlTicolnavenue. Inquire,of Mrs. 1+ M. Burd;•IS lilast Washington Aver . . . ~ - It

$id.q(t ;!.:UVS pond,"stylish Sleigh—ahotii'-hrilf cost; hulls-In tlie Ijar-Btiin. Also_t\vo llubisS' cheap. Wm,

' zr- ~'~ - t tli'^-Now—,Vork.-.iaKt,-SaUirdav .while _.. -

;tl*.crcHv{3:tiiis""bi.s'\-liiVdrenr l i e 'was i"A'.-"StrykGiV~Wnshiiigron.;

.Iron." One of his sisters Is Mrs. Win.Roosti of Washington. . Tho funeraland burial - at'Uaston on Monday.

To Make Annual SoUlttmcm.A'nljfo''7 l,s1'*'hereby ylvr-n..:ih».tj-:'tric

CpimniUee of lho Township of Wnsh-i'tiKl'on wili meet at tho TownshipHall on Tuesday,^.Dec. 31', 1912, at 1i).^. m^.,_for.. tho •••PMn^osQuof ^makjne.

traiiBaction of other 'business. '™ .....•: -~.:^. •' E . ' C . S N Y D E R , - - - 1

•"• •• " [ ; ; " ' '••-w; V • . . T o w n s h i p C l e r k , •/;•

in family of thrcNorth Jaefcaon Av

• inquire at S3Washington. .Up

WANTED—Experienced single manto work on farm hyl\month. Applyto'•James L'. Shields, Washington. n

FOR SALE:—Angora Goat, -brokento "harness," prlco $7. Miss DeliaWhite, near Anthony; P, O. address,

™^|?XUM ~Cor" lteiTtT"lieliFittJolawaT'e.For iiarticiilnra write ,to or,, call onSaruir-E. Albcrtson, Delaware.: N. . J.

V.AC:. ,.., ;.;,,..".'."T';1""li'.V

per ton, according to quality and eon-dilion, .at:P. S. Yetter's yards of Coal,Lumber, Doors, Sash, Slate, Brick,Hay, Straw. Fertilizers, Dynamite,Caps, FuKe Masons' Supplies, Ce-ment, etc.1 "• 0 10-31-tf

FARMS and Couru'v property canbe disposed of quioklyvby listing with.my.. asency.:-:-L'have .-•.customers1: thatwant farm property. . ,Call or ' write.Harry Christine. Washington, N. J.

2-3-tfFLAT for Rent, and K'ate Glass

for sale. Inquire of Jacob Weller,Washington. 1-9-tf

WANTED—Your clothes tof, repair,clefwV-iind press. Foinberg A Berry,- ~ Ave., Washington.

i keeping correct

r.2 E. Washington


sale. Throe large houses and onesmall one: house and large lot withplenty of fruit. All in good condition.Chas. E. Fichtel, Oxford, N. J.

RL'BBEP. STAMPS, Fountain Pens,Typewriter Ribbon, Carbon Paper.Free Catalogue. Brunner & Brunner,

WANTED—Transient boarders, SIper day. Dellemer's boarding house,Jackson avenue. tf

OYSTERS! Get yoi:r family supplyat Hagan'P Restaurant. Opened freshevery day. Wo sell no tub oysters.

. 10-lfl-tfEXPERT Watch nnd Jewelry Re-

pairing is. <">ur specialty. Prices verymoderate.. " A. . Davidson, Jeweler,Washington. • •' • 2-l-tf

KINDLING Wood for Sale—Hard-wood, short piece's, put up 100 lbs.in a has, for 2ac! a bag. Sommer Co.,Washington. . .. 11-30-tf

HULL, the Jeweler, is now locatedat his homo. 15 School St. All kindsof Repairing. 4-4-tf

J WANTKH-Two youiiir mpn' dm-n hlirh sclmtil graduate pr^fprrpdl t-lonrli .-.the "tirintorK* tradr—-each " ••'dllTerenl brunch. S.-pmlneli: Inwv.-asr^" ro--start.1 -.tiiji . rapid -•.T.J.v;ui.-.-~men I tn ilic j.orsnns wh" run. nm1

"•ill. "inaUi- un.w]." An I'vcpilmi ni>-pnrtimity i«. jn-diiiivn rfiniincnitlv.ncnipatlon. . ililrcw, in own hftmlMTiilnu, u-lih full |iariiru,ar« i\f fut:e. I'diirntinn. i-t'".. P. O. Box N->::'.. r.-.r.nigh. 10-17-t.

WANTED—Long ityo Straw inbundles. A. II Groff & Bro...rW2Sli-ington. ' . ^',S-. 12-12-21

ington. •


^ ^ ^ . . . i ^ily" preferred; will pay.Tas. L. Shields. Wash-

12-12-3tpFOP. SALE—Cheap black Horse.

James Fiorina, Broadway, N. J, ...,:- • , . . 12-12-tf

, . HO,T SOpA—Cold Soda—WarrenCounty Drug Store?' . . 12-12-tf-"FOR'-SALE-^-We "offer'- ior-sale.-a'Cvery reasonable prices, pure-bredITolstein Bulls and a few registeredyoung Cows due to calve within amonth: in cntf to a high record bull.Arthur Danks, Tranquility- J: Farms,A l k h N J 1^12l tAlktmuchy. N. J. ,

1^-12-ltU P-R I G TI T • Piano — Practicallynew, excel lent condition; valuers 2 7 5;Lucking: use, I will .surprise you with

- - - ll 33 B dg price. J.St., r Washington.

e ytell, 33 Broad


Stblnman, practical* watchmaker- nnd I<> fiuirk huyor,.. Uow^Tii'—Iiiiiining.




Pillsbury Flour, 25 lb. . . . 85c /Satisfaction Brand Flour, 25 lb. . 70c10c Cream Corn, can . . . . 8 cSweet, Tender Peas, can . . . 12cGood Lima Beans, can . . . 1 0 c10cCorn Starch . . . . - 8 c3, 5i Rolls Toilet Paper- . \ . 10c3 Boxes Bird's Eye Matches^ - 10cGood Butterine, lb. . . '. . 23cBest Butteririe . . . ;. . 28c

J. P. COOK On tiie Square



'••• = F R E E = ,--:-•—a bottle of the American Druggists* Syndicate's famous


A. D. S. HEPATIC SALTS—the saline laxath e and Uric Acid solvent—a remedy forStomach, Liver, and Kidney disorders. Especially bene-

•ficml in RHEUMATISM.^nd GOUT.

REMEMBER! This is a full size 25c bottle, and it isintended for those that are sufferers from Rheumatism.


Nelv Year Gifts! Special Trices!

50c High<grade Suspendets • •_.; • 39c- .::' .. ; • : (In pretty boxes) - ;

50c Men's Silk Ties, in pretty boxev • 39c

Men's Suits ati t j jysrcoais-"Real SIS.OO and S20.00Values • • SI2.50

f:. '"1 Boys':.Suits aQd Over^g|tg ::-Real S150 and S5.00 values"""~ '"'•: M


JAMES H^JOHNSTONIfi on account_qf the snow-storm or any'other reason, you

r''- •—•' haven't'yet' "bWghrTnarCHristfiias"p?cseht,''::LOOK^OVER THESE ITEMS. We often sell Christ-mas presents after Christmas has come and gone. ' '

HARDWARE 1>EP1\'"Carpet Sweepers, Jl.Sn. up. -

Boysij Sl'eds, "Flexible BMyorV,style,n.iviss and Nickel Lumps.Boys' Skates. •; ° ' .•.

,,^lckeJ^^rcnIators,._,M_. ;.;v."!"H"...!!"."NlckerT.fia'Kettlosr"11 -—-•;'Aluminum TeasK^ttles,••AlllilltnUm •?l-iH0!>'::^^-^r_-'..L.-\.:.-.-11""-: A l u m i n u m G r i d d l e s , " ' "" .•:•-,• .y--^-. '

Aluminum Tea-R-ri'd1 Coffee Pots..Carving Knives and For'ns,"1'.NicUol ..Plated Scissors. vr L

;:Pen Krilvos, 2iifi,'60c, 75c and $1.00.

DEirr.In. addition to our beautiful atock

of .--Watches, Jewelry, "FountainPens, Clocks, G1H Novelties, etc.let me call your attention to ourlarge stock ot Cut Glass, price on

^-^^iy.?'k'ii-T]ias..thfs day-benn-rndunod,'-_ Also,' we • partitjijliirjy^wanf.lo ,;.call _

Rosrera' Silverware, knives, Corka_and spoons; also J_o_ the. sppclal-

i iesi t iSi iSoup LadlesChild's Sets of

Spoonilerry SjioonsFruit Knives

are7siichna-—Orango Spoons

Knife, Forlc.-and

Cold'Meat Forks'>". mn»Lo -J Tomato Servers

ii'vnry Knife Q"arantceu ' B'ead and Butter1 Spreaders

"qpi^nf^N p'*CSad"irons:X' * " " ' " ' "ITTollerSetsT'ComUrBpuBh & MirrorNlScS'Plated Oil Hoators. - i ^ " i c u r e Sets Clothes BrushesBeautiful styles of Floor Linoleums, j Hut Brushes Military BrushesHoneymoon Sewing Machines, $15. •• Pitlt Boxes Hair Receivers

. • • — ^ r- ; • — ^

: Remember! c We give 2% off for casK*i^ both ourHardwiirieand'Jewelry.DopartHiienU;--1-"""-^-;-™^-


Page 8: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …

Page Eight T H E W A S H I N G T O N S T A R , W A S H I N G T O N , N . J., T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 26, 1912


SHIRT SALE$1.50 Shirts at $1.15

$2.00 Shirts at $1.35

$2.50 Shirts at $1 85

$3.00 Shirts at $2.15


Special Prices on all WinterSUITINGS and COATINGS


E&iton's Leading Tailor* andHftberdothcr*




Wishes You a Happy

and Prosperous

New Year

MONTAGuE'S237 Northa. lpton Street


Start the NelvYear night





$4 and $ 1.50 Sh^FOR MEN' ON LARTFl



Heiberger's23 pJorthnropton St


We desue tn p\piessoui sinceie thanl-s foijour libeial pationagemoui besi Chtislmas todate v

Our Ne\y Y»ai's !»="-is To »eive iou

_ HLJn e ^ e a r t 0

come and thus merityom continued tavors

Bchevinpr that jou en-joved a Mem Chust-

_mas>, we wish sou a.H.vpgL andTiusperous"New real


vt l in i t h e lUliul l lm S n n I n n Vision [ CAMS R VllDVKIt.In n Christmas story entitled "Aski Oi'o. '-urlkiB of Xew York passed

And It Shall Ho OIvt>n." In the Docem- j Sunday with his family here.ber American Mngiixine, Tom, at, , Miss Mabel l-'ritta is on a week'sMind boy, pr.iya for ("Ipht •am! nn; visit with rclntlvt-s In Nowarh.fticoj I'ri'Tii hfiivcrt grunt** him t h t ' - M r . niiilMr*. John Shtirlp nropfifl"-p ro te r t Klfl of nil—the gift to sec ! in't: tin* winter at Vineliind, N. Jc «i t-iM 'hi, I v irU of men The Mht Helen Buikr of Jcr«ej Cltvnttihor c>es «*"•• .; vailed on friends in town on .Mondn;

•Hat thin i» wlmt Tom saw In IIIK: Lemur Opilyke of .Wiishtngton spentl.tox.. P n>il> . i . .m IM.vil, Wltiln- . 'uu.itv »»a a VUUSII1. itllMSL'ii JtUDlt

, 1 . . ; old mm Wndiwr ilmoit double u m M l K l ( ^ k , , , m w d „«lth.hou« t l ;htnfnn ( 1H.rnum,m.ni : . f , n d , „ r C i C B t , u l [ h i ^ 1 , , , ^ 1

li.r of hie* iwin hi* biik The-hip* Mrs M irnnret -Mack.f 1 «U •«£* tnd^'"UI 1 li Mr, J t n n l c LotiUcnberBcr 18 on i

I l i h h U- t n ^ . U i t , l MIiui l wi th t h e Bc 1 n iU a i t t , nlccc. Mrs

I T t1 to irrv the 11 Ml, a« Tom looked nt Q,0 i;|li«on In l'a ton[I 'm >u num.! !.l, f iu to the thll.I S°Ih,

J MJ .SSt SuUMff h » returned 10t TI . ' "inlkd 7,u™ n i * soniunifiK the hotel, nfter IL neck's visit with

- i n u *> Mllint -o superhumin relitivts in Penn-jh.inl in * "tinji t in; 1 lump t ime Into \irM unrn Lev son Clntlea am'

* pi<"ed betwlorn mil *IK •'hrtvttod old man, 'th v\ 1 ro tli'" convTuition w lihu"nn • ir-< i.i»uM nut htar

Hriilisf1 I W nt tt *\\ ' n t Is in thun"

'WhatO!- r

| me

on.Did you always carry them7

'No. Fit'st when the angels nave".our mother. Then when the

i n ^ I >i I \ L mi . >uu| "They nrc heav;*, and they welchv :i down. They make you old, anil

i shrlwlod, and l>«Mt before your time,i Tli-.-y make you work hundreds of

hard. Yet you .«rni!e na youK rth 't i n

itritlct for


Liaii(,httr E.mmi wort? the uetk-emlirikdH of Mrs John Force

MNs Illnncho Osmun 1 * Asburu i in o\*.r-Suniluv gue-t of ht*rloiisln, Mfw* Amindi IJ-" '1

Mrs Joo tegfrietl an 11 J».<ncre piic ts of her sifter, Mrs

Mr John Hilewood and daughterGlidj aro on a \ie*K s \fsit with lurdiURhtcr Mrs Ed t rolic, in Brook-Ijn

Mr ind Mr1* iarr> W Rush ofI'liiintlcld were o\er-<*tTnla cue Hof his jnrtnts, Mr and Mra C \\lUish

Mr .intl Mrs Hirrj Hunt and chll-<lr 11 of Wilmington, Dc*, tiro \isitin* her pnruits Mr and Mrs W \V

Itov t: B England w ho under-went an o;nrition In a New Yorkhnopttil i1- reported to l>e alow I re-Lo\trlnn

Mi'^s iiuth urn] Ueulah Tarrovor Newark ire s>pndlns the holldiv

itic" "h 'hi*'" "lother, Mr D

Mttk* I'.uth Banghart Is spendini;h l l l tl ith h

thc\ nreono1- I k 1vnd * in i " ttun»I-.~

t -s e 1 m m nipt j . 1 in*: h i ln i .1Tom limit • 'ont ' ''M1* Illi* 1 with tpn' , -n j }-t t Tied •xw w He 'li r t d not t n Unit I n xntitlcin with her p i r -

! loin r t-p->n that lu r tUn of * Uv Mr i n d Mrs HowTrd Dan har t- u « for f ir lie «h««ld I o^-in "ob- H V w u r lH K - i n i f t 1 j - u i l r e w t l -onuthlni? ' " ' > ( - " " ' S T McUffir-,f Ma k - t H } Cw n \i wY-u * t M n n d n for 1 w e t k « «t i\ withiu V i c * t'f Chn«t!t ; i h i d f.I\tn 1'v tl nti,hu r Mi" V m Torrnnii, Inhit tind it mule hit o \ o id lnch I ililinort Mdt n \ l W r l h\4 1 ,11 r. t lwi l li. r*> that

*Ih*-n T n turned tnv ir tK hi** ^v » J ' l i i« n t>f n u n P i p e r Mill", ft, r in 1 h 11 thi1- pi ILC

l u « mo\ eci\ n n h f "'rnnut.1 p i u n r e he "*»« UH fimiK to Mitllxtni

H «1 % -, n^: v i c r n -tnmlEniT Mr tiul Mr- U U r t Miller andM 1 : - i ' u> 'if Vope U* i "tvephi ' l d ^ht r C l i r i I itt n ' o d the u e d

L! 1

hot / t


l b l

mt 1 u l i• vtLf.hi

« emed

' t i t ' 1 ^tttrntd htd It v

,e> i<< t h p

-1 wutil 1 nankle u.!1"

(in ii •* 1

drop Ou"*.^ rip ied 1T i l Tt r»*\\ 1*1?

IH t.P ll 1 P* SsiMj i t ' T<-o \eirv t 'nt Ton Old

'•he would\h 'i hf> !

1 r f ice tov.U-- 1 M IKone hi h i d

be nblo tIUL 1 it herir 1 him indi-. in^ciitt-

en on the

Ivl t 1• hi'*. 1

II 'I i l i n

0 irr opm

i • h11" tl

r hon t i"

I^IH K^"* Co'p \Wtod 0

u hoJ i n

M -"' "d TnC

1 rink lUed of Xt.«


11" Sl.1

. « d i %


h 1

1 mi


,n' 1


• int-» if th*1 inir>-l t's\n li«t urck

l i n n tlu chi1- \ >i -• pi'-^od bo- Mr>- Irene MirtcnK of Wa«.hlngtonpon T-im i n ] hi-, motlur i i«- j I town in ^iturd iv

'Ar-> you really my mother?" : -MIFP Ella Smith of, the Trenton•Yi\«, do.ir.' Xnnnal School came home Frlda>Whit i r thft*-* wol^htt In \oi r MI *• Cirohn Kiddl" ot CoHtml li

i d i \ml o- m r inkles ' it i, K homo foi th^ Iiolldi\ \ iTJ) \ irf (ini'lci ri. - ' tt!«n,si)\ riot ' von tl-op them'' Uo\ l imor of Belvldert win iIieciUfcL i M)\i ind \our fith^r \ td \ eml cm* of Mi1-" rioronct'Look at. th.i; millions " of tiny; 'Mddle.

(.! -- ui on o i~ b id ' ^ hi t aro JiH kidd of r TIIM^ Pn \I«ltedi ' ." r ithf>r dtdti t h u e nt ir \ «o hi- i-i*. e- Mr= 1 Butterwlcl o inn\ M >n li%

'But his wero just as heavy'—sh<?j Mrs. John Halslzer wont to Jers»\'~iJ '! '>--" *l-C - ™ » r - l C ^ , I H r ." C: u - _ v -Q -i, felt UCT SOH

tlo pacritlces that only a woman f William,•*- l n t ' Ml««. F u t i P!cr=on of U estfleld

them?' j will spend the holiday vacation withve came. • Miss Laura Smith,he ones Ii -Miss Maud Slnmnton of West" En-

1 l h &d

'Did you always haThov' camo when

Thoy ar« sacrificeIThoy ar« sacrifices for the ones Ii -Miss Maud Slnmnton of West" En-

\lc\c 'or o T m \n* *our -1* u -ul i inu hnnu &itnrdi\ lor th j

fith r ' v ' Thn-imT- \icatlon! . >_. Mr Tud \ t r s ^ m stimots oi

rou. . r,,,,. n., l.I'VJj'U'n S i . s'""ta "tttKti i "him.fiil plot e\l t be- »,„•> DUnmcn'- I n - m will hold

w m l u r ind b^\el« o ciusc dis- (t^ moi thl> imetinc on Quuidt^tress by refusing to act, take Dr. i Mvenintr. in Red Men's hallKin- •- N w Lite Pl]|= ind end uch Vi<.* \nni HuM? r ind Mir 'nalm'-e of \our \«t-.m The gentl\ i i ]dlr ni I h i r \ id«.m\ ciiiie-'hoiiucompel riKht action of stomach, liver; last week for tho" holidaysand bowels, and restore your health I .Mr. and Mrs. Frank * Boerr ' ot"and ill cood ferine 2'<. ai Jeii- I i< ..I hn <-p* nt C*iri=tm i uith hi.rkins & Meeker's, pnrpnts. Mr. and Mrs. M. ?mlthwn.


\] r ucunand Sir*.

f r Blanchrhi*.

:« VfT\ It! W !rn i imonli

Mrs j c h n Hill nter l i in d h 1 *l-!<T t n *-nn 1T\

Andrew Pummin 0 1 Imm" tor th\ a c i t i o n period [

Mr i m ' Mrs \\ m •*] Inner cp( ntT»psd i \ IT Tiston

Tobl i s n^nfUrMtf 1 imontr thl i f ^ t 1< im^ -<t ^il,i

M i « D in Hcnr\ i«. <nen<linp se\••ril wef1!1- i t l r \ ln? t^n

^Trs T \N r M rr U Ins r f n 1i i r t im of "T'p th(> m=t •\^r\

n 1 v h 1 n i « l i - 1 l i t t «oeln u n t ti ill] . «.s t t>i t i c h T

r d s i r <• lith of T wn-rtmr "111t irm 1 r I C ni 1 i i i , run n~,


Osmun i\ndPundny cuest.1-

- I PuddM Iri-n.- llossnt th. Chri^t

I URhl r 'Mi'


. loft Saturday-\= \^ntion uitti -Um ro\ in \ c

1 1 1 t i i f Mi 1 \(.i un inI K ilUit

Chi=onp«- i« much 1mprHunt \ -in 1 ' '*- «[

• n n l Mir--h'

\li<- 7 L I!: i M

Mi m l Mturn tl froi 1 •

I 1 In P h l h ' IM -•- I l"\ if

M Pit i -<

1 M

It hn. \i=k

dcc< not

n ir th

Mi4- h i mI H r] \ •. li«-t v

Mi<! WillisMi- G p i nf n



inil i \\ is fiuif1 illef'k bui tp now beite;Mrs., IT.. Ixisey nnrlpoiu Monday in .Eas

H n i m in M .nn i\itin- Mr- Tohn

f n r I K ! Ih 1 ! lilt

M TI 1 Mi- Ml i t 1 1 t> \ M n n\ 1 1 '1 r \1 f ^ t C ' 1

1 1 T ruin ' i" 1 i >«rT I t1 r Inn 1 \ r i t L ^

In \\ ^h inut <nl nil ^

I1" I TAKU 1 uti.l sisl 1 MisMinni \\ irln r w r in I istnn vI r i l i

Mr1- Ti >b r l i m n r n t ^ i n l n t i l l - 1

^ I M O I ti ni ^ t i l ln_ ' t r o m Sn t t i r d 1

Mi c - I m a ri t ipi t i f -nt t wm 1 c 1 «•t'-ton H o r n \ \ cdiH •-



H l l11! 1


I D , ]

nt tr,

id Mr1- KfJw smith v.o

Pl i i l l i i s lx i i . S i u n d i \

T j v i th 1 " 01s^tin |J- u ill IK 11 1 I i \ '•1, Sri l Mi D U II nn •-

d t u tt. uu'-ti.d to biin-Mi Tchn L r m i s o n h

iff! r rm

nt for i

h M ril u thfnt Crr u

Liit Li 1

• 1 •rt P

1 mlMi tnd Mi- G o M i r i i t t pent

1 m r i i d a \ until Mond w with hii! nt- Mi nn 1 Mrs Wm M i r l i t t

I I I n s Pi ifl-,rMl4-1- Cf\< S h o t n n k c r who wentHi TTston h -pit i l 1 i«.t Thnrsda\

- doin^ well Thf \r\\u \ e r t ab rne of

Mi— I i//i Vllfii i ponding 1 two' 1 s \ i c ition with hei pnrents

Ii lid Mis wm Allen Shi ' 1• icbn in th ITopL school

\ t kU I i n i - n Miiml Win. Lnmmas

i Mr nd Mr

jlndig'estion[I Causes Dizziness, Nervousness, |

_L§ick Headache Sleeplessness.

trom tn i '

IMUMOWMM Minnio n ^ ^ ^ i t I \i Itlng

n.nt s in Philr dolphinMM r-thei Triffld 01 Behfdore It,»tst of tlu Missis Dewltt'II irold Mi i r \ r.f S I M P P I \ is. 1 Mis M,J* S Huff retcnllMr Phnx jRaub is ipondimr 1' 1 uith rolnti\ts iC> OxfordMi nnd Mr- Am/I Miller nre \l it-c (hoir '-nn in A war]. th'= we«I'

md Mrs Gr o Vme\ \isitod

r.omnnsrn ind fnmih spent«!ts dn\ -with ihPlr <,on In Phil-

hiirl Pr<\ nnd Clironce Wi]le\er

Stnr niuV Thrice-ft-Wcok N, 52 Od~*iJ ad\arce

\m t toot] tlnnsn r l i t

d tn fci mrnt

in t ' '"i. ,. ys^'Tl "> M<1 ' L I ' " 1

till 1! 1 > tii 11 iln u n n i ihf <-tcmu h

' l i n t In i t u l r j ff UM hf irtliiimdl/ inc-s i i^in'.w ,|o\Vii uoii ' .ni.-s

MT ft \ \ win m ] ,11 v r r - j i J u j ' i i ' ' -• 11. 1 tiinn \ ! icl \ I n i t r - i c \

! ro<>ts nh l uid is sr Id h\ \\ ilHim'-. Oj f 1 a lion- ' Ph ti 111 1 n1

I ill lUffiO" ^ T VillTC

il isscs MniffTrPt 1 mirps nnd MarHewitt of Irpuconnj spent Sun-Ns* s M md mi 1 Mil \ Podgo ofi Hull ir-* homt for tlm hollc1n\nlon Miss "\ITI tin Paub ind• I thtl Dowltt ar^ liomo fiom thf

' o r

d H ^ e lfi mi iy\fn\ftio Col


Ilhciimttur.UK n_-


lAicteertonCcpyrtfhL 1912. by Amtr/ean V**JJ A

Now Yenr's IB tho.doy to pay. Hooray IAnd thin Is your ono, lono chanc-

To help tho carrier on tils wayUp tho road toward high finance.

In rain or shino ho has booked tho line*Nor kickod tho wholo yoor through.

Then cet in tho awlm—tho water's fino.Kinti friond, It la up to you.

You win tho toss to come acrossFor tho oarrior triod and true.

Who kept the rond, though it an owed amib lowed,

And now it Is up to you.

Vou know tho -jtiy ^ days s

Who did tha Itnl^nitic apt-Jla

For Old Man Jow^: Say, but h« w u


With wings t>MC>in<i*l oa to his

ho els 1

This Meroury kl*l hn LMirixi the

nowa.But if he wart htir**—*vill, nt?.

He'd havo to iwn thimn \v\agA on htn

e hoes

At carrying •' pap*M " todj,y I

The Mercury skiMi brj.^lif up to

dato ^t

Would tly tn -In f m i ^ . i w 17 ,

He d bo Johnniii Mn"- ~ tui had

work lUei 1 r ir'i

Delivering "pnpt-n" to-iiiy.












KLINE BROS.343-3451Norlhamplon Street

LI ' .EASTON, PA. : :

We ha\o it right orUhat fl>-b m«ht(

With tho phony WHIR on his hi'tly.For tn air opline we take our flight

And on "red de\il ottymoijuetaTho fast "choo-chooa now carr tlio nuvvg

"When hitched to the •* papui trtun.And the "papos* we drop kerflop v-thout top

Tho M^rctir rfpiol with thobird win*; huul.

Ho rLol ^IVUH tnd * pain.For how would ho ti>ol in a

ott inoboolOr a bloomin Air opla.no 1>


Tho MerGury^play . ia todaypassay.

Did you gal HiAfc f1 Nait,dou t y JII Jhiak ?

But there ts ^omo alu 'u to thamodern way.

: Whloh pul-,3 poor M'Sro oathe blinlc

Wo are up to btz, aad wehava to.whia

By all the oonr.ru.phiona ne"VAnd to use all tiiti ta^Mst ways

fchayjaIn Rettini? tho nown t3 you.

It ia your turn now' to avowand allow t

;TheL-wonderful fiiinM we doAnd to give \ta -i l* Pnank

you!"—yon know how—For go'tlng flit) 30 .v? to you.

Many Thanks For Your Patronage

Many Bargains AH Over The Stdre=


A Happy |New Y e a r ^ _ •'/•

T ^ Air:...'..:. .."^S:Jl \ j r 1 &A1 : ' < • • . ' •

1s • :. .' '••• f t .

• \ . • • / / , . . ; • • : • ; . . . ;


13-15 South Third Street, Easton, Pa.

5 ' 0/ „





< ^* I f AVI-NG close'd the largest .-and most

^ F i successful Ghristmas season irfthe:;2v'

^.. _ history of '•my"business,"" T wishTto )$~

\h publicly thank allpatrons and wish'every' ?fV;

1 " '


ANNOl N"CI :MENTS ; :NEXT. ; -M|3 .NTH ' :: :: (J\


Page 9: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …


HIGHLfOroy Lay ton of Plulniluld was In

town Sundny. ;

Tho postodlcc will elosu tit 10 a. m,on Chrlfltmag day.

Mr. and Mrs., John Tranauu have..both boon ;vlctlii.i»;o( grip...

itov. Al. T, Conkiinaticnded n wed-a\ng at Albany yesterday.-vMlHs Hilda Moore la tho possessorol a hnndsomo now piano.

There vvoro moving - pictures 1Him to Hall Christmas nlKht.

: Abrnrn J, Crtgnr lost a valuablehorae recently from lockjaw.

Mrs. Mary Kiynn unil Mrs. MaryMartin aro Hiil'fcrlritf with Brlp.

MIHS Feleclu Levy recently enter-tained MIHH Mnn:i or North Jlrunch.

Mr. arid Mr«. John 'Polls uro pre-paring to tnovi- to Chicago

Mian Hilda Moon; has 'passed herpreliminary examlrmllon In JuniorEndeavor." "• ' •

Perclval Mooro In confined to hisresidence HufferlnK from a severe at-tack of trrlp.

Mr. and Mr.t. \V. S. Stothoff are theproud parents of it baby girl born

'••• fcnnilay morning. :

Prof, lunar, IIlMarr.HJor and Omllvwill spend tho holiday vacation atIfnntiui, N'. J., (iml Atlantic City. -

"Hitman Hearts," a protty story of.life in ArkiuiNa.s IUIIH, was ployed inRiiilto Hall Tuesday evening. Dec.'£4.

• Leo Degnnn hud tho .misfortuneto fall nnd sustain a nevere cut on hishead while at .school om; day last

Tho" holiday vacation in the bor-ough HCIIOOIH bowin on Friday, Dec.

, 20 and will continue to Thurad;".'. J in . 2.

. . AnionK tliuHtr WIMJ witnessed thugrcnt fix-day bicycle race in NewYork city wufcj D. S. Fritts and JohnGroenlleld.

Epland Walton of Stroudshunrhnn accepted a position In MachlncrjHull, He ts u brother of the threiWalton boys of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark lllxon of Wash-ington welcomed a llttlu daughterto their home recently. Mrs. iHlxon

• was-formerly ..Mi.HH Daisy Seal '.if thiiplace. ••* '

Lewis WyckoIY of Kssi IIlKh Bridgehad one of lii.H fi ut badly mtiHhed bya heavy canting railing '>•> It. whileat work In the .steel plant last Wed-nesday. . ' ' •

.Miss Cora Dlsbrow of East High. Brldye Isi suffering from an attack

of typhoIO, fever. Her mother, whohas been ll! f rom the same. IS some-what improved.

Atnj. Arnbroto Hoffman of tho MUM8ldt: found two poarI-4 In HOIH>> oyst.-rsrecently and, inking them to ' Mr1<H\K\\, tho Cli-ilon jeweler, was

• Ji.ii.uWm«ly i,u« ii-Ouil fur th.-ni.The ahow win IOWH at the ston-a of

Sanftird Groond 'ke and K ^. Perrywere handKorn<>'y ilecoratfil-'for ihffestive holidays; »• NelHrtii Ai>mir, w)\In an adept In; .ho Joconillvi.- line.

Former Mayo: J, II. llus.? has i"nml his xloro a i«| Hut Hi KiiMt (Mi;Hrltliro,. fnrmi.ry n<'«(i]>l<;<l Uy PhilipKwllicr, to tli* \v. p . HondurHonCo.. who will i;l tiibHsli JI rnt.-iit rn:irli*'tthere. . • ; ' . ' .

Fred Cram'.r. who was f.ntiit.;rl'bonkkt.'1-pt.-r if' tin* First N:iU»n;tl Muni,of IIIKII I?nilki\ mi'! lutrly cashier oftho liank at ltot_-kiiw;iy, has taken ••rur.n- lurr.'itlv.' ptMltlnn wiiir.ji !,:1nIn Blomnfield.

-.MIHH Mtuii-lFnu ApKnr of thi.H~plai'is prer>arlriu"-lu K'U to I'alm Mt-aciFlorida. aboiH th.> rlr.st of January incompany wltn Miss MnbW II'.iTrrmrand Miss Krrna Hoffman ntnl MrsSusan Wisu. ali of CullluM.

\V. P. N.'ti.ler.smi. the Knst HIKI:• Hi-I(li,v inert-hunt, wuti !H>t | . i i / - m

tin- tiittiltry Exhibition at Calif on orW.'iliu.wlny m a ]tnlr of lilack Orp-limtoti HilckttiiH d...vi'r» rnornhs oldTht- fi>wis orlttiiiitteil In KniTlami.

.Irvtii Moser of flatnden riiccntij(iK-liVfivd a Kohler ^ Cam pin--II pianot<<" I^hlut.'LiiK TrlU». No. 104.T. 0. RM.. f..r us*:.In their ' roomy. II« hahalso wiihl pianos t.i Martin Kenney ofKastll iK'h MrMj,'.' ami John Citllcns

;—\of Mill sm-.-t. • • • •Mr . /and MIH. Chan. P. Kralelfe'h

Ilot.;;l "C;iluim;t, ail) W. "nth' street,Now Vork. h a w antiotincfd the en-

. . gaffcmeni of their iliiughter, Mar>Urownan, to Albert'Gridl«y Jordan of

•New.York city.Mayor Wm. M. Williams of High

Hrlilge, who is Kettenil nmii'iger ofthe Universal Audit Co. of N«w Yorkcity, [liadc- an iuHlru«M 'on "EdluluncyIn Rflulion lU'MuiuiJ'actui'hiK". at ihe

. monthly meeting of ' the Manufaeturer 's Club In . Wlltlnmsport, - Pa

-•-, last week.1 • • ~Miss- Frunces • Ctarku of llaritan

haa annoup.c(Ml the enyayemunt of he:nleuo. Miss Mary Carroll, Lo EdinumCI. Kraft of Soinnrvlllo. Mr. . KrafIs ii ne|.'!i15;v;of Kev.,1 .f. Zt miner o.St. Fturmini's church in llaritau and

•-••• - runnorly WJI.S piU-liiT for-Ujp-- HighNriilge nine.

Miss Catherine Uobhlns '^f HlnliHall Academy.' Harry 'Moun^f.-j l . ir

•fuy«Ui!v,"ctilh:Ke. Hurnid • Apsarv-voPHrivoton. ... .M!ss.....\L;irgJiriLu..:iUitlmt'i

-~;"0f "Klnitrir colleKiV Miss "Wava" Mciiv

the holiday vacation at thfir r'.'Sju-cth-o huines hero. . iHllcv. .M. T. Conklin went to Son].

ervillt liist Ahwulay to atn.-nd tin--.:.meeting.-.of- tlic- Uarltatr .Ministerial

, ,—AHKOclatlon. ii . . JIISI. ni.-t with 'th*'

ndcrne. Green Knoll,js

with ...-j "ot • th


. . . . . . . . . . . . . J.,..M. lobat,.i-.ioyji u. uiu "~CokOS»liry"~Mr"'E.~

ri-cliiiiM'h Upon -their, return from awotldliiK ti'lp,,. Uicy will, resld'e ••'"lii

X'okcabtiry.1'. •• "' " yr 'O n r i " — *

1 - •

jJl '* ^ f c » j . . _ - - _ i , . .

ts,hot and col

adjustable* chair,and ail "nin-iieuesH:iry£oi*

stei'iUs-.lnf^appanvtus, •' and ail "nin--•.-.tcriiils.;(ind: insti'iiinenis=iieuesH:iry.^£oi*.

— proper :equipment.-- A trained..nursewill be in charge, ami Jt >,is the: In-tention to let her go to the homes of

earTaitormade Suits

Bight in the wake of Christmas comes one of the most powerful, one of the most important, oneof the best events of the whole year, Lauhach's famous Year-End Reduction Sale of Women's andMisses'Tailormade Suits. »v '

Here are all the loveliest, the finest, the proudest suits—their prices now Rumbled as never so fairprices deserve to be—and all because—Well, it's an old story, too well known to need retelling;.We've many, many more suits than we could hop; to sell in the regular way, so prepare for suitnews that should make eyes fairly dance. _

Our Regular $18.00and $19.50 Suits at

Our Regular $22.50ana .t)25.ou oiiits at

Our Regular $35:00and $45.00 Suits at

Over Half Our Entire Stock at These ReductionsThis is a sale in all ways extraordinary, embracing more than one-half our entire stock, by far Una

largest and finest in this city, comprising virtually every really smart, distinctive, new style of thoseason, in all the most fashion-favored materials, such as the Two-Tone Diagonals, Serges, Broad-cloths, Eponge, Scotch Tweeds and Mixtures, in every good color and black.

Look again at the values and the savings as shown above. And be assured there are suits her«' to fit you, suits in all sizes, regular and odd and extra large sizes, women's aiid misses'.

Early comers win advantages in choice. / —Second Floor.

fm; Laiibach & SortsEaston, Penna.

I !

•-ntployeus as a viKitlnu' nurse at such.tim*;s HS It may V>e convenient forbur to be away from tho hospitalI'irom. While the company haw beeniinnstially fortunate in the .smallinimli'M- of men injured. It Is wellknown ihut hmm-'dlau- attuiuluntin- •in.tiiry. iiiav.uriivmit.stiioiis .c<plit'iLtions, and1 It" is'/'ihe'-comiiaiiy'stii-siiv lo providf for all contingent'

HAMILTON..Master Junior Lefever is sick with

a cold, . • •-Miss' IV;.rl Hunt passed Sunday

with relativps in Easton,.Mrs. Webor'returned •from her visit

.vith rt'hitlVfS in .Slruiidsburg,-1'-.Mrs, T. S. Bray is sitenillng son

line with her mother at Haven iioek,.Mrs: John Vosler spent the greater

part of last -week with relatives andfriends in town.

U-vl Case Is able to IK- out agaiafter belntr confined to his home wi

SfVi-i'c spell of .sickness.Ueglmild Hueh*?H, of ••Trenton

issiri?; Christmas -time : -with Iiother. Mrs. Olive Hughes.-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Moore en-

tertained her parents, Mr. anil Mrs.Tniv.-I.v. uf Milfurd.'uvff' nundity. ••••-. Adolphua Warwick uf PlaintleHl Atii.«slng""the • holidays •"wit h~." his*'par

-nts. Mr.'and Mrs. Lewis Wiuwiek..Mrs: Lorettfi" Houston nr'M children

of, MelvUlere wore over^2;-St?t'uoatsof .Mr. ami .Mrs. Lewis V-.lrwiek onF r i d a y . "• • • . " • ••- •- •••• •

Mr. nnd'.Mrs. Stewnrt-Bo'wlby .andmi Charles avu .spuiiditig a monthL-ith' ' their son, Harry Hovvlby, In

Newark.Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Kin hey and

lIsaac- .Wkillinan relti'med to hi;

huinc last week, ufter spending scnnat the homo of Mr. and Mrs.

Olatvnco l l m v k , ^ ' • ••Mrs. Sarah Jlcrrlll, who has heiiino with • heriioii here, is spendint;

some time withi/her diiughters in Ne\v^ark and New York; :•"

Miss Ruby Stuck and Jliss HelenKendelhart. touchers in our "school,

u spending the Holidays at theirhomes in Tower City and Gettysburg-,Pa.

A number.; of ths-fr!ends..o£...-Mr!?1.Olivo 'Hujjhes gfivt- her a surprisenurly in honor1 of bur birthday onedriy lust. week. All report a pleasanttime, '. V

Thco. Hardy has been elected an:i delegate ..to represent • the Jpenl'"'itf'.Z^f,-. .•n«ilrond-..-TriUiimen.::i't~th'eNational convention in .San FranciscoIPTUtiyr~~••-"- :-i•---—- : .- . ; :^; . .^."-: :^-;y r

uane E. Mlnnrd. and family ofst Oranpc it ml .Mrs. Jo!ni"iJcnnett,

l spent Sunday with Mr. and'Mrs.aac Rcnnott. They made tho" trip

t i u t o . -••-. • : • • '•'•••Samuel KtisenberKervhas stnred.htsrir!'?^;aiidr-cxpccts to- .-.-ic.ivc'.Ticto.wnon, John Staples, who bought theuse, is putting- in all tho modern!l!i'o.V.einents.. urior:....to...his, .moving

j I low lo Bankrupt tho Doctors,^A prominent New ^York physician

says: "If it wcro not for• tho thinstockings and thin-aoli?d shnpR. wornby woman, the, doctors would prob-ibly be bankrupt." When you con-tact a cold, do not wait for It to-'ao-velop intn pneumonia but treat It atonce. Chamberlain's Co'ugh RemedyIs intended especially for coughs^andcolds, and "has won- a -wide:: reputa-tion by-its cures of theso diseases. Its most effectual and 1B, pleasant and

safe to take. 'For; sale by all dealeru,

• . ^ • • • : l l : . - • L " • ' . , • ' , : . ' > / ' " • " * " " • . • " • " '

STIC \V ARTS VI lAAL/'jI 11- C. !irii! it recovering* from ar.

'.Mi«. AnuSv Hush was a last week'sviMinr ..f her son Charles.

.Mtv. '"Jrant ,«hoeniaker Uliid lit Heriuuii'.1 ax Stil3 .Valley on Sunday.^ Jiiilir "While "of- P«rt'''Wtt'rreu~»i»eia'Friday afternoor/ with her aiint, Mrs.

Sianl'.-y Hipvlow of PhiUIpsbiirgwas a Sunday truest of .Mr. and Mrs.G;- F.. H.imlen.~-

Mrs. Jacob Gundernian recently'•nt"italn<-(l her father and brother

Ch--\?. Worman arid daughter, Mrs .ClUi.-,: Uli.'li. 'passed. Tuesday withfrit-mlf in Blooinsbury.

Mrs. B'-H'.- , Allshouse of Green'sBridge wn.' JI recent visitor at Hersister. .Mrs. Reri Weller.

Th.;- Christmas enloriuinnient ofth*- I..itth>.-ran Sunday school was heldin the..church. Tuesday night.

-Man HV8P of Lewisbun?, Pa., leftfnr home last Thursday, after severalH-t-fiis" «tay with friends here.

Margaret snlpman of WashinRtonwas n. jrueM last week of her si'and-

. .f.;->li'S;H1.BkiiK'lu; ...Dati.bert ^moyej.r; her.

ti.-r Burl.ei-s house" to Philllps'burs-"A iilvfasijijr )irotrrum will be tvn-

dt-red l(y I he Presbyterian Sundayschool -.Vn Christinas night, in thechurch. • •' -• : "

•••..Mrs. tfurry .-*-:. Frey. who1 undcr-.wenl. an <.it>.-.ration in. tho Easionhospital! recen'tly, iH expected homefor the. holidays.

The fnrni of Clias. Carter, cou--,i(|.in!.ng-~-ll(J.,-,-.aeres,-r.-ne!ir-,-:.to\vnr".-v.'a.5sold Saturday to Thos. Hoffman ofHlocinsbii.ry for JS9 an acre.

Harry Treeizo moved his fan. .from Hoviiiid Melick's house, on tlieHeights, to Mrs.-1* Elizabeth CarHns'shouse on Main street, Tuesday. (

Samuel ^Prey1 will movo . In thespring1 from the Clias. Carter farm to

now occupied by Reuben Brotzmfln.The remailns of Mrs. Lotltla Rush,

who resided with her daughter in•\Vasliingtonl were interred here onTuesday In i the Prosbytnrian ceme-tery,. , ... . = -f..;.. .. • - ,,„"- . • -•"

JaCob •!,p\i!nuermanTnovecl his fam-ily and household effects on^Mondayfrom Main street to Howanl•—Miil-llck's house. I on the Heights, vacatedby Harry Tr/ecize/ .,

...Frank. Apsjar.has-qitlnsy _"."••'tjttliP~7^rjtiiiibet'"are "sultorlng-'Crom

jirip aroiind 'here;. . l.Jeport.sa.vs Joc_..Painl will moveii'i'jon'.,his'^farihi" '^lie "first \ofj^J.a'nutinv

Mrs. it: K. sfemivti spent Friday withhi-'r mother, airs. J. Molllok. at Cnoks-v l l l c . • • • • ' - . - V - - "

• S. P.- and hjermnn Iiush "re builrl-\nts their buhjlu'r siioii upo"]i the old

,heelwright jbroumi.

"sclfool"wiII^los-Vc"liiTtTl' Jaii."fi'.""^""'"'""'"•••Mrs^Jas. K.l Smith and Miss* tllfC

spent, sovernl ;dnj's with 'Miss IlilT'.srother Jacob aJ Uitlontown last \y.eok.

Mrs. J. W..^Ilawk and daughter,Alra. Ajipar, sj^ent Friday afternoonwith Mrs. Wm., A. Baylor at Wash-ington. )

Mrs, J. W. Hawk a'ml daughterLiiete. Mrs. F rank Ap^ar antl twochildren, Mrs. UlRlIey and son Leslie,

,Mrs. S. M. Smltiy-'and dn.UBhler, Mrs.J. Slack and daukl ' ler Miirgarol.Mr-s.John cDlttmar. ar . i .son Russell, weroEastoti" s toppers 'on Saturday. ""'

Chas. Gerber Is 111.(••rank Gntim-r of Xew Villimo'

visiting relatives here.Hiram Castner was In Belvidere

last Wednesday on business.Mrs. Wm. CarlinEr spent Sunday

John" Bnu-no. /our uoal dea!er,: do-Ttiitud a load of. coal to the churclihere,

John Cttstner of Hackettstown wasan over-Stmdny Ktiost of his father.Theo. Castner:

John Xiper, Jr., of Mattawan pass-ed Titoitrlny with his pnr.-nrs, Mr. i "Mrs. John Xlper.

Jacob Snyiler is passing the holi-days with his daughter.-, Mrs. Edw.Jones, at Plainfleld.

-Miss LimwHouiiHEiviiie spent-Christmas with her sispr. Mrs. Prank An-derson, at MattawEt.'S "-

Mrs. Wm. CreyaV of Washingtonwas an over Sunday truest of n e rfather, Wm. Castner.

Mrs. JJIba Totten entertinoil Tru-man I'aipl^ .-ind Miss Cora Lunger ofPort Colden last Thursday. '

A. Bell -Jlaleomson, accompaniedby.Jos. M^cCloary of New York, pass-ed SiufJuv at IIIM farm here.-- :.•--• '

.A. 'J'. SkqiT.V.._C.O-..pre.syntmi _onch_nf"tno-employoos'"of~the™'1wo1o!en"'"m!llwith a turkey for Christmas.. A number of our ynum1 people at-tcnd'Hi a dance at ihe home of JohnL. Smith at Junction last Thursdaynight. .

•Several from this place attctnloiithe funenil of Mrs. ..U'bie - Fisher atI'art Murray Saturday;! Mrs. Fisherwas formerly Miss •AblVe Kini* and aresldiitit of this place.

OivSTUKUBoars the signature of Chae.H.Fletoher.ID.UBO lor over thirty years, and

The Kind V<m Have Always Bought.

CORXISII. v-;v^Last Sunday., evening;tho BpwortlLeague of • "the'; Siinimerilold Mr" K.-church, aselated^by members of tiiechoir, rendered a Christmas cantatato a large nnd appreciative audlcncoiRussell Vannatta opened with aChristmas Sermon, seven of the Sun-diitesshool girls recited the Angel'sSong and in the Intervals of the sing-Ing excellent • recitations w e r c r ' i n -dered .by the Hisses Alice Muftln',"••issle' nulicl; and Mabel Cole.



.....3U«n anil...wniiinii—do von want n'splendid"head'^of -TiixiTrhru't™hillr' free7

from scrilp itch and dantlruff?.)• rDo you want haiiv sov. bowitchingly

rndln'nt Hint It compels the admira-tion of a i r who soo it? c

Do,you want a scalp os immacu-lately clean and bright as a newly-tinted coin?

If you do, get JI. 50c bottlo of PA-PvTSIAN Sago toclay, at dealers ev-erywhere. Tho girl with the Auburn'Kilr Is on every carton and bottlo—isfc for PARISIAN Sage nnd a*>o4hat

you Kotilt, . Williams'; Opera HiiusfiPharmacy"'ffTiararitee's* it. i


All persons are ^warned againstrespassing with dogs, guns and linesupon the lands of those whose namesappear below, in any manner what-soever, without permission, especiallyfor the purpose of hunting1, fishing,

, trapping, .:i:plcking':.nuts,"":'otc,V'1--: underpenalty of; the law.

Names are inserted under • thisheading at 25 cents a line.John N. Parks . . . . . .Moun ta in Lake'Jas. L. Shields, Agt, S. £. Bowlby fmJames L. Shields.. .Homestead farmJames L. Shields.. .Springtown farmJas. L. Shields,. .Known as Fritts lotJames L. Shields. .Stephensburg farmBaltis Crouse, on Edw. Shurts farm.

^noEir Hicks Schoolhousi.Albert Stelter ~.'.••, . , .OxfordJacob Anthony .PenwellChris. X. Smith farm .HamptonWashington Water Co.. .Wash. TwpReuben M. Bryan. .Washington TwpMrs. Arabella Slmartton . . . . . A s b u r yE. G. Mosson Hicks SchoolhouseJ. Milter Marlatt . . . .Jackson ValleyW. It, Underhill . . Port Colden11. A. Osnuiii farm . . . . .StephensburgJulia A. Beatty Vii'rm. .VStephensburg

iloir.s of 'cVevblin!?1 Estate.:-u..:.:i::j-.-_:i.-_Ncar.:-JLt.'i-Ai r.;.' Sch o a I h o ::r,aJohn ]•!. -ritires .... ."..."."."i.' /Hampton'W. F. Groveling'"". . .Near Spruce I'lThomas Wasseli.

Wamslcy farm, SpringtownHenry Wolfinger . .Oxfi "Krnest. IT. 'Wilson, . .. ^.k . .

Amos Swayze farm, Hope Twp.rus .•» A. Baylor ..Scott's Mountain

.^[artin \V. Melroy near ViennaMilton L. Marhiti ; . . .Franklin Twp.William Lancp . . ' . . . . . . . . . . Penwell

"KeVib*e7r~'UHnj%"n"~ia'rm';"'iJ;-Hd'pe'-':Twp.Stewart Iioyt . . . \ \ , N e n r Free UnionWm. J, Biglcr Port MurrayWm. H.. Major . . . .Noar_BrldgevilIePeter E. Colo . . . . ."TTTvr. .MontanaMrs. Me11ssa;_Jonkins, Washington Twp;Frank Lanc'e . . . P o r t Murray, R. D.Gllbfirt Stout HarmonyP. M.rPetersen (Dahlke farm) OxfordGuoryu 13.- Gray- -.:-".?•',.-r.-i;-.'BuUzvlHc-Wm. L. Allshottso New VillageNew Village Land Improvement -Co.National Fire Proofing Co.,

(N. B. Park, Ms'r), Port MurrayI^ary, Pokelo . . rr'r; . . . .Port MurrayWm. R. Wyckoff . . . . J ackson ValleyJohn B. Field Jackson ValleyJohn 0. Stewartv. . . . Mt. Bethel

Rverley . . . . . . . . . MontanaCalvin Tims . ...;:. . . Noar TownstmryCaHtner Bros. . .near Mt.' Alry:Schoo.lIrving Parks ... .'. . . . . .'.New Villagi

(Andrew J. Croon) . n e a r PerjuestAlbert-'W-.:;Kinheyr-Crystal •HtlFPout-•; try Farm, South of WashingtonA. Carmlfihael " * 'Caleb S. ./Biirdge .".' BridgevlUeS l S P k '•• .Oxford

. . . . . . . Towns buryT b i i

./gSamuel S. ParkJohn Aimer.Chns. Aimer ^_yyHenry So,wcrs . . . . . ? , .Pb r fC i i ldcnJny. F. Tvloe"-.:.'... .Plensnnt GroveMoses Woolverton . . . . . ; - ; Broad wayWni. Wacrn^r. , . , ..Mnrtnt.rsVnr.nssinij

£0._W...Anderson...near_Mt...Airy sch,e n'fy "DalrympTe '-"•;•-..-;vrvrvM6 n ton a

Morris G. Rush ..' near AsburyFrank J. "DoMango , . . .Port Colden.rumes Lewis farm . . ' . . .Brass CastleMrs. Jas. G. Lommason, npar AsburyW. J. Mickons . . . . nea r Port Murray;Manuel Snydor . . . . ,fi., Brass Castle"Arthur Llndaberry,

• (Anderson fnrm), Mt, TjebanonN. Warne farm Broadway

Make your WA^NTS known inTHE STAR'S CENT-A-WORDC O L U M N r •.: ; . • • • . ; !':.•:•..•••••:-;

Professional gardsIndex to those Especially Prom-inent in Law, Medicine, Dentistry.Optics,Insurance, Undertaking.elc

Office^Hours foi~Eye Examinations

WM. A. STRYKERFirst Natiotial Bank Uuildiug

Counselior-at-Law• Muster in Chnncery.

: Practitioner in till Unlu-d•Stnti.-a. 'Htiit'iand.County Caurts. . . .

CHAS. B. S M I T H , M. 1).122 Belvidere Avenue(.Washinytou, N. J.

Telephony N'o. JS-2.

ilr W cst" Was lilt: gton-'A v H:~~. \v ashi n g ton •Gunenit MoiiioI[)«.•. . ( A.00 r-. i'Ma. m.Trenttnoiit of the Kyf. > l.tK) to 3.00 p. m. ,Classus. I 6.30 tit *.00 p. m.

Siintlnys. 1.0"i-.o2.>i|i. m.

G. H. KITCHEN,• M. D.• ^ y I \V ii»t-SI c « at1 f 311'ce t ' r W(Wl 1 i llg t o i l -

OFF1CK HOU(* S.00 toilXla. m,

S < 12.00 Ir 2.00 n. m-v I C.Wl trj d.OO ]>. m .

DR. THEO. K. HAYWARD^ . - ^ . - ^ . Den t i s t -^J^. . 5-• -,- £:•:--,

22 Broad Street;1 Washington ^"^

HtlCP. HOURb^ iy)QUl 5.30p.m.'-

Tclcphono 10-7.


(Successor to"" I*. J, Eckel)1 o _ ,_24 West Washington Avenue '•* f~

6.30 to 8.;iO p. m. Saturdays.Other evuninss by nppointnient only.

Fred O; Jarck; Qptomeiris : -";•'141 NOUTHAMI'TON STKEET.|EASTON,l(pX

CHARLES R. FORD37 East Washington Ave., Washington

Furnishing Undertaker""."•"'.'"-' NIGHT C A L L S -

AC my i-tiaiduncc, &) Younians Avenut.1

Lont,- Distance Tyluphono buth •. . . . store anil residence. • .

D. B. LAUBACHFuneral Director and Embalmer

IV'i-sonal Att«ntioTi Day or Nijcht.

1.(5 West Washington AvenueWa-hingtoit

"riiunf, 1(5-2. - . • - • '

I I l Kh - R >a ( i v 5

KS Rroad Street. Washington :

Insurance and Real Estateni. GOLD BONDS. -

• Local mid Lo; i^ D

Nilty.Ownmissionur r»f Deeds.

II Itroati Street, WasiiingonAsent for nnd Dealer in REAL ESTATE.'

Justice ol the Peace -s#Commissioner ol Deeds and

Notary Public

ALEXANDER,ANDEHSON ,149 East Washington A\c, Washington

^ Surveyor and Civil EoQlnecrCommissioner of Ducda and Notary Public

. Heal Eauit» ARUJII••• Fire, Life. Auciilent, Automobilu and". .

BurBlwry Insunince. \


. "-".Tclcphor.c.113 2i.--™.":r-;.;::v.;.-.-;•:.-•:

n the matter of thct1!entato of LnulGito Bar

Vlluam M. Marlatt/_._ r_(Jredltora._,.

;ate of the" County of Warren, maden tho eighth day of November, 'A. D.i.lneteen hundred and twelve, noticeH hereliy-Klveii to nil persons' havinghilmB-aiifnlnst the eatuto of WilliamL Marlatt, lato of the County of War-•\r,f_ deceased, to nrosi-Titrthe wume to >•e siilncrihor, IIIH adminlHtrn.tor, on• before the eighth day of August, •

"OldTosto^'ce Building,

-'.'•; Cetitrer3r>ure, Easton, PH.

Eye Specialist '°

Carfare'Allowed on ?2 00 Glasses.1

anil" exhibit hlB or heri h f l l i 6 i h i

time so^llmlted, will be forever-* kl^pij\her action aganat the

Pnted Nov/r8/ 1912.8. MARLATT, j

Administratef, :

Star and Thi i ^ nWorld, $2.00 l t i j ^

A 15-ceht locM in the STAR has many, a time effected asale that the seller wduld have given $15 to make, ifnec'essaiyr"^/'.:;^1^

Page 10: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …





L BAMBERGER & CO.Newark, N. J.

py new yearff|.-*It is witrTall sincerity that we extend..

to you our best wishes for a HAPPYAND PROSPEROUS. NEW YEAR.

C] As we are now closing what has beenby far the most prosperous year in the

history of this store, and having enjoyed alively Christmas trade, : we wish to takethis.'opportunity to cordially thank all whohave contributed in, any way to the result.

Hardware, StovesKitchen Furnishings

•Cutlery, Jewelry, etc.

Parcel Post is Operated OnWith-8 Zones

Any One Can Learn PostageRates by Figuring Out Dis-

tance From Postottice.

B:<;iXNl.\C -SV.v YearV il:iy nt flra, m. the ueu parcel pusi lawl>ermlts any inhabitant of tlieUnited States to send through

tlie ina 11 merchandise of all descrip-tions, provided It dues nut weigh morethan eleven 'pounds and Is not morethan six feet In combined lengih andgirth. One point the postmaster gi'ti-era! wishes enipluis!zed mid that isthat all packages have tu be taken tothe postoilice by the sender, and thisdoesn't nii'iin the • numbered sul'Sta-tlons ordinarily found in drug simvs,but the regular postnlllci' stalimis.

The packages will be delivered atttielr (iesiiuaiioti tn Mvipu'isv liie'di-iuyorio.s being as regular us ' the present1

let terservice. •• • ;At present tiiL- uimilier of nien In tin*

Country Is Mapped Out: With3,500 Units-Government, Sol's Guides Cheaply.

beret! uni ts printed <>ti It sh<»ws thaiNew York elty Is lit unit "IT, which,of ct>ur>e, is In the llrst '/.out*. Kai'h lo-cality niaki's i ts own lirst zone, so itwas necessary f o r ' t h e * postoilice de-par tmen t to have printed separa temaps for end) locality.": Suppose younre in unit TIT In tliu first i.onc midyou wan t to send n package to HufTalo,which Is approximately lti unit \,W<--which is In the second zone. .You t akethe package to the postoilice, ami thepostoillco clerk will place It on theno'.vly constructed scales, first desljr- infitiiiK on the scales that the package!1)7 to go to the second zone. Wlieii It ;•

;'is weighed I lie scale will give exac t ly ;Uic ii Un'U til he<(-M>ai'.V (o ciit'Cy H i e jpael;ai:e to Its destination. ]

TIK> llrst z«tiie of tlfty m i l e s includes;wlmi Is called the Incal zone. The 1

dtyijimite the zone. All he lifts to dnIK to mar?; hU scale with the ZDIH1 In-nU'ntnr a t ' l Hit* iiuictilne will show thenmount of postage. .*'.

The postoilice liepitilment li.iriis.siietla guide Itnok uml ntap that can he pur-chafed for "» rents. There U also anliisui'iuut' nirnliiHt los-x ••)( till packagesnot over $."(i. : : •

Among ll.c things Mi it will not be ac-cepted for delivery u v Intoxicant*, ex-plosives. inltaiiiM!',"-!'!" liquids, live nrdead aiibnnls. ilmanus. disease cernn.books lir prlnluil matter! , :

A sp'."*lol series of s tmips lins been1'iijrn vwl for tin* service.

Ttio greatest . i d v n n t a ^ of the par-cel post Is Io the j'ariiwr.-.v!in wants !•»sell bis pruilitcts iltr*:t to tii-.vc'jtt-iiiu-er. A postut rnnl for i, K'.MI'OI1 morefresh ecfis can I to s.int )ii 01; '{dny andUie egps recelvwl tlw nex:.", *>M kindsof produce will !>•» >>:<'>?ptnhk\ KL'«Scan be jiacked s.:p!irit-»Iy In cotton andplaced In corruunted pasteboard boxesso they can t.v Itlttpt'd witli entire safe-ty. All piicka«i;s i.!oiit.'itiiiiii; BSC* mustbe marked "I'irtf.-i.-"

All fnifdk'.iuttt'lds. m~;j ns aifllln.-iy.toys, musical Insrretc., must be mark

It is pxp^'tinl Hi tli-.'will hurt (III' ••xpr.>s .•••unputiii.'s' busi-

on account »parcpl11 jiftstand prnilih'o[o tlni!ls:ind>

Tlie panpcl l

{This Hu.b^Mark is yourValtie-Mark'on: Rubbers

more than any first-class rubber., If your dealer can'tsiippI.Yj-y.ou.write u s . ' ., Cf ' •, ?J-/.\. . •'• ... \_ y

• B o s t o n R u b b e r S h o e C o . , M a i d e n , Mass . N,


rSa's1CYRV&SAKER, Prop'r,' W/BtiiagWD'N. JK ;' " Leading Hostelry in War/en County

M» rat.? of the

V.iv 1 by

Limit of first zone from Chicago. Rate Ecents for "first pound nnd 3 contf (oreach additional pound. .

Limit of second zone from Chicago. Rnte1 • ti cents, 4 cents. . ' "Limit of third >.uiu'. from Chicago. Rnte

7 ccnls, ar^nts.Fourth zone. Rnte S centa. fi centB. -


'I'htB map, mnile with ChlcaRO as a base, sho 'F* how thp 7-one system wili lie IIPCII in arran^inn r'ir,>;s"frir *V pircit p-mtFen-Ice which wilt be. Snauctirntcd. Jnn. l. SX^

Estnbllshins zones ;by drawing cltvtnajjf different^'llamcton;, with each postotlicc aamount of (lKiirlng. Instead of ualnR^towitiihips ano K'untles as units or stnrtfnt,' p(country Into blocks or units, each block K'lng half a deVree In latitude In north-somtude east and west. There are 3.500 of these units In the country. ' . v

An example of how to BOt the first.zone la as follows: \ \Find the center of tlie unit In which your, postofllce is "located.. Draw a circle of tlfty mil.;.-, r.i.lin

from any postouico, nnd xb<\ poat.tge rate Is 5 ceni« for tlio first pound a nil .1 cents for enrh nilillll.in.il itsecond zone Is determined by drawingwldi the same center a circle of 1:.O mitos radius, Kv,-rv

a center, wints it. W«K ii extension

: smprictlciblev-iij.s ' .hi T.-hoIp

lt.al pound.

t hot' by which the second none is dct eriTil nod ii* used' for <ilt other ivories, tlieiimi poinids respectively being as follows: Third none. 300 mites. T cents, r.

li Knne, l.CVW miles, 9 cents, 7 cents: sixth zone. 1.100 miles.: 10 ccrus, :t« i

tin1 inii'inisc of cur ry ing t i l s law into i-ffoct tli.r I 'nitcii 'itpiiliciiiile to ejicli. as foll\i,\ya:_


3 poundspounds


7 pounds .S pounds .9 pounds ,0 pounds .1; pound:.-,




to.or.. 0 8 •








• • ! ! - •

10.05• • " . O S




.20. . . .23

.20• . 2 9


postal service bus.not lioon iiifi*«:isctl.Suelit present. The postotlice (lepartimmthas l>e«h worklnir uvortiniu ^inct; last.July, when congress pas.seil tlie law.prepiirhijj; for the inauguration uf ilifnew. service. 'J'wetit.v tluMisnnd nl" tin-i'iiost delictite niid intricate scahts have

. A most elaborate system.,of mapshas l)c*en (.•(nn]i]eted. inaugurating tiWtiio system. Tl ie ie tiro eight ilit'l'er-i;iiL /.tuies.,• E'pun tlie maps are depict-

nits in .C ' l l .

maximum charge for the local zone is5. cents for die llrst pound and 1 ceittfor each additional pound.

After that there is a graduated In-rrease, the second zone having a ra-dius of irtf)-miles.;.the third HOG.miles,el'--., unf.il tlie eighth /.one. which in-cludes every town over J.SOO miles,

imckngcs Ilinl weigh four ounces orless. Li lip Hie present system,, of fourthylass ma tier, (here wi]!*=be'"ii Mai raleof a cent an iiini(ie.'/ If a piickngi*

town is siuiatod In u numbered.-unit,shown upon .Uie.,.in:ip.... Tiit/J.ireii, zinie"is" aiiy~""*dIst;iiice'r'"wItj_'iIii"""11 ft~y"""Vi111 es.' ]The second zone is a "gro'iiteridislauce.and so on until the last zone, which |takes in Alaska and (lie Hawaiian Is-lands, Ijiit not: the-Philippines. o

Kor'ltistance. Mifriunp with'"its niilii-* *

tlie ponnii rii»e. >:„.. ..Ky.er.v.nos_t inasler nml postofIIoG.c; 1 <»rkfiandliiiL' parrel post has n ma*i a ml agnidelu.i)lc;\vhieir'liolds the key to thenumbered nulls on the map. [f ymiwant in "soml n package to Buffalo hisfiiiidebook.will show him which unit•^".TujDiJ?.'.'!"-- a!id!hjo.n the..i:iai> will


-^•.S.SYft^ifWf88^—Sfli^S ...Sound :.'.of,{;.._^."7~:.,.:Voice T.hirty.-five;;Miles. _••,.- Asslfjt'iint I 'rufessor Ci. \\\ P ieree .ofJtlie (luiiarii.IBnt of physics ,nt j HiijvarOiV

J j H s ' d c y l s e a . i i nt-w-.vireless • t « . | ^ jI n s t r u m e n t which may eventuallyJiinstrument which may eventually rtjvo-"lutionize the method^ of long (listfrncucoiiiinuniciitioii. The new iiisUjjuiieut,ha.s already receivc-d tlie Ji*:*!..y.•*:.-.I";jflorsetiiiiutjjf John ilay.sIIanMiiond. Jr.

^iflihin'OHinirJiiiS'tiirfflvyfM^at I'resh W»tV;r Cove recently, wherea series of experiments wax-conducted•with tliu new apparatus. . •

TheiWlruless power wa'sTooifceiitrated^nlnMit lil'ly feet above sea'••level. Hymeans of tlie new instrument ProfessorJ'iovci- got into CdiiiinmiictMlon with

iliik-s away, antl lalkwl wltli severlii-of J-the club inetnijefs for a space ccvering

'Enjoy Yourself and;Ignorc;Diet Tables,-_• --- _.-.Says ;Sir. George Birdwood. . ___.

Sir (ieorge Itirdwdud, iillfj-cr'of'tlio"".Leslounf Ilunor. laureateoflhe K/eiifli

anatomy and physiology at liombii.v.has cohttitinted at the age of eightyhis views on how to reach a ripe oldnge. His maxims are: .:*;

... Do.nll...think .-.about your health.

" 1 giTore~(l iw7fivy~(if I ilpsT^~~~^::' -g^~-jf-Eat. whenever you feel incllnod. Jf

.Look on tlK'.Jn-i.glit side of t i l ing: "Sir • (;forge: is' particularly "sVornful

aboiit .(lie diel on which anotlicr con-tributor to the discussion thrives—namely, two meals or^j.'Jjs, bread andbutter daily,. ' ,, t, • ' -. .

v™:"Sucli n.llfi1." he suyX ."wouid nntbe worth l i v i n g T h e g r n i t ; qneslionIs not how (o live long, bill how io live• w e l l . " .


1- ^


1 1" ^

1^ ! - . . ' . '.•'•• •- . '• •. '.•.•.•'-.•

inelip.s ii!ir,iV'!i!ii [n;rforat*i - l ines ..The color is ivd tor ill iltMioriiitiatiniis.In a curi' ' 'il pmi'!".* across ttio to|ij( sup-ported by :\ ]iiiii**l(»o! pMrp^uiIicuhn' col-umn nt ya^li ijiid . • \ ._•:''J'ria»HUiJM ••'•titn.i[|it?iif.'.-*' i)'.:otip>Y'bi'iUiupper coni.-r.s Hi-'. •i-Miomiiiiuion in

nat ions a iv :\.\ s\ii!u\v:-, ' • .' f ' .- •

. ( ty'-4 cents—Uui-iil c/irri'sr. .

!•'••»• 5:K»}iits-aiititHr-iiri'----""-"-""- '10'uftil8-St.fj;niislil|) in.i m:iltIB cents-Autiniuiliilo a«rvii:«. /20 cenls-AeniiJi.iri.i .rirryirm' tiS5 cents-Milniif.H:i.»rin<. j

•'•'GO eents~D(iirvin« "75 cents—ILiry«'«ttri;. •


.Qang,TJ;";n:Sii-Out.lVli!!ior.5 s<* Counter-: __;'.1\\; ;.t(ji_r.,iiM,jh«:i. j . , . ,„...,: '.;":;:" Russ ia ' s siicn'f, [i>)lkv 'ir-iVtliVsy"!rac-ing'-'ihe. prodiirerjs ill' millioiii.-i OIVVOUIIterfeit tioUis t.liiii-!i,iv-» {won U);i.Hsed Intcirculation tu lliissi-i n 'ifiost an'd nui.st p ^ p l u x i u ithey have m-er fji.'ltlt-'ii, ' )

!Kour- ol' Mie im;n :• on'.;rj:i<)ii In tlitjt ' : :J.!lif^U:.:^ni^rriii 'r" ' iH m ^ jN j jMi i j n^"DTiiiTilevslIyT^'rTiTr^iTiTirfit^Tfsi in0~Som!)"•"nev and two i>lh-;rs II.IIUHII iTelientlialand' H o c l i l l n - l n v e U^;n ,; |ipturtvl -wit.liskillfully form Hi IIIWJM Lo kh-.' fiiey val-UO1' of nearly n fjuartifr . *jt" ;i milliimrubles in rhoiv p.Hmissi.iuJ. They liavubeen subjedeif .In J li.- Rtls.si;in varietyof the third decree iix;iiii:(i:iti»n. bin.'have revu'a luil .'jiil.lihiu- Jv.i'fiin« tu.J l i i 'discovery ni1 the I'oruiU'hK.ii.'tory."

Two liien :ill;sp<!cf.i!(l li)t (joiujillcUy

Extra Importaiit SaleNow u the time when we can save you from

1 $5.00 to $7.50 on that much needed

OVERCOATThis saving is enough to buy someone a New Year present

These price reductions are made necessary by reason of themild weather that has prevailed almost continuously. However,we rnuat admit that we have made more Winter Overcoats thisseason than during any other in the history of our business; never-theless, we still have a lot of fancy, snappy, rich, wooly-lookingfabrics for you to select from. .. ^ f

AH $35.00 Overcoats - $27.50All $30.00 Overcoats - $25.00All $25.00 Overcoats - $20.00

These, of course, are made to your measure™the workman-ship, fit and trimmings bein£ of that high grade which has won us•ah enviable reJMiiation. ;

. We want to draw your attention to a. special Overcoat whichwe have l>een making this season for $20.00. Now &•* g r\*\we are offering the same quality' for. *p 1 O . U UShall we call it a New Year gift to.you-'.' Call and sec it; we feelwe

sure it will please.



Wo iDAkti It well tvortli ronr while.Make your prift n ihlnjr of Comfort. It rtmta with yon to *etoet tbm

)iiili)i-inhk< ID FurtUture an jour gift. We b»T« It In nuinr forma. N«r«rI'fori- cimlil wf sliow rou so many protty, uo« neocanarUy oxponslTB piaoeaf nirnitiirc.

Brass Bed $19 .75As illtistrati^l',

n.'W .Ic-iiuns, tins

tu'o-iiio.h post, J-

oncincli Fillers; J | ^

jusl ^the (rift

?that will be ap-


! -'earlier..1

I' Par or >.uil

A* llhifltratfld. Qfinuinn L^nthi-t, t-inc MnnoK<iny f'lnixn Hi-ame, 0 Mf*—




t The "Latest in ""~ iIdaho Ranges , '

'• : Large Fire Box.Duplex-Grates.. ;' -

•""Heavy Castings Throughout.*0 Has Eighteen "and Twenty-inch

Ovens. .7 All Lift-ofT Nickel.

'% 'Hot Air Attachment for Heating1 "' ' One Room1 Upstairs.

MddeJ \viill*'Water Fronts and .Copper Tanks. • .

' A,preat Coal Saver and.'a •'';Giinranteed Baker, ;.-

WILSON STOVE &/MFG. GO.• - • • '

~w2iil NorthamptokirStreet ^ EASTON; PA.

Page 11: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …



' Thanks all patrons j

for favors of Hiepast year —andwishes one and all

' ' • • • • • • \ ' ' : . • . •

'Happy andjProsfperous New Year

with a wish tha t ;

our pleasant rela-tions may continuewith mutual benefit

> Wolslayer'sfamily Shoe Store465 NORTHAMPTON STIIEET

EASTON.PA.Neumeyer The»tic Building. Up-lown.

HEIA'IDERE.Tho wedding bella-will rlng'ln Bel-

vldoro on the first day of tho NewYour.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. WlUever havereturned homo from a pleaauro tripto Ohio.

Miss Florence Snydc-r of Btitlor,Pa.,- is spendlr.K the Christmas holi-days with her ulster, Junntta, of Bel-

IU-ilaulc Goods—Lowered Prices.Many of you have, undoubtedly, re-

ceived money nn Chrlstmaa gifts andare wondering how to spend It so ailo net the blK tHt return.

You probably feel that you oughtto buy something In the way of wear-Ing apparel, but you tire undecided»t which at oft- to malto your pur-chase. For. the In-notU of those who

docldd. ,".vo have gone throughMrs. Martin Garrison Is very ill at our stocks ;unj nmrked new and sea-

her home on Third strpst, as In alsoMiss Anna Owen, at tho Muckeyboarding house- on TTrCnt -street.

Mrs. D, W. Klelnhhns left here onSaturday for Greenfield. Mass., where.she will upend the winter, '• Her houw I

_ pparel nt very at-tractive pricv—j»rlcf?fl that will an-peril Immtdii.wy, nnd especially com-

from a sU.Ti of the type of CAR-BNTThis is ..o: ;. sale OP ODDS and

XDS f CAKK1I5D Oshe will spend the winter. : Hor houpo r Thi o: ;. sale OP ODDS andwill U closed tlurlit" her absence. j I3XDS of CAKK1I5D OVERS of mer-

O M l f i d ehnnrtis* tnnt would h d i b lill U closed tlurlit her absence.

, Our Mnsonlc friends nre arrnngingto observe St. John's night, Dec. 27,in a becoming manner. They usuallyhav a bi b t t h t i h t '

I3XDS CAKK1I5D OVERS of merehnnrtis* tnnt would ho, undesirable»t any prlct—but clean, fresh, de-alrabie_an(. scr.»onnUe goods.

e a v * t h o d f

a store of rr-!!;ili|Hty, If you are notamong our innny friends, net In-line

, II


i once try Oarpenter'abo CARPHNTEIt'S.

u.'irvelous price reduc-;

g . y y _ s»onnUe gh a e a big banquet .on that nipht. ...'! " e , " a v** .. thousands of staunch'.'-IWiii.-'A. T5. Parttulls of 'Philadelphia.' friends • who tin all their trading : at

will address n union meeting in the this store which in known to them asM. K. church Friday evening, which -...,.,„... „ . . . .tho.W. C. T. U. will have'choree of.

Jnmes O'Niel. an employee of theP. R. n, Co., Is quite III with rhou-matlsm. lie has been swltch-tpnderfor the company for a -erm of years.

A local cast will present "TheWidow's Fortune," a funny nun Icomedy. In Wlderior's Hall, or, NewYear's night, under Oio fiuspkes ofCol. Paul Camp. S. of V.

n. J. McCracken. vho representsone of the big manufacturing firmsin the WPSI, hns goni to South Da-kota on a business trip. He has aninterest In a ranch In that sectionnt tho country.

Miss Liille Apgar a'n'.l Goo. X. Hnr-

It willRfftd

tions HiA fc're.'a (/t'f.ortunity is presented

to those whd appreciate high gradeKur Sets uu<1 Fur Coata ananas thert!are months t,i told weather .ahea'ur.you should ,,vni) yourselves of thinopportunity.

Real Mink Set of Mutt'and Neck-'piece showing real claws—acturJvalue. ?72.50—at $50.

Itr.cn in nnd Gray Fox' " ling rltlns of: tho

$25—at $l».r,o.

ta $8.95•actual

Inttton, recently. H- was n first-; ?t'-J! t ( l p-—M $-••clasfl mechanic and -corked nt h(ir-; , r ,PV Is;- L"11

noss making here for i Ions* time. ! v " V,1' * , "~ ; ! 1 ?' '-""iOne of our citizen? last a valuable "klpf-trlc !><•*] iv lieautirur C o a t -

watch and c h n l n a law days •• npo'J " ' '»»» yiUl<*_. *'iS.«0—at 549.50.Tie advertised the time-piece and! itiiHSUinoffered a llhrriil reward for itc,return. 1 ^-(.'Tho next rtfiv thf wntrh rnro*. \\nrtt ! * ' " 'and tho

tvnteh cnire back

1 Pony, with natural n'ac-t and Cuffs—actual value

Pony, full lcneth withl i i l l S4/

K. W.i<V;r;or a'.id brldf ofl l / h h l d


- . . . • • / • • . . ' . . - • ' . T H E ' . • :

. • • " - • ; . .

"GifTY" STOREf O R | E N

Men Like Presents;

jThat'Come From a

Man's Store

They are in the habit; of getting tiieir '''fur-

nishings" a t this storethe year around. Wiynot buy their New Yea-

ipresents'at this stoi-e.

We .carry ANY and tVEBY,TlifNG in the line of GENT'SfUKNISHINGS " . • - • . ;•;.-

]lf you do not k'now just>__s-what to give "him" for• -Slew Year's, let us 'help"' you solve the ; problem.

C.:A. Giddens310-312 SO/MAIN ST.^_

".,.. : PBILUPSBUKG, N.';J;^r*

Scrnntonh ^ u 0

street. The many'^fi.

;;or rld ofn WTV speMllnr/the holidays

(it the Whlpnor^iuu0*'Von MansfieldThe m ' ^ f d s of Mr. \V.

lining—artunl value , .„—ai J3T.. . . ;•'•. . .. •. ..

Several Eirowi. Con*"* Coats, slight-ly I m p e r t t e l . ' m a d e to w ; i a t $.115—>ur' prlci- 117.50.

extend their 'cohWjulftUon-j nnd 1 „ &«ri>rk nir Omt Vohics. •w.ish tho nuwly-wc<l»Vu mom h.ippy j , . ' ' w . .t

tIlot"' l i l d i < ' B w h « hftv« not, Knil prospr-roiiR ilfn. . - N •_it£>*' ( W n i 1 lt;n'"VKWiry up to this time to[*t The rtelvl.l^rf Furnlty7p~~ WU";'<HJ I P U V n Mlnf. r Coat. n. surprise awaits/olnfio.l down on Satnrdiy la.M tot^T v&a-. .•No'"r h:m*.••>'r'u >»^n able to;\ronplp of wppkin. Tl]i« uill.Rlvc thr-7^• r£''»H(-' 1gnrment8 Of oqitnl value atIvniiintiK..ment,ii'Ohnncp to make TI - r ' * \ iI,'r™i*!::m:* NCi2?i:_ ' --.<:.' '...\,Mil

Tlandr!!!-*-&'m'rt tip ontiv in 're1

i ypfir with n Mr forrr- of men,: . Somi,' nt th«- wr.iiH.'ii «.f town uj lo know why thfy can't loin thf l<! fiff dppnrtmcnt, Tliey fir'*' ynune.

nctlvf. IntflllRpnt ami MfipMttv n\vi erv. Thoy don't lUtVv '"f nnv Imti• (liialluViitlnn.- -.Inrt n«-fc like ns n;.«nnif of th-'in will iipph* for admlssii

tint' i*r . tiip' !l

.,. i > I! wool Black -Sorg.. Gouts,,:, Niitfith. liricrl over shoiilitcrs

i viiiuv * i t » . r . i » m s t iu r


'fillip ?ii.:.i. Black itt! Coat—;..•( uu:. Cuitfiii:':!-'.

ton Coats, fancy 13m-nd I 'lush Collar—iictual—at -ST.Oil;Jidt'lMth. full sa t in linedvithic .*. 12.5U—at -$s.9S.

ir: lirnwi) nnd Gray Mix-;. sr»"rt Coa t—actua l



E, V . A. M1TCHEL, : ,[Copyright..I-".:, Uy AmurUran Press AaiwJ-


KAT;:.I-I-:'MAUTINDALK waslir,-.. <»ui with Hie holiday^a.v. i i ' s , jind_to cnp. t l ie ell-

"" niii. niiw en we a u invltiiUouto attend a ,W\v Yeur 'sevu party. ItWHS mil u .-mall 'affair to see the oldywiir out. Inn ;t bull. Trim, at mkliii^liicaub nuesl M.IS tit .stntiri, gluntf In hum!,and drink h> tin- in?-A- year, but thereWRK lo lip fl.nn'iuK lit both yearn andim liiciikiiiy 1.1' In-fore duwii.

The New V n r ' s party WUH lo be auillly.cu- •Mill n u c t o Miss Mart in

ditto in Nii- Iic had.agreed ou Nivt" Stmou^Mungcr annptHiil of 'UinrriHKt1 lioIK- lnid been promisedi-iiU lipon liur"fur theivinji 11. 'Imt <wbe» ln-•ih nmie for <tlu> ballil sliu -wotlld give it to

nitifnl ChrlftiN.i.-\h.-til."in-th»1-vi*ri.,it'- '-itnivn. nn Sunday. la,«t,of a hlKh ori]<r ami

trioms'Mvep erfnt ' r^ ' l i tH I P - finthrTnc, tf.-fr:-. -c h n r r h o s iv.-r*- l.-^i-itrilii

l .with hf.lly. .•r.-n.-rfi-n

sion. Thf?urch rendnrt'.sph'o ili.- Kvt>rln



id -the

mi^f.-i! «-'tlni: Mgh



.if ?!:•



. -,f' '"

full -,-in<r V.viiln.. .? !•:,-.

IllKh Cmfull lcnt-ll.

ml Rmwt:—.^.tu.-il

>• it, firv•-••-.-n-.-kiif

.<!•• niiii.-ii'i'iC o ' . I — a r t


•ith '[I Vi

y IL



Hoiielo, fiilM

11-i.i. Jlfi.50—1•• - i

IHI Navy.. In1

ii.I Two-ton. ' !value SlS.aOi


iifsilay andby thf S'un

verywo a i 1: p

• Uirir i n p nwith the nxcrrlsf-ptrf.-s wfTf welt Irfor old and vi.unir.ti h l l l ^t

ii.'fiill lenpthi»0—nt 52^.

dpioii St., Was ton. Pa.,

'(in n n A n - e l ?ni(;t:i>»l i i i t l e • f t i l l o , |

Did. w a s s t a n d i n g t io B i a h

l MlTLt Kill- Sli'bfcnnsf In*

ht! (lldii'l w\<:-r.-iiiis(' that <i-ti|i.'-nv-,] slnli-u h,.r b.-ail"\ -Ml. M l l l ^ V

>• iiii opporiiiiiiiH i - h a l l . " .[ ' " 'I imiii ' , '1 slit* s

• > t>la<v in win.>

N U M . dnr l l ic Uit* previutiH teu or ndozen mliiutt'-! Tom titid iirocttrcd Knnif•tliliiu'ttuit litM'iirrl^l up hln oont n l^ 'vcIt wnrt nut Ilif in-.' •<!' lifiirtr). but 1( t r i elU'VrrtlM'li1^ ;i Iniinp Sidling Hniumlby the u'titi, lie tmtnimvi) ju-*i (M>rnu>(ll<> H^llN "•>•!•,• hi i i ird 'oil l to ohhtlli nIKwtlltui t l inr t l .v l.i'Ulnil Miss Miirlin'iliilc. 'i«|ii' lifinii'iiitiiwiin- ««f hi* pres. • n n . ' u i i ' i v ' WIUMI dn rkn twi 'H i i ip 1u*felt for ht-r bi\fU litiiriind li.v lht> nciiHfuf liMlett.l;iii;w.Ihiil sli4> u'iis [uilttii^ :itoM> tii.-i<v l i t ' waited till sue liad Him-ti> th ir lut'ili.•.Vull. then toOk -i* nutund [niHIiii: :i rose front lit^ slci'Ve j 'ulIt In t in ' plnci- uf tlu> inn? he hud re

. Suddi'iily . i t . I n i m of U»til showed•Mr ' M u n C ' T . / w h o , was nwaliinK 'In*niiDOuucetiii.-tit of his ftitv on the othert>[d<! iif t^e niotn, a white rose hi Mis>MurHiuliile's li.iir l i e iinoiedititclyIt'ft tile pritnilses ami returned to his*homo. Tom O:i 1;Icy IiniL<>>l down ntw h a t he held in his littiu! nnd n:iw nr e d r o s L * . • • ' • ' • • • • • • ; • • ; - • '

"IJeiurlct*;" be said,MIMS .Marttndnlf turned and saw hltu

bebiiid her.'. •

"Ctiinc wirh nte," tie continued "1'Inivc KoniiJtliiiip1 Importiitir tu HH,V t "you." • • : . ' . .

She put IIIT hnn<3 uji to her hair mid.feeling a nisr tlieru, Hllnjieil tin* liniultliroit^b hit? tirui, and lie led her tu thtO•whulow wltyre he luid found ^'!vi\a s l u u p . • - . ' ; • ' . . • - ' ' ^

"I pmildn't K!V« you up." he Hfiid."without a flirht. I Htood behind youJulst now, ;rt'inuved tlit* rost' that wn.-to linve -iKrcpttKi MitiiKor nod put iiwhite one itt its place. Say •thu wontand I will mi nt once to flud him amitfill him'Mifit the token WHK not tbe oii'-inteiulcd."

Shu pulled tbt! tlnwer from her Ini'.r• a n d l o o k e d - m I t . • ' • • ••••

:-:- ••'•- •• - ''*>•'•••

"Oh, T«»in:- -"Shall I i:.>V" ;She Htoixl irrosulnte. Gradually her

head siml; >>n Ills brenst. he put anurui about lice wnirtt. (ind the red rosndroj)|ied-.','!!,ilie tloor. ',. / .


"I C O X H J D N T GIVE YOU ' t i l ' , " HB SAID.

Pancaito Flour, 10c.Norway Mnckerel t ' 1-Oc; 3 for

t , 2Bc; f l i a . kit. ; 'Winter .VjlAppIea — Gr-eenlnga,

Baldwins; Nouhorn Splofl, •, . e t c , • • • ' . • - " ' • • = • • • • • • ! ' • '

" Fresh Meat, SauHage, etc.•• Oatmeal, 6c a 1'u. ;

Myers'. Spice—Makes hens lay.Strawrby the bundle.- Large

_>t_rf bundles RyeStraM-, 2Qc each.


CM 11T h Tc:i nt )il>a l lrollT i n( ] ) • >

' inn In au'illie-power".'Mini;,' "'•'

nvist ;..l.....wiir<-i-(•ncc r'ifi in .h.'i.sl:i rnp« h'ir>i''Til i i-.M.l ' .hiina.il

I'f^oii romnviMl. whk'h i.H•f to tho m

Installlnt;^ j n 1 | , , r t J o f [•|.,o! till- n.Mv I'.I

ladies nearly'.SiOft. wlii<p'fiid for.


I T pntilie si'horils' b.-lilcisos on Prldiiv aftwnin* liirpoty fittfnd(.'d. Th. ' r

wi.-re' very Inta r s


r.'nU•i n (1o fnisiirnit.on.l<

did well;•r -tho- dl

TCStltlU-illHiH!The (.'fintfitii y

vf-ry pjofi.«|npv Tl.H-....sj!en

scholars'•the nuitiiho 'plcitftlnmi. •The- ['* "IlllVO Ky tho fost

all • rert' ivfi l ' •tl intorchfuif.c-ir features of.dichfr*: li%"iiip ;no to ' ih . ' I : h

20 10ft."^ fromers'havo

eliurch.tn t costh is nil


>restinii>*.VJIH onethe c.c-t ft flls-

-iTnes i nvitie.B of thf- Christmas

a pair cf. • -M;Uiima told mo per-1 aRreeinei!! in>one evorkiiew. His"si<he would if i jxskcil/lilm,". wnaj ter"".wa« ' tlir. intiniiite friend of the

tbosoin fvieiid of M i s s Mitrtiudale. nndt : thp Intelllu'eui-e •ciiine tothis chain of %\r\s. .But

how he ^OL it. The

the reply. - -The lail.v t.

wont 'into l!prnprletor ifhis clcr'ii.« to

i n d !

the large and care-fully selected stockwinch we now haveon ha_nd for prompterection. fu ".'.'!!«rsr-

, We also sell Fountains, Urna Vaeep^andiron Pencing

CHAS. FORCE, Washington

coaHon -They. • will rfnisrhnorniitk-K .Tan.-2. ISIS. | , , m l i ,„„,

Srinit. PUP hotvnlioms seems ti> have i sriiik'd ami -iicl-when -on thoinselvfts thn responsibll- j fetlo\v,' you 'feel"

JtSl».ot..V.viiH<»rshIj)..o.ver...tlio..old.. town's,1 ••innrnlsr^fimr is ",triiir>ylri'i"oirr" sooflpeople with nil scrts: at Mture thaihave prcivud-soniewhat cnuirraaslng tothose who have received them. Tnsojne Instances, however, tho.yo whohave gotten''them havo had n heartylaitRh over them. '• wlim*' In othersthere has been Just a little stliw thatsoon wore oft". -JiiMt Hie motiifj thatthe sender of these anoymous lettershad has not been fathomed, but itlooks like a case, of hatred and re-

cVentjo. Perhaps the matter will benlreuNln a legal way ere lone. :

^ rORT MCItllAY. I::": Mrs. Ovvillo Winters returneclfromNew York on/Siiiifliiy. 1

MISH AFury Funk returned.,', ifromSummit on Friday for the i holllays.

Wold VHot Is enjoylnpr ii'vdcl.tlonfrom his (h;tiop at til-? jS'eWl?prt;.I^!i.vnt

Su^nn'it arrived Mouiiay evenlnt; forthe holiday .vacation. c-. .

Miss IStnmti Suttoa leavcH her em-ployment here this wi:ok and returnsto -her (home at Callfnn. .•'rMiv ami Mrs; Michaoj Welsh.-nndfamily^ will spend Cifrlsftmas weekwith Iiis father at Delaware.

Oiip .school'will- lie closed AVednes-•duy, Thursday, a'nd Friday of^nthls

k him by th.store nnd aakocl the! sonic s:i,v,Jli:i

ts would allow ono of him fhrmi"!o and !.Hiv her a hiilf, i(- dofsn't ci

Iiriotr/chi-t-i-riiliy'irssumcil. Sh* ti!".? < lmiVirtant fact is that he knew.all..asked him If lie could s?tve her a i about It. Mini lit:'know as w»U that ii'iKisIn V'f wnior and a towel, and he! the ladyN answer W«K "Yes"1 it would

• f f i f t thSnrlioI1i!cr; iU1<1 n u l e k I y | n o t lie l.W ,i .^'Sl.t. lored Mr. Miin^r.She umk tho li'tlo Ucjlnw to tlio! but iK'eiittso tit1. Tow Oiikh'y. wn.s mil

h"?k- ln' 'rV'w' ' i ' !»S l"' '0 ' "'"'t , r <","?,v '"R . oscnctl.v an' .;l|i:ililo jwrll. '• FurtlnM-,fb1<l-|lttl<rfce"t"i'nil^<iVlo(i uioin" " -TTh ! r'|'u(^.-!'«~'"i'-'' 1 ' ' ' - l ' * I !);> i'ii • crisis- iii - ii u- •tho towel. (Iiro was sit iiiimi winch iiiighl niiil.e or

Hy this time tho •• t? man hud' niar him. 11'Mtiiiut-i-V rt>|ily was "No"relurnucl • with tho atoiMilnss, Plnr-! thorc was still liotio tor him. If it

"Then she tUnlnip the i. in:ilnlnjr puii-sl not RO Imcl; mi her word. '..siockinss..' haiidpd.:.th(;:n-to lilm.-l- >'o\v, I1II»MI;!I Tmn WMSII'I tnvitcd l(i

?mv "mv<l'tittl" t l l G l)a11" i l t l '"':" t ! l i l t ! u ' " u l s l h ! ' t l " ' l v -e'u'omfbrinhleVj'80 on'" .Wvv Vi-ar's fv t . 'he \nn on :i

As she turned to no, the astonlshon^foni.tin.,- with -ill tlic 'issur'iiK'i1 l ' : i

lad.ciufrht her hand, nnd, looking ui: t 0 " L t M u " l l " •" ' l l 1 L • ^ " ' • « ' t L

into her face, eagerly oxclaimo.il, -Areyou an anyel?"—Christian Herald.

--on •^'}\v--Y^i V V 'c'litertalnment of

Tiic.-d'iy eveninp,d

TIIL' Chrlstmnsthe M, E. church, _ . . _ _.wns an exceptionally --oocl one.

Vr. H. S. Funk, wife umV daugh-ters, spent Christmas d.iy^with thedoctor's sister? ; .'n- IUirrisburjj, Pa.

Mrs G Tlinmns of Uobokcn H abol ide guoit of linr lister, MrsWrank Kobeson and also of MrsJSUner GlbBon, in Washington

The Christmas entertainment of tneEaptlat ohu,rh will i>" poatporcfi u-i-tll a later dato, (ml r j to Mrs A V,Landls1 berea%ement({-Bhe?rb"eiiig ma

Modernlsin of Asiatic Turkey.From -thdvuiounds of Babylon, you

may look qff>for miles in tiVery dlrec-jlion—th-e.view that led Nebuchadnez-zar to boast of h|s e:roo.t city. ToN'hewest is Ezekiel's tomb1,' to the • stf/Mithe Tower of Babel," to the east'fih'eErent arch of Ctcsinhon and the toinbof Salman Puk, prl.iite barber to theProphet Malhomet. In Nebuchad-nezzar's llnie- the plain about was" awaving maea of verdure, grain andfruit':" canals of water traversed ItovGrywiiure, and 'hero, and there citiesdotted "the landscape. No^/^vondorho was proud! It •.Is^toi.reclnim thishistoric;land. -. tor-makcilli'ts^Garden: ofICden over asain, thai tho irrigationworl;s..n.n(l.-tho:. famous "Cfirmaii-Buy-dad Hiilhi.iy arc betnu built. .'

Now a wnvn of modernism sweopsiUie loner, i;iin;ngcloBs Raat. As-"' "reached : out to transform China.-^uthe •lontf- arm oC.._progress ia;>reaclim>nut to Turkish' "Arabia. , From theM0'' 1 torrnlienurthe^Inevitable railwayto link .13i;rope with Iiul'iiT'la st'.-'otch-ln« forth.1 Already trains are run-ning on Its western lengths, and theGprmun . t:nplnecr3.. havc.Lsiirvoy^d it

ifiyphrahis is to ,,bo. . , iintanicil

brldR^d at last,phrntH is to ,,bo brld^d at last,and Europe's drojim of a railway tothe Pesian O)t'ifs b t bthe Persian O.u'ifVis about to~be rea-lized. Kvon an r'iT;\roplane race fromConstantinople, to flrtombny, crossingthe Garilt?n of ISdcn enrnnte, Is nowheinp clHi'ussed In tho press of Eu-iopo Soon evtuislon tn in s maj bomn (o the liadltional Garden ofl^den pou\enlr postals of Iho Towerand thev famous stone lion may besold In curio shops at New Babylon,ind cnothiriof tho woild's onco in-. . u . i i lHi t* '^*! , i - I . . - . ™ . . - t i l . t u * *•** ».l».

i whistloi ~-ptAvill Jlho to the

the engine '-^Christian

ootild call u|i, and shortly befofhuiid-niprlit, when the affair was in full.'swiujrand the nresciicL' of un uninvited giuwtwas not likely to be noticed, he walked

about him I'(laut-'ers, (.'listing his t

• tho jrirl he loved.

That Date Fixed by King Numa o(Rome 7C0 Yoars Before Christ.

U-j-'fiul n.-'Tilios thf llxinn of Jan. 1as Xmv Vrtir's ui Kinjr Xtiina Poiupil-his. whu Is supinisi'd tu luivi! reif,'nt'd InItnnio Tir.-UT^ B. (J. lit? it was \vliii i>-bi'lli'ved tu have founded the teiiiiiii'of Janus JIKI many other Ueinan insti-tutions. The reason given for .Ian, 1

?1« contiected: with .liinii,-;' Hit'rous. tlic1

two ViK'L'd wd. the liIfaliL-iii^-that a!that thue iin> year looked tioturorwanlJIIIII 'Imckwunl. 'According to oiir i'ii!»eiidar .Iiin. 1 is ten days tuo lute fitithis IntereritiiiK two ['awnl observanw.but what in a matter of ten days uiuivt.u* less tu'it' it'iiend. more ; UiiVu •J.r^ii'Ij-wir.< nlil? ,

'.N'nnia ' was a ' most Intcivstinj; klii^ Ifn.M'tVnliiii: to traditions, nott'il alike furIlls wisiliin; ami. piety.' Ik* .siie-ce\'tlwlJtomnliis. "iivu tilt' Hoiiiatis thfir ww-tnonial law niul. with tiH-Oieljt.yf tin*sam-'l nyui|ili, Kj;ui*ia, rounded the re-ligious institutions of the people. Herelsned1 for thirty-nine years, and thisperiod was a golden n£t> of peace and

.prospiirlty. -Ile^stniHls; ^iJt-in-IIoniiinle^einlKiisllttlL* less'thnn nn nvntai*."'Sti'-thy date of Jan. 1 as New Year's coniesfrom iiucient and honorable parentage.

Spider Thread Ulothoi. |In the thread of the sjuder lies dor-1

mant a great luihwiry once it la prop- j7 studied. Numerous attempts

have been made to utilize the threadsfor cloth to make clothes,- etc. •'. Allhave been so Car doomed to failure—janyhow, as a financial proposition. It j1B related that LOUIB ' XIV. liad a!

SB ' made from spIder'B web which jwas so fragile that he became dis- j

itojL^wllh It. ThG-'i-.entoniologist \)rbi{jny had made for himself a |

pair of trousers, from the webs of |tropical siikk'fs. which lusted for a •

A Forcible Indictment.' iT.itlle .Veil --1 don't like in.'j pnpii om- i

bit. Ik'"s invrul soltisli. .Mauttmi—He jIs? l.ittlu Nell— Ws'ni,..' He nearly sat jdown on my dolly, an1 then, 'stea'd oftiikiu'.iiiiiilhor i-luiii-, ln> t»nk hiMv.-lialr ;r lgb l awn.v from her sin" left her nnthe hard flour. • ' , - ' - •, i

Not seeing her. lie strolled throuab.the rooms, Imping to find her. He sawMtuiger ani'ini,' the;• revelers and knewthat he and Heatrlc-o were not togeth-er. .•.Knterinif a little rooui which was'appai'uiuly vacant, lie saw a fodfc'-':iu''-i

ciiseil In a kid slipper ti*ieplng--£roii"r 'hehitid JI i'nriitlii. ('nuticiiisly appro'in-h^iuir, ho espied ihi'r.ifirj;. hi1 sought slttluj:on u whulnw SOJII iisleen. Theru^wiis--

rose. Tlmriii"ii""with the holiday fes-tivltit's. slii' lijnl snumlil a sodiuled spotwliiM'i?in tu_ni:il;i' iM'-Hi-riinnd. and n.n--tuiv had,irivl'D" 'ln*r sliimlier. • ''i^,z--:^'''"• IVrsoir>-Ti"iT|"-'nm"<;liin.i;-oiiiSO..I Mr. Oalt^ley to mow cm, tmd his "mind moved'on too. It w.-is biu smile twenty.-.inlii-.u|(»s in \M iiVI'K'Ji.^iuihi; knew tliuf-1

;justJ\ct^!:tv,:]^U^-^k'stvs-;--wfLMniiUvl'ln t t^'fv'i's'iiiiiitT'''rdotn'."'theVelec-tric lights wottut lit> ItiniiHl off for tin-last;.sixty, seconds of the old year mulwhen lltey wore lunteil nn ugalu hisrlviii w.ml'd 'W.lookinu; for the toki'iiof liN i.ToiitJiin-e

Li!In.i -xiini1 niie mv.^t l ime aioube<lMis>. Mtirtiml lie oi him must ha\ v"M\ ilvoni y hei-'elf) foi m H e minutesbefore U roti^wnv her la the supperloom standing with jthe others holdingn glass In hei littnd


It has been well said, "It is bet-J e r lo have a Ivgli standard andstrive \ to reach it than lo have astandard so Jo\v that our ambilionsnever look up." Ambition in itselfis no sin. !i is only when we sub-ordinate cvrjythin.? else to airam-";bilion which does'riot "loo!; up" thatit may become sinful.

A MpSuggestion

...Your grocer can help you reduce the -•...'•-

cost of living on one important food item. '.,

H e can supply you wi th A m m o n £5!, .';.

Person Creamery Butter ine for less than, / ;^ ,

••you-have been paying for good butter . *~ :

T h e difference will make quite a saving

in your monthly bills. ..:'.. '-• •.. ... :" ' '••'-,'][.

So, ask him today for a pound of




Entirely apart from its economy, nothing

can excel it in delicate flavor, perfect purity-

and nutritious food value.

Every pound is made in clean, sanitary :.; ..

factories under the supervision of Gov-

ernment inspectors. The only materials :

used in its manufacture are cream, milk,

"neutral" (made from pure leaf) andjileo

oil obtained from selected beef.

If, for;>ny reason, your grocer will not

sell you" thegoi!']ine;Ammon & Person ^

Cr.eamery Buttfc?inpY'please write us,

(gj'ying his name) ahu we will see, that

you are supplied.

Ask us to send you our interesting Booklet on Butterine



Another Barn?•—•-•••Why.-Of-Course^

. : ' . . , /you need it and what'sthe use waiting until youare busy with other tilingsbefore: getting it underway? We've anticipateda lot of building in this

;^ounty=and -have -bought1 umber accordingly tosupply all your needs—sound, -. long, full thick-

Tess dimension, joists andboards. Come in and seeit.

Good Cedar

"!are mighty hard to beat forlong, wear—especially if youget our water cured posts. ~ I'This water cure, simply -mean's1;:!that they'are made from/ti_ber cut when the sapTwiis';2•..

in water for 'awhile. "Whilethis process is extremely sim-ple it, eliminates the eap andmakes these cedar postB almostimpervious to rot. Try'themthe next timp,


It's'iicsitluit every or^^n of the wonderful Jntmnn body is dependentupim evt-ry other. If your .livt'r- ^oirs -wroiifj your..blood' willlie' impure; if your bowels :trci inartive your stomach^aiuldigestion will slunv it. And one trouble > leads to another.^

have become, pthe1 most "fanious and the most approved .familyreiiieily in tlie uurld. They'1' are known ibr their wonderfuland unriyaltxt power to cause refXtil;ir, natural actidnrof theliver anil bowels. .They'-are gentle, sale but sure. Heccliam'sPills IILIILIIL i.\Lr\ orfrjm ot the 1HK1\—luijjlitcn the c^c,^ leaithe bi un, lone the ncr\t.& .ind \igoi—becau&e hej

Remove the First CauseoL Trouble

">ryb"x Sold everywhere, 10c., 2£s . ^ ^ - w


SAFE? -I This section lia, „ ,- ,, .<_. ,*,>-..«.= 5^ to . .

| iiiR Uiesclonm more tlin'n ...~.O£»™w| W P know every bor rower~Z '*v ' , " i l| pursonnUy.nml hnve'uevcr tos t 1hdol lar f~. , . „ . ,

customers or have hnd n cent of luterest defaul t -? . !\tdt- We do not lend where there i s , any 'morn lEv lhasiznrd. We examine every lonn^and —1-*-1-1'nbslraci most cnrefully; «;. • • .- ;-> ;v.f-

Convenience $,ffi<SoS;'£i|to you, mid remit to you promptly.; • Any amounts*from $150 up lleller than snviugH banks te^flennvc almost double the interest and negotlabliiaevtnwlitre (F1* (S5?" 9r~^'M•••*('•Write todaj for list No 419 nnd names of. bnn&flen n.,d Mrc lairaon near yfflt.jjfcgawf

Page 12: DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 4. · " f :••:•-. S-nV?'^i;r^;W '•:• EVERY ISSUE OF THE STAR EXCEEDS 5,000 COMPLETE COPIES OVER 5,000 STARS ARE PRINTED AND DELIV ERED …

•Page Twelves T H E W A S H I N G T O N S T A R , W A S H I N G T O N , N . J . , T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 26, 1912

Personal Mention, A Weele'i Reco-d of the Movemenlt of thePeople You Know—Local Event* of the:

; Put Sis Dayi Briefly Chronicled 0 0

1 Mr., Kussell Losey; Is home fromJersey CUy.for thp;liolldnys.• Misses Olivo Castner ami EvelynDeRtmcr visited friends in Enstonon Saturday, • ,

Miss Matiftt: S. Burtl of Montanaha a l)(.'i?n the trtiost ot her sIstetvMw,Geo. \V. MilliMV^-:,

Dr. nnd Mrs. C. B, Resse loft onTuesday to spend the Yuletidc withfriends In Omntje. • (>.

Dr. Williams hns" his two tl.iuph-mb l li h i h M

Gordon of Newark, and Miss SaraliUordon of Delaware.

Mr, Mi'tvin • Wyckprt of. Madisons>]>ent Chtlslmns wl'.iV his parents. Mr.and Mrs. L\ M. AVyckoiT.

Mr. Harvvy sunnier of Newark iapufalni: this woek with his parent p.Mr. und-Mi'H. Ambrose; Sch tiler.

Mr. l i s te r Kitrillnc of Nuwnrfc vfs-itcil Ills parents, Jlr, iimlMrK. >>\ S,lladllm-. WcdHfcsdny .uml . today.

Mrs. U, C. rt-rry ofr n.iti.qor • lm's»•<»<> n vtfiitinir .Mr, IIIU'I Mr*, Jolin Whi-ti-ra, on .Svluml struct, (or a week.

lMIILLIPSnURG.The Chriatmns •program: was ren- ' .loehnu II, Gray lias been confined

ilproii In our churi.it Tuesday even- j to his home with a nevwru cold.Ing. : | • Tlu* Delaware Park achmil licld its

Mm. John Davltlaon • entertained' Christmas oxerciws on .Friday nfter-Mre, Marsaret Husllnw nt dinner.last''.Krldny. , ;

Thv Ladies' Aid 'Society will meet i Faidtir clilldroii of Mr.erbucli of Davis


nd Mrs. Cioo.street have

Thursday.District Superintendent' Mtillor was

I'xpecteil In Columbia Tuesdny, whentin- last quarterly coiifurency of thisyear .was held here.

Mrs. Murcnrct, Kuslfnp visited ntMr, ail'! Airs. G. M, Harris wont tit I Hie homo of her son • UJuJr at Port-

Mtid>;*.-viik' Tuoifiliiy to vMi Mr, nnd {land and her daughter,. Mrs... PeterMis J;U". Kiniiiy for a. coupli* of days, j I'mnds, the past week.

'Mrs.' .'••iinte Nixon, formerly of M l f l - S I n r - v McCain went to . HopeWasliiiifion, now i>fPhlllH^burs. Is | the early part of this week nndi'Mtin" old frk'iuls in Wasltltiu'ton t»-U'Pent Christmas with her son, Ches-,l;lv ' " :| tor McCain and family.

Mr. Clarence Gibson of • Point! M . r- Kirk*, who was Injured . a few

(it the home of Mrs. Jas. dotiper next Ncartatina." " • " fit.y. Wilhelrn of Hudson street has

tccured a position on the Ponnsyl-Viinia rallrond. ' •>("

Ccu. MflK-r IUIH Wel l uuininl tU-d t tthe ci'Miuy .'ilmriioiiHc by'overseer ofthe poor CluiD, Coloma

aence G o n f }is s^endim? a ccipi*1 of days'

M d M J htenjfrom La^bertvllle here with liim [ "Ith his parynts. Mr, and Mrs. Johnfor-'tb** hoIiilu'vM • •'••"." --- • tJibson.


anot-,to he out of

f l l

unaway uccident, isf d i bt

Cluck nt Upjior Ulnck Ediiy,1'a., [>as?i»od .Saturday nnd -Sundaywith Cha.«. U-'ninkeniluhl, on Howards t r e e t . " • • • •- -. ••

Uuy Wilson'of Uullman iitreet liastaken a position In tne Rents' funi-ifhliiK department of l,uubach's store,Kaston.

Wiiltt-r, iliu."uliiu>yti.ir-old

Mrs. X, D. "Carpenter";, entertainedthe "U..IV Klub" nt her homo lastThursday .ifternoon.

Mrs. J. W. Nutze went to MartinsC?oek last week to stay with a sisteruntil"'after the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs.-E. J. Burd of Phll-Hpsburg spent Christmas with hismother, Mrs. L. M. Burd.

Mr. missell S. Anderson of Phil-: lipsburg spent Sunday here with Mr.' and Mrs. Alex. Anderson.

Mrs. Geo. Thomas of Newark wasentertained, Tuesday and Wednesday,by Mrs. Mary E. Thomas.

.:. Mr. and Mrs, David W. bllta of

has not fully recovered his strength.The services Sunday morning were

woll attended, when ltev, D. E. Scottpreached a special sermon to the Or-der of Owls, about 30 of which werem attendance. '••"'

Uobert' Kvnns. an old resident ofColumbia, resigned his position asmall clerk on'the X. V. K. & W. It.U..-after a service of nearly 2! years.11 is resignation went into effect lastweek. -

Word has been received that as-'on wns recently born to Dr, and

As has been their custom for many I M r s - £• Lawrence Evans, a practic-ytaw, Prosecutor Strytar and 'family I '.'? pn>'«eliin nt Union Hill. Dr.

doors again, but f Mr. nnd Mr,». tirovur Tuttle of Sum-_ . , . , _ . . _ . - . i _ _ . ! • . . . . - [.. _ . . . . : „ . . . . i , . i l l . . . i« t.

.Miss Mollie Stryker of Princeton'has been spending a week with Hack-cttstown friends and her brothers InWashington. ^ •

Mr. ami Mrs. E. H, Mitchell ofMadison are spendlnr .the vacationptTlod with her parents, Mr. and-Mrs. Chas. B. Brown.

.Mr.'-and Mrs. P.-D. U-iw ;.nd Mr.Jos, C. Shlelda of Greater New Yorkwtre with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.J, L. Shields, part of this week.

..iii uvvnuu. it* at.-riot inly 111 with; diphtheria.

•n honor of iiir liitluliy nnnlver.?fc:»ry Pridn;* night. JIlss Marie -Hi'"-< ntwtainod ii jturty i'l frlur.i*' k neili'.me on Main u r e a .

Mrs. Ellen O'lintni 'entertained anumber of lad>" friends nt a card

enlng, :il Iicr home

•elebrnted Christmas with Mr. and! Kvans was formerly of Columbia and 1 ( . . s ; o r o k . c l o f t i lMrs, John Karr nt Ifcickettstown. 1 ; l t o r a teacher In our school. >"lM0! 0KLl.°.1..™

Mrs, Geo. 'B, Kolmel of New York!- M«. .fcusan Clifton. ;neo Mis

ofparty, ["ridi ji,on Itiiynu-nd slrcvt aini Sumnilta venue.

The Wesley M. K. Sundny schoolheld its Christmas (.-xurclses lasttiialit. At this* time a beaut If ut pro-yntm entitled •"The SOUK of Joy" wasluiidert'd.

Ke Win. ii. Johnson, D. D., t\i-iFirst I'resliyterlan

•hurch of I'hlllipsbiirg, will otllclau-holy riiiimmiikin. on timidity

Godfrey of Mumisuuan" for the'week.; Mr. and Mrs Gob. lUnohnrt '.Mrs.! 'rlonrta -before returning to "theirMr, and Mrs, Herbert A. Mayo left! Porcy Thatcher. Mrs. Irene Heeu'. Miss l h w n e \n , * N , l ? " 0 ^" ' *> There ™

, n Sniitrrlm- In Knnml PlirlatmUS Wfick NVttlO ttillC-linrt, MiSS Jroile HoCfl IHllI • ' - r t O r (», 'j1*- S t a r , 1 : l S t OCk. .I Mr. Daniel I teed went to Frettchtown fl 'fiiglor left a; widow, his third wlf,

rtlflpatv In ii •Chrlft-Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold1 Blake of

will I.,- (realoiin.'r !:i'.-ritc • p r

an<l•* win

OXFORD.Our schools and .those i>f tho town-

ship closed Tuesday to reopen Jan. *J,Michael Mountain, Jr., of Philadel-

phia is visiting lila brother Henry.Mis/ Goo. '.Ujfitry U • entertaining

her mother. Mm Corntllus Voorheesof Washington'

Tlios. Ituese of Dover was In townlaat Sunday visitlnij Mr. and Mrs. It."W, Henderson.

Albert Scharror i.; visitm? His sla-r, Mrs. Frank O«-.jtw. ii; I'lillllps-t

.'Ui'/t this week. : }\\hdrew Dunnerfi-Ii:, ji she Navy De-partment, Is vJsitlnj,' hid parents, MrJunri Mrs. Chas. Dimn'jrfett. ' '-' '''

Mrs. Geo. Gaynian .ind child ofHethlehem are visiting her [)nronts,

.Mr, and Mrs, August Bidrow."(Mlss Lena Coiulnn la nr=~Jstins at

the postolllce thi» wwk during- theheavy business of holiday week. , '

linymond Kxk-r tern • last wo<>k ford ' i


ymond K r tern lastten days'.work I:i cli» :iiaill i l d

d y s . w o r k I:i cli^ railrond terminal

. A , d'lloKatlon ,from'~' **, 11, No. Wt:,'+''tl\ 4tills vevv.''ie nnda /s i^ ta now cotiii..' Ihitr».

The sociald f T

riN York. t

Ool-i^n 3tar :

to Columbiain instliutfn?

h-?M In the '<b C t ;Board of Trade bti'ttdlm; by Court :•',

Oxfo.'d, No. 117, Foresters of Amcr- ;•;

IHf..T W i l l !>••

Ira, was largely nttcnderl.Henry Mountain

Tjacknwanna Homan. The traitho openhiff of fiv» D^cotn

The M, K. i'oiu;r"^;uion !to hold n WiiU'h nl'iiu J)<jr\*iYear's eve In the ,-ii?u- chI'tileliainiui-nl •lvtlt »mnn*n/ Will. l!tM-lv llli'and Mrs. Ji>liniinou, nflcr Iliril<iK>iiiiioni:i. Tliin St. ltos..'a C.


ol<I the ,Scran tont»!Hl..' at

rtr rnurt.

(> on Newrclu An

nimJtl:^ -it T.30.*.l\'t homo of Mr.1-):; *itunity at.


hiys' il

i !

W e extend to all our friends and patrons our

. • . , . . ; . . , . ; . . , . . , . . , , , , , ; , : F - , J ; • ; • • • ,

Best Wishes for a• : • • . . - . . . . . , • . • . . • _ •

Happy arid Prosper6us: > NLWYLAR• , • • • . . . • : . • • •


" • • . • • • : ' ' . • . . .

W e thank you most kindly for the liberal patron-

age you have given us the past year and appre-

ciate the kind feeling that has existed. If at

any time a purchase has been made at our store

that has not been entirely satisfactory, it will

be a great pleasure for us to make good any

such purchase, and a favor if you will report it.

Trusting for a continuance of your patronage

the coming year and with all best wishes, 1

plot In ths Mrs. J

mil'Jus. 1-1.iere las' Thur.-'i


yhe family'-Ty,

'tt her



J. R. BRYANTHUH ti.-rlx't't '"".


yal of Oxffir-I puhtie

wftf hold >' " " r ; i * ^


in Saturday to spend C mwith their son and daughter In Bos-

Mr. and Mrs. G. aEast Orange passed the holiday herewith her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hit-tenhouse.

Miss Helen Groff,. who Is taking ncourse of study at Rucknell Univer-

urns dinner at the home of Mr. andMrs. John G. Sinuinton.

Hriifflor leftand tho motherviviup clilMren.

of his three *ii

sltv LewiaburB. Pa., Is home for the Mildred Coylo.

NEW HAMPTON,Miss Ethel Woolover <>f Port Col-

den was a Christmas guoat of Mis?

Mrs. Katherine Rymon and Miss

mon over Christninst.

vacation period,Misses Helen Byrne, • Ellen Wami-

•;:ri^"anJ-Elizalioth' EcUcI, all of.Trcr.-.tcn.;.State N'ormnl school, are homefor tnp holidays.

Lawyer Wm. Petty of New Yorkwas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. aiid tny wrdict of the iiudiencAaron Potty, on uoper Brond street, i n a t t i l c o x e r c ( S 0 ? p tirllls, recitations,over tho • holiday. \ y and SOUKS by the children surpassed)

Two former Washington boys whn thos" of List year. An arch of over-were home ffr Christmas wore Wm. I sreens trimmed with ornament!

llobort Sniiin^/ fur many yoniabossi- inFpc-.-tor for the Lfiiiyh' Vt'iiiu.v

. Hlruiid *.>. in ['hllllps-'luiriri is vis-"*•—""'itinir old f rift tip- hero. He recently

Mr.". J. C. Kitchen spent Saturday : return':*! I'rom'.a ;ri|' lo ScoUnnd, Illsin Easton .. . . . ' - ii;itiv,- country.

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Weidmnn! Tlu- Witrren Kcundry nnd Mnchlncwere in Easton last Wednesday. . c> is lia-inlr an itddiUon built to itt-

Olive,, the littlo daughter of Mr., yow^y \iou^ on riitiiffiiVt'S i>u\-vl.and Mrs. Wm. Kitchen, was ill last' .\IK-UH-I -i-itVliio will I"; JnstiilU'd n

i thej Mr?. .Lemuel Ktnney and two .MtUo: tin; rear "f. tit*-

Thfi Christmas sorvlco of our Sun-! bfth Acliorman. on Mo'ndny. ; pastor ^f ' tho

ty school was held o n Monday! Mrs.'Jaj.. Dietrich and claushtflrs.u-hmvh. Sias pt

cht. There was a large attendance j J l ^ ^ f ^ . n,'J «p;?nTVistniTluir^iay "i! ! 'I'lMlil'tic^hVi'"'-'

\'lll . be placed-In

C Carter of New York and Chas. S.Carter of Newark. : ;

Mr. Frank Fitts. of .Newark spentfrom Sunday.until Tuesday with his

• uncle ' Jlr, ' Vrn.1 S"nnn?itta# on • En^t• Washington avenue,• •-: -Two 'former Wr.Hh'tujton -hoy?

•were home for Christmas wereClark Voush of New York and HarryB. Forrester of White Plains.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Ii. Wyckoff ofJackson Valley entertained a largecompany of relatives and friends at a

• bip turkey dinner iust Wednesday.Miss Jean Eartron, who is engaged

teaching school at Hackensack. i."visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and•Mrs. N. O. Kingman, ov.er the holi-days, .v-r vv

Miss Emma Taylc?/ is spending theperiod between the holidays with hermother. Mrs. R. M. Rush. MissTaylor teaches school nt Penn'sG r o v e . • • • - • • •

Prof. J. R. Trimble, who teachesschool'In'Bridgeport, Conn., is spend-ing the holiday? aYthc home of Mr.and Mr.«. Win. '.Merrill.; on Ciiiiton

- a v e n u e . ' " " • • ':

- " ' - " "r

- ":

' > • — • ' "-••"• • •" ""• . ••

Miss'Emma Housh came yesterdayfrom Newark, where she is eng.i|it>das a teacher, to spend a week at thuhome of her mother, Mrs. AUrx.Hontrh.

Mr. Chas. B. Cyphers, who fs now-a makeup on the Sunday Sun, came

out from New York 'Tuesday.to visit,his parents, returning to the city this

• m o r n i n g . ' ••• - ••' • •• -

Miss Bess Johnston returned fromTVheaton Ptmlnary, Norton, .Mass..

'-»'•Friday, and is spendimr the holidayswith her'parerus. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.Hi. Johnston. • . . .. '-Ex-Mayor H. "W. Allesor entertain-

over Chrlstmns Mr. and -Mrs. H. C .epr-r"of Newark. Mr. and -Mrs. Ar-

thur AHeiier and Mr. Abrmn Alleiter.all nf AVewtfleld. •• Miwe.o'.Mary F

•e horn.

domed the room. The childrenteived their usual tre:it.y Wm. Holfman, an esteemed citizenof tills place, ili<;d on .Saturday even-ing,--,aged 79 years. Mr. Hoffmaihad1- lived here about- ton years

.jinl Previous to this he resided at Mon~ j flair... -I-Iw was in that time a con-

' tractor on public works. He was

""\Vf!]er-rs and-iMary

until after Nep;n ilii.it;>: jschoo!-i i T ^ ' ' i ' i i " l

latter at Moi". -Jlis-scs. Sad

te'at.'bi;rs in tin- Horf;

, tlmir vju'ation with illand Mrs. Ocio.'_ Cres.«m. ;vMlss- .Maiii! Kiunaiiiiifr<-.;n • the W.inu-n's Mt-di


d Alice Cn\«smerst;»fi<-'IU pit

' .Saninliiy tur part-iu-s.

born at Sehooluys Mountain. One ofhis contracts


jf the cement work In the LohigliValley railroad tunnel at West Portal.The cause of death was heart troublalthough he had not been confinedto his bed. He is survived byui,luw, a brother and sister and vson. His brother and siaier iPeter C. Hoffman of Port Morris and.Mrs. Rachaei Vannutta of Hacketts-town. The funeral services wer<held at his late residence on Tues-day a t ' - J). in. Rev. Ward C. Pen-body, of whose church the deceasedwas a member, ullleluted. Intermentin the Valley church cemetery.

WAHKE.Y PAIM3KMrs. Victor Carling is somewlim

improved;in ".health.Victor Carlinj; sjient Saturday and

Sunday with her parents at Chnnwe-water.

Walter Hess ofl'hiladelphia called"ii friends in town. Saturday amiSunday.

Jos. Hawkson Charles ith f -ho l idaya : - : . •.;::•.;:.-• ;- •;.:.•.:: \:.r --.Wnir Riddle of' Bkioinsbury" moved

recently, into- the.;:, ho use;... vacated .byWm. Johnson. •('/

Otis'•Rrotzman was'a yuest of hisaunt, .Mrs., .Silas Wonlfinger, in Eas-ton, over ""Sunday.

Carl Baehman of. Milford spentSunday with his narents, Mr. andMrs. Elias Baehman.

Frank-'Watson spent Saturday andSunday with his sister, Mrs. Calvin'WiUever, at Port Coldcn.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Myers spentsjitlurdiiy unil Sui'Oiiy wiLh ilieir nunt.Mrs. John Cackencr. .at Milford:

St^wai-tsvNKi spent rtundny with her[Kin-nts. Mr. nnci Mr*, Robert Draney.

Itjiyrnond Slnclnlr of ilie TrontonMi.del Srhriol is home for the holi-days with Ills parents. .Mr. rind-Mrs,M. W. Sinclair.. ASIK-I* Tedilenner. who h;as worUtnlfur . bis lji-other I!K> past year, "'papcr-Ing ;tnd rmintiiiK. has k-ft for hishti'.hf in T'hiladelpliia. . . "

hns gone to visit hisHuston, until after

: :

[in, who ni'fikcs her<i Mrs. X". E Craig,L+k wlth'JCripnds at


vilh Mrl IT

Xyack, N. V.Miss Lydin Crnig, teacher in tho

primary-'department m" the public,si-liont. .is spchdln),r ihc' Christmas va-

in Nuwitrk with her cousins,su.s BttUlwtn.HnlU'h] of.-.' .Madison, CoMartin, wlm is .studying Oen.-i

New VorhF.

. .Mr. v.-Vniold Fox oniu.Telphiii on Tut-wlny loents.. Mr. and-'Mrs.. Sn

tna.- vaca.'.ion.takinp a •c-nursft in eriu

Mr ami Mrs. Wulteof Oi-eenwich Cnnti:, a)-parents MK und Mrs. Kfor \( week. Mr. 'Jon.KIdgewood is iilsi^mas.

bln Vjin

Mrs. C. L, Davenport lost weekt hfic-.entertained Mrs. Vincent Charles of; Jnini \\ ti*m»nWilmington, Del., who was a pntlent.hns rt'turn*>d frnin the Medico Clii hospital. Phlladol-; iu, was In cliai>t>hla, occupyinsr n room with Mrs. \ Tippott •<•

Vlrft ri'-sl'yterliirvhnsi'd a n»'W r«.;i*l

Xr.rlh sixtieth strooti! nuivi'd inin it. I!(vw days with friend

«.f Howard stroulii I'ltl^burnb. where.• of ii contract forUie liMli'.-r niiLkei's.

ith blood jioiyuniml. resultlnj,' from a

«'d hy.-TIoinwtinii"Chas-. F.

uoopor nf wamptit'.i.' <:ocv. Ji-iin Heiuk-chDi,.-lcctd live to lio.:mn.•,'la.«s to be iniliiiteii JTribe.., itf.-AVaahiimto<l'*f,'ro"ir tcam"1"ov"r • 'Mwork.

Are You int«If you have1 i ?i

1; •wth---ni. Mar-

' " S I".' Miller;W. j?hirj»B; col-1

D R Cooper:'';L-... IVrry; tr»»-i •

Zho ir*M al!• :n-'m:-rs o^

'" .J•?'«!*• 'w'ti i th-7' "

, M 1 ^ , , . . . J . I M I V I I V , >.,4k( , > M * g . , * l . ' , «L£.

OHvo nnd Petc-r .Iolm?on of Delaware! in.Water Gap.

Davenport last Air-mat. On Tuesday! n,'. [$ smlVringMrs. Davenport nnC guest and the S in th.. rinhformer's'dj'u^luer. Mrs. D. Tl. Acker- = blow from a sleiino. |no ii. wL-rt' in StroiKiHburs. On Weil- -)s Mrs. 'i 'sc-nr W Slialor tiicti or v-an-1nt^day .Mrs.. J. C. Kitcher." entertain- \ Vl.r. on Wednt-sdnv •niorning of last I«.;!,.'Mr.-.-. Davenport.. Mrs '.CliarJcs.; m.L-k- ai--ii"r hnme im •Mii'iti'- sti-L-ftij

Win. Kitchen and ' j iaushter ; a^.ij ;j»i y,.-ars. sin; Is survived byami. four l*rt)tln,-rs and thrtn-l

si.«ier.«. Sh>' was a iut-mb*'r of tin.'1

l;aptist (.•liuivh of Kaston. 1KlaboViite Clirisunas exercises Wi-roj

iu-lil in tiit- i-'hlllipshunr IIIuli schutil jiiudiioriiuit; Frldiiy afti-rnuun. by iliyiclass ttf KM:;. Frederick L. Suttle. Ithe senior pr'-si'ioni, was master ofcvrt-UK'iik-s. Tho hull, was bcauti-t'nlly dfcurated with strinss of spruce.

The banquet of tne St. Aioysiusfoot ball t.-am at the .^hntVr Mouselast Thursday ni^ht was atlfiuletl by

iiitd ittion, send forports. Their wetiarscs reasonsi'.•all. WM. IT

Temjde of MKELLEIl -v >'*N.

LOW Kit HARMONY.Wm, Cool entertained theC l b di l W

e r i edinner .last Wednes-

Mr:.U'irk.in Club

-Air. :iml Mrs, Arthur'"Kfnney spentSunday with Mr. and Mrs. DepueHall.

Mrs. Annie Oswald Is spendingsonic time with her daughter in Al-lentown. j

Isaac Reed recently purchased theold Deedy farm on the hill above |Harmony. • i

Miss Esther Ball, who has been!von fined to her home with illness. I

K>lw.I I'll', cf'.tiirh:

ftMiion $270,

•I'ialt und wife-.conveys lot in.•nitiun $400.

Henry SlialcrIJiii!t. dated l>?lot in Phillip:*S-100.

Siillle" E. W«i:

All Articles in our Christmas Stockare now offered at ReducedPrices . . . .

Would make nice New Year presents, or !'•-"•may be laid aside for X-Mas giving nextyear. No other form of interest so large.Con>e in: you'll be surprised at the offerings

• - ' . A ' ' - : ' • ..;•.. - ..' . . - . : : - •' ...

A HappyNew Year To All

A. B. Groff &B

(.iatiKliff hat- returned home. ,-,.„„... . . . . .pending a fnrtnlfflu with rela-" ">iV%* Chn**"

-• 'n^e^Kphraim Howell and 'v*r« n i ' ' l ' ' r i O t l 1J

Clark Cool have secured positions Inthe- Ingei'soll wnrl:s.

Mrs. •Klwond Simon spent . Satur-day and Sunday with Miss ElizabethWillie.•!• iii Phtllipshiirir.

Mr. find' Mrs. Al^x. \VooIf-; andfamily spent Smidriy witlv Mr. -and 'Mrs. John Opilykt*. at Dclmvare Park. •

II bout 4 0 persons. The toast masterwas Wm. Shiiii*-livrKL'r. : .Speech*.*were made by U.'v. P. J. Quiiin, Hev.Hugh Mussev ami lUtv. Thomas ^ O l ' . , ' . i y ' - - <:""-'-IfvUly V • .. . I I I I ! T w p . : .L*OIlSlfl<T-k• Hnrry K. liari|iciuv. son L.l'rMrs. I Clarence C. KIMILizzie Hartpem-c nf Milf»rd, find Miss' « eldbetsser, diM'il

" Anderson, dautfhtur oi..Mr. and ..V.M'1^*"..;10-1. . ' ^ l l u

n, also <>f Mllfonl;! ''nitioii-•»2.bUn-~-' Morris Par!; uan.


-.M.-ij:,nii. il,u».lUmii in Fnuik-

liov. K. Clark Cllnpit his ri.'sidiMuv on Chamlnji's and •\"U-Vi <1il

rVniiL-tt »tret-t on. \\V'dn*wiay after- ' ° ' !" }*>'•last \ve*-U.

/ Uridgot, widow uf Danic-I Hoyan.died Saturday afternoon at h«r home •'.on .Hudson street, agtid Si) years. Shu • Nl

wtinj.n»iiVfml.i<;r...i.r..St», : -Philip.-, -an,!.! ( ,. ,\nub cat io ic ciiiiei. .in^^s^surMv j .

The cottage-prayer mectins will be John ' of Phllllpsburg," Edward, of

Smith. daU*<i '•:•>•-•. !•.', U 'U , con-ys Ini In Asburi- . •.)!isiii>.-riaion SI.Tin.".'. J . ..Sntitli i i ' t -wi f . - t.'j Chas.ilrympie," aatei l OK." L«>. • l-jl}, con-

eys lot i n ' A s h u r y , •?->ti.-iiii-T.ition J I .Arthur Dy Mint-ir.-Miitl .wife

IT IS OUR AIMand has been ever since weentered upon a busii/wS ca-reer in Washington to enlargeour trade by means, of an en-larged and more varied stockof strictly reliable goods, to |

'" -3L'ir :al :right :prices, to giveprompt service and extendcourteous treatment. ••*

We are succeeding—not inaraarvelousdegree.butstead-

- ily and in.an encouragingly

held tills weeU. nt the homo of Mr.nnd Mrs. Ales. Woolf, Friday even-Ins.1 Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wonlf attendedthe wedding of his nophew, to MissShoomaker, at Still Valley, last Wed-nesday. . . .

F.dw. Hollcnb'ach, 'r.whn runs " thelarge sawmill at Marker's• Hollow,recently had a leg'badly bruised by I \,bflnir struck by smno slid ing ties. Hei iis still unable to leave the house. |---••MisS'.--'Kvoria: Con!-.-.vr.G •.-prcscnicdwith a neat sum of money. Sumlav

Newark and Mrs. Frank fi'lioy ofB h l h i

ovpnincr. by the •congregation of tlvM. E. church, for her services as or-'iianist. The f,;ift was, mneh., nppre-i-iated.


Verne! Stool* is vis'itliiKin Newark."

.Mr; and Mrs. G..A, Read had a-

.\lrs. Oeo.' Bonnott i.« spendinp theluilidiiys wit.li her-mother in 13eJvl-

Bethlehem.Humor has-It that one of our larg-

est faeiorjes will htiild a block ofbrick apar tment houses, to rent at$9 a month per. Hut to its employees.The tenements are lu havp all theIniprovcments-^heai, light nml' \vn-

r. The company Is determined tossoir the cost of i-.-itt to .lhf> labor-K man. May it h<> sn.Home of our .bent-vulent capitalists

priVe'Of building a wholesale house,.f provisions, meats. buU<:!\ I;«KS andveg.-iaMcs, so Unit tin- retailers whodi'iil \v\0i thftin shall out down prices2." io. 30 per i'«m.' A fonumci will

.;j."!jc. c-ntercd into to e.\olnde'lhe. im;r-j (•hiiin having an aliutHianci- nf «nli.

Kev, I'airiOK A. Me r'nd<if .Sontin Phill:ili'lphiti whe

" (jhu'rcih';-b'i-rtii'6'-;-ViHit!a1ioii;;-':Hc^

A bra in L. Hosnln-rrv.' datod D<ie. IT.I!91L','J conveys li»t. ir. Waslunt,'totiiborough: consider ition . S-.31.").

.Wm. H. H. Votin*lilood ami wif.-to J o h n . J . Jas«r i-t.. -il,; .d:ii«.l Deo.IB, 1912, 'convey* lot in .Hnekoits-town; consideral.!!).-. El. '

"Win IT. CaiiiplH'il .i.c;ii wii.. to W'nr.IT, Campbell, clatod Deo. 13. 191:'.conveys lands in Ror.ti'igh and Town-i.ship of Washington', consideration JI.. Wm, U. •Campbell uvl ^ifti to John

ij. lluller, -dtitofj , p.;>:. .19-. 11) 12, con-voys landsr"in"' l.ior.-j'itjn nnf]"'-Town-slilp of Wnshingion: ';oajid^r:uIon-.Jl..

Oliver J. Smith -»o<i wife t.i Fran-cesco Mnrches.', rtnt-.l f ^c . IS, 1512.conveys lands in Oxt'orfl" Twp.; con-sideraLIoii SI.

Morris Park L.in<i 'Vo, to Mary E.rail, diited Kopi. IT 1 !>I-_'. convoy:

', '.-, Uv r'-Unlonfion lias born

iid M'iss MabelClHiooper und .lauglitrr Tilliu of Martin, who machos'nt Lodl, arc atraE^and-Mr.-XnujfhrlBht-Hna- .Mrs. -•'•- H.^Martin's. for....the. holidays.....,-,.g®arke,- ;oC Gonnnn V.HO-. who | , J « ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ . SX%M^

wUplis" for ihi ' ' -beriont "of Jlr:.s' lionhJi. which has noB been

.•.•'7. j v e r y Soud : for 11..WI1II1... Thc-j-,-»111 bo.„„';,iv;M m-rcimiinnlcil hy ihi'lr son; J. T, B.;"S"?i.vi!!'-, . ;

• h e r ewho is In

i-*'fhnr'jre nl't'the Cliioagn lirnnch of noil running company, witli'Ml

l^salesmon and other employees, is al' " ' a waek, aftei1': anb' en'co1' of foiir months.

•-Mrs. T. V. Gordon cntorliiiiipd • i\wChrist,nifis: Mr,

. - . . ... . ... 13a(;kernnd twrf

• of. Hop Bottom. , Pa.: ..Mr..'in Fnrrell. nnd daughter

• M i

texyurt l.!ei;Jioi'r xi-hind in

nd -Mrs.New Vorl;.

...Harry ...Kor r-i;cC*«)i tly

Kpworth-'Kea'jriie'- will ; he"'-""luiievcnlns by Sirs. J, L,, Beck.itaclVel Slew of- Johnsonvlilo

l.s spending a few days with Mi. andMrs. .1. S. An dress. );' ji'

•Mrs. J. R. Beck spem 'V^lfow daysi h h M ' K


R. Beck spem V lfow drecently with her sister/ Mrs.' Ii.'Morgan, in fstroudsburff. ; :

Miss S;e1hi (JJ.nnlK-rry of ColumblnjSponi a /few days recently iund Mrs. Samuel Linaberryv

Clni'k Klnney of Philadelphia . is,


with Sir,

II. llv

I'airiOK A. K^|•Mlc, 1. native ,„ , .,„ L , l p . l l O l l J 1 ( , T w v _ :;bnsid«ruiloiih IJ«-thk>h«m ainl well knowiiUr,^ O n.li|>sburg, dii-,1 Friday-in Phlln-I -•">•• - t\. • - .-.t-

•hi tui hi ileathI breakdown from

over work; The remains were inter-red In South Bethlehem, Tuesday

: If you are not already oneof our regular patrons, giveus a fair opportunity to makeyou one. If we do not suc-ceed, frankly tell us why.We invite' criticism—it is aspur to/greater effort. ,


Sporting ' Gooiis, Toys andGamej, Household O'/eiisi/s,]Confectionery. Nuts, CigarsJ\Tobacco, Etc. I

a. S. Bi'xfcf

[HE best known, themost central, mostattractive and b e s t

stocked Jewelry Store inEaston wishes.its.:New^ Jer?:.;sey patrons,'and Star read-ers in particular, a very


Its trade with Warren andHunterdon county peoplewas never so large duringany. previous Xmas~season.


4th And Northampton St..


Mrs. I'fiymond Palmer of Stewarts-vllkv was hero this week until 'afterChristmas, her husband \1oining heron fihristmus day. , , • XOTtTOX.

,. .-~ , _ . . . . . . . ;iMrs .-Wiuson .Wenc aUended thelive, weeks . with pneumonia and heart U i n c ^ a l op r

( her "aunt, Airs.-Geov.:Lalrr.trouble, also stomach trouble"-. l ie is I i'.1.-Evc-Vlttstown.. SaLurday. - - - • — -now Homowhflf bettor. V. 4 -:-.- Mrs.--Kusunu • Scrudiito and ,_ViHle' The Christmas entertainment to- ( 1 ( l l 'S 1 U e r K n t m i 1 o f Plttaton nre via-nifflit ht Jiion, and- tomorruw night !-ltinl»' her.purentP,. Air. and Mrs, Edw.

'thf Christian obnrch. A'libretto. M o v l e - , - : — - ..t-i-ii. irvin'Fritts spent Tnet'day with his

wife, who underwcntrriir^operntlon inti hospital In Philadijlphla. She isImproving'.1' ' • ••.;_.1:.1 :. .....*>' \ \ :m. .Appr ts'nffHcTud wilh.-j-hou-matlsmr"' - ' "'•'......,Wm.. Fleminir, who haa_Jbf:en._Kifik'swii'ti—uTr^ttiK'dJvpnemn''onia*1"Tar:-iin-

h C t i o n church. Al ibre t"Good Will," will be. rendered.

':'. Could ; Shoiit- Tor J.py.v'fS::-••:••-"I want to thank ! you from the

tioUom of my heart/^ wrote, C. B.Lthc '• wonderful" - doubld - bfinGflt"-1 I^-^oCfrom Electric Bitters, In curing meof both a severe case of stomachtrouble and of rheumatism, s fromwhich I had been an almost helplessuffdror for ton years. It suited myye t s u e my

case aa though made JustVfor mo."For dyspepsia, Indigestion, Jaundice,and to 'rid the system of kidney poi-sons (that h t i El

•• ("larrett* Mitchell is : preparing "forsnow, having purchased a new sled.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wene of Pitls-ttiwn wore'guests of "her parejits, Mr.and Mrs. Irvln, Dalrymple, Sunday.< Frank''Proctor; of Asbary nnd MissLillian Hornbak'er of this nlace, who

- - ----- -. .--- were married last Saturday^yiave re-that cause rheumatism, .Elee- turned to the home ci^h^r parents,Jttera have no superior. Try after enjoying, a .wedding' trip.

" bottle is guaranteed to ! - Mr. nnd Mrs M JI Lott tookMr| ^ in Fnrrell. a n d d u g h t e spending a few dnys with his pnr-f.reatfsfy.1"' Only 50 cents-at Jenkins & I und Mrs. Jos. Magulre and daughter

^ ijMeeker's. "•... ... ..;.... ; ' :*-.J.Rlsle. to Eaa ton 'by auto- recently.' :

are under double s t r a i n -strength to live nnd learn andstrength lo grow—they musthave tiourislmHiiitrrnot over-.

centrated.uutnnietit to aidnature diiriu^Jtlie growing

• period.-•====-~" : r ' » . ' '*:*'* •

- - The wonder In I record ofScott's Emulsion is a body-builder has l>ti«n proved'''forthree- :general.ions." [{"strengthensthe bones, ,muscl(*s and sinews-

and vigors prevent:.1! and relieves

colds and forlities rhe lungs.

Millions of-uielicate and un-

developed cmTdren have,been

uincle strong, sJtirdyi and hearty

with Scott's Emalsioti. .<•.•

hsi'tt on Staving SCOTT'S.


f ^ o u r P a t r o n a »e has been greatly '•>.« appreciated. We shall\ endeavor,. %

|; : during the coming year to merit a :••s jll greater nhare. We wish you a Happy and Prosperous :$oNew Year, —- - V S

. ; . • . • : . - • ; , • • / v - " - ''-y-

\h .: S. STEINMAN |.••: 1 lo. 47 East Washington Avenue;'^Washington, New Jersey :•:


Ladies' and Gentlemen'

=•NEX%tO;-: U E H L E I N ' S ' B A K E R ¥ = =



'•——- Prices Lolp——

'•^i'./l'-V" 7 ^ f l 5 ^ , ^ ^
