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Diocese of Metuchen SP 2007

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In collaboration with the Strategic Planning Task Force and Planning Commission December 2007 Prepared by www.meitler.com Strategic Plan for Catholic Schools Diocese of Metuchen
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In collaboration with the Strategic Planning Task Force and Planning Commission

December 2007

Prepared by


Strategic Plan for Catholic Schools

Diocese of Metuchen

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I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

II. VISION FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS................................................................. 2

CHARACTERISTICS OF DISTINCTLY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS.....................................................2 CHARACTERISTICS OF ACADEMICALLY EXCELLENT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS .............................3 CHARACTERISTICS OF FISCALLY SOUND CATHOLIC SCHOOLS ............................................3

III. CATHOLIC IDENTITY....................................................................................... 4

A. OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................................4 B. GOALS AND STRATEGIES...............................................................................................4

IV. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE.............................................................................. 6

A. OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................................6 B. GOALS AND STRATEGIES...............................................................................................6

V. STRUCTURE AND GOVERNANCE................................................................ 10

A. STRUCTURE OBSERVATIONS .......................................................................................10 B. STRUCTURE GOALS AND STRATEGIES .........................................................................12 C. GOVERNANCE OBSERVATIONS ....................................................................................15 D. GOVERNANCE GOALS AND STRATEGIES ......................................................................15

VI. LEADERSHIP ................................................................................................. 18

A. OBSERVATIONS ..........................................................................................................18 B. GOALS AND STRATEGIES.............................................................................................18

VII. ENROLLMENT AND MARKETING ............................................................... 22

A. OBSERVATIONS ..........................................................................................................22 B. GOALS AND STRATEGIES.............................................................................................23

VIII. FACILITIES................................................................................................... 26

A. OBSERVATIONS ..........................................................................................................26 B. GOALS AND STRATEGIES.............................................................................................26

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IX. FINANCES...................................................................................................... 27

A. OBSERVATIONS ..........................................................................................................27 B. GOALS AND STRATEGIES.............................................................................................27

APPENDIX A – Viability Criteria B – Schools and their Respective Deaneries C – Parishes and their Respective Deaneries

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Catholic education is critical to the future of our Church. Parish-based religious education programs and Catholic elementary and secondary schools all exist to form people in the Catholic faith and to proclaim its message of salvation. While recognizing the importance of all areas of Catholic education, this report, as per the charge given to the Task Force, focuses on the work of Catholic schools.

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen have a long and successful history which pre-dates the establishment of the Diocese. These schools have educated generations of young people forming them in the faith and imparting the knowledge and skills necessary to enable them to make a positive contribution the Church and society. As is the case today in many areas of the country, Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen are facing many challenges including declining enrollment, rising costs and limited financial resources.

In 2006 the Diocesan Planning Commission identified the need to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for Catholic schools to strengthen and re-vitalize Catholic school education and ensure its long term vitality and viability. To accomplish this, Meitler Consultants, Inc. was hired in June 2006 to assist the Diocese in this effort and a diocesan-wide planning process was initiated in September 2006.

A Task Force was formed which assisted the consultants in interpreting data, critiquing recommendations, reviewing feedback and facilitating communication. Each local school was asked to identify key school and parish leaders to form the school’s local consultative group in addition to the pastor and principal. The process involved extensive data collection compiled in a separate data report document, site visits to each school, visits with pastors and principals, regular meetings with the Task Force and periodic meetings with the Planning Commission, local consultative groups, Presbyteral Council and pastors of parishes without a school.

The following plan has been developed with much thought and prayer and through the hard work of many people. It is presented to the Diocese of Metuchen in the believe that its implementation will enable Catholic schools in the Diocese to advance into the future and continue to make a significant contribution to the well being of the Church and the world.

The members of the Task Force whose names follow devoted many hours of hard work to the process bringing valuable ideas, insights and commitment to the process. These recommendations were unanimously approved by the members present at the final meeting on December 4, 2007.

Ellen Ayoub Rev. Msgr. Michael Corona Nancy Finn Betsy Garlatti Rosemarie Gazaleh Robert Gironda Monika Hilliard Mary Jane Hopke Janet Keating

Rev. Sean W. Kenney Mrs. Jean Kline Very Rev. Robert Lynam Patrick Moran Susan Odenthal Deacon John Pacifico Very Rev. David J. Pekola Annamarie C. Reilly Rev. Richard Rusk

Robert Sottilaro Paul Stahlin Walt Sura Ron Tankiewicz Thomas Toolan Joanne Ward Sr. Eileen Jude Wust

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In forming a strategic plan for the future health and vitality of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen, we must respond to the current challenges facing our schools with faith and determination. The vision that follows broadly articulates what we believe are key characteristics of strong and vibrant Catholic schools in the 21st century.

The purpose of the strategic plan is to identify goals and strategies to realize this vision at the diocesan, regional and school level for all Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen. As a result of successful implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Diocese of Metuchen, we envision the following for Catholic schools in the Diocese in 2015 and beyond.

Characteristics of Distinctly Catholic Schools 1. Catholic schools are recognized as an important mission and responsibility of every

parish throughout the Diocese.

2. A clear statement of its Catholic mission, including a focus on Jesus and an acknowledgement of the importance of spreading the Gospel, guides each school. The entire school community understands the mission and works to carry it out.

3. Each school is structured to be more than an academic institution. There are frequent opportunities for prayer, worship and liturgical experiences. The environment is distinctly Catholic, with visible symbols throughout the school, a pervasive culture of service and stewardship and with Gospel teachings and faith values integrated throughout the curriculum.

4. The school culture is one that is welcoming and accepting of all cultures. Staff members are role models who integrate faith with daily living.

5. Each school is an effective vehicle of evangelization and on-going faith formation for students and their families.

6. Clergy and religious are present during the school day whenever possible.

7. Each school actively encourages Catholic school parents, students and staff to be involved and visible in their parishes.

8. Parents are valued and involved as partners in the religious and academic education of their children.

9. Each school has a qualified, competent principal who exercises effective spiritual and educational leadership.

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Characteristics of Academically Excellent Catholic Schools 1. School leadership is visionary, skilled, professionally competent and deeply rooted in

the Catholic faith.

2. Students are taught by qualified, certified teachers committed to the mission of the school and who are enthusiastic, life-long learners using effective methods.

3. Each school is fully accredited and recognized in the community as an academically strong institution with a challenging, rigorous curriculum. This is verified by objective measures of student achievement and growth.

4. Students graduate with an appreciation for learning and the skills necessary for critical thinking, moral decision-making and teamwork.

5. Up-to-date technology and educational resources are used effectively to enhance learning in an integrated manner throughout the curriculum.

6. The academic program is comprehensive in scope, including international language instruction, fine arts, physical education and extracurricular opportunities as well as strategies to ensure the success of at-risk students.

Characteristics of Fiscally Sound Catholic Schools 1. Catholic schools are affordable and accessible for parents and parishes.

2. Each elementary school maintains approximately 25 students per grade level section, with a goal toward two sections per grade. High schools maintain an enrollment capable of supporting a quality academic program.

3. Each school has effective marketing, development, recruitment and retention plans in place which are supported by coordinated efforts at the regional and diocesan level.

4. Endowment funds exist at the diocesan and local levels to supplement funding for school programs and scholarships.

5. Clusters of schools cooperate, utilizing shared services whenever possible.

6. Each school provides just compensation and benefits for employees.

7. All parishes share in and fulfill their financial obligation toward the ministry of Catholic schools.

8. Each school follows ethical principles in its business activities and adheres to diocesan policies regarding financial accounting.

9. Each school facility is safe, attractive and in good repair.

10. Each school takes full advantage of funds available from state and federal sources.

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A. Observations 1. The Catholic character of the schools was very evident when the consultants visited the


2. The Diocese of Metuchen has a program for the religious formation of teachers and administrators according to diocesan policy. Required courses are paid for by the employer. Participation and achievement of certification are a requirement for contract renewal.

3. The priests interviewed during school visits were supportive of Catholic schools and available to celebrate Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation for students and teachers. Many visited the school on a regular basis.

4. Home School Associations have a chairperson for spirituality who works with the administration to provide opportunities for family faith formation.

5. The NCEA Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (ACRE) is administered in grades 5, 8 and 11. Schools are encouraged to use the results to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their religious education program.

6. All religion texts are required to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

B. Goals and Strategies 1. Each school will value its Catholic identity and will have a clearly

articulated and widely understood mission statement which will be reflected in all policies, plans and efforts of the school community. The mission will be carried out by dedicated pastors, principals, administrators, teachers, staff, parents and school councils/boards and will clearly identify the school as a Catholic school. S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 The school community will understand the school’s mission statement and regularly

review how it influences the policies, decisions and activities of the school and school personnel. The mission statement will be clearly understood by all stakeholders.

1.2 The school’s improvement plan will include opportunities to assist the faculty and staff to deepen their own faith and increase their understanding of church teaching.

1.3 All administrators will be active members of a Catholic parish and will effectively exercise their responsibility for spiritual leadership within the school. Spiritual leadership will be included in regular performance evaluations.

1.4 In the hiring process, preference will be given to qualified Catholic applicants active in their parish and in good standing with the church. The Office of the Schools will develop a process for verifying the status of applicants.

1.5 The school will welcome students of other faiths without compromising its Catholic identity. Principals will discuss the school’s expectations regarding religion course requirements and attendance at religious activities with families of other faiths prior to enrollment to insure mutual understanding.

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2. The teaching of the Catholic faith and its integration with daily living will be a hallmark of every Catholic school in the Diocese of Metuchen. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 Each school will provide opportunities for daily prayer and regular participation in

liturgy, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, retreats and other religious practices for students and staff.

2.2 Administrators will ensure that teachers understand and follow the approved religion curriculum K-12. Religion will be taught by Catholic teachers who are active members of a Catholic parish.

2.3 Catholic teaching, virtues and values are integrated throughout the curriculum by each teacher through instruction and example. Resources and training will be provided to assist teachers, and these efforts will be part of yearly personnel evaluations.

2.4 All teachers will be required to attain diocesan certification in Catholic formation. 2.5 ACRE will be administered yearly in grades 5, 8 and 11. The results will be used to

assess the strengths and weaknesses of the religion program and to determine areas for ongoing faculty religious formation.

2.6 The feasts of the liturgical year will be taught and celebrated. The lives of patron saints, especially those of the parish(es) and other contemporary religious models will be presented as models of faith, courage and gospel witness.

2.7 Students will be taught about vocations to the priesthood and religious life and will be encouraged to pray for vocations and consider if God is calling them to priesthood or religious life. Whenever possible, students will be given the opportunity to personally meet priests and vowed religious role models.

2.8 All schools in the Diocese will recognize their responsibility to maintain strong home/school connections.

3. All parishes in the Diocese will recognize and fulfill their responsibility to help carry out the ministry of Catholic schools and schools, in turn, will work closely with parishes in the work of evangelization. S t r a t e g i e s 3.1 Area clergy will be invited and encouraged to participate in the religious education

and formation as well as the sacramental and spiritual life within the school.

3.2 Pastors will be expected to raise awareness among parishioners of the value of Catholic schools to the Church, the Diocese and the parishes, to inform parishioners of the activities of area Catholic schools and to encourage parish families to consider enrolling their children.

3.3 Each school will identify ways to maintain and strengthen a meaningful connection with area parishes, especially the home parishes of their students. The Department of Education will identify and communicate best practices for this effort.

3.4 Schools will actively communicate the invitation and expectation that parents participate in the faith formation of their children and the life of their parish or respective faith community.

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A. Observations 1. The Diocese of Metuchen uses State of New Jersey Standards, with appropriate

additions for faith-based education, as its uniform curriculum for each subject area.

2. Learning outcomes for each grade level are established, but the depth of understanding measured varies from school to school.

3. In the 2006-07 school year, 76% of the teachers and administrators in the Diocese were certified by the State of New Jersey. 97% had appropriate college degrees.

4. The primary standardized test used in the Diocese is the Terra Nova. Students in the diocesan elementary schools consistently achieve above the national average.

5. 98% of the high school seniors in the Diocese take the SAT exam. Their scores are higher than the averages for both the State of New Jersey and the United States.

6. Staff development time is mandated by the Diocese. The quality and consistency of an individual school’s program is left up to that school and varies from school to school.

B. Goals and Strategies 1. The effective combination of Academic Excellence and Catholic Identity

will become the unique characteristic and hallmark of every Catholic school, enabling the school to educate the whole child. S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 The unique combination of these two connected missions will be clearly articulated

to the community so that Catholic schools are distinguished as uniquely different and offering a more holistic education than public schools, charter schools, or other private schools.

1.2 The Office of the Schools and the Office of Religious Education will assist each elementary and high school in identifying and achieving specific benchmarks in these two inter-related areas.

2. Every elementary school will demonstrate compliance with the Diocesan curriculum for each subject area and student mastery of each subject via assessed learning outcomes for each grade level. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 Diocesan learning outcomes for each subject and for each grade will be reviewed

and discussed with the faculty at each school at the beginning of each school year.

2.2 Written benchmarks will be developed for each learning outcome. 2.3 The Office of the Schools will determine the best method for assessing student

mastery of the learning outcomes. (See goal 7.)

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3. Catholic school teachers will plan interactive teaching and learning strategies that respect learning styles, utilize a variety of methods and materials, demand higher order thinking and in-depth understanding, and ensure appropriate instructional time. S t r a t e g i e s 3.1 The Office of the Schools, in collaboration with school leaders and faculty

members, will identify and publish “best practice” instructional models that incorporate research-based, effective teaching and learning strategies.

3.2 Opportunities will be provided for teachers to attend workshops on new methodologies, etc.

3.3 Schools will provide support for students with differing learning needs.

3.4 Diversity training will be provided for teachers and administrators to ensure that all students are made to feel welcome regardless of ethnicity, religion or disability.

3.5 Teachers will integrate technology in the teaching, learning and assessment process.

4. Catholic school administrators and teachers will engage in coherent and ongoing professional development that enhances professional knowledge and skills, provides opportunities to engage in dialogue about instructional practices, and is aligned with curricula and assessments. S t r a t e g i e s 4.1 Year-long staff development themes related to school improvement and teacher

effectiveness will be identified by each school annually. Teachers will plan classroom activities that align with this annual theme.

4.2 In addition to accomplishing the goals of the annual staff development theme, staff development programs will provide teachers with information on curriculum content, technology integration and state and diocesan certification requirements.

4.3 Partnerships will be developed with colleges and universities to provide staff development opportunities and access to advanced degrees.

4.4 Professional development will increase awareness of current assessment theories and support appropriate assessment practices among teachers and administrative staff.

5. Each school will offer a comprehensive academic and co-curricular program. S t r a t e g i e s 5.1 In addition to the standard core subject areas, each elementary school will offer art,

music, international language and physical education.

5.2 Elementary and high school programs will include a variety of co-curricular opportunities and will regularly evaluate these programs to ensure that they reflect student interest and needs and successfully reflect the mission of the school.

5.3 Accommodations should be provided for students with special needs in grades K through 12. Minimally, all schools should investigate and take advantage of those services provided by the State of New Jersey.

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5.4 Each school will provide opportunities for gifted and talented students which offer challenge and enrichment.

5.5 The high schools will regularly review their curriculum to provide continuity of student learning from elementary to high school, to ensure compliance with current academic standards and college admission requirements and to maintain a rigorous, challenging and comprehensive academic and co-curricular program.

5.6 The Office of the Schools will work with the high schools to establish minimum standards for high school grading policies and graduation requirements.

6. Each school will be adequately staffed with qualified classroom teachers and appropriate special program teachers. S t r a t e g i e s 6.1 Teachers will teach in their areas of certification and specialization.

6.2 The diocesan policy manual will identify the minimum and the ideal qualifications for all Catholic school teachers and administrators, including degrees attained and certification required.

6.3 Compensation will be adequate to attract and retain qualified, quality teachers.

7. Student assessments will be used to evaluate individual student progress on the learning outcomes and to help staff members make adjustments in the instructional program. S t r a t e g i e s 7.1 Schools will use multiple methods to assess student achievement on the learning

outcomes, including standardized tests and other measures.

7.2 Student progress toward learning outcomes will be included as one of the factors in the ongoing supervision and evaluation of principals and teachers.

7.3 Professional development programs for staff will be tied to student learning outcomes and success in achieving the learning outcomes.

7.4 Principals and teachers will review and interpret all test scores for trends and needs. This information will be utilized each year in developing the school’s improvement plan.

7.5 The principal of each school will ensure that test data is analyzed and appropriate curriculum/methodology changes made. This information will be shared with parents annually.

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8. The appropriate use of technology will be integrated throughout the instructional program in each school. S t r a t e g i e s 8.1 Each school will have a written technology plan which addresses the use,

acquisition, maintenance and upgrading of hardware and software.

8.2 Teachers will know how to use technology as an instructional tool in subject areas and will utilize this tool in classroom instruction.

8.3 Students will be expected to use technology for classroom assignments and presentations.

8.4 The school budget will include an allocation for improvements in technology.

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A. Structure Observations 1. From 2001-02 to 2006-07 Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of Metuchen

experienced an enrollment decline of 18%. 85% of this loss occurred in the elementary schools in Middlesex County. Two schools were added during this time period: Immaculate Conception in Annandale (2001) and St. Bernard (PreK, K) in Bridgewater (2005).

2. As of September 2007, there are currently thirty-five Catholic elementary schools, two early childhood centers, two diocesan high schools, one parish high school and two private high schools operating in the Diocese of Metuchen. Of these elementary schools, twenty-four are in Middlesex County, eight are in Somerset County, two are in Warren County and one is in Hunterdon County.

3. The following seven schools closed between 2001-02 and 2006-07:

• Holy Family in Carteret (2002) • Our Lady of Ostrabrama in South River (2002) • St. Joseph in Washington (2006) • St. Peter the Apostle High School in New Brunswick (2007) • St. Mary in South Amboy (2007) • Msgr. Everitt Academy in Peapack (2007) • Corpus Christi in South River (2007)

4. In all except Middlesex County, the elementary school-age population is projected to decrease slightly from 2010 to 2015 and infant baptisms have been declining in all except Hunterdon County. Therefore, to maintain the current enrollment, schools will have to attract a greater portion of the traditional pool of school-age children.

5. Generally, an elementary enrollment of at least 200 students in grades K through 8 is needed to ensure sufficient funding, resources and educational program variety as well as affordability for parents and parishes.

6. In Middlesex and Somerset Counties, there are a number of schools in a limited geographic area. In 2006-07 fourteen of these schools had an enrollment of less than 200 students in grades K through 8.

7. The number of students the school is staffed to serve (capacity) is a key element in looking at the potential for viability, growth or expansion. In general, as school enrollment approaches or exceeds 90% of this capacity, the school can be considered healthy. In 2006-07 seven schools were operating at 90% capacity or better. They were St. James in Woodbridge, St. Thomas the Apostle in Old Bridge, Our Lady of Mount Virgin in Middlesex, St. Augustine of Canterbury in Kendall Park, St. Matthias in Somerset, Immaculate Conception in Somerville and Immaculate Conception in Annandale. Twelve more were operating at 80% to 90% capacity.

8. The average class size in the elementary schools was 21 students. Based on an average class size of 25, there were over 2,100 empty seats in fully staffed classrooms.

9. Significant attrition occurs from grade to grade each year. The first grade class of 2001-02 numbered 1,563 students. In 2006-07 the same class, now in sixth grade, numbered 1,108 students, a decrease of 29%.

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10. Registered parish households, infant baptisms and Sunday Mass attendance have declined in most areas of the Diocese. Catholic children from families who participate in parish life are the most likely source of potential Catholic school enrollment.

11. If elementary schools continue to lose 18% of their enrollment every five years, another 3,200 students will be lost by 2017. This is the equivalent of 14 single-section schools with an average class size of 25.

12. In 2005-06, parishes contributed a total of $6,100,000 to the support of the elementary schools in the Diocese with fourteen parishes contributing more than 25% of their ordinary income to school support.

13. Enrollment in the high schools was relatively stable from 2001-02 to 2006-07 and retention rates are high.

14. Each of the high schools serves students from a broad geographic area.

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B. Structure Goals and Strategies 1. As much as possible, Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen will be

geographically accessible, affordable and excellent. Therefore, beginning in 2008-09, it is recommended that there be 23 elementary schools in Middlesex County, 7 in Somerset County, 2 in Warren County and 1 in Hunterdon County serving PreK to grade 8 students. This change from the current thirty-five elementary schools to thirty-three will be accomplished through closure and merger. These schools will be located as follows:

Middlesex County St. Joseph, Carteret St. John Vianney, Colonia St. Bartholomew, East Brunswick St. Helena, Edison St. Matthew, Edison Our Lady of Peace, Fords St. Cecilia, Iselin St. Augustine of Canterbury, Kendall Park St. Francis Cathedral, Metuchen Our Lady of Mt. Virgin, Middlesex Our Lady of Lourdes, Milltown St. Ambrose, Old Bridge

St. Thomas the Apostle, Old Bridge Perth Amboy, Perth Amboy Our Lady of Fatima, Piscataway St. Frances Cabrini, Piscataway Our Lady of Victories, Sayreville St. Stanislaus Kostka, Sayreville Sacred Heart, South Amboy Sacred Heart, South Plainfield Immaculate Conception, Spotswood St. James, Woodbridge

In addition: St. Mary of Mt. Virgin and St. Peter the Apostle in New Brunswick will merge.

R a t i o n a l e St. Mary of Mt. Virgin/St. Peter the Apostle • In 2006-07, St. Mary of Mt. Virgin had 173 students in grades K through 8 and

operated at 77% of capacity. • In 2006-07, St. Peter the Apostle had 155 students enrolled and operated at 69% of capacity. • The schools are located about a mile apart and draw students from the same

geographic area. • The combined enrollments would support a healthy two section per grade level school

with reduced overhead and allow for an enhanced program. • Each facility needs significant capital investment in the next ten years. Investing in a

single facility is a more efficient use of limited funds. • St. Peter the Apostle Parish has experienced a 29% decrease in offertory income over

the last five years.

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Somerset County St. James, Basking Ridge School of St. Elizabeth, Bernardsville Holy Family, Bound Brook Christ the King, Manville St. Ann, Raritan St. Matthias, Somerset Immaculate Conception, Somerville

In addition: St. Joseph in North Plainfield will close.

R a t i o n a l e St. Joseph, North Plainfield • St. Joseph had an enrollment of 141 students in grades K through 8 in 2006-07

operating at 63% of capacity with an average class size of 16. • From 2002-03 to 2007-08, St. Joseph enrollment has declined 22%. • The smallest classes at St. Joseph are in the primary grades. These same grades have

the highest average yearly attrition. • In 2005-06, St. Joseph Parish gave 29% of its ordinary income to the support of the school. • Parish registered households at St. Joseph declined 24% from 1995 to 2005.

Hunterdon County Immaculate Conception, Annandale

Warren County St. Mary, Hackettstown Sts. Philip & James, Phillipsburg

(The possibility of relocating Sts. Philip and James School to a new building located closer to the areas of population growth should be pursued.)

This recommendation assumes the continuation of The Jesus School and St. Bernard’s as early childhood centers.

S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 Each school in the Diocese will maintain a strong Catholic identity evident in all

aspects of the program.

1.2 Each school will offer a comprehensive, excellent academic and co-curricular program.

1.3 Each school will monitor its status relative to the Criteria for Viability on a yearly basis to identify areas of concern and proactively address them as part of the school’s strategic plan. Schools which have not met the enrollment and financial criteria will receive particular attention and assistance from the Office of the Schools to address their long-term viability.

1.4 Particular attention will be given to enhancement of the middle school programs through the provision of additional academic, athletic and other co-curricular opportunities.

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2. Bishop George Ahr High School, Cardinal McCarrick High School and Immaculata High School will continue to serve students in grades 9 through 12. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 Each school will maintain a strong Catholic identity evident in all aspects of the


2.2 Each school will offer a comprehensive, excellent academic and co-curricular program.

3. The feasibility of establishing a new elementary school in the Flemington, Three Bridges area of Hunterdon County should be studied if the projections of future growth in this area materialize and Immaculate Conception School cannot accommodate the potential student enrollment. S t r a t e g i e s 3.1 If a new school is established in Hunterdon County, it should be included in the

same Deanery School Council as Immaculate Conception School in Annandale. • Parish statistics and population projections indicate future growth in this area. • Immaculate Conception School has a waiting list.

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C. Governance Observations 1. Immaculata High School and all elementary schools except Perth Amboy are parish


2. Bishop George Ahr High School and Cardinal McCarrick High School are diocesan schools.

3. As of June of 2007, a large majority of the elementary schools did not have a school advisory council.

4. It is increasingly difficult for a single pastor and parish to be administratively and financially responsible for a Catholic school.

5. Most Catholic schools serve a number of students from other parishes.

6. There is limited collaboration among Catholic schools in sharing resources and in marketing and development efforts. In fact the schools are often perceived as and view themselves as competing with one another for students and funding.

7. The number of active clergy in the Diocese is declining and individual clergy are being asked to assume additional responsibilities. This has the potential to limit their availability to oversee the operation of a school. The assistance and expertise of interested lay people will be even more critical to the future vitality of Catholic schools.

8. The final proposals of the First Synod of the Diocese of Metuchen (2006) included recommendations for: • Increased collaboration among parishes and the sharing of resources and services

within deaneries • Establishment of a system of regional and/or consolidated schools to make Catholic

education affordable, available and accessible throughout the Diocese • Utilization of the expertise of religious and lay professionals on councils to assist in

the operation of schools.

D. Governance Goals and Strategies 1. By 2009 each elementary school will have established a school advisory

council which must be involved in strategic planning, budget preparation and monitoring, policy development, marketing, public relations, recruitment and development for the school. S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 Each school council will operate according to a common set of bylaws drawn up by

the Office of the Schools.

1.2 Members of the council will be selected for their expertise in areas such as education, finance, planning, marketing, etc.

1.3 No more than 25% of the members of each council will be parents of students currently enrolled in the school.

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2. As much as possible, elementary schools will be grouped according to geographic areas which include parishes without schools. The diocesan deanery structure already provides such groupings. By September 2010, each regional deanery grouping will have established a Deanery School Advisory Council. This council will facilitate collaboration and accountability and provide coordination and assistance for the schools in the deanery particularly in the areas of planning, marketing, public relations, development and finance. In Hunterdon and Warren Counties, a total of three area councils will be established to reflect school attendance patterns and reasonable travel distances for council members. The number of schools and geography may make it desirable to subdivide other deaneries as well. These groupings of parishes and schools will not follow deanery groupings exactly. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 A common set of bylaws will be drawn up by the Diocese for these councils.

2.2 Members of the council will be appointed by the Bishop of Metuchen from a list of nominees submitted by the Dean of the area to the Department of Education. Council members will be selected from deanery clergy, religious and lay persons with knowledge, commitment and appropriate expertise. A process for selection of members, number of members and terms of service will be established through the bylaws.

2.3 The Deanery Council will have direct accountability to the Diocese of Metuchen and indirect accountability to the parishes in the deanery.

2.4 The Office of the Schools will assist in the identification of candidates for council membership and will provide orientation and ongoing, consistent training for council members to ensure they understand and are prepared to effectively carry out their role and responsibilities.

2.5 Each deanery council and high school board will ensure the development and subsequent updating of a comprehensive strategic plan for each school under its purview (See Leadership, Goal 6) and facilitate collaboration and coordination of planning efforts to make sure that combined as well as individual needs for Catholic school education in the area are addressed.

2.6 This arrangement lends itself to the possibility of organizing schools into regional (deanery) systems with boards of specified jurisdiction if desirable at some future date.

3. Each high school will effectively utilize the gifts and talents of its board members to advance the mission of the school. S t r a t e g i e s 3.1 Bishop George Ahr and Cardinal McCarrick High Schools will fully implement the

board of limited jurisdiction model as described in their current bylaws.

3.2 Immaculata High School will continue to develop its board and its involvement in planning, finances, marketing, development, etc. The on-going ability of the parish to support Immaculata High School as a parish high school will be monitored to enable a timely and smooth transition to a diocesan high school should this be necessary in the future.

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4. Involvement of clergy and connection to parishes will be maintained and fostered by each deanery cluster and school. S t r a t e g i e s 4.1 Area pastors and parishes will be regularly informed of the activities of the area

schools and will receive an annual financial report.

4.2 Pastors will be encouraged to educate parishioners concerning the value and importance of Catholic schools as well as the shared responsibility for this ministry.

4.3 High school and elementary school students and their families will be actively encouraged to participate in parish life and parish ministries.

4.4 Area clergy will provide for the sacramental and spiritual care of students and faculty of diocesan secondary and elementary schools and will monitor the Catholicity of the schools in conjunction with the Department of Education.

4.5 All diocesan schools will be actively involved with area parishes in the work of evangelization. Efforts will be made to involve students in the cluster in the parish life of all parishes, not just their own.

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A. Observations Strong leadership is a critical factor in successful schools. Implementation of the strategic plan and the future strength of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen will require effective and collaborative spiritual, educational and managerial leadership at the diocesan and local school levels.

1. Currently, elementary school leadership consists of the pastor and a principal.

2. Aside from scheduled diocesan meetings, there is little interaction among elementary school principals.

3. Competition between schools is intense.

4. Schools are opened and closed based on the pastor’s judgment, rather than the overall needs of Catholic education in the Diocese.

B. Goals and Strategies 1. Clarify the role, responsibilities and accountability of school principals.

S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 Maintain and update the system-wide job description for principals that includes a

clear definition of their role and accountability. Include the role of the on-site pastor, the Office of the Schools and the advisory council in the selection, evaluation and termination of principals.

1.2 Approve a system-wide policy requiring that (a) all principal candidates be approved by the Office of the Schools, (b) a supervisor in the Office of the Schools be involved in the principal’s evaluation, and (c) that prior consultation between the pastor and the Office of the Schools take place before termination or non-renewal of principals.

1.3 Maintain the diocesan salary scale for school principals.

2. Principals new to administration in the Diocese of Metuchen will be assigned a mentor by the Superintendent from among the experienced principals in the Diocese. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 The Office of the Schools’ staff will develop guidelines for this mentoring process.

2.2 In addition to the professional mentoring process, a spiritual formation program will be established to provide support for the administrator’s personal spiritual growth and responsibility for spiritual leadership.

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3. The Office of the Schools will explore the possibility of a partnership with a Catholic college or university to develop a cooperative program to prepare future Catholic school administrators. S t r a t e g i e s 3.1 Each year the Superintendent will ask administrators to identify teachers with

administrative potential who will then be encouraged to pursue administrative course work and certification.

3.2 The Office of the Schools will negotiate tuition grants or discounts with the local college for the required certification courses.

4. The Office of the Schools will develop and encourage thinking among the principals which looks beyond their individual school to the broader concept of Catholic education in the area and the Diocese. S t r a t e g i e s 4.1 At least once each year at a meeting with all the principals a presentation and

discussion will take place concerning the state of Catholic education in the Diocese of Metuchen.

4.2 Principals will be invited to participate in discussions with the Office of the Schools on diocesan policy development and implementation.

4.3 The Office of the Schools will collaborate with area institutions of higher learning and national organizations to provide ongoing professional development to support school administrators.

5. The Office of the Schools will provide initial, on-going and consistent training for all school council members to ensure that they understand and are prepared to effectively carry out their role and responsibilities. S t r a t e g i e s 5.1 A standard set of bylaws will be developed, approved and implemented for school

advisory councils and deanery school advisory councils.

5.2 An individual within or responsible to the Office of the Schools will be given responsibility for directing this effort.

5.3 The Office of the Schools will work with pastors and principals to facilitate the identification of potential school council members.

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6. Each elementary school council and high school board/council will work with the principal and pastor(s) to develop a comprehensive, multi-year strategic plan for the school by September 1, 2009. The plan will address mission, program improvement, finances, public relations, marketing, development and facilities with specific goals and measurable objectives. S t r a t e g i e s 6.1 The plan will be developed, implemented, monitored and updated annually with the

involvement of key stakeholders.

6.2 Elementary school plans will be submitted to the Deanery School Advisory Council when they have been established for review to ensure coordination and facilitate planning for Catholic school education in the area. The Office of the Schools and the diocesan Office of Finance will be notified if the council has concerns about the enrollment, finances, viability or vitality of any school in the deanery so that pro-active steps may be taken in a timely manner to improve the situation.

6.3 The Vision Statement and Viability Criteria will be recognized and utilized as valuable tools to guide the planning process.

6.4 All plans will be submitted to the Office of the Schools and the appropriate Deanery School Advisory Council by October 1, 2009 or as soon after 10/09 as the council is established.

7. The Diocesan Department of Education will provide leadership, oversight and service to the schools of the Diocese. S t r a t e g i e s 7.1 The Ordinary of the Diocese will clarify the role and authority of the Office of the

Schools in ensuring the quality of Catholic school education in the Diocese and ensuring compliance with diocesan policies related to schools.

7.2 The Department of Education will assist schools in their efforts to provide quality Catholic school education. Areas of assistance and service will include Catholic identity, curriculum, student assessment, professional development, school council development and training, technology, marketing, development of financial resources, strategic planning, financial management and government programs including transportation.

7.3 The Office of the Schools and the Office of Religious Education will be adequately staffed to provide the services identified in 7.2. It is recommended that staffing (full or part time) in the Office of the Schools include positions responsible for:

• Curriculum and Assessment • Technology • Council/Board development and training • Catholic School Marketing (responsible to Superintendent of Schools) • Administrative Services and Government Programs • School finances (either in Office of the Schools or Office of Finance) • School Development (in cooperation with the diocesan development office)

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8. A Diocesan Education Commission will be established to assist the Executive Director of the Department of Education and the Superintendent of Schools to provide a common vision and direction and effective oversight for the ministry of Catholic school education in the Diocese of Metuchen. S t r a t e g i e s 8.1 The Commission will be an advisory group composed of individuals from different

parts of the Diocese selected for their commitment to Catholic school education and appropriate expertise.

8.2 Bylaws will be developed for the Commission.

8.3 The Commission will maintain open and regular communication with deanery school advisory councils and high school boards.

8.4 The Commission will meet at least four times each year.

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A. Observations 1. See Chapter V. Structure and Governance Observations.

2. Pre-K enrollment has increased from 1,679 to 1,785 over the last five years. In most cases, Pre-K programs are serving as effective feeders into Kindergarten. In 2006-07 only three schools did not have a PreK program: St. Mary of Mt. Virgin and St. Peter the Apostle in New Brunswick and St. Joseph in North Plainfield.

3. Catholic high school enrollment (grades 9 to 12) declined 1% from 2001-02 to 2006-07. Retention rates at each of the high schools are 95% or better.

4. Non-Catholic enrollment in the elementary schools of the Diocese increased from 11% to 13% from 2001-02 to 2006-07. In the four parish or diocesan high schools, the non-Catholic enrollment increased from 6% to 16% over the same period.

5. In 2006-07, there were more than 27,000 children (grades K to 8) enrolled or participating in a parish religious education program. Children enrolled in the Catholic schools totaled 9,697 in grades K to 8 for 2006-07.

6. The primary challenges facing the schools in maintaining or building enrollment/market share include:

• Affordability • Accessibility/transportation • Varied perceptions of the quality of Catholic schools • Lack of focused and effective marketing programs at the regional and local levels • Intentional reduction of class sizes • Demographic shifts • Competition among schools in Somerset and Middlesex Counties for a declining pool

of Catholic students.

7. Marketing and recruitment activities are currently the responsibility of each local school and vary widely from school to school. In general, they do not always receive the investment of human and financial resources needed to build and maintain sufficient enrollment.

8. Marketing and recruitment efforts require a comprehensive approach at both the regional and local levels. They must focus on developing and projecting a strong public image, attracting enrollment, and building a broader funding base by cultivating and attracting new donors for each school and diocesan programs for tuition assistance.

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B. Goals and Strategies 1. Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen will be marketed effectively to

build a strong image in the community, publicize the value and benefits of the schools, support/enhance advancement efforts, and increase enrollment. S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 A diocesan-wide (or region-wide) marketing/recruitment/retention plan(s) to

aggressively market Catholic schools will be researched and planned.

• The marketing program will focus on the mission and value of Catholic schools. • An annual investment of funding will be made for the marketing efforts. Funding

will be adequate to ensure that the plan has potential to have a positive impact on the public perception of Catholic schools.

• The marketing program will be coordinated, comprehensive, and long-term.

• The coordinator of the diocesan marketing program will report to the Superintendent of Schools.

1.2 The marketing program will have a long-term funding plan and a consistent long-term message, since the impact of an effective marketing program is likely to become evident only after two to four years of consistent communication about the value and benefits of Catholic school education.

1.3 A process/survey instrument will be developed that can be used to assist the schools in conducting exit interviews to track and respond to the reasons for student attrition.

2. Individual schools will implement focused marketing programs. Special attention will be paid to those schools that have less than capacity enrollment. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 School councils and/or a marketing committee of the council will have the mandate

to develop, implement and evaluate a marketing/recruitment/retention program at the local school level.

2.2 Schools within a deanery will collaborate to promote Catholic school education within a given area.

2.3 Each school will submit its annual marketing plan to the Office of the Schools for review and feedback.

2.4 The Office of the Schools will serve as a resource for developing local school marketing plans, and provide leadership, direction, and assistance to administrators and school councils/boards in developing their plans.

2.5 Each elementary school will be encouraged to offer a high quality Pre-K program to serve as an effective feeder for the elementary school. Specific strategies will be developed and implemented to retain these children for the kindergarten program.

2.6 Whenever possible, elementary schools will offer before and after-school programs as well as summer programs to provide service to families and enhance marketability.

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2.7 The deanery school councils will work with area parishes to promote Catholic school education and facilitate the dissemination of information to parishioners, especially parents with young children. Pastors will be encouraged to allow elementary and secondary school representatives to speak with parishioners and religious education students regarding the possibility and desirability of enrolling in Catholic school.

2.8 The role of pastors in marketing the schools will be developed and their support for and participation in the school’s efforts will be solicited.

2.9 Each member of the school community will recognize and fulfill their role in building a positive image of the school(s) and recruiting and retaining enrollment.

2.10 The annual school budget will include a line item to support marketing initiatives.

2.11 Specific action plans will be developed to identify and attract students enrolled in area preschool programs and parish religious education programs.

2.12 Action plans will be designed to establish connections with Catholic families whose children are not yet of school age.

2.13 Strategies will be developed to build/maintain the retention of students from Pre-K to 12th grade.

2.14 Individual schools and Deanery School Councils representing constituent K-12 schools will work with families and the Educational Services Commission or other similar agency to address transportation issues.

2.15 The effective use of up-to-date websites and professional media will be part of the marketing plan.

2.16 Parents, serving as Parent Ambassadors, are actively involved in ensuring the success of the schools’ marketing and recruitment efforts.

3. Consistently under-enrolled schools that cannot achieve an acceptable enrollment goal in an agreed upon period of time will enter into discussion with other schools/parishes and the Diocese about restructuring or closing as proximity and availability allow. S t r a t e g i e s 3.1 Each single-section elementary school will build/maintain a kindergarten to grade

eight enrollment goal of at least 200 students.

3.2 Any school below this threshold will create, in conjunction with the deanery school council and the Office of the Schools, a detailed plan with specific time parameters to increase enrollment.

3.3 If the threshold cannot be met in a reasonable time, the deanery council will facilitate dialogue with area parishes and the Diocese concerning re-structuring or closing.

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4. Appropriate staffing and leadership in the Office of the Schools will foster effective marketing of Catholic schools at all levels. S t r a t e g i e s 4.1 The role of the Office of the Schools in marketing will be the coordination of

diocesan-wide marketing efforts, and the provision of marketing advice and training for administrators, deanery and individual school councils, and local marketing committees.

4.2 Marketing leadership and expertise will be identified and utilized to provide direction for the school communities in building/maintaining a strong image, effectively recruiting and retaining students, and building relationships with current and potential supporters of the schools.

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A. Observations 1. The adequacy and condition of school facilities influences the public perception and

marketability of Catholic schools.

2. School buildings in the Diocese of Metuchen are structurally sound and in relatively good condition.

3. Not all schools have an on-going plan for repairs and improvements to the facility.

4. The newest school in the Diocese, Immaculate Conception School in Annandale, was built to serve a growing Catholic population in Hunterdon County and was dedicated in 2002. It is unable to accommodate all the students who wish to attend.

B. Goals and Strategies 1. All schools will be kept clean, attractive and in good repair.

S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 A multi-year plan for school repairs and improvements will be developed for each

school as part of its strategic plan. The plan will identify repairs, maintenance needs and improvements needed to offer a quality program and keep the school competitive in the educational market place.

1.2 The annual operating budget will include a 3% allocation for a capital reserve fund. These funds will be designated exclusively for school costs related to the facility.

2. All schools will provide a safe and secure environment for students. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 Entrances to school buildings will be locked and monitored during the school day

and access by unauthorized persons will be restricted.

2.2 All school personnel and volunteers will complete the safe environment training required by the Diocese.

2.3 Schools will be in compliance with applicable state, municipal and diocesan safety codes and policies.

3. A standard building use agreement will be developed by the Diocese and used by parishes which own school facilities being used by a consolidated or merged school. 3.1 It will address use and maintenance of the building and funding of major capital

repairs and improvements.

3.2 The Concurrence agreement currently used by the Diocese will be reviewed to determine if any revisions are necessary.

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A. Observations 1. From 2004-05 to 2005-06, the average elementary school per pupil cost increased $253

while the average tuition collected per student increased only $94.

2. At most schools, non-parishioners are charged a higher tuition than parishioners. This differential ranges from $250 to $2,100.

3. In 2006-07 1,166 students in grades K though 12 received $5.3 million in need-based tuition assistance.

4. In 2005-06, income from tuition and fees was 73% of total elementary school income. Parish subsidy was 15% ($6.9 million) while fundraising and donations averaged 12%. At the high schools, tuition and fees were 90% of income and fundraising and donations accounted for 5%.

5. In 2005-06, 9 elementary schools and 3 high schools in the Diocese reported deficits of $15,000 or more.

6. From 2001-02 to 2005-06, parish offertory income in the Diocese did not keep pace with inflation, increasing only 4%. During this period, parish offertory income decreased in over 60% of the parishes sponsoring schools. Some parishes do not contribute to the support of schools.

7. The majority of schools use a cash basis for accounting and do not accrue for compensation earned during the school year but paid during July and August.

8. Development efforts are limited at both the elementary and high school levels.

9. Principals and advisory councils are not always involved in the budgeting process.

10. Schools and parishes are required to submit yearly financial reports to the Diocese.

11. According to diocesan policy, parishes without schools are expected to contribute $800.00 per student to each school their parishioners attend. This practice is difficult to enforce and often discourages enrollment from and limits marketing efforts in parishes without schools.

B. Goals and Strategies 1. The mission of Catholic school education is the responsibility of all

parishes in the Diocese, and all parishes will be expected to contribute to the financial support of the Catholic schools in the Diocese. S t r a t e g i e s 1.1 By June 2008, an equitable formula related to parish income will be developed by

the diocesan Office of Finance in collaboration with pastors to determine the dollar amount of each parish’s contribution for Catholic school education K-12 and the method of collection and distribution of these funds. The formula will reflect economic differences among the deaneries and the schools.

1.2 With the implementation of financial support from all parishes, non-parishioner tuition rates will apply only to families who are not participating members of a

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Catholic parish within the Diocese. All parishes will adopt the same criteria to define “participating” families, and participation will be verified by the pastor of the parish identified by the family.

1.3 A policy will be developed regarding tuition rates for Catholic families participating in a parish outside the Diocese of Metuchen.

1.4 A rationale for support from all parishes will be developed to assist pastors in explaining and implementing this new policy.

1.5 Ordinarily, combined subsidy from the sponsoring parish and/or other parishes will fund no more than 15% of a school’s operating budget.

2. Each school will operate with a balanced budget which is based on realistic estimates of enrollment and expenses. These budgets and year end financial statements will be reviewed by the Deanery School Advisory Council, the Office of the Schools and the Office of Finance of the Diocese. S t r a t e g i e s 2.1 As part of the strategic plan for each school, a three-year financial projection will be

prepared with specific goals regarding revenue from tuition, subsidy, fundraising and development. Progress toward these goals will be monitored regularly by the deanery council and diocesan Office of Finance. Projected costs for new program initiatives, salary and benefit increases, capital purchases and repairs will also be included.

2.2 Within two years, fundraising and development efforts will net annual revenue for the school operating budget equal to at least 15% of the total school budget.

2.3 Within three years each school will build at least 5% of the total anticipated tuition revenue into the budget each year for tuition assistance in addition to assistance from other sources.

2.4 Each school will operate at a level of enrollment that promotes financial stability. Experience indicates this should be close to 90% capacity. At the elementary level capacity should be based on an average class size of at least 25 students.

2.5 Net income from Pre-K, after school and summer programs will make a positive contribution to the operating budget.

2.6 An overview of the school budget and prior year end financial statement will be presented and explained to parents and parishioners each year.

2.7 School principals and school councils will be directly involved in the budgeting process and have an active role in regularly monitoring income and expense during the fiscal year. Accurate, consistent and timely reports will be provided to them at least quarterly.

2.8 Schools will fully utilize all funds available to them through state and federally funded programs.

2.9 Each deanery grouping will have a qualified person to oversee the financial accounting for the schools.

2.10 The diocesan Office of Finance will identify recommended policies and procedures to ensure consistency and the use of good accounting practices by all schools in the Diocese.

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3. Tuition rates will reflect the increasing cost of education and will be increased each year to avoid erratic increases and provide a measure of predictability for parents. At the same time, every effort will be made to make tuition affordable for families from lower and middle income levels. S t r a t e g i e s 3.1 Tuition rates will be set so that tuition income, including real financial aid dollars,

cover at least 70% of expenses. In some schools, this will need to be phased in over two or three years.

3.2 Over the next three years funding for tuition assistance will be increased by at least 50% at the diocesan and local levels. Families will be informed of the availability of tuition assistance and how to apply for funding. The application process will be coordinated and consistent among schools. Provision should be made for consideration of late applications.

3.3 Legislative efforts to acquire public funding such as vouchers, tax credits, etc. for parents of students in religiously affiliated schools will be actively pursued and supported in conjunction with the New Jersey Catholic Conference and the Network of Catholic School Families.

4. Deanery and diocesan development efforts will seek to build endowments for schools and contribute to the school’s operating budget. S t r a t e g i e s 4.1 Within three years, each school and deanery school council will have developed and

implemented a plan for development which includes: - compilation of a significant potential donor data base of alumni, friends, etc. - conducting an annual appeal - soliciting corporate donations - having a qualified person whose responsibility it is to implement the plan so that

its goals and objectives are met.

4.2 Within three years, net income from development activities (including development staff costs) will equal at least 7% of the school’s operating budget.

4.3 A portion (5%) of all net income from local fundraising and development efforts will be dedicated to establishing and growing an endowment fund for the school.

4.4 Each school council will establish a committee to promote and assist with development efforts.

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Characteristics of Viable Schools – Diocese of Metuchen 1

APPENDIX A Characteristics of Viable Schools in the

Diocese of Metuchen (Revised July 2007)

Below are characteristics that are widely held to be indicators of viability of a quality Catholic elementary school. These characteristics incorporate many areas of school life. Certainly financial and enrollment trends must be considered along with the overall affordability of the school to families and parish. However, a close look must be given to the viability of the school from the standpoint of the spiritual and instructional programs and the staffing of the school. Therefore, to insure a quality Catholic school, characteristics have been provided to assess the school's Catholic identity, academic program, enrollment, facilities, finances and leadership.

Note that a concern about any one of these characteristics does not mean that a school's viability is in question. However, concern about a combination of these characteristics may indicate that a school's viability is at risk. The ultimate goal for the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Metuchen is not simply viability but vitality in all areas.

Enrollment • Enrollment patterns are stable. • Current enrollment is more than 22 students per classroom. • There is evidence that the future pool of children is stable and sufficiently large to meet

the enrollment and financial needs of the school. • The school is actively engaged in recruitment and marketing.

Finances • The school is maintaining a balanced budget and can reasonably be expected to

maintain a balanced budget for the next three years. • Per pupil cost is within range of the diocesan average. • The percent of parish subsidy is not increasing, but rather is stable or declining year to year. • The school is able to compensate teachers according to the recommended diocesan

salary scale. • If subsidy is received from the Diocese, it is not increasing, but rather is stable or

declining year to year. • The parish does not have significant loans from or indebtedness to the Diocese

resulting from parish and school operating shortfalls. • The parish/school have sufficient resources to implement a tuition assistance plan or

adequate sources of funding for such a plan. • The school is implementing a successful development plan which annually nets the

equivalent of 15% of the operating budget. • The school demonstrates an efficient and wise use of revenue in maintaining a quality

educational program. • Adequate funding is available to maintain facilities in an attractive condition. • Realistic sources of funding have been identified for capital improvements and major repairs.

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Characteristics of Viable Schools – Diocese of Metuchen 2

Catholic Identity • Signs of the Catholic faith are clearly evident: art and decor, prayer and worship

experiences for staff and students, religion classes at every grade level, and the like. • The mission of the school is understood and influences all aspects of school operation

and decision-making. • Teachers are certified in or working toward certification in religious education

according to diocesan requirements. Religion teachers are Catholics in good standing. • Students are involved in service opportunities in the school, their parishes and the

larger community. • The school cooperates with its sponsoring parish(es) in the evangelization of students,

families and the community and actively encourages families to be active in their parish or church.

Academic Program • A viable school improvement plan is in place. • The school is fully accredited by Middle States Association. • The school offers a complete education program including art, music, foreign

language, physical education and computer education. • The school has specialized staff and programs in place, as needed, to meet the special

needs of students. • All teachers have State certification or are working toward it according to diocesan policy. • All teachers and administrators have a professional and spiritual development plan in

place which is part of a regular supervision and evaluation process. • Parent involvement in the school is encouraged and evident.

Facility • The school has a sufficient number of classrooms. • Sufficient space is provided for programs or special classes including science, music

and art, worship space, library/resource room, cafeteria, gym and playground. • Environment is safe, secure and in good repair. • Facilities and grounds are kept attractive and clean.

Leadership • Administrators are visionary and appropriately qualified in terms of spiritual and

instructional leadership. • School administration (pastor, director, principal) is cooperative with the diocesan

Office of the Schools and in compliance with diocesan policies and guidelines. • A school council/board exists and has an active role in decision-making and planning. • The school has a comprehensive, written, 3-5 year strategic plan which is being

implemented and regularly updated. • School leadership is committed to and actively involved in development efforts.

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APPENDIX BSchools and their Respective Deaneries


• Arthur Kill Deanery − St. Joseph, Carteret − St. John Vianney, Colonia − Our Lady of Peace, Fords − St. Cecilia, Iselin − St. James, Woodbridge

• Perth Amboy Deanery − Perth Amboy

• Cathedral Deanery − St. Helena, Edison − St. Matthew, Edison − St. Francis Cathedral, Metuchen − Our Lady of Mount Virgin, Middlesex − Our Lady of Fatima, Piscataway − St. Frances Cabrini, Piscataway − Sacred Heart, South Plainfield

• Forsgate Deanery − St. Bartholomew, East Brunswick − St. Augustine of Canterbury,

Kendall Park − Our Lady of Lourdes, Milltown − Immaculate Conception, Spotswood

• New Brunswick Deanery − St. Peter the Apostle − St. Mary Mount Virgin

• Raritan Deanery − St. Ambrose, Old Bridge − St. Thomas the Apostle, Old Bridge− Our Lady of Victories, Sayreville − St. Stanislaus Kostka, Sayreville − Sacred Heart, South Amboy


• County Seat Deanery − Holy Family, Bound Brook − Christ the King, Manville − St. Matthias, Somerset − Immaculate Conception, Somerville

• Somerset Hills Deanery − St. James, Basking Ridge − School of St. Elizabeth, Bernardsville− St. Ann, Raritan − St. Bernard, Bridgewater


• Morris Canal Deanery Council A* Council B** - St. Mary, Hackettstown - Sts. Phillip & James, Phillipsburg


• Round Valley Deanery − Immaculate Conception, Annandale − The Jesus School, Lambertville

* Includes parishes of: St. Ann-Hampton, St. Jude-Blairstown, Sts. Peter & Paul-Great Meadows, St. Theodore-Port Murray, Assumption-Hackettstown.

**Includes parishes of Annunciation-Bloomsbury, St. Edward the Confessor-Milford, St. Mary- Alpha, St. Patrick-Belvidere, St. Rose of Lima-Oxford, St. Phillip & St. James-Phillipsburg.

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APPENDIX C Parishes and their Respective Deaneries
