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Diseases of the Hair, Skin and Nails PN 111 2007.

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Diseases of the Hair, Skin and Nails PN 111 2007

Diseases of the Hair, Skin and Nails

PN 111


Causes of Skin Disturbances and examples

• Congenital

• Inflammation

• Obstruction

• Malignant Lesions

• Unknown Causes

• Degeneration

• Aging

• Trauma

Promotion, maintenance and Restoration

• Potential Nursing Diagnosis

• Psycosocial Responses

• Local Care

• Pharmathereapeutics

• Physicial agents

Review of Skin


Function of the Skin

regulation of body temperature

protective surface

sensory structure



blood reservoir

synthesis of vitamin D

Physical Assessment

• Includes mucous membranes, scalp, hair, and nails

• Skin is a reflection of overall health

• Disorders often correspond to disease in other organ systems

General Appearance

• colour

• temperature

• moisture

• dryness

• skin texture (rough or smooth)

• lesions

• vascularity, mobility, hair, nails

Diagnostic Evaluation

• Skin Biopsy

• Immunofluorescence

• Patch Testing

• Skin Scrapings

• Tzanck Smear

• Wood Light Exam

• Clinical Photos

Figure 66-14Senile (cherry) angiomas

Angiomas(port wine, strawberry lessions)

• Benign vascular tumors involving the skin and the subcutaneous tissues

• present at birth

• violet red patches (port wine) to raised bright red nodular lesions (strawberry)

• Strawberry-involute in first few years

• port wine persist

Inflammation: Bacterial

• Impetigo


Viral: Herpes Simplex

Herpes Whitlow

Herpes Zoster

Viral: Herpes Zoster

• Shingles on the forehead


Fungal Infections: Thrush

• Oral Candidiasis (Yeast or Thrush)

Treatment: Fungal

• Hygiene

• pharmaceutical

• prevention of re infection or spread

Tinea pedis and

tinea unguium

Athlete's Foot

Mould Infection (aspergillus)

Parasitic Infection

• Pediculosis

Pubic Lice

Pubic lice in the eye


Cradle Cap (Seborrheic)

Dermatitis: eczema



• Steroids are absorbed at different rates from different parts of the body. A steroid that works on the face may not work on the palm. Conversely, a steroid which works well on the palms may cause side effects on the face.

Topical Absorption

• For example: Forearm absorbs 1%

Armpit absorbs 4%

Face absorbs 7%

Eyelids and genitals absorb 30%

Palm absorbs 0.1%

Sole absorbs 0.05%

Long term effects of Cortical Steroid use

Skin Impairment: Obstruction

• Acne

Pressure Ulcers

• Tissue damage

• skin and underlying soft tissue compressed between bone and external surface

• Over a period of time

• Sacrum, hip, ankles, any body part

• Ischemia-infarction-necrosis

Clients At Risk

• Unable to feel

• Unable to communicate

• Limited mobility

• Can’t change position

• Friction and shear

Pressure Ulcer Prevention


Pressure Ulcer Prevention







Avoid Moisture

Avoid soap

No massage


Friction and Shear

Mental Status

Pressure Ulcer tx &mx

TX and MX

Moist, cleanse, dressing

Diet; fluid Mattress; room humidifyer

Debridment Lift with a lift sheet

Infection prevention


• Causes: dry; moist; contact; chemical; electrical; radiation


• Rule of 9’s

Burns: the Lund MethodAge (Years) • Area 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-15

• Head 19 17 13 10

• Neck 2 2 2 2

• Anterior trunk 13 13 13 13

• Posterior trunk 13 13 13 13

• Buttock 5 5 5 5

• Genitalia 1 1 1 1

• Arm 4 4 4 4

• Forearm 3 3 3 3

• Hand 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½

• Thigh 5½ 6½ 8½ 8½

• Leg 5 5 5½ 6

• Foot 3½ 3½ 3½ 3½

Depth of Burn

• Traditionally 1st, 2nd, 3rd

• More accurate to describe the level burned:

• Superficial

• Partial thickness

• full thickness

• subdermal


• <25% = local response

• >25% = local + systemic response


• Rule of 9’s

How burns heal

Compensatory Respones

• Inflammatory

• Sympathetic Nervous System

Figure 68-8The physiologic actions of the sympathetic nervous system compensatory responses to burn injury (early phase)

Consequences of Burns

• Cardiac Changes

• Pulmonary Changes

• Gastrointestinal Changes

• Metabolic Changes

• Immunologic Changes

Nursing Interventions

• Impaired skin integrity

• Risk for infection

• Imbalanced nutrition

• Impaired physical mobility

• Disturbed body image

Collaborative problems

• Grieving

• Family coping

• Self-care deficits

• Sexual dysfunction

• Disturbed sleep pattern

• Social isolation

• Potential for pneumonia; septicemia
