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Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

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Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails. Ms. Lourdes Martinez 6 th. The Skin The body´s largest organ. Functions of the Skin: A shield against water. A defense against germs. Helps control body temperature. Works as a sense organ. Makes us look the way we do. Parts of the Skin. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails Ms. Lourdes Martinez 6 th
Page 1: Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

Ms. Lourdes Martinez6th

Page 2: Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

The Skin The body´s largest organ.

Functions of the Skin:

• A shield against water.• A defense against germs.• Helps control body temperature.• Works as a sense organ.• Makes us look the way we do.

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Parts of the Skin1. Epidermis – The

outermost layer of skin2. Dermis – The thick inner

layer of skin3. Subcutaneous Layer –

Fatty tissue below the dermis

Melanin – The substancethat gives skin its color.

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Taking care of your skin – What should we do?

1. Showering or bathing regularly with soap and water.

2. Use a mild soap to help keep your skin from drying out.

3. Use a lotion if you have dry skin.

4. Wash your hands often.5. Sunscreen protection.

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Skin ProblemsA. Acne

B. Warts

C. Boils

D. Cold sores

E. Sunburn

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Sun Dangers• The sun can be more

dangerous for your skin than dirt and germs are. The sun gives off invisible waves of energy called ultraviolet rays. The rays cause sunburn and tanning, which are signs that the skin has been harmed.

• Years of being the sun can damag your skin. Over time, skin damage may lead to cancer. If some skin cancers aren´t treated early, they can cause death.

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ABCD Rules for Signs of Skin Cancer

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Sunscreen ProtectionFollowing these precautions will help

you stay safe in the sun:

• Cover up. Wear shirts and pants that cover and protect as much of your skin as possible.

• Use a sunscreen with an SPF, sun protection factor, of at least 30. Apply the sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside. Be generous when applying the sunscreen to your body. Reapply sunscreen every two hours if you are swimming or sweating. Use lip balm with sunscreen to protect your lips.

• Wear a hat to protect your face, neck, and ears.

• Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

• Limit your sun exposure. Stay out of the sun between 10 am. and 4 pm., when UV rays are strongest.

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Caring for Your Nails Your nails protect the tips of your fingersand toes.

Keeping your nails trimmed is importantfor their appearance and health.

Caring for your nails:1. Clean your nails at least once a day. 2. Use warm, soapy water and a nail

brush to remove the dirt and germs. 3. Watch for changes in nails. A change

can be a sign of illness.4. Don´t bite your nails. It can spread

germs from your nails to your mouth.5. Use nail clippers or manicure scissors

to cut your toenails and fingernails. 6. Don´t cut your nails too short. It can

lead to infection.

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Caring for your hair• Much of your body is covered

with hair. Each hair grows from a pitlike area called a hair follicle.

• There are about 200,000 hairs on your head.

• They help protect your scalp from the sun.

• They keep you warm in cold weather.

Caring for your hair:1. Brush or comb it each day.2. Don´t share combs or brushes

with friends. (Head lice can be passed from person to person)

3. Shampoo your hair.4. Comb your hair gently after

shampooing.5. Let your hair dry naturally.

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Personal Hygiene Hormones cause these changes

in your body:

1. Oil glands release more oil, which may cause pimples called acne.

Recommendation: Wash your face often with soap and water.

2. Sweat more than you did when you were younger andthe sweat has an odor.

Recommendation: Daily bathing and using deodorant or an antiperspirant.

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Healthy Teeth and Gums

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Kinds of TeethIncisors – Cut into and tear

apart food

Canines – Grasp and tear food

Premolars – Eight short teeth between canines and molars

Molars – Do the major work of chewing food

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Parts of the ToothCrown – Visible to the eyeNeck – Between the crown and the

rootRoot – Found inside the gumsEnamel – Covers the crown of the

toothDentin – Bonelike material

surrounding the pulp of the toothPulp – Soft tissue containing nerves

and blood vesselsCementum – Thin, bonelike

material covering the root

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When is it time to go to the dentist?

At about 2:30 (tooth Hurty) he he he (Awesome dentist joke)

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Taking Care of your Teeth and Gums

• Brush your teeth after eating

• Floss between your teeth

• Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains flouride.

• Reserve starchy foods and foods high in sugar for mealtimes.

• Have regular dental checkups.

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Dental Problems• Everyone-including you-has bacteria in his

or her mouth. These bacteria make a sticky substance calles plaque, which coats your teeth. When the bacteria in plaque break down sugars in the foods you eat, acids form. These acids make holes, called cavities, in your tooth enamel.

• If a cavity isn´t treated, the hole spreads through the dentin to the pulp and then to the damaged portion of the tooth. The dentist then fills the hole with a hard material, and the tooth is saved.

• Plaque can cause other problems, too. If plaque is allowed to remain on the teeth, it forms a hardened material. This material can cause gengivitis, a gum disease in which the gums become red and swollen.

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Orthodontia• Some people wear braces, usually for several years, to

straighten teeth. After the braces are removed, a person may wear another dental appliance, called a retainer. The retainer keeps the teeth from moving out of place.

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• The straightening of crooked teeth is called orthodontia.

• Straightening teeth makes them easier to clean and helps:

1.Prevent cavities and gum diseases. 2.Prevent uneven wear of the teeth. 3.Ensure that your teeth will last a lifetime.
