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  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx


    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    School of Health and

    Social Care

    Session 2015-2016

    Student Matriculation Number: S1218907

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  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx


    P P di t

    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    Diabetic hot spots: can they bepredicted using temperature

    monitoring tools andsubsequently prevent footulceration?

  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx


    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907


    !ntroduction........................................................................................................... "

    #ethodology.......................................................................................................... $

    %indings............................................................................................................... 1


    &onclusion........................................................................................................... '2


    *eference +ist...................................................................................................... '


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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907



    Diabetes affects 1 in 11 eo!e and t"is figure is rising raid!# $ t"e !e%e! of diabetic foot

    u!ceration &a# a!so increase !acing "uge burdens on "ea!t"care and indi%idua!s' (reat

    e&"asis is !aced on se!f$re%ention ractices) *it" te&erature &onitoring t"e ne*strateg# arising' +"e t"eor# is u!ceration is receded b# inf!a&&ation *"ic" cou!d be

    &onitored using infrared t"er&o&eters to estab!is" areas of i&ending breakdo*n) gi%ing t"e

    indi%idua! re&onition !ike o*ers regarding t"eir foot "ea!t" status' Ho*e%er e%en t"oug"

    te&erature &onitoring is uti!ised in ot"er asects of diabetes care) it is not t"e case *it"

    diabetic foot u!ceration current!#) *"ereb# no guide!ines are a%ai!ab!e'


    +"erefore t"e ai& of t"is !iterature re%ie* is to assess *"et"er te&erature &onitoring is

    fitting for foot ractice b# critica!!# araising current e%idence regarding *"et"er se!f$

    te&erature &onitoringtoo!s suc" as infrared t"er&o&eters are effecti%e in redicting and

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    4%era!! t"is critica! re%ie* "ig"!ig"ted t"at te&erature &onitoring is a ro&ising ad%ancing

    tec"no!og# in "ea!t"care and "as "ad &ain!# ositi%e resu!ts regarding t"e re%ention of

    diabetic foot u!ceration an area of increasing focus' Ho*e%er furt"er robust studies need to

    take t"e net ste to suort t"ese current findings before suc" too!s are i&!e&ented in


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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907


    Diabetes) according to (a!e and ,nderson 62012 is a co&&on &etabo!ic condition

    c"aracterised b# c"ronic "#erg!#cae&ia eit"er fro& a co&!ete !ack of insu!in kno*n as

    t#e 1 or re!ati%e !ack of insu!in and increasing insu!in resistance t#e 2' t is a gro*ing

    g!oba! issue *or!d*ide affecting a staggering 15 &i!!ion adu!ts 6nternationa! Diabetes

    -ederation) 2015' Ho*e%er) t"is is redicted to rise to .2 &i!!ion b# 200' :it"in (reat

    Britain) Diabetes ;< 62015 reorted 3'9 &i!!ion eo!e !i%e *it" diabetes *"ic" is redicted

    to rise to 5 &i!!ion *it"in t"e decade' -urt"er&ore in Scot!and t"ere are 27.)30 eo!e *it"

    diabetes $5'2= of t"e ou!ation> and .1)8.9 reside in (!asgo* 6Mc

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    13)7. of t"e diabetic ou!ation "a%e reorted "a%ing a foot u!cer figures fro& (!asgo*

    reresent roug"!# a /uarter of t"is tota! at 3)0.5 6Mc "ea!t"care "as s"ifted to Fre%ention is t"e best cureC as art of

    "ea!t" ro&otion !ans' +"e &ain current re%entati%e strategies insta!!ed inc!ude atient

    education) se!f$insection) regu!ar foot screenings and risk stratification) odiatr# and MD+

    inter%ention) /ua!it# aroriate foot*ear and ort"oses 6("os" and o!!ier) 2012'

    , stud# b# ,r&strong and Ea%er# 61997 in%estigated t"e effecti%eness of te&erature too!s

    i it i i d " !i f t" di b ti f t !i ti " " t

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907


    4ctober 2015 brainstor&ing surrounding D-; e&"asised t"e i&act on indi%idua!s)

    odiatrists) t"e "ea!t" ser%ice and otentia! ser%ice i&ro%e&ents regarding indicati%e

    re%entati%e &easures 6figure 1' +"is faci!itated concetua!isation of t"e researc" toic'

    nitia! bro*sing ensued to ea&ine re!i&inar# !iterature 6tab!e 1' , researc" /uestion *ast"en estab!is"ed ,%e#ard 62010 states researc" /uestions focus an initia! "#ot"esis) *"ic"

    once ans*ered s"ou!d i&ro%e atient care t"roug" infor&ed reco&&endations and suerior

    understanding of t"e subject area o*ing to e%idence based ractice 6BP' +"e P4 too!

    de%e!oed t"e researc" /uestion does t"e use of se!f$te&erature &onitoring too!s suc" as

    infrared t"er&o&eters 6inter%ention) effecti%e!# redict and subse/uent!# re%ent t"e

    de%e!o&ent of foot u!cers 6outco&e in diabetic atients 6ou!ation co&ared to eisting

    standard re%entati%e &easures 6co&arison +"e P4 design i&ro%es detection of "ig"

    /ua!it# e%idence) faci!itates structured researc" and breakdo*n of t"e /uestion into four

    easi!# identifiab!e asects for efficient recise searc"ing 6,s!a& A &&anue!) 2010'

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    -igure 1 nitia! Brainstor& Mind&a 6eferences can be found in ,endi 1

    Page | 0

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    +ab!e 1 nitia! Bro*se

    Research Topic Initial Terms Site Papers Returned;ti!ising


    &onitoring as a


    re%entati%e too!

    for diabetic foot





    Idiabetic foot


    a'(; Disco%er a. )082

    b.28)000 Kie!ded too &an# non$acade&ic

    and irre!e%ant resu!ts





    S( (uide!ines


    (uide!ine 11. Manage&ent of Diabetes

    Mini&a! guidance on re%entati%e &easures for u!ceration)

    on!# foot*ear and ort"oses &entioned'

    Patient education is reco&&ended'

    +"er&o&etr# can be used to identif# "arcot) and t"en can be

    used to &onitor ost diagnosis "arcot disease acti%it#treat&ent as tota! contact casting of affected !i&b s"ou!dcoincide *it" te&erature reduction'

    $!acking guidance in re%enting and diagnosing areas of foot




    ( 19 Diabetic -oot Prob!e&s re%ention and &anage&ent

    (uidance surrounding re%enting diabetic foot rob!e&s b#

    i t" f t ! ! f t" 6 i t !

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    , !iterature searc" 6tab!e 2 *as undertaken ear!# o%e&ber 2015 insecting funda&enta!

    acade&ic databases> ,MD) ,HE) MDE and Hea!t" Source *ere a!! searc"edsi&u!taneous!# %ia BS4 Host *it" du!icates re&o%ed' oc"rane Eibrar#) ProOuest and

    :eb of Science *ere searc"ed searate!# 6,endi 2' Main searc" ter&s inc!uded

    Ite&erature &onitoringJ) I"and"e!dJ) IredictingJ) Ire%entingJ) Idiabetic foot u!cerationJ

    and suitab!e s#non#&s' Boo!ean oerators and truncation #ie!ded focused roducti%e resu!ts'

    efine&ent inc!uded !i&iting ub!ication dates to *it"in 200$2015 $ it *as noted during

    initia! researc" &u!ti!e studies *ere conducted broad!# on t"is subject fie!d o%er 1980s$

    1990s) succeeded b# a !iterature ga unti! &id$2000s *"en interest sarked again' +"erefore

    t"e decision *as &ade to generate t"e &ost recent) udated !iterature for araisa!> "oefu!!#

    attaining &ore re!e%ant conc!usions'

    Searc" resu!ts *ere e%a!uated and studies inc!uded if t"e# &et redefined e!igibi!it# criteria

    6tab!e 3' +"ereafter four studies resided) &anua! searc"ing of references *as undertaken

    ensuring otentia! re!e%ant artic!es *ere not o%er!ooked' +"is re%ea!ed su!e&entar# studies>

    "o*e%er t"ese *ere t"en discarded after a!#ing suc" criteria'

    Eiterature araisa! t"e S( 62015a a!gorit"& for c!assif#ing stud# design for /uestions of

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    +ab!e 2 Eiterature Searc" Strateg#


    temperature monitoring OR thermometry OR skin temperature OR temperature ttemperature regulation ORinfrared thermometry


    selfmonitoring OR selfassessment OR home monitoring OR handheld


    dia!etic foot ulceration OR D"# OR foot ulcer OR foot complication OR dia

    ulcers OR dia!etic $ound ANDpre%ention OR prediction



    ,MD) ,HE) oc"rane Eibrar#) MDE) Hea!t" Source ursingN,cade&ic dition) ProOuest

    Hea!t" and Medica! o&!ete) ProOuest ursing and ,!!ied Hea!t" Source) :eb of Science

    Part of&ournals


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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    +ab!e 3 e%ie* !igibi!it# riteria

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907


    Eiterature (at"ering esu!ts

    Succeeding t"e !iterature searc") o%er four "undred artic!es *ere gat"ered for screening and

    aers di&inis"ed unti! t"e fina! four artic!es re&ained as in figure 2' +"oroug" !iterature

    re%ie* tab!es can be found in ,endi ' ,!! four studies 6Ea%er# et a!) 200> Ea%er# et a!)

    2007> ,r&strong et a!) 2007> Skafje!d et a!) 2015 *ere rando&ised contro!!ed tria!s 6+s'

    ,ccording to Sto!berg) or&an and +ro 6200) +s are regarded as t"e strongest t#e of

    e%idence> t"e# are designed to "a%e a !o* robabi!it# of bias and !ess &et"odo!ogica! errors

    6Burns) o"ric" and "ung) 2011'

    Stud# esu!ts

    +ab!e 3 dis!a#s secific stud# resu!ts' +"ree studies 6Ea%er# et a! 200> Ea%er# et a! 2007>

    ,r&strong et a! 2007 found statistica!!# significant reduced u!cer incidence rates in t"e

    inter%ention co&ared to contro!s indicating se!fassess&ent infrared t"er&o&eters

    secifica!!# +e&+ouc" 6figure 3 aears to be an effecti%e co&!e&entar# too! to standard

    D-; H " fi ! d d fi di 6Sk fj !d !

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    -igure 2 PSM, -!o* Diagra&

    ecords identified t"roug"

    database searc"ing

    ,MD) ,HE) Hea!t" Source)MDE 6n 78

    oc"rane Eibrar# 6n

    ProOuest Hea!t" $ ursing and,!!ied Hea!t" 6n 28

    :eb of Science 6n .3

    ,dditiona! records identifiedt"roug" ot"er sources


    $eference Eists


    Overall Total

    = 439

    ecords ec!uded after screeningtit!e andNor abstract


    on +s 698

    Eetters to t"e aut"or or eert

    co&&entaries 61.

    NM i i !


    ecords after du!icates re&o%ed

    6n 393

    d d

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    +ab!e Studies esu!ts

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    -igure 3 +e&+ouc" De%ice

    Ea%er# 62007

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    ,rtic!es *i!! be t"e&atica!!# discussed to ro%ide a concise) s#nt"esised re%ie* of stud#

    features' +"e&es *ere identified as areas of notab!e discussion b# t"e re%ie*er> "o*e%er t"is

    is b# no &eans abso!ute'

    Pri&ar# 4utco&e Measure

    Positi%e!#) a!! four studies &easured t"e sa&e ri&ar# c!inica! outco&e foot u!cer incidence $articiants eit"er did or did not de%e!o a D-; 6dic"oto&ous outco&e t"roug"out t"e stud#

    course' Ho*e%er) %ariation occurred regarding &et"ods of &easuring u!ceration) *"ic" !i&its

    direct co&arison bet*een t"e studies 6Eiberati et a!) 2009' :"i!st) 62015 e&"asise

    ractitioners s"ou!d use a standardised diagnostic s#ste& to ensure neutra!it#> t*o studies

    6Ea%er# et a!) 200> ,r&strong et a!) 2007 used no or unsecific criteria for u!cerc!assification oor objecti%it#' ncouraging!# t"e re&aining t*o studies 6Ea%er# et a!)

    2007> Skafje!d et a!) 2015 uti!ised uni%ersa!!# estab!is"ed *ound grading s#ste&s +"e

    ;ni%ersit# of +eas :ound !assification 6;+ and :agner ;!cer !assification 6:

    resecti%e!#' Mu!ti!e studies 64#ibo et a!) 2001> (u! et a!) 200. co&aring t"e t*o s#ste&s

    f d b " i ! ! i id f " i d " i f i ki i

  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx


    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    reduce genera!isabi!it# of t"e findings'n t"ree aers 6Ea%er# et a!) 200> ,r&strong et a!)

    2007> Skafje!d et a!) 2015) articiants "ad to be eit"er risk grou 2Q or 3 according to t"e

    nternationa! :orking (rou on t"e Diabetic -oot c!assification too! 6tab!e 5' t is i&ortant

    to note t"an in one stud# 6Skafje!d et a!) 2015> articiants "ad to be eager to &onitor foot

    skin te&erature) t"erefore introducing a sa&!e se!ection bias and reducing t"e eterna!

    %a!idit# of t"is tria! 6Po!gar A +"o&as) 2013'

    +ab!e 5 nternationa! :orking (rou on Diabetic -oot isk !assification S#ste& 6Bus et a!


    Risk +roup ,lassification Risk "actors Present

    0 o eri"era! neuroat"#

    1 Peri"era! neuroat"#

    2 Peri"era! neuroat"# *it" eri"era! arteria! disease 6P,DQ andNor a foot


    3 Peri"era! neuroat"# and a "istor# of foot u!ceration or !o*er etre&it#


    ,!! studies ec!uded acti%e u!ceration) infection and "arcot art"roat"# as *e!! as oen

    i i "i " !d i ki " i i

  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx


    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    Stud# Met"ods

    Sample Size, Justification, and Drop-out:

    t is i&ractica! and cost!# to stud# entire target ou!ations $ researc"ers in%estigate

    reresentati%e sa&!es and atte&t to genera!ise t"e findings' +"erefore se!ecting an

    aroriate sa&!e si?e is i&ortant> in "ea!t" researc" it is i&!ied t"ere is no oti&a!

    nu&ber 6Po!gar A +"o&as) 2013' ,!t"oug" genera!!#) !arger sa&!e si?es roduce &ore

    accurate resu!ts and ac"ie%es "ig"er o*er' Sa&!e si?es *ere di%erse> t*o studies 6Skafje!d

    et a!) 2015 and Ea%er# et a!) 200 "ad notab!# fe*er articiants of 1 and 85) *"i!st t"e

    re&aining studies 6Ea%er# et a!) 2007 and ,r&strong et a!) 2007 "ad 173 and 225

    resecti%e!# cu&u!ating to 52' 4n!# t"e t*o !arger studies ro%ided justification of

    deter&ined sa&!e si?e and increases robustness of t"ese tria!s 6Ea%er# et a! A ,r&strong et

    a! 2007' +"e for&er c"ose a o*er of 80= to #ie!d .0 subjects er grou *it" t"e ai& t"at

    55 *ou!d co&!ete t"e stud# after accounting for an eected 10= dro out rate' Ho*e%er

    t"is target *as not &et eac" treat&ent ar& a!!ocated fe*er t"an .0 articiants and o%era!!

    t"e stud# droout rate *as 12'71=) *it" indi%idua! grou droout rates ca!cu!ated "ig"er

    t"an anticiated suggesting t"e stud# &a# be s!ig"t!# undero*ered to detect a significant

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    -igure Droout Statistics and Rustifications




    a!ery et al "200#$

    %ro& 'ut (ercentage ")$

    -ustifications and "igures +roup

    n%o!untar# :it"dra*a! o!untar# :it"dra*a!

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    (a%ery et al 178865

    Drop Out Percentage 19 5

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    S*af+eld et al "2015$

    %ro& 'ut (ercentage ")$

    -ustifications and "igures +roup


    n%o!untar# :it"dra*a! o!untar# :it"dra*a!

    o secified reasons

    Droout !!ness

  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx


    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    Randomisation, roup !llocation, "oncealment and #lindin$:

    ,!! studies stated rando&isation *as erfor&ed> "o*e%er Ea%er# et a! 6200 ro%ided no

    furt"er infor&ation) t"us t"e reader cannot be certain t"is *as tru!# undertaken' 4ne stud#

    Skafje!d et a! 62015 erfor&ed b!ock rando&isation and in addition) atients *it" re%ious

    "arcot art"roat"# *ere stratified' +"e re&aining studies erfor&ed si&!e rando&isation

    6,r&strong et a!) 2007 A Ea%er# et a!) 2007 b# generated rando&ised !ists> secifica!!# %ia

    t"e stud# biostatistician *"o se/uentia!!# assigned atients and co&uter generated

    resecti%e!# t"e !atter t"erefore reduces t"e risk of "u&an error and bias' ,dditiona!!# t"is

    *as t"e on!# stud# to address rando&isation concea!&ent *"ereb# a!!ocation *as sea!ed in

    oa/ue en%e!oes) t"is is a ositi%e asect as a!!ocation concea!&ent is critica! and inf!uences

    success of rando&isation 6iera and Bangdi*a!a) 2007) as its absence can !ead to se!ection

    bias' ,s Doig and Si&son 62005 "ig"!ig"ted) %ague or unsatisfactor# concea!&ent &et"ods

    can roduce 0= greater biased esti&ates of treat&ent effect' egarding grou a!!ocation)

    articiants *ere rando&ised e/ua!!#' Ho*e%er) ,r&strong et a! 62007 did not disc!ose

    grou sa&!e figures) t"erefore it is unkno*n "o* &an# subjects *ere in eac" grou or if

    t"ere *as a ossib!e a!!ocation bias 6as t"is *as t"e stud# rando&ised %ia t"e stud#

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    studies is foot u!cer incidence *"ic" is infre/uent and transient) !onger fo!!o* u eriods 6@ 1

    #ear *ou!d be referred and is ac"ie%ed b# t"ree studies'

    Stud# Design

    #aseline "(aracteristics

    Positi%e!# a!! four studies resented tab!es according to t"e &et"odo!ogica! guide!ines

    4S4+ 2010 State&ent ) *"ic" "ig"!ig"ted stud# treat&ent grous *ere co&arab!e in

    base!ine c"aracteristics) *it" Ea%er# et a! 62007 and Skafje!d et a 62015 ro%iding &ore

    etensi%e infor&ation' +"ree studies 6Ea%er# et a!) 200> ,r&strong et a!) 2007> Skafje!d et a!

    2015 carried out significance testing of base!ine de&ogra"ics desite t"is being ad%ised

    against b# t"e 4S4+ grou as being inessentia! and decei%ing dissi&i!arit# regarding

    base!ine c"aracteristics are a conse/uence of c"ance rat"er t"an bias 6Mo"er et a!) 2010'

    "ontrol "lassification

    ac" stud# can be c!assified as acti%e 6ositi%e contro!!ed tria!s consisting of eisting

    standard re%entati%e t"era#' ,ccording to Mi!!er and Brod# 62002 and S( 6201 t"is is

    fa%ourab!e and ensures studies are &ora!!# sound> if ro%en effecti%e standard t"era# eists

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    4utco&e Statistics and ,na!#sis

    -or ana!#ses) a!! studies used significance !e%e!s e/ua! to 0'05 or !ess and ro&inent!#

    reorted $%a!ues in t"eir resu!ts' :"i!st P %a!ues eress *"et"er an effect eists> it does not

    identif# t"e &agnitude of suc" effect' +"erefore in /uantitati%e studies) *"i!st %a!ues

    6statistica! significance re&ain essentia!) t"e effect si?e 6substanti%e significance s"ou!d be

    t"e funda&enta! finding 6Su!!i%an A -einn) 2012' +"ree studies 6Ea%er# et a! 200> Ea%er#

    et a! 2007> ,r&strong et a! 2007 used an indirect &easure of effect si?e kno*n as odds ratios

    64 regarding u!cer incidence> a!t"oug" t"is *as not e!icit!# stated 6tab!e .' 4s are

    effecti%e *"en outco&es are dic"oto&ous as in t"is case) but genera!!# are uti!ised in case

    contro! studies' e%ert"e!ess !iterature 6

    "o*e%er 4s can inf!ate effect si?es and are difficu!t to interret b# t"e ub!ic) ractitioners

    and e%en researc"ers) t"erefore s"ou!d on!# be reorted if acco&anied b# accurate

    c!arification of i&!ication *"ic" *as not t"e case "ere t"us s"ou!d be interreted *it"


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    +ab!e . ffect Si?es

    Stud# Statistica! ,na!#sis nterretation

    Ea%er# et a!


    n"anced t"era# %ersus standard t"era# odds of

    de%e!oing foot co&!ication

    4 10'3 !arge effect si?e

    onfidence inter%a! 61'2$85'3 :idt" 8'1

    n"anced t"era# ten ti&es !ess !ike!# to u!cerate co&ared to

    standard t"era#'

    ,s t"e confidence inter%a! does not contain t"e %a!ue of no

    effect 64 1) t"en it can be conc!uded t"ere is a statistica!!#

    significant corre!ation'

    S&a!!er studies usua!!# "a%e *ider confidence inter%a!s and t"is

    is t"e s&a!!est of t"e t"ree studies'

    Ho*e%er) *ide confidence inter%a! indicates t"e recision of

    effect is actua!!# unkno*n and &ore infor&ation is re/uired

    e%en t"oug" t"e odds ratio suggests itCs a !arge effect'

    Ea%er# et a!


    n"anced t"era# %ersus standard t"era# odds of

    de%e!oing foot u!ceration

    4 '8 &ediu& effect si?e

    onfidence inter%a! 61'53$13'1

    :idt" 11'.1n"anced t"era# %ersus structured t"era# odds of

    de%e!oing foot u!ceration

    4 '71 &ediu& effect si?e

    onfidence inter%a! 61'.0$13'85

    :idt" 12'25

    ti&es !ess !ike!# of u!cerating in t"e en"anced t"era# t"an

    bot" standard t"era# and structured t"era#'

    ,s t"e confidence inter%a! does not contain t"e %a!ue of no

    effect 64 1) t"en it can be conc!uded t"ere is a statistica!!#

    significant corre!ation'

    ,r&strong n"anced t"era# %ersus standard t"era# odds of n"anced t"era# grou are t"ree ti&es !ess !ike!# to u!cerate

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    :"ereas t"e fina! fourt" stud# conducted b# a!ternate aut"ors did not identif# an# statistica!

    significance in foot u!cer occurrence bet*een grous'


    +"ese resu!ts "a%e etended e%idence) ackno*!edging an interesting !ink regarding raised

    te&eratures being indicati%e of i&ending u!ceration and t"at statistica!!# confident

    corre!ations &a# eist bet*een uti!ising infrared t"er&o&eters and reduced u!cer incidence)

    suorting its use as an ad%antageous adjuncti%e t"era# to eisting t"eraies' e%ert"e!ess)

    suboti&a! reorting of %ita! infor&ation or &et"odo!ogica! rocedures a&ong t"e studies

    *as a consistent issue' ;nderstandab!# t"is rendered t"e re%ie*er uncertain of bias reducing

    asects *"ic" *ere dee&ed to "a%e occurred oor!# or not at a!! i&!#ing reduced interna!

    %a!idit#' Ho*e%er) a stud# b# De%ereau et a! 6200 e%a!uated !e%e!s of non$reorted

    rocedures to actua! rocedure occurrence !e%e!s in +s and conc!uded readers s"ou!d not

    &ake assu&tions regarding non$reorted content' +"is cou!d be a !i&itation of t"e

    researc"er) s"o*casing "aste and ineerience' egard!ess c!inicians re!# on ab!# conducted

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    "o&e> it *ou!d be beneficia! and uti!ised dai!#' ,!t"oug" t"is cannot be direct!# transferab!e

    to +e&+ouc") it reresents initia! inc!ination t"is is an area atients are eager to see


    (a!e and ,nderson 62012 "ig"!ig"ted &an# s#c"osocia! i&!ications of DM> &ost eo!e

    undergo fee!ings of !earned se!f$"e!!essness) o*er!essness or condition consu&tion at

    stages and &a# suffer fro& &enta! i!! "ea!t" $ diabetes is !inked to increased risk of

    deression' +"is is often associated *it" oorer "#sica! outco&es and &a# create resistance

    to or i&act a ersonCs abi!it# to se!f$&anage' F4n t"e ot"er footC) t"is too! "as an oortunit#

    if i&!e&ented *it" t"e rig"t rofessiona! suort to integrate &enta! and "#sica! "ea!t" b#

    ro&oting se!f$care and atient e&o*er&ent as Diabetes Scot!and 62015 noted) eo!e

    need to fee! &enta!!# e&o*ered to go%ern t"eir "#sica! diabetes'

    !inica! &!ications

    *odiatr+ and ulti-*rofessional "ontet

    +*o inc!uded studies "ig"!ig"ted atients using +e&+ouc" contacted stud# ersonne! &ore

    fre/uent!# regarding increased te&eratures) c!inica!!# t"is cou!d transfer to increased

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    T U.$.. &i!!ion

    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    Hb,1c scores' t &a# a!so be usefu! in inatient settings *"ere !ess t"an "a!f of ad&issions

    recei%e foot screening and 1'= of diabetic inatients de%e!o ne* foot !esions 6Hea!t" and

    Socia! are nfor&ation entre) 201' urses cou!d &onitor atientCs te&erature for

    i&ending u!ceration furt"er i&ro%ing foot c"ecks as art of t"e nationa! inatient

    initiati%e of t"e FP for -eetC ca&aign b# t"e Scottis" Diabetes -oot ,ction (rou 6+"e

    Scottis" (o%ern&ent) 201'

    "ost "onsiderations

    egarding "ea!t" econo&ics) +e&+ouc" roug"!# costs V150 or U103 according to Mcurd#

    62008' t genera!!# aears to be a !o* cost diagnostic re%entati%e de%ice t"at cou!d be used

    as an adjunct *it" standard re%entati%e &easures a%ai!ab!e at t"e HSCs disosa!) co&ared

    to t"e eense of u!ceration and a&utation 6-igure '

    -igure ,%erage HS osts of Diabetic -oot o&!ications

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    &essaging *i!! reduce D-;s and i&ro%e co&!iance' esu!ts of t"ese tria!s are due to be

    ub!is"ed in 2018 and 2017 resecti%e!#' t is e%ident t"is is an ad%ancing researc" area *it"

    oortunit# for de%e!o&ent and in%est&ent'

    %uture )nnovations

    +"e Scottis" (o%ern&ent 6201 "ig"!ig"ted its riorit# to i&ro%e de%e!o&ent of

    inno%ati%e too!s for diabetes care' 4ne roosa! cou!d be for t"e concets of t*o different

    t#es of te&erature &onitoring to &erge de%ices enco&assing E+ t"er&ogra"s) *"ere

    atients stand on a t"er&a! !ates or sensors in s"oes to generate fu!! foot genera! %isua!

    i&ages) fo!!o*ed b# &ore recise t"er&o&etr# of "ot sots *"ere actua! te&erature figures

    are &easured to ro%ide &ore co&re"ensi%e &onitoring'

    urrent e%ie* Ei&itations

    ,ccess to certain journa!s *as restricted) t"erefore fu!! scoe of !iterature *as una%ai!ab!e>

    cannot be sure a!! re!e%ant e%idence *as inc!uded' -urt"er&ore) !iterature *as !i&ited to

    ng!is" !anguage due to t"e uni!ingua! interreter' e%ie*er ineerience in researc" and

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907


    urrent!# t"ere are no guide!ines surrounding te&erature &onitoring for diabetic foot

    u!ceration t"erefore it is not used routine!# b# atients or t"e HS> "o*e%er t"is re%ie*

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907


    *ou!d !ike to eress gratitude to suer%isor Professor Stuart Baird for "is guidance)

    ad%ice) inte!!ectua! discussions) reassurance and atience regarding t"is roject' *ou!d a!so

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    fro& "ttNNtjourna!'ata'orgNcontentN77N2N1.9'!ong

    ,MS+4() D'(' et a!') 200' ariabi!it# in ,cti%it# Ma# Precede Diabetic -oot

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    ,%ai!ab!e fro& "ttNNcare'diabetesjourna!s'orgNcontentN27N8N1980'fu!!

    ,MS+4() D'(' et a!') 2007' Skin +e&erature Monitoring educes t"e isk for

    Diabetic -oot ;!ceration in Hig"$isk Patients' T(e !merican Journal of edicineWon!ineX'

    ;7862) ' 102$10.' W%ie*ed 10 o%e&ber 2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    ,MS+4() D'(' A E,K) E',' 1997' Monitoring "ea!ing of acute "arcotCs

    art"roat"# *it" infrared der&a! t"er&o&etr#'Journal of Re(a.ilitation Researc( and

    DevelopmentWon!ineX' ./63) ' 317$321' W%ie*ed 12 Ranuar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    ,MS+4() D'(') E,K) E',' A H,

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    W%ie*ed 12 Ranuar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    B4;E+4) ,'R'M' et a!') 2005' +"e g!oba! burden of diabetic foot disease' +"e Eancet

    Won!ineX' 3.. 6998) ' 1719$172' W%ie*ed 1 Ranuar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    B;S) P'B') 4HH) 'R' A H;()

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    D4() ('S' A SMPS4) -' 2005' ando&i?ation and a!!ocation concea!&ent a ractica!

    guide for researc"ers'Journal of "ritical "areWon!ineX' 7862) ' 187$191' W%ie*ed 30

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    D;() +' A :,D) () 2008' Managing !inica! Prob!e&s in Diabetes' 4ford

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    DM4DS) M'' A -4S+) ,''M') 201'ana$in$ t(e Dia.etic %oot' 3rded' :est

    Susse Ro"n :i!e# A Sons Etd'

    -,D) ,'S') SM,E],DH) M' A E,R,) B' 2007' ,ssess&ent and +reat&ent of

    Diabetic -oot ;!cer')nternational Journal of "linical *racticeWon!ineX'

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    (,E) ','M') A ,DS4) R'') 2012' Diabetes &e!!itus and ot"er disorders of

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    201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro& "ttNN***'consort$



    M4E,) -'R') H;++4) B' A -(;SS4) D' 2008' Does ana!#sis using I!ast

    obser%ation carried for*ardJ introduce bias in de&entia researc" "anadian edicine

    !ssociation JournalWon!ineX' ;6=68) ' 751$753' W%ie*ed -ebruar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e

    fro& "ttNN***'ncbi'n!&'ni"'go%N&cNartic!esNPM2553855N

    ,+4,E S++;+ -4 H,E+H ,D , EE WX) 2015'

    Dia.etic %oot *ro.lems: prevention and mana$ementWon!ineX' ationa! nstitute for Hea!t"

    and are ce!!ence' W%ie*ed 21 Dece&ber 2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    ,+4,E S++;S 4- H,E+H) 1999'Researc( )nvolvin$ )ndividuals &it(

    >uestiona.le "apacit+ to "onsent: *oints to "onsiderWon!ineX' ationa! nstitutes of Hea!t"'

    W%ie*ed 30 Ranuar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    P4E(,) S' A +H4M,S) S',') 2013')ntroduction to Researc( in t(e 1ealt( Sciences

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    P,+4) R' et a!') 2011' ffecti%eness of inso!es used for t"e re%ention of u!ceration in t"e

    neuroat"ic diabetic foot a s#ste&atic re%ie*'Journal of Dia.etes and its "omplications

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    nterco!!egiate (uide!ines et*ork' W%ie*ed 7 Dece&ber 2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    S4++SH +4EE(,+ (;DES +:4< WS(X) 201' S)5 7: !

    $uideline developer;s (and.ooWon!ineX' dinburg" Scottis" nterco!!egiate (uide!ines

    et*ork' W%ie*ed 1 -ebruar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro& "ttNN***'sign'ac'ukNdfNsign50'df

    S4++SH +4EE(,+ (;DES +:4< WS(X) 2015a'

    et(odolo$ical *rinciplesWon!ineX' Scottis" nterco!!egiate (uide!ines et*ork' W%ie*ed 1.

    Dece&ber 2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro& "ttNN***'sign'ac'ukN&et"odo!og#Ninde'"t&!

    S4++SH +4EE(,+ (;DES +:4< WS(X) 2015b' "ritical

    !ppraisal: 5otes and "(eclistsWon!ineX' Scottis" nterco!!egiate (uide!ines et*ork'

    W%ie*ed 1. Dece&ber 2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&"ttNN***'sign'ac'ukN&et"odo!og#Nc"eck!ists'"t&!

    S4++SH +4EE(,+ (;DES +:4< WS(X) 2015c' S)5

    radin$ S+stem 8999-6786Won!ineX' Scottis" nterco!!egiate (uide!ines et*ork' W%ie*ed 1.

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    S+SS) 'M' et a!') 198.' ;se of !i/uid cr#sta! t"er&ogra"# in t"e e%a!uation of t"e diabetic

    foot'Dia.etes "areWon!ineX' =63) ' 2.7$272' W%ie*ed 12 Ranuar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    S+4EB() H'4') 4M,) (' A +4P) ' 200' ando&i?ed ontro!!ed +ria!s' T(e

    !merican Journal of Roent$enolo$+Won!ineX' ;3.6.) ' 1539$15' W%ie*ed 17 Dece&ber

    2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro& "ttNN***'ajron!ine'orgNdoiNdfN10'221Najr'183'.'01831539

    S;EE,) ('M' A -) ' 2012' ;sing ffect Si?e or :"# t"e P a!ue s ot

    noug"'Journal of raduate edical ducationWon!ineX' /63) ' 279$282' W%ie*ed 1

    -ebruar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro& doi


    +H S4++SH (4M+) 201'Dia.etes )mprovement *lanWon!ineX' +"e Scottis"

    (o%ern&ent' W%ie*ed 5 -ebruar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    ,) ,'R' A B,(D:,E,) S'' 2007' !i&inating Bias in ando&i?ed ontro!!ed

    +ria!s &ortance of ,!!ocation oncea!&ent and Masking'%amil+ edicineWon!ineX' .=

    62) ' 132$137' W%ie*ed 30 Ranuar# 201.X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    e $ S( Met"odo!ogica! ,raisa! of ,!! Studies "eck!ist and %idence (rading

    Appendi* /0Eiterature e%ie* +ab!es

    Appendi* 404S4+ 2010 "eck!ist

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    63' :4;DS +,+4,E) 2013')nternational #est *ractice uidelines: 2ound

    ana$ement in Dia.etic %oot 'lcersWon!ineX' :ounds nternationa!' W%ie*ed 22 4ctober

    2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&


    6' (EP) H' A E,(,)

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    611' E,K) E',' A ,MS+4() D'(' 2007' +e&erature Monitoring to ,ssess)

    Predict and Pre%ent Diabetic -oot o&!ications' "urrent Dia.etes ReportsWon!ineX' 66.)

    ' 1.$19' W%ie*ed 22 4ctober 2015X' ,%ai!ab!e fro&






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    Appendi* 70%idence of Databases Searc"ed W,MD) ,HE) Hea!t" Source) MDEX

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    Appendi* 7 cont0 Woc"rane Eibrar#X

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    Appendi* 7 cont0 WProOuestX

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    Appendi* 7 cont0 W:eb of ScienceX

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    H j 9132 2 S121890

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    Appendi* .a0S( !assif#ing Stud# Design for Met"odo!ogica! ,raisa! 6S() 2015a

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    Appendi* .!0S( Met"odo!ogica! ,raisa! "eck!ist for +s6S() 2015b

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    Appendi* .c0S( (uidance otes for Met"odo!ogica! ,raisa! "eck!ist for +s

    6S() 2015b

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    Appendi* .d0S( (rading S#ste&6S() 2015c

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    Appendi* .e0S( Met"odo!ogica! ,raisa! of ,!! Studies "eck!ist Wadated fro& aendi 3bX

    Stud+ )dentification 0aver+ et al B6774C 0aver+ et al B677

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    1'10 :"ere t"e stud# is carried out at &ore t"an

    one site) resu!ts are co&arab!e for a!! sites

    annot sa# annot sa# annot sa# ot a!icab!e

    Section 2 4%era!! ,ssess&ent of t"e Studies

    2'1 +aking into accountc!inica!


    #our e%a!uations of

    t"e &et"odo!og#

    used) and t"e

    statistica! o*er of

    t"e stud#) are #ou

    certain t"e o%era!!

    effect is due to t"e

    stud# inter%ention

    ;ncertain oor&et"odo!ogica! rigour and

    reorting of i&ortant asects'

    S&a!! sa&!e si?e *it" no

    justification ossib!# &a# be

    undero*ered' Ho*e%er t"is

    stud# "as an etre&e!# ositi%e

    asect *"ic" differentiates it

    co&ared to t"e ot"er studies'

    (ra"s "ig"!ig"ting te&erature

    differences bet*een t"e on!#subject *"o u!cerated and a

    subject *"o did not u!cerate

    *ere ro%ided' t can c!ear!# be

    seen t"at t"e atient *"o

    u!cerated) te&erature

    differences bet*een rig"t and

    !eft sites *ere &ore erratic and

    continua!!# resented *it"

    "ig"er te&eratures o%er a

    eriod of ti&e at t"e site of

    u!ceration "ig"!ig"ts

    redicti%e asect of stud#'

    Kes $ good &et"odo!ogica!rigour and &ost in$det"

    reorting of stud# infor&ation'

    Earge sa&!e si?e and

    justification gi%en &a# "a%e

    good o*er' !inica!!#)

    inter%entions t"oroug"!# detai!ed

    good grounds for reeatabi!it#'

    ,ddition of t"ird treat&ent ar&

    did not i&act t"e resu!ts

    significant!#) *as si&i!ar to t"econtro! and t"erefore strengt"ens

    t"e difference identified bet*een

    t"e inter%ention and contro!


    o oor &et"odo!ogica! rigourand aut"or reorting of i&ortant

    asects of t"e stud#) ossib!e bias

    &ore e%ident' Eargest sa&!e si?e

    is a ositi%e asect) grounds for

    good o*er 225 subjects *ere

    rando&ised) "o*e%er no

    infor&ation regarding a!!ocation

    grou si?e or dro outs' So&e

    sa&!e si?e justification $ suggested

    a sa&!e si?e of 70 er groua!t"oug" 225 subjects *ere

    rando&ised nterretation of t"is

    stud# is confusing and difficu!t

    *"en ana!#sing stud# resu!ts'

    nter%ention rotoco!s &ost si&i!ar

    to Ea%er# et a! 6200 and as suc"

    t"ese studies are &ore co&arab!e'

    ;ncertain ,ut"or reorti&et"odo!ogica! rigour *as

    ade/uate) e%idence of ossi

    !o* bias' S&a!!est sa&!e s

    no justification suggests st

    be undero*ered) a!t"oug"

    a i!ot' n addition of t"eor

    counse!!ing a!ongside infra

    t"er&o&etr# in t"e inter%e

    &akes it difficu!t to disting

    resu!ts' ou!d t"e t"eor# bacounse!!ing actua!!# "a%e i

    t"e resu!ts negati%e!# ,s t

    t"e on!# stud# not to s"o*

    statistica!!# suorti%e resu

    regarding te&erature &on

    ,!so t"is asect &akes t"e

    !ess co&arab!e to t"e ot"e


    2'2 ,re t"e resu!ts of Patient (rou +argeted Patient (rou +argeted Patient (rou +argeted Patient (rou +argeted

    Page | "2

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    t"e stud# direct!#

    a!icab!e to t"e

    atient grou


    Diabetics at "ig" risk of

    !o*er etre&it#co&!ications

    Kes) subjects recruited fro&

    a "ig" risk c!inic

    Diabetics c!assified as "ig" risk

    for !o*er etre&it#co&!ications


    Diabetics c!assified as "ig" risk for

    !o*er etre&it# co&!ications o) !i&ited genera!isabi!it# $ a!!

    articiants *ere recruited fro&a %eteranCs "ea!t" centret"erefore on!# ;S eterans

    inc!uded' +"is ou!ation &a#be of oorer "ea!t" or "a%esignificant &enta! i!! "ea!t" e'g'increased incidence of ost$trau&atic stress disorder orderession'

    Hig" risk diabetic atie

    uroean aucasian et"origin

    Kes) a!! atients studied

    aucasian and recruitedc!inics and 1 odiatrist i


    2'3 Su&&arise t"e


    conc!usions' ,dd

    an# co&&ents of

    o*n assess&ent

    and an# areas of


    ,ut"orCs onc!usions

    nter%ention grou 6infrared

    t"er&o&etr# \ standard t"era#

    eerienced significant!# fe*er

    diabetic foot co&!ications

    co&ared to contro! to contro!6standard t"era#' esu!ts

    suggest te&erature &onitoring

    &a# be an effecti%e too! to

    re%ent diabetic foot u!ceration

    ,ut"orCs onc!usions

    nter%ention grou 6infrared

    t"er&o&etr# \ standard t"era#

    "ad significant!# fe*er u!cers

    t"an bot" structured grou

    6structured foot ea& \ standardt"era# and contro! grou

    6standard t"era#' esu!ts s"o*

    infrared t"er&o&etr# can ser%e

    as an eas# to use adjuncti%e ear!#

    *arning s#ste& to re%ent

    diabetic foot u!ceration'

    ,ut"orCs onc!usions nter%ention

    grou 6infrared t"er&o&etr# \

    standard t"era# eerienced

    statistica!!# significant fe*er u!cers

    t"an t"e contro! grou 6standard

    t"era#' ncreased te&eraturessee& to redict areas of u!ceration

    and se!f$te&erature &onitoring

    &a# reduce t"e risk of diabetic foot


    ,ut"orCs onc!usions nte

    grou 6infrared t"er&o&etr

    t"eor# based counse!!ing \

    t"era# did not s"o* statis

    significant resu!ts co&are

    contro! grou 6standard t"e

    2' 1o& &ell &as t(e

    stud+ done to

    minimise .ias

    0o& >ualit+ B8-C

    $(i$( ris of .ias

    1i$( >ualit+ B8EEC

    -ver+ lo& ris of .ias

    0o& >ualit+ B8-C

    $(i$( ris of .ias

    !ccepta.le >ualit+ B

    $lo& ris of .ias


    eco&&endation 4ffer te&erature &onitoring de%ices suc" as infraredt"er&o&eters *"en reco&&ending and creating &anage&ent !ans to re%ent



    Page | "'

    Qote nitia!!# t"is araisa! c"eck!ist *as conducted *it"out t"e acco&an#ing notes 6aendi 3c> ans*ers *ere inconsistent and based so!e!# on t"e assu&tions of set

    standard /uestions and set ans*ers *it" !itt!e c!arit# $ as suc" so&e different resu!ts *ere obtained *"ereb# t*o of t"e studies *ere graded a "ig"er /ua!it# 6Ea%er# et a!) 200 and

    ,r&strong et a!) 2007' -o!!o*ing identification of t"e assistant notes) t"e c"eck!ist *as reeated and found different 6t"e current outco&es' Ea%er# et a! 62007 and Skafje!d et a!

    62015 *ere unc"anged fro& t"e first ti&e 6"ig" /ua!it# and accetab!e /ua!it# resecti%e!#> "o*e%er t"e ot"er t*o studies *"ic" *ere re%ious!# of accetab!e /ua!it# *ere

    do*ngraded to !o* /ua!it#' +"is *i!! i&act t"e re%ie* outco&e'

    Honours Project MHB913252 S1218907

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    Appendi* /0Eiterature e%ie* +ab!es

    1/ibliogra&hiccitationand itle


    uber of(atients



    Inter!ention Study Methods engthof




    (a%ery> (? A?>@iggins> ? R?>

    (anctot> D? R?>


    +? P?> Bamorano>

    R? +?> Armstrong>

    D? +?> et al? 788/?


    monitoring of foot

    skin temperature

    to pre%ent


    + $,



    63 dro

    outs 1





    1 6 dro

    outs 37



    Particiants adu!ts618$80'

    Mean %a!ues

    Standard +"era#

    ,ge 5'8

    = Men 52'3

    Diabetes duration

    12'7 #ears

    ,&utation Histor#

    1 isk categor# &ean




    2 +reat&ent (rous

    (rou 1 Standard +"era# $

    i'i' +"eraeutic foot*ear

    ii' Diabetic foot education

    iii' %er# 10$12 *eeks recei%ed a foot e%a!uation

    conducted b# a odiatrist'

    (rou 2 n"anced +"era#

    Standard t"era# 6i)ii)iii

    Pre stud# neuro!ogica! assess&ent

    conducted using %ibrator# ercetion

    t"res"o!d 6P+ to identif# sensor#

    neuroat"#' P+ @25 defined resence

    of neuroat"#'

    Pre stud# %ascu!ar assess&ent inc!uded

    a!ation of eda! u!ses) bot" dorsa!is

    edis and osterior tibia!' f one or bot"

    u!ses *ere not a!ab!e t"en t"e subject

    *as ec!uded'

    Patients *ere enro!!ed if t"e# "ad

    $ Diabetes 6does not state t#e of

    diabetes inc!uded or ='

    $&et t"e "ig" risk rofi!e for t"e

    . &ont"s


    s e%a!uated at

    base!ine and

    again at t"e

    end of t"e


    Pri&ar# 4utco&e 2foot complications

    e'g' incidence of

    foot ulceration?

    nfection) c"arcot

    foot and a&utation

    6additiona! but not

    riorit# outco&es'

    Secondar# 4utco&e



    &easured %ia s"ort

    for& "ea!t" sur%e#

    6S-$3. re and

    ost stud#'

    -or a!! ana!#sis a

    significance !e%e! of

    ^ 0'05 6intention to

    treat basis'

    ,na!#sis of ariance

    6,4, *as used

    to e%a!uate

    continuous %ariab!es

    bet*een t"e treat&ent


    -is"erCs eact test

    *as used to e%a!uate

    dic"oto&ous%ariab!es an odds

    ratio of 95=

    confidence inter%a!


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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

    ,ge 55

    = Men 8'8

    Diabetes duration


    ,&utation "istor#


    isk categor# &ean



    n"anced +"era# $ Pro%ided *it" a "and"e!d

    infrared skin t"er&o&eter 6+e&+ouc"

    recorded in a !og book'

    $+e&erature &onitoring of bot" feet on plantar

    aspect at . sites 6"a!!u) 1st) 3rdA 5t"&et "eads)

    centra! &id foot and "ee!

    $, difference of 2'2 degrees ce!cius bet*een one

    foot and t"e contra!atera! foot indicated subjects

    "as to contact a stud# nurse and reduce nu&ber of

    stoes carried out unti! t"e te&erature difference

    *as reduced'

    $Monitoring of foot in t"e &orning and e%ening

    $f an area "ad been a&utated t"en an adjacent

    area *as used for &easure&ent

    $f a site "ad ca!!us it *as sti!! used as a site for


    de%e!o&ent of a diabetic foot u!cer'

    Hig" risk *as defined as "a%ing diabetes)

    a "istor# of foot u!ceration or !o*er !i&b

    a&utation) resence of eri"era!

    sensor# neuroat"# *it" !oss of

    rotecti%e sensation) e%idence of a foot

    defor&it# t"is is re%ious!# identified

    risk factors for foot u!cersNa&utations'

    nc!usion riteria

    $:or!d Hea!t" 4rganisation 6:H4

    criteria for diagnosis of Diabetes'

    $Must be ab!e to gi%e infor&ed consent

    $,du!ts aged 18$80'

    $Diabetic foot risk c!assification s#ste&

    deter&ined b# nternationa! Diabetic

    :orking (rou articiants &ust be

    grou 2 or 3'

    c!usion riteria

    $Presence of oen *ounds

    $4en a&utation sites

    $,cti%e c"arcot ,rt"roat"#

    $Peri"era! %ascu!ar disease

    $acti%e foot infection


    $i&aired cogniti%e function

    $"istor# of a!co"o! or drug abuse *it"in

    t"e re%ious #ear'

    General comments:

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    Aim0 )%aluate ho$ effecti%e an at home infrared temperature tool $as to impro%e clinical outcome and functional status of dia!etics $ith high risk feet and $hether it $as a useful early $arning tool of

    inflammation and tissue in&ury possi!ly leading foot complications?

    Results0 enhanced therapy group had fe$er dia!etic complications 1; ulcer5 compared to 6 ulcers> 7 incidents of charcot foot and 7 incidents of foot infection $hich reCuired amputation in the standard therapy

    group this $as statistically significant P28?8;? Patients in standard therapy group $ere more likely to de%elop a foot complication compared to the enhanced therapy group !y ;8?.9 1=49 ,I ;?73?.5?

    Secondary outcome of functional status 1measured !y S". infection and charcot arthropathy no mention as to definitionGclassification of ulceration e?g? a foot ulcer as measured !y

    HagnerGTe*as classification therefore $hat they classify as an ulcer> other studies may not? Appro%al from ethics committee not mentioned? +ood use of %isual graph sho$ing daily temperature measurements

    in a patient that did not ulcerate compared to a patient $ho did? (imitations of study mentioned e?g? longer follo$ up $ould !e preferred and that the outcomes sho$n may !e as a result of increased %igilanceG

    increased foot inspection in those using the physical temperature monitoring de%ice? Suggestions regarding future studies made e?g? consider randomising to a . rdpatient group in%ol%ing acti%e screening?

    Inter%ention Detail0 standard therapy procedure not e*plained in detail $hat did the dia!etic foot education consist of Hhat type of foot$ear and insoles $ere issued did each participant recei%e standardfoot$earGinsoles or $ere they customised Did patients record ho$ long they $ore shoes for daily Inter%entions of foot$ear> dia!etic foot education and use of temperature monitoring tool relies on patient

    compliance? Recording of measurements in log!ook relies on participant honesty? )*planation of ho$ temperature monitoring tool $orks not gi%en?


    citationand itle





    Inter!ention StudyMethods

    ength of




    (a%ery> (? A?>

    @iggins> ? R?>

    (anctot> D? R?>,onstantinides>

    +? P?> Bamorano>

    R? +?>

    Athanasiou> ?

    A?> et al? 7886?

    + 173


    +"era# 58

    $ 52



    . dros outs

    Particiants adu!ts 618$


    Mean %a!ues

    Standard +"era#

    ,ge .5

    = Men 53'

    3 +reat&ent (rous

    , edo&eter *as issued to a!! stud# articiants to

    record t"eir dai!# acti%it# in a !og book'

    (rou 1 Standard +"era#

    i'Eo*er !i&b ea&ination e%er# 8 *eeks



    conducted using

    P+ and 10g


    testing nu&ber

    of sites *it"

    reduced sensation

    out of 10'

    15 &ont"s Pri&ar# 4utco&e

    resence of foot

    u!ceration used


    criteria to &easure


    Secondar# 4utco&e

    dai!# use of

    -or a!! ana!#ses

    !e%e! of ^ 0'0

    obser%ation car

    6E4- *as us

    intent to treat b

    ,na!#sis of ar

    6,4, for i

    sa&!es *as us

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    HonoursProject MHB913252 S1218907

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    dia!etic foot

    ulcer recurrence

    in high risk


    $3 fro&



    $3 %o!untar#

    dro out




    +"era# 5.




    . dro outs

    $ fro&



    $2 %o!untar#

    dro outs


    +"era# 59




    10 dro outs

    $ fro&



    $. %o!untar#dro outs

    +#e 2 Diabetes 5.

    Diabetes duration 13'7

    ,&utation "istor# 18

    Structured -oot


    ,ge .'2

    = Men 51'7

    +#e 2 diabetes 53

    Diabetes duration 13'8

    ,&utation "istor# 1

    n"anced +"era#

    ,ge .5'

    = Men 55'9

    +#e 2 diabetes 55

    Diabetes duration 13'7

    ,&utation "istor# 13

    ii'Patient education rogra& %ia %ideotae addressing

    aetio!og# of diabetic foot u!cers) t"e risk factors) safe

    se!f$care ractices and *"at ear!# *arning signs to !ook


    iii' +"eraeutic inso!es and foot*ear *"ic" *ere

    regu!ar!# e%a!uated b# a odiatrist to assess *"et"er an#

    needed to be re!acedNreaired'

    egu!ar foot insection *as ad%ised and if an# areas of

    concern *ere identified t"en t"e# *ere to contact t"e

    stud# nurse *"o contacted t"e in%estigator *it"out

    re%ea!ing treat&ent grou assign&ent'

    (rou 2 Structured -oot a&ination

    Standard +"era# 6i)ii)iii


    Structured -oot a&ination trained to be ab!e to

    carr# out a foot ea&ination t*ice dai!# using a &irror

    to %isua!ise difficu!t %ie*ing areas of t"e foot e'g'

    !antar asect'

    4bjecti%e *as to identif# an# redness) disco!ouration)

    $armth !y palpation'

    ecording of nor&a! and abnor&a! obser%ations *as

    conducted in a !og book 6to ro%ide a rotoco! for

    e%a!uation *it" t"e additiona! of icture


    , se!f$ea&ination c"eck!ist "ad to be co&!eted toensure a!! e!e&ents of t"e foot ea&ination *ere


    ,d%ised to contact stud# nurse of an# abnor&a!





    a!ation of eda!

    u!ses) using t"e

    Do!er and




    $Diagnosis of


    $,bi!it# to

    ro%ide infor&ed


    $,du!ts aged 18$

    80$, "istor# of foot


    $,BP @ 0'70



    $4en *ound

    $4en a&utation

    $,cti%e c"arcot



    eri"era! arteria!


    $-oot infection


    rescribed s"oes

    and inso!es

    &easured using a


    /uestionnaire at t"e

    end of t"e stud#

    ordina! sca!e to

    identif# !e%e! of use

    e'g' L "ours dai!#



    on continuous t


    $an odds ratio

    o&arison of

    de%e!o a foot

    re!ation to treat


  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx



    (rou 3 n"anced +"era#

    Standard t"era# 6i)ii)iii


    n"anced +"era# trained to use a digita! infrared

    t"er&o&eter 6+e&+ouc"' , standardised %ideotae

    *as used to train eac" articiant) fo!!o*ed b#

    articiant de&onstration back to t"e stud# nurse on

    "o* to use t"e t"er&o&eter correct!#' ecorded foot

    te&eratures in a !ogbook *it" ictoria! reresentations'

    $+e&erature &onitoring of bot" feet on t"e plantar

    aspectat . sites 6Ha!!u) 1st) 3rdA 5t"&et "eads) &idfoot

    and t"e "ee!

    $ f an area "ad been a&utated t"en an adjacent area

    *as used for &easure&ent'

    , difference of 2'2 degrees ce!cius fro& one footco&ared *it" t"e sa&e site on t"e ot"er foot for @2

    da#s t"en articiants "ad to contact t"e stud# nurse and

    decrease acti%it# unti! t"e te&eratures returned to


    General comments:

    Aim0 )%aluate the effecti%eness of an at home temperature monitoring tool to help high risk dia!etics identify inflammation and areas of their feet $hich are prone to ulceration !efore an ulcer actuall

    Results0 the enhanced therapy group had significantly fe$er incidences of ulceration> J/ fold decrease risk of ulcers 13?495 4 ulcers? In comparison to standard therapy 17=?.95 and structured thera

    !oth had ;6 ulcerations each essentially identical? aplan:eier sur%i%al analysis sho$ed that the enhanced therapy e*pressed a longer mean time to de%elop an ulcer 1/7=?4 days5 compared to stan

    therapy 1.63?4 days5 and structured therapy 1.66?. days5 the o%erall difference !et$een time to de%elop ulcers !y treatment groups $as statistically significant using log rank test 1P28?8;;5? @o$e%er

    no difference !et$een the standard and structured therapy for time to ulcerate 1P28?=;85? The enhanced therapy group $as statistically different from !oth the standard therapy 1P28?884=5 and struct

    therapy 1P28?88445 in time to ulceration? The test for trend found the enhanced therapy group to !e superior and had a statistically significant trend of sur%i%al compared to standard or structured the

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    1P28?8;865? Selfreported daily use of prescri!ed shoes and insoles sho$ed good compliance in all . treatment groups no statistical difference in participants $ho $ore the shoes and insoles for at leas

    per day among treatment groups 1standard therapy 3=?49> structured foot therapy 6.?79 and enhanced therapy 3.?895> PJ8?86;?Participants in the enhanced therapy$ho $ere compliant$ith asse

    recording foot temperatures 489 of the time $ere less likely to ulcerate 1OR 48?8> PK8?88;5 $hich $as statistically significant? Of those $ho de%eloped an ulcer in the enhanced therapy> 389 did not co

    temperature monitoring and participants $ho did not de%elop an ulcer> =79 assessed and recorded their foot temperatures at least 489 of the time? In the structured therapy there $as no statistical d

    compliance of recording daily foot assessments in those $ho ulcerated 1/6?;95 and those $ho did not ulcerate 1/.? on a%erage> !ased on pedometer acti%ity> $hene%er an ele%ated tempe

    identified there $as a 4;?79 decrease in physical acti%ity?

    Study :ethods0 Patient characteristics $ere similar at !aseline 1not statistically significant5? +oodGlarge sample siEe 1;6.5 ;4; completed study total of 77 drop outs $hich $ere e*plained as either %

    $ith reasons gi%en e?g? too much to do or due to ad%erse e%ents $ith reasons gi%en e?g? foot trauma :I etc? -ustification of sample siEe $as gi%en and e*plained $as calculated on the !asis of the amo

    su!&ects e*pected to ulcerate o%er ;4 months? Planned to ha%e allocation of participants to groups $as then sealed in opaCue en%elopes

    concealment? Single !lind study physician !linded 1unfeasi!le to !lind participants due to manual use of temp monitoring tool etc5 participants $ere instructed not to discuss their group allocation

    help maintain !linding? +ood length of follo$ up 1;4 months5?Study $as appro%ed !y hospital re%ie$ !oard? Recruitment of participants not mentioned $here $ere they recruited from mentions i

    multicentre trial !ut doesnLt gi%en any more details? Inclusion and e*clusion criteria mentioned a!ility to pro%ide informed consent $as mentioned as a prereCuisite for inclusion ho$e%er there $as n

    mention if informed consent $as actually o!tained? Primary outcome of foot ulceration $hich $as defined using pre%iously esta!lished criteria #ni%ersity of Te*as Hound ,lassification? No strengths

    limitations of the study addressed? No suggestions a!out impro%ing future studies in this research area?

    Inter%ention detail0 Standard Therapy0 no e*planation of ho$ lo$er e*tremity e%aluation $as carried outG$hat it consisted of? Patient education program e*plained in further detail %ideotape used t

    standardisation? Therapeutic foot$ear and insoles mentioned did each participant recei%e standard foot$earGinsoles Here they customised or prefa!ricated +ood that they e%aluated ho$ long p

    foot$ear for daily? Hhen patients inspected their feet did they record findings in a log!ook Daily acti%ity $as monitored !y a pedometer to pro%ide figures on ho$ much people $alked recorded in l

    Structured "oot )*am Therapy0 trained to conduct a structured foot e*amination o!ser%ational only> ho$ $as this e*plained to participants Did they each recei%e the same standard training Reco

    log!ook $ith pictures for help and had to complete a checklist of elements included in selfe*amination? Purpose of log!ook $as to pro%ide structured e%aluation and to %erify that the e*amination $as

    )nhanced therapy0 trained use of temperature monitoring tool $as standardised !y use of a %ideotape to teach participants ho$ to correctly use it follo$ed !y study nurse e%aluating if they used it c

    Information of ho$ the temperature monitoring tool $orks $as gi%en? Inter%entions of patient education> therapeutic foot$earGinsoles> foot inspection> structured foot e*amination and use of temperat

    reCuires patient compliance? Recording of measurements in log!ook relies on participant honesty?

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    3/ibliogra&hiccitationand itle


    uber of&atients

    (atientcharacteristics Inter!ention StudyMethods ength offollo, u&

    'utcoeeasures Statistical

    Armstrong> D?

    +?> @oltE

    Neiderer> ?>

    Hendel> ?>

    :ohler> -?>

    im!riel> @? R?>

    M (a%ery> (? A?





    reduces the risk

    for dia!etic foot

    ulceration in high

    risk patients

    + 225 Particiants adu!t


    Mean a!ues

    Standard +"era#

    ,ge .9'7

    Se = 9'7 6is t"is &a!eor fe&a!e

    Diabetes duration 12'.


    Hb,1c = 7'

    euroat"# \ !oss of

    sensation 100=

    etinoat"# 3'2=

    n"anced +"era#

    ,ge .8'2

    Se = 98'2 6is t"is &a!e

    or fe&a!e Diabetes duration 13'.


    Hb,1c = 8'1

    euroat"# \ !oss of

    sensation 100=

    2 +reat&ent (rous

    (rou 1 Standard +"era# 6ontro!

    i'+"eraeutic foot*ear

    ii'Diabetic foot education

    iii'egu!ar foot care

    i%' , structured foot assess&ent *as to be

    conducted dai!# and findings recorded in a!ogbook' f an# abnor&a!ities *ere detected

    t"en t"e# *ere to contact t"e stud# co$

    ordinator as soon as ossib!e'

    (rou 2 Der&a! +"er&o&etr#

    6n"anced +"era#

    Standard t"era# 6i)ii)iii)i%


    n"anced t"era# using an infrared skint"er&o&eter 6+e&+ouc"

    $+e&erature &onitoring of bot" feet at . sites

    6not stated) t*ice dai!#'

    nc!usion riteria

    $+#e 2 diabetes

    6recei%ing foot care at

    t"e Sout"ern ,ri?ona ,

    Hea!t" are S#ste&

    $,ges 18$80

    $isk ategor# 2or 3 of

    t"e nternationa! -oot

    isk !assification


    c!usion riteria

    $,cti%e oen u!cers

    $,&utation sites

    $-oot infection

    $,cti%e c"arcot


    $Se%ere eri"era!

    %ascu!ar disease 6non$

    a!ab!e eda! u!ses or

    ,BP L0'8 on eit"er


    $De&entia or i&aired






    s *ere




    u at 3)


    and 18


    Pri&ar# 4utco&e

    -oot u!cer


    6roortion of

    articiants to

    de%e!o an# t#e of

    foot u!cer' $,n

    u!cer *as defined as

    t"e full thicknessloss of the

    epidermis or

    dermis $ith or


    in%ol%ement of the

    deeper structures

    $Pri&ar# endoint

    *as nu&ber of

    atients in t"e

    grous de%e!oing

    an# kind of foot


    4bjecti%e to

    e%a!uate "o*

    effecti%e a se!f$


    -or a!! ana!#ses a sta

    significance of ^ 5

    -or e%a!uation of de

    outco&e differences

    grous e'g' ti&e to in

    u!ceration roducing

    contro!!ing for co%ar

    Hb,1c) "istor# of aco roortiona! "a?


    Ste*ise &ode!!ing

    used to se!ect co%ari

    b# i!ot stud# e%iden


    %a!uation of otenti

    dic"oto&ous associa

    s/uared test *as use

    %a!uation of skin te

    differences 6co&are

    oosite foot at t"e

    u!ceration in t"e *ee

    an# reu!ceration and

    a 1 *eek sa&!e of 5

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    etinoat"# 23'=

    $, te&erature difference of @2'2 degrees

    ce!cius bet*een rig"t and !eft foot indicated

    atients to contact t"e stud# co$ordinator and

    *ere ad%ised to reduce t"eir acti%it# unti! t"e

    te&eratures returned to nor&a!'

    $e!ained an abso!ute Inor&a!J skin

    te&erature !e%e! *ou!d be difficu!t to identif#

    due to diabetic disease rocesses'

    cogniti%e function

    $,cti%e drug or a!co"o!

    abuse *it"in !ast #ear

    $&aired sig"t 6unab!e

    to read t"e big 2'5c&

    screen on t"e digita!


    $;nab!e to *a!k *it"out

    assistance of *"ee!c"air

    or crutc"es


    &onitoring too! to

    reduce incidence of

    diabetic foot u!cers'


    objecti%es t"e

    effect of

    inter%ention on

    u!cer t#e) "ea!t"

    re!ated /ua!it# of

    !ife) se!f$efficac#)

    care satisfaction and

    acti%it# &odu!ation'

    sa&!ed subjects t"a

    u!ceration a Mann$

    *as used'

    General comments:

    Aim0 )%aluate ho$ effecti%e an at home infrared temperature monitoring tool $as in reducing the incidence of foot complications in high risk dia!etic patients at risk of foot ulceration? Study tested h

    home temperature monitoring $ould reduce ulcer incidence and positi%ely influence Cuality of life related to health> selfefficacy> care satisfaction and acti%ity modification not addressed in results> to

    in future studies

    Results0 in total there $ere ;= ulcers o%er the ;3 months 2 3?/9? @o$e%er in the enhanced therapy group had fe$er incidences of ulceration 14 /?695 compared to the standard therapy group 1;/ ;

    .?8> ,I ;?83?4> P28?8.3? In addition> the enhanced therapy group $as associated $ith a longer time to ulceration compared to standard therapy group> 1P28?8/5? In addition> proportional standards re

    indicated that age> ele%ated foot ulcer classification 1risk category .5 and minority status $ere associated $ith Cuicker time to ulceration than enhanced therapy group> these $as statistically significan

    P28?8;> P28?;5 respecti%ely? Of patients that did ulcerate> there $as a temperature difference !et$een the affected foot and contralateral lim! of a /?3 increase at the site of ulceration ; $eek !efore the

    de%eloped than in a random 6 consecuti%e day sample of 48 su!&ects $ho did not ulcerate 1P28?88;5?

    Study :ethods0 Patient characteristics $ere similar at !aseline 1not statistically significant> PJ8?845? Participants $ere all %eterans $ith dia!etes specific population group states they are a potentia

    risk population group does this limit generaliEa!ility +oodGlarge sample siEe 774 largest out of all the studies? No mention of ho$ many completed the study as drop outs $ere not mentioned? )*

    sample siEe $as gi%en> calculated on the !ases that $ithin ; year> up to 689 of patients $ith foot ulcer history reulcerate? Felie%ed incidence of ulceration $ould !e 689 in standard therapy and !et$e

    enhanced therapy? In this study for an estimated sample siEe of 68 per group 12total 7;8 participants 774 in study5> a log rank test for eCuality of sur%i%al cur%es $ould ==9 po$er to detect /89 dif

    po$er for a .89 difference and 3.9 po$er for 749 difference? Interim analyses not performed? No esta!lishment of stopping rules? Randomisation mentioned to the allocation of the 7 groups0 no nu

    regarding allocation of randomisation? Process of randomisation gi%en patients $ere consented then randomisation generated %ia a randomised assignment list !y !iostatistician? ,oncealment of ran

    not mentioned? Single !linding physician !linded 1unfeasi!le to !lind participants due to manual use of temp monitoring tool etc?5 participants $ere instructed not to discuss their group allocation i

    help maintain !linding? During diagnostic e%aluation> the treating physician ne%er conducted temperature monitoring? +ood length of follo$ up 1;3 months longest compared to other studies5? Recru

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    mentioned from Southern AriEona A @ealth ,are system single centre trial? :entions that patients $ere consented? No mention of ethics appro%al? Inclusion and e*clusion criteria mentioned0 li

    inclusion criteria? Patients $ith sight impairment 1una!le to read thermometer screen5 $ere mentioned as an e*clusion criterion ho$e%er in patient characteristics it states that 7.9 and ./9 of partici

    enhanced and structured therapy groups respecti%ely had retinopathy? Outcome measurements0 study definition of $hat they percei%e to !e an ulcer gi%en no use of Hagner classification $hich also i

    infectionGischaemia? Some limitations of study addressed e?g? underestimated the sample siEe reCuired? Suggestions for future studies mentioned multicentre trial o%er a longer time period and studies

    Cuality of life> functional status> selfefficacy> care satisfaction and cost as this $as not addressed in current study?

    Inter%ention Detail0 Standard therapy procedures not e*plained in detail no e*planation as to $hat type of therapeutic foot$ear $as issued> standardised for e%ery patient or customised Did patient

    long they $ore shoes for daily No e*planation as to ho$ patients recei%ed dia!etic foot education or process of regular foot care? Participants $ere instructed to perform a structured foot e*aminatio

    findings in a log!ook ho$ $as this e*plained to participants to !e carried out Information of ho$ the temperature monitoring tool $orks $as gi%en? Inter%entions reCuire patient compliance? Recor

    log!ook relies on patient honesty?


    citationAnd itle






    Inter!ention StudyMethods

    ength offollo, u&



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    Skaf&eld> A?>

    I%ersen> :? :?>

    @olme> I?> Ri!u>

    (?> @%aal> ?> M

    ilho%d> F? ?


    A pilot study

    testing the

    feasi!ility of skin


    monitoring to

    reduce recurrent

    foot ulcers in

    patients $ith

    dia!etes a

    feasi!ility study4

    + 1


    +"era# 20




    6no dro outs


    +"era# 21




    63 %o!untar#

    dro outs

    Particiants adu!ts


    ,!! articiants


    Mean a!ues

    Standard +"era#

    ,ge 59'

    = Men 75

    Diabetes duration


    +#e 1+#e 2


    Hb,1c = 7'9

    BM 31'1

    etinoat"# = 7

    Mu!ti!e u!cer"istor# 6= 85

    n"anced +"era#

    ,ge 57'1

    = Men 8.

    Diabetes duration


    +#e 1+#e 2


    Hb,1c = 8'3

    BM 31'

    etinoat"# = 0

    Mu!ti!e u!cer

    "istor# 6= .5

    2 +reat&ent (rous

    (rou 1 Standard


    i'Dai!# foot insection 6!antar) dorsu&

    and interdigita! record in a !og book and

    contact stud# nurse of an# c"anges)

    inc!uding ne* u!cer' ,d"erence to foot

    insection *as recorded as a = of da#s

    *it" a c"eck indicating foot insection'

    ii'usto&ised foot*ear ad%ised to

    a!*a#s *ear it

    -or genera! &edica! and diabetes care) t"e#

    *ere sti!! ab!e to contact t"eir genera!

    ractitioners did (Ps kno* t"e# *ere

    art of a stud#

    (rou 2 n"anced +"era#


    Standard +"era# 6i)ii


    n"anced t"era# using digita! infrared

    t"er&o&eter 6+e&+ouc" &onitoring foot

    te&erature' +"e stud# nurse e!ained t"e

    urose of t"e t"er&o&eter and "o* to use


    $+e&erature &onitoring of !antar asect

    of bot" feet at . sites 6not stated

    recorded in a !og book dai!#' ,d"erence to

    te&erature &onitoring *as recorded as a



    $Diagnosis of

    t#e 1 or t#e

    2 diabetes

    $,ges 18$80$isk categor#

    grou 3 of

    Diabetes -oot





    "istor# of foot

    u!cer and



    $Must becaab!e of




    $Must be

    caab!e of

    co&!eting a



    $Had to be

    *i!!ing to

    erfor& foot


    te&erature if

    assigned to

    suc" grou


    1 #ear

    $!inica! ea&inations

    erfor&ed b# ort"oaedic

    surgeon and

    endocrino!ogist at base!ine

    and end of t"e stud# 6:aist

    circu&ference) bod#

    *eig"t) "eig"t base!ine

    on!# to ca!cu!ate BM and

    an etensi%e foot

    ea&ination *as

    conducted a!ation of

    u!ses' ,BP) bone) feet

    skin and nai! c"anges)

    neuro!ogica! assess&ent

    6P+ and &onofi!a&ent'

    $%a!uation at base!ine and

    fo!!o* u %isits e%er# 3&ont"s

    :"ere assess&ent of

    subjectCs readiness to

    record skin foot

    te&eratures took !ace

    according to ++M stages'

    -o!!o*ed b#

    $+ai!or stage based


    5 stages

    1' ot using t"et"er&o&eter and does not

    intend to'

    2' +"inking about using it)

    but not in t"e near future'

    Pri&ar# outco&e

    foot u!cer


    c!assification b#

    t"e Hagner "oot

    System? +"is *as

    a!so t"e stud#



    sta#ed in t"e

    stud# unti! t"e#

    u!cerated or unti!

    t"e end of t"e


    $,t base!ine and

    end of stud#)




    infor&ation on



    %ariab!es 6age)

    se) !i%ing




    status) !ifest#!e


    diabetes re!atedinfor&ation 6t#e

    and duration of


    associated "ea!t"

    rob!e&s) "istor#

    -or a!! ana!#ses a sta

    significance of t*o$s

    ntention to treat basi

    Monitoring of foot sk

    te&erature *as di%i

    L80= or @80=

    -or grou co&ariso

    continuous %ariab!es

    BM) *aist circu&fe

    Hb,1c) duration of d

    ,BP $ indeendent s

    tests *ere used'

    -or araisa! of t"e e

    inter%ention on t"e n

    subjects *it" a foot u

    eact test *as used'

    o&arison of t"e t

    regarding foot u!cer


  • 7/25/2019 DISSERTATION Critical Review Assignment 1.docx


    = of da#s *it" foot te&erature

    &easure&ents recorded in !ogbook'

    $, te&erature difference of @2'0 degrees

    ce!cius fro& one foot to t"e oosite at t"e

    sa&e site for t*o consecuti%e da#s t"en

    t"e# *ere ad%ised to contact stud# nurse

    and to &ini&ise "#sica! acti%it# unti!

    te&eratures L2'0'

    $ecord dai!# "#sica! acti%it# using a

    Ste$ounter in a !ogbook during first



    +"eor# based counse!!ing suorting t"e

    te&erature &onitoring e%er# 3 &ont"s

    inc!usion of




    $4en u!cers$,cti%e c"arcot






    eda! u!ses or

    ,BP L0'7

    3':i!! begin to use it

    ' Started to use it) but not

    on a regu!ar basis 6L80=

    of t"e ti&e'

    5' ;sing t"er&o&eter

    regu!ar!# 6@80= of t"e


    of foot u!ceration)

    "istor# of

    a&utation and



    $4n co&!etion

    of stud#) subjects

    a!so co&!eted a


    regarding use of



    General comments:

    Aim0 Test the feasi!ility of foot temperature monitoring in com!ination $ith theory !ased counselling to standard foot care to reduce or pre%ent dia!etic foot ulcer recurrence?

    Results0 Throughout the study> the enhanced therapy group e*perienced fe$er incidences of foot ulceration 16 ulcers .=95 compared to standard therapy group 1;8 ulcers 4895> ho$e%er this $as

    statistically significant P28?4.7?Also the time to de%elop a foot ulcer did not differ significantly !et$een the t$o groups 1P28?/86> chisCuared at 8? ;/ su!&ects 1 ;/ su!&ects 16895 also recorded foot o!ser%ations J389 of the time? In the enhanced therapy group there $as no as

    !et$een temperature monitoring J389 of the time compared to K389 of the time and foot ulcer occurrence time? In the enhanced therapy group> 3 su!&ects e*perienced increased foot temperatures

    su!&ects 14895 contacted the study nurse $ith these concerns? and in the standard therapy group> ;7 su!&ects o!ser%ed foot changes of $hich / 1..95 contacted the study nurse? None of these partici

    e*perienced foot ulceration? In the enhanced therapy group> 4 su!&ects 17/95 $ore customised foot$ear for J;7h per day compared to 6 su!&ects 1.495 in the standard therapy> ho$e%er this $as not s

    significant 1P28?3435?

    Study :ethods0 Patient characteristics $ere e*tensi%e and similar at !aseline the only statistically significant difference !et$een groups $as in the urinary al!uminGcreatinine ratio 1789 and as they ha%e an a

    increased risk of recurrence? No mention ho$ concealment of randomisation $as carried out? All study procedures $ere performed in the same setting Dia!etes clinic at Oslo uni%ersity hospital? Sing

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    study physician !linded 1unfeasi!le to !lind participants due to manual use of temp monitoring tool etc5 ho$ $as !linding maintained No mention that su!&ects $ere instructed not to discuss their

    allocation? +ood length of follo$ up 1; year5? Recruitment mentioned < dia!etic outpatient centres and ; podiatrist in Oslo? Study states patients recei%ed full confidentiality and all participants ga%e

    $ritten consent? )thics appro%al $as gained? Inclusion and e*clusion criteria mentioned0 slight !ias as patients had to !e $illing to measure foot temperature if they $ere randomised to that group to !

    @a%ing ischaemia $as an e*clusion criterion measured !y nonpalpa!le pulses and AFPI K8?6> ho$e%er to !e categorised as ischaemic AFPI is usually K8?4 possi!ly e*cluded non ischaemic patients

    measure of foot ulceration $as classified using Hagner scale standardised method that is uni%ersally used therefore can !e generalised? (imitations of study mentioned e?g underpo$ered and it is not

    comparison due to use of thermometer and theory !ased counselling? Suggestions of future studies to conduct large scale inter%entions in this area to impro%e patient !eha%iour and foot ulcer recurren

    Inter%ention Detail0 Standard therapy0 in foot inspection> no information gi%en on $hat patients $ere told to !e looking for e?g? colour> foot temperature palpation etc Did the nurse use %isual aids or

    sho$ them typical $arning signs of foot ulceration Participants $ere ad%ised to $ear customised foot$ear $ere these made as part of the inter%ention and therefore standardised to each su!&ect of t

    had participants already !een issued $ith foot$ear pre%iously If so> ho$ old $ere these Some participantLs foot$ear may ha%e !een in !etter condition than others? In the enhanced therapy su!&ects

    trained to use thermometer and to conduct daily selfmonitoring of skin temperatures ho$ $as this conducted> %er!ally or %ia standardised %ideotape :inimal information gi%en regarding ho$ the

    temperature monitoring tool $orks? No recording of daily acti%ity therefore $hen temperatures ele%ated> ho$ can in%estigators !e sure su!&ects reduced their acti%ity !y half? Inter%entions reCuire pa

    compliance? Recording %ia log!ook relies on patient honesty?

    Appendi* 404S4+ 2010 ;sed to &ro%e eorting of ando&ised ontro!!ed +ria!s and to ,ssist eaders in ritica! ,raisa!

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