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District Newsletter March 2015 (English)

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This is the English version of Rotaract District 7030's Newsletter for March 2015
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Rotaract District 7030 Newsletter March 2015 Edition

Rotaract District 7030 Newsletter

March 2015 Edition


District Rotaract Representative Message

Rotary International Focus

Get To Know…Your District Club Presidents

Get To Know…Your District Team

District Reminders

Club Stories

I. Rotaract Club of Arima

II. Rotaract Club of Barbados West

III. Rotaract Club of Genesis

IV. Rotaract Club of Pointe-à-Pitre

V. Rotaract Club of University of Guyana

International Focus

I. RYLA North America Conference 2015

II. 2015 Rotary International Convention

Rotaract District Conference 2015

Charter Anniversaries


Our month is here!! During the month of March Rotaractors around the

world celebrate World Rotaract Week. From March 9th to 15th, clubs

within our District will join with other clubs the world over to celebrate

the anniversary of the chartering of the first Rotaract Club on March 13,

1968 in North Carolina, USA.

World Rotaract Week should be seen as an exciting time for all of us. It

provides us the opportunity to plan and execute several projects in the

different avenues of service at a time when the awareness and

promotion of Rotaract is heightened. The opportunity is also present

for us to maximise the level of awareness that is present and use this

opportunity to promote your club and recruit new members.

Rotary International has provided suggestions for clubs to recognise

World Rotaract Week. One suggestion is to celebrate the week with

friends and family. WRW is definitely a celebration of all Rotaract has accomplished over the years it

has been in existence. We should therefore invite others to celebrate this time with us while we

simultaneously promote our clubs. Connecting with Rotaractors worldwide is another suggestion by

RI. All clubs during this week will be focused on activities to promote Rotaract. This therefore

presents an excellent opportunity for clubs to interact with other clubs from around the world. It will

also allow clubs to promote the work of other clubs outside our District and illustrate the extent to

which Rotaract is impacting the lives of others.

Although the cultural activities in Trinidad and Tobago during the month of February made it difficult

for me to visit clubs, I was able to socialise with several Rotaractors who visited for our Carnival

celebrations. These interactions are examples of how Rotaract allows us to share our culture and

traditions with others. In March I will resume my club visits and those I intend to visit will be notified


As we enter the last month in our third quarter, the planning for District Conference continues. The

Rotaract Clubs in Barbados continue to work hard to provide an unforgettable conference experience

for all. From the Conference Newsletter you can immediately see that the schedule and activities are

very different this year. Just like DLT, District Conference will be executed in a totally new manner

and we look forward to providing a productive and fun-filled weekend.

As I close, I want to wish all Rotaractors a happy and productive World Rotaract Week.

Yours in Rotaract,

Vanessa Boyce

District Rotaract Representative 2014-2015

Rotaract District 7030


Literacy Month

As we have all noticed, March has arrived and in the cycle of

the Rotary theme months, March is Literacy Month. When the

concept of theme months commenced back in 1983 literacy

was considered so important that it was the theme to start the

Rotary year and July was the dedicated month. Eventually

Rotary changed Literacy Month because there were a lot of

changes at the club level in July.

Literacy is not only a significant goal for Rotary but it is also a

special goal for Rotary because we know that literacy is a key

factor in overcoming poverty and all that goes with it. Rotary

considers it to be so important that it is one of the 6 areas of

focus for The Rotary Foundations Future Vision – basic

education and literacy.

The statistics are really shocking. UNESCO estimates there are 860 million illiterate adults in the

world and about two thirds of them are women. Millions more are functionally illiterate, without the

reading and writing skills necessary for everyday life. The United Nations has identified illiteracy as a

major obstacle to economic, political, and social development. UNESCO notes that literacy

contributes to peace as it brings people closer to attaining individual freedoms and better

understanding of the world, as well as preventing or resolving conflict. The connection between

literacy and peace can be seen in unstable democracies or in conflict-affected countries where it is

harder to establish or sustain a literate environment.

UNESCO Director General notes that “Education brings sustainability to all the development goals,

and literacy is the foundation of all learning. It provides individuals with the skills to understand the

world and shape it, to participate in democratic processes and have a voice, and also to strengthen

their cultural identity”. I’m quoting from UNESCO as they succinctly identify that “Literacy is a human

right, a tool of personal empowerment and a means for social and human development. Educational

opportunities depend on literacy. I hope that individual clubs will look at how they can make a

difference in raising literacy standards and adopt significant programs that will make a difference.

Read more at: http://www.rotarydistrict9800.org.au/news/2924/march-is-literacy-




Name: Danielle E Morong (President, Rotaract Club of St.

Augustine West)

Age: 28 years old

Nationality: Trinidadian

Birthday: 25th November

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Nature, Scrabble, Old movies and


Degree programme/Occupation: Administrative Assistant & Part

time Field Technician

I joined Rotaract because…

Back in my final year of university I asked myself, what kind of person did I want to be when I graduated?

The answer was someone involved in community service, someone who cared about society and made a

difference to help. I looked for a group I could join and found Rotaract

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract…

Delivering a talk on the health effects of alcohol abuse to young teenagers and having one of them say

that his father had a heart attack because of heavy drinking. He said that he would go home to tell his

father that we (the Club) had said the same thing that the doctor did.

I believe that Rotaract is important because…

It provides a structured approach to community service & volunteerism that gives the individual more

than they expect, namely – friendship, professional development and exposure to different cultures - all

under the ambit of service above self.

Name: Shaakira Gangadeen also known as Shaakira

Mohammed/ Shaaks (President, Rotaract Club of Central

Port of Spain)

Age: a girl never tells her age lol (28)

Nationality: Trinidadian

Birthday: 21st March

Hobbies/Interests: Hiking, “restaurant hopping”

Degree programme/Occupation: BSc. Sociology and

Agribusiness/ Teacher

I joined Rotaract because…

I wanted to find a way to help others and Rotaract provided that avenue for me.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract was…

When we visited an orphanage in the Central area, those children were so happy to spend time with us,

the smile on their faces were definitely worth it. Oh and the year we won the Rotaract Sports Dance past.

I believe that Rotaract is important because…

It offers an opportunity for young adults to give back to the community, while gaining the necessary tools

to become a great leader and human. Rotaract is important because the membership of Rotaract are the

future leaders of the world.



Name: Todd Marcus Johan Denoon (Head ADDR)

Age: 28 years old

Nationality: Trinidad and Tobagonian

Birthday: 09th June 1986

Hobbies/Interests: (working out & being active but not

organised sport) Baking, Netflix (House of Cards Season 3


Degree programme/Occupation: Doctor of Veterinary

Medicine (2016)

I joined Rotaract because...

I was approached by the Rotary club president to be part of the charter membership of my club. It

looked like a great opportunity to travel and grow...I was not wrong.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract was…

Presidents’ Meeting 2009. Rotaract Club of Tobago hosted. Beyond it being the first district event Tobago

hosted on its own, I gained a best friend in then Logistics Chair and current DRR Vanessa Boyce.

I believe that Rotaract is important because…

It provide opportunities to learn about yourself as you develop and to challenge yourself, as well as to

learn about the world and the beautiful people that comprise it.


March 20th- Submission of 25-U Challenge Citation Forms (to DRRE Giselle)

March 25th- Submission of Articles for Newsletter (to DS Kezra)

March 27th -Zone 34 New Generations Award Form (to DRR Vanessa)

April 15th- Third Quarter Quarterly Report Forms (to DRR Vanessa & DS Kezra)

May 10th-Participation in Secretary Initiative (to publish on social media or in print publication)



Rotaract Club of Arima Club Training Session -

Managing Work Relationships Successfully

The Rotaract Club of Arima’s Professional Development Committee held its Training Session on

Saturday 31st January, 2015 at the Arima Town Hall. Its theme was "Managing Work Relationships

Successfully"; its focus was on highlighting the issues and challenges associated with the interaction

amongst individuals with varied personalities in work and Rotaract environments, and the methods

through which they can be managed or overcome.

Members of the Rotaract Clubs of Port of Spain West and Rotaract Club of Mt. Hope were also in


The feature speakers on the day were Mrs. Sumer Edwards and Mrs. Dolores Persaud–Juteram,

President of the Rotary Club of St. Augustine.

Mrs. Sumer Edwards, with her presentation entitled “How do we get along?: Interpersonal

Relationships (IPR’s) & Personalities”, shared some vital information on the following topics:

Definition of “personality”;


Types of relationships within an organisation;

Personality types;

How to manage IPR’s.

Mrs. Persaud –Juteram shared a wealth of knowledge on the history and purpose of Rotary and

Rotaract. She left those in attendance with some inspirational words and reminded us that our purpose

was greater than our personalities and to keep the mantra “Service above Self” close to our hearts

and minds. This training session proved to be an intensive leadership workshop - very informative,

highly motivating and thoroughly well received by all.

Rotaract Club of Arima and Rotaract Club of St Andrew answer the District

Secretary’s Challenge

The District Secretary and all Club Secretaries were invited to engage one Rotaract Club Secretary

from outside of RI Rotaract District 7030, by sharing information about themselves and their Club. The

Rotaract Club of Arima chose to engage itself with this initiative and went about seeking a counterpart

for its Club Secretary from outside of RI Rotaract District 7030.

The Rotaract Club of Arima was able to seek out a willing Rotaract Club from outside of RI Rotaract

District 7030, namely the Rotaract Club of St. Andrew of Kingston, Jamaica in RI Rotaract District 7020,

with its Club Secretary, Marishka-Kaye Massey, agreeing to participate in the Secretary Initiative with

her counterpart of the Rotaract Club of Arima, Nadia Valentine. And so, on Tuesday 30th December

2014, both Club Secretaries were able to exchange their articles via email which included pictures of

themselves, their names, ages, sex, number of years in Rotaract, opinion pieces describing the

uniqueness of their respective Clubs amongst others and accounts of a memorable experience that

they’ve had as Club Secretaries.

The Secretary Initiative itself was largely viewed as a success by all participants and what is more, the

Rotaract Club of Arima was able to engage and interact with a new Club in a spirit of amity and



Scavenger Hunt and Tour

In the month of November we celebrated Barbados’ 48th Independence. The Rotaract Club of

Barbados West, instead of having our usual meeting we decided to do something special. We visited

two historical places on the island, the Historic Bridgetown and the Garrison, which are listed on

UNESCO's world heritage site.

At the Garrison, we were able to visit the Barbados Museum and our self-guided tour as well as a little

imagination, allowed us to travel back in time, throughout the centuries, and get a glimpse of the

island's culture and its environs.

After our tour, we headed to our capital, the beautiful Bridgetown, for a night time scavenger hunt!

There were two teams who were tasked with solving riddles that led to well a known place or

building within our town. The final riddle led us to our Independence Arch which depicts several of

our national emblems and was built in 1987 to commemorate Barbados 21st anniversary of


The Westbury Primary School Receives a Truck Full of Toys from

the Rotaract Club of Barbados West

A primary school in the St. Michael area of Barbados

now has toys for their recreational room. The Rotaract

Club of Barbados West donated bicycles, scooters,

tennis racks, and much more on February 4th,


Principal Mr. Alleyne expressed the school’s gratitude

for the donation, “I was discussing with Staff that I

would love to see the children have tricycles and

bicycles, and we never knew that somebody was

answering our prayers.” The donation came at an ideal

time as the school’s theme for the year is, “Different

Modes of Transportation.”

The school’s recreational room is brighter with the colourful toys for all age groups. One teacher

noted that the room would be fully complete with a painting. The Rotaract Club of Barbados West

acted swiftly and has since received the sponsorship of Berger Paints Barbados Ltd. to paint the room.

The recreational room will be painted in bright colours in the upcoming weeks. Two Barbadian artists

have also joined in their support and will add artistic elements to the room. Rotaractors are happy to

be a part of this initiative, which it hopes will further build a relationship between the Club, the school

and the Westbury community.

The Rotaract Club of Barbados West thanks The Rotary Club of Barbados West for their support in

providing the toys for donation.

Jeremy Stephen talks Practical Economics with the Rotaract Club of Barbados


Barbadians of all ages learned the thinking behind great business ideas and opportunities at the

Rotaract Club of Barbados West’s Financial Series session on Saturday, January 31. Jeremy Stephen,

President of the Barbados Economic Society, presented on the business opportunities that still exist in

today’s economy.

Mr. Stephen advised the participants that “mistakes are valuable experiences” and there is growth in

every mistake that can eventually present an idea. He noted that Barbadians should welcome the

opportunity called “risk”, to find innovative solutions to people’s problems beyond Barbados.

Besides making income from skills one already has, entrepreneurs should examine the daily

challenges people encounter. Notably, there is a move to better health and spending more time with

one’s family. Business solutions can involve offering services or products for longevity and good

health. Secondly, you can create a business that performs tasks such as shopping, paying bills, taxes

or renewing licences.

In addition to meeting society’s needs and demands, ventures that appeal to children have often done

well even during dry economic seasons. Mr. Stephen emphasised the need to create a product or

service that crosses generations in order to make a lasting impact. “Porgie and Murda/Saddis and

Leadpipe has been able to do this! They appeal to different markets.” The interactive Session held at

Guardian General Insurance hosted almost 40 participants.


Secret Santa

This Christmas we choose to celebrate this wonderful time with kids all over the world by giving a

child a chance to feel the joy of opening a present.

The gifts were given wrapped and unwrapped by Rotaractors. There were pictures taken of the

handing over to the happy child and sent to the Genesis email address. The pictures of the project

were collected and edited in a Christmas Memory short movie.

Only Rotaract club Genesis and Rotaract club Georgetown participated at the project. We enjoyed

the happy faces from the children after receiving their presents from the Secret Santa.

Values and Standards Training

On Saturday November 29, 2014, we of

Rotaract Club Genesis had our fourth training

and it was a successful day. We started at

15.00hrs and the turnout was good. This

session was about the values and standards

within our club, and what culture would be

the best to apply to achieve all of our goals.

To know what culture would be the best for

us, we were divided into groups, and each

group chose at least 6 values and 6 standards

that would be of great importance to the club.

Then all the standards and values of all groups were brought together, and the ones that were picked

most would be our new standard that we will have to apply in the club for better results. There were

lots of discussions between members and even that was organized by means of the communication

box full of colours. The person who wanted to speak, had to have the box first and the rest had to

listen attentively. Very important to us as well is that after the training there was a moment of

fellowship with snacks and drinks.



The Speedworking competition is a project organized by the Professional development committee of

the Rotaract Club of Pointe-à-Pitre for the fifth consecutive year.

It allows to choose the three better project leaders among 10 pre-selected candidates who will

convince a multidisciplinary committee and then a final jury composed of different professionals.

The projects are judged on their relevance in various domains: law, accounting, marketing, human

resources as well as on innovation and originality.

With this 2015 edition, we decided to organize besides the competition, a new service which is free

advice to the public of entrepreneurs and project leaders who will be present while others are

presenting their projects.

The objective is to encourage the local initiative and develop the entrepreneurial spirit in

Guadeloupe. The Speedworking project will be a way to fight against the unemployment which often

hit the young generation.

This an occasion for our Club to share a project with Rotarians in Guadeloupe. The name of the 3

prizes are the name of 3 late Rotarians: Guillaume Huart award (Rotaractor), Gerard Penchard award

and Gerard Petit award. This is a way to honour their memories and to give a bigger dimension to our


Jamaican Party

February is a festive month in Guadeloupe, because we celebrate carnival. This is why the Rotaract

club of Pointe-à-Pitre organized on February 6th, a carnival party and the theme was: "Jamaica".

Indeed, in honour of our twinning with the Club Rotaract of Kingston, we decided to represent their

country with our clothes in the local colours, and the various dishes which were proposed.

Thus all our members and close friends were invited at our Carnival party. On the rhythms of

Jamaican music, we could taste altogether a delicious jerk chicken, a typical Jamaican deliquesce.

The Rotaract Club of Pointe-à-Pitre thanks everybody for its presence, the organizers and was very

proud to represent its twinning with the Club Rotaract of Kingston for a night time!

See you all next year for a new Carnival party!


RCUG Victoria Literacy Project

Back for 2015, the Victoria Literacy Project has recommenced on the January 17, 2015. The RCUG

continues to travel to Victoria every Saturday from 10:00 hours for 2 hours in an attempt to ensure that

the pupils in the area continue to treat literacy as a treasure! We also appreciate the dedication of

teachers of the school to the program and we would like to express our gratitude to their contribution

to the development of the youths in the area. It is always great to hear the pupils read along with you

or better read by themselves. We hope that this program will ensure that the children grow to perfect

their comprehension skills since the leadership of the country and the world is resting on the

shoulders of our children. We would also like to express our thanks to COURTS – Guyana; the sole

and major sponsor of the program. Their contribution to the Victoria Literacy project is a Clear

indication of their Commitment to the Development of children in Guyana and securing the success of

our country – Land of Many Waters.


RYLA NORTH AMERICA CONFERENCE 2015 Early Bird Registration ended on December 20 for the 2015 RYLA

North America Conference. So register now at

www.rylanad7620.comThe RYLA North America Conference 2015

Board invites all Rotaractors and RYLArians from North America

and around the world to the 7th annual RYLA North America

Conference in Washington, DC, USA hosted by District

7620.Registration officially opened last month! Be the first to

register! We now have delegates registered from Colombia, Egypt,

France, Guinea, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey and United

States. RYLA North America Conference 2014 featured almost 300

delegates from over 51 different nations from around the world.

Will you join us for 2015?


RYLA North America Conference 2014 (hosted by District 7620)


July 21-26, 2015


George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA


Conference packages starting at USD 400.00

Age of delegates

18 to 30 years old


Washington Reagan National Airport (DCA), Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) & Washington

Dulles International (IAD)

Registration Package

Conference package starting at USD 400.00 which includes five night stay, all conference meals

except Friday lunch & dinner, conference materials, admission to embassy receptions held every

night, special events, and entertainment.

Follow us on twitter at @ryla_na and on Facebook at RYLA North America Conference for all

conference updates. Join our newsletter. We hope to see you in the capital city of the United States of

America in July 2015!

2015 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION In Rotary, we have the opportunity to build bonds of friendship with

fellow Rotarians around the world. And once a year, at our

international convention, we have the chance to get together with all

of our Rotary friends, to share new ideas, plan new service, and just

have fun.

What better way to celebrate the end of the 2014-15 Rotary year, and

Light Up Rotary with your friends, than to travel together to the 106th

annual Rotary International Convention in São Paulo, Brazil? Whether

you have never been to a convention before or are an experienced

convention goer, this will be one you won't want to miss.

Preregistration pricing ends on 31 March, so plan now for the biggest Rotary party of the year.

The convention will begin on Saturday, 6 June, and after the opening ceremony there will be a

traditional Brazilian Carnival party and a Samba School Parade at the Anhembi Sambadrome. Even if

you think you have no rhythm or can't carry a tune, you will find yourself dancing, singing, and

laughing all night long. The party and parade will feature the bright colours, feathers, and sequins of

Carnival costumes as well as the sights and sounds of samba, the Afro-Brazilian music and dance, and

the delicious food and drinks of São Paulo.

On Monday night, Ivete Sangalo, winner of two Latin Grammy Awards, will entertain Rotarians. And

every evening of the convention, Rotary Restaurant Nights will let you enjoy discounts in the culinary

capital of Latin America. Savor fish from the Amazon, sushi with a Latin flair, Brazilian beef, and other

offerings from some of São Paulo's 30,000 restaurants and bars. Admission to several museums in São

Paulo, including the excellent soccer museum, will also be free with your convention badge.

Brazil reflects a diversity almost as great as Rotary's: Paulistanos, as the people of São Paulo are

known, have created a lively culture with influences from all over the world. One of the highlights of

any Rotary convention is always hospitality night, where you can get to know local Rotarians. Monday

night is your chance to experience the paulistano lifestyle with the Rotarians of Brazil – but be sure to

book early, as numbers are limited.

In Rotary, service and friendship go hand in hand. As you focus on the work of this Rotary year, I ask

you not to lose sight of the importance of international friendship, and to register for the São Paulo

convention now, at www.riconvention.org.

“Building Integrating Motivating through Service”

Meet Our Current Chairperson

Effective January 1, 2015,

Alicia Simmons accepted

the post of Conference

Chairperson. Alicia is

the Vice President of the

Rotaract Club of

Barbados West.

Meet Our Current Co-Chairperson

Effective January 1, 2015, Tara Collymore-

Kirton accepted the post of Conference Co-

Chairperson. Tara is the Immediate Past

President of the Rotaract Club of South


Other changes in the committee

Jade Sandiford – Director of Logistics

Accommodation & Extended Stay

The registration fee is inclusive of quad

occupancy and is based on single sex

rooms. As this may not be ideal for

everyone, a limited number of single

and double rooms are available at an

extra cost and will be given on a first

come, first serve basis.

This first come, first serve basis means that

to secure your single or double rooms

you will need pay the following costs in FULL.

Double Occupancy - USD$ 100 or BD$ 200 per person

Single Occupancy - USD$375 or BD$750 per person

In addition, DiviSouthwinds has gracious offered us the reduced per night per person rates for pre and

post stay inclusive of breakfast only. The rates are as follows:

Quad Occupancy - USD$60 or BD$120 per person

Double Occupancy - USD$ 85 or BD$170 per person

Single Occupancy - USD$155 or BD$310 per person

Please note that the rates quoted above are in addition to and not included in the conference fees.

We will provide delegates with a list of places where they can seek alternative accommodation for

those Rotaractors who wish to not extend their stay at the hotel.

Car Rentals

Dwayne Pollard –

[email protected](246) 231-8163

[email protected] (246) 253-7368

Communication with Committee Members

We would like to remind delegates that all

queries should be emailed to respective

Conference Committee Directors to ensure

that we can keep track of all your specific



ct-us/ . We will try to respond to your queries

in 72 hours. Delegates can also visit our

website for the most recent updates.

Theme Party

Many of you have requested information on the 2015

District Conference Theme Party. However, we have

decided to keep you in suspense a little longer. Here’s

a clue, stay tune for the next District Newsletter for more

clues and see if you can figure out this year’s theme party.




14th- Rotaract Club of Kingstown

29th -Rotaract Club of St. Augustine



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A Product of Rotaract District 7030
