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Districtmail 14 nov 2013

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Districtmail 14 nov 2013
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District MAIL HEARTBEAT OF THE HELDERBERG THURSDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2013 Price: R6.00 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com | | districtmail.mobi PEAK-HOUR FLIP: A Volkswagen Polo overturned at the traf- fic intersection at Main and Gordon Roads in Somerset West after colliding with a Fiat Punto last Friday morning. According to police, the Fiat, travel- ling from the direction of Strand towards Somerset West,had stopped at the traffic lights at about 08:30 when the Polo hit the passenger side of the Fiat. Police said the car that was also travelling towards Somerset West was speeding.Two women were admitted to hos- pitals in Somerset West with slight inju- ries. A woman died in another accident in the Firgrove area last Thursday. Read the article on page 2. PHOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS BUSINESSES TARGETED BY ARMED ROBBERS Crime spree in Strand ILLANA FRANTZ Business owners should ensure that all security measures are in place and in working order to avoid becoming possible targets of criminals. This is the advice of Magel Grové, vice-chairperson of the Helderberg Afrikaanse Sakekamer, after armed robberies at three Strand businesses in recent weeks. Grové believes that robberies do not happen spontaneously. “Employees have to be taught to be on the lookout for suspicious-looking people and vehicles near their busi- nesses,” she said. Employees of Flameros Chicken Grill in Main Road, Strand, were held up by two armed men as they were closing shop at about 23:45 on Friday 1 November. The robbers forced the three wom- en to open the door and demanded their handbags and cellphones. The DistrictMail contacted Flame- ros about the incident but the staff preferred not to comment. “It was a very traumatic experi- ence and we would prefer not to talk about it,” one of the staff members told the DistrictMail. The suspects fled the scene on foot with the women’s belongings, which included handbags containing wal- lets, bank cards, identity books and cash. Another armed robbery was re- ported at 18:45 on Monday 4 Novem- ber, when OK Foods in Gordon’s Bay Road was targeted. “One of the cashiers was distracted when a suspect stole an undisclosed amount of cash from the till and made a run for it,” said Const Mbulelo Ma- funa, spokesperson for the Strand Po- lice. Further investigation by the police revealed that four suspects, three men and one woman, were involved in the robbery. They left the scene in a white Hon- da Ballade with an ND-registration number. Last week the DistrictMail repor- ted on another armed robbery which took place at the Little Greece centre in George Street, Strand. This rob- bery happened just after 16:00 on Tuesday 5 November when two armed men entered the shop and held the shoppers hostage while they de- manded cell phones and cash. Two of the shoppers were primary school boys. One of the armed robbers acciden- tally pressed the panic button, which resulted in one of the alleged robbers being caught by the security compa- ny shortly thereafter. The suspect will make his court ap- pearance today (Thursday), when he will apply for bail. The latest incident was a burglary at Strand Cash and Carry in Main Road, Strand, where the burglars gained access to the shop by smash- ing a hole in the wall. In May 2011 the DistrictMail also reported on a burglary at Cash and Carry where burglars used the same modus operandi; gaining entry into the premises by smashing a hole in the wall. According to a police report, when the owner opened the business on Monday, he found that the shop had been burgled. Airtime and cigarettes were stolen, as in the previous bur- glary, as well as an undisclosed amount of cash. Mafuna said he could not speculate whether any of these incidents are linked but the cases are being investi- gated. Jannie Frieslaar, chairperson of the Strand Community Police Fo- rum, says a meeting was held with business owners in George Street af- ter the robbery at Little Greece centre last week. Anyone with information on any of these incidents can phone the Strand Police on 021 854 9100.


THURSDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2013 Price: R6.00 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com | | districtmail.mobi

PEAK­HOUR FLIP: AVolkswagen Polooverturned at the traf­fic intersection at Mainand Gordon Roads inSomerset West aftercolliding with a FiatPunto last Fridaymorning. According topolice, the Fiat, travel­ling from the directionof Strand towardsSomerset West,hadstopped at the trafficlights at about 08:30when the Polo hit thepassenger side of theFiat. Police said thecar that was alsotravelling towardsSomerset West wasspeeding.Two womenwere admitted to hos­pitals in SomersetWest with slight inju­ries. A woman died inanother accident inthe Firgrove area lastThursday. Read thearticle on page 2.



Crimespree inStrandILLANA FRANTZ

Business owners should ensurethat all security measures are inplace and in working order toavoidbecomingpossibletargetsofcriminals.

This is the advice of Magel Grové,vice-chairperson of the HelderbergAfrikaanse Sakekamer, after armedrobberies at three Strand businessesin recent weeks.

Grové believes that robberies donot happen spontaneously.

“Employees have to be taught to beonthe lookout forsuspicious-lookingpeople and vehicles near their busi-nesses,” she said.

Employees of Flameros ChickenGrill inMainRoad,Strand,wereheld

up by two armed men as they wereclosing shop at about 23:45 on Friday1 November.

The robbers forced the three wom-en to open the door and demandedtheir handbags and cellphones.

The DistrictMail contacted Flame-ros about the incident but the staffpreferred not to comment.

“It was a very traumatic experi-ence and we would prefer not to talkabout it,” one of the staff memberstold the DistrictMail.

The suspects fled the scene on footwith the women’s belongings, whichincluded handbags containing wal-lets, bank cards, identity books andcash.

Another armed robbery was re-ported at 18:45 on Monday 4 Novem-ber, when OK Foods in Gordon’s Bay

Road was targeted.“Oneof thecashierswasdistracted

when a suspect stole an undisclosedamountofcashfromthetillandmadea run for it,” said Const Mbulelo Ma-funa,spokespersonfortheStrandPo-lice.

Furtherinvestigationbythepolicerevealed that four suspects, threemen and one woman, were involvedin the robbery.

They left the scene in a white Hon-da Ballade with an ND-registrationnumber.

Last week the DistrictMail repor-ted on another armed robbery whichtook place at the Little Greece centrein George Street, Strand. This rob-bery happened just after 16:00 onTuesday 5 November when twoarmedmenenteredtheshopandheld

the shoppers hostage while they de-manded cell phones and cash. Two ofthe shoppers were primary schoolboys.

One of the armed robbers acciden-tally pressed the panic button, whichresulted in one of the alleged robbersbeing caught by the security compa-ny shortly thereafter.

Thesuspectwillmakehiscourtap-pearance today (Thursday), when hewill apply for bail.

The latest incident was a burglaryat Strand Cash and Carry in MainRoad, Strand, where the burglarsgained access to the shop by smash-ing a hole in the wall.

In May 2011 the DistrictMail alsoreported on a burglary at Cash andCarry where burglars used the samemodus operandi; gaining entry into

the premises by smashing a hole inthe wall.

According to a police report, whenthe owner opened the business onMonday, he found that the shop hadbeen burgled. Airtime and cigaretteswere stolen, as in the previous bur-glary, as well as an undisclosedamount of cash.

Mafunasaidhecouldnotspeculatewhether any of these incidents arelinkedbutthecasesarebeinginvesti-gated.

Jannie Frieslaar, chairperson ofthe Strand Community Police Fo-rum, says a meeting was held withbusiness owners in George Street af-tertherobberyatLittleGreececentrelast week. Anyone with informationon any of these incidents can phonethe Strand Police on 021 854 9100.

2 Distrikspos14 November, 2013


Womandies inaccidentDELIAH BRINKHUIS

A Malawian woman (33) died in an acci-dent that occurred between a bakkie anda small truck in Firgrove last Thursday.

The accident happened just before 16:00 attheWinery and FirgroveMain Road intersec-tion (M9).

According to police, the bakkie, comingfromWineryRoad, failedtostopatastopstreetandcollidedwith the truck thatwas travellingon Firgrove Road in the direction of SomersetWest. The truck landed in a ditch next to theroad. Four people, including a two-month-oldbaby,were admitted to hospital with slight in-juries. Police are investigating a case of culpa-ble homicide.

Gerald Makamo, the woman’s partner, saida funeral servicewas held yesterday andNan-cy Gwazani’s body would be taken to Malawion Thursday 14November. She is survived byher two children (aged 7 and 9). Anyone withinformation that could aid the investigationcan phone Warrant Officer Hannes Niemandon 021 850 1401.

) No serious injuries were reported in anaccident the same day at the traffic lights atMain Road and Bizweni Avenue in SomersetWest.Theaccident, betweenaLandRoverDis-covery and Volkswagen Golf, happened at

about 12:15.According topolice, theLandRov-er was travelling from Strand in the directionof Somerset West when the Golf, coming fromSomersetWest, turned intoAndries PretoriusStreet and collidedwith the LandRover, land-ingonitsside. Policeareaskingthatwitnessesto this accident and the accident on Friday(page 1) phone Riette Taljaard on 021 850 1318.

A woman passenger in this truck died after itcollided with a bakkie last Thursday.


Nogmeer beseer byDorpsmeentILLANA FRANTZ

Ten spyte van nog klagtes oor die gladdeteëls in die Dorpsmeent-sentrum, is daartot op hede geen reaksie van die sentrum-bestuur nie.

Die DistriksPos het verlede week berigdat ’n 87-jarige vrouDonderdag 31Oktoberas gevolg van dié teëls geval het en beseeris.Dievrou is ’n inwonervanHuisvanNie-kerk Benadehof Aftree-oord in die Stranden is steeds baie aktief. Sy en haar mangaan inkopies doen, maar sy het gegly endie vloer getref. Haar oog, linkerhand enknieë is met die val beseer.

Sedert die artikel verskyn het, is dieDistriksPos oorval met klagtes van leserswat insidente en hul misnoeë deel. Eenklagte kom van Theresa Prinsloo, wie sema, Helen Rehder, ook op Donderdag 24Oktober geval het. Prinsloo verduidelikdat hulle die vorige dag (23 Oktober) Reh-der se 85ste verjaardag gevier het. Rehdersebuurmanhethaarsoosgewoonliknadiesentrum geneem sodat sy haar inkopieskondoen.Toesydiesentrummethaar trol-lieverlaat,hethaarvoeteonderhaaruitge-gly. Sy het reg agteroor geval en op haar

kopenrugte landegekom. ’nVrouhethaarte hulp gesnel en na haar omgesien totdatsy tot verhaal gekom het en haar dogterse adres kon verskaf.

“So net na 10:00 het ’n vrou aanmy deurkom klop en gesê dat my ma geval het. Ekhet my byna halfdood geskrik. Ons hethaar toe dokter toe geneem en hy het gesêdat haar rugwerwels tussenhaar bladspie-re baie seergekry het,” onthou Prinsloo.

Sy voeg bydat haarmavir die paarwekedaarna baie moeilik asemgehaal het. Syhet toenavraaggedoenenbydiemunisipa-liteit die kontakbesonderhede van die eie-naars gekry. Maar hul eposse na AdnanChogle van die FPG Group is steeds onbe-antwoord.

Na talle oproepe en vele e-posse van dieDistriksPoswaarop daar geen reaksie wasnie, het Chogle gesê dat hulle geen kom-mentaar wil lewer nie.

“Dit gaan nie daaroor om ’n eis in te stelnie,maardit is ’ngevaarlikesituasie,veralvir die volgende ou mens. Daar gaan nogiemand vir hulle morsdood val op daardieteëls,” het Prinsloo gesê.

) SienookdiebriefenSMS’eoponsbrie-weblad.

STOOTSKRAPER­LEM GESOEK: DieGordonsbaai­polisie is op soek na inligtingwat kan help met die ondersoek na ’n ge­steelde stootskraper­lem (foto). Die lem issowat ’n maand gelede op die Gustrouw­pad gesteel. Die polisie vermoed dat ditmet ’n trok of hyskraan van die toneel ver­voer is. Mense met inligting kan AO CobusGreeff by 083 234 6354 bel.

3DistrictMail14 November, 2013


Development 'athreat' to riding schoolDALEEN FOUCHÉ

A quiet sanctuary where disabledchildren can connect with horses be-lieves it is “in jeopardy” due to a loo-ming development.

The Chilanga Riding School for theDisabled, a non-profit organisation inParel Vallei Road, Somerset West is ap-pealingtothecommunityforhelptofightthe development of 23 double-storeyhouses with double garages on a 1,6 hec-tare property.

The proposed upmarket developmentis planned for the property previouslyknown as Straightway Head Hotel,which burned down in 2009.

Sally Kluth, founder of Chilanga andowner of the property next to the pro-posed development, says if the develop-mentisallowed, itwilldestroyherentirelife’s work to help disabled childrenthrough equestrian therapy.

She explains that the area still has arural atmosphere that will be lost if theproposed development is approved.Kluth says crime is already on the in-crease due to rapid urbanisation of thearea and she fears further developmentwill add to this trend.

Another big concern is the increase intraffic inParelValleiRoad.JohannEich-stadt, chairperson for the Chilanga Rid-ing School for the Disabled, says if thedevelopment goes ahead, more than 46extra cars will be added to an already-congested and dangerous road.

“The road is bad and full of potholes”.A tripgenerationwascompiledby ITS

Engineers.Thereport estimates the traf-

fic impact for theproposeddevelopment,andtheirfindingisthatthetrafficimpactwill be similar to the traffic generatedbythe Straightway Head Hotel. Locals arenot convinced, however.

Gys de Klerk, CEO of Dennis MossPartnership, the architects and engi-neers for the project, says the design oftheprojectisthatofavillage,whichaimstoretain the“senseofplace”.Hesays thezoning for thepropertyallows forahigh-er density development, but thedevelop-ers opted to keep it “low density”.

De Klerk says an environmental im-pactassessmentisnotneededforthepro-posed development. However, the devel-opment needs the approval from West-ern Cape Heritage to demolish theremaining foundations of the hotel, be-cause they are protected as heritagebuildings. Developers of the proposedStraightway Village are applying tocouncil for an amendment to approveddevelopment rightswhichwere applica-ble to the Straightway Head Hotel.

Public participation is now invited,and neighbours and affected partieshave until 25 November to object to theapplication.

Kluth says up to 30 disabled childrenattendasingleridinglesson,andover260in total. The farm is also home to threefamilies who work on the farm.

“I do not know what will happen tothem if I have to sell the farm.”

Queries about and objections to theproposed development must be directedto Dumza Mfutwana at [email protected], orsend a fax to 021 880 4487. He can bephoned on 021 850 4346 for details.The master plan for the proposed Straightway Village.

The Chilan­ga RidingSchool forthe Disa­bled, anon­profitorganisa­tion, is call­ing on thecommunityto help ithalt a de­velopment it believes threatens its existence. From theleft are: Megan Capbell (riding instructor), Johann Eich­stadt (chairperson), Sally Kluth (founder) and Jo Brooks.

4 Distrikspos14 November, 2013


STRIKING CALENDARS AVAILABLE: Alex von Klopman (left)the CEO of CSV Construction, one of the Western Cape’s biggestengineering companies, and Stefan Kolver, advertising managerof the DistrictMail, with the CSV/DistrictMail calendars for 2014.CSV covered the printing cost of the calendars, which feature12 brilliant photos of scenes in the Helderberg. The calendarsare on sale at the DistrictMail's office at 37 Mynhardt Street,Strand at R50 each. Funds from the sale of these calendars willgo towards the DistrictMail/Community Chest charity fund.

Nieroorplantingbinnekort namanier skenkDELIAH BRINKHUIS

Jaycee Cloete van Sir Lowry’s Pass re-kensybestegeskenknógwastoesyma,Porcia, besluit het om haar nier virhom te skenk.

Jaycee, wat Saterdag sy sestiende ver-jaarsdaggevierhet, is inAugustusverledejaar met nierversaking gediagnoseer.Verlede Donderdag het hy ook die goeie

nuus gekrydat hy inDesember ’nnieroor-planting sal kry. “Ek’s baie opgewondehieroor,” sê Jaycee.Voor sy diagnose was Jaycee ’n kranige

atleet en krieket- en rugbyspeler vir dieHottentots-Holland Hoërskool.Volgens sy pa, Deon, het Jaycee een Sa-

terdag in Augustus ná ’n rugbywedstrydvanpyninsybenegekla.Omdathygedinkhet dat dit gewone spierpyn was, het hysy seun se bene masseer en spierverslap-pers aan hom gegee.VolgensDeonhetdiemedikasienieeint-

lik verligting gebring nie en het Jayceesteeds die volgende dag spiersametrek-kings ervaar. “Dit was so erg dat hy vanpyn geskreeu het,”onthou Deon.Jaycee is die Maandag skooltoe, maar

Deon het kort hierna ’n oproep van die

skool ontvang om te sê dat hy Jayceemoeskom haal omdat hy weer die sametrek-kings gekry het.Hulle het onmiddellik na die dokter ge-

gaan en urine- en bloedtoetse is gedoen.Volgens Deon het die dokter om 16:30

daardie dag gebel om te sê dat daar hoëvlakke van kreatien, proteïene en wit-bloedselle in Jaycee se liggaamwas en dathulle onmiddellikdievoorgeskrewemedi-kasie moes stop. Deon glo dat dié oproephul seun se lewe gered het.Diemaandehiernawas dit hospitaal-in-

en-uitmet talle toetsewat Jayceemoes on-dergaan.MetdietoetseisgevinddatJaycee’nver-

grote blaas het, en dat dit veroorsaak hetdat albei sy niere misvorm is en nie nor-maal funksioneer nie.’n Nieroorplanting is voorgestel. Deon

vertel dat Jaycee se ouer broer, Cody (18),aangebied het om sý nier te skenk, sou ditgeskik wees.As ouers het hulle egter besluit dat hy

te jonk is, en dat hulle die toetse vir dieskenking sal ondergaan.In Mei vanjaar het die gesin die goeie

nuus gekry dat Porcia enDeon seniere ge-skik vir Jaycee is.Porcia,wat ’nhuisvrouis,hetbesluitom

haar nier te skenk omdat Deon tans diebroodwinner is.Die operasie is vir 10 Desember by die

Christiaan Barnard Gedenk-hospitaal inKaapstad geskeduleer. Dit sal sowatR330 000kosenwordnievolkomedeurhulmediese fonds gedek nie.Tot dusverhet hulleR15 000met ’n funk-

sie in September ingesamel. Porcia sê syis dankbaar vir die ondersteuning uit so-veel verskillende oorde.“Ons is baie dank aan die onderwysers

verskuldig. Baie kere wanneer Jaycee bydieskoolsiekgewordhet,hethulleselfmethom tot by die hospitaal gejaag en het onshulle daar ontmoet,” vertel sy.So ook het die bekende plaaslike groep

3Divas enVuvuKhumalo hul dienste gra-tis aangebied vir ’n verskeidenheidskon-sertwatVrydagom19:30indieSirLowry’sPass gemeenskapsaal gehou word.VolgensPorciahethulleookheelwatop-

roepe gehad vanmense wat die gesin woubemoedig, finansiële steun wou bied enselfswataangebiedhetom’nnierteskenk.SysêJayceesaldieresvansylewe medi-

kasie moet neem en daar word ’n trusthiervoor gestig.Kaartjies virVrydagaandse funksie is R100 en kan by Porcia by083 520 9252 gekoop word.

Voor sit Jaycee Cloete (16) met sy ouers Porcia en Deonen (regs) sy broer Cody (18).

MACASSAR­INWONER STERF: ’n BekendeMacassar­inwoner, Rachel Middleway (71), hetSaterdag 9 November gesterf. Middleway, ’nverpleegster, was oorspronklik van Sir Lowry’sPass. Volgens haar seun, Nolan, het sy ma ’nmaand gelede uit privaat­verpleging afgetree. Sywas ’n lid van die vrouevereniging PPK­kerk enook ’n lid van Meals on Wheels se vroueklub.Middleway word Saterdag om 08:00 vanuithaar huis by Musicalaan 70 begrawe. Dié diensword gevolg deur ’n diens by die PPK­kerk inNagtegaallaan om 10:00. Die teraardebestellingis by die Sir Lowry’s Pass begraafplaas.

5DistrictMail14 November, 2013


Sport crayfishing cutby56%DALEEN FOUCHÉ

Recreational fishermen are up inarmsabout reducedquotas for thecrayfish season, warning of dam-age to the local tourism industry.

The 2013-14 crayfish season’s TotalAllowable Catch (TAC) was recentlyannounced by the Department ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(DAFF), with significant reductionsin volume and fishing days allowedfor recreational fishermen. Theirseason is reduced to 26 days, com-pared to 57 days previously.The dates are from 15November to

17 November, from 14 December to1 January 2014, and on public holi-days from 18 April 2014 to 21 April2014. The reason for the cut, as statedby Desmond Stevens, Acting DeputyDirector-General for Fisheries Man-

agement, is to gain a clear accumula-tive recovery target of 35% for cray-fish by 2021.According to Cary Steele-Boe,

chairperson of Recreational FishingServices and Gordon’s Bay resident,recreational fishermen will only beallowed 83 tons for the new season,compared to the 183 tons for last year.“That is a 56% reduction.”Thecrayfishseasonofficiallykicks

off tomorrow, but Ron Penninkhof,owner of Smart Fishing Charters,says there might as well not be a re-creational fishing season.He says half of the 26 days would

“most probably” be bad-weatherdays, resulting in no crayfish catch.Previously, Penninkhof said, hewould buy nets, diving suits andother crayfishing equipment beforeeach season, but he will not botherthis season. He estimates that hewill

losebetween30%and40%ofhis turn-overfornot takingclientsouttocatchcrayfish.Penninkhofsaysotherbusi-nesses will also be affected. JaapEngelbrecht, owner of SomersetSport, also expects losses. His shopusually sells more diving equipmentin season, but he now expects a dropin sales.Steele-Boe says many coastal

towns will suffer as fewer recreatio-nal fishermen will be visiting theirshores. He argues that the 35 000 re-creational fishermen with crayfishpermits support local tourism econo-mies and they should therefore be al-lowed a bigger TAC.“Recreational fishermen and the

public are only allowed 4%of the glo-bal TAC, while offshore commercialfishermen are given 60%, and small-scale fisheries 13%, with 23% alloca-ted to inshorecommercialventures.”

The annual Remembrance Day ceremony to honour those who havedied in service to their country was held on Sunday.


Moths salute fallen soldiersCaledonian pipers and naval ca-dets joined in the pomp and pa-geantry at the Marshal SmutsShell Hole of the Somerset WestMoths (Memorable Order of theTinHats) on Sunday 10Novemberfor the annual commemorationservice to honour those who havedied in service to their country.Councillor Stuart Pringle, chair-

personoftheHelderbergSubcoun-cil 8, laid a wreath on behalf of theMayor of the City of Cape Town.In his opening address, he paidtribute to the 70men from theHel-derberg who died in World War Iand World War II, and also whileservingthecountryintheSANDF,SAPS,Metro Police, Law Enforce-ment and Fire Services.

6 Distrikspos14 November, 2013


SomersetWest ‘dramaqueen’to represent SA in LondonILLANA FRANTZ

ForMighaelahAlexan-der (18), taking part ina beauty pageant wasthe furthest thing fromher mind.

But the encourage-ment of a close friend toparticipate in the MissSACommonwealthofAf-rica beauty pageantbrought her potential asa model to the fore.This Somerset West

resident describes her-self as a “drama queen”due to her love and pas-sion for acting and thea-tre.It’s the confidence she

has built up over theyears performing onstage that has resulted inher representing SouthAfrica in the Miss Com-monwealth Internatio-nal pageant in Londonthis weekend.Mighaelah is current-

ly a matriculant at Hot-tentots-Holland HighSchool and has been participatingin stage productions since the ageof 12. She starred in her first play,Die geheime van lapland, while stillattending Somerset West PrimarySchool and her love for theatre hasnever faltered. She joined thegroupat Carnivals of the Heart as well asthe drama club when she entered

high school. This year she hasstarred in three plays at the Play-house Theatre, namely Much AdoAbout Nothing, The Ides of Marchand Bevange, and in Cinderella vandie Kaap at her school.She was encouraged to enter the

beauty pageant by last year’s win-ner, who is a friend and fellow dra-

ma lover.“She phoned me the

Tuesday before the event,encouraging me to enter. Iwas a bit hesitant as it wassuch short notice and I’venevermodelled before, butI was prepared to give it ashot,” she recalls.The pageant took place

in Welkom on Saturday 27October, and she attendedit after a 22 hour drive.“This was my first officialbeauty pageant and Ilooked forward to beingthe drama queen that I am.When I won, it was justawesome!” she exclaims.As the winner, she left

her hometown yesterday(Wednesday) to partici-pate in the event on Satur-day.She is very excited that

this is not just her first tripoverseas, but also her firsttime in an aeroplane.As fate would have it,

her tripdoesnotclashwithany of her exams.She will be flying back

home on Sunday after thepageant, in time for her next paper,Afrikaans, on Tuesday.“I am grateful for this opportuni-

ty, especially in my matric year. Itis something I never expected.“I plan to show everyone what

SouthAfrica ismade of andwill trymy utmost to bring the crownback.”

Mighaelah Alexander

The DistrictMail, in conjunc-tion with Savemore Meat Mar-ket in Macassar, is running acut-and- paste competition,with readers standing a chanceof winningmeat coupons to thevalue of R1 000.The competition opened on

7 November, when the entryform alongwith the first puzzlepiece was published in the Dis-trictMail.The remainingpieceswill ap-

pear in the editions of 14, 21 and28 November.Onlyoriginal entry forms (no

copies) will be accepted.

The completed entry formwith all four pieces must behanded in to theDistrictMailof-fices (37 Mynhardt Street,Strand) orSavemoreMeatMar-ket, Macassar (corner of Visand Kabeljou Streets, Macas-sar) no later than Wednesday 4December.The winner will be an-

nounced in the DistrictMail of12 December.Back copies of the newspaper

are also available if you havemissed a piece.Formore information, phone

021 853 0211.

WINmeat vouchers withDistrictMail and Savemore

Win nutritious food for yourdog at www.districtmail.com

physiological condition and breed.The competition runs from today

until 19 November.To enter, visit www.district-

mail.com and view the competi-tions tab.

Two bags of Royal Canin HealthNutrition dog food are up for grabsin theHelderbergCrimeWatchandDistrictMail competition.The maximum value of the prize

is R1 050 as the winners’ bags offood will be specific to the size andthe breed of their dog.Royal Canin Health Nutrition

provides all the essential nutrientsand ingredientsmeasuredwith theutmost precision to contribute,every day and on a long-termbasis,to the well-being and health of alldogsandcats according toage, size,

7DistrictMail14 November, 2013



Send diary entries to:[email protected] deadline:Monday, 12:00

Wewould like to invite our regular diaryadvertisers to send us pictures of theirevents for inclusion in our Social or Diary



STRAND) Die ATKV Helderkom-tak vergader om 19:30by Voortrekkerpark 81. Navrae: Japie 0 082968 9678 of Elize 0 021 886 7156.


SOMERSET­WES) Die NG gemeente in Andries Pretoriusstraatbied ’n sangaand met die Elle Amor Groep om19:30 aan. Kaartjies kos R80 en is beskikbaarby die deur. Elza Kapp 0 082 926 8903.


SOMERSET WEST) The Somerset West Bird Club will be goingon an outing to Swart River Road and Bot Riverat Rooisand, leaving at 06:00. Lifts can be ar-ranged and travelling costs will be shared. JohnCarter: 0 082 926 6296.) Experience a morning in the open air, shop-ping for unique crafts at Country Craft Marketor enjoy ameal at the newCountry Kitchen. Chil-dren can have fun with sand art, face paintinganda jumpingcastle, all at Southey’sVines, Som-erset West, from 09:00 – 14:00.

) TheWestern CapeArtists’ Societymeets in thelibrary hall at 14:00 fora fun, practical paintingsession: Painting outside the box. Bring your ownpaper or other support, paints (anymedium) andone, big 2” brush. Entry R10 for members, R20non-members. Refreshments included. Enquir-ies: Diane White 0 021 851 2520.


SOMERSET WEST) Lots on offer at the Olde Oaks Farm Market.Enter your name at the Sh’Zen stall and standa chance to win a destress hamper. The AnimalRescue Organisation has a permanent stall toraise funds. Phone Mandy 0 082 374 6648.


SOMERSET WEST) The SADAG support group meets at 18:00at Coronation Methodist Church. Dr Chris vdBerg,apsychiatrist,will speakongeneralanxietydisorder.0 Ruach Counselling Centre 021 8528176 or 2 [email protected]) The Compassionate Friends meet in the Medi-Clinic Vergelegen restaurant at 19:00. Clinicalpsychologist Amanda de Klerk will speak onDamage Control. Guests can bring a photo oftheir loved one to be featured on a video to beviewedat theCandleLightingMemorialonSatur-day 30 November. Enquiries: Alta Volschenk0 0845511349/[email protected].


SOMERSET­WES) Helderberg Geestesgesondheids Ondersteu-ningsgroepontmoet laastekeervir2013inMedi-clinicVergelegenom18:30.Geniet koffie en toe-broodjie van 18:00. Alta: 0 082 576 8218.


SOMERSET WEST) TheCardiacSupportGroupmeetsat theMedi-clinic Vergelegen Restaurant at 17:30. Admis-sion is R5. Seating is limited, so book by contact-ing chairman Hermann Steyn on 0 079 5093519 or2 [email protected] before 18November.

8 Distrikspos14 November, 2013

HoofartikelMain feature


Stuur jou sms na 32465Begin die sms met die woord

MENSE en tik dan jou boodskap.

Sê jou sêSê jou sê) Baie geluk aan GieZelle Nail andBeauty Salon met julle opening op 5November. Sterkte vorentoe. Eileen

) The Helderberg area just keeps onexpanding, yet our police resourcesremain the same.When will we hearthe results of the 2011 Census? Weare becoming a city yet we have notraffic cops and minimal police andlawenforcement officials. Somethingdoesn’t add up.

) If real women have curves, doesthat mean petite women aren’t realwomen?

)What is the municipality doingabout the overgrown state of theparks and open ground? Clearlynothing.

) Ek stem saam met bejaarde damewat in Dorpsmeent geval het. Die te-ëls is baie glad en volgens my nie ge-skik vir ’n inkopiesentrum nie. Baiemense gaannogbeseerword.Anne-marie Malan

)Met verwysing na die Pick n Payby Dorpsmeent. Ek en my vriendin –albei bo 50 – was daar om inkopieste doen terwyl hulle nog nie eenskwart van die teëls gelê het nie. Albeivan ons en ander kopers het aanme-kaar vasgehou omrede ons voete ge-gly het op die teëls. Ons het by Pickn Pay se bestuur navraag gedoenwaar ons ’n klagte mag lê. Ons enander is verwys na die sekuriteit bydie voordeur. Toe ons vra dat hy dieklagtes neerskrywehet hygesê hyhetalreedswant daarwas al baiemensewat oor dieselfde probleem geklahet. Nou vra ek wie is so onbesonneom spieël-gladde teëls in ’n winkel-kompleks van alle plekke te plaas?Dan moet so onbesonne persoon dieskade ook betaal van sy onbesonnebesluite. Chrissie

) Ek wens die Rhinos ’n voorspoedi-ge reis en ’n goeie 7’s toernooi toein Bangkok. Hou Macassar RFC senaamomhoogoordiewater.MCGirl

Sê dankie, geluk,jammer, lief jou....

Wathet vanstads­ en streekbeplanninggeword?Bekommerde Inwoner se briefieinsake nuwe skole in die Helder-berg-kom verwys.

Die laaste ware stads- en streek-beplanning in die drie buurdorpeis professioneel toegepas in die ja-re ’70 en ’80 toe daar nog warestadsbeplanners aan die stuurwas. Dit was in die jare toe diebrandweer en polisie-stasie ver-groot is omdat die dorp vergroothet. Die nuwe generasie denke isskynbaar om erfbeplanning toe tepas en nie streekbeplanning. Ditblyk dat getalle en syfers nie meergebruik word vir die beplanningvan ’n al groterwordende stad nie.

Indiendieaantalwoonhuisevan“gated villages” soos Schonen-berg, DeVelde en al die ander teendie Sir Lowriespas-pad bymekaar-getelwordmagditdalksesduisendwooneenhede oorskry.

Dit neem nie veel versiendheidom te bepaal dat sesduisendwoon-eenhede maklik tienduisend kin-ders kan verteenwoordig nie.

Dit verteenwoordig nagenoeg

agt nuwe skole, want die huidigeskole is reeds vol.

Sesduisend woonhuise verteen-woordig nagenoeg vyf kerkperse-le, ’n nuwe polisie-stasie en ’n nu-we bykomende brandweer. Kykmaar hoe vêr is die brandweersta-sie vanaf Erinvale geleë.

Gaan kyk gerus of hierdie voor-gestelde skole en geriewe op mooidorp-kaarte aangetoon is. Is eenvan die tientalle ontwikkelaarsooit gedwing om by te dra tot dieoprigting van ’n enkele nuweskool?

De Velde asook die bestaandeomliggende wooneenhede bevatmeer as 800wooneenhede. Dit ver-teenwoordig maklik 1 000 nuwemotors in die omliggende strate.

By De Velde alleenlik kan dalk50 huishulpe per dag per taxi afge-lewer word. Is daar voorsieninggemaak vir die aflaai en optel vanhierdie huishulpe of gaan dietaxi’s eenvoudig net stilhou in DeBeers-laan?

Mooi kundig-gekleurde kaarte

en planne teen mure met sone-rings en bakens daarop aangetoonmaak nie deel uit van die departe-ment van onderwys se beplanningnie.

Moet die huidige skole eers uithullenatebarsvoordat iemanddievisie kry om eersmet die staatsde-partemente saam te werk voordatnuwe woon-areas lukraak byge-voeg word?

Omvoor te steldat ’nnuweskoolop die AECI-gronde opgerig wordbeteken dat die reeds-oorlaaideR44 nog meer oorlaai gaan word,soggens en in die middag.

Watter maatreëls moet ’n jongouerpaar tref om te verseker dathulle kinders plek gaan kry in eenvandiebestaandeskole?Gaanhul-le gedwing word om reeds by diegeboorte van die kind te begin be-taal aan ’n toelatingsfooi?

Stadsbeplanning is daar om or-de te skep, nie om ’n dood-smoorbeleid te volg nie.


Whenwill it be the turnofourpavements tobe tarred?

I see that Mountain Road’s pave-ments in Somerset West, wherevery few people use the pavement,are being tarred. What about thehundreds of pavements in areaslike Rusthof and BroadlandsPark?

In Broadlands Park, where onlyone car can drive in the street ata time, the other passing car mustwait, half stopping on the un-tarredpavement,which iscausingholes and dams ofwater inwinter.

These areas’ pavements are wa-terlogged in winter and peoplehave to walk in the street andavoid the cars in the street and onthe pavement. It must be experi-enced to be believed!

Tarred pavements will elimi-nate the weeds that are also overgrowing hundreds of other pave-ments.

Itwill alsohelpwithkeeping thedrains clean. Please beautify ourpavements also. Remember thereis a backlog, as very little has beendone about the pavements. After20 years all pavements shouldhave been tarred in the above-mentioned areas. Make a concer-ted effort to improve the environ-mentallyunpleasingareasand thecommunitywill also benefit great-ly.


CouncillorBrettHerron,May-oral CommitteeMember: Trans-port, City of Cape Town, re-sponds:The City thanks MrWehr for his

feedbackandassures residents thatwe assess needs across the city, andprioritise projects accordingly.

However, the budget for the buil-ding of pavements/side-walks islimited and the City therefore triestospreadthisacrossallof itswards.Additional fundingmaybeavail-

able via ward allocation funding.Councillors decide in which areasand on which projects they want tospend their funding allocation.Wardallocation funding is oftenal-located for the construction of side-walk in almost all of the wardswithin this district.About 400 m of side-walk was re-

cently constructed along PetuniaStreet inBroadlandsPark. Inaddi-tion a 200 m side-walk was con-structed along Mountain Road.We value residents’ input into the

needsof their communitiesand theyare encouraged to contact their lo-cal subcouncil for information onhow funding is allocated.

Cut in ‘kreef’timehitstourismThe decision by the Department ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(DAFF) to reduce the total allowablecatch of recreational crayfishing by56% will have many far-reachingconsequences.

With recreational fishermen nowonly allowed to catch crayfish for 26days in the season, many feel it isjust not worth buying a crayfishinglicence.

Coastal towns likeRooiEls,Pring-le Bay and Betty’s Bay will suffereconomically as fewer crayfisher-menwill visit their towns and spendmoney on bait, petrol and other sup-plies.

Sport and tackle shopswill also behard hit as fewer people will buycrayfish nets, rope, bait and divinggear. Charter fishing companies al-so stand tomake lessmoney this sea-son as fewer people buy licences.The season for 2013–14 opens onFri-day 15 November.

Gladde teëlsglolaterniemeer risikoNee kyk, ek is nou sommer baie kwaad.Ek besoek gereeld die Dorpsmeent-sen-trum en toe ek sien hulle is besig omdaardie gladde porselein teëls in te sit,het ek geweet hier kom moeilikheid.

Toevalligwas die kontrakteurwat dieinstallasie doen in die omgewing en hetek dit my plig geag om dit met hom tebespreek.Ekhetbaiebeleefdomversko-ning gevra dat ek hulle gesprek onder-breeken toeditaanhullegesteldatdaar-die teëls die oorsaak gaanwees datmen-se beseer sal word omdat dit te glad is.

Ekhetselfsaanhomgenoemdatanderwinkelsentrumsdieselfdeprobleemmetdie teëls ondervind het. Ek het dit ookbeklemtoon dat dit veral bejaardes iswat die sentrum besoek en dat dit juishulle is wat die risiko loop om beseerte raak.

Sy antwoord aan my was dat dit netnou glad iswant daarwordbaie stof ver-oorsaak deur die bouery en dat dit nielater ’n risiko sal wees nie. Wat my ookopgeval het is dat daar nêrens waarsku-wingstekens aangebring is wat die pub-liek waarsku dat daar konstruksie aandie gang is nie.



Nou ook aanlyn...

REDUCED CRAYFISH QUOTAS: This week’s cartoon refers to the story on page five about the huge reduction in crayfish quotas for rec­reational crayfish (kreef) fishermen.

9DistrictMail14 November, 2013


BLOMMEKLUB HOU KERSFEES: DieStrand Blommeklub het onlangs hul afslui­tingsfunksie met ’n Kerstema gevier. HelenaCrombie het dit feestelik gevier met Kerslig­gies en ’n Kersboodskap. Tydens die byeen­koms het Elsa Smit (foto), vir die vyfde jaar,die beker in die gevorderde afdeling inge­palm. Die klub vergader elke eerste Dinsdagvan die maand in die Gereformeerde Kerk­saal, Altenaweg, Strand. Vir meer inligtingoor die klub, bel Smit by 021 853 6430.

THE WAY OF THE JAPANESE: A miniJapan Day will be held on Saturday 16November from 10:00 – 13:00 at the Wal­dorf School in Stellenbosch. Francois Vogesfrom the Beaumont Bonsai Studio willpresent a bonsai lecture and demonstra­tion. An ikebana demonstration will be of­fered by Linda Schilder of the Sogetsu Ike­bana School and the event will close withKyoko Morgan presenting an origami dem­onstration. Entrance is free.

ANTIQUE FAIR: TheBlaauwklippen AntiqueFair takes place onSunday 17 November.This weekend’s eventforms part of the an­nual Heldeberg WineFestival. It will be heldon the estate in thefunction room from10:00 – 15:30. Guestscan look forward toantique and costumejewellery, china, glass,silver, art, collectablesand small furnishingsfor sale. Entrance isfree. For more informa­tion, phone Barbara on083 444 0133.

10 Distrikspos14 November, 2013


This week’sGigGuide) Friday 15 November– Piet Botha and Akkedis, col-

lectively known as the LyzyrdKyngs, will be performing at Ber-tie’s Moorings in Gordon’s Bay at21:00. Entrance is free.–GertZandbergperformsatDie

Watergat Pub in the Gants Centreat 21:00.– DJ Cool J will be bringing

down the roof at Melt’s Tavern inGordon’s Bay from 21:00.

) Saturday 16 November– A big name in Afrikaans mu-

sic Rooies, is performing at DieWatergat Pub from 21:00.– Sessionwill be rockingMelt’s

Tavern from 21:00. Hear the talentof these local musicians as theyplay your favourite songs. PhoneJockon0837579133 formore infor-mation.– Early Edition and the Sophia

Town Dancers will be providing

the entertainment at The ECHODinner Dance fund-raising event.It takes place at 18:30 at the NHLord Charles Hotel. Tickets areR450 and includes a three-coursemeal, a complimentary bottle ofwine per table as well as a pass tothe Helderberg Wine Festival forSunday 17 November. To book,phone DesMcLeod on 021 847 1782or 076 314 6160 or send an email [email protected].

) Sunday 17 November– Bertie’s Moorings is hosting

theBoulevardBluesBandat 17:00.Entrance is free.– The very talented Encorewill

be rocking the stage atMelt’s Tav-ern from19:00 – 22:00.Noentrancefee.

)Wednesday 20 November–OpenMic nightwithAnton le

Roux at Die Watergat Pub from09:00.

For the loveofmusic,foodandnatureThe summer season is here,so pack your picnic baskets,gather your friends and fam-ily and come and enjoy thefabulous late afternoon sun-set concerts at the Helder-berg Nature Reserve for agood cause.

Ranging from big band andjazz to pop, rock and gospelmu-sic, there is something for eve-ry mood and age.The series of concerts, pre-

sentedbytheFriendsoftheHel-derberg Nature Reserve, startsonSunday1Decemberwith theRiverboat Jazz band, formerlyknown as the Dixieland Band,followed by the Delft Big Bandon 15 December.Playing in the new year on 5

January is the ever popularJesse Jordan with his signa-ture rock sound, followed byShiraz on 19 January.Early Edition will entertain

youon2Februarywith ’60sand’70s sounds.

Sunday 16 Februarymarks anew innovation to the concertsseries when a selection of gos-pel bands will take to the stageunder the collective banner ofAmazing Grace.These bands, from various

churches and denominations,will entertain with soft rockand folk music.The season ends on 9 March

with Sons of Settlers, a localrock, folk and pop band.All concerts start at 17:30 and

tickets, R50 for adults and R10for scholars up to the age of 18,can be bought at the gate or atthe Information Centre.There is no admission fee for

children under the age of five.Parking is available inside thereserve.Allproceedsgeneratedbythe

concerts go towards environ-mental projects in the Helder-berg Nature Reserve.Formore information,phone

021 851 4060 or visit www.hel-derbergnaturereserve.co.za. Shiraz is one of the bands who will perform in sunset concerts at the Helderberg Nature Reserve.

FINAL CONCERT FOR THEYEAR: For the final concert of the2013 season, the Somerset West Mu­sic Society presents a piano recital byPieter Grobler. It takes place on Sun­day 17 November at 16:00 in theSomerset West library hall. Groblerstudied at the University of Pretoria,before completing a Doctor’s of Musi­cal Arts degree at the University ofNorth Texas in 2007. He has been therecipient of numerous scholarshipsfrom institutions in both South Africaand America. He is currently part ofthe piano faculty at Stellenbosch Uni­versity, where he is also the head ofpractical music studies. He can beheard regularly on Classic FM radio.Sunday’s programme will consist ofworks by Bach, Schumann and Cho­pin. Non­members can obtain ticketsat the door at R60 for adults and R30for students. For more information,phone Essie Koekemoer on0218561847.

11DistrictMail14 November, 2013


120TH YEAR CELEBRATIONS: Helderberg College cele­brated its 120th anniversary on Monday 4 November as stu­dents and staff enjoyed cake organised by the AdvancedPublic Relations students. The party was phase one of the120th heritage celebrations. Phase two will include a mediacampaign. A fundraiser will also be held on 5 December,where the college’s talent will be showcased to the Friends ofHelderberg to raise funds for a new bus.“We’re hoping to in­stil a greater awareness of the college’s offerings amongpeople in the Helderberg and beyond,” says Dr Carol Sut­cliffe, programme coordinator for Communication Studies.From left are Irene Komu, Danielle Douman, Sutcliffe, KaraboMokwa and Noxolo Filip.

PRESTEERDERS: Hierdie leerlinge van Laerskool Loch­nerhof het die eerste klasposisie vir akademie in hulverskeie grade behaal. Van links is Nadene Prinsloo(gr. 7), Wesley McCarthy (gr. 6), Jean–Pierre van Dalen(gr. 5) en Déhan Kriel (gr. 4).

Somerset­Wes PrimêreSkool het op Dinsdag 5November hul jaarlikseprysuitdeling gehou. Zel­marie Barnard is as dieDux­leerling aangewys.

Gunter Möhr ontvang dieHoofde­toekenning.

Die hoofleiers vir 2014 is (van links) Gabby Thomas (on­der hoofdogter), Tiffany Gordon (hoofdogter), Ahzar Ja­cobs (hoofseun) en Hagan Poole (onder hoofseun).

Primêre skool se uitblinkers beloon

JONG PRESTEERDER: Ca­meron Leybrandt het dietoekenning vir die bestepresteerder in haargr.1­klas by die MetodistePrimêre Skool ontvang.

12 Distrikspos14 November, 2013



Lions Hall, New Street,

Somerset West

021 851 5580

021 852 3308







Evening Service &Clairvoyance

Every Sunday at 7.00pm

Clairvoyance evening everylast Thursday of month

at 7.00pm

Churches / KerkeChurches / Kerke

DistrictDistrict SocialsSocials Stuur alle sosiale foto’s na / Send all social photos to: |[email protected]

Bringing together finefood,wineand fashion

The inaugural Le Kap Lifestyle Fair washeld at the Lourensford Wine Estate onSaturday 9 November and the eventbrought together a pairing of fine food,wine, fashion, cars and showjumping.

Guests had the opportunity to taste winesfrom local farms like Lourensford, Blaauwk-lippen andVergenoed and pair thesewith themeals made by the LOTUS Food Truck, TheGrubbery,StirFood,DieWorsRol, andTebb’sKitchen.The Cape Town Fashion Council presented

the work of four established and emergingfashion designers and to further complimentthe even. There was also was a 6-bar show-jumping competition.

) Visit www.districtmail.com for morephotos.

Rachel Doyle and Natalie AnnandalePHOTOS: ILLANA FRANTZ

Cobie van Oort and JulieRack

Gareth Litherlord and AlexMartin

From left are Enrico Bossi,Anandie Strauss and KeithIgesund.

Faure vaardigheidsskool geopenDie Axios Vaardig-heidsskool inFaure se amptelikeopeningsfunksie isop Saterdag 9 No-vember met ’nswierige geleent-heid by die skoolgehou.Verskeie onder-

wysers en skool-hoofde van ’n paarskole in dieHelder-berg, asookDonaldGrant, die Wes-Kaapse ministervan onderwys, hetdie geleentheid by-gewoon.Die skoolkoor

het gaste met hulsangtalent ver-maak waarna al-mal ’n heerlikemaaltyd geniet het.

Van links is Gordon Barry, Desiree Wanza­Barry, Johthi en Thembi Fra­na, Carolla Peterse en Louis Barnard. FOTO’S: ILLANA FRANTZ

George en Francis Kroneberg met Sonia Leibrandt en Janet Willemse.

Patrick Beukes met Mervyn en Minette Mally.

13DistrictMail14 November, 2013


The value of finance adviceTherecentwhitepaperonretire-mentreformhaspromptedmanyfinancial advisors to try andqualify or quantify their valueproposition in order to substan-tiate their fees.

However, financialadvice is not a simplecommodity which canbe compared, priced orsubstituted. Financialadvisors are paid fortaking decisions on be-half of their clients andthis is serious busi-ness; other than yourhealth there is nothingmore personal or im-portant than your fi-nancial wellbeing.The problem for fi-

nancial advisors is thatthey operate in an environment,which is unpredictable, irrationaland volatile from two dimensions.I amreferring toMr.Client andMr.

Market. It is no coincidence thatMr. Client andMr.Market are bothunpredictable and irrational sinceMr. Market represents the collec-tive action and behaviour of all the

clients put together.The problem for the fi-nancial advisor is Mr.Client wants to be partof the group. This is re-ferred to as herd men-tality, individual inves-tors would prefer to bewrong with everyoneelse than risk beingwrong by themselvesand this is only one ofthe many behaviouralfinance errors, whichhuman beings areprone to when it comesto investing their ownmoney.

As decision makers financial ad-visors face the daunting prospect ofdealing with hindsight bias. Hind-sight bias refers to looking back in-

to the past to understand and ex-plain the outcome of a decision.Hindsight is a perfect science, onceyou know the outcome the decisionto arrive at that outcome seems ob-vious. Investorswill lookbackafterthe fact and hold financial advisorsaccountable forapoordecision, for-getting that the future was un-known when the decision was tak-en. Italwaysseemssoobviouswhenone looks back. In the same vain in-vestors will fail to reward or ac-knowledge a good decision as hind-sight makes it look obvious.I sometimes get approached by

youngsters thinking of a career infinancial planning and I usuallyendupaskingthemiftheyhavecon-sidered becoming a lion tamer in-stead, much less hazardous!

Mark WilliamsMcomm, CFP, HDipTax0 021 851 37462 [email protected]


Top level changesatAATCompositesA change in the executive leadership ofAATCompositeswill comeintoeffecton1 April.

DrHolger Friehmelt will assume the roleof managing director of the South Africancomposite materials manufacturer, whenSias van der Westhuizen, the company’scurrent managing director, will take upnew professional pursuits.Van der Westhuizen has been a member

of the AATComposites team since 1987 andwas involved in the company’s founding.It was his own, personal decision to leave

the company.“Aftermore than 25 years in this exciting

industry, I now look forward to a complete-ly new challenge,” he said.“By appointing Friehmelt as the new

managing director, I am confident that wehave foundan ideally suited successor,” re-marks the 53-year-old.Under van der Westhuizen’s leadership

the company’s turnover has steadily risenfrom R50 million in 2004 to an estimatedR260 million this year.“Friehmelt brings with him all of the

qualities and skills necessary to ensurethe company continues to develop suc-cessfully,” says van der Westhuizen.“He is intimately familiar with the po-

tential growthareas of our core business.”Friehmelt will be joining AAT Compos-

ites as a recognised aviation expert anda specialist in the field of lightweight de-sign.He is currently the director of engineer-

ing at Recaro Aircraft Seating Americas,which has been ATT Composites’ mainsupplier since 2004.Founded in 1983 as Aerodyne Technolo-

gy in Strand, the company’s earliest prod-ucts included composite-material bicy-cles, satellite dishes and boats.In 1998, Aerodyne Technology was di-

vided into four companies.Among them was AAT Composites (ini-

tially Aerodyne Aviation Technology)who began specialising in the manufac-ture of compositematerials for aircraft in-teriors.AAT Composites currently employs

more than 400 people and export nearlyall its products to America and Europe.

Sias van der Westhuizen, current managingdirector of AAT Composites.

Dr Holger Friehmelt will take over as man­aging director of next year.

De Jagers nou oop in Somerset-WesNá 58 jaar van kleinhandel in dieWes-Kaap, maak De Jagers uiteindelik ’ntak in Somerset-Wes oop. De Jagersbring al sedert 1955 gehalteprodukteteen die beste pryse, met vuurwarmkliëntediens vir oud en jonk.Wat beginhet as ’n plaaslikewinkel-

tjie inWorcester, het spoediguitgebreina ’n suksesvolle onderneming mettakke in Stellenbosch, Bellville, Paarl,George, Oudtshoorn, Malmesbury,Vredenburg,Mosselbaai, Zevenwacht,CapeGateennouookinSomerset-Wes.WatDe Jagers van die res onderskei

is die persoonlike diens wat kliëntekry. Sommermet die intrapslag by dieSomerset-Wes-tak word jy hartlik ont-

vang en die vriendelike span se flink,ingeligte diens is opvallend.Die De Jagers-span is duidelik meer

’n familieasnetgewoonkollegas,daar-omdieuitstekende samewerking.Hul-le loop werklik daardie ekstra myl virhul kliënte. Indien jy op soek is na ietsspesifieks,word ’nplanvinnigberaamom dit so gou moontlik te kan lewer.Pure outydse goeie diens. Soek jy ietsgemaklik, iets formeel, iets vir kerk ofiets vir speel? De Jagers bied iets virelke smaak in elke ouderdomsgroep.Van surf- en sportklere tot alledaagse-en formele mansdrag.DeJagersvoorsienookskooldragvir

meer as 100 skole in die Wes-Kaap en

in Somerset-Wes verkoop hulle alge-mene skoolklere soos grys kortbroeke,maroontruie,withemdeenskoolbaad-jies. ’n Verskeidenheid skooltasse en-skoene is ook beskikbaar.Kliënte kan ook uitsien na ’n groot

skoen-afdeling met veral ’n wye ver-skeidenheidsportskoene, slenter skoe-ne, sandale en formele skoene.Besigheidsure isweeksdae van 09:00

tot 18:00, Saterdae van 09:00 tot 16:00 enSondae van 09:00 tot 14:00.Maak ’n draai by De Jagers by die

Meltz-gebou oorkant Somerset Mallom hul splinternuwe somer-reeks tebesigtig. Bel De Jagers by 021 850 0287of e-pos [email protected].



14 DistrictMail14 November, 2013







A true friend who alwaysgave more than he recei-ved - lunch, golf and busi-ness partner whose lifeethic taught so much, andwhich will ensure he isalways fondly remembe-red.

Sincere condolences toYvonne, Stuart, Michelle,Gail, Kelvin and the wholefamily

Julian and Lauraine


A true gentleman who wewere fortunate to have asa client and friend for

many years.

Condolences to the family.

Directors and staffMorkel & De Villiers Inc.


Colleague, friend, mentorwho will be sadly missed.

Thank you for our timetogether.

Trustees Somerset ParkBusiness Trust


Passed away peacefully10/11/2013. Sadly missed

by Maureen, Susie &Andrew, Heather & Angus,Hannah, Zachari & Emily.Memorial service at Coro-nation Ave Methodist

Church, SWest on Friday15/11/2013 at 14:30.

HANNES STEMMET21.09.1928 - 08.11.2013Nog 'n soldaatjie het ges-neuwel. Ons geliefde egge-noot, pa, oupa en oupa-grootjie - jy was great.Diens Vrydag 15 Nov om11:00 te NG GemeenteHelderberg.

MARTHA GOODALL07.04.1930 - 08.11.2013

In loving memory ofMartha Goodall who pas-sed away peacefully on 8Nov 2013. Will be sadlymissed by her husbandIan, son Ian Graham,daughter-in-law Erica,

grandsons Alistair & Stu-art, great grandson Daniel.Memorial service to beheld Saturday 16 Nov at10am at Dove's FuneralChapel, c/o Voortrekker &Washington Road Belville.


1922 - 26 October 2013Rest in peace yourever-loving wife Di



CLOETE - Jonathan:In loving memory of ourdear son & brother Jona-than who celebrated hisbirthday away from us on11/11/13. Still very sadlymissed by Daddy, Mommy,Leonore, Patricia, Liezel

and all the family.

In memory of my dadRev. J.G.Hall

On 17/11/2003 it will be10 yrs since God took youhome.Dad , words cannotexpress how much momand I miss you.I know theboys miss you too, as wellas the grandchildren,whoknew you.Til we meetagain. Lots of love fromyour daughter. Rosemary


JOVAN VISSER23.08.1971 - 18.11.2008IN LOVING MEMORY of

our Son and Brother, JovanVisser, who passed awayon 18 Nov. 2008. You arealways in our thoughts.Sadly missed by Naomi,

Liezl & Helga.

NEACAIL - 12.11.1999A daughter may die, butshe will never outgrow

your heart. Happy 14th bir-thday on 12 November. Weall miss you a lot. LoveMommy, Daddy, Nevin &





Our snowshoe (Whitepaws) Siamese is mis-sing from Altena Road,Strand. Lumi has light tor-toise shell marks over herback & belly and a darkface, ears & tail. Pls if youknow where she is contactTish Els at 0782302953.




Private dinners, year-end functions, canapésand special occasions.Let Copper Kettle Catering

cater for your festiveneeds! 021 8829971


VRUGTEKOEKTuisgebak, versier of oor-getrek en verpak. Vierkan-tig, rond, brood of muffingroote. Skakel: Elma 079529 3171. Bestellings tot29 Nov 2013.



JUMP 4 HIREJumping Castles and slidesfor hire. We deliver, erectand collect. Ph. Christo

083 566 3061.

JUMP 4 JOY! Jumpingcastles, Shark slide, Gla-diator slide, Gladiatorboat, Tropical Island, Ballponds, Water slides.% Helene Cloete 082-222-0859.


collect.072 411 6416

JUMPING CASTLES enwaterglybaan te huur.Tel: Charmaine by8533999 of083-513-9493.

JUMPING CASTLES enwaterglybaan te huur.Tel: Charmaine by8533999 of083-513-9493.




Annual Returns, CC'sCompanies & Websites

% 021-903 8062 [email protected]



THE NAIL PLACEWe now stock and retailBLUESKY Shellac gel nail

polish. From R125.300 Colours available.Contact 021-851 4809



Agterstallig met jouvoertuig paaiemente,laat ek jou help. Of wil jyjou voertuig verkoop, laatek dit vir jou doenKontak nr 083 493 6894 /079 560 9088



HEALER DR SALONGOin Somerset West.HLove problemsHTroubled marriageHMagic wallet & luckHFinancial ProblemsHDivorce & court casesCall: 0785834799



TEL 073 4933966

ANTIQUE CLOCKSRepairs/renovations

Dutch qualifiedWatchmaker/JewellerCollect and deliverRolf: 021-8530576

ATTENTIONAll furniture repairs and

restoration done by WalterFrank, 8 Donkin Street,Strand. Tel 021 854 3854



DR. FUTURE: Palmreader,Fortune teller, solves mar-riage problems, businesspromotions, court cases,casino, LOTTO, sexual goodluck etc. 0717899349 Kuils-river


gesin on na jou diere tekyk in die Desember

vakansie? Kontak my by082 498 8046




All levels.Mornings/evenings.Diploma offered.% 021-851 8149


lessons. The InternationalEnglish School.

Call 021-8528859 [email protected]


Register for 2014. Ages12 months to Grade R.

072 272 2548 /www.kindy.co.za


Advertise OnlineDistrictMAIL

Contact Stefan Kolver021 853 0211

email:[email protected]

15DistrictMail14 November, 2013









2-SEATER PEDALBOATS for sale - R9 990.

Contact Nico084 837 5374.



Kontak 083 493 6894076 947 0700021 8289693079 5609088

Home baked ChristmasCakes with/without

brandy R180/R160. Freedelivery in Helderberg

area. Call Gill on0721377066 or

[email protected]

SOLIEDE hout baba eet-stoel R300, Hout werkbankR550 nuut R1200, Rondetrampolien met veiligheidsnette R950 nuut R1990,Skakel Visser 082339364



TOWNSHIP ANIMALRESCUE will be at theAudacia Root 44 Market,(cnr R44 and AnnandaleRoads) on Sat. 16 Nov &Sun. 17 Nov from 11:15-3pm and at the CountryCraft Market on Sat. 16Nov from 11:15-2pm withbeautiful dogs, puppies,cats & kittens of all sha-pes, sizes and ages. Weare desperately in needof volunteers who canhelp out for a couple ofhours at the markets!Foster or permanenthomes desperately nee-ded and a piece of landto rent on which tohouse our rescueddogs. Tinned dog andcat food urgently nee-ded. Without this wewill have to close downand many dogs and catswill suffer in the town-ships. Tel. 021 855 1824or 084 423 5991 for moreinfo. www.townshipani-malrescue.co.za



ABANDON your search!CASH for modern clothes,shoes, children's clothing,fancy dress, linen, kitchen-ware, books. I collect! %Carol 082 890 5749.

WE BUY BEDDING,LINEN, Curtains,baby/children clothing,Tv's, fridges & any house-hold items.Ph. 084 989 6712

ABOUT FURNITUREWANTED: Queen Ann andVictorian lounge suites,Grand Father clocks andRoll Top desks. Call 021

853 1341 or 082-771-3650.

EK KOOP goeie, moderne,tweedehandse klere,skoene, beddegoed,

gordyne en handsakke.Skakel Janine028 312 3419 of

Sel nr 060 420 2970

EMBUIA, Stinkhout,Geelhout en Swarthoutmeubels gesoek, asook"Queen Anne" & "Victo-riaanse" sitkamer-stelle.Kontak Freddie by 8543998of 082 9237 283.

FURNITURE, FRIDGES,ANTIQUES. Thinking ofselling any item? I willbe keen to make you acash offer. Kindlyphone Ronnie082-823-9944






All building plans pro-fessional CAD drawn.Cheapest rates, allareas. Contact Rory021-8510792 or083 456 2823

[email protected]










Repairs, service, main-tenance. Professionals.Best prices, ref. avail.Francois 081 801 9120.

MOLE AWAY!!!Let us worry about

your moles!!!!Ph: 021-8532180 (w)

or083 769 2428



E: [email protected]


T: 028 214 1294

16 DistrictMail14 November, 2013




CARPORTS/AFDAKKEPatios/pergolas. Decks.Treated & SABS timber.Smart finish using 22years exp. Great product@ great price! Tel: 083-414-8103/021-8581873





CIANSFor all plumbing and elec-

trical problems!BE YOUR PROBLEMBIG OR SMALL, MAKEIT MINE GIVE ME ACALL! 10% Pensionersdiscount on labour

%082 823 2196021-8564727



For all your Private andCorporate catering

requirements: Weddings,private dinner parties,year-end functions.

www.copperkettle.co.za021 8829971

Fridge & FreezerRepairs.Buy dead or alive.% 076 55 202 72

JHS HANDYMAN:Repairs, plumbing, elec-trics, painting, etc. No jobtoo big. Open duringfestive season. Tel. Jan0825588990/021-8532434.


Small RenovationsRubble Removal

Garden Refuge RemovalContact Leon071 542 4192079 132 7266

[email protected]









Garden Refuse Removaland general waste.Large & small loads

1 Ton bakkies & trailers.Tel. 082 7392 895 or072 770 6873

QUALITY REMOVALSRemoval of garden and

household refuseGerrit

079 501 5598



17DistrictMail14 November, 2013







24 Hours securityArmed Response

34 Secure Units from R300per month plus Vat

Contact: Gerhard021 8418556

[email protected]




112 BESIGHEDEAntomar Makelaars

Vir lys, navrae of webblad:www.antomar.co.zaTel. 021-8552603






HARBOUR ISLAND.Please contact Paula on

082 555 9318.







Skakel 079 777 1729





!! AANBOD !!Koop alle voertuie enbakkies vir kontant.Betaal beste pryse.Skakel 082 766 9716




COMMERCIAL /INDUSTRIAL TO LETGeneral Industrial - insecure complex, big doors,high roof, Eskom 3 Phase,easy access N2 & R44:706m2 - suit boatbuil-ding, heavy vehicles,manufacturing line etc.available 1 Dec.481m2 - available 15 Nov;Timber and motor indu-stries in [email protected] -083 383 0174 / 021 8561884.





STRAND R6 050.00 -3 Slaapkamer dupleks met1.5 badkamers in sekuri-teitskompleks. Moderneoop-plan kombuis en leef-area, privaat patio, braaien tuintjie. 1 Klein troetel-dier welkom. Enkel motor-huis. Kontak: 021-8536527 of 079 136 9272 of079 521 6692.



Edna Brink 0836297879R4000: 3 Slp, m/h, sekkompleks, geen diere,dupleks, ASAP


Furnished. Single person.No pets. No smoking. Safeparking. 073 473 2616 /021 855 3645. R2600 +dep. Available 1 Dec.

STRAND R10 000.00 -Ruim 3 slaapkamer woon-stel met 2 badkamers inpopulêre blok in Kusweg.Oop-plan kombuis enleefarea met balkon ensee-uitsig. Kontak: 021-853 6527 of 079 136 9272.

STRAND R5 300.00 -2 Slaapkamer woonstelmet 1.5 badkamers in se-kuriteitskompleks. Geendiere, kelder parkering.Kontak: 021-853 6527 of

079 136 9272 of079 521 6692.

Eenmanwoonstel, 1 blokvan see. R2 000pm.Skakel Herman

083 388 1909 na ure021 852 6574.

FLAT IN MONTESERENO, SOMERSETWEST - PERFECT FORTHE YOUNG PROFES-SIONAL! VIEWS FORAFRICA! 2 Bed, 1 bath,O/plan kitchen / loungewith balcony and builtin braai. R5300.00 pm -Contact Lulu for furtherinfo: 021 8500 192 / 08156 84 983.DYNAMIC REALTORS.

FOREST GROVE,Somerset West - 2 bedrflat in Security Complex.Good area. No pets.R4600 pm. Contact: 082928 1153.

GORDONSBAAI: Veilige2 slpk gemeubileerdewoonstel vir seniors.R4500 pm. See / berg uit-sig. Onmiddellik beskik.Tel: 021 8564602 / 084 5172047.

HELDERVUE - Tuinwoonstel - Vollediggemeubileerd + kitche-nette. Baie privaat. W+L +DSTV en sekuriteit parke-ring ingesluit. Verkieslikrustige, enkel persoon.Besk. 1 Des. R3500pm.082 557 1441.

SPLINTERNUWE RUIMoopplan woonstel aan huiste huur vir 'n dame. Sen-traal in Strand, R2900pm.Geen troeteldiere, Onmid.beskikbaar. 083 448 3729.

STRAND R4 600.00 -2 Slaapkamer woonstelmet 1.5 badkamers in se-kuriteitskompleks. Geendiere, swembad in kom-pleks. Kontak: 021-8536527 of 079 136 9272 of

079 521 6692.


Rooms & Flats to rentCentral / SecureContact Frikkie021-854 4779

STRAND: 2 Slaapkamereenheid op grond vloermet privaat tuin en staan-plek in Chianti Heights.Vanaf 01.12.2013. R4000pm. Tel 021-851 6783.



BRIZA: spacious 1 bedr.garden cottage with fridge

and stove, available 1December. Private ent-rance with safe parking.Preferably single lady. Nosmoking, no pets. R3200per month, W&E included.Contact 082 566 8360



GBAY - Luxury 4 bed, 3.5bath, kitchen, scullery,pantry, seaviews. Water-fall + koi pond inside houseR2.25m. Private sale082 881 4982/0218551312

GRABOUW - Privaat Ver-koop. Netjiese 2 slaap-kamer, 2 badkamer huis.Ten volle omhein. Alarm-stelsel. R580 000.00 ohb.Skakel: 021-859 1414 /084 494 4141.

HOUSE FOR SALE inVictoria Park. 3 xBedroom. R700 000.00.No agents please. ContactMervin 082 874 9809.

MACASSAR:3 slpk,ingeboude kaste inkombuis,kaggel, in stil

area. R360000. Kontak asbvir Lindsay, [email protected] of




Modern 3 bed house, 2bath, situated in Gordon’sBay. Occupation 1 Dec.

R5875pm.0834701324 or0848384213

STRAND - (BroadlandsVillage) 2 slpk huis mettoesluit motorhuis. Nabyskool en winkelsentrum.Beskikbaar 1 Des, R3200pm. Kontak Carla 083 7885235.

2.5 Bedroom House toRent – 9 Van Zyl StreetSomerset West

1 Bathroom, woodenfloors, fire place, large gar-

den ±1000sm, OutsideLaundry room. AvailableImmediately 074 298 1787

or 083 635 2262

Gordon’s Bay – Newlyrenovated, spacious house.5 bed, 2 full bath, largekitchen, lounge, doublegarage, built-in cupboards,laundry, patio & braai,large garden. Availableimmediately. R8500 pm.0828499505

RETIREMENT UNIT:Schonenberg - Somer-set West. Fantastic 3bedroom, 2 bathrooms,indoor braai and 2 garages.Available 1 November2013 - R12000.00 pm.Contact: 082 442 5577.

STRAND - Van DerMerwe str. R8500, 3 Slp,1.5 Badk, binnebraai, 1m/h plus afdak, groot erfmet swembad, vanaf 1 Des2013. Skakel Andries Bas-son Eiendomme by: 021-4600422, 082 927 3154 of082 570 2605.

STRAND R4500 p.m.Neat 2 bedr. secure home.Full bathr. o/plan kitchen /lounge garage. Braai area.

% 082 644 9802.

18 DistrictMail14 November, 2013




STRAND - Gemeubileerdeprivaat kamer aan huis tehuur met dubbel bed,kaste, tafel, stoele, ketel,mikrogolf en DSTV metbuite deur. Deel badkameren toilet. W&E ing. R2500pm, lang termyn. Skakel084 240 7301 of 021-8544830.

STRAND:Netjies gemeub. kamers

vanaf R150 p.d.SKAKEL 072 745 7421






35 YR OLD ZIM LADYwith work permit lookingfor chars Tue, Thur & Sat.Ref available. CallWynette on 083 549 7222.

I AM LOOKING FOR Ajob as a domestic worker.With reference and 2 yearsexperience. Contact me on083 993 3604.

A HARD WORKINGLADY looking for one daywork per week (Thursday)

in Somerset West orStrand.

Contact 073 864 0526

A MALAWIAN LADY ISlooking for a job as ahousekeeper. Contact no084 925 4772

A MALAWIAN lady islooking for a job as a

house girl or all domesticwork. Sleep in is possiblefor me. Contact me on


MARTHA 28 YRS is loo-king for domestic work,full time or chars. Trust-worthy with contactablerefs. Please call on 078093 0141.

MALAWIAN MAN loo-king for a job as a garde-ner and general cleaningfor Tue and Thur. Exp &refs. Call Tius 084 4463053.

MY NAME IS PAMELA.I'm 24 yrs old looking fora job as a housekeeper ornanny for five days perweek. Contact me at 078257 3832.

SA LADY is looking for ajob as a domestic, chars oreveryday. I'm honest andreliable. Ref available.

Please feel free to contactme on 072 941 8204

A MALAWIAN MAN islooking for a full / parttime job as a gardener,h/keeper or handyman orany other general jobs.Call Paul on 074 313 1490.

A MALAWIAN MAN islooking for a job as a gar-dener or housekeeper. Ref083 414 8273. Contact no076 630 5253 / 061 3242486.

A MALAWIAN MAN ISlooking for a job as a gar-dener or a housekeeper.Contact no 061 084 6065 /079 953 9190.

SAM IS LOOKING FORa painting job. For freequotation contact 082 0768062. Ref Poll 083 6563334 / Tonny 083 600 4465

A MALAWIAN MANlooking for a job as a gar-dener or house keeper orany job. Call Namely at

073 382 9107 or084 358 3507.

A MALAWIAN youngman is looking for gardenwork, also housekeeping.Exp of 3 yrs & have contac-table ref. Welcome otherwork, call 0843109882.

I AM A LADY aged 30yrs, looking for a job: eve-ryday, chars, sleep-in, carwash. Contact me at

083 950 4817.Reference availble.

I AM A MALAWIANlady looking for a job inhousekeeping, shopkee-ping or any domestic work.Call me on 084 684 7123.

I AM LOOKING FOR ajob as a gardener or charsfor Mon to Fri. 2 Yearsexperience and contactablereference. Call 061 3770183.

I AM LOOKING FORdomestic work or charsMon to Fri. I have 4 yearsexperience and contactablereference. Call 078 6820486.

I am looking for work. Expin machine operating,excavation, digger loa-ding, front loading &brickloader cranes

073 077 3259.

I AM MALAWIAN loo-king for a job as a garde-ner and painting. Refe-rence: Alessia Viljoen 083393 0651 or contact me084 896 5422.

I'M A MALAWIAN ladylooking for a job as house-keeper or any domesticwork. My reference is

074 639 8510. Call me on084 446 9335.

MALAWIAN MANlooking for a job as a gar-dener and general clea-ning, housekeeping. Withexp & refs. Call 084 2357958.



FITTERrequired with experience.

Please contact021-851 3061.


Sales Agents neededEarn 25 to 31% commission

+ incentives monthly.Contact Peggy081 469 4427

Semi-skilled boilerma-kers / welders / fittersrequired for short term

contract work. Fax a shortCV to 086 509 3758

DATAHUB - Earn extraincome from home in yourown time, no computerneeded! Earn up to R800per day for only 60 minu-tes per day. For moreinformation SMS yourname & address to 071 9273131 or 078 830 8195.

Maintenance ForemanWe have a vacancy for anexperienced MaintenanceForeman for our factory in

Faure.Applicant must have a fit-ting and turning and fabri-cation background as wellas strong supervisory

skills. A basic knowledgeof three phase electricswill be an advantage.

Please fax a detailed CV to0865211137

NAIL TECH NEEDED60% Commission + paidleave. Minimum 3 yearsexperience. Contact 021-851 4809 to arrange apractical interview.

QUALIFIED PLUMBERwith necessary experiencerequired for small business

in Helderberg Area.No chancers! Send CV to

086 663 8043.


We are looking for energe-tic, professional FOHmanagers with a mini-mum of two year's expe-rience to join our team.Candidates must be willingto work long hours andmust thrive under pres-sure. Market relatedremuneration. Please for-ward CV with referencesto:[email protected]

GESOEK PERSOON meteie ligte motorfiets / scoo-ter vir ligte afleweringsbedags in Strand, Somer-set-Wes, Gordonsbaai. 'nGoeie pakket word aange-bied, asook aangenamewerksomstandighede en

werksure. Kontak0610071414.


vir Tuindienste Stellen-bosch. Sal: R4000. Maan-dag tot Vrydag 08:00 -16:30. 5 Jaar ondervin-ding. 30 jaar en ouer.

Kode 8 of 10 lisensie. FaksCV na 021-886 6155, epos:[email protected]

Tracing AgentLooking for a mature andreliable person that hasgood telephonic skills.

Basic + comm. Email CV [email protected]



BETROUBARE inslaaphuishulp gesoek in

Somerset-Wes. Ondervin-ding en goeie verwysings

noodsaaklik.Skakel 083 384 0308.




Notice is hereby giventhat all equipment andbelongings owned by:Mr Adams – 39 Maxi MiniPerfectochem - 49 MaxiMini will be sold by ownerin lieu of arrears rent,after the 15th of Novem-ber 2013.


In the Magistrates Courtfor the District of Strand ,held at Strand.Case No: 2985/2013In the matter between:A AcuttExecution CreditorandNP KiesExecution DebtorNOTICE OF SALE INEXECUTIONPURSUANT to a judgmentby the MagistrateSTRAND 24 October 2013the undermentioned goodswill be sold at 14h00 on 10December 2013 by publicauction to be held at 12HAMMOND STREET,STRAND, by the Sherifffor the Magistrates Court,STRAND to the highestbidder for cash, namely:


SIGNED at CAPE TOWN onthe 23rd day of October2013.

Western Cape ProvincialGovernment

Attorneys for ExecutionCreditor

Western Cape Rental Hou-sing Tribunal

27 Wale StreetCAPE TOWN, 8000Tel: 021 483 6497Fax: 021 483 2060

Ref: Andrea MullinsFile No: 21/3/1/2040/A7




KENNISGEWINGBoedel Wyle GEORGADOLF WILHELMFROMME, Identiteits-nommer 231108 5008182, Wewenaar, Pensiona-ris van Bridgewater Manor109, Somerset-Wes, en wieoorlede is te Somerset-Wes op 15 Oktober 2013.

Boedel nr: 14890/2013

Skuldeisers en Skuldenaarsin bogemelde boedel wordhiermee aangesê om binne30 (dertig) dae na publika-sie hiervan hul vorderingsin te dien en hul skulde tebetaal by die ondergemeldeadres.


EksekuteursDie Forum

Dramastraat 13POSBUS 43



ESTATE LATE AGATHAGONGGRIJP, IdentityNumber 280303 0040187, of 13 Rue Orleans,Somerset West, 7130 andwho at her death on 5 May2013 was married in com-munity of property to FRITSWILLEM RINIA GONG-GRIJP, Identity Number261123 5050 186.

Estate Nr: 8684/2013

All persons having claimsagainst the abovementio-ned estate must lodge itwith the Executor concer-ned within 30 days (or asindicated) from date ofpublication hereof.


1106 CourtyardGants Centre


Tel: 021-854 9068Email:

[email protected]


ESTATE LATE JOHNARTHUR PERSSE, Iden-tity Number 2308245004 085, of 927 Helder-berg Village, SomersetWest, 7130, who died on 2October 2013.

All persons having claimsagainst the abovementio-ned estate must lodge itwith the Executor concer-ned within 30 days (or asindicated) from date ofpublication hereof.


927 Helderberg VillageSOMERSET WEST

7130Tel: 021-855 1872

Email:[email protected]


ESTATE LATE DAWIDBANIES, Identity Num-ber 570528 5100 086, ofNuweberg Reservaat, Gra-bouw, 7160 and who diedon 9 October 2013.

All persons having claimsagainst the abovementio-ned estate must lodge itwith the Executor concer-ned within 30 days (or asindicated) from date ofpublication hereof.


1106 Courtyard,Gants Centre


Tel: 021-854 9068Email:

[email protected]



NOTICEFIRST AND FINAL LIQUI-DATION AND DISTRIBU-TION ACCOUNT INESTATE LATE MAVISLUCY MYERS, IdentityNumber 261128 0021082, of 15 House PamBrink, 16 Myburgh Street,Strand, who died at Strandand who at the time of herdeath on 29 June 2013 wasa widow.

Estate Nr: 10195/2013

NOTICE is hereby giventhat the First and FinalLiquidation and Distribu-tion Account in the aboveEstate will lie for inspec-tion at the Office of theMaster of the High Court,Cape Town & of the Magis-trate, STRAND for a periodof 21 days as from 15NOVEMBER 2013.


ExecutorsThe Forum

13 Drama StreetP O Box 43


JCK/hjvr (KM000018)

NOTICEFIRST AND FINAL LIQUI-DATION AND DISTRIBU-TION ACCOUNT IN ESTATELATE HELEN EVELYNMARY PILCHER, Iden-tity Number 2008170006 184, widowed pen-sioner of Huis Marie Louw,18 Fagan Street, SomersetWest, who died on the 26thof June 2013.

Estate Nr: 9598/2013

Notice is hereby given thatthe First and Final Liquida-tion and DistributionAccount in the aboveEstatewill lie for inspection at theOffice of the Master of theHigh Court, Cape Town andof the Magistrate, SOMER-SET WEST for a period of21 days from the date ofpublication of this notice.

John PilcherExecutor



19DistrictMail14 November, 2013


20 DistrictMail14 November, 2013


21Distrikspos14 November, 2013



20 19°C

MIN 17°C



14 Nov 07:01 | 19:34 00:56 | 13:0715 Nov 07:42 | 20:10 01:38 | 13:4716 Nov 08:18 | 20:43 02:16 | 14:2417 Nov 08:52 | 21:13 02:50 | 14:57


MIN 17°C



17WIND: 22km S/SE


MIN 17°CWIND: 25km S/SE



MIN 17°C


WIND: 25km SWIND: 18km W/NWSUNRISE 05:34 SUNSET 19:28 SUNRISE 05:33 SUNSET 19:29 SUNRISE 05:32 SUNSET 19:30SUNRISE 05:34 SUNSET 19:27

number of experienced anglers likeStevie Claasen removed the hooksfrom their spinners or poppers andwere just spinning to watch the fren-zy and the spectacle of the yellowtailgrabbing the lures.This day will long be remembered

by the anglers that were there as agreat yellowtail smash.OnFridayandSaturdayJanBrink

and his two sons had nice catches ofkob fromBlaasgatandMnandibeachand on Sunday Jan had fish from thesheltered beach part of Mnandi.Jan and other fishermen had kob

between2 kgand20 kg.ThreeofJan’skobwere 5 kg, 6 kg and 20 kg.He saida number of anglers lost fish to Rag-ged tooth sharks biting off their fishand lines.On Saturday a visiting provincial

and national team angler, Dean Pre-torius, said while fishing for kob onStrandfontein beach he beached acouple of sharks.

He thenmoved on to Shark rock intheStrandwherehecaughta3 kgkoband a 7 kg kob from Adderley Streetrocks and the Ver-leëbank area.TheWestern Province

Shore Angling Associa-tion will be holding itsmonthly competitionthis weekend, weatherpermitting.This should liven up

the action at our localfishing spots.On Friday and Satur-

daytherewereanumberof boats fishing for tun-ny, but not many werecaught.On Saturday Patrick

Christodoulo had twoyellow fin, oneweighing 91 kgwhichwas caught deeper in the canyon ar-ea.The Two Oceans Tuna Competi-

tion held from Atlantic Boat ClubHout Bay from 1 – 5 November alsoproduced some big yellowtail.

Ondayone conditionsinthedeepweregoodbutthe fishwerescarcewithanumberoftheboatsnotcatching.Boats that weighed

fish in were: Beluga –skippered by Steve Pot-ter with a yellowfin of81,28 kg; Tuna Torque –skippered by OllieWrightwith yellowfinof56,52 kg and 44,30 kg;Makaira – skippered byAnthony Webb with ayellowfin of 63,18 kg; MiThyme – skippered bySeanToddwithayellow-

fin of 69,52 kg; Azzuri – skippered bySebastian Di Bartolo with yellowfinof 39,28 kg and 43,68 kg.Days two to four were blown out.

Ondayfivetheanglersleftearlyforwhat proved to be a great day of fish-ing.Among the boats and anglers who

had good catches were: Mistique –Harold Turner 66,80 kg; Makaira –AlanWatt 95,18 kg;Mi Thyme – SeanTodd 68,98 kg; Beluga – Alex Herrod86,90 kg; Gratitude – William Melck83,94 kg; Tuna Cat Cha – Bruce Gold93,28 kg and Etienne Brawn – 92,16kg; Cloud 9 – 79,58 kg; Dragon – 87.9and 59,93 kg; Anuqa – EN Sprag –89,58 kg and Chris Sprag – 100,24 kg.Professional boat fishermen fish-

ing for snoek at Buffels Bay boatedsixty snoek and more per man plusthe odd yellowtail and katonkel.After the long fishing lay off an-

glers should check their fishing reelsproperly before going fishing again,especially those reels that were im-mersed in the sea.Forallyourreelrepairsandservic-

es contact Art on 021 854 3831.

It isnotoften thatonehearsaboutboth novices and experiencedspinnermen having a field daywhile spinning for yellowtail onRooikranz.

Well onSaturday 9Novemberninespinnermen were at Rooikranz, in-cludinganumberofbeginnersandallleft the Kranz with their quotas.The yellowtail did not have to be

gaffedeverytimeandthemoreskilfulanglers,withthecorrecttackle,loftedthe fish right out of the water andswung them onto the ledges.The fish continued to follow and

take the spinners for just over twohours. Anglers reported there waschaos galore at times as lines weretangledandoneortworodswereevensmashed and a few choice words ex-changed!Near the end of the run, while the

newcomers were still spinning hardfor their full quotas of ten fish, a

It was a great ‘yellowtail smash’ for the sultans of swing to remember

H’berg stars shineinMiniMastersTalentedHelderberg tennisplay-ers Weyers Meintjes and MeganLombardi impressed at the 2013Sportmans Warehouse BolandMini Series Masters tournamentheld at the Strand Tennis Clublast week.

Weyers won the boys u.16 titlebeating Freddie van der Merwe 6-3,6-3 to do so, whileMegan lost 6-2, 7-5toDanielleLuttig in thehard-foughtu.14 girl’s final.The top eight finishers of this

year’s tournaments, (64 players inall) were invited to play in thisevent.Onlysinglesmatcheswereplayed

in the u.12, u.14, u.16 and open agegroups.Final results:Boys u.12: Thando Smit beat Rob-

bie Arends 6-3, 6-1; u.14: MatthewJohnson beat Pierre Malan 6-4, 6-0and in the u.16 final: WeyersMeintjes beat Freddie van der Mer-we 6-3, 6-3.In the men’s open Kris van Wyk

beat Rhys Milne 7-5 and 6-4.In the girls u.12 final, Margerite

Hartung beat Nicole Donnelly 6-0,6-3; in theu.14matchDanielleLuttigbeat Megan Lombardi 6-2, 7-5.In theu.16 finalCindyDorrington

beat Minette van Vreden (retiredthrough injury).In the Women’s Open Cindy

Bekker beat Carla van Zyl 6-1 and6-2.

Megan Lombardi was the runner­up in the girl’s u.14 division of theMini Series Masters Tournament.

Weyers Meintjes excelled at the re­cent 2013 Sportmans WarehouseBoland Mini Series Masters tourna­ment by beating Freddie van derMerwe 6­3, 6­3 in the boys u.16group of the tournament played atthe Strand Tennis Club.

Macassar lose T20 to Blue BellsMacassar’s first team lost their T20semi-final against Blue Bells in theStrand on Saturday. Blue Bellselected to bat and Macassar bowledthem out for 87 in 17 overs.Macassar’s bowlers were: N.

Swartland 2-2-8, S. Jantjies 4-2-15, C.Mitchell 4-3-15, R. Sinden 2-1-13 andA. Roberts 1-1-0.Macassar started off well with an

opening stand of 18 runs. Then twoconsecutive wickets fell, the runsdried up and Macassar could onlyscore 71/8 in their 20 overs.The only batsmen to reach double

figures were A. Roberts, 21 and Q.Bowman, 11.

The next first-team game is aleaguematchagainstBlueDownsathome this Saturday.Some great bowling by Macas-

sar’s second team saw them beatHelderberg by five wickets in theirmatch on Saturday.Helderberg won the toss and bat-

ted; Macassar’s bowlers ripped thebatting apart to scuttle Helderbergout for 43 in 17,4 overs.BestbowlersforMacassarwereR.

Pretorius, 2-9, F. Delis, 2-8, S. Swart-land, 3-10 and C. Lottering, 2-2.Macassar passed thie score in the

17thover.M.Swartlandwasthebestbatsman with 14 runs.

Ladiesmasters hockey tournamentSomersetWest Hockey Club’s wom-en will host the inaugural Wine-lands Ladies Masters Tournamenton theParelValleiHighSchool’s as-troturf this Saturday.The tournamentwill be held from

11:00 to 18:00 and will be precededby a junior mini-tournament from09:00 to 11:00.

Fun activities planned for the dayinclude a mini-hockey skills work-shop on the practice Astro for play-ers between eight and 12 years.There will also be food and drinksfor sale at the school.For more information phone

Becky Blaauw at 083 208 6160 oremail [email protected].

NEDBANK VINPRO INLIGTINGSDAGDie Nedbank VinPro Inligtingsdag word van 08:00 tot • Suid-Afrika se mededingendheid in die wêreldkonteks12:45 op 23 Januarie 2014 by Lord Charles Hotel, (Stephen Rannekleiv – Uitvoerende Direkteur:Somerset-Wes aangebied. Voedsel- en Landboubesigheidsnavorsing, Rabobank)

Met hernieude uitdagings in die wynbedryf sal • Bedryfsverwante onderwerpbedryfspesialiste by dié geleentheid 'n oorsig van (Sal aangekondigword)vooruitsigte vir 2014 gee.

Gevestigde en ontluikende wynprodusente, asookDie onderwerpe is: rolspelers op die kelder- en bemarkingsgebied, word• Ekonomiese vooruitsigte aangemoedig om die geleentheid by te woon.(Johann Els – Senior Ekonoom, Old Mutual)

Registrasie is verpligtend en sluit middagete in.• Tendense in die internasionale wynmark ALGEMEEN:(Mike Veseth – Skrywer, The Wine Economist) R600 per persoon teen 11 Desember 2013 (R700 daarna)

• Seisoensoorsig en oesverwagtings VINPRO-LEDE:(Francois Viljoen – Bestuurder: Konsultasiediens, R450 per persoon teen 11 Desember 2013 (R500 daarna)VinPro)

Die volledige program en registrasievorm is by• Vooruitsigte vir die binnelandse wynmark www.vinpro.co.za beskikbaar, of kontak Patricia Jordaan(Phillip Retief – Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Van by tel 021 807 3237, faks 021 863 2079 of e-posLoveren) [email protected].

22 DistrictMail14 November, 2013


HOËRSKOOL STRAND SPORTTOEKENNINGS: Leerders wat hierdie jaar op sportgebieduitgeblink het, het onlangs erkenning gekry hiervoor. Agter van links is Dylan Frick (Ster­toe­kenning vir beste prestasie in ’n buitesport en Sport Suppliers­trofee vir Sportpresteerder vandie Jaar), Diego Visagie (Tonie Potgieter­beker vir sportman van die jaar, spansport) en Sa­vannah Käsner (Thom Potgieter­beker vir sportvrou van die jaar, spansport). Voor: MoniquePretorius (Hectic Biltong­wisseltrofee vir sportvrou van die jaar, individuele sport), Christo deSwardt (John Jennings­beker vir sportmanskap, seuns), Catherine Geard (Du Toit­beker virsportmanskap, meisies) en Elmo Barnard (Morkel­skild vir sportman van die jaar, individuelesport).

GHOLFDAG VIR LOCHNERHOF: Laerskool Lochnerhof segholfdag is verlede week by die Strand­gholfklub gehou. Vanlinks is van die skool se personeel wat aan die vierbal deel­geneem het, Delwald Erasmus, skoolhoof Marius Botha, Chris­to Southey en Roland Dorfling.

ROX MEESTERS 2013: Agt tennisspelers van Laerskool DeHoop het Saterdag 2 November aan die Rox Meesters­toer­nooi in Paarl deelgeneem. Van links Michael Cowley (eindig8ste o.13), Johannes van As (7de o.13), Stefan McAslin (wen­ner o.10), Judy Serfontein (6de o.10), Stefan Eckley (3deo.13), Jeandre Beets (4de o.10), Kyle Gibbs (eindig 5de o.11).Storm Vonck (6de o.12) was afwesig met die neem van diefoto.

SOMERSET COLLEGE CRICKETERS: Five cricket players of Somer­set College will represent various Boland teams later this season. Atthe back from left are Elliot Moses who played Boland u.17A lastyear and has been selected for the u.17A Boland and for Bolandu.19 Coca Cola Week side and Charlie Budd will be playing for theBoland u.15A team; (front): Jonathan Sloane (Boland u.17A), BenHenderson (Boland u.15A) and William Sendin (Boland u.15A). TheUnder 15s will participate in the CSA u.15 Week held from 13 – 17December in Johannesburg. The u.17s will be staying in the Bolandand playing in the CSA u.17 national week in Paarl and Stellen­bosch. The Coca Cola Khaya Majola u.19 Cricket Week will be heldin the Western Province region from the 9 –13 December.

CYCLIST IN TOPTHREE: HHH pupil,Peter John Saal com­pleted all three Spurevents in the sub­jun­ior category as wellas various othermountain­bike events.He achieved a thirdplace in the Meeren­dal High School Spurrace in the u.13event.

EXCELLING AT SPORT: These Hendrik Louw Primary Schoollearners competed against various Helderberg and Stellenboschschools at the recent Beaumont Day/Night Sports Event. TheHendrik Louw u. 11 tennis boys and girls both finished second,the u. 7 cricket team finished second and the u. 8 cricket teamfinished first on the day. Dimitri Mngqolo obtained four goldmedals and was nominated male athlete of the day.

STAR ATHLETE: Dimitri Mngqolo from Hendrik Louw Primaryearned four gold medals in the 100 m, 200 m, 80 m hurdlesand long jump in the Beaumont Day/Night Sport Event. Dim­itri was also voted athlete of the day and has had a wonder­ful athletics season this year.

TOUTREKKER VANFORMAAT: Die 13­jarige Jamé Phillipsvan Laerskool Loch­nerhof is onlangs asdie o.23 sportvrouvan die jaar by diesenior WP­toutrek Er­kenningsfunksie aan­gewys.

ROX WINNER: Ste­fan McAslin convinc­ingly won the boysu. 10 section of theRox Masters eventheld in Paarl recently.He played superb ten­nis on the day andbeat his opponent,Mikhail Briesies by6­0 in the finalmatch. Stefan is alearner at De HoopPrimary School, andhas a bright tennis fu­ture ahead of him.

RegstellingIn die Distriks-Pos se Skole-bylaag van 24Oktoberwasdieopskrif vir Ho-erskool ParelVallei se leiers“Paarl Vallei se2014-hooflei-ers” in plaasvanParelValleise 2014-hooflei-ers.Onsvraver-skoning virhierdie fout.

CRICKET CHAMPS: The happy and proud Beaumont u.13 A crick­et team who were unbeaten in their ten league games this seasonare (back, from left) Michard Meets, Brendan Smith, Kyle Banks,Markus Seele, Francois Lotter, Bradley Boyd, Dean Jacobs and Jas­on Thomas. In front are Jannes de Necker, Damian Peterson (c) andJuan Burger.

23Distrikspos14 November, 2013






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Craig Melvill2 [email protected]

Good team spirit goes a longwayI know that I work at Beaumont and coachthe u.13 A cricket team so a little bit of biasis creeping into this week’s article.I would however like to congratulate the

Beaumont Primary School’s u.13 A cricketteam for finishing the season unbeaten intheir league fixtures. It’sa fantasticachieve-ment and the boys have not only shown tal-ent, but have also great character through-out the year. There have been a number ofclose games this year and team spirit andcharacter have shone through in thosegames. The competition between schoolshas beenvery tough this year and the stand-ard of cricket very impressive.The season came to an end on Monday

with the annual interschools cricket matchbetween Beaumont and De Hoop.It was a close game between arguably the

top two sides in the Helderberg.Beaumont scored 146/7 in their 30 overs

with De Hoop replying with 132/9. Beau-mont won the game by 14 runs.Jason Thomas (4 wickets for 11 runs) and

Juan Burger (36 runs and 3 wickets for 27runs) were the stand out players for Beau-montwithDeHoop’s captainRudiClaasenskeeping his side in the match with his wellconstructed 72*.TheBeaumontboysalsowenton tourear-

ly in October where they beat some of the

top sides in Bloemfontein.Thattourwasinvaluablefromateamspir-

itbuildingperspectiveandtheboyshavedef-initely improved their game since then.This is something that many teams can

benefit from.Atour,orpre-seasoncampcango a long way in building good team spirit.More often than not, it is the team with

good teamspirit that comes through in tightmatchesandseasons.I’msurethatthecrick-eters at the Helderberg Cricket Club willagree that team spirit was vital to them inwinning two league titles in succession.There have been somemixed fortunes for

our senior clubs at the start of the WPCAtwo day league. Hottentots Holland startedoff with a goodwin, while Helderberg, Som-erset West and Macassar lost their firstround games. Somerset West howeverbounced back with a good win in their sec-ond game. This period before theChristmasbreak is a vital one, with all clubs wantingto pick up a win or two to put them in goodstead for the start of the sec-ond half of the season. Goodluck to all our cricketers.

Castle leads Helderbergtoanother impressivewinHelderberg won their match againstStrandfontein on Saturday by 10 wickets.

Strandfontein resumed their inningson6/2still 29 runs shy of Helderberg’s first inningstotal. After losing at regular intervals, theywere all out for 100. Vernon Davids made thefirst breakthrough claiming the wicket of thenight watchman.

But it was once again the steadfast bowlingof Vincent Castle who was Strandfontein’sdownfall. He bowled a remarkable 23 overs onthe trot and took four wickets for 21 runs.Davids and Lian Jacobs took two wickets

a piece to wrap up the Strandfontein innings.This left Helderberg with 65 runs to win

whichopenersGrantMoss (35*)andGary-JonSylvester (29*) reached with ease.On Sunday, Helderberg lost their away

AMA Pro20 semi-final to Strandfontein by 58runs.Thehometeamscored123 runs towhichHeldeberg replied with 65 runs.Helderberg’s second team won their game

against Somerset West Cricket Club’s secondteam by an innings and 113 runs.Helderberg’s fourth team won their match

against Wynberg by 150 runs.Helderberg batted first and openers Garth

Hurling (71) and Jonty Vaaltyn (17) got themoff to a good start.Then Evan van Boom, with a quickfire 51

and Arthur Maritz (27) helped take the scoreto194/7 in theallotted35overs.Wynbergwerebowled out for 44 in 21.2 overs.The best bowlers were: Evan van Boom 5-2-

14, Sean Fredericks 7-4-16, Paul de Vos 5-1-8andEugeneVermeulen 2.2-3-3.VanBoomwasalso chosen as the player of the match.

SWCCfinally winPatient bowling,tight fielding andsheer determinationby Rawson SomersetWest Cricket Club’s(SWCC) first team re-sulted in a 10 runwinover Telkom Brook-lyn on Saturday.Somerset West re-

sumed their inningson 119/7 and were allout for 144with a leadof 77 runs.Somerset West’s

bowlers came outblazing and theBrooklyn batsmenstruggled throughouttheir innings.SWCC’s bowlers

and fielders kept thebatsmen under pres-sure for which coach,Ian Brotherton, cantake a bow.First change bowl-

er,JacquesFourieex-celled with figures of7-6-9.Off-spinner James

Wilshere bowled 7-2-16 andBrooklynweredismissed for 67.The second team

lost to Helderberg byan innings and 113runs.Rawson SWCC

Gremlins lost toPine-hurst Primary u. 11by 58 runs.The Gob-

lins (u.10 B) lost toBellville PeninsulaCricket Associa-tion (BPCA) by sevenwickets and theDrag-ons (u.10C) lost theirmatch to WPCC byseven wickets.

HOW’S THAT?Vincent Castle ap­peals for a catch inthe match againstStrandfontein onSaturday. Vincebowled brilliantly tolead his team to awin bowling 23overs on the trotand taking 4/2.PHOTO: PETER BEE


DONDERDAG, 14 NOVEMBER 2013 Prys: R6.00 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com | districtmail.mobi


Piratesget theirmojobackAfter an unexpected loss in theirprevious game, Helderberg Pi-rates’ first team got back to theirwinning ways when they camefrom behind to beat Kenfac Phil-lies at Radloff Park on Saturday.

Both teams got off to a slow startwith Kenfac just managing to edgeahead by two runs to nil early in thegame.After that, Kenfac Phillies strug-gled to put further runs on the boardas they were kept subdued by the ef-fective pitching combination of Pi-rates pitchers Brad de Waal, ChrisLambert and Ridge Armstrong.Like true Pirates, the home teamweathered the rough start and withsome vital hits coming from battersJamie Grey, Alex McConnach andIanMatthews in the fifth frame,wereable to tie the scores.The late,butwelcomearrival of vet-eran Pirates player Jared Uys andsomewisewords fromstand-in coachGarth Coetzee seemed to spur thehome team on.They then gained momentum andbatted themselves to a comfortablefinish, winning the game by nineruns to five at the top of the ninthframe.Pirates would like to thank last-minute umpire Derek Lambert andscorer Tammy Herselman.All the other Pirates teams foughthard in their games, with wins re-corded by the u.14 A’s who won 10-8,theu.12’swhowon16-15 andtheu.10’swho won 7-0.The u.14 B’s were unlucky to loseto Westridge by 15-13 while the sen-iors second side lost 13-6 to Kenfac.All the Pirates teams will be in ac-tionatRadloff Park thisweekendandlookforwardtothesamesupport theyreceived last weekend.

PITCH IT UP! Brad de Waal was one of the Pirate pitchers who helped sub­due to Kenfac Phillies batters. Chris Lambert while Ridge Armstrong assistedhim on the mound. PHOTOS: PETER BEE

Divan van der Merwe attemps to tag a sliding Kenfac Phillies batterduring the game.
