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Dobrodeev Sergey Valentinovich

Date post: 28-Jan-2018
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Dobrodeev Sergey Dobrodeev Sergey Valentinovich Valentinovich Ser gey V. has been t eaching PE in Palkinskaya school f or 30 year s wit h his mot t o:”St r ong healt h- St r ong count r y” The Best P. E. t eacher t o our mind

Dobrodeev SergeyDobrodeev SergeyValentinovichValentinovich

Ser gey V. has been t eaching PE in

Palkinskaya school f or 30 year s wit h his mot t o:”St r ong

healt h- St r ong count r y”

The Best P.E. teacher to our mind

As a res aul t of t hat t hes e

t eams regul arl y wi n

pri zes i n Ps kov regi on

In addition to PE lessons, he coaches basketball and volleyball teams skillfully

in our district.

Work as a coach

Work as a team player

Sergey is not only a coach but also a member of the local volleyball team for adults in Palkinskiy district.

In 2011 the team became the champion of Pskov region


- 29.05.1998 S.V was awarded the title "Excellent teacher in Physical education and sport Of Russia"

- He was awarded this title for great resaults in educational process by the main Department of education Pskov region

In 2007.S.V was awarded a diploma "For the development of children's sports" by Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation

«I am ve ry happy when kids trust and be lie ve me and achie ve g o o d re sults in spo rts » Se rg e y Do bro de e v

We are the champions, my friends!

The most important thing in a team is trust and understanding. Sergey V. is able to unite the team to achieve victory

Thank you for your attention

We are happy that this man has engaged us in doing sports. We hope that each of you has such a perfect teacher who make sports interesting.

We wish you success in sport!

The presentation is made by:Kasyanov AndreiNeradko Ksenia

Thank you for your attention

We are happy that this man has engaged us in doing sports. We hope that each of you has such a perfect teacher who make sports interesting.

We wish you success in sport!

The presentation is made by:Kasyanov AndreiNeradko Ksenia
