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Does the Quran Come From the Bible

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  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    Does The Quran Come From The Bible? Pt1

  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    This scroll will reveal the total out in the open

    relationship of The Bible and the Quran. The reason I

    say out in the open is because people read over things

    and not in to them. However I have done the hard work

    for you by finding almost the exact verses in the Bible

    duplicated in the Quran. I know many people mightargue that, however you need to use your own mind (for

    once) and stop letting the forces of Zoopooh run you

    around in a state of ignorance where you are not even

    investigating these man made books and are always in

    heated debated about things you havent even read. So

    take the intelligent route and find out that seeing is

    knowing and hearing is believing. To make it easier for

    those who arent familiar with the Bible books and the

    Qurans chapter system this is for you. The Bible books

    will be abbreviated such as Genesis will appear like this.

    Gen. and so forth. The Quran has what is called Surahs,

    which means steps. The word Surah is used instead in

  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    place of the English word chapter. For example S. 32:24

    is the same as saying chapter 32:24. For those of you

    who have Dr. Malachi Z. Yorks version of the Quran it

    will appear like this. Els Holy Quran S. 32: 24.However to I shall write it as this. E.H.Q. S. 32:24. Let

    me also add when Dr. Malachi Z. York put his better

    version of the Quran out he specifically made it known

    that a lot of the Surahs (chapters) were either out of

    place and or replaced and he put that in the front of his

    version of the Quran indicating such. Here is what it

    looks like so you all who have your Quran can quickly

    reference back and forth. Notice the list has two rows. 1has wrong order, which is in reference to most Qurans

    circulating today. The 2nd row is right order of which

    Baba had corrected the order.

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    I shall from time to time also reference Babas version

    of the book of Psalms titled Els Holy Tehilim

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    (Zabuwr). Which shall look like this, E.H.Z. Baba states

    in the introduction of his version of Psalms that the

    word Psalms in Hebrew is Mizmore meaning song,

    poem which comes from the root word Zamar meaningto sing, sing praise. In the Hebrew Bible, the Aramaic

    Hebrew root word Halal meaning to praise. The

    rabbinical literature refers to the book of Psalms as

    Sepher Tehillim. The Septuagint names it Psaltry from

    where the Vulgate gets its name Psalterium, Liber

    Psalmorum from. The English calls this book The

    Psalter which is a stringed instrument, a harp in which

    the Middle English gets their title Psalter. This book isone of the most common used books of the Bible. The

    Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) word used for Psalms is Al

    Zubuwr or the Psalms of Dawiyd. The word comes from

    the Ashuric\Syriac\Arabic root word Zabara meaning

    to inscribe or engrave upon stones; He wrote a

    writing or book, He wrote it firmly, skillfully or well.

    Also Zibrun, meaning a writing as well as Zabuwrunmeaning a writing. It also comes from the root word

    Zabara meaning to scold. End quote. Lets begin.

  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    Similarities In The Bible and The Quran Pt 1

  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    Ps.37:29/S.21:105 and E.H.Q. 74:105: Both agree on the

    righteous inheriting the Earth.

    Isaiah 44:6/Rev. 1:8;11/S. 57:3/E.H.Q. 94:3: Both agreeon God/Allah being the first and the last

    Exo. 4:11/Matt. 15:10 14/S.2:171/EHQ.87:171: Both

    agree those who reject God/Allah are deaf, dumb and


    Ps.84:6/S.3:96/48:24/EHQ. 89:96/111:24: Both agree

    Mecca used to be called Baca/Bakkah

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    Exo. 20:3/S.12:38/EHQ.53:38: Both agree God/Allah is

    supposed to be worshipped

    Gen.2:7/S.15:29/EHQ.54:29: Both agree on God/Allah

    breathing his soul into Zakar/Adam

    Matt.24:19/S.22:2/EHQ.103:2: Both agree on Judgment

    Day that every mother breastfeeding will forget theirbaby.

    Jhn.6:26 30/S.5:112 115/EHQ.112:112: Both agree

    on the disciples asking Jesus\Yshua for food.

    Ps.90:4/IIPtr.3:8/S.22:47/EHQ.103:47: Both agree a day

    unto the Lord/Rabb is like a thousand years.

    Gen.3:11 24/S.7:20 25/EHQ.39:20 25: Both agree

    God/UriEl/A Allah (out of the group) questioned

    Zakar\Adam and Nekaybaw\Eve

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    The Bible has a book in it written by Paul called

    Romans (The 7th book in The New Testament). The

    Quran has a Surah in it called Al Rums (The Romans).


    Gen.1:26/S.2:30/EHQ.87:30: Both agree on the creation

    of Zakar/Adam

    Gen.2:7/S.3:59/18:37/EHQ. 88:59/69:37: Both agree on

    Zakar/Adam being created from dirt.

    Gen.2:8\S.35/EHQ.87:35: Both agree on Zakar/Adambeing put in a garden.

    Gen.3:2 24/S.20:120 121\EHQ.45:120 121: Both

    agree on the temptation of Zakar/Adam and


    Gen.4:2 5/S.5:27/EHQ.112:27 -31: Both agree on Cain

    and Abels sacrifice

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    Gen.4:6 13/S.5:27 31/EHQ.112:27-31: Both agree on

    Cain murdering Abel.

    Gen. 17: 23/S.2:125\EHQ.87:125: Both agree God\Allah

    told Abraham and IshmaEl to build the Kabah (an

    Altar out of the many he built)

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    Exo. 2:2- 10/S.20:38 41/28:7 13/EHQ.45:38 41/49:7

    14: Both agree on the childhood of Musa/Moses

    Exo.2:11-15/S.28:14-22/EHQ.49:14-22: Both agree

    Musa/Moses killed an Egiptian/Hyksos Phoenician

    Exo.2:16-21/S.28:23-28/EHQ.49:23-28: Both agree on

    Musa/Moses meeting two women and marrying them.

    Exo.3:2-6/S.27:7-9/EHQ.48:7-9: Both agree on

    God\Allah calling Musa/Moses from the fire

    Exo. Ch.3/S.27:10 -14/EHQ.48:10 -14: Both agree on

    Musa/Moses receiving instructions from God/Allah

    Exo.ch.5/S.7:103 105/43:46 54\EHQ.39:103-

    105/63:46 54: Both agree on Musa/Moses was sent to

    pharaoh the first time with no success

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    Exo.ch.7 12/S.7:106 135/EHQ.39:106 135: Both

    agree on plagues sent upon Egypt (where the Hyksos

    Caucasians lived in lower Tamare/Egipt)

    Exo.ch.14\S.26:52 68\EHQ. 47:52 68: Both agree on

    the drowning of the Egyptian Hyksos

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    Matt.23:7\Jhn.1:38,49\3:2/S.1 footnote # 20: Both use

    the word Rabb/Rabbi

    Exo.16:12 17/S.2:57/EHQ.87:57: Both agree that

    God\Allah fed the Israelites in the wilderness.

    Exo.17:1 6/S.2:60/EHQ.87:60: Both agree on

    Musa/Moses prayed for water for the 12 tribes

    Exo.24:18\S.7:142- 147\EHQ.39:142 147: Both agree

    Musa/Moses was on the mountain for 40 days.

    Exo.ch.32\S.2:51 52/7:148 156/EHQ.39:148 156:

    Both agree that IsraEl worshipped the golden calf

    Exo. 31:15/S.7:163 166/16:124/EHQ.39 163

    166/70:124: Both agree God/Allah/Matatrun instituted

    the Sabbath.

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    Gen.1:31/2:2/S.7:54 footnote 1031/32:4 footnote

    3632/57:4/EHQ.39:54/75:4/94:4: Both agree that

    creation took 6 days.

    Exo.20:5/IIkgs.17:5 23/Micah.1:5-7/S.46:5 6/53:19 -

    24/71:23 25/EHQ.66:5-6/23:19-24/71:23 25: Both

    agree on the worship of God/Allah

    Exo.34:6/S.2: Merciful in Hebrew is Rachuwm and

    merciful in Arabic is Rahman

    Ps.119:81,174/Rev.7:9-10/S.5:119/25:15/78:31: Bothagree that God/Allah is salvation

    ISam.9:2/31:1-13/S.2:247 -248/EHQ.87:247-248: Both

    agree that Talut/Saul was the first King/Malak of Israel

    Ikgs.18:40/Jdgs.2:11/S.37:125/EHQ.56:125: Both agree

    Israel worshipped a Babylonian God

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    Ps. Ch. 147/S.13:13/16:48

    50/17:44/57:1/EHQ.96:13/70:48 50/50:44/94:1: Both

    agree Nature singed with David when he praised


    Ezk.47:5-6/Rev.22:1/S.108/EHQ.ch.15: Both agree a

    river is in heaven.

    Lk.1:26/S.19:17: Both agree GabriEl came to Mary

    Lk.1:30-32/S.3:42: Both agree that Mary was favored

    Jhn.14:16 -17/S.96:1/EHQ.1: both agree GabriEl cameto Muhammad

    Matt.12:28/S.21:91/96:1/EHQ.73:91/: Both agree

    Jesus/Yshua had the spirit of God/Allah in him

    Matt.22:37/S.9:31/EHQ.88:31: Both agree Jesus/Yshua

    taught the worship of one source/God/Allah

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    Mk.1:10 -12/S.2:87,253/EHQ.87:87,253: Both agree

    Isa/Jesus/Yshua was strengthened with The Holy


    Lk.2:11/Jhn.12:44 -50/S.4:163/EHQ.92:44 50: Both

    agree Isa/Jesus/Yshua was a saviour.

    Matt.5:17/S.61:6/EHQ.109:61: Both agreeIsa/Jesus/Yshua came to fulfill the law of Musa/Moses

    Jhn.20:17 /S.5:117/112:117: Both agree

    Isa/Yshua/Jesus said to worship The Heavenly Fatheronly

    Jhn.15:26/16:7-8,13-15/S.61:6/EHQ.109:6: Both agree

    Isa/Jesus/Yshua prophesied Ahmad/Muhammads


    Acts.2:32/S.4:158-159/3:55/EHQ.92:158 -159/89:55

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    Jhn.10:38/S.4:171/EHQ.92:171: Both agree that

    God/Allah was in Isa/Jesus/Yshua and He was in


    Rev.20:8/S.18:94/EHQ.69:94: Both agree on the

    appearance of Gog and Magog in the last days

    Rev.7:3/14:1/S.48:29/EHQ.111:29: Both agree on the

    righteous having the mark of God/Allah in their


    Rev.12:1-6/S.19:22-26/EHQ.44:22-26: Both agree that

    the woman in revelation is the same woman in the

    Quran but the bible doesnt name the woman where as

    the Quran says its Mary however its really Faatimah

    Rev.4:8-11/S.39:75/EHQ.59:75: Both agree that angels

    sing in heaven.

    Rev.13:8/22:18/S.18:47 -49/50:4/69:19,25/83:7 9,18-

    21/84:7- 15/10:61/EHQ. 51:61/69:47

    49/34:4/78:19,25/86:7-9,18-21/83:7-15: Both agree on a

    book of deeds/life on judgment day

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    Rev.20:13 14/S.39:71 72/52:7-16/EHQ.59:71-72/76:7-

    16: Both agree on Hellfire for the unbelievers

    Matth. 24:36/S.33:63/67:26/79:42-46/EHQ.90:63/77:25-

    26/81:42-46: Both agree only God/Allah knows the day

    and hour of judgment

    Jhn.4:20 21/S.2:142,144-145/EHQ.87:142,144-145:Both agree Isa/Jesus/Yshua predicted the direction of

    prayer would change from Jerusalem


    248/EHQ.87:246-248: Both agree that SamuEl was theIsaraElites last Judge/Eloheem and the first in a

    succession of messengers after Musa/Moses

    Matth.28:19-20/S.2:138/EHQ.87:138: Both agree on


    Gen.3:4-5/S.7:20/EHQ.39:20: Both agree

    Nekaybaw/Eve spoke with the devil

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    Gen.11:7-11/S.67:24/EHQ.77:24/69:21: Both agree on

    the tower of Babel


    9/EHQ.74:101/78:13-14/4:8-9: Both agree trumpets will

    sound on judgment day


    5/EHQ.7:1-14/82:1-5: Both agree that the heavenly

    bodies will be affected in the end

    Matt. 16:24,25/S.2:154.3:169/EHQ.Both agree that

    when a believer dies in the cause of God/Allah they arenot dead but alive

    Jhn.6:39-40,44/11:23 44/S.17:49-52/EHQ.50:49-52:

    Both agree on a spiritual resurrection

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    70/EHQ.46:68-70: Both agree that rain is a blessing

    from God/Allah


    140,143-144/EHQ.112:103: Both agree disbelievers

    invent lies about God/Allah

    Isa.59:5/Job.8:14/S.29/EHQ.ch.85: The Bible comparers

    unbelievers to a poisonous spider. The Quran has a

    whole chapter called The Spider

    Prov.6:24 -35/S.4:15/EHQ.92:15: Both agree that

    God/Allah hates unchasity

    ICor.5:11/S.4:27-28,31/EHQ.92:27-28: both agree that

    unchasity should be avoided

    Matt.5:28 29/1Ptr.3:1-6/S.24:30-31/EHQ.102:30-31:

    Both agree that sexual purity should be practiced

  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    Gen.1:1/Isa.42:5/S.37:5-6/EHQ.56:5-6: Both agree

    God/Allah is the creator of the Natural heavens

    Prov.8:27/S.67:3/EHQ.77:3: Both agree the heavens

    show the wisdom of God/Allah

    Gen.47:9/Exo.6:4/Ps.119:54/S.2:158,196-203 foot note

    217/3:97/5:2/EHQ.87:158,196-203: The children ofIsrael made pilgrimages in the past. So do Muslims.

    They even have a chapter called The Pilgrimage.


    Jhn.14:2/S.9:72/EHQ.113:72: Both agree that mansions

    are in heaven


    Both agree Solomon was the son of David

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    IKgs.ch.5 and 6/S.21:82/34:12-14/EHQ.73:82/58:12-14:

    Both agree Solomon/Sulaiman/Shelomoh built a temple

    IKgs.10:1-13/S.27:28-44/EHQ.48:28-44: Both agree

    Solomon met Sheba


    footnote # 2880/24:35/95:1 footnote 6195/Matt.21:18-19/EHQ.74:20/102:35/28:1: Both speak on the olive tree

    and fig tree

    Gen.6:8-14/7:15-23/8:4/S.7:59-64/10:73/11:25-49/23:23-30/69:11-12/71:1-28: Both agree that Noahs ark landed

    on a mountain


    Both agree God/Allah incarnated or came into fles

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    Exo.ch.7/Mk.9:49/S.5:27/EHQ.112:27: Both agree on



    Deut.27:26/Lk.16:17/S.2:159/EHQ.87:159: Both curse

    people who dont follow

    1Cor.10:13/S.3:154 footnote #467/34:21 foot note #

    3821/EHQ.89:154/58:21: Both agree man is tested by




    Exo.21:8-11/S.2:229/EHQ.87:229: Both agree not to

    take back gifts given to women

  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    Job.16:19/S.83:18-21/EHQ.86:18-21: Both agree that

    the records of the righteous are kept on high/Enuma


    I dedicate this book to all those who want to stop the

    mental injustice that is plaguing our people and abroad.

    Krs one says Stop the Violence in Hip Hop. I say

    Stop the Ignorance In your Brain Top. Hotep.

    Prophet Muhammad

  • 7/27/2019 Does the Quran Come From the Bible


    The Master Teacher: Dr. Malachi Z. York
