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DOSSIER FOR COMPOSITION WRITING 2ND OF BATXILLERAT Contents Page 1. CONNECTORS .............................. 2 2A. CONNECTORS – SENTENCES ............... 6 2B. CONNECTORS – EXERCISE ............... 8 2C. CONNECTORS - TABLE .................... 9 3A. TYPICAL MISTAKES ....................... 13 3B. TYPICAL MISTAKES – SENTENCES ........... 16 4. QUANTIFIERS .............................. 18 5A. SO ... THAT / AS ... AS / TOO .......... 19 5B. SO ... THAT / AS ... AS / TOO – SENTENCES 21 6. STRUCTURAL CONNECTORS FOR COMPOSITIONS ... 22 7. RULES FOR A COMPOSITION .................. 23 8. MODEL COMPOSITIONS IN CATALAN ............ 24 9. SENTENCE TRANSLATION ..................... 26


Contents Page 1. CONNECTORS .............................. 2 2A. CONNECTORS – SENTENCES ............... 6 2B. CONNECTORS – EXERCISE ............... 8 2C. CONNECTORS - TABLE .................... 9 3A. TYPICAL MISTAKES ....................... 13 3B. TYPICAL MISTAKES – SENTENCES ........... 16 4. QUANTIFIERS .............................. 18 5A. SO ... THAT / AS ... AS / TOO .......... 19 5B. SO ... THAT / AS ... AS / TOO – SENTENCES 21 6. STRUCTURAL CONNECTORS FOR COMPOSITIONS ... 22 7. RULES FOR A COMPOSITION .................. 23 8. MODEL COMPOSITIONS IN CATALAN ............ 24 9. SENTENCE TRANSLATION ..................... 26



A. CONTRAST CONNECTORS .However, ... ... but ... .Nevertheless, ... ... although ... ... even though ... ... though ... ... in spite of ... ... despite ...

B. ADDITIVE CONNECTORS .Moreover, ... ... and ... .Besides, ... .Furthermore, ... .In addition, ...

C. CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE CONNECTORS .Therefore, ... ... so ... .This is why ... ... because ... .This is because ... ... because of ...

D. CHRONOLOGICAL CONNECTORS .Afterwards, ... ... after ... .After that, ... .Later, ... .Later on, ... .Then, ... .Meanwhile, ... ... while ...


A. CONTRAST CONNECTORS BUT HOWEVER (nevertheless) ALTHOUGH (though, even though) IN SPITE OF (despite) Although = malgrat que In spite of = malgrat Although + frase (3 i 4) In spite of + nom (5 i 6) In spite of + verb-ing (7 i 8) 1. I have a Mercedes but I am poor 2. I have a Mercedes. However, I am poor 3. Although I have a Mercedes, I am poor 4. I am poor, although I have a Mercedes 5. In spite of my Mercedes, I am poor 6. I am poor, in spite of my Mercedes 7. In spite of having a Mercedes, I am poor 8. I am poor, in spite of having a Mercedes B. ADDITIVE CONNECTORS

B.1. Connectors de noms AND BOTH … AND AS WELL AS 1. I want bread and butter 2. I want both bread and butter 3. I want bread as well as butter B.2. Connectors de frases AND ALSO (2 posicions) TOO MOREOVER (besides, furthermore, in addition) 1. I studied and I passed the exam 2. I studied. Also, I passed the exam 3. I studied. I also passed the exam 4. I studied. I passed the exam, too. 5. I studied. Moreover, I passed the exam


C. CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE CONNECTORS SO THEREFORE THIS IS WHY BECAUSE BECAUSE OF (due to, owing to) THIS IS BECAUSE 1. I had a headache so I took an aspirin 2. I had a headache. Therefore, I took an aspirin 3. I had a headache. This is why I took an aspirin 4. I took an aspirin because I had a headache 5. I took an aspirin because of (due to) my headache 6. I took an aspirin. This is because I had a headache

D. CHRONOLOGICAL CONNECTORS D1. “DESPRÉS” AFTERWARDS (after that, later, then) AFTER 1. Afterwards = després (seguit de coma) 2. After = després de + nom (sense coma) 3. After = després de que + frase (sense coma) 4. After = despres de + verb (-ing) (sense coma) 1. I went to school. Afterwards, I did my homework I went to school. After that, I did my homework I went to school. Later, I did my homework I went to school. Then, I did my homework 2. After the school, I did my homework I did my homework after the school 3. After I went to school, I did my homework I did my homework after I went to school 4. After going to school, I did my homework I did my homework, after going to school

D.2 “MENTRES” WHILE MEANWHILE WHEREAS 1. While I was working, he was partying He was partying while I was working 2. I was working. Meanwhile, he was partying 3. Whereas I like cofee, my brother likes tea My brother likes tea whereas I like coffee


E. OTHER CONNECTORS 1. AS (since) As I didn´t have any money, I couldn´t go to the party Since I didn’t have any money, I couldn’t go to the party I couldn’t go to the party as I didn’t have any money I couldn’t go to the party since I didn’t have any money

2. TO (in order to, so as to) / SO THAT I work to earn money I work in order to earn money I work so as to earn money I work so that my children have a good education 3. FROM ... TO ... TO I've got all sorts of pets at home: from dogs to cats to parrots 4. EITHER ... OR You have to speak either English or Russian in order to get the job 5. NEITHER ... NOR Neither John nor Paul have done their homework 6. AS WELL AS / BOTH ... AND You have to speak English as well as Russian to get the job You have to speak both English and Russian to get the job 7. ACCORDING TO According to my father, my marks are a disaster 8. AS FAR AS SBD IS CONCERNED As far as I am concerned, my marks are excellent 9. SBD IS (UN)LIKELY TO DO STH Barça is likely to win the league 10. SBD IS SUPPOSED TO DO STH Barça is supposed to win the league 11. UNLESS / OTHERWISE Unless you work harder, you´ll fail the exam You’ll fail the exam unless you work harder You have to work harder. Otherwise, you´ll fail the exam


2A. CONNECTORS - SENTENCES A. CONTRAST CONNECTORS 1. Ploia però vaig anar a la festa. 2. Ploia. No obstant, vaig anar a la festa. 3. Malgrat que ploia, vaig anar a la festa. 4. Malgrat la pluja, vaig anar a la festa. 5. Malgrat ploure, vaig anar a la festa. 6. Vaig anar a la festa, malgrat que ploia. 7. Vaig anar a la festa, malgrat la pluja. 8. Vaig anar a la festa, malgrat ploure. 1. Tenia mal de cap però vaig anar a classe. 2. Tenia mal de cap. No obstant, vaig anar a classe. 3. Malgrat que tenia mal de cap, vaig anar a classe. 4. Malgrat el meu mal de cap, vaig anar a classe. 5. Malgrat tenir mal de cap, vaig anar a classe. 6. Vaig anar a classe malgrat que tenia mal de cap. 7. Vaig anar a classe malgrat el meu mal de cap. 8. Vaig anar a classe malgrat tenir mal de cap. C. CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE CONNECTORS 1. Vaig aprovar l’examen perquè vaig estudiar. 2. Vaig aprovar l’examen degut als meus estudis. 3. Vaig estudiar. Per tant, vaig aprovar l’examen. 4. Vaig estudiar, per tant vaig aprovar l’examen. 5. Vaig aprovar l’examen. Aixó és perque vaig estudiar. 6. Vaig estudiar. Aquesta es la raó per la qual vaig aprovar l’examen. D. CHRONOLOGICAL CONNECTORS D.1. «DESPRÉS» 1. Va treballar. Després, va mirar la TV. 2. Després de que treballés, va mirar la TV. 3. Després del treball, va mirar la TV. 4. Va mirar la TV despres de treballar. D.2. «MENTRES» 1. Mentres estudiaves, jo estava treballant. 2. Jo estava treballant mentres estudiaves. 3. Tu estudiaves. Mentrestant, jo estava treballant. 4. A mi m’agrada el cafè, mentres que al meu germà li agrada el té.


E. OTHER CONNECTORS 1. AS (since) 1. Vaig aprovar l’examen ja que vaig estudiar. 2. Ja que vaig estudiar, vaig aprovar l’examen. 1. Bill Gates és tan ric com la reina d’Anglaterra. 2. A mesura que estava aprenent l’anglès, vaig aprendre francès també.

2. TO (in order to, so as to) / SO THAT 1. Vaig estudiar per aprovar l’examen. (2 formes) 2. Vaig ajudar-te per tal que aprovessis l’examen.

3. FROM ... TO ... TO 1. Aquest tren va des de Lleida fins a Barcelona. 2. Aquesta botiga obre des de les 9 del matí fins a les 9 del vespre. 3. M’agrada molt la música: des del rock, fins al pop, passant per la música clàssica.

4. EITHER ... OR 1. He d’aprovar o una assignatura (subject) o l’altra. 5. NEITHER ... NOR 1. Ni tu ni jo sabem la resposta per aquesta pregunta. 6. AS WELL AS / BOTH ... AND 1. Tant tu com jo sabem la resposta. (2 formes)

7. ACCORDING TO 1. Segons el meu professor, sóc un bon estudiant. 8. AS FAR AS SBD IS CONCERNED 1. Pel que fa al meu professor, sóc un bon estudiant.

9. SBD IS (UN)LIKELY TO DO STH 1. Es probable que aprovi l’examen. 2. Es improbable que guanyem el partit (match). 3. Es probable que vagin de vacances. 4. Es improbable que anem a casa ara. 10. SBD IS SUPPOSED TO DO STH 1. Se suposa que aprovaré l’examen. 2. Se suposa que anirem de vacances. 11. UNLESS / OTHERWISE 1. A menys que faci exercisi, engordaré (get fat). 2. He de fer exercisi. D’altra manera, engordaré.


2B. CONNECTORS – EXERCISE Rewrite the following sentences using one of these words: after, although, because, meanwhile, in order to, despite, furthermore, because of, however and since 1. I did my homework. Then I went to bed.


2. While some students were listening to the teacher others were talking.


3. She can´t go to school today. This is because she has a headache.


4. I am saving a lot of money because I want to buy a new house.


5. Jack is very stupid. He is ugly and lazy, too.


6. I worked very hard but they didn’t pay me.


7. I didn’t go on holidays because I had very bad marks.


8. We don’t have a lot of money although we have an expensive car.


9. In spite of the storm, they went on holidays.


10. Mary is studying very hard to pass her exams.



A. Translation B. Kind of connector

C. Synonyms

D. Position E. Followed by

1. But

2. However

3. Although

4. In spite of

5. And

6. Both…and

7. As well as

8. Also

9. Too

10. Moreover

11. So


A. Translation B. Kind of connector

C. Synonyms D. Position E. Followed by

12. Therefore

13. This is why

14. Because

15. Because of

16. This is because

17. Afterwards

18. After

19. While

20. Meanwhile

21. Whereas


B. Kind of connector: 1. contrast: connecta una frase positiva amb una de negativa, o a l'inrevés (contrasta arguments) 2. additive: connecta dues frases positives, o dues negatives (afegeix arguments) 3. cause and consequence 4. chronological D. Position: 1. posició de but: entre dues frases sense punt: "It rained but I went to the football match" 2. posició de however: entre dues frases separades per un punt (i coma després del connector): "It rained. However, I went to the football match" 3. posició de although: igual que but però pot anar: - al mig de les dues frases i - al principi de la primera frase: "I went to the football match although it rained" "Although it rained, I went to the football match" 4. posició de in spite of: igual que although però seguida de nom o verb en -ing: "I went to the football match in spite of the rain" "I went to the football match in spite of raining" "In spite of the rain, I went to the football match" "In spite of raining, I went to the football match" 5. correlatiu 6. adverbi de freqüència 7. al final de la frase


E. Followed by: - a sentence - a noun / verb+ing Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Heu treballat molt però no teniu diners. 2. Heu treballat molt. No obstant, no teniu diners. 3. Malgrat que heu treballat molt, no teniu diners. 3. No teniu diners, malgrat que heu treballat molt. 4. A pesar d'el vostre treball, no teniu diners. 4. A pesar de treballar molt, no teniu diners. 4. No teniu diners a pesar d'el vostre treball. 4. No teniu diners a pesar de treballar molt. 5. No ha menjat i no ha begut. 5. Ha menjat pollastre i patates. 6. Ha menjat tant pollastre com patates. 7. Ha menjat tant pollastre com patates. 8. Ha menjat pollastre. També ha menjat patates. 9. Ha menjat pollastre. També ha menjat patates. 10. Ha menjat pollastre. A més, ha menjat patates. 11. Hem treballat per tant hem guanyat (earn) diners. 12. Hem treballat. Per tant, hem guanyat diners. 13. Hem treballat. Aquesta és la rao per la qual hem guanyat diners. 14. Hem guanyat diners perquè hem treballat. 15. Hem guanyat diners degut al nostre treball. 16. Hem guanyat diners. Això és degut a que hem treballat. 17. Vaig anar a classe. Desprès vaig (go back) tornar a casa. 18. Després d'anar a classe, vaig tornar a casa. 18. Després de classe, vaig tornar a casa. 19. Mentres ell estudiava, jo estava escoltant la ràdio. 20. Ell estudiava. Mentrestant, jo estava escoltant la ràdio. 21. Mentres que al Joan li agrada el rock, al Pere li agrada la música clàssica. 21. Al Joan li agrada el rock, mentres que al Pere li agrada la música clàssica.


1. the 2. 3 ps 3. adjectives (pl and position) 4. to / for 5. people 6. subject omission 7. 3 cases of infinitive in Catalan and gerund in English 8. very / a lot of 9. frequency advs (+only, almost, also, already) 10. haven´t / don´t have 11. 4 columns 12. agree 13. let / allow / make / want 14. simplify what you write 15. interrogative word order 16. affirmative word order 17. so / as / too 18. this / these 19. have played / have to play 7. infinitive in Catalan and gerund in English 1. Quan el verb fa de subjecte: - Fumar és perillós per la salut. - Smoking is dangerous for your health. 2. Quan el verb va desprès d'una preposició: - Estic cansat de treballar. - I am tired of working. 3. Desprès de certs verbs, que en anglès regeixen gerundi (like, dislike, hate, enjoy / start, begin, finish, stop …) - M'agrada jugar al futbol. - I like playing football. 13. let / allow / make / want / would like 1. My parents let me smoke. 2. My parents allow me to smoke. 3. My parents make me work. 4. My parents want me to work. 5. My parents would like me to work. 1. let + sbd + infinitive. 2. allow + sbd + to infinitive. 3. make + sbd + infinitive. 4. want + sbd + to infinitive. 5. would like + sbd + to infinitive.


1. Very people think that walking is good for our body. 2. A lot of people thinks that walking is good for our body. 3. A lot of people think that to walk is good for our body. 4. A lot of people think that walking is good for our body. 5. Is the cheapest car that we have. 6. It is the cheapest car that we have. 7. It is the car cheapest that we have. 8. It is the most cheap car that we have. 9. It is the cheapest car than we have. 10. People usually are more pleasant in the country. 11. The people are usually more pleasant in the country. 12. People is usually more pleasant in the country. 13. People are usually more pleasant in the country. 14. I only watch TV when I haven´t time. 15. I watch only TV when I haven´t got time. 16. I only watch TV when I haven´t got time. 17. I only watch TV when I don´t have time. 18. I only watch TV when I don´t have got time. 19. After to talk with these two people, we had too many doubts. 20. After talking with this two people, we had too many doubts. 21. After talking with these two people, we had too many doubts. 22. After talking with these two persons, we had too many doubts. 23. After talking with these two people, we had too much doubts. 24. After talking with these two people, we had too doubts. 25. Do you have as many books as him? 26. Have you got as many books as him? 27. Have you got as many books as he? 28. Have you got as much books as him? 29. Have you as many books as him? 30. Have you got as books as him? 31. Do you have got as many books as him? 32. I study always to pass my exams. 33. I always study to pass my exams. 34. I always study for to pass my exams. 35. Live with so much people is also very exhausting. 36. Living with so many people is also very exhausting.


37. Living with so many people also is very exhausting. 38. To live with so many people is also very exhausting. 39. Living with so much people is also very exhausting. 40. Living with so people is also very exhausting. 41. I am agree with you that it rains everyday in Wales. 42. I agree with you that it rains everyday in Wales. 43. I agree with you that it rains all the days in Wales. 44. I agree with you that everyday it rains in Wales. 45. My father wants me to do very more things. 46. My father wants me to do many more things. 47. My father wants that I do many more things. 48. Before bullfighting, bullfighters pray for to have good luck. 49. Before bullfighting, the bullfighters pray to have good luck. 50. Before to bullfight, bullfighters pray to have good luck. 51. Before bullfighting, bullfighters pray to have good luck. 52. How many people did you see at the party? 53. How much people did you see at the party? 54. How many people saw you at the party? 55. How many people you saw at the party?


3B. TYPICAL MISTAKES - SENTENCES 1. Premodificació / postmodificació 1. People are tired. 1. Working people are tired. 1. The people who work are tired. 1. L’amor es molt bonic. 1. Els nens son molt sorollosos (noisy). 1. Els nens del meu carrer son molt sorollosos. 1. Els cotxes són cars. 1. Els cotxes ràpids són cars. 1. Els cotxes que són ràpids són cars. 3. Un cotxe negre. 3. Dos cotxes negres. 3. Els nois més alts de la classe. 3. Aquests nois són més alts que nosaltres. 4. Jo estudio per aprovar els exàmens. 4. Això és pel Joan. 4. Això és per ell. 5. Hi havia dues persones. 5. Hi haurà una persona. 5. La gent és molt avorrida. 5. Quanta gent hi havia? 6. Penso que plourà demà. 6. Em va dir ahir que jugaria perque no hi havia gent. 7. Va marxar sense acabar la seva feina. 7. Estudiar anglès és molt avorrit. 7. He de començar a estudiar. 8. Hi havia molta gent. 8. El noi era molt alt. 9. Només tinc dos amics. 9. Casi he acabat l’exercisi. 9. També anirem a Barcelona. 10. I have a dog. 10. I have got a dog. 10. I have played tennis. 10. I have to play tennis. 11. Em va donar la seva adreça i jo li vaig donar la meva.


12. Estic d’acord amb tu. 13. El professor li deixava parlar (2 formes). 13. El professor ens feia estudiar molt. 13. El professor volia que treballés. 13. Als meus pares els hi agradaria que treballés. 15. Quan vindrieu a la piscina? 15. Per qué heu de comprar un cotxe? 15. Vau venir amb nosaltres? 16. Em va donar una poma. 16. Ahir vaig anar a l’escola amb ell. 16. Quan aprovi l’examen, aniré a la festa. 17. Vaig comprar tantes pomes com em vas dir. 17. Es tan gran com pensava. 17. Va fer tants errors que va suspendre l’examen. 17. Es massa gran per mi. 17. Necessito massa diners. 17. Heu comprat massa pomes. 17. Es tan baix que no pot arribar (reach) al prestatge (shelf). 18. M’he menjat aquests dos pastissos. 19. He menjat una poma. 19. He de menjar una poma. 19. Vaig haver d’estudiar. 19. No heu de venir demà.


4. QUANTIFIERS SO - TOO - VERY - QUITE - ENOUGH - A LITTLE 1. “He is so rich that he doesn´t have to work.” 2. “He has so much money that he doesn´t have to work.” 3. “He has so many dollars that he doesn´t have to work.” 4. “He is too rich.” 5. “He has too much money.” 6. “He has too many dollars.” 7. “He is very rich.” 8. “He has a lot of / lots of / much money.” 9. “He has a lot of / lots of / many dollars.” 10. “He is quite rich.” 11. “He has several houses.” 12. “He is rich enough.” 13. “He has enough money.” 14. “He has enough dollars.” 15. “He is a little rich.” 16. “He has little money.” 17. “He has few dollars.”


5A. SO ... THAT / AS ... AS / TOO

1.“The mountain was so high that I couldn´t climb it.” 2.“The mountain was as high as the Aneto.”

3.“The mountain was too high for me to climb.” 4.“There was so much smoke that I couldn´t breathe.” 5.“There were so many people that I couldn´t find him.” 6.“There was as much smoke as in Barcelona.” 7.“There were as many people as in the meeting.” 8.“There was too much smoke for me to breathe.”

9.“There were too many people.” SO / SUCH A

10.“The mountain was so high that I couldn´t climb it.” 11.“It was such a high mountain that I couldn´t climb it.” 12.“They were such high mountains that I couldn´t climb them.” 13.“I have never tasted such good wine.”

14.“I have never seen such a car.”


CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. There were _____ people _____ they had to put them in another room. a) such ... than c) so many ... than b) so much ... that d) so many ... that 2. I think this sweater is _____ big for me. a) too c) so much b) such a d) too much 3. John has read _____ books _____ me to prepare the exam. a) as ... as c) so many ... than b) as many ... as d) as many ... than 4. I´ve never seen _____ big car. a) so c) such b) so much d) such a 5. They say the water in that river is completely unpolluted. I don´t believe _____ water exists. a) so c) such b) so much d) such a 6. There´s _____ noise for me to concentrate. a) so c) too much b) too d) as 7. That house was _____ expensive _____ he spent his whole life to pay for it. a) too ... that c) so ... that b) so ... than d) as ... as 8. In fact, this lesson is not _____ essential _____ he believes it to be. a) as ... as c) so ... than b) such ... that d) so ... that 9. It was _____ friendly dog _____ all the neighbours were in love with him. a) such ... that c) such a ... that b) so ... that d) as ... as 10. He has eaten _____ food _____ he is about to burst. a) so many ... that c) so many ... than b) so much ... that d) so much ... than


5B. SO ... THAT / AS ... AS / TOO SENTENCES 1. El meu amic és tan intel.ligent com jo. 2. No teniu tanta aigua com nosaltres. 3. Hi havia tants ocells que no podia veure el cel. 4. El meu amic és massa intel.ligent. 5. El meu amic és tan intel.ligent que sempre aprova els examens (so). 6. Era un cotxe tan petit que jo no podia entrar (such). 7. Tinc tants llibres com tu. 8. Eren uns camions tan sorollosos (noisy) que no podia sentir res (anything) (such). 9. Hi ha massa cotxes a les grans ciutats. 10. Hi havia tanta neu que no podiem conduir el cotxe. 11. Hi havia massa neu a la carretera. 12. Era una aigua tan clara (clear) que jo podia veure tots els peixos (such).


6. STRUCTURAL CONNECTORS FOR COMPOSITIONS 1. INTRODUCTION In this composition, I will speak about … In this composition I will speak about a very important subject nowadays: In the following lines, I am going to talk about … Nowadays, the subject of … is becoming very popular. There is a lot of talk lately about the subject of … There are many things that we can say about the subject of … 2. FOR AND AGAINST CONNECTORS On the one hand, … On the other hand, … 3. LISTING ARGUMENTS Firstly, … Secondly, … Thirdly, … Finally, … Last but not least, … Besides, … Moreover, … Furthermore, … 4. CONCLUDING To sum up, … In conclusion, … In a word, … All in all, … Finally, … As a result, … Therefore, … 5. USEFUL SENTENCES I think that … I believe that … I suppose that … Some people say that … Some people think that … Some people believe that … Some people suppose that … We could say that … We can say that … We should say that …


7. RULES FOR A COMPOSITION 1. Structure of a “pros and cons” composition 2. 100 words without taking into account the introduction. 3. 7 connectors: - from the dossier - from points 2, 3 and 4 from the previous page - “and” / “but” don’t count - compulsory: - besides / moreover - although / despite - since / as 4. Marking system: there are 2 kinds of mistakes: - serious mistakes: - connectors - most typical mistakes - verbal tenses - expressions which are impossible to understand - gaps - light mistakes: - mistakes that we haven’t talked about

- Missing words: if there are a lot of missing words (more than 10), 0.2 marks will be substracted per missing word. For instance, if a student writes 80 words instead of 100 (20 x 0.2 = 4), 4 marks will be substracted.


pros / country

cons / city



8. MODEL COMPOSITIONS IN CATALAN 1. Abortion En aquesta redacció parlaré d’un tema molt important avui en dia: l’avortament (abortion). Per una banda, podriem dir que algunes noies joves tenen problemes ja que tenen relacions sexuals massa aviat. A més, de vegades no tenen prou diners per pagar tots els gastos que un bebé necessita. En segon lloc, de vegades el pare no vol tenir el fill. Aquesta és la raó per la qual la mare depend de (on) la seva família. Malgrat les dificultats, la mare continua amb el seu embaraç (pregnancy). No obstant, sempre hi ha casos on la mare abandona (give up). Per últim però no menys important, algunes mares poden tenir problemes psicològics degut a la manca de (lack of) suport (support) del pare i la família. Per altra banda, alguna gent diu que l’avortament és un crim. Això és degut a que el nen a (in) la panxa (belly) de la mare és un ésser viu (living being). A més, segons la religió cristiana (Christian), l’avortament és un pecat. Finalment, podriem dir que avortar (have an abortion) no és agradable per la mare. En conclusió, crec que l’avortament té avantatges i desavantatges malgrat que jo no avortaria.


2. Smoking vs non-smoking En aquesta redacció parlaré d’un tema molt important avui en dia: fumar vs no-fumar. Per una banda, fumar pot tenir avantatges per la gent nerviosa. Per exemple, quan una dona està tenint un nen en un hospital, el pare la espera (wait for sbd) afora i està normalment molt nerviós. Aquesta és la raó per la qual usualment fuma i això calma els seus nervis. Segonament, els nens poden pensar que fumar es bó per ells perque pensen que ja (already) son grans perque sempre han vist a la gent gran fumant. A més, fumar pot ser bo per la gent que s’estressa (get stressed) molt quant treballa, per exemple, en una oficina. Fumar pot ser una excusa per parar de tant en tant (from time to time). Per altra banda, els científics han demostrat (prove) moltes vegades que fumar és molt perillós per la salut. Avui en dia, molta gent mor de (from) cancer de pulmó (lung) degut al tabac. A més, fumar serà molt difícil en el futur ja que el govern està preparant una llei contra fumar en llocs públics. Per últim però no menys important, quan algú fuma, molesta (disturb) els no-fumadors que estan al seu voltant. En conclusió, i tenint en compte (take into account) totes aquestes idees, penso que fumar és dolent malgrat que tothom hauria de tenir la llibertat d’escollir que fer amb la seva salut. Per tant, fumar és bó o dolent depenent de (on) l’elecció de la persona.


9. SENTENCE TRANSLATION - 4 columns - comparatives and superlatives - verbal tenses - frequency adverbs - 19 most typical mistakes - connectors 1. Abans de treballar amb aquestes dues persones, tindrem massa problemes. 2. Algunes persones pensen que estudiar una carrera (degree) és útil (useful). 3. Anirem o a Lleida o a Madrid. 4. Casi vaig veure el seu cosí (d’ella). 5. Creuen que hi ha massa llibres en la biblioteca. 6. Després de que jo estudiés, vaig anar a la biblioteca. 7. El nostre professor vol que escriguem una redacció de cent paraules. 8. El seu professor els deixa sortir de (get out of) l’escola. (2 ways) 9. Els hi vaig donar el meu llibre i em van donar el seu. 10. Els professors tenen tants problemes com els alumnes. 11. Els seus pares li fan estalviar (save) diners. 12. És la lliçó més fàcil que hem estudiat. 13. Es probable que anem a Barcelona aquesta setmana. 14. Es suposa que anirem a Barcelona aquest cap de setmana. 15. Es van comprar un entrepà degut a la seva gana. 16. Es van comprar un entrepà perque tenien gana. 17. Es van comprar un entrepà. Això és degut a que tenien gana. 18. Estava cansat. No obstant, vaig córrer la cursa (race). 19. Estem menjant l’àpat (meal) que ens vau donar. 20. Ha begut tanta aigua que no pot menjar res més. 21. Han menjat tantes pomes com nosaltres. 22. Has de comprarte un cotxe. D’altra manera no trobaràs un treball. 23. Hem d’acabar la redacció abans que el professor ens vegi. 24. Hi ha massa soroll al meu carrer. 25. Hi ha molta brossa (rubbish). A més, hi ha moltes rates. 26. Hi ha tanta aigua al riu com al llac (lake). 27. Hi havia tants estudiants, que van fer dos exàmens. 28. Ja havia acabat la festa, quan vaig veure’l. 29. Ja hem acabat la redacció.


30. La gent sempre pensa en (think about) els seus problemes. 31. La lliçó era tan difícil que va passar dues setmanes estudiant-la. 32. M’agrada mirar la tele quan no tinc res per fer. 33. M’aixeco aviat per arribar a classe. 34. M’aixeco aviat per tal que els meus pares em portin a l’escola. 35. Malgrat estar cansat, vaig córrer la cursa. 36. Malgrat que estava cansat, vaig córrer la cursa. 37. Malgrat que no treballen, guanyen molts diners. 38. Mentres uns fan l’examen, els altres estudien. 39. No hauriem de menjar tants caramels (sweets). 40. No heu de llençar la basura. 41. Penso que és massa bó per la feina. 42. Quanta gent vas veure a la festa? 43. Segons el meu amic, tinc molts problemes. (2 ways) 44. Sempre treballo per guanyar diners. 45. Si no et compres un contxe, no trobaràs un treball. 46. Tan ell com jo estudiarem la lliçó. (2 ways) 47. Te tans llàpissos com ella? 48. Tenien gana, per tant es van comprar un entrepà. 49. Tenien gana. Per tant, es van comprar un entrepà. 50. Tenien gana. Aquesta és la raó per la qual es van comprar un entrepà. 51. Treballar pels estius durant tantes hores és molt cansat (tiring). 52. Uns fan l’examen. Mentrestant, els altes estudien. 53. Vaig anar a la biblioteca després d’estudiar. 54. Vaig córrer la cursa malgrat el meu cansanci (tiredness). 55. Vaig estudiar. Després, vaig anar a la biblioteca. 56. Vaig guanyar molts diners, ja que vaig treballar tot (the whole) l’estiu. 57. Ja heu acabat els exercisis. 58. Hem d'estudiar la lliço abans que el professor vingui a classe. 59. Algunes persones pensen que treballar és útil (useful). 60. Creuen que hi ha massa aigua a la piscina. 61. És el professor més simpàtic (nice) que hem conegut. 62. Es suposa que aquest examen es massa difícil. 63. Es van comprar un entrepà degut a la seva gana. 64. Estavem cansats. No obstant, vam anar a la platja. 65. Ha menjat tants pastissos que no pot menjar res més. 66. Has de treballar molt. D’altra manera, no guanyaràs diners. 67. Hi ha molta aigua. A més, hi ha massa peixos. 68. Hi havia tanta gent, que no podia veure'l. 69. L'exercisi (exercise) era tan difícil que va passar dues hores fent-lo.


70. Penso que és massa dolent per aquesta classe. 72. Casi vaig trencar el nostre vas (glass).
