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Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US...

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Page 1: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy
Page 2: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

Dr. Michael Guess PresiDentDr. roDney hyDuk General chair (& Golf chair)Dr. Paul Miller Post-conference chairDr. Peter nGan scientific chairDr. JaMes WilliaMs social chairDr. eric DellinGer chilDren’s ProGraM

a sPecial thanks for their MeetinG PlanninG contributions: roD & nancy hyDuk

2013 aWarD of MeritIt is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Jim Morrow will be the 2013 recipient of the Samir Bashara Award of Merit. Jim, a very active Council member, led an integrated effort to move the ABO exam testing to Dallas. He has spent countless hours for the benefit of both the College and it’s membership. He is very deserving of recognition.

2013 kolin Post-conference MeetinGThis year’s post conference meeting (a ferry boat ride from the Southampton) will be a the Hamilton Fairmont. This year’s meeting is named on behalf of our past newsletter editor, Dr. Irwin Kolin. The 2013 Post-Meeting Conference will be called the 2013 Kolin Post-Conference Meeting.


introDucinG THE 2013

MeetinG coMMittee

Page 3: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

This year’s meeting location is a true travel destination for the world. It is a subtropical paradise with splendor and beauty that can only be captured from personal experience. With dedication from the College’s Council and the great teamwork from the program committee, I proudly invite you to join us in beautiful Bermuda, the “Jewel of the Atlantic.” Known for it’s pink beaches, turquoise water, world-class golf, Bermuda has been named “Best Island in the Caribbean/Atlantic 17 times.” Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy our 35th annual reunion in a wonderful setting. (Make sure you have your passport that is more than 6 months from expiring –if not renew!)

Today we are inundated with educational opportunities aimed at both expanding our knowledge base through the introduction of new techniques, technologies and products. The benefit of the College meeting is that we have a very large and talented pool of individuals that can inspire us to become better orthodontic practitioners and critical thinkers. This year’s program will introduce the premise that technology is the answer to shorter treatment times, reduced chair time, and increased efficiency for our offices. This premise makes several assumptions that must be critically evaluated before an educated decision can be made for your own specific practice. Is 3-D imaging cost effective for the average practice? How long before 3-D printing can be utilized to create your own set of aligner trays or retainers? And just important how much “lag” time is there to integrate new technology into your practice. The Council recognizes the changes and pressures that new technology brings and the implications it has on the orthodontic profession.

Institutional settings, such as university campuses or hospital medical centers, are places of continual renewal for the residents. But as board certified doctors, our learning should not stop there. The annual meeting of the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics offers a refreshing environment to reinvigorate new, established, and seasoned doctors that have board certification. Our scientific session is a

unique to the orthodontic world and our summer meeting is a place for retooling your mind and practice in a stimulating setting. It truly is a step beyond. Our scientific chair has brought together a collection of unique speakers with topics covering both theory and practice. This meeting will help sort out the different directions the orthodontic profession is moving towards and other directions the profession willl eventually discard. There was a time that we pinched gold bands and welded gold attachments for our patients. We are rapidly approaching a time where you will be able to fabricate all of your own appliances in house. Technology companies today become gray-bearded within 3 years unless they are constantly updating. Our practices are now beginning to run in a similar cycle. In Bermuda, you’ll be introduced to new ideas that you can discuss with your colleagues and friends. Our program fosters unmatched social interaction among not only our profession’s brightest minds, but also our families. The Council’s goal is to provide a scientific program that combines these benefits in an unprecedented way.

As usual, we are striving for a stimulating, debate-filled scientific session. I have been privileged to have Peter Ngan develop this year’s program. Having known Peter for over a quarter century, I still get excited with his unbridled enthusiasm and energy. He is bringing a super list of speakers that will surprise you and inform us on the technologies needed to maintain or create an “elite orthodontic practice.”

Finally, the scientific program will be greatly challenged this year by both the social program and the meeting location. If you have never been to Bermuda you are in for a special treat and I strongly urge you register as soon as possible. On behalf on of the entire Council, the program chairs, the site committee and myself I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to join us for the 35th Annual Reunion of the College.

best reGarDs,

Dr. Michael Guess cDabo PresiDent 2012-13

PS - This year we have the 2013 Kolin Post-Meeting Conference. This will be very special in that attendees will be ferried from the Southampton over to the Fairmont Hamilton. Here we will have two days of lectures and roundtable discussions. So please extend your stay and learn as much as you can while enjoying your environment. This will be a week of learning while creating a lifetime of memories!

P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E

Page 4: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

sunDay July 21 2013

7:30am – 5:00pm College Council Meeting11:00am – 6:00pm Registration Open6:30pm – 9:00pm Welcome Reception

MonDay, July 22, 2013

7:00am – 12:30pm Registration Open7:30am – 9:30am Opening Family Breakfast9:00am – 10:30am scientific Program technological advancements & clinical Practice – Where is the supporting evidence? Dr. katherine VigTimes Vary Fairmont Southampton Kids Program•10:00am – 11:00am Yoga •10:00am – 12:00pm Photo Class Part I •10:45am – 12:15pm scientific Program to 3D or not to 3D – is that the Question? using cbct in clinical orthodontics Dr. Martin Palomo12:15pm – 12:30pm Q&A with Drs. Vig & Palomo12:30pm – 3:30pm Golf Tournament #1 •Free Evening

tuesDay, July 23, 2013

6:30am Fun Run/Walk •7:00am – 12:30pm Registration Open7:00am – 9:00am Breakfast for all Registrants8:30am – 10:00am scientific Program tic, tac, tech: Game on With technology Dr. henry fieldsTimes Vary Fairmont Southampton Kids Program•10:00am – 11:00am Yoga •10:00am – 10:15am Doctors’ Group Photo10:15am – 11:45am scientific Program accelerating orthodontic treatment – current Methods & technologies Dr. chung-hau kau11:45am – 12:00pm Q&A with Drs. Fields & KauFree Evening

WeDnesDay, July 24, 2013

7:00am – 12:30pm Registration Open7:00am – 9:00am Breakfast for all Registrants7:30am – 8:15am Member Business Meeting8:30am – 10:00am scientific Program a spike in the ice: Don’t be afraid, i’ve Done this before...With Miniscrews • Dr. Jay bowmanTimes Vary Fairmont Southampton Kids Program•10:00am – 11:00am Yoga •10:00am – 12:00pm Photo Class Part II •10:15am – 11:45am scientific Program radiosurgery for soft tissue Management in orthodontics: old technology for the contemporary orthodontist Dr. steve harrison11:45am – 12:00pm Q&A with Drs. Bowman & Harrison12:00pm – 4:00pm Council Meeting12:30pm – 3:30pm Golf Tournament #2 •6:30pm – 9:30pm President’s Dinner at the Fairmont Southampton

thursDay, July 25, 2013

7:00am – 12:00pm Registration Open7:00am – 9:00am Breakfast for all Registrants8:30am – 9:30am scientific Program contemporary orthodontics: expaning our scope in treatment Planning Dr. roberto hernandez orisini9:45am – 11:15am scientific Program congenitally absent Maxillary lateral incisors – teamwork & technology: a checklist for treatment Planning Dr. Dave Musich11:15am – 11:30am Q&A with Drs. Hernandez-Orsini & Musich11:00am – 3:30pm Transfers to Post Conference Meeting at Fairmont Hamilton (sign up on registration form)

• Financial and/or Beneficial Interest• Additional registration & fees apply

the scientific Program


The College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics does not review or approve of, or necessarily agree with, the topics, speakers and presentations set forth in this program. As such, by virtue of your attendance at this program, you acknowledge that any and all actions taken by you based upon such topics, speakers and presentations are undertaken by you at your own risk, and you further agree to hold the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics harmless from any and all liability in relation to the same. The College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics encourages you to make your own independent judgment as to the topics, speakers and presentations, and to rely on the advise of professionals, as appropriate, in making decisions in relations thereto.


the 2013 “MeetinG

at a Glance”

Page 5: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

MonDay, July 22: aDVances in iMaGinG/cbct

9:00aM – 10:30aM 1.5 ceustechnoloGical aDVanceMents & clinical Practice – Where is the suPPortinG eVi-Dence?katherine ViG, bDs, Ms, D.orth, fDs (rcs)

Orthodontics evolved from a mastery of technical skills to become a biomechanically based discipline. Rapid advances in technology have been incorporated into clinical practice to increase both the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment interventions. These technological advances and marketing strategies have introduced new techniques and appliances into clinical practice before evaluation with an Evidence-based approach are available to support clinical assumptions of the outcome. Learning objectives:

• How new concepts in Orthodontics evolve & paradigms shift.• The role of a biological basis for guiding & influencing clinical practice• How advances in imaging, scanning & techniques to reduce duration of treatment are adopted into clinical practice.• The development of an evidence-based approach in Orthodontics & its impact on contemporary clinical practice.• Conducting a systematic review of “Orthodontic treatment & external apical root resorption”.

10:45aM – 12:15PM 1.5 ceusto 3D or not to 3D – is that the Question? usinG cbct in clinical orthoDonticsMartin PaloMo, DDs, MsD

The digital volumetric tomography era has begun, and we now have access to significant additional diagnostic information. This presentation will show how CBCT is changing the way we practice, and show how Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) is extracting and using volumetric tomograms for orthodontic reasons. From posterior buccolingual inclination to surface area analysis and volumes, Dr. Palomo will show current CWRU’s protocols and recommendation on when and how to use this 3D imaging modality that is quickly becoming part of the orthodontic practice.

tuesDay, July 23: aDVances in tooth MoVeMent

8:30aM – 10:00aM 1.5 ceus tic, tac, tech: GaMe on With technoloGyhenry fielDs, DDs, Ms, MsD

This presentation will cover the results of three studies that involve clinical methods related to technology innovations: CBCT, Orthodontics appliances (specifically, esthetic appliances) and Orthodontic arch wires (specifically, the new clear wires). The presentation will look at new data and then describe what it means to the practitioner. Practitioners will be able to understand the implications of CBCT to clinical treatment of maxillary canines, provide appliances that meet the needs of all age groups and have a better understanding of the capabilities of a new generation of orthodontic arch wires.

10:15aM – 11:45aM 1.5 ceusacceleratinG orthoDontic treatMent – current MethoDs & technoloGieschunG-hau kau, bDs, MscD, Mba, PhD, MorthrcseDin, ffD rcsire, fDs rcPsGlas, faMs, cert (ortho)

The specialty of Orthodontics continues to evolve as technology is introduced. This lecture will discuss the use of various methods that seem to enhance the rate of tooth movement. The use of surgical, cyclical forces and photo-biomodulation will be discussed in depth. In addition, the lecture will also discuss the impact of these methods and the application to “real world” orthodontics.

the scientific ProGraM coVers a Variety of conteMPorary trenDs Which are influencinG the effectiVeness & efficiency of clinical Practice & hence the future of the Profession. the toPics to be PresenteD are by eMinent & hiGhly resPecteD clinicians & researchers Who haVe MaDe MaJor contributions to the orthoDontic sPecialty.

the 2013 scientific

ProGraM scheDule

Page 6: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

WeDnesDay, July 24: aDVances in taDs & lasers

8:30aM – 10:00aM 1.5 ceusa sPike in the ice: Don’t be afraiD, i’Ve Done this before . . . With MiniscreWss. Jay boWMan, DMD, MsD

Early adopters of miniscrews have certainly been trailblazers in exploring nearly any type of biomechanical application that might benefit from tapping skeletal anchorage. Along with any exploration of this nature, myths and legends are dispelled and pitfalls discovered. From this experience, guideposts can now be provided for more predictable pathways for both the acolyte and the experienced. Dr. Bowman will take you on a travelogue of that journey, lessons from the school of hard knocks, and evaluation of the literature.

10:15aM- 11:45aM 1.5 ceusraDiosurGery for soft tissue ManaGeMent in orthoDontics: olD technoloGy for the conteMPorary orthoDontiststeVen D. harrison, DDs, Ms, Pc

For most contemporary orthodontists that actively manage soft tissue in Orthodontics today the most common device utilized is the Diode Laser. This presentation will demonstrate the use of Radiosurgery for many of the applications that the Diode Laser is currently used for. The presentation will include the soft tissue management and surgical uncovering of impacted canines, gingivectomy, operculmectomy and frenectomy procedures. Presentation of these procedures will demonstrate how we as orthodontists can improve the efficiency and quality of care for our patients with the Radiosurgery instrument.

thursDay, July 25: aDVances in orthoDontic technoloGy

8:30aM – 9:30aM 1.0 ceuconteMPorary orthoDontics: exPanDinG our scPoe in treatMent PlanninGroberto hernanDez orsini, DMD, MPh, Ms

As orthodontists, we should be able to utilize bone physiology concepts to predict how skeletal structures would react after a biomechanical stimuli. A good understanding of bone physiology and the biology of tissue response during orthodontic tooth movement should allow us to develop the proper mechanical design and consequently the therapeutic procedures necessary to achieve the expected tooth position and bone architecture. Periodontally assisted osteogenic procedure pretends to utilize basic bone biology, physiologic turnover procedures as well as basic orthodontic biomechanical principles in an attempt to correct dental malocclusions in the shortest, safest and most conservative manner. We propose that this procedure can provide a faster mechanism for moving teeth and reducing the undesirable side effects frequently seen in prolonged orthodontic tooth movement, while extending the limits of tooth movement. Furthermore, certain types of mutilated occlusions, some mild to moderate skeletal discrepancies as well as periodontally stable patients with moderate to severe periodontal bone loss could successfully be treated by a combination of surgically assisted osteogenic procedures, conventional orthodontic mechanics or combination with orthopedic dental appliances.

9:45aM – 11:15aM 1.5 ceusconGenitally absent Maxillary lateral incisors – teaMWork & technoloGy: a checklist for treatMent PlanninGDaViD r. Musich, DDs

Achieving successful treatment outcomes for patients with congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors has intrinsic problems: for example space for the implants, growth changes that occur during and after orthodontics, variations in the skeletal and occlusal relationship, and cost of the comprehensive treatment. As a result, many variables, including technologic advances, require careful consideration before the treatment plan is finalized. Based on survey responses of well respected orthodontists, implant surgeons and restorative dentists, a checklist will be presented to aid clinicians in planning treatment for this complex group of patients. Attendees will learn:

• What characteristics differentiate an ideal candidate for maxillary lateral incisor implants from one that would be better treated with canine substitution.

• How to incorporate a checklist that includes current technologic advances to facilitate treatment planning patients with missing maxillary lateral incisors.

• How to use the checklist as a guide to educate patients and parents to insure successful outcomes for patients with congenitally absent lateral incisors.


reaD More about the sPeakerson PaGe 7!

Page 7: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

katherine ViG, bDs, Ms, D.orth, fDs (rcs)

Dr. Kate Vig was born and educated in England. She received her dental degree from University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Her orthodontic training was at Eastman in London where she served on the Faculty until 1976 before moving to the United States with her husband and two daughters. She joined the Orthodontic faculty

at the University of North Carolina from 1977-1984 before moving to the University of Michigan in 1984 where she served on the faculty from 1985-1990. Dr. Vig became Professor and Chair of Orthodontics at The University of Pittsburgh in 1990 & Associate Director of the Cleft Palate Team at Pittsburgh. She was recruited to The Ohio State University in 1994 to Chair the Orthodontic department and appointed chief of Orthodontic services at Children’s Hospital, Columbus. She is a diplomat of the American Board of orthodontics since 1989 and became a Consultant and Examiner to the ABO in 2004. She received the Ketcham award in 2009.She served as a member of the AAO Council on Orthodontic Education for 8 years and was Chair of the Council for 2 years. She has published extensively in the orthodontic literature and has a major interest in Orthodontic quality of care and developing outcome measures with a continuing interest and compassion for patients with craniofacial anomalies. She served as President of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association in 1999 and also President of the IADR Craniofacial Biology Group. Dr. Vig officially retired from Chair of the Orthodontic department at OSU in 2005 and spent time in England where she enrolled in Evidence-based Health Care at Oxford University. Her retirement was curtailed when she was asked to return as Chair of Orthodontics

at OSU in 2007 and she is currently the Interim Graduate Program Director in Orthodontics.

Martin PaloMo, DDs, MsD

Dr. J. Martin Palomo is the Director of Orthodontics, and the Director of the Craniofacial Imaging Center at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Palomo has presented both nationally and internationally, and authored several peer-reviewed publications on the topic of craniofacial imaging and informatics. Dr.

Palomo’s career contributions to craniofacial imaging have been recognized through research awards in both medical and dental fields, and he was part of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) joint task force assigned to determine when and how to use CBCT in orthodontics. Additionally he is an active member of both the Orthodontics and the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Associations.

henry fielDs, DDs, Ms, MsD

Dr. Henry Fields is Professor and Division Chair of Orthodontics at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Dr. Fields provides private patient care in orthodontics and is an attending and Chief of Orthodontics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. His current research interests center on diagnostic systems and decisions, treatment outcomes, informed

consent and health literacy. He serves the AAO on the Taskforce for Recruitment and Retention of Faculty and the ADA as Chair of the Council of Governmental Affairs.

introDuction to sPeakersDr. Peter nGan – 2013 scientific chair

As the 2013 Scientific Program Chair, it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in the scientific program for the upcoming CDABO meeting in Bermuda. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Orthodontic Technology: How it impacts our daily practice”. With the advent of 3-D imaging technology, the use of CBCT, laser, model scanners, digital impression and TADs in our offices, there is no doubt technology can impact our daily practice. CDABO has prepared 8 speakers in four half days with cutting edge information to prepare our members to meet this challenge. • Dr. Kate Vig, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Orthodontics, The Ohio State University will give sup-porting evidence on the technological advancements and clinical practice. Dr. Martin Palomo, Professor of the Department of Orthodontics, Case Western University will update our members on the use of CBCT technology in clinical practice.• The program will continue with Dr. Henry Fields, Professor and Chair of the Department of Orthodontics, The Ohio State University, who will provide new information on the use of new esthetic appliance and wires together with CBCT in the treatment of impacted maxillary teeth. Dr. Chung-Hau Kau, Professor and Chair of the Depart-ment of Orthodontics, University of Alabama will update us on how modifying biology can change our approach

to orthodontic treatment such as in the case of accelerated orthodontic treatment.• On the third day, Dr. S. Jay Bowman, who is an international and national speaker on the topic of skeletal anchorage will show us why we should not be

afraid of using TAD in our practice. Dr. Steve Harrison of RollA, Missouri, who is a regular speaker on our AAO program, will update our members on the use of radiosurgery for soft tissue management.

• On the final day, Dr. Dave Musich of Schaumburg, Illinois, who is also a visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, will speak on the treatment of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisor with the latest technology. Dr. Roberto Hernandez Orsinis of Guayama, Puerto Rico will increase our envelope of treatment planning by using the latest advance in technology.

I look forward to seeing you all in Southampton, Bermuda and learning from this diverse group of experts we have been fortunate to bring together.

PresentinG scientific

ProGraM sPeakers

Page 8: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

chunG-hau kau, bDs, MscD, Mba, PhD, MorthrcseDin, ffD rcsire, fDs rcPsGlas, faMs, cert (ortho)

Dr. Chung H. Kau is Chairman and Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, University of Alabama at Birmingham. He completed his dental training at the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore and advanced specialist training in orthodontics at Cardiff University.

He is as an active clinician and researcher and has a number of research contracts and has research awards in excess of US $3 million. He contributes & publishes in the orthodontic literature and currently has over 200 peer-reviewed publications, conference papers and lectures. His research has garnered several international and local awards in recognition of his contribution to the research field. In 2006, he was honored by the Hungarian Orthodontic Society and made an honorary life member for contributions to the society. He is also the winner of the two prestigious research prizes of the British Orthodontic Society - the Chapman (2002) and Houston (2006) -- and two research awards from the American Association of Orthodontists – the AAO Faculty Development Award (2006) and Southwestern Society of Orthodontist Research Award (2007 and 2009). In 2008, he delivered the TC White Invitational Lecture for the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow recognizing the outstanding contributions of a medical or dental researcher. In 2011, he received the prestigious King James IV Professorship from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh.

s. Jay boWMan, DMD, MsD

Dr. S. Jay Bowman is a member of the Angle Society, Fauchard Academy, American College of Dentists, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontists. He is on the faculty of Saint Louis University, The University of Michigan, Case Western Reserve University and Seton Hill University. He has lectured in 34 countries and penned over 120 publications and book chapters,

including co-authoring/editing, Mini-Implants in Orthodontics: Innovative Anchorage Concepts. Dr. Bowman has experience inserting 1,400+ mini-screws including the Horseshoe Jet screw-based Distal Jet appliance. In addition, he has initiated a prospective evaluation of AcceleDent accentuated distalization.

Dr. steVe harrison

Dr. Harrison is a 1984 graduate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Dentistry, graduating “With Distinction”. He graduated in 1986 from the University of Iowa Department of Orthodontics. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor Societies and is Certified by the American Board of Orthodontics and also serves as a consultant for the American

Board of Orthodontics. He has served as Admissions Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and President of the Edward H. Angle Society-Midwest. Presently he is an Associate Clinical Professor at the

University of St. Louis Orthodontic Department and was named Outstanding Instructor of the Year in 2004. He is in private practice in Rolla Missouri.

roberto hernanDez orsini, DMD, MPh, Ms

Dr. Roberto Hernández-Orsini did his pre-dental studies at the University of Puerto Rico, 1977-1979 and received his DMD from the University of Puerto Rico in 1983 and MPH from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1986. He received his MS and Certificate from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, AL

1989 and ABO in February, 1997. Dr. Hernandez-Orsini is a member of the Midwest Component Angle Society of Orthodontics, President of the SEO de Puerto Rico, member of CDABO, MASO and AAO.

DaViD r. Musich, DDs

Dr. Musich is a native Chicagoan. After completing his orthodontic residency at the University of Nebraska, he then spent the first five years of his specialty career as a full-time faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. In that position he became Director of Graduate Orthodontics; Acting Chairman, Department

of Orthodontics; and Orthodontic Consultant to the Craniofacial Anomalies/Cleft Palate Team at Children’s Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.Dr. Musich has contributed two chapters to the last five editions of Graber, Vanarsdall, and Vig’s orthodontic text Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques.Dr. Musich currently has a full-time practice of orthodontics in Schaumburg, Ill. He continues to teach part-time as a Clinical Professor at the University of Pennsylvania and University of Illinois, Chicago and he lectures extensively on methods of simplifying the management of complicated orthodontic problems. He is Board Certified, past president of Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontics; and he was the recipient Angle East’s Harvey Peck Award of Excellence and AAO’s 2009 Distinguished Service Award.

continuinG eDucation units

College of Diplomates is currently an American Dental Association (ADA) CERP Recognized Provider.

Up to 11.5 hours of continuing education units (CEU) are available through this program. Seminar registrants receive one CE credit for each seminar hour attended. It is the responsibility of the individual attendee to submit any necessary continuing education credit documentation to their individual state for verification. Continuing education credits issued for participation in the CE activity may not apply toward license renewal in all states/ provinces. It is the responsibility of each participant to verify the requirements of his/ her state/provincial licensing board(s).


Page 9: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

sunDay, July 21

WelcoMe recePtion6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Our welcome reception is a time to see people you have met at past meetings or to begin new friendships at this meeting. This evening will be at the resort, outside on the lawn. The reception will include food stations in a reception style setting. There will be a supervised activity for the children for approximately 45 minutes to give them an opportunity to meet each other.

MonDay, July 22

oPeninG faMily breakfast7:30 aM – 9:30 aM

Welcome to our opening annual breakfast. A plated breakfast for all registered family members begins at 7:30 am in the hotel ballroom. At 7:50 am our program begins with introductions and recognition of members at our meeting for the first time. At approximately 8:15 am there will be a brief special program.

fairMont southaMPton kiDs ProGraMtiMes Vary, see P. 17

yoGa10:00 aM - 11:00 aM

For ages 13 & up. This class is suitable for all levels of experience. Participants will meet each day at 9:45am in the hotel Spa.$30/person

Photo class Part i10:00 aM - 12:00 PM

The class will instruct participants on vacation photography as well as memory book making, resulting in a memory book from your Bermuda vacation as a souvenir! This semi-hands on course will be

offered in two parts, allowing for adequate time for assembly of your memory book. Chris Muller, recognized by Google and YouTube as a video master, will instruct guests. He has helped post college member videos with 3.5 million views including his most recently featured work on Jay Leno’s tonight show. $75/person for both parts

Golf tournaMent #112:30 PM - 3:30 PM (assiGneD t-tiMes)

Advance registration is required. Location: Turtle Hill Golf Club at Fairmont Southampton. Turtle Hill Golf Club is the host venue for the world renowned Bacardi World Par 3 Championship which is played every March by professional and amateur golfers of all ages. Turtle Hill Golf Club features 18 challenging par 3 holes and follows a trail of beautiful surroundings and dramatic elevation changes. The 2,684-yard course forces prudent club selection with wind a definite factor. You’ll be delighted with the myriad of ocean views of the Atlantic, water hazards and voted by Golf World as the number #5 ranked par 3 course in the world of golf. Registration for the golf tournaments will be available starting April 1 by calling 1-441-239-6686 or on-line at http://discoverbermudadmc.webdestin.net/EventTariff/86(Please note that there is a $5 administration fee per booking.)

tuesDay, July 23

fun run/Walk6:30 aM

Enjoy the quiet early morning in Bermuda for a 5K walk or run. Meet at the front entrance to lead you to the path for this event. Your registration for this event will include a Fun Run t-shirt and refreshments.$10/person

faMily breakfast buffet7:00 aM – 9:00 aM

there are Many actiVities in anD arounD the islanD of berMuDa. soMe are noteD for your inforMation later in this brochure. the folloWinG are GrouP eVents sPecifically for the colleGe of DiPloMates. Please note the actiVities that reQuire seParate siGn-uP anD reGistration fees. those that Do not Meet the MiniMuM nuMber neeDeD to run May be cancelleD.

PresentinG the 2013

social ProGraM

Page 10: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

fairMont southaMPton kiDs ProGraMtiMes Vary, see P. 17

yoGa10:00 aM - 11:00 aM

For ages 13 & up. This class is suitable for all levels of experience. Participants will meet each day at 9:45am in the hotel Spa.$30/person

WeDnesDay, July 24

faMily breakfast buffet7:00 aM – 9:00 aM

fairMont southaMPton kiDs ProGraMtiMes Vary, see P. 17

yoGa10:00 aM - 11:00 aM

For ages 13 & up. This class is suitable for all levels of experience. Participants will meet each day at 9:45am in the hotel Spa.$30/person

Photo class Part ii10:00 aM - 12:00 PM

Part II of the Photo Class. See Photo Class Part I for description.$75/person for both parts

Golf tournaMent #212:30 PM - 3:30 PM (assiGneD t-tiMes)

Advance registration is required. Location: Port Royal Golf Course.Home to the PGA Gram Slam of golf, the course is situated in some of Bermuda’s most lush and beautiful ocean side terrain, Port Royal is a popular and challenging golf course. No matter where you look (or lie), the genius of architect Robert Trent Jones is evident. Here, a free form green set against the sapphire sea. There, a gracefully winding fairway skirting the coral cliffs. Watch out for well-trapped greens and

bunkered fairways. They’ll demand your full concentration!

Registration for the golf tournaments will be available starting April 1 by calling 1-441-239-6686 or on-line at http://discoverbermudadmc.webdestin.net/EventTariff/86(Please note that there is a $5 administration fee per booking.)

PresiDent’s Dinner6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Our final evening will celebrate the week with dinner and music. This event is included in your registration and will be held on property at the Fairmont Southampton.

thursDay, July 25

faMily breakfast buffet7:00 aM – 9:00 aM


= for all registered family attendees= additional fee required - sign up on the college registration form p. 21= additional fee required - registration available starting April 1 by calling 1-441-239-6686 or on-line at: http://discoverbermudadmc.webdestin.net/EventTariff/86= additional fee required - see Southampton Princess childcare information on p. 17

for More local actiVities see tour anD excursion

oPtions on PaGe 14!

Page 11: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

friDay, July 26: orthoDontic technoloGy: hoW it iMPacts our Daily Practice Part i


8:00aM – 9:00aM 1.0 ceurounD table set 1

Pick from a list of topics and presenters found on the following page

9:00aM – 9:15aM break, sWitch rounD tables

Attendees switch tables, Doctor presenters remain at their tables and present the same topic.

9:15aM-10:15aM 1.0 ceurounD table set 2

Pick from a list of topics and presenters found on the following page

10:15aM – 10:30aM coffee break

10:30aM-12:00PM 1.5 ceusGeneral session: finishinG techniQues anD a lonG-terM stability stuDy of abo cases treateD 35 years aGoray suGiyaMa, DDs

Cases submitted to the American Board for certification represent the candidate’s finest work. All of the cases show improvement in the goals of orthodontics such as Dental and Facial Esthetics along with improvement in Function. However, little has been reported regarding the most important goal of orthodontics which is Long Term Stability. This presentation will cover the Principles of Finishing Cases to Excellent Results and a Follow-up Study of the Long Term Stability of ABO cases treated over 35 years ago. Some former ABO patients will give testimonials regarding the benefits of orthodontic treatment and how it has changed their personality, appearance and opened up opportunities in many areas of their lives.

sat, July 27: orthoDontic technoloGy: hoW it iMPacts our Daily Practice Part ii


9:00aM – 10:00aMGeneral session: functional GenioPlasty in GroWinG Patients 1.0 ceusylVain chaMberlanD, DMD, certes (ortho), Msc

A lower border osteotomy of the mandible to move the chin forward and/or upward has been termed a “functional osteotomy” by Precious and Delaire because it provides a beneficial change in lip function and helps to obtain lip competency in repose. Almost all recent studies describe only the stability of the bony changes with this procedure and soft tissue changes relative to the hard tissue changes. The focus of this study is

cDabo’s Post conference Will be locateD at berMuDa’s haMilton Princess, Which oVerlooks the beautiful harbor, anD is stePs aWay froM DoWntoWn haMilton anD locateD near shoPPinG boutiQues, restaurants anD niGhtlife. rounD table Discussions Will be PresenteD by fiVe orthoDontists With a WiDe ranGe of toPics, anD three lectures in tWo half Days. the eVeninGs can be sPent With your faMily in DoWntoWn berMuDa, or take a coMPliMentary ferry oVer to haMilton’s PriVate fairMont beach club in southaMPton.


MeetinG aGenDa!

Page 12: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

on three things that have not been well studied: the facial and skeletal characteristics of patients who were offered genioplasty; the pattern of bone regeneration and remodeling of the symphysis and changes in the mandibular plane angle as a function of age at surgery; the soft tissue change as a function of hard tissue changes.

10:15aM – 10:30aM coffee break

10:00aM – 11:15aMGeneral session: autotransPlantation 1.0 ceuJohn kanyusik, DDs, MsD

The literature will be reviewed and the technique for autotransplantation will be described for this useful but underutilized procedure. A number of cases will be presented and the incorporation of autotransplantation into an orthodontic treatment plan will be discussed.

11:15aM – 11:30aMQuestion anD ansWers

rounD table toPics & Presenters

rounD table 1: risk ManaGeMent throuGh Practice ManaGeMent John kanyusik, DDs, MsD

General principles of risk management through careful practice management will be discussed. Areas of risk will be correlated with deficiencies in patient care. Remedies to these deficient practice management areas will also be presented

rounD table 2: heMiManDibular hyPerPlasy anD facial asyMMetry sylVain chaMberlanD, DMD, certes (ortho), Msc

To differentiate non syndromic pathology that cause facial asymmetry. To understand the effect of unilateral condylar hyperplasy in a growing and non growing individual. Understand the effect of condylar fracture or trauma (impact) to the joint that may affect mandibular growth. To know the diagnostic test and surgical treatment that is recommended.

rounD table 3: intra-oral laser technoloGy With 3-D PrintinG caPability in your office Without iMPressions bruce W. hultGren, DDs, Ms

This talk will provide a brief overview of the history of digital imaging and the creation of 3D digital models in the field of dentistry and orthodontics. In addition, applications for the use of digital models will be discussed including a more recently emerging technology for 3D model printing capability in the laboratory or even orthodontist’s office.

rounD table 4: a case to DeMonstrate uPriGhtinG the Manibular thirD Molar ernest J. GooDson, DDs, MPa

In recent years, access to orthognathic surgical treatment has been reduced owing to the reluctance of insurance companies to pay for such care. Orthodontists who treat patients with significant skeletal discrepancies are now forced to be more creative and utilize different approaches to achieve optimal outcomes. Modern devices such as mini-plates and temporary anchorage devices (TADs) serve to assist in achieving an acceptable result. This presentation offers another alternative to TADs and orthognathic surgery. Extractions to compensate for a significant skeletal discrepancy will be presented. Other factors such as parental concerns and growth play a significant role in treatment planning. At best, this type of treatment is unorthodox and at worst, controversial.

rounD table 5: tiMinG the cleft Palate treatMent for surGeryJohn carter, DDs, MscD, clinical asso

Our discussion will include the timing for early surgical procedures by the physician and the role that Phase I orthodontics/orthopedics plays for the rehabilitation of the Cleft patient. Many cases require alternative designs for expanding the palate. Many cases should also have partial braces to help the patient achieve the best bite, function and facial esthetics possible at an early age.


reaD the bios for thePost MeetinG sPeakers

on PaGe 13

Page 13: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

ray suGiyaMa, DDsDr. Sugiyama was born and raised in Long Beach, CA. He received his early training as a dental technician in the US Army and later his dental degree from Case Western Reserve University where he graduated with the highest honors. Ray served two years in the US Public Health Service after graduation and later attended Loma Linda University where he received his training in orthodontics.

He has practiced in the Long Beach and Los Alamitos, CA for the past 44 years. Ray is a Charter Member of the CDABO. He was nominated from the floor and voted into the office of President by the membership in 1995. His annual meeting was held on the beautiful island of Maui and was one of the most highly attended CDABO meetings. He has been on the teaching staff at Loma Linda University for 37 years. In 1982, Ray decided to give back to the profession that has been so good to him and his family and embarked on his goal of personal missionary work in orthodontics. To date Ray has lectured at 41 universities in 11 Asian countries and at 13 universities in 8 Central and South American countries

sylVain chaMberlanD, DMD, certes (ortho), MscDr. Chamberland received his DMD degree from Universite Laval in 1983, a Certificat in Orthodontics from University of Montreal in 1990, and a Masters degree in dental science in 2008 from Universite Laval. He was part time clinical instructor and lecturer at the undergraduate program of the dental faculty at University Laval from 1991 to 2008. He

has lectured in several graduate programs in orthodontics in the US, Canada, and Europe. He published two articles about SARPE. He is a guest lecturer for SPEED bracket systems. He conducts active clinical practice. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics, Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada, & member of the Angle East Society of Orthodontists.

John kanyusik, DDs, MsDJohn received his DDS and graduate orthodontic degree from the University of Minnesota. He served in Japan in the USAF and has been in private practice in Mankato, MN since 1975. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Orthodontic Department at the University of Minnesota and has served as President of the Minnesota Association of Orthodontists, the President of the

Midwestern Society of Orthodontics, and the President of CDABO in 2001. He serves as a volunteer for Health Volunteers Overseas and has taught orthodontics in many locations including Moldova, Tanzania, Vietnam, and Taiwan.

ernest J. GooDson, DDs, MPaAfter three years of undergraduate school at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Dr. Goodson enrolled in the UNC-School of Dentistry and received his BS degree after his first year of dental school and his DDS after completing his undergraduate dental education. Following dental school, Dr. Goodson completed a fellowship at the Royal Dental Hospital in London, England (University of

London) and returned home to fulfill his obligation with the state of North Carolina by practicing public health dentistry in eastern North Carolina. Half way through his obligation, Ernest completed his certificate in orthodontics at the University of California at San

Francisco. He returned to North Carolina to complete his obligation working as a public health dentist in eastern North Carolina. Later, he completed his Master’s degree at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He is serving as president of the Old North State Dental Society, president-elect of the North Carolina Association of Orthodontists and is a member of 14 dental organizations. He is a board-certified orthodontist and a member of the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontists.

John carter, DDs, MscD, clinicalassoAfter completion of his bachelors degree from the University of Kansas, John spent the next two years on active duty with the United States Navy as an illustrator/draftsman during the Vietnam War. After completing his active duty obligation, John attended dental school. During dental school he became

commissioned as an officer in the Army Dental Corps Reserves. He would complete over 21 years of service in the reserves and retire with the rank of Major. After dental school, John completed post graduate specialty programs in Pediatric dentistry (Boston University) and in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (St. Louis University). During this time he earned certificates in both specialties and a Master’s of Science in Dentistry in Oral Biology. With his post graduate work behind him John began a dual career in private practice and academics. He joined the graduate orthodontic faculty at the University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Dentistry in 1982. He taught for 18 years and retired in 2000 as an Associate Clinical Professor. In 2000 he concentrated his efforts on his private practice and joined the University of Kansas Medical Center Staff with a volunteer appointment as a clinical associate professor in the Plastic Surgery Department as the orthodontic consultant for the Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies team where he continues to serve to date. John has been the president of the Kansas Association of Orthodontists and served as a Director on the Board of the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists. He has also served as president of the Orthodontic Education and Research Foundation of St. Louis University. John served as president of the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics in 2005.

bruce W. hultGren, DDs, MsDr. Bruce Hultgren has been delivering outstanding orthodontic care for over 22 years. Dr. Hultgren received his dental and orthodontic degrees from the University of Minnesota. It was there that he completed his orthodontic residency. Dr. Hultgren is Board Certified and a member of various professional organizations including American Association of

Orthodontics (AAO). He is a published author and lectures to the public. Some of his past teaching experience includes serving as an assistant professor of orthodontics at the University of Minnesota and an adjunct position at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. He has a profound interest in 3-D technology. Dr. Hultgren is the founder of GeoDigm, a company that makes E-models and fabricates computer-generated restorations for general dentistry. He gives freely of his time and volunteers for church mission programs, local food kitchens and homeless shelters. He also enjoys tennis, fishing, and spending time with his family. Dr. Hultgren strives to provide the most comprehensive and advanced orthodontic treatment available.

introDucinG the Post-

MeetinG sPeakers!

Page 14: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

MorninG sPecial eVents

GrillinG With GoslinGs – 3 course ruM tastinG anD lunch

Create the ultimate combination of Bermudian life, history and scenery with Grilling with Goslings Rum Tasting (Bermuda’s World Famous) and 3 Course Lunch served to your guests. Ideally setup on The Ocean Club Terrace, one of the most picturesque settings in Bermuda with the ocean as your backdrop, this will truly be a ‘Best of Bermuda’ experience for your attendees. Expert chefs cook specifically paired food on grills surrounding the dining area, where your guests hear the history of Rum making from a Goslings Rum Expert, awaking all their senses with every sip. This is a coordinated and expert introduction to modern Bermudian island cuisine and drinks. Guests will experience a tasting of 3 very different island rums (separately and with its traditional accompaniment), and will be perfectly matched with 3 courses of prepared to order foods to compliment the experience. Each course is introduced in detail by The Goslings Expert and The Chef preparing the meal, and will leave Guests stimulated with a great sense of the islands and a memorable lunch in paradise.

• INCLUDED: 3-Course Guided Rum Tasting led by a Goslings Professional and Chef with 3-course lunch served

• PRICE: $155 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 20 persons• SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Resort Casual (shorts/skirt and t-shirt or

collared shirt). Bring a camera!

PerfuMe seMinarFounded in 1928 by William Blackburn Smith and his daughter Madeline Scott, the Bermuda Perfumery still utilizes the original traditions and methods of perfume making. Each bottle continues to be filled individually by hand and the Perfumery is dedicated to manufacture the highest quality of perfumes with the best quality ingredients from around the world. Have the opportunity to experience a truly local tradition with a Perfume Seminar, hosted by Isabelle Ramsey Brackstone. This will be held on the Great Sound Lawn at the Fairmont

• INCLUDED: 2 hour perfume seminar • PRICE: $74 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 20 persons

afternoon tours anD eVents

cataMaran sail anD coral reef snorkelinG

Join us onboard one of the island’s comfortable and stable catamarans for a trip around the northernmost coral reef in the world. Relax on deck and enjoy complimentary soft drinks while our crew provides an informative commentary on the island and the fascinating undersea ecosystem. Following an approximate 45 minute cruise, you will find yourself moored in a magical deep blue oasis bordered by fringe reef on nearly all sides. Here, you will be given a mask, snorkel, fins, buoyancy vest or flotation noodle and instruction on how you may best enjoy the undersea paradise. Immerse yourself in crystal clear waters under the watchful eye of our instructors and explore the great expanses of pristine reef. Following snorkeling we hoist the sails and enjoy a relaxing sail home with our legendary, complimentary Rum Swizzle.

• INCLUDED: Catamaran Sail & Snorkel – 3.5 hours • PRICE: $100 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based 20 persons per vessel • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Casual attire (shorts/skirt and t-shirt) with

swimsuit underneath, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable flat shoes (no black soles); Make sure to bring a camera!

boat, bike anD beach excursion Maximize your time in Bermuda on this great combination tour! First, enjoy sight-seeing the rural West End on your boat shuttle to Somerset Island. Here you will be provided a 2011, 21 speed, Trek Mountain Bike and a durable bike helmet. After receiving instruction on riding and safety, you will begin your guided cycle tour along the original and famous Bermuda Railway Trail. During the bike ride, your guide will stop at various points of interest along the 5-8 miles of mostly flat trail to provide an informative commentary along the way. You will enjoy spectacular scenery along the trail, including historic Fort Scaur, and the sprawling 17th century Mott Family estate. After your ride, cool off with a refreshing swim at the beach and enjoy a complimentary beverage. Helmets and water are provided but don’t forget to bring a towel and your camera! Cyclists are advised to wear good sneakers and lightweight clothing over a bathing suit. (continued on next page)


Please note that there is a $5 administration fee per booking. Certain minimums apply to all tours and should your specific tour minimum not be met, you will be contacted for a refund or to move to an alternate selection.


T O U R & E X C U R S I O N O P T I O N S

All tours and excursions can be booked directly with Discover Bermuda DMC who are located on property at the Fairmont Southampton Resort. Registration for the tours will be available starting April 1 by calling 1-441-239-6686 or on-line at: http://discoverbermudadmc.webdestin.net/EventTariff/86. The day and time offerings will be indicated for each tour on the above website link.

Page 15: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

• INCLUDED: Boat, Bike and Beach Tour – 3.5 hours• PRICE: $100 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 10 persons per group/guide • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Casual attire (shorts/skirt and t-shirt) with

swim suit underneath, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable closed in shoes (no flip-flops). Make sure to bring a camera!

cruise anD kayak eco aDVenture Explore Bermuda’s rural west-end above and below the ocean’s surface during Fantasea’s distinctive glass bottom kayak tour! After a short shuttle to our calm water beach site, you will receive instruction on kayaking and safety, and subsequently you will be issued a life-jacket and a stable sit-on-top double kayak. On this fully guided and narrated shoreline tour, your guide will pick the best location and tour route depending on weather conditions, and you will enjoy views of rocky coastlines, uninhabited islands and beaches. Along the way, your guide will point out coastline creatures such as Bermuda longtails, egrets, herons, and various crustaceans. Beneath you lies a variety of coral, fish, and turtles which you may view through the glass panels of your kayak. Following your tour you will have the opportunity to swim and with a complimentary refreshments soft drinks and Bermuda Rum Swizzle.

• INCLUDED: Cruise & Kayak – 3.5 hours• PRICE: $105 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 10 persons per group/guide • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Casual attire (shorts/skirt and t-shirt) with

swimsuit underneath, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable flat shoes (no black soles) Make sure to bring a camera!

Mono hull sailinG Bermuda capitalizes on its geographical position in the mid-Atlantic by luring the yachting crowd as the island’s sheltered bays and open seas provide year round enticement for anyone who has ever wanted to experience the thrill of a snapping jib and taut mainsail! Board a sleek mono hull sailboat and enjoy an exciting sail in and around The Great Sound and Hamilton Harbour as your boat skims the Atlantic Ocean. The captain and mate are happy to do all the navigating, tacking and jibing to catch the wind but you can join in & become a

part of the sailing crew taking part in the adventure of being on the water. If you prefer you can simply sit back and enjoy the excitement of the sailing action around you and languishing in the beautiful sights.

• INCLUDED: Sailing on Mono Hull – 3.5 hours• PRICE: $115 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 10 persons per guide/vessel • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Windbreaker or light jacket, shorts or com-

fortable long (light weight) pants and t-shirt, flat shoes (no black soled shoes), sunglasses with string, securable hat and sunscreen.

berMuDa trianGle shiPWreck & snorkelinG

Bermuda is home to over 200 square miles of the Atlantic’s most northerly fringe reef. Although beautiful, the reef is treacherous, and there are over 300 shipwrecks to prove it. Readers of Sport Diver Magazine consistently vote Bermuda as the “Wreck Diving Capital of the Atlantic.” On this trip you will visit a shipwreck and a reef site that are home to an abundance of coral and fish. At our second site, you will be provided with quality snorkel equipment and full instruction for an up close and personal undersea experience. A complimentary batch of legendary Bermuda Rum Swizzle and free soft drinks are provided on the return trip. A cash bar is also available.

• INCLUDED: Bermuda Triangle Shipwreck Tour with Snorkeling• PRICE: $95 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 10 persons per group/guide • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Casual attire (shorts/skirt and t-shirt) with

swim suit underneath, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable flat shoes (no black soles); Make sure to bring a camera!

faMous hoMes anD hiDeaWays Join us for an informative and highly entertaining sightseeing cruise. This tour will give you a wealth of well researched historical facts as well as lots of humorous personal stories about the island. Cruise along the shoreline to view charming colonial homes, painted in pastel colors, that are steeped in history and sneak a peek at “Millionaire’s Row” one of Bermuda’s most exclusive neighborhoods. See the homes of the rich and famous - such as movie-stars Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones; James Martin, pioneer of Texas instruments; playwright Eugene O’Neal, whose daughter was married to Charlie Chaplin; and illustrator William Denslow, most famous for his work on the “Wizard of Oz”. Discover tranquil island hideaways only accessible by boat. See classic Bermuda landmarks such as the Gibb’s Hill Lighthouse, the oldest cast iron lighthouse in the western hemisphere. Learn more about the Island’s past and present, flora and fauna, and wonderful marine life as you gently cruise Bermuda’s exquisite turquoise blue waters.

• INCLUDED: Famous Homes and Hideaways Tour – 2 hours• PRICE: $75 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 20 persons per group/vessel • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Casual attire (shorts/skirt and t-shirt) with

swim suit underneath, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable flat shoes (no black soles); Make sure to bring a camera!

Page 16: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

West enD & royal naVal DockyarD This tour provides some of Bermuda’s most beautiful views combined with History and Heritage. Guests depart the hotel and enjoy a tour through Southampton and Sandy’s Parishes. Cross over Somerset Drawbridge, the smallest functioning drawbridge in the world. Continue on to The Royal Naval Dockyard, situated on the tail of the islands on Ireland Island North. Built by slave and convict labor, the Dockyard became a strategic outpost for the Royal Navy until 1951 and was known as the Gibraltar of the West. It is now the center of some of Bermuda’s liveliest tourist attractions including restaurants, Dockyard glassworks, Bermuda Rum Cake Factory, gift shops and arts and crafts workshops. On reaching the Clock Tower Center your walking tour guide will walk and give commentary on all there is to see and give a brief tour of the Bermuda Maritime Museum. The Bermuda Maritime Museum, housed within eight historic buildings, including old munitions warehouses and the Commissioner’s House is a variety of exhibits on Bermuda’s rich maritime history. Breathtaking views are an added bonus from the restoration award winning Commissioners House!

• INCLUDED: 3 hour West End Tour • PRICE: $110 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 20 persons per group • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Resort Casual (shorts/skirt and t-shirt or

collared shirt), sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable (flat) shoes, make sure to bring a camera!

st. GeorGes & the east enD tour Settled in 1612, St. George’s is a UNESCO Heritage Site (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the oldest continuously occupied town of English origin in the New World. It provides a magical old world walking tour experience to all who explore its winding lanes and enter buildings largely untouched by the passing centuries and is a great opportunity to learn about Bermuda’s culture, history and heritage. This tour is a great way to see the history, Heritage and natural beauty of Bermuda.

• INCLUDED: 3 hour tour• PRICE: $110 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 20 persons per group • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Resort Casual (shorts/skirt and t-shirt or

collared shirt), sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable (flat) shoes, make sure to bring a camera!

hoMes & GarDens tourThis tour will take you through some of Bermuda’s oldest homes and gardens – rich in Bermudian history and culture! Your tour begins with drive along Bermuda’s winding Harbor Road, which runs along the coast of the Great Sound and Hamilton Harbor. The view showcases many of the smaller islands that make up Bermuda’s island chain. The first stop is Waterville, home of the Bermuda National Trust. Waterville is a handsome Georgian home located at the foot of Hamilton Harbor with historical Rose Garden. The Bermuda Botanical Gardens is home to more than 1,000 varieties of plant life, transported in 18th and 19th Century by seafarers. The exotic orchid house, hibiscus, sub-tropical fruit groves, and formal garden are just some of the exhibits, spreading across 36 lush acres.

The brightly plumed, chattering birds in the aviary are a delight, and the aromatic Garden for the Blind is a remarkable experience for all. The property also boasts Camden House, the official home of The Premier. Moving on to the historic Verdmont Museum, which is architecturally one of the most fascinating old houses in Bermuda. Verdmont has remained virtually unchanged for nearly 300 years and has never been fitted with electrical power. The museum houses Bermuda’s finest collection of antique cedar furniture, English china, and Chinese porcelain, along with beautifully maintained period paintings.

• INCLUDED: 3 Hour homes and Gardens Tour• PRICE: $125 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 10 persons per group • SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Resort Casual (shorts/skirt and t-shirt or

collared shirt), sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable (flat) shoes, make sure to bring a camera!

WalkinG tour With PhotoGraPher anD naturalist

This tour is a great opportunity to get see, learn and capture a wide variety of Bermudian architecture, flora and fauna, landscape and beach shots. Take home fantastic photos with the aid of a professional photographer and learn a lot about Bermuda’s natural environment and history at the same time too!

• INCLUDED: 3 Hours – Nature walk with Naturalist and Professional Photographer

• PRICE: $90 per person• MINIMUM: Pricing is based on 20 persons per group/guide• SUGGESTED ATTIRE: Resort Casual attire (shorts/skirt and t-

shirt), sunscreen, hat and sunglasses, comfortable flat shoes (or running shoes). Make sure to bring a camera!

• ADDITIONAL NOTES: This tour is for active guests only, who are able to walk for the duration of the tour


Page 17: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

the fairMont southaMPtonPerched on Bermuda’s stunning south shore with miles of pink sand beaches, the luxurious Fairmont Southampton, Bermuda hotel was voted one of the top resorts in the Atlantic by the readers of Condé Nast Traveler in 2009 & 2010.On nearly 100 tropical acres dotted with lush bougainvillea & towering coconut palms, the Bermuda resort is the summit of luxury. Conveniently located in the mid-Atlantic, less than a two-hour flight from most east coast gateways, this Bermuda hotel is perfect for getaways year-round.The Fairmont Southampton Bermuda hotel’s spacious guestrooms—many with sweeping water views—are richly appointed with private balconies, walk-in closets & marble bathrooms. For unsurpassed luxury & service reserve a room on the Fairmont Gold Floor, a hotel-within-a-hotel.The Fairmont Southampton offers unparalleled amenities throughout the entire property. Relax in the Willow Stream Spa or tee off on the 18-hole par-three championship Golf Course. Spend your days relaxing pool side or pull up a chaise lounge at the sprawling oceanfront beach club with Dive Centre, Tennis Courts, & more.The Fairmont Southampton 101 South Shore RoadSouthampton, SN 02, BermudaTelephone: (441) 238-8000 Toll Free: 866-540-4497Fax: (441) 238-8968 Email: [email protected]

rates:$269 Fairmont Room (located on the first through fifth floors with golf, partial harbor & rooftop views, queen/queen or king beds)

$319 Deluxe Harbour/Golf View Room (located on the first through fifth floors with ocean or harbor golf views, queen or king beds)

$369 Deluxe Ocean View Room (located between the first and fifth floors, feature spectacular views of the turquoise hued Atlantic Ocean, queen or king beds)

$479 Fairmont Gold Room (Concierge level located on sixth floor. Rooms either have ocean or harbor views, with private check-in area & private lounge offering computers with complementary use of the internet. Services include complimentary deluxe continental breakfast, afternoon tea, hors d’oeuvres & honor bar)

$499 Junior Suite (Junior suites located on different floors with oversized rooms with sitting area & one bathroom, ocean & harbor views, king beds)

$599 One –Bedroom Suite (Deluxe bedroom with separate parlor with two bathrooms, all with ocean views, queen/queen or king beds)

There is an additional $10.00 per person (plus 9.5% tax) daily resort

levy to cover operational administrative services including trolley service, ferry service, golf club handling & storage.

There is a mandatory gratuity charge of $11.20 per person, per day.

A third adult sharing is an additional $30 per night. Children 18 years & under sharing their parents’ accommodations are complimentary, however they are subject to daily gratuities ($11.20) & the daily resort levy ($10.00). Children 5 years & under pay no resort levy but must pay gratuities. Maximum occupancy is four (4) persons per room.

Please call the Fairmont Global Reservations Center at 1-800-441-1414 to make your hotel reservations. Be sure to identify yourself with CDABO in order to get the group rate. Reservations must be made by June 20, 2013 to qualify for the group rate.

Check in time: 4:00 pmCheck out time: 12:00 noon

WilloW streaM sPa at the fairMont southaMPton:

First discovered over 500 years ago, Bermuda is a colony steeped in the charms & comforts of British traditions. It is a warm weather island with stunning architecture brushed with pastel hues against the shimmering backdrop of the turquoise ocean & the inviting, blushing sand.The elements gather here. Energy abounds in rocky cathedral coves, in cool recesses of the ocean floor, in the intricate web of the protective reef, on the hilltops where gentle floral breezes float to the edge of the world. This is a wonderful place. And it’s fun.Strength & grace on an island created by fire & protected by a natural coral reef. Willow Stream celebrates Bermuda’s soothing flow of color & the quiet strength emanating from the sea. From every vantage point, the strength & energy ... the sounds & scents ... of the sea beckon. Lush with the natural Aromatherapy of its surroundings, the spa’s atmosphere echoes the elegance & energy of Bermuda. Here you’ll find treatment rooms including a couple’s massage suite, a fitness center with panoramic views of the South Shore & a ladies’ & gentlemen’s lounge with Willow Stream Energy.For Spa reservations call 1-800-257-7544

exPlorers caMP kiDs’ clubDiscover the Adventure, the fun and excitement with your kids at the Fairmont Southampton. Our Explorers Camp headquarters is located on the Lower Lobby of our resort and is filled with electronic games and a myriad of activities. It is bright, colorful, entertaining and inviting, created just for kids. Our Camp Supervisors and counselors are engaging, experienced, and committed to ensuring your children are safe and to turning those wonderful holiday moments into memories they will remember for a life time. For a comprehensive overview of all children’s programs, please view our brochure.

aVailability • Children aged 5 and older are welcome. Must be completely toilet-

trained. • Children five years old and up will enjoy a variety of activities from

arts & crafts, to karaoke, to team games & exploring the great outdoors.

PlanninG your

triP to berMuDa!

Page 18: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

• All registered children will be given a wristband and must be signed in and out by an adult family member.

hours of oPerations • Explorers Camp operates 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. • 7 & Up Club operates 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM.

hoW Much Does the ProGraM cost? We offer our services to you and your child/children for a daily fee of $30 per child. Sample the camp and join us for 1 hour, free.

can My chilD stay all Day? Yes, this is entirely up to you and your family.

are Meals ProViDeD for the chilDren? Meals are not included in the program. However, with your permission, we order meals from one of our restaurant outlets and apply the charge to your room.

actiVitiesThe following activities are offered daily.

• 9:00 AM- Welcome Friends • 9:30 AM- Sign-up and lunch orders • 10:00 AM- Enviro-Kids Activity (Mon, Weds, Fri & Sun) • 10:00 AM- Fit for Kids Activity (Tues, Thurs & Sat) • 11:30 AM- Pool Time fun in the kiddy pool • 12:30 PM- Island Arts & Crafts (e.g. Fish Magnets, Mini Kites,

Postcards, Bermuda Collages, Enviro-Crafts, Gombey Hats, Sand Art, Shells, Beads, Picture Frames, and more!)

• 1:00 PM- Lunch and Movie • 2:30 PM- Indoor games (e.g. Bingo, Treasure Hunts, Video Tour-

naments, Musical Games, Karaoke, and more!) • 3:00 PM- Beach Time (e.g. Snorkeling, Rafting, Sandcastles, Water

Games, Beach Olympics) • 5:00 PM- Clean up and Welcome Parents

7 anD uP kiDs’ club Hang on to your seats, kids- we are about to blast off into some unbelievable fun! Bonfires, movies under the stars, survival challenges, and night swimming are just some of the cool things that we have in store for our evening activities. For Kids 7 & older.

hours of oPerations7 & Up Club operates 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM.

hoW Much Does the ProGraM cost? We offer our services to you and your child/children for a daily fee of $30 per child. Families who joined during the day are welcomed back at no additional charge. Sample the Club and join us for the 9:00 pm family movie, free.

actiVities • 6:30 PM- Welcome Back • 6:30 PM- Sign- up and Dinner Orders • 7:00 PM- Enjoy nightly Themed Activities: • Monday – Bermuda Survivor Night – Tribal games and bonfire

(off-season s’mores will be made indoors). • Tuesday – Bermuda Oscar Night – Oscars party and movie under

the stars (off-season movie will be held indoors). • Wednesday – Bermuda Medieval Night – Medieval games and

weenie roast (off-season weenies will be roasted indoors). • Thursday – Bermuda Gombey Night – Design a Gombey hat, put

on a Gombey parade and make tasty snowballs. • Friday – Bermuda Atlantis Night – Feed the fish, oceanic crafts and

night swimming. • Saturday – Bermuda Pirate Night – Pirate dress up, design a

bandana and treasure hunt. • Sunday – Bermuda Pajama Night – pillow making, cupcake deco-

rating and karaoke idol.• 9:00 PM- Relax with a family movie & fresh hot popcorn

tiMe for tots kiDs’ clubFor toddlers we have a variety of age appropriate toys that can be signed out for use in your guestroom during your stay. Borrowed items should be returned to Explorers Camp before check out to avoid replacement charges.

aVailabilityTuesday, Thursday & Saturday (in the summer) at 3:00 PM- Join us in Explorers Camp for an hour of nursery rhymes, crafts, & sing-a-long songs. We have put together a variety of age-appropriate activities for them to enjoy in the Big Kids Camp while the Explorers are out. Designed for Ages 2 to 4. Must be accompanied by an adult.

fairMont fit for kiDsThe program provides a unique approach to improving fitness levels by combining fun activities with specific athletic skills such as agility, balance, coordination, flexibility, speed, strength, and stamina. The curriculum includes an obstacle course with agility ladders, hurdles and more for kids jump and jog their way through.

aVailabilityTuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays- 10:00 AM.

actiVities R U READY? Kids!! Grab your deck of cards it’s time for some fun outdoor activity. We will attempt the techniques on your cards and a have blast together working it out. Must be registered in Explorers Camp (Camp fee applies).

enVirokiDs The Fairmont Southampton and Explorers Camp are committed to sharing environmental awareness. Children participating in EnviroKids activities will be learning about Bermuda’s unique environment and our conservation efforts. Your child will receive a Fairmont Explorers Camp EnviroKids certificate when participating in these activities.

aVailability• EnviroKids activities are held at 10 am. • Children not registered in Explorers Camp: Must be accompanied

by an Adult to participate. actiVities

• Monday- Bermuda Pink Sands & Sea Shells • Take a hike down to Horseshoe Bay to experience the pink

Bermuda sands. Learn how the sand gets its natural pink hue and collect a small sample as a keepsake. Search for sea shells & discover what types of shells are commonly found in Bermuda and about the little creatures that reside inside them.

• Wednesday- Nature Scavenger Hunt • Journey through Turtle Hill, hunt for items to see, feel and collect.

Return to Explorers Camp for a prize from the treasure chest.• Friday- Cedar Tree Planting • Explorers learn the plight of the Bermuda Cedar Tree since the

1940s when they were nearly driven to extinction from a devastat-ing insect epidemic and have the opportunity to help rehabilitate the endemic species by cultivating seeds or transplanting a

Destination inforMation

Bermuda Department of Tourism675 Third Avenue, 20th FloorNew York, NY 10017www.Bermudatourism.com


Page 19: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

seedling. • Sunday- Blue Bird Watch & Feeders • Explorers head out around the property to check up on our blue

birds. The Bermuda Audubon Society has provided us with blue bird boxes for the conservation of the Eastern Blue Bird. Find out why these blue beauties are in need of protection and what Explor-ers Camp is doing to help. You may spot a bluebird, a Kiskadee, or maybe even a Longtail soaring in the sky. Leave some tasty treats for our feathered friends in the trees.

other serVices We have a variety of complimentary board games, puzzles, lawn games (frisbee, football, soccer, bocce, and croquet) and children’s books that can be signed out for use during your stay. Borrowed items should be returned to Explorers Camp before check-out to avoid replacement charges.

aMenities• Resort Pool: The resort pool is serviced by a pool attendant from

6:30 AM - 7:30 PM daily. We have noodles for use in the pool. • Children’s Pool: Adjacent to the Resort Pool is a children’s pool

with waterslide and small splash pool. • Jacuzzi: The jacuzzi next to the resort pool is open to families for

use. • Welcome amenity: Families visit us receive a beach bucket and

spade upon check-in when available.

babysittinG reserVations:• A 24-hour notice is appreciated when arranging or canceling

childcare.• Three-hour minimum is required.• Sitters are independent & must be paid in cash at the end of

service by guest.• Room charges or credit card charges are not accepted.

babysittinG rates:•OneChild,perhour,min(3)$15.00•Add’lFamilyMember,perhour$2.00•After11:00PMfortransportation$10.00•Mealrequiredafter(6)hours

traVelBermuda is served by American Airlines, US Airways, Continental, Delta, Air Canada, British Airways & Jet Blue. L.F. Wade International Airport is located approximately 30 minutes drive from the Fairmont Southampton. All commercial & private jets arrive at this airport. Please note that passports are MANDATORY & travelers may be refused entry without a valid passport. For information on visas, passports & customs, please refer to www.bermudaairport.com. On departure day, please note the hotel recommends leaving the hotel two & a half (2 ½) hours prior to your flight time. If you are flying to the United States, you will need to clear U.S. Customs in Bermuda.

GrounD transPortationrental cars & buses

Bermuda must be about the only place left in the world where visitors cannot rent automobiles. Why not? Tourist safety on unfamiliar, often narrow, winding, sharply twisting roads, is cited as the main reason. Another factor is Bermuda’s very small physical size & fourth-largest

population per square mile in the world (after Gibraltar, Hong Kong & Monaco). Buses & taxis are readily available for guests to get around the island. Bus tokens available at the Concierge Desk & Hotel Front Desk.

taxi fareTaxis are available at the airport, hotel, City of Hamilton, & are available by calling the Bermuda Taxi Association at 441-296-2121. Taxi fare from Airport is approximately $40.00 USD, plus tip (1-4 persons) & is a 30 minute drive each way.

shuttlesShuttle service to & from airport can be arranged by making online reservations at www.limobermuda.com or by calling directly to 441-234-4366. Rates subject to change without notice.

MoPeD rentalsMopeds can be rented from Smatt’s Cycle Livery, Ltd. on hotel property.

• Must be minimum 16 years of age• All rentals include lock, helmet, map & carry basket• Cash, credit card (Visa or Mastercard) accepted, or charge to

guestroom• Rates available from the Smatt’s Cycle Livery, Ltd. Website: www.


ferry betWeen southaMPton & haMilton

Exclusive for hotel guests of The Fairmont Southampton & The Fairmont Hamilton Princess (Hotel ID required)

• Ferry services for guests operates between the Waterlot Inn at The Fairmont Southampton & the dock at The Fairmont Hamilton Princess (weather permitting). Please consult seasonal schedules.

• Golf clubs/bags are permitted on board, but no luggage is allowed.• This beautiful scenic ride takes about 25 minutes one way between

the islands.

ParkinGSelf parking is available at the Fairmont for mopeds only, free of charge.

tiMe zoneAtlantic time zone on Daylight Savings. One (1) hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time.

aVeraGe teMPeratureBermuda is a sub-tropical island. The gulf stream which flows between Bermuda & the North American continent, keeps the climate temperate. Bermuda has no rainy season & as such, there is no normal month of excess rain. The weather rarely interferes with the enjoyment of outdoor sports & recreation. In July the average high is 85 degrees F and the average low is 75 degrees F.


$1.00 Bermudian = $1.00 USD

Page 20: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy

Dr. Michael Guess – PCSO893 Embarcadero Drive #102El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 916-933-0123 // [email protected]

Dr. Robert B. Moss, Jr. - SAO 1600 Third Ave.Albany, GA 31707 229-432-2103 // [email protected]

Dr. Kimsey Anderson - RMSO 7520 Montgomery Blvd., NE #D-9 Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-884-5610 // [email protected]

Dr. Kenneth Hrechka - MASO 6130 Oxon Hill Rd., Ste 304 Oxon Hill, MD 20745 301-839-2500 // [email protected]

Dr. Rodney Hyduk – GLAO90 W. Square Lake Rd. Troy, MI 48098 248-879-6200 // [email protected]

Dr. Perry Opin266 Broad St. Milford, CT 06460 203-877-3231 // [email protected]

Dr. James Williams - SWSO 9015 Mountain Ridge Dr. Austin, TX 78759 512-346-9771 // [email protected]

Dr. Paul Miller - MSO200 N. 30th St.Quincy, IL 62301 217-224-8002 // [email protected]

Dr. Terry Sobler - NESO339 North Main St., Ste. 7-8New City, NY 10956 845-634-3560 // [email protected]

Dr. Bruce Goldstein6868 E. Becker Ln.Scottsdale, AZ 85254480-556-0615 // [email protected]

Dr. Eric Dellinger - GLAO610 No. Wayne PlazaAngola, IN 46703 260-665-9534 // [email protected]

founDinG fathers

Dr. Raymond Thurow Dr. Hubert BellDr. B.F. DewelDr. Joseph DeStasio Dr. John Rathbone Dr. William StuttsDr. William Thompson

Past PresiDents

1981 Dr. Raymond C. Thurow 1982 Dr. Joseph G. DiStasio 1983 Dr. William F. Stutts 1984 Dr. Warren A. Kitchen 1985 Dr. Hubert J. Bell1986 Dr. William M. Ditto1987 Dr. Earle F. Cote1988 Dr. Arthur C. Reed1989 Dr. Larry Bramble1990 Dr. John T. Ziegler1991 Dr. Walter C. Buchsieb 1992 Dr. Samir E. Bishara1993 Dr. Perry M. Opin1994 Dr. O.B. Vaughan1995 Dr. William A. Mitchell, Jr. 1996 Dr. Raymond M. Sugiyama 1997 Dr. John A. Cheek1998 Dr. Quentin E. Lyle1999 Dr. William Wallert2000 Dr. W. Jerry Capps2001 Dr. John S. Kanyusik 2002 Dr. George P. Rejebian 2003 Dr. Raymond George, Sr. 2004 Dr. Roberto Justus2005 Dr. John Carter 2006 Dr. Robert Nemeth2007 Dr. Richard Ridgley 2008 Dr. Thomas Skafidas 2009 Dr. Tucker Haltom 2010 Dr. Philip S. Markin 2011 Dr. Dorothy Whalen2012 Dr. Rodney Hyduk


T H E 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3C O L L E G E C O U N C I L





iMMeDiatePast PresiDent







Page 21: Dr. Michael Guess - Dr Sylvain Chamberland Orthodontiste · Less than 2 hours away from most US airports it is ideal for our annual meeting. So come learn, rekindle, relax and enjoy



Guest Name(s)



Phone Fax


Please check all that aPPly anD note Quantity

cDabo annual session (Qty) cateGory fee on or before June 1, 2013 fee after June 1, 2013 Members $875 $925

Non-College Members $1135 $1185 Non-College or ABO Members $1665 $1685 Retired $775 $825 Full-Time Faculty $437.50 $462.50 Past Presidents $325 $375 Spouse/Guest with Programs $525 $575 Spouse/Guest without Programs $325 $375

faMily reGistration rates (incluDes breakfast ProGraMs, WelcoMe recePtion, PresiDent’s Dinner) Family members 18 and over $325 $375 Family members 13-17 $275 $150 Family members 6-12 $100 $150 Family members 5 and under Free Free

eVents Yoga $30 $35 Photo Class $75 $80 Fun Run/Walk $10 $15

cDabo annual Post conference session* (Qty) cateGory attenDinG suMMer MeetinG not attenDinG suMMer MeetinG

Members $167 $383 Non-College Members $167 $383 Non-College or ABO Members $267 $483 Retired $167 $383 Full-Time Faculty $167 $383 Past President $167 $383 Spouse and Guest $167 $383 Each additional family member $75 $75

*registration fee for the post conference includes spouse and two children.

Please coMPlete anD fax or e-Mail this forM to kathy richarDson of the aao: e-Mail: [email protected]: (314) 993-6992

reGistration forM
