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drawing and connecting people toJesus - Clover...

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annual report 2014 CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH drawing and connecting people to J esus

annual report 2014calvary community church

drawing and connecting people toJesus

“By this everyone will

know that you are my disciples... “

from our Senior Pastor

“... if you love one another.”

John 13:35

The pictures and words of this 2013/14 annual report are a brief overview of thousands of events and relationships that are the

story of this one year in the history of Calvary Community Church. This, our 93rd year of bringing the hope and help of Jesus Christ to Walworth County and select places in our rapidly changing world, has been a memorable one!

Memorable in the departure of dear loved ones including our beloved Pastor Jerry Gillaspie, who was pastor when The Gospel Tabernacle became Calvary Community Church.

Memorable in God’s call upon another of our Calvary staff members, Pastor Dave and April Cousens, to leave ministry at Calvary and become full time missionaries in Mali, West Africa.

Memorable as our building team worked diligently to prepare a plan for renovation of our aging facility and addition of new space to accomplish expanding ministry to the people of Walworth County.

Memorable as our “Building Legacy for God’s Glory” team led Calvary in a Biblical Generosity campaign that invited our entire church family to follow in the footsteps of our biblical ancestors who gathered God’s resources for the building of both the Tabernacle and Temple.

Memorable in special community events like the Advent Dinner, Patriotic Celebration, Christmas Concert, Super Bowl youth party, Men’s Catalyst Conference, Children’s Daddy-Daughter evening, and so much more.

Memorable in births of babies, marriage ceremonies, baptisms, celebrations of many who trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior and others who returned to Jesus as King in their lives after a time of wandering from Him.

Our hope is that this overview awakens celebration in your heart as you rejoice in what Jesus is doing among His people called Calvary. Thank you for your part in making this a memorable year!

Doug Anderson Senior Pastor

Calvary Life

Children’s Ministry

Youth Ministry

“Discover God” is our calling in Children’s Ministries!

The discovery process has been an exciting one this past year and I praise God for all the ways He has shown Himself to us through our children,

families, and volunteers. Every day, we learn more from each other how God impacts our lives

daily and how He grows us up in Him!

I praise God for the addition of Lynn Bartelson to our Early Childhood team. Along with Julia

Reeves, Maranatha director, we have a team that is dedicated to nurturing and discipling children through these first chapters of life. Additionally, an

army of volunteers that God brings throughout the year to assist us in our calling enables us to do

everything that God has given us to do. It is a wonder to behold. From the nursery, where they wrap their arms around precious newborn babies, to the lively and energetic EX56’ers, my heart is blessed by these

remarkable individuals who themselves have heard and responded to God’s call on their lives!

“God is REAL” and we continue to proclaim that loud and clear from the Children’s Ministry

department. Thank you for your support, love, and encouragement throughout the year.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8

Glenn Graf Children’s Ministry Director

This year, as Dave Cousens transitions out and I transition in, the students are the focus. Summer is upon us and, as we prepare for the fall, we are looking to keep it as seamless as possible! We have a great group of seniors that are stepping

up into leadership roles, as peer reaches peer! There are many unknowns about the fall but, as a small group of

us are at Challenge, we are praying big things for the upcoming year! I’m excited to see what God does among

transitions, uncertainties, and new beginnings! It’s a way to cling to Him even tighter! Dave and his family have left a huge

impact on Calvary as a whole. He is and will be deeply missed and powerfully prayed for. There is excitement in what is ahead and I’m looking forward to deeper depths!

Tess Cervenka Sr. High Coordinator

It is encouraging to look at Calvary’s theme for the summer, and

see how the junior and senior high ministries are currently going through a season of change, connectivity, and choices. With God in the center of our choices

and changes, we are excited to be a part of the work God is doing in our teens and their families, as they are “drawn and connected” to Jesus.

I will be providing leadership into our junior high program as Tess steps into senior high. I’ve been connected to the youth ministry programs and teens for quite some time and look forward to

bringing my energy and passion for teens into the youth ministry department.

Through Bible studies, service projects, retreats, and summer mission trips, I am excited to provide opportunities for God to work

in the lives of teens as they draw and connect to Jesus!

Kelly Lofy Jr. High Coordinator

This year’s focus was uniting men and boys in a shared journey of masculine spiritual maturity.

Our David Trophy Breakfast featured Kirk Wherritt, head football coach at Trinity International University. Among the athletes

honored this year as David Trophy winners were two Calvary guys: Tim Long (Big Foot High) and Tom Ritzman

(Badger High). Fathers and sons built some great memories and considered important God truths during our “Father-Son Rite of Passage” weekend at Lake Waubesa Bible Camp. Catalyst 2014 invited the whole family to an unforgettable weekend as John O’Leary

challenged us to consider how, with the help of Jesus Christ, we can “Rebound” from any difficult circumstance in life, as he did when he was nearly killed in his house fire as a boy.

Wednesday evenings at Calvary saw our men studying great wisdom from God’s Word, found in the book of Proverbs. Nine different men taught and small group discussion each week

helped us share our lives with each other in practical spiritual growth. Three fall Saturday morning men’s breakfasts, featuring the life stories of Calvary guys who’ve faced

major life changes, provided us with important opportunities to learn from each other’s recent life journeys.

Men’ Ministry Team

Men’s MinistryWomen’s MinistryCalvary women are all about connections, about relationships, about touching lives in ways that leave lasting effects. We are positioned to love extravagantly! Our potential is vast as we encourage our husbands, kids, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and all who surround us to join us as passionate Christ followers. Through our relationship with Him and study of His Word, we’ve come alive anew this year to pursuing the wonder and truth of who we truly are and all we’ve been created to achieve for God’s kingdom purposes!

Sandi Bradford Women’s Ministry Director

Building Legacy for God’s Glory

During this year, our Calvary Building Team, chaired by Greg Ingersoll, worked diligently with the “concept drawings” approved at our annual meeting last year (July 2013) and, with the help of architect David Skiffington and builder Glenn Johnson Construction Co., developed them into workable construction plans, which have been bid for actual costs and sent for State of Wisconsin approval for construction. In the process, changes were made to the design for cost savings and to ensure that the final design would best renovate our current facility and add much needed ministry space. The display in our lobby has celebrated their work!

Meanwhile, our “Building Legacy for God’s Glory” Campaign Team, chaired by Wayne Iverson, worked diligently with CIF to lead our church family in a Biblical Generosity journey of understanding God’s resourcing of His people for the accomplishment of His special building projects. The weekend of March 15 and 16 was our great “Ingathering” weekend, as the entire Calvary family brought their financial commitments for our building project. In addition to traditional financial gifts and three-year faith commitments, we integrated something from one of our historic

mission fields, the Haitian “Fete de la Moisson.” Many people brought valuables to be sold and a $200,000 matching gift offer was made by one of our Calvary friends. More than $3,500,000 has been contributed or pledged toward our major building project!

We praise God for this remarkable outpouring of Biblical Generosity and please keep praying with us for more.

The current projected cost of our first major building project since 1985 remains at a “not to exceed” amount of $7.5 million dollars. While we are a people of great faith, we are also a church that has not had debt for some time. We anticipate that some debt will be required for the accomplishment of this great project. Our financial campaign continues, with a prayerful anticipation that all who have committed will be faithful to their commitments and that many others will join us in this exciting and much needed project.

The need for our building renovation is urgent! The opportunities for new and expanded ministries are dependent upon a renovated building. With current available campaign funds, some “must do” aspects of our building project could be accomplished before winter. This will require re-engaging a building team with this new mandate. We are asking God for the miracles that only He could accomplish in each of our lives, to bring in the resources necessary to accomplish this project.

SeniorsMissionsA God-driven vision is defined as getting hold of what the Lord wants to do and participating with Him. That would describe the year for the Global Partnership Team.

We have accepted responsibility to help four new partners (the Nevalas in Honduras, Andrew Martin in the U.S., Lydia Lofgren in Eastern Europe, and the Cousens to France and Mali). We helped Tess Cervenka and the Eucker family transition home. The Hovestols (Jon and Helen in Honduras and Dan and Gwenn at Oak Hills in MN) are making significant changes in their ministries. A steady flow of short-termers continues, doing medical work (Haiti), ministry support (i.e., English camp in the Czech Republic), and vision trips. Eight individuals attended the “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” course and we have a growing list of potential missionary candidates.

Those that do not go are learning from the ones that go—it is a synergistic activity for all of us. May the Lord continue to enlarge our vision for the world at Calvary Community Church.

David F. Global Ministries Pastor


“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more

people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.”

2 Cor. 4:15 (NIV)

Why do we do what we do? I trust that whatever Calvary does, it will be for the “Glory of God.” Those of us who are involved with the Seniors

Ministry are privileged to open our homes for encouragement and visit the sick and others in their

homes, hospitals, and nursing homes. Small groups, social times (PrimeTime

and others), Adult Bible Fellowship, hymn sings, funerals, prayer groups,

communion services, and Bible studies, providing transportation

to and from hospitals, and producing the “Transition Times” are a few of

the many ways we can “Glorify God” as we minister to seniors. God has

given Calvary a host of more than 250 people who are 65 years old and better; it is an honor for

us to serve along with Mary Riesland, Brian and

Barb Ogne, Jeff Taylor, Joe and Sharon Woldhuis, Jack and Joan Schafer, Dick and Sandy Carlson, the deacons,

elders, and others, as we attempt to encourage the


Thank you for the honor to serve our Lord as we minister to our seniors.

Mel & Bonnie Olberg Pastor to Seniors

“Thank you for opening your hearts to my little girl. She has become so confident with friends, adults and her relationship with God. I couldn't ask for more... “

Maranatha Preschool

The year brought many changes – most significantly, location. We moved from

Inspiration Ministries to 80B Walworth Ave., Williams Bay—a great space with a larger work

area, storage space, and more floor space for the clothing. The difficulty is that people are not finding us, and this is a concern. People who come like the space very much and we continue to meet their needs and encourage them. It is a delight to be able to share Christ by helping them with clothing. It is our desire to provide the best in 2nd hand clothing, but we also have been able to provide new adult underwear and new back-to-school shoes for children. What a blessing to be able to help families in this way. Some have never before had a new pair of shoes!

We are run by the best volunteers around! They are faithful and it is a joy to serve with them. We need help in the children’s and women’s departments and more volunteers to work with customers monthly. Thank you for your generous donations – without them this ministry could not function.

We feel privileged to serve our Lord in this ministry and look forward to watching how God will continue to use the Clothing Outreach Center.

Jack and Joan Schafer, Managers

Clothing Outreach Center

“Your works are wonderful… ” Our preschool year began as we memorized Psalm 139:14; we watched it unfold as the year progressed. The Lord brought 28 families to Maranatha (twice as many as last year)—11 from Calvary, the rest from all over Walworth County—another “wonderful work” of the Lord.

Three and four-year-olds changed right before our very eyes. The way they listen, trust, share what is on their hearts, and love unconditionally is a great reminder of how our relationship with the Lord should be. Through singing, sharing, storytelling, playing, building, laughing, crying, and creating, the children grew in wisdom and stature. We love directing them, guiding them, introducing them to new things and ideas, and watching the work of the Lord in each of their lives.

The changes made to our curriculum, daily routine, and hours this year proved very favorable for the running of the preschool.

We went from 2-¼ hours to 4 hours with the 4k and 2-½ hours with the 3k, giving us time to introduce lunch and library into the 4k program and more time for music, art, and science. And with seventeen three-year-olds running around, it gave us a little more time just to let them be three-year-olds!

God’s faithfulness has been evident throughout the year and we praise Him for all He has done and continues to do. Please pray for us as we continue to serve the Lord by serving the families of Maranatha Preschool. Our desire is to plant seeds that will continue to grow throughout their lives and overflow into their families for generations to come.

Julia Reeves, Maranatha Director


It's been a privilege to partner with the many volunteers who comprise the worship arts community here at Calvary, leading our church family weekly to the Throne of Grace. I am grateful for the continuing growth in unity and maturity that I have witnessed and for the manner in which the Lord has allowed us to bring several outreach events to our community: Randy Estelle this past December, The Story in April, and Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass in June for this summer's Patriotic Celebration.

I am also grateful for the commitment and dedication of all those the Lord has called to serve in the various facets of worship arts at Calvary: SatCom worship leaders, tech volunteers, Sunday worship team members, the choir, and the orchestra.

Additionally, we have made significant upgrades to the audio and video

systems in our worship center, thanks to a generous gift from an individual outside our congregation

who greatly appreciates Calvary's ministry.

As we look ahead to the fall, we are pleased to have been invited by the Lake Geneva Symphony Orchestra to partner with them on their Christmas concert, December 12-13 of this year. We look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for us as we purpose in our hearts to follow Him in obedience, surrender, and faithfulness!

Mark Reeves Worship Arts Pastor

It has indeed been quite a year here at Calvary. Since the annual meeting last year, we have continued to move forward with completing the plans for the building and bringing them to the point of state approval.

It has been a great process to pray over the possibilities for our new church building and for how God could use it to help us draw and connect people to Jesus.

It was also great fun to be part of the generosity campaign and to see the way that God moved in the hearts of our congregation. So many have given so generously toward the facility changes that will enable us to reach a changing culture in fresh, new ways.

It has also been a time of staff transition, as Tess returned from the World Race and Dave transitioned out of youth ministry into becoming a full-time missionary.

It has been a joy for Karen and me to minister with you again this year. We look forward to seeing how God moves among the people of Calvary in the next year.

Pastor Chuck Cervenka Administrative Pastor

INCOME 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

General Offering $1,386,722 $1,639,715 $1,329,042.29Missions $301,868 $350,950 $264,212.54

Other Income $146,321 $215,600 $167,495Subtotal $1,834,911 $2,206,265 $1,760,749

Benevolent $55,572 na $52,430New Building $140,477 na $1,022,469

Other Designated Income $243,402 $236,852Total $2,274,362 $2,206,265 $3,072,500

EXPENSES 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

Salaries and Benefits $1,007,295 $1,097,720 $1,001,893Missions Expenses $305,759 $350,950 $282,935

Building and Grounds $164,143 $198,800 $187,284Administrative & General Ministry $91,637 $158,050 $87,814

Adult & Other Ministries $80,458 $135,600 $95,430Youth Ministry Expenses $68,880 $92,870 $52,797

Children's Ministries & Maranatha $72,361 $88,300 $70,483Worship Arts Ministries $37,915 $64,475 $36,390

EFREE Support $15,954 $19,500 $14,455 Total Expenses $1,844,401 $2,206,265 $1,829,482

Calvary Community Church Annual Reports / Graphs thru 06/30/14

Ministry Expenses









Total Expenses 2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)









Missions Building & Grounds Administrative &General

Adult & OtherMinistries

Youth Ministry(teens)

Children's /Maranathal

Worship Arts EFREE Support

2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)


9% 5%




2013 / 2014 Actual

61% 13%


3% 6% 11%

2012 / 2013 Actual

General OfferingMissionsOther IncomeBenevolentNew BuildingOther Designated Income

INCOME 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

General Offering $1,386,722 $1,639,715 $1,329,042.29Missions $301,868 $350,950 $264,212.54

Other Income $146,321 $215,600 $167,495Subtotal $1,834,911 $2,206,265 $1,760,749

Benevolent $55,572 na $52,430New Building $140,477 na $1,022,469

Other Designated Income $243,402 $236,852Total $2,274,362 $2,206,265 $3,072,500

EXPENSES 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

Salaries and Benefits $1,007,295 $1,097,720 $1,001,893Missions Expenses $305,759 $350,950 $282,935

Building and Grounds $164,143 $198,800 $187,284Administrative & General Ministry $91,637 $158,050 $87,814

Adult & Other Ministries $80,458 $135,600 $95,430Youth Ministry Expenses $68,880 $92,870 $52,797

Children's Ministries & Maranatha $72,361 $88,300 $70,483Worship Arts Ministries $37,915 $64,475 $36,390

EFREE Support $15,954 $19,500 $14,455 Total Expenses $1,844,401 $2,206,265 $1,829,482

Calvary Community Church Annual Reports / Graphs thru 06/30/14

Ministry Expenses









Total Expenses 2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)









Missions Building & Grounds Administrative &General

Adult & OtherMinistries

Youth Ministry(teens)

Children's /Maranathal

Worship Arts EFREE Support

2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)


9% 5%




2013 / 2014 Actual

61% 13%


3% 6% 11%

2012 / 2013 Actual

General OfferingMissionsOther IncomeBenevolentNew BuildingOther Designated Income

INCOME 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

General Offering $1,386,722 $1,639,715 $1,329,042.29Missions $301,868 $350,950 $264,212.54

Other Income $146,321 $215,600 $167,495Subtotal $1,834,911 $2,206,265 $1,760,749

Benevolent $55,572 na $52,430New Building $140,477 na $1,022,469

Other Designated Income $243,402 $236,852Total $2,274,362 $2,206,265 $3,072,500

EXPENSES 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

Salaries and Benefits $1,007,295 $1,097,720 $1,001,893Missions Expenses $305,759 $350,950 $282,935

Building and Grounds $164,143 $198,800 $187,284Administrative & General Ministry $91,637 $158,050 $87,814

Adult & Other Ministries $80,458 $135,600 $95,430Youth Ministry Expenses $68,880 $92,870 $52,797

Children's Ministries & Maranatha $72,361 $88,300 $70,483Worship Arts Ministries $37,915 $64,475 $36,390

EFREE Support $15,954 $19,500 $14,455 Total Expenses $1,844,401 $2,206,265 $1,829,482

Calvary Community Church Annual Reports / Graphs thru 06/30/14

Ministry Expenses









Total Expenses 2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)









Missions Building & Grounds Administrative &General

Adult & OtherMinistries

Youth Ministry(teens)

Children's /Maranathal

Worship Arts EFREE Support

2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)


9% 5%




2013 / 2014 Actual

61% 13%


3% 6% 11%

2012 / 2013 Actual

General OfferingMissionsOther IncomeBenevolentNew BuildingOther Designated Income

INCOME 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

General Offering $1,386,722 $1,639,715 $1,329,042.29Missions $301,868 $350,950 $264,212.54

Other Income $146,321 $215,600 $167,495Subtotal $1,834,911 $2,206,265 $1,760,749

Benevolent $55,572 na $52,430New Building $140,477 na $1,022,469

Other Designated Income $243,402 $236,852Total $2,274,362 $2,206,265 $3,072,500

EXPENSES 2012/2013 Actual 2013/2014 Ministry Plan2013/2014 Actual

(thru 6/30)

Salaries and Benefits $1,007,295 $1,097,720 $1,001,893Missions Expenses $305,759 $350,950 $282,935

Building and Grounds $164,143 $198,800 $187,284Administrative & General Ministry $91,637 $158,050 $87,814

Adult & Other Ministries $80,458 $135,600 $95,430Youth Ministry Expenses $68,880 $92,870 $52,797

Children's Ministries & Maranatha $72,361 $88,300 $70,483Worship Arts Ministries $37,915 $64,475 $36,390

EFREE Support $15,954 $19,500 $14,455 Total Expenses $1,844,401 $2,206,265 $1,829,482

Calvary Community Church Annual Reports / Graphs thru 06/30/14

Ministry Expenses









Total Expenses 2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)









Missions Building & Grounds Administrative &General

Adult & OtherMinistries

Youth Ministry(teens)

Children's /Maranathal

Worship Arts EFREE Support

2012/2013 Actual

2013/2014 Ministry Plan

2013/14 Actual (thru 6/30/14)


9% 5%




2013 / 2014 Actual

61% 13%


3% 6% 11%

2012 / 2013 Actual

General OfferingMissionsOther IncomeBenevolentNew BuildingOther Designated Income

from our Administrative PastorFinancial

