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1) 2) 3) DU MA Philosophy Topic:- DU_J19_MA_PHIL “Self –Respect is my birth right” is the slogan of ___. आमसमान मेरा जम अधकार है ” ___ का आदश वाय है [Question ID = 1268] 1. Lakshmi Narasu / लमी नरसु [Option ID = 5071] 2. Karunanidhi / कणानध [Option ID = 5069] 3. E. V. Ramaswamy Periyar / . वी. रामवाम पेरयार [Option ID = 5070] 4. Sri Narayana Guru / नारायण गु [Option ID = 5072] Correct Answer :- Karunanidhi / कणानध [Option ID = 5069] Which of the following states Jaina Tṛiratna? ननलखत से कौन जैन रन को इंगत करता है ? [Question ID = 1239] 1. Right Judgement, Right Trust, & Right Conduct, / सयक् नणय, सयक् ववास, और सयक् चर [Option ID = 4953] 2. Right Faith, Right Knowledge, & Right Conduct, / सयक् दशन, सयक् ान, और सयक् चर [Option ID = 4954] 3. Samyak-Viswās, Samyak-Dharma, & Samyak-jñāna / सयक् ववास, सयक् धम , और सयक् ान [Option ID = 4956] 4. Samyak-jñāna, Samyak-Karma, & Samyak-Vicār, / सयक् ान, सयक् कम , और सयक् वचार, [Option ID = 4955] Correct Answer :- Right Judgement, Right Trust, & Right Conduct, / सयक् नणय, सयक् ववास, और सयक् चर [Option ID = 4953] Which of the following schools of classical Indian philosophy are traditionally regarded to be āstika darśanas? पारंपरक से ननलखत भारतीय दशन का कौन सा आितक दशन माना जाता है ? [Question ID = 1228] 1. Early Buddhism / ारंभक बौ दशन [Option ID = 4911] 2. Sāṃkhya / सांय दशन [Option ID = 4912] 3. Jainism / जैन दशन [Option ID = 4910] 4. Charvak / चावाक दशन [Option ID = 4909] Correct Answer :- Charvak / चावाक दशन [Option ID = 4909]
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    DU MA Philosophy

    Topic:- DU_J19_MA_PHIL

    “Self –Respect is my birth right” is the slogan of ___.

    “आ�मस�मान मेरा ज�म �स� अ�धकार है” ___ का आदश� वा�य है । [Question ID = 1268]

    1. Lakshmi Narasu / ल�मी नरस ु[Option ID = 5071]2. Karunanidhi / क�णा�न�ध [Option ID = 5069]3. E. V. Ramaswamy Periyar / ई. वी. राम�वा�म पे�रयार [Option ID = 5070]4. Sri Narayana Guru / �ी नारायण गु� [Option ID = 5072]

    Correct Answer :-Karunanidhi / क�णा�न�ध [Option ID = 5069]

    Which of the following states Jaina Tṛiratna?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� से कौन जनै ��र�न को इं�गत करता है?

    [Question ID = 1239]

    1. Right Judgement, Right Trust, & Right Conduct, / स�यक् �नण�य, स�यक् �व�वास, और स�यक् च�र� [OptionID = 4953]

    2. Right Faith, Right Knowledge, & Right Conduct, / स�यक् दश�न, स�यक् �ान, और स�यक् च�र� [Option ID =4954]

    3. Samyak-Viswās, Samyak-Dharma, & Samyak-jñāna / स�यक् �व�वास, स�यक् धम�, और स�यक् �ान [OptionID = 4956]

    4. Samyak-jñāna, Samyak-Karma, & Samyak-Vicār, / स�यक् �ान, स�यक् कम�, और स�यक् �वचार, [Option ID= 4955]

    Correct Answer :- Right Judgement, Right Trust, & Right Conduct, / स�यक् �नण�य, स�यक् �व�वास, और स�यक् च�र� [OptionID = 4953]

    Which of the following schools of classical Indian philosophy are traditionally regarded to beāstika darśanas?

    पारंप�रक �प से �न�न�ल�खत म� भारतीय दश�न का कौन सा �कूल आि�तक दश�न माना जाता है?

    [Question ID = 1228]

    1. Early Buddhism / �ारं�भक बौ� दश�न [Option ID = 4911]2. Sāṃkhya / सां�य दश�न [Option ID = 4912]3. Jainism / जनै दश�न [Option ID = 4910]4. Charvak / चावा�क दश�न [Option ID = 4909]

    Correct Answer :- Charvak / चावा�क दश�न [Option ID = 4909]

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    Which of the statement corresponds to Mill’s Utilitarian theory?

    कौन से कथन�मल के उपयो�गतावाद� �स�ांत से मेल खाता है?

    [Question ID = 1238]

    1. Motive is important for evaluating the action. / काय� के म�ूयांकन करने के �लए उ�े�य मह�वपणू� है। [OptionID = 4949]

    2. Motive has nothing to do with the action. / उ�े�य का कम� से कोई लेना-देना नह�ं है। [Option ID = 4950]3. Both motive and numerical strength of the people being affected are important / �भा�वत होने वाले लोग�का मकसद और सं�या�मक शि�त दोन� मह�वपणू� ह� [Option ID = 4951]

    4. none of the above / उपरो�त म� से कोई नह�ं [Option ID = 4952]

    Correct Answer :- Motive is important for evaluating the action. / काय� के म�ूयांकन करने के �लए उ�े�य मह�वपणू� है।[Option ID = 4949]

    Which one of the following could be translated in the form of a particular negativeproposition?I. Not all S is P.II. Many S are not P.III. Only S is P.IV. All but a few S is P.Which one of the following combinations is true for the above question?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� से �कसे एक अशं�यापी नकारा�मक तक� वा�य के �प म� अनवुा�दत �कया जा सकता है?I. सभी S, P नह�ं है।II. कई S P नह�ं ह�।III. केवल S P है।IV. कुछ को छोड़कर सभी S P है।

    [Question ID = 1243]

    1. Only I / केवल I [Option ID = 4971]2. Only II / केवल II [Option ID = 4972]3. I & II / I और II [Option ID = 4969]4. I, II & IV / I,II और IV [Option ID = 4970]

    Correct Answer :-I & II / I और II [Option ID = 4969]

    Which one of the following is not a valid mood of the second figure?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� से कौन सा ��वतीय आकृ�त का वधै योग नह�ं है?

    [Question ID = 1248]

    1. E I O [Option ID = 4992]2. A E E [Option ID = 4990]3. A I I [Option ID = 4989]4. E A E [Option ID = 4991]

    Correct Answer :-A I I [Option ID = 4989]

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    Development as freedom is viewed by ___.

    ___ �ग�त को �वतं�ता के �प म� देखत ेह�। [Question ID = 1264]

    1. Sri Aurobindo / �ी अर�बदं [Option ID = 5056]2. Tagore / टैगोर [Option ID = 5055]3. Gandhi/गांधी [Option ID = 5053]4. Amartya Sen/अम�य� सेन [Option ID = 5054]

    Correct Answer :-Gandhi/गांधी [Option ID = 5053]

    A biconditional is defined as:

    समत�ुय क� प�रभाषा है। [Question ID = 1245]

    1. A disjunction of two conditionals / दो आपादन� का �वयोजन [Option ID = 4980]2. A disjunction of two disjunctions/ दो �वयोजन� का �वयोजन [Option ID = 4977]3. A conjunction of two conditionals/दो आपादन� का संयोजन [Option ID = 4978]4. A conjunction of two conjunctions / दो संयोजन� का संयोजन [Option ID = 4979]

    Correct Answer :-A disjunction of two disjunctions/ दो �वयोजन� का �वयोजन [Option ID = 4977]

    A proposition is:

    एक तक� वा�य है: [Question ID = 1251]

    1. None of the above./ इनमे से कोई भी नह�ं। [Option ID = 5004]2. Is a language neutral entity./भाषा एक तट�थ स�ता है। [Option ID = 5003]3. Not necessarily a sentence./ज�र� नह�ं �क एक वा�य हो। [Option ID = 5001]4. Is good or bad./अ�छा या बरुा। [Option ID = 5002]

    Correct Answer :-Not necessarily a sentence./ज�र� नह� ं�क एक वा�य हो। [Option ID = 5001]

    Śaṃkara calls this world Mithya, which means ___.

    शंकर इस जगत को �म�या कहत ेह� िजसका ता�पय� है ___। [Question ID = 1226]

    1. Unreal / असत [Option ID = 4902]2. False / सदासत [Option ID = 4901]3. Real / सत [Option ID = 4903]4. Illusion / �म [Option ID = 4904]

    Correct Answer :-False / सदासत [Option ID = 4901]

    Gender is a ___.

    जा�त/ जे�डर ___ है। [Question ID = 1262]

    1. Genetically determined /आनवुं�शक �प से �नधा��रत [Option ID = 5048]2. Natural Construct/�ाकृ�तक रचना [Option ID = 5046]3. Social Construct/सामािजक रचना [Option ID = 5047]4. Biological Construct/ज�ैवक रचना [Option ID = 5045]

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    Correct Answer :-Biological Construct/ज�ैवक रचना [Option ID = 5045]

    'The Ghost in the Machine' principle is given by:

    'मशीन म� ि�थत �ेत' �स�ांत ____ �वारा �दया गया है: [Question ID = 1256]

    1. Gilbert Ryle/�ग�बट� रॉयल [Option ID = 5021]2. Bertrand Russell/ब��ड रसेल [Option ID = 5024]3. P. F. Strawson/पी. एफ. ��ॉसन [Option ID = 5023]4. J. L. Austin/जे. एल. ऑि�टन [Option ID = 5022]

    Correct Answer :-Gilbert Ryle/�ग�बट� रॉयल [Option ID = 5021]

    According to Kant a ‘perfect duty ‘ is ___.

    कांट के अनसुार एक प�रपणू�( परफे�ट) कत��य___ है।

    [Question ID = 1232]

    1. A moral obligation on everyone / सभी पर न�ैतक दा�य�व [Option ID = 4926]2. None of the above / उपरो�त म� से कोई नह�ं [Option ID = 4928]3. A moral obligation on the agent alone / अकेले एज�ट (कता�) परन�ैतकदा�य�व [Option ID = 4925]4. A moral obligation relative to a situation / ि�थ�त के सापे� न�ैतक दा�य�व [Option ID = 4927]

    Correct Answer :-A moral obligation on the agent alone / अकेले एज�ट (कता�) परन�ैतकदा�य�व [Option ID = 4925]

    According to Kant, that geometrical propositions are synthetic shows ___.

    काँट के अनसुार – �या�मतीय ��त�ि�तया सं�ले�षक है – यह दशा�ता है �क ___।

    [Question ID = 1261]

    1. Space is an intuition/�व�तार एक अतं�ा�न (intuition) है [Option ID = 5043]2. Space is a judgement/ �व�तार एक �नण�य (judgement) है [Option ID = 5042]3. Space is a concept / �व�तार एक अवधारणा (concept) है [Option ID = 5041]4. Space is a priori/�व�तार �ागनभु�वक (a priori) है [Option ID = 5044]

    Correct Answer :-Space is a concept / �व�तार एक अवधारणा (concept) है [Option ID = 5041]

    According to Leibnitz ___.

    ल�ब�न�ज के अनसुार ___।

    [Question ID = 1259]

    1. Bodies are confused representations of minds/�नकाय� मन के ��मत ��त�न�ध�व ह� [Option ID = 5034]2. Bodies cannot represent minds/�नकाय मन का ��त�न�ध�व नह�ं कर सकत ेह� [Option ID = 5033]3. Bodies are clear representations of minds/�नकाय� मन के �प�ट ��त�न�ध�व ह� [Option ID = 5035]4. Minds are confused representation of bodies/मन �नकाय� का ��मत ��त�न�ध�व है [Option ID = 5036]

    Correct Answer :-

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    Bodies cannot represent minds/�नकाय मन का ��त�न�ध�व नह�ं कर सकत ेह� [Option ID = 5033]

    According to Leibnitz ___.

    ल�ब�न�ज के अनसुार ___।

    [Question ID = 1258]

    1. Two non-identical individuals are indiscernible /दो गैर-अ�भ�न (non-identical) �यि�त अ�वभे�य (indiscernible)ह� [Option ID = 5031]

    2. Two indiscernible individuals are non-identical/दो अ�वभे�य (indiscernible) �यि�त गैर-अ�भ�न (non-identical)होत ेह� [Option ID = 5030]

    3. Two discernible individuals are identical/दो �वभे�य (discernible ) �यि�त अ�भ�न ह� [Option ID = 5029]4. None of the above./ इन मे से कोई भी नह�ं [Option ID = 5032]

    Correct Answer :-Two discernible individuals are identical/दो �वभे�य (discernible ) �यि�त अ�भ�न ह� [Option ID = 5029]

    ‘Biocentric theory’ requires:

    जवै केि��क �स�ांत' क� आव�यकता है: [Question ID = 1236]

    1. Respect for nature / �कृ�त का स�मान [Option ID = 4942]2. Species egalitarianism / �जा�त समानता [Option ID = 4941]3. Action to show respect for nature / �कृ�त के ��त स�मान �दखाने क� ��या [Option ID = 4943]4. Belief in respect for nature / �कृ�त के ��त स�मान म� �व�वास [Option ID = 4944]

    Correct Answer :-Species egalitarianism / �जा�त समानता [Option ID = 4941]

    Causation, according to Hume, is based on:

    �यमू के अनसुार, कारणता ___ पर आधा�रत है: [Question ID = 1254]

    1. Relations of ideas/��यय� का स�ब�ध [Option ID = 5016]2. A deductive inference/ एक �नगमना�मक तक� [Option ID = 5014]3. A natural relation/एक �ाकृ�तक संबंध [Option ID = 5013]4. Constant conjunction/�नरंतर संयोग [Option ID = 5015]

    Correct Answer :-A natural relation/एक �ाकृ�तक संबंध [Option ID = 5013]

    Loksaṃgraha concept is found in ___.

    लोकसं�ह ___ पाया जाता है। [Question ID = 1223]

    1. Gīta / गीता म� [Option ID = 4889]2. Jainism / जनै दश�न म� [Option ID = 4891]3. Buddhism / बौ� दश�न म� [Option ID = 4890]4. Cārvāka / चावा�क� म� [Option ID = 4892]

    Correct Answer :-Gīta / गीता म� [Option ID = 4889]

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    Who argued that the entire world can be categorized into seven padārthas?

    �कसने तक� �दया है �क संपणू� जगत को सात पदाथ� म� वग�कृत �कया जा सकता है?

    [Question ID = 1230]

    1. The Vaiśeṣika philosophers / वशै�ेषक दाश��नक [Option ID = 4918]2. The Vedānta seers / वेदांत दाश��नक [Option ID = 4919]3. The Sāṃkhya philosophers / सां�य दाश��नक [Option ID = 4920]4. The Jaina teachers / जनै दाश��नक [Option ID = 4917]

    Correct Answer :-The Jaina teachers / जनै दाश��नक [Option ID = 4917]

    The social system in which men holds primary power is known as ___

    वह सामािजक �यव�था िजसम� प�ुष �मखु �प से शि�त धारण करत ेह�, उसको _ कहा जाता है [Question ID = 1263]

    1. Patriarchy / �पतसृ�ता [Option ID = 5050]2. Feminism / ��ीवाद [Option ID = 5052]3. Patriotism / देशभि�त [Option ID = 5049]4. Matriarchy / मातसृ�ता [Option ID = 5051]

    Correct Answer :-Patriotism / देशभि�त [Option ID = 5049]

    Mind is housed in the body, for Descartes, as -

    मन शर�र म� ि�थत है, डसेकाट�स के �लए, जसेै - [Question ID = 1260]

    1. Without having any impact on each other/एक दसूरे पर कोई �भाव डाले �बना [Option ID = 5040]2. A pilot in the body /शर�र म� एक पायलट [Option ID = 5037]3. Ghost in the body / शर�र म� भतू [Option ID = 5039]4. Intermixed with the body such that both compose a unity / शर�र के साथ ऐसा जड़ुाव है �क दोन� एकता क� रचनाकरत ेह� [Option ID = 5038]

    Correct Answer :-A pilot in the body /शर�र म� एक पायलट [Option ID = 5037]

    The philosopher who became the President of India ___

    ___वह दाश��नक जो भारत के रा��प�त बने [Question ID = 1266]

    1. Babu Rajendra Prasad / बाब ूराज�� �साद [Option ID = 5064]2. Abdul Kalam/अ�दलु कलाम [Option ID = 5061]3. S. Radhakrishnan / एस. राधाकृ�णन [Option ID = 5063]4. K. R. Narayanan / के. आर. नारायणन [Option ID = 5062]

    Correct Answer :-Abdul Kalam/अ�दलु कलाम [Option ID = 5061]

    Nyāya theory of error is

    �याय�या�तवाद ___ है। [Question ID = 1225]

    1. Akhyāti / अ�या�त [Option ID = 4897]2. Ātmakhyāti / आ�म�या�त [Option ID = 4898]

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    3. Anyathākhyāti / अ�यथा�या�त [Option ID = 4899]4. Anirvacanīyakhyāti / अ�नव�चनीय�या�त [Option ID = 4900]

    Correct Answer :-Akhyāti / अ�या�त [Option ID = 4897]

    This theory has been criticised for not providing enough protection for individual rights:

    �यि�तगत अ�धकार� के �लए पया��त सरु�ा �दान नह�ं करने के �लए इस �स�ांत क� आलोचना क� गई है:

    [Question ID = 1233]

    1. Utilitarianism / उपयो�गतावाद [Option ID = 4931]2. Kantian Deontology / कां�टयन डीओटंोलोजी [Option ID = 4930]3. Moral Relativism / न�ैतक सापे�वाद [Option ID = 4929]4. Care ethics / संर�ण न�ैतकता [Option ID = 4932]

    Correct Answer :-Moral Relativism / न�ैतक सापे�वाद [Option ID = 4929]

    This can be said of Aristotle’s moral philosophy:

    इसे अर�त ूके न�ैतक दश�न के बारे म� कहा जा सकता है:

    [Question ID = 1234]

    1. That it discussed the nature of friendship / �क यह दो�ती क� �कृ�त पर चचा� करता है [Option ID = 4935]2. That its aim was not limited to being a theoretical discipline alone / �क इसका उ�े�य केवल स�ैां�तक अनशुासनतक सी�मत नह�ं था [Option ID = 4934]

    3. That it was inspired by Plato’s philosophy / �क यह �लेटो के दश�न से �े�रत था [Option ID = 4933]4. All the above / उपयु��त सभी [Option ID = 4936]

    Correct Answer :-That it was inspired by Plato’s philosophy / �क यह �लेटो के दश�न से �े�रत था [Option ID = 4933]

    Vaiśeṣikas believe in ___.

    वशै�ेषक मानत ेह� ___। [Question ID = 1224]

    1. 8 padārthas / ८ पदाथ� [Option ID = 4894]2. 7 padārthas / ७ पदाथ� [Option ID = 4893]3. 16 padārthas / १६ पदाथ� [Option ID = 4896]4. 9 padārthas / ९ पदाथ� [Option ID = 4895]

    Correct Answer :- 7 padārthas / ७ पदाथ� [Option ID = 4893]

    Vaiśeṣika does not believe in ___.

    वशै�ेषक___नह�ं मानत ेह�। [Question ID = 1222]

    1. God / ई�वर [Option ID = 4888]2. Dravya / ��य [Option ID = 4887]3. Inference / अनमुान [Option ID = 4885]4. Upamāna as independent pramāṇa / उपमान एक �वत�� �माण के �प म� [Option ID = 4886]

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    Correct Answer :-Inference / अनमुान [Option ID = 4885]

    The fallacy ad hominem occurs when:

    �यि�तपरक तक� दोष तब उ�प�न होता ह� जब [Question ID = 1246]

    1. an appeal to emotions is made by the person/�कसी �यि�त �वारा भावनाओ ंको जागतृ �कया जाए [Option ID =4984]

    2. the same term is used with two different meanings/एक ह� पद को दो �भ�न अथ� म� �योग �कया जाए [Option ID= 4982]

    3. a personal attack is directed at a person’s character/�यि�त के च�र� पर �यि�तगत �हार �कया जाए [Option ID =4983]

    4. the two different terms used have the same meaning/दो �भ�न पद� को समान अथ� म� �योग �कया जाए [Option ID= 4981]

    Correct Answer :-the two different terms used have the same meaning/दो �भ�न पद� को समान अथ� म� �योग �कया जाए [OptionID = 4981]

    Match the following:i. Jainism a. The doctrine of catuṣkotiii. Mādhyamikas b. Satkāryavādaiii. Sāṃkhya c. Asatkāryavādaiv. Nyāya d. AnekāntavādaSelect the correct combination:

    �न�न�ल�खत का �मलान कर�।i. जनै दश�न a. चत�ुको�ट का �स�ांतii. मा�य�मक b. स�काय�वादiii. सां�य c. अस�काय�वादiv. �याय d. अनेकांतवादसह� संयोजन चनु�:

    [Question ID = 1227]

    1. i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a [Option ID = 4908]2. i-d, ii-a, iii-b, iv-c [Option ID = 4906]3. i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d [Option ID = 4905]4. i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b [Option ID = 4907]

    Correct Answer :- i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d [Option ID = 4905]

    Which school rejects inference as a pramāṇa?

    कौन सा �कूल अनमुान को �माण के �प म� अ�वीकार करता है? [Question ID = 1231]

    1. Vaiśeṣika / वशै�ेषक [Option ID = 4924]2. Sāṃkhya / सां�य [Option ID = 4922]3. Cārvāka / चावा�क [Option ID = 4923]4. Nyāya / �याय [Option ID = 4921]

    Correct Answer :-Nyāya / �याय [Option ID = 4921]

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    Moral virtues according to Aristotle:

    अर�त ूके अनसुार न�ैतक गुण:

    [Question ID = 1237]

    1. Are a mean between two vices / दो अवगुण� के बीच एक म�यमान है [Option ID = 4947]2. All of the above / उपरो�त सभी [Option ID = 4948]3. Pertains to our emotions and desires / हमार� भावनाओ ंऔर इ�छाओ ंसे संबं�धत है [Option ID = 4946]4. Can be acquired / को हा�सल �कया जा सकता है [Option ID = 4945]

    Correct Answer :- Can be acquired / को हा�सल �कया जा सकता है [Option ID = 4945]

    Standard decision procedure in the logic of propositions could be represented by:

    तक� वा�यो के तक� शा�� म� मानक �नण�य �व�धयो का ��त�न�ध�व होता है:

    [Question ID = 1244]

    1. Disjunctive Normal Form/�वयोजक सामा�य आकार के �वारा [Option ID = 4973]2. Truth Table Method / स�य सारणी �व�ध के �बारा [Option ID = 4975]3. Shorter Truth Table Method/ लघतुर स�य सारणी �व�ध के �बारा [Option ID = 4974]4. All of the above/ उपरो�त सभी के �वारा [Option ID = 4976]

    Correct Answer :- Disjunctive Normal Form/�वयोजक सामा�य आकार के �वारा [Option ID = 4973]

    A sound argument is one in which:

    यिु�तसंगत वो तक� है िजनके ___।

    [Question ID = 1242]

    1. The premises are true and the conclusion is also true / आधारवा�य स�य होत ेहै तथा �न�कष� भी स�यहोता है [Option ID = 4967]

    2. The premises are true but the conclusion is false / आधारवा�य स�य होत ेहै पर�त ु�न�कष� अस�य [OptionID = 4965]

    3. The premises are false and the conclusion is also false / आधारवा�य अस�य होत ेहै तथा �न�कष� भीअस�य होता है [Option ID = 4966]

    4. The premises are false but the conclusion is true / आधारवा�य अस�य होत ेहै पर�त ु�न�कष� स�य होता है[Option ID = 4968]

    Correct Answer :- The premises are true but the conclusion is false / आधारवा�य स�य होत ेहै पर�त ु�न�कष� अस�य[Option ID = 4965]

    What gives pleasure is good is identified with ___.

    जो सखु देता है वह अ�छा होता है ___ के साथ तादा��य �था�पत करता है । [Question ID = 1267]

    1. Duty theory / कत��य �स�ांत [Option ID = 5068]2. Hedonism / सखुवाद [Option ID = 5065]3. Deontological theory / �डयो�टोलॉिजकल �स�ांत [Option ID = 5067]

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    4. Kantianism / कं�टय�न�म [Option ID = 5066]

    Correct Answer :-Hedonism / सखुवाद [Option ID = 5065]

    Which of the following is the correct symbolisation of the proposition “All businessmen andministers are either hard-working or rich”? (Bx: x is a businessman; Mx: x is a minister; Hx: x ishard-working; Rx: x is rich):

    तक� वा�य 'सभी �यापार� और मं�ी या तो प�र�मी ह� या धनी ह�’ का �कस �प म� �तीक�करण हो सकता है? ( Bx : x �यापार� है;Mx: x मं�ी है; Hx: x प�र�मी है; Rx: x अमीर है) [Question ID = 1250]

    1. (x) [(Bx v Mx) ⊃ (Hx v Rx)] [Option ID = 4997]2. (∃x)[(Bx. Mx) . (Hx v Rx)] [Option ID = 4999]3. (x) [(Bx .Mx) v (Hx . Rx)] [Option ID = 4998]4. (x) [(Bx. Mx) ⊃ (Hx . Rx)] [Option ID = 5000]

    Correct Answer :-(x) [(Bx v Mx) ⊃ (Hx v Rx)] [Option ID = 4997]

    Which of the following would be true for empiricists?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� से कौनसा अनभुववा�दय� के �लए सह� होगा [Question ID = 1252]

    1. Mind is born with innate ideas/मि�त�क ज�मजात �वचार� के साथ पदैा होता है [Option ID = 5005]2. None of the above/उपरो�त म� से कोई नह�ं [Option ID = 5008]3. Mind is passive/मि�त�क �नि��य है [Option ID = 5007]4. Mind is a clean state at birth/ज�म के समय मि�त�क एक �र�त �लेट क� तरह होता है [Option ID = 5006]

    Correct Answer :-Mind is born with innate ideas/मि�त�क ज�मजात �वचार� के साथ पदैा होता है [Option ID = 5005]

    Which of the following is NOT a Category of Judgment listed by Kant, under 'Quantity':

    �न�न�ल�खत म� से कौन सी �नण�य क� को�ट कांट �वारा प�रमाण के अ�तग�त नह�ं ह� [Question ID = 1257]

    1. Particular/अशं�यापी [Option ID = 5026]2. Plural/बहु�यापी [Option ID = 5028]3. Singular/ एक�यापी [Option ID = 5027]4. Universal/सव��यापी [Option ID = 5025]

    Correct Answer :-Universal/सव��यापी [Option ID = 5025]

    Which of the following is a symbolization of modus ponens?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� से कौन सा मोडस पोन�स का �तीक है? [Question ID = 1270]

    1. P ⊃ Q, Q ⊃ R, Therefore, P ⊃ R / P ⊃ Q, Q ⊃ R, इस�लए, P ⊃ R [Option ID = 5079]2. P ⊃ Q, Q, therefore, P / P ⊃ Q, Q, इस�लए, P [Option ID = 5077]3. P, Therefore P / P, इस�लए P [Option ID = 5080]4. (H ⊃ R) ⊃ (S ⊃ T), (H ⊃ R), Therefore, (S ⊃ T) /(H ⊃ R) ⊃ (S ⊃ T), (H⊃ R), इस�लए, (S ⊃ T) [Option ID =


    Correct Answer :-P ⊃ Q, Q, therefore, P / P ⊃ Q, Q, इस�लए, P [Option ID = 5077]

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    According to David Hume,‘impressions’ :

    ड�ेवड �यमू के अनसुार, सं�कार : [Question ID = 1253]

    1. Include sensations and emotions/संवेदनाओ ंऔर भावनाओ ंको शा�मल करत ेह� [Option ID = 5010]2. Are lively and forceful/जीवंत और �भावशाल� ह� [Option ID = 5009]3. All of the above/उपरो�त सभी [Option ID = 5012]4. Are experienced/अनभुव �कये जात ेह� [Option ID = 5011]

    Correct Answer :-Are lively and forceful/जीवंत और �भावशाल� ह� [Option ID = 5009]

    If “All men are mortals” is true, then which of the following propositions will be true?I. Some mortals are not non-men.II.No non-mortals are men.III. Some men are mortals.IV. All non-mortals are non-men.Choose the correct answer:

    य�द "सभी मन�ुय मरणशील ह�" स�य है, तो �न�न�ल�खत म� से कौन सा तक� वा�य स�य होगा?I. कुछ मरणशील �यि�त अ-मन�ुय नह�ं ह�।II. कोई अ-मरणशील �यि�त मन�ुय नह�ं ह�।III. कुछ मन�ुय मरणशील ह�IV. सभी अ-मरणशील �यि�त अ-मन�ुय ह�।सह� उ�तर चनेु:

    [Question ID = 1247]

    1. Both I & II/ I और II दोन� [Option ID = 4985]2. I, II, & IV/ I, II, और IV [Option ID = 4986]3. Only III/ केवल III [Option ID = 4987]4. All four./सभी चार। [Option ID = 4988]

    Correct Answer :-Both I & II/ I और II दोन� [Option ID = 4985]

    Euthanasia is an:


    [Question ID = 1241]

    1. all of the above / उपरो�त सभी [Option ID = 4964]2. act of encouraging another person to kill themselves. / दसूरे �यि�त को खदु को मारने के �लए �ो�सा�हतकरने का काय�। [Option ID = 4963]

    3. act of deliberately ending a person’s life to relieve suffering / दखु दरू करने के �लए �कसी �यि�त के जीवनको जानबझूकर समा�त करने का काय� है [Option ID = 4961]

    4. act of deliberately assisting another person to kill themselves / �कसी अ�य �यि�त क� जानबझूकर सहायताकरना ता�क वो खदुको मार सके [Option ID = 4962]

    Correct Answer :- act of deliberately ending a person’s life to relieve suffering / दखु दरू करने के �लए �कसी �यि�त केजीवन को जानबझूकर समा�त करने का काय� है [Option ID = 4961]

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    Kantian ethics is ___.

    कां�टयन न�ैतकता ___है। [Question ID = 1235]

    1. Ethics of convenience / स�ुवधा क� न�ैतकता [Option ID = 4939]2. Principle based ethics / एक �स�ांत आधा�रत न�ैतकता [Option ID = 4937]3. A goal based ethics / एक ल�य आधा�रत न�ैतकता [Option ID = 4938]4. Emotive ethics / भावना�मक न�ैतकता [Option ID = 4940]

    Correct Answer :-Principle based ethics / एक �स�ांत आधा�रत न�ैतकता [Option ID = 4937]

    According to Logical Positivism, philosophy must be done through:

    ता�क� क ��य�वाद/पो�स�ट�व�म के अनसुार, दश�न शा�� �न�न �कार से होना चा�हए [Question ID = 1255]

    1. Falsification/ �म�याकरण �वारा [Option ID = 5020]2. The validity of logical argument/ता�क� क यिु�त क� वधैता �वारा [Option ID = 5017]3. The role of reason/�ववेक क� भ�ूमका �वारा [Option ID = 5019]4. The logical analysis of language/भाषा के ता�क� क �व�लेषण �वारा [Option ID = 5018]

    Correct Answer :-The validity of logical argument/ता�क� क यिु�त क� वधैता �वारा [Option ID = 5017]

    The Theory that leads to Liberation is

    वो �स�ांत जो मो� क� ओर ले जाता है: [Question ID = 1240]

    1. Theory of Momentariness / ��णकवाद [Option ID = 4960]2. Eight fold path / अ�टांग माग� [Option ID = 4958]3. Desireless action / �न�काम कम� [Option ID = 4957]4. Five vows / पाँच महा�त [Option ID = 4959]

    Correct Answer :- Desireless action / �न�काम कम� [Option ID = 4957]

    The book The Argumentative Indian is written by ___.

    “आगु �म�टे�टव इं�डयन” नामक प�ुतक ___ �वारा �लखी गई है।

    [Question ID = 1269]

    1. Tavleen Singh / तवल�न �सहं [Option ID = 5073]2. Deepak Sarma / द�पक शमा� [Option ID = 5074]3. Amartya Sen / अम�य� सेन [Option ID = 5075]4. Upamanyu Chatterji / उपम�य ुचटज� [Option ID = 5076]

    Correct Answer :-Tavleen Singh / तवल�न �सहं [Option ID = 5073]

    The author of Riddles of Hinduism is ___.

    �रड�स ऑफ़ �ह�दइु�म के लेखक ___ ह�।

    [Question ID = 1265]

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    1. Radhakrishnan / राधाकृ�णन [Option ID = 5057]2. Ram Manohar Lohia / राम मनोहर लो�हया [Option ID = 5059]3. Ambedkar / अ�बेडकर [Option ID = 5060]4. Rahul Sankrutyayan / राहुल सांकृ�यायन [Option ID = 5058]

    Correct Answer :-Radhakrishnan / राधाकृ�णन [Option ID = 5057]

    The author of Vākyapadīya is ___

    वा�यपद�य के लेखक ___ है।

    [Question ID = 1271]

    1. Bhartṛhari /भतृ�ह�र [Option ID = 5084]2. Gaṃgeśa / गंगेश [Option ID = 5083]3. Pāṇini / पा�ण�न [Option ID = 5081]4. Udayana / उदयन [Option ID = 5082]

    Correct Answer :-Pāṇini / पा�ण�न [Option ID = 5081]

    The author of the text “Bhāṣāpariccheda”is ___.

    “भाषा प�र�छेद” के लेखक ___ ह�

    [Question ID = 1229]

    1. Jayanta Bhaṭṭa / जयंत भ� [Option ID = 4916]2. Viśwanātha Paňcānana / �व�वनाथ प�चानन [Option ID = 4914]3. Annaṁ Bhaṭṭa / अ�नम भ� [Option ID = 4913]4. Ramanujācārya / रामानजुाचाय� [Option ID = 4915]

    Correct Answer :- Annaṁ Bhaṭṭa / अ�नम भ� [Option ID = 4913]

    No fish are mammals. Some dogs are not fish. Therefore, some dogs are not mammals, is aninstance of one of the following fallacy:

    कोई मछल� �तनधार� नह�ं ह�। कुछ कु�त ेमछल� नह�ं ह�। इस�लए, कुछ कु�त े�तनधार� नह�ं ह�, �न�न�ल�खत म� से �कसी एक काउदाहरण है: [Question ID = 1249]

    1. Existential fallacy/ स�यपरक तक� दोष/ हे�वाभास [Option ID = 4993]2. Exclusive premises / अन�य आधारवा�य [Option ID = 4994]3. Illicit minor / अ�नय�मत अम�ुय पद [Option ID = 4995]4. Undistributed middle / अ�या�त म�य पद [Option ID = 4996]

    Correct Answer :- Existential fallacy/ स�यपरक तक� दोष/ हे�वाभास [Option ID = 4993]
