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CORRECTION Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme during salivary gland initiation: the role of Fgf10 Kirsty L. Wells, Marcia Gaete, Eva Matalova, Danny Deutsch, David Rice and Abigail S. Tucker This Correction relates to Biol. Open 2013, 10:981–989. Unfortunately, there were errors in the first published version of this article. These errors are detailed below and the original article has been changed accordingly. The statements regarding funding were incomplete and the following text has now been included in the Acknowledgements section: D.R. is supported by the Academy of Finland, The Sigrid Juse ´lius Foundation and Helsinki University Central Hospital Research Foundation. We apologise for any confusion caused. ß 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | Biology Open (2014) 000, 1–1 doi:10.1242/bio.20149084 Biology Open by guest on October 31, 2020 http://bio.biologists.org/ Downloaded from
Page 1: Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme ...Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme during salivary gland initiation: the role of Fgf10 Kirsty L. Wells1,


Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme duringsalivary gland initiation: the role of Fgf10

Kirsty L. Wells, Marcia Gaete, Eva Matalova, Danny Deutsch, David Rice and Abigail S. Tucker

This Correction relates to Biol. Open 2013, 10:981–989.

Unfortunately, there were errors in the first published version of this article. These errors are detailed below and the original article hasbeen changed accordingly.

The statements regarding funding were incomplete and the following text has now been included in the Acknowledgements section:

D.R. is supported by the Academy of Finland, The Sigrid Juselius Foundation and Helsinki University Central Hospital Research


We apologise for any confusion caused.

� 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | Biology Open (2014) 000, 1–1 doi:10.1242/bio.20149084


by guest on October 31, 2020http://bio.biologists.org/Downloaded from

Page 2: Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme ...Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme during salivary gland initiation: the role of Fgf10 Kirsty L. Wells1,

Dynamic relationship of the epithelium andmesenchyme during salivary gland initiation:the role of Fgf10

Kirsty L. Wells1, Marcia Gaete1,2, Eva Matalova3,4, Danny Deutsch5, David Rice6,7 and Abigail S. Tucker1,*1Department of Craniofacial Development and Stem Cell Biology, King’s College London, Floor 27, Guy’s Tower, London Bridge, London SE1 9RT, UK2Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Alameda 340, Santiago, 8331150, Chile3Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 602 00, Brno, Czech Republic4Department of Physiology, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic5Dental Research Laboratory, Institute of Dental Sciences, Hebrew University, Hadassah, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem 91120, Israel6Department of Orthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland7Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki 00290, Finland

*Author for correspondence ([email protected])

Biology Open 2, 981–989doi: 10.1242/bio.20135306Received 1st May 2013Accepted 7th July 2013

SummarySalivary glands provide an excellent model for the study of

epithelial–mesenchymal interactions. We have looked at the

interactions involved in the early initiation and development

of murine salivary glands using classic recombination

experiments and knockout mice. We show that salivary

gland epithelium, at thickening and initial bud stages, is

able to direct salivary gland development in non-gland

pharyngeal arch mesenchyme at early stages. The early

salivary gland epithelium is therefore able to induce gland

development in non-gland tissue. This ability later shifts to

the mesenchyme, with non-gland epithelium, such as from the

limb bud, able to form a branching gland when combined

with pseudoglandular stage gland mesenchyme. This shift

appears to involve Fgf signalling, with signals from the

epithelium inducing Fgf10 in the mesenchyme. Fgf10 then

signals back to the epithelium to direct gland down-growth

and bud development. These experiments highlight the

importance of epithelial–mesenchymal signalling in gland

initiation, controlling where, when and how many salivary

glands form.

� 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd. This is an

Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative

Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/

licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution

and reproduction in any medium provided that the original

work is properly attributed.

Key words: Salivary gland, Fgf10, Epithelial–mesenchymal

interactions, Recombination, GFP

IntroductionSalivary gland development is a dynamic process involving

epithelial–mesenchymal interactions. Salivary glands develop in

a series of well-characterised stages, pre-bud (epithelial

thickening), initial bud, pseudoglandular, and canalicular

(Tucker, 2007). The major salivary glands, submandibular,

sublingual and parotid, develop from neural crest derived

mesenchyme and ectoderm derived epithelium (Jaskoll et al.,

2002; Rothova et al., 2012). Information about the genes

important during these different stages is starting to be

accumulated, and this sits on a wealth of information produced

from classic tissue recombination experiments. Although a lot of

information regarding branching morphogenesis is starting to be

accumulated, initiation of the glands is less well understood.

When E13 salivary gland epithelium was combined with other

sources of non-glandular mesenchyme, such as from the maxilla,

the epithelium failed to branch and formed a cyst (Grobstein,

1953b). When combined with other branching mesenchyme, such

as metanephric mesenchyme, the SG epithelium formed coiled

tubules rather than its usual branches (Grobstein, 1953a;

Grobstein, 1953b). In contrast when salivary gland

mesenchyme at E13 and E14 was combined with a host of

other developing epithelium (mammary, early pancreatic, nasal,

palatal or oral epithelium) a branching gland developed with the

morphology of a salivary gland (Kusakabe et al., 1985;

Kratochwil, 1969; Tucker, 2007; Tyler and Koch, 1977). It was

therefore suggested that salivary gland epithelium depended

completely on its organ specific mesenchyme for correct

morphogenesis (Kratochwil, 1969).

The early recombination experiments used salivary gland

epithelium and mesenchyme at stages after the overt appearance

of the glands. In development timing is often a crucial factor.

This was clearly shown in recombination experiments using the

tooth as a model. In the tooth it is the epithelium that has the

initial instructive information and can generate teeth when

combined with neural crest derived mesenchyme (Lumsden,

1988; Mina and Kollar, 1987; Tucker et al., 1999b). Thus E10.5

oral epithelium combined with trunk neural crest, or second

branchial arch, can induce the formation of a tooth. At the early

bud stage (E12.5), however, the instructive signals pass to the

Research Article 981




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Page 3: Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme ...Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme during salivary gland initiation: the role of Fgf10 Kirsty L. Wells1,

mesenchyme. At this stage onwards it is the tooth mesenchyme

that has the ability to induce tooth formation when combined

with many different non-oral epithelia (Mina and Kollar, 1987).

In keeping with this the tooth epithelium is no longer capable of

inducing tooth development when combined with non-dental

mesenchyme. As the early formation of the tooth and salivary

glands share many characteristics, it is possible that a similar

transfer of instructive information may also be occurring in the

salivary glands. To investigate this we performed recombinations

of salivary gland epithelium with non-salivary gland mandible

mesenchyme and salivary gland mesenchyme with non-salivary

gland epithelium, as has previously been reported, but performed

these recombinations at earlier stages of development.

Fgf signalling has been shown to be a key player in formation

of early glands, with Fgf10 expressed in the mesenchyme around

developing salivary glands, lacrimal glands and lung buds, while

its receptor (Fgfr2b) is expressed in the overlying epithelium

(Nitta et al., 2009; Makarenkova et al., 2000; Bellusci et al.,

1997; Steinberg et al., 2005; Jaskoll et al., 2002). Importantly loss

of Fgf10 or its receptor in the mouse leads to aplasia of lungs,

lacrimal and salivary glands, indicating the central importance of

this signalling pathway for initiation of these branching organs

(Ohuchi et al., 2000; Govindarajan et al., 2000; De Moerlooze et

al., 2000). In human patients mutations in FGF10, or FGFR2b,

lead to LADD (Lacrimal auriculo dento digital) syndrome and

ALSG (aplasia of lacrimal and salivary gland) syndrome

(Entesarian et al., 2005; Milunsky et al., 2006; Rohmann et al.,

2006). In the mouse, a slight invagination of the salivary gland

epithelium is observed at E12.5 in the Fgf10 and Fgfr2b nulls,

indicating that this first sign of a gland can proceed in the

absence of Fgf10 signalling (Jaskoll et al., 2005). The epithelium,

however, fails to invaginate further to form a bud. In lacrimal

glands addition of Fgf10 has been shown to lead to the formation

of ectopic glands, thus Fgf10 is not only necessary for

formation of lacrimal glands but is sufficient for their

formation (Makarenkova et al., 2000; Govindarajan et al.,

2000). The role of Fgf10 signaling was therefore further

investigated in our recombinations and in Fgf10 null mice. For

our experiments we concentrated on the development of the

submandibular gland (SMG) as it forms in a clear position under

the tongue and develops well in culture.

Materials and MethodsMiceMice were set up for matings at approximately midnight or midday. Embryos wereobtained at E (embryonic day) 10.5 to E15.5. To aid accurate staging,morphological landmarks, such as development of tongue and eye were used toconfirm the age of the embryo before recombination. GFP (Green FluorescentProtein) reporter mice were used to visualise the growing glands as they developedand to ensure that the separation of epithelium and mesenchyme was free fromcontamination with the other tissue. Fgf10 mutants were generated as previouslydescribed (Min et al., 1998; De Moerlooze et al., 2000; Rice et al., 2004). Allexperiments were performed according to home office guidelines using schedule 1approved culling methods.

RecombinationsThe mandible, second pharyngeal (branchial) arch and limbs were dissected fromembryos at embryonic day (E) 10.5, E11.5, E12.0 and E12.5. Dissected tissue wasplaced in dispase (made up to 2units/ml in calcium and magnesium free PBS andfiltered). Dispase acts by removing basement membrane to cleanly separatemesenchymal and epithelial tissue. Tissue was left for 10–20 minutes at 37 C, bywhich time the epithelium started to peel away from the mesenchyme. The reactionwas stopped by placing the tissue in medium (D-MEM/F12 plus penicillin/streptomycin and 1% Glutamax (Invitrogen)) and the two tissues completelyseparated using tungsten needles. Care was taken to remove the invaginating

salivary gland epithelium from the cultures without breaking the tissue or leavingepithelial cells behind. Mesenchyme explants were cultured on transparentnucleopore filters (VWR) supported on metal grids on the surface of themedium. Epithelium was then draped over the mesenchyme. In whole mandibleepithelium recombinations, the orientation of the epithelium was determined bythe thickening in the incisor and salivary gland regions that could be clearlyobserved in the isolated epithelium. The recombinations were then covered with athin layer of matrigel (BD Bioscience), a gel of basement membrane that solidifiesat 37 C. Matrigel plays an important role in aiding culture of salivary glandepithelium but is unable to induce branching of isolated SG epithelium (Takahashiand Nogawa, 1991; Steinberg et al., 2005). Explants were cultured at 37 C/5%CO2 up to 9 days in D-MEM/F12 plus penicillin/streptomycin and 1% Glutamax(Invitrogen), changing the medium every 2 days, and were photographed everyday.

Fgf10 rescue experimentsWhole presumptive submandibular glands (E12.5 and E13.5) were dissected out ofthe lower jaw and cultured on filters as above. Embryonic tails were used forgenotyping although Fgf10 homozygous mutants were easily distinguishable due totheir lack of limbs. Heparin beads were soaked overnight at 4 C in Fgf10 protein(R&D Systems) at 100 mg/ml. Beads were washed briefly in PBS before use andimplanted into the salivary gland capsule. Control beads were soaked in an equivalentconcentration of BSA. Pairs of submandibular glands from the same mouse werecultured together, one implanted with an Fgf10 bead, the other with a control bead.Alternatively Fgf10 protein was added directly into the medium at 2 mg/ml.

Slice culturesE11.5 mouse mandibles of CD1 embryos were dissected out and sliced using aMcIlwain tissue chopper (Mickle Laboratory Engineering Co., Ltd. UK) intofrontal slices 200 mm thick (Rothova et al., 2011). Slices showing a distinctepithelial thickening/invagination at the base of the tongue were then selected forfurther processing. Slices were cultured as above with an Fgf10 bead placed on oneside and a BSA control bead on the other side. To distinguish the beads affigel bluebeads were used for the controls and white heparin beads for the Fgf10.

Fgf8 beadsHeparin beads were incubated with 100 mg/ml Fgf8 protein (R&D Systems)overnight in the fridge. Protein loaded beads and control BSA beads were added tomandibles that had had their epithelium removed using dispase (see above).Mandibles were then cultured for 48 hours and fixed.

GFP immunohistochemistryRecombinations were fixed in 4% PFA and taken through a methanol series andembedded in wax via isopropanol and tetrahydronapthalene. Anti-GFP antibody(Abcam, #ab290) was used at a concentration of 1:500 on paraffin sections,followed by a biotinylated anti-rabbit secondary antibody (Dako) at aconcentration of 1:200. The antibody was detected using an Elite kit (Vector)and the GFP was visualised using a DAB reaction (Vector). Slides werecounterstained in eosin.

In situ hybridizationCultures were fixed in 4% PFA overnight and dehydrated through a methanolseries. DIG wholemounts in situ were performed following a modified Wilkinsonprotocol (Wilkinson, 1995). Radioactive 35S in situ hybridization were performedas previously described (Tucker et al., 1999a). Mouse Fgf10 plasmid was a kindgift from Ivor Mason.

ConfocalGFP recombinations were mounted on a slide, bordered by two layers of sellotapeto provide a shallow well into which ProlongH Gold anti-fade reagent with DAPIwas added (Invitrogen, #P36935). The tissue was slightly squashed with acoverslip and imaged using a confocal microscope Leica SP5. Images wereprocessed using Adobe PhotoshopH. When needed, smart sharpen filter, hue-levelsand despeckle plug-in was applied.

BrdUFgf10 pregnant heterozygous females were injected intraperitoneally with 20 mgof BrdU per 1 kg weight of the injected animal. The mice were sacrificed 2 hoursafter injection and the E15.5 embryos were collected. The embryonic heads werefixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) overnight and embedded in paraffin. Theparaffin sections were de-paraffinized, re-hydrated, boiled in 10 mM sodiumcitrate pH 6 for 5 mins 46, blocked with 0.2% gelatine and 10% lamb serum for2 hours and incubated at 4 C overnight with primary antibody to BrdU (diluted1:100 in block solution). BrdU positive cells were visualised using a DAB reaction(Vector).

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Page 4: Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme ...Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme during salivary gland initiation: the role of Fgf10 Kirsty L. Wells1,

ResultsSalivary gland mesenchyme can direct development of a

branching gland in non-gland epithelium

The SMGs are evident as thickenings of the oral epithelium at

E11.5 and proceed to an elongated bud shape (known as the

initial bud) by E12.5 (Tucker, 2007). Their early development

thus mirrors the stages of tooth development where a thickening

is viewed at E11.5, leading to an early bud at E12.5. As E12.5 is

the critical stage when the information for tooth development

transfers from the epithelium to the mesenchyme we

concentrated our salivary gland recombinations around this

time point. In order to visualise the salivary gland as it

develops we combined mandible mesenchyme from a wildtype

mouse with mandible epithelium from a GFP (Green fluorescent

protein)-reporter mouse (or vice versa). The developing salivary

gland could then be followed over the culture period. When

E12.5 GFP salivary gland epithelium was combined with

wildtype salivary gland mesenchyme a small bud was visible

after 2 days of culture, which started to branching after 4 days in

culture, with a well-developed multi-lobed gland forming after 7

days (Fig. 1A–D,A9–D9; Table 1) (n56). Confocal imaging

confirmed that the epithelium of the gland derived solely from

the GFP labelled epithelium (Fig. 1E). To test the instructive

nature of the mesenchyme, presumptive salivary gland

mesenchyme from E11.0, E11.5 and E12.5 was covered with

non-salivary gland mandibular, or second pharyngeal arch

epithelium from a GFP donor. Second pharyngeal arch tissue

does not form any branching structures during normal

development in the mouse (Grevellec and Tucker, 2010). In

each case a clear branching SG-like structure developed

(Fig. 1F,G,F9,G9; Table 1). To further confirm the instructive

potential of the salivary gland mesenchyme, E11.5 and E12.5

salivary gland mesenchyme was covered with GFP labelled limb

bud epithelium. A salivary gland again formed in each case

where the limb epithelium was placed directly over the

salivary gland mesenchyme (n53/5) (Fig. 1H,I,H9,I9; Table 1).

Immunohistochemistry for GFP showed that the limb epithelium

had transformed to a branching structure (Fig. 1J,K). Interestingly

branching structures were only observed where the epithelium was

overlying a region of Fgf10 expression (n53) (Fig. 1L). Limb

epithelium placed outside the Fgf10 expression zone failed to

branch and formed a cyst (as seen in Fig. 1K). Interestingly, a

longer delay in gland initiation was observed in cultures with limb

epithelium compared with mandibular epithelium, indicating

reprogramming of the epithelial tissue. A range of epithelium is

therefore able to respond to a signal from the presumptive salivary

gland mesenchyme and form a salivary gland.

Early salivary gland epithelium can direct development of a

gland in non-gland mesenchyme

To test the hypothesis that early salivary gland epithelium might

be able to induce formation of a gland in non-gland mesenchyme,

salivary gland epithelium from E11.0 to E12.5 embryos was

combined with second pharyngeal (branchial) arch mesenchyme

from a GFP reporter mouse. At these early stages the salivary

gland epithelium can be distinguished after dissociation from the

mesenchyme as thickenings or elongated buds. At the same time

second arch or limb epithelium was applied to second arch

Fig. 1. Salivary gland mesenchyme can drive

gland development in non-gland epithelium.

(A–D) E12.5 GFP salivary gland epitheliumcombined with E12.5 wildtype mesenchyme froma dissected mandible. (A–D) Bright field.(A9–D9) Dark field highlighting GFP expressingepithelium. (A,A9) Day 1. (B,B9) Day 4.

(C,C9) High powered view of box in panel B. Theepithelium has started to branch over the salivarygland mesenchyme. (D,D9) Day 7. The glandcontinues to branch as a normal salivary gland.Epithelium in non-gland regions is lost.(E) Confocal image showing GFP is restricted tothe branching epithelium of the gland.

(F,G) E12.5 GFP 2nd pharyngeal arch epitheliumcombined with E11.5 salivary gland mesenchymefrom a dissected mandible. (F,F9) Day 1. Graftedepithelium arrowed. (G,G9) Day 7. Theepithelium has formed a branching gland on eitherside of the tongue (T). (H–L) E11.5 GFP limb

epithelium combined with E12.5 salivary glandmesenchyme from a dissected mandible.(H,H9) Day 1. Grafted epithelium on one side ofthe tongue (T) arrowed. (I,I9) Day 8. A branchinggland forms over the presumptive salivary glandmesenchyme. (J,K) GFP immunohistochemistryon sections. The branching epithelium is derived

from the GFP donor and forms lumens (yellowarrows), budding off from a cyst-like structure ofkeratinised tissue (asterix in panel K). (L) In situhybridisation for Fgf10. The branching gland(yellow arrows) is found within the Fgf10 positiveregion. The cyst (asterix) is found within Fgf10

negative tissue. Scale bars: 500 mm(A–D,F–I), 250 mm (E,J–L).

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Page 5: Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme ...Dynamic relationship of the epithelium and mesenchyme during salivary gland initiation: the role of Fgf10 Kirsty L. Wells1,

mesenchyme and cultured as a control. After 3 days in culture the

salivary gland epithelium started elongating, while the non-gland

epithelium remained as a rounded ball (Fig. 2A). Recombination

of salivary gland epithelium on early second arch mesenchyme

(E10.5 and E11.0) resulted in a clear gland-like structure after 8

days, while the non-gland epithelium formed a cyst (Fig. 2B;

Table 1). In some cases it appeared that a distinct submandibular

and sublingual gland formed, mimicking the side-by-side

arrangement of these glands in vivo (Fig. 2C,D). After 8 days

in culture the glands appeared similar in shape to control

untreated salivary glands cultured from the same time point for 5

days, although the glands were smaller (compare Fig. 2C with

Fig. 2E) (n53/5). These recombined glands formed acini and

duct structures with central lumen and stained for alcian blue,

indicating the production of polysaccharides (Fig. 2D,F). The

ability of a gland to develop in second arch mesenchyme,

however, was influenced by stage. When the experiments were

repeated with older second arch mesenchyme (E11.5 and E12.5)

some parts of the epithelium started to undergo branching

morphogenesis (Fig. 2G) (n52/5) but the extent of branching

was limited and the resultant glands were much smaller (compare

Fig. 2D with Fig. 2H). Lumen formation and the presence of

polysaccharides in the forming ducts, however, were still present

(Fig. 2I). Thus non-gland mesenchyme appears to lose its

competence to form a gland as it develops.

To challenge the presumptive salivary gland epithelium

further, E11.5 and E12.5 GFP labelled salivary gland

epithelium was recombined with limb mesenchyme from the

same stage. In this case the limb mesenchyme, was unable to

respond to the signal from the salivary gland epithelium and no

Table 1. Recombinations and outcomes.

1st BA SG epi 2nd BA epi Limb epi

E11.0 1st BA SG mes SG in 8/9 SG in 7/9 –E11.5 1st BA SG mes SG in 5/5 SG in 4/5 SG in 3/5E11.5 1st BA non gland mes No SG (0/5) No SG (0/5) –E12.5 1st BA SG mes SG in 6/6 SG in 5/6 SG in 4/5E12.5 1st BA non gland mes No SG (0/6) No SG (0/6) No SG (0/6)

E12.5 2nd BA mes Branching structures in 2/5 No SG (0/5) No SG (0/5)E10.5 2nd BA mes SG in 3/5 No SG (0/5) No SG (0/5)

E11.5 limb mes No SG (0/5) No SG (0/5) No SG (0/5)E12.5 limb mes No SG (0/5) No SG (0/5) No SG (0/5)

SG 5 structure with morphology of a salivary gland

Fig. 2. Early gland epithelium drives salivary gland formation. (A–D,F) E12.5 salivary gland epithelium combined with GFP labelled E10.5 2nd pharyngeal archmesenchyme. (A) LHS Salivary gland epithelium (yellow arrow). RHS 2nd pharyngeal arch epithelium (black arrow) combined with GFP mesenchyme. Day 3. Darkfield GFP. The non salivary gland epithelium remains as a rounded sphere while the salivary gland epithelium has started to elongate and a cleft has formed at the end

of a bud-like structure. (B) Same culture after 8 days. The salivary gland epithelium has formed a classic branching structure with a central cavitated duct (yellowarrow), while the non-gland epithelium has formed a cyst (black arrow). (C) Salivary gland epithelium on second arch mesenchyme, cultured for 8 days.(D) Histology section of panel C. Two gland types are observed, mimicking the normal arrangement of the submandibular (arrowhead) and sublingual gland (arrow).(E) Control unrecombined salivary gland cultured from E12.5 for 5 days. (F) Magnification of boxed area in panel D, showing presence of developing lumens (whitearrowheads) and alcian blue stained polysaccharides (blue arrows). (G–I) E11.5 GFP salivary gland epithelium combined with E12.5 2nd pharyngeal archmesenchyme. (G) The epithelium attempts to make some extended branched structures after 9 days in culture (yellow arrow). (H) Histology section. Some branchingstructures with partially developed ductal lumens are evident after 9 days in culture. (I) Magnification of boxed area in panel H, showing alcian blue stained

polysaccharides in the lumens. (J) E11.5 GFP salivary gland epithelium (arrows) combined with E11.5 limb mesenchyme after 7 days in culture. (K) E12.5 GFPsalivary gland epithelium (arrows) combined with E11.5 limb mesenchyme after 7 days in culture. In both cases no branching structures form. Images smartsharpened in photoshop. Scales bars: 250 mm (A–E,G,H,J,K), 100 mm (I,F).

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branching occurred, even after 13 days in culture (Fig. 2J,K;

Table 1). Early salivary gland epithelium can therefore drive

development of a salivary gland, but only in competent

mesenchymal tissue. From E13.0 onwards, once branching of

the gland was underway, the salivary gland epithelium was no

longer able to induce gland formation when combined with non-

gland mesenchyme, agreeing with previous recombination

experiments (data not shown).

Induction of Fgf10 by early SG epithelium

At E10.5 Fgf10 is widely expressed in the mesenchyme and

epithelium of the first and second pharyngeal arch (Fig. 3A).

Expression in the mesenchyme at this stage is dependent on the

presence of the overlying epithelium (Fig. 4A). By E11.5,

however, expression is lost in the epithelium and

downregulated in the mesenchyme. In the first arch expression

becomes concentrated in two mesenchymal patches under the

tongue, at the sites of the future salivary glands (Fig. 3B). We

therefore tested whether the early salivary gland epithelium could

induce Fgf10 expression in pharyngeal arch mesenchyme (where

the epithelium had been removed). Salivary gland epithelium at

E11.5 and E12.5 produced a halo of condensed mesenchyme

around the epithelium (Fig. 3C) and was able to induce Fgf10

expression in the underlying mesenchyme of E10.5 first

pharyngeal arch (Fig. 3D) and second pharyngeal arch

mesenchyme (Fig. 3E,F) after 2 days in culture. No induction

of Fgf10 was observed in limb mesenchyme, or in areas of

second arch mesenchyme where epithelium was not placed (data

not shown). Interestingly expression of Fgf10 was not induced

symmetrically around the grafted epithelium, indicating that

some parts of the mesenchyme were more competent to respond

then others, or that the inducing signal from the epithelium was

released asymmetrically.

These experiments indicate that an early signal from the SG

epithelium induces expression of Fgf10 in the mesenchyme

during normal salivary gland development. To look at this further

we took mandibles and removed the epithelium at a series of

stages from E10.5 to E12.5. The mandibles were then cultured

without the epithelium for 2 days. During this time the cultures

continued to grow, despite absence of the epithelium, as indicated

by the development of Meckel’s cartilage. After culture the

expression of Fgf10 was assessed. In the early mandible cultures

no expression of Fgf10 was observed (Fig. 4A), however in those

cultures where the epithelium had been removed at E11.0

onwards Fgf10 expression was observed in two patches on either

side of the tongue in the presumptive salivary gland

mesenchyme, indicating that by E11.0 Fgf10 expression in the

mesenchyme is independent of signals from the epithelium

(Fig. 4B–D) (n55 for each stage). Interestingly, when the

mandibles were cultured for longer the presumptive Fgf10

expressing SG mesenchyme started to condense and form a

capsule despite the absence of any epithelium (Fig. 4E–H) (n55

for each stage). Thus, once the initial induction signal has

occurred, the salivary gland mesenchyme can continue to develop

and form a condensed mesenchymal capsule. In keeping with this

observation, the salivary gland mesenchyme forms a capsule in

Fgf10 knockout mice, despite the fact that the epithelium arrests

Fig. 3. Induction of Fgf10 by early salivary gland epithelium.

(A,B) Expression of Fgf10 by radioactive in situ on frontal sections. (A) At

E10.5 Fgf10 is expressed both in the oral epithelium and widely in the first archmesenchyme. (B) By E11.5 expression is restricted to two areas on either sideof the developing tongue underlying the first signs of thickening of the salivarygland epithelium. (C,D) E12.5 salivary gland epithelium on E10.5 first archmesenchyme (epithelium removed). (C) A halo appears around the epitheliumafter 2 days in culture. (D–F) Wholemount Fgf10 DIG in situ on cultures.(D) Induction of Fgf10 in first arch mesenchyme on one side of the

recombination. (E,F) E12.5 salivary gland epithelium on E10.5 secondpharyngeal arch mesenchyme (epithelium removed). Fgf10 is inducedasymmetrically in the mesenchyme. Epithelium outlined by white dots. Scalebars: 250 mm (A,B,E,F), 100 mm (C,D).

Fig. 4. Condensation of the salivary gland mesenchyme can occur in the

absence of the epithelium or Fgf10 signalling. (A–H) Mandibles with

epithelium removed. (A–D) Fgf10 wholemount DIG in situ hybridisation aftertwo days in culture. (E–H) Morphology after 4 days in culture. (A,E) E10.5mandible. (B,F) E11.0 mandible. (C,G) E11.5 mandible. (D,H) E12.5 mandible.After E11.0, Fgf10 expression is maintained and the mesenchyme starts tocondense into a capsule after removal of the epithelium (arrows). (I,J) BrdUshowing proliferating cells (brown) in (I) WT and (J) Fgf10 mutant littermate.

The epithelium in the wildtype is highly proliferative, but a capsule still formsin the mutant (arrow). Images smart sharpened in photoshop. Scale bars:250 mm.

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at the thickening stage (Fig. 4I,J). The condensation of the

mesenchyme is therefore independent of the presence of Fgf10.

The mesenchymal capsule in WT and mutant mice showed low

proliferation, in contrast to the high proliferation of the salivary

gland epithelium in WT embryos, indicating that the capsule is

formed by condensation of cells rather than increased

proliferation (Fig. 4I,J).

Fgf10 directs down-growth of the salivary gland epithelium

These experiments demonstrate that the early SG epithelium first

signals to the mesenchyme inducing formation of an Fgf10

positive SG capsule. It would then be predicted that the Fgf10

expressing mesenchyme would signal back to the epithelium to

induce down-growth of the gland epithelium. To test this, beads

soaked in Fgf10 protein were placed close to the developing

submandibular gland at the initial bud stage. In order to visualise

the developing glands during culture we used live slices through

the mandible and placed Fgf10 beads (white heparin beads) on

one side of the tongue and BSA control beads (affigel blue beads)

on the opposite side. The localised source of Fgf10 led to a

downwards growth of the salivary gland epithelium, with the

epithelium extending in the direction of the nearest Fgf10 bead

(Fig. 5A,B). After three days in culture the epithelium had

overshot the normal position for gland development and pushed

the bead far away from its original insertion site. In contrast the

control beads remained at the same relative position within the

culture (Fig. 5C) (n56).

Rescue and induction of ectopic salivary glands in Fgf10


In Fgf10 mutants the loss of Fgf signalling leads to a failure of

the epithelium to invaginate into the mesenchymal capsule

(Fig. 4I,J). As the capsule forms in Fgf10 mutant mice, the

presumptive salivary gland mesenchyme and overlying

epithelium can be dissected out and cultured. At E13.0, when

the submandibular gland has started to branch in wildtype mice,

no extension of the epithelium was observed in Fgf10 nulls

(Fig. 5D,F). Over several days in culture with BSA control beads

no change in the epithelium was observed (Fig. 5E). When Fgf10

beads were added, however, the rudimentary epithelium started

to grow down towards the bead and began to branch (Fig. 5G)

(n53/5). The epithelium is thus still able to respond in these

mutants when given the correct signal. When Fgf10 was provided

in the medium at E12.5 large branching glandular structures

formed (Fig. 5H–K), however, in some cases multiple glands

were initiated (Fig. 5L–O) (n53/4). Application of exogenous

Fgf10 can therefore leads to ectopic formation of salivary glands.

Fgf8 does not induce Fgf10 in the mesenchyme

The previous results show the crucial role of Fgf10 in signaling

from the mesenchyme to the epithelium to direct gland

development. The identity of the signal from the epithelium

that starts off this cascade of epithelial–mesenchymal signaling is

unclear. From the recombination and epithelium removal

experiments this signal appears to occur between E10.5 and

Fig. 5. Fgf10 leads to elongation of the salivary

gland. (A–C) Slice cultures of the developing mandibleat E11.5. Frontal live section 200 mm. Tongue in the

middle with developing salivary glands on either side.(A) Day 0. BSA control beads on LHS (blue). Fgf10loaded Beads RHS (white). Submandibular glands at theinitial bud stage. (B) Day 1. The epithelium on the RHShas turned towards the nearest Fgf10 bead, while thecontrol side grows straight down. (C) Day 3. Theepithelium on the RHS has elongated past the normal

gland position pushing the bead downwards. Rescue ofgland development. (D–O) Fgf10 mutant presumptivesalivary gland tissue. (D,F) E13.0 gland with beadsadded. Day 0. Epithelium outlined by dotted lines.(E) Day 4. No growth of the epithelium in after additionof a PBS control bead. (G) Day 4. Growth of the

epithelium towards the Fgf10 bead, and the start ofbranching morphogenesis. (H–O) E12.5 gland withFgf10 added to the medium. (H,L) Day 0. Arrows pointto gland epithelium arrested at the thickening stage.(I,M) Day 2. In panel I a clear bud can be observedextending into the mesenchyme that has condensed intoa capsule. (J,N) Day 5. Branching glands are in

evidence. In panel N three distinct glands have formed(arrows). (K,O) Histological sections of the culturesshowing branching and the onset of lumen formation.Image shows merged image from two adjacent sectionsto show the whole gland. Scale bars: 250 mm (A–C),100 mm (D–O).

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E11.0, and leads to a localisation of Fgf10 expression to the

future sites of gland development. The signal also leads to

condensation of the underlying mesenchyme to form a capsule,

independent of Fgf10 expression. A possible candidate for this

signal is Fgf8, as Fgf8 has been shown to regulate Fgf10

expression in the developing limb (Moon and Capecchi, 2000;

Xu et al., 1998) and Fgf8 is expressed in the oral epithelium from

E10.0 (Tucker et al., 1999b). To test this Fgf8 loaded beads were

added to cultures of first pharyngeal arch mesenchyme where the

epithelium had been removed at E11.0. The addition of Fgf8 led

to a translucent zone developing around the bead after 2 days in

culture (data not shown), as has previously been documented

(Kettunen and Thesleff, 1998). Weak expression of Fgf10 was

observed in the mesenchyme at the position of the future glands

and teeth in both Fgf8 and BSA control bead experiments,

however, no upregulation of Fgf10 by Fgf8 was observed (Fig. 6)

(n58). Therefore Fgf8, signalling from the epithelium, appears

unlikely to induce expression of Fgf10 in the underlying


DiscussionA transfer of information from the epithelium to the mesenchyme

was discovered in the developing salivary gland, which mirrored

the changing roles of the epithelium and mesenchyme previously

shown to occur during tooth development. In submandibular

salivary glands, instructive information was found to reside in the

oral epithelium at stages before E12.5. After this age the

epithelium was no longer instructive and did not induce gland

development in non-gland tissues. The mesenchyme, however,

was competent to induce a gland in non-gland tissue from E11.5,

indicating that for a period both tissues have the instructive

capacity to induce a gland. This time point coincides with the

localisation of Fgf10 expression to the presumptive gland

mesenchyme. If the epithelium is removed prior to E11.0,

expression of Fgf10 is lost, while, after this time point,

expression of Fgf10 is retained in the presumptive gland


Fgf10 plays a central role in the development of the salivaryglands, directing down-growth of the epithelium into the

condensed mesenchymal capsule. This agrees with previouswork that has shown that addition of Fgf10 to isolated glandepithelium at E13.0 stimulates proliferation specifically at the tipof the developing ducts, leading to elongation of the ducts

(Steinberg et al., 2005). Fgf10 has also been shown to be apositive signal for duct growth in the lacrimal glands (Tsau et al.,2011).

Like teeth and SGs, hair follicle development involvesepithelial–mesenchymal interactions, and the epithelium(epidermis) and mesenchyme (dermis) are thought to play

changing roles depending on the developmental stage (Hardy,1992). Classical tissue recombination experiments suggested thatthe condensing dermis carries the initial signal, inducing hairplacode formation in the overlying epidermis (Dhouailly, 1973).

However, more recent work has shown the existence ofepidermal to dermal communication from the earliest stages ofhair placode patterning, as well as the very early patterned

expression of epidermal hair placode markers in the absence ofdermal condensation (Fliniaux et al., 2008; Mou et al., 2006; Huhet al., 2013). These findings suggest a transfer of instructive

information from epidermis to dermis at a very early stage of hairfollicle induction. Fgf10 is expressed in the dermis during hairplacode development (Petiot et al., 2003). Mice deficient in

Fgfr2-IIIb, produce fewer and developmentally retarded hairfollicles (Petiot et al., 2003), while Fgf10-null mice exhibit fewerwhiskers with disorganized structure (Ohuchi et al., 2003).Therefore it is tempting to speculate that the teeth, SGs and hair

follicles all share a similar transfer of instructive information attheir earliest developmental stages, and that for salivary glandsand hair follicles, at least, this involves Fgf10.

Findings from other papers have suggested that Fgf10 can beregulated by Fgf8 signalling from the epithelium (Moon andCapecchi, 2000; Xu et al., 1998). In support of a role for Fgf8,

salivary gland development is disrupted in conditional Fgf8

mutant mice, where Fgf8 is lost in the oral epithelium (Jaskoll etal., 2004). However, as with the Fgf10 mice, an initial thickeningdoes develop in these mice indicating that Fgf8 is not necessary

for controlling the induction of the gland at this site (Jaskoll etal., 2004). Fgf8 protein has been found localised to both thegland epithelium and mesenchyme at early stages of SMG

development, and intriguingly the level of Fgf10 protein in theaborted glands was suggested to be reduced in conditional Fgf8

mutants (Jaskoll et al., 2002; Jaskoll et al., 2004). Despite this we

find no evidence that Fgf8 can induce Fgf10 in pharyngeal archmesenchyme. This agrees with previous culture studies wherebeads soaked in Fgf8 protein were able to induce Fgf3 but not

Fgf10 in dental mesenchyme at E11 and E12 (Kettunen et al.,2000). In these experiments, although Fgf10 expression wasshown to be dependent on the epithelium, Fgf10 was not inducedby Fgf4, Bmp2, Shh, Tgfb1 or Wnt6 (Kettunen et al., 2000). The

epithelial signal that induces Fgf10 in the salivary glandsmesenchyme therefore remains unknown.

In our recombinations, second arch mesenchyme was capable

of forming a gland if given the correct signals (i.e. early glandepithelium) while limb mesenchyme was not. This is similar tothe finding that teeth only developed in neural crest derived

mesenchyme (Lumsden, 1988). This indicates that there issomething innately different about these two sources ofmesenchyme. Such constraints on where tissues have the

Fig. 6. Fgf8 does not induce Fgf10 in the gland mesenchyme. (A,C) E11.0

1st BA mesenchyme minus epithelium plus heparin bead inserted inpresumptive salivary gland region at the base of the forming tongue. Day 0.(A,B) BSA control beads. (C,D) Fgf8 beads. (B,D) In situ hybridisation forFgf10 after 48 hours in culture. Weak expression is observed in thepresumptive salivary gland mesenchyme on either side of the tongue and in thefuture molar placodes but there is no upregulation around the beads. The beads

take up some staining solution and turn purple. Scale bars: 250 mm.

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potential to form may have evolved to limit the distribution

of organs, for example, restricting the development of salivaryglands to the oral regions of the animal. In some birds, such as

pigeons, large mucous glands form from the second arch,reminiscent of salivary glands, and therefore the second arch in

mammals may have retained a competence to form this tissue

type (reviewed by Grevellec and Tucker, 2010).

In Fgf10 mutants, loss of Fgf10 signalling results in a failure ofthe epithelium to progress past the initiation stage but the signal

that comes from the epithelium does induce condensation of the

mesenchyme into a capsule in the region of the presumptivegland. Addition of Fgf10 was able to rescue the down-growth of

the epithelium, even at E13.0, over a day after normal glandextension would have started, indicating the epithelium overlying

the gland still retains the potential to grow and branch if given the

correct signal. The localised expression of Fgf10 under theepithelial thickening at E11.5 appears likely to control not only

the direction of growth but also how many glands develop, asaddition of Fgf10 in culture medium led to the formation of

additional glands. This appears similar to the lacrimal glands

where ectopic glands can be induced by addition of ectopic Fgf10(Makarenkova et al., 2000).

The transfer of instructive information from one tissue to anothermakes the possibility of forming a complete salivary gland from

non-gland tissue a possibility. In theory early salivary epitheliumcould be recombined with a competent mesenchyme, and then

removed after the instructive signal has passed to the mesenchyme.

Non-gland epithelium from a range of sources could then beapplied to the originally non-gland mesenchyme to create a gland.

Understanding tissue interactions and their timing is therefore animportant step in being able to create a bioengineered gland.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Albert Basson for some of the Fgf10 mutant mice used inthis study. K.W. and A.S.T. are funded by the MRC. M.G. is a BecasChile-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellow. D.R. is supported by theAcademy of Finland, The Sigrid Juselius Foundation and HelsinkiUniversity Central Hospital Research Foundation. Research at theIAPG CAS v.v.i. is supported by the Grant Agency of the CzechRepublic (P304/11/1418) and international cooperation runs underthe Academy of Sciences (project M200451201).

Competing InterestsThe authors have no competing interests to declare.

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