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E BUSINESS course 4 - INSEEC 2011/12

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E-Business course at INSEEC 1. SEO 2. SEM
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Course 4 12/04/2012 Master INSEEC 2011-2012 E-Business Carolina BORGES E-BUSINESS : Natural and Paid Search
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Course 4 – 12/04/2012



E-Business Carolina BORGES

E-BUSINESS : Natural and Paid Search

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To succeed we must

Carolina BORGES

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…increase the volume of traffic

Carolina BORGES

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…and increase the conversion rate

Carolina BORGES

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…increase the volume of traffic

Carolina BORGES

…and increase the conversion rate UX optimisation


Testing and Webanalytics


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Carolina BORGES

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E-réputation & Réseaux


Acquisition de trafic


Supports propriétaires : Site Internet Site mobile


• Recruter du trafic qualifié vers le site de l’annonceur

• L’enjeu : Générer un volume maximal de prospects au Coût d’Acquisition optimum

• Faire parler de sa marque auprès des communautés cibles et améliorer l’image véhiculée

• L’enjeu : Toucher les influenceurs et créer de la « brand advocacy »

• Garder la présence à l’esprit de la marque et stimuler l’acte d’achat

• L’enjeu : Augmenter le « lifetime revenue » de chaque client acquis




• Tracker, Analyser et optimiser les étapes de conversion

• L’enjeu : augmenter le taux de transformation tout en réduisant le Coût d’Acquisition


Carolina BORGES

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Les moteurs de recherche

Cible extrêmement



En démarche active de recherche

Avec un besoin conscient et exprimé

Captée dans le time to market

Des taux de transformation élevés

Taux de pénétration Google France = 84%

Pénétration élevée du support

• La recherche active de produits affinitaires sur les moteurs de recherche est une étape préalable à l’ acte d’achat

• Le trafic provenant des moteurs de recherche, pour des mots-clés pertinents, a un taux de transformation plus élevé que la moyenne des autres canaux d’acquisition

• Compte tenu du taux de pénétration des moteurs de recherche et de la vulgarisation de la recherche pré-achat, ces canaux offrent des possibilités d’acquisition d’un volume important de visiteurs:

Taux de pénétration Google France = 84%

Carolina BORGES

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Comment être présent sur les moteurs ?

Deux possibilités de visibilité : SEO et SEM

• Le SEO, ou référencement naturel, équivaut à la présence, gratuite, sur les résultats organiques

• Le SEM, ou liens sponsorisés, consiste à acheter les mots-clés pour lesquels l’annonceur souhaite être présent

SEO : un travail de fond, avec des résultats pour des mots-clés restreints, qui apparaissent a partir de 3 mois minimum

SEM : une présence payante, avec visibilité immédiate, pour TOUS les mots-clés souhaités

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• It generates most of the traffic: the SEO accounts for approximately 70% of the traffic coming from search engines.

• It’s free as there is no purchase to undertake except expenses of agency/specialist.

• A successful natural search strategy is carried out on the long run, and is most of the time effective for several months.

• Obtaining a good positioning can become a true competitive differentiation on a given topic.

Organic Search (SEO)

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• The results and satisfaction are rather long to come.

• The universe of natural search can be terribly competitive.

• SEO techniques are often complex and kept obscure by the engines and professional agencies.

• Few guarantees of 100% reliable results.

• The world of SEO is rapidly evolving; it is necessary to be kept informed about the latest tips.

• If a website was created without the perspective of being well indexed, it may be necessary to modify it in-depth.

• Certain blocking technologies (Flash, JavaScript, etc) prevent the search engines from indexing the pages.

- Organic Search (SEO)

Carolina BORGES

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The 1st page challenge

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Visibility according to position (%)

Natural results Sponsored links

Source: Enquiro study - Eyetools

A presence in the first places is essential to ensure

sufficient visibility on the most important queries


triangle of



Limit of “guaranteed” visibility

Decreasing visibility

… and being in the Google “golden triangle” is the key to success

Carolina BORGES

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SEO : les facteurs-clés de succès

Stratégie Technique Contenu Popularité

Choix des mots-clés

Les termes et expressions prioritaires sur lesquels le site se


Equilibre entre : Volume de recherches

Concurrence Pertinence business

Capacité d’indexation du site

par les robots

Aspects de la structure technique favorisant la navigation des robots

(« crawl ») et l’indexation des


Présence des mots-clés dans le contenu

Le contenu éditorial

(texte) du site : fréquence et structure

de la présence des mots-clés

Réseau de liens entrants (netlinking)

La « crédibilité » du site, établie par le nombre et

qualité des liens externes qui redirigent

vers ses pages

Règle des trois tiers

1 2 3 4

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SEO – Stratégie : définition des mots-clés

• Identification des mots-clés pertinents pour l’ensemble de la gamme produits

• Analyse concurrentielle

• Analyse du vocabulaire utilisé par les cibles – volumes de recherches

• Création d'une liste de mots-clés fondamentaux – top mots-clés (~10)

• Constitution d’une liste étendue d’expressions – déclinaisons (~50)



Les mots-clés de référence pour toute la suite du projet

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La Longue Traine (“Long Tail”)

Approx. 90% des recherches contiennent 2 mots ou plus : • 1 seul mot : 13,48 % • 2 mots : 28,38 % • 3 mots : 27,15 % • de 3 à 5 mots : 51,60 % • de 5 à 10 mots : 30,98 %

SEO – Stratégie : définition des mots-clés

Plus le mot-clé est précis, plus il peut transformer et convertir un visiteur en prospect/client

Carolina BORGES

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• Prêt personnel

• Crédit renouvelable

• Rachat de crédit

• …


• Assurance Auto

• Assurance Habitation

• Protection Accidents

• Assurance chiens et chats

• Assurance voyage

• Assurance scolaire

• Assurance neige

• Assurance net et mobile

• …


• Epargne retraite

• Epargne transmission

• …


• Mutuelle santé

• Couverture santé

• Complémentaire santé

• …


• Gamme cartes

• Points fidélité casino

• …

SEO – Stratégie : définition des mots-clés

Exemples :

crédit personnel

prêt personnel

0,91 18 100

0,96 60 500

Indice concurrence – Volume de recherches

Identifier, pour chaque gamme, les mots-clés qui présentent le meilleur équilibre Concurrence – Volume de recherches




mutuelle santé

complémentaire santé

couverture santé

0,93 135 000

0,84 49 500

0,52 1 900

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Crédit personnel

Demande crédit


Crédit personnel en ligne

Crédit perso

Demande crédit perso

Crédit perso

en ligne


Prêt personnel

Demande prêt


Prêt personnel en ligne

Prêt perso

Demande prêt perso

Prêt perso

en ligne

Identifier, pour chaque gamme, les mots-clés qui relèvent du meilleur équilibre Concurrence – Volume de recherches

Arbitrage pour l’ensemble de la « long tail »


SEO – Stratégie : définition des mots-clés

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• Respect des guidelines des moteurs de recherche

• Garantir l’accessibilité à l’ensemble des pages

• Garantir l’accessibilité au contenu de chaque page

• Mise en avant des mots-clés


Un socle technique qui garantit l’accessibilité

des robots au contenu

SEO – Structure technique

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Respect des standards du W3C

Longueur et structure des URLs : www.racine.fr/mc1/mc2...

Réécriture des URLs (fichier httaccess)

Gestion des redirections et Page 404

Robots.txt – indique aux robots les pages à « crawler »

Sitemap – indique aux robots l’arborescence du site

Balises H1, H2, Hn – balises qui doivent contenir, par ordre hiérarchique, les mots-clés

Balises alt – sémantisation des images (non lues par les robots)

Titres et meta données (description, keywords) – conditionnent le poids attribué aux mots-clés du contenu

Maillage de liens interne – accès de chaque page du site en 3 clics maximum à partir de n’importe quelle page (fil d’ariane)

Absence de contenu dupliqué

SEO – Structure technique


Carolina BORGES

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SEO – Contenu


• Prise en compte des mots-clés stratégiques dans l'écriture du contenu éditorial (visible internautes)

• Mise à jour et enrichissement des contenus éditoriaux

• Intégration des mots-clés dans la structure (titres, navigation, etc) du site, via une charte de nommage

Fréquence et présence pertinente des mots-clés

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SEO – Contenu

Richesse éditoriale (volume de contenu texte et densité des mots-clés dans ce contenu)

• Par page, la densité d’apparition d’un mot clé doit être < 5% et celle de tous les mots clés < 20 %. Texte pris en compte : texte de la page, balises titre et description

• Renforcer l’apparition de mots-clés en différents styles (gras, italique, souligné)

Fréquence de mise à jour des textes, et fréquence d’enrichissement (nouvelles pages)

Au-delà de l’éditorial (contenu à l’intérieur des pages), la présence des mots-clés dans le code doit être optimisée:

• La balise meta du titre doit être courte et précise (max. 60 caractères)

• La balise meta description doit être détaillée avec les mots-clés adéquats (max. 200 caractères)

• La balise meta des mots-clés doit être précise et optimisée contenant les mots-clés les plus pertinents


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SEO – Contenu

• Stratégies de création de contenu – valeur ajoutée prospects et optimisation référencement

Fiches pratiques Témoignages

Exemples Cetelem

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Guides optimisés

SEO – Contenu

• Stratégies de création de contenu – valeur ajoutée prospects et optimisation référencement


Exemples Cetelem

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SEO – Contenu

• Stratégies de création de contenu – valeur ajoutée prospects et optimisation référencement

Astuces « Pouvoir d’achat » Actualités corporate / crédit

Questions réponses Glossaire

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• Analyse et optimisation des backlinks existants (si possible)

• Inventaire des sites référents et pertinents sur lesquels porter les efforts de mise en place de liens

• Réflexion sur les opérations contribuant à tisser un réseau de liens efficace


Multiplication des moyens d’accès au site

et développement de sa notoriété

SEO – Popularité

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Prêt personnel

Prêt personnel

Prêt personnel

« HEY GOOGLE Ce site est très

populaire sur le Prêt Personnel »

Blog Site thématique Annuaire

SEO – Popularité

Les moteurs de recherche mesurent la popularité d’un site à travers le nombre et la qualité des liens qui redirigent vers ses pages

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<a href="http://www.banque-casino.f/assurance-auto.html">En savoir plus</a>

• Les éléments qui définissent un lien de qualité

Mauvais liens : bannières, liens en JavaScript, annuaires non pertinents, les footers

SEO – Popularité

Contexte favorable:

Au sein d’un article

Texte entourant le lien

Pertinence thématique

Ranking Ancre Affinité Fraicheur

<a href="http://www.banque-casino.fr/assurance-auto.html">Assurance Auto</a>

<a href="http://www.assure.com/assurance-auto.html" rel="nofollow" >Assurance Auto</a>


Le libellé du lien (l’ancre) est l’élément qui conditionne le mot-

clé positionné

Liens récents…

… et obtenus régulièrement

Eviter les à-coups de Buzz

Lien html direct

Lien sans redirection

Sans JavaScript

Lien sans attribut « no-follow »

Sur un site de confiance

Non blacklisté

Avec un bon PageRank

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• Linkbait : la stratégie par le contenu

En créant des pages à valeur ajoutée (information originale, expertise, etc), hébergées sous le nom de domaine (avec une URL facilitant la rétention), un réseau de liens entrants pet se constituer naturellement

La stratégie d’enrichissement éditorial doit tenir en compte le potentiel « linkbait » des thématiques créées

Home Page

Rubrique 1 Rubrique 2

Contenu Linkbait


ns e




SEO – Popularité

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Communiqués de presse optimisés SEO PR

Création et publication de communiqués de presse optimisés SEO PR, en complément des optimisations pour le référencement naturel du site : Les communiqués de presse optimisés offrent d’excellents retours en terme de visibilité et de popularité : 1- Rédaction optimisée pour le référencement naturel sur les expressions clés du secteur. 2- Soumission sur des plateformes SEO PR dédiées pertinentes. 3- Très bon positionnement des communiqués dans un laps de temps très court (le jour même dans Google Actu et en une semaine dans les SERP). 5- Backlinks vers le site à forte valeur ajoutée.

SEO – Popularité

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Carolina BORGES

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Paid search, what is it?

A Net surfer expresses a

request using the



The advertiser answers

by posting a commercial

link which corresponds to

a targeted publicity!

Paid search makes it possible to post a sponsored/commercial link,

when the Net surfers are carrying out research on Search Engines

They are well delimited

advertising zones, which we

generally find on top or on

the right of the results list.

The sponsored links

appear in the results

pages of the search


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• To be remunerated, the majority of search engines use the principle of payment per click: the advertiser pays only when the Net surfer effectively clicks on the commercial link (CPC or PPC)

• In contrast with CPM the number of times where the advertisement is posted on the results page is not taken into account.

If the advertisement was posted 1000 times, and that only 50 clicks were recorded, the advertiser will only pay for these 50 clicks.

• The cost per click (CPC) for a sponsored link campaign is fixed by a system of online auctions for each bought key word.

• The more the advertiser agrees to pay a high CPC, the higher are his chances to find his commercial link in the first positions on the results pages. Nevertheless, it is not the only criterion !

Principles of paid search

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• Media sales houses of sponsored links set up Web interfaces which make it possible for the advertisers to directly manage their campaigns (Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, Microsoft Adcenter…). Nevertheless the optimization of a keyword purchase campaign is complex, using a specialized agency is classical.

• These platforms allow the advertisers to: – choose the keywords,

– fix their biddings on these words,

– write advertisements which are related to these keywords and diffused on the research tools,

– determine which URL the Net surfers will be sent to, when they will click on the link.

A simplified management

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• Accessible to everybody, therefore technically simple.

• Generates 30% of the traffic coming from the search engines: complementary with the SEO.

• Fast in terms of results: a few hours to a few days for the first results.

• Strong positioning guarantees.

• Excellent conversion rates

• Good solution for event handling or the starting of a visibility strategy.

• No technical need for intervention on the site.

Paid search (SEA)

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• Requires budgets which are sometimes considerable.

• Accessible to everybody, therefore accessible to your direct competitors.

• To be really effective, the SEA requires an important work at the level of advertisement drafting and keyword choice.

• It also requires a good follow-up.

• When the budget stops, so do the visibility and the presence …

• Though the positioning guarantees are strong, the optimization of the position of an advertisement goes through the comprehension and the apprehension of several complex variables (algorithm, level of bidding, number of clicks on the ads).

- Paid search (SEA)

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It corresponds to the vision of a Net surfer without using the scroll bar.

From position 6, the SEA is less effective.

Premium Position

Above the fold






The premium position is

not directly marketed,

Google rewards the

most powerful

commercial links on a

request via this position.

Eye Centric





What is a position?

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Position = f x x CPC CTR QS CPC

(Cost Per Click)

It is the maximum price

which one agrees to pay

when a user clicks on the



(Click Through Rate)

It is the portion of Net surfers

exposed to an advertisement,

which actually clicked on that


QS (Quality Score)

It is the campaign quality

score. It depends, in

particular, on coherence

between the keyword, the

advertisement and the page

of arrival - its impact on

positioning is very strong

CPC: €0.15

CTR: 1%

CPC: €0.10

CTR: 5% #1

#2 0.15



Example (Quality Score not calculated):


An advertiser can

pay a CPC higher

than his

competitor and

yet be positioned

behind him.

The advertisements position is related the CPC, the CTR and the QS

Campaigns optimization is complex

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Ads Position = f x x CTR QS

The CPC is fixed through a bidding system.

A first price is fixed (between 0,05 € and 0,15 € according to the media

sales house) to be diffused. The biddings increase at 0,01 €.

The biddings are blind: one does not know what the other advertisers

are paying.

On the other hand, and for each keyword, the search engines fix a

bidding minimum to reach to be well positioned. This minimum bidding is

also function of the advertiser campaigns QS. The more the quality

index (QS + CTR) is raised, the less the advertiser has bid to be well

positioned. The advertiser is not obliged to respect this minimum



How is the CPC fixed?

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Ads Position = f x x CPC CTR QS

The click rate (CTR) relates to the adequacy between the request on

a search engine and the displayed advertisement (commercial link).

Thus, for specific displayed keywords, the click rate will be stronger

than for generic keywords.

Click rate formula is: [number of clicks / impressions] X 100

At the beginning of a campaign, the search engines use their internal

data to estimate the CTR .

How is the CTR fixed?

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Ads Position = f x x CPC CTR QS

According to Google, Quality Score is an

indication of relevance based on the

following elements:

Semantic coherence between keywords,

advertisements, landing page* (arrival


The history of campaign

Overall performance of the campaign (click


Site in flash or HTML: a site in Flash will

have to pay a higher CPC than a HTML site

Other factors not communicated by Google.

In the QS, the quality of the landing page* is

taken into account. Because Flash is not

easily indexable by the engines, Google will

allot a low QS to the advertiser who has a

landing page* in full flash.

Vicious circle:

The advertisement position will then be less

good, thus creating an incidence on the

click rate. The low click rate will then

negatively affect the QS.

The QS thus influences the budget in the

sense that the minimum CPC to pay to be

well placed will be higher for the advertisers

who have a low quality index.

How is the QS fixed?

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Sector audit, to define the objectives and the budgets allocated to reach


(Target, positioning)

Selection of the relevant keywords

Elaboration of the titles and


To well choose the pages of

redirection and technical constraints

To define the biddings according to

the selected strategy (profitability,

traffic or visibility)

Campaign optimization and follow up

Setting on line







Campaign launching methodology, in brief

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To develop the conversions volume:

online shopping, leads, subscription…

To maximize the return on investment and to reduce the acquisition


ROI: Turnover Generated /Cost

CPA: Cost per Acquisition (acquisition = purchase, subscription, discount

voucher downloading…)

To ensure a qualified traffic

To drain a considerable

amount of clicks

To control the cost per contact (average CPC)

Number of impressions



To impose oneself as the reference or the alternative choice

To speak in an event-

driven way (ex: launching of a new


Advertisement Position

1. Sector audit, to define the objectives and the budgets allocated to reach them

3 possible objectives on paid referencing

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How to ensure the keywords relevance?

To put oneself at the Net surfer’s place in research phase

To think of all the words that he could type

To compile these keywords in a logical way in order to send the good message

To analyze the generic words of your activity.

Looking for keywords: Where? How?

Advertisers’ and competitors’ sites: pages names, categories name

Sold products listing, possible promotions

To use the keywords generators: provided by Google or other. They provide many ideas of really typed keywords

Concatenation Tools: help to quickly assemble words between themselves.

Selection of relevant keywords 2.

Finding good keywords: a mix between

quantity and quality

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The Net surfers

generally combine

and associate several

keywords. It is also

necessary for the

brand to define then

to buy (in broad

match) the most

relevant keywords on

which the

advertisements must


Associations of 2 or 3 keywords are the most used

by the Net surfers

Selection of relevant keywords

To cover one’s own universe of keywords!


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Exact match: it involves the display of an advertisement if the request of a Net surfer corresponds exactly to the bought keyword.

Ex: « shoe » the advertisement displays

Phrase/expression Match: the advertisement is posted on a request which will contain the keyword.

Ex: « shoe cheap » the advertisement displays

Broad Match: the advertisement appears on the bought keyword and a certain number of synonyms, alternatives, accentuated versions … Ex: « shoes cheap » the advertisement displays

The targeting is a step that follow the selection of keywords for a given campaign. The advertiser has

the possibility, depending on the media sales house, to choose one, two or three types of targeting.

Note that there are slight differences in the targeting according to the media sales house (variations

and spelling mistakes for example)

+ Generates a very targeted traffic on the site.

Controls perfect keywords on which the

advertiser is visible.

- Large lists of keywords and thus possibility of

missing some. A share of the traffic is likely to be


+ Optimization of the ratio traffic /keywords


- Less important visibility on the keywords which

really bring traffic, risk to appearing on badly

targeted requests.

+ Maximization of the traffic potential with a

minimal work of drafting of keywords lists.

- The advertiser appears on a significant number

of expressions and thus on much of keywords

which do not correspond to its objectives.

Types of targeting

Selection of relevant keywords 2.

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Geographical targeting

Selection of relevant keywords 2.

• Selection of the languages: all the users who chose the principal language

selected in their research tools, will have the advertisement on their screens.

Example: target language = English. All the user of a research interface in

English will see our advertisements.

• Selection of the geographical location: to target customers by country, areas or

according to a manually delimited zone: a department, a city, a district (targeting

thanks to the geo-localization).

• The selected combination of languages and country will determine the Net

surfers who are likely to see the advertisement.

Example: Language = French

Country: France and Spain

The advertisement will be presented to the users from these two countries who

defined French in their linguistic preferences.

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Using negative terms to limit the parasitical


Selection of relevant keywords 2.

• The fact of putting keywords (or expressions) in the negative form, makes it

possible to use negative expressions or keywords to prevent the advertisements

from being displayed in research requests which do not correspond to the contents

of a site or an offer.

• This prevent the advertisement from being diffused with Net surfers who have only

little interest for this advertisement and thus will not want to click on it.

• This fact also allows to avoid awkward associations and to decrease the number of

the advertisement impressions because the advertisement will be displayed only

for relevant requests, which will undoubtedly involve an improvement of the CTR

and QS.

• Example: Putting the keywords “hairdressing” and “hairstyling” into the negative

form will help a company, which makes promotion for a shower gel, discard the Net

surfers who make a research on hairstyling gel.

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1. The title line (25 characters max)

2. The description line 1 (35 characters


3. The description line 2 (35 characters


4. The URL* line as displayed in the

advertisement (25 characters max)

5. The real URL* line (which is not

posted) (1024 characters max)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

There are 5 fields to fill to write an advertisement (commercial link) on Google


Elaboration of titles and descriptions


How to define the advertisements?


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Elaboration of titles and descriptions


Drafting of the advertisements:

the AIDA method

To draw the Attention

To arouse the Interest

To cause the Desire

To incite with the Action

Operational translation:

• Replicate, as much as possible, the Net

surfer request in the advertisement

• Highlight the advantages for the


• Specify the lead to be undertaken: to

buy, download, etc .

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The choice of the URL destination is


• The landing page* must correspond to the typed request AND the advertisement

– Increases the conversion rate*

– Improves Quality score

• For that reason, the advertiser must reflect and indicate the URL* corresponding to the good keywords.

• That makes it possible to limit, to the maximum, the number of clicks which the Net surfer will have to do once he is in the site to reach the action that he initially wanted. Example: request “Buy + DVD + Friends” must ideally return on the

page with the Friends DVD vs DVD Rubric or vs General Home Page.

• Objective: to decrease the number of clicks until the action is done (ideally, one does not need more than one click).

• One should not hesitate to test several destination pages.

Adequate choice of redirection pages of and technical constraints 4.

It is necessary to adequately orient the Net surfers

who will click on the sponsored link.

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Profitability Traffic Visibility Campaign


The observed ROI

determines the CPC

for each keyword

Optimal allocation of

the budget to

generate the

maximum of clicks

Positions follow-up

to be the 1st on the

selected terms

Impact on




The biddings strategies are based on the experience of the search consultant,

the media sales houses recommendations, and the position objectives.

The increase in biddings

(CPC) will be done mainly

on the most profitable

keywords (with the best


To privilege the keywords

or ad group which convert


The keywords with weak

conversion rate* must see

their budget decreasing.

The increase in biddings

(CPC) will be done mainly

on the keywords which

click best (better CTR)

To privilege the keywords

or ad group which bring

most of traffic

The keywords with weak

click rate must see their

budget decreasing.

Monitoring of the biddings

in order to be to the

maximum in premium

position, which is partly

based on the increase in

the CPC. The click and the

conversion rate* can also

help increasing the

results: being in first

position is all that matters.

Biddings Strategy

Definition of the biddings according to the selected strategy 5.

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The Google network

• In addition to being able to diffuse sponsored links on the result pages of its search engine, today Google proposes to the advertisers to diffuse their advertisements also on the websites of Google network.

• The Google network is a very large group of sites and other Web products, such as email programs and blogs, which diffuse advertisements within the framework of a partnership with Google.

• The advertisements can be placed on search sites or content sites.

• The Google network thus consists of two distinct sub-networks:

The search network

The content network

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The advertisements are diffused there according to the keywords entered by the Net surfer in the same way as on the Google site itself. For example, if you enter the word "shoes", the commercial links relating to the word “shoes” will be displayed next to the search results.

The search network

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Example of ads integration in the content


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1) Monitoring of the biddings

2) Analyses by keyword

3) Enrichment of matrices

4) Advertisements Optimization

5) URL* Modifications

7) SEO / SEA Synergies

Total follow-up by media sales house and by

campaign on a weekly basis

Arbitration between the media sales houses

Additions or exclusions of keywords according to

the topicality, promotions, etc.

Cleaning of the keywords which were not used

Modification of the CPC in general by “batch” of

keywords. Analysis of the first week results

Selection of the advertisements which click more

Regular replacement

Redirection towards pages which best correspond

to the advertisement and the keyword

Optimization of SEO/SEA global budget according

to referencing on each keyword

6) Optimization of share of voice Taking into account the on and offline budgets

beside search and targeting

Campaigns Optimizations

Campaign optimization and follow-up 6.

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Thereby is a list of the most important indicators to consider in order

to analyze and realize an assessment: • The period: it relates to the analyzed period.

• Keywords: these are the keywords which, over the analyzed period,

generated clicks, and thus a cost.

• Clicks: the number of clicks carried out on a keyword over the period.

• Impressions: the number of times where the advertisement was visible

based on the Net Surfer request.

• CPC (cost/clicks): it is about the cost which each click on the keyword

involves for the advertiser. It is the main optimal lever.

• Clicks rate (clicks / impressions): ratio between the clicks and the

impressions. It is a good indicator of advertisement performance.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the position of an advertisement

is based on its click rate. The lower the advertisement is in the results,

the less it will be clicked…

The reporting is used to follow and then monitor

the campaign performances

Campaign optimization and follow up 6.

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The reporting is used to follow and then monitor

the campaign performances

Campaign optimization and follow up 6.

• Cost: it is the total cost of the keyword over the period.

• Average position: it is the position (or rank) where the advertisement was

displayed, on average, over the period. The higher the figure is, the lower is

the position of the advertisement.

• Conversion rate*: it is the ratio of the number of actions (sales, subscription,

etc) subdivided by the number of clicks.

• Turnover: the turnover generated by the actual sales by the keyword over

the period.

• Margin: (turnover x % Margin) by applying the margin rate according to the

sold product we obtain the margin really generated by the sales.

• ROI: (margin or turnover /cost) return on investment. It is about the ratio of

the margin on the cost. In certain cases, it can also be calculated directly

with the sales turnover (that depends on the marketing objectives of the

advertiser). When the value is strictly lower than 1, the keyword is not

profitable, when the value is strictly higher than 1, the keyword is profitable.

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Example of reporting

Campaign optimization and follow-up 6.

To track and analyze a sponsored link campaign requires a certain method in the

approach in order to emphasize really important information, to identify the problems and

to find the solutions.

Here is an example of a search campaign reporting:



Ad Group 1

Ad Group 2

Ad Group 3 Ad Group 4

Total Campagnes Google

Ad Group 1

Ad Group 2 Ad Group 3

Total Campagnes Yahoo

Ad Group 1

Ad Group 2 Total Campagnes MSN

Total Campagnes Orange

Traffic data












Click r












Budgetary Data


by campaign

/media sales house



es s


The format (level of detail, segmentation) and reporting frequency need to be

defined according to the importance of the budget.

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Evolution of a standard campaign

A successful campaign: as long as the results of the campaign are in growth, optimization will generate clicks and interactions with prospects at a lower cost.






8th day

Optimization of

creatives and

filtering of the



15th day

Test of new

keywords and


of news


22nd day



1st day

Launching of

a campaign





30th day


and introduction

of specific


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Questions / Feedback :

[email protected]

Thanks !

Carolina BORGES
