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StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-XPCIE1FC- QF8-Z, SG-PCIE1FC-QF8-Z, SG-XPCIE1FC- QF8-N, SG-PCIE1FC-QF8-N and SG-XPCIE2-QF8-Z, SG-PCIE2FC-QF8-Z, SG- XPCIE2-QF8-N, SG-PCIE2FC-QF8-N Part No.: E20760-01 February 2011
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StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA


Part No.: E20760-01February 2011

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Using This Documentation vii

1. HBA Overview 1

Kit Contents 1

HBA Features and Specifications 2

HBA Feature Summary 2

Fibre Channel Feature Summary 2

Operating System and Technology Requirements 4

System Interoperability 5

Host Platform Support 5

Storage Support 6

Array and System Support 6

Tape Storage Support 7

Switch and Director Support 7

Software Support 8

Environmental Requirements 9

2. Hardware Installation and Removal 11

Observing ESD and Handling Precautions 11

Installing the Hardware 12


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▼ To Install the HBA 12

▼ To Connect the Optical Cable 13

▼ To Apply Power 15

Testing the Installation 16

▼ To Verify Proper Installation (Oracle SPARC Systems) 16

▼ To Verify Attached Storage (Oracle SPARC Systems) 19

▼ To Verify Proper Installation (Oracle x64/x86 Systems) 20

Replacing the SFP+ Unit on the HBA 23

Removing the Hardware 24

▼ To Remove the HBA 24

3. Software Installation 25

Installing Software for the Oracle Solaris OS 25

Installing the Fibre Channel Driver 25

▼ To Install or Update the qlc HBA Driver From a Patch 26

Diagnostic Support for the Oracle Solaris OS 26

Installing Software for the Red Hat/SUSE Linux OS 27

Downloading the Red Hat/SUSE Linux Drivers 27

▼ To Download the Fibre Channel Driver 27

Installing the Red Hat/SUSE Linux Drivers 28

▼ To Build the Fibre Channel Driver 28

▼ To Load the Newly Built Fibre Channel Driver 29

Diagnostic Support for the Red Hat/SUSE OS 30

▼ To Install Diagnostic Support for the Red Hat/SUSE Linux OS 31

Installing Software for the VMware Technology 31

Installing Software for the Windows OS 31

▼ To Download the Fibre Channel Driver 32

▼ To Install the Fibre Channel Driver 32

Diagnostic Support for the Windows OS 33

iv StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA Installation Guide • February 2011

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▼ To Install Diagnostic Support for the Windows OS 33

Installing a CLI for Updating the BIOS and FCode 34

4. Known Issues 35

Linux Driver Issues 35

A. Declaration of Conformity, Safety, and Regulatory Statements 37

Declaration of Conformity 39

Safety Agency Compliance Statements 41

Regulatory Compliance Statements 57

Contents v

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Using This Documentation

This installation guide describes how to install and remove the single and dual portStorageTek 8 Gigabit (Gb) Fibre Channel (FC) PCI-Express host bus adapter (HBA).This guide also explains how to install the driver and any utilities that are requiredby the HBA.

The document is written for technicians, system administrators, application serviceproviders (ASPs), and users who have advanced experience troubleshooting andreplacing hardware.

This preface contains the following topics:

■ “UNIX Commands” on page vii

■ “Documentation, Support, and Training” on page viii

UNIX CommandsThis document might not contain information about basic UNIX commands andprocedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuringdevices. Refer to the following for this information:

■ Software documentation that you received with your system

■ Oracle Solaris Operating System documentation, which is at:



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Documentation, Support, and TrainingThese web sites provide additional resources:

■ Documentationhttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html

■ Support https://support.oracle.com

■ Training https://education.oracle.com

viii StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA Installation Guide • February 2011

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HBA Overview

This chapter provides a basic overview of Oracle’s single and dual port StorageTek 8Gb FC PCI-Express host bus adapter (HBA), which uses QLogic technology. Thischapter also describes the various operating systems, host platforms, storage, andinfrastructure configurations that support the HBA and lists the HBA environmentalrequirements.

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “Kit Contents” on page 1

■ “HBA Features and Specifications” on page 2

■ “Operating System and Technology Requirements” on page 4

■ “System Interoperability” on page 5

■ “Environmental Requirements” on page 9

Kit Contents■ StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA

■ Extra standard bracket

■ Accessing Documentation document


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HBA Features and SpecificationsThe StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA (single port: SG-XPCIE1FC-QF8-Z, SG-PCIE1FC-QF8-Z, SG-XPCIE1FC-QF8-N, SG-PCIE1FC-QF8-N, dual port: SG-XPCIE2FC-QF8-Z, SG-PCIE2FC-QF8-Z, SG-XPCIE2FC-QF8-N, SG-PCIE2FC-QF8-N)consists of a PCI-Express Small Form Factor HBA. The board interfaces an eight-lanePCI-Express bus, with the eight lanes supporting either one or two Fibre Channel(FC) optical media ports. Each independent FC port operates at 8 Gbit/sec andfeatures 8/4/2 autonegotiation.

HBA Feature SummaryThe following is a summary of the HBA features (see TABLE 1-1 for a detailed list offeatures):

■ Adherance to the PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification

■ Solaris Dynamic Reconfiguration support

■ Fibre Channel boot for all supported operating systems

■ SunVTS diagnostics support

Fibre Channel Feature SummaryThe following is a summary of the Fibre Channel features of the HBA:

■ Support for these FC topologies:

■ FC-SW switched fabric (N_Port)

■ FC-AL arbitrated loop (NL_Port)

■ Point-to-point (N_Port)

■ Removable SFP shortwave optics for attachment to multi-mode fiber with LC-style connectors

■ Compatibility with:

■ Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling (FC-PH, FC-PH-2, FC-PH-3)

■ Fibre Channel Framing and Signaling (FC-FS)

■ Fibre Channel Physical Interface (FC-PI)

■ Fibre Channel Generic Services (FC-GS-3)

■ Fibre Channel Tape and Medium Changers (FC-Tape)

■ Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI (FC-FCP)

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■ Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI, 2nd version (FCP-2)

TABLE 1-1 lists the HBA features and specifications.

TABLE 1-1 HBA Features and Specifications

Feature Description

PCIe connector x8

PCIe signaling environment PCI-Express x8 (8 active lanes)

PCIe transfer rates (maximum) PCI-Express Gen 1 x8 at 2.5 GbpsPCI-Express Gen 2 x4 at 5 Gbps

Number of FC ports One (single port) or two (dual port)

FC bus type (external) Fiber-optic media, short-wave, multimode fiber (400-M5- SN-S)

FC transfer rate 800 MBps per port maximum, half-duplex1600 MBps per port maximum, full-duplex

FC topologies FC-SW switched fabric (N-Port), FC-AL arbitrated loop (NL-Port), andpoint-to-point (N-Port)

Nonvolatile memory Type: Flash (SPI)Size (total for all ports): 2 MBPurpose: Firmware, Universal Boot Code, POST

Store persistent data, such as driver trace infoStore HBA parametersStore VPD dataNon-volatile error log to reduce number of “nodefect found” returned adapters. Error log canwrap around. Software should be able to read thiserror-log (IBM request Section 1.6.2)

External FC connectors Two small form-factor pluggable (SFP) multimode optics with LC-styleconnectors

FC rate: multi-mode opticdistance

Limited:2Gb OM1 – 150m OM2 – 300m OM3 – 500m4Gb OM1 – 70m OM2 – 150m OM3 – 380m8Gb OM1 – 21m OM2 – 50m OM3 – 150mLinear:2Gb OM1 – n/a OM2 – n/a OM3 – n/a4Gb OM1 – n/a OM2 – n/a OM3 – n/a8Gb OM1 – 40m OM2 – 100m OM3 – 300m

FC rate: single-mode opticdistance

2Gb 10KM4Gb 10KM8Gb 10KM

Chapter 1 HBA Overview 3

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Operating System and TechnologyRequirementsThe HBA requires the operating system (OS) and technology versions listed inTABLE 1-2.

LED indicators Three LEDs per FC channel (yellow, green, amber) on front panel as statusindicators

Maximum power consumption SG-XPCIE1FC-QF8-Z (single port): 7.3 wattsSG-XPCIE2FC-QF8-Z(dual port): 9.7 watts

Form Factor Low profile MD2, PCI-Express HBA

TABLE 1-2 Supported Operating System/Technology Versions

Operating System/Technology Supported Versions (minimum)

Oracle Solaris 10 OS for the x86 (32-bit and 64-bit)platforms

• Oracle Solaris 10 8/07 (s10u4) with patch 125165• Oracle Solaris 10 5/08 (s10u5)

Oracle Solaris 10 OS for the SPARC (32-bit and 64-bit) platforms

• Oracle Solaris 10 8/07 (s10u4) with patch 125166• Oracle Solaris 10 5/08 (s10u5)

Linux OS • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (32-bit and 64-bit), U6• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit and 64-bit), U1• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (32-bit and 64-bit), SP4• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (32-bit and 64-bit), SP1

Microsoft Windows OS Enterprise and StandardEditions

• Windows Server 2003 SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit), x64• Windows Server 2003 SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit), x64• Windows Server 2003 SP1/R2 (32-bit and 64-bit), x64• Windows Server 2003 SP2/R2 (32-bit and 64-bit), x64• Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit)

VMware technology • ESX and ESXi 3.5 U2

TABLE 1-1 HBA Features and Specifications (Continued)

Feature Description

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System InteroperabilityThis section provides information about selected platforms, storage systems,switches, and software that are compatible with the heterogeneous FC networkdesign of the HBA. This section contains the following topics:

■ “Host Platform Support” on page 5

■ “Storage Support” on page 6

■ “Switch and Director Support” on page 7

■ “Software Support” on page 8

Host Platform SupportThe HBA is supported by the platforms and operating systems listed in TABLE 1-3.For up-to-date information, see your system Product Notes and web pages.

TABLE 1-3 Platform and Operating System Support

Platform Supported OS/Technology

Oracle SPARC Servers

Sun SPARC Enterprise T2000 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Oracle Solaris

Sun Fire V245 Oracle Solaris

Sun Fire V445 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise M5000 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000-32 Oracle Solaris

Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000-64 Oracle Solaris

Chapter 1 HBA Overview 5

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Storage SupportThis section lists the arrays, storage systems, chassis, and tape storage devicessupported by the HBA. This section provides the following topics:

■ “Array and System Support” on page 6

■ “Tape Storage Support” on page 7

Array and System SupportThe HBA supports connecting to, using a supported switch, the following arrays andsystems:

■ Sun StorageTek 2540 array

■ Sun StorageTek 6140 array

■ Sun StorageTek 6540 array

■ Sun StorageTek 9970 system

■ Sun StorageTek 9980/9985 system

Oracle x64/x86 (AMD) Systems

Sun Fire X2100 M2 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X2200 M2 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X4100 M2 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X4140 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X4200 M2 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X4240 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X4440 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X4600 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Sun Fire X4600 M2 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, VMware

Oracle x64/x86 (Intel) Systems

Sun Fire X4150 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows

Sun Fire X4250 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows

Sun Fire X4450 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows

Sun Fire X4540 Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows

TABLE 1-3 Platform and Operating System Support (Continued)

Platform Supported OS/Technology

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■ Oracle StorageTek 9990 system

Tape Storage SupportThe HBA supports connecting to, using a supported switch, the following tapestorage devices:

■ Sun StorageTek SL24 tape autoloader

■ Sun StorageTek SL48 tape library

■ Sun StorageTek SL500 modular library

■ Sun StorageTek L1400 tape library

■ Sun StorageTek SL3000 tape library

■ Sun StorageTek SL8500 modular library

■ Sun StorageTek Virtual Tape Library (VTL): VTL Value and VTL Plus

■ Sun StorageTek T10000A and T10000B tape drives

■ Sun StorageTek T9840C tape drive

■ Sun StorageTek T9840D tape drive

■ Sun StorageTek T9940B tape drive

■ IBM and HP LTO3 tape drives

■ IBM and HP LTO4 tape drives

■ Quantum DLT-S4 tape drive

Switch and Director SupportThe HBA is supported by the following SAN switches and directors:

■ Brocade DCX backbone switch

■ Brocade 200E switch

■ Brocade 300 switch

■ Brocade 4100 switch

■ Brocade 4900 switch

■ Brocade 5000 switch

■ Brocade 5100 switch

■ Brocade 5300 switch

■ Brocade 7500 switch

■ Brocade Mi10K director

■ Brocade M6140 director

Chapter 1 HBA Overview 7

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■ Cisco MDS 9124 24-port multilayer fabric switch

■ Cisco MDS 9134 multilayer fabric switch

■ Cisco MDS 9222i multiservice modular switch

■ Cisco MDS 9509 multilayer director

■ Cisco MDS 9513 multilayer director

■ QLogic SANbox 5600 switch

■ QLogic SANbox 5602 switch

■ QLogic SANbox 5802v switch

■ QLogic SANbox 9000 stackable chassis FC switch series

■ Oracle Storage Fibre Channel Switch 5802

Software SupportThe HBA supports the software applications listed in TABLE 1-4.

TABLE 1-4 Supported Software Applications

Software (minimum version) Supported OS

Sun Cluster 3.x Oracle Solaris

Sun StorEdge Enterprise Backup Software 7.2/7.3/7.4 Oracle Solaris, Linux, andWindows

Sun StorageTek Availability Suite 3.0/4.0 Oracle Solaris

Sun StorageTek Performance Suite 3.0/4.0 Oracle Solaris

Sun StorageTek Utilization Suite 3.0/4.0 Oracle Solaris

Veritas NetBackup 5.1, 6.x Oracle Solaris

Veritas Storage Foundation™ 4.1/5.0 Oracle Solaris

Support for native multi-pathing Oracle Solaris

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Environmental RequirementsTABLE 1-5 lists the HBA minimum environmental requirements.

TABLE 1-5 HBA Environmental Requirements

Specification Operating Non-Operating

Temperature 0˚ to 40˚C, noncondensing -40˚C to 70˚C, noncondensing

Humidity 10% to 90% RH, noncondensing, 27˚C max wetbulb

93% RH, noncondensing, 38˚C max wet bulb

Altitude 3000m 12,000m

Vibration 0.20G in all axes, 5–500 Hz sine 1.0G in all axes, 5–500 Hz sine

Shock Operating: 5G, 11 ms half-sine 30G 11 ms half-sine

Chapter 1 HBA Overview 9

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Hardware Installation and Removal

This chapter describes how to install and remove the HBA. Refer to your systeminstallation or service manual for detailed instructions.

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “Observing ESD and Handling Precautions” on page 11

■ “Installing the Hardware” on page 12

■ “Testing the Installation” on page 16

■ “Replacing the SFP+ Unit on the HBA” on page 23

■ “Removing the Hardware” on page 24

Observing ESD and HandlingPrecautions

Caution – Damage to the HBA can occur as the result of careless handling orelectrostatic discharge (ESD). Always handle the HBA with care to avoid damage toelectrostatic sensitive components.

To minimize the possibility of ESD-related damage, use both a workstation antistaticmat and an ESD wrist strap. You can get an ESD wrist strap from any reputableelectronics store. Observe the following precautions to avoid ESD-related problems:

■ Leave the HBA in its antistatic bag until you are ready to install it in the system.

■ Always use a properly fitted and grounded wrist strap or other suitable ESDprotection when handling the HBA and observe proper ESD groundingtechniques.

■ Hold the HBA by the edge of the PCB, not the connectors.


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■ Place the HBA on a properly grounded antistatic work surface pad when it is outof its protective antistatic bag.

Installing the HardwareFollow the procedures in this section to install the hardware:

■ “To Install the HBA” on page 12

■ “To Connect the Optical Cable” on page 14

■ “To Apply Power” on page 15

▼ To Install the HBA1. Attach an ESD wrist strap (see “Observing ESD and Handling Precautions” on

page 11).

2. Refer to your system installation or service manual to determine an appropriatePCI-Express slot in which to install the HBA.

3. Shut down, power off, and unplug the system, if required.

4. Remove the system case.

5. Remove the blank panel from an empty PCI-Express slot.

6. (Optional) Perform the following steps to replace the PCI bracket.

Note – The HBA comes with a low-profile PCI bracket installed. This bracket isapproximately 3.11 in. (7.9 cm) long. A standard mounting bracket, which isapproximately 4.75 in. (12.6 cm), is provided with each X-option order.

a. Remove the SFP(s), if installed.

b. Remove the mounting bracket screws from the HBA (see FIGURE 2-1).

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FIGURE 2-1 Removing the Bracket Screws

c. Remove the bracket and store it for future use.

d. Align the new mounting bracket tabs with the holes in the HBA.

Note – Be careful not to push the bracket past the grounding tabs of the transceiverhousing. Ensure that the LEDs are properly aligned with the holes in the bracket.

e. Replace the screws that attach the HBA to the bracket.

f. Reinstall the SFP(s), if removed in Step a.

7. Insert the HBA into the empty PCI-Express 8-lane slot.

8. Press firmly until the HBA is seated.

9. Secure the mounting bracket of the HBA to the case with the panel screw orclip.

10. Replace the system case and tighten the case screws.

The HBA is now installed and you can connect the optical cables.

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Removal 13

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▼ To Connect the Optical Cable

Note – The HBA does not allow normal data transmission on an optical link unlessit is connected to another similar or compatible Fibre Channel product (that is,multimode to multimode).

Use multimode fiber-optic cable, intended for short-wave lasers, that adheres to thespecifications listed in TABLE 1-1 in “HBA Features and Specifications” on page 3.

1. Connect the fiber-optic cable to an LC connector on the HBA.

FIGURE 2-2 shows the single port HBA and FIGURE 2-3 shows the dual port HBA.

FIGURE 2-2 Connecting the Optical Cable: Single Port HBA

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FIGURE 2-3 Connecting the Optical Cable: Dual Port HBA

2. Connect the other end of the cable to the FC device.

After the optical cable is connected to the HBA, you can power on the system, ifrequired. See your system installationg and service manual for more information.

▼ To Apply Power1. Verify that the HBA is securely installed in the system.

2. Verify that the correct fiber-optic cable is attached.

3. Refer to your system installation or service manual to determine how to poweron the system.

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Removal 15

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4. Observe the light-emitting diode (LED) status for the power-on self test (POST)results as shown in TABLE 2-1.

The yellow, green, and amber LEDs can be seen through openings in themounting bracket of the HBA. TABLE 2-1 summarizes the LED status conditions.

Testing the InstallationThis section contains the following topics:

■ “To Verify Proper Installation (Oracle SPARC)” on page 16

■ “To Verify Attached Storage (Oracle SPARC)” on page 19

▼ To Verify Proper Installation (Oracle SPARC)1. Use the show-devs command at the ok prompt to list the installed devices.

The HBA can be identified in the output by looking for the SUNW,qlc@n andSUNW,qlc@n,1 node names, where n is usually a single-digit number from 0 to 9.In this example, there is a dual port HBA installed.

TABLE 2-1 LED Status

Yellow LED Green LED Amber LED State

Off Off Off Power off

On On On Power on (before firmwareinitialization)

Flash Flash Flash Power on (after firmware initialization)

Flash in sequence*

* Flash sequence is yellow LED > green LED > amber LED, then back to yellow LED.

Flash in sequence* Flash in sequence* Firmware fault

Off Off On (for link up) orFlash (if I/O activity)

2 Gbps link UP/ACT

Off On (for link up) orFlash (if I/O activity)

Off 4 Gbps link UP/ACT

On (for link up) orFlash (if I/O activity)

Off Off 8 Gbps link UP/ACT

Flash Off Flash Beacon

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{0} ok show-devs/ebus@c0/pci-performance-counters@0/pci@0/niu@80/cpu@e/cpu@d/cpu@c/cpu@b/cpu@a/cpu@9/cpu@8/cpu@7/cpu@6/cpu@5/cpu@4/cpu@3/cpu@2/cpu@1/cpu@0/virtual-devices@100/virtual-memory/memory@m0,8000000/aliases/options/openprom/chosen/packages/ebus@c0/serial@0,ca0000/pci@0/pci@0/pci@0/pci@0/pci@9/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@0/pci@2/pci@0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@a/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@9/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0,1/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0,1/fp@0,0/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0,1/fp@0,0/disk/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/disk/pci@0/pci@0/pci@2/scsi@0

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Removal 17

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2. To identify the port as a StorageTek 8 Gb FC port, use the cd command tochange to the SUNW,qlc@n directories, and use the .properties command, asshown in the following example:

In the next example, the .properties command output displays the propertiesof one port in a dual port HBA.


cd /pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0

18 StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA Installation Guide • February 2011

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▼ To Verify Attached Storage (Oracle SPARC)● If online storage is connected to the HBA, use the apply show-children

command to list the attached storage.

{1} ok select /pci@1e,600000/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0QLogic QLE2562 Host Adapter FCode(SPARC): 2.03b1 06/06/08Firmware version 4.03.02{1} ok .propertiesassigned-addresses 81060010 00000000 00002000 00000000 0000010082060014 00000000 04000000 00000000 00004000 82060030 0000000004040000 00000000 00040000manufacturer QLGC version QLE2562Host Adapter FCode(SPARC): 2.03 06/30/08model QLE2562node-wwn 20 00 00 1b 32 14 40 66port-wwn 21 00 00 1b 32 14 40 66reg 00060000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 01060010 0000000000000000 00000000 00000100 03060014 00000000 00000000 0000000000001000compatible pciex1077,2532.1077.171.2pciex1077,2532.1077.171pciex1077,171pciex1077,2532.2pciex1077,2532pciclass,c0400short-version 2.03 06/30/08devsel-speed 00000000max-latency 00000000min-grant 00000000#size-cells 00000000#address-cells 00000002device_type scsi-fcpname SUNW,qlcfcode-rom-offset 0000b200interrupts 00000001class-code 000c0400subsystem-id 00000171subsystem-vendor-id 00001077revision-id 00000002device-id 00002532vendor-id 00001077{1}

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Removal 19

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Note – You might need to run the reset-all command before using the applyshow-children command.

In the example that follows, a storage JBOD has one target and two LUNsattached to one port of a dual port HBA.

▼ To Verify Proper Installation (Oracle x64/x86)1. During system power-on initiation, the following system booting BIOS

initialization screen is displayed.

{0} ok show-disksa) /pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0,1/fp@0,0/diskb) /pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/diskc) /pci@0/pci@0/pci@2/scsi@0/diskd) /pci@0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/usb@0,2/storage@2/diskq) NO SELECTIONEnter Selection, q to quit: b{0} ok select /pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@2/SUNW,qlc@0QLogic QLE2562 Host Adapter FCode(SPARC): 2.03 06/30/08Firmware version 4.03.02{0} ok show-childrenAdapter portID - 11000************** Fabric Attached Devices ************** Dev# 0(0) PortID 100e8 Port WWN 21000011c68115b3 LUN 0(0) DISK SEAGATE ST336854FC 0005

Dev# 1(1) PortID 10100 Port WWN 201500a0b84718a4 LUN a(10) DISK STK FLEXLINE 380 0619 LUN b(11) DISK STK FLEXLINE 380 0619

{0} ok

QLogic CorporationQLE2562 PCI Fibre Channel ROM BIOS version 2.02Copyright (c) QLogic Corporation 1992-2008. All rights reserved.www.qlogic.com

Press <Ctrl-Q> or <Alt-Q> for Fast!UTILBIOS for Adapter 0 is disabledBIOS for Adapter 1 is disabledROM BIOS NOT INSTALLED

20 StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA Installation Guide • February 2011

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2. Immediately press Control-Q.

The following QLogic Fast!UTIL menu is displayed.

Then the following QLogic Fast!UTIL menu is displayed.

3. Use the Arrow key to highlight the HBA port that has connected devices andpress Enter.

The following QLogic Fast!UTIL menu is displayed.

QLogic CorporationQLE2562 PCI Fibre Channel ROM BIOS version 2.02Copyright (c) QLogic Corporation 1993-2008. All rights reserved.www.qlogic.com

Press <Ctrl-Q> or <Alt-Q> for Fast!UTILBIOS for Adapter 0 is disabled

BIOS for Adapter 1 is disabled


<CTRL-Q> Detected, Initialization in progress, Please wait...

QLogic Fast!UTILSelect Host Adapter

----------------------------------------------------------Adapter Type I/O Address Slot Bus Device Function

QLE2562 9400 01 02 01 1QLE2562 9800 01 02 01 0

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Removal 21

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4. Use the Arrow key to highlight Scan Fibre Devices and press Enter.

In the example that follows, a storage JBOD has six targets attached to one port ofa dual port HBA.

The following QLogic Fast!UTIL menu is displayed.

QLogic Fast!UTILSelected Adapter

----------------------------------------------------------Adapter Type I/O Address Slot Bus Device Function

QLE2562 9400 01 02 01 1

---------------------------------------------------------- Fast!UTIL Options

Configuration Settings Scan Fibre Devices Fibre Disk Utility Loopback Data Test Select Host Adapter

Exit Fast!UTIL

QLogic Fast!UTIL

Scan Fibre Channel Loop

ID Vendor Product Rev Port Name Port ID

0 SEAGATE ST336752FSUN36G 0205 21000004CF64C8E0 0000CC1 SEAGATE ST336752FSUN36G 0205 21000004CF6493D0 0000CB2 SEAGATE ST336752FSUN36G 0205 21000004CF6428C4 0000CA3 SEAGATE ST336752FSUN36G 0205 21000004CF64C5B2 0000C94 SEAGATE ST336752FSUN36G 0205 21000004CF6096F0 0000C75 SEAGATE ST336752FSUN36G 0205 21000004CF648010 0000C66 SUN StorEdge 3510F D1046 215000C0FF00225B 0000CD7 No device present8 No device present9 No device present10 No device present11 No device present12 No device present13 No device present14 No device present15 No device present

22 StorageTek 8 Gb FC PCI-Express HBA Installation Guide • February 2011

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5. To exit the QLogic Fast!UTIL, press the Escape key, highlight Exit Fast!UTIL,and press Enter.

The following QLogic Fast!UTIL menu is displayed.

The following QLogic Fast!UTIL menu is displayed.

Replacing the SFP+ Unit on the HBAThe Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP+) optics unit on this card is considered a partof the card, NOT as a separate field replaceable unit (FRU). Therefore, in the eventthat the SFP+ unit malfunctions, you must return the entire card in order to receivea replacement SFP+ unit. Always return any malfunctioning card with the SFP+ unitattached. For information about removing the card from a system in order to returnit, see “To Remove the HBA” on page 24.

QLogic Fast!UTILSelected Adapter

----------------------------------------------------------Adapter Type I/O Address Slot Bus Device Function

QLE2562 9400 01 02 01 1

----------------------------------------------------------Fast!UTIL Options

Configuration SettingsScan Fibre DevicesFibre Disk UtilityLoopback Data TestSelect Host Adapter

Exit Fast!UTIL

QLogic Fast!UTIL

Exit Fast!UTIL----------------------------------

Reboot SystemReturn to Fast!UTIL

Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Removal 23

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Removing the HardwareThe following instructions describe the tasks required to remove the HBA. Refer toyour system installation or service manual for detailed HBA removal instructions.

The following steps summarize the hardware removal process:

1. Halt the operating system and remove power from the system.

2. Remove the HBA hardware.

▼ To Remove the HBA1. Use an ESD strap (refer to “Observing ESD and Handling Precautions” on

page 11).

2. Refer to your system documentation to shut down, power off, and unplug thesystem.

3. Disconnect all cables.

4. Unscrew the case screws and remove the system case.

5. Remove the mounting bracket of the HBA from the system by unscrewing thepanel screw or removing the clip, whichever is being used.

You can now remove the HBA.

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Software Installation

After you have completed the hardware installation and powered on the computer,follow the instructions in this chapter for your operating system to install the HBAdriver and any other utilities required by the HBA.

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “Installing Software for the Oracle Solaris OS” on page 25

■ “Installing Software for the Red Hat/SUSE Linux OS” on page 27

■ “Installing Software for the VMware Technology” on page 31

■ “Installing Software for the Windows OS” on page 31

■ “Installing a CLI for Updating the BIOS and FCode” on page 33

Installing Software for the Oracle SolarisOSThis section contains the following topics:

■ “Installing the Fibre Channel Driver” on page 25

■ “Diagnostic Support for the Oracle Solaris OS” on page 26

Installing the Fibre Channel DriverThe qlc HBA driver for the Solaris OS is included with the Oracle Solaris 10 8/07OS release; no further action is required. The latest version of the qlc driver isincluded with the following Oracle Solaris patches:

■ 125165 (for the Oracle x64/x86 platform)


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■ 125166 (for the Oracle SPARC platform)

You can download these patches at:


▼ To Install or Update the qlc HBA Driver From a Patch1. Log in as the root user.

2. Navigate to the directory that contains the patch.

3. Add the latest patch by using the patchadd command.

Diagnostic Support for the Oracle Solaris OSDiagnostic support for the HBA is included in the SunVTS software beginning withversion 6.3. The SunVTS software is included with the Oracle Solaris 10 8/07 OS.The SunVTS software is also available for download at:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/downloads/sun-az-index-095901.html#V

Note – Earlier versions of the Validation Test Suite software are referred to asSunVTS software. Starting with the 7.0ps10 release, the software is referred to asOracleVTS software.

The qlctest utility, which is provided as part of the SunVTS software, supports thefollowing functions:

■ Connectivity verification

■ Firmware version and checksum testing

■ Self-testing

■ Loopback tests

■ External

■ Internal, single-bit

■ Internal, 10-bit

■ Mailbox

# patchadd patch-number

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Installing Software for the RedHat/SUSE Linux OSThis section describes how to download and install the fibre channel driversrequired by the HBA. It also describes how to install diagnostic support software forthe HBA. This section contains the following topics:

■ “Downloading the Red Hat/SUSE Linux Drivers” on page 27

■ “Installing the Red Hat/SUSE Linux Drivers” on page 28

■ “Diagnostic Support for the Red Hat/SUSE OS” on page 30

Downloading the Red Hat/SUSE Linux DriversThis section describes how to download the fibre channel driver for the HBA.

▼ To Download the Fibre Channel Driver1. Go to the QLogic support site for Oracle at:


2. Locate the table containing the HBA model that you want (SG-model-number).

3. At the bottom of the table, in the Software for row, click Linux.

4. In the Red Hat or SUSE Linux table, find the appropriate driver (the file nameis in the format qle256x-vx.yy.zz-dist.tgz).

5. In the Download column of that row, click Download.

6. Save the file to a directory on the hard disk of the computer.

Note – Because the driver distribution file is now larger than 1.44 Mb, it cannot fiton a 1.44 Mb floppy disk; therefore, you must use a USB driver or local hard disk todownload the file.

Chapter 3 Software Installation 27

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Installing the Red Hat/SUSE Linux DriversAfter you download the drivers, as described in “Downloading the Red Hat/SUSELinux Drivers” on page 27, you can install the drivers by following the steps in thissection:

1. “To Build the Fibre Channel Driver” on page 28

2. “To Load the Newly Built Fibre Channel Driver” on page 29

▼ To Build the Fibre Channel DriverThe driver installation makes extensive use of the build.sh script, which is locatedin driver source (extras/build.sh).

From the source code, you can build a qla2xxx.ko module and aqla2xxx_conf.ko module for the host. You can then choose to load the drivermanually or automatically, as described in “To Load the Newly Built Fibre ChannelDriver” on page 29.

1. In the directory that contains the source driver file, qla2xxx-x.yy.zz-dist.tgz, use the commands shown in the following example.

2. Build and install the driver modules from the source code by executing thebuild.sh script.

This build script does the following:

■ Builds the driver .ko files.

■ Copies the .ko files to the appropriate directory:/lib/modules/2.6.../kernel/drivers/scsi/qla2xxx

■ Adds the appropriate directive in the modprobe.conf.local to remove theqla2xxx_conf module when unloading the qla2xxx module.

■ Updates the newly built qla2xxx_conf.ko module with any previouslysaved data in /etc/qla2xxx.conf.

# tar -xvzf *.tgz# cd qlogic# ./drvrsetup (this extracts the source files directory into thecurrent directory)# cd qla2xxx-x.yy.zz (x.yyindicates the driver version; zzindicates thefile extension, which is typically .ko for kernel modules(binaries)).

# ./extras/build.sh install

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3. Choose how you want to load the driver, as described in “To Load the NewlyBuilt Fibre Channel Driver” on page 29.

▼ To Load the Newly Built Fibre Channel DriverAfter you build the fibre channel driver, as described in “To Build the Fibre ChannelDriver” on page 28, you can choose to manually or automatically load the driver.This section contains the following topics:

■ “To Manually Load the Fibre Channel Driver” on page 29

■ “To Automatically Load the Fibre Channel Driver” on page 29

▼ To Manually Load the Fibre Channel Driver

After building the fibre channel driver, you can choose to manually load the driver.If you want to automatically load the driver, skip to “To Automatically Load theFibre Channel Driver” on page 29.

1. Build the driver binary, as described in “To Build the Fibre Channel Driver” onpage 28.

2. Manually load the driver by using the modprobe -v command.

3. If you want to manually unload the driver, use the modprobe -r command.

▼ To Automatically Load the Fibre Channel Driver

After building the fibre channel driver, you can choose to automatically load thedriver. If you want to manually load the fibre channel driver, see “To Manually Loadthe Fibre Channel Driver” on page 29.

1. Build the driver binary, as described in “To Build the Fibre Channel Driver” onpage 28.

2. Install the driver module (*.ko) files to the appropriate kernel moduledirectory.

# modprobe -v qla2xxx

# modprobe -r qla2xxx# modprobe -r qla2xxx_conf (SANsurfer use only)

# ./extras/build.sh install

Chapter 3 Software Installation 29

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3. For Red Hat Linux users, edit the /etc/modprobe.conf file and add thefollowing entries, if they are not present:

■ alias scsi_hostadapter1 qla2xxx_conf (for use only with SANsurfer)

■ alias scsi_hostadapter2 qla2xxx

4. For SUSE Linux users, edit the /etc/sysconfig/kernel file and modify theINITRD_MODULES directive as shown in the following example.

In this example, note that you must add the first module, qla2xxx_conf (forSANsurfer), followed by the qla2xxx module. The qla2xxx_conf module is foruse only with SANsurfer while the qla2xxx module is a common module.

5. Change to the /boot directory.

6. Back up the current RAMDISK image.

7. Build the RAMDISK image with the mkinitrd -f command.

8. Reboot the system to load the RAMDISK image with the driver.

Diagnostic Support for the Red Hat/SUSE OSDiagnostic support for the HBA is available through the SANsurfer PRO graphicaluser interface (GUI) utility or the SANsurfer command-line interface (CLI) utility.These utilities support the following functions:

■ Connectivity verification

■ BIOS, FCode, EFI, and firmware version information

■ Link status, including topology, data rate, and statistics

■ Vital product data (VPD) information

■ Attached devices list

■ Option ROM, NVRAM update utilities

■ Loopback test

■ Read/Write Buffer test

...INITRD_MODULES=".... qla2xxx_conf qla2xxx"...

# cp -f initrd-2.6.kernel-version.img initrd-2.6.kernel-version.img.bak

Red Hat: # mkinitrd -f initrd-2.6.kernel-version.img kernel-versionSUSE: # /sbin/mk_initrd

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▼ To Install Diagnostic Support for the Red Hat/SUSELinux OS1. Go to the QLogic support site for Oracle at:


2. Locate the table containing the HBA model that you want (SG-model-number).

3. At the bottom of the table, click Windows.

4. Locate the SANsurfer CLI (command-line interface) or SANsurfer PRO (GUI)diagnostic utility.

5. Click Download to copy diagnostic archive to a local file system.

6. Click Readme link for additional information.

Installing Software for the VMwareTechnologyThe HBA drivers included on the VMware distribution are sufficient for supportingthe HBA. No further action is required.

To verify that the drivers loaded successfully, look for the following lines in the/var/log/vmkernel file:

The first line indicates that the fibre channel driver loaded successfully.

Installing Software for the Windows OSThis section describes how to download and install the fibre channel driversrequired by the HBA. It also describes how to install diagnostic support software forthe HBA. This section contains the following topics:

■ “To Download the Fibre Channel Driver” on page 32

■ “To Install the Fibre Channel Driver” on page 32

Initialization for qla2300_707_vmw succeeded with module ID 2.[timestamp] b12-4600a vmkernel: 0:00:01:18.878cpu1:1041)qla2300_707_vmw loaded successfully.

Chapter 3 Software Installation 31

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■ “Diagnostic Support for the Windows OS” on page 33

▼ To Download the Fibre Channel Driver1. Go to the QLogic support site for Oracle at:


2. Locate the table containing the HBA model that you want (SG-model-number).

3. At the bottom of the table, in the Software for row, click Windows.

4. In the table for your Windows operating system, find the appropriate driver.

5. In the Download column of that row, click Download.

6. Save the file to a directory on the hard disk of the computer.

7. Unzip (extract) the driver files to a location on the hard disk of the computer.

▼ To Install the Fibre Channel DriverAfter installing the HBA and restarting the computer, the Windows OS detects thenewly installed device and displays the Found New Hardware with Fibre ChannelController message. The Found New Hardware wizard launches.

Note – This procedure requires a system configured with the latest Service Pack andWindows Update.

1. On the first screen of the Found New Hardware wizard, click Search for asuitable driver for my device (recommended), and then click Next.

2. Browse to the location on the where you downloaded the Fibre Channel driver,then click Next.

Windows displays a message, letting you know it found a driver for this device.

3. On the Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard window, click Finish.

4. If the system displays the following message, click Yes to restart the computer:

System Settings Change. Windows has finished installing a newdevice. The software that supports your device requires that yourestart your computer. You must restart your computer before thenew settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your computernow?

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Diagnostic Support for the Windows OSDiagnostic support for the HBA is available through QLogic’s SANsurfer FC HBAManager (GUI) tool and the SANsurfer FC HBA CLI tool. These tools support thefollowing functions:

■ Connectivity verification

■ BIOS, FCode, EFI, and firmware version information

■ Link status, including topology, data rate, and statistics

■ Vital Product Data (VPD) information

■ Attached devices list

■ Option ROM, NVRAM update utilities

■ Loopback test

■ Read/Write Buffer test

▼ To Install Diagnostic Support for the Windows OS1. Go to the QLogic support site for Oracle at:


2. Locate the table containing the HBA model that you want (SG-model-number).

3. At the bottom of the table, click Windows.

4. Locate the SANsurfer CLI or SANsurfer PRO (GUI) diagnostic utility.

5. Click Download to copy the diagnostic archive to a local file system.

6. Click Readme for additional information.

Installing a CLI for Updating the BIOSand FCodeIf you need to update the fibre channel BIOS and FCode, you can do so by using theSANsurfer command-line interface (CLI).

If you have not done so already, you can download the SANsurfer CLI package fromthe QLogic support site for Oracle at:


Chapter 3 Software Installation 33

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Follow the installation instructions in the README.TXT file. Installation instructionsare also available in the QLogic document, SANsurfer FC HBA CLI User’s Guide(SN0054614-00), which can be found on the QLogic web site,http://www.qlogic.com.

For instructions on how to update the BIOS and FCode, see the SANsurfer FC HBACLI User’s Guide at the QLogic web site.

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Known Issues

This chapter provides supplementary and workaround information about the HBA.

The chapter contains the following topics:

■ “Linux Driver Issues” on page 35

Linux Driver IssuesIf you are using the FC HBA driver for Linux Kernel 2.6x, version 8.02.14 on asystem running the RHEL5 OS with the ql2xextended_error_logging moduleparameter enabled, some softlock detected messages (soft lockup onCPU#0!) might be generated in the system log files. This is a side-effect of debugmessages printed.

Workaround - None. No operational failures occur as a result of these messages.


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Declaration of Conformity, Safety,and Regulatory Statements

This appendix provides Declaration of Conformity, safety, and regulatory statementsfor the product. The appendix contains the following topics:

■ “Declaration of Conformity” on page 39

■ “Safety Agency Compliance Statements” on page 41

■ “Regulatory Compliance Statements” on page 57


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Declaration of Conformity

To receive a copy of the latest Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for the product, either contact yourlocal Oracle sales representative or send an email to: [email protected]


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Safety Agency ComplianceStatementsRead this section before beginning any procedure. Thefollowing text provides safety precautions to follow wheninstalling a Oracle product.

Safety PrecautionsFor your protection, observe the following safetyprecautions when setting up your equipment:

■ Follow all cautions and instructions marked on theequipment.

■ Ensure that the voltage and frequency of your powersource match the voltage and frequency inscribed onthe equipment’s electrical rating label.

■ Never push objects of any kind through openings inthe equipment. Dangerous voltages may be present.Conductive foreign objects could produce a shortcircuit that could cause fire, electric shock, or damageto your equipment.

■ This product is intended for restricted access wherebyaccess is controlled through the use of a means ofsecurity (for example, key, lock, tool, badge access)and personnel authorized for access have beeninstructed on the reasons for the restrictions and anyprecautions that need to be taken.

SymbolsThe following symbols may appear in this book:

Caution – There is a risk of personal injuryand equipment damage. Follow theinstructions.

Caution – Hot surface. Avoid contact.Surfaces are hot and may cause personalinjury if touched.

Caution – Hazardous voltages are present. Toreduce the risk of electric shock and danger topersonal health, follow the instructions.

Depending on the type of power switch your device has,one of the following symbols may be used:

On – Applies AC power to the system.

Off – Removes AC power from the system.

Standby – The On/Standby switch is in thestandby position.

Modifications to EquipmentDo not make mechanical or electrical modifications to theequipment. Oracle is not responsible for regulatorycompliance of a modified Oracle product.

Placement of a Oracle Product

Caution – Do not block or cover the openingsof your Oracle product. Never place a Oracleproduct near a radiator or heat register.Failure to follow these guidelines can causeoverheating and affect the reliability of yourOracle product.

SELV ComplianceSafety status of I/O connections comply to SELVrequirements.

Power Cord Connection

Caution – Oracle products are designed towork with power systems having a groundedneutral (grounded return for DC-poweredproducts). To reduce the risk of electric shock,do not plug Oracle products into any othertype of power system. Contact your facilitiesmanager or a qualified electrician if you arenot sure what type of power is supplied toyour building.


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Caution – Not all power cords have the samecurrent ratings. Do not use the power cordprovided with your equipment for any otherproducts or use. Household extension cordsdo not have overload protection and are notmeant for use with computer systems. Do notuse household extension cords with yourOracle product.

The following caution applies only to devices with aStandby power switch:

Caution – The power switch of this productfunctions as a standby type device only. Thepower cord serves as the primary disconnectdevice for the system. Be sure to plug thepower cord into a grounded power outlet thatis nearby the system and is readily accessible.Do not connect the power cord when thepower supply has been removed from thesystem chassis.

The following caution applies only to devices with multiplepower cords:

Caution – For products with multiple powercords, all power cords must be disconnectedto completely remove power from the system.

Battery Warning

Caution – There is danger of explosion ifbatteries are mishandled or incorrectlyreplaced. On systems with replaceablebatteries, replace only with the samemanufacturer and type or equivalent typerecommended by the manufacturer per theinstructions provided in the product servicemanual. Do not disassemble batteries orattempt to recharge them outside the system.Do not dispose of batteries in fire. Dispose ofbatteries properly in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions and localregulations. Note that on Oracle CPU boards,there is a lithium battery molded into the real-time clock. These batteries are not customerreplaceable parts.

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Energy Storage Module Caution

Caution – There is a danger of shock orequipment damage if energy storage modulesare mishandled or incorrectly replaced. Whenreplacing the energy storage modules, useonly replacement modules that have beenprovided by Oracle, following theinstructions provided in the product servicemanual. Do not disassemble modules orattempt to recharge them outside of thesystem. Do not dispose of the modules;instead, return them to Oracle in accordancewith Oracle procedures for the product

System Unit CoverYou must remove the cover of your Oracle computersystem unit to add cards, memory, or internal storagedevices. Be sure to replace the cover before powering onyour computer system.

Caution – Do not operate Oracle productswithout the cover in place. Failure to take thisprecaution may result in personal injury andsystem damage.

Rack System InstructionsThe following or similar rack-mount instructions areincluded with the installation instructions:

■ Elevated Operating Ambient – If installed in a closedor multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambienttemperature of the rack environment may be greaterthan room ambient. Therefore, consideration shouldbe given to installing the equipment in anenvironment compatible with the maximum ambienttemperature (Tma) specified by the manufacturer.

■ Reduced Air Flow – Installation of the equipment in arack should be such that the amount of air flowrequired for safe operation of the equipment is notcompromised.

■ Mechanical Loading – Mounting of the equipment inthe rack should be such that a hazardous condition isnot achieved due to uneven mechanical loading.

■ Circuit Overloading – Consideration should be givento the connection of the equipment to the supplycircuit and the effect that overloading of the circuitsmight have on overcurrent protection and supply

wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipmentnameplate ratings should be used when addressingthis concern.

■ Reliable Earthing – Reliable earthing of rack-mountedequipment should be maintained. Particular attentionshould be given to supply connections other thandirect connections to the branch circuit (for example,use of power strips).

Caution – Slide/rail mounted equipmentmust not be used as a shelf or workspace.

Rack System WarningThe following warnings apply to Racks and Rack Mountedsystems.

Caution – For safety, equipment shouldalways be loaded from the bottom up. That is,install the equipment that will be mounted inthe lowest part of the rack first, then the nexthigher systems, etc.

Caution – To prevent the rack from tippingduring equipment installation, the anti-tilt baron the rack must be deployed.

Caution – To prevent extreme operatingtemperature within the rack insure that themaximum temperature does not exceed theproduct’s ambient rated temperatures.

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Caution – To prevent extreme operatingtemperatures due to reduced airflowconsideration should be made to the amountof air flow that is required for a safe operationof the equipment.

Caution – Take adequate precautions whenmoving a rack or library that contains rack-installed equipment. The weight of some rackequipment may have altered the rack orlibrary center of gravity and could cause anoverbalance/tip condition during a move.

Caution – For tape libraries, ensure that theequipment to be installed in the rack has ULListing, CSA or C-UL Certification, and is CEmarked.

Laser Compliance NoticeOracle products that use laser technology comply withClass 1 laser requirements.

CD and DVD DevicesThe following caution applies to CD, DVD, and otheroptical devices.

Caution – Use of controls, adjustments, or theperformance of procedures other than thosespecified herein may result in hazardousradiation exposure.

Conformité aux normes de sécuritéVeuillez lire attentivement cette section avant decommencer. Ce texte traite des mesures de sécurité qu’ilconvient de prendre pour l’installation d’un produit Oracle.

Mesures de sécuritéPour votre sécurité, nous vous recommandons de suivrescrupuleusement les mesures de sécurité ci-dessous lorsquevous installez votre matériel:

■ Suivez tous les avertissements et toutes lesinstructions inscrites sur le matériel.

■ Assurez-vous que la tension et la fréquence de votresource d'alimentation correspondent à la tension et àla fréquence indiquées sur l'étiquette de la tensionélectrique nominale du matériel

■ N'introduisez jamais d'objets quels qu'ils soient dansles ouvertures de l'équipement. Vous pourriez voustrouver en présence de hautes tensions dangereuses.Tout objet étranger conducteur risque de produire uncourt-circuit pouvant présenter un risque d'incendieou de décharge électrique, ou susceptibled'endommager le matériel.

■ Ce produit est destiné à être utilisé dans des zones àaccès limité, dans lesquelles les accès sont contrôlésau moyen de systèmes de sécurité (par exemple, à clé,verrou, dispositif ou badge). Le personnel autorisé àaccéder à ces zones doit avoir été préalablementinformé des raisons justifiant la limitation des accès etde toutes les précautions à prendre.

SymbolesVous trouverez ci-dessous la signification des différentssymboles utilisés:

Attention – Vous risquez d'endommager lematériel ou de vous blesser. Veuillez suivre lesinstructions.

Attention – Surfaces brûlantes. Evitez toutcontact. Les surfaces sont brûlantes. Vousrisquez de vous blesser si vous les touchez.

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Attention – Tensions dangereuses. Pourréduire les risques de décharge électrique etde danger physique, observez les consignesindiquées.

Selon le type d'interrupteur marche/arrêt dont votreappareil est équipé, l'un des symboles suivants sera utilisé:

Marche – Met le système sous tensionalternative.

Arret – Met le système hors tensionalternative.

Veilleuse – L'interrupteur Marche/Veille estsur la position de veille.

Modification du matérielN'apportez aucune modification mécanique ou électriqueau matériel. Oracle décline toute responsabilité quant à lanon-conformité éventuelle d'un produit Oracle modifié.

Positionnement d’un produit Oracle

Attention – Evitez d'obstruer ou de recouvrirles orifices de votre produit Oracle. N'installezjamais un produit Oracle près d'un radiateurou d'une source de chaleur. Si vous nerespectez pas ces consignes, votre produitOracle risque de surchauffer et sonfonctionnement en sera altéré.

Conformité SELVLe niveau de sécurité des connexions E/S est conforme auxnormes SELV.

Connexion du cordon d’alimentation

Attention – Les produits Oracle sont conçuspour fonctionner avec des systèmesd'alimentation équipés d'un conducteurneutre relié à la terre (conducteur neutre pour

produits alimentés en CC). Pour réduire lesrisques de décharge électrique, ne branchezjamais les produits Oracle sur une sourced'alimentation d'un autre type. Contactez legérant de votre bâtiment ou un électricienagréé si vous avez le moindre doute quant autype d'alimentation fourni dans votrebâtiment.

Attention – Tous les cordons d'alimentationne présentent pas les mêmes caractéristiquesélectriques. Les cordons d'alimentation àusage domestique ne sont pas protégés contreles surtensions et ne sont pas conçus pour êtreutilisés avec des ordinateurs. N'utilisez jamaisde cordon d'alimentation à usage domestiqueavec les produits Oracle.

L'avertissement suivant s'applique uniquement auxsystèmes équipés d'un interrupteur Veille:

Attention – L'interrupteur d'alimentation dece produit fonctionne uniquement comme undispositif de mise en veille. Le cordond'alimentation constitue le moyen principal dedéconnexion de l'alimentation pour lesystème. Assurez-vous de le brancher dansune prise d'alimentation mise à la terre prèsdu système et facile d'accès. Ne le branchezpas lorsque l'alimentation électrique ne setrouve pas dans le châssis du système.

L'avertissement suivant s'applique uniquement auxsystèmes équipés de plusieurs cordons d'alimentation:

Attention – Pour mettre un système équipé deplusieurs cordons d'alimentation hors tension,il est nécessaire de débrancher tous lescordons d'alimentation.

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Mise en garde relative aux batteries

Attention – Les batteries risquent d’exploseren cas de manipulation maladroite ou deremplacement incorrect. Pour les systèmesdont les batteries sont remplaçables, effectuezles remplacements uniquement selon lemodèle du fabricant ou un modèle équivalentrecommandé par le fabricant, conformémentaux instructions fournies dans le manuel deservice du système. N’essayez en aucun cas dedémonter les batteries, ni de les recharger horsdu système. Ne les jetez pas au feu. Mettez-lesau rebut selon les instructions du fabricant etconformément à la législation locale envigueur. Notez que sur les cartes processeurde Oracle, une batterie au lithium a étémoulée dans l'horloge temps réel. Lesbatteries ne sont pas des pièces remplaçablespar le client.

Avertissement - Module de stockaged’énergie

Attention – Si vous manipulez ou remplacezles modules de stockage d’énergieincorrectement, vous risquez de lesendommager ou de vous exposer à un chocélectrique. Remplacez les modules de stockaged’énergie uniquement par les modules deremplacement que Oracle fournit, en veillant àrespecter les instructions indiquées dans lemanuel d’entretien du produit. Ne démontezpas les modules. N’essayez pas de lesrecharger hors du système. Ne jetez pas lesmodules, mais retournez-les à Oracleconformément aux procédures Oracle relativesau produit.

Couvercle de l'unitéPour ajouter des cartes, de la mémoire ou des périphériquesde stockage internes, vous devez retirer le couvercle devotre système Oracle. Remettez le couvercle supérieur enplace avant de mettre votre système sous tension.

Attention – Ne mettez jamais des produitsOracle sous tension si leur couvercle supérieurn'est pas mis en place. Si vous ne prenez pasces précautions, vous risquez de vous blesserou d'endommager le système.

Instructions de montage en rackLes instructions de montage en rack suivantes ou similairesà celles-ci sont fournies avec les instructions d'installation :

■ Température ambiante de fonctionnement élevée : encas d'installation dans un châssis fermé ou contenantplusieurs appareils, la température ambiante defonctionnement au niveau du rack peut êtresupérieure à la température ambiante de la pièce. Enconséquence, il convient de veiller à installer lematériel dans un environnement compatible avec latempérature ambiante maximale (Tma), spécifiée parle fabricant.

■ Débit d'air réduit : l'installation du matériel dans unrack doit être effectuée de façon à ne pascompromettre le débit d'air nécessaire pour unfonctionnement sûr de ce matériel.

■ Charge mécanique : le montage de l'équipement enrack doit être réalisé de manière à éviter toutesituation dangereuse résultant d'une chargedéséquilibrée.

■ Surcharge de circuit : il convient de prendre lesprécautions nécessaires pour la connexion du matérielau circuit d'alimentation et de réfléchir auxconséquences d'une éventuelle surcharge des circuitssur la protection de surintensité et sur le câblaged'alimentation. En l'occurrence, les valeurs nominalesde la plaque signalétique du matériel doivent êtreprises en compte.

■ Mise à la terre fiable : une mise à la terre fiable dumatériel monté en rack doit être assurée. Uneattention toute particulière est requise pour lesraccordements d'alimentation autres que ceuxeffectués directement sur le circuit principal (parexemple, en cas d'utilisation de blocs multiprises).

Attention – L’équipement monté surglissière/rail ne doit servir ni d’étagère nid’espace de travail.

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Mise en garde relative au système en rackLa mise en garde suivante s'applique aux racks et auxsystèmes montés en rack.

Attention – Pour des raisons de sécurité, lematériel doit toujours être chargé du bas versle haut. En d'autres termes, vous devezinstaller, en premier, le matériel qui doit setrouver dans la partie la plus inférieure durack, puis installer le matériel sur le niveausuivant, etc.

Attention – Afin d'éviter que le rack nepenche pendant l'installation du matériel, tirezla barre anti-basculement du rack.

Attention – Pour éviter des températures defonctionnement extrêmes dans le rack,assurez-vous que la température maximale nedépasse pas la fourchette de températuresambiantes du produit déterminée par lefabricant.

Attention – Afin d'empêcher destempératures de fonctionnement extrêmesprovoquées par une aération insuffisante,assurez-vous de fournir une aérationappropriée pour un fonctionnement dumatériel en toute sécurité.

Attention – Prenez les précautions adéquatespour déplacer un rack ou une bibliothèque quicontient du matériel installé en rack. Le poidsde certains équipements en rack ayant pu

modifier le centre de gravité du rack ou de labibliothèque pourrait provoquer un effet decontrepoids ou de déséquilibre durant ledéplacement.

Attention – Pour les bibliothèques de bandes,vérifiez que le matériel à installer dans le rackest homologué UL, CSA ou C-UL, et porte lamention CE.

Avis de conformité des appareils laserLes produits Oracle qui font appel aux technologies laserssont conformes aux normes de la classe 1 en la matière.

Périphériques CD et DVDL'avertissement suivant s'applique aux périphériques CD,DVD et autres périphériques optiques:

Attention – L'utilisation de contrôles et deréglages ou l'application de procédures autresque ceux spécifiés dans le présent documentpeuvent entraîner une exposition à desradiations dangereuses.

Einhaltung sicherheitsbehördlicherVorschriftenLesen Sie vor dem Ausführen von Arbeiten diesenAbschnitt. Im folgenden Text werden Sicherheitsvor-kehrungen beschrieben, die Sie bei der Installation einesOracle-Produkts beachten müssen.

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SicherheitsvorkehrungenTreffen Sie zu Ihrem eigenen Schutz bei der Installation desGeräts die folgenden Sicherheitsvorkehrungen:

■ Beachten Sie alle auf den Geräten angebrachtenWarnhinweise und Anweisungen.

■ Stellen Sie sicher, dass Spannung und Frequenz derStromversorgung den Nennleistungen auf dem amGerät angebrachten Etikett entsprechen.

■ Führen Sie niemals Fremdobjekte in die Öffnungenam Gerät ein. Es können gefährliche Spannungenanliegen. Leitfähige Fremdobjekte können einenKurzschluss verursachen, der einen Brand, Strom-schlag oder Geräteschaden herbeiführen kann.

■ Dieses Produkt unterliegt Zugangsbeschränkungen.Der Zugang wird mithilfe eines Sicherheits-mechanismus kontrolliert (z. B. einem Schlüssel, einerSperre, einem Tool oder eines Werksausweises) unddas autorisierte Zugangspersonal wurde über dieGründe für die Beschränkungen und die zutreffenden Sicherheitsmaßnahmen unterrichtet.

SymboleDie Symbole in diesem Handbuch haben folgendeBedeutung:

Achtung – Gefahr von Verletzung undGeräteschaden. Befolgen Sie die Anwei-sungen.

Achtung – Heiße Oberfläche. Nicht berühren,da Verletzungsgefahr durch heiße Oberflächebesteht.

Achtung – Gefährliche Spannungen. BefolgenSie die Anweisungen, um Stromschläge undVerletzungen zu vermeiden.

Je nach Netzschaltertyp an Ihrem Gerät kann eines derfolgenden Symbole verwendet werden:

Ein – Versorgt das System mit Wechselstrom.

Aus– Unterbricht die Wechselstromzufuhrzum Gerät.

Wartezustand – Der Ein-/Standby-Netz-schalter befindet sich in der Standby-Position.

Modifikationen des GerätsNehmen Sie keine elektrischen oder mechanischenGerätemodifikationen vor. Oracle ist für die Einhaltung derSicherheitsvorschriften von modifizierten Oracle-Produkten nicht haftbar.

Aufstellung von Oracle-Geräten

Achtung – Geräteöffnungen Ihres Oracle-Produkts dürfen nicht blockiert oderabgedeckt werden. Oracle-Geräte solltenniemals in der Nähe von Heizkörpern oderHeißluft-klappen aufgestellt werden. DieNichtbeach-tung dieser Richtlinien kannÜberhitzung verursachen und dieZuverlässigkeit Ihres Oracle-Gerätsbeeinträchtigen.

SELV-KonformitätDer Sicherheitsstatus der E/A-Verbindungen entsprichtden SELV-Anforderungen.

Anschluss des Netzkabels

Achtung – Oracle-Geräte sind fürStromversorgungssysteme mit einemgeerdeten neutralen Leiter (geerdeterRückleiter bei gleichstrombetriebenenGeräten) ausgelegt. Um die Gefahr vonStromschlägen zu vermeiden, schließen Siedas Gerät niemals an andere Stromversor-gungssysteme an. Wenden Sie sich an denzuständigen Gebäudeverwalter oder an einenqualifizierten Elektriker, wenn Sie nicht sicherwissen, an welche Art von Stromversor-gungssystem Ihr Gebäude angeschlossen ist.

Achtung – Nicht alle Netzkabel verfügenüber die gleichen Nennwerte. Herkömmliche,im Haushalt verwendete Verlängerungskabelbesitzen keinen Überlastschutz und sind

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daher für Computersysteme nicht geeignet.Verwenden Sie bei Ihrem Oracle-Produktkeine Haushalts-Verlängerungskabel.

Die folgende Warnung gilt nur für Geräte mit Standby-Netzschalter:

Achtung – Beim Netzschalter dieses Gerätshandelt es sich nur um einen Ein/Standby-Schalter. Zum völligen Abtrennen des Systemsvon der Stromversorgung dient hauptsächlichdas Netzkabel. Stellen Sie sicher, dass dasNetzkabel an eine frei zugängliche geerdeteSteckdose in der Nähe des Systems ange-schlossen ist. Schließen Sie das Stromkabelnicht an, wenn die Stromversorgung vomSystemchassis entfernt wurde.

Die folgende Warnung gilt nur für Geräte mit mehrerenNetzkabeln:

Achtung – Bei Produkten mit mehreren Netz-kabeln müssen alle Netzkabel abgetrennt wer-den, um das System völlig von der Stromver-sorgung zu trennen.

Warnung bezüglich Batterien

Achtung – Bei unsachgemäßer Handhabungoder nicht fachgerechtem Austausch derBatterien besteht Explosionsgefahr. Verwen-den Sie bei Systemen mit austauschbarenBatterien ausschließlich Ersatzbatteriendesselben Typs und Herstellers bzw. einenentsprechenden, vom Hersteller gemäß denAnweisungen im Service-Handbuch desProdukts empfohlenen Batterietyp. VersuchenSie nicht, die Batterien auszubauen oderaußerhalb des Systems wiederaufzuladen.

Werfen Sie die Batterien nicht ins Feuer.Entsorgen Sie die Batterien entsprechend denAnweisungen des Herstellers und den vor Ortgeltenden Vorschriften. CPU-Karten vonOracle verfügen über eine Echtzeituhr mitintegrier-ter Lithiumbatterie. Diese Batteriedarf nur von einem qualifiziertenServicetechniker aus-gewechselt werden.

Sicherheitshinweise zumEnergiespeichermodul

Achtung – Bei unsachgemäßer Handhabungoder unsachgemäßem Austausch vonEnergiespeichermodulen besteht die Gefahreines Stromschlags oder Geräteschadens.Verwenden Sie beim Austausch vonEnergiespeichermodulen nur Ersatzmodule,die von Oracle bereitgestellt wurden, undfolgen Sie den im Service Manual zumProdukt enthaltenen Anweisungen. VersuchenSie auf keinen Fall, Module auszubauen oderdiese außerhalb des Systemswiederaufzuladen. Entsorgen Sie die Modulebitte nicht. Geben Sie sie stattdessen an Oraclegemäß den Oracle-Verfahren für das Produktzurück.

GehäuseabdeckungSie müssen die Abdeckung Ihres Oracle-Computersystemsentfernen, um Karten, Speicher oder interne Speichergerätehinzuzufügen. Bringen Sie vor dem Einschalten desSystems die Gehäuseabdeckung wieder an.

Achtung – Nehmen Sie Oracle-Geräte nichtohne Abdeckung in Betrieb. DieNichtbeachtung dieses Warnhinweises kannVerletzungen oder Geräteschaden zur Folgehaben.

Anweisungen zur Rack-MontageDie folgenden oder ähnlichen Anweisungen zur Rack-Montage wurden in die Installationsanweisungenaufgenommen:

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■ Erhöhte Betriebsumgebungstemperatur - Wenn dasRack in einer geschlossenen Rack-Baugruppe oder ineiner Multi-unit-Rack-Baugruppe installiert ist, kanndie Betriebsumgebungstemperatur der Rack-Umgebung höher sein als die Umgebungstemperaturdes Raumes. Deshalb sollte berücksichtigt werden,das Gerät in einer Umgebung zu installieren, diekompatibel zu der vom Hersteller angegebenenmaximalen Umgebungstemperatur (Tma) ist.

■ Reduzierter Luftstrom - Die Installation des Geräts ineinem Rack sollte so erfolgen, dass dieLuftstrommenge, die für den sicheren Betrieb desGeräts erforderlich ist, nicht beeinträchtigt wird.

■ Mechanische Belastung - Die Montage des Geräts imRack sollte so erfolgen, dass bei einerungleichmäßigen mechanischen Belastung keinegefährliche Betriebsbedingung entstehen kann.

■ Stromkreisüberlastung - Der Anschluss des Geräts anden Speisestromkreis und die Wirkung, die einÜberlasten der Stromkreise auf das Überstromschutz-Gerät und die Speisestromkreisverkabelung habenkann, sollten sorgfältig geprüft und berücksichtigtwerden. Beim Behandeln dieses Aspekts solltenbesonders die Lastangaben auf dem Leistungsschilddes Geräts sorgfältig geprüft werden.

■ Zuverlässige Erdung - Ausrüstung, die in Racksmontiert ist, muss zuverlässig geerdet sein. Besondersmüssen hierbei die Stromanschluss-leitungen und weniger die direkten Verbindungenzum Abzweigstromkreis beachtet werden (z. B. durchdie Verwendung von Adapterleisten).

Achtung – Verwenden Sie Geräte inSteckplätzen bzw. auf Schienen nicht als Regaloder Arbeitsbereich.

Warnungen bezüglich in Racks eingebauterSystemeDie folgenden Warnungen gelten für Racks und in Rackseingebaute Systeme:

Achtung – Aus Sicherheitsgründen solltensämtliche Geräte von unten nach oben inRacks eingebaut werden. Installieren Sie alsozuerst die Geräte, die an der unterstenPosition im Rack eingebaut werden, gefolgtvon den Systemen, die an nächsthöherer Stelleeingebaut werden, usw.

Achtung – Verwenden Sie beim Einbau denKippschutz am Rack, um ein Umkippen zuvermeiden.

Achtung – Um extreme Betriebstemperaturenim Rack zu vermeiden, stellen Sie sicher, dassdie Maximaltemperatur die Nennleistung derUmgebungstemperatur für das Produkt nichtüberschreitet

Achtung – Um extreme Betriebstemperaturendurch verringerte Luftzirkulation zu vermei-den, sollte die für den sicheren Betrieb desGeräts erforderliche Luftzirkulation eingesetztwerden.

Achtung – Treffen Sie ausreichendeVorkehrungen, wenn Sie ein Rack oder eineBibliothek bewegen, die rackmontierte Geräteenthält. Durch das Gewicht mancherAusrüstungsteile im Rack wurdemöglicherweise der Schwerpunkt des Racksbzw. der Bibliothek verändert, was zu einemUngleichgewicht bzw. Umkippen einesAusrüstungsteils während einer Bewegungführen kann.

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Achtung – Stellen Sie bei Bandbibliothekensicher, dass auf den im Rack zu installierendenGeräten das UL-Prüfzeichen, die CSA- bzw C-UL-Zertifizierung, und die CE-Kennzeichnungangebracht sind.

Hinweis zur Laser-KonformitätOracle-Produkte, die die Laser-Technologie verwenden,entsprechen den Laser-Anforderungen der Klasse 1.

CD- und DVD-GeräteDie folgende Warnung gilt für CD-, DVD- und andereoptische Geräte:

Achtung – Die hier nicht aufgeführteVerwendung von Steuerelementen,Anpassungen oder Ausführung vonVorgängen kann eine gefährlicheStrahlenbelastung verursachen.

Normativas de seguridadLea esta sección antes de realizar cualquier operación. Enella se explican las medidas de seguridad que debe tomar alinstalar un producto de Oracle.

Medidas de seguridadPara su protección, tome las medidas de seguridadsiguientes durante la instalación del equipo:

■ Siga todos los avisos e instrucciones indicados en elequipo.

■ Asegúrese de que el voltaje y frecuencia de la fuentede alimentación coincidan con el voltaje y frecuenciaindicados en la etiqueta de clasificación eléctrica delequipo.

■ No introduzca objetos de ningún tipo por las rejillasdel equipo, ya que puede quedar expuesto a voltajespeligrosos. Los objetos conductores extraños puedenproducir cortocircuitos y, en consecuencia, incendios,descargas eléctricas o daños en el equipo.

■ Este producto se ha concebido para un accesorestringido y, por tanto, éste se controla mediantemecanismos de seguridad (p. ej., acceso con clave,bloqueo, herramienta y tarjeta de identificación). Laspersonas con acceso autorizado están al corriente delos motivos de esta restricción y de las precaucionesque se deben tomar.

SímbolosEn este documento aparecen los siguientes símbolos:

Precaución – Existe el riesgo de que seproduzcan lesiones personales y daños en elequipo. Siga las instrucciones.

Precaución – Superficie caliente. Evite todocontacto. Las superficies están calientes ypueden causar lesiones personales si se tocan.

Precaución – Voltaje peligroso. Para reducirel riesgo de descargas eléctricas y lesionespersonales, siga las instrucciones.

En función del tipo de interruptor de alimentación del quedisponga el dispositivo, se utilizará uno de los símbolossiguientes:

Encendido – Suministra alimentación de CAal sistema.

Apagado – Corta la alimentación de CA delsistema.

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Espera – El interruptor de encendido/esperaestá en la posición de espera.

Modificaciones en el equipoNo realice modificaciones de tipo mecánico ni eléctrico en elequipo. Oracle no se hace responsable del cumplimiento denormativas en caso de que un producto Oracle se hayamodificado.

Colocación de un producto Oracle

Precaución – No obstruya ni tape las rejillasdel producto Oracle. Nunca coloque unproducto Oracle cerca de radiadores ni fuentesde calor. Si no sigue estas indicaciones, elproducto Oracle podría sobrecalentarse y lafiabilidad de su funcionamiento se veríaafectada.

Cumplimiento de la normativa parainstalaciones SELVLas condiciones de seguridad de las conexiones de entraday salida cumplen los requisitos para instalaciones SELV (delinglés Safe Extra Low Voltage, voltaje bajo y seguro).

Conexión del cable de alimentación

Precaución – Los productos Oracle se handiseñado para funcionar con sistemas dealimentación que cuenten con un conductorneutro a tierra (con conexión a tierra deregreso para los productos con alimentaciónde CC). Para reducir el riesgo de descargaseléctricas, no conecte ningún producto Oraclea otro tipo de sistema de alimentación.Póngase en contacto con el encargado de lasinstalaciones de su empresa o con unelectricista cualificado en caso de que no estéseguro del tipo de alimentación del que sedispone en el edificio.

Precaución – No todos los cables dealimentación tienen la misma clasificacióneléctrica. Los alargadores de uso doméstico no

cuentan con protección frente a sobrecargas yno están diseñados para su utilización consistemas informáticos. No utilice alargadoresde uso doméstico con el producto Oracle.

La siguiente medida solamente se aplica a aquellosdispositivos que dispongan de un interruptor dealimentación de espera:

Precaución – El interruptor de alimentaciónde este producto funciona solamente como undispositivo de espera. El cable de alimentaciónhace las veces de dispositivo de desconexiónprincipal del sistema. Asegúrese de queconecta el cable de alimentación a una tomade tierra situada cerca del sistema y de fácilacceso. No conecte el cable de alimentación sila unidad de alimentación no se encuentra enel bastidor del sistema.

La siguiente medida solamente se aplica a aquellosdispositivos que dispongan de varios cables dealimentación:

Precaución – En los productos que cuentancon varios cables de alimentación, debedesconectar todos los cables de alimentaciónpara cortar por completo la alimentacióneléctrica del sistema.

Advertencia sobre las baterías

Precaución – Si las baterías no se manipulano reemplazan correctamente, se corre el riesgode que estallen. En los sistemas que cuentancon baterías reemplazables, reemplácelas sólocon baterías del mismo fabricante y el mismotipo, o un tipo equivalente recomendado porel fabricante, de acuerdo con las instrucciones

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descritas en el manual de servicio delproducto. No desmonte las baterías ni intenterecargarlas fuera del sistema. No intentedeshacerse de las baterías echándolas al fuego.Deshágase de las baterías correctamente deacuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante ylas normas locales. Tenga en cuenta que en lasplacas CPU de Oracle, hay una batería de litioincorporada en el reloj en tiempo real. Losusuarios no deben reemplazar este tipo debaterías.

Advertencia relativa al módulo dealmacenamiento de energía

Precaución – Existe un peligro deelectrocuciones o daños en el equipo si semanipulan o sustituyen incorrectamente losmódulos de almacenamiento de energía.Cuando cambie los módulos dealmacenamiento de energía, utiliceexclusivamente módulos de sustitución quehayan sido suministrados por Oracle, deconformidad con las instrucciones indicadasen el manual de servicio del producto. Nodesmonte módulos ni intente recargarlos fueradel sistema. No elimine los módulos. En sulugar, devuélvalos a Oracle de conformidadcon los procedimientos de Oracle para elproducto.

Cubierta de la unidad del sistemaDebe extraer la cubierta de la unidad del sistemainformático Oracle para instalar tarjetas, memoria odispositivos de almacenamiento internos. Vuelva a colocarla cubierta antes de encender el sistema informático.

Precaución – No ponga en funcionamientolos productos Oracle que no tengan colocadala cubierta. De lo contrario, puede sufrirlesiones personales y ocasionar daños en elsistema.

Instrucciones para el montaje en armarioLas siguientes instrucciones de montaje en armario u otrassimilares se incluyen en las instrucciones de instalación:

■ Temperatura de funcionamiento elevada - si se instalaen un armario cerrado o con más unidades, latemperatura ambiente de funcionamiento del entornodel armario puede ser superior a la de la habitación.Por tanto, el equipo debería instalarse en un entornocompatible con la temperatura ambiente máxima(Tma) especificada por el fabricante.

■ Flujo de aire reducido - para instalar el equipo en unarmario hay que asegurarse de que se mantendrá elflujo de aire necesario para el correcto funcionamientodel equipo.

■ Carga mecánica - el montaje del equipo en el armariodebería realizarse de modo que no se dé una situaciónde peligro debido a una carga mecánica irregular.

■ Sobrecarga del circuito - debe prestarse atención a laconexión del equipo al circuito de alimentación y a lasconsecuencias que puede tener la sobrecarga de loscircuitos en la protección de sobrecorriente y elcableado de alimentación. En caso de sobrecarga, esrecomendable tener en cuenta la potencia del equipoque aparece en la placa de identificación.

■ Puesta a tierra fiable - debería mantenerse una puestaa tierra fiable del equipo montado en un armario.Debería prestarse especial atención a las conexionesde suministro que no sean las directas al circuitoderivado (p. ej., las regletas de distribución).

Precaución – Los equipos instalados pordeslizamiento o sobre raíles no debenutilizarse como estantería o espacio de trabajo.

Advertencia sobre el sistema en bastidorLas advertencias siguientes se aplican a los sistemasmontados en bastidor y a los propios bastidores.

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Precaución – Por seguridad, siempre debenmontarse los equipos de abajo arriba. A saber,primero debe instalarse el equipo que sesituará en el bastidor inferior; a continuación,el que se situará en el siguiente nivel, etc.

Precaución – Para evitar que el bastidor sevuelque durante la instalación del equipo,debe extenderse la barra antivolcado delbastidor.

Precaución – Para evitar que se alcance unatemperatura de funcionamiento extrema en elbastidor, asegúrese de que la temperaturamáxima no sea superior a la temperaturaambiente establecida como adecuada para elproducto.

Precaución – Para evitar que se alcance unatemperatura de funcionamiento extremadebido a una circulación de aire reducida,debe considerarse la magnitud de lacirculación de aire requerida para que elequipo funcione de forma segura.

Precaución – Al mover un bastidor o unalibrería que contiene un equipo instalado enbastidor, tome las precauciones necesarias. Elpeso de algunos equipos instalados enbastidor puede haber alterado el centro degravedad de la librería o del bastidor y podríaocasionar pérdida de equilibrio o volcarsedurante su traslado

Precaución – Para librerías de cintas,compruebe que el equipo que vaya ainstalarse en el bastidor tenga la certificaciónUL Listing, CSA o C-UL, y la marca CE.

Aviso de cumplimiento de la normativa para

la utilización de láserLos productos Oracle que utilizan tecnología láser cumplenlos requisitos establecidos para los productos láser de clase1.

Dispositivos de CD y DVDLa siguiente medida se aplica a los dispositivos de CD yDVD, así como a otros dispositivos ópticos:

Precaución – La utilización de controles,ajustes o procedimientos distintos a los aquíespecificados puede dar lugar a niveles deradiación peligrosos.

Nordic Lithium Battery Cautions


Advarsel – Litiumbatteri — Eksplosjonsfare.Ved utskifting benyttes kun batteri somanbefalt av apparatfabrikanten. Brukt batterireturneres apparatleverandøren.


Varning – Explosionsfara vid felaktigtbatteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller enekvivalent typ som rekommenderas avapparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batterienligt fabrikantens instruktion.

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Advarsel! – Litiumbatteri — Eksplosionsfareved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kunske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type.Levér det brugte batteri tilbage tilleverandøren.


Varoitus – Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se onvirheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristoainoastaan laitevalmistajan suosittelemaantyyppiin. Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistajanohjeiden mukaisesti.

Nordic Power Distribution Cautions


Caution – This product is also designed for anIT power distribution system with phase-to-phase voltage of 230V.


Advarsel! – Dette produkt er også beregnet tilet IT-strømfordelingssystem med en fase-til-fase spænding på 230 V.

Nordic Grounded Socket Cautions


Caution – The appliance must be connected toa grounded socket.


Advarsel – Apparatet må tilkoples jordetstikkontakt.


Varning – Apparaten skall anslutas till jordatuttag.


Varoitus – Laite on liitettäväsuojamaadoituskoskettimilla varustettuunpistorasiaan.

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Regulatory Compliance StatementsYour Oracle product is marked to indicate its compliance class:• Federal Communications Commission (FCC) — USA• Industry Canada Equipment Standard for Digital Equipment (ICES-003) — Canada• Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) — Japan• Bureau of Standards Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) — Taiwan• Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) — China

Please read the appropriate section that corresponds to the marking on your Oracle product before attempting to install theproduct.

FCC Class A NoticeThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipmentis operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if it isnot installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be requiredto correct the interference at his own expense.

Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by Oracle may void the authority granted to theuser by the FCC to operate this equipment.

ICES-003 Class A Notice - Avis NMB-003, Classe AThis Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.


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BSMI Class A NoticeThe following statement is applicable to products shipped to Taiwan and marked as Class A on the product compliancelabel.

CCC Class A NoticeThe following statement is applicable to products shipped to China and marked with “Class A” on the product’s compliancelabel.


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GOST-R Certification Mark

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