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Presentation and workshop for QC GSLIS class 730.
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  • 1. QC GSLIS 730 -- EADWelcome!1. Login to the Mac OS (not the Windows OS)2. Go to this link: http://bit.ly/EAD7303. Download the file to the desktop File -> Download original4. Unzip the file to the desktop1

2. 2 3. OutlineI. The BasicsII. Finding AidIII. Implementation BreakIV. Exercises3 4. Relax! 4 5. I. The Basics5 6. I. Basics What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aids 6 7. I. Basics - What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aids XML (eXtensible Markup Language): a set of rules for structuring data via markup 7 8. I. Basics - What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aids Tag:2011 Attribute:2011 Element:2011 8 9. I. Basics - What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aidsElements and attributes defined by aDocument Type Definition (DTD) or aSchema 9 10. I. Basics - What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aids Guide to the Papers of Joseph Roth 10 11. I. Basics - What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aids Defined set of containers for descriptive data EAD : DACS = MARC : AACR211 12. I. Basics - What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aids A description of records that gives the repository physical and intellectual control over the materials and that assists users to gain access to and understand the materials (SAA) Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)12 13. I. Basics What is EAD?XML standard for encoding finding aids 13 14. I. BasicsWhat is EAD?EAD encoding is not a substitute forsound archival description! 14 15. II. Finding Aid15 16. II. Finding Aid EAD Finding Aid Structure 16 17. II. Finding Aid EAD Finding Aid StructureInformation about repository andfinding aidDescription of archivalmaterials17 18. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Structural and content tags Many other tagsJuly 4, 177618 19. II. Finding Aid Common Tags Finding aid authorProcessed by Stanislav Peja.19 20. II. Finding Aid Common Tags Biographical information

Joseph Roth was one of the most prominentAustrian writers of the first half of the 20thcentury.

Controlled vocabularyAustria 20 21. II. Finding Aid Common Tags Description of Subordinate ComponentsFolder 1Item 1Item 2Folder 221 22. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Description of Subordinate ComponentsA Component provides information about the content,context, and extent of a subordinate body of materials.Each element identifies an intellectually logical sectionof the described materials. The physical filingseparations between components do not alwayscoincide with the intellectual separations.From EAD Tag library 22 23. II. Finding Aid Common Tags Description of Subordinate ComponentsSeries II: Addenda1985-1996Subordinate elements, such as folders23 24. II. Finding Aid Common Tags Description of Subordinate Components21Articles1985-1994 24 25. II. Finding Aid Common Tags Digital Archival Object () *+ Articles 25 26. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Human Readable? 26 27. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Human Readable?A subelement of for informationabout the size of the materials beingdescribed; usually includes numerical data. 27 28. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Human Readable?28 29. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Human Readable?The proper noun designation for a group ofpersons closely related by blood or personswho form a household. Includes singlefamilies and family groups, e.g., PatienceParker Family and Parker Family. 29 30. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Human Readable? 30 31. II. Finding AidCommon Tags Human Readable?An optional subelement of the for information about changes or alterations that have been made to the encoded finding aid.31 32. II. Finding AidEAD Finding Aid32 33. II. Finding AidFinding Aid Review Setup(Optional -- only if you want to follow along on your own screen)1. Start the Firefox browser program2. Open JosephRoth.xml found in thedownloaded folder on the desktop3. Right-click and View page source 33 34. III. Implementation34 35. III. Implementation:Creating EAD 35 36. III. Implementation: Creating EAD Archivists Toolkit 36 37. III. Implementation: Creating EADArchon 37 38. III. Implementation: Creating EADoXygen 38 39. III. Implementation: Creating EAD NoteTab 39 40. III. Implementation: Creating EAD Dreamweaver 40 41. III. Implementation: Creating EADEADitor41 42. III. Implementation: Creating EADNotepad42 43. III. Implementation: Creating EAD EAD Tag Library 43 44. III. Implementation: Creating EAD SAA Standards Portal44 45. III. Implementation: Using EAD 45 46. III. Implementation: Using EAD Now What? 46 47. III. Implementation: Using EAD XSLT47 48. III. Implementation: Using EAD XSLT48 49. III. Implementation: Using EAD EAD to HTML 49 50. III. Implementation: Using EADEAD to HTML with DC50 51. III. Implementation: Using EAD EAD to HTML 51 52. III. Implementation: Using EAD EAD to PDF52 53. III. Implementation: Using EAD EAD to MARC 53 54. III. Implementation: Using EAD Other Uses Integration with other standards (e.g. EAC-CPF) Open Archives Initiative Protocol for MetadataHarvesting (OAI-PMH)54 55. III. Implementation: Using EAD Other Uses EAD consortia Metadata for digitized collections Faceted searching Bulk updates55 56. III. Implementation: Using EADWhy Use EAD? EAD is an internationally-adopted standard EAD paves the path to a structured data futureCombs et al, 2010: Over, Under, Around, and Through: Getting Around Barriers toEAD Implementation56 57. III. Implementation: Using EADThe Future of EAD Alpha release of newschema, documentation, and migrationtools, August 2012 Public presentations (SAA AnnualMeeting, webinars, etc.), August 2012 Beta release of schema, documentation, andmigration tools, January 15, 2013 New version of EAD released with tag library andmigration tools, July 1, 201357 2012-03-19 email to EAD listserv from Technical Subcommittee for EAD 58. III. Implementation: Using EAD Relax!58 59. IV. Exercises Exercise Setup1. Login to the Mac OS (not the Windows OS)2. Go to http://bit.ly/EAD730 and download thefile to desktop (File -> download original)3.Unzip the file to desktop4. Start Dreamweaver and a browserPreferably Firefox, but IE should work6. Open JosephRoth.xml in Dreamweaver7. Open JosephRoth.xml in browser59 60. IV. Exercises60 61. IV. ExercisesExercise How To1. Make edits to JosephRoth.xml in Dreamweaver2. Save File -> Save or Cmd+S3. Refresh JosephRoth.xml in browser F5 or the button to right of the address bar Or hit the Globe button in Dreamweaver to preview in browser 61 62. IV. Exercises Exercise How ToType a
