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Early Athens Synoecism by 8th c Aristocratic rule –Basileus, polemarch, archon, thesmothetai,...

Date post: 20-Dec-2015
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  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Early Athens Synoecism by 8th c Aristocratic rule Basileus, polemarch, archon, thesmothetai, Areopagus council -Kylon 632 -Drako
  • Slide 3
  • Solon c. 594 Seisachtheia; hektemoroi Abolishing debt slavery Four property class with different political rights Trade; immigration of foreign craftsmen Power of audit to assembly Right to appeal to heliaia from Areopagus
  • Slide 4
  • Peisistratus - Tyranny 560s coup Alcmaeonidae - Megacles Third return 547 Died 527 Building projects Dionysia Pan-Atheneia Hippias and Hipparchus (d. 514) End of tyranny 510
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  • Cleisthenes - Beginnings of Democracy Ten tribes replace four Ionic tribes Trittyes and demes Ten tribes form prytaneis for boule (council of 500) Selection by lot
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  • Themistocles Laurion silver 200 talents Ostracism, first used 487 Fortifies Piraeus
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  • Slide 9
  • Thermopylae vs. Salamis Sparta Land King Leonidas Brave/honest Exclusively Spartan All die Failure Encircled and tricked Ephialtes Athens Sea Themistocles; Eurybiades Lying and scheming Athenians not bravest Survive Success Encircled and tricking Themistocles slave
  • Slide 10
  • Delian League - Athenian Empire Democracy and empire; democracy and tyranny Formed 477: liberation/revenge Ships or tribute Aristides - assessment Treasury at Delos - Apollo Revolts on Naxos and Thasos Egyptian expedition 458 Removal of treasury to Athens 454
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  • Athenian Empire
  • Slide 12
  • Further Developments in Athenian Constitution Archons elected by lot from 486 Increased frequency of ekklesia (assembly) meetings Ephialtes and restriction of Areopagus 462 Change in citizenship law 451 Pay for boule, courts and assembly liturgies
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  • Pericles Alcmaeonid Active 461-429 Elected general Tyrant in democracy - Thucydides First Peloponnesian War Growth of land empire - Megara, Boeotia
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  • Agora - Marketplace and Downtown
  • Slide 16
  • Pnyx - Ekklesia - Assembly
