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EARTH'S FINAL CRISIS ISSUE IS HERE GLOBAL SUNDAY LAWS · Center, the Centesimus Annus is "John...

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EARTH'S FINAL CRISIS ISSUE IS HERE GLOBAL SUNDAY LAWS ARE THE MARK OF PAPAL AUTHORITY We are past the middle of the last decade, of the last century, of the second millennium A.D. In three short years, we will be entering a new decade, a new century and a new millennium. For many reasons, the 1990's are a thoroughly unique decade - a time unparalleled in human history. The lead up to the year 2000 is viewed by respected political, economic and religious, representatives and commentators, as intensely significant, indeed crucial, to the implementation of the diabolical global plans for a New World Order, New Economic system, New World Religion, and the final inauguration of the "New Age Christ", who they expect to usher in a millennia1 age of peace on earth. But God's word, the Bible, says; "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them. .. and they shall not escape".' The crisis issue fundamental to this plan is the global enforcement of the mark of papal authority; the observance of the 'Sunday Sabbath' ; the introduction to the new world religion. Under this plan, "..the world and all that's in it - our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs; our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and OUR RELIGIONS and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted - all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempted from it's effects. No sector of our life will remain untouched ... Indeed, the three rivals themselves - and many more besides as time goes on - speak about this new world order not as something around a distant corner of time, but as something that is imminent; As a system that will be introduced and installed in our midst by the end of this final decade of the second millennium. What these competitors are talking about then, is the most profound and widespread modification of international, national and local life that the world has seen in a thousand years."' ' I Thessalonians 5:3 The Keys of This Blood: The struggle for world dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev & the CapiluHs~ West. Malachi Martin ppl5,16 Simon and Schuster, 1990



We are past the middle of the last decade, of the last century, of the second millennium A.D. In three short years, we will be entering a new decade, a new century and a new millennium. For many reasons, the 1990's are a thoroughly unique decade - a time unparalleled in human history. The lead up to the year 2000 is viewed by respected political, economic and religious, representatives and commentators, as intensely significant, indeed crucial, to the implementation of the diabolical global plans for a New World Order, New Economic system, New World Religion, and the final inauguration of the "New Age Christ", who they expect to usher in a millennia1 age of peace on earth. But God's word, the Bible, says; "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them. .. and they shall not escape".' The crisis issue fundamental to this plan is the global enforcement of the mark of papal authority; the observance of the 'Sunday Sabbath' ; the introduction to the new world religion. Under this plan, "..the world and all that's in it - our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs; our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and OUR RELIGIONS and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted - all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempted from it's effects. No sector of our life will remain untouched ... Indeed, the three rivals themselves - and many more besides as time goes on - speak about this new world order not as something around a distant corner of time, but as something that is imminent; As a system that will be introduced and installed in our midst by the end of this final decade of the second millennium. What these competitors are talking about then, is the most profound and widespread modification of international, national and local life that the world has seen in a thousand years."'

' I Thessalonians 5:3 The Keys of This Blood: The struggle for world dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev & the CapiluHs~ West. Malachi Martin ppl5,16 Simon and Schuster, 1990

Little known to many, Pope John Paul 11 has declared his intention to lead the New World Order, as the 'Servant of the Grand Design', making it a 'morali world order "on the basis of Roman Catholic Christianity". The Pope's vision of a Papal New World Order is delineated in his 1991 Encyclical, Centesimus Annus. [According to the Washington Ethics and Public Policy Center, the Centesimus Annus is "John Paul's vision of a New Worldly Order.''14 In 1994 Catholic and Evangelical representatives signed an historic document of unification called Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the third Millennium;5 and for the first time in 1000 years the Pope, in his twelfth Papal encyclical, May 1995, That They May All Be One, has called on all Christians to unite under the Vat i~an .~ Pope John Paul I1 "has challenged world leaders by claiming that the people of the world already recognise the absolute authority of Rome, because they observe the Sunday Sabbath that was ordered by the Pope in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364)."7 This day was decreed in the Council of Laodicea to the express detriment of the Saturday Sabbath. It said: "Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day ... But if any shall be found to be Judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ." ' It is on this basis that the Pope believes The Keys of This Blood are his to rule by Divine authority. In his 'vision' for a Roman Catholic New World Order, Centesimus Ann% it is urged that If.. the state must guarantee to the worker the exercise of this freedom,..[the need for Sunday rest so that people may turn their thoughts to heavenly things and to the worship which they owe to Almighty God.] ... In this regard, one may well ask whether existing laws and the practice of industrialised societies effectively ensure in our own day the exercise of this basic right to Sunday R e ~ t . " ~ Catholic authorities say the change from the Seventh day Sabbath to Sunday is the distinguishing mark of it's authority "to command men under sin"10, "..a MARK of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters."" - -- -- -- - - - -- - --- - -

3 (ibid, p 652,492 ) 4 23 essays by distinguished Catholic, non-Catholic, American and European political theorists, theologians, social

scientists, lawyers and journalists comment on in A New Worldly Order John Paul UandHuman Freedom Edited by George Weigal, Published 1992 by Ethics and Public Policy Center Washington DC

1 Document made public M m h 29, 1994 copy Available from Beacon Beacon P 0 Box 55353 Portland OR97238-5353 USA released in Australia July 31, 1995 Reported in Sydney Morning Herald by Peter Fray, Religious Affairs writer on Thursday, June 1, 1995 article title - "Christian Faiths urged to unite under Vatican"

7 William Cooper. Behold a Pale Horse p90 8 Canon 29 See Scribners "Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series Vol 14, 148 9 pp21.22 Centesimus Amus St Paul Publications 1991 I0 Henry Tuberville D D , An Abridgment ofthe Christian Doctrine RC p5S 1 I (Cardinal Gibbons through H F Thomas his Chancel1or)Quoted in Facts of Faith By Christian Edwardson ~292,293

Southern Publishing Association 1943

"Sunday is OUR MARK OF AUTHORITY ... the Church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact"" The Seventh Day Sabbath [Saturday] was given in Eden [Gen 2:2,3] reaffirmed to Israel BEFORE the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai [Ex 16:4-301, was made for MAN, [Mark 2:27], was to be kept AFTER the resurrection [Matt 24:20], REMAINS as a rest for the people of God [Heb 4:4-91, and will be kept in the new earth [Is 66:23]. It is the seal of the living God [Rev 7,141; the global enforcement of Sunday observance to 'convert' society for the new millennium is the mark of the beast, without which no one will be able to buy or sell. [Rev 13:11-181 The Vatican's claims to The Keys of This Blood, the blood of all nations, to be ruled by their New World Order, is about to become an issue for all nations to decide. And Sunday observance, the mark of Roman Catholicism's claimed authority to 'rule men under sin' is soon to be urged upon the citizens of the world, effectively depriving them of the inalienable right given by God to freedom of conscience. To accept Sunday, which they claim has no scriptural jurisdiction, is to accept Rome's claim to authority, "a homage to the authority of the Catholic Church." The Pope is pushing for Sunday laws in Europe. "The blue law issue is expected to be contentious throughout Europe as the European Economic Community (EEC) struggles to determine policy for member nations. Pope John Paul I1 continues to press for mandatory Sunday-closing laws in all EEC nations." l 3

According to The European, EC bureaucrats debated a quiet proposal backed by Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Denmark to make Sunday a day of compulsory rest . "All but essential services would be banned. Even lorries could be stopped from using motorways. Centuries old Sunday traditions, unique to each country would be abandoned. ..In Germany the ban on Sunday trading is constitutionally enshrined and 82% of workers do not work on sun day^."'^ A Brussels leader at the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1991 said that he would characterise Sunday Keeping as the most important part of the Treaty." The Economist said: "God said everyone should have a day off a week. Muslims chose Fridays, Jews Saturdays, Christians Sunday. Now the European Community is pretending to be God. It is about to decree that EC citizens must take Sundays off." "An awesome combination of German

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I2 The Catholic Record London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923 I3 Church and State May 1992 14 The European Oct 1 1 - 1 7 199 1 , I S World Watch The 1990's A Pen Portrait Pan I 1 p30

Christian Democrats and German trade Unionists has prompted the effort to ban Sunday working. Into the working-time directive Germany has inserted a rule that, in everyone's minimum weekly rest period of 35 hours, Sunday should in principle be the day off. ..The current text which is unlikely to be amended, would entitle workers to four week's paid holiday and a maximum working week of 48 hours. Every worker would have at least 11 hours of rest a day, and nobody could work on Sunday unless employers and unions agreed otherwise. The Germans, spurred on by their churches and trade unions, demanded the Sunday clause..'' l 7

"Little known to many people, Germany has been strongly pushing for a Federal Religious Sunday Law Clause to be added to the GATT treaty (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). The added clause would affect all signatory nations to GATT...Such a clause would require every nation which has signed the GATT treaty to enact and enforce a National Sunday Law ... Germany has ties with the Vatican, and is urgently trying to get this Sunday law proviso added to the GATT It is possible that this Sunday Law proviso is being urged on the GATT under the "unresolved Uruguay Round Agreements issues of labour standards" in a workers rights bill launched under a proposed special study of labor and trade insisted by the United States and several European nations at the newly formed authoritative World Trade Organi~ation.'~ In America, the Christian Coalition who boosted the Republican Party to power in the whirlwind Revolution of 1994, are now demanding payback by their religious and conservative legislative agenda outlined in the Contract With The American Family. The 'crown jewel' of this legislative agenda is the Religious Equality Amendment which is now the School prayer amendment repackaged. This school prayer issue was identified at a White House meeting in Sept 1982 as the legislative strategy to bring in an American National Sunday Law2'. Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dick Arrney, the majority leader, have sent out word that the school prayer amendment is a priority, and are hoping to have a floor vote well before the November 1996 Presidential election - it is now on a 'fast track', Ralph Reed, Executive Director of the CC is pushing for it by early ~e~tember.~'!t is the axial point for the 'One nation

n The Economist Oct 19, 1991, p l6 I8 Checkpoints by Vance Fen-ell Dec 1 , 1994. ' US Information Agency, Washington DC fl04 02.13.95 Wireless File Feb 13, 1995 CEA Report sees increasing

emphasis on new trade areas. By Jon Schaffer US1A Staff writer; Up And Crawling by Brace Stokes National Journal Inc., Washington DC March 30, 1996 p709-712; World Watch The 1990's - A Pen Portrait Part IIpp28-3 1

20 Documented in World Watch The 1YY0's A Pen Portrait Parf I 21 New York Times July 16, 1996 GOP in Congress Pushes School Prayer Amendment by Katherine Q. Seelye

under God' vision of The Christian Mission in the Third Millenni~rn.~' Under the Roman Catholic Church's distinguishing mark of authority, an American Sunday Law enforcement would not only be the uniting of church and state, but the surrender of Protestant America to the claimed authority of Rome. The authority that the Pope claims is its justification for heading the New World Order. The prophet said this abrogation of the Seventh Day Sabbath, the sign of God's law, by setting up the counterfeit papal Sabbath in it's place, will lead the angel of mercy to take it's flight from the nation, never to return. National apostasy will end in national ruin.23 Pat Robertson, the Christian Coalition President outlines his vision of 'God's world order' that the Christian Coalition intend to be instrumental in ushering in ... it is based on the ten commandments, but with the counterfeit Sunday Sabbath as a rest day. He says: "There will never be world peace until God's house and God's people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world ... The next obligation that a citizen of God's world order owes is to himself. 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holyf..Since exaltation and promised rewards came from one day of rest and worship, I determined to remake my Sundays according to the Biblical model." 24

Decades ago, it was admitted that the religious observance of Sunday would be obligatory under a Catholic world society ... "When the time comes and men realise that the social edifice must be rebuilt according to eternal standards, be it tomorrow, or be it centuries from now, the Catholics will arrange to suit said standards..,They will

and for its own good, revoking the permit for free thinkers and Jews to celebrate 'incognito' Monday or Saturday on their own account. Those whom this may annoy will have to put up with this annoyance. Respect will not be refused to the creator, nor repose to creature simply for the sake of humouring certain maniacs, whose phrenetic condition causes them stupidly and insolently to block the will of the whole people ... in a word, Catholic society will be Catholic, and the dissenters whom it will tolerate will know its charity, but will not be allowed to disrupt it's unity. ' ' 2 5

World renowned authority on Roman Catholic activities, Avro Manhattan says that the Vatican created and now controls the United Nations in his book "The

Policy Review Juiy/Aug 1996 Heritage Foundation Washington DC by Joe Laconte deputy Editor of Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship One Nation Under God - Making Public Schools Safe for Religion

23 The Great Controversy, Ellen 0. White The New World Order pp227,236 and 237 Word Publishing 1991 By Pat Robertson The LiberalIllusion By Louis Veuillot pp63,64 Published by The National Catholic Welfare Conference in Washington DC 1939

Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth C e n t ~ r y " . ~ ~ According to national addresses made by US President George Bush, in 1991, the United Nations Organisation is the vehicle with the vision for and power to implement the New World OrderqZ7 In 1995 at the UN 50th anniversary, the Pope addressed both UN staff and delegates calling for the UN to become a moral centre for the family of nations.28 "The Vatican sees itself as shepherd to the United nations' flock of 185 countries ...I The church by it's own definition is the family of Christ and the United Nations represents the family of nations ... It gives the opportunity for the church of Christ to reach out..' said Monsignor Robert Charlebois, vice-president of the Path to Peace Foundation The one world government headquarters for the Western Hemisphere in the "Papal of the Republic of Dominicana, is built in the city of Santo Domingo ["Holy Sunday"]. Two kilometres long, and twenty stories high, built in the shape of a cross, and like a Mayan sun temple, it was started one hundred years ago, and was officially inaugurated on October 12, 1992, by Pope John Paul 11. Martin refers to an uprising there of international importance, that had 'implications for the whole hemisphere', when on April 24-25, 1965, part of Santo Domingo was seized by rebellious army units under Colonel Francisco Caamano Deno. The US quickly landed a force there, and through negotiation with Raimondi, the military standoff ended on Aug 3 1 .31

World government began at the fourth Session of the Provisional World Government Parliament, which convened from 26.06.96 with "the purpose of the 1996 Parliament" being "to make rapid progress towards the establishment of a functioning world federation and world government under the constitution for the Federation of Earth.Il3' Upon confirmation by twenty five countries a January 1995 Manifesto goes into full force and effect. B y this MANIFESTO, more than 70% of Earth is immediately included within the Federation of Earth."33 One of the main provisions of the Manifesto is the empowerment of a World Parliament, created and elected

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Published by Chick Publications,(Australian address; Evangelistic Literature Enterprise P.O. Box 91 Geebung, QLD Documented in World Watch The 1990's - A Pen Portrait Part I Reported in Time, Transcript from The United Nations Information Centre REF: GAl8943 Fiftieth General Assembly, Plenary, 20th meeting (AM) S Oct 1995 "POPE JOHN PAUL 11, IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY ADDRESS, CALLS FOR 'CIVILISATION OF LOVE TO ANSWER FEAR THAT DARKENS HUMAN EXISTANCE. Must be based on Peace, Solidarity, Justice, Liberty, United Nations must become 'Moral Centre for Family of Nations." Rome using its UN clout on social issues. New ZealandHerald Section 1 p7 Thursday Oct 9 1995 by Louis Meixler Update International # I Feb 1993, ti 3 Aug-Oct 1993 by Johnathan Gray P.O. Box 3370 Rundle Mall Adelaide S.A. 5000 The Keys of This Blood, Malachi Martin, pp130, 13 1 Simon and Scbuster, 1990 Letter from the World Constitution and Parliament Association: Organising Agent for the Provisional World parliament and for the Global Ratification and Elections network. 1480 Hoyt St., Suite 3l?lakewood. CO 80215 USA Paid Advertisement in the March/ April 1995 Issue of SOJOURNERS magazine. Source: Gary Kah -author of En Route to Global Occupation. Hope for the World PO Box 899 Noblesville, IN 46060 USA

under the constitution for the Federation of Earth," which includes a Bill of Rights only for Earths citizens who are WITHIN the Federation of Earth. A summary by Dr Kurk E. Koch, Professor, lecturer at 100 universities in 65 countries on 5 continents; whose subjects of expertise include the New World Order, Occultism, Extreme Movements, Parapsychology gives his assessment of the one world government: "The system will be made up of a single currency, single centrally financed government, single tax system, single language, single political system, single world court of justice, single head (one individual leader), single state religion.''

Concerning the life of individuals under the New World Order, Professor Carroll Quigley of the Jesuit Georgetown University, Mentor of US President Bill Clinton says: "His Freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numberewrom birth and followed as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions and his final retirement and death benefits."36 16 Papal articles concerning this system that were presented at a conference

in Kenya Africa June 26, 1985 says: "The churches shall unite on one day, Sunday, according to the number." (Article 12) "If anyone does not recognise o r denies the articles of this union, he shall be severely punished with death." (Article 7) 37

'The magazine, Foy et Rai, reported from the United Nations Organisation in Geneva Switzerland that plans are worked out to dissolve the UN to make way for a World Tribunal which will seize all possessions and all savings and bank deposits. Every man, woman and child will receive a certain amount of money and a number. This money i s already available and deposited in a bank just waiting for distribution. Everyone with a number will be employed either in the administrative, the

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" Constitution for the Federation of Earth available from the above address for $10:00 USA It has been circulated throughout the world for ratification since 1991. p20 Operation Vampire Killer 2000 By Police against the New World Order Available from P.O. box 8712 Phoenix, Ariz. 85066 USA

36 Quoted in None Dare Call if Conspiracy By Gary Allen p12,13 Published by Concord Press P.O. Box 725 Seal Beach 90740 USA, 1971 ' Document references and sources: "Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo. Av. Higienopol: is 90-01283-S. Pauylo. Cajas Postales: 30-405 5 54 - 021-01000 S. Paulo The Conference of June 26, 1985 (note 40th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter -26.06.1945). by Pope John Paul I I . Here are the 16 articles Published in the meeting on the date of 20/05/85 in Kenya Africa. This project will be presented again in Sept of 1993,

commerce, the industrial or the agricultural branch. This project and this plan provides for a single form of worship. The appointed day fur all people will be Sunday. The number received by the people will promise the right to buy or sell. At the end of this statement, a Christian rose and asked the speaker, 'what happens to the minorities who will not accept this plan?' The Christian was told, 'Their number will be cancelled with a black line and they will be deprived of the right to buy or sell and will thus be forced to d e s t r ~ c t i o n " ~ ~ Citizens of Earth will be coerced into observing Sunday, by the promise of an identification number that gives the right to buy and selL It will be enforced upon all people "small and great, rich and poor, free and bond". Rev 13 16, l?

It appears that Sunday will be the likely candidate for a proposed perpetual Environmental Sabbath/ Earth Rest Day by the United Nations Environment Programme and taken up by the World Parliament of Religions who are intending to establish a United Religions Organisation by the year 2000.39 On a grass roots level, the issue is coming to attention in various countries. In Australia, the Sydney Anglican Diocesan Doctrine Commission have debated whether the Bible stipulates Sunday as the Sabbath and if it should be observed as a rest day for six years, although they failed to resolve the issue.40 The National Council of Churches Executive Committee also discussed the issue of Sunday Trading4' This will bring about a time of crisis for God's commandment keepers, and a time of test and decision for Christendom and the world. As Malachi Martin explains, any religious dogma that controverts Papal teaching will be declared a "moral wrong", and Pope John's pivotal argument is that anything Papal Rome declares a "moral wrong" will be given no rights under their New World Order: "It is axiomatic for John Paul that no one has the right - democratic or otherwise - to a moral wrong; and no religion based on divine revelation has a moral right to teach such a moral wrong or abide by it". 42

~ . . . ~- - . . .- . . .- -. .. . - - . ~ .. . . . . --. @ This information was released in a special statement by P.A. Dalvalle; President of the Defenders of the American

Constitution (retired Leutenant Genera! of US army), reported in the magazine Die Botsachoft Vom Rek'h, in the article 'One step Nearer', & reported in NovIDec 1994 NEWSWA TCH

l9 Only One Earth, By Nowell Brown United Nations Environment Programme DC2-803 United Nations New York, NY 10017; A Sourcebook for Earth's Community of Religions prepared for the 1993 Parliament of Religions Co-published 1995 Revised Edition by CoNexus Press SourceBook Project, P.O. Box 6902, Grand Rapids Michigan 49516 USA & Global Education Associates, New York. Project Editor: Joel D. Beversluis. (Available from CoNexus Press for USAS23.95 includes p&h) Ethics and Agenda 21: Moral Implications of a Global Consensus. Edited by Nowell Brown and Pierre Quiblicr $9.95 + S&H, pb, 187 pages available from UNEP. Clergyman tries to ban Sunday trade. Monday September 25, 1995 The Sydney Morning Herald, by Peter Fray Religious Affairs Writer ' The Australasian Record June 20, 1992 Religious Liberty Sunday Trading threatens Religious Freedom by Raymond Coombe

42 Keys o h i s Blood p287

Such a statement, backed up by the awesome power of a one world government spells the end of religious freedom, and a return to the dark ages of persecution. We protest against the global union of church and state. As Alonzo Jones said in The Rights of Man: "No religion is worth having or worth supporting that needs prisons, racks, inquisitions, fines, fires or fagots to sustain it. No religion is worth embracing that dares not or cannot meet its opposers on the open battlefield of truth, without the myrmidons of the law at its back to enforce its precepts. No religion is worth supporting that needs anything but truth and the spirit of God to support it. No church ought to be permitted to stand that stands by persecuting others; no church to exist, that exists simply by unchurching others. No creed is worth saving from destruction that has to be saved by the destruction of men's rights and liberties; not is any church worthy of the Christian name that makes nonconformity to its rites and usages a penal offence against the state. I t becomes a persecuting church the moment it does so."43

The new world order is part of a "plan": - a Luciferic Plan.

''The modern day Luciferian conspiracy to overthrow Christianity and all other religions that will not worship Lucifer is today called THE PLAN."44 ''Humanity needs to realise that there IS a PLAN and to recognise it's influence in unfolding world events.."45 "There is actually a PLAN and a purpose behind all creation ... World unity is the goal towards which all evolution is moving. The world plan includes: a new world organisation ... a world economy ... A WORLD RELIGION..."46 'What is the plan? It includes the installation of a new world government and a NEW WORLD RELIGION UNDER MAITREYA.t'47 (About the FALSE Christ see Matt 24:23-32, 2 Cor 11 :4, 14 This is not Jesus Christ Acts 1 :I 1, John 14: 1-3, 2 Thess 1 :7-2: 12, 2 Peter 3, 1 Thess 4: 13-17, Rev 1:7, Rev 19) t The Bible speaks of this crisis being immediately prior to the Time of Trouble such as never was since there was a nation. It is a valley of decision for all people, where God will sit to judge the heathen, the time of the harvest of the church and the world, the judgement of the living. "Fear God and give glory

-- - - - ' The Rights of Man, A T Jones , pi 13 44 William Josiah Sunon, The I~~t iminaf~ 666 p205 1983 Published by The Institute of Religious Knowledge

M E Haselhurst "The Plan and it's Implementation". The Beacon SepUOct 1975 pl47 for Lucis Trust pi90-193 Vera Alder When Htimomity comes @Age ' The Christ is now here In full page ads placed by the Tara Centre in Twenty major newspapers around the globe April 25, 1982 by Benjamin Creme

to Him for the hour of His judgment is come. "And the harvest is the end of the world"; "The reapers are the angels". Rev 14:7, Matt 13:24-43, Joel 3:11-14, Rev 14:14-20 The most fearful and solemn warning in all the Bible is given by God about this issue. It is proclaimed to the world by the third reaping angel: "If any man worship the beast (papacy) or his image (religio-politcal system in America) and receive his mark in his right hand or in his forehead (keep Sunday in order to receive an identification number to buy and sell), the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone i n the presence of the angels and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." Rev 14:9-12 We are called to "Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgement is come, and worship Him" (who is creator) ."Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." Rev 14:7, Eccl 12:13,14 'Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy'; the fourth commandment is the seal of God's law and the sign that we are His people, that He is our Creator God who sanctifies us. Ex 20:8, 31:13-18, Is 8:16,58:12-14 God's word and the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy manifested in God's end time messenger Ellen White, have warned of these developments for 2000 and 100 years respectively. Ellen White in The Great Controversy between Christ and His angels and Satan and His angels Jesus is now calling His people out from Apostate Christendom who are uniting with the Papacy, the kings of the earth and the world, to come out and keep His laws, and follow the Lamb wherever He goes. He calls 'my people" to come out of Babylon and join the remnant who "keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus." Rev 12:17 This is the final harvest issue: will we worship and obey men and their teachings, or will we worship and obey God and keep His laws? Rev 18:l-5, James 4:4, 2 Cor 1 1 :2-4,13-15, 1 John 2:15-17. We ought to obey God rather than men Acts 5:29 If we consent to keep Sunday, we receive the mark of the beast, if we choose to honour God and keep His precious 7th day Sabbath Holy, we receive the seal of God. There will be only two sides.

Jesus is ministering in the Most Holy place of the Heavenly sanctuary as our great High Priest, pleading His blood on our behalf before the Father. Mercy will cease when He leaves the sanctuary and the awful plagues of God's anger will be poured out upon those who received the mark of the beast. Heb 4:14-16; 7 2 5 -28; 8: 1,2; Rev 22: 1 1; Rev 16. Then, "the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thess 1:7-10 Jesus DIED to preserve our free will, our right to choose; force is the method

of the dragon, and to allow ourselves to be forced is no evidence of conversion. Jesus wants us to serve Him out of love and appreciation of His self-sacrificing character. Jesus the beloved son of God willingly descended to become like us, to understand us, and conquer sin, self, Satan and the world for us. He poured out His soul unto death, and became sin itself ; his blood is our hope of salvation! The only requirement is the righteousness of Christ lived out in our life. Rev 19:8 'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus." Rom 3:23-26 Now is the day of salvation, Today, if you hear His voice don't harden your hearts, "there remaineth therefore a rest (keeping of the 7th day Sabbath) to the people of God." Heb 4:7-9 Right now as this decision comes to you, will you choose to honour your creator, who made you, died for you and who offers to save you from sin and give you life forever? Will you choose now, to give Him your heart, mind and soul completely to Him to write His law upon by His sweet spirit, to keep His holy Sabbath? This world is going down and will pass away ... but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. 1 John 2:17 Jesus comes to put an end to this present sinful world. But what He offers is SO MUCH BETTER. Life forever, love, joy, happiness, freedom, the friendship of God and His Son, no more sorrow or pain or tears.Those who know and love God with all their heart, mind and soul, who live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, who walk by faith and not by sight, who trust God and live to honour Him by letting Jesus live His life in them, by obeying His laws and keeping His Sabbath will be sealed with the seal of the Living God, and gain the victory over the beast and over his image, and over his mark and over the number of His name. Rev 15:2 Jesus

says: "Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Fathers House are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where 1 am, there ye may be also. Matt 14:1-3 They will "live and reign with Christ a thousand years" Rev 20:4 in heaven and then be heirs with Christ in the new earth after the millennium. Rev 20&21 You will be a part of either group. The decision you make now, as this message comes to you, is critical.

TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out,

when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and He shall send Jesus. Acts 3:19 Awake to righteousness and sin not. 1 Cor

1534 We urge you with tears that you escape believing the lies of Satan by making the truth of God's word your guide. Soon: "the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies. "Is 28:17 But you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free from the bondage and captivity of Satan's lies ... receive the love of the truth that you might be saved. John 8:32 2 Thess 2:10 The Bible is a reality orientation program for us, to the true and imminent

reality that will over take this present world. By believing the word, our minds are transformed, and we let Jesus mind take over our carnal mind. Casting down every thought that exalts itself against a knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Jesus name is The Word of God, He was the Word made flesh. "And this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith." "In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!" 2 Cor 10:3-5, Eph 1 : 13 1 John 5:4 John 1 : 1 - 18, John 16:33

By J.M. Wade. Emphasis mine. Copyright 1996.

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