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Edible Gardens

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8/6/2019 Edible Gardens

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WHY GROW YOUR OW N FOOD?Many fruits a re picked u n ripe beforen utrie n ts develop to e nhan ce

superm a rket s h elf life ³Fres h Food´ could be 9 mo n t h s old!Ga rlic ± 90% imported ± our qu a ran tin edep a rtme n t i n sists t ha t ever y bulb isfumig a ted wit h met hy l bromide ± a poiso n90% of a ll fruit an d veget a ble v a rietiesha ve dis a ppe a red ± h eirloom v a rieties

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RAISED BEDSC re a tin g a ra ised bed for growi n gveget a bles is useful if you a re u n cert a in

a bout t h e dr a ina ge c a p a bilities of yoursoil. A r a ised bed a ssists wit h gooddr a ina ge an d preve n ts roots from getti n gwa terlogged

Ra ised beds m ay be co n structed wit h timber fr a mes ± prefer a bl y n ot CC Atre a ted timber

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SOILT h e most import an t p a rt for good growi n gco n ditio n s

Austr a lian soils a re t h e le a st fertile of any soils o n our pl an etS an d * Lo a m * C lay * Soil T exturePh ± a cid or a lka lin e, structure an d w a ter

h oldi n g c a p a cit y in flue n cesSoil org an ic m a tter is pl an t an d an im a lresidues i n decompositio n wh ich in tur n a re co n sumed b y WOR MS

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FERT ILISERSIf you ha ve an org an ic s ystem t h e n th en eed to use commerci a lly boug h tfertilisers is reduced ± if you do n eed touse t h em to improve your soil t h e n th efollowi n g t a ble suggests org an ic optio n s

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WH AT T O GROW ?S yd n e y is s a id to ha ve a temper a teclim a te for growi n g fruits an d a wa rm

co a st a l clim a te for growi n g veget a bles

Remember veget a bles an d fruittrees/pl an ts n eed a mi n imum of 5 h ourssu n lig h t per d ay !

Refer to Sow W ha t W h e n C ha rts

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Pe a ch es, n ect a rin es,qui n ce, persimmo n s,

figs, mulberries,pomegr ana tes, citrus( a ll t ypes), olives,a voc a do, gu a va s,gr a pes, str a wberries,

p a ssio n fruitC an a lso grow someva rieties of a pplesplums, an d a pricots

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V EGET ABLE OPT IONS FOR SYDNEYArtic h okes Jerus a lem,a sp a ra gus, bro a dbe an s, broccoli,g a rlic, k a le, o n ion ±b a rlett a an dcre a mgold, p a k c h oy ,pe a s, pot a toes,

ra dis h es, spi na ch ,spri n g o n ion s,beetroot, c a bb a ge,ca rrot, c a uliflower,celer y , lettuce ± a

HUGE v a riet y !

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Dw a rf Me yer Lemo n ±up to 2m, OK for

pots, wi n ter-spri n gpe a k fruiti n gStr a wberr y Gu a va ±up to 3m, OK forpots, a utum n pe a kfruiti n gDw a rf Wurtz Avoc a do± up to 4m, OK forpots, spri n g-summer

pe a k fruiti n g

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1.8m, OK for pots,a utum n -spri n g pe a k

fruiti n gFig ± up to 3m ±pru n e to limit size,OK for pots, l a tersummer- a utum n

pe a k fruiti n gPa lmer Man go ± up to4m ± pru n e to limitsize, OK for pots,summer- a utum n

pe a k fruiti n g

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H ERBSHerbs c an be grow n t h roug h out t h eg a rde n or i n pots (tr y a la rge pot wit h sever a l t ypes of h erbs)Herbs m ay be eit h er ann u a l (go to seedan d die i n o n e ye a r) suc h a s b a sil an dcori an der or pere nn ia ls (co n tin ue to growfor m any ye a rs) suc h a s rosem a ry , t hy mean d m a rjor a mNEED an ope n an d su nny positio n ± toomuc h s ha de effects t h e qu a lity of t a ste of th e h erb

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H ERBSAnn u a ls ± p a rsle y , b a sil, rocket, cori an der± repl a ce t h ese e a ch ye a r

Pere nn ia ls ± rosem a ry , c h ives, mi n t,oreg an o, m a rjor a m an d fre n ch ta rr a go n ±th ese c an grow for some time ± ha rvestth em ofte n to e n cour a ge n ew growt h

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SOW ING SEEDSIn pots e n sure you ha ve a good qu a lit y potti n g mix ±t h e 4 ticksKeep t h e potti n g mix moist a t a ll times

Wit h la rge seeds sow to a dept h of twice t h e widt h of t h e seed i n an eve n ly sp a ced a rr an geme n tWit h sm a ll, fi n e seeds sow directl y in a more s ha llowa rr an geme n t ± do n¶ t bur y t h em too f a r dow n . T omi n imise any t h inn in g out l a ter it is a good ide a tomix t h ese t ypes of seeds wit h some dr y s an d an d

t h e n sowKeep seeds moist but n ot wetWh e n t h e y ha ve two sets of le a ves o n t h em you c an a ppl y some worm w a ter or a we a k se a weed solutio n If t h e seedli n gs a re too close toget h er t h in t h em outto reduce any fu n g a l dise a ses an d to e n sure t h eseedli n g ha s e n oug h room to grow

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Deep w a teri n g ± w h e n your produce isgrowi n g, w a ter deepl y an d o n ly o n ce ortwice a week. B y deepl y ± cou n t to 60an d h old h ose or w a teri n g c an to t h e soila rou n d t h e pl an tOver h e a d w a teri n g is n ot a dvis a ble a sth is m ay in cre a se t h e c han ce of fu n g a ldise a ses

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ALW AYS MULCH !!!Mulc h in g a ll pl an ts s a ves w a ter ± e n sure mulc h

is a pplied a t a lay er n o gre a ter t han 100mm ±(50 - 75mm is recomme n ded). Never mulc h a rou n d t h e tru n k of a pl an t ± t h is c an in cre a seth e possibilit y of dise a se.

Best mulch ± lucer

ne, sug

ar c

ane, etcAvoid wood c h ips if possible ± especi a lly la rger

sized wood c h ips a s t h e y ta ke too lo n g to bre a kdow n an d provide too de n se a cover for somepl an ts i n cre a si n g t h e c han ces of w a terloggi n gan d fu n g a l dise a se.

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PEST CONT ROLIn tegr a ted pestm ana geme n t ± i n cludesgrowi n g pl an ts t ha tprovide n ect a r for t h epred a tor y in sects t ha tkeep d a m a gi n g i n sectsu n der co n trol ± suc h a spl an ts from t h e d a is y an dp a rsle y f a mil y in cludi n gm a rguerite d a isies,g a zan ia s, cosmos, zi nn ia ,a ster, su n flowers, p a rsle y ,

cori an der an d dill

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PEST CONT ROL (continued)

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RESOURCESBla ze y C an d V a rkulevicius (2006) T h eAustr a lian Fruit an d Veget a ble G a rde n , T h eDiggers C lub: Austr a lia

McMa ug h J (2000) W ha t G a rde n Pest or Dise a seis T ha t? New Holl an d: Austr a lia

Pile T (2000) S yd n e y Ga rde n in g b y Suburb,Murdoc h Books: Austr a lia

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