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Educational Research Association - Eğitim … I offer my special and sincere thanks to Prof. Dr....

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Educational Research Association

The First International Congress of Educational Research

"Trends and Issues of Educational Research"


May 1-3, 2009

Educational Research Association Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Ministry of National Education

Çanakkale- 2009

Educational Research Association

ISBN: 978-605-60682-1-8

Congress Message from the Rector

Educational Research, which plays a key role in solving global and local problems in the 21st century, is initially supported by international organizations like UN, EU, UNESCO, INASED, EERA, IAQI etc. NGOs such as educational research associations that were founded in Europe and the USA in the past century are still not well-established in Turkey. In today’s world where limited public resources can hardly meet public needs, voluntary organizations need to assume greater responsibilities.

The Educational Research Association (EAB), which was founded in the leadership of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University by young, dynamic and professional academics, does scientific and social research. Since having been admitted as a member to European Educational Research Association (EERA), founded by 20 European countries in 1994, EAB has become the most competent NGO that officially represents Turkey in European Union in the field of education. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, which attaches importance to cooperation with NGOs, has signed a protocol with EAB and taken over special responsibilities in the organization. Our university plays a leading role in supplying the world of science with new findings of researches by offering its facilities to domestic and foreign academics.

EAB, which works for public benefit as a non-profit organization, intends to integrate with the world in the field of education; and aims to open new horizons in science by including in the present congress the most competent academics in the international arena. Our university also contributes considerably to Çanakkale, which tries to undergo a change with the help of congress tourism.

The First International Turkish Educational Research Congress is supported in scientific sense by International Association of Educators (INASED), European Educational Research Association (EERA), and International Association of Qualitative Inquiry (IAQI). Considerable scientific and administrative support has been given for the realization of this congress in Çanakkale by the Ministry of National Education and The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). The following institutions and foundations have also contributed to the congress: AKÇANSA, ÇANAKKALE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (ÇSTO), ÇANAKKALE HARBOR MANAGEMENT, MILLER OTO, PEGEM A, NOBEL and Anı Publishing Companies.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çelik, Minister of National Education, and to Prof. Dr. Mustafa Said YAZICIOĞLU, Minister of State for their considerable support for the planning and organization of this congress. I offer my special thanks to all sponsoring institutions and foundations for their support. I also thank my dear colleagues Prof. Dr. Dinçay KÖKSAL, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durdu KARSLI, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yunus ERYAMAN, Assist. Prof. Dr. Necati CERRAHOĞLU, Assist. Prof. Dr. İlke Evin GENCEL, who displayed the due performance for the organization of this congress by our university. My final thanks go to each council chair, workgroup and member of EAB.

It is our main wish that the congress will reach its goals and help scientific studies in related fields to gain acceleration.

Prof. Dr. Ali AKDEMİR Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Rector 20.04.2009

Rektör Prof. Dr. Ali Akdemir’in Kongre Mesajı

Eğitim ile ilgili araştırmalar BM, AB, UNESCO, INASED, EERA, IAQI vb. uluslar arası örgütler tarafından öncelikli olarak desteklenmekte ve 21. yüzyılda küresel ve yerel sorunların çözümünde anahtar rolü oynamaktadır. ABD ve Avrupa’da geçtiğimiz yüzyılda kurulan Eğitim Araştırmaları Birlikleri gibi STK’lar Türkiye’de çok yaygın değildir. Sınırlı kamu kaynaklarının kamusal ihtiyaçları karşılamakta zorlandığı günümüzde gönüllü kuruluşlar, büyük sorumluluklar üstlenmek durumundadır.

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi öncülüğünde çeşitli üniversitelerden genç, dinamik ve alanlarında yetkin akademisyenler tarafından kurulan Eğitim Araştırmaları Birliği (EAB) Derneği, bilimsel ve sosyal araştırmalar yapmaktadır. 20 Avrupa ülkesinin katılımı ile 1994 yılında kurulan Avrupa Eğitim Araştırmaları Birliğine (European Educational Research Association “EERA”) üyelik başvurusu kabul edilen EAB, Türkiye’yi Avrupa Birliği eğitim alanında resmen temsil eden en yetkin STK’dır. STK’lar ile birlikteliğe önem veren Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, EAB ile protokol imzalayarak organizasyonda özel sorumluluklar üstlenmiştir. Üniversitemiz yurt içinden ve yurt dışından gelen akademisyenlere olanaklarını sunarak yeni araştırma sonuçlarının bilim dünyasına kazandırılmasında öncü rol oynamaktadır.

Kar amacı gütmeyen (Non-Profit) kamu yararı için çalışan EAB, eğitim alanında dünya ile entegrasyonu hedefleyen, bu anlamda uluslararası arenada en yetkin akademisyenleri Kongreye dâhil ederek bilimsel açılımlarda bulunmayı hedeflemektedir. Üniversitemiz, Kongre Turizmi ile farklılaşmaya çalışan Çanakkale’ye bu amacın gerçekleşmesinde anlamlı katkılar vermektedir.

"1. Uluslararası Türkiye Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi" Uluslararası Eğitimciler Birliği (INASED), Avrupa Eğitim Araştırmaları Birliği (EERA) ve Uluslararası Nitel Araştırmalar Birliği (IAQI) tarafından bilimsel anlamda desteklenmektedir. Kongre organizasyonunun Çanakkale’de gerçekleştirilmesinde anlamlı bilimsel ve yönetsel destek MİLLİ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI ve TUBİTAK tarafından verilmiştir. AKÇANSA, ÇANAKKALE SANAYİ VE TİCARET ODASI (ÇSTO), ÇANAKKALE LİMAN İŞLETMESİ, MİLLER OTO, PAGEM ve NOBEL gibi kurum ve kuruluşlar kongremize katkı sunmuşlardır.

Kongre organizasyonunun planlanmasına ve gerçekleştirilmesine anlamlı destekler veren Milli Eğitim Bakanımız Sayın Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Çelik ve Devlet Bakanı Prof. Dr. Mustafa Said YAZICIOĞLU‘na içtenlikle teşekkür ederim. Kongremize sponsor olarak destek veren kurum ve kuruluşlara da teşekkür ediyorum. Kongrenin üniversitemiz tarafından gerçekleştirilmesinde gerekli performansı sergileyen değerli meslektaşların; Prof. Dr. Dinçay KÖKSAL, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durdu KARSLI, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mustafa Yunus ERYAMAN, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Necati CERRAHOĞLU, Yrd. Doç. Dr. İlke Evin GENGEL’in yanı sıra EAB Konsey Başkanlarına, Çalışma Guruplarına ve üyelerine de ayrıca teşekkür ederim.

Bu anlamda kongrenin planlandığı amaçlara ulaşması ve ilgili alanlarda bilimsel çalışmalara ivme kazandırması temel dileğimizdir.

Prof. Dr. Ali AKDEMİR Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi




Today we have special guests as keynote speakers of the congress; Prof. Dr. Ingrid I would like to thank you for coming to the First International Congress of Educational Research, organised and hosted by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University and Educational Research Association(EAB), in cooperation with Ministry of National Education and collaborating with the European Educational Research Association (EERA), the International Association of Educators (INASED), and the International Association of Qualitative Inquiry (IAQI). It is a great honour and pleasure for us to welcome you all to Çanakkale. We have participants from approximately 25 countries.

Here I would like to tell you some words about EAB; EAB (Educational Research Association) was founded on 4th June 2008 as a

national organization of educational researchers committed to the improvement of theory and practice in education through research. EAB aims to advance knowledge about educational research, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to cooperate with other educational and scientific organizations to influence educational policy. Furthermore, the association strives to determine the quality standards of educational research. Educational Research Association (EAB) intends to index the journals on educational research published in Turkey and found excellence centres with the technical equipment, data bases, web sites and indexing programs which are essential to perform the duties of the association.

Soon after the completion of the procedures for founding the association, we intended to be a member of EERA (European Education Research Association), and applied for the membership. EAB was accepted as a member in 2008 and took its place among 22 European members as an NGO representing Turkey. We are very honoured and pleased to be included in EERA. We will of course do our best to contribute to the success of this network. Here I must express my gratitude to Prof. Gogolin, the President of EERA, for her cooperation.

It is a tremendous effort to organize an international congress on a voluntary basis. On behalf of EAB, I wish to offer our deepest gratitude to all of those who made this event possible, including our keynote speakers, sponsors TUBİTAK, ÇTSO, Miller Oto, ANI, PEGEM and NOBEL Publishing, WILUSA Travel Agency and congress organizers, especially Vice President Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, Secretary General Necati Cerrahoğlu, the executive board members İlke Evin Gencel, Mehmet Durdu Karslı, and all the members of the congress organising committee and the Scientific Advisory.

I would like to offer my special thanks to the Minister of National Education, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Çelik, the Honorary President of the Congress for his personal support and encouragement at all stages of the congress organisation, and also Ömer Balıbey, the General Director of Teacher Training and Education and his team for their cooperation in organising this event.

Here I would like to thank the members of Turkish Parlement- Mehmet Daniş, Ahmet Küçük, Mustafa Kemal Cengiz, Müjdat Kuşku, the governor of Canakkale, Abdülkadir Atalık, and the mayor of Çanakkale, Ülgür Gökhan, who are also the members of the honorary board, for their support to the realisation of the congress.

Also I offer my special and sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Ali Akdemir, Rector of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, who is also a member of the honorary board, and all faculty members- academic and administrative- of the university especially academic staff of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies Department as well as our students.

Today we have special guests as keynote speakers of the congress; Prof. Dr. Ingrid Gogolin, from University of Hamburg, Germany with her plenary entitled "European Educational Research Quality Indicators" - a European Research Project; Prof. Dr. Peter McLaren, from University of California, USA with his plenary “Critical Pedagogy in the Age of Neoliberalism: Conflicts and Challenges” ; Prof. Dr. Jari Lavonen from University of Helsinki, Finland with his plenary What does PISA 2006 data tell us about the success of implementation of education policy in Finland?; Prof. Dr. Alistair Ross, from London Metropolitan University, UK, with a plenary “Educational policy research for social justice”; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alejandro J. Gallard Martínez, from Florida State University, USA with his plenary entitled “Complexity and the Universe of Education. I would like to express my gratitude to them for travelling so long way to contribute to this event.

More than 1200 educational researchers will participate to the Congress and find the opportunity to exchange ideas with on various aspects of educational research. We have a full program of 534 paper presentations, and 5 workshops, plus 74 poster presentations in the Congress.

I am confident that our efforts will produce a successful congress. I expect a lively discussion at this congress. Networking among researchers is also an essential part of such congresses.

May we take the opportunity again to welcome you all to Çanakkale and wish everyone a truly memorable congress!

May 1st, 2009, Çanakkale Prof. Dr. Dinçay Köksal President of EAB
