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  • 8/14/2019 effect of triaxial state of stress


    International Journal of Fracture 88: 359371, 1997.

    1997Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

    On the effect of triaxial state of stress on ductility using nonlinear

    CDM model

    NICOLA BONORAIndustrial Engineering Dept., University of Cassino, Via Di Biasio 43, 03043, Cassino (FR), Italy;

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Received 28 July 1997; accepted in revised form 6 February 1998

    Abstract. Ductility takes into account the material capability to plastically deform. This parameter is not only

    modified by temperature but it is strongly affected by the stress triaxiality that, in the case of positive hydrostatic

    stress, reduces the material strain to failure. Due to the importance of this parameter in engineering design many

    attempts to predict the evolution of ductility with stress triaxiality have been done. Here, a nonlinear continuum

    damage model, as proposed by the author, is used to obtain the evolution of material ductility with stress triaxiality.

    The expression found relates the strain to failure in multi-axial state of stress regime only to the uniaxial strainto failure, to the damage strain threshold, to the material Poissons ratio, and, of course, to stress triaxiality. The

    proposed model was successfully verified comparing the predicted evolution of material ductility with the experi-

    mental data relative to several metals. The procedure for the damage parameters identification is also discussed in


    Keywords:Continuum damage mechanics, plasticity, triaxiality, ductile failure.


    The mechanics of ductile failure in metals is of significance in designing structure and compo-

    nents against plastic collapse and fracture. In engineering design is not rare to find application,

    such as metal-forming processes, where large plastic deformations need to be taken into ac-

    count. Ductility characterizes the material capability to plastically deform and the knowledge

    of this parameter is required in engineering design. What makes the choice of this parameter

    difficult is that material ductility changes not only with temperature, that can be considered

    constant in a large spectrum of application, but also it changes dramatically together with the

    stress state. Then, the same material will fail at different strain levels if tested under uniaxial

    or multi-axial state of stress as showed since the pioneering experimental work of von Karman

    (1911), that underlined how tensile hydrostatic stress strongly reduces the material ductility

    leading to premature failure.

    Thus, material ductility and ductile failure process are intimately related. Under plastic

    deformation, material failure occurs as a result of the microcavities nucleation and growth

    process. The analytical work performed by McClintock (1968), Rice and Tracy (1969) andBudiansky et al. (1981), pointed out the exponential amplification of the growth rate of mi-

    crovoids with stress triaxiality in elastic-perfectly plastic materials.

    Hancock and Meckenzie (1976) and Thomson and Hancock (1984) extensively investi-

    gated the dependence of the material ductility on the triaxiality state of stress. Their work

    showed that an exponential decay of the ductility as a function of triaxiality as given by Rice

    and Tracy (1969) is approximate and can give only a rough idea of the effective link between

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    360 N. Bonora

    the ductility and triaxiality for an hardening material. Manjoine (1982) proposed a different

    expression for the evolution of ductility, that is normalized by a not well defined tensile

    elongation, with stress triaxiality as result of best fit procedure of experimental data.

    In the recent years, continuum damage mechanics (CDM) come out to be a powerful tool

    to approach ductile fracture related problems such as crack geometry and size effect on crack

    resistance curve under large scale yielding, (Xia and Shih, 1995). Lemaitre and Chaboche

    (1985) proposed a CDM model for plasticity damage where the damage variable is a linear

    function of the effective accumulated plastic strain. The experimental results presented by

    LeRoy et al. (1981) gave compelling evidence of the nonlinearity of damage evolution with the

    effective accumulated plastic strain in metals. Recently, Bonora (1997) proposed a nonlinear

    damage model that predicts very well ductile damage evolution with strain for a large class of


    In the present paper, the nonlinear damage model proposed by the author is summarized

    and its extension to the multi-axial state of stress is used to derive the evolution of the material

    ductility as a function of stress triaxiality. The presented model is successfully verified com-

    paring ductility evolution with triaxiality for several metals. It is worth to anticipate here that

    the model presented needs to know only material parameters, such as uniaxial failure strain

    and damage threshold strain, that can be easily measured with simple tensile test according tothe procedure described in the following sections.

    The effect of the material Poissons ratio, together with the material damage parameters,

    on the predicted material ductility in multi-axial state of stress is also presented and discussed.

    1. Nonlinear damage model

    In the framework of CDM, damage is addressed as one of the thermodynamics variables and

    its evolution law is given as a general function of other state variables such as stress, plastic

    strain, temperature and so on. From a general point of view, damage variable should be de-

    scribed using a tensor formulation (Murakami 1987; Chaboche 1984). From the physical pointof view, damage variable indicates the progressive material deterioration due to nonreversible

    deformation processes and can be expressed by the reduction of the nominal section area of a

    given reference volume element (RVE) as a result of microvoids formation and growth




    , (1)

    where, for a given normaln,A(n)0 is the nominal section area of the RVE;A

    (n)effis the effective

    resisting section area that takes into account of the presence of microdefects, voids and their

    mutual interactions.

    Making the assumptions of isotropic damage, the variable does not depend on the directionnand the damage state can be completely characterized by a scalar quantity indicated with D.

    Let us assume as valid thestrain equivalence hypothesis (Lemaitre, 1985), the strain asso-

    ciated with a damage state under the applied stress is equivalent to the strain associated with

    its undamaged state under the effective stress, (Simo and Ju, 1987). The deformation behavior

    of the material is only affected by damage in the form of effective stress, i.e. the constitutive

    equations of a damaged material are the same of the virgin material with no damage where

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    On the effect of triaxial state of stress 361

    the stress is simply replaced by the effective stress. Thus, the following definition of damage

    can be given

    D=1 EeffE0

    , (2)

    where E0 and Eeffare the Youngs modulus of the undamaged and damaged material, re-spectively. In the framework of CDM, the existence of a damage dissipation potential FD is

    assumed and, in the case of plasticity damage, the total dissipation potential is given as,

    F= Fp(,R,X)+FD(Y,p,D), (3)whereYis the internal variable associated to damage andp the effective accumulated plastic

    strain. Fp is the dissipation potential associated to plastic deformation that is function of the

    actual stress tensor kinematic and hardening back stressX andR.If the expressions of the two potentials are known, the evolution law of the internal vari-

    ables can be obtained through the normality rule.

    For a isotropic hardening material we can derive the full set of constitutive equation asfollows.

    Let assume strain decomposition as,

    Tij= eij+pij, (4)

    where elastic strain components are given by,







    1D ij. (5)

    Standard isotropic plasticity associated with a Von Mises yield criterion leads to,


    1D R(r)y, (6)

    where plastic strain rate components can be obtained as,







    eq, (7)





    R =

    1D, (8)

    wheresijis the deviatoric part of the stress tensor, is the plastic multiplier and the dot indi-

    cates time derivative. Damage equation can be obtained in the similar way from the damage

    potential as,

    D= FDY

    . (9)

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    362 N. Bonora

    The author (Bonora, 1997) proposed the following expression for the damage dissipation






    2 S0

    1D (DcrD)(1)/

    p(2+n)/n , (10)

    whereDcris the critical value of the damage variable for which ductile failure occurs; is thedamage exponent that characterizes the shape of the damage evolution curve.S0 is a material

    constant andn is the material hardening exponent. This choice of the damage potential leads

    to the following damage kinetic evolution with the effective accumulated plastic strain,

    dD= (DcrD0)1/






    p, (11)

    where D0 is the initial damage in the material microstructure as a result of the presence of

    inclusions or second phase precipitates, th andf are the threshold strain at which damage

    process starts and the strain to failure in the uniaxial state of stress, respectively.

    Damage is both sensitive to the shear and to the volumetric deformation energy since

    microvoids are very sensitive to the hydrostatic state of stress. On these premises, Lemaitre

    (1985) postulated that damage mechanism is governed by the total elastic strain energy We

    decomposed in the distortion and volumetric change contributions. Assuming that damage

    does not vary within the elastic range, the expression of the elastic strain energy, with the use

    of (5), leads to the definition of an equivalent damage stress similarly to the equivalentstress in plasticity, by stating that deformation energy in multi-axial state of stress is equal to

    that in an equivalent uniaxial state defined by, i.e.,

    We = WD +Wm =




    2 1+E sijsij1D +3 12E 2m1D , (12)that with the definition of the equivalent Mises stress can be rewritten as,

    We = eq2(1D)






    2(1D) , (13)










    = 2




    2. (15)

    Thus, the function f (m/eq)takes into account of the extension to triaxial state of stress

    of the damage variable.

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    On the effect of triaxial state of stress 363

    .Figure 1. Triaxiality along the minimum section of round notch tensile bar

    Figure 2. Plastic strain along the minimum section of round notch tensile bar.

    In the present model five material parameters needs to be identified: the threshold strain

    th at which damage process starts, the failure strain fat which damage variable reaches its

    critical value; the critical damage Dcr, the initial damage D0 and the damage exponent .

    The identification of these parameters can be done in a uniaxial tensile test using an

    appropriate hourglass shaped tensile specimen. The collocation of a small strain gauge in

    the minimum specimen section, where plastic deformation is localized, monitors the varia-

    tion of the material stiffness as a function of the imposed strain level performing a series

    of loading-unloading ramps. The initial damage in the material D0 can be assumed equal

    to zero for the virgin material. The determination of damage threshold strain needs some

    attention as a result of the fact that its measure can be very scattered. The same attentionis required for the critical damage Dcr because close to failure damage variable quickly

    accumulates with strain. Once the damage data as a function of strain are collected, the

    damage exponent can be determined as the slope of the best fit line in the logarithmic

    plane ln[(DcrD)/Dcr] ln[ln(/)/ln(/th)]. More experimental details on the procedurehow to measure damage parameters can be found in Lemaitre and Dufally (1987) and Bonora

    et al. (1994).

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    364 N. Bonora

    Figure 3. Comparison between the present model, Rice & Tracy and Lemaitres estimation for a Q1 steel tested

    along LT direction, (exp. data from Thomson & Hancock, 1984).

    Figure 4. Comparison between the present model, Rice & Tracy and Lemaitres estimation for a Q1 steel tested

    along ST direction, (exp. data from Thomson & Hancock, 1984).

    2. Triaxial state of stress and ductility

    Hanckock and Meckenzie (1976) have largely investigated the effect of stress triaxiality on

    failure strain in high strength steels. Their investigation was based on the Earl and Browns

    (1976) analysis of round notch tensile bar specimen. This specimen geometry is peculiar

    because allows to change stress triaxiality simply changing the radius of the notch and it

    is characterized to have uniformly constant plastic strain on the minimum section once the

    full section is yielded. In addition, stress triaxiality, that varies along the minimum section, is

    load independent. In Figure 1, an example of the triaxiality distribution along the minimum

    section for a round notch specimen, is shown (Bonora et al., 1992). In Figure 2 the distribution

    of the equivalent plastic strain along the minimum section for different notch radii and fordifferent values of the Ludwiks power law exponent is given. Earl and Brown found that the

    value of stress triaxiality on the specimen center can be given with good approximation by the

    following Bridgmans solution,m



    = 13


    1+ d2R

    , (16)

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    On the effect of triaxial state of stress 365

    wheredis the actual radius of the minimum cross-section and Ris the notch radius as depicted

    in Figure 1. While the equivalent plastic strain along the minimum section is given by,

    peq=2 ln



    , (17)

    where d0 is the initial diameter of the reduced section. Hancock and Meckenzie found thatductility at failure and triaxiality are nonlinearly inversely proportional: the more stress state is

    triaxial the less the strain at failure is. This result was in part anticipated by Rice and Tracy that

    analytically found an exponential decrease of strain at failure with the increase of triaxiality,

    f= exp




    . (18)

    McClintock (1968), considering the growth of elliptical holes, found an analogous relation


    f= (1n)ln(l0/b0)

    sinh 32 (1n) a+beq + 34 b+aeq , (19)

    where l0 andb0 identify the initial void and cell size; a,b are the principal stresses in the

    remote matrix along the void axes directions and n is the material hardening exponent as

    defined in the Ludwiks power-law,

    eq=0(peq)n, (20)where 0 is the uniaxial yield stress. However, these expressions match the experimental

    observations in a very approximate way as it is shown in Figures 3 and 4 for a Q1 steel

    tested along the LT and ST directions.

    In the framework of the continuum damage model proposed material ductility, neglecting

    the elastic strain, is expressed by the effective accumulated plastic strain p that is defined asthe equivalent plastic strain effectively accumulated in the generic multi-axial state of stress

    together with damage presence. In the uniaxial case pfdefinition coincides with f.

    Using continuum damage mechanics, a damage model should be able to determine the

    evolution law for the failure strain as a function of stress triaxiality only on the base of uniaxial

    experimental data. The damage kinetic evolution law given in (11) can be integrated in the

    uniaxial case(f(m/eq)=1)over the strain range[th, f]leading to



    1 ln(/th)ln(f/th)


    and in the case of proportional loading(f(m/eq)=const)where we get,


    1 1 ln(p/pth)ln(f/th)

    f meq

    . (22)

    Dividing Equation (21) by (22) we get the following relation between strainspf





    1/f (m/eq). (23)

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    366 N. Bonora

    Figure 5. Comparison between the model proposed and experimental data relative to Marrel steel, (exp. data from

    Thomson & Hancock, 1984).

    Figure 6. Comparison between the model proposed and experimental data relative to a C-Mn steel, (exp, data

    from Tai, 1990).

    This relation states that effective strain to failure in multi-axial state of stress is function of

    the uniaxial failure strain, stress triaxiality and of the Poissons ratio of the material. Equation

    (23) needs the knowledge of the evolution of the plastic threshold strain p0, as a function

    of stress triaxiality in order to be used. According to the Thomson and Hancocks (1984)

    observations, the equivalent threshold strain p0 can be taken constant and equal to th. Thus,

    (23) leads to the following evolution law for strain to failure in multi-axial state of stress,

    pf= th



    1/f (m/eq). (24)

    The validity of this relation has been verified with experimental data of six different ma-terials. In Figures 3 and 4, the comparison between the experimental data relative to Q1 steel

    tested along the LT and ST directions and the present model is given together with the Rice

    and Tracy and Lemaitres linear damage model. These pictures show a very good agreement

    between the model proposed and the experimental data and underlines differences with the

    other models. Even though differences between the Rice and Tracy and CDM model do not

    surprise, because the two models have been obtained in different frameworks, the differences

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    On the effect of triaxial state of stress 367

    Figure 7. Comparison between the model proposed and experimental data relative to a welded steel 6013, (exp.

    data from Tai, 1990).

    Figure 8. Comparison between the model proposed and experimental data relative to a welded steel 6015, (exp.data from Tai, 1990).

    Figure 9. Comparison between the present model and experimental data relative to a HY130 steel along the two

    directions LT and ST, (exp. data from Hancock & Meckenzie, 1976).

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    368 N. Bonora

    Figure 10. Damage threshold strain measurement for a Swedish pure steel in different triaxiality states of stress,

    (data from Thomson & Hancock, 1984).

    of the present model with the Lemaitres one put in evidence the importance of the nonlinear

    description for damage process.

    In Figures 59 the comparison of the present model with the experimental data relative

    to Marrel steel, to a C-Mn steel, two welded steels, 6013 and 6015, and to HY130 steel are

    given, respectively. In all the cases examined the model presented is always in a very good

    agreement with experimental measurements. In Table 1, the damage parameters f, th and

    the Poisson ratios for each material are also summarized.

    3. Triaxiality and damage threshold strain

    Damage threshold strain indicates the strain level at which damage process starts to take place.

    At this stage voids nucleation and growth are large enough to affect the material stiffness. In

    the framework of the proposed damage model, the knowledge of th in very important because

    this parameter affects significantly damage evolution law. As already seen for failure strain,

    th should be sensible to stress triaxiality in the same way. In the Lemaitres linear model

    the assumption that triaxiality acts in the same way on pf andp0, is made, Lemaitre, 1985).

    Thomson and Hancock (1984) have experimentally investigated the variation ofp0 with the

    increase of stress triaxiality as depicted in Figure 10 for a Swedish pure iron. They underlined

    two main results

    (a) threshold strain is scarcely sensitive to stress triaxiality,

    (b) experimental data are largely scattered for low triaxiality. Experimental data scatter at

    low triaxiality can be explained with the observation that the less stress triaxiality is the

    higher is the effect in damage localization due to inclusion shape, size and distribution.

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    On the effect of triaxial state of stress 369

    Table 1. Material damage parameters

    Material Uniaxial failure Threshold Poissons ratio

    strainf strainth

    Marrel 1.04 0.05 0.30

    C-Mn steel 1.13 0.21 0.33

    HY130 (LT) 0.97 0.05 0.30

    HY130 (TS) 0.54 0.002 0.30

    weld 6013 1.04 0.05 0.33

    weld 6015 1.41 0.05 0.37

    Q1 steel (LT) 1.05 0.05 0.30

    Q1 steel (TS) 0.67 0.02 0.30

    Figure 11(a). f effect on the triaxiality-ductility

    curve Equation (22).

    Figure 11(b). f effect on the triaxiality-ductility

    curve Equation (22).

    Figure 11(c).Poissons ratio effect on the triaxiality-

    ductility curve Equation (22).

    The verification of this hypothesis can be done using the results given in Figures 59. In

    fact, the effective strain at failure evolution curve given in (24) leads to a very good comparison

    with experimental data if the appropriate values of uniaxial thand f are provided.

    Variation offleads to curves that shift on the left side of the diagram with consequent

    shifting of the point that represent the uniaxial case. A variation of the p0 (=th)produces ashift to the right of the upper part of the curve that correspond to high triaxiality: in this case

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    370 N. Bonora

    failure strain in multi-axial stress state is overestimated. In Figures 11(ac), the modification

    of (24) due to the variation ofth,fand the Poissons ratio, is summarized.

    According to this, threshold strain can be simply evaluated performing few tests only at

    high triaxial stress state gaining two conditions: firstly, a pivoting point for (24) is found, sec-

    ondly, experimental scatter in the measurements is drastically reduced avoiding the tests rep-

    etition or the examination of the whole specimen minimum section as described in (Thomson

    and Hancock, 1984).

    Figure 12. Specimen redution for damage measurement in triaxial state of stress.

    Threshold strain test measurements in multi-axial state of stress can be performed as sug-

    gested by Bonora et al., (1996) using round notch tensile bar (RNB(T)) multiple specimen

    technique. This method consists in pre-straining a number of RNB(T) specimens. The strain

    level along the minimum section can be monitored according to (17). The stress triaxiality

    along the minimum section can be calculated with finite element method once the mesh

    has been calibrated comparing the load vs diameter reduction (P ) response. Once aspecimen has been prestrained, it has to be reduced to standard rectangular flat tensile spec-

    imen as depicted in Figure 12 using electro-discharge cutting technique. Thus, damage canbe measured positioning a strain gauge at the center of the old minimum section, where the

    triaxiality was constant during straining, and loading the specimen in the elastic range. Even

    if this technique can be very expensive, it allows to monitor damage evolution in the triaxial

    state of stress and, if a replication technique is used, it can be used to control the effective

    microscopical modification at each damage stage.

    4. Conclusions

    In the present paper, ductile fracture has been approached using continuum damage concepts.

    The nonlinear damage model, as proposed by the author, was reviewed and it has been used to

    discuss, on the basis of experimental data, the effect of stress triaxiality on damage parameters.The predicted values of the effective strain to failure have been successfully compared with

    experimental data relative to six different steels. The comparison with other models, such as

    the Rice and Tracys approximated expression for cavities growth and the Lemaitres linear

    damage model have been also presented and the differences have been highlighted.

    The possibility to successfully derive without any additional hypothesis from a CDM

    model the evolution of material ductility with stress triaxiality is an additional validation of

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    On the effect of triaxial state of stress 371

    the damage model proposed. The experimental procedures to identify all the five damage

    parameters necessary has been discussed in details.


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