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Electrolytic Processingapparatus and method

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New Developments in the Metal Finishing Field Compiled by Anselm Kuhn, Metal Finishing Information Services Ltd. Recently published patents Method and Device for Locally Removing Coating from Parts US .2004244910 Albrecht, A.; Eberlein, A., et al. Method and device for locally stripping coatings from compo- nents, an absorbent medium being provided, the medium being sup- plied with a coating removal liq- uid, and the medium containing the coating removal liquid being brought into contact with the area of the component from which the coating is to be removed. Treating Solution for Surface Treatment of Metal and Surface Treatment Method U.S. 2004244874 Nakayama, T.; Sato, H., et al. Conversion coating for iron, steel, zinc, and mixed metals of these including one or more of titanium, hafnium, zirconium, silicon, fluo- fine. Compounds containing other named metals can be added. Electrolytic Process for Depositing a Layer of Copper on a Steel Wire U.S. 2004247865 Pavan, F. Electrolytic process for depositing copper on a steel wire in which the wire travels through an acidic elec- trolytic bath of an aqueous solution of Cu (II) ions in the form of a salt of an acid. A direct electric current passes through the solution between at least one anode and the wire acting as the cathode. The bath also has from 1.9 to 6 mM/1 of a thiourea and from 1.9 to 6 raM/1 of an amino acid. Electrolytic Processing Apparatus and Method U.S. 2004256237 Kobata, I.; Shirakashi, M., et al. Electrolytic processing apparatus and method which, while omitting a CMP treatment entirely or reducing a load upon a CMP treatment to the least possible extent, can process a conductive material formed in the surface of a substrate to flatten (planarize) the material, or can remove (clean) extraneous matter adher- ing to the surface of a workpiece such as a substrate. The elec- trolytic processing apparatus includes a pair of electrodes dis- posed at a given distance, an ion exchange membrane disposed between the pair of electrodes, and a liquid supply section for supplying a liquid between the pair of electrodes. The electrolyt- ic processing method includes providing an electrode section having a pair of electrodes dis- posed at a given distance with an ion exchanger being interposed; and bringing the electrode into contact with or close to a work- piece while supplying a fluid to the ion exchanger, thereby pro- .oco=p Strippable Plating Mask Kit Clean, sharp, distinct stop off lines. Kit with I quart pot and 5 Ibs, of Thermo-Cote N-4 strippable coating. Cools fast to give you perfect mask. Non-Contamlnat- ing. Peel off and remelt for reuse. Write for details and 12 Cork Hill Road P.O. Box 365 Franklin, NJ 07416 Tel: 973-209-6210 • Fax: 973-209-6435 W~ Visit us at www.PumpBiz.com or Phone Toll Free 1-800-PumpBiz (1-800-786-7249) k d Circle058 on readerinformation card or goto www.metalfinishing.com/advertisers 0 0 0 0 SO LUlI'I Oi~I'S".&'RE Purchase your pumps online 24/7 via a secure server Easy navigation to quickly find the pumps you need Brand names Pump Support, Discussion groups and FAQs Circle046 on readerinformation card or go to www.metalfinishing.cem/advertisers MANDERSCHEID BUFF RAKES 1, ELIMINATES GLAZE )' OPENS BUFF FACE SHAPES BUFFS ~' ECONOMICAL & SAFE RAKE FILLER PART NO. 02 160 RAKE HANDLE PART NO. 2 I 6BC MANDERSCHEID EQU/mMENT ~ SUmmLY STOCKING SUPPLIER OF 3M SCOTCH-BRUTE ABRASIVE PRODUCTS AND ~/ACKSONL~ BUFFS, COMPOUNDS & CLEANERS PHONE 1-800-3736714 " FAX I 312563-1959 CHICAGO, IL 60607 E-malE [email protected] Website: www, m-source.com Circle033 on readerinformation card or go to www.metalfinishing.com/advertisers 66 vvww.metalfinishing.com

New Developments in the Metal Finishing Field C o m p i l e d b y A n s e l m K u h n , M e t a l F i n i s h i n g I n f o r m a t i o n S e r v i c e s L t d .

R e c e n t l y p u b l i s h e d patents

M e t h o d and Dev ice for Local ly Remov ing Coat ing f rom Parts US .2004244910 Albrecht, A.; Eberlein, A., et al. Method and device for locally stripping coatings from compo- nents, an absorbent medium being provided, the medium being sup- plied with a coating removal liq- uid, and the medium containing the coating removal liquid being brought into contact with the area of the component from which the coating is to be removed.

Treat ing So lu t ion for Sur face Trea tment of M e t a l and Surface Treatment M e t h o d U.S. 2004244874 Nakayama, T.; Sato, H., et al. Conversion coating for iron, steel, zinc, and mixed metals of these including one or more of titanium, hafnium, zirconium, silicon, fluo-

fine. Compounds containing other named metals can be added.

Electro ly t ic Process for Depos i t ing a Layer of Copper on a S tee l Wire U.S. 2004247865 Pavan, F. Electrolytic process for depositing copper on a steel wire in which the wire travels through an acidic elec- trolytic bath of an aqueous solution of Cu (II) ions in the form of a salt of an acid. A direct electric current passes through the solution between at least one anode and the wire acting as the cathode. The bath also has from 1.9 to 6 mM/1 of a thiourea and from 1.9 to 6 raM/1 of an amino acid.

Electro lyt ic Process ing Appara tus and M e t h o d U.S. 2004256237 Kobata, I.; Shirakashi, M., et al. Electrolytic processing apparatus and method which, while omitting

a CMP t rea tment entirely or reducing a load upon a CMP t r ea tmen t to the least possible extent, can process a conductive material formed in the surface of a substrate to flatten (planarize) the material , or can remove (clean) extraneous mat ter adher- ing to the surface of a workpiece such as a subst ra te . The elec- trolytic processing appara tus includes a pair of electrodes dis- posed at a given distance, an ion exchange membrane disposed be tween the pair of electrodes, and a liquid supply section for supplying a liquid be tween the pair of electrodes. The electrolyt- ic processing method includes providing an electrode section having a pair of electrodes dis- posed at a given distance with an ion exchanger being interposed; and bringing the electrode into contact with or close to a work- piece while supplying a fluid to the ion exchanger, thereby pro-

.oco=p Strippable Plating Mask Kit

Clean, sharp, distinct stop off lines. Kit with I quart pot and 5 Ibs, of Thermo-Cote N-4 strippable coating. Cools fast to give you perfect mask. Non-Contamlnat- ing. Peel o f f and remelt for reuse. Write for details and

12 Cork Hill Road • P.O. Box 365 • Franklin, NJ 07416 Tel: 973-209-6210 • Fax: 973-209-6435

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w w w . P u m p B i z . c o m or P h o n e Tol l F ree

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cessing the surface of the work- piece.

D e v i c e f o r t h e E l e c t r o d e p o s i t i o n o f A l u m i n u m or A l u m i n u m A l l o y s f r o m O r g a n o m e t a l l i c E l e c t r o l y t e s C o n t a i n i n g A l k y l a m m o n i u m C o m p l e x e s U.S. 200425619 Heller.; Vries, Hans De Aprotic media with alkylaluminium complexes, configured for barrel plating, operating at up to 110°C.

Plating Device U.S. 2004262150 Toshikazu, Y.; Takashi, T, et al. Vertical plating of printed circuit boards and similar where a so- called regulation plate is perforat- ed sheet interposed between anode and cathode surface to improve current distribution and allow

improved plating into printed cir- cuit board through holes.

P o w d e r C o a t i n g D e v i c e a n d M e t h o d U.S. 2004255865 Morita, T; Mural, H., et al. Powder coating apparatus where pulse signal $2 of a low voltage generated by a pulse signal gener- ation circuit is boosted to a high voltage by means of a high voltage impression circuit, so that it is impressed upon corona electrodes. As a result, a corona discharge is intermittently generated from the corona electrodes toward an object to be coated, whereby powder coat- ing material sprayed from a nozzle opening of a gun main body in a forward direction is charged with negative ions developed by the corona discharge, whereafter it is

directed toward the object to be coated, and is deposited on a sur- face of the object.

Vacuum Carbo-Nitriding Method U.S. 2004250921 Yamaguchi, K. Multi-stage process including preheat, carburization, diffusion, and nitriding.

Reader queries relating to patents published in

Metal Finishing, or to advise on patent searches

of the approximately 30 million patents in the

public domain, can be e-mailed to Anselm Kuhn,

Metal Finishing Information Services Ltd., at

[email protected]. The patents summa-

rized are a sampling of some 500 surface-finish-

ing-related patents published every month.

Almost all patents can be viewed on the Internet

and downloaded or printed, in many cases free

of charge, at www.uspto.gov and www.del-

phion.com, mF

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September 2005 67
