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EMB Install Manual Part 2

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  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    Initial Setup

    Jumper #


    Vehicle withAir-flow meter,MAP sensor(SeUing from Factory)

    Vehicle withVTEC Engines

    JP3 2~31JP4JP5JP6JP7

    OPEN 1~2

    B y following the diagram on the previous page and chart on this page, set the jumperpins on the JP3, JP4, and JP7.For the location that shows "1-2" or "2-3" in the chart, place the jumper to the pins to theindicated location so that the corresponding pin numbers are jumped (connected).For the location that shows "OPEN" in the chart, do not jump the pins at the indicatedlocation.*When removing the Jumper to "OPEN" a connection, place the Jumper on to one sideof the pin to prevent the Jumper from getting lost.


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    Mounting the Main Unit

    Important!When mounting the main unit, make sure it gets mounted in a safe area thatwill not interfere with the driver. Improper mounting of the unit may causedamage to the vehicle as well as the unit. It can also cause accidents.

    Cautionl Avoid mounting the main unit in the area where there are excessivedust, and moisture. Also avoid a direct sun light, and area that willget direct heater airflow. Try not to just cover the unit up with floor mat or carpet.

    Please!If you are using a double-sided tape, make sure you clean the surface with acleaner to remove any oil and dust.

    (I Mounting procedureBy using the provided screws and some kind of brackets, secure the mainunit on the floorboard.


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    Final CheckThis completes the installation and initial settings, please check the following.

    2. Make sure all the wire connections are correct and secure.3. Make sure that the wires are neatly secured and tucked away.4. Make sure the main unit is securely mounted.5. Make sure all the parts that was removed to perform this installation arereinstalled.

    6. Turn the ignition to "ON" position, and confirm that the ACTIVE l.E.D. lights up"GREEN". If it doesn't, check the Troubleshooting Guide" section.7. Start the engine and confirm that the ACTIVE L.E.D. is "NOT" displaying anyerror code.

    8. Make sure that the negative battery is securely connected, and close the hood.


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    About the Fuel AdjustmentThis unit reads the airflow or pressure sensor input signal of the factory system, andcalculates the intake air volume. Then with the front panel adjustment setting, it correctsthe airflow signal to the ECU to achieve the desired fuel delivery. About the AIR-FLOW ADJUST VOLUME switch (A.A.V.)1. When the unit is powered up, the ACTIVE L.E.D. illuminate "GREEN" (solid) By using the supplied adjustment tool, turn the A.A.V. clockwise (+ adjustment) orcounter clockwise (- adjustment), the unit will go in to "Adjustment Mode". Theadjustment range is 20% (at 1% increments).

    If you turn the A.A.V. to the desired setting, the ACTIVE L.E.D. will illuminate (solid).When the A.A.V. is turned back to 0%, the ACTIVE L.E.D. will flash "ORANGE" If do not make any adjustment for over 2 sec. The ACTIVE L.E.D. will flash thecurrent setting in "ORANGE" twice. Then it will go back to "GREEN" and lock in thesetting.

    To adjust to the desired setting, repeat the steps 3 ....4.


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    About the Fuel Adjustment

    About the ACTIVE L.E.D.1. When the engine RPM reaches the set RPM range, the "GREEN" L.E.D.

    will turn "ORANGE".(At 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 rpm, it will turn "ORANGE")

    2. When in "Adjustment Mode", ACTIVE L.E.D. will flash.When adjusting 1% - 10% range, it will flash.When Adjusting 10% ....,20% range, it will start to flash faster.

    How to read the current setting flashesWhen displaying 3%0.2 sec.


    A C T IV E . L . E . D .ORANGE A C T I V E i.auGREEN flashingor solidWhen displaying 11%

    0.5 sec. 0.2sec.



    A C T I V E l .E .D .GREEN flashingor solid

    1.0sec. 1.5sec.Solid---!A C T I V E L .E .D .ORANGE


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    I About the Fuel AdjustmentExample: When the A.A.V. SET RPM and Adjustment is set as following:

    ser RPM 1 2 3 4 52000rpm 3QQO rpm 4000rpm 5000rpm 6000rpmAdjustment ..5% -10% +5% +10% +5%

    Adjustment+20+15 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ~----- ------+10+ 5o .. . 4 t :nO.. 5 .........- ....................~------ ~ ---- __vY__ ------ ------ ------

    -10-1 5-20 o 1000 2000 30004000 50006000 7000 8000 RPM

    S ET RPM 2 4 531

    The fuel adjustment will be as shown in the graph above.The rpm between the A.A.V. Adjustment points will be calculated with the before andafter of the adjustment points.Example: From the graph above, the 4500 rpm points will be between A.A.V. 3 andA.A.V.4. So, the adjustment point will be +7 .5%.Also, the adjustment before 2000rpm will be the A.A.V. 1 value, and above 6000rpm willbe the A.A.V. 5 value.


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    About the Fuel Adjustment@ Changing VTEC shift pointThe VTEC shift point can be adjusted 1000rpm (100rpm increments) by turning theV.P.V. on the front panel.

    1 & VTEC Airflow AdjustmentWhen adjusting the factory VTEC shift point, there will be a difference in the ECUVTEC signal and the actual shift signal. This difference affects the fuel injection aswell. This feature can be used to fine-tune the VTEC system by adjusting fuel tocompensate for the difference.Use the V.A.A.V. to adjust 10% (1% increments) .

    Example: Factory VTEC shift point 5000rpmChange shift point to 4000rpm, and V.A.A.V. to -2%.2% will be subtracted from the4000rpm to 5000rpm of the A.A.v. ( shown in dotted line)

    Adjustment+20+15+10+ 5

    o 5 t----I--~.-1015 ----.. -- -..- .- -. --..-- --. _ q - - - - .-20 0 1000[2.200..0 3000 4000 500.. 0 600.. 0 7000 8000 RPMssr RPM L 1 2 3 4 5

    2 2

  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    Wire Diagram for the Optional Injector Harness (sold separately)To control the main injectors, and sub injectors, e-Manage Injector Harness is required alongwith the e-Manage Support Tool software, and Windows base P.C.(laptop).Injector Signal C on ne ct to th e v eh ic le 's In je cto r sig na l w ire s. R e fe r to th e "V eh icle S p ec ific ECU w ire lo ca tio nchart" at the end of this m a nu al for the p rop er location of each w ire. M a ke sure that you con nectth e s ame number o f w ire s a s th e e ng in e's c ylin de r n umber. (E x clu de s Ro ta ry e ng in es )., F or R otary engines, you can w ire only the p rim a ry or second ary inje ctor signal or both... If the vehicle does not have the sam e num ber of in jector signa l w ire as the num ber of the engine'scylinder num b er, group 2 w ires in to one. S ee the exam p le diag ram be low .

    E xample 1[; l Malo connector() F emale c on ne cto rI- S p lic e

    E C U(E ng in e C on tro l U nit


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    Wire Diagram for the Optional Ignition Harness (sold separately)To control the ignition timing, e-Manage Ignition Harness is required along with the e-ManageSupport Tool software, and Windows base P.C.(laptop).Wire diagram for Ignition Signal Please read the instruction included with the Ignition harness kit, and proceed with the wiring only ifyou fully understand the instruction. Connect to the vehicle's Ignition signal wires. Refer to the "Vehicle Specific ECU wire locationchart" at the end of this manual for the proper location of each wire. Connect the ignition channelwire in the engine's firing order.,. Make sure that wires are connected in the firing order and jumper setting is correct. Improperwiring and setting can damage the ignition coil.

    Example f C U !i e -m a na ge IIG Cha nn el CK-l CK-2 CH-3 CH-4 CH-S ,_5f----. -----3 . 4 . 6 , 8 c ylin de r d is tr ib uto r t ._-.1I nl in e 4 cyl in de r g ro up i gn it io n tl,4 t2,3r

    Ho ri zo nt al ly o ppo sed 4 cyl in de r t l , 2 t3,4 ,I nl in e 4 cyl in de r i nd iv id ua l I gn it io n tl t3 t4 tZ f - - ~.--- ---Ho ri zo nt al ly o pposed 4 cyli nd er tl t3 t 2 t4 iI nl in e 6 cyl in de r g ro up i gn it io n tl,6 t 5 , l t3,4 !V6 g roup I gn it io n tl,4 t 2 , 5 t3,6 ,

    I nli ne 6 cyl in de r i nd iv id ua l i gn it io n tl t S t3 t6 t2 t4V6 ind iv idual ign it ion tl t2 t3 t4 t 5 t6138 (FC3S, JC3SE) tT t L ,208 (JCESE) tT t L-~-.-, ~-~--------Ii138 (FD3S) tTl rr z t L..-

    On Hondas set the jumper pins JP 1 and JP2 to 2-3. (seePage 14-15) After wiring, if the tachometer, or not firing occurs, set thejumper pin JP2 to 2-3. (Specially on Toyota) On Honda EG type vehicles, the bottom third pin from the'right on the 26 pin is also an ignition signal. Group the 2 wiretogether.


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    Error Code ChartHow to read the error codesWhen there is s system error, the ACTIVE L.E.D. will change to RED and start flash rapidly.1. If this occurs, shut down the engine immediately. Turn the IG key to the "ON" position to go theCheck Mode.2. While in check mode, the red flashes will start to flash all the stored codes.3. Count the red flashes to check the code.4. Turn the IG key to "OFF" position, and fix the problem.

    * When the Support Tool (sold separately) is used to tune the e-Manage, check the Error CodeChart on the Support Tool Manual.0.5 sec 0.2 sec

    ON- - r '. . . . . . . i- . . . . . . . r'" r'" . . . . . . . . .4 .0 s ec t.s s ec 25sec 4.0 sec1-1 - . . .r . - IO FF E rr or c ode [ 111 Er ror cede {13]

    CODe Error Error description1 1 Airflow Signal 1 In co rre ct w ir in g o r d is co nnec te d A irflow S ig na l 1input error12 Airflow Signal 2 In co rre ct w ir in g o r d is co nnecte d A irflow S ig na l 2 .input error In co rr ec t Jumpe r settin g (JP3).1 3 Karman Vortex In co rre ct w ir in g o r d is co nnecte d K arman S ig na l.sensor input error In co rr ec t Jumpe r settin g (JP4).1 4 VTECSignal In co rre ct V TEC sig na l in pu t w ir in g.input error In co rr ec t Jumpe r settin g ( JP4 ).1 5 Airflow voltage In co rr ec t A ir flow s igna l outp ut w ir in g.output error1 6 VTECSignal In co rr ec t V TEC sig na l o utp ut w irin g.output error In co rr ec t Jumpe r settin g ( JP3 ).

    2 5

  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    IECU Wire Location ChartUse the following Table and Wire Diagram to set the e-Manage initial setup andproperly wire the harness.* If your vehicle is not listed in the chart, contact the GReddy Product Support Dealernear you or GReddy Performance Product.

    +8 PowerE GroundI ~ RPM SignalTh ......Throttle SignalAr ~ Airflow/Pressure signalVT ~ VTEC SignalVM ~VTM Signal#E ~Injector Ground

    (#*) ~NO. * Injector Signal(t*) ~NO.,* Ignition Signal(I t ~RPM & Ignition Signali:i~:~~)~NO. * &NO. ' * Ignition Signal(~~) ~ Leading Ignition SignaltT* ~ NO. * Trailing Ignition Siganl

    ( f . ! . P~) ~ NO. ' * Primary Injector Signal(# :$~)~ NO. ' * Secondary Injector Signal


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    I ECUWire Location ChartTOYOTA


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    ECUWire Location Chart

    Integra 2 8 A

    H- 3


    * Vehicle with H - 3VT M signal onfy-

    -- -------------_------2R

  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    LECU Wire Location ChartMITSUBISHI

    C D

    M-1 M-2

  • 8/7/2019 EMB Install Manual Part 2


    I ECU Wire Location ChartMAZDA

    * Adaptor required (J ap an es e s pe c o nly )



