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Enews May / June

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8/9/2019 Enews May / June http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/enews-may-june 1/11 Featured!  Singapore Flyer • Articles on Advertising  SHELTONTIMES our monthly feed of Shelt oner news! issue fifteen May / June 2010 Shelton College International 1 Contents Categorized by the colour of the header bars Student Stories • World Cup Story • I believe I can fly • Proud to be Sheltonite Images • International Cultural Night • FM93.8 Live in Shelton • Friendship Testimonials • Tjoe Henny • Liu Qiao Ya • Images Basketball Fever Jevons Zhong Zhuo Wen College Shelton College International • Shehan with my classmates. We had two teams participating in this competition. At the beginning, I felt afraid because I was not sure of the strength of our opponents and I knew the other team with us was very strong. I was prepared that we will be kicked out of the match in a short time. But when the day of the competition arrived, I changed my thinking. I wanted to be the champion but I still felt nervous because it was my first time participating in a basketball competition. When the match started, my team members Hi. I am Jevons from Year 3. About one month ago, I participated in a basketball competition and I co-operated very well. We trust each other. In the end, we won two rounds of matches and were able to get into the final round. Unluckily, the other team who came with us got third position. During the finals, one of our player's ankle was injured but we never gave up. We tried our best in this game. Although we got second place in the end, we enjoyed ourselves. Despite the small number of spectators, we felt happy too. This is because we made many friends and we learn to trust each other. This is something we can't learn in our classroom. • Maintaining Good Relationship • Nguyen Trong Binh • Basketball
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• Singapore Flyer

• Articles onAdvertising


SHELTONTIMESY our  mon t hly f eed of  Shel t oner  new s!

issue fifteen May / June 2010

Shelton College International1

ContentsCategorized by the colourof the header bars

Student Stories

• World Cup Story

• I believe I can fly

• Proud to be Sheltonite


• International Cultural Night

• FM93.8 Live in Shelton

• Friendship


• Tjoe Henny

• Liu Qiao Ya

• Images

Basketball FeverJevons Zhong Zhuo Wen

CollegeShelton College International

• Shehan

with my classmates. We had two teamsparticipating in this competition.

At the beginning, I felt afraid because I was notsure of the strength of our opponents and Iknew the other team with us was very strong. Iwas prepared that we will be kicked out of thematch in a short time.

But when the day of the competition arrived, I

changed my thinking. I wanted to be thechampion but I still felt nervous because it wasmy first time participating in a basketballcompetition.

When the match started, my team members

Hi. I am Jevons from Year 3. About one month ago, Iparticipated in a basketball competition

and I co-operated very well. We trust eachother. In the end, we won two rounds of matches and were able to get into the finalround. Unluckily, the other team who camewith us got third position.

During the finals, one of our player's ankle wasinjured but we never gave up. We tried ourbest in this game.

Although we got second place in the end, weenjoyed ourselves. Despite the small numberof spectators, we felt happy too. This isbecause we made many friends and we learnto trust each other. This is something we can'tlearn in our classroom.

• Maintaining Good Relationship

• Nguyen Trong Binh

• Basketball

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World Cup Story

One technically gifted strike of a football,however late it came, was all it took torescue the world cup final from theignominy of penalties it probablydeserved. At a stroke, Andres Iniestaensured it was plucked from the finals listmarked 'whatever' and placed in therather more agreeable environs of 'late

winner prevents world from light coma'section.

The titchy tiki-taka technician fromBarcelona was by far and away thestand-out player on the field, andexperienced a moment of purefootballing joy that few ever have, or willin the future. The explosion of ecstasy



Photo Credits: Skysports.com

released by his expert finish, when teedup by (soon-to-be) Barca team-mate CescFabregas, even had Real Madrid fansqueuing up to label him the best player inthe world.

After the ball hit the back of the net, theSpanish players who weren't trying to lose

a limb in the massive bundle on top of Iniesta were sinking to the turf as if poleaxed by footy love. Iker Casillas evenafforded himself a little cry, despite therebeing a good five minutes left. He turnedthe waterworks back on seconds after thefinal whistle, and again as his reportergirlfriend tried to interview him,prompting him to ignore her questions in

favour of a sloppy snog instead.

Spain may not have run riot over teams,or scored goals in vast quantities butpound for pound they have been thebest team of the tournament. Watchingeach one of their 78,650 passes in eachgame was a joy, even if they largely did

travel precisely three yards. Even whenthe Dutch were trying their best to kicktheir faces off, they stayed true to theirprinciples, and Iniesta's rocket handedthem a rightful European and Worlddouble.

Final Score: Spain 1- Netherlands 0

By The Fifth Official (Soccernet.com)

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I believe I can flyWang Bin Zhou

A-LevelShelton College International

Hello! My name is Wang Bin Zhou, you can also call me Vincent as it is my English name.

I'm an A-level student and also the president of GavelClub in Shelton High School International.


Gavel club, as one of the CCA programs, is held by schooland guided by Toastmaster Club in order to enrichstudents' interest and cultivate students' ability of communication and leadership. I largely enjoy being atoastmaster in my club as it truly teaches me a lot. Now, I'dlike to share one of my experiences in Gavel club with you.

In April 2010, I attended the Raffles Annual Gavel ClubSummit to participate in the speech competition and sharethe experience of managing Gavel Club with other schools.I still remember on that day, when I first arrived at RafflesInstitution and registered my attendance. I was shocked bythe attendance list. From the list, I found that many topschools also attended the summit, including Raffles Junior

College, NUS High School, and National Junior Collegeand so on.

After sitting on the special chair for the competitors, I gotnervous. How could I, a Chinese, beat those nativespeakers? Would I be laughed by the audience who were

from those reputed schools? Finally, it was my turn to givespeech. I took a deep breath in order to disrupt my wishfulthinking and calmly went up to the speech platform.“Good morning, fellow toastmasters, ladies and ...” Ispoke as articulate as I could. I spoke as vivid as I could andas passionate as I could.

In the end, I achieved not bad result; 2nd runner up. Themoment when I received my award, I was deeply moved byconsistency, I also realized that we can do all things if wedare to do! That day in Raffles Summit can be said as aharvest day. Beside the award I won, I also met manyexperienced and skilled toastmaster from many schools,their speech ability influenced me deeply, and their

experience of managing gavel club inspired me largely.

I really hope I can attend more homogeneous activities inthe future. I believe, with more communication with otherschools, our school's gavel club will run much better in thefuture.

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Approximately 30 students came to support the event andmany of them enthusiastically shared their own stories withthe nation. The topic? Foreign students in Singapore. The'international experience' is currently a hot issue acrossSingapore, especially right here at Shelton CollegeInternational where most of our students (and many staff 

members) are from overseas. “When we come to a newplace, we might feel lonely. We cannot make many friendswhen we live outside. However, we can be moreindependent”, says student Hu Rui Ting.

Shelton College International


Proud to be an International 'Sheltonite'Melanie Smedes

CollegeShelton College International

On 25 June, Shelton CollegeInternational made its nationalradio debut on FM93.8,showcasing some of our very ownstudents and staff.

These issues and many more were discussed during the 1 hour live broadcast. A prepared panel of four provided a wide range of viewpointsand experiences from which students and staff could contribute to a variety of specific issues. Students felt connected from the experienceas commonalities emerged. Zou Yi Kun, a Mass Communications student at Shelton, said “it made me think that Singapore is a good placefor me, and of course, it will make Shelton more famous!”

All in all, it was a very uplifting experience. The staff from FM93.8 were efficient, professional, and best of all, encouraging. After all, it can bequite a nerve-wracking experience to speak into a microphone knowing that countless numbers of people are listening. During off-air time,the audience and panel were properly briefed and were able to anticipate the topics that would be discussed. Nerves were soon forgottenand enthusiasm ran high.

When asked about the benefits of such an event at Shelton, Sun Yi stated the simple but powerful fact that “it can make people from differentcountries become friends”.


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CollegeShelton College International

Friendship is one of the most important things for humans to survive. Mosthumans have their own style when it comes to maintaining a goodrelationship with a person from a different culture.

Most of them happen because they need to socialize with others. It occurs when a person has to go out of his country and move toanother country. All the steps that are required to have friend and maintain it are: the introduction of self to one of the mates, get along,try to discover one’s uniqueness, and believe each other.

The first step is to introduce to the people inside the room orclassroom, because basically it is most likely to happen tosomeone who is new to the country. If most of the classmatesare from that country and the person is only the one whocomes from another country; it is best for him to use aninternational language in other to reduce the language gapbetween him and the people around him. For example: Sunnycame from Japan and she has to move to India. She has to

attend the school in India too. So, instead of being alone andin order to improve her speaking in English, she introducedherself in English and she got to know everyone nicely.

After introducing, the next step is to get along, it is not thateasy to get along and get used to the languages the people inthat country use. In order to get used to it quickly, the personwho immigrates to that country has to do what the people inthat country usually do and try to study their culture. Example,Sunny completed her school and she finally has 2 friends whoare willing to accompany her and tell her about the roads,banks, and good spots. Once Sunny walks in the crowds,Sunny is not used to it but the 2 friends who are with her,because they are Indians, are used to it. Sunny and her friends

finally stop at a shop and because of Sunny’s two friends,Sunny is starting to get used to it and she learned how tobargain in that country.

Next step after getting along is to find what is theuniqueness of the country and the people living in it.Without knowing about it, people are usually amazed by theculture in different country and some people try to learnabout the culture. And most of the people who try it say thatit is fun. For example: There is a Festival in India. Sunny andher two friends go there to see what the festival looks like.Sunny saw the parade with an amazing and exciting feeling,

and then she asked her 2 friends to teach her how to dancethe traditional dance and she felt excited about it.

And, the last step is to believe each other. Trusting eachother is not always easy. By trusting someone wholeheartedly might improve the friendship. For example: one of Sunny’s friends had a problem. She told Sunny and her otherfriend about her problem. Sunny and her friend tried so hardto find the solution for the problem and in the end; they gotthe solution for her problem. Sunny’s friend felt reallygrateful to sunny and her other friends. In conclusion,maintaining a good relationship with person from a differentculture requires introducing, get along, finding one’suniqueness and truth in each other. By doing that, friendship

can bloom in any country even though they come fromdifferent countries with different cultures.


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Shelton College International6


Maintaining Good RelationshipTang Zi Yu

CollegeShelton College International

How to maintain agood relationshipwith a person froma different culture?

Nowadays, with high-speed developmentof all countries, the whole world becomes

more and more inseparable. So, makingfriends with foreign people who have verydifferent cultures with you is moreimportant than before. But how tomaintain a good relationship with aperson from a different culture? Totallyspeaking, it requires three steps:understanding the culture of foreignfriends, finding the same habits or topicsthat both of you enjoy, communicating


When you want to maintain arelationship, it means that you haveknown that person before, and you wantto keep on your relationships. The firststep you need to do is try to recognizeand learn the culture in his country.Reading a book which describes theculture in his country or findinginformation on the internet would begood ways for you to understand how to

get along with your friends. Accordingto this, you will know that what you cannot do and what you can not say. You

can have a better foundation to havedeep relationship when you try to showyour respect, he will know.

In the step of “finding the same habitsor topics” you need to talk to eachother. You can listen carefully aboutwhat he said and what he done or youcan ask directly about his habits andwhat he likes. According to these, you

may realize what he is fond of, then,your can communicate happily. Havingthe same topics is the key point of 

To sum up, making friends with a foreign student is easier than maintaining the relationship. Thesethree steps: understanding the culture of friends, finding same habits or topics, and communicatingfrequently, will help you to maintain it.

maintaining a friendship. If you do thissuccessfully, you can develop yourrelationship.

The third step is to communicatefrequently. No matter where you are andthe distances between you, you need toconnect your friends as possible as youcan. Although best friends do not needfrequent connections, general friends,

especially friends from different culturerequire more communication.

id You Know?Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year. Thetradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends began in US in 1935. Gradually the festivalgained popularity and today Friendship Day is celebrated in large number of countriesincluding India. On this day people spend time with their friends and express love for them.Exchange of Friendship Day Gifts like flowers, cards and wrist bands is a popular traditionof this occasion.

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Having completed my 8 months diploma course in Shelton, I was attached to Singapore Recreation Club as a trainee in one of the outlets for6 months. I was assigned in Barker’s Lounge where it helps me to develop skills such as working in the bar, recognizing different drinks’concoctions and communication skills. My work experience in the lounge was something that I can’t learn in everyday’s life. Though it can befrustrating at times, but so far I enjoyed working there as my colleagues are helpful and friendly. Moreover, a good working environment canease the stress of frustrations that you have encountered when dealing with fussy customers.


Shelton College International7


Tjoe Henny’s Shelton ExperienceTjoe Henny

CollegeShelton College International

Hi, Everyone. I am Tjoe Henny from Indonesia. I have completed my diplomain Shelton College and the course that I studied was Travel Tourism and


Qiao Ya’s StoryLiu Qiao Ya

CollegeShelton College International

My name is Liu Qiaoya. I am fromHubei

Liu Qiao Ya

In conclusion, I am pleased that Shelton College has given methe support and assistance for those period of time. Not onlythat, the quality of teaching has driven me to be moreadvanced in learning and the fact that Shelton College assistedme during my internship have helped me to avoid the

cumbersome process of preparing job interviews and otherpaperwork needed. I am really happy and proud to be part of Shelton.

I hope that Shelton College will maintain the quality of itsservices and I am looking forward for my future endeavours,which would not have been better without what SheltonCollege has offered me.

Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, Thank you SheltonCollege!

province of China and before I came to Singapore, I havecompleted the high school in my hometown.Aftercompleting my diploma course and advanced diploma inBusiness Administration and Travel, Tourism andHospitality in Shelton College, I choose to join theattachment to improve my experience to get moreknowledge.

My company’s name is called ‘The British Club’. My workingplace is the Verandah Cafe in Food and Beveragedepartment. It is the ideal family dining experience whichcan be found in this open-plan Verandah Cafe overlookingthe pool. This casual alfresco outlet offers an extensive mix

of local and western dishes with kids’ own buffet bar. Thereare a huge range of local and international buffets to beenjoyed.

Tjoe Henny

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To me, Shelton is a good school for

studying and doing attachment. I feel sobecause during my time when I wasstudying there, I have recognise that thequality of teaching was very good. Theway the lecturers teach was very easy forme to understand and very exciting. Theyalso support me a lot and always go theextra miles to make sure I understand.

After finishing my course, I decided to gofor the internship. I had a discussionwith my family before I went for theinternship. It was a correct decisionbecause the school prepared me for my

interview so that I can get the job. During Nguyen Trong Binh

4 Shelton College International8


 Why Nguyen Trong Binh Loves SheltonNguyen Trong Binh

CollegeShelton College International

Hi everybody, my name is Nguyen Trong Binh and I am from Vietnam. I have

completed my higher education in Vietnam before coming to Singapore tostudy Diploma in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality.

Upon completion of my coursework, I went for attachment, Thecompany that I was attached to was California Pizza Kitchen. Duringthe time which I worked there, my colleagues were nice to me, theyalways help me whenever I need their assistance; (example: I do nothave much product knowledge when I first started, did notunderstand what the customer wants and need, and they are alwaysthere to help me).

The working environment was good because it’s a food restaurant sothe environment must be clean. There is an incident which made myattachment unforgettable, Everyday I need to iron my shirt, my pants,and there was once when I was doing the ironing, I accidentally ironmy hand as well and it left 2 scars on my hand. It makes me sad but italso serves as a reminder about my life in Singapore and about myattachment too. My managers were very good to me. Theysupported me a lot during my training time. I really want to thankthem for their guidance.

the internship, the school still care about

me (example: each month I have tosubmit the report of my situation if mywork place so that if you need any helpfrom the school, they will be able to helpme). Shelton’s service and care are goodbecause they always remember theslogan “At SHELTON, NOBODY GETSLEFT BEHIND”. They will always followand support you and do the best for you.

After I finish my internship, I am planningto go back to my country. With the 6month experience, I want to help myfamily in our hotel business and use what

I have learned in Singapore to further

expand our business in Vietnam. With afew years in running our business in

  Vietnam, I think I will come back toShelton to continue with my studies again.

My advice for fellow students: You guysshould join Shelton and do the internshipbecause it will definitely benefit you. It ishard work but it is worth it.

Thank you Shelton for everything!

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I started my Industrial Attachment forsix months as a trainee in the BritishClub in January 2010.

Scores - Sports Bar & Restaurant.Most of the members like my servicewith a smile and my way of talking tothem. It is very nice and I have gainedgood experience which includes thecustomer service which I believe willbenefit me in my life. I thoroughlyenjoyed working with all of mycolleagues. They had a genuineconcern for my success. They werealways willing to take the time toexplain things and make sure that I hadlearned from their teachings. I foundthat they were very knowledgeable inthe areas they taught.

Accomplishing my Diploma inHospitality at Shelton gave me theconfidence and knowledge to go into

the second year! Shelton is very famous

4 Shelton College International9


Shehan’s TestimonialNguyen Trong Binh

CollegeShelton College International

Singapore was my first and only choice when studying overseas. I completed

the Diploma in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management in SheltonCollege International in year 2009.

for providing a very friendlyenvironment for overseas students.The academic staff at Shelton alwaysencourages the students to expressthemselves confidently, which is animportant requirement for our futurecareers. It it wasn’t for the supportand encouragement given to me bymy lecturers, I would not have beenable to get high distinction for my

subjects. Lecturers, tutors andAcademic Advisor were aninspiration and gave me the strengthto achieve my goals. I personallybelieve that Shelton is an excellentinstitution to study at and improvestudents’ career opportunities.Shelton provides students with theappropriate environment and aflexible study system. I benefitedfrom being able to interact withstudents from different countries,with different cultural backgroundsand as a result, I met friends to last alifetime. I have had the opportunity

to befriend and know through Shelton which is something that I especially appreciate. Not only did I learn things through lectures andbooks but also I learnt about people, which is one skill more valuable than any other. Shelton is not just an institution to me, it is acommnity, a home away from home, and this closeness and comfort is something I shall miss, I will use the knowledge that I have learntin Shelton to use as my background and use my experience skills to apply in my new job. Through the internship, I have learnt many newthings and now I have confidence in myself.

It was really helpful and useful. I hope that the students in Shelton will study hard even if there are hard times but if you do well and workhard, a bright and hopeful future awaits you. This is your good chance to study hard and stretch your knowledge. Finally, I would like tosay Thank you to all my friends, teachers and the staffs of Shelton College and my colleagues at the British club, provided me all the best,for making this so enjoyable and unforgettable.

Shehan Perera

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Pictures Galore!

International Cultural Night

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Pictures Galore!

International Cultural Night (2)

FM93.8 - Shelton Showcase
