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Engineering Scalable Social Games

Date post: 23-Feb-2016
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Engineering Scalable Social Games. Dr . Robert Zubek. Top social game developer. Growth Example Roller Coaster Kingdom . 1M DAUs over a weekend. source: developeranalytics.com. Growth Example FishVille. 6 M DAUs in its first week. source: developeranalytics.com. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Engineering ScalableSocial Games

Dr. Robert Zubek

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Top social game developer

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Growth ExampleRoller Coaster Kingdom

1M DAUs over a weekend

source: developeranalytics.com

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Growth ExampleFishVille

6M DAUs in its first week

source: developeranalytics.com

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Growth ExampleFarmVille

25M DAUs over five months

source: developeranalytics.com

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Talk Overview

Part I. Game Architectures

Part II. Scaling Solutions

Introduce game developers to bestpractices for large-scale web development

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• server approaches• client approaches

Part I. Game Architectures

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• Game logic in MMO server (eg. Java)

• Web stack for everything else

Server Side

• Usually based on a LAMP stack

• Game logic in PHP• HTTP communication

Mixed stackWeb stack

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Example 1FishVille

Web Servers + CDNCache and

Queue Servers

DB Servers

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Example 2 YoVille

Web Servers + CDN

MMO Servers

Cache and Queue Servers

DB Servers

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• HTTP scales very well• Stateless request/response• Easy to load-balance across servers• Easy to add more servers

Some limitations• Server-initiated actions• Storing state between requests

Why web stack?

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exampleWeb stack and state

Web #1

DB Servers

Web #2Web #3 Client

Web #4


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MMO servers

• Minimally “MMO”:• Persistent socket connection per client• Live game support: chat, live events• Supports data push• Keeps game state in memory

• Very different from web!

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Why MMO servers?

• Harder to scale out!• But on the plus side:

1. Supports live communication and events2. Game logic can run on the server,

independent of client’s actions3. Game state can be entirely in RAM

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Example Web + MMO stack

Web Servers

MMO Servers



DB Servers

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• The game is “just” a web page

• Minimal sys reqs• Limited graphics and


Client Side

• High production quality games

• Game logic on client• Can keep open



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Social Network Integration

• “Easy” because not related to scaling

• Calling the host network to get a list of friends, post something, etc.

• Networks provide REST APIs, and sometimes client libraries

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database, cache, etc.

Web server stack

HTML Flash

Web + MMO


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Part I. Game Architectures

Part II. Scaling Solutions

Introduce game developers to bestpractices for large-scale web development

not blowing upas you grow

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ScalingScale up vs. scale out

I need more boxes

I need a bigger box

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ScalingScale up vs. scale out

Scale out has been a clear win• At some point you can’t

get a box big enough, quickly enough

• Much easier to add more boxes

• But: requires architectural support from the app!

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Example:Scaling up vs. out

• 500,000 daily players in first week• Started with just one DB, which quickly

became a bottleneck• Short term: scaled up, optimized DB accesses,

fixed slow queries, caching, etc.• Long term: must scale out with the size

of the player base!

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ScalingWe’ll look at four elements:


Game servers (web + MMO)


Capacity planning

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II A. Databases

App Servers

App Servers





DBs are the first to fall over

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How to partition data?

• Two most common ways:• Vertical – by table

• Easy but doesn’t scale with DAUs• Horizontal – by row

• Harder to do, but gives best results!• Different rows live on different DBs• Need a good mapping from row # to DB

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id Data

100 foo

101 bar

102 baz

103 xyzzy

Row stripingM0 M1• Row-to-shard mapping:

• Primary key modulo # of DBs• Like a “logical RAID 0”• More clever schemes exist, of course

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S0 S1M2 M3

x xScaling out your shards




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Sharding in a nutshell

• It’s just data striping across databases (“logical RAID 0”)• There’s no automatic replication, etc.• No magic about how it works• That’s also what makes it robust,

easy to set up and maintain!

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Example: Sharding

• Biggest challenge: designing how to partition huge existing dataset

• Partitioned both horizontally and vertically• Lots of joins had to be broken • Data patterns needed redesigned

• With sharding, you need to know the shard ID for each query!

• Data replication had difficulty catching up with high-volume usage

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Sharding surprises

• Can’t do joins across shards• Instead, do multiple selects,

or denormalize your data

Be careful with joins

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Sharding surprises

• CPU-expensive; easier to pay this cost in the application layer (just be careful)

• The more you keep in RAM, the less you’ll need these

Skip transactions and foreign key constraints

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II B. Caching

• DBs can be too slow• Spend memory to buy speed!





App Servers

App Servers


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• Two main uses:• Speed up DB access to commonly

used data• Shared game state storage for stateless

web game servers

• Memcached: network-attached RAM cache

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• Stores simple key-value pairs• eg. “uid_123” => {name:”Robert”, …}

• What to put there?• Structured game data• Mutexes for actions across servers

• Caveat• It’s an LRU cache, not a DB!

No persistence!

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Memcache scaling out

DBs MCs App

Shard it just like the DB!

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II C. Game Servers

Web Servers

MMO Servers






MMO Servers

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Scaling web servers


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Scaling content delivery


game dataonly



Web Servers Client

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Scaling MMO servers

• Scaling out is easiest when servers don’t need to talk to each other• Databases: sharding• Memcache: sharding• Web: load-balanced farms• MMO: ???

• Our MMO server approach: shard just like other servers

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Scaling MMO servers

• Keep all servers separate from each other• Minimize inter-server communication• All participants in a live event should be on

the same server• Scaling out means no direct sharing

• Sharing through third parties is okay

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Problem #1:Load balancing • What if a server gets overloaded?

• Can’t move a live player to a different server

• Poor man’s load-balancing:• Players don’t pick servers; the LB does• If a server gets hot, remove it from the

LB pool• If enough servers get hot, add more server

instances and send new connections there

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Problem #2: Deployment

Downtime = lost revenues• You can measure cost of

downtime in $/minute!

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Problem #2: Deployment

Deployment comparison:• Web: just copy over PHP files• Socket servers – much harder

• How to deploy with zero downtime?

• Ideally: set up shadow new server and slowly transition players over

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II D. Capacity planning

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We believein scaling out

• Demand could change rapidly• How to provision enough servers?

Different logistics thanscaling up

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Capacity:colo vs. cloud

• Low or zero fixed cost• Higher variable cost• Little or no lead time on

additional capacity• Less control over ops• Limited choice of VMs• Virtualized storage• Can’t scale up! Only out.


• Higher fixed cost• Lower variable cost• Significant lead time on

additional capacity• More control over ops• Any chips you want• Any disks you want• Scale up or out

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• Scaling out: a legion of servers

• You’ll need tools• App health – custom dashboard• Server monitoring – Munin• Automatic alerts – Nagios

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Ops: Dashboard

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Ops: Munin

Server stats from the entire farm

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Ops: Nagios

• SMS alerts for your server stats• Connections drop to zero• Or CPU load exceeds 4• Or test account can’t connect, etc.

• Put alerts on business stats, too!• DAUs dropping below daily avg, etc.

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Server failures

• Common in the cloud• Dropping off the net• Sometimes even shutting down

• Be defensive• Ops should be prepared• Devs should program defensively

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The EndMany thanks to those who taught me a lot:

Virtual Worlds: Scott Dale, Justin WaldronCoaster: Biren Gandhi, Nathan Brown, Tatung Mei


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