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Engineering Standars

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  • 8/6/2019 Engineering Standars


    21/10/02 1

    A Survey of Software

    Engineering StandardsASMA & SQA Meeting

    Mike Berry

    Email: [email protected]

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    21/10/02 2

    A Personal Journey

    Standards are forpeople who cant think

    for themselves 1975

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    21/10/02 3

    From Sceptic to Standard-builder 1987 Responsible for internal standards

    manual at Qantas

    1989 Became aware of AS3563 : SoftwareQuality Assurance

    1990 Became aware of ISO/IEC 9126:Software Product Evaluation - QualityCharacteristics and guidelines for their use

    1995 Used ISO/IEC 12207 as the basis for

    Software Process Design 1996 Joined WG13 developing ISO/IEC 15939:

    Software Measurement Process

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    21/10/02 4

    What happened to the QantasInternal Standards Manual?

    Displaced by a set of Manuals fora proprietary methodology from a

    Consulting Company

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    21/10/02 5

    What ever happened toAS3563?

    It was superseded byISO 9000-3 Quality Management andQuality Assurance Standards--Part 3:

    Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001to the Development, Supply, and

    Maintenance of Software

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    What happened toISO/IEC 9126?

    Its been substantially upgraded andrepackaged as SQuaRE

    Latest version: ISO/IEC 9126 -:2001: Software engineering - Product quality - Part1: Quality model

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    What happened to

    ISO/IEC 12207?

    Became the standard makers standardbut didnt make a big impact on theindustry

    May be replaced by ISO/IEC ISO/IEC

    15228 System Life Cycle Processes

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    21/10/02 8

    What will happen toISO/IEC 15939?

    Uptake will be a function of the demand forsoftware measurement

    Integrates into 12207 FrameworkSupports other standards that needmeasurement

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    My Conclusion

    Standards have their own life-cycle of creation, maintenance

    and decommisioning

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    Whos in the Standardsgame?

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    Setting Standards ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 & the Working Groups

    IEEE has entered into a Category A Liaison with ISO/IEC

    JTC1/SC7 to coordinate work on software andsystems engineering standards

    Software Engineering Institute CMM was a product of their imagination

    CMMI seeking to comply with ISO/IEC 15504, SEI

    participating in SPICE trials Uses architecture of ISO/IEC standards where

    appropriate eg used 15939 for basis of Measurement& Analysis process area

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    21/10/02 12

    Whats Out There?

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    21/10/02 13

    ISO/IECSoftware Engineering Standards Source: Stan Magee @ WWW.12207.com Configuration Management

    ISO/IEC TR 15846 Software Engineering-Software Life Cycle Process-Configuration Management for Software

    Design ISO/IEC 14102 Guideline for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE

    Tools, ISO/IEC TR 14759 Mockup and Prototype


    ISO/IEC 15910Software User Documentation Process, ISO/IEC TR

    9294 Information Processing--Guidelines for the Management ofSoftware Documentation

    Function Points

    ISO/IEC 14143-1Software Measurement--Functional SizeMeasurement-Part1: Definition of Concepts

    Human Factors

    ISO/IEC 14598-1 Information Technology-Evaluation of SoftwareProducts-General Guide


    ISO/IEC 14764 Software Maintenance

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    21/10/02 14

    ISO/IECSoftware Engineering Standards Project Management

    ISO/IEC TR 16326 Guide for the Application of ISO/IEC 12207 toProject Management


    ISO 9000-3 Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards--Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001 to the Development,Supply, and Maintenance of Software

    ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management Systems Requirements

    ISO/IEC 14598-1 Information Technology-Evaluation of Software

    Products-General Guide

    ISO/IEC 9126Software Product Evaluation - Quality Characteristics andguidelines for their use

    ISO/IEC 12119 Information Technology-Software Packages-QualityRequirements and Testing


    ISO 15408-1Information Technology-- Security Techniques --Evaluation Criteria for IT Security -- Part 1: Introduction and GeneralModel

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    21/10/02 15

    ISO 9000:2000 ISO 9000: Quality management systems

    Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9001: Quality management systems -


    ISO 9004: Quality management systems Guidance for PerformanceImprovement

    ISO 19011:Guidelines on Quality andEnvironmental Auditing

    Replacement for 9000-3 is coming

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    ISO/IEC 12207Information Technology-Software

    Life Cycle ProcessesThe Standard Makers


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    History of ISO/IEC 12207 Produced by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7

    Participants Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands,Spain, Sweden, UK, USA

    Convener: James Roberts (USA) Project Editor: Raghu Singh (USA) Schedule: June 1988-August 1995

    4 working drafts, 2 committee drafts, 1 DIS 17,000 labor-hours of effort [project editorsestimate]

    Source:Leonard L. Tripp & Raghu Singh.

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    21/10/02 18

    Purpose of 12207 To establish a common framework for the life

    cycle of software In particular a standard for standards developers

    Acquire, supply, develop, operate, and maintainsoftware

    Undertakes broader scope than previousstandards

    Manage, control, and improve the framework

    Recognizes that software is part of a system aproject is part of an enterprise

    To establish a basis for world trade in software

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    21/10/02 19

    12207 Maintenance Companion Technical Report

    ISO/IEC TR 15271Guide for ISO/IEC 12207 -(Software Life Cycle Processes)

    Amendment 1: 2000

    ISO/IEC 15228 System Life CycleProcesses

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    21/10/02 20

    ISO/IEC 12207:2002 - Amendment 1 An interim revision -establishes a coordinated set of software process

    information that can be used for process definition and processassessment and improvement.

    Accommodates the requirements of current and developing SC 7standards and technical reports

    ISO/IEC 12207 and ISO/IEC TR 15504, considers other standards, i.e., ISO/IEC 14598 and ISO/IEC


    Using ISO/IEC 12207 as the basis for organizations software lifecycle process and in two-party situations resulted in lessons learned

    Development of ISO/IEC TR 15504-2 highlighted issues in regard tothe granularity of the process definition in ISO/IEC 12207

    i.e.; it was difficult to derive a process rating component for thepurpose of process assessment and improvement.

    Amendment resolves the granularity issue and provides ISO/IEC12207 with purposes and outcomes needed for process assessmentand improvement.

    Removes the need for the Process Reference Model in 15504

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    ISO/IEC 15288 BackgroundSource: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 /N2646R

    International Market for systems engineeringservices and related products services

    Need for a common process framework In 1994 no systems engineering standard

    addressed hardware and software in a

    concurrent and integrated fashion Conventional engineering and software

    engineering were marching along their separate

    ways, particularly in the areas of terminology,design representation, and measurement

    Systems engineering itself was not fullyintegrated.

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    ISO/IEC 15288 Scope Establishes a common framework for describing

    the life cycle of systems created by humans. It defines a set of processes and associated


    These processes can be applied at any level inthe hierarchy of a systems development.

    ISO/IEC 15288 concerns those systems that areman-made and may be configured with one ormore of the following: hardware, software,humans, or processes.

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    Software Product QualityRequirements and Evaluation

    Source: SC7/WG6 N477

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    Introduction Project 07.13 (ISO/IEC 9126 and 14598 Series)

    will be accomplished soon (as at Jan 2001) Some inconsistency in the series and, therefore,

    need for the new architecture were identified.

    The need for one unique name identifying ISand TR of 9126 and 14598 series was identified.

    Originally created at the WG6 meeting in 1999,

    and revised at the 2000 meeting.

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    21/10/02 25

    Background Software quality requirements shall be stated and

    evaluated using a quality model and standard metrics

    Requirements for a product quality shall be defined using qualitymodel and metrics.

    Quality models and metrics shall be standardized.

    Products quality shall be evaluated based on quality model

    using metrics against quality requirements. SQuaRE is aiming to provide integrated and

    comprehensive set of international standards andtechnical reports on software product quality.

    SQuaRE includes international standards and technicalreports on quality model and metrics, as well as qualityrequirements and evaluation

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    21/10/02 26

    Scope SQuaRE is a set of international standards and technicalreports on software product quality

    SQuaRE consists of the following:

    Quality requirements, Quality evaluation, Quality models andQuality metrics, as well as the umbrella division.

    SQuaRE includes: Definitions of terms, reference models and the general guide,

    Requirements (shall) and recommendations (should), and Individual guides to the use of the series.

    Intended users of SQuaRE include, but not limited to: software developers, acquirers, independent evaluators, and

    their managers.

    SQuaRE replaces current ISO/IEC 9126 series and14598 series

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    21/10/02 27

    Architecture 9126-1n: Software Product Quality

    9126-2n: Quality Model 9126-3n: Quality Metrics 30: General Requirements and Guide (NP)

    31: Base Metrics (NP)

    32: Internal Metrics 33: External Metrics

    34: Quality in Use Metrics

    35: Documentation of Evaluation Module

    9126-4n: Quality Requirements

    9126-5n: Quality Evaluation

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    21/10/02 28


    Key themes in Standards Work Constant change



    Vocabulary Commercialisation

    Time to Market Vested Interests
