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English Book

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Contents Foreword ..................................01 1 Socrates (470 B.C - 399 B.C.) 03 2 Plato (427 B.C - 347 B.C.) 09 3 Aristotle (384 B.C - 322 B.C.) 13 4 Alexander the great(356 B.C - 323 B.C.) 17 5 Julius Caeser (102 B.C - 44 B.C.) 22 6 Chenghiz Khan (1162 - 1227) 27 7 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 - 1527) 32 8 George Washington (1732 - 1799) 36 9 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) 41 10 Simon Boliver (1783 - 1830) 46 11 Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) 50 12 Ottovon Bismarck (1815 - 1898) 54 13 Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) 59 14 Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895) 65 15 Meiji Emperor Mutsuhito(1852 - 1912) 69 16 Chulalongkorn (1853 - 1910) 73 17 Sun-Yat-Sen (1866 - 1925) 76 18 Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948) 80 19 Lenin (1870 - 1924) 87 20 Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970) 91 21 Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) 95 22 Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876 - 1948) 100 23 Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953) 105 24 Mustafa Kamal Pasha (1881 - 1938) 109 25 Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945) 113 26 Ben Gurion (1886 - 1973) 117 27 Manavendra Nath (1887 - 1954) 121 28 Adolph Hitler (1889 - 1945) 125 29 Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964) 130 30 Ho Chi Minh (1890 - 1969) 134
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ContentsForeword .................................. 01

1 Socrates (470 B.C - 399 B.C.) 03

2 Plato (427 B.C - 347 B.C.) 09

3 Aristotle (384 B.C - 322 B.C.) 13

4 Alexander the great (356 B.C - 323 B.C.) 17

5 Julius Caeser (102 B.C - 44 B.C.) 22

6 Chenghiz Khan (1162 - 1227) 27

7 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 - 1527) 32

8 George Washington (1732 - 1799) 36

9 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) 41

10 Simon Boliver (1783 - 1830) 46

11 Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) 50

12 Ottovon Bismarck (1815 - 1898) 54

13 Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) 59

14 Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895) 65

15 Meiji Emperor Mutsuhito (1852 - 1912) 69

16 Chulalongkorn (1853 - 1910) 73

17 Sun-Yat-Sen (1866 - 1925) 76

18 Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948) 80

19 Lenin (1870 - 1924) 87

20 Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970) 91

21 Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) 95

22 Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876 - 1948) 100

23 Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953) 105

24 Mustafa Kamal Pasha (1881 - 1938) 109

25 Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945) 113

26 Ben Gurion (1886 - 1973) 117

27 Manavendra Nath (1887 - 1954) 121

28 Adolph Hitler (1889 - 1945) 125

29 Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964) 130

30 Ho Chi Minh (1890 - 1969) 134

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31 Charles De Gaulle (1890 - 1970) 137

32 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1891 - 1956) 141

33 Mao Tsetung (1893 - 1976) 148

34 Sukarno (1901 - 1970) 153

35 Deng Xiao Ping (1904 - 1997) 156

36 Kim Il Sung (1912 - 1994) 160

37 Park Chung Hee (1917 - 1979) 164

38 Gamel Abdul Nasser (1918 - 1970) 167

39 Nelson Mandela (1918) 172

40 Lee Kwan Yu (1923) 176

41 Mohatir Muhammad (1925) 180

42 Fidel Castro (1926) 184

43 Che Guevara (1928 - 1967) 188

44 Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968) 194

45 Yasser Arafat (1929 - 2004) 198

46 Saddam Hussein (1937 - 2006) 202Epilogue .................................. 206

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PrologueIndeed it was arduous to me to go through numerous books on the

biographies of the great men. My task was doubly difficult as I had to scan them impartially and neutrally. Unless I follow this path of precipice, I cannot present the lives of the idealist statesmen and politicians in such a way to satisfy myself or any sincere or committed reader. I personally feel that some of the lives of the great men especially of political field are fully mixed or totally inseparable with their contemporary populist or peoples political activities or actions. Even today the polities envisage or decide the fate of the nations.

It is sure that the body of masses (people) cannot exist without a leader. The ancient and medieval periods of history primarily differ from that of modern history. After the outbreak of the French Revolution, the public opinion, its quantitative strength and democratic values have gained interminable significance and the Industrial Revolution also served as an impetus for this.

Famous British Philosopher Bertrand Russell once commented that Democracy was born out of jealousy. Indeed it is correct. Everybody begin to think that he or she is not inferior to the other and hence all are equal. This mental attitude shaped the idea of ‘Democracy’. Economic progress and Democracy may not always be able to go hand in glove. This dichotomy creates a number of agitations, revolutions, wars and terrible class conflicts of poverty. In ancient and medieval times the power was inherited through heredity and genealogical hierarchy. In modern times the leaders have lost the power of heredity of course to some extent.

I ardently believe that the political leaders are such that can exert maximum and speedy influence on men and matters. If the leaders happen to be bad an unlimited damage could be done to the society, if the leader happens to be good, great benefaction will be bestowed upon the people and society. But one thing is certain that all people cannot become political leaders. Power chooses some and for some it allures and seekers efforts become futile. But the irony of it is that after getting power they corrupt. As it is said that ‘power corrupts power and absolute power absolutely’, those who corrupt their power render this world into a valley or errors and tears. But few could properly utilize their power. But those who did or do harm to the people will crawl in the dust bin of history and be condemned for ever. Such tyrants’ end is celebrated befittingly with joy by people. But some forcibly become leaders and prove their mettle in granting benefits to the ruled. They are adorned by the people. In political field we find all most all shades and trends of people. Some exemplify gloriously for ever while others go down anonymously into the abyss or ignonymity. But however the axiom ‘Might is right’ is suitable in the power politics. The ancient books of India consider life as ephemeral and more often than not it is reminded and repeated when ever occasion demanded. Power is really a great means to serve the people. But most people misuse it. Why they do it is enigmatic in my mind. How much does a man require to live? Why do we crave for riches? Perhaps they do not have faith in future.

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Here I want to recount an anecdote. In a small town there is a doctor. The people of the town show abundant love and respect for his as he is quite affectionate to all. He responds to each and every one. He does not demand fee indiscriminately. He is satisfied with whatever is given by the patients. He never considers the weight of his purse. His better half always queries about the money he earned. He always says that he has sufficient in the bank. All of a sudden this good natured and ‘Samaritan’ doctor is down with stroke. He is admitted in a corporate hospital. This corporate hospital management demands a lakh of rupees for an immediate operation. The wife of the doctor asks him in which bank has he deposited the money and prepare a cheque for the amount demanded. Meanwhile all his friends and tradesmen of his town come and pool the money required for the operation. Of course all of them received services from the doctor. He is saved and proud fully tells his wife that all that helped him are his ‘bank’. Goodness never vanquishes.

What I want to drive you to a point is that those who repose their faith in the people shall never be betrayed. If the political leaders love the people without any self, sure the people reciprocate abundantly. But alas such selfless leaders are scarce now-a-days. Such an insipid and pessimistic attitude can be quelled if we read the lives of great men. The society will be benefitted and come to know of the real value of great leaders. With this same objective I have collected data and information about the lives of some great people, who with unimaginable speed modernized and revolutionized the societies in which they lived. They also remain as great beacon lights of lofty human values for ever. The lives of the leaders I take are really role models for mankind.

With sign of agony and heaviness of the heart I can say that the present youth is totally bereft of proper understanding of the politics and political leaders. It is also pity that some of the youth is misled and generally misconceived into the belief that all leaders are like those who are corrupt like the present one. To dispel these ideas among the young people I have undertaken this stupendous task of writing about the lives of the great men. The previous dictum ‘Yadha Raja Tatha Praja’ (As the king so the people) is replaced with a neo-dictum ‘Yadha Praja Tatha Raja’ (As the people so the king). In these days it is strange or anathema to find the people worshipping Hitler without knowing about Hitler and youth adorning villains without knowing what they are. Such imbalanced and unusual attitudes should be diluted and discretionary sense must be inculcated. To increase the positive way of thinking, I am placing the book before you.

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A great Open University and thinker who brought the heaven high philosophy

to the down to the earth

Socrates(470 B.C - 399 B.C.)

If philosophy is the mother of all subjects, Socrates is the Progenitor of all philosophy. We know that ‘thought’ causes and develops knowledge. Thought implies as a major factor for the mankind to move from the barbarious state to that of a civilized one. Socrates is the great philosopher who taught us how a thought should be and vividlyexplained its aims and objectives, he enlightened everyone on the matters like knowledge, wisdom, morality and good conduct. All these things were thought discussed and disseminated to all by his ‘question and answer method.’ He prescribed the directional objectives for philosophy and laid a foundation for systematic and logical way of thinking through instruction and education. The people living in 5th Century B.C had practically experienced a golden age. Physically speaking they were surrounded by blue waters of the sea, a cluster of islands, fertile lands, gardens of beautiful flowers and lascivious fruits, congenial climate and marble path-ways. Along with it was also abound with the citizens of pleasant wit, thought provoking intellectuals, skilful sculptors, artists, attractive theatres and interesting plays. In Greece the city-states were self governing and independent. Such a city state Athens was shining bright with intellectual radiance and artistic splendor and metaphysical glory. In that Sophist age of philosophy Socrates was born on 470 B.C, his father was Sophoroniscus and his mother Phaenarete a midwife. His father was a sculptor. Plato praised Socrates as midwife who helps and aids in the birth of child, Socrates also helps the ideas to be born. The Athenian roads are the venues of his University. By way of self study and mental exercises the philosopher Socrates became an eternal seeker of truth with insatiable quest for it. Socrates found the youth of his times quite irresponsible and going astray and he decided to awaken them from their deep stupor and set them in the path of right direction to seek for the truth. Socrates gave high priority to morality and law, but he placed morality higher and called it a pure form of wisdom. Socrates was a man of equipoise mind as he considered sorrow and joy alike. He was not a writer of books but stray details about him can be acquired from some contemporary sources like the dialogues of Plato, writings of Zenophon and the plays of Aristophanes.

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We come to know that he in the early life was educated with a mentor Arkelas. After completing his education, he spent a lot of time in studying the philosophical doctrines of the earlier thinkers. Socrates was very much attracted to the philosophical and scientific postulations of Anaxogorus a philosopher physicist of antiquity. For sometime Socrates made a deep observation and research in the matters of science and its technical importance. Now his keen mind turned to scan the human nature, the characteristic features, individuality, and the form of wisdom. Socrates earned a good name while serving as a soldier in the protracted Peloponnesian war and showed his valour in the battles of Delium and Amphipotes. Socrates married Xanthippe and she bore three sons for him. Socrates did not take care of his family. In his conversation with his disciples some witty things surfaced and Socrates displayed a natural humour. One of his disciples asked him if one should marry or not. Socrates said that whatever decision might be he would suffer. He continued telling – “if you get good wife you will be happy, if not you can become a philosopher.” These things infer that Socrates did not have good relations with his wife. Traditions reveal that she was a shrew.

Socrates was gifted with high intelligence and was able to understand the contemporary thinkers. He was endowed with keen logic and phenomenal memory. He was an expert in mixing the logic and discussion. As he inherited some property from his father, Socrates found a great opportunity to move in the streets of Athens irrespective of time and devoted to give instruction and education to the youth. His oral mode of communication is hailed as one of the best methods of propagating higher values and ethical precepts. In the tireless wanderings in the streets of Athens, he appeared a moving encyclopedia disseminating wonderful knowledge. The youth of Athens in those days were attracted to his so much that they did not know where they went and what they ate. His spontaneous sense of knowledge plunged all the youth into a deep thought and they were almost spell bound and heard the road side speeches of their mentor with a rapt attention. He rarely went to his house. Some branded him a wandering lunatic.

His living times were also responsible for him to be remembered for ever. In Greek history the age of Pericles is styled as the Golden age of Greek history and the city of Athens also. Even a century earlier to the birth of Socrates i.e. in 6 th

century B.C the Athenian democracy began to take a shape and witnessed political and cultural zenith. It was a new spur of thought and leap to progress that the people were allowed to participate in the political affairs and governance of the city through the democratic institutions. Perecles said that his government was not only meant for the rich but also for the common men. He gave them freedom to participate in the judicial institutions. He patronized arts and literature and responsible for the building of great monuments like Parthenon and repairing of the Acropolis. In these constructive activity thousands of people got their livelihood. He soon changed the Athens city into a beautiful one. The income of the people enormously increased. The people were everywhere found smiling and lead a comfortable life. In this atmosphere of congeniality Socrates continued his studies as a young man. Endowed with keen sense of knowledge, Socrates always reflected differently in some matters. He mocked at the system of democracy. He

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said that the people were sheep and definitely required a shepherd to control from going astray. He held strange thoughts like people were not instinctively honest or follow righteous path. He frankly denounced the process of ordinary masses speaking at the legislative bodies of Athens. Perhaps he abhorred the common man’s participation in political affairs.

In the quest of truth the method of Socrates was high and different. His method has a special meaning and came to be known as Socrates method. He was in habit of putting questions to the passersby or his disciples. Those questions appeared quite trifling in their nature. By means of most skillful questioning, he gradually forced the listeners to confess that they knew little or nothing and finally brought them to see the truth. The dialogues of Plato give us an insight into the famous “dialectical” method, which enabled Socrates to confound the learned pretentions of the persons taking part in the conversations. It is also called “Socrates Irony.” This wandering philosopher was a great attraction to the youth of Athens. They admired at the skill of his logical utterances in revealing truth. Just like a Open University, many young people became his pupils. It is said that he never demanded money for his instruction. As Socrates did not write any book the information about him is drawn from the works of Plato and Xenophon and also from Aristophanes. Aristophanes play “The Clouds” portrays Socrates as a clown and accepting payment for teaching. Another famous Greek playwright Euripides alleged that Socrates lacked a daily routine and never knew where he would dine and Athens avenues were his dormitories. Two centuries after Dioginus in his book ‘The lives of the Great Philosophers’ wrote that Socrates discussed vehemently and publicly about the ‘Morality’. Many among his Athenian contemporaries complained that Socrates was a heretic, who was speaking about new gods as against the gods of their own faith. But Socrates had shown a great impact on many of the prominent men in the city including Alcibiades and Citius. Alcibiades defiled the statue of Hermes and fled away to escape deterrent punishment.

Socrates, though lived in Athens, was against democracy. He had put in a queer logic that a good soldier must get trained only by another good soldier. He believed that doctors must be prepared by the doctors alone. All people put together cannot make them. Each occupation had its own qualities. He also held the view that ruling was also a sort of occupation, which could be held only by few.

The impact of his anti-democratic stance inspired many and in course of time the democratic set up in Athens was over thrown. While Socrates was alive he saw before him the collapse of democracy and the rule of 30 kings started, is styled by historians as ‘the rule of 30 tyrants’. Many atrocities occurred during this period. 1500 democrats were killed. Thousands of Athenian men, women and slaves left Athens and went elsewhere, losing all their property. Socrates could not stop them, more so his followers did all havoc. His followers tried to drag him into the fray but he kept silence. But many historians unequivocally conclude that Socrates was responsible for the incidents that rocked Athens.

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In the year 403 B.C Democracy was revived in Athens and authorities due to their personal respect to Socrates granted him clemency. He was 66 years old and new government in Athens asked him to stop the way ward dialectical conversations and instructions. Socrates did not heed and as usual started teaching about truth, morality and lapses of the faith, unabated on the streets of Athens. His public speeches or instructions were meant to reveal the ignorance of others. Anybody with evidence could lodge a complaint against others, if they commit a mistake. Meletes, poet lodged a complaint against Socrates with the chief of Athens, Arcon. There were many items of allegation against Socrates in the complaint. The first one was that Socrates was corrupting the youth through his instruction and dialectics. The other complaint of Meletes was that he was invoking new gods in the place of old Gods. The list of complaint continued with such as Socrates was arguing that the Sun and Moon were a mere heaps of rocks and planets without life where as the Greeks for ages immemorial worship them as important Gods. The 500 members strong popular Assembly met at Agora and started the famous trial of Socrates. The committee fixed an hour for everybody to speak for or against Socrates by arranging water clocks. Antagonists of Socrates like Meletus, Anitus and Laikon argued against him for three hours. Plato, the illustrious disciple of Socrates was there in the assembly. Socrates argument had taken everybody by storm and left speech less. Later his arguments were compiled by Plato in the name of “Apology”. Socrates said that if people had understood his concepts and ideas correctly, Creteous would not have become a part of 300 tyrants and shed so much of blood in Athens. He also said that he never wanted anybody to become his student. He gave answers to their queries when they walked with him. He said that he was not a master but a seeker of truth. After the arguments were over the 500 strong popular assembly of Athens to elicit the opinion, had conducted a voting. 280 members wanted Socrates to be punished and 220 pleaded clemency to be given to Socrates. The head judge of the trial asked if Socrates wanted clemency. Socrates mocked at them and retorted that how a man of guilt was granted clemency and found fault with their judicial structure and procedure. It is a wonder that the wife and sons of Socrates did not attend the trail. When the judge asked Socrates what punishment did he want, he smilingly asked them to serve a dinner and mocked them.

An interesting question strikes our mind, why popular assembly gave a death sentence to an old man of 66 years. Had he been left free he would have died few years after. For this a recent in-depth research could find out the secret of reasons behind his execution. The main reason was the way in which Socrates behaved with the judicial institutions along with other political causes and his unnatural contacts with some of his disciples. But he never feared death. He was replete with full of happiness and wisdom. He always made contentment as the guiding principle of life. He was not a man easily prone to emotions and excitements nor did he feel any mental pressures. He could get sound sleep when he just reclined on the couch. He was such an intelligent speaker that with a single meaningful speech he could overthrow a government. Of course a man of such fiery genus and lofty mind could never be tolerated by any nation. When the second time voting

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was held whether to carry out the execution or not – 300 people wanted him to be executed and 140 opposed. Such punishments were quite usual. Some time back Anaxagoras was imprisoned for his rationalist views about the world and its composition. Likewise Protagoras was banished from the country on the plea that he was propagating atheistic ideas. Socrates loved his country as the children obey the dictum of the parents. He thought of obliging what his motherland was going to give. The assembly imposed a death penalty on him. As soon as a ship comes from Delphi he must be poisoned. Till then he was kept in a jail. His disciples wanted to escape him by bribing the prison guard. His disciple Crito came into the cell before the dawn and wanted to hood-wink the jailor and take away the philosopher. At that time Socrates was sleeping in tranquility. His face did not reveal any trace of the fear of death. Awakened Socrates refused to escape. Crito in despair turned back. The dialogues with Crito became a piece of history.

Socrates drank a mixture containing poison hemlock. After drinking the poison he was instructed to walk around until his legs become numb. He felt pain and numbness slowly crept up his body and reached the heart. The great philosopher who rocked the Athenian streets with his conversations was no more. He died because he expressed his ideas without fear. Perhaps he was the first philosopher who attained a martyrdom which he suffered only to inspire his disciples as well as generations to come. We find his teachings in the writings of Plato and Aristotle. They might try to give their own ideas through the words of Socrates, but his multisided personality was delineated by the historians after analyzing and researching the Greek literature thoroughly in all dimensions.

Socrates was a man of high stature and he carved a niche in the hall of fame by his dauntless sacrifice. He lived thought as a weapon and deeply plunged into the logical dialectics of morality and non-morality and remained like a pole star as a perpetual seeker of truth. He was a rare man who could live above emotions and excitements. He goes on influencing the future generations. He is also the first political philosopher.

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The father of political science andthe great philosopher of Intellectual age

Plato(427 B.C - 347 B.C.)

A span of 80 years that is from 427B.C to 347 B.C the land of Greece was illumined by the brilliant sense of empiricism, thoughtfulness and philosophical reflection of Plato. He made philosophy a breath and style of life and always involved in the intellectual churning with a high sense of down to earth practicability and accessibility. Plato who appears to be a true replica and an apostle of the Indian theistic philosophical trends is a thinker par excellence. His philosophy is mostly concerned with mundane affairs and regular facets of human activity and behavior. He discussed in his works about the world politics and different systems of government, behavioral and ethical values of the rulers. He held an esteemed opinion of educational system. Education was not simply the

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duty of parents. The pupils must be taught by the society itself. Plato was a great thinker who ascribed universality to education. His Magnus opus ‘Republic’ still appears fresh and time cannot wither it. Views expressed in it transcend the narrow lines age, region and creed.

Plato was born in Athens city state on 427 B.C in Greece into a rich noble family. The period in which Plato lived is described by historians as the Age of synthesis. In that distinguished age all the philosophers were considered intellectuals and vice versa. After the death of his father, Plato’s mother married somebody. Though relatives on maternal side provided Plato with an opportunity to join the government of Athens, Plato refused and along with his two brothers became the disciple of Socrates. Socrates was considered the greatest of the philosophers in his times. He imparted good education to the men and women of Athens freely. Being a genuine thinker, Plato became an important and favorite student of Socrates. In ancient Greece every city state had its own government and a lot of literature on governance and political sagacity was produced. After the death of Socrates in 399B.C, 28 years old Plato visited Italy and Egypt. During his sojourn he met the disciples of the great master Pythagoras, and studied some problems along with them. Returning to Athens, Plato founded a school of philosophy in the garden of Academy. He imparted knowledge to the students in the Socrates method. He taught Mathematics, Trigonometry and philosophy to the students. Researchers ascertain 387 B.C as the founding year of the school of Plato. Some 2500 years back the great philosopher Plato gave a phenomenal and subtle analysis of the Democratic governments. He said that the democracy had appeared to create equality and equal rights to all, but in practice it had presented an unrestrained anarchy in which the welfare of a few would become cardinal instead the whole community. He further said that personal desires, possessiveness and thirst for wealth would sap the vitality of the whole society.

Plato made an in depth study of the nature of the governments, their working systems, infrastructure, requirements and responsibilities. The standard of his opinions or observations were so high that he was recognized as one of the greatest political thinkers of the early times. Plato discussed many things deeply regarding monarchy, dictatorship, democracy and anarchy. Anarchy he meant without government. Plato’s greatest treatise “Republic” still holds an in esteem among the academic circles of high learning. Plato opined the rulers in the governments of aristocracy could turn to grant the rational and benign governance to the people. In the governments of dictators the people would undergo untold miseries since they hold power and personal interests supreme. Plato advised the rulers of any shade of the government to control corruption.

In ‘Republic’ he questioned why there should be any government at all. For this question he gave a rational answer like a 20th century prudent Modern political thinker. He analyzed that that individuals belonging to different professions probe together into a group called society. All of them cause or shape their political relations. Political science and political wisdom will come into the sphere of philosophy. He felt the philosophers could only become good rulers and if the

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rulers adequately philosophize would give a benevolent rule. He described this class as philosopher kings who love the sense of truth. His work ‘Republic’ (Politia) is not only a book of political science but also the best instructor of political wisdom, ethics and philosophy of human life. Being naturally selfish for his pleasure, Man may pretend to be a moralist but his ways are unjust. Republic is perhaps the earlist work in the world which discussed what is just and what is not. His illustrious mentor Socrates made a frantic quest for truth and could discern the facets knowledge and wisdom and discuss about human life, group psychology and political behavior. And his great disciple Plato went further to explain the impact the people’s psychology on the working systems of the governments and contrast between just and unjust. He defined everything in a comprehensive manner and exposed the baldness and limitations of the human thinking long back. By this we can understand the limitations of the so called modern thinkers. This is excellently exposed by Plato through an allegory of a cave which is supposed to be linked with Plato’s own epistemology and metaphysics. Some men were kept shackled in a cave of dark, where there was no scope for the sun rays to enter. Behind them a flame was lit and in its light they could see their shadow images on the wall. Many of them were simply observing moving shadows for a life time. Some others were trying to interpret the movements of the shadows on the wall. But only one among them unshackled himself and came out of the cave but could not bear the bright light. But after some time his eyes were habituated to visualize trees, mountains and other things.

He returned to the cave and fell in a dilemma as to how he could explain the men in the cave of the external scenes he had seen. Would they believe about the trees and mountains seen by him outside the cave? Plato compares the ordinary people with that of the shackled people in the dark cave. He compared the person who came out of the cave to a philosopher. He further inferred that those people who climbed out of the cave were fit to rule. From this picturesque analogy the concept philosopher-king was born. Plato said that the words of that philosopher, who could tell about the creation of the world and its development, must be received by the society as truth. Plato argues that there are many limitations on our part to know the world as our knowledge is partial and imperfect. We are far away from the real wisdom and truth, which has been exemplified by him with the anecdote of the cave and shackled people.

The speeches of Plato in the Academy go down in history as eternal and memorable. They have not only influenced the Greek political institutions but also the societies of Eastern and Western hemispheres till today. The greatest of his disciples is Aristotle. In fact Plato is the illustrious disciple of a great mentor Socrates and the illustrious mentor of a renowned disciple Aristotle. This metaphysical trinity enriches the thought and knowledge of the number of people in the world. Plato is a link between Socrates and Aristotle. In the modern period, after the dark ages of the medieval period, the ideas, knowledge, the logic and philosophy of the Greeks had led to a great revival and laid the foundations to Modern knowledge and learning in the name of renaissance. The historians say that the Peloponnesian wars in a way were responsible for Plato to become a great

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philosopher. The wars started just two years earlier to the birth of Plato and continued till he attained the youth full age of 20 years and considerably weakened the city state of Athens. During that period 30 tyrants had ruled dictatorially and killed a number of people. The cause for their ruthless behavior was to build up a war torn city state. Plato was related to one of the tyrants who imposed death penalty on Socrates, alleging that Socrates was corrupting the youth and propagating atheism.

Plato being the favorite disciple of Socrates though offered a job by royal relations did not join the government and became a renowned philosopher. We don’t have exact information about the life of Plato. In 367 Dionysius, the king of Syracuse city state in the Sicily in the southern part of Italy, died and was succeeded by his son. Plato was invited to Syracuse to teach philosophy to the new king. It seemed that Plato returned to Athens with accomplishing his purpose of teaching philosophy to the king. Plato’s life was fully and continuously dedicated to the cause of propagating the ethical values and cleansing of the politics, and he died in 347 B.C at the age of 80 years in Athens. Academy founded by this rare thinker illumined as a centre imparting higher and the best education to the students. It shone like a sacred Parnassus in society. After Plato the Academy was maintained by Speusippus. He was the son of the sister of Plato. The academy which was started in 387 B.C continued up to 529 A.D for a period of 1000 years as a great learning centre. It was finally closed by Justinian, the Roman Emperor. After the death of Socrates, Plato travelled in different countries for a period of 12 years. It is supposed that Indian Darsanas were also influenced by the Platonic ideas. The theories of Atma (soul) and Linga Sareera were perhaps expressed by Plato. Indian theistic systems might be called ‘Neo Platonism’ whether he was influenced by Indian six systems or not is a matter left to the historians to make research and decide. Plato is great philosopher who analyzed the aspects like political institutions and theories, ethics and morality in a rational and scientific manner. He is such a great thinker and genius who was able to set ethics, metaphysics and epistemology side by side and invented a new stream of thought. It is better that the present political leaders and politicians must read the works Plato and imbibe his spirit. If so the world will be much benefitted.

The moving encyclopedia andthe earliest scientific philosopher

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Aristotle(384 B.C - 322 B.C.)

In India when six systems of philosophy were blossoming in the later Vedic period, the intellectual horizon of the Greece was being brightened by the luminous philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Their quest for knowledge contributed a lot to verisimilitude of thinking and philosophical reflection while in India the six systems lead to the emergence of three religions and the Greek philosophers laid the foundation of epistemology and tried to discuss the human behaviour and primordial causes of the creation. Among the Greek trinity, Aristotle is the mentor of Alexander the world conqueror. Being the disciple of Plato he is considered to be a veritable wonder of creation for his brilliant psyche and probing spirit. His comprehension of knowledge is vast and multifarious and scarcely is there any subject left untouched by him.

Aristotle was born at Stagira, not far from Mount Athos in Thrace in 384 or 385 B.C. His father was a physician and hence the blood of experimentalists and positive scientists flowed in his veins. As he lost his father early, he was brought up by Proxenus. He joined the Academy of Plato when he was 18 years and led a brilliant Academic career as a student and after the death of Plato in348 B.C he went to Asia Minor along with Xenocrates, his favourite disciple.

20 years old Aristotle was attracted by many faculties of thinking. The writings attributed to Aristotle deal with almost all the sciences known to antiquity. According to his own classification he was acquainted with theoretical sciences, practical sciences and political sciences. In short he was a past master in the subjects like Geography, Biology, Astronomy, Logic, Philosophy and Economics. In the Grecian intellectual circles at that time he was totally admired as the most talented seeker of knowledge.

When he was in Asia Minor, he married a girl related to Hermias, the local ruler. He also taught in a college near Assos. He was said to have carried some experiments in Biology at Mitilane in Lesbos. By his intellectual process and experimental curiosity, his name was spread far and wide in Greece and territories surrounding Asia Minor. His fame also reached the ears Philip of Macedonia. Philip respectably invited Aristotle to his court. During 343 B.C to 340 B.C he was the tutor to Alexander. Rest of the time perhaps he might have partaken in the administrative stint as person discharging some vice regal duties or as a counselor to Phillip I in his matters of administration. In 336 B.C that is one year after the death of Philip, Aristotle left Macedonia to Greece.

After reaching Athens, the probing mind of Aristotle became more poignant and his enquiry deeper. For a period of 12 years he deeply engrossed in study and observation. His interest was varied. To disseminate knowledge, he started an academy in Lyceum in Athens. Soon it was joined by number of students. Lyceum

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also received a fabulous royal patronage from Alexander. The sudden and immature death of Alexander in Babylon in 323 B.C started many difficulties to Lyceum. The apathetic ideas of the Athenians against Aristotle and his dear academy surfaced so fiercly that the great philosopher was feeling due to the sense of insecurity. It was herasied that Aristotle could be tried for the treason. Aristotle could go back in his memory lane to a situation some 70 years back when Socrates was killed by hemlock. Perhaps he did like history to repeat. At the same time he decided to safeguard the knowledge he possessed by leaving Athens. He found an asylum with Antepar the erstwhile viceroy of Alexander and migrated to Yuboye. Aristotle died at the age of 62 years in 322 B.C, leaving behind a vast legacy of reflective tradition and philosophical quest.

The main cause for Aristotle to leave Lyceum after the death of Alexander was perhaps the attitude of the chairman of the Academy Speosippus. Aristotle authored 170 books and only 47 are available at present. Theophrastus the disciple of Aristotle preserved the works of his master in a dark room in the Asia Minor for the future generations and also to avoid unnecessary misconceptions and hypothetical distortions. In the first century AD, due to Andronicus of Rhodes, the works of Aristotle came to light. Aristotelian corpus began to show its impact on different persons and on different subjects.

From Astronomy to Biology, from administration of the states to the Economy, Aristotle made a deep study and wrote about them. He is aptly called the Father of sciences and definitely he possessed all the qualities and worthy to entitle it. Even in the history of Modern Sciences, there are many scientists who err at a particular aspect or the other. But their contribution is quite conducive for the further development of the scientific knowledge. In the science of Astronomy Aristotle propounded the Geo centric theory of the universe, which was of course accepted by the scientists of medieval and early modern ages till Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo, disproved it and proposed Heleo Centric theory. Yet Aristotle stands unique in the annals of scientific thinking.

In the science of biology his classification of living things contains some elements which still existed in 19th century. Aristotle called vertebrates and invertebrates as animals with blood and animals without blood. Through his classification of living things he imagined the Early Evolutionary theory. God is not so important in the view of Aristotle. He wanted that every man should understand the supreme laws of nature and makes one’s life an aesthetic and beautiful experience. Aristotle declared if God were there, he would not have been above natural laws. Aristotle’s ever lasting contribution lies in his utterances about governments and their ruling systems. His analysis regarding these things still evokes a lot of admiration for him. Aristotle defined Monarchy, Aristocracy and democracy and their distorted forms. The society cannot exist without the state. The leader is also equally important. Any society will have its government inevitably. The society and the government are as natural as nature and its responses. His concept of city is organic. He calls legislation as a fine art. He is also famous for his statement that “Man is by nature a political animal.”

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Aristotle’s greatness lies in realizing the division of the powers of the government as legislative, executive and Judiciary. He felt the education is a pre requite to good society. The greatness of a country, its work, and its future depends on its education learnt by the youth. Of course this idea of Aristotle cannot be disputed by anybody. He compares the educated people with life full things and uneducated with inorganic matter. Aristotle opines to get education even the old age is good. He tells that getting educated and giving education when you become old is a great combination.

While dealing with the poverty, he says that it is the matrix of all crimes and revolutions. The poverty can be put to an end by achieving the economic progress. He again says that it is only possible through good education. He gives much prominence to ethical values and moral standards that will lead to the common happiness of the people. Aristotle considers ethics to be a practical rather that theoretical study.

Though Aristotle is the pupil of Plato, he has not accepted all what his mentor taught. If Plato is Utopian, Aristotle is scientific and realistic. Plato represents wisdom and Aristotle represents knowledge. In medieval age Aristotle won a great respect from the ecclesiastical high up including Pope. If any Christian spoke against Aristotle he was to be punished by the Church. Perhaps in history he is the best read author. In short we can call him the Father of the Western Civilization. His writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western Philosophy, enlightening ethics and poetics, logic and science, politics and Metaphysics.

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The great unifying Hero of the East and West

Alexander the Great(356 B.C - 323 B.C.)

From the very day of his becoming the Emperor till he died Alexander with a burning ambition to establish the world Empire made incessant wars and occupied a number of countries both in East and West. Because of this he deserves to be called Alexander the great. When he was born it was found that his one eye was dark black in colour and the other was in sky blue colour. This queer difference indicated that he was born to conquer both the heaven (Blue Sky) and earth (the dark earth). Both his mother and father had dreamt about the birth of their son. His mother Olympias of Epirus felt as if some divine force entered into her womb with a sound. This scene in dream delighted the mother. Alexander was born in the month of July in 356 BC in Macedonia. His father was Philip of Macedonia. The Balkan Peninsula in South East Europe had the important countries like Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece. On the Agean sea in the territory of Greece there was a cluster of islands with a number of city states. The king Philip of Macedonia, by the time of the birth of Alexander, was also ruling over the Greek city states. From his childhood Alexander was fearless and was brought up like a soldier. When he was 10 years old a horse trader brought a horse to Philip and prepared to sell it for 13 talents. But the horse did not allow anybody to mount Philip asked the trader to take away the horse. Alexander could realize that the horse was afraid of its own shadow and hence becoming panic. Alexander turned the direction of the horse and tamed it. This incident made Philip very happy. Philip embarked upon the career of aggrandizement and began to conquer many Greek states. Agnostically Alexander commented that his father would not spare any territory for him to conquer when he became the king.

Alexander the lover Homer and read Illiad number of times. He used to keep that book at his pillow while sleeping. Phillip appointed special teachers to instruct Alexander. One of them was Leonidas, who taught Alexander how to live simple. As per his instructions Alexander ate with common soldier and slept along with them.

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When Alexander ravaged Persia and defeated Darius its Emperor saw his luxurious royal palace provided with the golden bath tub, and gem studded silk carpets. Alexander was really taken aback at the inestimable exorbitance of the Persian Emperor. The most illustrious teacher of Alexander was Aristotle, described as the scholar of many subjects and veritable knowledge and also known for his verisimilitude of different topics. In 343 BC on the request of the king Philip, Aristotle came to Pella to teach Alexander. Between 13 and 16 years Alexander learnt all subjects including sciences and social sciences. Aristotle also taught his pupil the different arts.

In 340 BC when Philip went to participate in wars against Byzantine, Alexander was appointed as the viceroy and the prince on behalf of his father. Greek city states joined into a holy alliance to dike the ambition of Philip. The alliance was called ‘Thebes Holy Alliance’. At that time Alexander was only 18 years old. Consequently Philip conquered all Greek states except Sparta. Philip fell in love with Cleopatra Eurydice. This new marriage made Alexander’s position as a heir to Macedonian kingdom less secure, if Cleopatra bore a son to Philip. This created gulf between father and the son. On the same occasion of the marriage Philip in a drunken mood drew his sword and advanced towards Alexander and fell flat on the ground. Alexander was said to have remarked, “See there, the man who makes preparations to pass out of Europe into Asia, overturned in passing from one seat to another.” However the proposal of Persian conquest was postponed. Alexander went to Epirus along with his mother. But due to the mediation of family friends father and son reconciled. In 336 Philip was assassinated by the chief of the body guard. Alexander was proclaimed king by the Macedonian army and noble men when he was 20 years of age. When he came to the power, he had all his potential rivals eliminated.

Alexander’s insatiable hunger to conquer the world was very much whet with the instructions of Aristotle. His view of the conquest became wider and stronger. He wished to conquer all the civilized states in the world and spread the seeds of Hellenic culture. He started the mighty plan of world conquest. At the outset he fortified the northern border of Macedonia. Of course the southern Greek states were already under the control of Macedonians. He conquered Asia Minor (Anatolia) from the Persians in the battle of Granicus in 334 BC. At Halicarnassus, he defeated Memnon of Rhodes and the Persian satrap of Caria left it in the control of Ada, who adopted Alexander as her son. After spending his winter time in Asia Minor, Alexander’s army crossed Cicilian gates and attacked the main Persian army commanded by the Persian Emperor Darius III. The much praised Persian Emperor was utterly routed by young Alexander in the battle of Issus in 333 BC. Darius III fled the battle, leaving behind, his wife, daughters and mother along with fabulous treasure. Alexander finally restored all the regal insignia and members of the Persian Royal family but the Persian king had to accept Macedonian supremacy.

Alexander went further to take possession of Syria, the coast of Levant, and Phoenician cities of Marathas, Ardoos and Tyre. Alexander reached Gaza on the

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route to Egypt. The siege of Gaza was not easy for Alexander but the stronghold was finally taken by him with a great stratagem. Here Alexander received a serious wound. After Gaza he conquered Jerusalem very easily as the inhabitants surrendered by telling that according one prophecy a mighty Greek king would subdue the Persian Empire. In the year 332 BC, Alexander reached Egypt where he was given a tumultuous welcome and praised as a liberator. He was also pronounced the ‘New Master of the universe’, and the son of the deity Amen. Persian satraps easily surrendered. During his stay in Egypt, he founded Alexandria-by-Egypt which would became a Ptolemic capital after his death and an epicenter of Greek culture and language. Leaving Egypt in 331 BC Alexander proceeded to Mesopotamia and defeated Darius III once again at the battle of Gaugumela. Darius fled the battle field and Alexander chased him as far as Arbela. He fled to Ecbatana and Alexander marched to capture Babylon. From Babylon Alexander went to Susa and took possession of the legendary treasure. Then he proceeded to Persepolis the Persian capital and stormed it. Meanwhile the fleeing Darius was stabbed by one of his kinsmen, Bessus who declared himself a successor to Darius. Fearing Alexander, Bessus retreated to central Asian Mountains. The mortal remains of Darius were buried by Alexander in a full regal funeral. Now Alexander became the legitimate successor to Darius. In pursuit of fugitive Bessus, Alexander conquered many important territories in Central Asia.

In 329 BC Alexander reached the valley of Kabul subduing a number of tribal states. In 329 he reached the base of the Hindukush Mountains. Alexander fired by the ambition of unifying the civilized world under the rule of the Greeks, he always moved with a group of soldiers often numbering 40 thousand and one lakh helpers. It appeared as if the moving army was a moving town. Whenever an area or a territory conquered, the booty he plundered in it was sent to his motherland. He was also appointing his own men as the chiefs of the conquered lands. He was also in the habit of burning the forts and citadels if they were impregnable. He also recruited Persians in the Macedonian army after subjugation of Persia. It seems that Alexander respecting the Persian religious customs was not liked by Macedonian soldiers. His friend and a general Hephaestion was his alter ego and stood firm on the side of Alexander and the great conqueror had a great emotional attachment to him. After having heard much about India and its culture, Alexander aroused in him a strong desire to conquer it. His conquest of Sogdiana, which lies North of Bactria benefitted him with a gift when Alexander attacked the impregnable fortress of Sogdiana, in which the king of Bactria kept his daughter Roxana for safety. By his tact and ability Alexander captured the fortress and was struck by Roxana’s beauty and charm. Consequently he married her and bore a son.

Now Alexander turned his attention to the Indian sub-continent. He ordered the chieftains of North-West to comply his order and surrender. Ambhi, the ruler of Taxila submitted to him and invited Alexander. But some of the chiefs of the hill-tribes decided to oppose him. In the winter of 327 or 326 BC Alexander personally led a campaign against some tribes called Aspasioi and Assakenoi and defeated them. Ambhi, the king of Taxila invited Alexander to his capital, where Alexander

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held a Durbar. Many chiefs paid presents to Alexander. He also received a message of defiance from Poros, the ruler of the territory between Indus and Hydaspes (Jhelum). Alexander crossed the river Indus with help of the log bridge designed by his compatriots Hepaestion and Perdicaas. After killing the young Poros in the war, he proceeded against Porus. Alexander stole a way and crossed the river Jhelum in the night and attacked the huge army, mainly consisting of Elephants. The war that ensued is famously known as the Battle of Hydaspes. Poros fought bravely and the issues of the battle were settled by the fate in the form of weather conditions-while the huge elephants of the Indian chief proved a bane in the already wet soil, the light moving cavalry of Alexander won the count. The manner in which Poros fought won the heart of Alexander besides Poros’ royal behavior unlike that of the Persian King. Alexander gave back his kingdom with some additions towards East. Another tragedy in the battle of Hydaspses was the death of Bucephelas, the pet horse of Alexander. In its memory Alexander laid a foundation stone for the town in the name of the dead horse.

Alexander was still more delighted to go into the mainland of India to conquer, which was perhaps his long cherished desire. But further march of Alexander was impeded by revolts from regions he reduced. At the same the Macedonian army was home-sick and hence home bound. The Greeks also heard about the strength of the Nandas ruling over Pataliputra. The espionage and intelligence sources confirmed it. Even the army generals showed disinclination for further conquest. Alexander who reached the Beas River decided to go back. He reached again to Indus, and crossed it. This time the Greeks planned to go through Arabian Sea. He divided his army into three parts. Much of his army was sent to Carmania (the present Southern Iran) under the leadership of Craterus. Alexander ordered the second division of his army to be formed into a fleet to explore the Persian Gulf under Nearchus. The rest of the army was led by him to go back to Persia through the difficult southern route along the Gedrosian and Makran desert area. He reached the city of Babylon. In Eskbatan, he lost his dearest companion Hephaestion. He was very much depressed at the death of his friend. He also lost 1/3 of his army. Alexander was also wounded in his campaign against Indian tribal armies. He fell ill in Babylon and even before reaching his motherland, the great world conqueror breathed his last on 11th June, 323 BC. The cause of his death became a subject of much controversial debate. Some ascribe his death due to a fever called ‘West Nile Virus’ or typhus. Some hold the opinion that he died of the total damage of pancreas gland due excessive drinking of wine. Still more opine that he must have been poisoned to death by some of the nobles in Babylonia. This theory seems untenable as the medical science did not develop that much in those days to provide a slow poisoning herbs or drugs.

Plutarch, a Roman historian who lived between 46 AD and 120 AD approximately 300 years after the death of Alexander, divulges a fund of information about the world conqueror. He wrote the life of Alexander in which he says that Alexander did not have interest in material things but had a great thirst for fame and name. His 20 years of conquests did not leave any residue of political legacy. But it unified the East and West. We find Greek impact on the Sanskrit

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literature. Geographical discoveries of the Middle East and methods of Greek dramas reached India. The Magadha and Mouryan imperial courts had Greek envoys. On the six systems of Indian Philosophy we find the Greek influence. Menander a Greek king, convert to Buddhism querried many aspects to Nagasena, Buddhist monk, came to be known as Milinda Panha. Romaka calendar or almanac before Aryabhatta, and the theories Vata, Pitha and Kapha in Ayurveda show an unfailing Grecian influence. Gandhara art in ancient India bore a Greek impact. Alexander’s life and campaigns succeeded in transporting the western ideas into the oriental world.

The unvanquished of the Political chess board

Julius Caeser(102 B.C - 44 B.C.)

A famous Sanskrit verse hints that all gems in a kingdom belong to the king (Ratna Hareethu Parthiva) just as power goes to the adventurous kind who can enjoy. Though born in a middle class stock Julius Caesar, became very great states man because he could make every thought, strategy and political wisdom quite beneficial to his rise. He was not only a great fighter but also a wise politician with exceptional oratorical ability. He skillfully converted every marriage of his into an

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opportunity to grow and it is also said that he used even the event death for his benefit.

In order to understand this strategist thoroughly, one should need to scan through the pages of the history of the Roman Empire. The vast expanse of Mediterranean ocean situated in the midst of the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia, has a specific equatorial climate, around which a cluster of islands with fertile lands exists. To its east lay Greece, Asia Minor, in South African Territories like Egypt and Carthage and to its east Europe and to its west lays a narrow gulf at Zibralter making a window to the Atlantic Ocean. This peculiar geographical set up has become conducive for Europeans to grow into a maritime power and Empire building force. In 6th century B.C, the Greeks with their power put down the Etruscans rule and brought the entire Mediterranean territory under their control for 500 years. The words ‘Republic’ derived from ‘Res Publica’ took its form here itself. Though Roman Republic in course of time changed into a kingship, its legacy is the foundation for world civilizations. We can know all these facts from the most thrilling and awe inspiring work “Decline and the fall of the Roman Empire” written by Edward Gibbon in 17th century.

Julius Caesar was born in 102 or 100B.C. His father was Gaius Julius Caesar and mother Aurelia Colta. It is said that when the delivery was difficult a Caesarean method was adopted to take out the child. It is also said that the child is called Caesar after the process of Caesarean. But historians are doubtful as there is no evidence for this. Julius Caesar lost his father when he was 15 years old. In the year 84 B.C he married a Plebian girl of a wealthy family but the marriage was broken off soon. He married Cornelia, the daughter of Cinna, in spite of the protest and threat of Sulla, the dictator of Rome. Sulla did not tolerate his rivals or enemies, either he got them killed or exiled. Caesar was also targeted. He was stripped of his inheritance but he refused to leave of his wife and forced to go into hiding. Due to the intervention of his mother’s relatives, reconciliation was struck between them. Caesar began to believe in discussions and deliberations through envoys. However he thought it safe to be away from Rome should the dictator Sulla, change his mind. Caesar was adorned with Oak leaves crown as he won a war in 79 B.C and saved his compatriot from a danger. He returned to Rome and made the citizens spell bound with torrential eloquence in different occasions mostly funerals.

In 75 B.C when Caesar was across the Aegean Sea, was kidnapped by Cilician pirates and Caesar maintained a regal poise through his captivity. The pirates began to demand for ransom. Caesar swore that he would kill the pirates after his release. After ransom was paid, Caesar raised a fleet pursued the pirates and executed them. On his return to Rome he was elected military tribune.

In 69 B.C his wife Cornelia died, Caesar rendered an excellent funeral oration by which the Roman citizens were stupefied. Caesar was able to penetrate his emotions, ideas and feelings directly into the hearts of the audience. His popularity in Rome began to take his steps towards the city of official ranks as his father also

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held high position in the government of Rome. In matters of administration Rome was different from the other contemporary political institutions. Rome was a republic steered by a panel of senators and the decisions or commands of the Roman senate were carried out by the government of Rome. To become a member of Roman senate one should either be man of wealth or noble birth. Senate members may recommend eligible Romans to become a member of Senate. Between 68-67 B.C Julius Caesar was elected to the Senate as a member. In Roman political set up ‘Consul’ was the highest post. There were two consuls elected. Each one could veto others proposals. “Dictator” meant an emergency ruler with all powers. He was also in charge of the law and order. “Optimates” mean members belonging to intellectual elite. “Practor” indicated a ruler of certain area. He could supervise law and order along with judicial powers. “Triumviri” meant an alliance of persons with larger powers like supervising the guards of law and order, prison houses and judicial institutions. Julius Caesar with Pompey and Crassus formed first Triumvirate. Romans did not have any written constitution but they followed the principle of decentralization regarding the administrative powers. The population of Roman Empire touched five million even those days. In the city of Rome itself some 10 lakhs of people were there, Rome became very famous for its maritime commerce with eastern countries. In south India, Rome had good commercial contacts with Satavahana Kings. In far south there were some lucrative trading centers for Romans. They issued gold coins. The Romans were great builders of roads and buildings. Because of this a famous axiom came to vogue-”All the roads lead to Rome.”

After becoming a senator Caesar married Pompeia, a granddaughter of Sulla. Suspecting her fidelity he divorced her in 63 B.C. Caesar went to Spain as proctor and conquered it and annexed it in Roman Empire. He came to Rome in 60 B.C. Now Julius Caesar formed Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. The year 59 B.C in the life of Caesar was very important. He wanted to become a consul, for he had to relinquish his pomp of conquests he brought home. He could not be consul as well an imperator. Finally he chose to be a consul. He married Calpurnia. Caesar had already become very popular by conducting Olympic Games in the year 65 B.C as a pageant. Caesar had in hearts of hearts nourished an idea of conquering the world like Alexander. Caesar was an introvert and never gave others any scope to know what he was thinking. He showed himself brilliant as a conqueror and also as an administrator. In the year 58 B.C he led a nine year victorious campaign after he conquered the Gaul Provinces (French Territory). Winter season was not favourable for him to conduct military campaigns, so for 8 to 9months he moved in Central Europe in consolidating his position and appointed his representatives. This method enormously increased the dominance of Rome. He used to visit northern Italian Provinces at the same time to know the latest developments at the capital of Rome. He also efficiently used his personal espionage network. In 54 B.C he conquered the British Isles and set himself in the task of conquering the other places till 49 B.C, the year in which he returned to Rome. Caesar’s name had become a house hold name in Rome in spite of a number of conspiracies engineered by his enemies. Julius Caesar was an enthusiastic diarist and also a

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good writer. In 51 B.C he composed ‘History of Gaulic wars’ – a war memoir in a highly scintillating manner. In53 B.C Crassus, one among the triumvirate died, leaving in the scene Pompey and Cicero as his political rivals. In 49 B.C Caesar imposed a crushing defeat on Pompey when he defeated Pompey’s 40 thousand soldiers with a mere 21 thousand soldiers. Now he became an unopposed ruler of Rome. Fearing nemesis, Pompey fled away to Egypt. Caesar followed the policy of clemency towards his enemies. The exiled Pompey was killed by the king Ptolemy of Egypt in Alexandria. Ptolemaic rulers were enthroned by Alexander long back and hence they had been ruling over Egypt since 2nd century B.C. In Egyptian royal families the marriage between brother and sisters was allowed. When Caesar was in power in Rome, Egypt was being ruled by the bewitching beauty Cleopatra and her brother (husband) Ptolemy XIII. Already Egypt had to pay a huge debt to Rome and adding to this the ruling royal couple Cleopatra and Ptolemy were always in squabbles. In this juncture of events Ptolemy came to Alexandria and killed Pompey and in 48 B.C Caesar reached Egypt and strongly admonished and finally punished Ptolemy for killing Pompey.

Caesar’s wrath against Ptolemy was helpful to Cleopatra and her voluptuous beauty ensnared the veteran Julius to a romantic affair though Caesar was 52 years of age and Cleopatra was only 21, the Roman law does not accept an alien marriage, but still Cleopatra became another queen of Rome. Thought Romans were not happy at this prospect, Cleopatra bore a male child to Caesar and Cleopatra was taken in procession on the streets of Rome. The Romans were dumb struck at the charm, grace and elegance of this unparallel beauty in history – only Helen of Troy could match her. But Caesar’s enemies were increasing. In 44 B.C Caesar declared himself as the permanent dictator of Rome and an act of which converted a democratic Republican Rome into a despotic Monarchy.

Unscented by anybody a plan was being graphed in the mind of Caesar towards making his daughter Julia and son Octavian as the future Heirs of Roman Empire. But at the same time his subtle mind could detect a silent opposition to him from the lovers of Republicanism. He was also suffering from the repeated bouts of epilepsy undaunted by a spate of problems Julius wanted to solve one after the other by a logical sequence. But what of his incurable physical ailments! Modern historians throw a light on a very interesting psychic point of Julius Caesar’s life. At a particular juncture Caesar thought of putting an end to his mental and physical imbroglio by his self-death. It was also said that he contrived the same with his son Octavian!

In the year 44 B.C in the ides of March’ while Caesar was returning from his last senate meeting, he was stabbed 22 times by the conspirators. According to Plutarch Caesar arrived at the senate hall and Cimber presented a memorandum for the return of his exiled brother. The other conspirators rounded him and Casco made thrust of the blade on the neck of Caesar. Caesar attempted to hurry away from the scene and blinded by blood he tripped and fell. The scene was excellently scripted and immortalized by Shakespeare in 1600 A.D in his drama Julius Caesar. When Brutus stabbed him Caesar said, “You too Brutus.” The conspirators fled

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from the scene. The corpse of Caesar was removed by three slaves and thus raised a curtain to a bloody civil war. Octavian known as Augustus Caesar came to the throne. Octavian Caesar attacked Egypt but Cleopatra supported Mark Antony, the protagonist of the deceased Caesar. The later history was aesthetically lettered by George Bernard Shaw in his famous drama Antony and Cleopatra. These two dramas and other literary works comprehensively show the great individuality of Julius Caesar.

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The Great Mangolian Emperor

Chenghiz Khan(1162 - 1227)

An eminent horse-backer, who united hundreds of nomadic Mangol tribes lived on hunting, a leader par excellence built an empire extending from the Pacific to Europe some 8 centuries ago and also brought many civilized countries to his feet was, Chenghiz Khan. The main cause for speed of Mangols was their quick moving stallions freely galloping over the green meadows of Central Asia. The present Mangolia, South Russia and North China comprised of their habitat. Among the umpteen Mongolian tribes fierce inter tribal wars were quite frequent.

As it was customary, in the frequent scuffles among the tribes, the Victorians one used to kill the aged, loot and confiscate the property, take possession of the women and enslave the youth of the vanquished one. They also traded the women like commercial goods. Some tribes followed Buddhism and it tried to reform them. Some more tribes followed Islam and some other tribes Christianity. Inspite of these three religions the rivalries and squabbles among the tribes were not lessened. In this background in 1162 A.D. Chenghiz Khan was born. His father Yesugli Bagathur was the Chieftan of the Keiyat Borgigid clan. The original name of Chenghiz Khan was Temugin. It is said that he came out of the womb of his mother with a piece of flesh on his tender palm. The fortune tellers and scholars took his abnormity as an auspicious omen and prophesied that the boy would become the founder of a great Mongolian Empire and illumine it with unprecedented glory. Some historians place his date of birth as 1165 A.D.

There was rivalry between the Kiet tribe of Mangols and the Tartar tribe. It seems that when the father of Temugin was searching for a suitable bride to his son, he was killed by poisoning most probably by the Tartars. The tribe of Kiet was almost scattered after the death of Yesugli. Although just a boy of ten, with no one to help except his mother, he struggled on and ultimately made good. Fearless Temugin had a had a sweet love for his tribe and surroundings or the Onon river flowing in the North-Eastern part of Mongolia. He decided to consolidate his scattered tribe. Young Temugin developed good relations with some of the neighboring tribes. The Keraits tribe or Central Mangolia patronized Christianity and the leader of the tribe Toghrail be friended with Temugin. Another good and childhood friend to him was zamuka of zadran tribe. When Temugin’s wife Bort was kidnapped by some people belonging to Merkits tribe of Southern Russia, Toghril and Zamulla helped him to get her wife back. Temugin step by step advanced and he became undisputed leader of Keiyats tribe. Suppressing and surpassing all other tribes Temugin emerged a great leader of the region. At last

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the great Mangol assembly Kurltai met and elected him the great Khan or Kagan or the Emperor. A few years before he had been given the name Chenghiz. Though Chenghiz encountered some adversities, he had put down the Tartar tribe in 1196. Unexpectedly he developed differences with Toghril and Zamuka, who began to revolt against him. In 1203 Chenghiz defeated and captured Toghril but let him go without killing. But later Toghril was killed by Nymars tribe. His another friend Zamuka, who joined with Nymars tribe was killed by Chenghiz Khan himself.

Chenghiz also defeated the Nymans tribe in 1204 A.D. The year 1206 heralded Chenghiz Khan as an unopposed leader of the entire Asia. His empire extended from Korea in the East to Hungary in the West. As his empire grew in the West. As his empire grew in size he required the wide spread information network as well the translators. Though Chenghiz heeded to the counselling of his advisors, he did everything as per the dictum of his conscience. Most of the Mongolian tribes spoke Alphaik language which did not have script. Chenghiz after travelling in many of the civilized places, made it to have a written script for the Alphaik language. By this useful act the street leader laid a foundation to information network. He made the postal facility quick and efficient through horses. Chenghiz Khan maintained good and cordial relations with Yughir tribe, residing in the Southern part of Mangolia by giving his daughter in marriage of the Chief of the Yughris tribe. When they who were near by ‘Silk route’ presented him with the glittering gold, Pearls and China Silk, Chenghiz was astonished looking at them as he did not know that there were so many articles of opulence in the world. Hence he decided to go further conquests to get hold of the unknown treasures of wealth in world. Silently observing the strides made by Chenghiz, the rulers of China sent him a message asking him to be their vassal ruler. Realizing the sense behind the message chenghiz Khan immediately attacked the area, lying to the North of the Great Wall of China in this protected war , after four years he could smash a part of the Great Wall and occupied the Chinese capital, Pelking. This was almost an unexpected change for the Chinese rulers. The army made Khiva (Uzbekistan) as a the border. Between 1219 and 1220 Chenghiz Khan occupied Btrarar, Bukhara and Samankhand. During the Mongol raids Sultan Mohammad escaped and reached the region of the Caspian sea.

The Mongolian Generals captured him in one of the Isles of the Caspian sea and killed him. Meanwhile Chenghiz Khan conquered Tazikistan and spent his winter there itself in 1220 A.D. in the Khwareymid, then called the Persian kingdom, the Mongolian envoys were killed by the Persian officials at the instigation of the king. Disguised as merchants Chenghiz Khan and his soldiers entered the Persian cities and carried a carnage against those who opposed him and excused those who surrendered. He carried the ‘March of victory’ upto Baghdad, when Khalif of Baghdad sent some of the Europeans captives against the Mangols, Chenghiz defeated and set them free. Inevitably the Khalif surrendered to the Khan. In the year 1221, the Persian prince Jalaluddin offended Chenghiz Khan and he began to chose him. To escape the wrath of the Mongolian leader Jalaluddin crossed the river Indus and sought asylum at the court of the Sultan of

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Delhi. When he refused, jalaluddin made further flight. Chenghiz Khan left Jalaluddin to his fate.

All the countries and the people of his cities were completely shaken at the name of Mangol leader. With 40 thousand soldiers only he conquered the region to the North of the Black sea. In 1223 A.D. he ransalled the region to the North of the Black Sea with 80 thousand soldiers and fought a fierce battle near Kalka river. Chenghiz kahn marched west ward and reached Mongolia, he again started a war against Tunguts in Tibet in 1226 A.D. The war strategies of Chenghiz khan was varied and interesting. When he conquered the civilized territories, he taught then suitable lessons to those who displayed excess of intelligence and decietful nature. In any place which he conquered, he spared those who surrendered and killed those who opposed. Generally he did not spare the rich, the influential and the indolent. In the places of his conquest he patronized polyglots, translators, Engineers and Doctors. Since the “Silk Route”, extending from China to Europe, had been the integral part of his empire, it began to get difficult articles like medicines and herbs, beautiful cloth, ornaments, vessels, machinery and musical instruments from the civilized countries. These varied imports enriched the lives of the Mongolians. The Chinese medicines and doctors evoked his admiration.

When mangolia was becoming rich, the people were happy and pleasant atmosphere spread everywhere. Chenghiz took all precaution to retain peaceful conditions through out his vast empire. He had also proved a great administrator when he took certain measures like quick disposal of cases through judicial trails by the local rulers without exploiting the people. The punishments were quickly implemented. He put an end to the age old merciless Mongolian customs of selling women. He also proscribed intertribal and internal quarrels. He divided the army soldiers into day soldiers and night soldiers. He removed taxes on the poor people and the priests and maintained records for all administrative units mainly the financial and economic matters. He prescribed ‘Ughir’ alphabet as the standard script for the Mongolian language. For the last many year the hunting was the main occupation of the Mongolians. He introduced some human reforms in this sphere. The hunters should not kill, the pregnant animals and infantice mother animals. Remarkably he eliminated the thefts through deterrent punishment. In Mangolia with a seven lakh population and one and half lakh of soldiers, the horses played a vital role. The speedy horses became a part of the mongolian lives. They were quite essential transport of goods and transit of humans. Their staple food consisted of meat, milk and curd and yet they could fight without food at a stretch for two or three days. But in civilized countries like China and Persia they could not live without grain like rice and wheat. The secret of the Mongolian resistance lies with their food.

Till last the Mongolian leader was fighting on 25th August 1227 he died accidentally due to a slip from the horse while fighting against the “Tongits” in the mountainous region of Linpan. As per the command of the dying Khan, his son Ogdai became the Emperor of Mangols. He proved a worthy successor and followed the policies of his illustrious father.

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According to researches conducted by “The American Journal of Human Genetics, it is found that there is similarity in the Y chromosomes among the 8% of the males living in Central Asia and Mangolia. It is also postulated that this 8% of the males belonged to the leneage of Chenghiz Khan. Chenghiz Kahn died in the year 1227 but it is hard for us know where he was burried. Till we get his DNA sample this issue cannot be settled. But it is a well known fact that Chenghiz Khan and his Clans man married in thousands and gave birth to hundreds of offsprings. Thus they succeeded in rapidly spreading the seeds of their Clan. We came to know that the eldest son of Chenghiz Khan, had 40 sons. The founder of the Yuan dynasty in China and the grandson of Chenghiz Khan had 22 sons. To their haren, the Mangol Royal family used to bring 30 new women. After every conquest Chenghiz Khan used to select beautiful and young women form the enemy camp and added them to his Haren. Like wise his army officers and soldiers followed the same way of selecting women. That had became a regular custom among the of Mongolian rulers. Even today in Mangolia Chenghiz Khan is adorned as a great hero. This is clearly displayed as the Mongolian currency bears the figure of Chenghiz Khan.

Even some of the civilized countries after vanquishing the enemies were in the habit of subjecting them to unbearable and inhuman torture and enjoyed those scenes in a sadistic spree. Even in the present day we hear of such incidents happening sporadically as a symbol of inhuman nature and barbarians spirit. If not there is no necessity for so many human rights organizations participating in agitations against the inhuman treatments and serious violation of human rights. But Mongolian soldiers were better in the sense they never indulged in the long process of torturing the people, they simply killed them in seconds. The Mongolians built up a large empire in the same way, but their population never exceeded 7 Lakhs of people. Chenghiz Khan who occupied 22% of the total area on the earth and who established an effective and great administration system must have been the first super power in the world. Even after his death the empire expanded extensively. The descendants of the same dynasty after two centuries conquered India and built up a great Moghul Empire which lasted four hundred years. Chenghiz Khan undoubtedly proved his supremacy and hegemony as a great Asian Emperor who conquered a land four times greater and wider than what Alexander the great did conquer.

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A Multi sided genius of the Renaissance

Niccolo Machiavelli(1469 - 1527)

Italian peninsula which appears like a dagger penetrating into the Medeterranean Sea has a special place in the history of the world. Since 14 th

century for a period of 300 years Italy had been the scene of great cultural Renaissance which led to a great scientific development. Great intellectuals and artists like Galileo, Leonardo Davinci, and Michelangelo were born there to shape the future of the world. Another great intellectual of the same sort Nicholo Machiavelli distinguished him-self as a mentor to many great people in instructing them the most valuable political tenets and strategies in the state craft. Machiavelli was a great tactician who could suggest a better strategy. He was also an expert thinker in using the concept of punishment in appropriate time. He did not mind violating the ethical values in obtaining power. To come into power or to preserve it, the staff-bearer could follow any means. In his opinion the means need not justify ends. His political principles are more akin to contrivances and manoeuvors than straight forwardness and transparency. But some political thinkers opined that he was totally misunderstood or construed. Unfortunately his name became synonym to political deceit.

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Niccole Machiavelli was born on 3rd May, 1469 in Florence, Italy. His father Bernardo was a lawyer by profession and his mother Barthlomeo was a house wife. Bernardo developed a rich library consisting of choicest books in Greek and Latin languages. Florence at that time was a city celebrated for free institutions, art and Italian culture. The city became a second name for alacrity effervescence and euphoria. Machiavelli was brought up in such a cheerful atmosphere and marvelous milieu.

The capture of Constantinople in the Middle East by the Ottoman Turks led to many far reaching consequences. The Greek scholars who were living there were forced to leave it and migrate to Italy along with their valuable Greek and Latin books. At that time the Italy was not an integrated nation but was divided into a number of city states on the model of ancient Greek city states. There were also some republics. There were frequent wars fought between the city-states and republics. Taking the situation quite conducive, more often than not, Spain and France were making attacks on Italy. Exactly a century earlier to the birth of Machiavelli, the plague as an epidemic killed lakhs of people. This horrendous experience brought a gradual change in the psyche of the people. They began to drift from the skeptical and religious ideas to scientific way of understanding, philanthropic activities, cultural patronage and literary pursuits. This whole some change was clearly perceptible in every sphere of activity. Hailing from the northern side of Florence, the family of Medici was ruling Florence in an agreeable and popular way. The rulers of Medici were enterprising and had set up a banking system in the city. They also patronized Italian culture and language and conducive to the new sweeping trends of Renaissance. But due to the lack of political stability and other reasons, after 50 years i.e. in 1492 the rule of Medici came to an end with the death of Lorenzo de Medici. Florence became a republic. The next year, Florence was attacked by the French king. When just entering into the youthful years, Machiavelli was keenly observing the political changes transpiring in Florence. He joined as a clerk in the Florentine government in 1494. Soon he was able to attract everybody with his natural abilities and recognition came soon and he became a diplomatic officer of Florence in other countries.

He made every word deliberation quite successful through his tact and craft. He worked as an ambassador and led many successful ambassadorial missions to the French king Louis XII, the king of Spain Ferdinand II and the Pope of Rome. He held the view that one should resort to wars when discussions and plots failed. Machiavelli modernized the armies of Florence between 1503 and 1506. He prepared the standing army with well trained citizens in the place of mercenary army. Gradually Machiavelli became very powerful in the government of Florence. But Florence was becoming a target for foreign attacks. The Medici family which lost its power some time ago, with the help of the Pope Julian II and Spanish army attacked Florence and defeated the forces of the city and regained its power in 1512 A.D. At times Pope was also participating in the wars to gain popularity. The defeated Florentine chief Pierro Soderm was exiled from the country. The Medici family thoroughly knew about Machiavelli and his machinations. It always considered him a “Cunning Fox”. The new government incarcerated Machiavelli

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and tortured him physically. After a long time knowing that Machiavelli was no longer plotting against the government, was released. Machiavelli shifted his residence to St.Antrea. There he looked after the garden with strain and began to spend his respite time in writing a book. He was not only a great political thinker of contemporary times, but a musician of high standard. He also acquired a good name as a composer of many plays. He was well versed in Latin but not Greek. His mother tongue was Italian. Machiavelli from a long time had cherished the ideal of building up the kingdom of United Italy. But city states like Venice, Milan and Naples would not allow for it lest they should forego their sovereignty.

Almost bereft of official position, Machiavelli’s fertile brain began to take up the work of writing a book famously known as “The Prince” – one of the best works of the age of intellectual quickening. Machiavelli in the book mixed his ideas and experiences. This book displayed a tremendous effect on the thinking pattern of the princes and rulers. He was able to prove the dichotomy between the ideal and real.

He held the view that the rule of a prince would be good provided he would not destroy the basic structure of the political and social institutions. To preserve one’s power or bestow good administration, it was nothing wrong to use force or violence. He also said such a state of royal violence should not last for a long time. If so it would not give the prince a benefit of good governance. It should be like a flash. He gave equal prominence to both punishment and praise. Political accomplishments of a ruler depend on his individuality, personal ability and enthusiasm. Some historians opine that Machiavelli wrote this book to get the favour of the ruler of Florence, Bertia. He hoped to regain his lost position through this book. Some scholars say that this book unwittingly reveals the defects of the monarchy and indirectly supports republicanism. This book definitely gives us a glimpse of the minds of the princes and politicians of the day. About religion he writes that religion is necessary not to make people virtuous but to help the ruler to govern them and keep them down. Pope proscribed the book. A ruler, according to Machiavelli, must cease to be virtuous in order to preserve his power intact. Morals and ethics are only for common people not for princes and rulers. Such ideas created abhorrence in the people about the ways and means discussed by him regarding the state craft.

Machiavelli wrote many books. “The Art of War” is another book written by him. This book was very much read and admired by people like Frederick the Great of Prussia and Napoleon Bonaparte of France. He wrote this book in 1520. This speaks more or less about war craft. He deals with the topics like recruiting, organizing and using the armies. He gives us a caution about materialization of these three methods. According to him every king or ruler must make an effort to its hilt in order to secure fame and triumph. Machiavellian queer political logic is excellently delineated to the world when he writes “Whatever plan we make its success more depends on our care to see that it does not reach our enemy before it assumed a final stage.” Such ideas of Machiavelli like a virus had spread to England first and to France next. His amoral creed became a bulwark of some of

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the ruling families of Europe and made them more assertive and autocratic. Another much practiced but greatly despised theory of sheer politics “Divide and rule” was also a gift given by Machiavelli to the world. Some feel that Machiavelli had made an effort to revive the political craft of the Roman Empire of 4 ester years.

In 1519 A.D Machiavelli maintained cordial relationship with the government of Florence Leo, the ruler of Florence solicited the advice of Machiavelli in the administrative affairs. As a result of that between 1521 to 1525, he re assumed the work of a diplomat. He also worked as a chronicler and Medici family asked him to write down the history of their family. In 1525 in battle of Pavia Florence defeated France but in 1527 the Florence became a republic and drove away the Medici family. Now 56 years old Machiavelli could not get any chance of an appointment in the government of Florence. After establishing himself a prolific writer he died on 21st June 1527 and buried in the church of Santa Cruz. People still pay their homage to this political thinker when they visit the church.

In political science his theories found an important place. “To achieve the power, one can adopt any method but he who does not want power may remain virtuous.” He also said that without deviating from the tradition without destroying the individual property, a ruler could resort to a state violence. Machiavelli who pronounced such ideas deserves to be a chief mentor of all politicians in the world. Of course even without knowing about Machiavelli some politicians are behaving in the same way prescribed by him. Machiavelli is great that he gave to his theories a literary form. In Oxford dictionary the word “Machiavellian” had been added. His theories were very effectively used by the British in India.

The architect of the New World

George Washington(1732 - 1799)

Majestically printed figure of George Washington on the Dollar Currency of U.S.A displays the pre-eminence of founder president of U.S.A. It invariably shows

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the love of Americans for the elderly personality of George Washington. Perhaps the face of this illustrious man is more intimately acquainted to the Americans than any of the American leaders one of the top cliffs of Rushmore mountains is sculpted into the shape of the head of this dear American. The capital of America was named after him. One of the states in U.S.A bears his name. Such is the legendary statue possessed by Washington who lived between 1732 and 1799.

Greater in size and rich in natural resources North American continent was discovered by Amerigo Vespuchi and it was colonized by different European races prominently by the British. Thus 13 colonies were formed. Soon these 13 colonies were in the path of progress. They were under the rule of the British Empire and its rulers began to tread the line of exploitation. 13 colonies could not relish the attitude of the British rulers. As a result the American war of Independence started under the leadership of George Washington. He led the American forces to a great victory. Thus emerged in North American continent, the countries like U.S.A, Canada and Mexico. This ‘New World’ began to dictate the other parts of the world and in short U.S.A became a pivot and guiding star of the world for the last many years. In short the credit of this imperishable, ineffable and magnificent glory goes to the fundamental efforts of George Washington.

George Washington was an able, brilliant and charismatic leader. His grandfather John Washington came from England in 1657 and began to live the life of a peasant. George Washington’s father was Augustus Washington and mother was Mary. He was born in 1732 at Bridge Creek in Virginia. At the time of his birth all the colonies were under the rule of the British king. All the prevailing acts in America were made by the British parliament. They were exploitive and arbitrary. At an early age he lost his father, and Washington took up the career of a surveyor besides carrying agricultural activity in the cotton and tobacco rich soils of Virginia.

In 1752 he was appointed as the commander of one of the four divisions arranged by the then Governor of Virginia. He was only 20 and perhaps the youngest man to be selected for the post. In the background of the Anglo-French rivalry in America Washington was given a difficult task of preventing the fortification of the French power in Ohio. In 1754 Washington made a bold attack on the French but captured by them. As he tendered apology to the French, he was released. As the Anglo-French rivalry was being intensified in America, Washington was asked to attack the French in Ohio on behalf of the English. Consequent to it in 1755 George Washington won a victory and succeeded in occupying Ohio. This event threw him into limelight and his name became a household name throughout colonial America. The British Government appointed him the commander of Virginia. After smelling a rat in the air the British Government began to appoint only English men as the soldiers in Empire’s colonial army. As a protest against the British policy, Washington voluntarily gave up his post. For many years to come he was involved in the vocation of agriculture and frequently getting himself seen in the political activities.

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The sweet wedding bells were heard in the life of Washington in 1759 when he married a rich lady Martha. By this his opulence became multiplied. He purchased 6000 acres of land and brought it under active cultivation by employing hundreds of Negro slaves. His resident bungalow in Mount Vermon was made palatial and convenient to live in. Washington used to acquire many luxurious articles from England and made his married life happy and smooth. As he had already been an honorable general of the armies in Virginia, and a rich man, he was elected as the member of the Virginian legislature. In course of time Washington incurred many losses in tobacco cultivation and subsequently shifted to wheat cultivation. Along with it he also made trade in flour mills, fisheries, rearing of the horses and weaving. He was emulated as an ideal example in small scale industries.

Though he won a good reputation in political field, he was away from active and power polities due to his incessant occupation with agricultural activity. Even before that the colonists began to indulge themselves in insurgent agitations against British rule. Dissatisfaction, hither to complacent, began to take the forms of open rebellion against the British. Little by little the irritation and turbulence increased. When stamp Act was made in 1765 the indignation of the colonists was almost unanimous. Wide spread demonstrations of the Americans made the British parliament to repeal the act. But in 1767 Townshend imposed a number of duties on colonial imports and they remained in force for 3 years till they were finally abolished in 1770. However the British were not able to suppress the agitation.

George Washington attended the First Virginia Convention and the Second Continental Congress. In the Second Continental Congress a continental army was prepared and George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief. Of course in the beginning this army was called the New England Militia.

Since he came to be the commander of American force in 1775, he had been fighting the British forces. The Americans received armed help from the French as the British were their avowed enemies. Of all the wars he fought Battle of Long Island was the longest. In 1777 the British defeated Washington in the Battle of Brandywine and occupied Philadelphia. But Washington showed his courage and fortitude in re capturing it – indeed he was soul of the war. Till 1783 small battles were fought by him and finally the British were driven out of America. United States of America emerged as a nation. After the war was over when he was laying down his arms as the chief commander of the forces, he spoke in emotional way and expressed his wish to go back to his agricultural farm house. But such a man of unflagging patriotism, calm wisdom and serene moral courage was not allowed by the people to retire from public life. The people loved him so much that they wanted him to serve the country further.

Washington went to Mount Vermon to take rest after a tumultuous war. But neither the people nor the leaders could leave him. He was almost forced to attend Philadelphia convention to discuss about framing of a new constitution for America. The leaders who attended the convention unanimously elected him as the

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President of the convention and hence the constituent body. Subsequently through an electoral college, he was elected the President of the nation. On April 30th 1789 he was sworn in as the president of U.S.A in Wall Street, New York. He never craved for power but he was chosen by higher echelons as well as people to lead the country. His dignity, integrity and magnanimity made him to step into the position of belonging the first and highly respected President. It was described as one of the delightful episodes of early American History, at once idyllic and moving. The journey which Washington made from his beautiful estate to take reigns of the new Government in New York is described as epoch making and everlasting. The Electoral College elected him with 100% of notes that was only possible with Washington alone till now. The American congress fixed 25000 dollars as the salary of the President but Washington refused to take. But after persuasion of Congress he accepted. Washington opposed all feudal customs that were prevalent at that time. Anybody can address the President as ‘Mr. President’.

Responsible men of every party and section trusted his fairness, breadth of view and sagacity. After becoming the president, Washington began to display his leadership qualities as a statesman and politician. He was conducting the proceedings of the cabinet in the most be filling and dignified way and gave much importance to the voice of the people. In his relations with the congress and administrative officers, he held aloof from party or faction, essaying to represent national idea it-self. Being a military genius he recognized and fortified the military power. He maintained good relations with other countries. He succeeded to build up a new nation in America. He was elected as President for the second time and Washington reluctantly completed his second tenure. He was always after his native place. The people wanted him to be the President for third time but he refused. Later through 22nd amendment, America passed a law that no one should be President of America more than two times.

Washington was not the founder of any political party but his followers were divided into Federalists and Republicans. The followers of Jefferson were called Republicans and those who followed Alexander Hamilton became Federalists. These two political shades gradually came to be crystallized as Republicans and Democrats in later times, of course in the time of Washington both these political factions divided and differed only in matters of the achievement of progress. But Washington was adorned by both the factions. As Washington gave his consent for the Residence Act in 1790, the present city Washington D.C was created. D.C means District of Columbia. In 1791 when excise duty was imposed on whisky, there was a revolt called whisky revolt. But it was successfully suppressed by Washington. Though some leaders did not hail his action, Washington proved himself an excellent administrator. Even after bitter war with England, he did not cut off the relations with that nation. His foreign policy was quite balanced and prudent. After the successful completion of his Presidential tenure he returned to Mount Vermon in 1797 with highly contented heart. Here after he spent most of his time in agricultural activity. While reding a horse on December 12, 1799 in a torrential rain, supervising the agricultural activity, he was completely wet with water and snow full and developed sore throat and fever. On December 14 he died

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due to suffocation and doctors diagnosed it as pneumonia. He was 67. It is ironical that he would have survived had he not been treated. Too much bleeding from body must have caused his death. Of course medical science did not develop so well at that time.

The world was shocked to hear about the death of this illustrious man. Napoleon sent a special message condoling his death. American Government allotted a two lakh dollar fund to raise a mausoleum for Washington. There is also a statue for Washington in London city, though Washington swore that he would not step on the soil of England. Strange! Under the statue of Washington, American soil was kept to fulfill the swearing wish of the departed soul.

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‘Unique soldier who redoubled the self-respect of France, strategist and administrator’

Napoleon Bonaparte(1769 - 1821)

Napoleon is stated to have said, “I was born when my country was dying.” He was born on 15th August, in 1769 in the island of Corsica. Earlier France purchased from Genoa the island of Corsica. Even before his birth the island of Corsica was occupied by the French. Though he was not originally a French man and not well proficient in French, he gradually won the hearts of the French people and redoubled the power and prestige of France and made it to touch the pinnacle of glory. He continued his early education in the island of Corsica till he was nine years of age. He later went to France mainland to study. After some time he joined in Brienne Military Academy. As a student he excelled in the subjects of Mathematics and physics though he frequently mocked at by his friends for his Italian accent in his French language. For the same reason he was shy to move freely among his friends. When he was 15 years old he went to the city of Paris. In the beginning as his father did, he hated France in his heart of hearts on the plea that his birth place Corsica was occupied by the French. But however it was paradoxical in history that he was later deified by the French people, and he himself identified with France and its culture completely. The much lauded French revolution broke out in France when he was young.

The French revolution was a great mass movement against the monarchy and feudal classes. The event profoundly influenced the whole world. It broke out in 1789. During the French revolution Napoleon was arrested and put into jail on the plea that he had intimate contacts with Jacobin leader Robespierre, later the active promoter of the reign of terror. The Jacobins were an ultra revolutionary class who intensified the revolution in France. The revolutionaries executed the Emperor of France Louis XVI and after his death a lot of differences rose among the political parties in France, consequently the reign of terror was established in France and many people were guillotined. The situation was worsened with foreign wars. The people were exhausted with blood thirsty part of the revolution and wanted peace and consolidation with good governance. At that time Napoleon tactfully came to the power and enhanced the prestige of France. He was always happy to call him the ‘child of the revolution.’

Napoleon joined the army when he was seventeen years old. He won victories in many battles. The battles were quite common in those days. His name became a

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household name in France due to his astounding victories in the battles fought at Montuana, Arcola and Rivoli. He equally came to lime light when he quelled a royalist insurrection contrived against the National Convention in 1795. He was affectionately called a ‘Little Corporal’ by his army men because of his short size. After the abolition of the monarchy, a Republic was started in France and naturally invited wars from other countries in which monarchies were reigning. In these circumstances and even after Napoleon made a number of battles against the foreign coalition members. Napoleon crossed the Alps Mountains and led a campaign against Italian states and establi-shed French hegemony and domination. In more than many contexts, Napoleon displayed his aesthetic taste by removing the Italian artifacts to France. He also showed his sway on pope and he was prepared to pay a 20 million francs.

The directory in power in the French main land was very much threatened by the enormous popularity of Napoleon and decided to send him away from France. The directors in power asked him to go to Egypt and disrupt the British connection with India with a view to spoil the British commercial activity. Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign was a failure. He was defeated in the battle of Nile. He returned to France with humiliation. But the people of France who were terribly fed up with the corrupt policies of the Directory, accorded a great welcome to him and praised him as a savior of France. Napoleon sensing the situation threw the government of the Directory and established himself as the first consul with absolute military powers. All these things were quite welcome to the people of France. He reigned France as the consul till 1804. In 1804 he became the Emperor of France with the overwhelming consent of the people. There after the history of France merged into the history of Napoleon who held unlimited powers. He made entire Europe astonished with his incessant wars. His ambition knew no bounds; Europe appeared to him as an ant hill. As the first consul Napoleon established a centralized government. Through a systematic taxation, he filled the coffers of France full. He tried to root out the inefficient and corrupt administrative system. When he made wars in countries like Italy, Austria and Prussia, he made the people of the respective countries pay the cost of the wars. In 1800 he established the Bank of France. Napoleon streamlined the educational system. He gave much prominence to Technical and science education. He pleaded for the women’s education but yet imposed some restrictions on them. He nationalized every aspect of the human activity. Somehow he restored peace and tranquility, a long coveted thing in France.

A laurel in the crown of Napoleon was ‘Code Napoleon’ which reformed the legal system of France thoroughly. Through these reforms he tried to establish the rule of law. All the existing laws of France were systematically classified into civil code, the code of civil procedure, the code of criminal procedure, penal law, the penal code and commercial law. These five codes adopted in France became role model legal systems in Modern European countries. All these reforms displayed and reflected social equality, religious tolerance, emancipation of slavery and the abolition of feudal privileges. Napoleon proved a replica of the ideas of Voltaire and Rousseau, whose ideas and thoughts revolved in Europe and took Europe by

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storm. His mind proved a fertile ground for the experiment of the novel ideas. Hence he was definitely a child of the revolution. For the first time in the world Napoleon granted equal rights of property to men and women.

Generally the church opposed such measures and Napoleon declared that he believed only in God not in religious heads. He rendered the clergy men mere paid officials and he also went further to declare that the papal bulls would not be applicable in France. He beautified Paris with boulevards gardens and beautiful buildings and avenues. It is estimated that he laid 30,000 miles of broad roads, connecting different affluent cities of Europe. One among them is a road which reaches Vienna through the Alps Mountains. The development was very quick and about his reforms it is said, “If the conquests of Napoleon were ephemeral, his civilian work in France was built upon granite.” There might be some opposition to the administration and rule of Napoleon, but his ability and quick sense of execution made him a unforgettable character. In December 1804, he was crowned as the Emperor of France by the Pope himself. After some time the entire Europe lay prostrate before him except England. Even England was in a quandary, when Napoleon tried to disrupt the colonial empire of the Britain. England declared war on France. England was unassailable on the seas and Napoleon established his supremacy on the Rhine River, Spain and Holland. He conquered Austria and invaded Russia; its Czar Alexander made a treaty with Napoleon. In Germany Napoleon reduced the states to 100 and his sway was felt from Spain in East and Russia in West. But from the year 1808, his power began to decline due to so many causes. The armies and soldiers became sick of continuous wars.

The administration of the Napoleonic Empire, consisting of different races, people speaking different languages and customs became highly impossible. Frequent revolts in different places began to make the empire pale and weak. However Napoleon decided to put an end to the commercial activity of England and declared continental system through Berlin decrees. In short Napoleon imposed Economic Blockade on England. In the beginning the continental system was accepted by many countries. England had retaliated France with orders-in-council. Napoleon ordered that British goods should not be found anywhere in Europe and even went to an extent of searching and capturing the British merchandise ships. But all countries which accepted continental system began to come out of it because every country was dependent on England for commerce. Portugal violated the agreement with Napoleon and came out of it. Infuriated Napoleon invaded Portugal and the king of Portugal fled to Brazil. Napoleonic continental system was rejected by Spain and Pope. Austria also opposed it. Napoleon quickly invaded Austria and married Marie and Louise, an Austrian princess. But England took the advantage of situation and peninsular wars started. Napoleon was facing all out opposition from different countries. To divert the attention he invaded Russia and captured many places. But due to severe winter, many of his soldiers died. His grand army of a million was reduced to half a million. His Russian campaign was an awful failure.

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In Europe all countries united against Napoleon under the leadership of England. In 1813 Napoleon was defeated at Leipzig in the Battle of Nations and as he refused to make a treaty he was sent to Elba as an exile. Louis XVIII of Bourbon dynasty became the king of France. In 1815 Napoleon escaped from the island of Elba and came to France. Again the soldiers and people invited him. Louis XVIII fled away. The frightened European countries by the reappearance of Napoleon got united under the leader ship of England and began to face Napoleon for the last time. On June 18, 1815, Napoleon was utterly defeated by Lord Willington in the battle of Waterloo. Napoleon was sent to St. Helena under strict surveillance. In the tragic circumstances the great fighter who rocked the entire Europe with the spate of his wars succumbed to death due to cancer on May 5, 1821. The victor of Waterloo Sir Arthur Wellesley (Lord Wellington) became very famous. Some historians allege that taking of small doses of arsenal was responsible for the death of this spectacular fighter-administrator of France. His dead body was shifted to Paris and people used to throng there as they go to pilgrimage.

Napoleon was a great conqueror, and personification of endless energy but he was too ambitious and always wallowed the pride. No doubt, even his adversaries praised him as he was equal to 40 thousand soldiers. He shaped his contemporary times as the age of Napoleon. This extraordinary genius for ever lives in the hearts of the people as a creator of new administrative systems and methods.

The sovereign fighter of the Latin American Independence

Simon Boliver(1783 - 1830)

If a man fought for a country and got its independence, the people affectionately call him the ‘Mahatma’ hence what adjective could be used if one liberated 6 countries in a period of 47 years. No language can give an appropriate title to Simon Bolivar who became responsible for the liberation of Latin American Countries. Bolivar spent most of his time in the battle fields as he chose fighting as a means to fulfill his objective of the liberation of Latin American countries. Even today no body tolerates if one prefers to walk behind the statue of Boliver in Venezuela in South America. Everyone should walk before the statue of the great freedom fighter. Whenever a new President is elected in Venezuela, the outgoing President hands over three articles to the incumbent President. They are a tricolour national flag, a casket with a key which contained the first print of constitution and a small vessel containing the sacred ash of Bolivar. Such is the profound and boundless reverence the country men hold for Bolivar.

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When Spain occupied Latin America and established its colonies, in 18th

century the people of those colonies wanted to drive away the Spanish rulers and gain their own independence. The Spanish rule was there for the last 200 years. In a way the Spaniards mixed with the local people by intermarriages. Some parts of South America were also occupied by Portugal. The Portugal occupied places are now called Brazil. Simon Bolivar was born on July 24th, 1783 at Carcas, the capital of Venezuela in a rich family. His father died when he was three years and mother died when he was nine. A relative who was acting as a guardian to Bolivar entrusted him to one Rodriquez, to teach. The teacher inspired Bolivar with revolutionary ideas and ignited in him the love for freedom. He also taught him that one should choose fighting as a means to achieve freedom. Bolivar enthusiastically studied the works of Voltaire and Rousseau and came o know how their works had transformed European Continent from darkness to light. Bolivar mixed in him the Negro blood as well that of the local people. In fact this prospect came to shape him as a real Latin American.

When he was 16 years of age he went to Spain to do his higher studies. In 1802 he married a girl from a rich family at his 18th year and returned to Carcas. But just with in an year his wife died of yellow fever and this incident depressed his mind. He went to Europe to have some mental peace. The poignant mind of Bolivar did not fail to understand various trends prevailing in Europe at that time and also studied the occurrence of speedy political changes. His mind was more sharpened by the critical analysis of the contemporary events. When he visited Paris he met a famous naturalist, scientist and philosopher Alexander Van Humboltd. Humboltd just returned from South American Countries after making detailed study of the flora, said to Bolivar, “My friend! South American continent is gifted with rich and boundless natural resources. The countries of this continent should have been liberated by this time. Perhaps there no warrior-leader to accomplish the great task.” These words totally rocked Bolivar and spurred him to action. He returned to his father country and began to jump into0 the fray. He was below 28 years of age and said, “Till my father land was in the clutches of Spain, I do not give any respite either to my hand or soul.” He went to the northern parts of the Latin America and favourably moulded the total people to his side. With their help he raised a small army, consisting of 200 or 300 soldiers. With it he made blitz creek attacks on the Spanish military camps. However he was able to unite different areas and brought them under his impact, as Bolivar encountered many difficulties while facing Spanish perpetrators, he met many problems from his own countrymen and groups supporting him. There were also a number of attempts on his life. But he successfully overcame all these adversities and credited himself being the winner of majority of battles. He is praised as the greatest fighter and throughout his life he participated in 200 battles. He won majority of battles against his enemies.

New Granada was liberated from the Spanish rule and Boliver’s influence was increasing in the region. Many a time he displayed his dauntless courage and was always ready to fight against vast Spanish armies with his limited and small

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armies. He became the leader of Grenada’s army and in 1813 he defeated 4000 Spanish soldiers with that of 650 soldiers. Every year he was making 7 or 8 small skirmishes and began to tease the Spanish army. More or less Bolivar became a night mare for Spanish rulers. In the annals of military history the wars of Boyeka and Ayakubo will remain as the most glorious and unforgettable wars as he fought them with his acumen and courage. He led his armies to the top of Andes Mountains and defeated Spanish army which was four times bigger than his army and made the Spanish soldiers run skelter and helter with fear of death. He was an expertise and great tactician in Guerilla war fare. Very few fighters in history can be compared to Simon Bolivar. Through his incessant and brave wars he was able to liberate Venezeula, Columbia and New Granada from the tyrannical yoke of the Spain. All these countries which became free elected Bolivar as the President. His undying fervor of liberation did not stop with this and he fought against the enemies and liberated a territory now called Bolivia. Needless to say that it was named after him. The people of Ecquedor and Panama still worship him more than God.

Inspite of incessant wars, Bolivar was still becoming inspired and began to show temper of a true and uncanny soldier. His humanistic dimension was well displayed when he opposed slavery and granted liberty to his personal slaves. He was a fiery orator who could even make ordinary people spell bound and inspired. His language of expression was so crisp that his speeches were printed as they were. He loved no other thing so ardently as the Latin America. As it was stated by John Gunther in his book ‘Inside South America’, he had connection with some 200 ladies. This man opined that Ecquedor was a monastery, Venezeula was a barracks, and Columbia was a university.

John Gunther called him a historical twin of his counterpart George Washington, the liberator of North America. When George Washington got U.S.A free from the yoke of England, Simon Bolivar liberated Latin America from the clutches of Spain. Simon Bolivar received a gold medal and a letter from George Washington. In the Bolivar was addressed as ‘the Second Washington of the New World’. The great warrior was exceedingly happy to receive a sobriquet from no less a person like George Washington. Hard work, discipline, in exhaustion and unflinching love of Latin America more that self were the cardinal tenets behind the success of this great man. He was in habit of replying every letter he received. He employed three secretaries to write down the letters spontaneously dictated by him once.

Behind such a stalwart man who achieved number of successes, there were also dark shadows of failure. An attempt on his life was made in 1830. Bolivar dreamt that Latin American countries should be united into a single nation and also wished that it should go greater than Europe. But his own men were responsible for its scramble into pieces to pursue their own interests. He was pained and his heart bled with agony at these changes. As his health shattered he came out of political life. A person who lived like a puma (South American Tiger)

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breathed his last on December 10, 1830. But in the hearts of the people of Latin America Simon Bolivar lives forever as a great “World Fighter.”

Victor of the American Civil War, Popular leader who broke the shackles of the slavery

Abraham Lincoln(1809 - 1865)

Perhaps no simpler, no sharper and no accurate definition for democracy could have been given by anybody than Abraham Lincoln, who in his Gettysburg

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address on 19th November in 1863 said, “— and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” This is one of the master speeches of eloquence in the world, yet it is the shortest one. Lincoln proved that great speeches are short.

Abraham Lincoln born on 12th February 1809 at Harkin in Kenturley state was the 16th President of U.S.A, between 1860 and 1865. Fed with civil litigations of the lands, his father migrated to Indiana State when Abraham Lincoln was a child. Lincoln lost his mother when he was nine years old. Lincoln experienced many hardships due to poverty which shaped him to be hardworking and sincere person. Though not a regular school-going student Lincoln was self taught. He became a master for himself. When he was 22 years of age his family migrated to Coles County in Illinois. There Lincoln did a paltry work of transporting articles on a boat to different places to eke out his living. He also gave some amount out of his income to his father.

The interesting aspect of Lincoln’s life was that he was expert in sword duelling. He was participating in local duelling and wrestling competitions. These two skills were responsible in creating a good sense of confidence in him, but he was always kind. He stopped fishing as he had some pity on them. He did not like adding meat into his daily menu.

In 1835 he had a proposal with a girl called Anne Rutledge but just before marriage she died due to typhoid fever. He had some brief Romantic affair with Mary Bowens but that was also somehow not fruitful and the affair was snapped in 1849. He finally married Mary Todd, who was a vociferous Virago, earned a nick name of “She Wolf”. Perhaps her aggressive nature made Lincoln very soft and sublime. But Lincoln became voracious reader of books and at times he walked for 10 or 20 miles to get a book for hire. Even while walking he used to read a book. Lincoln studied law books at home appeared for the examinations and became a lawyer. In 1937 he became a member in bar council. Soon Lincoln became famous and honest lawyer. People called him ‘Honest Abe’.

When a murder case was on trail, a pseudo witness was giving a deposition in the court by telling that he actually saw a murder in moonlight on a particular day. He specially told that he could identify the murderer as he saw him in the bright moon light. After some time of deep reflection, the Honest Abe proved it false evidence, as the particular night mentioned by the witness had no moon at all. Lincoln proved it by showing an almanac to the judge, who struck off the case on account that it was false evidence. In 1832, when he was 23 years old, he started his political career but he could not be elected. But in 1834he was elected to the state Assembly and in 1846 he was elected to the House of Representatives as a Republican Party Candidate. Abraham was a tall personality with 6 feet and 4 inches with that physique he used to scare the enemies. Between 1854 and 1858, he grew up to be great Republican leader. His speeches were always thought provoking. He always couched his thoughts in a beautiful and creative language. In 1858 the Illinois Senatorial elections claimed the national spotlight. The Lincoln-

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Donglas debate held in Freeport was a monumental one and proved to be one of the preliminary battles fields of the civil war. The debate speeches were very interesting and thought provoking. However Lincoln won a great moral victory. Now he got eligibility to become the President of America. In those days the slavery was rampart especially in Southern States. The Negro slaves were forced to work on farms and fields. They underwent all sorts of hard ships. They did not have rights al all. When Abraham Lincoln was a boy he heard that his father was criticizing the slavery. Kind hearted Abraham Lincoln from the beginning opposed slavery. In 1860 he won the presidential elections and became the President of U.S.A. He secured the largest number of votes only from Northern States where there was no slavery. He secured lesser votes from Southern States. After he won election an attempt on his life was made. It is said that he went to Washington to swear as a president incognito.

Just a day before Lincoln’s swearing in ceremony as the President of America, through Calvin’s amendment congress passed a law that a ‘status quo’ of the slavery was continued. It implied that in those states in which the slavery was existing will continue and those states in which the slavery did not exist will continue the same position. This amendment apparently seemed to be conciliatory but contained the germs of Civil War. At the same time Lincoln who opposed slavery becoming the president added fuel to the fire. It seemed in those days the U.S.A was sitting on the keg of the powder. Lincoln had to face a tough time.

The American Civil War started on 12 April, 1861 and Lincoln fought for keeping out the integration of the U.S States like Texas, Arkansas, Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky who wanted to separate from the union. The Civil War started between union forces and confederate forces. Union forces were defeated at many a place. But after the victory of Gettysburg, Lincoln removed General Mead and himself took the command of the war. The Southern States were frightened by the war strategy of Lincoln. On 22nd September through the “Emancipation proclamation, Lincoln granted freedom to 30 lakhs of slaves. Lincoln arranged separate colonies for the liberated slaves. During that period Lincoln played a remarkable role, he not only stopped the cessation of Northern and Southern states but also emancipated the Negro slaves. Besides he tried to heal the wounds of the Civil War. He is still considered the greatest of American Presidents and his image is sculpted on Rushmore Mountains along with other great American Presidents including George Washington, Jefferson and T.Roosevelt. Even his eyes in statue rain mercy. Recent survey placed Lincoln after George Washington.

Abraham Lincoln won presidential election for the second time in 1864 and his benevolent disposition was responsible for reelection. He was taken to be a role model of individual perfection and development. Dale Carnegie, the great psychologist divulged many interesting aspects about Lincoln. He says that it was a wonder as how Lincoln handled the Civil War situation. He must have possessed a great culture or education to tackle such a complex situation. Had he not that education, he would have remained a great failure during the Civil War. Regarding

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criticism against him Lincoln said the most memorable words. Those words were made into a small frame and Winston Churchill had always kept it before him on his table. He said that he would always do what he thought it just, and he would be happy at the good results of his actions and shut the mouth of his critics otherwise, he would comply with his conscience as he had done a work for his satisfaction.

Even when he was a lawyer he never kept quite. He criticized others and others criticized him. He wrote many articles in the newspapers about the persons who he did not like. In 1842 severely criticizing a political leader, he sent an anonymous letter to a news magazine “Spring Field”. Identifying Lincoln as responsible his antagonists attacked him with swords. Being an expert in duelling he fought them tooth and nail and of course with intervention of some middle men the feud was put to an end. Otherwise the situation would have ended in a fatal way; either one or two in this scuffle would have died. This inc9ident showed some impact on his thought process. He had put an end to this sort of entering into quarrels with others. From thence he behaved in a balanced and dignified manner.

During the Civil War days he was thoroughly dissatisfied with General Mead but he never gave a vehement expression to it. He wrote a letter to him that General Mead lost a golden opportunity in attacking the enemy, when he was in a weak position. But Lincoln did not post the letter perhaps he might have restrained him-self from sending the letter being in the position of the President. He also thought it improper to sit in the White House and provoke General Mead. The sensible Lincoln was said to have commented that had he been in the position of General Mead he would not have proceeded an inch further. He also said that he might be getting down his emotions by sending that letter to General Mead. Perhaps Mead would have harshly criticized Lincoln for writing such a letter. This un posted letter reflects the highly developed mind of Lincoln. Historians profusely wonder at the noble qualities of this great man.

After Lincoln became the president of America, second time a crank John Wills Booth shot him at him point blank on 14th April, 1865 when Lincoln was witnessing a drama ‘Our cousin’ in Ford theatre. Next day he died. The assassin alleged that Lincoln was helping the Southern States liberally. How did that crank know that he was killing a person who saved a big nation from disintegration? The noblest man now belongs to ages.

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The architect of Germany and the Iron Chancellor

Ottovon Bismarck(1815 - 1898)

Providing the facility of accident and health insurance to employees and workers and pensions to the old age people and invalids some 120 years back was not an easy thing to believe. But it was indeed done by Bismarck. Besides, the greatest of his accomplishments was unifying of lesser German states into a Great German Nation. He also created a sense of security to the Germans and took every measure to ensure their unprecedented progress. Eduard Leopold Oltovon Bismarck was born on 1st April in the year 1815, the same year in which much acclaimed Viennia settlement was held. Bismarck’s father was a Junker (Military officer) and he got his good physique from him. But his mother played an important role in his bringing up and it is also said he got his brain from his mother. She wanted that Bismarck should become a great officer in Prussia. His early life was spent at Saxony. He was educated in Berlin and Gottingen. He was well versed in English, French and Russian language, and German being his mother tongue. He became a lawyer after completing his law course in Gottingen University. It seems he was a failure in love. He was also trained fo a diplomatic career. As per his mother’s wish he joined the civil service and was appointed as a minor judicial officer. After his mother’s death, he left the job and began to look after affairs of his father’s estate. He was married in 1847. His polyglot talent, strong resolution and foresight provided good opportunities to go up in the ladder of success. He used them carefully and shaped himself to be an eminent political leader and a fascinating personality in the modern history.

Those were the days in which spheres of science and technology were expanding and the countries were reconstituted on the basis of language. After the fall of the Medieval Holy Roman Empire, all the German speaking states were Balkanized and some of them were governed on the fashion of the city states. 39 German states were there and the ruler of every state was sovereign with in his territory. This confederation of Germany was to be presided over by Austria, a non – German state. In central Europe there were German states like Bavaria, Prussia, Baden, Hess, Hanover and Austria. Austria being the member of the German confederation was dominating and powerful. But Germans in their heart of hearts wished to be united but there were many stumbling blocks for realizing that lofty

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goal. In these circumstances Bismarck through his diplomacy and wars, made the German unification a reality. Prior to him many attempts were made to realize the objective. The German rulers of different states were suppressing ruthlessly the ideas of German nationalism and freedom spreading among the people. A spate of revolutions rocked European states in 1848 and brought forth innumerable changes. The German confederation under the aegis of Austria was very much weakened and German nationalism was intensified and a major German State Prussia promised to take up the leadership of unification in an appropriate time. More or less every German realized the importance of Prussia to which the great states man Bismarck belonged.

Bismarck was elected to the Prussia parliament as he belonged to an influential Junker family. He was only 34 years at that time. Prussian empire was the very prominent and wider in territory among the German speaking states. In 1851 he was appointed the envoy of Prussia in the ‘Feudal Diet’ at Frankfurt and he remained there for 8 years. Of course this Federal Diet did not have any powers but it was created only for defense purpose. In Europe powerful countries like England, France and Russia surrounded Germany and hence to keep up the balance of power, the unification of Germany appeared to be a historical inevitability for the Germans. Bismarck not only consolidated his power but seriously decided about the unification of Germany. Due to his extraordinary abilities in 1859 Bismarck was appointed as Prussian ambassador in Russia and he stayed there for three years.

During his stay there, he tried to win over Russia to the side of Prussia. In 1862 he was appointed Prussian ambassador in France but he had hardly occupied that position for a few months when he was summoned in September 1862 to Berlin to be appointed as their Minister-President by William I of Prussia. Bismarck had to tackle a very difficult situation which had arisen on account of the determination of William I to increase the Prussian army and the refusal of the Land tag to vote supplies for the same. But Bismarck skillfully managed the Land tag and got the required sanctions. Speaking before the budget committee Bismarck summed up his policy in these words, “It is not by speechifying and majorities that great questions of the time will have to be decided – but by blood and iron.” With the same fervor he fought many wars and made German unification a reality. To oust Austria from the Germanic affairs was thought to be an important factor in the process of German unification. This stocky Chancellor born on April 1st

was never fooled by anybody, but had fooled many. The tenure of the Chancellorship of Bismarck was momentous in directing the destinies of Germany. As a Prussian Chancellor between 1862 and 1873 he was able to remove Austria from the German affairs and weakened it considerably but not before coveting its friendship as a neighbor. He always said that blood is thicker than water. In 1866 he defeated Austria and in between 1870-1871 he fought triumphant war with France. With these victorious wars some German states joined Prussia.

After the Austro-Prussian war, Bismarck united 17 German states into North German confederation under the leadership of William I. Even after the fall of the

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Holy Roman Empire; Austria became dominant due to the policies Metternich. But gradually due to Bismarck Prussia became powerful under William. The popular assemblies were being strengthened due to some social and political changes sweeping over Europe. Bismarck as a chancellor began to wield unlimited powers and some historians called this as the Chancellor’s dictatorship.

More or less the absolute nature of Bismarck was quite helpful to Germany to consolidate. Bismarck faced a lot opposition especially from the social democrats. To control the social democrats, Bismarck introduced a number of public welfare measures and social legislation. He introduced common currency and founded a Reich Bank in 1876. He followed protective policy in Trade and Commerce. He updated the penal code. All these measures fortified Germany. In 1883 a bill was passed which insured the workers against sickness. In 1884 the employees were forced to insure their employees against accidents. In 1889 provision was made for the insurance of workers against invalidity and old age. The premium was to be paid partly by the state and partly by the employer and partly by the employee. It is rightly said that this socialist legislation went long way in shaping Germany into one of the leading countries in the sphere of industries. Bismarck did not care his rivals and enemies. He openly declared that welfare of the people was the foremost duty of the state. He extracted maximum help from Reichstag (parliament) and made officials and the members of his own party work around the clock. Neither the parliament not the emperor questioned the actions of Bismarck. He said that he was following state socialism or paternal socialism. As a part of it he increased the strength of the army. In his efforts to create a united Germany and strong Germany he was assisted by military officer and a political advisor. Even before Bismarck attempts of German unification were useful, but it is a great wonder that how once 300 lesser German states were reduced and formed into bigger state and finally out of them a Great German Nation emerged. It was definitely the work of Bismarck United German gave a new impetus to Europe. Germany began to establish its colonies far and wide. Of course in the establishment of colonies England and France were in forefront. During 17th and 18th centuries Portugal and Spain established their colonies in the length and breadth of the world. Germany was late in its race against the colonial power due to some geographical drawback as the sea lies only on northern side of it and on other three directions in the East, West and South lie countries Russia, Italy and France respectively. It becomes difficult for Germany to reach the Southern Sea through Europe. In spite of all these adverse conditions the people of newly emerged Germany forced Bismarck to open up new colonies.

Bismarck in fact did not like to establish a German maritime empire as it was always difficult to make a voyage in ships and reach farthest shores and fight bloody wars with the inhabitants and rules of alien continents and countries. All these enterprising and adventurous acts invariably involve a lot of expenditure. Bismarck also thought that it was not easy to maintain colonies. More over there were countries like Britain; France Japan already gained a lot of experience. For the commercial needs of the merchants of Hamburg, a place was acquired nearby Baltic Sea and Bismarck had established some colonies in other continents. They

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were Togoland, Cameroon, Ruwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Namibia in Africa. He also established a few colonies on the Pacific.

From 1871 to 1890 Bismarck was supreme in the German affairs. The relations between Bismarck and William I were quite cordial. Bismarck took pride in the fact that he was the faithful servant of William I. But William I died in 1888. The new emperor Frederick succeeded him but he died after three months and was succeed by William II in the same year. Soon after his accession to the throne the conflict between the emperor and the Iron Chancellor started and resulted ultimately in the resignation of Bismarck. There are many reasons for this. William II was determined to do everything for him. He did not like the domination of Bismarck. The new Prince once said, “I discovered that my ministers regarded themselves as Bismarck’s officials.” William II did not like the foreign policy of Bismarck. Bismarck also made many enemies from different sections like the clerics, the liberals, the Lutheran conservatives and the industrialists. By muscling the press, Bismarck had invited a trouble. The new emperor asked him to resign as a result on 20the March, 1890, he submitted his resignation. About his resignation ‘The Punch’ wrote ‘The pilot who had steered the ship through so many storms and so many shoals was dropped.’ He died on 30th July 1898. Of course the British historians are highly critical about the role of Bismarck. They say that Bismarck did not give a viable and permanent set up to continue after him. They also go to the extent that Bismarck placed a time bomb for a single man dominated German administrative citadel. Due to this Germany was completely damaged in both the world wars. But a critical eye cannot fail to note that the foreign policy of Bismarck was directed towards a peaceful Europe and world. But William II had greatly disturbed and undone the work of Bismarck. Bismarck for ever lives in the hearts of Germans. He said that he could achieve German unification in a single night. He created the German Empire which was the most remarkable manifestation in Modern History.

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Liberator of the political economy from the spell of the opium of religion and a real valuer of the

sweat of the working class

Karl Marx(1818 - 1883)

Money is a propelling force and deciding factor of world and its future. Mammon in paper form has become a mere replica of gauging the value of labour and economic agreements among the people. But these agreements are sans justice and the value of the labour not estimated correctly and the surplus value has been completely neglected. As a result of this, imbalance has been created in the distribution of wealth and consequently leading to social and political agitations. The great creative genius and scientific thinker Karl Marx suggested and prescribed the ways and means to come out of this age old path of disorder. He stands out among the great men of history.

Together with his close friend and associate Frederick Engels, Marx made a deep study of human history and economic relations and gave a new definition and dimension to the modern political thought. Karl Marx created a literature that has no parallel in history and so simple and yet so high to comprehend. One thinker has said that our physique has socialism and our house has communism and Marx and Engles have taken a life time effort to make that universally spread. This analogy can be further clarified. In our body the organ which works more takes

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blood and oxygen more. Thumb works more and gets nourishment more. The little finger works less and gets less. This is socialism. In a family the elders and infants are fed first. The owner of the house takes his food last. This is communism. The works of Karl Marx tell us that the objective of communism is to support the poor, the decrepit, the sick, the handicapped and the victims of discrimination.

The accumulated surplus value for centuries together create great injustice and imbalance in the distribution of wealth and cause agitations pointing out to the inevitability of the proletarian revolution. Marx gave a clarion call for all the workers to get united to achieve that revolution. He also became the creator of the theory of the Historical Dialectical Materialism and it is a historical fact that no other thinker in the world has dictated the world politics as profound as Marx did. He surpassed the other thinkers by his analytical mind, encyclopedic knowledge, indefatigable energy and the boldness of thinking. Karl Marx was born on the 5 th

May 1818 in Trier, the Rhenish Prussia. His father was Heinrich Marx and mother was Henriet. Though originally belonging to the Jewish stock, the Marx family was converted to protestant religion. Then the German states were not unified. The birth place of Marx was located in the kingdom of Prussia. From 1830 to 1835, Marx was educated at the Trier Gymnasium. In 1835 October he entered the University of Bonn and began a period of intensive study. In 1836 he entered the law faculty in Berlin University where the spirit of the great Hegel was still dominating. Marx studied philosophical treatises and works by Hegel. He took Hegel as his inspiration. In 1835 he lost his father.

Marx studied many subjects but became more and more drawn to philosophy and History. In those days many young people were influenced by Hegel and his thought and hence Marx drew closer to the young Hegelians, whose bold criticism of many religions and philosophical dogmas equally attracted the young philosopher. He became the member of the young Hegelian club. From the end of 1830’s, Marx exclusively devoted himself to the study of philosophy and in 1841 was awarded the degree of Doctor of philosophy for his thesis “Difference between the Democritean and Epicurian philosophy of nature” from the Jena University, though originally thought of submitting his theses from Berlin University. He changed his mind and thought it easier to submit his theses from Jena University. He also wanted to become a professor in the University. But Ludwig Fuerbach was declared unfit for the post of a professor as he condemned the idealism of Hegel and its connection with religion. Marx did not like the authoritarianism of the University and interference of the government in intellectual and academic affairs. In those days Marx was intellectually turning himself from idealism to materialism and from theism to atheism. This period was also very important because it marked the beginning of his political activities. In October 1842 he became one of the editors of the “Rheinische Zeitung”. The articles by the young Marx, full of revolutionary and democratic passion determined the trend of the paper. He covered so many articles with the just rights of the proletariat and repressive measures of the government. In the same period he met his lifelong friend and associate Frederick Engels in the office of the same paper. At the beginning of 1843 the paper “Rheinische Zeitung” was closed by the authorities.

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In the prime youth Marx was utilizing every minute of time and every iota of his energy for the deep study of the forces which direct and dictate the world. In June 1833 he married the pretty girl of the Trier Jenny Von West Phalen. Of course she was his child hood friend. She became his faithful companion, assistant and associate in the revolutionary struggle and in the thick and thin of times. Really she was a fine match to him. In 1843 he went to France with his wife. Paris greeted Marx with the soft sound of the yellow leaves and rainy breath of autumn. During his stay in Paris Marx made a deep study of the research papers of the political economists belonging to France and England. In the same year he met Henrik Hyno, his lifelong friend and well wisher. It was here that in 1843 and 1844 he finally took up a revolutionary communist stance. In a paper in Feb, 1884 for the first time he advanced a theses that a communist transformation of society was the only real way to overcome the narrowness of the bourgeois society and to free mankind from its social and political fetters. A daughter was born to him in the same year. Engles came to Marx’s house and spent there several weeks. Their intellectual bond was fortified. Both of them wrote a book ‘Holy Family in which they mocked at and criticized the Hegelian idealists. His influence was spreading like a wild fire. But in January 1845 the French authorities to please the Prussian Government, expelled Marx and his family and they were obliged to move to Brussels.

In Brussels the capital of Belgium, Marx continued his relations with the working class people. Engles came to Brussels to meet Marx. In Europe the spreading industrialization brought many changes and the working class had been increasingly becoming conscious of their position and vehemently declared that proper remuneration was not being paid in portion to the work they had done. They were continuously protesting the attitude of the bourgeois classes. Many intellectuals were keenly observing what was happening and were questioning about the prevailing conditions. All their ideas and ideals were being printed as the printing press had become very popular. In those days of multi-sided disturbances, Marx was helped by Englels in all ways and in 1845 July they went to England to collect the books and pamphlets, discussing different socio economic conditions. Both of them studied the working conditions of proletariat and met the English chartists. At the end of May 1845 Engels published “The condition of the working class in England” which was a source of great pride and sincere pleasure for Marx. Many changes occurred in the life of Marx between 1845 and 1846. The Prussian government which had engineered the expulsion of Marx from France was now trying to expel him from Belgium too. In December 1845 to deprive the Prussian authorities of the official pretext for meddling in his affairs, Marx abandoned his Prussian citizen ship. Another daughter of Marx Lara was born. For a literary point of view this was an exceptionally productive period. In the first 18 months he propounded a coherent materialist view of history in two outstanding works – ‘Theses on Feuerbach’ and ‘The German ideology’ which he wrote together with Engles. In the beginning of 1846 Marx set up the Brussels communist correspondence committee. This committee maintained contacts with committees and groups in Great Britain, France and Germany. In 1847 a son Edgar was born to him.

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Marx received an invitation from “London committee of just” from England. The committee requested him to scribe a new manifestation and Marx accepted the proposal. At the same time another petty-bourgeois trend linked with the name of Pierre Joseph Proudhon, had proved to be much more tenacious. Proudhon, a French parliamentarian, an anarchist wrote a book “Philosophy of Poverty”. Proudhon believed that he had said a last word in philosophy and political economy. He neither understood the Hegelian philosophical method nor the English bourgeois political economy. In an answer to the book of Proudhon Marx wrote “The poverty of philosophy”. While Proudhon accepted the private property and the change would come gradually, Marx was against private property and the charge would come only through class struggle and revolution. The ‘League of Just’ was converted into ‘communist League’ in England. Émigrés from Brussels and Germany became the followers of Marx. In 1848 Deutsche-Brusseler Zeitung became the organ of the communist party. Marx was elected as the vice-president of ‘The Brussels Democratic Association. In the same year between months November and December Marx and Engels attended the conference of ‘The Second Communist League’ held at London. The ideas of Marx were spreading to Europe in a hyper speed and especially to England.

The spate of workers agitations began to sweep the entire Europe. Hungary and Germany became the epicenters of proletarian activities. Vienna became a hot bed of Marxian thought and practice. Italy and France were bubbling with revolutionary fervor. In February 1848 ‘Communist Manifesto’ was printed. Marx and Engels worked on it together in London – called a fruit of their creative collaboration. The Manifesto shows Marx as a genius of revolutionary thought and brilliant master of style. It contains a clean plan, message and direction. Out of all the works of Marx, it is the peak of the creative effort of the founder of Marxism. It envisages a new world order without exploitation. Marx went to colonne (Germany) to start a paper but his efforts were prevented by the government of Prussia. Marx filed a suit in the court to have the freedom of press and won the case. But the Prussian government issued a stern order asking Marx to leave the country at once. He reached Paris, and even from France he was expelled, Marx came to know that entire Europe was suffering from the phobia of Marx and finally he went to England, supposed to be the ‘Heaven of refusees’. Of course Engles was there to help him financially. Forth child was born to the Marx couple.

31 years old Marx along with his wife and four children came to London to settle there. By the time of his arrival a rampant reaction was there on the way to set in all European countries which had only recently been swept by the tide of revolution. But the adverse condition did not deter Marx nor did shake his confidence in the inevitability of the change. Marx did not have regular income. He faced difficulties in the form of illness of the children. Even regular feeding became a problem. Undeterred Marx continued his study of Economy, political science, history and science. Incredible he spent 15 to 18 hours in studying books. He lived in London different places like Regent Street and Soho square. He lived in dirty and narrow rooms with broken chairs and dilapidated walls. But all these obstacles could not bend his revolutionary spirit and intensive study. His bosom friend used to help financially.

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From his deep study between 1863 and 1865, came out some of his important books. He wrote ‘Surplus Value’ his first part of the famous ‘Capital’ was completed. In that he summed up some of the hither to theories of political economy and successfully proved how they were either insufficient or exploitative. He emphasized the inevitability of class struggle. He gave a slogan that the religion is the opium of masses. He wonderfully gave another slogan which became often repeated and reverberated throughout the world - The workers of the world Unite. Phillipp Becker writes “‘Capital’ is our sword, our shield, our weapon of attack and defense.” Referring or refuting the Ricardian theory of value, Marx postulated the theory of ‘Surplus value’, which tells how the worker is deceived as there is no connection between the cost of production of an article and the market price of the article. The difference goes to the investor not the worker. What all value should go to worker goes to the investor or the owner. Through this process the wealth is accumulated in the hands of a few and cause the society to be divided into classes the rich and poor, the proletariat and capitalists, and oppressed and the oppressors. Communism says through the violent revolution, the proletariat dictator ship will be established. Marx analysis of history and dialectical materialism tells that history had gone through the stages of kingship, Feudalism and communism. In all historical stages with the exception of communist stage the working class was exploited. He held th-at the history of all hither existing society is the history of class struggles. Social, political and economic equality is said to be the ultimate goal of communism.

In 1870 when Paris commune was experimented in France on the model of communism, Marx encouraged it. In France commune made a law separating religion from politics. But much acclaimed Paris commune collapsed. Marx again began to plunge himself in the deep study. Marx was not a simple writer of books or simple theoretician was keenly observing the social and economic changes that were taking place in Europe and pronounces directional objectives along with practical participation in agitations and revolutions. His interest was universal and he could speak almost all European languages. When he reached 60 year he was learning Norwegian language. He was also speaking Russian language. He wrote articles in American papers and magazines and about 1857 Sepoy Mutiny in India. He also wrote that the British in India successfully disrupted the traditional economy based on the village self-sufficiency. He was highly critical of the British imperialistic trends which exploited the Indians on a large scale. Marx was not mentally tired though he was making incessant ideological war against the anti communist trends especially in countries like France and Germany, but he became physically sick may be due to over work. When he was in France he suffered from a sort a skin disease that was diagnosed as ‘Hydrodenitus Sapuretiva’ by the physicians. It had become more intensified when he was in England. Though some arsenic drugs were used but of no avail. Big abscises of fuss and blood appeared on his body. He went to different countries for cure but it did not leave him.

Even when he was indisposed he did not stop studying different subjects like chemistry and Darwinian Theory of evolution. He started writing the Second volume of ‘Capital’. Marx lost two of his children one after other and his beloved wife Jenny died in 1881. He also lost his daughter in Paris. Much shrunk with the death of his kith and kin Karl Marx breathed his last on 17th March 1883. He was

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buried in High Gate Cemetery London. Engels made a historic speech. He spoke impressively with deep emotion about the importance of Marx’s brilliant scientific discoveries. He said, “His name will endure through the ages, so also will his work.” After the death of Marx, Engels brought the second and third volumes of Capital. The dream of Marx became a reality after 35 years when communist government was established in Russia under the leadership of Lenin. Subsequent to that many communist governments were formed on the basis of the inspiration received from the teachings of Marx. Half of the world population is still living under the impact of Marxian thought. No political economist has shown so much of impact in modern age as Marx does. Even after a century communism is glowing red and giving danger signals to the capitalism. Marx is eternal because other philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways but he changed it.

The Second son who illuminatedthe horizons of Socialism and communism

Friedrich Engels(1820 - 1895)

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Though Karl Marx the chief pilot of the ship of communism made an exit from the world in the middle, his co-pilot Friedrich Engels steered the ship though so many storms and anchored it safely on the shore. He was a genius and a radical economist who brought changes in the form of the world. Though born into a rich family, he always remained a close ally and staunch supporter of the proletariate. His life and thought inextricably entwined with that of Karl Marx and remain inseparable. These two equally fertile brains put together brought forth the most important books like ‘Communist Manifesto’ and ‘Was capital’, which are considered the bibles of the communists and left oriented ideologues.

Friedrich Engels was born in Barmen, the rich Rhine province of the kingdom of Prussia on 28th November 1820. His father was an owner of the workshop, which manufactures textiles. Many wondered and doubted how a rich manufacturer’s son could support the poor and work for their welfare. His parents might think of him as a spoilt child. But they never thought that his son would become a great man of global status. For some time he had attended Elber Fell High School as a student and wanted to go to university but he was dropped out of high school one year earlier than the completion of his course. He was sent to work as a non-salaried office clerk at a commercial house in Bremen dried in 1838. In 1841 Engels joined the Prussian army as the member of the household artillery. In 1842 Engels was sent to Manchester to work in a textile firm in which his father was a share holder. His father thought that by the new assignment he would stop his radical learning. While staying in Manchester for a period of two years, he collected required material for writing a book called “The Condition of the Working Class in England”. He also became an active participant in the chartist movement in England. During his student days Engels began reading the philosophy of Hegel and liked the German philosophy. He was keenly grasping the radical views of German thinkers; perhaps this might be a strong reason for his father to send his son to Manchester. In England due to constant contact of Marx, he became more attracted to radical way of thinking. In Manchester Engels met Mary Burns, a young woman with whom he began a relationship that lasted until she died in 1862. But they never married. The main reason for this was that Engels did not have belief in the bourgeoisie system of marriage. He wrote a wonderful book which created a sensation among the intellectual circles of Europe called “The Origin of Family, Private property and state”. It’s content was anthropological. Engels carefully studied through an intense research, the roots of the family system. He concluded that the cause for the advent of monogamous marriage system was more economic.

He postulated a theory logically that if anybody wanted to hand over his property to his successor, he had to do it by identifying his marriage with a single woman as a wife. This had necessitated the advent of monogamy as system of marriage. He also opined that in the society of true communisms, the economic factors shall not influence the sexual relations of the human beings. So he opposed the institution of marriage and wished that the relations between the men and women must be physical, psychological and intellectual. After an usual stay at

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England he decided to return to Germany and on his way he met Karl Marx in Paris, with whom he had corresponded earlier. These two became very close and would remain so for their entire lives. Engels stayed in Paris to help Marx write “The Holy Family” which was a satirical attack on the young Hegelians. When Karl Marx was exiled by the French government both of them stayed in Brussels from 1845 to 1848. They started "German Workers Society" there and became the members of the “League of the Just” and they converted it into Communist League by infusing into it their own thoughts and views. Being the active theorticians of the Communist League both of them composed “Communist Manifesto”, which was published on 21st February 1848. This document rocked the entire world with its appropriate vocabulary and content.

Marx and Engels started revolutionary activities in cologne and started a news paper called “Rheinische Zeitung” but in 1849 the government proscribed the news paper started by him. Marx went to Paris and later to London. Engels stayed in Germany and participated in revolts against government. When an uprising in Baden was suppressed the fled to England. There he reemployed himself in the textiles mill, in which his father was a share holder to help and support Marx. So Engels started a new life in England. For a period of 46 years he spent his life in London and gave birth to a “Revolutionary Daughter”.

At this time Marx was living in London and Engels was doing job in Manchester but there was an interrupted correspondence carried in between them. Engels made frequent visits to London to meet Marx and Marx in his turn visited Manchester to meet his ideology and associate burns introduced Engels to many of her friends. They all became intellectual friends to him. Engels strove hard in commercial work in order to earn money to look after his friend Karl Marx. Of course Marx often received money from his friend for his intellectual and domestic needs. After staying in Manchester dedicating himself to intellectual pursuits Engels retired from his job in 1869 and reached London next year. Engels reviewed already published first part of the was capital with the review it became more popular.

After settling in London Engels was able to meet Karl Marx daily. Which on stroll in the evening both the friends shared their views. At times both of them resorted into deep silence to contemplate on a particular point or issue which was raised earlier. After some time when they found a solution or any idea, they usually forgot to whom, the idea belonged. They were so involved in the study and so inseparable in their thought process. Marx was gathering material for another edition of capital. Engels stood as a great support to many of the agitations of the Proletariate and shouldered responsibility with a smiling face. From 1870 to 1880 Marx wrote many books and pamphlets in a greater number. In 1880 Engels wrote Anti-Diuhring which equals with the capital of Marx.

After the death of Marx in 1883, Engels was very much depressed. For some time he felt an everlasting vaccum. But he was often reminded of his responsibility and duty as the unity of international proletariat was becoming deeper and wider.

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The residence of Engels in London became a debating house of the leftist intellectuals and thinkers. The discussions were carried beyond midnight. Engels had a great responsibility of bringing out the second and third volumes of the Capital. Engels did the assignment with a devoted sense and refused the II and III volumes of the Capital. These monumental volumes were translated into almost all European languages. In 1888 Engels visited America. Though Engels was younger to Marx by two years, he for a period of 12 years after the death of Marx incessantly served the cause of Marxism both in precept and practice. He gave final touches to the philosophy of communism and countered the antagonists of communisms successfully. He also bore with perseverance the coercive attitude of the governments of Europe. He always led the busy life in England where the people lead their lives in the most dignified way. In 5th August 1895, the great Engels breathed his last due to throat cancer. In the play of Hamlet, Shakespeare made a character to speak about some other character as he was a pure man and they won’t see a man like again and again. Such a description is quite suitable to Friedrich Engels.

During the 20th century polarization and clarity could be seen in political structures and parties. From right to left a number of parties emerged. If left oriented parties formed the governments of atheism, agnosticism and secularism, the rightist political parties formed their own traditional governments. We consider these two types of parties as leftist and rightist parties in parlance of the political science.

But in the world the majority of the countries are ruled by the centrist governments. Among them the centre right and centre left government differs with each other. When there is so much of diversity in political map of the world, one can become a member in any of many political parties existing. So his choice is wider. Before this change the young men and women of progressive propensity to do social work had to resort to the teachings of the philosophers. Hegel of Germany had become precursor for many progressive minded people. During the Pre-Maxian period when there was no communist ideology of Marx and Engels, the intellectuals and political leaders were in a great fix to how to make a just and equal distribution of the wealth or society among the people. At the same time, when thoughtful people were forcibly pulled into four directions with distraction by the conglomeration of theories like Syndicalism, Chartism and Socialism, this glorious duo, Marx and Engels from the high of blue sky placed before us a red flag, a resplendent path to tread and a structure of government without priests.

Still we find two vacant chairs awaiting in the library of British Museum to remind us of the indeavors and struggles of the two great people Marx and Engels.

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The architect of the reconstruction of Japan

Meiji Emperor Mutsuhito(1852 - 1912)

Japan is a highly civilized country with a tranquil social set up and hailed as a pioneer in the field of science and technology. Though Japan is a successful democratic nation, certain things appear to be enigmatic and puzzling pertaining to it. Japan is like an alluring cluster of high grapes and inaccessible heaven on earth. Naturally a spate of queries shot into our imagination. While courageous and enterprising European nations were reaching every part of the world and occupying then in 16th century, it is still a wonder as how Japan was able to keep its sovereignty intact. It is only a solitary and unique example of that sort. For a period of two centuries it closed its borders and provided a strong protection to the people and culture. This is really an incredible factor in the world History. After 1854, due to the pressure of U.S.A the borders were open to the foreigners. Hence through this Japan began to have relations with foreign countries. At this time Mutsu Hito became the emperor of Japan and there after Japan did not look back.

Mutsu Hito was born on 3rd November and his father was Emperor Kome and his mother was Nakayama Yoshiko. By the time of his birth the Japanese political conditions were slippery and fluid. For the last 2500 years, though monarchy was in power, the ministers and feudal chieftains had been controlling the state and people. They were quite loyal and never acted ultra vires to the interests of the monarchy. The Japanese words of Shogun and Samurai became very popular. Of course ‘Shogun’ is a post appointed by the Emperor. It is a post parallel to that of Viceroy (Representative of the Emperor). He was also military chieftain, used to undertake invasions far and wide and occupied many territories in the name of the Emperor. Samurai means a soldier. The Samurais were supposed to win the wars without causing any damage to the respect of their adversaries. By the time of the accession of Mutsu Hito, the Tokugawa Shogunate faced an uprising against it but most of the rebels were supporting the emperor. Hence the emperor abolished the Shogunate and took reigns of the state into his control.The supporters of the emperor made every effort to keep the country on the path of progress.

Since Japan is a group of islands the people possess collective spirit and mass psychology. Their discipline, hard working nature and tolerance also increased

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their sense of with farsightedness. In 1854 Japan signed the Treaty of Kasagawa and opened the sea ports to foreign ships. Commodore Perry brought a letter from the then President of America Millard Fillmore and also showed the strength of American Naval Force by parading a fleet of powerful steam-run battle ships on the pacific with a view to threaten Japan. But Japan was not afraid more so it was able to understand the importance of change in accordance with the developments in the rest of the world. The pioneer of the movement of the modernization was the Emperor Mutsu Hito. He was called ‘Meiji’ and hence all the changes that occurred are called “Meiji Reconstruction or Restoration”. Meiji means good governance that has foresightedness and discreation.

A thick veil of secrecy drew over the personal details of the Emperor and it was difficult to know whether he wanted peace of war. During Meiji regime of even before the officials developed a groove to be collective in execution of things. All these factors were quite helpful to the king and bestowed on him a special honour. He carved a niche for himself in the history of Japan.

As soon as Meiji came to the power in 1868, he transferred his capital from Kyoto to Yedo. He re-christened it as Tokyo. This signified the end of the rule of Tokugawa Shogunate and Meiji started for sweeping political and social changes in the lightening speed.

After abolition of Shugunate rule and feudalism, Meiji introduced the system of the survey of the lands and presenting title deeds to the peasants and they finally resulted in the development of agricultural activity and good harvest. Agricultural production also increased. He also introduced compulsory educational system by which everybody should write and read and know fundamentals of mathematics. He curbed the foreigners from indulging in the acts of licentiousness in Japan. In 1868 the Emperor wanted to introduce a parliament on the western model and initiated discussions among the people about it throughout Japan. As a result in 1890 for the first time House of the People’s Representatives came into existence in Japan. In India also the British introduced parliamentary democracy and later we experimented with it and due developments were brought forth. Likewise the Japanese people changed their political and constitutional systems on the modern times in accordance with the changes taking place in Europe.

Incredible! The literacy rate of Japan in 1899 itself was 99 percent. It was higher than in any European country. During this period many people from Japan went to America and Europe to continue their studies in the field of science and technology. Unlike Indians they did not settle there but returned to their mother land and as soon as they came to Japan they would instruct to the other people what they had learnt in foreign lands. They taught all the subjects in Japanese language. Gradually the Japanese language became capable of instructing technical and scientific faculties. Hence they developed their own science and technology in the most modern way. This example is an eye opener to all who plead the indispensability of English.

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The industrialization of Japan started in 1890. In England the Industrial Revolution was not caused by political reasons. But the Industrial Revolution brought many political and economic developments. In Japan like in our country industrialization was brought by inevitability. By that time the population of Japan was four crores. In 1912 it was 12 crores with a gradual dwindling ratio of the peasants. This was due to the emergence of new professions into the social setup. There was also great development in the economic sphere due to the application of technological and scientific methods in different fields and unequivocally the Meiji Regime were responsible for this.

The voice of an ordinary man gained prominence in the political field and even in 1918, Japanese society was grown up to an extent that an ordinary man could become a minister in the government. Till Meiji died in 1912, all sweeping changes rejuvenated the Japanese society beyond recognition. For centuries together the people of Japan lived under the burden feudalism but after the starting of the Meiji rule, they were made fit to adapt easily to the modern democracy and parliamentary institutions. Opening of the doors of Japan after 1850 due to the pressure of U.S.A, starting of the Meiji reconstruction or restoration, the transfer of power from the Shogunate to that of the Meiji emperor and consequent lightening progress of Japan are the most glorious events and golden movements in the annals of Japan.

Economically and technically Japan became infallibly efficient because of the vigorous utilization of the resources and their transformation into the vital forces of the country. As the Japanese army became fortified and confident it participated in the II world war. In the war Japan crumbled with its defeat and shattered on account of nuclear bombing on populous cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But its revival was not so quick as it has been ge ‘2.nerally thought. It changed its direction only. But it developed to be the giant of the world. The present Japan owes a lot to the Meiji Emperor. He was also a poet but some of his poems only came to lime light. The name Meiji remains a symbol of Japan’s power and undoubtedly a great inspiration for its uncanny progress.

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The creator of the kingdom of the celestial glory (Rama Rajyam) in Thailand

Chulalongkorn(1853 - 1910)

Like Japan Thailand also did not fall a prey for the intrigues and machinations of the European colonial empires. For a country which had grown to be an economic force in South East Asia, Chulalongkorn was a king, who ruled for 42 years and bestowed a just administration and a blissful rule upon the people. Accidentally the progress of Thailand and the Era of the Meiji Restoration started in the same year i.e. 1868. Chulalonge became the king of Thailand in 1868.

The major religion of Thailand is Buddhism. The impact of Buddhism is clearly seen on the people. Naturally the people of Thailand developed Buddhistic characteristics like obedience and peaceful mind. But the Royal dynasty of Thailand and nobles who were controlling the royal dynasty were against modernization of Thailand. Chulalongkorn born on 21st September 1853 became the king of Thailand and ruled from 1868 to 1910, for a period of 42 years. He belonged to Chakri dynasty and bears another name Rama V. When he became the king, he proved his mettle and bestowed to the people what a king could be.

After the death of his father; Mong Kut (Rama IV), Chulalongkorn became the king at an early age of fifteen years. The followers and ministers of his deceased father placed him on the throne of Thailand and they took the charge of the departments like general administration, taxes and expenditure. From the beginning Chulalonge had a frail health. But his keen mind observed his father’s administrative system and thought to make every aspect of administration in consonance with the quickly changing patterns of the modern world. He was also

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studying different changes affected by tremendous progress of science and technology in other countries and advantages of the industrialization. He was also reflecting on the benefits of the increase of the literacy rate among the people in Thailand. His young brain was ready to introduce the sweeping reforms in Thailand.

But modernization of Thailand was not an easy task. Many reactionary forces had surrounded him and tried to prevent him from undertaking any drastic effort to modernize Thailand. But his strong resolution and western education and culture stood in his support. He understood the contemporary political trends among the nations especially the traditional rivalry between France and England. He was also very deeply aware of their spheres of influence and monopolistic policies in different places of the world. He always invited the foreigners for discussions and yet preserved his supreme position as a leader quite intact. This balancing act was his strength.

He modernized and rationalized the educational system in Thailand on Western methods. Well educated men and women, who never had misconceptions and illusions about different matters, were encouraged to take up employment in his court. His insatiable thirst for knowledge made him study the Dutch and English constitutions. He extensively travelled in many countries and also visited India during the years 1871 and 1872. In Siam (the then name of Thailand) he introduced centralized administrative system. Of course he brought all these changes so smooth even the classes of nobility around him were not able to notice.

The second coronation of Chulalongkorne was celebrated on 16th November, 1873 and at that time he was only 20. He enacted a law abolishing age old evil system of slavery. He prohibited the open promiscuous activities during the festive days in Thailand. The sense of public utility was introduced into the economic and judicial matters. He introduced the institutions (assemblies) like primary council and council of state to work as the advisory bodies. The power wielding noble classes gradually understood the efficacy of the changes introduced by Rama V and as a protest they began to revolt. Chulalongkorn strategically withdrew from implementing reforms only to avoid the civil war in Thailand.

When in 1880 a de facto Viceroy died in 1880, Chulalonge gained his hold and announced his own son as his successor and again started the process of the reconstruction. He appointed his brothers and other kith and kin in key posts. Foreigners were appointed as his personal advisors. New acts and methods on European lines were introduced along with the criminal procedure code. He speedily constructed railways and roadways. He provided telegraph facilities to the people living even in remote areas. Irrigational canals were dug and agricultural facilities improved. Systematic mining system was introduced and Iron Industry emerged as a big industry in Thailand. He made all the lands and forests surveyed by experts and meticulously prepared maps and charts. To fortify the army he introduced conscription for all. He also introduced the system of granting titles to the peasants in their names as Thailand is primarily an agricultural country. He

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rationalized the taxation system. Soon Thailand was transformed into an industrial power.

In short the greatness of Chulalong lies in his concept of education. He universalized the education and proved that moral values could be effectively taught through it. For this purpose many monasteries were used. Technical courses were made very popular along with civil services. Of course his radical educational reforms created such a consciousness among people and later in the year 1932 there was a big rebellion against the rule of monarchy. The changes brought by Chulalonge were not ordinary and they shook the rotten ancient regime to its foundations and in its place a new democratic institution was emerged. All these things were only possible because of the straight and transparent policies of Chulalonge. He introduced excellent educational and economic systems on the most modern lines without giving scope of the aliens to enter in. In the world history he finds a special place for keeping the integrity of the nation and as well making a great progress.

The father of Modern China and the first President of the Republic of China

Sun-Yat-Sen(1866 - 1925)

In the knotty history of Modern China, Sun-Yat-Sen had a special role to play. Even the most antagonistic and mutually contradicting political parties or persons do accept him as a great master and hail him as the Father of the Modern China’s revolution. The political history of China cannot be separated from the life of Sun-Yat-Sen as they were so intimately stranded from each other. Strange Sun-Yat-Sen spent most of his life as a political exile in other countries!

Sun was born into a peasant family on 12th November 1866, at a small village near ‘Gwang Jaar’. When he was 13 years of age, his family migrated to Honolulu capital of lonely Hawaii Islands. His brother settled there as a tradesman and came to be a resourceful supporter to Sun. he often gave his brother the required finances to his studies. Sun-Yat-Sen was quite active as student and showed his mettle. Soon he became well acquainted with the English language. As his brother suspected that Sun was being attracted to the Christianity, he was sent away to

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China in 1883. Sun was pained to note at backwardness and die hard superstitions of the Chinese people. He was always thinking as to how he could redeem them and modernize.

He started his early reformist activities from his village itself which of course evoked the wrathful reaction from the villages and even they began to attack this young reformer. To save himself from their anger and attack, he escaped to nearby Hong Kong and there he embraced Christianity. He prosecuted medical course in a local medical college and became a doctor. But his mind was always restless and incessantly thinking about the ways and means (solutions) to save his country from the scourge of backwardness and superstition. Meanwhile he married Lumuzen. At that time the vast Chinese Empire was ruled by ‘Manchu dynasty’ and feudal chieftains known as war lords were wielding a lot of power in their respective feudal units. They were ruthlessly suppressing those elements who opposed them. China was primarily an agricultural country and against the land lords poor peasants used to revolt. These peasant agitations were often led by local revolutionary leaders who conducted secret meetings and gathered the people. Sun was attending such secret meetings as often as possible.

In 1894 a spate of peasant insurrections started against already weakened Manchu dynasty. The defeat of China by Japan and its subsequent occupation of Taiwan Island were the main causes for the further weakening of the most unpopular Manchu rule. Taking these incidents conducive and time ripe for his activities, Sun went to Hawaii and started an organization ‘Revive China’ with the help of his former friends. He also began to acquire arms for the organization. In 1895 he came to Hong Kong and raised an armed insurrection against the Chinese government but it was quelled on the request of the Manchu Government, the British expelled Sun-Yat-Sen from Hong Kong. Sun reached Japan and began to acquaint himself with thousands of Chinese refuses. Soon he became very popular among the Chinese in Japan but due to some reason he went to America. From there he travelled Canada, England, Singapore, Indonesia as an exile and secretly collected money and arms from revolutionaries fighting against Chinese rule. Really he was breathing a new life to all the revolutionaries or insurrectionists and stood in their stead and ready to sacrifice anything for a cause.

There was a big revolt at Yuchchang in the year 1911 which shook the Manchu Regime to its roots. After the fall of the Manchu rule a republic was formed in China in the year 1912. The President, the highest post of the Republic was to be elected through the people’s franchise and Sun-Yat-Sen was elected as the temporary President. At that time he was in China. His choice was a compromising and reconciliatory step in the midst of different political parties who were poles apart in their ideology approach. Sun was also worthy their choice as he possessed political skill enlightenment and influence. But Republic owe fully lacked sufficient military arsenal or forces to keep a tight hold on such a vast and diversified country like China. In order to fill up the vacuum Sun-Yat-Sen reflected upon converting his political group into a powerful political party and he successfully accomplished. Hence Kuomingtang emerged. In 1913 elections were

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conducted and though Kuomingtang won more number of seats than any other party, the antagonistic elements of Sun connived and worked against him. Adversity would have it again Sun-Yat-Sen went into exile again. Many members of the Kuomingtang were severely punished. For the next succeeding ten years Sun had striven hard more to modernize China from its deep slumber of conservatism and backwardness than to administer it. He faced many hardships and adversaries. More often than not he was driven to the edge of danger and many of his friends and admirers staked their lives to save him. During the period of his second exile he married Sung-Ling-Ching as his second wife. She was intelligent and rich. Later these two returned to Canton in China. With the cooperation of the local people they began to dictate terms to the government. Forget not that Sun’s main object is to realize the integrated and unified China. He wanted to control the war lords and those political parties with fissifanions and perfidious tendencies. Sun was mainly influenced and inspired by Nationalism. In 1905 itself he proposed three principles

1. Nationalism

2. Democracy and

3. Socialism (Economic sustenance and equality).

Of course for those people who were groping in pitch darkness of feudalism for years together, these three slogans naturally appeared to be quite new.

The communist parts of China was founded in the year 1921.It corroborated with Kuomningtang and communists joined their hands with Sun-Yat-Sen sought the help of; arms from Soviet Russia. He also wanted to crush down the reactionary forces opposing the modernization of China. Many military leaders of Northern China were ready to stretch their helping hand to Sun-Yat-Sen. The conditions were favourable for his march from South to North. It was of course an enormous task; he was already 69 and showed the sign of ill health. In spite of all these adverse conditions he reached north China exhausted and tired. But he was not able to walk and was taken to the hospital, where the doctors diagnosed him as suffering from liver cancer. When this great man’s aims and goals were well nigh to be fulfilled, he breathed his last. He visualized the significance of unifying the two Chinas (North and South Chinas) politically, building up of strong army and efficient administrative system. He wanted that all people must become literate and enlightened enough to preserve the democratic values. He dreamt of a China with the people who could be economically self sufficient convert it into a land of bliss on the earth.

For the public to pay their homage and last respects, Sun-Yat-Sen’s body was kept near a religious shrine. Crowds after crowds began to flow like the flood waters of Chinese rivers. The swollen eyes and rolling tears of the teeming millions tell about their love and respect for the great son of the soil. People appropriately reciprocated their love towards this man, who loved them most. He toiled till his death for their well being. Sun-Yat-Sen is a great example of love and beloved. Though Sun was an exile for a greater part of his life, his soul is strongly

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intertwined with the land and people of China. He fought for democracy and became the most beloved leader of the multitude. His selflessness and sense of sacrifice are unsurpassed in the annals. His life is an eternal poem scripted upon the memories of man

After the death of Sun-Yat-Sen, many leaders vied to occupy his position. Chiang Kai-Shek, three years after his death of Sun, led victorious armies to North China from South. But he was strongly opposed by communists. Their differences plunged China into civil wars and it became a cauldron of hot and internecine polities. However Kuomingtang claimed that Sun-Yat-Sen was its own and constructed a mausoleum at Nanzing. Driven by the communists Chiang Kai Shek, became the President of Taiwan Government. Both communists and China claimed Sun-Yat-Sen as their own. Though Dr. Sun-Yat-Sen could not completely cure China and rejuvenate it but it is sure that he made China to tread on to the path of progress. He is adorned by one and all. In London the house in which he lived is still today a shrine of pilgrimage. There a board tells that Sun lived here. Taiwan Hundred dollar note carries his figure. In Thianman square Beijing, a big photo of Sun is shown along with his three slogans San, Min and Chin (Nationalism, Democracy and Socialism). Even in Singapore and some places in America bear the memorable relies of Sun. in Calcutta there is ‘Sun-Yat-Sen’ street. Sun is a great optimist who won the millions of hearts of the Chinese people.

Charismatic leader, Father of the Nation andan architect of Satyagraha

Mahatma Gandhi

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(1869 - 1948)

A Telugu free verse poet Kundurthi writes about Mahatma in his ‘March of Dandi’ (Dandi yatra)

One step – the earth shakes

One step – the sky bent to see

One step – the earth and sky join

Like the unity of the people-

Before this Trivikrama’s power,

any government must bow or surrender.

He may tolerate the misgovernment but not alien misgovernment.

Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat province. Just 12 years before his birth the transfer of power from the East India Company to that of the crown was affected. History at times pushes forward some examples predestined to be so as they actually happened Gandhiji becoming the leader of the freedom movement was such historical inevitability. That is why Gandhi became Mahatma (The great soul).

Gandhi’s father had married four times and Mahatma was born to Puthali Bai, the fourth wife. He was last among the four sons born to Puthalibai. In his child hood Gandhiji liked the puranic character of Sravan, for his infallible devotion and love towards his parents. Gandhiji was married at an early age with Kasturiba. But for a few years they lived together due to his incessant engagement with the affairs of the country. When Gandhi was 16 years old his father died. Gandhi from his childhood was very frank and truthful. He always believed his conscience as a true judge. He never kept any secret in his life. Perhaps virtues suffused him from the depth of truthful conscience. When he was entering the adolescent age he visited the prostitutes’ den, he ate flesh a taboo for his caste and theft of an article. All these actions pricked his mind, when confessed got himself back to the normal path of virtue as per the dictum of his conscience. In the year 1887 he appeared for the Matriculation Examination with an objective of going to London to study bar-at-Law. Mr.Dave, an elderly gentleman and a well wisher of the Gandhi family advised them so. In those days crossing the seas and going abroad were considered a taboo.

After a lot of discussion among his relatives and friends Gandhi decided to set himself sail to London. Before leaving to London he swore to his mother that he would not drink wine and eat meat. His relatives out cast him for he was crossing the sea, which was against the rules of their caste. Gandhi who started in a steamer from Bombay on September 4th, 1888 reached England after a voyage of four or five weeks. He landed in Southampton. While studying in England many things aroused his curiosity. He came to know much about meat eating and also

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had an encounter with men of other religions. Gandhi curiously held discussions with them. This served a back ground for his Catholicism in religious matters now or always. In 1890 Gandhi visited Paris and wondered at the exhibition held there. He marveled at the sight of the Eiffel Tower. While in England Gandhi was leading a highly frugal life and he passed Bar-at-Law and took his degree in it. Gandhi overcame all types of voluptuous temptation. On one occasion he cautioned a lady who was his friend’s wife. He asked her not to tempt him as he had already a wife and a son. He was always truthful in following his inner voice. He proved himself a ‘Satyavan’.

Gandhi returned to India but future seemed bleak and confusive. His main problem was livelihood. Hither to his brother helped him in every aspect. Now he must lead an independent life. On the advice of some elders he came to Bombay to set up practice. His first appearance as an advocate was an awful failure. He gave back the pleader fees to the client and expressed his inability. He continued to be shy for some time but gradually he was stabilizing in his profession. He was so frugal that he went to the court on foot. But he was never dishonest as a lawyer. He shifted to Rajkot and continued his legal profession. Mr.Gandhi picked up a row with a British officer about the behavioral etiquette. It evoked a lot of controversy and also displayed his unflinching sense of honesty. He had to leave for South Africa to attend a legal case. He left his family in his brother’s custody and left for South Africa.

In South Africa : His South African experience served like a spine which gave him the body political stability and ability. They went in a long way to shape his political career. From year 1893 to the year 1914, Gandhi accumulated a lot of experience in tackling political problems, perhaps that stood in his good stead in later freedom movement of India. His voyage to South Africa was quite accidental. The Meman Company of Rajkot asked the brother of Gandhi through a letter to send Gandhi to South Africa to help the lawyers there who are pleading a case for their company. The company was also ready to pay the fee and expenses. For the first time when he went to England for education he lost his mother. This time he could not leave his family at Porbandar and go to South Africa, so he came back to India and took his family members to South Africa in 1896. No sooner did Gandhi step in South Africa this time than he began to feel the pinch of the apartheid continuously. Even Abdullah Seth who came to receive the Gandhi family was looked down and mocked at. Gandhi’s mind was pricked. It took some time for Gandhi to understand the local conditions and in course of time Gandhi began to look after the legal affairs of the case. Gandhi was preparing to go to Pretoria in a train. When the train reached Maritzburg, the capital of Natal, Gandhi came to taste the nascent and awkward form of apartheid. At Maritzburg an English man threw the bag and baggage of Gandhi from the I class compartment on the platform, on to the ground that a coloured man should not travel along the white man. This incident made a strong dent on his mind, he vowed to fight out the evil when expressed the same thing to fellow Indians they said it was quite normal.

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The common nomenclature of Indians in South Africa was coolies. When Gandhi reached Pretoria, he began to consolidate Indians and ignite some consciousness among them. He taught them English and instructed them how to be clean and tidy. All of them under the leadership of Gandhi pleaded the South African government to stop the policy of racial discrimination in Railways. They also held discussions with the government to that effect. Gandhi became a significant voice of Indians and coloured people in South Africa to express the people’s consensus to the white minority government of South Africa. The Indian News papers also carried out through news the just started consciousness among the people and the spirit of fighting for their rights. To carry out the plans and proposals of the Indians and other coloured people an organization was established in the name of ‘Netal Indian Congress’. Gandhi collected huge funds for running this organization. Through this organization Gandhi brought to light some of the unjust acts of the white people and its minority government. The British lured the Indians to work in South African farms with huge remuneration and wages. They were also promised to have their own property and freedom after 5 years. But later the South African government passed a law that Indians should not continue to live in South Africa after five years. If so they had to pay redoubled taxes, which of course was beyond the capacity of the Indians. These unjust and draconian laws of the impudent South African government were continuously attacked by Gandhi. Gandhi was greatly influenced by the works of Tolstoy and Max Meller. The work of John Ruskin ‘Unto the last’ displayed a great impact on his mind. He translated the same book in the name of ‘Sarvodaya’. Gandhi during his frequent visits to India prepared a number of pamphlets about the plight of Indians in South Africa and also referring the same issues during the sessions of the Indian National Congress. He also vehemently discussed about these problems with stalwart leaders like Gopala Krishna Gokhale and others. He also wrote about the issues and problems of the coloured people and Indians of South Africa and distributed among the people. Gandhi turned out an excellent work in this direction.

A chronicle, “Indian opinion” to reflect the conditions of the Indians in South Africa was edited by the Indians with great difficulty due to the lack of funds. In South African towns all the Indians used to live at the same place and usually called by South Africans in the name of ‘coolie location’, of course not a respectable one to name. Due to density of population in such areas many health problems arose. When plague epidemic broke out in the colonies, Gandhi served the sick and suffering without any fear. Often the government used to ask the colony residents to vacate in order to burn off the rats. As most of the Indians living in those colonies were uneducated and ignorant, they used to keep their money under the earth to save. Gandhi made such amounts to be deposited in the banks by opening accounts in their name. Hence the residents used to go to other places to lead a better and hygienic life.

The Boer war broke out in South Africa. It was a war between the Creoles and the English. It is a queer accident that while Winston Churchill fought as a soldier of behalf of the English, Gandhi served the wounded on either side as a member of the Red Cross Society. His services to the mankind were Yeomen, may be, in later

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period he was called the Father of the Nation’. The contrast between Gandhi and Churchill could be understood.

The word ‘passive resistance’ in English parlance is used as a synonym to inability or inefficiency. Most of the European considered this as a policy of the inefficient. But Gandhi not only gave a new meaning to it but also breathed a new life into it. There was a discussion in what name could it be called in Indian languages. When a competition held in ‘Navjeevan paper’ about the name a name ‘Sat-Agraham’ was suggested. Gandhi made it Satyagraha. This word means ‘righteous anger’. This word as precept and practice recieved full life from Gandhi. Gandhi used Satyagraha in and out. There was a peculiar incident associated with Gandhi’s audacity in observing this concept. When Kasturba fell ill, Gandhi himself a natural therapist asked his wife to give up salt and soup. But she asked what Gandhi could do it if anybody asked. That is all Gandhi never touched both in his life. Kasturba said that Gandhi was a ‘stubbornness personified’.

Gandhi wished to give new meaning to the complex concept of celibacy through his life itself. To control ones senses and not to become a victim of sensuous feelings is a part of it. Gandhi imposed some restrictions on his food voluntarily. Gandhi faced so many insults and hard ships in fighting apartheid. He was put into jail, and at times the English crowds in South Africa stoned him severely. He bore them all with unusual silence and never forgot his objective. Just as Dr.Ambedkar faced hardships due to caste discrimination, Gandhi faced them due to racial discrimination. His South African experiences toughened him more towards his just fight for a just cause. Though he had all bitter experiences he never lost the touch of humanism. He rendered a good service to patients and victims of the after math of the Boer war. In Tolstoy hermitage he learnt how to teach the students without tears. In all his fights and plans he had a good support of his wife and some white men also.

When Gandhiji left South Africa on July 18, 1914, he was given a warm send-off by thousands of Indians in South Africa. Gandhi did not return straight home. During his short stay at England, he met Gopala Krishna Gokhale, who he considered his political mentor. He helped him a lot to establish an ashram at Sabarmathi. Gokhale advised Gandhi to travel throughout India. Gandhiji travelled all over India for many months visiting Santhi Nikethan and Poona. Gandhi always travelled in third class along with a small band of followers. During his travels he was pained to note the lack of cleanliness and discipline on the parts of his own countrymen. He wanted to make them better. In the same year Gopala Krishna Gokhale died and in a way Gandhi was shaken by the death of his beloved political guru. Gandhi in 1916 participated in a Kumbhamela held at Haridwar. On 25 th May 1915 he founded an ashram in a small village near Ahmadabad. Many people came from South Africa to stay at the ashram. A few months later Gandhi took some untouchables into the ashram. The first agitation took up by Gandhi in India was Champaran Satyagraha. Champaran is in North Bihar, the Indigo plant growing peasants faced a number of problems due to the policies of the British Government. Gandhi collected a lot of information about the Indigo peasants and

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created a great consciousness among them. Even without using the name of the congress he was able to solve the Champaran problem to some extent. Of course Gandhi used Satyagraha as a means to find out a solution. The Rowlatt Act was passed in the year 1919 bestowing unlimited powers and recommending harsh measures by restricting individual liberty and imprisoning without trial Gandhiji took up Satyagraha against the Black Acts of the British.

For agitating against the British, Gandhi was jailed for six years and was kept in Yerawada Jail. In the jail he was not even provided with least facilities. After two years he was released. The jail career had become an inseparable part of his real life. He was repeatedly arrested on 1930, 1932, and 1942. Gandhi well utilized his incarcerated time by writing his auto-biography, doing yoga and meditation. All these activities increased his soul power. In 1920 Gandhi started Non-cooperation movement. He also started salt Satyagraha in 1930. It goes down in history as Dandi Satyagraha. He marched for 23 days and covered a distance of 78 miles and broke the laws of salt. He attended the II Round Table conference held at London. The Time Magazine praised him as the person of the year. 1942 Quit India Movement was a monumental one in the life of Gandhi and in the annals of modern history also. By this movement Gandhi was able to achieve the unity and solidarity among the Indians. Before that the Cripps Mission was a fiasco. It had generated separatist feelings. Since 1934 Gandhi had been giving importance to Jawaharlal Nehru. India Bill also became a target of severe discussion and controversy. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was pleading for the rights to the Dalits and suppressed classes. Though the history of India took so many curves and turns, Gandhi had been acknowledged as the greatest leader since 199.

Gandhi has a good number of features and qualities to become the greatest leader. He was well versed in English and a lawyer by profession. He always taught non-violence and truth. He had abundant common sense and general knowledge. People and masses used to throng at him. His mere presence itself was awe inspiring. People whenever they saw him thought that they saw a god before them. He is deified in India. Gandhi was able to understand the simple soul of the Indians. He was totally a high profile charismatic leader. Had Gandhi not influenced the freedom movement with great weapons like Non-violence, peace and Satyagraha, the history of the freedom movement of country would have been bloody and violent. Millions of Indians would have perished in the endeavour of achieving freedom. Why Gandhi became a great leader in spite the Congress Party produced a number of stalwarts who could sacrifice their lives is a question which defies answer. The reasons are quite unknown. Great men like M.N.Roy, Subhash Chandra Bose simply went into oblivion. Steadfastness, clarity in action and above all unusual honesty with sincere soul are responsible for making this man the greatest leader.

All the lawyers presently practicing in courts must note that he was brutally honest. If any client was there for him, if his cause was not just, he used to tell him frankly that he would not take up the case. In how many lawyers you find such a high degree of honesty. He never worked for money. He worked only for his

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conscience. Gandhiji earned a great international fame because of this single quality in him. His name was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize in the years 1937, 1938, 1947, 1948, but he could not get it. But he has such a great fame that no noble laureate could have it. Gandhi always won a victory against mighty enemies and his ideology has become an invincible weapon in the hands of those unprivileged classes fighting for their rights. He taught them to achieve their objectives by taking up fast into death and non-violent strikes.

Kasturba died in 1944 when the stage of freedom movement reached a point of climax. After the II World War Clement Atlee the P.M of England decided to grant independence to India. According to a survey undertaken by some, it became obvious that non-violent methods of Gandhi were more responsible for independence of India than some violent means tried by some freedom fighters. British voters or public always admired Gandhi. Gandhi did not like the partition before the freedom. He was said to have commented that freedom was his crown and partition was his crucifixion. When religious riots raged with unprecedented violence in places like Naokali, Tippara etc, he went all alone and tried to pacify them. Gandhi wept bitterly when two nations in sub continent were celebrating their independence separately. Though new chapter was opened in the history of our country, on August 15, 1947, almost in the same chapter we find that a great man who always craved for peace and non-violence was violently shot dead by fundamentalist and intolerant fanatic on January 30, 1948. The greatest tragedy of the world still reminds us of how a man of peace died. Modern India has never had such an attractive and sacred figure as a leader. In courage of conviction he is second to none. His life was a great saga of virtues and his sincerity phenomenal. Really he melted into the eternity of time as the greatest martyr, leaving behind his footsteps too big for others to follow. Einstein remarked that future generations would doubt whether such a man with flesh and blood lived on earth.

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The Father and Son of the Revolution

Lenin(1870 - 1924)

Lenin, one of the greatest revolutionaries in history, lived for a short time. The biographer of Lenin has to write copious pages to tell his achievements. Vladimir Illyen Lenin is immortalized by Maikonisky in his book. A great Telugu poet Sri Sri excellently rendered the poem of Maikovisky into Telugu.

This chance I take to scribe the story of Lenin!

Who lived in the hearts of the people!

I reverberate today for the great Lenin who wears the crown.

Does my poetry stand a worth of his name?

Shall I insult him with my petty little poetry?

Both Sri Sri and Maikovisky question their poetry to write about such a great person. This tells about the stature of Lenin. When the Czars were ruling over vast Russia, Lenin was born on 10 April, 1870. His father was an education officer. His child hood name was Ulyanov. The tragic incidents which occurred when he was a boy left a deep impact on him. In 1886, his father died of brain haemorrhage. In the next year his elder brother faced execution by hanging for his alleged plotting to kill the Czar. Perhaps death of his brother might have sown the seeds of revolution in the young brain of Lenin.

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Young Lenin was very active in studies. He was highly gifted and diligent and displayed keen interest in literature and history. He completed his law course and as a student showed a great interest in reading the works of Goethe and Turgenev. In 1893 he went to St. Petersburg to take up the legal profession. Karl Marx the greatest exponent of scientific socialism had died exactly 10 years back to that date. Having been already well versed and acquainted with Communist Manifesto enunciated by Marx and Engels and other works of this glorious duo, Lenin secretly organized a communist group. He and his friends were keenly studying the industries in Russia and conditions of the working class, often estimating them in contrast to the working class and industries of the other developed European countries. This group of communist activists succeeded in forging unity among proletariat in Russia. In 1895 Lenin went to Switzerland and held talks with social democrats there about the revolution to start in Russia. Through revolution he wanted to over throw the Czarist regime and establish proletariat government in Russia. Lenin took every step to give a practical shape to the ideas of Marx and Engels. Lenin and his compatriots are ever busy in preparing pamphlets and distributing them among the working class people. But all these activities were prohibited in Czarist Russia.

George Plekhanov opined that the middle class people and liberals should be made the partners in the revolution for which the social democrats were toiling. But Lenin wanted that the Revolution should be brought by the proletariat alone. This difference of opinion gradually led to an ideological rift and finally the social democrats were divided into Bolsheviks and Menshiviks. Lenin became the leader of the Bolsheviks. After return from Switzerland Lenin was arrested as he was trying to start a paper to spread revolutionary ideas. In 1897 the Czarist government kept in Jail and finally sentenced him to go to Siberia as an exile-convict for three years to come. While in exile he married Constantinova Krupskya. She was often attending the secret meetings of Lenin. In 1898 he wrote a book ‘The development of capitalism in Russia’ even when he was in exile. After returning from Siberia he went to Switzerland in 1900. Lenin travelled many European countries incognito and wrote number of articles and pamphlets to prepare the people for revolution in Russia and procure the support of the proletariat classes of other nations. He also started a paper ‘Iskra’ (The Ember). He used to pick up enthusiastic youth and gave them mental and physical training and shaped into revolutionaries. For this purpose he started a camp on the outskirts of Paris in France. But financial sources were not sufficient for all these activities.

The leftist thinkers were of the opinion that conditions in Europe at that time were favourable to revolution. The Industrial Revolution started in England and began to spread into different parts of Europe. Even in Russia Industries increased along with the workers. The rich owners of the industries squeezed the blood of the workers and made them over work and paid quite inappropriate and insufficient wages to them. Marx and Engles thought such a situation of vast economic disparities between the rich and the poor would augment the advent of the revolution, violently over-throwing the capitalist system and establish proletariat dictatorship. Having thoroughly understood the social and economic theories of Marx and Engels, Lenin decided to experiment the theses of revolution

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in Russia. The year 1905 was very significant in the history of Russia. The people revolted against the Czar but it was suppressed with an iron hand. Lenin returned to Russia and stayed there for two years. Granting some concessions and facilities to the people and workers, the Czar was able to establish a temporary peace in Russia. Again Lenin went to Europe and he always held strong convictions with regard to revolution. His book “What is to be done” created schism among the leftist thinkers. The group of followers under the leadership of Lenin was called Bolshviks (Red soldiers). That came to be a separate leading political party in Russia. Ideologically and practically Bolshevik party differed from social democrats and other parties supporting Marxism.

The I World war started in 1914 due to various reasons. Russia participated in it opposing Germany. But Czarist Russia was beginning to face many problems. The conditions were changing very quickly. Russia was at the straits because of the atrocities committed by the convivial intrigues of the winter palace, industrialization and the spread of consciousness due education. All these were pointing out to an outburst. As adding insult to injury the humiliating defeat of Russia in the Eastern Front and also the utter lack food grains internally brought the Czarist regime to a point of collapse. Seething discontent of the Russians made them to rise against Czar in the form of a revolution during the winter days of the year 1917. The Iron and Steel workers in St.Peterburg started perhaps the biggest general strike in history of Russia. This almost rocked the Czarist regime. Taking this as an advantage Kerensky, the Menshevik leader grabbed the power from the Czar. At the same time Lenin reached Russia along with his friends from other countries. The Russia working class saw in him a leader of maturity and perfection. He appeared to them an embodiment of true revolution.

At the first sight anybody will be impressed by his shining bald head, a short beard, square face cut and above all his piercing eyes. All these things leave an indelible impression in the hearts of the people. No sooner did Lenin reach Russia then he jumped into the process of making a revolution. In fact Lenin reached Russia from Finland secretly with the help of the Germany. But at that time the Bolsheviks did not have as much strength as the other parties had. Bolsheviks were dominant only in the region between Petrograd and Moscow. In the elections conducted for Duma, the Bolsheviks did not secure the majority of seats. After elections when the members of the Russian parliament (Duma) were meeting, the Bolshevik militia (Red Guards) occupied the parliament building as well as winter palace forcibly in St.Peterburg. With this power passed into the hands of the Bolsheviks. There are controversial views among the historians as how the Bolsheviks captured power. In 1917 October the Bolsheviks got power into their hands. This is called in history the famous ‘October Revolution’. But Russians celebrate it in the month of November as they changed their calendar. Lenin became the President of newly announced Russia Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. This was later called U.S.S.R (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). In Russian language it is referred as C.C.C.P.

Of course Lenin was not in power for a long time, he died in 1924. Even when he was in Switzerland, he suffered the effects of the High Blood Pressure – maybe it was a genetical factor. Till he died he was implementing Bolshevik ideals. He

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made the state to confiscate the surplus lands and distribute them equally. All the industries and banks were nationalized. The period between 1918 and 1924 almost Soviet Union experienced a civil war like thing. There were many internal and external enemies trying to disparage the so newly established Socialist state. But Bolsheviks were able to put down their enemies. To solve national and international problems Lenin established Communist International, called comintern. In comintern, they would discuss problems pertaining to international revolution. In their opinion revolution should spread to all countries. Lenin held discussions with Ttrotsky, John Reed, Joseph Stalin and M.N.Roy. Undoubtedly, Lenin was the founder of a new political institution and the new socialist state in Russia. 45 years before its emergence was Paris commune, alike of Soviet Union but it was soon destroyed by its enemies. But it was a first experiment in Socialism. Lenin faced many problems to keep up the first ever born socialist state. In order to overcome economic problems, he followed New Economic Policy. Gradually he was successful in making Socialism a practical reality. His projects and plans were bearing fruits. But his incessant work and pressure of activities spoiled his health. In 1922 itself there was a haemorrhage in brain and went into coma. But he revived from it. He minimized his political activities due to a stroke. He began to live in Gorki near Moscow. But on 21st January 1924, he breathed his last.

Socialist state established by Lenin lasted till the year 1991. His Mausoleam in Red square is still a night mare to bourgeoisie capitalists. His life and message became a source of inspiration for umpteen people in China, Cuba and Vietnam. For Russia becoming a super power and rival to U.S.A is all due to the great efforts of this great man V.I.Lenin.

An activist, rare prodigy and a Universal teacher

Bertrand Russell(1872 - 1970)

90 years of age was not too advanced for Bertrand Russell who had agile spirit and stout heart to participate in an anti-war and anti-nuclear weapon demonstration. He also gifted a great slogan to the world, “Forget everything, remember humanity.” Bertrand Arthur William Russell was born in an aristocratic

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family and got fame as a rare genius, Mathematician, metaphysician, Noble Laureate and above all a humanist. Russell’s life was a link between 19 th century and 20th century political and philosophical trends. It was Socrates who brought the sky-high heavenly knowledge of philosophy to a down to the earth. Likewise in the modern world Bertrand Russell was one who brought down the 2000 years old of philosophical knowledge down to the earth and taught it even to ordinary people in a simple language. Bertrand Russell was an excellent interpreter of the most complicated ideas even to the laymen. Russell was born on 18th May 1892 in Wales, England. His grandfather Lord John Russell whose title later he inherited, was the Prime Minister of England. Russell also inherited the rationalist way of thinking of his father and mother. John Stuart Mill, the famous political philosopher of England in 19th century was his relative. Orphaned early, Russell grew up in the home of his grandfather. As he belonged to a rich family he was first educated at home. Teachers of different subjects came to his house and taught. Russell developed insatiable thirst for the subject of Mathematics, after he came into contact with the books of Euclid, which were presented to him by his brother. He went to Cambridge in 1890 to study Mathematics and philosophy. Before going to Cambridge he had many doubts about Christianity and its literature. After he entered the portals of the great university he began to deny the religion and God. He sharply analyzed everything without passion, prejudice and presumption. He had a clear mind with openness.

In 1896, when he was 24 years of age he wrote his first book “German Social Democracy.” There after every year he wrote a book or the other which was thought provoking. Soon his books became very famous and some of them controversial. He was actively participating in pacifist and anti-dictatorial movements till he attained an advanced age of 90 years. As if he was calculating his year of death so accurately he excellently scripted his auto-biography from 1872 to 1970. Till he died in 1970 at the age of 98 years, he did not waste a single minute of his life. The world well being as his objective, he wrote books and articles. He had an excellent style in English. Both scholars and laymen admire his style. It is estimated that Russell used 40 thousand English words in his works, double the words used by Shakespeare. His prose proceeds like a lyrical poem. All his works are replete with knowledge and information. Every word of his is infused with full force of his intellectual acumen. We do not find circumlocution in his expressions. They are straight and sharp. He had a wonderful mental faculty that he made his rivals dumb struck with his poignant logic. When he was in Cambridge, between years 1910 and 1913, in collaboration with Alfred North Whitehead, he wrote Principia Mathematica in three editions. Principia Mathematica is an attempt to ground mathematics on logic. This book is a great land mark in the world of Mathematics and logic. Anyone of his books is capable of rocking the world.

The two books ‘Principles of Social Reconstruction’ and Justice in war time’ composed by him in 1916 clearly display his ideals and thoughts. When communism was in flowering stage and after the success of Bolshevik revolution, Bertrand Russell had been to Moscow and met Lenin, Trotsky and Gorki and

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discussed comprehensively about the theory and practice of Bolshevism and wrote a book ‘Practice and theory of Bolshevism.’ In that book Russell thoroughly discussed the merits and demerits of the Historical Materialism. His craft of writing is wonderfully shown in ‘ABC of Relativity’ in which he could easily convey the much complicated theory of Relativity, in a popularly felicitous style. He had made Einstein easy. When Russell was working in the city college of New York, in 1940, there was a public outcry and the court annulled his appointment. The main cause for this was a book ‘Marriage and Morals’ written by him some 10 years earlier, which was alleged to have some objectionable references. Action against him was stoutly protested by number of intellectuals like John Dewey and Einstein. In this book Russell expressed his opinions vehemently about the institution of marriage and prostitution. His utterances were quite unequivocal and evoke apathy from the people who believe and practice age old customs and tradition. Bertrand Russell was married four times. He fell in love with Alys and married her but their marriage began to fall apart earlier than they were divorced in 1921 after a lengthy period of separation. Russell subsequently lectured in Beijing on philosophy and observed Chinese political and social institutions. He wrote a book called ‘The problem of China’. Even before his journey to China he was married to Dora, who accompanied him to China.

Together with Dora, he also founded the experimental ‘Beacon Hill school in 1927. He wrote a book on ‘Education’. He taught how real education imparts wisdom besides giving out data based information. In that book he also showed the subtle discrimination between knowledge and wisdom. In that he stated that for the invention of a gun or any weapon, knowledge is necessary but whether it should be used or not requires wisdom. He believed the continuous flow of wisdom is the Kernel of education. Till 1932, Russell managed the school with the help of Dora. In 1932 they both separated. On 18th January 1936, Russell married his third wife, an Oxford undergraduate Patricia. Their marriage life continued from 1936 to 1952. In 1952 Russell was divorced by Patricia, with whom he had been very unhappy. Russell married his fourth wife Edith Finch on 15th December 1952. They had known each other since 1925. Edith remained with Russell until his death and by all counts their marriage was successful and happy. The social institution of marriage in Europe was in doldrums because of women’s lib movement. Russell considered the personal freedom is superior to marriage. That is why Russell tolerated the extra marital relations of his wives. The divorce was given on different causes.

If Karl Marx said that the religion was the opium of the masses, Russel clearly demonstrated how religious influences lead to disastrous effects in his book ‘Why am I not a Christian.’ In the same book an appendage called “Free Man’s Worship” he discussed about the limitations of the religious and gods. Man discovered the God when he was threatened by the natural disasters and calamities. Russell also warned the religionists that they would be reduced to nothing if they go on propagating the infallibility of God and nature. “The conquest of Happiness” is another book of Russell which attracted one and all. It soothes our affliction and gives a permanent happiness and satisfaction like the Bhagavad Gita.

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In 1908 he became the member of the Royal society. In 1910 he became the professor in Cambridge University. During the I World War Russell expressed some views and thoughts which reflect his perfect individuality. He denounced Nationalism as a great spell which works negatively on the mind of the man. He also warned the nationalism would lead to the destruction of the mankind. He proposed an international parliament to save the world from the curse of war. Caution made by him a century earlier, was correctly proved by the later developments in History. He vociferously gave a slogan that all men and nations are equal. No government should trample upon the individual rights of the man. He questions why so many countries tried to expand without looking after the needs of the people. During the I World War Russell seriously engaged in pacifist activities. For that the British Government had put him into jail for 6 months. He was released from prison in September, 1918. He also agitated against conscription and felt; it did not matter if he was branded as a traitor.

Between the two world wars, Russell wrote wonderful books after a careful observation and reading. He excellently reveals the influence of science and technology on the society in a book titled “Impact of science on the society.” And his other book is ‘Analysis of Mind’. In this memorable book, Russell describes himself as an agnost. During the II World War, Russell taught in different American universities. He wrote a monumental book ‘History of Western Philosophy’ in 1945. This became a best-seller and provided Russell with a steady income for the remainder of his life. This book reflects the different theories of the Western Philosophers in a critical and novel dimension. Earlier to this he wrote the philosophy of Leibniz. These two books formed the basis of his proposal to Noble Prize. In 1950 he was awarded a Noble Prize in literature. Russell thought it better to stop the war than to curb Hitler. He sarcastically compared the war with International parliament and it frequently met to make wars and provide guide lines for making war. The wars would guide the world fate. He also said that a police was guided by some limitations and would act accordingly but the soldiers or armies did not have any such limitations or scruples. He pleaded strongly for an international parliament to safe guard human rights. As a pacifist and the lover of peace, he led so many demonstrations to make the world conscious of stark realities. In the beginning Russell opposed rearmament against Nazi Germany, but in 1940 changed his view and said to full scale World War was more important than defeating Hitler. After the sack of Hiroshima and Nagasaki due to dropping of the atom bombs, Russell led many movements for the creation of non-nuclear arms world and in this context he contacted number of the heads of the states in the world.

British government in the King’s birthday honours of 9th June 1949, awarded the ‘Order of Merit’ to Russell. With the collaboration of Einstein, he incited a movement called ‘Pug wash’ movement. During 1940’s and 1950’s Russell participated in many broad casts over BBC. Russell vociferously attacked American attack on Vietnam. His great book ‘War crimes in Vietnam’ makes many people who love militarism hung in shame. In 1962 Russell played a crucial role in Cuban Missile crisis. He sent many cables to Nikita Khrushchev, who assured that Soviet

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Union would not behave recklessly. On 31st January 1970 Betrand Russell issued a statement which condemned Israeli aggression against Palestinians. Even when he became old he was quite agile to participate in any pacifist movement. He was regarded as a great master and mentor by many leaders. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the P.M of India admired and respected Russell very much. Whenever Nehru visited London, invariably he met Russell and used to take his advice, Russell felt that the Indians were in medieval ages due to illiteracy. He prophesied good forture to China.

Betrand Russell peace foundation did a yeomen service in the direction of securing the release of political prisoners in 40 nations. People should not be imprisoned on the basis of their personal political beliefs. What international Amnesty is doing today, was done by the peace foundation of Betrand Russell. Some 60 years back Russell scripted number of articles on the environmental preservations. The future problems of the world environment were very easily recognized by this rare genius and gave feasible solutions also. He also pleaded that investments and the land of a particular country must belong to the people collectively. He was totally against religions, priest and ignorance. He was also imprisoned on his 88th year. He breathed his last on 2nd February, 1970 at his own house in Wales when he was 98 years old. As per his wish, his funeral was conducted without any religious rites. His last wish was that ash of his mortal remains was to be sprinkled on Wales Mountains. In a newly added five paragraph prologue to a new publication of his autobiography he said, “Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life – the longing for love, the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.” These sentences perhaps bear a testimony that how this great thinker made his life perfectly fulfilled.

Betrand Russell is the genius of geniuses (or bacon light of geniuses) and he eternally lives in his books. All his books are wide spread throughout world. On the Sri Tirupathi Venkateswara University Auditorium, the picture of this great philosopher still reminds us of our responsibility to work for the world peace, solidarity and fortification.

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The victor of the Second World War andNobel Laureate in Literature

Sir Winston Churchill(1874 - 1965)

The Indians might regard Churchill as a great man but not a man with great heart. Doubtless he was a hero who saved the world from the pernicious and monstrous clutches of the diabolic Hitler during the Second World War. In fact it makes him to stand on par with other great men. According to the recent survey conducted by the BBC, he stood first among great leaders of the World.

In his autobiography he wrote, “If you were vanquished you should never care your enemy, when victorious love him.” These words exhort how Churchill was great as a diplomat. It means if one respects its vanquished enemy, he won’t face any trouble due to him in future. Such a diplomat of high spirit, for no reason, did not like India and Indians. He was against granting independence to Indians. Perhaps the vast British Empire, which was said to have experienced no sunset, had not prepared to lose India as it was a crowning Kohinoor Jewel in its empire. As a real English man, he thought that freedom to India might result in the fall of the British Empire. He had guts to call our father of the nation ‘Mahatma’ as a half naked Fakir. He also opined that Indians were not mature enough to have a self rule. His impolite psyche might be decried by the Indians but to an average European he was a genius, dauntless fighter and adventurer, great writer and restless man.

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born on 30th November in the year 1874 in Oxfordshire in England. Randolph Churchill was his father, and his mother was Jennie Jerome. After completing education at Harrow he tried to join the Royal Military College, he could not get admission into the course for the first time. He could get it only after he had appeared thrice for entrance examination. He joined in Royal Army and as a part of it he came to North Western parts of India to participate in quelling the agitation of some Afghan tribes. He also worked as a war correspondent. He was an eye witness for anti-Spanish war in Cuba. In 1899 he participated in the Boer war in South Africa. It brought a great change in his life. The entire episode of his participation in the war as a British soldier fighting against creoles and his escape from the jail was an adventure not easy to

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scale. The adventure further went into sensational news as he hid in a coal wagon and reached England. He became a great hero in the eyes of the British public.

In the background of this congenial atmosphere Churchill entered the politics and remained uncrowned for 60 years, occupying different important positions and became well versed in the national and international politics. Most of his political life was spent as an active member of the conservative party of England. He was vehement in some declarations like granting of freedom to Indians. He was absolutely against it. He always held the opinion that the Indians did not deserve any self rule or independence. As his declarations against India were partial, crude and irrational some dignified politicians always kept themselves away from Churchill. Throughout the decade of 1930s, Churchill experienced a political eclipse and spent his time as if he was unconcerned with everyone and everything. Churchill openly opposed the Bill in parliament which proposed the grant of autonomy to some territories in India. His act of this, relapsed his political career into a decade back. Due to this a lot of precious time was lost by him in his political career. But the world in general and Europe in particular was ominously showing the indications of pernicious wars sparked by a belligerent war maniac Adolph Hitler. Sagacious Churchill gave a forewarning of Hitler’s diabolic designs. As anticipated the World War II was started in the year 1939 and German dictator Adolph Hitler had an agreement with Japan and Italy called ‘AXIS’. In no time the Axis powers began to ravage number of nations with utmost savagery unknown and unprecedented in history. The entire world was facing a bleak future and gripped in a perpetual fear. Now everybody began to remember that Churchill alone could save the World from the present fiasco and calamitous delusion of the war schemes of monstrous Hitler and his axis allies. In 1939 Sir Nevelle Chamberlain the P.M of England invited Winston Churchill to take up the assignment of the chief of the admiralty. So Churchill became his chief of the Royal Navy.

In 1940 Sir Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister of England due to his previous experience of holding key posts and following strong policies. From 1908 to 1910, as a Home Secretary, he had successfully putdown a series of strikes under taken by various labour unions and organizations. Of course he did not even hesitate to use army for it. The people then criticized his policies to be crude. Now they recount the necessity of the man of that crudeness. In between 1911 and 1915 he achieved many things in Royal Navy. He became an old hand by actively participating in the World War I. His political prudence, unusual common-sense and command over English language stood in good stead. During World War II when Hitler was incessantly bombing England, Churchill refused to make the people shifted to place of safety. This silent, brave and unusual act confused Hitler who stopped bombing England temporarily. That respite was enough for Churchill to fortify and that hesitation was enough for Hitler to open up a venue for his ultimate fall. During those hard days Hitler went into every nook and corner of England and inspired the people with courage and conviction. He created a tremendous confidence among people.

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Of course the London city was greatly damaged by the bombardment of German airplanes and as news paper London Times reported that Churchill after seeing ruinous condition of the great city was said to have declared that the English people were ready to break their heads than bow before the enemies. Churchill played a significant role in forging a grand alliance between England, France, and Russia and ultimately with America as against the Axis powers made of Germany, Italy and Japan.

He was always supervising the War, holding a hot line with Roosevelt and Stalin. The operation D-day or Operation Normandy, the climax point of the II World War started on 6th June 1944. Subsequent to it occurred the defeat of Hitler and his suicide and hence the grand alliance got victory. The Yalta conference of 1945 discussed about the post war global developments. Later incidents like the Soviet occupation of Baltic States and its domination over Poland made Churchill to caution the World against Russia. In 1946 in his speech for the first time Churchill severely criticized Soviet Union and communism and coined a word ‘Iron curtain’ which was supposed to be an imaginary veil of high secrecy and separation of Soviet Union from rest of the world. Nobody knew what happening behind the Iron curtain. Had not Churchill led the grand alliance successfully during the II World War, the fate of history would have been otherwise. Churchill played a remarkable role in saving Europe from the clutches of the ruthless dictators like Hitler and Mussolini. But it is a wonder such a stalwart was defeated in 1945 British General elections. Perhaps his anti-Indians stance was mainly responsible for his electoral debacle. Most of the English people at that time began to feel that it was too late for Britain to give freedom to India. When consensus of the people of Britain was such, the declarations of Churchill that he would not like to give freedom to India went against him. The Labour party leader Atlee had promised freedom to India if his party won. As a result Atlee was elected, became the P.M and gave independence to India. Some critics say that Churchill could only be a war Prime Minister. But in subsequent elections held in 1951-1955, his party won and he became the Prime Minister twice. The conditions of the world changed in a speed and a cold war started between U.S.A and U.S.S.R along with the arms race. Soviet Union made a Hydrogen bomb and was becoming a match to the armed strength of U.S.A. Of course Churchill became a mere spectator. His continuous smoking and boozing spoiled his health. He retired from politics and went to his native place to take rest.

Churchill as a litterateur: He won Nobel Prize for literature in 1953. All his articles, books and interviews were brought into a 72 volume book. He wrote five books before his 26 years. The name of his first is ‘The story of Malakand Field Force’ in which he reflected his experiences in India. He also wrote a book in the name ‘India’. His Nobel Prize evoked a lot of controversy among the literary circles and critics. The Nobel committee vindicated itself by showing some meritorious part of his works.

He started his political career as a conservative party member elected from Oldham constituency. After a long and glorious political life, when he was taking rest in retirement, he died on 24th June 1965 at his 91 year. His body was kept in

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West Minister Abbey for three days for the people to pay their homage to their departed leader. Later he was taken to his native place Woodstock for burial. Indians did not feel a pinch at the news of the death of Churchill as they could well remember how he refused to send grain to India to meet the contingency of the Bengal draught in 1943. It was reported that thousands of people died due to the lack of food grains. This time the memory of the people was not short. Among his books his ‘Autobiography’ is a very popular book. The famous axiom that a pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity and optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty is from the same book. Of course this axiom is quite useful for the younger generations’ even-to-day. It seems that our political leaders are not concerned much about another saying of Churchill that the vanquished must be loved.

‘Quide Azam’ the Father of Pakistan

Muhammad Ali Jinnah(1876 - 1948)

At the twilight hour of the fall of the Mughal Empire, the British played a key role in forging unity and bringing innumerable and heterogeneous Indian Native states into a single modern nation. But after the II World War they had to make an exit like an old lion, who could no longer hunt its prey. They appeared to have kept the future of the subcontinent into our hands but in reality partitioned it into two nations. In the historical evolution of this process, a leader none other than M.Ali Jinnah played a signet role. He was a great Muslim leader who conceived ‘two nation theory’ and infused a breath into the idea of Pakistan.

Ancestors of Jinnah are Indians. Even before his birth his father migrated from Gujarat to Sind province. Born on 25th December 1876, was the eldest among the seven children. His father Jinnah Bhai Poonja and mother Mithibai, would have never thought that their eldest son would become one day the ‘Father of the Nation’ and the first Governor General of Pakistan. In early days he studied in his own village. Some chroniclers of his biography also note that he was born on 20 th

October 1875.

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The Sind territory in which Karachi is located was a part of the Bombay presidency 16 years old Jinnah passed matriculation in Bombay and joined a merchant navy company in London in 1892. Due to her mother’s persistent pressure, he married Emibai and left for London. All these things were accomplished easily because his father was a rich merchant. Jinnah had to endure separation at early age as his wife died few months later. Still he began to concentrate his mind on education. He studied hard to become a lawyer. Even at an early age of 19 years, he became a lawyer. In London he came into contact with leaders like Dadabhai Nauroji and Ferozesha Mehata who he began to admire.

Young Jinnah observed the democratic fabric of England and its public systems closely and was modernized in his mind. The western culture had shown a lot of influence on him. When his father sustained heavy losses in his trade, Jinnah came back to India and settled in Bombay and constructed a house in Malabar Hills. He continued his profession. Jinnah was quite progressive in mind and his profession was quite lucrative to him. As Jinnah was very popular in his profession, in 1908 Bala Gangadhar Tilak used his services. Jinnah took a membership in Indian National Congress and wanted to be an ardent nationalist. In the freedom movement he became quite intimate to stalwarts like Gokhale, Surendranath Benerjee and Ferozesha and others. Sarojini Naidu called him the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity. In those days the British government decided to give some share to Indians in the administrative affairs. Of course this was to fortify British relations with the common masses. As Jinnah was a member of the Imperial Legislative Council, Jinnah played a key role in making an act, prohibiting child marriage even though he married at a very young age. Jinnah was instrumental in establishing a military academy in Dehradun.

The Indians who lacked political consciousness for ages together were mostly illiterate. Among the vast masses of Indians only 5% or 6% was able to understand the sweeping changes quickly. If you go back into the memory lane of history, from 10th century onwards the North India was brought under the Muslim rule. The Mughal Emperors reigned till 18th century and as a result the Hindu kingdoms were greatly weakened. But in modern the political scenario was entirely different. The British came to establish its hegemony. The Muslims in India were much less in number compared to the Hindus. Muslims realized that after the British, they would not have any say or sway in India. To find out a solution to encounter the problem of Muslims, in 1906 ‘The All India Muslim League’ was established. As the League’s ideology was spreading swiftly, some Muslim leaders had left congress, which was fighting for independence, and joined Muslim League.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined “All India Muslim League” in 1913 and became its president in 1916. He was also an architect of the Lucknow pact. Lucknow pact intended to make league and congress to work together for the achievement of self government. Lucknow pact also declared that the Muslims should be given separate electorates and 1/3 of representation in the central government. When these proposals were made under the aegis of Jinnah, many strategic changes took place in the congress. Later he proposed 14 points in which he demanded 1/3 of

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official jobs for Muslim and bifurcating Sind from Bombay presidency. In 1918 he married a Parsee girl “Rattanbai” which evoked a lot of opposition from the Parsee community as well the orthodox Muslim community. She later embraced Islam and rechristened her name as Maryam Jinnah, though she never used it.

Unexpected changes were taking place. In the year 1920, Jinnah snapped his relations with the congress. In the annals of the freedom movement, a great leader had been lost by congress, might be any reason. For him Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation appeared to be illegal and he disapproved it. He held the view that though the government passed the acts, they may either be rejected or accepted, but Gandhian way of Non-Cooperation movement did not belong to either. Jinnah also made a scathing attack on Gandhi’s Khilafat movement. Jinnah also viewed that movement was started to revive the Turkey based “Ottoman Empire” which was untenable and anti-progressive. He frankly declared that under the leadership of Gandhi the Hindus and Muslims could not build up the nation. In 1924 two divisions cropped up in Muslim League. One was pro-British and the other was pro-congress. Jinnah was grinded between these two opposite trends but however he skillfully saved his leadership.

In 1923, Jinnah was elected to the central legislative Assembly as a Muslim member. During that period he supported the Swaraj Party. But from the year 1923, he developed an opposite stance against congress. When Lord Reading, the viceroy had proposed to confer on him the knight hood, Jinnah politely refused by telling “I prefer to be plain Jinnah”. 1927 Jinnah held talks with different leaders about the nature of the future constitution of India. It had become a nation-wide discussion. His views expressed about the future constitution explicitly constitute “14 points of Jinnah”. Whether he could get a proper response for his 14 points or not, the age old differences between extremists and Moderates were bridged because of 14 points. It was jocularly said that Tilak’s ‘Garamdal’ and Gokhale’s ‘Naramdal’ buried their hatchet and developed good relations. Nehru report opposed the separate electorate for Muslims and Hindus and wanted joint electorates. Though Jinnah originally subscribed to the same opinion, he had to mount pressure for separate electorates only to save his leadership among the Muslims. In 1927 differences arose in his marital life and divorced Rattan Bai. But when she died in 1929, he was mentally depressed. His sister Fatima used to look after the wife of Jinnah and her daughter Dina Jinnah. Fatima accompanied Jinnah in his travel to Europe. Jinnah participated in Round Table Conferences and stayed there from 1931 to 1934. He almost led a lonely life. He concealed a fact that he had developed Tuberculosis. His sister served him faithfully and looked after his health.

Rahmat Ali, a young Punjabi student in London wrote an interesting book titled “Now or Never”. He wished that Muslims in India should carve a separate country for them and also suggested a name “Pakistan” for it. The abbreviated letters put together make Pakistan. P-stands for Punjab, A-stands area bordering Afghanistan, K-for Kashmir, S-for Sind and Stan- for Baluchistan. Hence forth the ‘two nation’ theory became widespread. Among the Muslims Liaquat Ali Khan,

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closely working with Jinnah became a stout champion of the ‘two nation theory. The elections held in 1935 did not bring any specific or enthusiastic result. In spite of insipid situation Jinnah pushed his agenda forward. Due to widening differences between the League and congress, League was supporting the British whenever an opportunity came. Some historians opine that Jinnah was groomed and encouraged by the British themselves. But if decisions had been taken, keeping in view of the Muslim population, nobody would have as certained the outcome. In history “If” and “But” have no place.

In 1941 Jinnah started a news paper “Dawn”. He had completely turned Pro-British and gave all out support to them during the II World War. Gandhiji’s efforts to reconcile became futile. Gandhiji started ‘Quit India’ movement in 1942 and Jinnah opposed it and said “Divide and Quit”. The shadow of partition loomed large on the sub-continent.

In 1943 an assassination attempt was made on his life. He escaped it with some minor wounds. In 1946, elections were held for ‘Indian Constituent Assembly’ and the congress and the League won seats in their respective areas of domination. The British conducted these elections as the elections of public opinion towards the self-government. According to the report of a one man commission constituted by British cabinet on 16th May 1946, India would remain as a single country, and electorates would be divided on the basis of religion. In the same year 16th June another report stated that sub-continent could be divided. The congress rejected the proposals of the report of 16th June. Jinnah agreed to both of them. Later on congress approved the May 16th report but disapproved the proposal of the division of electorates into groups. Hence Jinnah called the Muslims to get into direct action.

Lord Wavell could not work in coordination with the interim government and in this confused state of affairs religious riots began to rock the country. The Hindu-Muslim violent clashes were reported from Bengal, Bihar and Punjab. Many innocent Hindus and Muslims were killed. Border areas became purple with blood. The partition turned out to be a bitter chapter in the history of our country. Pakistan was formed on 14th August 1947 and Muhammad Ali Jinnah became its first governor-General. Jinnah promised to make Pakistan a democratic country and a person from any religion could live in Pakistan. But future story had something else in store. Some scholars find fault with his action especially when the people of Kashmir wanted to integrate with India, Jinnah planned an attack on Kashmir. The British Government did not accept his action and then he had to refrain from it. Jinnah wanted to annex Junagadh area of Gujarat into Pakistan but Indian army occupied it. All these issues were taken up with U.N.O. Indians have criticized Jinnah that he deviated from the percepts he uttered.

The Father of Pakistan was not destined to rule Pakistan for a long time. Jinnah moved to Quelta and died of his old ailment Tuberculosis on 11th September 1948. The tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Karachi is a place of pilgrimage to visitors. Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s grandson Nusliwadia is a great industrialist in India.

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Successor of Lenin - Steel man of Russia

Joseph Stalin(1879 - 1953)

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A man who converted the vast Russian Empire into a Red Communist country was Lenin. But Lenin was not destined to live to reap the fruits of his efforts. If his successors had not put the communism in practice, it would have gone to smithereens. If it were so the present world would have been entirely different. A person who warranted that situation and made Soviet Union a stronger one to match America was Joseph Stalin. He was also instrumental and helpful in converting China to communism. He was an unquestioned leader for 30 years, led Russia to new venues of progress and development. His original name was Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhughvili. He was born in Gori, Georgia on 21st December 1879. His father was a cobbler and his mother was illiterate house wife. His father being an alcoholic, used to beat his wife and son frequently. Accustomed to the regular thrashings of his father, Stalin did not even weep. All of a sudden his father left them and went somewhere. Many of his villagers thought he was dead. However Stalin thought got rid of his father. His poor mother was working hard to ekkout the family. Amidst impoverished and tormented conditions, young Stalin began to suffuse radical thoughts and ideas which perhaps shaped him to be a stern political leader. The school was afraid of his thoughts and sent him away from the school in 1899. In 1901 he became the member of the Social Democratic Party and made himself intimate to Lenin. For his radical ideas and insurrectionary activities the Czarist government sent him to Siberia as a punishment. However Stalin escaped from the jail and reached his native place in 1904. Stalin was arrested many a time by the police and he was also habituated to escape from the jail. This seek and hide game continued for long till the secret police of the Czar thought to arrest him and imprison in such a way that he could not escape. He was arrested and sent to ‘Turkhunsk’ a faraway place in Eastern Russia. Stalin remained there till the outbreak of the Russian revolution. There he changed his name to Stalin, which means ‘Steel Man’.

From 1904 to 1913 Stalin held many positions in the Social Democratic Party. When the party was split into Mensheviks and Bolshevikes on the issues of the strategy to be adopted to achieve the revolution, Stalin threw himself on the side of the Bolsheviks, who were more radical and revolutionary. Stalin frequently met Lenin, the Bolshevik leader outside Russia in places like Tamper in Finland and Stockholm in Sweden to discuss about the ways and means to achieve revolution. In these conferences Stalin was able to win the confidence of Lenin. When Russian Revolution broke out in 1917, Stalin came to Petrograd to look after the affairs in the absence of Lenin. Stalin had already become the Editor of Pravda, the official news paper of the communist party of Russia. He also became a central committee member of the party.

After the Bolsheviks captured power and established their government in Russia, Lenin started the Economic Reconstruction of Russia. In 1922 Stalin was appointed as the General Secretary of the party. With this Stalin was able to gain more powers. Stalin made his indelible impression in the party, government and army. Lenin started New Economic Order but died in 1924 before reaping the fruits of the new economic policy. His death created a terrible void and

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revolutionary child of Russia was exposed to both internal and external dangers. Capitalistic and imperialistic forces became very active and prepared to nip the new Russian Communist government in the bud. The revolutionary child would have been killed but for the strong protection of the Steel Man of Russia. He ruthlessly suppressed anti-communist forces and even set aside people like Trotsky and M.N.Roy. Unable to bear the harassment Trotsky fled to Mexico where he was killed. With dictatorial powers, Stalin began to reconstruct the Soviet Union. Stalin displayed extraordinary ability and tenacity to get things in his favour. He implemented five year plans and gradually improved the position of Soviet Union. He also made Comintern to reflect his own ideas. He is said to have eliminated thousands of Russians who opposed him. Some of them were sent to Siberia. Soon Soviet Union was on the path of progress.

Stalin never reconciled with anybody or with anything regarding the matters of development. During the implementation of five year plans, he made every village to have telegraphic facilities. He made the party workers and officials to follow work meticulously. He never tolerated corruption and slackness. If he took up the plan of constructing the roads to every village, he did it in a war path without any reservation. He finished everything in a scheduled time. Because of his stern attitude soon Soviet Union came to be a match to America. It became one of the super powers in the world. Iron will was the property of this Steel Man.

Those who observed him in close quarters branded him as crude, imperfect and ruthless man. But subtle analysis tells us that he was accurate but slow in political affairs. Before Bolshevik Revolution, he encouraged his party men to loot the banks to get funds for the party. For party funds he encouraged highway robberies. Most of the party members did not like this policy. His second wife committed suicide because of his crude methods in 1932. Mentally Stalin was a solitary man. He never believed anybody. But Iron will was his forte. He became increasingly alcoholic in course of time. But one should not fail to note that his individual decisions taken in his solitude were unfailingly fortified the Soviet Union in all directions. But human rights were totally buried in his times.

In 1930 Stalin started the ‘Collectivization of Agriculture’. This did not give desired result. More over people and peasants began to face untold miseries due to the scarcity of food grains but he never stopped the industrialization. That aspect in the long really saved the country. The years were rolling quickly and impending danger came in the form of dreadful Second World War. Soviet Union had to save itself from the barbarious attacks of Adolph Hitler. But Soviet Union was girding its loins to plunge into the war. In one hand Russia had to consolidate the revolutionary fruits and on the other it should prevent the sinister plans of Hitler designed through Barbarossa, Russia joined the II World War by becoming the member of allies consisting England, France and later America. During the war period his remarkable military genius worked out many positive results. Above all the courage showed by the Russian men and women were match less in history. It is estimated that 20 lakhs of Russians perished in the war. When German capital Berlin at the end of the II World War became a replica of burial ground, it was

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Soviet Red Army that stormed into the capital. After the II World War, Soviet Union became more powerful. It attained the position of the super power. A cold war started with America. Some of the eastern European countries became the supporting members of the soviet Bloc. Europe was divided between Russia and America.

Stalin’s first wife Ekaterina died early due to Tuberculosis. Their son Jacob was captured by Nazi forces during the war and shot dead but Stalin did not budge or bargain. He always preferred Russian interests first not his personal. Vasili and Svetlana a son and daughter respectively born of his second wife stayed with him till he died.

After II World War Stalin fortified communist Russia and at the same time guided the destinies of the Chinese Communist Party. He always stood by the side of Mao of China and credited with converting the most populous country into communism. Stalin directed the Soviet affairs till 1953. Among his followers there were some who despised him, and some who were mortally afraid of him and some secretly contriving against him. When he died all of them got a chance to upsurge their pent up feelings with a redoubled force. On February 28, 1953, as usual Stalin in his falacious building began taking alcohol along with his close associates. All the guests left and Stalin was alone. Nobody knew when he became unconscious and when a servant in the next morning went into his room to serve him a cup of tea, he saw that Stalin was found lying in his own urine. That was Sunday March 1st. Doctors came and treated him, but of no avail. He died due to brain hammarage. He actually died on 5th March 1953. An epoch ended.

Stalin’s daughter went to America in 1960 and settled there. His son Vassili died in 1962. Soon in Soviet Union ‘De Stalinization’ started.

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The blazing light and maker of Modern Turkey

Mustafa Kamal Pasha(1881 - 1938)

In the political history of the world, the 19th century has a special distinction of giving birth to a number of political celebrities who strove ceaselessly to modernize their contemporary societies and change the course of their countries. Indomitable in will and redical in approach, Mustafa Kamal Pasha, was great among them. He worked hard to build up a new Turkey. The Turks always cherish his name ever green in their memory as their great benefactor. Neither number of years elapsed nor memorable changes occurred could erase the thought of that great man. He lives in the hearts of the Turks as their blood, breath and soul.

Geographically Turkey occupies a strategic position of linking Asia and Europe. Turks also changed the course of events in European history. Being nomads in the beginning, Turks migrated from Asia Minor to the main land of Turkey some thousand years ago. They built up a great Ottoman empire through which they conquered many places in Europe. In course of time changes crept in and it began to lose its power and came to be called “The sick man of Europe.” The subjects under the rule of the Ottoman Sultans began to suffer humiliation and hard ships. Disintegration set in resulting in decadence. It was in those circumstances this dashing hero (Mustafa Kamal) put an end to this fast disintegrating process and removed the sultan from the power. Young Turkey was born.

The child hood name of Pasha was Mustafa. He was born in the year 1881. Date of his birth was not registered. He was born in Salonica, now in Greece. He lost his father when he was a boy. His mother got him admitted into a traditional school. But from the beginning as Mustafa was showing interest in Western education he was admitted into a Western school. Pasha displayed extraordinary abilities in mathematics. Admiring the prodigious disposition of Pasha, his mathematics teacher called him ‘Kamal’ which means perfect. There after he bore this sobriquet in his name. When Kamal completed military education, he was appointed as the captain in Damascus by the government. This expanded the mental horizons of Pasha and he began to abhor the rotten and corrupt regime of the Turkey Sultan. To over throw the rule of the Ottoman Sultan, he founded a

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secret organization called “Motherland and Independence”. Soon its ranks swelled with young patriots of the country. He continued in the army and worked in Tripoli, Albania and Istambul.

Kamal Pasha’s task was double. He had to fight against enemies within and without. On the one hand internally he had to fight the most unpopular Ottoman regime and on the other hand he had to fight against the ambitious western powers that were ready to scramble Turkey. His relentless fight against the enemies of Turkey yielded good result. Mean while the First World War started in 1914. Ottoman sultan joined the central European powers supporting Germany. This aspect of supporting Germany was not liked by Turks. In 1915 the name of Kamal Pasha reverberated everywhere when he made a heroic attempt at Dardenells to stop the enemies from entering into the country. He became general at the age of 35. In the same year he saved East Turkey from the occupation of the British army and he was able to drive the British army. He was also able to stop the Russian forces. But Turkey collapsed a few days before the surrender of Germany in the I World War and arranged separate armistice with the Allies. It was more pathetic after the war Turkey had lost many territories according to the Treaty of Severs. Mustafa did not like the Sultan making a treaty of that sort. The Sultan wanted to send Mustafa away and hence appointed him as the Inspector General for the Turkish forces at Anatolia. At Anatolia he gathered nationalists around him and wanted to over throw the most unpopular rule of the Sultan. He spread the slogan “Turkey for Turks.” He was against the Treaty of Severs, which humiliated the Turks and their national sentiment. In 1920 he established Grand National Assembly for which he was the president. In 1922 the Sultan was removed and Pasha occupied Constantinople and Turkey was declared a Republic. In 1923 he became the president of the Republic and the chief commander of the Turkish forces. The deposed Sultan fled away to Malta. Mustafa was able to liberate many territories and openly criticized the conditions of the Treaty of Severs. In 1923, on behalf of the National Government of Turkey, Mustafa Kamal Pasha made a treaty of Lausanne with British, France, Greece and Italy. By this treaty Turkey was much benefitted and got back many lost territories. In the same year Ankara became the capital of Turkey. Mustafa became the president unanimously, in the same year he married.

A new Turkey rose from the ashes of the disappeared Ottoman Empire. Due to the sagacious diplomacy of Mustafa Kamal Pasha, the new Turkish rule was spread from East Africa coast to Egypt, from there to the Black Sea and up to Austria. Revival of Turkey is an incredible and excellent landmark in the history of Middle East. Mustafa was there as the president for 15 years. He introduced many reforms and achieved a revolutionary change.

Mustafa never believed in sticking to the old ruts. He wanted to transform Turkey thoroughly. He wanted to put an end to the Sultanate as well as the Caliphate. Mustafa turned on all those who had opposed his radical reforms in the National Assembly or outside. He resented all opposition and behaved ruthlessly perhaps it was inevitable for him to behave like that in a society where people

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could not be easily adapted to the modern reforms. He gave through law the equal rights to women. He was particularly keen about their emancipation. A society for the defence of the Rights of women’ started. He prohibited ‘Burqa’ and encouraged the modern way of dressing. It is indeed remarkable that a generation of women brought up in seclusion, was suddenly turned in the course of a few years into lawyers and teachers. He introduced a new code of dress. International calendar and weights and measures were also introduced. A wholesome change was made in the law. So far in many matters the law was based on the teachings of the Koran, the Shariat as it is called. Now a new civil code based on the Swiss civil code, German commercial code and Italian penal code was introduced. He brought a complete change in personal law and polygamy was abolished. He also brought sweeping changes in education. He adopted Latin (Roman) alphabet to the Turkish language. He also affected great changes in the spheres of agriculture and industry. He almost converted the old and traditional Turkey into a modern European country. Soon Turkey registered a great progress because of Mustafa Kamal Pasha.

From 1920 to 1923 he discharged the duties of the speaker in the parliament. He was elected as the president of the Republic in 1923, 1927 and 1935. In 1934 the Turkey parliament respectably bestowed on him the title of ‘Ata Turk’ which means the ‘Father of Turks’ to be his surname. He also wanted every Turk to have a surname before his or her name. He always led unostentatious life though enjoying the highest power and position. He liked the children and adopted poor children and educated them. He left all his property to the revenue department and an institution which dedicated itself in the study of history and culture of Turkey. The Ataturk always maintained a high profile of morality and ethics.

He was an ardent lover of books. He developed a personal library to the size of a public library. His almyrah shelves were always decorated with classical books. He forgot time while reading. It is said that he completed the world history of H.G.Wells with in just 40 hours. He was also interested in horse riding and various sports.

Some critics of the Ataturk branded him as an enemy of Islam. But in fact he was not. He transformed custom ridden and superstation led society to a society of modern civilization. But the Armenian massacre was a blot on his career though he was not responsible for it. In I World War thousands of Armenians were killed by Turks. Mustafa realized that both these races could not live together. After the war Mustafa punished those who participated in the Armenian massacre. He was on very good term with other states. There was great friendliness between Great Britain and Turkey and the two countries later entered into a treaty of alliance in 1939.

The Ataturk died on 10th November 1938 due to serious liver ailment, but before his death he had built up a Turkish state which gave greater freedom and security than any of their forefathers enjoyed. He was born to liberate the enslaved

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people. In 1952 the Turks started the construction of a mausoleum for this man in the capital. He is really an Ataturk (The father of the Turkey).

The dictator of the Modern Roman Empireand the Father of Fascism

Benito Mussolini(1883 - 1945)

As against the rising political creeds like socialism and communism in 19th

century, a totalitarian and single man oriented Fascism came into existence. Its author Benito Mussolini experimented the new political ideology with a fervor on the people and reaped a horrible tragic consequence of the most heinous and ignoramus death, along with the fall of a great nation. He had coined the word ‘Fascism’ and made it to gain a worldwide currency. It became synonym to unrestrained absolutism, racial hatred and sinister militarism. Mussolini was born on 28th July 1883 in a poor family in Predeppio, Italy. He was not bright in studies. His father was an ordinary worker and a man of socialist ideas. Even as a student Mussolini displayed violent temper and large ego and did not care anybody. When he had a small scuffle with his class mate, he stabbed him with a knife. Due to this incident he was sent out of the school. Mussolini had an uncanny brilliance by which he was able to show bossism on his friends and compatriots. He had also

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developed an art of writing and got a good name as a writer. He had completed teacher’s training and had brief stint as an elementary school teacher.

Conscription was a regular feature in those days as the wars were quite usual. To escape it Mussolini fled away to Switzerland, a neighbouring country. By then he was attracted to Socialism due to his continuous association with his father and his socialist terminology. He became an activist in socialist agitations in Switzerland. On one occasion he was put into jail for violating rules in a strike rally. The Swiss official could not digest the violent attitude of Mussolini though he was earning his livelihood through the work of breaking stones and sent him away from Switzerland. Mussolini reached Italy and got military training and joined the Italian army in 1904. He got quick promotions as he had shown dynamism and initiative in military actions and affairs. During the same time he did not hesitate to show his oratorical and editorial skills. He was a power full speaker and forcible writer. The socialist party members were simply carried away by his hypnotic and spell bound speeches. Soon at his 29th year he became the chief Editor of the famous socialist organ ‘Avanti’. Noday was complete to the Italian socialist without reading the editorials in Avanti, as they were quite sharp, analytical and scathing. But some time during the same period the volatile Mussolini began to lose his faith in socialism. The individualist absolute tendencies began to over take him. The upsurge of militant nationalism began to flood over him in the place of socialism. In 1914 he left the socialist party and founded a new organ called “Popolo d’italia” to propagate his new ideology. He also organized a group of likeminded Italians in the name of ‘Autonomous Fascist’. Middle class disgruntled youth both men and women began to swell the ranks of the newly founded organization.

During I World War in 1917 Mussolini was discharged due sharpenel. From this point he directly entered the political field. The post-war Italian Economic condition was severely damaged. The king of Italy did not have any control over the Italian affairs. The socialists and fascists fought with each other in all the big towns. Rioting and street fighting were of daily occurrence and strikes were numerous and violent. The ministers and officials at the helm of affairs allowed the disturbances to go unabated and nothing was done to punish the instigators. The Italians felt disgraced and betrayed and the political party in power was pacifist and leaders old and cynical. These anarchic and fluid conditions were quite favourable for Mussolini to provoke Italians further. Mussolini exhibited his unusual craft to turn the tide of affairs to his favour.

Mussolini speaking against socialism openly declared that a totalitarian state under the control of a single man could achieve greater things. He found the ideas expressed in Republic of Plato to be quite congenial and agreeable to his own ideology. Perhaps Mussolini might have read the book for a number of times. He wanted to shape Italy strongly in the model envisaged by a utopian philosopher Plato. On his psyche there was also the influence of Nietzsche, a German philosopher. He thoroughly read communism and its literature and he skillfully adopted some methods in it, to suit his newly pronounced ideology of Fascism. He called his group of followers as ‘Constituent Fascists’. What he expected to achieve in the political field did not bear a fruit. In 1919 elections, he was utterly defeated. With a view to get a grasp of the situation at any cost in the same year he started a

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new movement in the name of ‘Fighting Fascists’. But in 1921 elections he won 35 seats in Italian chamber of deputies and proved his mettle. In short he became an uncrowned leader of Italian politics. Now he founded ‘The National Fascist Party’ and won some 2 ½ lakhs of followers and admirers.

The Italian king had Mussolini phobia. Setting aside the advice of the Prime Minister Facta, the Italian king Emmanuelle III gave power to Mussolini. Perhaps Mussolini threatened the king and seized the power. Having come to the power Mussolini started his absolutist regime. He eliminated all opponents by putting an end to the Italian socialist party. Giokome was killed. Human rights were ruthlessly slashed. Journalism could be allowed only by those who received certificate of permission of the Fascist party. In 1929 on behalf of the Italian government Mussolini had an agreement with Pope Pius XI and signed Latern Concord with him. Pope said that Mussolini was sent by ‘Divine Providence’. Mussolini successfully eliminated corrupt practices. He constructed a good number of roads. He quickened the industrialization and gave econo9mic stability. He tackled the unemployment and gave many jobs to the educated youth. Mussolini had an opinion that an intelligent ruler can do whatever he wanted to do. In 1930 the world wide economic crisis had shown its worst impact on Italy also. To divert the attention of the people Mussolini attacked Ethiopia and conquered it in spite of the protests from the League of Nations. In 1936 Mussolini declared Italy as a new Roman Empire. As it is said that the birds of the same feather flock together, he supported General Franco, the dictator of Spain. Italy was not much benefitted by its intervention in the Spanish civil war. At the same time his likeminded dictator of Germany was creating war atmosphere throughout Europe. He happily joined hands with him and to please him he ruthlessly followed Anti-Semitism. Many Jews were persecuted. Mussolini entered into the agreement of Axis powers and he himself coined the terms Axis powers. Mussolini along with Italy jumped into the blast furnace of the II World War.

Mussolini always declared that man should have war consciousness in order to attain complete perfection. In war alone the perfection could be achieved. He thought war would promote national interest. But poor ‘Il Duce’ forgot that Italian army was not capable of achieving such goals. Old weapons, imperfect training and lack of clarity in attaining the objectives were some of the reasons for the humiliating defeat of Italy in the II World War. The entire responsibility rests with Mussolini. In all fronts the armies of America, England and Russia defeated the Italians. The Allies soldiers captured Mussolini but due to German army he was able to escape. In his own country Mussolini faced terrible opposition. Italy was defeated in 1942. The king of Italy ordered the dismissal and the arrest of Mussolini.

The nemesis laid a snare for Mussolini for his misdeeds and now he had to pay back for all the crimes he committed. The history cannot forget how he eliminated the opposition party leaders and how he suppressed the voices of dissent with unprecedented cruelty. Italians streets turned purple with the spilt blood of the workers now the entire nation began to take revenge against Mussolini. Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci were arrested by the Italian police on 28th April 1945. They were taken to a village and ColValerio shot

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Mussolini while Petacci hugged him. She fell down and he was shot in the chest. The bodies were hung upside down to a wire for the public to witness. The people stoned the dead body of Mussolini. Of course some neo-fascists took away the corpse of Mussolini and the police traced it back and brought to his native place for funeral. Mussolini might be a dictator but gave stability to the country and nationalized all trade and commerce. There is no doubt that he registered a good progress. But due to his war mongering Italy was completely destroyed. With his death alone it could recover. Had he died in 1929, he would have remained as one of the greatest leaders of the world.

Modern Moses and instrumental in thefounding of Israel

Ben Gurion(1886 - 1973)

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The two most glorious systems of civilization arose at different poles like places called Indian Sub-continent and West Asia. In India a place watered by the sacred river Ganges became a cradle of three great religions – Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The other place of importance the West Asia served a genesis for the rise of three great religions namely Zionism (Judaism) Christianity and Islam and began spreading into different parts of the world. The Old Testament tells about a great exodus of the Jews, who were earlier enslaved by Pharaohs of Egypt, led by Moses from Egypt across red sea and got them rehabilitated at a place called Israel. It must have happened around 1500 B.C. God gifted 10 commandments through Mosses to the inhabitants of Israel. In course of time in the history of mankind transpired many events like birth of Christ and the spread of Christianity. Jews again were spread out into different parts of the world.

The medieval ages in Europe witnessed the prospect of Jews growing into a virile economic force, which naturally evoked a lot of opposition and a sense of dissatisfaction among others. They also began to show a partisan treatment towards the Jewish community. The historians and sociologists termed this Jewish antagonism as Anti-Semitism. Though the suppression of the Jewish race started long back, it reached its climax during the II world war. The history noted the notorious hatred of Hitler towards the Jews who were ruthlessly killed by him. The autogonistic stance of the German-Aryan race of Hitler prompted the British to allot a separate area in Palestine. Soon after the Arab-Isreal war in 1948, Israel emerged as an independent and powerful state in West Asia and made itself on par with India as far as its independence is concerned. Of course the equation ceases as Israel undaunted by the encirclement of the enemies, was making strides to become a highly potential country in West Asian region.

Although England played a signet role in establishing Israel as a state, Ben Gurian remains the first generation leader and a founder. Israel became a final destination for worldwide Jewish settlements. Deeply showing its impact on the political map, Israel gives out a great message to the world. While an area of Land measuring 7000 Square miles emerged as an autonomous under Palestine, the rest of the land measuring 21000 Sq.miles is occupied by 75 lakhs of people is called Israel. It has grown up to be a great world nation. The nation is new but its roots are deep in West Asia for the last thousands of years. In the history starting from the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II to belligerent Hitler who carried a holocaust during the World War II, all of them smeared their knives in the Jewish blood. When the Persian Emperors were ruling many Jews left their holy land but for few who stayed back. It is supposed that there were 24000 Jews in the territory called Palestine in 1880. At the same time on 16 th of December 1886 David Ben Gurion was born in Poland and lived on to be acclaimed as the second Moses. He studied in Hebrew High School started by his father and in 1906 he migrated to Middle East as Israel did not exist at that time. Jews spoke Hebrew and in the same language their Holy book Talmud is written. Their temple is called Synagogue.

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In the Palestine where Jews live he worked as an agricultural labour, picking up oranges. There occurred frequent violent clashes between the Arabs and Jews. To check them in 1909 he volunteered with Hashomer, a volunteers force intended to protect the isolated Jewish agricultural communities. He had been to Istanbul University in Turkey in 1912 to do his law degree. When the I World War started, the Ottoman Turks expelled the Zionists from Turky. In the city of Basel, the Switzerland, the first world Zionist conference was held in 1897. Since then, the Jewish leaders cherished the objective of the creating their homeland in their holy land and they began to make severe efforts in that direction. The first among them is Ben Gurion. After the I World War the West Asian territories were distributedbetween France and England like the pieces of a cake. Palestine was kept under the control of England while Syria and Jordan were kept under the authority of France. In the year 1917 England through Balfour declaration allowed Jews to settle in Palestine and the declaration also hinted that such immigrations shall not create any problems to the local population. After the I World War, Ben Gurion settling in New York City met Paula Munweis, a Russian born woman and married her in 1917. Ben Gurion later on joined the Jewish legion in the British army and reached Palestine as a soldier.

In Palestine the Jews made their living by forming into small community groups. Their living places were called Kibutz. The Jews earned a name for intelligence and hard work. By his sheer hard work and service to community, Ben Gurion emerged as a great leader of the Jews. From 1920 to 1935 he worked as a secretary to the General Federation of Labour. Being a potential organization the Federation had to discharge a number of responsibilities and duties. But its work was made more poignant by Ben Gurion and he was largely successful in attracting Jews far and wide. The number of Kibutz was increasing along with the regular clashes with neighbouring Arabs. From 1935 to 1948 Ben Gurion acted as the President of “The Jewish Agency Executive.” The Jews living in Palestine did not constitute into a nation yet they behaved as if they belonged to same country. The Jewish Agency established by them was an administrative unit but it was equal to a government. But still the Israel was not formed as a country officially. Ben Gurion encouraged the Jewish immigrations and by this the growth of their population and also fixed the border of Israel. Unwittingly he became an architect of a nation. Sydney Hook, historian described Ben as “Event making Man”. The eventful man is defined as one who rises to the occasion at a right place. The ‘event making’ man means a person who can lead the events forward in history to a desired goal. Hence Gurion became the peerless creator of history.

The plan implemented by Ben Gurion was ‘Operation Magic Carpet’. He made all arrangements for the families to immigrate to Israel from any corner of the world. In 1948 the country Israel was established and also made wars against enemies even on its birth day. In the bloody fight against Arabs, the Israel emerged victorious and naturally Ben Gurion became its premier. He served the tenure of the premier for Israel from 1948 to 1953 once and again from 1955 to 1963. Though Israel aligned itself with Non-Aligned countries since 1950, it had been maintaining cordial relation with the capitalist countries of the West. Under the

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aegis Ben Gurion the Mapai Party won all the elections till a schism occurred and the party was split into two units. In 1953 Ben Gurion submitted his resignation and began to live in an ideal way for all in a Kibbutz located in the Niger desert area. But he was pressurized by the people to come into politics again and as per mandate of people he reentered the politics but heaped enough ignonimity and made an exit from politics through resignation in a shameful manner. The real story is that some men belonging to Israeli intelligence wing, working in Egypt, targeted some Western countries for destruction. The plan was actually to victimize Egypt before the Western countries. But this malevolent conspiracy was unearthed and the entire blame of it was made on Ben Gurion. In his turn Ben Gurion blamed the then Defense Minister Levon. But Levon publicly declared that the entire plan was hatched by Ben Gurion himself. And hence with his head down, Ben Gurion had submitted his resignation. Levon became Prime Minister.

Ben Gurion successfully brought all the units of Israel militia into a single groove. Thus the Israeli Defense force became the most potential one. For this he had to encounter many difficulties as well obstacles. He proscribed and controlled those groups which were clandestinely bringing arms and armaments to Israel. He also drowned such a ship carrying weapons to Israel in the Mediterranean Ocean. Israel made a well known stride in the sphere of Agriculture throughout the world. Ben Gurion is the agriculturist who converted the Negev desert region into the smiling and blooming lands of prosperity. He made the dream into a great reality. Ben Gurion’s incessant effort, valor and perseverance and unbending resolution are behind the internationally acclaimed progress of Israel. The Jewish race affectionately and gratefully named the international airport in the capital after Ben Gurion.

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Veteran internationalist, Humanist visionary dauntless fighter and peerless ideologue

Manavendra Nath(1887 - 1954)

It was 1930, in an unknown place in North India, a man was sitting with unruffled poise and nobody could know behind his broad four head hid a 43 years of political activity with immense experience. He was enjoying the sounds of the bells from the Moscow Radio, and slipped into the revenue of the past, while the British police were frantically searching for him. The man was none other than Manavendra Nath Roy, in short M.N.Roy.

Though an Indian born in Bengal, he was grown up to be an ‘Universal Man’. None of his contemporary leaders had possessed such a vast international political experience as he had. He was a first generation communist, follower of Lenin, master of Mao, intimate friend of Hochi Minch and Venerable teacher like to Nehru. He was a polyglot, who could fluently speak and write in Bengali, English, French, German, Spanish and Russian languages. He was a rare genius and had 15 pen names with which he wrote thousands of pages. For a period of 15 years M.N.Roy was intimately moving with famous politicians of 17 nations and spent five years in a prison. When he was in Jail, he produced 9000 pages of literature of which names of some books like Historical role of Islam, Heresies of the 20 th

century Nationalism an antiquated cult, and science and philosophy must be mentioned. His pre-jailed life was very bright. His future life also vibrantly influenced India and its politics.

His original name was Narendra Nath Bhattacharya. He was born in village in 24 paraganas in a pujari (priest) family on 21st March 1887. He attended school for a few days in his child hood. Later he joined in National College, Calcutta. Most of his colleagues or co-students wanted to throw off the British through terrorist and violent methods. Roy began to involve him-self in terrorist activities. He was making bombs and guns. As Germany was an enemy to England, his friends advised him to go to Germany to procure the required arms. Roy left India to Germany in the year 1915 when he was 28 year of age. He received Batavia but his secret mission of acquiring weapons was not successful. From there Roy went to Shanghai enroute California. He landed in San Franscisco on June 15, 1916 after a strenuous journey on a ship. His voyage from China to America was highly precarious. On some suspicion he was even taken to a court in China. After

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reaching San Francisco, he found himself exhausted with strain as it took weeks together to be on the move on high seas. At that time there were no aero planes for passenger flights. Of course past port and visa rules were not are rigid as they are today.

From San Francisco he reached Palo Alto, there he changed his name from Charles Martin to Manavendra Nath Roy. Strange the newly assumed name of M.N.Roy became his permanent one and brought him universal fame. There after he was always referred to as M.N.Roy. When he reached from Palo Alta to New York he met Lala Lajapathi Roy, a veteran freedom fighter. Roy had a great liking for New York as it had a public library in which he spent hours together studying great books especially on communism. In Russia the October revolution was just taking shape. The cold climate of Russia was heated up by the hot blood of Lenin. The days of the Czar and his family were numbered to its doom. The Marxist-Leninist principles were being experimented in Russia and showing their strength. At the same time M.N.Roy was being initiated himself into Marxism. As the British Espionage became more vigilant at his activities, M.N.Roy secretly fled to Mexico, a neighbour of U.S.A in July 1917. He went to Mexico along with his wife. His wife Evelen Trent, was an American and Stanford University student, liked him, when he was in Palo Alta. German secret police helped him reach Mexico.

Regarding politics he became very active in Mexico. He started a communist political school. The articles he wrote in Chronicle ‘El Fube’ in Spanish language attracted many and even won encomiums of Karanza, the Mexican President. Roy founded in Mexican communist party, perhaps it was the first communist party founded outside Russia. Micheal Boridin, the Bolshevik leader enlightened the Russians about the activities of Roy in Mexico. After the Bolshevik victory in Russia Lenin invited Roy to attend communist International in 1920. Roy made a voyage from Mexico to Europe and then reached Moscow in rail, to escape him from the attention of the British spies. Lenin received him cordially and Roy did not mince words about matters like Nationalism and revolution in the countries under the colonial rule. The frank and honest views of Roy were also found in the collected works of Lenin. Roy became cynosure of the Russian Communist party and became a member of the Communist International. He was entrusted with the responsibility of supervising and fortifying the communist parties in India and China. In 1922 he started Vanganra, a paper from Moscow on behalf of the communist party of India. After the death of Lenin, Stalin sent him to China. Roy was to unite the proletariat for the revolution. Roy reached Cantan in 1927 and Mao was just coming up as a leader of the Communist party of China. Mao and Roy held many discussions about the future political situation. Mao was of the opinion that foreigners might not comprehend correctly the conditions of China.

Political conditions in Soviet Union were also changing in a greater speed. A turn of political events created a new situation. Trotsky left Russia fearing the nemesis of Stalin and internal strife set in. Stalin began to cast a cold eye on Roy also. When Stalin was becoming more dictatorial, Roy came to India in 1930. The main reason for his coming away from Russia was that his mental horizon was

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broadening and changing regarding revolution, people and human rights. He was a genius and his thinking process was never stagnant. He wanted to fight for human rights. He was very much pained to note that the communists were seriously violating human rights. In the same way he lost his faith in Historical and dialectical materialism. He brushed aside the age old communist myth of spontaneous revolution emerging from the society.

He was there in the congress for a brief period. He joined it with a view to make it more radical but he did not like the policies of Mahatma Gandhi. His sojourn with the congress ended and he came out of it and started Radical Democratic Party, but after some time he abolished it, many people do not know that he prepared a draft of the constitution in 1944 with a special emphasis on decentralization of powers. He began to propagate radical humanism to bring out a new cultural renaissance in India. His speeches were spell bound and hypnotic. He worked with international Human rights organizations. Those who were influenced by the ideas and ideals of Roy occupied prominent position in and out of India.

Finally Roy settled in Dehradun. It is pity that the present generation is in the oblivion of such a great genius who could cast his influence over millions of people. He died in 1954.Among the books he wrote “India in transition” and “Men I met” are monumental and famous. In the later book he wrote about Lenin, Stalin, Hoshi-Minch and Mao. He loved most and affectionately calls them his own. They were the great Marxist theoretician Lenin and his childhood friend Jateen Mukherjee. He always cherished their memories as valuable and intimate. He wrote a parody on Hinduism in the name “Memories of eat”. He remains evergreen in the hearts of the people as a great genius writer, speaker, a dauntless fighter, polyglot, political strategist, intimate associate of Lenin and a great humanist. Above all his name shines resplendent on the obelisk of original thinkers and ideologues of Modern India.

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Insignia of bloody wars and a swastika of belligerence and an architect of the II World


Adolph Hitler(1889 - 1945)

A single German makes a scientist

Two Germans make a conspiracy

Three Germans make a war

These proverbial sayings became more popular and reflective after the disastrous Second World War. It has become quite natural that the followers tread the same path as his leaders’ wont. A war maniac, a blood thirsty belligerent Adolph Hitler was mainly responsible for the bloodiest Second World War and became a sole cause for branding Germany a war land and Germans war mongers. Even after seven decades of the calamitous war, the Germans still bear the stigma and are not able to recover from the bay gone blasphemy. Adolph Hitler shook not only Germany but also the entire world is a sinister character. A deep thought about the life of Hitler or events that occurred in Germany will definitely remove many of the misconceptions woven around the Germans. Doubtless, the saga of Hitler, clearly instructs how a race could be successfully misled and misconstrued by a single powerful man.

Hitler was born on 20th April 1889 in Braunauam in Austria, on the German border. Hitler lost his two elder and one younger brother. In 1896 a sister was born, who survived Hitler long after. Hitler lost his father when he was 13 and mother when he was 19. Hitler led a solitary life. Though he was not brilliant in

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education, he had developed an art of painting. From his 16th to 19th years he made an aimless wandering as he had no job and finally landed in Vienna in 1909 and spent his life in poor orphanage. While living in Vienna, he began to entertain anti-Semitism, after having seen orthodox Jewish Community. It served as a breeding ground of racial and religious prejudices, which he later vehemently exhibited with unprecedented ruthlessness. He began to feel that the Jews were responsible for the economic misery of Germans. During that period he sold his paintings to get some bucks to live. In 1913 he came to live Munich in Southern Germany. When the I World War started in 1914, he was recruited as a soldier in 16th Bavaria Reserve Infantry Regiment. He got quick promotions in the army as he always displayed courage and commitment. He was wounded and admitted in a hospital. While convalescing in the hospital he received the news of his mother country’s defeat in the World War and wept bitterly. After the war, Germany was politically dominated by the communists and socialists. When they were about to take the reigns of the government into their hand, the German army saved it. Hitler was appointed as a police spy over the anti-governmental forces and to collect the information about them. When Hitler was actively involved in his espionage assignment, he was very much attracted to German workers party. The founder of the party Anton Drexler got impressed with Hitler’s ideas and invited him to join the party. Hitler became the member of the party. Hitler attracted everybody with his highly effective oratory skills and delivered speeches with high emotion against Marxists and Jews.

Soon Hitler became the leader of the German workers party. Hitler’s vociferous voice and gesticulated antics were his chief weapons to control the party members who try to question him or disrupt the proceedings in the meetings. Besides he created a small band of soldiers with party members to deal with dissidents and anti party forces. To strengthen the party he prepared 25 theses. On 1st April, 1920 he changed the name of the German Workers Party into National socialist Workers Party (Nazi Party). A new word Nazi has been added to political lexicography. In the same year a Swastika was adopted as a party symbol. Yet Hitler was not all absolute in the party. Internal dissensions and antagonistic opinions were razing high. As Hitler’s collection of funds was the chief source of income to the party, they could not do anything.

Hitler was arrested and charged with high treason after his attempt to instigate a coup against the government and also charged with his attempts to kidnap some of the important German officers. A trial ensued and Hitler was sentenced to five years imprisonment in Landsberg prison on 1st April 1924. When he was in prison, Hitler dictated his autobiography ‘Mein Kampf’ (My Struggle) to his follower Rudolph Hess. His autobiography is considered a bible by the members of the Nazi party. It seems that Hitler during his incarcerated period was very much influenced by Henry Ford’s book ‘My Life’. Mein Kampf of Hitler is a venomous book which shamelessly reflects the ideas of racial hatred. His irrational hypotheses were only to provoke Germans against Jews and sow the seeds of discord among the races. He had also postulated that the German race was of the pure Aryan stock and was destined to rule the World. Some of the post war and pre

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war events added fuel to his unreasonable fire of thinking. Formation of communist government in Russia, the loss of the German colonies affected in the treaty of Versailles, and alleged responsibility of the Jews in the economic impoverishment of Germany created an irrational bias in the mind of Hitler. He openly condemned the Jews and pleaded for their banishment from all the civilized nations. His hatred for Karl Marx, Jamen Hoff, the creator of international language Esperanto was justified by him as these two illustrious people belonged to Jewish stock. But Germans were not lured nor carried away by the hypothetical principles and gimmicks of Hitler. They rejected Hitler and Nazi party. Nazi’s secured 20 lakhs of votes in 1924 but only secured 8 lakhs in 1928 proportionally; Nazi party got only 12 seats in 491 strong parliaments.

The post 1929 period had created a great Economic crisis in Europe. In Germany intolerable economic conditions reigned supreme, sapping the vitality of the nation. Hitler provoked the Germans on many counts like humiliation of Germany in the peace treaty and the deepening of economic crisis due to Jews and communists. He began to flash his attention against the failure of the present government. In the general elections conducted in 1930; Nazi party won 64 lakhs of votes and emerged as the second largest party. Hindenburg’s party won the first place. Now Hitler competed with Hindenburg. To become the president Hitler must be a citizen of Germany.

He was granted the citizenship of Germany thus making him eligible for contesting presidential election against Hindenburg. But Hitler secured 30% of votes while Hindenburg got 49%. Hitler realized that parliamentary measures would not work. He and his party members began to play all tricks and treacheries. Hitler and Nazi anti-social elements with the vicious propaganda of Goebbels decided to get victory. Hitler and his party men also set fire to the parliament building. But however Hitler emerged as a strong alternative in the German politics. After all the attempts made by Hindenburg failed to secure majority in parliament, he agreed to appoint Hitler as the chancellor of Germany. In 1934 Hindenburg died leaving everything in control of Hitler. Having gained executive and legislative powers, Hitler was made the supreme commander of the military.

Hitler strongly decided to violate the treaty of Versailles. As against the provisions of the treaty he increased the strength of the German army. He also went against the Locarno pacts signed in 1925. Another war maniac Mussolini joined hands with Hitler. Hitler increased the strength of his army to 3 lakhs. Heavy war ships were built in German Naval yards. He quickened industrialization and increased production of different goods. He strengthened the air force beyond expectation. To control and eliminate Jews many laws were brought into force. In some places he cancelled the citizenship of the Jews. Separate gaols were constructed to incarcerate the Jews. Based on the theory of Archeen de Gobineau, Hitler followed the policy of the annihilation of the invalids, mentally retarded and physically disabled people. He made war a national industry. Some of the European countries were cautiously observing what Hitler was doing. His

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annexation of Austria and other territories which did not belong to Germany made some countries like Russia alert. But the appeasement policy of England and France indirectly encouraged Hitler to follow the path of aggression. Hitler entered into an alliance with Italy and Japan, finally forming the ‘Axis powers.’ In 1939 Hitler attacked Poland and countries like France, England now opened their eyes to the dangerous situation created by Hitler and declared war on Germany. Now a curtain rose to another disastrous war. The II World War started in 1939 and ended in 1945. This war pushed many nations into a sheer darkness of poverty, misery, disease, death and destruction. It was estimated that two crores of people died. Hitler’s Nazi army invaded Belgium, Denmark, and Norway in 1940. In 1941 it invaded Yugoslavia, and Greek. Japan with the help of Germany, attacked Pearl Harbor, the naval base of America and hence America entered the war. In the east Russia was fighting against Germany as the latter violated non aggression pact.

Hitler’s atrocities exceeded the calendar of crime. It was said that Hitler killed 60 lakhs of Jews and used their bones and bodies as manure for the crops. Hitler’s diabolic machinations seemed to have destroyed the entire Europe. People are simply frightened by the nightmarish name of Hitler. Churchill who became the P.M of England forged a grand alliance with Russia and America prepared to attack Hitler. With the Normandy attack on June 6th, 1944, the decline of Hitler started. In all fronts the allies had started to retaliate the Nazi forces. In 1943, Mussolini was deposed in Italy and brutally murdered by the Italians themselves. Germany reached the brink of defeat and Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself on April 30th 1845. Hitler’s lifelong lover and last day wife Eva Braun also died. On May 7th, 1945, the Allied forces occupied Germany. Allied soldiers made a frantic search for the dead body of Hitler but in vain. A great dictator responsible for the death of crores of people died miserably.

Hitler’s life is quite instructive and world never fails to learn lessons from his life. It was quite obvious that the people rejected the fascist trends and thoughts. It was quite fatal to consider mentally sick and the eccentrics as the world leaders. Due to anti-Semitic policies of Hitler many Jews went and finally settled in Israel. In the Yalta conference England, Russia and America thought how to punish the war perpetrator of Germany. But they also thought of the economic reconstruction of the Germans. However Germany was divided into East and West Germanies after the war. Through Marshall Plan Germany was helped by America. The help made the Germans in the beginning quite inactive and complacent. If any country is there in the world, which takes huge loans from other countries, will not so easily recover. That is the reason why some 60 years back the European nations played the same trick on Germany. For how many years after should Germany come out of these subtle snares, which became a curse for them?

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Creator of New India,Great Statesman

Jawaharlal Nehru(1889 - 1964)

India, which has lost its independence even before the arrival of British, would not have enjoyed the independence after the departure of British, if Jawaharlal Nehru had not been the first prime minister of India. Since Nehru was a man of progressive ideas with complete knowledge of history, we are relishing the sweetness of independence. Jawaharlal Nehru is a great leader who had taken

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enough measures to stop the fights within, created new financial, industrial “institutions”, which gave stability to the society.

Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889 in a wealthy family & spent his childhood happily. Father, Motilal Nehru was a barrister in Allahabad and mother was Swaroopa Rani. To provide quality education to Nehru, his parents had sent him to England in 1905. For some time he studied in Harrow & graduated in sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge. Nehru returned to India in 1912 after studying law in “Inner Temple”. Since he had spent 7 years in Europe , he could understand the western values, culture and direction of civilization and filled his mind with new ideas. He was thinking deeply about changes, that should take place in India. Nehru was impressed with “Fabian” Socialism, which was proposed by George Bernard Shaw and others in Britain as an alternative to violence-related communist movement and religious philosophy. Irish Nationalism gave inspirations to him. After returning to Allahabad, he settled down as a barrister. In 1916, Jawaharlal Nehru married Kamala. Their daughter is Indira.

Annie Besant, who returned from Ireland, was propagating Home Rule through out the country. In 1917, Nehru joined the movement. For the first time, Nehru met Gandhi, who was growing in the Congress ranks after returning from South Africa, in 1917. At that time, Gandhi was heading the movement opposing the Rowlat Act. Gandhi was impressed with the persistence, discipline and clarity in thinking of Nehru, who was 20 years younger to Gandhi. Gandhi’s simple life made Nehru to rethink, who was leading western lifestyle. Nehru also started wearing Khadi. Nehru also participated actively in the Non-Cooperation Movement, started by Gandhi between 1920and 1922. He was arrested and for the first time, Nehru got first hand experience of imprisonment for several months. Nehru preferred political career to barrister career.

In 1924, Nehru won Allahabad Municipal elections and served as city officer. While working in municipal corporation, he came to know how inactive or lazy our Indian bureaucracy (government machinery) is. Nehru could not tolerate the arrogance of officers and resigned from his post in 1926 and joined national politics. Nehru was elected as General Secretary of All India Congress Committee and worked closely with almost all prominent national leaders during his tenure from 1926 to 1928. Nehru presided over the annual Congress meeting held in 1929 in Lahore & along with Subhash Chandra Bose passed a resolution demanding complete independence. But some congress leaders and his father, Motilal Nehru, opined that Dominion Status would be enough for India. Many factors were responsible for him to stay within congress. He has blessings of Gandhi, being young and educated, he has good knowledge of history and above all, he is good looking.

In 1931, Nehru lost his father. Nehru was imprisoned for participating in Salt Satyagraha and other activities. From jail, Nehru wrote almost 200 letters to his 13 year old daughter, Indira. Letters of Nehru to Indira contained less of family and personal matters but contained information about world civilizations and

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history. Nehru’s letters inspired Indira. Letters and replies were printed as “Glimpses of World History” which won the praise from all over the world. This book can be compared with the book “A Short History of the World “, written by H.G. Wells. By utilizing the time in prison for reading, writing, Nehru contributed an everlasting glory to the literary society of India.

Even though he did not contest the elections in 1935, he worked hard towards the victory of congress in entire India. Nehru served as President of Congress Party in 1936, 1937 and 1946. In 1938, British government had sent Nehru, who had been to Europe recently, as an ambassador to China. Earlier he had been to Europe but due to the outbreak of World War II and as India was also taking part in the war, Nehru was called back. Although participating in Independence struggle, he was in constant touch with his European intellectuals through letters discussing about development of science, technology and political affairs. Nehru likes books of Bertrand Russell, a great intellect and philosopher who resides in London.

British Government once again imprisoned Nehru for his involvement in Quit India movement. This time, he had to sit three years in the prison. During this period, he had written a book “Discovery of India”. The book takes off with Indus civilization and Aryans invasions and some other important incidents. Through this book, Nehru has made Indian History attractive and charming. As Indian Independence was about to be announced, British Government has made Nehru, recognizing his genius, as the head of the “Interim Government” in September 1946. All the Congressmen welcomed this decision. During that period, Nehru served as Vice President of “Governor General Executive Council”.

It was a period of negotiations. Discussions, clashes, disputes started and question came whether Indian subcontinent continues to be a single country or should be divided into two and Nehru has given his consent for “two nation” theory. Jinnah was also adamant about formation of Pakistan. Gandhi was against this solution. Clashes, riots, attacks were reported throughout the country. Thousands of people lost their lives. Gandhi from one side and Nehru from the other tried to keep the things under control. Nehru was the only consensus leader by the time Indian tricolor flag was to be hoisted in Red Fort on August 15, 1947. Since Gandhi wanted to be away from posts, Nehru has become the first Indian Prime minister.

Till now, the struggle has yielded good results. From now on, the hard work would be focused on making India strong. 500 native states in India are to be brought under single control, new constitution and Hindu-Muslim relationship were major tasks ahead. Indian Constitution, formulated by Ambedkar, was approved after two years and implemented. Lot of efforts were put in by Nehru to make the Indian Constitution people friendly. New generation must have forgotten the role of Nehru in selecting the symbols Buddha’s Wheel of Dharma, Four lion Sarnath Stupa, created by Ashoka, as official symbols. Nehru drew inspiration from economic growth of Soviet Union & formulated 3 Five Year Plans and implemented

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them. Nehru was instrumental in forming the Planning Commission. Nehru identified that India is lacking behind in science, technology departments and pushed for their development. He is a spirit behind the establishment of “Indian Institute of Technology” in various cities, through out India.

After becoming Prime Minister, Nehru moved his official residence to Teen Murti Bhavan. This building was used as residence of commander-in-chief of British military. Teen Murti Bhavan was also called “Flagstaff House”. Teen Murti Bhavan was converted into national museum after the death of Jawaharlal Nehru. Monument in the compound of the building proudly displays the details of Indian Independence struggle.

During his tenure as Prime Minister of India, Nehru also held the portfolio of Minister for External Affairs. While taking care of affairs of Indian government, Nehru also reacted on many international issues. Nehru played role of a mediator for resolving international issues namely Korean war, Angola issue etc. At a conference in Badung in Indonesia in 1955, Nehru played an important role in convincing Josip Broz Tito, President of Yugolsavia and Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt, to join Non-Aligned Movement. President of Soviet Union Krushchev visited India and signed many agreements with India & Russia as strategic partners in many key areas. In India, he designed the Panchayat Raj system. Even after doing things on various fronts, Pakistan and China, though being neighbors, severed their good relations with India. As Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama taking shelter in India, 1962 China declared war on India and India lost considerable territory in wars and this had a psychological effect on Nehru. Dissolving Kerala Government (communist) in 1959, implementation of Kamaraj Plan, according to which the senior leaders had to resign from respective posts, have had negative effect and slightly reduced the influence of Nehru. Still Jawaharlal Nehru is the political expert, who has lead the country very wisely in those situations.

Nehru was disturbed since he thought that all these problems were arising due to misunderstanding of “Panchsheel Agreement”. Nehru died on May 27, 1964. Credit for making India work towards development should go only to Nehru.

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The capital of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh(1890 - 1969)

The word “Vietnam” sounds and reminds struggles. For liberation Vietnam fought relentlessly against three countries. Hochi Minh was the person who liberated Vietnam from the yoke of Japan and France. Affectionately the Vietnamese call him ‘Uncle Ho’.

As per the official records he was born on 19th May 1890, but from the books in the library of Moscow and Paris, there are six dates of birth for Hochi Minh from 1890 to 1904. His father was a teacher. In the school he did not like the French language as they were ruling Vietnam since a long time. After completing education he worked as a teacher for time and later chose to be a sailor. As a sailor he visited many countries and widened his mental horizons. He was becoming aware that many countries in the world were in sheer darkness of servitude, as dominating European countries occupied them. He was pained at this prospect. Hochi Minh was naturally a man of ability and possessed firm convictions and a stout heart. He was a prolific writer. Being a man of practical mind, as a soldier, he fought against enemies in the front and wrote a beautiful poem to his bossom friend. It reads –

The chirping birds from above green mountains

peeping through my window singing merrily

multicoloured spring flowers falling at my ink pot

My heart is going to thee with this song! Friend!

Such umpteen poems penned by Hochi Minh while fighting in the front as a soldier delineate his heart.

He was a staunch nationalist. He wanted to see Vietnam as liberated communist nation. He had been to Paris in 1917. He studied the Marxist literature there. As the founder member he worked fair and square for making the French Communist Party a stronger one. The Russian revolution inspired him and he went to Moscow in 1924. There he worked with Veteran communist leaders like M.N.Roy, Stalin and Trotsky. When he was in Moscow he began to comprehend every point of Marxism very cogently and doubtless he was becoming well versed in communist ideology. In Russia it was decided that everyone should go to ones motherland and fight to establish communist government. Hochi Minh knew if he went directly to Vietnam, the French Government would arrest him. From Russia he went to china, the border country of Vietnam. He planned to prepare the fighting forces from China itself. Ho remaining outside his own country, tried to

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prepare the people for the war of independence. In 1940 Japan occupied Indo-China. Indo-China meant South East Asia including Vietnam. At the same time the German forces under the aegis of Hitler attacked France and occupied its capital Paris. With this incident the French power in Vietnam surrendered to Japan, which was a war ally of Germany. Taking all these events as advantage, Hochi Minh and his comrades put in tune a number of young men as guerrilla force and named it Vietmin. Vietmin fighters were ready to attack Japanese. Russia provided armed help. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, America entered the II World War and helped Hochi Min who was fighting against Japan. When America was dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the month of August 1945, Hochi Minh’s army became very strong. After the defeat of Japan in World War II, Hochi Minh declared that Democratic Republic of Vietnam came into existence.

But more dark and sleepless nights were yet to pass for Hochi Minh and Vietnam as Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin changed the course and future of Vietnam in Potsdam conference. They divided Vietnam into South Vietnam and North Vietnam. They made North Vietnam as a friend of China and South Vietnam was made a stooge of western powers.

Though battered heavily by Germany during the II World War, the France shamelessly began to claim Vietnam and sent French forces. This imbroglio situation could be cleared if Hochi Minh defeated the French forces and start unification of the both the Vietnams. The spirit of the Vietnam Guerilla forces did not die and at once started to fight the French forces. Of course it was not an easy task as the French forces were regularly trained force. Hence the Guerrilla commander and friend of Ho, Voyung Minh had to adopt different tactics against the French forces. Gradually the conditions were turning favourable to Hochi Minh from 1949. When Mao came to power in china, the work of Hochi Minh became easier. By the year 1953 many territories in Vietnam came into hands of Vietmin. Near ‘Dien Beience’ the French forces suffered an utter defeat in the hands of Vietmin. Thousands of French soldiers perished in the fierce battle. Consequent to this the French forces surrendered in 1954. America and England hither to remained as mere spectators but now in Geneva conference began to show the Machiavellian tactics and managed to divide Vietnam at 17o latitude into South and North Vietnams. Hochi Minh became the president of North Vietnam. For South Vietnam an anti-communist and Hench man of America Yung-Din-Dien became the president. Now the responsibility rests on the shoulders of Hochi Minh was to bring about the unification of North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

Hochi Minh strove hard throughout his life to bring about the unification of the two Vietnams. The Western bloc knew if the elections were conducted in Vietnam, Hochi Minh and communist government would come into power. America thought to spoil this prospect by giving all out support to South Vietnam. The American domination could not be tolerated by Hochi Minh and he made Vietmin Guerrilla forces to attack South Vietnam and create a blood bath. Again Vietnam War started and this time America bent upon beating down the North Vietnamese forces. The then president of America Lyndon B.Johnson started ‘Operation Rolling

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Thunder’. The War became a regular feature in Vietnam; Hochi Minh led the Guerrilla forces similar to that of Red army Guerrillas of Mao. The war experts say that America dropped a million tons of bombs on Vietnam. But America could not make a dent. All these things are reflected in Bertrand Russell’s famous book “War crimes in Vietnam”.

Ho died in the midst of the war in 1969. After six years of his death North Vietnam won the War. Had who lived for some more time certain events like colonization of the boat people and war with Cambodia would not have taken place. The entire country would have been on the path of progress. Sure the life of Ho enlivened the people of Vietnam and that is why the capital Saigan is named after Hochi Minh. So Hochi Minh is the capital of Vietnam.

The churchill of France

Carles De Gaulle(1890 - 1970)

The most famous hero in French history after Napoleon is Charles De Gaulle. De Gaulle means ‘of France’. If Churchill saved England once, De Gaulle saved France twice. The word De Gaulle is synonymous with France.

He was born at Lille in France on 22nd November 1890. His father was a head master. He studied at Pans. His ardent desire was to join the army as he was physically well built with 6 ½ feet height. He joined the Military Academy to do his military course and as a student he displayed extraordinary merit. After completing his military education he joined as Second Lieutenant in the Colonel Henry Phillip regiment in 1913. Soon the I World War started and he actively participated in the Great War. He was wounded twice and promoted to the rank of a captain. He was captured by the German forces and was incarcerated for 30 months. He tried to escape five times but in vain. He was awarded with a medal when he won a victory against the Polish red army. He worked together and made research in military craft with his erst-while Officer Henry Phillip in the military academy. They were working on how to win big battles with small armies. De Gaulle wrote a book ‘The army of the Future’ in 1934 and became a subject of severe criticism. In that book he criticized the method of total conscription and also those military officers and politicians who supported it. As a result of his open expressions and frank opinions, he missed promotions to higher ranks. In 1938 he wrote another book ‘France and Her Army’ which created a lot of commotion in many military officers as well as politicians. All of them decried the work. Henry Phillip also became antagonistic alleging that De Gaulle was claiming ownership of the research of others perhaps some sort of plagiarism. So as a writer he created a lot of hubbub.

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When the II World War started he was made the chief of the Fifth Army Tanks. He did not like the hierarchical system in the infrastructure of the military forces. He felt that everyone was trying to show his power on others. He opined that in such a system the required result could not be achieved. Though French forces with 200 tanks attacked the Germans at Mount Corneil in May 1940, it could not get any considerable result. The French army used to get victory when De Gaulle led them without the supervision of the superior officers. The name of De Gaulle gradually spread throughout the country. On 5th May 1940, the then Prime Minister of France Paul Reynaud appointed De Gaulle as the Defence Minister. When he was 50 he became the minister but till the end he behaved like a pure military officer.

He went to Britain in the dignity of the Defence Minister and gathered good experience and by the time he returned to France, he found that Reynaud’s government was over thrown by Henry Phillip. Henry Phillip was actively making preparations to form new government in France. Suspecting that he would be arrested De Gaulle left for England. The new government of Henry Phillip was ready to make all preparations to have an armistice with Germany. De Gaulle gave a message from England – it read “No peace with Germany only war”. Henry Phillip was much enraged by the massage and conducted a Court Martial and imposed one year imprisonment in the beginning and a death penalty on De Gaulle in exile later.

De Gaulle succeeded in gathering many French men living outside France secretly against Germans. He was also getting good support from some friends in the main land of France. But they were suspected and captured by much dreaded German police “Gestapo” and the efforts of De Gaulle did not bear any fruits. In 1943 De Gaulle went to Algeria, a French colony in East Africa and set up an interim government of France. This act was not happily received by U.S and Britain. But countries like Checkoslavakia, Poland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Yugoslavia and Norway recognized the French interim government set by De Gaulle. In 1944 both America and England agreed that liberated parts of France from Germany could be ruled by the interim government set up by De Gaulle.

On 20th of August 1944, De Gaulle returned to France from Algeria. He liberated Paris from the Nazi Germans. This enhanced the prestige of the General and he was looked upon as the greatest Hero and savior of French Nationalism. An Allied Conference between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin took place at Yalta conference. That caused some mental agony to him. In Yalta conference Russia, Britain and America discussed about the post-war fate of Germany. On November 13, De Gaulle was elected as the Head of French Assembly. He was there in the position till January 1946. In the General election he met with a defeat. Later he founded a party called “Rally of the French People”. It was a nationalist party. In the beginning it registered some victories but in course of time it lost peoples patronage. The party was abolished in 1953. Himself being military man could not understand or feel the pulse of the people or could not manage to run a political party. Another main reason for the decline of his party was his lack of

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understanding about widely prevalent leftist views among the people of the France.

The famous writer John Gunther says De Gaulle does not believe man and human relations. He firmly believes that every man consciously tries to deceive the other person. He rarely gave interviews to journalists. He was a sort of a stoic. He never worried about anything whether in power or otherwise. He built a strong citadel around him and used to live in it. He loved solitude. But he loved France absolutely. Throughout his life he tried sincerely to strengthen the Nation of the France and showed unflinching loyalty to his mother land. He wanted to make France a self-sufficient nuclear power.

De Gaulle was a brilliant orator. Just as Churchill made the people of England spell bound, De Gaulle put the French people in trance with his wonderful diction. He had a special gift of the gab and a style non-pareil. His autobiography is still considered a “chef d’oeuvre” (master piece) in French literature. He was such a talented speaker that he could speak non-stop for an hour and yet without any repetition or tedium. Another feature of his eloquence was that he could creatively project any matter in his own view point. The French people called him the “brain”.

Between 1953 and 1958 De Gaulle led the life of political anonymity and during that period he wrote many books and essays. In 1958 he got another opportunity in the form of Algeria. The Algerian nationalists wanted freedom from France. The terrorists were making attacks on the French colonial government. The political scenario in the main land of France had become very much weakened and the nation wanted a man of strong and just resolution to solve the impending problems. In the elections De Gaulle was elected as the president. Soon he wanted to settle the matter of Algeria. He held a referendum and granted independence to Algeria. He also allowed 13 states to become free from the rule of the French colonial rule.

Charles De Gaulle played a signet role in the formation of “The European Union”. He tried his level best to prevent the entry of Britain into the European Union. In the year 1966 he withdrew the French forces from N.A.T.O. He was always ready to reflect the psyche of the French in his internal and external policies. The last days of the rule of Charles De Gaulle were intensely painful. The students conducted a nationwide General Strike against his regime which resulted in a great mayhem and finally led to a position of constitutional dead-lock. The referendum conducted nationwide clearly indicated the people’s disapproval for his rule. In 1969 he resigned for his presidential post. On 9th November, 1970 he breathed his last as the dear son of France. If you go to France in a flight and get down at Paris airport your eyes will not fail to see the name of Charles De Gaulle as the air port is named after him. “Lion is a Lion even if devoured deer – Charles De Gaulle.

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The architect of Indian Constitution

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar(1891 - 1956)

If the event of Mohan Das Gandhi being thrown out of the first class compartment in South Africa created an important part of the history of the freedom movement, Dr B.R.Ambedkar’s life of relentless fight against untouchbility, drawing attention of all to it, demanding the betterment of the untouchables as imperative even before the attainment of freedom have constituted another dimension of the history of India. Dr B.R.Ambedkar vehemently declared that the Hindu society had only caste consciousness but not human consciousness. He strongly condemned the ego of the caste Hindus, who made the untouchables to work hard for them like bonded slaves. He decried it as

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inhuman. He continuously requested all the Dalits to come out of the fold of Hinduism. Even half a century lapsed after his death; his personality and mission are gaining greater importance and popularity. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar does not disappear from the history as many leaders do. He not only drafted the constitution but showed viable solutions to many of the social problems in India. He recommended Buddhism to all Indians and undoubtedly played and a great role in the emancipation of untouchables.

A multisided genius, renowned as a lawyer, statesman, professor, philosopher, historian, writer, sociologist, and Buddhist missionary, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was born on 14th April 1890 at Mhow village in Madhya Pradesh. His father Ramji Maloji Sakpal worked as Subedar in Indian army. His mother was Bhima Bai. He was born into the family as the fourteenth and last child of Bhima Bai but only five of her children survived. His father originally a Maharastrian but lived in Madhya Pradesh serving the Indian army. Their original native place was Ambavade situated in Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra. The Mahars are an untouchable community and Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was from his child hood suffered all the indignities as an untouchable, perpetrated by the conceited caste Hindus. But Ambedkar did not brush aside all such incidents as quite casual. Even when he was a student of an elementary school he could not directly drink water. Somebody should pour the water into his folded palms kept near his mouth. In 1894 two years after his father retired they came to live in Satara. In the same year his mother died. His father remarried in 1898. As they were living in Satara he had good opportunity to continue studies.

Bhima Rao joined in Satara High school into first class. As he came from his village Ambavade, his surname was registered as Ambavade. There was a teacher in the high school, whose sir name was also Ambedkar. Obliging and humane he loved Bhima Rao very much. He gave Ambedkar his own food. Ambedkar gratefully remembered this teacher who kindly treated him during his school days. Later in his life on the eve of his departure to London for Round Table Conference, he received a letter from his old teacher, which Ambedkar treasured it with pride and pleasure. It has been said that one good word can warm three winters. The family of Ambedkar migrated to Bombay and Ambedkar joined the Elphistone High School. Being an untouchable every day he could experience the sharpness of the most heneous and discrimating practice of untouchability. The barber refused to cut his hair as he was a Mahar. His sisters did that work at home. Ambedkar began to understand how open the Hindu community was in following this senseless and inhuman practice of untouchability. Reactions to it in him began to fortify his resolution to end this shameful practice of untouchability, the ugly child of caste system. In the year 1907 he passed matriculation examination and delighted all his family members. The association of Satyasodhan arranged a function to felicitate Dr.Ambedkar on his passing of matriculation. Some presented him a book on the history of the Buddha. Perhaps this book served him as a great source of inspiration. When he came to be of 14 years he was married with Ramabai, a nine years old girl.

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With scholarship endowed by Sayaji, the Maharaja of Baroda, intended to spread education among the down trodden castes, Ambedkar completed his B.A degree from Elphistone College in 1912. He joined in the Baroda state as an officer. Even there he suffered many indignities. His subordinates and peons working under him threw the files on to his table since they feared to touch an untouchable. This pricked his tender conscience. Ramji Sakal did not like his son doing a small job like that. He wished that his son would continue his studies further. But he died in 1913 without seeing the progress of his son. Meanwhile the Baroda state announced scholarships to merit students to go to America and study at Columbia University. Ambedkar made use of the opportunity and reached New York in the year 1913. While doing his M.A course in America he felt respite and relief as he could see a different society, different human relations, modern trends and a society without untouchability. He could secure a number of friends there.

Ambedkar was very much influenced by John Deway, his mentor in the University. Another person was Booker.T.Washington, who fought for the rights of the blacks in America. Being the native of Alabama State in one of the Southern states of U.S.A, he took every pain to see that coloured community in America get highly educated. He ardently believed that education would lead to their economic prosperity and automatically they would get their due respect and rights. Booker.T.Washington died in 1915. Ambedkar studied his books thoroughly. Another stalwart John Dewey, who was working in Columbia University, was a great source of inspiration to Ambedkar. He had direct contacts with him. John Dewey was a great educationist and a pragmatist. His contribution to philosophy and education are varied. He wrote a number of books on education and philosophy. He brought many objective and experimental changes in the teaching techniques. When Ambedkar was in New York he made through study of the topics like commerce in Ancient India and caste system in India. He passed M.A in 1915 and registered his name for research. After a year while returning to India he stopped in London and studied in London school of Economics for an year. In 1917 the Columbia University conferred on him the doctorate. In the same year he returned to India, which needed his services or reforms in the field of education, culture and politics, leave alone social sector which required a drastic change.

He joined as a professor in Sydenham College. Even his colleagues ill-treated him in a callous way. The British did not mind our social structure. What they wanted was political reforms. When 1919 act was passed, the South Borrough committee appointed by the British government wanted to know the mind of the intellectuals about 1919 reforms. The committee requested Dr.B.R.Ambedkar to appear before the committee and Ambedkar requested the British government to create separate electorates to the Dalits and reservations in the jobs. With the help of the Kolhapur state, he printed “Mook Naik” (the silent leader) writing in it Ambedkar vehemently criticized the ‘Brahmanism’ as a major factor serving as a great obstacle for the progress of India. The king of Kolhapur crossed the barriers and dined with Ambedkar and granted him scholarship to enable him to go to England. His patronage and love for Ambedkar were never forgotten. With encouragement of the friends and well-wishers he left for England to join in the

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London school of economics. His thirst for knowledge was insatiable. In London school of Economics he submitted a thesis on “The Imperial Finances”.

He made an in-depth study and divulged a great analysis of it. The London school of Economics awarded him an MSc degree in economics. After that he got a PhD from the London University and he also went to the Bonn University Germany to make further studies in Economics. He wrote a wonderful book “The Problem of Rupee” in which he thoroughly discussed about the Economic history of India. Ambedkar’s poignant scholarship and logical acumen were so great that none could match him among the contemporary intellectuals. In matters of Indian History, Economy and administration he was so sharp that he always sent jitters in the spine of his adversaries. The so called political leaders were afraid of his intellectual caliber. He also studied law and became a Bar – at – Law. When he was in London every day he went to London Museum library and studied books there hours together. He got an insignia of recognition from all the renowned universities of the world. In 1923 he returned to India.

From 1924 onwards while continuing as a lawyer, he began to participate in the social reform movement. He did not agree with Gandhi or congress as far as social problems were concerned. He was quite vehement and scathing in expressing his ideas and views. For untouchables he took up multifarious activities and agitations. He wanted to educate the vast masses of the untouchables through a great organization ‘Bahishkrutha Hitakarin Sabha’. It had slogans like educate Dalits, organize Dalits and fight for Dalits. He started separate hostel for Dalits. Dr.Ambedkar was becoming very popular since 1925. All the people and political circles recognized his greatness. In 1926 he became the member of the legislative council of Bombay. He conducted a historic struggle at Mahad called Mahad Satyagraha. Dr.Ambedkar jumped into direct struggles like fighting for the entry of the Dalits into temples and use of water by Dalits from the wells which were exclusively meant for caste Hindus. He took a daring step and burnt the ‘Manusmrithi’ in 1927 which supports the caste oriented and hierarchical Hindu society. This act of Ambedkar made many people to reflect over the languishing situation of the Dalits from many years in the past. He started in the same year a news paper in the name of ‘Bahishkrutha Bharatham’ to tell the public the vows of the suppressed communities. He edited the paper with his fiery articles and revolutionary ideas.

In 1928 he joined as a professor in the government law college in Bombay and became its principal. The colossus personality of Ambedkar and his tireless struggles created a great consciousness among the untouchables throughout India. The awakened communities who remained mute hither to began to put baffling questions which defied answers. Dr.Ambedkar through his works, struggles and speeches was proving how the devil of caste created so much disharmony, disturbance and dichotomy among the communities living in the same society for so many years. He was also logically and cogently explaining how Brahmanism vertically split the Indian society and he also proved how it behaved in human, and how it proved apparently beneficial but venomous in its reality. He said the Indian

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society didactic in its precept and dangerous in its practice. He was bold enough to pronounce that in India never a Brahmin community would give birth to a genius like Voltaire who contributed his thought for the outbreak of French revolution. While leading an agitation of the Dalits into Kalram temple at Nasik, he made a revolutionary statement that Hinduism was not suitable to Dalits. He asked all the untouchables to come out of Hinduism. He himself said that he would not die as a Hindu. His mind was just thinking about Buddha and his law. When he attended the Round Table Conference at London, at length he spoke about the conditions of the Dalits in India. He asked separate electorates for the Dalits.

When Muslims were demanding more separate electorates and a separate country all together, what wrong was there if Dalits demand separate electorates? But Gandhi and congress did not accept for this. Ramsay Macdonald after the II Round Table Conference announced separate electorates for the Dalits. This was not palatable for Gandhi and began a fast unto death while imprisoned in the Yerawada Central jail of Pune in 1932. Gandhi’s fast provoked great public support and many congress leaders were worried about the life of Mahatma Gandhi and many of them requested Ambedkar to reconcile. Fearing communal reprisal Dr.Ambedkar signed the Poona pact in September 1932. As a result of the Poona pact joint electorates were created. Between 1931 and 1932, Dr.Ambedkar was drafted as the member of the joint parliamentary committee by the British government to make proposals for Indian constitutional reforms. In 1934 Ambedkar shifted from Parel house to a new house at Dadar. The new house was named after ‘Rajagriha’ sounding Buddhistic meaning. His library was swelling beyond recognition and it contained a variety of books and at that time no leader had maintained such a big library. In 1935 his wife Rama bai died.

Dr.Ambedkar asked his followers to stop the Kalaram temple Satyagraha at Nasik as the past five years had demonstrated the futility of such agitation against tyrannical caste Hindus who had thwarted their attempts and showed impertinent hearts. He exhorted them to remain a separate community outside the Hindu fold. Ambedkar said that unfortunately for him he was born a Hindu untouchable. And he thundered “I solemnly assure you that I will not die a Hindu.” His declaration evoked a lot of support of the Dalit organizations. Dr.Ambedkar published his undelivered address to be given at Lahore in the form of a booklet entitled “The Annihilation of Caste” and indeed a great thesis. It was an outcome of industrious reading, microscopic observation and prognostication of what the author was thinking in his mind. It was logic on fire, pinching and pungent, piercing and fiery, provocative and explosive.

In 1937 he was elected to the Bombay Legislature as a candidate of Independent Labour Party. This party secured 17 seats. Ambedkar objected Gandhi calling the Dalits as Harijans. The congress leaders like Gandhi, Nehru and Bose wanted to take him into their political fold. Ambedkar refused to be drawn into the lure of their politics. He said that the emancipation of untouchables was his main objective. He said that his men were being exploited by upper castes for ages together. Even the British government created a Mahar Regiment in the army and

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created employment opportunities. Dr.Ambedkar founded ‘All India Scheduled Caste Federation’ in 1942 and created a Buddhist trust in 1944. He wrote “Who were Sudras?” and “What congress did to Sudras?” His public declaration that he was going to leave Hinduism sent shocks in the Brahmin community throughout India. He spoke the same thing in his broadcast from BBC, London. Well versed in Hinduism, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar wrote so many books condemning it most logically. Altogether Ambedkar created a literature of 100 thousand pages with in his 65 years.

On August 29th 1947 the constituent Assembly appointed a drafting committee with Dr.B.R.Ambedkar as its chairman. In the last week of February 1948, Ambedkar completed the draft constitution and submitted it to the President of the constituent Assembly. After the completion of the drafting work he needed some rest and came to Bombay for treatment. He felt now the need of a companion. On the morning of April 15, 1948 Dr.Ambedkar married Dr.Miss Sarada Kabir. Dr.Ambedkar who worked as a law minister resigned his post in 1951 as he developed differences with Nehru regarding the Hindu code Bill. In 1952 the congress defeated Ambedkar in elections.

Now the Doctor turned his attention towards some social subjects. He began to propagate the Buddhist Dharma. Some 2600 year back even before Confucius in China and Socrates in Greece the Buddha was able to find solutions for human suffering and found out truth. His law of Dharma was propagated by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar in independent India. He found that Buddhism was only a solution in a country where Hinduism divided people and developed ignorance. For the welfare of the nation he prescribed the Buddhist principles. He also said that Buddhism was a suitable answer even to communism.

In 1956 November 14th, he embraced Buddhism officially along with lakhs of followers. He initiated them into the law of Buddha in Nagpur. But alas! He died on December 6th, 1956. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar is a matchless genius which the modern India has produced but he died without fulfilling his objective of turning India into Buddhist country.

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A poet, revolutionary fighter, founder of communist China and idol of the multitudes

Mao Tsetung(1893 - 1976)

The man who consolidated the proletariat in the most populated country and over threw the cruel Kuomingtong government through the barrel of the gun, was Mao Tse Tung, popularly known as Chairman Mao. In the communist world his position is second to Lenin only. He inspired world revolutionaries like the ‘light up way’ guerilla forces of Peru in South America, and Khmer Rooz forces of Cambodia. Vietkongs in Vietnam emulated Mao in attacking the American imperialistic forces. The nuxalites in India affectionately call themselves Maoists and Maoists in Nepal formed the government. This tells about the popularity and charisma of Mao. Nobody in his remote village, when he was born, thought that he would become such a popular leader of the global status.

Mao Tse Tung was born in a small hamlet Shaoshan in Hunan province on December 26, 1893. His father Mao Xen Sheng was a small peasant and earned more by engaging himself in the trade of rice. Mao Zen Sheng had two more sons and a daughter. Mao’s mother was a Buddhist devout. She wished that her son would become a Buddhist guru. As Mao was heptic in physique, his father used to call him a lazyman. Mao did not like this and asked his father to be polite with the children.

Mao regularly swam in the pond quite opposite to his house. He was ceremoniously initiated into educational career in the very elementary school in his village. Mao did not learn any other language than his mother tongue. He was an expert calligraphist and could speak the language with an excellent native clarity. He always liked delicious glue called Tapu made of soya bean seeds and also pork. After completing his education in his village, he went to Changsha, a nearby village for his secondary education. In fact he did not go beyond the borders of his province until he crossed his 25th year. But when he was 18 years old he was awakened to the revolutionary ideas. They were so strong in the later period under

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any circumstances he did not budge an inch himself from the path of revolution. He also underwent a teacher training.

In 1911 the Manchu Dynasty collapsed and Mao was attracted by the Nationalist ideas of Sun-Yat-Sen. Mao joined the army and served in it for six months. He displayed a keen interest in knowing the developments in Russia as it was a political and revolutionary cauldron at that time. When he was in Changsha he showed a lot of interest in history. In 1918 through his school master, he had a chance to work in Beijing university library. He had also got opportunity to meet here most of stalwart revolutionary colleagues, and founders of the communist party of China who worked along with him in later years. When he returned to Changsha, he decided to work out the revolutionary plan and consolidate the people as he was highly inspired by the Russian revolution and its ideas. But at that time there was no communist party in China. In 1921 Communist Party of China was founded in Shanghai and Mao was a founder member. He was 28 years only at that time.

A revolutionary chronicle intended to create awareness among the students was edited by Mao Tse Tung. In that he queried whether there were any young people ready to sacrifice themselves for revolution and if so he asked them to consult him. These declarations in the paper attracted many. Mao started Hunan Communist Party in 1922 and led it. The bourgeiousie classes were shocked by these statements and warned Mao of dire consequences. With this Mao reached Cantan province, where communists helped the Kaumingtong government. For the next period of a decade Mao was fully engrossed in the building up of the communist party and its maintenance. Mao during the years 1927 and 1930, made a thorough study of the conditions of the peasants of Hunan and Giyangshi provinces. He excellently drew a contrast between the Russian proletariat and Chinese proletariat.

The revolution in Russia was possible due to the consciousness of the urban proletariat or factory workers. But in China the rural proletariat was not in a position to catch up the revolutionary fervor, due to die hard feudal tendencies rampant in rural China. It was not easy for the revolution to breakout. But Mao intelligently and practically applied Marxist dialectics to the working conditions of China. Mao wanted to grab the power from the bourgeoisie and feudal forces and after that to consolidate socialism. Mao while telling about the guerrilla warfare that the guerilla leaders must mix with the people so easily as the fish swim in the water. He also further said that leader or cadre must mix with people and suffuse the revolutionary consciousness. He also asked the revolutionaries to be quite united while fighting against the enemy. He always exhorted the revolutionaries to influence the greater number of people in a lesser possible time especially when the enemy was aggressive and strong. He asked them to take a step back and suddenly attack the enemy when he was unaware of it. He asked the guerrilla forces to be always ready to intensify the attack when the enemy was at retreat. All these axioms are a sacred manual for the umpteen international guerrilla fighters.

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In 1927 Mao formed a guerilla force consisting of Hunan peasants among the high rocks of Giyangtsi province, which became an impregnable citadel for guerilla and communist fighters. It was almost declared a communist ruled territory. In 1925 the communist party of China asked Mao to be a coordinator between Korimingtong and communist party. But in course of time there arose many problems between the two and Mao was considered to be unsuitable for the post and the communist party asked him to go to his own province and take rest. It was really an important turn in his life. Within two years he formed a powerful commune. In the Red Army prepared by Mao there were two lakhs of soldiers. But at the same time Koumingtong began the process of the elimination of communists. Perhaps Mao was in trouble internally. It was said, that Mao was helped by Joseph Stalin of Russia.

Mao used to radiate an unknown charismatic aura around him by which the workers were very much after him. Mao was a smoker and he always looked into others eyes and spoke. Scarcely the people could conceal the secrets from him. Mao concentrated his work in rural areas, as a result multitudes of Chinese were brought under his charismatic spell. Besides his personality, he had a deep insight and through understanding of men, matters and movements. His thought process was attractive and clear. In 1930 under the leadership of Lee Shan, the communist party lost a good number of followers in its struggle with Koumingtong. Now Mao had to lead the party. Between 1934 and 1935 Mao achieved a big leap i.e the Long March that actually continued for two years. The long March created a tremendous effect.

After the communist soviets collapsed, the Long March is one of the sensational movements of the history. The Long March covered 12,500 K.M and went through 11 provinces from October 1934 to October 1936. It was Long March of the Red Army. It provided a great strength to the communist party of China. Mao emerged an unopposed leader of China. Chiankai Sheak was not able to stop this Long March. Many reasons are told for this. One of the strong reasons was that his son was a captive in Moscow. Definitely Mao was supported by Joseph Stalin. The Long March was compared with seed sowing machine because it had sowed the seeds of revolution in the minds of the people.

March of the Red Army inspired many people. The rich were freightened and this red army ransacked many jails and released the innocent people. Red Army really became synonym to the glory and greatness of China. The first batch of the March started from the Northern Hansi Province and took one year to end and other Red Army units took one more year to reach Hansi. When Japan attacked China in 1937, the Red Army successfully defended the mother land.

From 1937 to 1939 the Chinese communist party was led with highly extremist ideology. Chiankai Sheak had no other option than to flee away to Taiwan island and the main land of China was declared as ‘The People’s Republic of China’ and communist government was formed. It unequivocally declared that reactionary and counter revolutionary voices would not have a say in government

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nor have an ability to sway the opinions of the people. But Mao faced many problems, especially the leaders vie for power and Mao ruthlessly suppressed any opposition what so ever. In 1958 he followed the policy of great leap which resulted in adverse conditions and bad results. Over acceleration of industrialization without experience and the use of the money accumulated due to surplus grains for the production of iron boomeranged. But industrialization continued.

The most controversial and highly opposed movement that rocked modern China was Mao’s Cultural Revolution started on 1966 and intended to continue for ten more years. It was said that the main objective of Mao for starting this movement was to control his own party men. Many atrocities were committed in the name of Cultural Revolution and at times extreme madness reigned supreme. Even the successor of Mao, Deng Xiao Ping also denounced and opposed it. With the death of Lin Piao, the close associate of Mao in 1969 this revolution came to an end. During the Cultural Revolution the colleges and universities were closed.

The students were asked to go to villages and teach peasants. The ancient Buddhist monasteries were ransacked. Revisionists and capitalist minded people were severely punished. During 1958 Leap forward movement and cultural revolutions lakhs of Chinese people died. It is a great blot in the life of Mao. During this period the British Embassy in Beijing was set ablaze. Of course the good result of the Cultural Revolution was the betterment of Chinese language and it’s adoptability to modern science and technology. It had become self expressive and China could continue without the English language. In 70’s Mao did so many things. He died on September 9, 1976 in Beijeing. Nodoubt Mao is a stalwart in both physic and psyche.

The brother of Indonesians

Sukarno(1901 - 1970)

For a period of 350 years Indonesia was under the rule of the Dutch and for a period of three and a half years it was under the yoke of Japan. Adding to this long period of servitude, Indonesia presented a picture of diversity with people speaking different languages following different religions and belonging to different cultures. Such diverse people numbering crores were united by a single man, whose name goes down in history as a unique and he is none other a person than Sukarno. He cannot be considered an ordinary leader. Indonesia is a cluster of big islands like Java, Sumatra and Borneo along with umpteen small isles on the vast blue waters of Indian Ocean. Majority of Indonesians are Muslims but impact6 of Buddhism and Hinduism is clearly perceptible. ‘Bali’ island in Indonesia is

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supposed to be an epicenter of Hindu culture. As the islands are replete with natural resources and rich minerals, the Dutch, Netherlands occupies it and ruled for a long time till the outbreak of the II World War. The credit of uniting the Indonesians and forgiving them economically ahead goes to Sukarno.

Sukarno was born on 6th June, 1901 in a rich family. His mother belonged to Bali while his father belonged to Java. From his boyhood Sukarno was very active in education and sports. As he had shown extraordinary ability, he was chosen to study in Dutch Language School. When studying in Surabaija, he came into contact with a Veteran nationalist Jocromin. Sukarno was very much influenced by Jocromin and began to turn his attention towards the independence movement. By and by Sukarno became very popular and even excelled his mentor due to his brilliant oratorical skills. He played a significant role in founding Indonesian National Party in 1927. For his anti-Dutch activities he was arrested and brought before the court. His speeches made in support of his activities were spell bound and still remain as master pieces of eloquence. But he was imprisoned when he came out of jail in 1931, he was accorded with a tumultuous welcome by millions of people gathered there. The vast crowds crossed all the regional and religious feelings and shaped themselves into a single unit. They did not consider whether they belonged to Bali, Java or Sumatra. It was all due to a single man. The cultural and psychological foundations laid by Sukarno those days even today remain as a ring of protection around their nation. He was definitely responsible for kindling the national consciousness among the Indonesians. In 1945 he declared the independence of Indonesia. He never cared the western countries and always rejected their financial help and even came out of U.N.O. The entire world praised Sukarno as a shining star of the Third World.

Sukarno was the architect of the historic Afro-Asian conference held at Bandeng in the year 1955. This venue had become the prime mover and breathed life for the non-alignment movement in the world. As India is taking a leading part in the movement Jawaharlal Nehru was a good friend of Sukarno. Just like India Indonesia is also abundant in number of languages and races. It also presented disunity and dissension. Even the British left India in 1947; their language did not lose its prominence even today. But Sukarno with a foresightedness, created a neutral language known as ‘Bahas’ called as ‘Bahasha’ to serve the Indonesians as a ‘Lingua franked ‘Bahasha’ consisting words from different Indonesian languages. It was an excellent task undertaken by Sukarno to save Indonesians from the clutches of the foreigners.

Sukarno was a democrat, he was not a communist. America played all its tricks to get Sukarno out of power especially during 1950 and its subsequent decade. They trained a pseudo Sukarno with the same face as Sukarno had and made a blue film with him in Hollywood and distributed the films in Indonesia. The Indonesians did not believe the mean and lewd activities of America. America sent B-52 bombers as a help to those military officers who revolted against Sukarno’s regime. In spite of all such activities made by America, Sukarno was able to with stand. He also weakened the communist party of Indonesia, which making its

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strides silently. In the anti-communist riots thousands of people lost their lives. When a military coup was staged against the government, Sukarno was an enigma for many people. He could not be understood so easily. It is opined that he worked with Japan to fight the Dutch. He declared that because of the help of the Japan only he liberated and united the Indonesians.

He was able to inspire the Indonesians with his excellent speeches through Radio Japan and brought unity among them who were split and spread into 800 islands. Sukarno used Radio Japan as a min means to drive away the Dutch from Indonesia. At sometime he also severely opposed the Japan. It seems that Sukarno with the corroboration and help of his political colleague Hatta, used to frame the political programmes and implement them. During Nineteen fifties, he also took the help of Mao. The prospect provoked America and it became antagonistic to Sukarno. He appointed many communists in his government. He proclaimed that he would establish guided democracy through stages in Indonesia. He faced political problem both from Islamists and communists alike. There were about 60 political parties in Indonesia.

The last six years of his reign faced troubles and turmoil. Many branded him a tyrant. The later dictator of Indonesia Suharto dismissed him from the power because Sukarno was not able to correctly estimate the help of communists. Internally Sukarno was not a dictator and as a matter of fact he did not have such a mental disposition. He was much fascinated by democratic values, France Revolution and progress achieved by Western Countries. Sukarno ruled for twenty years. He was deposed by Suharto and after Suharto the daughter of Sukarno called Sukarnoputri is ruling over Indonesia now. Had Sukarno not awakened Indonesia with his broad minded and dashing policies, Indonesia would have become another Afghanistan. No doubt he saved, ruled and blessed Indonesia. It is also a fact that he married number of wives.

Paramount leader ofPeoples Republic of China

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Deng Xiao Ping(1904 - 1997)

When the future of the most populated country in the world had fallen into a state of uncertainty and the political experiments of Mao, whose objective was to transform the China into a full pledged communist state boomeranged. Deng Xiao Ping saved it. He converted China into a great industrial nation through a magic conciliation of Communism, Socialism and Capitalism. After the death of Mao, he saved China from the clutches of the ‘Gang of four’ and fortified the democratic spirit to transcend the lines of personal deification and individual adoration. He played a cardinal role in shaping China into a super power. Deng Xiao Ping was born on 22nd August 1904 in Sichuan province, China and his life almost covered the entire period of 20th Century. His father Deng Wen Ming was a great scholar and his mother died early. His father was wealthy and had three brothers and three sisters. Deng Wen Ming gave his son quality education and Deng Xiao Ping had the opportunity to study in France when he was 16 years. In those days though Sun-Yat-Sen was making all efforts to modernize China, Chinese society was strongly shackled by age old feudal and medieval traditions. Before leaving France Deng’s father affectionately placed his hand on his shoulder and said, “Dear son, go to Western countries and accumulate knowledge but forget not that all the fruits of it should be utilized for your mother country. Serve China and save it. These words made an indelible impression on Deng and were reverberating in his ears till his end. After the Cultural Revolution Lin Biavo a party veteran and antagonist of Mao died in air crash. Then Chou Enlie requested Mao to invite Deng into government. When Chou Enlie was struck with the disease of cancer, Mao appointed Deng as the first Deputy Premier of the Republic of China in 1974 and Deng was 74 years at that time. Deng skillfully maintained his position and took every caution not to alienate Mao and yet tremendously increased the industrial and agricultural output.

Deng’s skill of statesmanship came to reap fruits only after 1976. In the same year Chou and Mao died, leaving scope to the most infamous and notorious ‘Gang of Four’ to rule China. Wife of Mao was one among them. Deng was proceeding cautiously and made himself deep rooted in the party by cordially reviving his old contacts with the party members. Much acclaimed by Mao as his worthy successor Hua Gan Feng was tactfully set aside by Deng out of official positions in 1980, an act totally supported by the people. He was only allowed to retain the membership of the central committee. Deng behaved in dignified manner and never lost his decorum, even if his son was tortured to death during the Cultural Revolution. Deng openly confessed the errors and mistakes committed by the party during Cultural Revolution. He opened the membership of communist party of China not only to the poor but also the rich. He gave wider scope to the people to criticize the Cultural Revolution of China and gradually opened the gates of democracy. He strongly condemned the Hero worship and personality cult. He never wanted

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people to consider him as an incarnation. Deng never tried to defile the position of veteran, Mao. He always considered Mao as the Father of the Nation. He openly declared that the works of Mao helped the nation seventy percent, while some of his deeds might have created 30% of problems to China. In 1980 Zao Zhiyang was appointed as the premier, Huo Yavo Cha as the President of the party. He was only the chairman of the central committee. If the party determines the guide lines, the prime Minister executes them. This way of doing things will not lead to Hero worship of personality cult, felt Deng.

Deng maintained good relations with other countries. In 1979 he visited America and met Jimmy Carter. He also took Japan as a country to be emulated. In 1984 he held talks with England and signed an agreement to merge Hong Kong with China in 1997. He also promised Britain to continue in Hong Kong the British type of democracy for the next fifty years. The promise is being scrupulously kept by the Republic of China. The same type of agreement was also made with Portugal regarding Macao Island, which lies to the South East of China. This policy of ‘One country and two systems’ is liked to be applicable at the instance of Taiwan. So China wants a share in Taiwan, whose population is totally consisting ethnic Chinese. But Taiwan is not ready to accept. Taiwan is definitely a hard nut to China.

Deng’s leadership in the matters of Economy provided a great vigour and strength to China. It was planned to double the GNP by 1980 and ensure that the people have enough food and clothing. By 2000, it was planned to quadruple the GNP of 1980. It was a wonder that the objective was achieved in 1995, five years earlier Deng wanted that China by 2050 should become a world force. Deng viewed that Socialism was not a collective poverty. He wanted to develop socialism in China “with Chinese characteristics” when Gorbachev was trying to bring a change in Soviet Union through his policies ‘Glasnost’(transparency) and perestroika (reconstruction), Deng was also making some economic experiments in China. Deng was undisturbed even if the communists’ citadels were crumbling one by one in Eastern Europe. As China is a vast country different systems and plans were introduced in different places, and could get successful results. If the introduction of perestroika in Soviet Union was characterized by centrifugal manner, reforms of Deng in China were of centripetal nature. In China they start reforming from the village level and reach the apex. That is the reason why socialism could survive in China. In China the changes in public utility units like transport and electricity are not increased. Likewise the prices of food grains and rents on dwelling houses are reasonably stabilized. But the new market economy of Deng also opened the gates to luxury articles. All the waste material, litter and heaps of refuse were recycled into the most useful things. The people in rural areas are living very happy. All the streets and avenues are clean and tidy.

Deng was not left happy, by antagonistic forces. In 1989 the Tiananmen protests culminating in ‘June fourth incident’ were a series of demonstrations. They were sparked of by the demise of Hu Yaobang, a reformist official. The mourning became a public channel of information to call upon the dissatisfied

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elements. Though the protests lacked a unified cause, the participants raised so many issues like corruption, economic liberalization and democratic reforms. But Deng did not go back and a martial law was declared. The soldiers and tanks from people’s liberation army were sent to take the control of the city and finally it was ruthlessly suppressed. Deng however tactfully managed the party to take the decision to suppress the movement. He was 85 at that time.

Deng made the city of Shanghai a hub of industrial and economic activity. He could be praised as a person who started the China’s industrial revolution. A veteran of new reforms in China, Deng retired from the political scene in 1992. Deng undoubtedly proved that if all people work hard and increase the production the country would definitely progress. He visited south China and after five years and he died on February 9th 1997. But his influence continued and he was praised as a great Marxist theoretician, great proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist and diplomat. Above all he showed a dogged pertinacity during the troubled times of China. No one forgets his most famous quotation, “I do not care if it is a white cat or black cat. It is good cat so long as it catches mice.” He is called the 20th Century leader of China. Deng married three times. When he was a student in Moscow, he married a lady who died before she was 24. After that he married Weiying. In 1933 when Deng was in political troubles, she divorced him. He married the third wife by whom Deng had four sons and three daughters. Though for some time his dead body was kept for the people to pay their homage, as per his request some of his body parts were donated to medical college. It was done like that because he did not like hero worship or individual worship. His other mortal remains were sprinkled into the sea. He proved that communism was not a fanatical dogma and could be altered as for the conditions to better the living standards of the people. But for Deng Xiao Ping China would not have been in a prosperous condition.

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Eternal leader of the North Korea, leader unknown to the rest of the world

Kim Il Sung(1912 - 1994)

Peninsula hanging between the main lands of China and Russia is the land of Korea on the map of East Asia. Influenced politically and culturally by Japan, China and Russia, Korea was divided into North Korea and South Korea some 60 years back. While South Korea had turned to be a ‘tiger of Asia’ North Korea developed as anonymous power with a nuclear potentiality – behind its growth as the most powerful country was a left oriented anonymous ideologue and Hero Kim Il Sung. Kim Il Sung who was highly conscious of the conditions then prevalent, had been ruling the country since its inception in 1948 till he died in 1994. For a period of 46 years he was an undisputed leader of the North Koreans. His brilliant methods had not only dictated his times but also future.

At the time of his birth on 15th April, 1912, the entire peninsula of Korea had become a Japanese colony. His family followed the traditions of Christianity as a religion. As a member of the local church choir he had played an instrument melodiously. The entire family of Kim participated in Anti-Japanese movement and soon began to be persecuted by the Japanese police. To escape the dragnet of the police, they ran away to Manchuria, a neighbouring country in 1920. His father had died in 1926 when Kim was 14 years of age. When Kim was studying in Yuven School in Gilin, he was attracted to the left oriented ideology. He began to oppose traditions and customs. When he was 17 years old he was actively rubbing his shoulders with the communist youth. They also formed into a secret cell and police arrested Kim and put him into jail. In 1925 the communist party of Korea was founded. But soon in 1930 it was banished by Communist International on the cause that Korean communists could not rise to the level of international communism. As the territory in which Kim was residing had belonged to China, he became a member of the communist party of China in 1931. He also joined in the anti Japanese Guerilla squad to work out against the dictatorial rule of the Japan in South East Asia.

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There were also other organizations which opposed the Japanese dominations, Kim joined in all those organizations. Kim soon proved his mettle as an organizer and won the approbation of communist leaders. They appointed him as the leader of the division in ‘The North East Anti-Japanese United Army’. The division consisted of 160 militants as members. In the same time Kim met a high ranking communist leader Majing Mann and soon the leader began to take Kim into confidence and encouraged him to be more active. His tutelage and guidance are of great importance to him to mould his career in future. Majing Man used to have a direct link with his higher officer Kang Sheng. Kang Sheng was an influential leader as he was quite intimate to Mao-Tse-Tung. In this way Kim Il Sung began to gain importance as a leader.

In 1937 Kim was appointed as the commander of the Sixth Division in Army. Surprisingly the division under the leadership of Kim succeeded in driving away the Japanese soldiers from Pochoncho in Korea. This victory brought a great recognition and praise to Kim consequently Kim got quick promotions in the cadre of the army. Realing Kim as a potential danger to Japanese, they intensified their efforts to catch him. Finding the situation uncomfortable and irksome, Kim along with soldiers crossed the Amur River and entered Soviet Union. The Stalinist regime of Russia sent him Khabharovisk camp, where Korean communists were taught political lessons and Kim became the member of the Red Army. In 1937 Sino-Japanese war started and soon terribly intensified. Korea and China were actually under the domination of Japan. In Korea itself, it was estimated that some seven lakhs of Japanese people carried insignia of power on Koreans. Though Korea was developing due to the rule of Japan, the Korean culture and language were not liked by Japan. Japan Government imposed a rule that all Koreans should speak Japanese language and follow the Japanese customs. This aspect was totally despised by the Koreans.

After marriage Kim enjoyed a marital bliss for a shorter time. The cruel and repressive Japanese government imprisoned Kim Hunun, the wife of Kim and killed her. In Kim a spirit of vengeance rose. He was simply waiting for an opportunity. The Russian military officers gave an excellent training to Kim, who became an old hand in military tactics like decoding and analyzing the Radio signals, tapping the conversations of the enemies secretly and disrupting the plans of the enemy. Kim married his second wife Bhong Sooke. Kim was promoted to the rank of a captain in Red Army. He got a son in 1942 when he was in Siberian Military camp. After wards he got two more sons but were not destined to live. During the years 1939 and 1945, the II World War was being fought fiercely, as the Japan became an Axis ally to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Japan projected militant nationalism and attacked Pearl Harbour, an American Naval base on the pacific, and made America to join the war, hither to it was away from the war. America intensified its attacks of Pacific. At a time when this ruthless war was coming to an end in 1945 America dropped Atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the most populous towns of Japan. This act of nemesis was a climax point of the wretched and prolonged war. It was also heart rendering and ironically the II World War came to an end with this.

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Red army of Russia occupied Pyangong without any resistance. At that moment Mao did not form communist government in China. Stalin was the guiding force and God father of Chinese and Korean communist parties. Stalin carefully thought who was to be appointed as the ruler of Korea. He received many proposals. The Korean communists did not grow beyond their national aspect and never became international with the single exception of Kim-Ill-Sung. Stalin consulted others and took their advice and took a decision in the month of August. In September 1945 Kim reached Korea. Southern area along with the city Mol was under the occupation of the American forces. Kim was not the member of the communist party of Korea. Returning to Korea after 25 years Kim did not have much command over Korean language.

Korea peninsula was divided into North Korea and South Korea at the 380 of north latitude. The North Korea was dominated by communists where as South Korea was under the domination of capitalist Western powers. Above all both the Koreas are ready to fight against each other. As per the International agreement on the land of Korea elections were to be conducted under the supervision of UNO. So government must be formed democratically. Kim Il Sung doubted his coming to the power and hence with the help of Soviet Union on June 1950, he wanted to occupy South Korea. Mao warned him about the action at the inappropriate time. But Soviet Union helped Kim. He attacked South Korea. Kim was of the firm opinion that America would not interfere as it was already defamed due to its nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But the American forces not only protected South Korea but also drove the North Korean forces up to China. In this imbroglio, when the position of Kim was being reduced to a mere shadow, the Chinese forces directly entered the fray. Greater in the number, the Chinese forces drove away American and UNO observers and occupied Pongyang the capital. During this war or after the Koreans numbering 35 lakhs were killed on either side. By 1953 both the Koreas settled and consolidated.

Now Kim started the reconstruction programme of North Korea. He initiated the five year plans on the model of Russia. Under the governmental supervision and control different industries were started. Pyongong city which was destroyed during the war began to revive with vigour. By establishing heavy industries, the living standards of the people rose high. Kim maintained good relations with the countries like Cuba, Eastern European countries, Russia and China. By this Kim was able to put the North Korea on the line of commercial and trade progress. Soon Kim emerged an undisputed leader of North Korea. The people were happy and praised him to be their permanent president. His idols and huge sized photos appeared everywhere in North Korea. But the Western countries denounced him as a dictator. But Kim Il Sung did not leave his chosen path. He ardently befriended with Chalseque of Rumania and Eric Honekar of East Germany. Kim always disliked the media propaganda. People of different countries began to think that Korea meant South Korea only. Kim and North Korea remained anonymous.

When Sino Russian ideological rift occurred Kim supported China. After the death of Stalin, vilification against him started in Soviet Union. The movement was actively led by Kruschev and Kim did not mince words and branded Kruschev as a revisionist. He increased good relations with China and to develop North Korea he

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started the ‘Yube’ plan which will ensure the economic self-sufficiency of North Korea. The South Korean counterpart of Kim Il Sung, Park Chung Hee also chose the same plan to develop South Korea. Having served as the permanent president of the Democratic people’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) till 1994, he gave the mantle power to his son Kim Jong Ill. On July 8th 1994, Kim Il Sung died with heart attack. Before his demise he met the former president of America Jimmy Carter to discuss about nuclear disarmament. If America did not prepare nuclear weapons, it would save the world from the scarcity of food grains. Of course the Media did not keep quiet and made some of the most important aspects of interview publicized. In its area, the North Korea is half of the Andhra Pradesh with 3 crores of population but the credit of metamorphosing Korea into a highly developed country goes exclusively to Kim. Here we must remind the words of the Noble Laureate of Economics Amarthya Sen, when he said that countries with democratic set up will never face draught situation. Kim Jong Ill, the son of Kim Il Sung may understand the kernel of meaning of these sentences. But the world always remembers Kim Il Sung as the great communist leader with worldwide status. To exemplify this concept the North Korean currency carries his image.

The usurper of power but creator of strong South Korea

Park Chung Hee(1917 - 1979)

On one occasion Park Chung Hee faced a question from a correspondent “Sir, do you compare yourself with Mustafa Kamal Pasha of Turkey.” Park smiled and said, “I do not know much about Mustafa Kamal Pasha, but I am sure to say that what he did to Turkey, I did try to do for my mother land.” These sentences clearly indicate that Park Chung was strongly bent upon fortifying Korea both militarily and industrially. In course of time these sentences became true.

Park Chung Hee was born on 30th September 1917 in a place near Tayegu town. After completing his education, he joined the army and soon set himself on the ladder of the success by getting promotions stage by stage. At the time of his birth Korea was ruled by Japan. Hence Park had an opportunity as a soldier to study the war, lordism of Japan and its military mechanism. Japan’s defeat in the Second World War made Korea passed into the hands of the allied powers.

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Consequently Korea was divided into North Korea and South Korea. North Korea and South Korea were kept under the control of Soviet Union and U.S.A respectively. All these events and eventualities gave stock of understanding to Park, North Korea was ruled by Kim Il Sung unopposed with the support of Soviet union and ruled till 1990.

As a matter of fact Koreans did not like the division of Korea into North Korea and South Korea as the people had common language and common culture. Such situations in the world are quite common. We can cite the example of North Vietnam and South Vietnam and West Bengal and East Bengal. The Korean War started in 1950 and ended in 1953, meant for the unification of the two Koreas. North Korea took initiative and attacked South Korea but with the help of America South Korea was able to with stand the attack. On account of this the area surrounding 38 parallel was declared as a demilitarized zone. Economically South Korea was in miserable plight at that time. There was also some unrest spreading over Korea. Taking these things as opportunity in 1961, the civil government was forcibly over thrown by Park Chung Hee and became the head of the government. At that time the average income of every Korean for a year was the amount equivalent to 4 thousand rupees. Having assumed the power Park completely changed the economic complex of South Korea. He was always keeping North Korea as a comparison because it was more powerful and potential in economic matters and natural resources. In short Park took North Korea as a role model. To achieve economic equilibrium he started a five years plan and appointed expert economists to fix the objectives and allocate the resources. The members of the committee had to supervise the entire plan whether it was properly implemented or not. Park also sought financial help from Japan, Korea’s traditional enemy. This prospect enraged the student community. In 1964 the students rose against the government and created some disorder but Park imposed Martial Law and suppressed it with iron hand. Japan helped Korea in the form of an aid equivalent to 4000 crore rupees. He also sent troops to Vietnam to help the American forces. As a reward America provided huge funds to South Korea. This of course was responsible for the total transformation of South Korea.

Park meticulously used the American financial help to establish Iron and steel industries throughout the country. He also started ship building yards and opened many chemical and electronic manufacturing centers. With in just 10 year he increased per capita income ten times higher. Park also took measures to expand railway lines and well laid high way system of reads. In Seoul city you find a number of bridges across the Han River. Innumerable multi-storeyed buildings are touching the sky line. The policies of Park were highly beneficial to the people. In 1962 due to the pressure of America, he conducted referendum and became the rightful president of South Korea. In 1967 General Elections his election as the president was a mere cake walk. In short he was able to establish a deep rooted power in Korea. Still anti-propaganda was intensively going on against him. His adversaries gained some ground and this trend reflected in Korean politics in 1971 elections. He narrowly got victory and his party won a slender majority. His antagonistic party leader Kim Dezung was growing from strength to strength.

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Fearing about his feeble position, Park changed the electoral system to his favour in 1972 and won in 1972 and 1978. His enemies did not prefer silence and inaction. In 1974 the wife of Park was assassinated and he went into a deep depression. In a way the death of the wife of Park created a ridge for the dialogues between South and North Korea. Political analysts opined that North Korea might have master minded the murder of the wife of Park. It was also opined that Park was a real target instead his wife was killed.

In fact the thoughts of Park were a pointer to the unification of the two Koreas. He wanted to develop South Korea parallel to that of North Korea. If North Korea launched a programme called ‘Yuche’ to achieve self sufficiency, Park initiated ‘Yashin’ (speedy economic reconstruction) a similar scheme. He made the opponents and critics of ‘Yashin’ to suffer severe consequences and punishment. For leveling an open and scathing criticism against Yashin the opposition leader Kim Dezung was kidnapped by Korean espionage wing when he was in a Tokyo Hotel. There was uproar against this incident. Through American intervention Park released him. After his wife’s death Park liked solitude. He was cutting short of his busy populist schedules. Gradually the South Koreans began to display their disliking for Park as he was in presidential position for a long period. In fact such a thing was thought to be anti-democratic by South Koreans. There were other reasons for mounting dissatisfaction about Park. It all resulted in the assassination of Park Chung Hee in the hands of South Korean Intelligence Chief on 26 th October 1979 when he shot him dead point blank. Hence undemocratically started his 18 year regime ended unhappily. Inscrutable ways would have it but none denies that Park remains an architect of Modern South Korea. He always placed supreme the pursuit of national welfare than his personal interest. Even his chief adversary Kim Dezung praised him as a great leader who strove hard for fortifying South Korea economically and industrially.

After his death alone the value of his reforms was becoming clearly perceptible. It is axiomatic that relentless efforts of Park Chung Hee were responsible for making South Korea the most developed country after Japan. It is incredible that it is second to a great power like Japan. All the heavy Iron and steel industries and ship building yard and other factories are named after Park. High ways and super highways constructed by him are the permanent resources of the country. Had he taken some small precautions, he would have been still living infallible in the hearts of the Koreans. Though undemocratic in his ways for occupying the power, he was doubtless led the country to a great progress. Hence in any linguistic parlance he can be called a great leader.

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The Arab soldier who won independence through a bloodless revolution

Gamel Abdul Nasser(1918 - 1970)

Flowing solemnly with a grandeur and dividing the desert, the Nile gave a golden touch to the African continent and gifted the most ancient and glorious civilization of Egypt to the world. The uninterrupted Egyptian civilization with the age old mysterious pyramids standing as evidence had first come into the occupation of the Greeks. Later it was occupied by Arabs who converted them-

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selves into Islam. Alexandria and Cairo are the most antiquated cities of this region. In the region of the Nile emerged the countries of Egypt and Sudan. In the 18th century itself the greedy and ravenous eyes of the Europeans fell on this region because Egypt geographically occupied a strategic position. On one side Egypt opens a way to the Indian Ocean and on the other side the Mediterranean. Anyone by a quick glance at the world map could grasp that a digging of a canal at a particular land point in Egypt between two seas could easily make the ships sail from European countries to India with out circum navigating the vast African continent. The European nations dug the ‘Suez canal’ and brought its navigational and commercial facilities into full use but they began to entertain some apprehensions about Egypt that it may stake its claim over Suez. This thematic story had become world famous in 1950 as ‘Suez crisis’ and its undaunted hero was no other personage than Gamal Abdul Nasser.

Abdul Nasser was the most admired and adorned leader of the Egyptian multitudes. He was prominently instrumental in transforming the three years old British henchman monarchy of Egypt into a peoples Republic and a mere government into a self government. He had implemented land reforms effectively and distributed lands to the landless poor by an act of which he proved his kind heartedness and tried to eradicate poverty of the masses. Abdul Nasser was an ardent Arab who triumphantly rewrote the history by winning back Suez Canal to Egypt and making it a people’s property. Abdul Nasser was born on 15th January 1918 in Asyut South Egypt. When he came to be of 8 years age he was educated in Cairo and Alexandria. Since his father was a postal employee and transferred to different places, many places had become the residential places of Nasser. Some historians opine that he was born in Alexandria. Nasser lost his mother when he was 8 years. Nasser completed his higher education in 1937. Abdul Nasser was a voracious reader of books. In his residential vicinity there was a big library and he visited it regularly. He had enthusiastically read in works of Charles Dickens, and the biographies of Gandhi and Napolean. Nasser had a great respect for Mustafa Kamal Pasha. He also visited Turkey.

Between 1937 and 1938 Nasser studied in a military college and must have formed his future plans and life objectives. A scar on his face reminds every body of his participation in the Anti-British demonstration led by the students in which he was injured. During the same time he came into contact with Anwar Sadat and Zakaria Mohieddin along with some other prominent Egyuptians, who in his later life became his compatriots and companions in political life. In 1939 he was back again in Alexandria and decided to serve his mother land as a military officer. He was ardently led by spirit of Arab Nationalism.

In Egypt there was a kingship. The King Farouk was reigning from a large palace in Alexandria, representing a stooge government under the British shade; he was following policies dictated by the British that were not beneficial to the Arabs. This royal puppetry was not liked by many people. The self-respecting Arab tribes did not like the English men commanding them. Earlier in 1882 there was an abortive military coup. Hence the British stationed its army ‘en masse’ all over Egypt. In the puppet reign of Farouk’s government the corruption became

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rampart. Palms must be greased to get any work done in any office. This plight of utter corruption and dishonesty pained Abdul Nasser. He had good friends in army and other offices who had strong nationalist feelings to liberate the country from the clutches of the ‘De Facto’ alien rulers.Nasser secretly gathered them and founded a secret organization in the name of “Free officers organization” (F.O.O). But Nasser was transferred to Sudan, where he along with another army officer Abdul Hakeem planned to mount a coup against the British by taking the help of the Italians but it failed. Hence forth he decided to execute things in a perfect manner in future. At that timehe was just 24 years and entered into a wed lock with Tahia Kazim, an Iranian by birth. They had five children.

Though his participation in the II World War did not give him much of fighting experience but he got a wide recognition during Arab-Israel war in 1948. Israel as a nation was founded in 1948. When the Jewish communities coming from the length and bredth of the world began to settle even in the territories belonging to the Arabs, and hence the Arabs entered into war with Israel. The armies of Arab countries like Palestine, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia vigorously attacked the Jews. Israel was backed by western powers like England. In the thick of the battle at Falluja pocket Abdul Nasser was wounded, though he had displayed extraordinary courage. In 1950 Nasser was elected as the President of the “Free officers”. The members of this association secretly penetrated into the different departments of the government. The association of ‘Free officers’ printed and distributed secretly, the pamphlets containing the vivid analysis of the causes for the defeat of Arabs in the recent war in the Palestinian territory. In 1951 this organization began to bring out ‘Voice of Free Officers’ as an official organ of the organization. Soon the organization swelled its ranks with 700 members along with admirers and well-wishers. Sensing all these developments the puppet king wanted to put an end to this organization as soon as possible and waiting for an opportunity to strike at it. The right time has come to clash.

In 1952, a bloodless revolution had taken place. All of a sudden the members of the free officers jumped into action at a time. The association of Free Officers had issued an order to Egyptia armynot to come to the rescue of the king Farouk and the British. Agitations and disturbances began to sweep the entire country. On 26th January 1952, a fire broke out in the capital, reducing a number of shops and houses into ashes. The cause for this unfortunate fire accident was shrouded in mystery. Even today the Egyptians mourn it as the ‘Black Saturday’. In the same year in the third week of July Free Officers began to implement their plan. All of a sudden they seized media centres, government offices, telephone exchanges, army units, railway net works etc. The British government had no other choice than to accept all the demands of the Free Officers. Farouk, the king fled the country. Under the leadership of Nasser, Egypt could achieve independence in a single night. Egypt achieved two objectives in a single shot. The kingship had gone giving way to Republic and in the place of British oriented government a pure nationalist and indigenous government was established.

All the members of ‘Association of Free Officers’ were young and had no experience in the art of government. They elected Naguib the senior most among

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their ranks as the leader. Naguib was born in 1901. Naguib played a signet role in planning the capture of the power. Nasser was only 34 years at the time of the revolution. Hence Naguib was elected as the president of the newly won independent country. While president Naguib was bringing out many changes in the administrative set up, he had a number difference of opinions with others. They had differences among themselves over the role of the army and political parties in the newly emerged republic. An assassination attempt was made on the life of Abdul Nasser in 1954. Realizing that there was some thing wrong in the state of republic, he ousted Muhammad Naguib from the post of the president with the help of other ministers and young friends and free officers. It was a monumental victory in the political career of Nasser. But Nasser had to face a resistance from the people for the ouster and house arrest of Naguib. Nasser handled the situation very carefully and took control of it. A new constitution was drafted and it was approved by the government of Nasser in 1955. According to the new constitution elections were to be held for every six years. It had also accepted a single party and Islam as an official religion. Since then Nasser did not waste a single minute. He made big strides in establishing Arab type of socialism. He could collect 2,43,000 hectares of land and distributed it among the land less poor. He boldly nationalized all banks and industries hither to run by private management.

In the history of Egypt and of Nasser the year 1956 turned a new leaf. The Suez crisis which was reverberated through out the world media ensued and Nasser ultimately came out of it most victoriously evoking a lot of admiration from different corners of the world. Geographically Egypt occupies a prominent position. The Suez Canal which was dug near Sinai Peninsula on the west of Egypt is a 194km long water way which could connect the Mediterranean and Red Sea. By this Europe could be benefitted to have a direct sea route to Asiatic countries without going round of African continent. The Suez Canal was planned and constructed by the French government in the year 1860. But British government forcibly procured shares in it and began to dictate term and became dominant in the region. In the year 1956, Abdul Nasser took a bold step and nationalized the Suez Canal and this prospect of which alienated many European countries and stoutly opposed the step taken by Nasser. The British and French forces rushed to the spot. Having taken this as an opportunity Israel marched its army from the side of Sinai. In this critical situation Nasser intelligently took the help of Soviet Union to dyke the flood of the capitalist aggressive designs of the Western powers. Soviet Union issued a warning to the Western countries to evacuate the Suez Canal region. America also helped Egypt. The western powers withdrew and Suez Canal was open in 1957 for all regular commercial and civil purposes. Nasser unwittingly was scripting the most thrilling chapter in the history of Egypt which shot him into an international fame. His heroic struggle against the stern western forces is a matter of eternal praise and admiration.

When Abdul Gamal Nasser decided to construct a high dam at Aswan on the Nile, Britain and America had gone back in their promises to provide financial aid to it. To collect worldwide funds to the dam had become a necessity, America refused to give financial aid to Egypt on the plea that it had been procuring

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weapons from the communist countries. But Nasser boldly proceeded with the construction of the Aswan dam and completed it with the help of Soviet Union after 14 years. The name of Nasser had become a house hold name in the Arab world and he emerged as an undisputed leader. Syria taking this as an advantage, annexed with Egypt in 1958. But due to dissensions developed between the two countries in course of time, Syria separated from Egypt in the year 1961. The high handed behavior of Egyptian official militia is said to have been a major cause for the separation of the two countries.

Though Nasser was really a great hero who was able to guide the destinies of the country towards unprecedented progress, he had to face the most critical times after 1967. The ‘six days war’ that took place in 1967 dealt a severe blow to Egypt. The event really proved a thorn on the flesh of Nasser as Israel occupied Sinai Peninsula. When Egyptian army blocked the Akaba way of the Red Sea for Israel, it destroyed the Air force of Egypt. Egypt was without air defense, Israel army killed an enormous number of Egyptian soldiers. Israel was supplied with weapons by Western countries. This war created an irreversible loss to Egypt. Burdened by the shame of the losing of the war Abdul Nasser wanted to resign his post but people did not accept it. Nasser helped the head of Palestine Liberation Army (P.L.A) Yassar Arafat, who was fighting against Israel. He also interfered in the affairs of Yemen, another Arab country. Nasser played a prominent role in the non-aligned movement. Nasser the colossus of Arab world and the Herculian figure of Egyptian history breathed his last on 28th September 1970 due to heart attack. Though he was pained by the contrivances of the western powers in his last days, Nasser eternally remains a fresh memory in the minds of umpteen Egyptians who adore him as a living god. Regarding his life and achievements, her daughter, working as a head of the history dept, Cairo University issues a number of historical documents to the world. Nasser himself wrote a famous book “The Philosophy of Revolution”.

After Nasser through an act Egypt adopted a multi-party system.

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The unseen 'Sun'

Nelson Mandela(1918)

The southern strip area of South Africa is approximately as big as India in its diameter and rich in natural resources alike. The South Africa itself is a golden pasture though its population does not exceed five crores. It lies parallel to Australia as equatorial zone in the southern hemisphere. From pre-historic times it was inhabited by ancient tribes like San, Khoi, Bantu preserving their ancient tribal traditional system. After 1652 some Dutch people went there and settled in. From Britain came some 5000 people and settled. From the fierce Boer war between the European settlers and native Africans and to the stark observance of the most heinous policy of Apartheid, the South Africa became a major scene and bore the brunt of all these activities directly or indirectly. For years together the black races in South Africa lived at the beck and call of the impudent minority of the white race. Nelson Mandela is really a gem dug at Kimberly who strove hard to liberate the black races from the blemish of segregation and put an end to the ruthless rule of while minority in South Africa.

Apartheid is a horrible policy which keeps the black races at a distance and their habitat segregated from that of the white people. It always creates a gulf between the people. White people did not allow black races to use even the urinals. Same policy of segregation followed in Restaurants, bars, railway compartments and other public places. The people of other countries and continents used to criticize the policy severely. India did not issue visas to South Africa and did not allow Indian cricket teams to play in South Africa and vice-versa. But it is a shame and a blot on history that a microscopic minority which was only 10% in total population of South Africa could yield a great power and insulted the human dignity to such an abyss. Negroes or original inhabitants were 79% and the rest were the non-European races. The Father of nation Mahatma Gandhi started his non-violent struggle from South Africa itself. In a way South Africa served a training ground for Mahatma’s political life.

Even the foreigners despise the situation in South Africa and what about the South Africans? How do they feel and live under the burden of humiliation? In these circumstances the Black Sun of South Africa Nelson Mandela was born on 18th July 1918 at Qunu near Umtata. He completed his early education in the local missionary school and nearest high school. Then he enrolled at the university college of Fort Hare for the Bachelor of Arts degree and then he met his lifelong friend Oliver Tambo. When he was doing the first year of collegiate course Nelson

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Mandela became involved in a boycott held by the students and he was told to leave the college. He went to Johannesburg to complete his degree via correspondence. Later he studied law and became a lawyer and thought it would be quite useful to lead a public life.

Mandela’s approach was influenced by Gandhian ideology. Nelson Mandela joined African National Congress (ANC) in the year 1942 and it was founded in 1912. The white government of South Africa in 1936 removed all the names of the Black people from the voters list and the South African white government began to follow the policy and repression against the agitating Blacks. But African National congress members did not stop submitting memorandums. They wanted that the government should behave in a benign way and grant some rights to them. It was quite evident that policies of ANC could not show any impact on the minority government. In these circumstances Nelson Mandela founded African National Congress Youth League – soon it began to attract young people. Youth League wanted to settle the account directly with the government. They also came to believe that they could not achieve their objective without using the weapons. Nelson Mandela was elected as the secretary of the League. After 1948 General Elections all white men in the name of National Party came to power. The white government became more dictatorial. It did not even allow Nelson Mandela to practice as a lawyer. For more than 10 years after 1950 Nelson Mandela intensified the struggle against the white government.

In 1952 in an agitation against the government, Nelson Mandela was arrested and imprisoned for some time. After release he began to propagate the demands of Freedom Charter prepared in the year 1955. It vociferously declared that all citizens of South Africa were equal and worthy of utilizing the rights equally and the principle of the rule of law must be followed. It further demanded the allotment of vacant site for all the poor Africans to construct the houses to live in. It unequivocally emphasized for the end of ‘Apartheid’. But there was no stir in the minds of the white people. Nelson Mandela became resolute to put an end to this sort of zig zag and pell-mell situation in South Africa. The white minority government sensing the trouble banned the party in 1960. It passed many draconian laws to weaken the party. Nelson Mandela was moving incognito from one place to the other, feigning himself as a driver, country youth and as coolie and fortifying the party more systematically than ever before. The government spread a dragnet to catch him. Many cases were registered against him. He was charged for treason and brought to trial. But case could not stand and struck off in 1961. Nelson Mandela was prepared to take up armed struggle against unjust laws perpetrated by white racists. In 1957 Mandela married a co fighter and a party activist Winnie in 1958 and they got two children.

Conditions in South Africa were becoming hard to continue his agitations and he secretly left South Africa and travelled in many countries. He attended ‘Pan African Freedom Movement Conference held in Ethiopia, an eastern African country. He was given a tumultuous welcome where ever he went. In many countries the heads of the states them-selves received him. Nelson Mandela was able to muster a great support for his cause from different countries and returned

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to South Africa. Soon after he returned to South Africa he was arrested by the police for illegal transit from South Africa to other countries. He was charged and brought for trail and he decided to conduct his own defense. During the trial he harangued very meaningful sentences and alleged that no proper justice would be done to him since all the judges were Europeans. He also emphatically told in the court that racial superiority was a myth and unjust. A race has no right to enslave the other race and rule it. With emotion choked tone he said that he was ready to lay down his life to put an end to apartheid. Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to notorious Robben Island prison which lies 7k.m from Cape Town south into the sea. He spent 30 years in different jails. The racist government made many offers to him for release, but he refused the offers by telling that he could not accept personal freedom when the organization of the people was banned. In short he flatly refused to compromise on his political position to obtain his release.

While serving in prison he saw his youth gradually melting into old age without having any marital happiness or joyful spending of time with his wife and children. His life in prison was a strict regimen. He used to get up at 4.30 A.M and do exercise between 5 to 6A.M. He was habituated to have food at a fixed time. He used to educate the co prisoners. The world he saw was only through the window. He could see vast blue waters of Indians ocean and Atlantic sea. In spite of long imprisonment he was able to keep his mind very balanced. It was always in the same groove. The imprisonment he served for 30 years did not bend his spirit or his resolution. More so they became sharper Mandela loved the Sun, after his release it is said, that he enjoyed music sitting under the sun. Really he is the ‘Sun of Liberty’.

Nelson Mandela gained worldwide prominence and the pressure on the racist government was mounting up. It was clear that world consensus was against apartheid of South Africa. Most of the countries considered that it was shameless blot on the civilization. As a result of this world wide opinion the apartheid which was legally institutionalized in the 1948 was abolished in 1994. South African white government promised to release Nelson Mandela on some conditions. After release Mandela should reside in a specified place. He should not move or tour in the country. Another condition was that he should not resort or involve in any event associated with armed struggle. Nelson Mandela refused the conditional proposal of clemency. However he was released from the prison on 11 th February 1990 as he accepted for the third condition.

In 1991 F.W.de Klerk and Nelson Mandela as members CODES (Convention for Democratic South Africa) were formed into a committee to draft the constitution. Based on the new constitution the elections were conducted in 1994 and Nelson Mandela won the elections and became the president of South Africa. His election to the highest post of South Africa is deemed as historic and monumental though it was a simple souvenir for his life of a great and relentless fighter for the liberty. Even before that he was awarded a noble prize for peace in 1993. He was there in the position of the president till 1999. At present he is

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spending a peaceful life in his native place Qunu (Transqui). Winnie divorced him in 1996.

The life of Nelson Mandela symbolizes the apartheid suffered by umpteen Black people. In 1861 the Europeans who went to South Africa to get hold of gold and valuable mines of the precious stones, enslaved the innocent black people and began to impose an unjust, inequitable and segregationist government. The black races underwent untold suffering and insult. Even after the Boer wars their difficulties did not end. They had to wait for the coming of their savior for hundred years. It was said that he was the kith and kin of Bantus. His daughter who was grown up during his incarceration without his caress later is said to have declared, “When I was a child I was deprived of my father’s presence. But now he is coming out of the prison as the father of all Africans.”

The Lion of Singapore

Lee Kwan Yu(1923)

Lee Kwan Yu was a great leader of a small country. Singapore is a small island in South East Asia. Once it was a place where people were struggling for water and natural resources and these things made their lives miserable. But Lee Kwan Yu metamorphosed it into a first world country brimming with prosperity and high moral standards. It is a wonder that Singapore is a country without malfeasances and terror events.

South to Malaysia Singapore occupies an area of 710 square kilometers and for a long period it remained a British colony. Over centuries many Chinese people have settled here to work and trade. Many people embraced Islam in Malaysia its northern neighbour and its government prohibited communist party. Hence similar conditions were prevailing in Singapore also. During the Second World War the island was brought under the dominance of Japan. Veteran freedom fighter of India Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose formed his Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fouz) in Singapore. Singapore has a unique place in south and South East Asian countries. Lee Kwan Yu, who had inseparable and complete identity with Singapore was born on 16th September 1923 in Singapore and brought up the British culture. During

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the II World War he worked as a translator and journalist and after War he went to England to continue his studies. He was there in London School of Economics as a student for some time and later joined Cambridge University to get his Law degree. After obtaining it he returned to Singapore in 1949 and started his career as Lawyer. He was invited by many trade unions as well as student organizations to be their legal adviser. In 1953 Universal adult franchise was introduced in Singapore and as a result political tempo began to gain an upswing. Lee also wanted to jump into the political field and chose to join progressive party which was toeing the British policies. But in 1954 Lee founded ‘Peoples Action Party’.

From its inception to 1992, Lee discharged his duties as the Secretary of the Peoples Action Party. Communists were ready to join their hands with Lee. Their intention was to expel the British form Singapore and declare independence. In the elections conducted in the year 1955, Lee was elected from Tanjongpagor constituency but he became only the leader of the opposition since his party was not able to win seats sufficient to form the government. He attended the London conference as official representative which was arranged to discuss about the improvement of the city of Singapore.

Since 1957 discussions and factional squabbles have been taking place in his own party. At the same time alliance with the communists was also in Jeopardy. Though the prospects appeared to be bleak, he was able to come out of Doldrums with his tact and caution. In the elections conducted in 1959, his party won majority of seats and Lee was happy. At last Singapore almost got independent status, though Defence and Foreign affairs were kept under the control of the British. Hence Lee became the first Prime Minister of newly emergent Singapore.

But the conditions changed so quickly, as his own party members were indiscriminatingly crossing the floor, bringing the majority of the Lee’s government to a perilous and doubtful point. His majority is poised on the edge of a single vote. At this juncture the Prime Minister of Malaysia proposed a federation into which Singapore could be a party. Lee accepted the proposal after conducting a referendum for which many of the citizens were favourable. As a result of it Malayan Federation came into existence on 16th September 1963 and Singapore became a part of it. But some forces were against this and created problems. Violent demonstrations and events shook Singapore. In 1964 racial and communal strifes became regular in which many people killed. Restlessness and anarchy reigned supreme. Malaysia was forced to expel Singapore from the Federation. Now Lee decided that at any cost Singapore should maintain its own independent status.

Of course in this hour of darkness, Britain came to its help and however Lee was able to maintain peace and order. In 1965 Singapore became a member of U.N.O. In subsequent elections Lee got victory and in 1967 he established the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Through this Lee maintained good relations with Indonesia. Incredibly this small country for the next quarter of a century achieved tremendous progress and earned a sobriquet ‘Tiger’. When Lee

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relinquished his position as P.M, the per capita income was 1400 dollars and it is 22000 dollars now.

What was the secret of the success of the government of Lee? He strove hard through his government to maintain harmony between different faiths and races without any reservation or reconciliation. He ordered even the Christianity should be propagated within the rules and regulations laid down by the government. Lee concentrated mainly on three factors –

1. National security

2. Economy

3. Social problems.

Lee while on one hand was building up efficient army and on the other hand supporting non-alignment policy. He wanted to make Singapore a neutral country like Switzerland. He suppressed corruption with an Iron hand. He did not give blank cheque of liberty to his people lest it should degrade itself into disorder. Personal freedom is limited. To stamp out corruption he started ‘Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau’ (C.P.A.B). He increased the salaries of the ministers with the aim of preventing them from becoming corrupt. He made all officials work efficiently. Lee well remembered that how his teachers, when he was a boy, canned him for erring in studies or doing mischief. He imposed many punishments through courts like whipping and lashing the criminals for almost 43 crimes and severe punishments were also imposed on the drug traffickers and violators of visa rules. Gambling and even chewing gum were forbidden.

According to the report of Transparency International, Singapore is considered a country without corruption or a little corruption. The high rate of literacy made the people to honour the country’s laws. Smoking in public places or causing damage for the public property is met with severe punishment. The government fore warned the consumers not to purchase anything form shops which did not follow standard of quality. Even the people were punished if they throw litter on the streets. Transparency and high moral standards were the hallmarks of the government of Singapore. Lee followed dictum ‘a good cat a good rat’ – and as one recognizes Hercules from his foot, we understand his great efforts to build up a nation by seeing present Singapore.

However small the Nation may be, Singapore plays a cardinal and ideal role in the modern world. This is due to the leaders of integrity, foresight and large heartedness. Lee said that his task to select proper followers to lead the country. Of course the words of Lee were distorted by some critics as the dictums of tyranny and he was totally dubbed to be intolerant of any opposition. The media also propagated that he lacked tolerance and his opponents were dragged to courts and made them to be punished by Law. It was alleged that he also economically impoverished them. The example of Devan Nair revealed how Lee was revengeful against his enemies. Fearing the severe punishment from Lee, Nair exiled to Canada. Still Lee did not spare him. He was made to be punished by the

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court in Canada itself. Lee won the case in the court of Law against the correspondent of Far Eastern Economic Review for writing an article against him. Though he muzzled the media and suppressed the opponents to some extent, no doubt, this Lion of Singapore handed over a neat, clean and uncorrupt administration to the people.

Lee’s name is added to the list of Asia’s great men. The famous Time Magazine divulged some important things about him. It said, “Like some politicians Lee does not change along with the times. It means he is not corrupt like other politicians. Lee is not in habit of even writing a diary. The septure of insecurity still haunts him.” His relatives still enjoy the previlage of occupying high positions in Singapore. The present Prime Minister of Singapore is his own son.

This small island which lies 48km form east to 28km to south, emerging as the Tiger of Asia, is a great wonder of History. At present it is ranked 4th among the great trading and economic centers of the world. With its mere five-lakh population Singapore is having highly sophisticated and standard airport, seaport and well laid chain of roads. As it is near equator, its climate is hot and reflects human warmth. Lee used to comment that A.C was the greatest discovery of the modern civilization. He always liked to work and relax in 22o Celsius temperature. He successfully disproved the age old concept of the geographists that the climate and temperature could decide an area’s culture and progress. He could convert a hot spot into a citedal of buzzing economic activity and heaven of cleanliness and culture.

Statesman par excellence and as high as soaring petronas towers

Mohatir Muhammad(1925)

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For 22 years Mohatir Muhammad reigned continuously in Malasia and renowned as a great architect who converted the backward Malaysia into the great economic force and made it to stand with pride among the comity of civilized nations. Replete with natural resources Malayasia had been a home land for many races like Indians, Chinese besides the original inhabitants of Malaysia. All there are living in a peaceful co-existence. Mohatir Muhammad was born in 1925, the son of an Indian Keralite. The father of Muhammad long back migrated to Malaysia and married a Malaya lady. Other than the sons of soil, Chinese and Indians were enterprising and involved in lucrative trade in Malaysia. They also made considerable strides in setting up of industries. Malaysia, which is three times bigger in area than Andhra Pradesh, has the population of 3 crores.

Mohatir’s father was a teacher and Mohatir is the ninth and last child born to him. After completing his school education, Mohatir joined in Sultan Hameed College in Alor Seltar. Later he entered the King Edward Medical College and obtained a medical degree. Mohatir practically witnessed the occupation of Malaysia by Japan during II World War. In 1953 he was appointed as the government doctor. In 1956 he married a co-medico Siti Hasumah and resigned his post of doctor in 1957 and set up a private practice. He earned name and money as a private practitioner. Mohatir maintained a limousine with a Chinese chauffeur though he came from a middle class. It was a wonder while the local people served under the Chinese, Mohatir appointed a Chinese driver, which indicated the future of Malaysia in general and of Mohatir in particular. Mohatir and Hasma had seven children, four sons and three daughters.

Well settled in life, Mohatir began to show some interest in politics. He was elected as MP from Kota Sitar Selatan in 1964 as a candidate of Malaya National Organization (UMNO). When racial riots rocked Malaysia in 1969 when Tunku Abdul Rehman was the Prime Minister, Mohatir distributed a letter wide spread which indicated the blatant failure of the Prime Minister to prevent the riots. Mohatir subsequently relieved of his membership from the supreme council of UMNO. He raised an allegation in the letter that Tunku’s manner of handling the situation was believed to be favourable to ethnic Chinese. In the subsequent elections Mohatir could not win. Due to his suspension from the party and defeat in elections, he came out of the main stream of politics and began to sharpen his mind and ideas. During the period of political eclipse, Mohatir wrote a book ‘The Malay Dilemma’ – in which he sought to explain the real causes of the ethnic riots and also analyzed the reasons for the economic backwardness of the nation. In the same book he proposed a politico economic solution in the form of positive protection (constructive protection), keeping in view of the effects of heredity and environment of the different ethnical factors present in Malaysia. It was published in 1970 and was promptly proscribed by the Tunku’s government. But one of the later successors of Tunku used the ideas of the banned book of Mohatir.

Mohatir rejoined UMNO on 7th March 1972 and became the senator in 1973. He resigned as a senator and contested in general elections from the constituency of Kubang Pasu. He was elected unopposed and he restarted his political career.

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Perhaps his book ‘Malay Dilemma’ served a precious life blood for his master spirit. In 1974 he was appointed as the education Minister. As he handled the portfolio of Education with utmost ability, he was promoted to the post of Deputy Prime Minister and in the reshuffling of the cabinet; he also held the post of the Minister of Trade and Industry concurrently. When the P.M Tun Hussein Onn stepped down from the post due to some health reasons, Mohatir became the Prime Minister of Malaysia on 16th July 1981. This is a memorable event in the history of Malaysia as a new chapter in its history started. This was the point from where a total metamorphosis of the nation was achieved.

As Prime Minister, Mohatir initiated Major constitutional changes. He removed the royal veto and immunity from law. This amendment made by him was approved by Malaysian parliament. He scrupulously studied the developmental plans of Korea and Japan. Mohatir converted Malaysia into high-tech, financial, industrial and electronic hub. He based his economic policies on corporate nationalism, which he called ‘Malaysian Plans’ – which reflect the government’s middle term goals. His brain child projects included Perwaja steel, Proton Car industry and Astro, a television company. All these enterprises started on corporate basis. From the years 1988 to 1997 Mohatir achieved a phenomenal development in Malayan economy with an average growth of 10 % and living standards rose 20 fold. Poverty was almost eradicated and literacy rate touched the levels of the advanced countries. Infantile mortality rate was considerably reduced. Mohatir embarked on various nationwide projects like Kaulalumpur International Super Corridor, the Bakun Dam at Sarwar and Petronas Towers – all designed by him. But in the construction of these projects there might be some corrupt practices, but the prompt decisions of Mohatir minimized them. Mohatir excellently increased the national income through these projects. During the Asian financial crisis which arose in the year 1997, the IMF suggested a recovery package as a means to come out of the critical conditions, but Mohatir rejected the package proposals and cured the economic ills of the country in his own way. Later even the world bank accepted his policies as correct and prompt. During that period Mohatir bailed out some of the insolvent Banks.

After 1998 Mohatir faced some problems. Anwar Ibrahim, the former Finance Minister and the present Deputy Prime Minister was charged with homosexual misconduct and he was deposed. He was also jailed. All these things were done through the court. It was also said that Mohatir was instrumental in the fall of Anwar Ibrahim. It was also believed that all these things were done as a precaution against some alleged machinations of Ibrahim. The followers of Ibrahim founded a new party to retaliate Mohatir, but it could not make a considerable head way. The National justice party established by Anwar secured five seats in the general elections of 1999 and in 2004 general elections it was completely swept out of the political scene.

As the Education Minister, Mohatir brought many fundamental changes. And the fruits of his well thought educational plans were gifted to the nation when he became the Prime Minister. He always believed in the concept of education for the masses. He encouraged the subjects like Mathematics and physics. Mohatir

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surprisingly converted Malaysia from the stage of exporting raw materials like lead and rubber to that of exporting electronic goods, cars and iron. He arranged the reservations for the sons of the soil in the universities. In spite of all pressure and busy schedule, he was never unaware of the global developments. If he found any foul game on the part of the western countries, he used to criticize them severely. When there was a row regarding the tuition fee in the universities with Britain, he minimized the business of the British made goods in Malaysia. Though America was a major partner in the business matters with Malaysia, he never blindly supported it. He openly condemned the Jews and proved that they were responsible for the fall of ‘Ringgit’ the Malaysian currency. Mohatir was very much pained at the attitude of American security officials who over searched him and his bag and baggage when he stepped in America. Though he was not a communist he admired the Chinese economic policies. He also further started that Malaysia need not learn lessons from countries like Australia. With his sheer will power and administrative grit, Mohatir made Malaysia to achieve economic sufficiency. After reigning for 22 years he relinquished his office and other positions on October 2003. In a country which has 60% of Muslims, 20% of Buddhists and the rest Hindus and Christians, Mohatir managed for 22 years without any religious riots. For the development he achieved he is called “The Asia Tiger”. Mohatir was awarded a “Tun” ship, Malaysia’s highest civilian honour. His once residence ‘Sraperdana’ in which he lived from 1983 to 1999 is at present great museum.

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Tidal wave of the Caribbean sea

Fidel Castro(1926)

A cluster of islands lying between South and North American continents, and to the North of the Caribbean Sea, and to the West of the Mexico Gulf, constitute the nation of Cuba. In territory it is only 40% in Andhra Pradesh. For the last 50 years Cuba proved a dagger at the neck of U.S.A. After the fall of Soviet Union, though facing economic crisis, Cuba was trying to consolidate the power got after revolution and socialism. Fidel Castro is credited with building up of the communist society in Cuba so solidly that it witnessed the passing of the reign of 10 U.S Presidents. The guiding force and stalwart responsible for this achievement of Cuba is Fidel Castro. He is equally responsible for the only red flag flying in Western Hemisphere

The key man who steered the political destinies of Cuba, Fidel Alajandro Castro,was born on 13th August 1926, in Biran near Mayari, Eastern Cuba. He has four sisters and one brother. His mother worked as a maid servant and then married his father. She changed her sir name from Ruz to Castro. The father of Castro was relatively wealthy and owned a sugar cane plantation. He grew up in wealthy circumstances. He studied in Jay Suit boarding school, where he showed much interest in games than in studies. Of course Castro was intellectually a gifted student with an amazing memory power. In 1945 Castro entered Law school at the University of Havana, where student activism, violence and gang fights were quite common. Castro was very much interested in the matters like Nationalism, anti imperialism and socialism. He was actively associated with an organization called “Union Insurrectional Revolution aria”. In 1947 he actively participated in the movement aimed to over throw Rapheal Trugillo in Dominican Republic. Though the attempt failed, he became a old hand in political affairs. In the same year, he joined the newly started Portedo orthodox, formed by Eduardo Chibas. This organization publicly exposed corruption and aimed at establishing Cuban Economic Independence. In this he became very intimate to Eduardo Chibas. Then Castro was not a communist.

Cuba earned a sobriquet “the sugar bowl of the world”. The sugar cane which was extensively grown in Cuba is an essential product for Western Hemisphere. By that time the American Sugar companies were carrying monopoly trade of sugar and the then Batista government did work only for the benefits of the foreign capitalists than to tackle the internal problems. What it did to Cuba was little. Castro attacked the Batista Government. Fidel Castro with the help of his followers attacked the military camp in 1953 for which he was imprisoned for three years. Due to his good behavior during the incarcerated period, he was granted a pardon and released from the jail in 1955. He met Che Guevara in Mexico. The great revolutionary born in Argentina Che Guevara was working as a doctor and used to instruct lessons to medical students. He was more interested in imparting the

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lessons of revolution than the lessons of medicine to the students. On the very day they met, both discussed about the future plan. Che Guevara ardently believed that the problems of the miserable plight of the poor people of the Western Hemisphere will only be solved by violent and bloody revolution. Che and Castro were the Marx and Engles of Western Hemisphere. They strongly decided to remove the pro-capitalist and pro American stooge Batista government through the power of the barrel of the gun. Along with 80 of their friends and followers both of them returned to Cuba secretly in a boat. Sensing their arrival the Batista police made a sudden attack on them and took many of them into their custody. But Che, Castro and his brother escaped and fled away to the mountainous region.

For the next two years both of them were consolidating the people for the revolution and making sporadic attacks on the offices of government. Fidel Castro and his friends were gradually building up the people’s army by recruiting enthusiastic youth and students. The students belonging anti Batista organizations were also raiding the governmental offices and causing a lot of damage. Castro worked out in agency area and mustered a great strength. He held a great control over that area. The followers of Castro were so courageous and tactful even the hundreds of them could make successful attacks on their adversaries who were thousands in number. They ran a secret Radio through which messages and instructions were sent to the people of Cuba. In fact in the faraway places of Cuba and his friends were running a parallel government.

The Batista government tried to annihilate the revolutionary set up of Castro and his followers through an action called “Operation Verona” but all the governmental attempts were futile and Castro and followers gained the upper hand. Since 1958, Castro has been intensifying the attacks on Batista government. The revolutionary blitz krieks, sudden attacks and the increase in the roll of army deserters, made the Batista unnerved and it felt it was losing it ground and control over the people. Batista became helpless and isolated. He fled away to Dominican Republic. In the month of January 1959 Fidel Castro became the leader at his 32nd

year. At last his Guerrilla strategy was successful. In February 1959 Fidel Castro became the chief of Cuba. Fidel Castro was quick in implementing the revolutionary plans and ideas. He totally nationalized the fruit gardens and industries. The hither to American controlled economy of Cuba began to be steered by nationalist and revolutionary Cuban government on the socialist grounds. Naturally this aspect evoked the enemity and antagonism of the pro-capitalist American government. America did not even in dreams, like Castro becoming the head of the state. But sagacious Castro wanted to have at least lesser enemity with America, well if it could have good relations, and travelled America. But the then president of U.S.A Eisenhower refused to meet Castro. Even if Castro declared that he was not a communist America did not believe.

Hence Castro did never look back. He brought fundamental and basic changes in the sphere of agriculture. He limited the system of foreign capital investment which perhaps directly hit the American influence on the Caribbean. Moreover he opened the gates of friendship to Soviet Union, by which Castro wanted to fortify the Cuban Economy. The Russian high power delegation came to Cuba and through it created and tightened the ring of protection around Cuba. To

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retaliate these measures America lessened the sugar import from Cuba and stopped the working of the oil refineries. On April 16, 1961 Cuba was formally declared a socialist state. This led to the conflict between Cuba and America. In the same year 1961 American president snapped the diplomatic relations with Cuba. Subsequently America planned and executed a 1400 strong Cuban exile army to attack on the Bay of Pigs. The main aim of this operation was to unseat the government of Fidel Castro. But all alert Castro retaliated the attack and showed his prowess to the world. On May Day Fidel Castro openly declared that he was a Marxist and his government would follow the communist oriented political and Economic programmes.

The 1962 Cuban Missile affair dragged the world almost to the brink of global nuclear war. In Turkey nearby Soviet Union, the American Jupiter missiles were aimed at Soviet Union. As a counter action, the Soviet Missile bombers were aimed at America from the mainland of Cuba. It was really a very tense moment in the annals of the world history. But however wise discretion and counseling reigned over the two super powers and both held back. The then P.M of the Soviet Communist government Nikita Khrushchev agreed to take away the Missiles from the Caribbean and John F.Kennedy, the then American president agreed to diffuse the Jupiter Missiles aimed at Soviet Union. The removal of missiles from just 40 km away from America relieved the tension fo America but it did never stop interfering in Cuban affairs. Even after that, America strongly determined to eliminate Castro but in vain. CIA has been doing all its best efforts to accomplish this object. Perhaps it made 638 efforts to eliminate Castro. But American intelligence system awfully failed. Even today Castro remains unvanquished and invincible. Before his eyes10 presidents in America changed.

The revolutionary fervor of Fidel Castro was not simply confined alone to Cuba; he also supported Afro-Asian revolutionary movements. Che Guevara who fought along with him for Cuba, also worked as finance Minister in Cuba and headed some economic organization intended to revive the Cuban economy. Che Guevara’s volatile and wavering spirit did not confine him in a fixed position. He went to fight against capitalists on behalf of some Latin American countries and died a valiant death in fighting for revolution. Castro rendered a military help to the countries like Angola, Ethiopia and Yemen. By establishing a good number of schools, he raised the literacy rate of Cuba to 98%. Many dissatisfied elements and capitalist left Cuba for other countries. For such people America opened a camp at Mariel, which consisted of 1 lakh and 20 thousands. So the strength of Cuban refugees in America is very high. Lunatics and criminals were also sent out of Cuba.

With the fall of Soviet Union in 1991, the crisis started in Cuba. Oil imports from Russia were considerably minimized along with internal power crisis. Adding to this USA imposed a commercial embargo on Cuba greatly weakened Cuban economy. But Castro did not lose his nerve. He allowed the Americans into Cuba and increased the number of tourist visitors. Due to natural calamities Cuba incurred a great loss in 2001, though America offered some cooperation, Cuba refused the American help; Castro was able to compensate the loss by sending doctors in lieu of the oil. Since 1990 there had been a number of rumours about

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the decline of the health of Fidel Castro. While suffering from number of severe ill nesses in the month of July 2006, he underwent an operation by almost he retired from public life. He delegated all his powers to his brother Raul Castro. On February 19, 2008, he gave up presidential post and on February 24, 2008 his brother Raul Castro became the President of Cuba. Physically weak Fidel Castro is taking rest at present. But his spirit is ever green. Our Prime Minister recently went to Cuba and met Castro which has made head line in the world new papers.

The tempestuous tidal wave of Latin America

Che Guevara(1928 - 1967)

The most famous leader in Latin America after Simon Bolivar is Che Guevara, often acclaimed as the ubiquitous trans-continental Hero. Even his adversaries and enemies admire his ability, courage, fighting spirit, knowledge, tact initiative and dreams. It is also said that without this dynamic leader there would be no left-oriented political activity of high slot in Latin America. Che Guevara is also a dreamy hero of the American youth. This ardent supporter and lover of the poor people, was gifted to the world by a Latin American country Argentina. This lightening thunder in mind and highly volcanic in spirit was born on 14 th June 1928 in Argentina. His father was Ernesto Guevara Lynch and mother Celia de la Serna. In the veins of Che Guevara flowed the blood of Spanish, Bask and Irish rebels. From the beginning Che Guevara was highly emotional and his father remarked that his son had inherited rebellions attitude of the Irish fighters. He also developed an affinity for the poor and as the son of a politically conscious man, was initiated to a wide spectrum of political perspectives. In his childhood he suffered from the bouts of acute asthma and were to afflict him throughout his life. He excelled in athletics, enjoying swimming, soccer, golf, cycling and shooting.

He also gained a great skill in Soccer, the sporting creed of the Latin American countries. Being a member of the Rugby team of the Beunos Aires University, he struck blazing shots and won a sobriquet ‘Fuser’. He became an young prodigy in the game of chess before he attained the age of 12 years and won many tournaments. He learnt chess from his encouraging father. He had an insatiable fascination for poets and writers. He had read, listened and written a number of poems and articles. He loved the verses of Pueblo Neruda, John Keats, Gabriel Mistral, Walt Whitman and Rudyard Kipling. His library contained a good

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number of books, approximately exceeding 3000 volumes. He used to read the book without putting it down. He read extensively the works of Karl Marx, Jules Verne, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Lenin, Jean Paul Sartre, H.G.Wells and Robert Frost. He liked to read the books of Jawaharlal Nehru. Every aspect in the world attracted him, and every book drew his attention and everything he had cherished to know. His range of intellect is wide and Che Guevara is a multi faceted personality with a rare genius.

In his 20 years of prime youth, he had been to Beunos Aires, the capital of Argentina to do his medical course. Being a brilliant medico his restless spirit began to pester his mind to undertake a world tour to gain practical experiences. In 1950 on a mechanized bicycle he travelled alone in the rural areas of Argentina covering 4500 km. In 1951 on a motor bike he travelled 8000 km and covered the entire Latin America. His ideas and views were scripted in a thousand pages about his travelogue that came in the form of an account called “The Motor cycle diaries” later sold as hot cakes. The theme was also adopted into an award winning documentary film. During his sojourn he had rendered yeomen services to the lepers in a rural leper colony situated on the banks of the river Amazan in Peru. By this he proved himself a great humanist. At the same time he thought it better to heal the social maladies than to cure the physical ills of the human beings.

Between 1953 and 1955 he under took another journey into Latin American countries like Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. He wrote back to his aunt mentioning about how terrible the capitalist octopuses were sucking the blood of the ordinary people. His indignation went to an extent of taking a oath to vanquish those exploiting elements. When he arrived in Guatemala, he found the President of the nation Jacobo Arbenz Guzman democratically elected and kept the country on the wheels of progress. To accelerate the reformist trend, he under took major land reform program. He confiscated the major portion of the uncultivated lands from the rich land owners and redistributed them to the landless peasants. Che Guevara was very much attracted to the initiatives taken by the president to settle down in Guatemala as to perfect himself. He contacted and met many Guatemalan officials through Hilda Gadea Acosta, a Peruvian economist. Che also met a group of Cuban exiles linked to Fidel Castro. As his position was stringent his attempts to obtain internship were not successful. Mean while there was a terrible disturbance in the political scene of Guatemala and unprecedented crisis followed. On 15th of May 1954 a shipment of weapons were sent by the Czechoslovakian communist government for the Arbenz government. As a result U.S sent an army and invaded the country and installed the right wing dictatorship of Carlos Castillo Armas. Arbenz took asylum in the Mexican embassy. Che Guevara wanted to fight for Arbenz and joined a militia, organized by the communist youth but frustrated by the groups in action and soon returned to his medical duties. He married Hilda Acosta. Now Che was able to understand the ugliest form of American capitalism, nascent in Guatemala in deposing a well intentioned president. Hence forth Che was able to understand his objectivity very clear and believed that Marxism achieved through armed

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struggle was the way to rectify the adverse conditions created by the imperialist machinations of U.S.

In September 1954 Che reached Mexico City and joined in the allergy section of the General Hospital. In addition he lectured on medicine at the National Autonomous University and also worked as a photographer for a News agency. His first wife Hilda noted in her memoirs that Che wanted to go to Africa as a doctor to give medical services to the poor. He was terribly moved by an old washer woman’s poverty and decided to fight for a better life for all the poor and exploited. Nicolopez a Cuban exile introduced Che to Raul Castro and in his turn introduced Che to his elder brother Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro, the revolutionary leader had formed “The 26th of July Movement” to overthrow the right wing American stooge government of Batista in Cuba. On the night their first meeting Guevara concluded that the Cuban cause was one for which he had to fight. Both of them fostered a revolutionary friendship that would change the world and script a new history in the annals of Latin America. They considered Batista a U.S puppet whose strings needed drastic cutting. Che Guevara participated in the military training of Alberto Bayo. The cardinal part of Che’s training included learning hit and run tactics of guerilla warfare. Guevara and others underwent an arduous training like marching over mountains, crossing the rivers and going through the dense forests and learning to ambush and retreat. After observing the skill and tenacity of Che in undergoing military training, Alberto Bayo called Che the ‘best guerilla’ and a prize student.

Che and Castro set out for Cuba to make a military assault against Batista’s government. After landing in Cuba they were attacked by Batista’s military forces. Many of them were killed and 22 of the survivors including Che, Castro and his brother fled away to a distant mountainous region. The surviving small group of revolutionaries soon swelled into a mass of guerilla fighting force receiving a support from urban guerilla units. They continued war against the Batista government and a movement which is famous as ‘July 26 movement’. Che became an integral part of the rebel army and he helped Castro in all aspects. He soon started health clinics, workshops of war tactics and disseminating information. Time Magazine described Che as ‘Castro’s brain’. He was promoted by Fidel Castro as the commander of the second army column. He was a harsh disciplinarian and without any hesitation shot defectors. As a result he became known for his brutality and ruthlessness. At every stage in the fighting Che Guevara showed his strategic ability and fighting spirit. On 2nd January, Che Guevara triumphantly entered Havana, the capital of Cuba and a day earlier Batista boarded a plane and fled away to Dominican Republic with a huge fortune. Castro took 6 more days to arrive and Cuba was relieved of a puppet government. Guevara went to live in a summer house in Tarara to recover from a violent attack of asthma. While resting he wrote a book ‘Guerrilla warfare’.

Newly proclaimed revolutionary government of Castro proclaimed Guevara as a Cuban citizen by birth. When his wife Hilda arrived at Cuba, Guevara told her that he was involved with another woman and the two agreed for divorce. He was

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so frank that he displayed transparency of his life. Castro appointed Che as the first commander of the La Cabana Fortress prison. Che executed Batista officials responsible for killing 20 thousand people who opposed the puppet government. It is understood as the verdict of history. On 12th June 1959 Castro sent Guevara out on a three month tour of 14 Bandung Pact countries including Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, India, Srilanka, Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Yugoslavia, Greece, Singapore and Hongkong. Cuba showed a lot of interest in Bandung conference countries after “Bandung conference” took place in Indonesia. Later Cuba played a major role in non alignment movement.

Che was respected as a great revolutionary fighter in Latin America after Fidel Castro. Che Guevara worked as Finance Minister of Cuba and handled the portfolio with tact and care. He also signed on the Cuban currency. To establish good commercial relations with communist countries Che Guevara visited Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, North Korea, Hungary and East Germany. In 1961‘ U.S trained Cuban exiles invaded the island during the Bay of Pigs invasion, Cuban forces beat back the exile forces. However historians give a share of credit to Guevara as the director of the instruction for Cuba’s armed forces at that time. On this occasion, it is said that Che was wounded at hand due to the bullet accidentally discharged as the pistol fell out of the holster. Che Guevara was practically the architect of the Soviet – Cuban relationship but when Cuban missile crisis was precipitated, he found fault with Soviet Union in going back. He said that Cuba was used as a pawn by both the super powers. In 1964 December he travelled to New York city as the head of th Cuban delegation to speak at the united Nations. He vehemently criticized the inability of the U.N to confront the brutal policy of apartheid in south Africa and he became furiously critical of the role of U.S in Latin America, he fumed his uncontrolled indignation when he said, “In the angry wave of 20 crores of Latin American exploited workers and the suppressed people the Yankee imperialism will be swept away. The poor people will re write history with their blood.” An attempt was made on his life in New York.

Che Guevara visited the places and the men he liked. He walked with emotion on the Red Square, Moscow. He met the veteran existentialist Jean Paul Sartre in Paris. Guevara was received in communist China by Chairman Mao with an official ceremony in the government palace. He took a pro-Chinese stance on the Sino-Soviet split. When he went to Ireland, he wrote to his father that he was in that Green Ireland of his ancestors. Che was 37 years of age in 1965, and was in a constant state of anguish and dissatisfaction. He decried at the prospect of the number of Latin American countries still in the iron clutches of the imperialism of U.S. As Cuba did, they were not able to come out of the snares of American monopoly. He believed that his presence was necessary in such countries and Che all of a sudden disappeared. He said a good by with all his Cuban position and also his citizenship. The reason for this might be his Pro-Chinese stance and Cuba was merely dependent on Soviet financial help. Nobody knew where Che was.

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With an anonymous name Che reached Congo incognito along with some of his trusted lieutenants to help Kabila fighting against U.S forces. Earlier to it the Americans skillfully planned the elimination of Patrice Lumumba. Che Guevara held a 7 month guerilla camp in Congo and engineered the guerilla fight. Soon Che realized that Congolese comrades lacked unity and discipline. However the guerilla fight in Congo was an awful failure. The C.I.A came to know that this danger man was in Congo. Realizing it Guevara secretly reached Dar.Es.Salam. However he was reluctant to return to Cuba and from Dar.Es.Salam he went to Prague. He then visited several Western European countries and later prepared to go to Bolivia and wrote a last letter to his children.

In 1966, Che changed his appearance and under the false name Adapho Mena Gonzalez reached Bolivia. His main objective was to help the Bolivian Guerilla fighters. The Bolivian communist party was not able to cooperate with Che nor could it understand him properly. For a number of reasons Guevara’s plan for fomenting revolution in Bolivia was a failure. U.S government had sent a team of C.I.A special activities division to capture Che Guevara. C.I.A agents with Bolivian soldiers numbering 1800 encircled Che and captured him on 7th October 1967. Bolivian communist party did not think of Che Guevara’s plight, of course earlier Che described the Bolivian communist Party as distrustful, disloyal and stupid. A school teacher to whom Che gave an interview said that she was not able to look in the eye because his gaze was unbearable, piercing and calm. After two days 13 bullets pierced through his body. The greatest fighter of guerilla war fare and the lion among the revolutionaries died. Nobody knows what happened to his dead body.

The blazing sun of revolution who accumulated 100 years of experience with just 37 years had set on the horizon of Latin America. But his radiant legacy, fighting spirit and commitment for ever live in the memory of the people of different countries and even ages to come. At present he is worshipped as a hero by the youth. His brilliant face and pleasant countenance are unforgettable. Still his photographs reveal his vibrant smile and familiar face. The time magazine called him ‘One among the hundred great.’

A martyr who fought for civil rights in a democratic country

Martin Luther King(1929 - 1968)

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A white man might have set his foot on the surface of the moon and hoisted an American flag symbolizing a great scientific stride the country had achieved. But under the shadow of the same flag in the same country, a policy of racial discrimination is continued in the like of the apartheid of South Africa, is an incredible thing to believe but it is a hard fact in reality. Styled as a new world the United States of America for a long time used the Negro slaves and for a bonded and hard labour to become a developed country. Since its history is slave oriented, it never had a least sense to grant rights to the suffering slaves and Black American especially in the Southern states. Even in the 20th century the Blacks have to fight for their civil rights in America. They were led by Martin Luther King who only lived 39 years yet he became a martyr and a reputed representative of the civil rights.

Michael Luther King was born on 15th January, in 1529 in Atlanta and for the last two generations, his male family members worked as pastors in Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. His grandfather served as pastor from 1914 to 1931 and later on his father also served in the same church. Michael changed his name to Martin and came to be known as Martin Luther King Jr. His father Martin Luther King senior was also a civil rights activist. When Martin Luther was the student, all the schools were following the policy of racial discrimination. Black boys were not allowed to study along with white boys. Black nationals and white nationals travel in different buses. Martin Luther King who grew up in Southern states became more exposed to the heinous discriminatory policy. In Southern states the racial discrimination was so prominent and intensive that it made everybody to forget even the most uncivilized apartheid of South Africa. Martin Luther was by birth a preacher. In 1948 he obtained a B.A degree from More House. The college earned a reputation as one meant for blacks only. It so happened that his father and grandfather also got themselves educated in the same college. Later on Martin Luther continued his studies in theology in Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. The study of Theology is mandatory for becoming a preacher or a priest. The curriculum of theology included ‘The History of Christianity’ and ‘Religious philosophy’. Leadership qualities of Martin were displayed when he became a student leader in his class. After completing his collegiate academics, he joined in Boston University to do his PhD in the year 1951. During his student career in the Boston he met Coretta, whom he married. She was highly educated and gifted thinker. She was really a good match for Martin Luther in all aspects. The couple got two sons and two daughters.

Martin Luther started his pastor’s career in Dexter Avenue Baptist church, Montgomery, Alabama. Highly conscious of the plight of the black people he often became intolerant of the difficulties faced by them. He strongly resolved to fight out for the rights of the blacks. He became the executive committee member of the National Association For the Advancement of the Colored People. He painfully noticed how black people were deprived of educational opportunities and social well being. Due to tireless efforts of great Negro leaders like Booker.T.Washington, some good results were perceptible. He realized that time had come to start the

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movement. The situation is just parallel to that of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar who fought for the rights of the untouchables in India. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, when he was in America, met Booker.T.Washington and got inspired. Booker.T.Washington believed that education and economic progress could bring their just rights. Martin Luther King was convinced that by non-violent struggle and fight, the blacks could get their legitimate rights.

Martin Luther became a forefront vanguard for the black’s civil rights movement and he led the struggle in the Gandhian way. He followed Mahatma’s principles of Non-Violence, and Satyagraha as his guiding ideals for the fight. He took every caution and care that under any circumstances movement shall not let lose into lawless disorder. In spite of that there were some sporadic incidents of violence reported. From 1955 onwards Martin Luther intensified the movement and began to counter the high handedness and highbrowism of the white skinned people on the trains and in the buses. The black must give seat to the white man. The incident of Rosa Parks in Montgomery sparked off a big uproar and took the movement to a point of climax. A big conflict ensued when Rosa parks did not give her seat to a white. Consequently she was arrested. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King the blacks began to boycott buses. For more than an year the same thing continued. The public transport department had incurred heavy losses due to the black boycott. A big chasm was created between the two social groups of the same society. A conceited anti-black organization ‘Ku Klux Klan’ had added fuel to the fire and widened the gulf between the blacks and whites. As the situation was slipping out of the hands the U.S district court delivered its verdict on 21 st, December 1956. It unequivocally condemned the policy of segregation in vehicles like buses and observance of segregation was tantamount to a criminal act. Martin Luther received the court verdict as his victory. It took a year’s time for the blacks to adjust to the new situation. Martin Luther was arrested several times taking up the cause of the black people. His house was attacked. He endured all the attacks with perseverance and still continued his agitation without any break.

Martin Luther King was elected as the President to the “Southern Christian Leadership Conference” in 1957. The next 12 years he fought relentlessly for the cause of the blacks. In those days in Southern states only the educated blacks were given franchise right in elections. As a result of this partisan method, the blacks were not able to practically reflect their political opinions in the government and could not elect the persons of their own choice. John.F.Kennedy riding at the high tide of fame and also a sympathizer of the movement of the blacks became a friend of Martin Luther. In the presidential elections Kennedy gave promise to all the blacks in America that he would see their struggles and efforts get due results. Majority of the blacks voted to Kennedy. But he could not keep up his promises after he became the president of America.

Martin Luther King had organized a big “March on Washington” in America capital Washington D.C with 2, 50,000 followers and supporters who almost blockaded the entire city. It was a great historic moment. It was the largest gathering of protesters in the history of Washington. King’s speech “I have a

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dream” electrified the crowds and served a spur to lakhs of minds. As a master piece of oration, it is equated to that of Lincoln’s ‘Gettysburg address’ and F.D.Roosvelt’s “Infamy speech”. In 1963 ‘Times weekly Magazine chose his as “The man of the year”. At the age of 35 he became a Nobel Laureate for peace. He is the youngest to win it till date. Accepting the Nobel peace prize in 1964 he said “…. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.” He always held high of Jesus and Gandhi. Through their principles alone he wanted to take black people from the midnight of mass inhumanity into the light of day break. His munificent disposition, is well displayed when he donated the entire prize money of 54000 dollars to the cause of the blacks. Martin Luther travelled a crore miles for the cause of civil rights. He scripted his ‘magnum opus’ of the civil rights called “Manifesto of Negro Revolution”, besides five other books and hundreds of pamphlets. During his life he was arrested 720 times and became a victim of physical assaults for four times. Anti-progressive forces menaced the family members of Martin Luther King more often than not. King’s scathing criticism against Vietnam policy of America sent jitters in the spine of American government. We exactly do not know, from which corner the conspiracy was hatched against king, but he had to pay his life for it in 1968. On 4 th April 1968, Martin Luther went to Memphis, Tennessee to support the striking Employees of the garbage. He was staying in a hotel. Martin Luther was standing in a balcony when a cruel bullet pierced through his back and killed him. The irony of history would have it that a great apostle of peace, non-violence and a right cause was killed in a violent way with in no time the news of his assassination spread like a wild fire and caused the events of violence and riots resulting in deaths and loss of property. Chain of protests rocked America. The assassination was definitely a handiwork of some people inimical to the development of the black people in America. A crusader of a great cause inspired by the Gandhian principles is no more but his mission and message stand for ever.

A few weeks after, James Earl Ray was caught at Heathrow Airport, London, and while on transit with false passport. He confessed to have killed Martin Luther but later on refused. On the other hand, the American government through FBI made a futile effort to prove that Martin Luther King was a communist. Of course the same allegation made rounds when he was alive. Martin Luther jokingly said that civil rights movement had equal number of communists as hot Florida had Eskimos.

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Loved son of Palestine

Yasser Arafat(1929 - 2004)

Yasser Arafat, always seen with a smile on face, wearing long checkered head cloth (keffiyeh) and waving his hand, fought for liberation of his motherland throughout his life. He has a special chapter not only in the history of Arabs but also in world history.

Mohammed Abdel Raouf Arafat was born on August 24, 1929 in Cairo, Egypt. His father was a textile merchant and mother was originally from Jerusalem. Even though his family background is from Palestine, Yasser (pet name of Arafat during childhood) living in Egypt lost his mother when he was just 5 years old. Yasser Arafat’s father could not take care of the family. Since Yasser could not be taken care by his father, he was sent to his maternal uncle’s place in Jerusalem.

Yasser remembers only bitter experiences of Jerusalem. By that time, Palestine was a “British Mandate”. Jews were very less in numbers but spread all over the Palestine. Conflicts were on between Jews and Palestinians. Still, Israel was not founded. During midnight, British soldiers attacked the house in which Yasser was living , destroyed everything and started beating the family members. Yasser witnessed all these incidents at a tender age, and got hurt. This incident changed entire life of Yasser Arafat. When Yasser was 9 years old, his father recalled Yasser and his brother back to Cairo only to live with his elder sister. Yasser’s father was never bothered about the future of his children. This is the reason behind Yasser’s reduced affection towards his parents. Yasser Arafat did not attend the funeral when his father died.

While studying in University of King Fuad, Arafat developed warfare skills. He used to smuggle weapons into British Mandate of Palestine for fighting the Israelis, settled in Palestine. After two years, in 1948, Arafat left his studies to participate in the war against Israel. Arafat could not digest the fact of Arabs losing the war and formation of Israel. He wanted to join a US University but rejoined University of King Fuad to continue his studies. University of King Fuad was later on renamed as Cairo University. While in university, he became a student’s leader, with sole aim of liberation of Palestine.

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Middle East countries such as Palestine and Israel are important regions in the world history of human civilization. Earliest man-made settlements were found in Jericho. Wheat was discovered here around 10,000 years back and started cultivation. Jews in groups and Arabs lived together on this soil for thousands of years. Jesus Christ was born and crucified here. This is a holy place for Jews, Muslims and Christians. Jews, living around the world, with an opinion to have their own country, are returning to this holy place. UN intervened and demarcated their regions and borders when conflicts broke out between Arabs and Jews. Even after this, Israel captured the areas of Palestine in 1948 and a long unending animosity followed. Under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, all Arab countries fought with powerful Israel for the liberation of mother land. According to the Agreement, Gaza, West Bank should belong to Palestine. But, Israel has strong hold in these places.

Arafat returned back to university to pursue civil engineering from 1951 to 1956 and graduated. He was called to duty to fight along with Egypt army in just started “Suez Crisis” as an engineer. Yasser lived in Egypt for some time and moved to Kuwait. He worked in public works department of Kuwait for some time and later started his own business. Entire profit of the company was diverted to Palestine Liberation Movement. Along with friends, he founded a secret organization “Al-Fatah” in 1958 and served as secretary. Main aim of the organization was to fight Israel. During that time, he even started a magazine.

From 1964 onwards, Yasser Arafat dedicated himself completely to the Palestine Liberation. He shifted his residence from Kuwait to Jordan. From Jordan, it was much easier and convenient to plan attacks on Israel. In 1964, all the Arab countries collectively founded Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and appointed Yasser Arafat, who by that time had already taken the movement to higher levels, as chief commander of PLO. In 1967, a Six-Day war erupted between Israel and Arab countries, which ended in defeat of Arab Countries. With this defeat, the PLO wanted to strengthen their ranks. PLO knew that negotiations and discussions will yield nothing.

In 1969, Arafat, who was head of the “Al-Fatah”, was also requested to head the PLO. Arafat strengthened his army and stationed it in Jordan. PLO started attacks on Israel. Israel too returned the attacks. Hussein, King of Jordan, feared that there is a threat for mere existence of Jordan and requested PLO to change its headquarters. Arafat had plans to shift his base to Lebanon, which is on North side of Israel. Israel, knowing about the plans, started attacks on Lebanon. Without choice, Arafat had to shift the PLO base to Tunis, capital of Tunisia, which has Mediterranean Sea on its north.

Only Arafat’s leadership brought worldwide recognition to PLO. Arafat is an exceptional ambassador, who visited various countries and moulded the people’s opinion to the advantage of Palestine. Yasser Arafat visited India on two occasions, 1997 and 1999. Arafat visited China in 1964 and explained the entire

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issue to Zhou Enlai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China. In 1968, PLO got weakened due to attacks by Israel but Arafat reinforced the organization.

Israel attempted many a time to assassinate Yasser Arafat. In a plane accident, Yasser Arafat could survive but the pilots lost their lives. Even after suffering a heart attack, he overcame it with rejuvenated energy. No one has a clue where Arafat is hiding. He used to move secretly. Even his marriage in 1990 was a secret affair. Yasser Arafat married Suha Tawil, his secretary and named their only daughter after his mother’s name “Zahwa”.

In 1970, Gamal Abdel Nasser resolved the differences between Jordan and Arafat. In 1973, East Germany, being a communist nation, invited Yasser Arafat as a guest. In 1974, Arafat attended the UN summit conference with rifle in one hand and olive branch, which is a peace symbol, in the other. Arafat’s life has become a battle ground who from the formation days of PLO till 1988 was continuously in war with Israel. In 1988, PLA has changed its stand. On June 6, 1988, Arafat escaped to Tunisia in a boat when Israel launched attacks on Lebanon. Arafat once again escaped the attacks of Israel, launched on Tunisia.

During a special UN summit conference, held in Geneva, Yasser Arafat requested to hasten the “Peace Process” by declaring that PLO renounced terrorism and is ready to live in peace with Israel. Pressures from nations around the world, US organized Camp David Agreements have made the Mediterranean issue much simpler. In 1993, Yasser Arafat met Israel Prime Minister Rabin. In 1994, Yasser Arafat retuned to Palestine after 26 years. Yasser Arafat was conferred with Nobel Peace Prize for his initiation towards speeding up the peace process.

Elections were held in Palestine in 1996. An agreement has been drafted according to which Palestine will be an independent nation and the neighbor of Israel. Yasser Arafat won the elections and became 1st President of Palestine National Authority. When Benjamin Netanyahu became Prime Minister of Israel in 1996, peace process slowed down considerably. Israel had agreed to call back 80% of its army from the Hebron city of West Bank. Palestine had built an International airport in Gaza Strip. All the aircrafts, landing at this airport, were monitored by Israel army. Israel had the authority to close down the airport at any time. That year, Arafat was conferred “Golden Pegasus” award in Italy for partial peace in the Palestine - Israel regions.

Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat participated in second David Camp agreement in US in the year 2000. In the presence of Bill Clinton, Arafat did not loosen his stand on Jerusalem. Jerusalem is situated on the border of West Bank and Israel. Once again the issue got flared up. Once again both the countries indulged in attacks on one another. In 2001, Israel destroyed 3 helicopters, belonging to Arafat. At that point of time, Arafat was in Ramallah, West Bank. In 2001, journey of life of Arafat, who was in Ramallah, has reached final stage. In 2002, when entire city of Ramallah was destroyed, Arafat did not move out of his house.

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On October 29, 2004, Arafat has come out of Ramallah with deteriorating health condition. He was moved to “Amman” in Jordan and from there to Paris, where he was kept under the treatment of French doctors. Doctors intimated that Arafat was suffering from blood cancer. Arafat’s name as a great warrior is not limited to Palestine but also spread across the world. He breathed his last on November 11, 2004.

Yasser Arafat, who fought during his entire life for the liberation of Palestine, which spread on 4000 sq.km and with just 30 lakh population, with powerful Israel and Israel-advantageous media has always listened to his inner conscious. Whatever his inner voice said, he did that. Arafat’s name will be remembered till the existence of Holy Land Palestine.

The extinguished radiant ray of the Arab Race

Saddam Hussein(1937 - 2006)

To get round the nations to its feet America uses the Dinner Diplomacy. Failing to it, it uses the Dollar Diplomacy. Even if it fails it does not hesitate to use Gun Boat Diplomacy. The third one is inextricably associated with harassment, aggression and war. For the last 50 years we saw so many countries falling prey to vulture attitude of the super power. The glaring example of this sort is Iraq and victim is Saddam Hussein. Iraq is the land in which man made strides from the barbarous stage to that of the civilized one. In west Asia it is watered by the sacred rivers of Tigris and Euphrates. That land also had been the source of great Assyrian and Babylonian and Acadian civilizations. This land had been described as the most civilized and ancient region of the world. Such a country Iraq has been the inhabitant land of Arabs for the last 100 years. The Iraqian earth layers possess

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the most valuable resources of the abundant oil. Due to this reason Iraq attracted many nations and gained global significance. The falcon eye of aggressive super power fell on this territory which became a cause for conflict which finally took away the life of Iraq’s dauntless leader Saddam Hussein.

Saddam was born on 28th, April 1937 in Al-Auja, near the Iraqui town of Tikrit. When Saddam was very young, his father left the family and his mother remarried. The second husband soon became a task master often thrashed Saddam and his mother indiscriminately. Unable to bear the torture, Saddam Hussein went to his maternal uncle Khairullah Tulfa and was brought up by him. Till he was 10 years age Saddam did not go to school. But when he was with his uncle he went to school to study. For higher studies he went to Bagdad, where he was interested in the political life.

From the I World War to the year 1932, Iran had been the British colony. In Iraq the Baath Party wished to bring all the Arabs into a single nation. Saddam Hussein’s maternal uncle was a firm supporter of revolutionary pan Arab Baath Party. Taking him as an inspiration, Saddam joined the party as a member in 1957. In 1959 an assassination attempt made against General Quasim the then Prime Minister. The attempt was a failure and Saddam fled to Syria fearing deterrent punishment in the hands of Iraq police. He spent three months in Syria and later went to Egypt. He could get asylum in those countries easily as they are Arab countries. In Egypt he joined in a law college. When he was continuing his legal studies in Egypt, the Baath party came to power in Iraq and Saddam stopped his studies in Egypt and reached Iraq. He married his uncle’s daughter Nazda Tulfa. Due to some queer political unexpected turns Baath party lost its power after 9 months. As a party member he was arrested and put into jail. During the 18 months of the incarcerated term, he was inhumanly tortured by the police. In 1966 he ran away from the jail. After he relentlessly worked for the development of Baath Party and in 1968 he became deputy of the new president of the party. On 16th July 1979, he became the President of Iraq. The preceding 10 years were very important in the political career of Saddam. In 1968 when Baath party came to the power, Saddam as the deputy handled the important portfolios like police, defense and intelligence. By ruthless and stern activities he became very powerful in Iraqi politics. It is said that he had eliminated many political rivals’ as well prominent people who at that time were supposed to become antagonistic to him. He encouraged attacks on Kurds. After 1975 he became a defacto ruler of Iraq as the then president fell sick. After 1979 he became the full time President of Iraq.

After 1968, the Arab Baath Socialist Party which came to the power adopted progressive and revolutionary methods to develop Iraq. In 1972 it nationalized all the western oil companies and Iraq began to show its sway in the OPEC. It carved a special position for the oil producing Arab countries by pooling them into a separate group. In 1974 a law was passed giving limited autonomy to Kurds. His period of presidency was marked by social and economic reforms that led to the quick development in all most all spheres of activity. But all those developmental reforms were not known to the outside world nor did the government take any

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measures to propagate. Saddam meticulously linked agriculture and industrialization and increased the production. Due to equitable land distribution to the poor classes of the society, the poverty was eliminated. He also took appropriate measures to increase literacy rate and campaigned for the compulsory free education. Further in cons tract with the conservative Islamic countries, his west influenced legal system made Iraq the only country in the Gulf region not bound by ‘Sharia’ (Islamic Law). From 1980, in collaboration with French government, he established a Uranium Refinery Plant. Hussein tactfully reconciled with America and maintained good relations with it.

He got financial help from America. But his relations with Iran had been completely disrupted since 1980. In 1979, momentous changes occurred in Iran which proved quite detrimental to Iraq. There occurred a religious revolution in which Ayatollah Khomeini routed Iran Fareza Pahlavi and began to dominate political affairs of Iran. Fearing an attack from Iran, Saddam Himself attacked Iran. The Muslim Arabic and Persian traditional forces fuelled the war. Before the change, Khomeini spent a lot of time in Iraq itself. The then American President Ronald Reagan granted a forty million dollars aid to Iraq to fight out Iran. All the financial aid rendered by the President of America was almost spent in disastrous war. The war which ran for 10 years proved calamitous to both the nations. It is estimated that a million people died in the war, creating a lot of global financial imbalance. At the same time the Kurds city Hallabja was targeted to Biological and Chemical war fare by Saddam which killed some five thousand innocent people.

The Persian Gulf otherwise called by Arabs as the Arab Gulf was surrounded by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Iran. If anybody observes the map of that region, one finds that Kuwait is blocking the way of Iraq to reach the sea. Iran always considered Kuwait a stumbling block for its progress. Some argue historically Kuwait was a part of Iraq. Iraq was claiming over Kuwait as it was a apart of Iraq. Iraq also laid an allegation that the western oil companies in Kuwait were grabbing the Iraqi oil clandestinely through the slant oil wells specially designed for this. It also alleged that Kuwait was digging the oil beyond its quota and was selling the oil to other countries at whatever price it wanted. Showing all these causes Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and occupied. Immediately America and England jumped into the fray and got the Iraq forces evacuated from Kuwait. UNO imposed restrictions on Iraq. Since 1990, the economic position of Iraq had been deteriorating fast. In spite of his utter defeat in Gulf, Saddam was able to rule Iraq as a president for a decade is a matter of mystery in the history. Saddam’s will power and resolution must have been acquired by reading the life of Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union. But gradually Saddam began to face opposition from his own people. In the post-gulf period Saddam Hussein began to violate the terms of cease fire by developing nuclear weapons. From 1980 Iraq began to face all troubles internally. Literacy rate fell down and agricultural output was completely destroyed. The Iraqi people were almost facing draught conditions. On the request of Saddam the UNO started ‘Oil-for-Food’ plan by which Iraq could export oil to any country in lieu of food grains. With this Iraq heaved a sigh of relief.

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On the protest that Iraq was manufacturing mass destructive nuclear weapons, the UNO sent a mission to verify the fact. Of course such evidence was lacking. But Western powers were bent upon ruining Iraq. Some international events continued to make the condition of Iraq worse. Coming to the power of the Taliban dominated government in Afghanistan and terrorist attack on America in September 2001 added fuel to the wrath of America. America strongly determined to repress the wide spread terrorist activities mushrooming in the middle East. Western forces under the leadership of America invaded Iraq on 20th March, 2003. Their main objective was to exterminate Saddam, who refused to become a stooge in the hands of Western powers. For the last seven years because of the occupation of Iraq by Western forces 1/3 of the children became orphans. Fifty lakhs of people lost their houses and became refugees. America lost 5000 of its soldiers and another 30000 were wounded. Why this total destruction? Saddam Hussein’s over greed to utilize the resources for Iraq only, not caring the Arab solidarity or their welfare was the main reason for the total destruction of the country. He reaped the bitter fruits of his own greed when America occupied Iraq. Saddam escaped. His whereabouts could not be known until 14th December, 2003. The last days of Saddam Hussein quickly moved when he was captured from a farm house in Ad-Darwar near Tikrit. He was handed over to the Interim Iraqi government to proceed with trial for his alleged crimes against humanity. Almost a mock trial was held for 3 years in the name of gathering information and trial. Finally the tribunal of judges declared him guilty and was sentenced to death by hanging. Before that Saddam pleaded his own case. Despite his wish to be shot he was hung on 30 th

December 2006. After his death his last letter addressed to the nation was released by his lawyer. In the letter he maintained himself quite honest and wished his country to prosper.

Americans killed the two sons of Saddam already in aerial raids. The Western countries openly declared that Iraq came out of the sinister shadow of Saddam Hussein. Though Saddam made an exit from the political field permanently had number of fans and admirers throughout the world. In Bihar, in a village some families named their newly born as Saddam Hussein.

EpilogueAnalytical with drawl :

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“What is a cause of pride in the history of every nation? All gamut of human history an observance of exploitation”

For the last thousand of years, the society formulated by the human kind were subject to metamorphosis. Construction, reconstruction, reform and progress of the societies always transpire. The Greek Metaphysicians believed that the human groups naturally formulate societies and later in it inevitably born to lead and they went a little further and called the man as a political animal. Some of them wanted anarchy, an unguarded democracy and some others preferred monarchy as the best form of political institution. Some thinkers wanted responsible form of democracy and while others considered the dictatorship as the best. Of course it is quite natural that thinkers and philosophers hold different opinions. But it is true in the past 2500 years man made many experiments in the sphere of political activity and experienced their impact. Modern scientific civilization becomes quite meaningless if we fail to learn lessons from history. This factor coaxed me out to write about some political personae, whose theoretical precepts and practical exercises were death in depth in this book with a view and wish that it should in quickness contribute to the development of the society.

Among the human beings there exist innumerable and imperceptible borders and limitations. They are classified as geographical, Linguistic, cultural, religions and caste and also man made frontiers. In fact all these borders are supposed to be on the wane as the scientific and technological progress is quickly expanding. But in fact the walls or borders are still strong and inflammable. To end the unfair practice of exploitation and to make the societies to stand on their own feet many great people made unsurpassable efforts. But there is another side of the coin as there were some who pursued the societies into a vast darkness of inhumanity. But the present man stand erect with pride overcoming all the lacunae, is visualizing the fortune with an age of positive hope and prosperity. Independence or dependence are not important. Today’s philosophy is interdependence.

We have read in this book a spectrum of 46 lives of great men briefly. Who are they? From where they Hail? What are they? Where they live? - all these queries yield a valuable information about the celebrated men belonging to different ages. Among the 46 only 5 are belong to the age “Before Christ”. Among them Alexander the Great and Caesar are only heroic soldiers and populist leaders. The other three Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are philosophers and political thinkers. Among the remaining 40, 11 people belong to the left ideology and the people who ardently wished the ideology of communism. Among them the () Marx and Engels are the founders of communism. Lenin and Stalin are the men who strove hard to bring and implement Marxism in Russia. Mao and Kim IL sung carried the mantle of communism. Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam has unfurled the flag of communism. In the Latin American countries Castro and Che remain the great champions of communism. Deng Xiao Ping has converted a big China into a super power. In the same list we include M.N.Roy an Indian who failed to install communism in India or himself a tragic example of frustration and despair. But all

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these leaders of same shade are articulate and inspiring. They are all self luminous.

There are some leaders who forcibly confiscate power and yet put their suspective nations on the path of progress. In this list we find the name of Park Chung Hee of North Korea. We also find a galaxy or patriots who saved their countries with unflinching loyalty and became responsible for the progress. Here we mention the name of Mohatir Mohammad of Malaysia. Belligerent Hitler remains a freak and sinister who with plots and connivances has come to power and pushed the world into a blast furnace of war but ended up his life in most ignoble way. This character is definitely a danger signal to all countries belonging to all ages. Believing dictatorship as the best form of government and conceited man has lead the nation to a point of rack and ruin but terribly pushed out by the multi trends to the torturous death is Benito Mussolini of Italy. As bruce said the little minds ad great empires go ill together. Born with a golden spoon of inherited power some rulers belonging to royal family have saved their countries through a good administration are Meiji Emperor Mutschito of Japan and Chulalung korn of Thailand. In this book special mention is made about the great Indians. Mahatma Gandhi a great messiah of peace and nonviolence and for ever remains in the citadel of history as the great freedom fighter. Nehru as his follower and same administrator with a good flair of historical writing. Last but not least is Dr. B.R. Ambedkhar, born in the down trotter family yet became the architect of Indian constitution. He shines in firm ament of history as an emantipatin of untouchables. A colossus of Middle East Nasser and a great philosopher Bertrand Russell figures in these pages. Russell is an ardent pacifist who wished the world with out war and violence. Simon Bolivar of south America bestowed liberation to five countries and Bismarck the maker of the unification of Germany are great source of inspiration for the lovers of nationalism and liberty. The political picture containing exemplary luminaries is delightfully surprising and aesthetically colorful.

If classified nation wise Greece and Germany top the list as Socrates, Plato Aristotle and Alexander belong to ancient Greece in the past. Bismarck, Hitler, Marx and Engels of Germany belong to our near present. The next nation is America and three great people are selected from America are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Three are from South American continent namely Boliver of Venezula, Castro of Cuba and the Che Guvera of Argentina. From African continent Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Abdul Gamel Nasser of Egypt are() From India a select four are Gandhi, Nehru, M.N.Roy and B.R. Ambedkhar. From China we find Sun Yat Sen, Mao and Deng. From Russia Stalin and Lenin are ()Winston Churchill and Bertrand Russell are from England. In this galaxy of luminaries we find Charles e gaule from France. From the wreath of great leaders of other countries. We find Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam, Ben Gurion of Israel, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Jinnah of Pakistan, Arafat of Palestine, Sukarno of Indonesia, Lee of Singapore, Chulalong of Thailand, Mahatir Malaysia and Kamal Pasha of Turkey. From ancient Italy Julius Caesar and from modern Italy Mussolini are selected. Out of 46 celebrities 4 are still alive;

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they are Lee Kwan Yu of Singapore, Mohatir Mohhammad of Malaysia Fidel Castro of Cuba and Nelson Mandela of South Africa.

Directional Synthesis : This analysis infers some truths in it. In the most developed countries like America and England in modern there are few leaders in number mentioned in this book. In 20th century America you find Martin Luther King, in England Russel and Churchill and in Japan you do not find any body. But how these countries achieved progress ? The answer is our Epilogue. According to the theory of Adam Smith, proposed some 200 years ago that where G.N.P. and wealth increased, it will be distributed to all through an ‘Unseen hand’. If a citizen of any country benefit of laziness and works for 6 hours a day, What prevents its progress ? If the government machinery in any country is able to discharge their duties promptly without the necessity of the political leaders, it would solve all problems. If there is discipline among the people the work of the leaders become easy. How does a governmental machinery achieve progress sans discipline and workman ship ?

In that case even the most capable leader cannot accomplish anything. Utmost the political leader after being elected could get the required budgetary allocations. The rest lies with the Bureaucrats. If they have Sloth, corruption, carelessness and insincerity, what leaders and the government can do ?.

The governmental machinery should have regular contact with the people. But unfortunately all problems begins here. The pattern in which people run to the political leaders to get their problems solved whether they are just or otherwise, is not helpful for the progress of the nation.

The people often complain that the officers do not attend their problems, be it a bank loan, a complaint of theft in the police station or to get a benefit form plan or package, without the pressure or intervention of political leaders. The political leaders do not spoil the officials by themselves. But the corrupt and nonworking officials make them. It is a painful thing to note that in India the political leaders have became middle men between the people and the officials. Be it a Police, Teacher or a Doctor, if they do their duty with conscientiously our country can register a better growth and progress. The same thing is happening in countries like Japan. In Japan there is no Red tapism and cases in courts quickly disposed off and punishments imposed.

But in India Political leaders fail to bestow faith among the people. They often suggest or resort to the making of new acts or rules of course. They are quite constructive. But according to the theories of the public administration they may not be practical or not useful in their execution. What is required is not the new laws, nor the creation of the New department but the increase of his working efficiency of the governmental officers and other members of the staff.

In the media discussions and visuals we came to know that most of the political leaders have criminal background. They are made so by the “Sloth oriented government machinery. It a political leader commits a crime if we have an

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efficient police institution that can consider him a criminal and nab, further no political leader could commit a crime. The people want a leader ship that could provide an efficient and better administrative machinery. Such leaders should have a thorough knowledge in India’s Economic, Social, Historical and Scientific affairs, punctuated by a rational common sense. They can exactly decide and give what the country needs and the people desire. Such leaders comes from people and grow from the naturally. I feel my mission of writing this book more than fulfilled if it can inspire a leader who could provide directional objectivity to the people or the nation.

The Economic professor of a University cannot become the wealthiest of all simply because he instructs about economic matters and financial items. Here we shall not forget that great Karl Marx could touch the depth of political economy though suffering dire poverty. Japan could not get a Noble Prize in the subject of economics, inspite of the economic strides it made. England has produced seven Nobel laureates in the subject of Economics. A philosopher is different from the Professor of Philosophy. The leaders are not scarce if people have the tendency to work hard. The development of a nation cannot be achieved in a day. If we do not have proper understanding about the progress of the nation, even if there is progress you cannot conceive it. The real progress lies in the economic and technological self sufficiency. The real growth is registered when the government makes the laws to promote self sufficiency and implement then serupulously otherwise the youth of India would be enslaved in the iron frame of the foreign countries. Whether we make our children alien or nonresidential citizens, depends on us. If you want to make a stride in the direction of self sufficiency, you must do your duty sincerely. If you take money without doing justice to your job or work is tantamount a high treason. Even if you are not in a job, if you do not show gratefulness for the sustenance you get from the society nor pay it back is equally treachery. The education must instruct this to the students and then only as our great poet Sri Sri words “The only our country gives an auspicious message to the world” will become true.

If you question any student about his future, he quips immediately that he will become and Engineer, Doctor, I.A.S.Officer or Industrial Tycoon. But no body will tell that, he will become a Good Teacher, a Painter, an efficient Driver, postman, a Writer or a food Barber. They despise those professionals as below their dignity. They forget to note that all professional are important in our zigzag society. All professions are needed if our educational setup is able to give equal importance to all professions, our country would became invincible and a front rank country among the community of nations. But in our country discipline awfully lacks in every sphere of activity.

The so called intellectuals are always thinking about constructive changes. They are thumping the tables for ( and analyzing about Globalization, Privatization and Corporatization. Any one among these is neither too good nor too bad. What ever might be the structure, it is mostly desired that the peoples energy and ability must be utilized for the nations welfare. Bertrand Russell wisely defined

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civilization as a good combination of foresight and wisdom. In the ancient civilization of Egypt, the Pyramids were built with a belief that dead pharaohs would return alive. They definitely had foresight but lacked wisdom as they forgot that the dead would never return. Let us hope that the present Indian society should have both foresight and wisdom.
