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English for Italian Lesson 4

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Sommario: La famiglia 1/2 Il genitivo sassone 3 I possessivi 3 La tua famiglia 4 Che cosa ricordi? 5/6 English English Lezione 4 The family Sarah Simon Claire Jane Marc Albert Helen Paul and Lisa The Parkers family Albert and Helen are married. Albert is the husband and Helen is his wife . Albert and Helen are Jane and Simon’s parents . Albert is the father and Helen is the mother . Simon is the son and Jane is the daughter . Simon is Jane’s brother . Jane is Simon’s sister . They are siblings . Simon is married with Claire. Claire is Albert and Helen’s daughter-in-law . Albert is Claire’s father-in-law and Helen is Claire’s mother-in-law . Albert and Helen are Claire’s parents-in-law . Claire is Jane and Marc’s sister- in-law . Jane is married with Marc. Marc is Albert and Helen’s son-in-law and he is Simon and Claire’s brother-in-law . Marc and Jane have a daughter , Sarah. Sarah is Paul and Lisa’s cousin . Paul is Sarah’s cousin . Sarah, Paul and Lisa are cousins . Simon and Claire have two children : Paul and Lisa. They are Albert and Helen’s grandchildren and are Jane and Marc’s nephews . Paul is the nephew and Lisa is the niece . Jane is Paul and Lisa’s aunt , Marc is their uncle . Albert and Helen are Sarah, Paul and Lisa ‘s grandpar- ents . Albert is the grandfather and Helen is the grand- mother . Father = dad Mother = mum Grandfather = grandad Granmother = granny Attenzione! Parents = genitori Relatives = parenti Husband = Wife = Mother = Father = Son = Daughter = Brother = Sister = Siblings = Uncle = Aunt = Cousin = Nephew = Niece = Grandfather = Grandmother = Grandparents = Grandchildren = Grandson = Granddaughter = Son-in-law = Daughter-in-law = Father-in-law = Mother-in-law =
Page 1: English for Italian Lesson 4


La famiglia 1/2

Il genitivo sassone 3

I possessivi 3

La tua famiglia 4

Che cosa ricordi? 5/6



Lezione 4

The family


Simon Claire

Jane Marc

Albert Helen

Paul and Lisa

The Parkers family

Albert and Helen are married. Albert is the husband and Helen is his wife.

Albert and Helen are Jane and Simon’s

parents. Albert is the father and Helen

is the mother. Simon is the son and Jane

is the daughter. Simon is Jane’s brother.

Jane is Simon’s sister. They are siblings.

Simon is married with Claire. Claire is Albert and Helen’s

daughter-in-law. Albert is Claire’s father-in-law and

Helen is Claire’s mother-in-law. Albert and Helen are

Claire’s parents-in-law. Claire is Jane and Marc’s sister-


Jane is married with Marc. Marc is Albert and Helen’s

son-in-law and he is Simon and Claire’s brother-in-law.

Marc and Jane have a daughter, Sarah. Sarah is Paul and

Lisa’s cousin. Paul is Sarah’s cousin. Sarah, Paul and Lisa

are cousins.

Simon and Claire have two children: Paul and Lisa. They

are Albert and Helen’s grandchildren and are Jane and

Marc’s nephews. Paul is the nephew and Lisa is the niece.

Jane is Paul and Lisa’s aunt, Marc is their uncle.

Albert and Helen are Sarah, Paul and Lisa ‘s grandpar-

ents. Albert is the grandfather and Helen is the grand-


Father = dad Mother = mum Grandfather = grandad Granmother = granny


Parents = genitori

Relatives = parenti Husband =

Wife =

Mother =

Father =

Son =

Daughter =

Brother =

Sister =

Siblings =

Uncle =

Aunt =

Cousin =

Nephew =

Niece =

Grandfather =

Grandmother =

Grandparents =

Grandchildren =

Grandson =

Granddaughter =

Son-in-law =

Daughter-in-law =

Father-in-law =

Mother-in-law =

Page 2: English for Italian Lesson 4

Pagina 2

The family tree

Write the correct word in the boxes: cousin - aunt - brother - nephew - father- sister

grandfather (x2) - brother-in-law - grandmother (x2)


Una costruzione come

Ann’s daughter - (la figlia di Ann)

è chiamata genitivo sassone: si mette prima il posses-

sore, poi la cosa posseduta e nel mezzo ‘s.

Possessore ’s + cosa posseduta

Es. Tom’s car is red My father’s friend

All about relatives!!! Look at the Manson’s fam-ily tree and check if the sentence is true or false:

Henry and Diana have four grandchildren. T

Emily is George’s grandmother. F

1. Jack is Paul’s son.

2. Paul is George’s uncle.

3. Sandra is Peter’s mother.

4. Emily is Anne’s niece.

5. Peter is Sarah’s nephew.

6. Jack is Amelia’s cousin.

7. Amelia is Sandra’s sister-in-law.

8. Diana is Anne’s aunt.

9. John is Henry’s son.

10. Sandra is Paul’s daughter



The Manson’s family tree

Page 3: English for Italian Lesson 4

Pagina 3

Expressing possession: the genitive

Il genitivo sassone si usa per specificare che qualcosa ap-

partiene ad una persona. Si forma aggiungendo ‘s al posses-

sore, che precede sempre la cosa posseduta:

This is Marc’s room. Claire is Lisa’s mother.

Questa è la stanza di Marc. Claire è la madre di Lisa.

Non si usa quando il possessore è una cosa:

The cover of the book. La copertina del libro.

Casi particolari:

- Se un oggetto appartiene a più possessori si aggiunge ‘s

dopo l’ultimo possessore: Claire is Paul and Lisa’s mother.

Claire è la madre di Paul e Lisa.

- Si aggiunge soltanto l’apostrofo ‘ dopo i nomi plurali che

finiscono per s: These are the students’ books.

Questi sono i libri degli studenti.

MA: These are my children’s books.

Questi sono i libri dei miei figli.

Complete the sentences (look at the Parker’s family tree):

1. Simon is __________ husband.

2. Jane is __________ wife.

3. Paul is __________ brother.

4. Helen is __________,

__________ and __________


5. Paul is __________ cousin.

6. Sarah is __________ and

__________ daughter.

7. Albert is __________ and

__________ father-in-law.

8. Claire is __________ sister-in-


The possessives

I my mio/a; miei/mie

you your tuo/a; tuoi/tue

he his suo/a; suoi/sue (di lui)

she her suo/a; suoi/sue (di lei)

it its suo/a; suoi/sue ( di esso)

we our nostro/a; nostri/e

you your vostro/a; vostri/e

they their loro

I possessivi in inglese:

come tutti gli aggettivi, sono invariabili (non c’è

maschile o femminile, singolare o plurale);

non sono mai preceduti dall’articolo;

precedono sempre il nome a cui si riferiscono;

alla terza persona singolare concordano con ge-

nere del possessore.

Complete the text about Pamela, with the correct possessives:

_____ name is Pamela Gomez. She’s American, but _____ parents are from Mexico City and

_____ relatives are still there. Pamela is 19 years old and _____ brother is 20. _____ name is

Pedro. They work as shop assistants in a big store in San Francisco. Pamela has many hobbies but

_____ favourites are playing volleyball and dancing. Pedro is a good football player, _____ team is

famous in San Francisco. _____ house is in the suburbs of the city. It isn’t very big but it’s nice

and clean. _____ garden is full of trees and flowers. Pedro isn’t married but he has a girlfriend.

_____ name is Jane.

Translate in Italian:

This is your book. ______________________

These are our books. ______________________

This is his book. ______________________

This is her book. ______________________

Page 4: English for Italian Lesson 4

Pagina 4

About your family Draw here your family tree:

Now write some sentences about your family:









Draw here your mate’s family tree:

Page 5: English for Italian Lesson 4

Lezione 4 Pagina 5

What do you remember?

1. Rewrite the sentences using the correct personal pronouns instead of the underlined nouns :

1. Paul and Mary are twins (gemelli). ________________________

2. Robert is a good friend. ________________________

3. My wife and I are very well. ________________________

4. Are you and your family from Italy? ________________________

5. Is the motorbike new? ________________________

6. The students are in the classroom. ________________________

7. Helen is 18 years old. ________________________

8. The book is really interesting. ______________________

In inglese non si usa mai il pronome I per primo, quando è in combinazione con un altro soggetto: Io e Luigi andiamo in vacanza

insieme. Luigi and I go on holiday

together. Io e te siamo amici.

You and I are friends

2. Set the words in order to make questions about Nicole Kidman, then match them with the right answer:

1. Is/Scotland /Nicole/from/?

Is Nicole from Scotland? H A. She’s about forty.

2. Famous/she/is/?

______________________ ___ B. Yes, it is.

3. Is/ugly/she/?

______________________ ___ C. No, she isn’t.

4. From/she/is Australia/?

______________________ ___ D. Yes, she’s very tall.

5. Job/her/what/is/?

______________________ ___ E. Yes, she’s very popular.

6. Old/how/she/is/?

______________________ ___ F. She’s an actress.

7. She/is/tall/?

______________________ ___ G. No, she’s really beautiful.

8. Of Nicole Kidman/is/that/a photo/?

______________________ ___ H. Yes, she is.


What Che/che


Who Chi

Which Quale (se si

fa una scelta)

When Quando

Where Dove

How Come

3. Complete the questions with the appropriate Wh-word:

1. ___________ is he from?

2. ___________ is that girl?

3. ___________ is your favourite colour?

4. ___________ the exam? Tomorrow or next week?

5. ___________ old are they?

6. ___________ are the books? On the table.

7. ___________ is your favourite fruit, apple or orange?

Pronomi dimostrativi:

this these

questo/a questi/e

that those

quello/a quelli/e

Page 6: English for Italian Lesson 4

4. Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective.

My name is Stephen

1. Angela please turn off _______ mobile phone.

2. The students are from Italy. _______ names are Susanna and Tito.

3. London is famous for _______ red buses.

4. She’s French, but _______ mother is English.

5. We’re in class 3. _______ teacher is Bob.

6. _______ name is Ian. He’s from Scotland

7. I’m Mike. _______ family are from Dublin.

Lezione 4 Pagina 6

1. Circle the correct sentence, a or b:

1. a. Hello. What’s your name? b. Hello. What your name?

2. a. She is Polish? b. Is she Polish?

3. a. They isn’t English. b. They aren’t English.

4. a. She’s Spanish. Her name is Anna. b. She’s Spanish. His name is Anna.

5. a. We’re Italian. Your name is Tozzi. b. We’re Italian. Our name is Tozzi.

6. a. They’re watchs. b. They’re watches.

What do you remember?

3. Make questions and short answers

/you spanish? Are you Spanish? + Yes, I am.

1. /I in room 13? _____________________ + ________

2. /it German? _____________________ - ________

3. /they from Italy? _____________________ - ________

4. /we in class 2? _____________________ + ________

5. /she Australian? _____________________ - ________

6. /you Italian? _____________________ - ________

7. /he from Scotland? _____________________ + ________

2. Write the sen-tences in negative:

1. I am British.


2.They’re Brazilian.


3.It’s Mexican food.


4.She’s Italian.


5.We’re from England.


6.You’re Japanese.


7.He’s from the USA.


5. Write the questions:

you how are? How are you?

1. his what’s name? ________________

2. German mother is her? ________________

3. from your are where parents? ________________

4. surname Rossi is your? ________________

5. time what it is? ________________

6. Complete with a or an. Write the plural

singular plural

a file files

1. ___ key ______________

2. ___ country ______________

3. ___ identity card ______________

4. ___ watch ______________

5. ___ e-mail ______________

6. ___ sandwich ______________
