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English questions - ESL Teachers Board · Don't wait ___ me. I still have many things to do here....

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English questions Prepositions 1. I bought a new dress ___ the store. Answer- at 2. I found my car keys ___ my pocket. Answer- in 3. My friends are waiting ___ me ___ the mall. Answer- for Answer- at 4. I saw the horse jump ___ the fence. Answer- over 5. Cathy lives ___ her parents ___ a small house. Answer- with Answer- in 6. We took a taxi ___ the airport. Answer- to 7. I put some clean towels ___ the bathroom. Answer- in 8. Linda rides the bus ___ school every day. Answer- to 9. Steven is talking ___ his girlfriend ___ the phone. Answer- to Answer- on 10. We went ___ Boston ___ vacation. Answer- to Answer- on 11. I like to watch TV ___ late ___ night. Answer- until Answer- at 12. We moved the bookcase ___ the bedroom ___ the den. Answer- from Answer- to Prepositions I 13. ___ the meantime, you can prepare dinner. On In Answer-In 14. Have you decided ___ a name ___ the baby yet? 1

English questionsPrepositions

1. I bought a new dress ___ the store. Answer- at

2. I found my car keys ___ my pocket. Answer- in

3. My friends are waiting ___ me ___ the mall. Answer- for Answer- at

4. I saw the horse jump ___ the fence. Answer- over

5. Cathy lives ___ her parents ___ a small house. Answer- with Answer- in

6. We took a taxi ___ the airport. Answer- to

7. I put some clean towels ___ the bathroom. Answer- in

8. Linda rides the bus ___ school every day. Answer- to

9. Steven is talking ___ his girlfriend ___ the phone. Answer- to Answer- on

10. We went ___ Boston ___ vacation. Answer- to Answer- on

11. I like to watch TV ___ late ___ night. Answer- until Answer- at

12. We moved the bookcase ___ the bedroom ___ the den. Answer- from Answer- to

Prepositions I

13. ___ the meantime, you can prepare dinner.OnInAnswer-In14. Have you decided ___ a name ___ the baby yet?


on, forabout, toAnswer-on, for15. Are you still working ___ your project?oninAnswer-on16. He reminds me ___ my brother-in-law.aboutofAnswer-of17. We are leaving ___ Paris next Saturday.toforAnswer-for18. She was angry ___ herself for having made such stupid mistakes.aboutwithAnswer-with19. I'm happy that he came ___ the conclusion that I was right.withtoAnswer-to20. We do have to fight ___ our freedom of speech.forwithAnswer-for21. Excuse me ___ being late.aboutforAnswer-for22. "I insist ___ my innocence", he said.oninAnswer-on23. They aren't interested ___ biology.aboutinAnswer-in24. He always mixes passion ___ hate.againstwithAnswer-withIt'll all depend ___ his mood.aboutonAnswer-on


Don't wait ___ me. I still have many things to do here.foronAnswer-forThe government should care ___ the homeless children.offor answer: for

Prepositions II

Yes. You may write ___ ink by in with Answer-inYou can get there ___ bus or ___ foot. by, by with, with by, on Answer-by, onLook! We are flying ___ the ocean. over on in Answer-overJohn is sitting ___ his brother. besides beside side Answer-besideHold it carefully ___ your thumb and forefinger. at among between Answer-betweenIt doesn't make any difference ___ me. for to in Answer-toSomeone is knocking ___ the door. at in off Answer-atHe smiled ___ me.


to at for Answer-atThis necklace is made ___ silver. of with by Answer-ofShe was dressed ___ green ___ head ___ foot. of, from, from with, from, to in, from, to Answer-in, from, toThe old man lives ___ a beautiful farm. on in within Answer-onThe doctor will be back ___ one hour. about within on Answer-withinHe fell ___ a ladder. off for in Answer-offWhy are you laughing ___ me? of from at Answer-atI like to travel ___ the summer. at in on Answer-inI bought the shirt ___ US$ 20.00. of for with Answer-forCome ___ 10 ___ Monday morning. at, on at, at


Answer-at, onGet ___ the bus here and ___ at the third stop. on, in out, off on, off Answer-on, offLet's go ___ a walk. by for to Answer-forHe traveled ___ business. on for to Answer-on

Prepositions III

___ his way to Japan he stopped over in Los Angeles.OnInAnswer-OnThanks ___ all you've done for me.foraboutAnswer-forYou should spend your money ___ something worthwhile.withonAnswer-onIs there anything ___ sale at the mall this week? I don't have much money to spend.foronAnswer-onWe're looking at some of the ads offered ___ that brochure.inonAnswer-inHave you found a nice gift ___ her?toforAnswer-for___ a rainy day I like to stay at home.OnIn


Answer-OnIn winter Florida is very popular with northerners who suffer ___ the cold weather in their states.withfromAnswer-fromJohn, do you remember Mary? She's an old friend ___ school.fromofAnswer-fromLet's go ___ a tour of the city.toonAnswer-onWho is that man smiling ___?attoAnswer-atMany animals are ___ the risk of extinction.atinAnswer-atSwitzerland is famous ___ its watches.aboutforAnswer-forYou'd better change ___ a lower gear when driving uphill.toforAnswer-toOurs is the best car ___ the market.inonAnswer-onCan I pay for this painting ___ dollars?inwithAnswer-inThis story is similar ___ the one she told us.withtoAnswer-toFind answers ___ these questions if you can.toforAnswer-toI'm not sure ___ all that the interest rate is affordable.


ofatAnswer-atThe President approves ___ making the agreement with Brazil.ofinAnswer-of

Prepositions I

They plan to arrive in Paris ___ July 4th.a. inb. onc. atAnswer-onIn times of war, soldiers usually dream ___ their home.a. ofb. withc. overAnswer-ofIt was discovered that he didn't die ___ cancer.a. aboutb. ofc. forAnswer-ofDon't forget to congratulate him ___ his birthday.a. inb. forc. onAnswer-onHe took her ___ his arms and kissed her passionately.a. onb. inc. withAnswer-inWe must ___ all costs help those who are ___ danger.a. at, inb. on, inc. at, onAnswer-at, inThe girl was dressed ___ white ___ head ___ foot.a. with, from, tob. in, from, toc. with, to, fromAnswer-in, from, toYou will always have a good friend ___ me.a. with


b. onc. inAnswer-inThe old fellow sat down ___ the roulette table and placed a few chips ___ number 25, red.a. on, onb. on, inc. at, onAnswer-at, onIs it wise to wish ___ something you can't ever have?a. aboutb. forc. overanswer: for

PrepositionsClick the answer button to see the answer.

Jenny is ___ work now.a. onb. inc. atd. overAnswer-at

The bookstore is just ___ the corner.a. aroundb. acrossc. overd. oppositeAnswe-around

Jill was standing ___ me.a. alongb. atc. acrossd. next toAnswer-next to

Tracy waited ___ the bus station for an hour.a. underb. atc. acrossd. alongAnswer-at

Donald lives ___ Coronation Street.


a. aroundb. byc. throughd. onAnswer-on

My birthday falls ___ the 25 of July.a. atb. onc. behindd. inAnsweron

There is a bench ___ the lamp post.a. besideb. overc. alongd. throughAnswer-beside

There are cars parked ___ the road.a. throughb. alongc. acrossd. withAnswer-along

She comes to work ___ foot.a. onb. byc. withd. inAnswer-on

Ida wanted to stay ___ home.a. inb. atc. offd. insideAnswer-at


The winner of the competition was ___ the drawing-room.a. onb. inc. at



Everybody sat ___ the floor, but Mr. Spencer sat ___ a chair ___ the corner.a. over - in - onb. about - on - atc. on - on - inAnswer-c

The judge poured champagne ___ the glass.a. intob. onc. insideAnswer-a

The elderly lady was always ___ home ___ night.a. at - atb. in - atc. into-insideAnswer-a

Adriana used to swin ___ the sea and sunbathe ___ the sand.a. on -atb. on - inc. in - onAnswer-c

During the week I get up early ___ the morning and go to bed late ___ night. But normally ___ weekends I sleep until midday.a. on - at - atb. in - at - onc. in - in - atAnswer-b

Peter lives ___ Boa Viagem Avenue, now, but he lived ___ 109, Amizade Street ___ 1980.a. on - at - inb. in - at - onc. on - at - onAnswer-a

He was born ___ 8:15 ___ the morning ___ June, 18th, 1928 a. in - on - atb. at - in - onc. on - on - inAnswer-b

The hanging light is ___ the table.


a. inb. overc. atAnswer-b

"I'm staying ___ the Jangadeiro Hotel. It's ___ Boa Viagem Ave. ___ Recife".a. at - in - onb. in - on - atc. at - on - inAnswer-c

Thomas was born ___ January 9th ___ Buenos Aires.a. in - onb. on - inc. at - onAnswer-b

He's arriving from Europe ___ Wednesday.a. atb. onc. ofAnswer-b

She doesn't work ___ night.a. inb. onc. atAnswer-c

Pick a Particle: In, On or Up

We will have to put my mother ___ when she visits us.Answer-up

Shall we go ___ with the game now?Answer-on

Legal cases can drag ___ for ever.Answer-on

First you need to fill ___ the form.Answer-in

I'm saving ___ to buy a new computer.Answer-up

I hope the weather clears ___ later.



Children have to stay ___ at school until 16 in England.Answer-on

She fits ___ an incredible amount of work each day.Answer-in

The salesman threw ___ the software for free.Answer-in


___ Thanksgiving, we usually eat cranberry sauce with our roasted turkey.On, InAnswer-OnThey were reassured ___ the outcome ___ the elections.about, inby, ofAnswer-by, ofWe always take a trip ___ the summer.On, inAnswer-inShe made the mistake ___ adding salt instead of sugar.about, ofAnswer-ofHe was sitting ___ his seat when the teacher entered the classroom.at, inAnswer-inWhile ___ holiday, they vacationed ___ Australia.in, on

1. on, inAnswer-on, inHe was concerned ___ his low grade ___ the class.about, inwith, onAnswer-about, inHe came ___ the decision that he should study harder.with, toAnswer-toHe was happy ___ them when he learned ___ their success.for, of, with, aboutAnswer-for, ofHe was confused ___ the correct answer to the test question.about, forAnswer-aboutHe looked ___ the countryside for signs of spring.


about, inAnswer-aboutHe joined ___ his allies to win the battle.against, withAnswer-withHe looked ___ his friends for advice.to, onAnswer-toThe cook waited ___ the customers because the server left early.for, onAnswer-onHe waited ___ her reply until it was too late to make a decision.on, forAnswer-for

Prepositions II

The workers went ___ strike because they thought their wages were too low.Answer-onHe tried to warn his daughter ___ the dangers ___ going out alone ___ night.Answer-of, of, atAlthough we had expected them to take a taxi, they came ___ car.Answer-by___ today's newspaper it's stated that a new agreement will be signed ___ those two countries soon.Answer-In, byI learned to ride a horse ___ the age ___ five.Answer-at, ofGuess what? The favorite was beaten ___ a very close race.Answer-inWill you please pick up a pizza ___ dinner ___ your way home this evening?Answer-for, onThe fee charged ___ that lawyer ___ his services was too high.Answer-by, forHe submitted his application ___ December 1st, so the manager did not consider it.Answer-onIt was love and caring that she was desperately ___ need ___, not advice.Answer-in, of

Correct or Incorrect use of preposition?

correct (c) or incorrect (i).

She's a very selfish person who doesn't show any consideration for others.Answer-cOn our school the teachers' basic hourly rate was increased by 5%.Answer-i (in,by)


When we said: "the time is over", the young girl glanced quickly on her watch.Answer-i (at)There's a fine of 25 cents a day at overdue library books.Answer-i (of,on)In the beginning of his career he had very little success.Answer-i (at,of)He forgot to consider the rise in the cost of living.Answer-cThis ticket entitles you to a free meal in our new restaurant.Answer-cWhy did the burden to bringing up her two brothers fall on her shoulders?Answer-i (of)When I came through the customs at the airport, I had to pay duty about an electric knife I had in my luggage.Answer-i (on,in)The botanist discovered some new specimens of flowers on that island.Answer-c

Astronomy: Prepositions

Astronomers study the planets ___ our solar system.a. amongb. belowc. inAnswer-c

Stars are balls of gas that give ___ light.a. awayb. inc. outAnswer-c

A galaxy is a system ___ stars.a. ofb. offc. withAnswer-a

Would you like to live ___ the moon?a. atb. inc. onAnswer-c

The Chinese Wall can be seen ___ the moon.a. along


b. fromc. throughAnswer-b

A "light year" is the distance covered ___ light travelling during one year.a. afterb. byc. forAnswer-b

Lunar months are ___ than our months.a. more shortb. shorterc. shortierAnswer-b

Man first landed on the moon ___ 1969.a. afterwardsb. inc. sinceAnswer-b

A crater is a hole ___ the ground.a. belowb. inc. offAnswer-b

Gravity is the force that attracts objects in space ___ each other.a. afterb. betweenc. towardsAnswer-c


Despite her parents complaints, she decided to live by ___ in New York City.herherselfAnswer-herselfIf you happen to see your parents this weekend, give ___ my best regards.himherthemAnswer-themI can't understand ___ when she speaks German with ___ .her, me


him, meAnswer-her, meHe should be ashamed of ___ .himselfhimAnswer-himselfMary was worried about the children, so she convinced ___ husband not to accept the job abroad.hisherAnswer-herWe came across a friend of ___ at the mall yesterday.oursusAnswer-oursI can't find ___ pencil. Can I use ___ , Mary?my, yoursmine, yourAnswer-my, yoursI cut ___ when I was peeling the potatoes.memyselfAnswer-myselfThis house is too expensive for ___ . We can't pay such a high rent.usweAnswer-usEach plan has ___ merits.ititsAnswer-itsHe ___ said so.hisselfhimselfAnswer-himselfI do my work and they do ___ .theirtheirsAnswer-theirsGive it back to ___ . It's ___.me, mineme, myAnswer-me, mineDespite ___ old age, he is very active.hisitsAnswer-his


They enjoyed ___ a lot at the cocktail party.theirselvesthemselvesAnswer-themselves

Possessive Pronouns

It belongs to me, it's ___Answer-mine

It belongs to my father, it's ___Answer-his

It belongs to her, it's ___Answer-hers

It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's ___Answer-theirs

It belongs to me and my wife, it's ___Answer-ours

It belongs to my mother, it's ___Answer-hers

It belongs to him, it's ___Answer-his

It belongs to you, it's ___Answer-yours

It belongs to the dog, it's ___Answer-its

It belongs to them, it's ___Answer-theirs

Possessive Pronouns

John Anderson forgot ___ book.Answer-his

Mary and Susan talk like ____ mother.Answer-their

Alex and I were late for ___ class .Answer-our


Princess Caroline is wearing ___ new Gucci gown.Answer-her

Where are ___ keys? I can't find them.Answer-my

Where do you keep ___ money, in the bank?Answery-our

Everyone should bring ___ signed receipt.Answer-his/her

Object Pronouns

"Is she writing to Leonardo di Caprio?""Yes, she is in love with ___!"a. herb. himc. hisAnswer-b

"John is making a lot of noise!""I'll ask ___ to be quiet."a. himb. itc. itsAnswer-a

"Please tell Mrs. Smith to come in.""Sorry, I don't know ___."a. herb. himc. sheAnswer-a

"I can't find my glasses!""You are wearing ___!"a. themb. therec. theyAnswer-a

"Do you like bananas?""I love ___ !"


a. hersb. itsc. themAnswer-c

"Why is he always talking about Pamela Anderson?""He obviously likes ___ !"a. herb. himc. sheAnswer-a

"Where is my book? Oh, dear! I've lost ___ !"a. himb. itc. itsAnswer-b

"Is that Mary's new boyfriend?""Don't ask me, ask ___!"a. herb. hisc. itAnswer-a

"What is the title of that song?""I'm afraid I can't remember ___."a. himb. itc. themAnswer-b

"Why is David so happy?""His friends gave ___a guitar for his birthday!"a. himb. itc. them Answer-a

"What are you going to do with those old papers?""I'm going to recycle ___."a. theirb. themc. theyAnswer-b

"Let's see the latest Spielberg movie!"


"I have seen ___ already!"a. himb. itc. thereAnswer-b

"How are your parents? I haven't seen ___ for some time now!"a. themb. therec. theyAnswer-a

"Have you met Tom and Lisa?""No, I have never met ___ ."a. itsb. thec. themAnswer-c

What did the teacher say?(Reported Speech)Mr. Smith: "Are you a student?""What did Mr. Smith say?"Answer-"He asked if I was a student."

Ms. Washington: "What is your name?""What did Ms. Washington say?"Answer-"She asked me what my name was."

Teacher: "Stand up, please, Maurice!""What did the teacher say?"Answer-"The teacher told Maurice to stand up."

Mr. Brown: "Don't speak now, Melissa!""What did Mr. Brown say?"Answer-"He told Melissa not to speak."

Miss Claymore: "One month ago, I warned you to study for that test!""What did the Miss Claymore say?"Answer-"She said she warned us to study for that test."

Mr. Jones: "I will teach you how to do research on the Web.""What did the Mr. Jones say?"Answer-"He said she he teach us how to do research on the Web."

Sentence CombiningMatch the two columns to have a meaningful sentence.


1. The rain started2. Bob's car is old3. He was a famous hockey player4. I wrote many books5. They had to cancel the meeting6. No one knows for sure7. You won't succeed8. Although it was raining a. if you don't try hard.

a. even if you try hard.b. when he was young.c. because the director did not show up.d. he went out without an umbrella.e. while I was driving home.f. who won last year's race.g. before I was awarded the literature prize.h. but he can't afford buying a new one.

Answers: 1-e 2-h 3-b 4-g 5-c 6-f 7-a 8-d

Subject and Verb AgreementIs the sentence correct or incorrect?Compare it with the correct answer.

The last questions on the test were very difficult.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: The last questions on the test were very difficult.John, as well as his younger brothers, is going to study at that school.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: John, as well as his younger brothers, isgoing to study at that school.People from the South is very friendly.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Incorrect: The people from the Southare very friendly.Everyone need to be loved.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Incorrect: Everyone needs to be loved.Part of the money goes to charity.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: Part of the money goes to charity.Statistics hasn't been revised as a course approach far too long.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: Statistics hasn't been revised as a course approach far too long.You and I am supposed to clean the room before Mom gets home.CorrectIncorrect


Answer-Incorrect: You and I are supposed to cleanthe room before Mom gets home.Either the President or the Vice has signed the document.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: Either the President of the Vice has signed the document.No news are good news.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Incorrect: No news is good news.Be careful. Grandma's scissors are very sharp.CorrectIncorrectAnswerCorrect: Be careful. Grandma's scissors are very sharp.Neither of the statements is false.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: Neither of the statements is false.The police hasn't made any arrests lately.CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Incorrect: The police haven't made any arrests lately.

Indirect QuestionsStart the sentence with the words given in parentheses.

Who built that enormous bridge? (I wonder...)Answer-I wonder who built that enormous bridge.

What's Brazil like? (I want to find out...)Answer-I want to find out what Brazil is like.

Did Benjamin Franklin write 'Poor Richard's Almanac'? (I can't remember ....)Answer-I can't remember if Benjamin Franklin wrote 'Poor Richard's Almanac'.

How do you do it? (Can you tell me ...)Answer-Can you tell me how you do it?

Who did you meet at the party? (I'd like to know ...)Answer-I'd like to know who you met at the party.

How long have you been waiting for me? (I wonder ...)Answer-I wonder how long you have been waiting for me.

What happened to them? (Nobody cares ...)Answer-Nobody cares what happened to them.

How important is that meeting to the company? (Can you tell me ...)


Answer-Can you tell me how important that meeting is to the company?

When was the film produced? (Nobody remembers ...)Answer-Nobody remembers when the film was produced.

Have they flown an ultralight too? (I don't know ...)Answer-I don't know if they have flown an ultralight too.

What is it called in English? (I can't remember ....)Answer-I can't remember what it is called in English.

Should people be allowed to smoke in public places? (I'd like to know ....)Answer-I'd like to know if people should be allowed to smoke in public places.

Reported Speech

Mary "I love chocolate."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate."a. lovedb. lovesc. lovingAnswer-a

Mary: "I went skiing."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing."a. wentb. had gonec. have goneAnswer-b

Mary: "I will eat steak for dinner."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for dinner."a. willingb. willc. wouldAnswer-c

Mary: "I have been to Sydney."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to Sydney."a. had beenb. has beenc. was beingAnswer-a

Mary: "I have had three cars."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ three cars.a. has


b. has hadc. had hadAnswer-c

Mary: "I'm going to go to Long Beach."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ going to go to Long Beach."a. isb. wasc. wentAnswer-b

Mary: "I don't like spinach."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ like spinach."a. doesn'tb. don'tc. didn'tAnswer-c

Mary: "I have never been to London."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ never been to London."a. hadb. hasc. haveAnswer-a

Mary: "I was swimming."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swimming.a. has beenb. had beenc. have beenAnswer-b

Mary: "I had a cat."Jill: Mary said (that) she had ___ a cat."a. haveb. hasc. hadAnswer-c

Mary: "I can't swim."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swim."a. can'tb. couldn'tc. can notAnswer-b

Mary: "I won't buy a new car."


Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ by a new car."a. won'tb. willc. wouldn'tAnswer-c

Mary: "I have to do my laundry."Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to do her laundry."a. hadb. hasc. haveAnswer-a

Reported Speech at a Much Later Time

Mary: "I will go downtown tomorrow."Jill: "Mary said (that) she would go downtown ___ ."a. on Fridayb. tomorrowc. the following/next dayAnswer-c

Mary: "I am going to play tennis today."Jill: "Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis ___ ."a. that dayb. todayc. tomorrowAnswer-a

Mary: "I went shopping yesterday."Jill: "Mary said (that) she had gone shopping ___ ."a. yesterdayb. the day beforec. on SaturdayAnswer-b

Mary: "I am enjoying life now."Jill: "Mary said (that) she was enjoying life ___ ."a. nowb. at that timec. todayAnswer-b

Mary: "I will cook dinner later this evening."Jill: "Mary said (that) she would cook dinner later ___ .a. that evening


b. in the eveningc. this eveningAnswer-a

Mary: "I'm going to class in three hours."Jill: "Mary said (that) she was going to class ___ ."a. three hours beforeb. three hours laterc. in three hoursAnswer-b

Mary: "I went to bed early last night."Jill: "Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early ___ ."a. the night beforeb. last nightc. the night priorAnswer-a

Mary: "I am going to go to London in 10 days."Jill: "Mary said (that) she was going to go to London ___ ."a. in 10 daysb. 10 days laterc. on WednesdayAnswer-b

Mary: "I had lunch at noon."Jill: "Mary said (that) she had had lunch ___ .a. at 12 o'clockb. at noonc. that noonAnswer-c

Mary: "I will play cards the day after tomorrow."Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards ___ ."a. in two daysb. on Thursdayc. two days laterAnswer-c

Mary: "I bought it three years ago."Jill: "Mary said (that) she had bought it ___ ."a. in three yearsb. three years agoc. three years beforeAnswer-c

Subject/Verb Agreement


The use of vitamin supplements and herbs (be) ___ becoming increasingly popular among Americans.Answer-is

While many studies claim that vitamins and herbs can improve health, there (be) ___ a lot of controversy about their safety. Answer-is

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (do) ___ not regulate vitamins and herbs.Answer-does

Most experts (believe) ___ that herbal supplements are mild and somewhat harmless.Answer-believe

Still, anyone who (take) ___ too much of a vitamin or herb could suffer negative side effects.Answer-takes

For example, some medical problems (have) ___ been linked to overuse of ephedra, an herb taken by people to lose weight.Answerhave

Some research (suggest) ___ that Vitamin C may help prevent cancer. Answer-suggests

People who (take) ___ more than 1,000 miligrams of vitamin C daily may experience diarrhea or kidney stones.Answer-take

Advertisers say that the herb "kava kava" (reduce) ___ anxiety and insomnia. Answer-reduces

Using large amounts of kava kava (be) ___ not wise as muscle, eye or skin problems could result. Answer-is

The danger of long-term use of vitamins and herbs (be) ___ still unknown.Answeris

There (be) ___ a lot of evidence that vitamin-rich foods are beneficial.Answer-is

However, whether the use of supplements (be) ___ helpful or not is still being debated.Answer-is

Most people (be) ___ able to get all the vitamins they need in the foods they eat.



A daily diet that (contain) ___ foods from the 4 groups should supply all the nutrients a person needs.Answer-contains

Eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily (be) ___ said to provide all the essential vitamins we require. Answer-is

The best way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals (be) ___ naturally, through a healthy diet.Answer-is

Talking to your doctor before taking supplements (be) ___ advisable.Answe-ris

Match the SentencesChoose the equivalent or near-equivalent sentences.

1. He hates washing the dishes 2. He's not diplomatic. 3. He has no money. 4. He's a good driver. 5. He died from hunger. 6. He's the loser. 7. He went by plane.

a. He flew.b. He drives well.c. He starved to death.d. He didn't win.e. He doesn't have any tact.f. He's broke.g. He doesn't like doing the dishes.

Answers1-g 2-e 3-f 4-b 5-c 6-d 7-a

Questions & AnswersMatch the questions with the answers.

1. Who are you waiting for? a. No, not yet. 2. What happened to Bob? b. Home. 3. How long does it take you to get there? c. He broke his leg. 4. Can you tell me the time? d. On January 1st, 1960. 5. Why did you call Mr. Brown? e. Two hours. 6. Would you like something to drink? f. Next week. 7. When will you travel to the United States? g. My brother 8. Have you done assignment II? h. A coke, please. 9. Where are you going? i. To invite him to dinner.


10. When were you born? j. It's 2 o'clock.

Answers1-g 2-c 3-e 4-j 5-i 6-h 7-f 8-a 9-b 10-d

Question Formation

Decide if the question is grammatically correct or incorrect.Who wrote the book "Of Mice and Men"?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: Who wrote the book "Of Mice and Men"?When they get married?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-IncorrectCorrect question: When did they get married?Correct question: When will they get married?How much it costs?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-IncorrectCorrect question: How much does it cost?Correct question: How much did it cost?Correct question: How much will it cost?What size do you wear?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: What size do you wear?Who he sent a card to?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-IncorrectCorrect question: Who did he send a card to?How long will it take you to get there?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: How long will it take you to get there?Where he born?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct question: Where was he born?Whose painting the art critic talking about?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-IncorrectCorrect question: Whose painting is the art critic talking about?Correct question: Whose painting was the art critic talking about?Correct question: Whose painting will the art critic be talking about?Who are offering us help?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-IncorrectCorrect question: Who is offering us help?


What caused the boy's death?CorrectIncorrectAnswer-Correct: What caused the boy's death?

Question Formation II

___ yesterday?a. Whose calledb. Who calledAnswer-b

___ talk to?a. Who did youb. Who you didc. Who youAnswer-a

___ you born?a. Where wasb. Where arec. Where wereAnswer-c

___ to the train station?a. How do I getb. How I getAnswer-a

___ the flight delayed?a. Why didb. Why isc. WhyAnswer-b

___ you have?a. How much hand-luggage dob. How many hand-luggage doc. How much hand-luggageAnswer-a

___ the river?a. How deep hasb. How deep can bec. How deep isAnswer-c


When ___ leave?a. should web. we shouldc. should we toAnswer-a

___ the answer?a. Who knowsb. Who knowAnswer-a

___ to the airport?a. How far isb. How far is itc. How distance is itAnswer-b

How much ___ ?a. do you weightb. does your weightc. do you weighAnswer-c

How long ___ waiting for me?a. have you beenb. you have beenc. have youAnswer-a

Tag QuestionsDecide what the correct tag question should be for each commentLuciano Pavarotti is a great singer, ___ ___?Answer-isn't he?

It isn't very cold today, ___ ___?Answer-is it?

Ms. Patton assigns a lot of homework, ___ ___?Answer-doesn't she?

I didn't bring enough money, ___ ___?Answer-did I?

The children won't want to go to bed early, ___ ___?Answer-will they?


You have already seen Braveheart, ___ ___?Answer-haven't you?

The movie received several Oscars ___ ___?Answer-didn't it?

We can't keep our dog in the hotel room, ___ ___?Answer-can we?

The Braves would like to win another World Series , ___ ___?Answer-wouldn't they?

Basketball players don't have small feet, ___ ___?Answer-do they? The tag question in English is a phrase added to the main part of the sentence, inviting the listener to confirm or give an opinion about the comment. It is composed of two parts: the auxiliar verb, determined by the principal verb, in negative form (or affirmative if the principal verb is negative), followed by the pronoun, determined by the subject.

Question Tags

You're coming to the party, ___?a. aren't youb. isn't youc. shouldn't youAnswer-a

It wasn't very difficult, ___?a. wasn't itb. isn't itc. was itAnswer-c

Tom is getting something for Sue, ___?a. wasn't heb. isn't hec. was heAnswer-b

It won't be anything expensive, ___?a. won't itb. isn't itc. will itAnswerc

There's some milk in the refrigerator, ___?


a. isn't thereb. isn't itc. wasn't itAnswer-a

We don't need to go to the store today, ___?a. don't web. do Ic. do weAnswer-c

Susan can bring some food, ___?a. won't sheb. will shec. can't sheAnswer-c

The party starts at eight o'clock, ___?a. isn't itb. doesn't itc. does itAnswer-b

The movie was very long, ___?a. isn't itb. wasn't itc. was itAnswer-b

There's a dictionary on the shelf, ___?a. isn't itb. isn't therec. aren't thereAnswer-b

There's a lot of noise outside, ___?a. aren't thereb. isn't therec. is thereAnswer-b

Mrs. Smith is sick, ___?a. isn't sheb. is shec. wasn't sheAnswer-a


The dishes are dirty, ___?a. weren't theyb. isn't theyc. aren't theyAnswer-c

Steven won't be at the party, ___?a. won't heb. isn't hec. will heAnswer-c

The math test was very difficult, ___?a. wasn't itb. isn't itc. weren't theyAnswer-a

We can go tomorrow, ___?a. won't web. can wec. can't weAnswer-c

I'm early, ___?a. isn't Ib. aren't Ic. are IAnswer-b

This shirt is too big for me, ___?a. isn't itb. doesn't itc. does itAnswer-a

Emily plays the piano well, ___?a. isn't itb. does shec. doesn't sheAnswer-c

Your neighbors went on vacation, ___?a. isn't theyb. didn't theyc. aren't theyAnswer-b


Tag Questions - Has he? Hasn't he? Had he?

He hasn't done it yet, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-a

He's been to Italy twice, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-b

He's got a camera, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-b

He's got a nice house, but he hasn't got a car, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-a

He hadn't got his time to talk, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-c

He hasn't got any children, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-a

Robert hasn't got any money left, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-a

He has a beautiful wife, ___?a. has he


b. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-b

He's got my newspaper again, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-b

Andrew hadn't grown much, ___?a. has heb. hasn't hec. had heAnswer-c

Tag Questions - Does she? Doesn't she? Did she?

She works in a bank, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-b

She didn't eat anything, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-c

She doesn't talk much, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-a

She loves you, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-b

She looks very beautiful today, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-b


She didn't go, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-c

She didn't close the door, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-c

She doesn't drive, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-a

She doesn't want to go, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-a

She looks tired, ___?a. does sheb. doesn't shec. did sheAnswer-b

Tag Questions - Have you? Are you? Do you?Click the answer button to see the answer.

You don't smoke, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswerc

You haven't got a car, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswera

You don't know her, ___?


a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswerc

You aren't going to Rome, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswerb

You haven't been to London, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswera

You don't like ice cream, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswerc

You aren't twenty-one, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswerb

You aren't still angry, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswerb

You haven't been on holiday, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswera

You aren't from America, ___?a. have youb. are youc. do youAnswerb


Tag Questions - With BeMatch the tag questions on the right with the sentence on the left.Write your choices in the boxes on the left. Click on the answer button to see if your answers are correct or let JavaScript check your answers.1. He's waiting for you,2. There are seven days in a week,3. I'm not late,4. These colors are pretty,5. Her reasons weren't very good,6. The doctor wasn't in his office,7. The lights were very bright,8. The idea is interesting,9. There were a lot of books on the table,10. The hole isn't deep,

a. weren't they?b. is it?c. am I?d. weren't there?e. isn't he?f. were they?g. isn't it?h. aren't there?i. aren't they?j. was he?

Answers1-e 2-h 3-c 4-i 5-f 6-j 7-a 8-g 9-d 10-b

Tag Questions - With Assorted VerbsMatch the tag questions on the right with the sentence on the left.Write your choices in the boxes on the left. Click on the answer button to see if your answers are correct or let JavaScript check your answers.1. You can't answer all the questions,2. You will help me to do the dishes,3. He believes you,4. The teacher should explain the lesson,5. The boy didn't know the lesson,6. Bob frightened you,7. You can speak English well,8. She couldn't arrange that,9. You won't tell him,10. He shouldn't do it,

a. didn't he?b. will you?c. can't you?


d. doesn't he?e. can you?f. should he?g. could she?h. won't you?i. did he?j. shouldn't he?

Answers1-e 2-h 3-d 4-j 5-i 6-a 7-c 8-g 9-b 10-f

Irregular Verbs - 1Click on the answer button to see the correct answer.All of the table must load before the rest of the page is displayed. If you have a slow connection, please be patient.

go went gone become Answerbecame Answerbecome Answerbegin began Answerbegun Answerblow Answerblew blown break Answerbroke Answerbroken Answerbring brought Answerbrought Answerbuild Answerbuilt built buy Answerbought Answerbought Answercatch caught Answercaught Answerchoose Answerchose chosen come Answercame Answercome Answercut cut Answercut Answerdo / does Answerdid done draw Answerdrew Answerdrawn Answerdrink drank Answerdrunk Answerdrive Answerdrove driven eat Answerate Answereaten Answerfall fell Answerfallen Answerfeel Answerfelt felt fight Answerfought Answerfought Answerfind found Answerfound

Irregular Verbs - 2Click on the answer button to see the correct answer.go went gone Answerfly Answerflew flown forget Answerforgot Answerforgotten Answerget got Answergot / gotten Answergive Answergave given go Answerwent Answergone


Answergrow grew Answergrown Answerhave / has Answerhad had hear Answerheard Answerheard Answerhide hid Answerhidden Answerhit Answerhit hit hold Answerheld Answerheld Answerkeep kept Answerkept Answerknow Answerknew known lead Answerled Answerled Answerleave left Answerleft Answerlend Answerlent lent let Answerlet Answerlet Answerbring brought Answerbrought Answerlose Answerlost lost

Irregular Verbs - 3Click on the answer button to see the correct answer.go went gone make Answermade Answermade Answermean meant Answermeant Answermeet Answermet met pay Answerpaid Answerpaid Answerput put Answerput Answerread Answerread read ride Answerrode Answerridden Answerring rang Answerrung Answerrise Answerrose risen run Answerran Answerrun Answersay said Answersaid Answersee Answersaw seen sell Answersold Answersold Answersend sent Answersent Answerset Answerset set shoot Answershot Answershot Answershow showed Answershown Answershut Answershut shut sing Answersang Answersung Answersink sank Answersunk

Irregular Verbs - 4Click on the answer button to see the correct answer.go went gone Answersit Answersat sat sleep Answerslept Answerslept Answerspeak spoke Answerspoken Answerspeed Answersped sped


spend Answerspent Answerspent Answerspread spread Answerspread Answerstand Answerstood stood steal Answerstole Answerstolen Answerstrike struck Answerstruck Answersweep Answerswept swept swim Answerswam Answerswum Answerswing swung Answerswung Answertake Answertook taken teach Answertaught Answertaught Answertell told Answertold Answerthink Answerthought thought throw Answerthrew Answerthrown Answerunderstand understood Answerunderstood Answerwear Answerwore worn write Answerwrote Answerwritten

Look, See or Watch.Click the answer button to see the answer.

"Kids, please, ___ at the blackboard!"a. lookb. seec. watchAnswera

"Be quiet and let me ___ the football match!"a. lookb. sawc. watchAnswerc

Cats can ___ in the dark.a. seeb. seeingc. watchingAnswera

"I have to go. ___ you later!a. Lookingb. Seec. WatchedAnswerb

" ___ at those beautiful pictures!"a. Lookb. See


c. WatchingAnswera

The police are ___ the suspect.a. lookingb. seenc. watchingAnswerc

I have not ___ "Titanic".a. lookedb. seenc. watchingAnswerb

"I usually ___ television in the evenings. And you?"a. lookingb. seec. watchAnswerc

"It is very dark, I can't ___ anything!a. lookedb. seec. watchingAnswerb

"Can you ___ the baby a minute? I'll be right back!"a. lookb. watchc. watchedanswer: b

Present Simple Negative VerbsClick the answer button to see the answer.

Tom ___ like chocolate ice cream.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

I ___ understand, do you?a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

Dr. Watson ___ smoke, does he?


a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

We ___ like classical music very much.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

Sally said she ___ want it anymore.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

Mr. Hill ___ live in New York. He lives in Boston.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

Rice ___ grow in cold climates.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

They like cofee, they ___ like tea.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

We are new here. We ___ know him.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

Harry has bad breath because he ___ brush his teeth very often.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

We are rich so we ___ have to work.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

Dave speaks English, French, and German, but he ___ speak Italian.a. doesn'tb. don't



They ___ sell that brand anymore.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

It is really a cheap restaurant, it ___ cost much to eat there.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

I have a televison, but I ___ watch it often.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

That kind of earthquake ___ happen often.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

We live close to the sea, but we ___ go often.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

I love sumo, but I ___ like boxing.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

You ___ like me very much, do you?a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb

My son ___ like skiing. He likes snowboarding now.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswera

We ___ have time to do that on the way home.a. doesn'tb. don'tAnswerb


Present Simple VerbsClick the answer button to see the answer.

She ___ four languages.a. speakb. speaksAnswerb

Jane is a teacher. She ___ French.a. teachb. teachesAnswerb

When the kettle ___, will you make some tea?a. boilb. boilsAnswerb

I always ___ the window at night because it is cold.a. closeb. closesAnswera

Those shoes ___ too much.a. costb. costsAnswera

The food in Japan is expensive. It ___ a lot to live there.a. costb. costsAnswerb

His job is great because he ___ a lot of people.a. meetb. meetsAnswerb

He always ___ his car on Sundays.a. washb. washesAnswerb

My watch is broken and it ___ to be fixed again.a. needb. needsAnswerb


I ___ to watch movies.a. loveb. lovesAnswera

I ___ to the cinema at least once a week.a. gob. goesAnswera

They never ___ tea in the morning.a. drinkb. drinksAnswera

We both ___ to the radio in the morning.a. listenb. listensAnswera

He ___ a big wedding.a. wantb. wantsAnswerb

George ___ too much so he's getting fat.a. eatb. eatsAnswerb

The earth ___ round the sun, doesn't it?a. gob. goesAnswerb

The shops in England ___ at 9:00 in the morning.a. openb. opensAnswera

The post office ___ at 5:30 pm.a. closeb. closesAnswerb

Jackie ___ two children now.


a. hasb. haveAnswera

Mr. Smith ___ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth.a. smokeb. smokesAnswerb

When the phone ___, please answer it.a. ringb. ringsAnswerb

Verb Forms Quiz - Gerund or Infinitive?Click the answer button to see the answer.

I remember _____ the Queen in London. a. meet b. to meet c. meeting d. to meeting Answerc

Did you remember _____ the letter? a. post b. to post c. posting d. to posting Answerb

I'm not used _____ up this early. a. get b. to get c. getting d. to getting Answerd

I used _____ to the cinema a lot. a. go b. to go c. going d. to going Answerb

I regret _____ Mary about the weddding. a. tell


b. to tell c. telling d. to telling Answerc

Mrs Jones, I regret _____ you that your credit limit has been exceeded. a. inform b. to inform c. informing d. to informing Answerb

Stop _____ this terrible noise at once! a. make b. to make c. making d. to making Answerc

I wanted to stop _____ some presents, but we didn't have enough time. a. to b. to buy c. buying d. to buying Answerb

Look, it's starting _____ . a. rain b. to rain c. raining d. to raining Answerb

I started _____ English when I was four. a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. to learning Answerb or c

The LibraryClick the answer button to see the answer.

Yesterday I ___ to the library for information.a. gob. wentc. gone



I used the catalog to ___ books.a. look outb. look onc. look upAnswerc

I could use the catalog ___ .a. myselfb. yourselfc. himselfAnswera

I ___ journal articles in the index.a. findingb. foundc. findsAnswerb

A citation ___ journal information.a. lostb. listingc. listsAnswerc

Journals can ___ in title order.a. be foundb. be findingc. findAnswera

The library owns books, journals, ___ videos.a. butb. orc. andAnswerc

Computers ___ available for students.a. isb. arec. amAnswerb

I liked ___ the World Wide Web.a. searchesb. search


c. searchingAnswerc

The librarian helped ___.a. meb. myselfc. mineAnswera

Going ToClick the answer button to see the correct answer.

What ___ this weekend?a. you are going to dob. are you going to doc. your gonna doAnswerb

I'm not sure. ___ anything special?a. Are you going to dob. You are going to doc. Is going to doAnswera

My friend Melissa and I ___ a party. Would you like to come?a. am going tob. are going to go toc. go toAnswerb

I'd love to!___?a. What's it going to beb. Who's go to bec. Where's it going to beAnswerc

It is ___ to be at Ruth's house.a. gob. goingc. gonnaAnswerb

What time ___ start?a. is it going tob. it's going to


c. itAnswera

At 10 P.M.___ invite?a. Who are you going tob. What you're going toc. When you going toAnswera

I don't know. I think ___ anyone.a. I'm going inviteb. I'm not go invitec. I'm not going to invite

Simple Past or Past Continuous - A DialogFill in the blanks with the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs. Then click on the answer button to see the correct answers.A: Hi, Mary. I ___ (see/neg.) Answerdidn't see you at school last Monday.B: Hello, Bob. I ___ (come/neg.) Answerdidn't come on Monday. I wasn't ___ (feel) Answerfeeling well, so I ___ (decide) Answerdecided to go to the doctor.

A: Oh! ___ (be) AnswerWas it serious?

B: No, the doctor ___ (examine) Answerexamined me and ___ (tell) Answertold me I ___ (have) Answerhad the flu. He ___ (prescribe) Answerprescribed some medicine and ___ (tell) Answertold me to go home and rest.

A: ___ you ___ (stay) AnswerDid /stay home all day last Monday?

B: No, only in the morning. I ___ (have) Answerhad to work in the afternoon, and guess what?

A: What?

B: When a friend ___ (drive) Answerwas driving(or) drove me home, he ___ (crash) Answercrashed his car. He ___ (see/neg.) Answerdidn't see the red light.

A: ___ anyone ___ (get) AnswerDid /get hurt?

B: Thank God, nobody ___ (do) Answerdid.

A: I'm happy to hear that. Well, Mary, I have to rush now. While I ___ (listen) Answerwas listening to your story, I ___ (remember) Answerremembered that my wife ___ (ask) Answerasked me to go to the mechanic to get our car. See you later. Take care.

B: You too. Bye.


Use the Correct Present Tense Verbis - are - hasClick the answer button to see the answer.

Canada ___ famous for its sweet maple syrup.Answeris

Antarctica ___ many icebergs.Answerhas

Three-quarters of the world's diamonds ____ mined in southern Africa.Answerare

Southern Asia ___ the world's largest producer of tea.Answeris

Australia ___ the world's flattest continent.Answeris

There ___ more active volcanoes in the south-east Asia than any other area of the world.Answerare

Southern Africa ___ large areas of rainforest.Answerhas

Three of the world's major religions began in the Middle East. They ___ Islam, Judaism and Christianity.Answerare

There ___ twice as many pigs in Denmark as people.Answerare

Nearly half of the world's corn ___ grown in the United States.Answeris

Go, Goes, Going, Went or GoneClick the button to see the correct answer.

I often ___go fishing on Saturday.

Have you ever ___gone to a movie with your sister.

He is ___going home soon.

She will ___go home soon, too.


Yesterday I ___went swimming with my younger brother.

My mother usually ___goes or went shopping twice a week.

My mother ___went to sleep an hour ago

If you ___go tomorrow, I will, too.

My sister ___goes or went to school at eight.

Let's ___go skating tomorrow.

Making a HypothesisClick the answer button to see the answer.

1. I wish I ___ younger. Life does not seem so attractive at the age of 45.a. amb. werec. had beenAnswerb

Supposing you ___ $3 million in your bank account. Would you give any to charity?a. have hadb. hadc. haveAnswerb

My best friend is living abroad now. If only she ___ here with me now.a. wereb. wasc. would beAnswera

I wish you ___ the Net so often. You should pay more attention to me!a. would not surfb. didn't surfc. had not surfedAnswera

It is high time we ___ Peter his money back. He is really broke at the moment.a. would giveb. givec. gaveAnswerc

I ___ go to the mountains this summer. I have had enough of the seaside.a. would rather


b. had rarherc. would rather toAnswera

I'd rather you ___ smoke in bed!a. don'tb. shouldn'tc. didn'tAnswerc

I would like ___ in another country.a. to have been bornb. to be bornc. having beenAnswera

Who does this shop assistant think he is? He behaves as if he ___ the grocery.a. is owningb. ownedc. hasAnswerb

You should't have left the door open. Suppose a burglar ___ the house.a. had broken intob. broke intoc. have broken intoAnswera

How to See AmericaA Verb-Form ExerciseRead the text carefully and change the verbs to the correct form.Then click on the button to see if you got the right answer.

What is the best way to (see)see the United States? The best way (depend)depends on how much you want (spend)to spend, what part of the country you want (visit)to visit, what you want (see)to see along the way, and how much time you (have)have. Sometimes a combination of many different ways of transportation (be)is the best. Flying is the fastest and possibly the least expensive way (see)to see America. If you (have)have a round trip ticket to the United States, many airline companies (have)have special tickets that let you (fly)fly at a big discount. Although air travel is the fastest, it (do not)does not / doesn't (allow)allow you (see)to see very much except clouds when you are (travel)traveling / travelling If you (want see)want to see the country from the ground, you should (consider take)consider taking a bus. For short trips around a city or to a national park, a rental car (be)is a good idea.

Olympics (Verb Form Quiz)Click the answer button to see the answer.


The Olympic games are ___ every four years.a. heldb. holdAnswerb

People who ___ part in sports are called athletes.a. takeb. tookc. taken partAnswera

The athletes who ___ the games are called competitors.a. enterb. enteredAnswera

In the 1998 Nagano Olympics there ___ over 3000 competitors taking part.a. isb. wasc. wereAnswerc

The Olympic flame was ___ to the games by relay.a. carryb. carriedAnswerb

The athletes ___ in 68 different events.a. participatingb. participatedAnswerb

The winner is ___ a gold medal.a. giveb. gavec. givenAnswerc

The world champion ___ in first place.a. finishb. finishedAnswerb

The snowboard competition ___ to be rescheduled because of bad weather.a. mustb. had



The downhill course was ___ to a higher part of the mountain.a. moveb. movedAnswerb

The Olympic Games (Verb Form Quiz) Click the answer button to see the answer. Every four years, the Olympic cauldron ___ at the opening ceremony of the Olympic games. a. has litb. is lit c. is lightingAnswerb.

Greek festivals ___ the creation of the modern Olympic games.a. had to inspireb. had inspiredc. inspiredAnswerc.

The first games of the modern era ___ in Athens in 1896. a. was heldb. were heldc. heldAnswerb.

In the ancient Olympic games, only men ___ . a. could take partb. could be taken partAnswera.

Women ___ even to watch the games.a. forbid b. were forbiddenAnswerb.

The three best athletes or teams ___ medals. a. are given b. give c. gaveAnswera.

The five interlacing rings ___ the official symbol of the Olympic games.


a. areb. have to bec. are beingAnswera.

The five rings ___ upon a white background represent each a continent: Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe. a. sitb. seatc. setAnswerc.

While the Olympic flame ___ as a symbol of the Olympic games, the Olympic mascots ___ as a symbol of the games for children of all ages. a. respects, standsb. respects, standc. is respected, standsd. is respected, stand Answerd.

The USA ___ the country that ___ the competitions in 1996.a. was, hostedb. were, hostedc. is, hostsAnswera.

The link between the ancient and modern Olympic games ___ by the torch relay. a. is symbolizedb. symbolizec. are symbolizedAnswera.

Valentine's Day QuizClick the answer button to see the answer.

Valentine's Day ___ on February 14th.a. celebratesb. had celebratedc. is celebratedd. celebratedAnswerc

Cupid is the most famous ___ of Valentine.a. symbolb. signc. motifd. hint



It's known that this mischievous ___ child shoots darts of desire and make men fall deeply in love.a. swingedb. wiggedc. wingedd. windedAnswerc

The ___ of Saint Valentine's Day had its origin in a belief that birds began to pair on February 14th.a. costumeb. habitatc. customd. customerAnswerc

The festival became associated with the ___ day of two Roman martyrs, both named St. Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century.a. fastb. feastc. featured. fistAnswerb

Valentine's Day became the date for exchanging love letters and sending lovers' ___.a. tollsb. toolsc. trotsd. tokensAnswerd

St. Valentine has been regarded as the ___ saint of lovers.a. patrolb. patronc. patronessd. patronalAnswerb

Today's celebration of Valentine's Day ___ of a tradition that began in the Roman Empire.a. grew outb. grew upc. grewd. grown upAnswera


The cards, known as valentines, are often ___ with hearts to symbolize love.a. desiredb. signedc. derivedd. designedAnswerd

Roses are the most common flowers given ___ this occasion.a. onb. inc. afterd. underAnswera

Verb ChoiceClick the answer button to see the answer.

I ___ a CD for you at the shopping center.a. buyb. buysc. boughtAnswerc - bought

I ___ return your 10 dollars next week.a. amb. doc. willAnswerc - will

He ___ the first page of his book.a. cameb. torec. brokeAnswerb - tore

I'm late, but I ___ on time tomorrow.a. cameb. comec. will comeAnswerc - will come

Did you ___ your room?a. cleanb. will clean


c. cleanedAnswera - clean

I often ___ the floor.a. put awayb. sweepc. cutAnswerb - sweep

Please ___ me.a. calledb. will callc. callAnswerc - call

Bob ___ his wallet in the classroom.a. leftb. leavesc. leaveAnswera - left

I'd like to ___ a message.a. callb. askc. leaveAnswerc - leave

I ___ dinner with my friend yesterday.a. ateb. eatsc. eatAnswera – ate

What is the Correct Form of the Verb?Many of these words need to be changed. Read the sentence, decide what the answer should be, then click on the word to see the answer.

I have often drivedriven a car by myself.

My best friend livelived with me last year.

I like to playplay basketball.

My sister often gogoeswent shopping.

I wish I could have washwashed my car last weekend.


My father often enjoys skiskiing.

Did you finish dodoing your homework?

My younger brother eateats lunch with me every day.

One of my teachers likelikes to play the guitar.

Were you able swimto swim yesterday afternoon?

What is the Correct Form of the Verb?Many of these verbs need to be changed. Read the sentence, decide what the answer should be, then click on the word to see the answer.

She havehas had a headache for several hours.

I watchwas watching a movie when you called last night.

Do you think it rainwill rain / is going to rain tomorrow?

Where's Tom? He said he bewould be here at 4:30 PM.

If I drinkhadn't drunk so much coffee, I'd be able to sleep.

I recommend that Bob studystudy much more if he wants to pass all his classes.

I'm really looking forward to taketaking a vacation!

I'm hungry because I havehaven't had breakfast or lunch.

He can't send e-mail because he gethasn't got a modem for his computer.

By the time I got to Lucy's house, she already, leavehad already left for work.

Verb TensesClick the answer button to see the answer.

By the end of the year, she ___ with a degree in business.a. already graduatesb. will have already graduatedc. has already graduatedAnswerb

As soon as I ___ home, it started to rain heavily.a. getb. got


c. will have gottenAnswerb

We ___ the chance to visit many museums in Paris last vacation.a. hadb. had hadc. have hadAnswera

I ___ on this project for days without success.a. have been workedb. have been workingc. had being workedAnswerb

Don't worry. She ___ by herself.a. is used to livingb. is used to livec. used to livingAnswera

I ___ hard until I pass the TOEFL.a. will studyb. studyc. have studiedAnswera

Next month we ___ our 5th wedding anniversary.a. will be celebratedb. will have been celebratingc. will be celebratingAnswerc

If you ___ it, give it a go.a. didn't tryb. haven't triedc. hadn't triedAnswerb

I wish I ___ a millionaire so I could travel all over the world.a. wasb. had beenc. wereAnswerc

He ___ to class this morning because he was sick.a. didn't come


b. hadn't come c. hasn't comeAnswera

He ___ it on purpose.a. denied having doneb. denied have donec. denied doneAnswera

Children ___ to free education.a. should entitleb. should be entitledc. should to be entitledAnswerb

___ a UFO?a. Did you ever see b. Do you ever seec. Have you ever seenAnswerc

Whenever I ___ talk to my boss, I get butterflies in my stomach.a. had tob. will have toc. have toAnswerc

They ___ together for five years when they decided to get married.a. had beenb. have beenc. wereAnswera

While the reporter ___ the policeman, the robber escaped.a. interviewingb. was interviewingc. had been interviewingAnswerb

She ___ extremelly quiet since her husband died.a. isb. has beenc. wasAnswerb

If he ___ with his girlfriend, he ___ now.


a. hadn't broken up / wouldn't be sufferingb. hadn't broken up / wouldn't sufferc. didn't break up / wouldn't be sufferingAnswera

An AccidentA Verb-Form ExerciseRead the text carefully and change the verbs to the correct form.Then click on the button to see if you got the right answer.

My friend Bob Jones (have)had a motorcycle accident on Highway 41 yesterday. Fortunately, a passing police officer (see)saw him (lie)lying on the side of the road and (call)called an ambulance. He (take)was taken to the nearest hospital. He (be)is fine now even though he (have)has a broken leg and bruises all over. His doctor (expect)expects to release him in two or three days. Bob (tell)told me that he (speed/negative)wasn't speeding. He (think)thinks (or) thought the accident (cause)was caused by the bad condition of the road.

Beer BasicsClick the answer button to see the answer.

Beer is the world's best-selling ___ drink.a. alcoholb. alcoholicc. alcoholsAnswerb

The process of making beer is called ___ .a. beeringb. brewsingc. brewingAnswerc

The first recorded recipe ( ___ on clay tablets) seems to be one for making beer.a. writeb. writtenc. wroteAnswerb

The ___ ingredients used in making beer are malted grains, water, hops, and yeast.a. principalb. principlec. principlesAnswera


The most common grain ___ for beer-making is barley, but sometimes wheat, corn, or rice are also added.a. useb. usesc. usedAnswerc

Grain is malted by first soaking it in water, then allowing it to sprout, and finally drying it ___ stop the sprouting.a. in order tob. to order toc. into order toAnswera

Hop cones add both flavor and aroma to beer; they are also good ___ .a. preservesb. preservativesc. preservationsAnswerb

In a process ___ fermentation, yeast changes sugar from the malted grain into alcohol.a. callb. callingc. calledAnswerc

Although the alcohol level in beer ___ ranges from 4-7%, it can go as high as 15%.a. usualb. unusualc. usuallyAnswerc

The two most ___ styles of beer are lager and ale.a. commonb. commonsc. commonlyAnswera

Lager ___ about 150 years ago, and it is now the most popular style of beer.a. has developedb. was developedc. has been developedAnswerb

However, in recent years, ale has been regaining ___ .a. popularb. population


c. popularityAnswerc

One difference between lager and ale ___ the kinds of yeast used in the fermentation process.a. lies inb. lies atc. lies onAnswera

Another difference between these two ___ of beer is the temperature of the fermentation process.a. typeb. typesc. typicalsAnswerb

In addition, lager ___ lighter in color and body than ale.a. tends to beb. tend to bec. tends to have Answera

Most beer in the United States is made by big breweries, such as Anheuser-Busch and Miller; microbrew or "craft" beer ___ only 5-10% of all beer produced.a. account forb. accounts forc. count forAnswerb

However, the rapid ___ in the number of microbreweries in the past 20 years means that the United States has a wider selection of beer styles than any other country.a. increasingb. increasesc. increaseAnswerc

In Europe, one of the smallest countries, Belgium, produces the ___ variety of beer styles of all and is sometimes thought of as a "Disneyland" for beer drinkers.a. greatb. greatestc. greaterAnswerb

Hurricane QuizClick the answer button to see the answer.


Hurricane season ___ June 1 and ___ November 30.a. stops, movesb. begins, endsc. badly, worstd. circles, runsAnswerb

A hurricane is a tropical storm with winds that ___ a constant speed of 74 miles per hour or more.a. won't reachb. could reachc. have reachedd. can't reachAnswerc

The dangers of a storm ___ torrential rains, high winds and storm surges.a. includeb. includesc. includingd. to includeAnswera

The strongest hurricane recorded was the Florida Keys Storm of 1935. 500 people ___ during this Category 5 storm.a. has killedb. were killedc. not killedd. are killingAnswerb

A Hurricane Watch ___ for a coastal area when there is a threat of hurricane conditions within 24-36 hours.a. was issuedb. is issuingc. is issuedd. isn't issuedAnswerc

Category One storms ___ have some coastal road flooding and minor pier damage.a. willb. don'tc. shouldn'td. neverAnswera

Category Two hurricane winds ___ cause some roofing material, door, and window damage to buildings.


a. shouldb. won'tc. mayd. wouldn'tAnswerc

Mobile homes ___ destroyed in Category Three hurricanes.a. isb. doc. mustd. areAnswerd

Category Four storms ___ massive evacuation of residential areas inland as far as 6 miles.a. requiresb. requiringc. required. to requireAnswerc

Category Five hurricanes ___ cause complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings.a. willb. didn'tc. won'td. mightAnswera

Participles: Proposition 215Click the answer button to see the answer.

Proposition 215 is a two-year-old law (intend) ___ to allow seriously ill people in California to use marijuana as medicine.Answerintended

Such ill people carry a doctor's note (verify) ___ that they suffer from chronic pain or serious disease.Answerverifying

Steve McWilliams is a person who uses marijuana daily to deal with constant pain (result) ___ from several car accidents.Answerresulting

Another person who was (delight) ___ when proposition 215 passed was Evan Keliher of San Diego.Answerdelighted


Keliher said it was (relieve) ___ to use marijuana legally after thirty years of being a "closet marijuana smoker."Answerrelieving

Keliher, who is a former Marine and (retire) ___ school teacher, was diagnosed with glaucoma in the 1960s.Answerretired

He began to smoke pot in 1967 after hearing that it helped relieve intra-ocular pressure (cause) ___ by glaucoma.Answercaused

He had been using eye drops, but his eye sight was steadily (weaken) ___ .Answerweakening

Doctors (treat) ___ him at that time predicted that he would be blind by now.Answertreating

Though he can no longer see in his left eye, his eyesight in his right eye is (amaze) ___ .Answeramazing

He is so (satisfy) ___ with the results from marijuana that he wrote a book called, "Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook." Answersatisfied

Keliher wants to teach older people who are sick and (suffer) ___ how to use marijuana. Answersuffering

Still, there are many problems (face) ___ law enforcement officers in California. Answerfacing

Marijuana (grow) ___ for medicinal purposes is legal, but how much is necessary?Answergrown

Law enforcement officers feel it will take time for the medical marijuana law to be (enforce) ___ fairly.Answerenforced

What's the Correct Word Order?Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

a. brightlyb. is shining


c. sund. theAnswerThe sun is shining brightly.

a. inb. livesc. my sisterd. New YorkAnswerMy sister lives in New York.

a. birdsb. singAnswerBirds sing.

a. clothb. feelsc. smoothd. thisAnswerThis cloth feels smooth.

a. ab. becamec. doctord. goode. MaryAnswerMary became a good doctor.

a. interestingb. soundsc. thatd. veryAnswerThat sounds very interesting.

a. ab. decidedc. god. one. picnicf. tog. weAnswerWe decided to go on a picnic.

a. cleanb. keepc. mustd. tablee. the


f. weAnswerWe must keep the table clean.

a. capitalb. Englandc. isd. Londone. off. theAnswerLondon is the capital of England.

a. Americab. Englishc. ind. speake. theyAnswerThey speak English in America.

a. ab. carc. don'td. faste. havef. IAnswerI don't have a fast car.

Adjective OrderSelect the correct order of the adjectives in these sentences,then check your answer.

He invited that ___ lady to dinner.young beautifulbeautiful youngAnswerbeautiful youngThese are ___ products.excellent agriculturalagricultural excellentAnswerexcellent agriculturalWhy can't you wear your ___ dress tonight?pink silksilk pinkAnswerpink silkThe boy needs ___ balls for that activityten cotton smallten small cottonAnswerten small cottonI've booked that ___ table on the corner.


big squaresquare bigAnswerbig squareMary's husband gave her a ___ vase.porcelain FrenchFrench porcelainAnswerFrench porcelainHe broke Mother's ___ milk jug.green oldold greenAnswerold greenMy brother wants to meet that ___ girl.tall JapaneseJapanese tallAnswertall JapaneseWhat do you plan to do with these ___ bottles?empty winewine emptyAnswerempty wineThat ___ woman needs help.old foreignforeign oldAnswerold foreignThere are two ___ dresses in her closet.red beautifulbeautiful redAnswerbeautiful redTom never lets his sister drive his ___ car.sports expensiveexpensive sportsAnswerexpensive sportsWhen traveling to Peru, make sure you visit the ___ ruins.ancient IncaInca ancientAnswerancient IncaShe sells ___ cookies.delicious chocolatechocolate deliciousAnswerdelicious chocolateThe room was decorated with ___ balloons.red bigbig redAnswerbig red

Compound ModifiersMatch the two columns to have a meaningful sentence..


Use the boxes on the left to write your choices.Then click on the answer button to see if your answer is correct.

1. The police officer made him pay2. Mary's husband bought her3. Her brother married4. The teacher set up5. He lent me6. The secretary typed7. Watch out! This is8. They are showing a. a hundred-question test.b. a two-way street.c. a three-caract diamond ring.d. a terrible twenty-second TV commercial.e. a twenty-year-old girl.f. a hundred-dollar fine.g. a five-dollar bill.h. a ten-page report yesterday.

Answers1-f 2-c 3-e 4-a 5-g 6-h 7-b 8-d

What's the Correct Word Order?Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

a. beautifulb. toc. ladyd. whate. youngf. thatg. happenedh. ?AnswerWhat happened to that beautiful young lady?

a. howb. usc. waitingd. hase. longf. sheg. beenh. fori. ?AnswerHow long has she been waiting for us?

a. farb. gas


c. isd. thee. howf. nearestg. ith. toi. stationj. ?AnswerHow far is it to the nearest gas station?

a. didn'tb. ourc. comed. meetinge. tof. whyg. youh. ?Answer: Why didn't you come to our meeting?

a. tonightb. youc. comed. doe. guestsf. howg. willh. manyi. knowj. ?Answer: Do you know how many guests will come tonight?

a. greenb. costc. muchd. thate. vasef. howg. doesh. Japanesei. ?Answer: How much does that green Japanese vase cost?

a. Ib. inc. mayd. this


e. roomf. smokeg. ?Answer: May I smoke in this room?

a. meb. youc. rided. cane. givef. ag. ?Answer: Can you give me a ride?

a. breakb. itc. wed. shoulde. beforef. dog. coffeeh. ?Answer: Should we do it before coffee break?

a. willb. herec. hed. whene. bef. againg. ?Answer: When will he be here again?

Adjective or AdverbClick the answer button to see the answer.

He's a ___ driver.a. dangerousb. dangerouslyAnswera

He ate his dinner very ___.a. quickb. quicklyAnswerb

She's a ___ speller.


a. badb. badlyAnswera

___ the wind changed directions.a. Suddenb. SuddenlyAnswerb

Please try to be more ___.a. carefulb. carefullyAnswera

He walks so ___ in those boots.a. heavyb. heavilyAnswerb

She plays the piano ___.a. perfectb. perfectlyAnswerb

He is a ___ talker, but he never listens.a. quickb. quicklyAnswera

She writes very ___.a. badb. badlyAnswerb

There was a ___ noise last night. Did you hear it?a. loudb. loudlyAnswera

She's a ___ driver, I think.a. carefulb. carefullyAnswera

Adjective or Adverb 2Click the answer button to see the answer.


She shouted ___ at him.a. angryb. angrilyAnswerb

He is a __ worker.a. carelessb. carelesslyAnswera

If you ask ___, I will give it to you.a. niceb. nicelyAnswerb

Be Quiet! I can't think ___ if you are talking.a. clearb. clearlyAnswerb

Why are you ___?a. angryb. angrilyAnswera

You are always so ___, come on!a. slowb. slowlyAnswera

Those chocolates look ___. Can I have one?a. niceb. nicelyAnswera

She opened the door ___.a. slowb. slowlyAnswerb

It is a beautiful __ day.a. clearb. clearlyAnswera

You write so ___. Look at these mistakes.a. careless


b. carelesslyAnswerb

