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Prof. John Garofalakis Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics University of Patras Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus” Enhancing teachers ’ digital skills Developing digital competencies in the school of tomorrow EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”
Page 1: Enhancing teachers’ digital skills - Developing digital competencies in the school of tomorrow - Prof. John Garofalakis - #occathens

Prof. John GarofalakisDepartment of Computer Engineering & Informatics

University of PatrasComputer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus”

Enhancing teachers’ digital skillsDeveloping digital competencies in the

school of tomorrow

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Page 2: Enhancing teachers’ digital skills - Developing digital competencies in the school of tomorrow - Prof. John Garofalakis - #occathens

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an increasingly important role in the way we communicate, learn and live.

ICT in education

“Applying ICT to Education: When is ICT not an appropriate tool for education?”, Ata Cisse

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Source: http://nextbillion.net/blogpost.aspx?blogid=3497

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ICT in education

The use of ICT in education can help individuals to com-pete in a global economy by creating a skilled work force and facilitat-ing social mobility (UNESCO UIS, 2014)

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

MDGs = Millennium Development Goals

Source: Digital Equity as an Imperative for the ICT Ecosystemhttp://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/digital-equity-as-an-imperative-for-the-ict-ecosystem/

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Background in EU

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

In EU children become active on-lineFrom the age of 7

Eurostat data show that in 2013, a major-ity of EU households -79% - had Internet access at home

Source: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/EPRS/New-global-interactive-strategies-for-teaching-and-learning.pdf

70% of teachers recognize the importance of digitally-supported methods

Teachers are not adequately prepared for the digital revolution: only 20% of students in the EU are taught by digitally confident teachers.

The percentages of teachers using information and communication tech-nologies (ICT) in more than 25% of courses has not increased since 2006

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More than half the EU countries have reduced their investment in education and training between 2008 and 2011.

It had been estimated that by 2015, 90% of all jobs will need at least basic computer skills.

49% of EU citizens have no or low computer skills. A recently launched EU initiative – Opening up education – aims to bridge this skills

gap by bringing the digital revolution into education. In February 2014, the 28 EU ministers responsible for education confirmed this strategy,

encouraging Member States to exploit the potential of new technologies and digital con-tent to complement traditional educational approaches.

Background in EU

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The schools in Europe are not using films and audiovisual material to their full potential

A new EU study recommends including the film literacy in school curricula, promot-ing the establishment of general rules for licensing schemes, then contributing to a wider use of films and other audiovisual content in European Schools.

From the Digital Agenda For Europe…

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Published on 20/05/2015

Source: http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/schools-europe-are-not-using-films-and-audiovisual-material-full-concluded-eu-study

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The majority of EU countries have online platforms, blogs, fora or other social networking sites facilitating the sharing of experience and exchange of materials between teach-ers.

One such example at EU level is the Learning Resource Exchange for Schools which of -fers more than 200.000 open educational resources based on language, subject, source type, and age range

Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) for Schools

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Open Educational Resources

OERs consist of teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property licenses that allows free use, adaptation, and distribution.OERs range from textbooks to curricula, syllabi, lecture notes, assignments, tests, projects, audio, video and animation

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_educational_resources

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Massive Open Online Courses

Open Education Europa, indicates that in March 2014 there were over 450 MOOCs.

Strong interest in MOOCs in Spain, United Kingdom, France and Germany.

“Open Courses” in Greek Universities

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Source: http://epthinktank.eu/2014/04/01/digital-opportunities-for-education-in-the-eu/

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Spain: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (150 MOOCs)Spain – Latin America: Miríada X (facilitate exchanges and cooperation between Spanish and Latin American)UK: FutureLearn (led by the Open University, comprises 26 partners in total, including the British Library, the British Museum and the British Council)France: France Université Numérique, (the first French digital learning portal. Its MOOC platform is one of the 18 actions in a five-year strategic plan for the digitalisation of learning and teaching in France)Germany: iversity (German platform for online teaching offers MOOCs in German and English)

Digital Learning in EU

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Set up by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities unites partners from 11 countries and currently provides access to over 60 free courses in 12 different languages

Source: http://epthinktank.eu/2014/04/01/digital-opportunities-for-education-in-the-eu/

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A growing number of European schools are developing 1:1 computing projects involving mobiles devices such as laptops, notebooks, and netbooks (1:1 stands for one device per user).

EU project & communities

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”


Open Discovery Space: offers an open multilingual learning interface to en-courage the adoption of e-learning resources.

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Top 10 education systems in the world

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

South Korea tops the rankings, followed by Japan (2nd), Singapore (3rd) and Hong Kong (4th). All these countries’ education systems prize effort above inherited ‘smartness’, have clear learning out-comes and goalposts, and have a strong culture of accountability and engagement among a broad community of stakeholders.

Scandinavian countries, traditionally strong performers, are showing signs of losing their edge. Finland, the 2012 Index leader, has fallen to 5th place; and Sweden is down from 21st to 24th.

Notable improvements include Israel (up 12 places to 17th), Russia (up 7 places to 13th) and Poland (up four places to 10th).

Source: The Top 10 (And Counting) Education Systems In The Worldhttp://www.edudemic.com/learning-curve-report-education/

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EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD, 2015) in a recent study “Students Computers and Learning” describes that using ICTs in school and/or at home does not mean that students will have by default better learning outcomes.

For example it is measured that students who use regularly computers in math lessons score lowest in mathematics.

Similar finding also for reading skills

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But… explained

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

The OECD study concludes that ICTs and Computers must not be the goal but the tool.

To support and allow deeper and inquiry based learning. New trends of ICTs assist this approach:

Interactivity Experimentation/Simulation Social networking tools Gaming Logging/analytics

Teachers need to act as agents not just for the implemen-tation of innovations in classroom but also in their design.

They should recognize their constant need for improving their digital skills as an important asset towards this di-rection

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Teachers Digital skills

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Foundational Skills Using Email to facilitate learning Creating and posting key course docu-

ments online Technical skills for finding rich resources Technical Skills for adding posts to a

blog / wiki / intranet page

Pedagogy & Online Re-sources

Using the online presence to promote student engagement

Pedagogical skills for Looking Tasks Using software to support Critical Thinking Pedagogical Skills for using Real, Rich and Relevant

resources Exploring Web tools to facilitate access to rich re-

sourcesStudent Learning: Knowledge-building and Making Meaning Supporting student use of a Personal Learning Environment Facilitating student “Knowledge-Building”

Source: http://tommarch.com/strategies/skills-checklist/

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What is ICT CFT?

EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Src: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/resources/

The ICT CFT is a framework that outlines the competencies that teachers need to have in order to integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into their professional practice.

It emphasizes the role that ICT can play in supporting 6 major education focus areas across 3 growth phases of knowledge acquisition:

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an education standard - setting agency– Strengthening the national capacity in localizing or developing their own ICT com-

petency standards for teachers

the lead agency of “e-learning”: an advocate of ICT for qual-ity education, life long learning and inclusive knowledge so-cieties

UNESCO’s roles in promoting ICT CFT

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Four stages of Teachers’ development on ICT

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Becoming aware of ICT

Learn to use ICT to teach-ing

Understand how and when to use ICT

Specializing in use/design of ICT

ICT usages

Applying productivity tools

Enhancing traditional teach-ing

Facilitating blended learning

Creating interactive e-learning environments

Pedagogical usages of ICT

Source: ICT Competency Standard for Teachers and Institutional Strategy for Teacher Training on ICT -pedagogy Integration


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A big community of relevant actors (teachers, schools, academia, etc) have delivered several innovative tools and activities towards the provision of innovative learning opportunities in primary and secondary education in Greece, as long as developing innovations to support teacher’s digital skills enhancement

The Greek Ministry of Education, in collaboration with Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus” (CTI) have developed several actions such as:

In-Service Training of Teachers for the utilization and application of ICT in the teaching practice

Greek Aggregator for Educational content Community building support. Web 2.0 services for teachers Greek School network e-services ….

What happens in Greece…

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Digital School in Greece


Interactive text books Digital learning objects

repository (photo-dendro)

Digital learning platform

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Φωτόδεντρο (photodentro)

http://photodentro.edu.gr/aggregator/Digital learning objects repository

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Greek School Networkhttp://www.sch.gr/

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EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Training of teachers to the use and application of ICTs in School


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EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Specialized e-learning seminarshttp://stop-bully-


Training through an e-learning platform, on the prevention and dealing with school vio-lence and bullying phenom-ena

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EDEN OPEN CLASSROOM 2015 – OPEN DISCOVERY SPACE CONFERENCE - “Transforming Schools Into Innovative Learning Organisations”

Social Networking applicationsThe provided educational platforms are enriched with new generation of e-learning using the tools of the participatory web (Web 2.0).

Web 2.0 Tools Blogs Wikis Social Bookmarks and Tags Social Media Social Networks

The development of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) seeks to address the learning needs of teachers by creating “communities of professionals caring for and working to improve student learning together, by engaging in continuous collecting learning of their own” (Hargreaves, 2008, p. ix).

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The Digiskills Project showcaseCTI participates in R&D projects dealing with ICT as a tool to assist lifelong learning activ-ities and enhance professional development. CTI contributes in those projects by:

• Design and development of advanced e-learning services• Customizing social networking tools• Developing educational training platforms • Developing and deploying conventional and digital media, as well as specialized

training framework and supportive material in education and lifelong learning• The Digiskills project (co-organizing today’s conference) is an example of such


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Project DigiSkills: a Network for the Enhancement of Digital Competence Skills

Digiskills is co-financed by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Program / Key Activity 3 – ICT / Multilateral Project Framework  The goal of the DigiSkills project is to support teachers of all levels of education to combine Information and Com-munication (ICT) skills with pedagogy, to use ICT skills in the curriculum and in the institutional organization. The mails objectives of the project are •to improve school/university/adult learning and teaching practice, •to raise awareness of the educational community on the need for innovative teaching and learning practices as well as learning to learn skills.

The core work of the network lies within the connection of best practices from various European countries to show their own scenarios of use of learning tools and method-ologies tested in their own classrooms/institutions.


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Digiskills tools: the PlatformA social networking platform offering eLearning resources to meet the educational and quality needs of School Educa-tion, Higher Education and Adult Education communities A number of best practices have been identified to support the training scenarios of the project, including different types of educational material. Several focus groups created a significant number of good/best practices that has been uploaded in DigiSkills Inventory and stored as electronic files. The best practices shared in the directory, address a range of subjects and all levels of education, and they are freely available

The platform has 220 registered usersAccording to the interim evaluation,:

– 78% of 600 users agreed that the proposed best practices had a significant impact on their professional development.

– 82% said they would recommend the platform to their col-leagues.

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Digiskills tools: Communities of Practice

The DigiSkills users have created communi-ties in order to share their practices and re-sources based on the offered best prac-tices from the Digiskills platform

A strong community of 1500 users was cre-ated that developed about 600 education resources expanding the initial pool of about 40 Best Practices that were pro-posed by the project team

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Thank you!

Prof. John GarofalakisComputer Technology Institute and Press – “Dio-

phantus” [email protected]

