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Enrichment Activity

Date post: 03-Nov-2015
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ENRICHMENT ACTIVITYBY:DHARSHINI A/P KRISHNAN MORTHYWHAT is enrichment activity?For advanced level learners. To develop a greater understanding of genres and the place of writing in particular discourse communities.To develop their strategies and establish their own voice in the second language.

Active Learning

Active learning is desirable because students retain more of the presented information when they figure it out themselves. Instead of a traditional lecture setting, where the teacher presents information and the students absorb it, active learners participate and the instructor acts as a guide and answers questions. Research indicates that students engaged in active learning retain and generalize the information better than their peers in traditional instruction. In addition, enrichment activities give children a chance to experiment with occupations and think about future career paths.

ADVANTAGES of enrichment activityMultisensory Instruction

Students acquire new information in a variety of ways, and most people have a preferred mode of learning. The primary modes of learning are visual, auditory and kinesthetic, also sometimes called tactile. Multisensory instruction engages multiple intelligences, is considered ideal for students with learning disabilities and is beneficial to their non-disabled peers as well.

Cross-Curricular Benefit

Most classroom enrichment activities engage more than one subject area. This reinforces learning in language, mathematics, science, social studies and socialization skills. This teaching style is beneficial because it simulates real-world activities. In daily life, students encounter problems that require multiple areas of knowledge to solve. Teaching activities that mimic this give students practice drawing on their knowledge and applying it in multiple areas.
